#Sheik Amar x reader
chrism02 · 2 years
Hi this is the ano that asked you about, your Beauty and The Beast story. Thank you so much for posted it, I love reading your stories. Good luck.
I'm happy that you like my fics. Here's another chapter 😉
La princesse et la bête - Chapter 5
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This masterpiece was done by the amazing @erebus0dora
Tag list: @purplelupins  @eroticaplush @unitedfandomsoftheworld
@reuripotte @overlookedfile @randomfandomtrash28 @littlethief78 
@belladonnaaura @wolfe171 @movieexpert1978 @yesalwayswelles
@jembug28 @iobsessoverfictionalmen @benedicttcumberbabe
@whateverthecostner @redlektor
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plush4bunny · 2 years
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Beast!Amar (now wonder how did he transformed into human 👀😁) based on @chrism02's final chapter for their gripping beauty and the beast inspired fic
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streets-in-paradise · 10 months
A Fair Trade - Dastan x (Fem)Reader
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Warnings: Heavy flirting, sexual tension. Reader is named to avoid an overuse of y/n. I picked for her my favorite arabic girl name and she uses arabic pet names, mostly but not only, on Dastan. ( Apologising in advance if my translations aren't accurate)
Summary: The Valley of the Slaves harbours many secrets behind the horrifying legends, mere facade for an illegal gambling establishment ran by the greediest man Dastan has ever meet. Deprived of everything since the arrival, he is perfectly aware of needing material help of the owner in order to continue the journey. Chances seem highly improbable, but the beautifull daughter of the Sheik shows an intense predilection towards him.
Note: The father - daughter dynamic is chaotic and hilarious. I loved it more than what I initially expected.
Arabic terms: Habibi - My love
Waseem - handsome
Ghalibi - My conqueror/ the one conquering one's heart
Baba/Abbi - dad, father
Tags: @thorssweetheart @halesfavoriteharlot @axelwolf8109
The Valley of the Slaves was nothing like the tales described, those were the carefully developed cover of an illegal paradise for gambling ran by a greedy trader Dastan needed to somehow associate himself with if he wanted to get out. Exchanging Tamina for his safety was a start, but in order to continue the journey he required of aid and leaving on good terms could facilitate things for him.
Reminding some of the lessons found in his lost life of prince, he proceeded like he was taught to do when trying to seal a political deal with a foreign ruler. Expressing enjoyment of being shown arround, praise the land and pretend to agree with everything he would hear. It seemed to be working just fine, but Sheik Amar had his own sort of intempestive reactions keeping him second guessing.
The initial good mood had run out for reasons beyond Dastan's understanding. While doing his pridefull exposition about the many secrets of the place, Amar had also been doing a subtle visual search for someone who seemed absent and this fact enraged him.
" WHERE IS LEYLA? " He interrogated the first men at his service that he found on his way. " CAN'T YOU WATCH OVER HER EVEN ONE BLOODY TIME? DO I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING HERE? "
Seso was not far behind him and the yelling made him chuckle, amused by a scene that seemed common to him.
" She must be doing promotion. "
The guess ruined his fríend's mood even more.
" Don't be so mean to her! She is a good girl, you just never give her a chance. "
The sudden softness made Dastan suspect he cared for the woman being mentioned.
" FIND HER, NOW!!!" Sheik Amar ordered. " C'MON!"
It was a perfect time to win his simpathies by being the hero, so the errant prince followed despite not being sure of what he was stepping into. The men were getting away of the race track searching the slightly calmer spaces bordering it and he remained behind for an instant, untill the sound of music began to guide him in the ríght direction. He trusted his instinct on it, but what he found wasn't the endangered girl needing of a rescuer that he hoped for.
A ravishing young woman dancing to the improvising of a darbuka player with a crowd of men loosing their minds for her. She seemed to be having the time of her life pampering the ones willing to pay better with her brief attention. To stop staring at her was impossible. Her twirls, the gracefull movements of her arms and legs accompanying her sensual responses to the percussion going strongly on her hips, chest and waist.
So shamelessly sensual that Dastan felt a bit flusterred when her glance found him, regretting so badly not having a single piece of gold to give her.
That didn't matter to her, or at least not like it did for the other costumers. Advancing in his direction in delightfull pacing meant to display her sharp hip movements, she showed him a preferential free treatment that he wasn't expecting ríght away. The foolish smile on his face only encouraged her, regardless for what that could cause in all the others.
Proximity lasted for an instant, but the sight was mouth watering and the lascivous smile she gave him felt like a mark of fire. Dastan licked his lips and instinctively took one hand to his belt, suddenly remembering the dagger.
He could have forgotten of his own name looking at her.
Before he could regain concience by himself, the precise flight of one of Seso's knives dispersed the crowd and abruptly ended the show.
" Ya Abbi!! " She called, contrastingly sweet demeanour as she noticed Amar ríght next to the knife thrower. " Look at all the gold i just made! Aren't you proud of me? My business is going great! Now i won't have to bother you the next time i want to get something nice for myself. "
Mentioning profits was her attempt to distract him, but it didn't work as expected.
" What you need is to control your overspending, not shaming yourself like this. "
She didn't take the callout, but pretended to be dissapointed.
" So much of you calling me your princess, your jewel, where is all of that when it's about investing in me? "
Twisting business language was a dangerous discursive operation, since he had the perfect comeback for that.
" Investments have returns, Leyla. "
" Or you are just cheap, and i'm sick of it! " She angryly replicated. " I'm doing something I love and people pay me greatly for it. "
" People talk, they say all kinds of things about you. " He warned her in a sweeter tone. " Unfair things, they claim my daughter is an easy girl."
Seso looked at Dastan and in his gesture he understood all he needed to know.
That stunning girl was the sheik's daughter and the gossips about her weren't entirely wrong.
" Everyone loves a good story. " She defended herself quoting her father. " We know better than anyone how false rumours tend to be. "
Tranquilizing words and her mask of innocence made Amar's softer side win.
" I know you mean well, but I have girls working for me controlling the crowd for a reason. " He reminded her, softly caressing her face. " My business doesn't attract the most honest clientele and you are the most beautifull girl this place has ever seen. They will take advantage of you for being so carefree. "
" Ohhh, he worries for me!!! Isn't he the sweetest?" She lovefully commented, then hugged him. " I love you, Baba."
Her tenderness ended the discrepancies.
" I want ten percent, for the fright you caused me. "
Leyla kissed his cheek, then bargained.
" Five, I share profits with the drum player. "
They shared some complicit laughter, fully relaxing after the moment of tension had passed, which was a peculiar way of expressing their unity as family.
Only then he noticed the furtive glance of the stranger following her.
" What are you looking at, persian? Don't make me regret our agreement."
A sudden terror made him stutter trying to excuse himself, but she helped him out with more displays of her charm.
" Forgive him for the scares." She calmed him while approaching. " Are you lost, waseem? Men like you don't pass by often, you are a blessing to the sight."
He smiled nervously, too aware of the vigilant stare of the father.
" You are a wonderfull dancer, that was a fantastic show. My only regret is being a bit short on currency to properly retribute. "
She was then in front of him, shamelessly toying with the necklace visible due to the open shirt exposing his chest.
" For you only, I accept alternatives. "
" He traded me a girl for his head. " Amar interrupted, ruining her flirty undertones on purpose. " He has nothing of value. "
The claim didn't convince her.
" I'll determinate that. "
Her hands were over him before Dastan could get to say a word, roaming in pretended search for valuable items.
It was only an excuse, the touching itself was the expected payment. Her search felt like the teasing caress of a lover, avid hands stopping for instants in the places she liked more. Awkward context aside, the persian was more than happy of letting her play with him like that. While one hand was underneath the shirt, the other travelled back to give his ass an imperceptible squeeze that the others won't notice,but he would feel.
The enjoyment ended when she reached his hips and the finding of the dagger made him flinch.
" Don't worry, I won't take your weapon. It's dangerous to go unarmed and I don't want you to get yourself hurted. " She purred close to his ear. " Pleasure to do bussiness with you. "
She turned back to her father for her conclussion.
" You were ríght, Baba. His pretty face is all he has left. "
And with that, she briefly leave them to arrange the profit split with her actual business partner.
Dastan foolishly waved at her, completely enchanted.
" Lovely girl! She grows on you very quick. " He commented to the father in order to excuse himself. " I already love her! "
Amar seemed more cheerfull than angry,
" Of course you do, she is precious as a jewel." He replied, with the pridefull trust of a loving father. " Do you have any idea of how many misserables like you make me terrible offers for her every week? I kick them all out. They come at me bargaining as if I wouldn't know how much she is worth. It's them who spread those rumours to lower the price. They discredit her morals, her suitability for marriage, because I didn't give her the ideal life for a young woman given the business i'm in … What is completely unfair: i may be slightly dishonest, but she is wonderfull. Look at her, can you believe I made s girl so fair? Part of that beauty came out from me."
Reading between línea, it meant his pride of parent was mixed with a certain frustration because he couldn't yet fool someone into marrying her paying the full price of the probably very high dowry he demmanded even tho nobody else believed she could be a good wife. Dastan kept the thing going to please the host, talking as if she was the princess of that land of renegades.
" She is stunning … and so well behaved! Very well mannered. "
His words had a fraction of truth: she behaved very well for him. Dastan's numbed senses already adored her treatment. She had groped him with unbelievable skill, managing to surprise him even after what he saw and he knew the subtle, sensual encounters were not going to stop. Leyla would take every little chance of her father's cheerfull distractions to get what she wanted.
To the runaway prince's luck, what she wanted was him. For the first time in a good while, things were working fine. The gorgeous girl was very good at persuasion and she would take his side because she wanted him. From the moment that she saw him, an instant and undeniably mutual attraction.
Warm, soft hands rounding him from behind warned him of her presence as he watched the ostrich race.
" Leyla! " He sweetly greeted her, slightly surprised. " Do you need me to leave you a good spot to watch?"
She chuckled, approbing his following of her game.
" I'm good like this. "
The great excitement he would typically get from watching the races made her father temporally careless for the touching.
" Don't grow too fond of him, dear. " He warned her, keeping eyes on the track the whole time. " Remember that the last girl who did works for me now."
It didn't take too long for her to end up meeting the so commented girl. For most, she tried to remain silent merely observing the persian's reactions in an attempt of checking if she could be potential competition. Despite she had to admit she was very beautifull, her disastrous work performance made her laugh.
Too arrogant for a slave girl, and she didn't seem to have worked a single day of her life before.
Her disdain and lack of interest on performing didn't bother the new master, however, who seemed happy with the new adquisition.
" You know? I think our little arrangement is going to work out very well, young man."
The girl clearly couldn't handle it, the approach of men that were thristy in more than one sense of the term was too much for her. Laughter was not long in coming from the men when she threw the contents of one glass at a man's face.
" She is a lovely one! Where did you find her?"
" In the slave market of Lurs." The persian explained. " I was heading to Avrat, tried to trade her for a camel when she attacked me."
" The camels are safer."
Leyla agreed with soft chuckling, trying to get the handsome stranger's attention back on her. Her suspicious observation about the slave got some sort of confirmation, since there were pieces of his story that didn't fit. Even the most rebellious of slaves wouldn't behave like that, she acted as if she believed herself too above the tasks that was assigned for her. Beyond disdain for her masters, her reactions showed the typical repulsion of a noble for the underclasses.
He was lying, but she dismissed it hoping to see how far he was going to get. All she wanted then was to keep him, so she distracted him trailing a few pecks on the side of his neck.
" You are not going to miss her, I will take care of you."
Fear of the father overcame his desire for the daughter and he escaped her grip to finally present his request for a deal with him before she could get both of them in trouble.
" Noble Sheik Amar!" Dastan called in a flattering tone. " I appreciate your hospitality, you run a fine establishment, and the beauty of your daughter is a comfort for my senses punished by the desert ... but if you could give me the supplies..."
His luck had ran out, and the trader had lost his patience. The soft caressing of the girl was replaced by his firm grip keeping his jaw still as he threatened him.
" You know something, Persian? You bear a remarkable resemblance to the disgraced prince who fled after murdering the king."
Laughing nervously in a quick observation of the faces arround him as soon as he was released, the prince knew it was time to run and he tried so, but was easily stopped.
To an order of the Sheik, Seso threw a knife that got the sleeve of Dastan's coat stucked in a pole and Amar didn't loose the shot to taunt him.
"  Did I ever tell you about the Ngbaka? "
The persian prince agreed with resignation.
" Yes, you did."
He was surrounded of enemies, only Leyla kept looking at him with excitement, careless for the implications of the crime but delighted to the mention of his lost nobility.
Her father kept rambling while she silently evaluated the situation.
" Yeah, nothing beats a good story, eh? But yours however, trading her in for a camel, please! I mean look at her, she's worth at least two! "
He was taking the time of showing him how much of a terrible liar he was at the same time the warrior was about to point a knife to his throat.
" And as for you, young man, do you know your brother's offered a reward for you? Which quite frankly between you and me, borders on the obscene! I'd trade in my own mother for that kind of gold."
Seso gave him a surprised reprobatory look.
" What?" Sheik defended himself. " Oh you didn't know what she was like."
Fed up with the whole thing, he just wanted to get rid of the persian and collect the gold.
" Take him to the persian outpost."
Leyla leapt to the young man's defense, shielding him with her frame so Seso could not finish to fullfill the command.
" I can't allow it. I like him, Baba! For real! " She explained herself, more or less claimed to be trully infatuated with him. " And you never let me keep anything for myself, it's so unfair! "
She turned back, sweetly smiling at Dastan like a crushing girl offering herself to her love interest.
He smiled back, partially as acceptance but also out of will to escape the already growing rage of her father and his plan of handling him to get killed.
" WHAT ARE YOU DOING? YOU ARE GOING TO COST ME A FORTUNE! " Amar yelled, somehow shocked because he couldn't imagine she would have done something so stupid. " NEXT WEEK YOU WILL FIND ANOTHER ONE, DO YOU THINK THAT I IGNORE YOUR WAYS WITH MEN? I CHOOSE TO TURN THE BLIND EYE ON YOU! "
The release of honesty didn't upset her.
"I will not see a single piece of that gold anyways, you will hoard it as you always do."
Another argument started as he tried to convince his daughter of following his plan, presenting it as a convenience for both of them that she wasn't seeing.
" That's not true! I know, I'm not supportive of your spending habits, but with that treasure in our hands I will not have to worry for that anymore! " He reassured her. " Baba will spoil you with it, as you have always deserved. Fancy dresses, fine jewels. Do you want a pretty boy? We will get you one in the slave market, as good looking as him, no matter the price. "
The offer seemed to have tempted her, but none of them could tell if she was just taunting them.
" But I want him." She simply replied, caressing Dastan's chest. " and that I won't get if you give him away."
The young man entered their game hoping to save his head.
" Leyla! My flower of the desert! " He praised her with all his charm. " I knew I could count on you."
" It won't be for free. " She quickly clarified him. " What can you give to beat his offer?"
Angry as he was, Amar was still very proud observing her cleverness for business in action. He had raised her well, no matter what the mean spirited gossips claimed. She had what it took to defend herself in life.
" Anything your heart desires, my love. " Dastan assured her, his tone sweet and sensual in equal amounts. " Whatever it takes to keep you pleased. I have to leave so I can clean my name, I didn't actually kill my father like you must have heard. Once that would be clarified, only your wildest dreams would be the limit to what I can give you."
It pleased her and he tought himself keeping the upper hand for once, but she had it better on negociation experience.
" Marry me." Was her final price. " Get back that crown and make me a persian princess so we can offer Abbi a greater reward than the one already waiting for him."
" Risky investment, I prefer the quicker profit. " Her father objected. " Even if he isn't lying again, he can fail and I loose everything."
" If he succeeds, you get a lifetime of immeasurable richness as father of the princess. " She striked back. " Persian luxury, payback for the looting of the bureaucrats. I will marry into fortune, like you always wanted! And into the wealthiest family in the world! "
He began to hesitate, it was too good to not reconsider even for an instant.
" What do you say, Habibi? " She asked back at Dastan. " Everyone knows your story: the street kid made prince! I doubt our union would surprise them, the mere fact that you got crowned challenges the structure of their privilege."
He was as shocked as he once was when the chance of marrying Tamina was presented to him by his father. If he would be there, he would probably say that both women and their complete opposite personalities symbolized the two halves of his being. The princess, once offered to his adopted prince persona, and the dancer of treader family, so in tone with the part of him that was a birth member of the lowest underclass.
" Father may get on board for the gold, but I'm doing it for you." She softly clarified at the end. " You have won me over, my Ghalibi."
She made him feel things, but in such dubious situation he could only provide a dubious answer.
" It's a fair trade."
Leyla interpreted it as a yes and she clinged to him for a passionate kiss seiling the deal.
The desired moment took him by surprise and, while enjoying it, he let himself go before he could remember to protect the dagger.
" A guarantee for my investment." She triumphally explained, toying with it. " It's the only valuable thing you carry and I'm not going to be such a fool of just assuming you will keep to your word. "
Desperation began to overcome him, but he tried to dissimulate it.
" It's nothing, totally worthless. It may look valuable, but it's not."
He could fool the world, but not her. She had felt him watching over it the whole time whenever she would grab his hips.
" You are too defensive of it, for a simple knife." She called him out. " If you care soo much for it, you will come back."
The time being offered to him was a lending, and he was not going to explain her how loans worked.
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scorsesedepalmafan · 2 years
Alfred Molina characters I write for
I wanted to make a list of Alfred Molina characters I write for (for the moment) since I didn’t really do one and there was some previous confusion.
I’m currently looking for more requests since I’m running out.
MALE/GENDER NEUTRAL/TRANS/ENBY/FEMDOM/butch!FEM readers (SFW & NSFW - no multi-chapter fics)
In chronological order , *for gn and male reader/trans male reader only ** for male reader/trans male reader only.
(sorry for how long this is lol, just want to be clear I’ll write for all of these)
Link back to my masterlist x  , rules here x
(1981 - Raiders of the Lost Ark) - Satipo
(1985 - Letter to Brezhnev) - Sergei
(1985 - Ladyhawke) - Cezar
(1987 - Prick Up Your Ears) - Kenneth Halliwell** (yes, but please read borlpcd )
(1991 - Screen One: Hancock) - Tony Hancock
(1991 - American Friends) - Oliver Syme
(1993 - When Pigs Fly) - Marty
(1995 - Species) - Dr. Stephen Arden
(1995 - The Steal) - Cliff
(1995 - Hideaway) - Dr. Jonas Nyebern
(1995 - Nervous Energy) - Ira Moss**
(1996 - Mojave Moon) - Sal
(1997 - Anna Karenina) - Konstantin Dmitrievich Levin
(1997 - Boogie Nights) - Rahad Jackson*
(1997 - A Further Gesture) - Tulio* (desperately want to write for him but I haven’t found the movie anywhere :( )
(1997 - The Man Who Knew Too Little) - Boris “The Butcher” Blavasky*
(1998 - The Impostors) - Sir Jeremy Burtom*
(1999 - Dudley Do-Right) - Snidely K. 'Whip' Whiplash
(2000 - Chocolat) - Comte De Reynaud
(2001 - Texas Rangers) - John King Fisher*
(2002 - Frida) - Diego Rivera (AU) will post about this tomorrow*
(2002 - Undertaking Betty/Plots with a View) - Boris Plots
(2004 - Spider-Man 2) - Dr. Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus
(2006 - Orchids) - Cliff
(2007 - The Moon and the Stars) - Davide Rieti**
(2007 - The Little Traitor) - Sergeant Stephen Dunlop*
(2008 - Nothing Like The Holidays) - Edy Rodriguez
(2009 - An Education) - Jack Mellor
(2009 - The Pink Panther 2) - Randall Pepperidge**
(2010 - Prince of Persia: Sands of Time) - Sheik Amar
(2010 - The Sorcerer’s Apprentice) - Maxim Horvath
(2011 - Abduction) - Frank Burton
(2012 - The Forger) - Everly Campbell**
(2012 - Loving Miss Hatto) - Barrie/William Barrington-Coupe
(2014 - Love is Strange) - George Garea**
(2014 - Swelter) - Doc**
(2020 - Promising Young Woman) - Jordan Green*
(2020 - The Water Man) - Jim Bussey*
(2021 - Spiderman: No Way Home) - goes without saying
I haven’t seen the new Cowboy show but I’ll do him too pretty sure (poor choice of words)
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chrism02 · 2 years
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This masterpiece was done by the amazing @erebus0dora
 Tag list: @purplelupins  @eroticaplush @unitedfandomsoftheworld
@reuripotte @overlookedfile @randomfandomtrash28 @littlethief78 
@belladonnaaura @wolfe171 @movieexpert1978 @yesalwayswelles
@jembug28 @iobsessoverfictionalmen @benedicttcumberbabe
@whateverthecostner @redlektor
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chrism02 · 2 years
Are you still making that Beast Sheik Amar and reader story?
You tell me. Am I still making it? 😏
La princesse et la bête - Chapter 4
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Tag list: @purplelupins  @eroticaplush @unitedfandomsoftheworld
@reuripotte @overlookedfile @randomfandomtrash28 @littlethief78 
@belladonnaaura @wolfe171 @movieexpert1978 @yesalwayswelles
@jembug28 @iobsessoverfictionalmen @benedicttcumberbabe
@whateverthecostner @redlektor
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streets-in-paradise · 10 months
I'm writing a Dastan x Reader where she is the daughter of Sheik Amar and, while the idea was at first just context for the actions to develop, I wasn't expecting I would actually root for him this much imagining him as a dad.
@axelwolf8109 @halesfavoriteharlot
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chrism02 · 2 years
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This masterpiece was done by the amazing @erebus0dora​ . I’m happy that this fic inspired you. 🤗 I thank you again for this marvelous art. 😘
Tag list: @purplelupins @eroticaplush @unitedfandomsoftheworld
@reuripotte @overlookedfile @randomfandomtrash28 @littlethief78 
@belladonnaaura @wolfe171 @movieexpert1978 @yesalwayswelles
@jembug28 @iobsessoverfictionalmen @benedicttcumberbabe
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chrism02 · 2 years
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Here is the requested fic  @afanstuff​ 😁
Pssst! @empiremurderer​ here is the fic I told you about.😉
Want fanart based on my fics? Contact my sweetheart Is ( @eroticaplush )  😉
Tag list: @purplelupins @eroticaplush @unitedfandomsoftheworld
@reuripotte @overlookedfile @randomfandomtrash28 @littlethief78 
@belladonnaaura @wolfe171 @movieexpert1978 @yesalwayswelles
@jembug28 @iobsessoverfictionalmen @benedicttcumberbabe @whateverthecostner
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chrism02 · 2 years
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This masterpiece was done by the amazing @erebus0dora
 Tag list: @purplelupins  @eroticaplush @unitedfandomsoftheworld
@reuripotte  @overlookedfile @randomfandomtrash28 @littlethief78 
@belladonnaaura @wolfe171 @movieexpert1978 @yesalwayswelles
@jembug28 @iobsessoverfictionalmen @benedicttcumberbabe
@whateverthecostner @redlektor
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chrism02 · 3 years
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chrism02 · 3 years
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