#Shiawase Naru
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himejoshidoll · 3 months ago
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apparently-artless · 2 years ago
30-Day Anime Post Challenge [Request: CLOSED]
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So I decided to do another event where I will post 30 anime GIF sets from August 1 to August 30. It's nothing fancy though. I just thought this would be fun since I will be turning 30 on the 30th (yeah, just playing around with the number 30. lol). Aaaannndd, I might not be able to do this anymore in the future so I might as well. XD
To anyone interested in submitting their request and joining me in this event, you are most welcome! Please check the details below. :))
These are the rules when submitting your request:
open to anyone (mutuals, followers, non-followers)
send your request via ask (as always, anon ask is not allowed)
request will only be limited to a specific scene or a character of a particular episode
series will only be limited to the list below (with additional list, check the link below)
if another person happens to request the same request you submitted, I will send you a message to let you know and ask for another one
accepting request will only be until August 25 (regardless if I will receive 30 requests or not)
BE RESPECTFUL WHEN MAKING THE REQUEST, don't be so condescending when making the request because I will definitely block you
Below are the series that you can choose from:
Zom 100: Zombie ni Naru made ni Shitai 100 no Koto
Horimiya: Piece
Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen - Ketsubetsu-tan
Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta
Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon
Bungou Stray Dogs 5th Season
Hataraku Maou-sama!! 2nd Season
Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan (2023)
Undead Girl Murder Farce
Dekiru Neko wa Kyou mo Yuuutsu
Mononogatari 2nd Season
Link Click
One Piece
Ao no Orchestra
Niehime to Kemono no Ou
** I did not include JJK because I know there are a lot of amazing graphic makers out there for JJK. **
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animebw · 1 year ago
Seasonal Reflection: Summer 2023 Anime
I've noticed over my years of seasonal anime watching that summer tends to be the weakest season of the year. For whatever reason, everyone saves their good shows for winter, spring or fall, leaving the middle of the year to limp along with few real standouts. But god almighty, even by those standards, this was a dismal fucking season of anime. Forget just not having many good shows, there were so few shows that even had the potential to be good. Trying to find anything with a fighting chance of turning out even halfway decent felt like trawling for nuggets of half-digested corn in an overflowing septic tank of obviously bad isekai, obviously bad light novel junk, and obviously bad wish-fulfillment rom-coms. And then, just to add insult to injury, basically all the shows that did start out strong ended up tripping over themselves in some way. So not only were there so few anime even worth keeping up with this season, none of them managed to score anything higher than "pretty good." This is, unquestionably, the worst anime season I've sat through since I started watching seasonally. So let's take stock of the few shows I kept up with and pray for better things once the much-more-promising fall season gets under way.
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead: Unfinished/10
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Well, isn't this unfortunately ironic. The increasingly exploitative conditions that anime is made under have resulted in so many high-profile shows suffering production delays as their animators crash up against the cruelty of overwork and corporate greed. But there's something particularly disquieting when that fate befalls a show that's all about breaking free from your shitty exploitative job. Zom 100 sets out to extol the joys of living a free life unchained by capitalism's cruel clutches even in the midst of the end of the world, but ends up so ravaged by those very chains that it was unable to finish its run before it ran out of timeslots. And now its last three episodes are left in limbo, the entire production team waiting for a chance to recover and find some way to bring their work to a close. It's a pretty bleak situation that almost makes you believe a zombie apocalypse would actually be preferrable to our current state of affairs. Especially when, uh, this is not a show you want to give the audience extra time to think about. Cause the more you think about it, the more all its aggravating flaws- painfully simplistic moralizing, a sexist streak that refuses to just fucking die- start to sour your good feelings for the rollicking ride it's taking you on. I can only hope the final episodes, whenever they arrive, close it out on a strong enough note to make the ride feel worth it.
Mushoku Tensei Season 2 (1st Cours): 1/10
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I have stewed long and hard over how to phrase my thoughts on the second season of Mushoku Tensei. I've agonized for hours on how to express how viscerally, repulsively infuriating this show has become. But ultimately, there's only one thing I can say: Fuck this show and fuck everyone who likes it. Fuck every free ride this show gives Rudeus so he never had to face consequences for his actions. Fuck the hypocritical stabs at "redemption" that only serve to excuse and justify every female character slobbering over an unrepentant pedophile. Fuck the single worst use of slavery I've ever seen in an isekai (Cannot fucking believe I have to give Shield Hero credit for anything). Fuck this lifeless waste of a cast that steadfastly refuses to have a single interesting member. Fuck the misogyny. Fuck the masturbatory woe-is-me manpain. And most of all, fuck every last braindead, media-illiterate mouth-breather who decided to turn this irredeemable garbage into a modern anime classic. The success of Mushoku Tensei is the death of everything I love about this medium, and I will never forgive any of you for bringing us to this point. Go. Fuck. Yourselves.
My Happy Marriage: 4/10
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God, I really wanted to like this one more than I did. Isn't it great to see high-profile shoujo anime with impressive productions making a comeback after years of drought? And this is a story about trauma and healing and discovering your self worth and all that good stuff! This should've been right up my alley. And yet, My Happy Marriage just left me frustrated and somewhat offended. There's such a powerful story buried in here somewhere, but thanks to a combination of painfully overwrought melodrama that robs its heroine of far too much agency, a poorly handled supernatural twist on the Cinderella formula that only grows increasingly awkward the more it tries to force the two together, and a condescending undercurrent that seems to think the only cure for years of abuse is embracing a hyper-traditionalist form of wifely duties, that nugget of potential never has the chance to blossom. What an utter disappointment.
Saint Cecilia and Pastor Lawrence: 5/10
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Rejoice, folks; we've finally found the mathematical average of the slice-of-life moe romance. Saint Cecilia and Pastor Lawrence is the platonic ideal of the fluffy, disposable rom-com made flesh, pleasant and harmless while watching but leaving no lasting impression once it's done. It's a collection of cute character moments, amusing gags, and occasional stabs at emotion that sometimes tug at your heartstrings a bit, all arranged in their proper places with a likable cast and bouncy animation and just enough energy to stay moderately interesting all the way through. And aside from the somewhat unique setting of a Medieval church as home base for our two awkward lovebirds, none of it lingers in your mind once the episode ends and you find yourself forgetting all the jokes you were just chuckling to. Which may seem like a backhanded complement, but honestly? This is what I would consider the baseline for anime rom-coms. If you're gonna just be fluffy and disposable, this is the absolute minimum you should be aiming for to make me appreciate spending twenty-four minutes every week with you. I can't really recommend it to anyone but the most ravenous rom-com fans, but at least now I have a standard to judge any similar shows that fall short of the mark.
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Season 2: 5.5/10
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What strikes me most about Sugar Apple Fairy Tale now that it's over is just what an ambitious show it turned out to be. It's one thing to write a hackneyed fantasy racism metaphor about fairy slavery into your swoony shoujo romance, it's quite another to actually try and engage honesty with the implications of that idea as the core driving force of your narrative. And whatever else you might say about it, SAFT is really, truly making an effort to explore discrimination and systemic bigotry, tackling it from so many angles over the course of its 24 episodes without shying away from its thorny complexity. How many other stories like this would dedicate an entire subplot to showing how victims of one kind of discrimination can still perpetuate harm on groups even lower on the social totem pole like SAFT does with Brigit? Or explore how toxic systems of control don't magically get better just because a minority is at the helm like Lafalle? It's that kind of ambition that makes it easier to take this show's stumbles in stride, numerous though they might be at times. I'll always appreciate an earnest, messy attempt at making a statement over a safe, line-toeing space filler without the conviction to even try.
Horimiya Piece: 6/10
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So this is a weird situation where the first season of Horimiya ended up rushing through the source material in order to adapt the whole story, and now this side-quel is going back and adapting all the content the first season skipped over. Essentially, it's a Horimiya DLC, scattered skits with no real cohesion or progression that just exist to give you more good times with the cast you love. But hey, Horimiya was never really heavy on plot to begin with; it's always been more a collection of moments across the lives of these friends than anything else. So I don't see anything wrong with doing a full season of just slice-of-life shenanigans, since that's basically what the first season became once Hori and Miyamura got together. And if nothing else, I certainly appreciated all the extra time with these lovable goofballs; this show does a better job than most of capturing the sheer, absolute chaos that teenage friend groups can cause amongst each other. Unfortunately, there are two episodes in the back half that truly, utterly suck- episode 9 is completely focused on the creepy pedophile teacher the show thinks is just the most hilarious joke ever, and episode 12 faceplants into romanticizing abusive relationships in a really gross way. So if you're gonna check Horimiya Piece out, do yourself a favor and skip those episodes entirely. Your experience will be better off for it.
Undead Murder Farce: 6.5/10
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Pulp is a hard style to define, isn't it? You'd think it would be easy with how influential and popular it's been over the years. Ultimately, though, you just gotta know it when you see it. And Undead Murder Farce is pulpier than a thousand trees being turned into paper at an orange juice factory. It's a Victorian-era serial mystery extravaganza that turns the entirety of 19th-century supernatural adventure literary canon into the backdrop for a rakugo-performing half-oni and a severed immortal head to traipse through solving mysteries as they pursue a larger goal. Over the course of their adventures, they match wits and butt heads with vampires, werewolves, Sherlock Holmes, Phileas Fogg from Around the World in 80 Days, The Phantom of the Opera, Arsene Lupin, Frankenstein's Monster, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. And thanks to the director of Kaguya-sama at the helm, the visual presentation is exactly as gonzo and freewheeling as this brazen OC fanfiction deserves. I enjoyed every second of this goofy-ass show, and I hope we get a second season to see which classic characters our wisecracking immortal detectives rub elbows with next. It's what we deserve.
Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 (1st Part): 7/10
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It's increasingly difficult to pin down my feelings on Jujutsu Kaisen. On the one hand, it regularly delivers some of the coolest, most lavishly animated punch-ups in modern anime. On the other hand, is that enough to cover for the story's incredible lack of focus and constant zig-zagging between different ideas at the drop of a hat? Like, I might need more than ten fingers to count how many times this show just drops in the middle of building up a status quo to shift gears into something entirely different without giving proper closure to what's come before. On the other other hand, though, season 2's backstory arc finally gave us an actual driving force for the story and a strong emotional framework to understand the stakes at play, except then it almost immediately reverses on that idea by revealing one of the critical characters has been dead the whole time and his story's suddenly over just when it was really getting under way, and... eh. Look, I like Jujutsu Kaisen, and its spectacular action and hilarious character interactions are usually enough to help me forgive its overly convoluted plotting (especially this season with its massive upgrade in directorial flourish and experimental animation). But at some point I'm really gonna start wondering if any of this nonsense will ever amount to more than a slapped-together framework to justify the fights.
Fate/Strange Fake Episode 0: 8/10
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It's probably not a good sign that the only anime to really inspire me this season was basically just a prologue for a show that's still being made as we speak. But with how barren this season has been, I'll take my victories where I can. And sweet buttery Jesus, am I glad that Strange Fake is getting a full adaptation. After years of having no interest in Fate beyond the core story, one of these endless spinoffs finally manages to grab me hook line and sinker. And all it took was the author of Baccano and Durarara filtering the concept of the Holy Grail War through his particular penchant for sprawling, chaotic ensemble stories full of truly deranged characters slamming the full weight of their personalities against each other for the sheer fun of it. Add a mesmerizing new visual style from a longtime key animator making his directorial debut, and the result is an epic hour-long masterclass introduction that leaves you breathless for more. This is what Fate/Zero's first episode should have been. And sure, it could still go horribly off the rails at some point, but for now, I choose to remain hopeful. May this promise of better things to come prove a welcome omen as we leave this miserable anime season behind.
Shows I Dropped:
The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses: Dropped at 2 episodes for extreme GoHands over-animation, and just being a painfully cringey male fantasy rom-com.
Atelier Ryza: Dropped at 1 episode for being boring and generic as fuck. Only worth it for the hilariously crowbarred-in fanservice shots and I can just look those up on their own.
Reign of the Seven Spellblades: Dropped at 2 episodes for some of the most cringe-worthy DeviantArt-tier writing I've ever seen.
The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today: Dropped at 2 episodes for just being boring, even though it's way better than GoHands' other monstrosity this season.
Bang Dream It's MyGo: Dropped at 1 episode for just not vibing with it, idk.
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polyamanga · 6 months ago
Have you read The Love Triangle That Has an Obligation to Make Everyone Happy?
I haven't!! Looking it up on Mangadex, it looks like the translation is pretty recent? The last chapter was only uploaded 4 days ago. You're very on top of it! lol
It also looks like the Japanese title, Kono Sankaku Love Come wa Shiawase ni Naru Gimu ga Aru, has a few different English translations and I don't know which is technically "right", but I like the one you submitted best. It doesn't seem like it's been licensed in English officially yet tho.
The cover art is very cute! I'm guessing it's a FFM series based on the girls holding hands and the "girls love" tag lol
At the start of the new semester, ordinary high school student Yashiro Tenma is in the same class as the two most beautiful girls in the school, Tsubaki Reira and Sumeragi Rinka. Reira is a cheerful and beautiful girl, and Rinka is cool and a little scary. Tenma wants to somehow live a peaceful school life by keeping a little distance from such overwhelming beauties, but one day he finds out Rinka's forbidden secret, and the situation changes completely!?
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Thank you for the rec!
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laestoica · 1 year ago
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sakuraiman · 2 years ago
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Mori x Kihara ‖ Lovely Unlovely
Credit for the first picture goes to @lottafandoms! They are on Tumblr, so please check them out x)
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nijigasakilove · 2 years ago
😢 man the painful irony of Gil being able to manipulate his own lifespan and being powerless to save the woman he loves.
Just goes to show you can’t judge a book by its cover. When we first saw him I thought he was a massive asshole and would be the main antagonist. Turns out all he wanted to do was save Maria.
In game Pride was really just evil for the hell of it, man. Making Gil wait 5 years just to even start looking for users who could heal Maria is crazy.
The flashback showing Gil’s backstory was really nice, but I wonder what happened to Maria’s original fiancé if he was able to propose to her once he became chancellor.
On the bright side.. Arthur is finally a knight. I thought they’d show us the knight exam, but oh well. The two year timeskip is interesting since he’s the only one who looks older lol.
The ceremony was nice and those glasses he gifted Stale really fit him. That look he gave Pride as he was knighted was sweet too.
All in all, another great Higeki episode with some really good character development for Gil. Looking forward to next week’s ep
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koizumicchi · 2 months ago
僕らは愛に恋して生きる (LIP×LIP) English Translation
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僕らは愛に恋して生きる Bokura wa Ai ni Koishite Ikiru We Live In Love With Love
LIP×LIP (Aizou & Yuujirou) Lyrics: HoneyWorks Composition: HoneyWorks 魔法使いの約束 ED
T/N: Keep in mind that Japanese and English aren’t my first language. I never claim my translation (attempts) to be error-free. As always, if you’re going to use or reference my translations, please do not claim it as your own and credit me.
人生という旅の途中で 僕らは出会う 宿命のように
Jinsei to iu tabi no tochū de Bokura wa deau Shukumei no you ni
In the middle of a journey called life We came across each other As if it was predestined
欠けているものを補うように 寄り添い合えれば 世界は愛に満ちる
Kaketeiru mono wo oginau yō ni Yorisoi aereba Sekai wa ai ni michiru
As if to make up for the things we lack If we nestle close to each other The world will be filled with love
心は時に恐怖に喰われ 自分さえも見失う この誓いに形はないが 瞳の光消えても守る BAD END にはさせない
Kokoro wa toki ni kyōfu ni kuware Jibun sae mo miushinau Kono chikai ni katachi wa nai ga Hitomi no hikari kiete mo mamoru Bad End ni wa sasenai
Sometimes our hearts will be gripped by fear That we will even lose sight of ourselves Although this vow takes no form I will protect you, even if the light in your eyes fades I will not let us reach a bad end
僕らは愛を求めて生きる 誰かじゃなくて自分の意志で 僕らは愛に恋して生きる 十色の正義 掲げ戦う
Bokura wa ai o motomete ikiru Dareka janakute jibun no ishi de Bokura wa ai ni koishite ikiru Toiro no seigi kakage tatakau
We live searching for love Not by someone else’s will but by our very own We live in love with love And fight for each of the justice we believe in
従わなくていい 変わらなくていい 譲れないものがあるから 仕方ないんだ
Shitagawanakute ii Kawaranakute ii Yuzurenai mono ga aru kara Shikatanain da
We do not have to conform to anything We don’t have to change ourselves Because there are things we cannot relinquish It cannot be helped
争いで傷つく愛は 愛を持って治すしかないのだろう 触れ合えば温かくなる ほら 拗ねた顔してないで BAD END にはさせない
Arasoi de kizutsuku ai wa Ai o motte naosu shikanai no darou Fureaeba atatakaku naru Hora suneta kao shitenai de Bad End ni wa sasenai
A love that is hurt by strife There is no other way to heal it but with love We will feel warm if we touch each other Hey, do not look so sullen now I will not let us reach a bad end
僕らは愛に恐れて生きる 知らない方が幸せなぐらい 僕らは愛に命捧げる その尊さを知ってしまったから
Bokura wa ai ni osorete ikiru Shiranai hou ga shiawase na gurai Bokura wa ai ni inochi sasageru Sono toutosa o shitte shimatta kara
We live being afraid of love Perhaps we'd be so much happier not knowing We shall devote our lives to love Because we have come to know its preciousness
無くならない争い 不寛容な世界 どんな正義にも涙流れた 僕らは無力だ 何が正義だ
Nakunaranai arasoi Fuukan youna sekai Donna seigi ni mo namida nagareta Bokura wa muryoku da Nani ga seigi da
Conflicts that will never be put to rest A compassionless world Tears flowed no matter what kind of justice is served We are powerless Just what are we taking a stand for
僕らは愛を求めて生きる 誰かじゃなくて自分の意志で 僕らは愛に恋して生きる 十色の意思を認め手を取る
Bokura wa ai o motomete ikiru Dareka janakute jibun no ishi de Bokura wa ai ni koishite ikiru Toiro no ishi wo mitome te wo toru
We live searching for love Not by someone else’s will but by our very own We live in love with love Acknowledging each of our own will, I take your hand
ラララ... Ra ra ra… La la la….
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feymure · 2 months ago
Shoujosei (Shoujo & Josei) Anime to look forward to in 2025
If Hanakimi can get an anime 20+ years after it’s printed release and Magic Knight Rayearth recieves a reboot after 30 years, NOTHING is impossible! THIS IS THE SHOUJO RENAISSANCE!!!
I do this every year folks! MAL (MyAnimeList) links are in titles
Winter Anime Season (January - March)
Kisaki Kyouiku kara Nigetai Watashi/ I Want to Escape from Princess Lessons Airs January 5th
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0-saiji Start Dash Monogatari Season 2/Head Start at Birth Season 2 Airs January 5th
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Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon 2nd Season/ My Happy Marriage Season 2 Airs January 6th
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Mahoutsukai no Yakusoku/ Promise of Wizard Airs January 6th
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Tasokare Hotel Airs January 8th
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Honey Lemon Soda Airs January 9th
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Douse, Koishite Shimaunda/ Anyway, I'm Falling in Love with You Airs January 10th
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UniteUp! Uni:Birth Airs January 11th
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Mahoutsukai Precure!! Mirai Days/ Witchy Pretty Cure! Season 2 Airs January 12th
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Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu Eternal Love!/Cute High Earth Defense Club Love Movie Airs January 24th
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Versailles no Bara/ The Rose of Versailles Movie Airs January 31st
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Kimi to Idol Precure♪/You and Idol Precure♪ Airs February 2nd
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Senpai wa Otokonoko Movie: Ame Nochi Hare/My Crossdressing Senpai, Painoko Airs February 14th
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Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle Movie Airs February 21st
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Spring Anime Season (April - June)
Anne Shirley Airs April 5th
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Gorilla no Kami kara Kago sareta Reijou wa Ouritsu Kishidan de Kawaigarareru manga / The Lady Blessed by the Gorilla God is Adored by the Royal Knights Order Airs in April
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Kanpeki Sugite Kawaigeganai to Konyaku Hakisareta Seijo wa Ringoku ni Urareru/The Too-Perfect Saint: Tossed Aside by My Fiancé and Sold to Another Kingdom Airs in April
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Nazotoki wa Dinner no Ato de/ The Dinner Table Detective Airs in April
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Hana-Doll*: Reinterpretation of Flowering Airs April 9th
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Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ Movie: Maji Love Quartet Night-hen/ Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ Movie: Taboo Night Kisses Airs May 9th
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Summer Anime Season (July-September)
Zutaboro Reijou wa Ane no Moto Konyakusha ni Dekiai sareru/ Betrothed to My Sister's Ex Airs in July
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Cocoon Airs in August
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Fall Anime Season (October - December)
Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi 2nd Season/ Kakuriyo: Bed and Breakfast for Spirits S2 Airs in October
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Akujiki Reijou to Kyouketsu Koushaku/ Pass the Monster Meat, Milady! Airs in October
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Disney: Twisted-Wonderland The Animation - Episode of Heartslabyul Airs in October
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Kimi to Koete Koi ni Naru/With You, Our Love will make it Through Airs in October
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2025 Date TBA (To Be Announced)
Saigo ni Hitotsu dake Onegai shitemo Yoroshii deshou ka/May I Ask for One Final Thing?
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Ganbare! Nakamura-kun!!/Go For It, Nakamura!
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Tensei Akujo no Kuro Rekishi/The Dark History of the Reincarnated Villainess
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Silent Witch: Chinmoku no Majo no Kakushigoto/Secrets of the Silent Witch
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Taiyō Yori mo Mabushii Hoshi/ A Star Brighter than The Sun
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selkienight60 · 1 month ago
Anime Recommendations
So, I initially put this anime recommendation list together for @elegitre as she recently acquired a Crunchyroll subscription, but since then I've been asked again for my anime recs, so I figured I would put the whole thing up on Tumblr. (Ranked in order of Selkie's personal re-watchability, but I 100% recommend all of these, no questions about it!) I've also not included old favourites like Ouran High School Host Club, or any long-running anime like Naruto or Bleach. This is a list of the "seasonal" anime, so to speak. And, of course, if you've watched and enjoyed any of these, please let me know, along with any other recommendations you might have. Please enjoy!
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Zenshuu. (Zenshu)
Ore dake Level Up na Ken (Solo Leveling)
Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu (Tsukimichi -Moonlit Fantasy-)
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (The Rising of the Shield Hero)
Fumetsu no Anata e (To Your Eternity)
Dungeon Meshi (Delicious in Dungeon)
Sousou no Frieren (Frieren: Beyond Journey's End)
Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen (Ascendence of a Bookworm)
Nozomanu Fushi no Boukensha (The Unwanted Undead Adventurer)
Saihate no Paladin (The Faraway Paladin)
Tensei shitara Ken deshita (Reincarnated as a Sword)
Kusuriya no Hitorigoto (The Apothecary Diaries)
Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon (My Happy Marriage)
Tsundere Akuyaku Reijou Liselotte to Jikkyou no Endou-kun to Kaisetsu no Kobayashi-san (Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte)
Mahoutsukai no Yome (The Ancient Magus' Bride)
Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta... (My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!)
Seijo no Maryoku wa Bannou desu (The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent)
Akuyaku Reijou nanode Last Boss wo Kattemimashita (I'm the Villainess, So I'm Taming the Final Boss)
Hananoi-kun to Koi no Yamai (A Condition Called Love)
Ojou to Banken-kun (A Girl & Her Guard Dog)
Romantic Killer
Spy x Family
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Goukon ni Ittara Onna ga Inakatta Hanashi (How I Attended an All-Guy's Mixer)
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utapri-translations-uuuu · 4 months ago
One Day - Lyrics + Translation
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Please do not repost/retranslate without permission.
【All】 「おはよう」そして「おやすみ」を
生まれてきてくれて 有難う
【Ei】 月にエスコートされて太陽は
【Sh】 空を目映く照らし出す
【Ki】 小鳥のさえずりを伴奏に
【Ei・Ki・Sh】 「いってらっしゃい」を愛で語ろう
【Ng】 街の賑やかさが
【Va】 高揚感を連れ出して
【Ng・Va】 今日も笑顔が咲いてゆく
【Ya】 後悔と反省は
【Ej】 暗くなる前に
【Ej・Ya】 手を繋ぎ合って
【Ng・Va】 希望と勇気に
【Ej・Ya】 変えてゆこうよ
【All】 幸せが「おかえり」って花ひらくから
【All】 一日の始まりから終わりまで
共に廻る 色とりどりの景色
どんな日々も (La la la)
一緒ならば (La la la)
いつだってアニバーサリー (アニバーサリー)
365日 そしてその先へ 丁寧に重ねてゆこう
【Ei】 四季折々のフェスティバルや
【Sh】 尊き誕生日はもちろん
【Ki】 ありふれた毎日の中さえ
【Ei・Ki・Sh】 奇跡は起こってゆくものだから
【Ng】 遊びだって 何だって
【Va】 手加減ナシの本気モード
【Ng・Va】 今日もついつい夜更かしさ
【Ya】 たまにするケンカは
【Ej】 信頼の証
【Ej・Ya】 喜怒哀楽が
【Ng・Va】 織り成していった
【Ej・Ya】 トクベツが ほら
【All】 日に日に かけがえのない場所になるんだ
【All】 うたた寝に温かなブランケット
揃いのカップ 涙に甘いカフェオレ
共に過ごす (La la la)
日常ぜんぶ (La la la)
羽ばたいたアニバーサリー (アニバーサリー)
365日 ひとつひとつから 愛を教わったんだよ
【Ei】 暁が高らかに 世界の
【Sh】 誕生に舞い 黎明は唄う
【Ki】 Morningの瑞々しさが育みを
【Ng】 Middayの輝きが 営みを
【Va】 黄昏は 喜び叫んでく
【Ya】 そしてオウマガトキ 抱きしめ合うように
【Ej】 互いを大切に想う 宵闇
【All】 空が移ろうたび 降り注ぐ祝福…
【All】 共鳴する夢と 感謝の歌を
名前を付けよう (La la la)
この瞬間を (La la la)
美しきアニバーサリー (アニバーサリー)
365日 そしてその先へ 丁寧に重ねてゆこう
【All】 「おはよう」そして「おやすみ」を
命の限り 贈り続けよう
【All】 “Ohayō” soshite “oyasumi” o
Umarete kite kurete arigatou
Korekara mo zutto soba ni…
【Ei】 Tsuki ni esukōto sarete taiyō wa
【Sh】 Sora o mabayuku terashi dasu
【Ki】 Kotori no saezuri o bansō ni
【Ei・Ki・Sh】 “Itterasshai” o ai de katarou
【Ng】 Machi no nigiyaka-sa ga
【Va】 Kōyōkan o tsuredashite
【Ng・Va】 Kyō mo egao ga saite yuku
【Ya】 Kōkai to hansei wa
【Ej】 Kuraku naru mae ni
【Ej・Ya】 Te o tsunagi atte
【Ng・Va】 Kibō to yūki ni
【Ej・Ya】 Kaete yukou yo
【All】 Shiawase ga “okaeri” tte hanahiraku kara
【All】 Ichinichi no hajimari kara owari made
Tomo ni meguru irotoridori no keshiki
Don’na hibi mo (La la la)
Issho naraba (La la la)
Itsu datte anibāsarī (anibāsarī)
Sanbyaku rokujū go nichi soshite sonosaki e teinei ni kasanete yukou
【Ei】 Shikioriori no fesutibaru ya
【Sh】 Tōtoki tanjōbi wa mochiron
【Ki】 Arifureta mainichi no naka sae
【Ei・Ki・Sh】 Kiseki wa okotte yuku mono dakara
【Ng】 Asobi datte nan datte
【Va】 Tekagen nashi no honki mōdo
【Ng・Va】 Kyō mo tsuitsui yofukashi sa
【Ya】 Tama ni suru kenka wa
【Ej】 Shinrai no akashi
【Ej・Ya】 Kidoairaku ga
【Ng・Va】 Orinashiteitta
【Ej・Ya】 Tokubetsu ga hora
【All】 Hinihini kakegae no nai basho ni naru nda
【All】 Utatane ni atatakana buranketto
Soroi no kappu namida ni amai kafeore
Tomo ni sugosu (La la la)
Nichijō zenbu (La la la)
Habataita anibāsarī (anibāsarī)
Sanbyaku rokujū go nichi hitotsuhitotsu kara ai o osowatta nda yo
【Ei】 Akatsuki ga takaraka ni sekai no
【Sh】 Tanjō ni mai reimei wa utau
【Ki】 Morning no mizumizushi-sa ga hagukumi o
【Ng】 Midday no kagayaki ga itonami o
【Va】 Tasogare wa yorokobi sakendeku
【Ya】 Soshite oumagatoki dakishime au yō ni
【Ej】 Tagai o taisetsu ni omou yoiyami
【All】 Sora ga utsurō tabi furisosogu shukufuku…
【All】 Kyōmei suru yume to kansha no uta o
Saisho kara hitotsu datta tamashī
Namae o tsukeyou (La la la)
Kono shunkan o (La la la)
utsukushiki anibāsarī (anibāsarī)
Sanbyaku rokujū go nichi soshite sonosakihe teinei ni kasanete yukou
【All】 “Ohayō” soshite “oyasumi” o
inochi no kagiri okuri tsudzukeyou
itsu no hi mo “aishiteru” o
【All】 “Good morning” and “Good night”
Thank you for being born
Please stay by my side forever...
【Ei】 Escorted by the moon, the sun
【Sh】 Begins to dazzlingly illuminate the sky
【Ki】 Accompanied by the chirping of birds,
【Ei・Ki・Sh】 Let’s lovingly tell each other “See you later”
【Ng】 The bustle of the city
【Va】 Brings forth a feeling of exhilaration
【Ng・Va】 Today, too, smiles will blossom
【Ya】 Before it gets dark,
【Ej】 Let’s turn any
【Ej・Ya】 Regrets and remorse
【Ng・Va】 Into hope and courage
【Ej・Ya】 By holding hands
【All】 Because happiness blooms with a “Welcome home”
【All】 From the beginning to the end of each day,
We cycle together through a world of colorful scenes
No matter what kind of days may come, (La la la)
As long as we’re together, (La la la)
It’s always an anniversary (Anniversary)
365 days, and beyond — let’s carefully add to them one by one
【Ei】 Not just in the seasonal festivals
【Sh】 And precious birthdays, but even
【Ki】 Within our ordinary days,
【Ei・Ki・Sh】 Miracles are always happening
【Ng】 Whether we’re playing or doing anything else,
【Va】 It’s always serious and wholehearted, no holding back
【Ng・Va】 Today, we ended up staying up late again
【Ya】 The occasional argument
【Ej】 Is a sign of trust
【Ej・Ya】 Joy, anger, grief and pleasure
【Ng・Va】 Have woven together
【Ej・Ya】 Creating something special, you see
【All】 Day by day, it becomes an irreplaceable place
【All】 A warm blanket for a nap,
Matching cups, sweet café au lait for your tears
All the everyday moments (La la la)
We share (La la la)
Become a soaring anniversary (Anniversary)
From each of those 365 days, we’ve learned about love
【Ei】 Dawn rises high, celebrating the birth
【Sh】 Of the world and daybreak sings
【Ki】 Morning’s freshness nurtures,
【Ng】 The brightness of midday is alive
【Va】 And dusk shouts for joy
【Ya】 Then, by twilight, we hold each other close
【Ej】 We cherish each other deeply at midnight
【All】 Each time the sky changes, blessings rain down upon us…
【All】 A song of similar dreams and gratitude
From the start, our souls have been one
Let’s give a name (La la la)
To this moment (La la la)
A beautiful anniversary (Anniversary)
365 days, and beyond — let’s carefully add to them one by one
【All】 “Good morning” and “Good night”
For the rest of our lives, let’s keep exchanging these words
Everyday, let’s say “I love you”
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himejoshidoll · 3 months ago
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meshaamem-li · 3 months ago
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כמובן שהשיר ששמעתי הכי הרבה זה הקאבר של אדו של aishite aishite aishite, אני לגמרי לא אובססיבי ברמה שלמדתי את כל המילים בלי לדעת יפנית
בתור הוכחה אני אכתוב את כל הליריקס פה:
ahem ahem:
haruka tooi tooi mukashi makareta kubiwa
hito ga hoshii hito ga hoshii to sakebu noroi no kubiwa
okoranaide misutenaide dokomo ikanaide (nee)
tsuyoku shimeru haku made shimeru hito ga inai inai to
ii seiseki desho
nee nee ii ko desho
kawaii ko desho
nee nee ii ko desho
kurushii nee
aishite aishite aishite
motto motto aishite aishite
kuruoshii hodo ni
kurushii kurushii jubaku o
toite toite nee
tomerarenai AAAAA
karada karada ookiku natte mo chiisai kubiwa
kurushiku naru tarinaku naru hito ga hito ga tarinai
kurasu no dare ni mo makenai kirei na ii ko desho (nee)
ano ko yori mo dono ko yori mo daremo karemo watashii o mite yo
taiikukan ura
anata ni kokuhaku o
uso mitai desho
anata ga suki na no
kitanai anata ga
aishite aishite aishite
zenbu ageru anata ni anata ni
zenbu shotte murau yo
tarinai anata ga tarinai
hanasanai yo AAAAAAaaaaa
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tetrix-anime · 3 months ago
34 Winter 2025 Anime I'll Be Posting
A-Rank Party wo Ridatsu shita Ore wa, Moto Oshiego-tachi to Meikyuu Shinbu wo Mezasu. (I Left My A-Rank Party to Help My Former Students Reach the Dungeon Depths!)
Akuyaku Reijou Tensei Ojisan (From Bureaucrat to Villainess: Dad's Been Reincarnated!)
Amagami-san Chi no Enmusubi (Tying the Knot with an Amagami Sister)
Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte (Ameku M.D.: Doctor Detective)
Ao no Exorcist: Yosuga-hen (Blue Exorcist: The Blue Night Saga)
Arafoo Otoko no Isekai Tsuuhan (The Daily Life of a Middle-Aged Online Shopper in Another World)
Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Season 3 (Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest Season 3)
Botsuraku Yotei no Kizoku dakedo, Hima Datta kara Mahou wo Kiwametemita (I'm a Noble on the Brink of Ruin, So I Might as Well Try Mastering Magic)
Class no Daikirai na Joshi to Kekkon suru Koto ni Natta. (I'm Getting Married to a Girl I Hate in My Class)
Fuguushoku "Kanteishi" ga Jitsu wa Saikyou Datta (Even Given the Worthless "Appraiser" Class, I'm Actually the Strongest)
Grisaia: Phantom Trigger
Guild no Uketsukejou desu ga, Zangyou wa Iya nanode Boss wo Solo Toubatsu Shiyou to Omoimasu (I May Be a Guild Receptionist, but I'll Solo Any Boss to Clock Out on Time)
Hana wa Saku, Shura no Gotoku (Flower and Asura)
Hazure Skill "Kinomi Master" (Bogus Skill "Fruitmaster")
Izure Saikyou no Renkinjutsushi? (Someday Will I Be the Greatest Alchemist?)
Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo 2nd Season (The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You Season 2)
Kisaki Kyouiku kara Nigetai Watashi (I Want to Escape from Princess Lessons)
Kono Kaisha ni Suki na Hito ga Imasu (I Have a Crush at Work)
Kuroiwa Medaka ni Watashi no Kawaii ga Tsuujinai (Medaka Kuroiwa Is Impervious to My Charms)
Kusuriya no Hitorigoto 2nd Season (The Apothecary Diaries Season 2)
Magic Maker: Isekai Mahou no Tsukurikata (Magic Maker: How to Create Magic in Another World)
NEET Kunoichi to Nazeka Dousei Hajimemashita (I'm Living with an Otaku NEET Kunoichi!?)
Nihon e Youkoso Elf-san. (Welcome to Japan, Ms. Elf!)
Okinawa de Suki ni Natta Ko ga Hougen Sugite Tsurasugiru (Okitsura)
Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow (Solo Leveling Season 2: Arise from the Shadow)
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu (Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-)
S-Rank Monster no "Behemoth" dakedo, Neko to Machigawarete Elf Musume no Pet toshite Kurashitemasu (Beheneko: The Elf-Girl's Cat is Secretly an S-Ranked Monster!)
Salaryman ga Isekai ni Ittara Shitennou ni Natta Hanashi (Headhunted to Another World: From Salaryman to Big Four!)
Sentai Red Isekai de Boukensha ni Naru (The Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer in Another World)
Shangri-La Frontier
Übel Blatt (Ubel Blatt)
Unnamed Memory Act.2
Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon 2nd Season (My Happy Marriage Season 2)
Anime news and previews I will not post (new illustrations from Megami Magazine will still be posted):
Blue Box
Honey Lemon Soda
Ishura 2nd Season
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun 2 (Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun Season 2)
Momentary Lily
Sakamoto Days
Tasokare Hotel
Any other music-themed anime (e.g. idols, bands) excluding instrumentals (e.g. orchestra, no vocals)
Any other sports anime (especially team-based) with focus on competitive elements (e.g. competitions, tournaments)
Any other anime whose main target audience is female
Any other anime where the main characters are all girls or boys (i.e. does not have at least one main character from each gender)
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amodernpersephone · 6 months ago
愛しちゃってるよ (Aishi Chatteru Yo) English Translation
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by Mochizuki Souta (CV: Kaji Yuki)
T/N: This isn't a perfect translation, I got creative with a lot of the lyrics. English and Japanese aren't my first language, this isn't a 1:1 translation, whatever else. I love MochiAka.
kimi o sazukatta hi wa dakiatte yorokondayo harikitte kaisugichatta bebī-fuku to omocha no yama The day we were blessed with you, we hugged each other out of joy I got so excited, I ended up buying you tons of baby clothes and too many toys
mama no onaka ni aisatsu kimi wa kette o henji mama ni no kawaii ko ni naru yo kareshi dekiru no hayadana I say hello to you, in Mama's belly You start kicking in response You'll be a cute girl just like your mom But I don't want you getting a boyfriend hajimemashite shinmai papadesu wagaya futari-me no ohimesama Nice to meet you I'm your new Papa and you are our family's second princess. kyou wa kinenbi nakigoe o kureta kyou mo kinenbi me o akete kureta kazoku kinenbi waratte kureta This day is just so special, when we first heard you cry This day must be so special, when you first opened your eyes A special day for our family It makes me wanna smile. mou hitotsu no ikigai o kureta You've given me another reason to keep living on dakishime sasete yo aishichatteru yo Please let me embrace you, I just love you so much. zangyou sezu ni kaerou kimi ga nechau mae ni 6 ji no densha ni noranakya kimi wa mainichi seichou suru dakara miteitai nda minogashitaku nai nda mama ni mo warawarechau kurai zenryoku de shiawase desu Rushing home without overtime So I can catch you before you sleep I have to get on the train by 6 o'clock You're always growing more every day That's why I want to be there to watch I don't want to miss a thing Even if Mama keeps laughing at me I'll work hard for this happiness ohimesama no kigen toru yo isogashikutatte niya ke chau I'll always keep you safe, princess I can smile no matter how busy I am kyou wa kinenbi deeto shitekureta kyou mo kinenbi tachiagatte kureta kazoku kinenbi yasuragi o kureta This day is just so special, you went out on a date This day must be so special, You stood up for yourself A special day for our family, It gives me peace of mind yuragu koto nai ikigai o kureta You gave me an unwavering purpose to keep living on amaete kinasai aishichatteru yo Come here, let me spoil you I just love you so much. boku ja dame nante mou omowa nai yo kakkoyoku dekinai kedo jiman no papa ni natte miseru yo Whether I'm good enough or not* I don't think like that anymore I can't make myself look cool at all But I'll be a Papa that's always proud of you yakusoku I promise. kyou wa kinenbi nakigoe o kureta kyou mo kinenbi me o akete kureta kazoku kinenbi waratte kureta This day is just so special, when we first heard you cry This day must be so special, when you first opened your eyes A special day for our family It makes me wanna smile mou hitotsu no ikigai o kureta You've given me another reason to keep living on nani ga atte mo zutto kazoku dakara amaete kinasai tayotte ii yo No matter what, forever We'll always be family Come on, let me spoil you You can always count on me aishichatteru yo I just love you so much
*references Mochita's confession to Akari, and the last line of their first song, Yakimochi no Kotae: “Boku ja dame desu ka?” (Would you be okay with someone like me?)
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owlobservation · 5 months ago
Boujaku no Charisma (Arrogant Charisma) Lyrics and English Translation
Bluelock Season 2 Opening by UNISON SQUARE GARDEN
Listen the song on:
Youtube (tba)
Apple Music
Disclaimer: English translation by us. Apologize in advance if there's any mistake. If the official english translation comes out (usually through the MV), we will replace it immediately!
Hey guys, what's up?
能動的な selfish touch
快楽を食って生きている 君子危うくて接近戦
隠せない voltage
そうかじゃあもう命は終わりか?・・・and going!
心眼に満ちた独断で ダルい偏見はもう塵と化す
今ちょうどいいとこなんだから ほら
激しく鳴ってる 心臓に沿っていく
誰かが見落していたドラマの穴 鮮やかに
どこまでものめり込め お前が挑んだゲームだ
孫子崩れ去る現代戦 ふさわしき波乱
鬱陶しけりゃ無視すればいいのに・・・and going!
遠慮を促す抑圧が この世界を更にダメにする
世界を変えるのさ これが最終定理だ
わかんないならいっそ弾いてくれ わかんないままでいいさ
局所的正義で悪いかよ 反逆を続けろ
激しく鳴ってる 心臓に沿っていく
誰かが見落していたドラマの穴 鮮やかに
どこまでものめり込め お前が挑んだゲームだ
Hey guys, what's up?
Noudoutekina selfish touch
Kairaku o kutte ikite iru kunshi ayaukute sekkinsen
Kakusenai voltage
Seikan shiteru no ga tabun futsuu dakara
Sore mo shiawase nan deshou
Isshuu sokuhatsu no ekusutashii
Orirarenai kodoku
Mou ii yo tte douke ga warai dasu
Sou ka jaa mou inochi wa owari ka?... and going!
Shingan ni michita dokudan de darui henken wa mou chiri to kasu
Ima choudo ii toko nandakara hora
Jama sun janee yo
Hageshiku natteru shinzou ni sotte iku
Ate no nai ruuto o erabidashi nagara
Dareka ga miotoshiteita dorama no ana azayaka ni
Doko made mo nomerikome omae ga idonda geemu da
Honou ga takeru you na manazashi ga chiketto da
Namanurukute yasui doujou ni wa mou akiaki shiten da
Joushiki no sono mukou made boujaku no karisuma
Kaosu o kiwameru teki wa dokoda? Riku kai kuu?
Sore tomo jibun no naka ka?
Son Shi kuzuresaru gendaisen fusawashiki haran
Desu Baree sanagara inochi o toshi
Nokotta yatsu o kibou to yobe
Isshuu sokuhatsu no ekusutashii
Yame rarenai kore dake wa
Doushite mudana chi ga nagareru?
Uttoushikerya mushi sureba ii no ni... and going!
Enryo o unagasu yokuatsu ga kono sekai o sarani dame ni suru
Ima choudo ii toko nandakara hora
Jama sun janee yo
Ao ni somatteku kotae o zutto matteru
Sekai o kaeru no sa kore ga saishuu teiri da
Wakan'nainara isso hajiite kure wakan'nai mamade ii sa
Kyokushoteki seigi de warui ka yo hangyaku o tsudzukero
Iki ga tsumaru hodo tsuranaru sentaku yo, utsukushiku are
Egaketa nara akashi ni naru darou imeeji shiro
Daremo oitsuke wa shinai
Hageshiku natteru shinzou ni sotte iku
Ate no nai ruuto o erabidashi nagara
Dareka ga miotoshiteita dorama no ana azayaka ni
Doko made mo nomerikome omae ga idonda geemu da
Honou ga takeru you na manazashi ga chiketto da
Namanurukute yasui doujou ni wa mou akiaki shiten da
Joushiki no sono mukou made boujaku no karisuma
Choudo ii toko nandakara hora
Jama sun janee yo
-English Translation-
Hey guys, what's up?
An active selfish touch
Living off pleasure, close combat with the best
Can't hide this voltage
Maybe it's normal to just watch quietly
I guess it's happiness too, right?
Ecstasy that kicks immediately
Loneliness you can't escape
"That's enough" the clown starts laughing
I see, is this the end of my life?... and going!
With my own heart's decision, that dull prejudice turns to dust
Now I'm in the right place, so hey
Don't get in my way
Following my heart that's beating wildly
I'm choosing the route with no destination
Filling the gap in the drama that someone overlooked
Immerse yourself to the fullest, this is the game you challenged
The fiery eyes are your ticket
I'm sick of lukewarm and cheap sympathy
An Arrogant Charisma that goes beyond common sense
Where is the enemy of chaos? On land, sea, air?
Or is it within myself?
In the turmoil of chaos, modern warfare collapsing like Sun Tzu's teaching
Risk your life like Death Valley
And call what remains 'hope'
Ecstasy that kicks immediately
I just can't stop doing this
Why do you shed unnecessary blood?
If it's annoying, you can just ignore it... and going!
Suppression that encourages restrain will ruin this world even more
Now I'm in the right place, so hey
Don't get in my way
I've been waiting for the answer dyed in blue
This is the final theorem that will change the world
If you don't understand, just shrug it off, It's okay not to understand
Is it wrong to follow local justice? Keep up the rebellion
These suffocating choices, let them be beautiful
If you can picture it, that image will be the proof
No one will be able to catch up
Following my heart that's beating wildly
I'm choosing the route with no destination
Filling the gap in the drama that someone overlooked
Immerse yourself as far as you can, this is the game you challenged
The fiery eyes are your ticket
I'm sick of lukewarm and cheap sympathy
An Arrogant Charisma that goes beyond common sense
I'm in the right place, so hey
Don't get in my way
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