#Sherbs animal room mates include 2 dogs and a box turtle. he gets along well with all of them
toxicrevolver · 3 months
He gets chicken in the morning and at night. But he has dry food down 24/7, two bowls of it. But yeah 🙄 he's starving. When I'm taking a part the chicken to shred, he'll come up on the table and chew and eat on the whole chicken and my parents are always like "have you been feeding him? he's starving" He is, in fact, NOT, he LIES.
He also has multiple water bowls, except he doesn't like the water fountain, because... It's too cold for his likings 🧎🏼‍♀️
Cats still believe they’re gods I swear. Sherb also screams for any food he likes and I’ve had people ask if he’s starving. Obviously he isn’t. He’s a chonk. He’s okay. Jsut dramatic.
I have the same struggle with water dishes! Sherbert prefers to drink out of the toilet or if the turtle is having a soak he wants the water they’re sitting in (which the turtle has most likely already used the bathroom in). Like bro. You have at least 2 water dishes around the house and I know they’re filled regularly. I’ve been told he sometimes sits in the kitchen sink and just screams for the faucet to be turned on just so he can get a drink.
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