#She's pretty much all i talk about to anyone who will listen and I'm sure I'm pissing people off by now but if they don't stop me oh well
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nicole-lynne · 12 hours ago
I Won't Say I'm in Love
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Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Era: Prison Era Details: Inspired by I Won't Say I'm In Love from Hercules soundtrack (This is my first Daryl fic so be gentle sweet reader haha)
You stared at the small cloth bag filled with strawberries that had appeared on the tiny stand you used as a shelf in your cell. It hadn’t been there this morning when you left to help Carl in the garden, but there it sat - a pile of juicy, red strawberries that made your mouth water in anticipation. And you had no doubt of where they had come from. The modest archer that had become a solid fixture in your life in the last year. 
Slowly, you moved across the small space and reached out, your fingers gently tracing over the berries. It had been longer than you could remember since you’d had them. You’d mentioned to  Daryl how much you used to love them the last time you’d been on watch with him, when he’d let you yap as long as you wanted and he hadn’t acted annoyed once. You’d spent so many watch shifts with him, yet it still amazed you every time he proved that he’d been listening to you - regardless of his quiet nature. Those watch shifts had turned into shared meals, supply runs, and subconsciously looking for him any time you entered a room. Heat rose to your cheeks at the thought that he’d gone out of his way to do this sweet gesture for you. 
Before you could stop it, a dazed smile started to grow on your face, the image of Daryl’s hesitant smile and curious eyes clouding your mind. Something that you loathe to admit was happening more and more often. 
Carol’s head peeked around the edge of your cell, a knowing smile playing at the edges of her mouth. “Penny for your thoughts?” 
You startled at her voice and whipped your head around to the woman, your thoughts jumbled at the intrusion. “H-huh?” You stammered dumbly. 
“I said, penny for your thoughts? Although, I’m pretty sure I don’t need to spend the money.” She smirked, crossing her arms and leaning against the doorframe. 
Rolling your eyes, you turned back around to sit on your bunk, “I have no idea what you’re talking about. You sure you’re not dehydrated from being out in the sun too long?” 
“Oh, I’m not dehydrated. But I do know a lovestruck look when I see one.” 
Heat rose to your cheeks but you lifted your chin defiantly. “I am not lovestruck. I’m not the kind of girl to get lovestruck. There’s nothing special about him picking me up something on the run.” 
A sly grin spread across her face, “I never said who I was talking about. Do you happen to have a certain man in mind? Possibly one who drives a motorcycle and carries a crossbow? The one I saw sneaking out of here a few minutes ago?” 
Pursing your lips slightly, you wanted to growl in frustration. You hadn’t meant to slip up like that. You hadn’t meant to even have a clue who she was talking about. You weren’t looking for love in this apocalyptic crapstorm of a world. You hadn’t even been looking for love before the demise of normalcy. Been there, done that, have the scars to remember and the memories to be haunted by. 
“Honey, it’s alright to admit that you’ve started to care about someone. Daryl is a good man and you deserve some good in your life.” Carol sat next to you and grabbed your hand, holding tight when you tried to pull away. “I’ve seen the way you two look at each other when you think the other isn’t looking.”
“And how do we look at each other?” You asked through gritted teeth.
“You look at him like he’s the earth and heaven. Like he hung the moon for you.” 
You scoffed and looked away. “That’s not even remotely true.” 
“It is true. And I’ve seen how much you’ve changed Daryl too. He is more open to you, he trusts you. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen him smile as much as he does when you walk in a room.” Her voice was soft but it felt like it echoed in the cell. Suddenly you were all too aware of the busy prison around you and that anyone could overhear this discussion. Beth and Maggie had commented on conversations you’d thought were private one too many times in the past. 
With a jolt, you stood abruptly and looked down at her, hardening your glare. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. This isn’t some teenage girl romance movie where everyone falls in love and has some cliche happy ending. This is the real world where the people we know can die any day. No one, no man, is worth that aggravation.” 
Carol stood up, an annoyingly understanding look on her face, and wrapped you into a hug. You let yourself melt for a moment into her motherly touch. You weren’t blind to how hard it was for her to let anyone in, the same as you, and you weren’t going to just forget that. 
She patted your back once and broke away. “Well, I’ll let you rest before dinner,” she hesitated then said, “the last thing I’ll say is, don’t let yourself deny happiness just because of the past. You’re right that we only get so much time in this world, but it’s better to spend that time happy than miserable.” 
Before you could utter another word, she disappeared past the flower sheet you had hung for the illusion of privacy. The one that Daryl had brought back for you a couple months ago after you’d told him you loved wildflowers. 
You watched the sun dip below the treeline, letting the soft breeze kiss your skin as you enjoyed the last few remnants of summer. The muted growl of the walkers in the distance mixed with the clucks of the chickens and the grunts of the pigs, lulling you into a serene sense of calm. The days were warm but the nights were getting chillier and soon everyone in the prison would be in full preparation for the rough winter. Who knew what the walkers would be like this year when you were safely behind the tall gates instead of running from house to house, foraging for tiny rodents to eat to survive. 
A clang of a tray hitting the wooden picnic table pulled you out of your thoughts and you looked over to see Daryl swinging his leg over to straddle the bench, an apprehensive smile on his face. At the sight of him, a grin broke free before you could stop it. 
“Di’nt see ya at dinner. It was yer favorite - venison. Had to fight the boys off to grab ya a plate.” 
You snorted at that. “It’s only my favorite because it’s the most normal thing we can get around here nowadays, but thanks.” 
“Was prob’ly the weirdest thing ya ever ate before...all this.” He countered. 
“Don’t be too sure!” He gave you a skeptical look at that, “I had alligator meat on a girls trip to New Orleans one time and it was pretty good. Think you could find me an alligator?” You teased, knocking his knee with yours. 
“Ya might hafta give me a day or two, see what I could do.” He patted your knee in return, ducking his head to hide his smile, his hand lingering for a moment. At his touch, a tingle ran through you like a shiver and you wrapped your arms around yourself, doing everything you could do to hold yourself together. “Ya cold?” 
Quicker than you could respond, he was peeling his jacket off and wrapping it around your shoulders, exposing his delicious muscles to the night air. On instinct, you slipped your arms through the sleeves and casually sniffed it. His unique scent of cigarette smoke, musk, and a faint trace of cologne from another life overwhelmed your senses and you shivered again, despite the warmth of safety and adoration that was sinking into your bones. Your eyes darted up to see if he’d noticed and connected with his, a blush blooming across yours and his cheeks. 
Breaking his eye contact, you looked back out to the dusky sky. How could you be letting these feelings creep back over you, after all the shit you’d escaped from, everything you’d promised yourself not to feel again. If you let him in, even as skilled as he was, he could be gone in the blink of an eye and you would be left to pick up the pieces of your broken heart alone. But it was so hard to remember that fact when he was so close to you and looking at you with those gorgeous blue eyes of his. It always felt so good when it was starting out. 
“I - uh - thank you for the strawberries. I don’t know how you managed to find the time to get them with the other things you had to get. I don’t know if I thought I’d ever eat strawberries again.” You said finally, breaking the easy silence. 
“Ah it’s easy if ya know where ta look, wasn’t a big deal.” He shrugged. 
“It’s a big deal to me, Dar. More than you’ll ever know. I appreciate everything you do for me.” You said quietly. He glanced back over at you and shifted a bit closer, his thick thighs brushing against you. Now his eyes were locked on yours with intensity. All it would take was the littlest move and you could press your lips against his. Maybe he would pull you close, maybe you could lose yourself in the idea of a future filled with a grumbly, kind man who made peace bloom in your soul. You were just a few breaths apart.
The sound of laughter broke the stillness of the courtyard and you both jumped apart, clearing your throats simultaneously. You looked up to watch Maggie and Glenn giggling to each other as they strolled hand-in-hand up the path from the bottom gate and into the prison, spears in tow and blood covered their fronts but somehow they were still clearly enjoying their alone time together. You envied their innocent love, never knowing the sting of betrayal. 
After an awkward five minutes of avoiding looking at him, you cleared your throat again.
“Uh, it’s getting late, I should probably try to get some sleep. I promised Carl and Patrick that I’d let them practice their new fighting moves on me tomorrow.” You shimmied your way off the bench and stood awkwardly. Daryl slowly moved to stand, still straddling the bench, watching you with a guarded expression. 
“Don’t forget yer dinner, don’t wanna waste good meat.” He lifted the forgotten tray up to you. 
“Thanks.” You reached for the tray, stopping as the sleeve of his jacket caught your eye. “Oh, here, your jacket-” 
Daryl waved you off, “keep it. Looks better on ya.” 
Giving him a tight smile, you turned on a heel and hightailed it out of the yard toward the cell block bathrooms. An imperative cold shower needed to clear your mind. 
You rounded the corner and bumped into Maggie coming out of the showers, both of you gripping elbows to stop from falling. “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.” You mumbled.
A cheshire cat grin curled along Maggie’s face, “head in the clouds huh? It looked like you were having a pleasant conversation with Daryl. I didn’t figure we’d see ya before the crickets went to sleep.” 
“The crickets went - what? No, we were just having a normal conversation, like two friends.” 
“I didn’t realize friends talk with their mouths inches apart.” Maggie snickered. “Or jump apart like that when they get interrupted.” 
“It- We- Nothing happened.” You bit out defensively, crossing your arms as if you could shield out all her words. 
Maggie’s eyes widened slightly, reaching out to touch your arm. “Hey, I’m sorry. I was just teasing a bit, we’re all grown ups here. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying your time with Daryl. You don’t have to hide it from me. I’m your friend, you know that right?” 
You released a bit of the tension in your shoulders and sighed. “Yeah of course I know that, Mags. It’s not you, just, Carol got in my head earlier saying that I was in lov-ya know what, it’s not important, it’s not true anyways. We’re just friends, nothing else.” 
You sidestepped her and headed into the bathroom, stopping at a tug on your wrist. Maggie gave you a soft smile, “Daryl wouldn’t be a bad guy to fall for... If you give it a chance.” 
“I’m not interested in something like that, Maggie.” Tugging out of her grasp, you slipped into the closest shower and turned on the water before she could say anything else.
The water soaked into your clothes as you backed up against the concrete and slid down the wall, banging your head a couple times in frustration. What was with everyone today, bringing up things that were none of their business. Emotions you’d prefer to stay locked inside. But now it was threatening to break free from the carefully built cage you’d made and you found yourself longing to seek out Daryl and beg him to show you everything you’d been missing by holding him at arm’s length. Beg him to wrap those strong arms around you and promise that you’d both be safe and happy for the rest of your days. 
No. You weren’t gonna let yourself go down that path any more today. This was something to face in the light of day.
With a strength you didn’t know you possessed, you stood up, trudged back to your cell, peeled the sopping wet clothes off and crawled into your tiny bunk. You’d figure things out in the morning. 
The next day, with a gritted determination to figure this entire situation out, you paced nervously outside the watchtower waiting for Daryl to show up. It was surprisingly empty in the yard still at this hour of morning. After fifteen minutes of waiting, Michonne appeared, heading toward you. 
“Hey, have you seen Daryl? I thought he had first shift this morning?” You asked, shoving your hands in the pockets of your jacket - his jacket - to hide the shaking. You hadn’t been able to leave the cell without it this morning. 
Michonne’s brow furrowed, “uh he left early this morning. Told Rick and I that he wanted to go on a run, said he needed to get out of the prison for a few days. I told him I’d cover his shift for him.” 
Your lips parted in surprise but you nodded, mumbling a thanks as you walked away. 
He’d left. He’d left and hadn’t even bothered to say goodbye. He hadn’t done that since the early days on the farm, before everything with the barn and the walkers happened. And now there was a chance you might never see him again. There was always a risk and he’d gambled on that. 
A lump formed in your throat but you pushed it down. You would not cry over him. You would not let your feelings be hurt. At least, that’s what you told yourself.
Three days passed and there had been no sign of him. All of your friends had given you sympathetic smiles when they’d made eye contact with you - which had pissed you off even more. What the hell did they have to feel sorry about? It was him they should be worried about. What if he’d been caught by a group and needed help? What if he was dead? Why weren’t you good enough for a goodbye? You thought over every interaction you’d had with him - searching for signs that you made up any of his feelings for you. You’d found yourself wandering around the hallways at night, thoughts racing through your head a million miles a minute, sleep was an intangible thing. 
And there you were again, pacing back and forth along the wall. 
One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Turn. Repeat. 
“The hell are ya doin’?” A gruff voice echoed in the silence.
You whirled to find Daryl watching you from the doorway, his crossbow dangling from his left hand and his pack hanging off his shoulder. His messy hair was damp like he’d stopped off at the showers on his way in. 
In three fast steps, you’d closed the distance between you two and shoved him hard into the wall and he let out a soft grunt at the impact. His backpack dropped to the ground with a loud thud that reverberated against the walls. 
“How could you just leave me like that?!” You shrieked, smacking his chest to emphasize every word. In a flash, his crossbow clattered on the floor and he gripped your shoulders to stop you from hitting him again. The stubborn tears you’d held in for the last three days started streaming down your face and struggled to pull out of his grip. “Why would you do that to me?! You could have died and I would never even know what happened to you! You know what that would do to me!” 
“Nah I wouldn’t.” He snapped, anger lacing his voice, slightly pushing you away from him. 
You reeled back at the harsh tone, the words stinging like you’d psychically been slapped. With a sharp nod of your head, you took another step back and turned, ready to tuck your tail and run back to your cell. If that’s how he wanted to be, then you didn’t want to be around him.
“I heard what ya said ta Maggie. That ya ain’t interested in me. I followed ya the other night because ya forgot your dinner.” You froze in place, wincing at the realization of what he was talking about. He let out a heavy sigh then said, “it’s fine, if that’s what ya want. I ain’t gonna pressure ya. I just needed to clear my head first.” 
“Daryl-” You started to say, turning back to face him.
“I’m not mad, I get that ya don’t feel that way for me.” He scratched his head awkwardly, the tangles in his hair pulling on his fingers, something he did when he was nervous. You desperately wanted to grab his hand and steady him. “Ya don’t have to feel bad, really.” 
“I do-”
“Ya really don’t-”
“I do feel that way for you. I lied - to Maggie.” Your voice was shaky. He raised his head to look at you, squinting his eyes questioningly. 
“Why would ya do that?” 
You blew out a nervous breath and moved to stand in front of him again. “I didn’t want to have feelings for you. I didn’t want to let myself trust you or let you in. Because that would mean that I had something to lose. Again. And I don’t want to lose you.” 
Understanding washed over his face. He lifted a hand slowly, like trying to calm a spooked horse. With one finger, he traced the shape of your jaw with a feather touch, his gaze searching your face for any hint of pity or lies. You knew he could see the truth when his expression softened. You leaned into his touch and closed your eyes, relishing in the feeling of his rough hands against your skin, trying to ignore the thought of those hands moving all over your body. 
“I can’t promise you won’t lose me, darlin’. But I promise to do everything in my power to never hurt you.” His voice rumbled close to your ear. “Let me take care of ya. Let me love ya.” 
He lifted his other hand and cupped your face, angling for better access, making your heart flutter in your chest. His lips brushed against yours, giving you enough time to pull away if you wanted. You didn’t want to. You’d wasted enough time ignoring your feelings. You’d also spend too much time wondering how his lips felt. In a moment, you’d connected your lips to his in a timestopping kiss. It was better than you could have ever imagined.
The world around faded into nothing and it was just you and Daryl. Was this really happening?
The soft kiss turned heated in a flash, his tongue brushing against yours and he swallowed down the low moan you let out. He tasted like mint and cigarettes and the combination shot a pang of heat straight to your core.  
His hands trailed down your arms and settled on your hips, rotating you so your back was against the wall and the length of his hard body was pressed against yours, never breaking your kiss. You stood on your tiptoes and wrapped your arms around his neck, trying desperately to get closer to him. 
Realizing what you were trying to do, he grabbed your thighs and lifted you, wrapping your legs around his waist. He’d lifted you like you were nothing to him, his muscles flexing slightly and you couldn’t stop from swooning a bit. You were both panting into each other's mouths, trying like hell not to pull apart. When the lack of oxygen started to make things fuzzy, Daryl trailed his lips along your jaw and down your neck, nipping at the sensitive skin, and you sucked in a breath. You felt drunk with need. 
Suddenly you were all too aware of how short your shorts were and how little fabric separated your bodies. His fingers dug into your flesh where he held you causing goosebumps to cover your bare legs, and you knew you’d have fingerprints on your ass tomorrow. The idea made you grind your hips against him a little harder and he groaned at the sensation. 
The sound broke through your hazy mind, the reality of where you were hitting you. Pushing against his chest a bit, you stuttered, “D-dar, wait.” 
His lips froze in place and he drug his nose back up neck until his forehead was resting against yours. His breath puffing against your mouth. “Yea?” 
“We’re in the hallway.” 
“And grass is green, sky is blue, fish swim.” He growled.
You huffed a laugh, “I mean, we should probably go somewhere more private before someone walks in on us.” 
Shifting his grip to hold you with one arm, he swept a piece of hair behind your ear and rubbed his thumb across your bottom lip. “You’re prob’ly right. I might hafta kill someone if they saw your beautiful lips all swollen like this.”
Butterflies fluttered low in your stomach again and you buried your face into the crook of his shoulder and neck. God, you wanted him so badly. Why had you resisted this for so long? 
Slowly, you dropped your legs to stand again, letting Daryl hold you up until they stopped shaking. When he thought you’d be able to stay up straight, he lifted your linked fingers up and kissed your knuckles. 
“Let’s go, angel. Ya can stay with me tonight.” In the guard office. The private guard office.
Nodding excitedly, you watched him grab up his backpack and crossbow and let him pull you in the direction of his room. 
“Ya know, Dar? You could’ve have just come and talked to me. You didn’t need to completely disappear for three days.” You peeked up at him out of the corner of your eye. 
He looked down at you and smiled smugly, “Ya coulda just told me ya were in love with me. What’s your excuse?” 
You rolled your eyes and tried to suppress a grin, “I’m not saying that out loud yet.” Knocking your shoulder into his, he stumbled closer and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. It was clear he knew you were full of shit but he would let you get away with it for a little while longer. 
“Oh, for I forget,” he burst out and started digging around in his backpack with one hand, “told ya it might take me a day or two...” 
You watched in surprise as he pulled out a small stuffed alligator toy and your heart skipped a beat. He’d seriously found you an alligator. 
“Oh my gosh, it’s so cute!” You grabbed it and held it tight to your chest. “I can’t believe you found this for me. How the heck do you find these things?” 
“I told ya, ya just hafta know where to look.” He pressed a quick kiss to the side of your head. “Besides, it’s easy when I’m always thinkin’ about ya.”
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seulira · 5 months ago
More me yapping about my gf under the cut lol
She'll be here in 4 days and I'm still absolutely baffled at how good she is to me. I stare at her all I want and she doesn't think it's weird. She's started staring back recently and I get nervous and laugh and look away because I'm not used to being Perceived the way I perceive others but she really does see me
We'll be watching a video where someone is making chicken and she'll talk about what she'd do differently and she always adds "I would take the bones out for you". There was a video of a guy doing a food tour in vienna and he had those disposable wood utensils and I noted that I hate the texture of those things and, without missing a beat, she said "We can get one of those camping utensil kits. The metal kind. All the vendors here use wooden ones". Like no hesitation, no thought to it, just. Boom. Solution for my needs. She said she's excited to see my flappy hands irl. I explained I try to suppress them as much as I can in public since it's kind of frowned upon to be 25 and happy flapping at something, and she doesn't see them at my desk because I would just end up hitting the table. She pretty much only sees them in VR, where I have room and the comfort to stim. But she'll be here!! In my house!! Where I have the room and the comfort to stim as I need, and she makes me so happy she's bound to see them at some point
She never minds how sleepy I get during our calls because I'm working a lot, and I have an awful sleep schedule on days I don't work. We typically stay on call for them so she just blows me a little kiss and streams whatever video she's watching. I always just look at her though. Then when I wake up she smiles and softly says "Good morning, baby" and my entire heart melts.
It's incredible to see how confident she makes me. Even on days where I've made no effort, my hair's a mess, I'm wearing the most raggedy at-home clothes I have, and I'm just a face in a cocoon of a blanket she'll still call me gorgeous. She's seen me at every possible angle and insists I have no bad ones. The few times I've been honest about specific parts of my body I didn't like, she'll pay special attention to them until I can't help but think she finds them beautiful
It's also been incredible watching her gain confidence, too. Before we started dating, she'd only ever join calls with a camera once in a blue moon and, even then, only wearing a face mask and a hoodie. Now, even with new people in the group calls, she'll just wear a normal t-shirt and shows her entire face. She doesn't default to nervous tics when she discusses her body anymore and she'll even flex for me if she catches me staring while she stretches (which is. A lot. I like her arms.) and I can't wait to see her get to explore her femininity when she's here. She only has one "femme" shirt, and she doesn't wear it often. I'm sending her back with a bunch of skirts, dresses, and blouses. Even if she just wears them at home, they're all comfy and she'll have that option
We've both been talking about how we think our first meeting is going to go. I'm bringing her a bouquet so we can press them and she can take the dried flowers home with her after her 2 weeks here. I try not to think about when she has to leave because I know it's going to absolutely wreck me, but she's leaving me a ring (and a necklace with some charms, but the ring is the big one). I already call her my wife in online spaces but she'll really be my fiancee. It's wild.
I keep getting misty-eyed thinking of 2 whole weeks with her snoring in my arms every night.
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lymtw · 8 months ago
Drunken Lover
Toji can never shut up about you when his friends get him drunk. It's the one topic that never fails to be discussed when his friends manage to drag him away from your warm security for a night. Once the amount of alcohol he drank starts to hit and his overly chatty side is lured out, he spends the entire time talking about you, and the others just kind of listen to his ramblings and remain utterly shocked by how smitten he is. He talks so much about you, like he's trying to make up for the time he isn't spending with you.
It's always, "Shh... listen, shut the fuck up. Listen, listen, she smells so fucking good. Like she's fresh out the shower all the time" and "God... she purrs like a little kitten when I take her to bed" and "She's out of my league, but i'm not gonna fuck up the chance she gave me".
If it weren't for Shiu taking his phone, he would constantly be trying to reach you. Sometimes you're the one who calls when it gets late, just to see how things are going, and Shiu's always the one who picks up before he hands you over to Toji.
"Hey, Shiu! How is everything?"
"It's going pretty well, aside from Toji being a drunk mess." He scouts the area in search of your boyfriend and spots him next to another friend. Toji's all starry-eyed as he talks the poor man's ear off about you. "Wanna talk to him? He's been talking about you nonstop and it's starting to make the other guys jealous."
You giggle. "Sure. Let me talk to my idiot."
You can hear the commotion as well as the faint sound of Shiu alerting Toji of you being on the other end of the line.
"Heyyy, baby. You miss me? You need me?" You can hear the smile on his face. He's pacing back and forth as he waits for your voice to come back on the line.
The sound of Toji's voice makes your heart beat a little faster. It sounds like he made good use of his night out.
"You know I do, baby. Be safe, alright? Have Shiu send you home in a cab when you're ready to go and text me when you get home."
"I love you, ma. I fucking love you. I don't wanna be here anymore." He sighs, heavily. "Can I just go home, already? I've been trapped here for like five days now."
"I love you, Toji, and it hasn't been five days. More like five hours, but yeah, you can head home if you're done. Put Shiu back on the phone."
"No." He simply says, as he continues to pace around the crowded bar. "I miss you so much. I don't wanna see anyone else, anymore."
"Okay, baby. Tell Shiu you're ready to go. I'll see you tomorrow."
"I love you," he says once more before putting the phone down, leaving you to do the hanging up.
"Shiu, i'm leaving. I'm ready to go, man. She said okay and I... Well, I wanna go see her."
"You're not going over there like this," Shiu responds. "She's not gonna be able to handle you alone, right now. I'll call you a cab and you're going straight home."
He was so wrong about that last part. Toji got in the cab, and Shiu told the driver his address. He wouldn't ever find out about how Toji ended up redirecting the cab to your place.
"Psst, hey. I'll give you another ten bucks if you turn around and go to this address."
Without hesitation, the man accepted the money and dropped Toji off at your apartment. He slowly made his way to your front door, ringing the doorbell and knocking right after to make sure you hear him.
You put down the dish rag you were using to dry dishes and headed to the door. You looked through the peephole and as soon as you see Toji standing on your doorstep, you gasp. Your brows furrow in confusion as you continue to stare at him for couple more seconds, just to make sure it's actually him and not some random, sketchy man.
"Babyyy... Open. Your boyfriend is here." He knocks again, his fist like a mallet on your door.
"Toji, shh. Stop," you say, voice low. You quickly pull him into your apartment, dismissing his laugh as you shut and lock the door when you both make it in.
"Oh, baby." He smiles as you approach him again. "Baby, baby." He pulls you into an overly tight embrace and sways you side to side, effortlessly. You smell a mixture of alcohol and cologne on his shirt. "My pretty girl. Fuck, I missed you and your body." He buries his face into the crook of your neck and allows his hands to settle on your lower back. You hear him take a whiff of your scent before carrying on with his rambling. "I didn't even wanna be there..." he mumbles. "...but they stole me away and I-" He hums in confusion when he realizes you aren't reciprocating the hug and pulls your arms around him before putting his hands on your lower back again. "I'm just gonna say no next time. Those drinks were disgusting."
Normally, you reciprocating his affection wouldn't be an issue, but you're still stuck on how he's there, standing a couple feet from your kitchen and not at his place. You can hear his quiet, labored breaths beside your ear. His looming frame and the tightness of his arms around you bring a lot more reality to the situation.
"Let's get you ready for bed, okay?" You say to the giant who threatens to tip you over. You gently tug at his arms for him to release you and create some distance.
You take his hand and guide him to the bathroom first, where both of you do your nightly routines of brushing your teeth and washing your faces. He made a mess with the water when it came to washing the cleanser off his face, but you paid no mind to it as you grabbed a towel and dried it up.
You walked out of the bathroom and Toji was hot on your trail, toothbrush still in his mouth as he followed you into the kitchen. "I'm just grabbing some water. It'll just take a quick second." You smile as he continues to sluggishly brush his teeth. He pauses to respond.
"Why do you wanna leave me so bad? You didn't tell me you were leaving the bathroom. You were just gonna go and leave me alone in there?" he says, slightly muffled by the toothpaste that fills his mouth.
You laugh when some of the foam falls to the floor.
"Okay, okay. Let's go back to the bathroom together, then."
"You can't leave me on the couch," he says, out of nowhere, more suds falling onto the floor. You push him a little so that by the time he reaches the bathroom, at least some toothpaste remains in his mouth.
He dips his head and spits out the foam into the sink, rinsing his mouth after. You have to go back and tidy things up, like the cloud he didn't make sure was washed away before stepping away from the sink, and the bubbly spume that spilled out of his mouth in the kitchen and the hallway.
He's following you again, like a lost puppy because you didn't comment on what he said about not wanting to stay on the couch. He's quiet because you're quiet. You're not saying anything because you're focused on wiping up the cleaning spray and toothpaste mixture on the floor with a paper towel, and he's leaning against the wall, silently watching, feeling like you're mad at him.
You stand up straight and make your way to the trashcan before washing your hands. "Let's go, Toji," you say. He's looking at you like a scolded dog, reaching his hand out for you to hold. In his mind, if you take it, you can't be too mad at him. His chest feels so much lighter when your soft palm meets his. The heaviness is replaced with a racing heart as you take him to the room with you. You're not leading him to the couch like he thought you were going to.
"You're letting me sleep next to you?" He asks, watching as you put up a couple more pillows for him to use.
"Since when do you sleep on the couch? You know I need you here with me whenever you sleep over." You turn around and pinch his cheek, stepping behind him to creak the door shut.
"Yeah? You like when I stay in your bed?" His voice goes low with the question. His hands go to your waist and he's walking you backwards towards your bed. "Well I like staying in your bed too, mama." He lays you down, your head cradled by his hand before he slides it out of the way for your pillow to take its place. He grins as he takes up all the space between your legs, his hands taking their position on your waist again. He takes your lips in his, the minty flavor of his mouth seeping into your taste buds. It's a short lived moment, because the second his hands try to tug your shorts down, you put a stop to everything, your own hands pulling your shorts back up.
"Mm..." you hum, releasing his lips with a quiet smack. "N-No, Toji. Not like this."
"No?" He repeats, a small crease of confusion between his brows as he pulls his hands away from your hips. "Okay," he complies, quickly diverting the situation by resting his whole body down on you. His chin rests on your chest and he just looks up at you with the most loving expression. You have to try not to laugh when you notice he isn't blinking.
You gently scratch the back of his head, threading your fingers through his hair. "What?" You ask, a soft smile following the question.
"I don't know," he says, sighing with that same adoring gaze still fixated on you. "I can't explain the way I see you." Not having the sufficiently accurate words to describe how you are depicted in his eyes is a strange, void-like feeling for someone who could talk about you for days on end.
You just hum at the declaration. His mind isn't exactly operating at one hundred percent, so you won't judge him for his inability to think of ways to describe you.
He lowers his gaze and buries his face in your warm chest. You can feel him kissing you through the thin material of your tank top. "Love you," he mumbles. "You mad at me?" He asks, not pausing his kisses as he waits for your answer.
"No, baby. There's nothing to be mad about." You smooth down his hair when you're done playing with it and rest your hands on his shoulders.
"Just wanted to see you." His warm breath filters through your shirt. "Shiu told me no, but I didn't care. I just had to see you, and now... i'm here." He inhales and lets out the breath slowly. "And I don't wanna go home." As if he's scared he'll be denied of you again, his arms go under your back, and he effectively molds his body into yours.
"You could've let me know over the phone rather than giving me a heart attack. You know you're always welcome here, my love." You rub soothing circles into his back with one hand, and the other goes to the back of his head again.
"Surprise," he says, lacking so much enthusiasm that it even makes him chuckle. He pushes his face further into your chest and lets out a sigh that reveals his tiredness. "Mm... you're gonna put me to sleep if you keep doing that."
You laugh, slowing your movements until your hands are just flat in their positions.
"No, ma," he groans, frustrated by the lack of your soothing touch on him. "Do it again, please. Feels good." He turns his head so that the side of his face rests on your chest.
It's impossible to deny him, especially when he asked so nicely. You like being able to help him relax this way. Never mind the lack of feeling in your legs from his weight and the minimal movement you've been allowed. You just can't seem to find it in yourself to whine about your position when the sound of him rhythmically breathing through his nose takes over the silence of the room. You tilt your head slightly to get a look at his face and as you suspected, he's out. His eyes are shut and he's motionless, save for the slight rise and fall of his shoulders and back as he breathes.
A kiss to the top of his head was your show of making peace with having him as your weighted blanket and human teddy bear for the night.
Shiu said you wouldn't be able to handle a drunk Toji all alone, yet there you have him, piled on and drooling on you like he's getting the best sleep.
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dilf-docs · 2 months ago
You're a Daydream, Stay A While
joel miller x younger!reader
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summary: you're jackson's designated bartender. well, your dad is, but after the arrival of a new face in town, maybe the inspiration to finally step up to your obligations kicks in.
warnings: 18+ (minors dni), age gap, smut, p. in v., oral (f. receiving), fingering, foreplay (mostly breasts), creampie, breeding kink (kinda), angst/comfort, insecure!joel (love touch etcetc starved), needy!joel, pov switch mostly joel (he's down bad as well), collected shitty puns from across the internet like thanos collected the infinity stones
word count: 6,136 words
side note: yk what's worst than simping for old men? simping for old men who don't exist. since y'all know, tlou II trailer dropped, which got me searching for joel's ***** to brace/prepare myself. umm so, why did no one tell me jackson!joel is the hottest thing ever? can´t wait to see pedro being senior citizen level of hot and dying (again) on his bday month! 😍 anyway, this is based on this request and well, yes! i too would flirt with an old ass if he looked like that™ hope u like it bc for some reason I'm not sure of it JSJDLKDFK also 400 followers GUYS STOP (pls don't) IT'S TOO MUCH (give me more) HELP!=="))??! (that i do need tysm)
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The truth is simple: you hate working.
An apocalypse later, you figure there are more important things. But on Jackson, it feels like the world before fungus and violence, and everyone's got a role to play. As the daughter of Tipsy Bison's owner, yours is to help around the bar, something no matter how much your dad scolds you, you don't seem to care enough to even do a decent job.
Of course, it could be worse: patroling, keeping the cattle or crops, but not even then you're moved enough to give a shit about it.
Enter Joel Miller.
He, who made sure his arrival in Jackson didn't go unnoticed, making heads turn at it, not only because of his emotional reunion with Tommy, the little girl with him, or the fact that he left yet still returned. But also (mainly to you) because he was hot. Very hot.
Joel was the type of handsome that was rough in the edges, his closed-off demeanor and overall mystery adding to the thrill. His face seemed to be in a perpetual state of grief and darkness, sprinkled with grey and wrinkles, that in your opinion, didn't mean about age but just something that made his features all the more attractive.
It was a lie to say there weren't any boys your age in Jackson, good-looking too, yet you felt yourself gravitate towards Joel's musky presence. Yes, he could be your dad, but again, it's the apocalypse, and there are plenty of things to worry about than some age gap.
That doesn't stop the talking, anyway. It may be the end of the world, but gossip is just like cockroaches: it never dies.
The Tipsy Bison owner's daughter is in love with Tommy's older, much older, brother.
It didn't bother you, thought. You were pretty open about it, giving Jackson more to talk. Whenever Joel arrived at the bar, all heads would turn in your direction, ready for the shameless flirting and compliments you showered the oldest Miller in.
Maria had warned you, of course. She was the closest you had to a friend―sometimes being like a big sister, and she seemed to know what he was up to before, at the QZ in Boston, thanks to Tommy. Safe to say, you didn't care, despite listening to every word she had said.
Joel could break your heart, yet in a dying world, you weren't afraid to live.
Which is why now, as he enters the bar, you offer your dad to take his place.
"Go rest, I'll take this client" you offer with kindness, but he knows better. You're his daughter: in the end of the day, he's aware Joel is here, your shift in attitude warning him about Miller's incoming presence.
"If you will take this client, take the rest too" and before your dad can throw a speech about everyone being equal in Jackson, you're accepting to do the job properly, despite your grumbling and lack of interest to anyone who isn't Joel.
"Joel" you greet as soon as he sits, one of the many flirty smiles you have for him only adorning your face. He nods, avoiding your eyes that look at him like he could give you the world. He can't, so he keeps focused on the glass you're pouring in front of him.
"See? Didn't even need to ask. I already know" you seem proud of it, and the ghost of a smile brushes his lips.
"Well" he raises the glass, "it's an easy drink"
You feign hurt, "is that how you treat your bartender? I could poison your drink" Joel now truly smiles, knowing you could never, "or I could just strip you of your my favorite customer rights"
Now he feigns hurt, playing along for the first time in ever.
"Copied" he raises his arms in surrender, not before taking a gulp. You watch hypnotized the way his adam's apple bobs, the liquid sliding down his throat until it looses itself in the peak his two buttons undone give, of what looks to be a broad soft upper body, blessed with a patch of greying messy hair.
"Have they ever complimented you before, Joel?"
You. He refrains from answering, scared as to where little encouraging had led you and your shameless mouth to. He can feel the rest of the people behind him whispering, holes burning his neck. He can't let you win again: make him seem a pathetic excuse of a man who can't say no to a sweet doe-eyed delusional girl.
But you don't stop, despite his silence and the growing pit on your stomach.
"I'll take that as a no. Wanna know why?" he takes a much needed sip, "because all the good pick-up lines are taken"
This he can handle, Joel thinks. It's silly, proper of your age-
"But you aren't"
Ah, of course. Hasn't he learned?
You have the nerve to laugh, free as a wind chime softly carresed by the wind. His face burns, and even thought he's heard plenty of worse from you ("No pen, no paper but you still draw my attention", "Well, here I am. What are your other two wishes?" "You must be a dog person because you look fetching"), nothing had affected him this much.
Which is why he tries to pull the mask that had accompanied him since he first knew what grief was, so no feeling would ever made him weak again in a world hardened with pain. He's so good at it, wearing it like a second skin that doesn't scrub off no matter how much he wastes Jackson's water supply away, he sometimes sees the way your face is crestfallen at his indifference.
But you're young and stubborn, as so was he, before all the suffering and broken dreams.
So you won't listen to the past or doubts: the moment he stepped a foot into the community, you knew it was over, beating so loud you could barely hear your own breathing or him, when Maria introduced you and he shook your hand with his much bigger one.
"Joel" he'd said, with the sexiest voice you'd ever heard. His hands were covered in gloves, but despite that and the cold winter, the warmth that pooled from his palms had spread across your cheeks and chest. It had taken you a while to realize you hadn't said anything.
"Y/n" you hate the way your voice sounded small.
He nods, a way of saying Nice to meet you in his withdrawn nature. Then walks away, with Tommy and the girl, who looks curiously at you, Joel completely oblivious of how he's just turned your world upside down.
"Welcome to the museum!" you had said.
He tilted his head in confusion, Ellie's stare intense. "I thought this' Jackson?"
"This is a museum, because you're a work of art"
The tip of his ears instantly reddened, and the laugh Ellie was containing bursted like a bottle of champagne.
"Look at you, old man!" she laughed at him, making you wonder their relationship and how closer they seemed to be, despite initial assumptions. "Can't believe a girl gets the big, grumpy, scary Miller to blush like a boy"
You think that's the reason behind his apathy towards you, barely reacting to your pick-up lines or "subtle" flirting. It's probably not a reason as childish as that, but you'd rather be wrong than accept he may never feel the same way you do.
Because for a moment, despite the times you lived in, life made sense.
So no matter the stares, Joel's guarded posture and lack of reciprocation, you'll always be there, waiting: riding the roller coaster, enjoying the high.
The speed brings you closer, even if that means you'll crash.
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Unfortunately for Joel, he knows who you are.
He's not even ten patrolling jobs closer to owning a bottle of whiskey of his own (he thinks earning it is bullshit, hasn't he done already enough?), so he's forced to go to the only place where he can get it.
And of course, there's you: a name and face he couldn't place upon his arrival, even if you had introduced yourself with your shitty line (which made him blush and Ellie laugh, so maybe it was a grudge what made him bent on removing you from his head) yet now is ingraned into his mind.
He doesn't know what's worst: your flirting or the fact that you seemed genuine about it. Or maybe it's the fact that he can tell you apart from the rest now, with a face full of life, always ready to give him your best smile and serve his glass the way he likes.
He needs to be the bigger person in this mess and stop it, Joel thinks. He isn't one to care about the talking, years of being brutal hiding any possible feeling that isn't rage. But then Ellie smuggled her way in his life, he found Tommy again, and Jackson was a reminder of old days when he would allow himself to feel anything else. So, in a way, he's become a bit susceptible to the talking behind his back.
How could he entertain a girl that could be his daughter? hushed, behind his stool. But then your fingers brush "accidentally", and his dick twitches between his legs when you bite your lip, pronouncing a Sorry like no one has said before: a tone so low and sultry, he's convinced wasn't even possible. Then you bat your eyelashes, and laugh (a sound both as delightful as addictive) before you're saying: "Don't mind them. They're just jealous you've got all my attention" and for a brief second, Joel let's himself believe he's special and worth of your time.
It's now a while since he's been there in Jackson, slowly settling into a life that doesn't involve running and fear.
If he thought your little crush was a phase, he's wrong.
You're still giving him time.
He's not supposed to get attached to you, Ellie, Tommy and Maria (future nephew in the way) more than enough. But then, when he's alone in a house too big for two people, Joel misses the way your loud voice fills the eerie silence that's followed him since death has been tracking his every step. Or how your interest on his life doesn't seem an act, listening to every word he says with tender eyes and soft smile, sometimes even making the effort of bringing things he's said before into new conversations; remembering. His heart flutter at your compliments, no matter how dumb they are, probably because he's not used to that stuff. As he lays awake at night, brain clogged with wounds too deep to bear, he finds comfort in things he has a feeling he's too old to get worked up about.
"Joel" you had said one day. God, he loved his name on your lips. The way you say it so sure, as if you'd follow him wherever he'd go.
He coughs. "Yeah?" and you smile, because at least he's looking in your direction.
"The chance of meeting a person like you is the only reason I talk to strangers"
The way your tone was straight, not flinching or faltering scared him. How something akin to sincerity dancing in the sparkles of your eyes, that now seemed to waver not out of whimsy but out of vulnerability, perfectly hidden in what could pass as another one of your attempts to woo him, but Joel's lived and seen enough to know it means much more.
So now, whenever there's darkness, he finds light on replaying those small moments on his head.
Dear God. What's he become? Ellie can't find out or he'll never hear the end of it.
But this things you don't know. All you see is a wall, and you're getting tired of hitting it.
The few words he spares your way are now a punishment you endure, cruel reminder that it's all you'll ever get.
Could you be in love forever? Could you even love?
It was a new feeling. Foreign, in fields of inexperience, but familiars in others. You may have never felt it, but the way your beat was steady when he showed up, worn out boots against the wood creaking under his weight, makes you believe when you know, you know.
"Hello, Joel" your father greets before you speak. Today, no matter how much you tried to shoo him away, he stayed.
You send a small smile his way, but he doesn't return it. You feel small, like a kid, undeserving of his attention. There's a bit of relief knowing your dad's there, so you let him take Joel for you.
There's always a first, and when both your dad and Joel notice, the latter feels a little sting on his chest.
But he's caused this, he thinks. It's what he wanted, after all: for you to stop chasing a man with scars in and out, bearing sins and blood where you had innocence and love.
"We're having a party tonight" he comments, making Joel quirk an eyebrow as he sips.
He gives you a brief glimpse, lost in the curve of your ass in those tight jeans, you giving him your back. He dryly scoffs on instinct at your deliberate choice to ignore him.
"Why's that?"
"My daughter's birthday"
He sees your body tense in the corner of his eye, wiping the glass in your hand with a bit too much force.
"Happy birthday" Joel speaks up, and you mutter a weak Thanks.
That's all he gets? No smile, no looking his way. Just a dry thank you that sounds more like something he would say.
Was this how you felt?
"Time sure flies by" your dad sighs nostalgic, completely oblivious to the whole thing. "I feel if it was yesterday we came home from the hospital with you"
You smile, but it doesn't reach your eyes, despite the obvious adoration for your dad.
"Don't get sappy on me" you sound embarrassed.
"I don't care. Twenty-one years later and an apocalypse in the mix, you're still my baby"
"Dad!" your cheeks heat up, and Joel almost forgets he's there, his body back to life when your face goes back to its normal color and happiness.
"Which means" your dad goes back to Joel, "you're invited"
Your laughter dies and Joel's chest tightens.
"You need to stop saying that. All Jackson is invited" you respond, making him flinch. The bite is obvious.
You're not special, is what you try to say in between lines.
"I'll be there" tone daring, and your father feels something has shifted in the air.
You don't answer after that. What are you supposed to say? Don't come? I hate you for making me feel small? He doesn't owe you anything, but it still hurts.
"It's at seven" there's a sharp edge to your tone when looking at him.
"I'll be there" he repeats, still, but it sounds more like who he really is trying to convince is himself.
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Joel is there, as promised. You don't know why, but after what happened earlier, for the first time ever, seeing him brings you dread.
He catches you in a corner, sipping on some drink.
"Hi" it's soft, the tone new, and it doesn't help the pit in your stomach.
"Why are you here?" he's curious., "ain't this supposed to be your party?"
It's funny, really. The way everyone else mingles around you, laugh and talk, yet here you are, bitter inside the shadows of your corner.
You raise your glass and chuckle dryly. "Well, cheers to that"
"You shouldn't be here" he insists, and you roll your eyes. Then, his voice goes soft. "Is... Is this because of me?"
You scoff, venom falling out of your bitter laugh. "Wow, big ego you got there. Newsflash: the world doesn't revolve around you"
He's so used to your pinning, it's hard to bear the change.
"I wasn't saying that, I just-"
"Please don't" you cut him off. "Don't ruin my birthday more than you already have, thanks"
You decide to walk away, but Joel won't let you.
"I don't want that" he insists, blocking your steps. "I want you to be happy"
"Don't bullshit me" your tone is icy, cutting like daggers. "Please, leave me alone"
"Not until you're fine"
You scoff at his incomprehensible behavior.
"Oh, now you care? Drop the act; you're just angry I'm not stroking your ego anymore like a lovesick puppy. Truth is, you don't owe me anything, Joel"
He looks like you've slapped him across his face.
"I know" his voice darkens, filled with tension. "But-"
You get tired at Joel's sudden insistence, overwhelming you with confusion. This is the same guy that has uttered less than fifty words your way, indifferent to your flirting and special treatment. Of course, it may have been a little silly of you to expect so much from a guy older even than your dad, but his apathy was borderline rude, and that you can't excuse. Or understand. Or let go.
So yes, you're being petty. And yes, it also feels good to have him begging to have your attention, the roles reversed.
"But what, Joel? Is there anything you can say, really? It's not that serious" you empty the glass in a chug, feeling dizzy. "Live a little and stop being so obssesed with me"
He shoots you a look hard to decipher. There is hurt: from all the emotions available, he chose the one thing you didn't think he'd be capable of feeling. Hell, he looked rather more like the cause than the affected on the other end. But then auburn fires flash behind his eyes, and the circle repeats itself, the danger and rage Maria warned you about.
"Obssesed with you?" his eyes carry a wild light in them. "If anyone is obssesed, well, it ain't me"
"I need air" you push past him, done with his shit.
"I'm sorry-"
The cold wind hits your face as you storm outside the bar. Is this a lesson to be learnt? Was this how heartbreak felt? The only thing you know is you need to get the farthest you can, even if your footsteps feel heavy with the weight of the snowed streets and frigidness of your heart.
"Y/n, wait!"
You turn around. Unbelievable: Joel Miller is running after you.
"What the fuck is wrong with you, Joel?!" you shout, "why can't you just leave me alone?!"
"Because I-"
"There's nothing for you to say" you counter, pinching the bridge of your nose in frustration. "If this is some sort of guilt thing, I need you to let it go. What I did- I mean, you should probably forget about the whole thing. It's my fault, and I'm sorry my reaction is immature and what not, but I should've known to read the signs. You're simply not interested in a girl who hasn't truly lived or known what pain is"
After you confession, you hear a laugh. You raise your eyes, anger and hurt flashing in tears.
"And you have the nerve to fucking laugh?! Fuck you, Joel" you want to walk away to save yourself from further embarrasment yet your feet seem to be stuck.
"Oh, sweetheart. I'm not interested?" you roll your eyes, but he pins you by your shoulders, as if knowing you'd walk away. "Listen, I need you to know somethin': I'm not who you think I am"
"I don't care" you interrupt, defiant. "You're right, I don't know who you are. But I want to. Who you where outside this walls... It doesn't matter, not to me. You did what you had to do to survive, and that brought you here. Jackson... think of it as a second chance. You can still be happy, you know?"
With me, dies in your throat, not wanting to give more of yourself away.
"It's better this way" Joel insists, "hell, you'll even thank me one day. There's plenty of young boys here who'd love to be with you, trust me"
"I don't want them, Joel. What's so hard to understand?" what makes you get closer to him, you don't know, but in a sudden rush of force, you find the courage to look at him, body standing still as you exhale, fears condense in the air. "I only want you"
"You don't" you should roll your eyes again at his stubborn character, but his voice comes out so small, almost as if resignated, that it tugs your chest.
"I do" you reply firmly, cupping his cheek with tender care. He leans in your touch, despite it revealing his true desires when it comes to you.
"Why me?" Joel whispers, bigger hand covering yours, as to prove it's real and the warmth isn't a joke. "Why not a younger, charmin', happy boy your age? Why a broken violent older man?"
His voice breaks after the admission, quietly seeping into heavy silence that falls like the snowflakes in his hair.
"Joel" you call his name softly, making those sad brown eyes look at you. You gulp, nervous at the storm of emotions inside them, "is it so hard to believe you can be loved?"
Your words make him falter, his grip loosing strength as he tumbles back.
"Love?" he repeats with disbelief, as if you'd just say some kind of tale. "There isn't love in this world left for me. Men like me don't deserve good things, especially if they comin' from a pretty girl as yourself"
You shouldn't be blushing at times like this, but the maroon splash on your cheeks betrays you, warm as the drink from before and red as the dim lights casted by Jackson's Christmas tree in the middle of the town.
"Joel" you call again, and he's surprised you're still there. That you hadn't turn your back on him, or looked into his eyes and saw the monster in him, running away to never come back.
"If you let me" you hold his hands to steady him even as they tremble, "I could"
I could love you.
The promise hangs unspoken in the air, the wind now barely above a humming.
"You'd take me" his voice falters, "with all I've done, knowing I've hurted people?" Killed people, but he can't bring himself to say it when you look at him like that: like he could learn to love you.
"Yes" your voice doesn't waver a bit, "every part of you"
"And you'd take me knowin' that I'm years ahead in hurt, age and life?"
"Yes, Joel" you giggle. "Are you making me do an exam on your life? Because that's not fair, you've barely spoken to me, or anyone else for the matter!"
He chuckles, shaking his head.
"I s'ppose life ain't fair, sometimes"
"But it could be" the moonlight of the now clear sky shines over your eyes, and Joel is sure that the stars would be jealous.
"It could" he repeats, as to believe it himself.
Silence settles again, but it doesn't feel suffocating anymore.
"You know, we should probably get inside"
You dissmiss his words. "Nobody has even noticed we're gone"
"What about the cake?"
Your chest feels warm at his concern. He may not believe it, but the old-world Joel, the one who was a contractor in Texas and had a daughter, is still there, somewhere.
"Jackson is real, but miracles not" you laugh, "we don't have those. The party really is just an excuse for dad to drink with his friends during labor hours"
"And yours?" Joel inquires, "where your friends at?"
"Left early" then you lean to his ear, hot where skin meets cold. "I told them to"
He tries, but all words die on his throat.
"Wanna know why I did it?" your fingers wander to his tense jawline, tracing your sharp nails until they descent to his neck, sprinkled with loose hairs from his beard.
"Why?" voice barely above a whisper, his cock painfully hard between his legs. That you don't know: just the glint of dark on his hazel eyes.
"Why don't we find out?" and your hand takes his to lead the way. When he doesn't move, you try other way.
"I'm the birthday girl" you tease softly, but your orbs sparkle with something akin to dangerous. "You better make it up to me"
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You've walked this road so many times, yet it's never felt longer.
The house is alone, you'd say, and Joel followed you because well, he'd follow you anywhere. He notices you said 'house', an indicator you still live with your parents. He wonders if you're embarrased, but by the way you smile, inviting him inside, to a part of you intimate and unknown until today, he knows he's chosen right.
When you open the door, cold creeps in through the cracks of warmth. You lead the way to your room, and once you're inside, he thinks it's very you.
"Very me?" you giggle, taking a seat in the bed. Joel watches from the doorframe, his bulky arms crossed. "What is that supposed to mean?"
"It's cute" and you think it's not a frequent word in his vocabulary, thanks to the pink dusting his cheeks.
"I'm cute?" you repeat delighted, and the shade of pink turns darker.
He just nods, avoiding your gaze.
"Joel" you call, then pat the spot next to you "why are you so far away? Are you scared?"
He grumbles something under his breath before walking over to where you showed. The bed creaks under his weight, and now that he's closer, you hear the wavering beat of his heart and ragged breaths.
"You are scared" you repeat, a statement now. He thinks you're mocking him, until your sure hand grabs his. "It's okay"
Before he can add on that, your face is too close, your breath tickling over his nose. He feels the moist of your lips press over the brigde of it, with a tenderness that brings ghosts of tears he has since long shade to his eyes.
Then they smoothly move to catch him in a kiss. He lets out a shaky gasp against your mouth, letting himself loose on the whiskey drops inside, an intoxicating mix against his own. His hands find your waist, gripping the soft skin with calloused fingers, refusing to leave it. He squeezes your curves while infiltrating your mouth with his tongue, until he pulls to breath, making you whine.
"Fuck, sweetheart" he nips your lower lip, "ain't you the sweetest thin' to ever exist?"
The kiss gets more heated, his hands now traveling to your face as they hold onto you for support, rough digits meeting peachy skin. Just the mere act of kissing makes him groan against you, too old to be shameful about the needy sounds coming out of his mouth.
"Joel" you whimper his name. He stops and takes the time to bore his gaze over your flushed face, your own dazed eyes mirroring his.
His fingers find their way to your hips again, pulling you closer. The moment caughts you and the bed off guard, the furniture creaking while your eyes move to the hardness visible on his worn-out jeans. You move your head to free your mouth to talk, but that doesn't stop Joel, who hungrily kisses the trace of your jaw and the road starting in your neck and finishing on your collarbones.
"Is that because of me?" Joel whines against your lips, yet you can't stop staring at the very big silhouette. "Oh, happy birthday to me"
Joel whines when you tear way from him, his hands loosing grasp on your body. You move up against the headboard, spreading your legs for him to put himself in between them.
You take off your clothes, and his eyes don't leave your body as if it's a show for him. He can drool at the sight of your breasts, rosy skin waiting for his tongue and teeth to sink on it. He leans closer, eyes looming at moles he could beg to kiss.
Now you, your expectant eyes plea. Joel's posture adquires a guarded air, as he grows self-conscious.
"Stop staring at me like that" he nervously chuckles.
"Is there something wrong?" your sweet voice inquires, laced with concern. He gulps, kind of afraid and embarrased of what you would say.
"I'm..." his voice comes out strained, "I just-"
His mind briefly wanders to Tess, how she never said anything, rather busy seeking the warmth of his body without commenting about it. The act mattered over the feelings, which where in her eyes but not his heart. But now, his heart beats in a different sound, one where he wishes you won't judge a body crossed with the roughness of scars yet the softness of extra weight.
"M' just warnin' you, doll" the nickname brings butterflies in your stomach, "this body's seen better days"
He removes the layers of clothing: flannel first, and then tight white long sleeved shirt. He's left in his jeans, unbuckling his belt that falls to the floor with a thud. His breathing turns to panting, afraid to meet you in the eye.
"Joel" you repeat his name, bringing him back to reality. "Look at me"
He's killed people, faced raiders as much as infected, and other countless things, so he dares himself to look up, breath hitching when he finds you eating him with your eyes.
"Fuck, Joel. I didn't know you were so pretty under those dirty ass flannels"
You knew he'd be handsome; that's literally the reason why you chose to flirt with him. But now that he's completely stripped off his layers of warm clothing, it's even better. You can't stop your hungry eyes from roaming his body, lingering on the soft swell of his stomach, hanging over the waistband of his underwear. A scar that looks deep is near his belly button, and you wonder if he'll ever tell you why. There's a patch of hair over his soft chest your tongue wants to lick. And of course, his strong arms packed with broad shoulders that make you want to scream.
"Stop lying" he chastises, but there's a smile adorning his features. A true smile on Joel fucking Miller's face. What a rare sight; you need to see it more.
"W-where your condoms?" he asks, nervous.
That catches you off guard, too busy cooing over how a man so big and sturdy could fold that easily, looking and sounding small.
"I'm not sure. I mean, maybe on my parents room but I-"
You cut yourself. Joel's concerned gaze finds you. "Yes?"
"I want you, Joel" the intensity of your stare terrifies him. "All of you"
He falls closer to you, forehead against your own. He can't bring himself to look at you, so he closes his eyes and dares to ask:
"Are you sure you want this?"
Are you sure you want me?
"Don't you trust me?" you're all smiles, even if your voice is soft. "I want you. I truly do"
He's hiding his face into your shoulder until you feel his lips pressing against your now bare skin, making you shiver.
"Where you want me, birthday girl?" he says between kisses. "Tell me, sweetheart. I'm all ears"
"Please, Joel" you unhook your bra, letting your breasts free. His lips begin to kiss his way to your breasts, tongue teasing the skin before nipping it. Joel's teeth catch the hardened nipple, grazing it lightly.
"S'pretty" he sounds drunk, and you love the way he looses himself in the pleasure haze.
He continues kissing your breasts before positioning himself right so he can hover above you. The kisses turn wet and sloppier, as if all his energy was to be spent into the rosy skin.
"Can I taste you, sweetheart?" he lowers his head to your entrance, already soaking wet with your arousal. "Fuck me, if this ain't a meal"
"The best in all Jackson" you joke, but the laugh dies in your throat when Joel's nose ghosts over your throbbing pussy.
"I- fuck, Joel" you moan when he licks your folds, his tongue an expert. For a brief moment, you think of who came before you, and if this is what they got or you're getting the best version. His saliva mixes with your dripping juices, making you whine as his tongue licks your swollen folds. His fingers then slowly inserted themselves inside at the same time, moving in and out of your puffy walls. His groans mix with the sound of your whines and the furniture creaking, the sounds obscene and feeling so far from the outside world.
"You're so good at this, baby" his sweat mixes with the blush on his face because of the nickname, nose pressed against your clit as he keeps up the ministrations. "D-don't stop"
"This pussy's so pretty" he says, "and s'only for me, yeah?"
"Yes, Joel. Only yours" you whine, your orgasm approaching. All of your body feels on fire, every touch inching the burn in your stomach closer as his head remains between your legs, tongue insatiable. You come all over his face, your hands digging into his damp locks as you scream his name to the air.
Joel raises his head to capture your lips on a wet kiss, the taste of you inside your mouth and dripping from his coated beard.
"Ain't you sweet" you open your legs further. "You're such a tease, sweetheart. Gon'be the death of me"
"I just like seeing you like this" you admit.
"So fucking needy"
A borderline primal grumble births from his throat. "You've a filthy mouth on you, sweetheart" he chuckles while wrapping your legs around his waist and lining himself up. Joel's tip runs up and down your folds, grazing your clit long enough to make you gasp.
"And you're s'fuckin' tight" he mumbles under his breath. You gasp for air as you try to adjust yourself to the huge size of his girth, afraid you bit more than what you can chew. His pace starts slow but gradually picks up a rougher and quicker pace. Joel grunts between thrusts, yet takes his time to make sure his lips kiss every mole sprinkled across your face and chest, his favorite just above your left eyebrow.
"I want ya' to come first, like a present" blush crosses through his face again. He leaves teasing kisses against your face, as you wail, finally hitting you.
"I'll wait for you" you whisper, your hips aiding you to sustain his sloppy thrusts, "want you to come too. Inside"
You feel his softening dick twitch, suddenly rock hard again. Oh, so he was into that.
"Don't worry, I have a pill" you explain. "So go ahead, pretty boy. Show me if the size matches the talk"
"Bet" his voice acquires a darkness to it. "Gonna fill you with all of it, until you milk my cock dry. Gonna fill this pretty pussy until it's full of my seed and it leaks for days"
He follows right after, groaning into your shoulder, where he bits the skin. His tongue wets the area, to relief the pain, yet you like it. Thick ropes of cum paint your puffy heat creamy, Joel panting as he stares down at you.
"What?" you chuckle.
Maybe Jackson was a safe haven. Heaven incarnate. Maybe second chances were real, and for the first time in years, he feels safe.
"I don't deserve you" he voices his thoughts, forehead pressed against yours as he tries to even his breathing, yet each breath seems more labored than the last.
Your hands travel to his face, cupping it with tender hands. He leans on the touch, because despite his crimes and past dawning upon him, he's a man: one seeking comfort on a pretty face and anything that'll remind him of distant emotions that can still exist despite what the world has become. Joel's hands travel to yours, thumb brushing skin free of scars and pain. He envies and loves the beauty in your face, eyes full of something akin to affection looking back, blurring the pain mirrored on his own. You kiss him again, and he can feel the emotions in the tip of your tongue.
"You're wrong" your voice holds a quiet determination. Time was a precious gift, but in Jackson, time could be, and the resolve longing tells him you'll be there. I'm not going anywhere, Joel. Not without you. "We all deserve love, Joel"
Joel Miller is a man who finds it hard to trust, yet, when he takes a look at your eyes―warm as coffee, he allows himself to believe in you.
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m1dn1ght-r0t · 2 months ago
Eyes Wrapped in Wool
Yandere! (ex) husband x amnesiac! fem reader
TW: manipulation, toxic/abusive behavior, mentions of (potential) forced imprisonment, coercion A/N: pretty sure amnesia doesn't work this way (i'm no medical professional) but pls suspend disbelief for the sake of the plot ahahah
Your husband never expected things to turn out this way. But by some stroke of luck—or perhaps divine intervention—you ended up bed-ridden in the ICU, suffering from multiple bone fractures and a terrible, oh-so-terrible, traumatic brain injury. Just last week you were talking his ear off about how you've had enough. How you were done with him controlling what you could wear or who you could see, his suffocating clinginess that devolved into explosive rages when you spent time focusing on work or with friends instead of with him, the negging, the snooping, the smashed plates... Jesus Christ. You just never knew when to shut the fuck up, did you? At some point he had stopped listening. Chalked off your dramatic tirade as nothing more than you acting up because of your period—merely white noise. How many times have you guys had this same broken record conversation? Yeah, he knew this marriage wasn't smooth-sailing. If it were, you'd be less opinionated, less bitchy, more pliant, more dutiful. But what relationship was ever perfect? So, he waited for you to run out of steam, as you inevitably do, before adding salt to the wound:
“You know baby, if you weren’t parading around in those slutty clothes of yours and acted your grown age for once, I wouldn’t be behaving that way.”
The scrunch of disbelief mixed with disgust on your face only spurred him to double down. “And maybe if you actually committed to this marriage like a devoted wife would, rather than prioritize your career and practically everyone over me—your husband, need I remind you—then we wouldn’t be having these issues. Ever considered that, hm?” He purposely dragged out his words, a patronizing lilt to his tone, in hopes of reminding that thick, dumb skull of yours that he always knew best.
It wasn't until you had thrusted the divorce papers in his face that he grew silent, the severity of the situation beginning to creep in. ...What? You couldn't actually be serious... right? This was just some lover's spat. A temporary blip that'd be smoothed over with a few intentionally placed saccharine words and hot make-up sex. Like always. So why the fucking theatrics? Are you really gonna be a bitch about this and d— When you slammed the front door shut with your packed bags in tow, leaving him to stew in your parting words—that you deserved better, so much better than him, and that if he didn't sign the papers, he'd be hearing from your lawyer—did the gravity of it all finally sink in. By the end of the week, your voicemail was battered by his countless furious messages. Are you done being a flighty little piece of shit, huh? What the fuck do you think you're doing? I swear to god, baby, I'm gonna drag your ass back here. And if I have to lock you in some basement and chain your hands and legs so you'd never think to leave me again, then so fucking be it. Divorce? Yeah right. Over my dead fucking body. Then came an unknown call. It was like whiplash, really, to first hear that you had been involved in a major car crash, and then, upon rushing to the hospital at neck-breaking speed— "I'm afraid she has retrograde amnesia", the doctor solemnly informed him. He could cry. Oh, he could fucking cry.
On the outside, anyone could see how distraught he was, his hands trembling as he processed the diagnosis, eyes glistening with unshed tears. Poor husband that he was, having almost lost his beloved wife in a freak accident, he now had to deal with the news that she didn't remember who he was. Inside, however, raged a war he couldn't reconcile: what was harder? Holding back the tears, or pretending those very tears were out of sadness rather than pure, unbridled joy? Because what this neatly packaged situation had presented him with was a do-over, a chance to mend the broken marriage teetering on the cusp of divorce. And like hell he's about to let you throw away a three-year connection like some ungrateful cunt when he loves you so, very much.
"Hey sweetheart, how are you feeling?"
As he walks up beside your hospital bed, he can't help but revel at how vulnerable you look. The slight furrow in your brows hinting at your confusion, the way you curl in on yourself as if to protect yourself from who is no doubt a complete stranger in your eyes, and your meek "Who are you?"—a far cry from the usual feisty, snarky attitude you used to dish out.
But perhaps most rewarding of all is the tentative gaze you offer him, eyes filled with a sort of curious glimmer, free from the hostility, disappointment, and hurt you'd flashed his way. You didn't look at him with hate. You simply want to know who he is.
Oh, aren't you precious? He'll gladly feed you his carefully spun narrative until you're full of nothing but adoring love for him—the embers of your thoughts about divorce and leaving him snuffed out for good.
"I know how confusing all of this must be for you. Take all the time you need. I'll be right here with you, as your husband, helping you fill the gaps, okay baby?" He delivers this with as much patience as he can muster, softening the edges of his words to avoid spooking you. But you're not soothed. If anything, you're more overwhelmed than ever. "M-my husband?" You echo, tasting the foreign word, sticky like warm toffee on your tongue.
"And...and my family? Where are they?" Your disorientation is a sight for sore eyes; how badly he wants to devour you right now. “Dead,” he intones, a script he’d been desperate to act out ever since you said your vows. The jarring news pulls a barely audible whimper from you, your eyes widening a fraction.
Shit. Too cold. Too careless.
His expression softens, the corners of his mouth tugging downward in a facsimile of sorrow as he injects a note of pity into his voice. “They died when you were very young, you see. I’m sorry.” He’s really not.
"What…? How could that be? So my p-parents, they're both—" Your breath hitches, tears welling at the corner of your eyes.
At that, he gently grabs your bandaged arm, wanting to comfort you. But when you flinch slightly, he has to resist the urge to snap at you—Oh, cry me a river. Who the fuck cares?? I'm right here, aren't I? I'm right here, damnnit, so look at me!
Instead, he tempers the resentment that's still fresh in his heart after the divorce stunt you'd pulled by reminding himself that he's supposed to be your kind and gentle partner.
So he settles for cradling your hand in both of his like it's fine china, grazing his lips over your fingertips. "But you have me, sweetheart. And I'm not going anywhere."
He half expects you to question his story—it wasn’t very convincing, even to his own ears—prepared to be barraged by your endless streams of “No, you’re wrong!”, “I don’t believe you!” or some other similar outburst.
But when all you do is gaze up at him with cinched brows, seeking reassurance, blinking at him so sweetly with your hand still snugly warmed in his, he pauses. That’s it? No suspicion, no skepticism, no outburst? Hah! He has to physically restrain himself from snorting because how fucking easy can this get?
Maybe the collision had completely scrambled your brains, rewired you to be more stupid, a little slower—exactly how he likes you.
"You trust me, right?"
And when he feels that subtle twitch of your fingers—what he gathers is your attempt at squeezing his hand back for confirmation—accompanied by the sight of your small, almost shy nod, he breaks out into a giddy smile at how utterly adorable you’re being.
Fuck, it’s hard not to already feel high off these micro-doses of innocence and receptiveness from you. Emboldened by your intoxicatingly sweet naivety, he dares to be a little greedier, creeping to perch on the edge of your bed, his hand now moving to cup your cheek.
“You have no idea how worried sick I was when I got the call. I thought you had…” He trails off, his implication clear. His face is mere inches from yours now, breaths as featherlight as his fingertips mapping every divot on your face.
“I love you.” He drags his thumb across your bottom lip, the act agonizingly slow. “So, so, so much.” Each whisper spills out heavier than the last, mirroring the increasing pressure of his thumb—your lip almost bruising from how hard he’s pinching them.
How long has it been? He can’t remember the last time he felt the warmth of your touch, your skin… eons too long without your pillowy lips pressed against his has left him completely starved.
“You can’t leave me…” A murmur too quiet to pick up. His gaze, now half-lidded, drifts downward in a drunken daze. “My wife. My good little wife. You love me too, right?”
Without warning, he leans in to close the minuscule gap.
And it’s all too fast and soon because you can feel the suffocating heat of his proximity, the chilling shared breath floating between the tight space. It’s all too much. So, in the last second, you hesitate, pulled from your stupor as you turn your head away.
But he’s not having it. Not when you’re already in the palm of his hand and he’s so fucking close. When he can already taste the opportunity to finally take out the trash and parasites leeching off you, to call up that godforsaken shithole you call a stable, steady-paying job and quit on your behalf, to have you all to himself—a blank slate to knock up with several kids and mold into the perfect little housewife he's always wanted you to be. God, he's already hard at the thought.
Grabbing your jaw firmly, he jerks your face back towards him, thumb roughly wedging between your lips and prying your mouth open.
“Baby.” The endearment spills out, sharp and cold, stripped of any warmth it might've once held.
His gentle veneer cracks ever so slightly, and for the briefest moment, you see something else. A flicker beneath the mask—raw, ugly, messy. It gnaws at the edges of your mind, dredging up something you can’t quite grasp. A memory?
“Gimme a small kiss, hmm?” Despite the smile on his face, there is no kindness to it. Just a twisted caricature warning you that you shouldn’t push further.
All of a sudden you feel like you can’t breathe, weighed down by the unsettling intensity of his stare. The man in front of you—the one claiming he's your husband and calling you “baby,” the one touching you—feels wrong. He’s a stranger, you remind yourself. An almost involuntary shiver runs down your spine, like your body remembers something your mind refuses to.
At this point, your husband has caught on to your rather obvious spiralling. He’s not an idiot—he can see your doubt giving way to panic. He contemplates smoothing things over by playing nice, but the selfish part of him ultimately wins.
He squeezes your jaw, nails biting into your skin.
“Kiss me.”
It isn’t a request this time.
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apricot-blossomss · 3 months ago
Is it okay if I ask what type of s/o would the Gods be into? I find that really interesting and would like to hear your opinion since I really love your writing <3<3
This request came just right, bc I really want to write but I'm mad busy rn, and this was a lot of fun! so I kinda wrote for ... everyone.
If you're conventionally attractive, you are in Zeus' dating pool. You're exceptionally beautiful? I'm so sorry. Once he has set his eyes on you, you are not safe anywhere. There is no other factor that matters, except maybe if you're exceptionally hospitable and kind to guests, which might attract his attention. Which is not a good thing.
Poseidon would love someone unpredictable, someone who never gets boring and never fails to surprise him or catch him off guard. He'd love the excitement of it all and is generally pulled to exciting and outgoing people, but also people who are more introverted but break out of their shell at unexpected times.
If Hades had a type, it would for sure be someone a little more ... alive than him. He's clearly going for that opposites attract thing, just look at Persephone. Also, I reckon he'd like someone who can stand up for themselves, as standing up to his brothers was always very hard for him and he would admire you greatly for it.
Demeter would like someone who is humble, orderly and respectful and appreciative of the beauties of nature. Someone who finds joy in the little things and never fails to call their grandma for her birthday.
To be honest- you don't have a romantic chance with neither Hera nor Athena, Artemis or Hestia. Though I thought it would be fun to make some platonic headcanons for what kind of mortal they would take interest in in a platonic way.
Hera admires loyalty, it doesn't even have to be to a spouse, it can also be your family or friends. Also, she appreciates people who remain strong even in the face of long term hardships or anguish, and it might earn you her favor. It's not that she pities you, but that she admires your strength to keep fighting. Also, she'd love to talk shit about men with you as much as the next goddess...
Artemis isn't about the whole opposites attract thing. As with Orion, she is likely to make friends with someone who shares her interests, as she also surrounds herself with her huntresses. She loves to talk about hunting and the wild and would like someone who isn't afraid to get themselves dirty. If you're a guy, it's pretty hard to get in her good grades though.
Athena is all in for academic weapons. Critical thinkers, challenging the status quo and earning great archivements. Someone she could have an intellectual conversation with, who offers new points of argument and is able to hold their own in an argument, she is the goddess of warfare after all...
I don't think there is anyone Hestia doesn't like, though she would favor people who spend a lot of time with their family and are kind and hospitable to others. Kindness to strangers is something she very much appreciates.
Apollo doesn't really have a type. His mortal lovers are symbolic for his creative inspirations, so he would not settle for a type but be all over the board. The variety of his lovers concludes that Apollo isn't looking for a specific kind of person. He simply watches or spends time with someone and BAM he's completely and utterly in love. He does love himself an artsy spouse though.
Ares needs someone calm and peaceful- it might seem a little contradictory, but Ares needs someone to ground him, to listen to him and provide the calm for his storm. Actually, he's all for domesticity, though a hot love affair doesn't turn him away either. If his spouse had a strong personality and could stand up for themselves, he would really respect that, but he would also be your guard dog if that wasn't the case. Ares just needs someone to love him unconditionally, quite like the next god on the list.
Not to be disrespectful but Hephaestus does not care who you are, he's just happy with someone who treats him with dignity. Be kind to him and he is putty in your hands. After all his family put him through, he'd also appreciate someone to rant about them to, who can also sit in silent understanding with him at other times. But honestly, he isn't setting the bar very high.
Not to call her vain, but you would have to be insanely beautiful to be on Aphrodites radar. She simply considers herself too good to spend her time on anyone who isn't pleasing to her eye- and that really cuts down the pool of potential lovers. Also, she would only stay around for someone who is ready to give their full attention to her at all times, she is a very demanding lover.
I think Hermes would want someone who is able to keep up with him, but also root him when he overdoes it a little. It would take quite a lot for him to actually stick around, because for him to make time in his busy schedule, he'd have to be head over heels in love.
Dionysus would probably not have a specific type either, simply because he wouldn't want to cut short his dating pool. Though he would like someone who is able to let loose at least sometimes and surrender to his pull of madness and ecstasy.
Extra: Eros would mostly go for someone attractive, but he wouldn't let that be the only factor. Just as the unpredictable and surprising nature of his arrows, Eros could fall for anybody, picking out a trait he loves about them and obsessing over it for the day (I'm thinking 'Someone New' by Hozier if you know what I mean).
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miange1 · 2 months ago
Dexter, Angel, Brian, and James with someone who has a baby face w/ a deep voice
head cannons, male reader, reader has high moans, brian is a freak, doaks is secretly a freak, being way too curious with someone, they don't realize it's cause they're turned on and have a thing for you, spanish speaking reader on angel, kinda based off me, reader can be shorter or taller i really don't care
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— didn't expect that out of you, by any means. you were the person who had called him to the crime scene, and since he had never really met you, he didn't expect to see that you're the one behind the call.
"There any blood?"
He meant to speak to angel, yet you answered right behind him and scaring the hell out of him.
"It's over here." He caught himself looking around, that couldn't have come from you? Could it? You had the face someone would steal a lollipop from.
"Uh..yeah, lead the way." He was so fixated on your face. Big, doe eyes your pretty soft lips parting at every 'ah..' of understandment. His mouth went dry even looking at you, why hadn't he noticed you before?
— When the two of you got together, it was very clear he had a thing for your voice. Especially whilst having sex, and he surely didn't expect your moans to be so high? Guess something made up for that pretty face of yours.
— Each time he was inside, he loved the way low groans turned into such needy and whiny moans for him. It turned him on when you talked him through, slow sex had him crumbing to you.
"Fuck..Dexter.." He thrusted inside slowly, taking in every single 'yes' and 'so good' Dexter himself wasn't at all a quiet person in bed, grunting and groaning along with you letting your own voices mix. He was so damn lucky.
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— Yeah, you creeped him the fuck out.
— He wasn't one to care on people's voices, but damn did you get surgery or something? He might have called you 'kid' or something if you didn't sound like death crawling from hell itself.
— He was told to go to you for some sort of files, finding you at your desk.
"You the one I'm looking for? I need those files." He couldn't lie, his heart almost melted at the way you looked up at him. Was his voice too rough? Did he hurt your feelings? Damn.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome."
Holy fuck.. nevermind.
— He made a rule for you not to sneak up behind him and to randomly start speaking. Scared the shit out of him when you did that.
"Right, Morgan said the victim had put up a fight before she was hit in the head, and—"
"What happened?"
"Oh my God— never again! Never do that again."
"Hm? What did I do?"
— He weirdly liked your face. Well, the cheeks of your face. If you did something dumb you would feel his fingers harshly punch at the soft skin of them. It was cute, he wouldn't lie about that. Your face stretching out as you whined for him to let go. It made his day, it really did.
— Now sex on the other hand, he would never reveal that to anyone. He was a professional, but on his own he would think of it from time to time. The way you would moan out his name, making that voice of yours crumble just from slipping the tip inside of you. His head would be on your shoulder, his own voice soft and talking you through it. He did that on purpose, so his ear would be close to your mouth. He desperately needed to hear it.
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(he's so glorious i love him.)
— Debra was having another situation in which a witness couldn't speak English well, or understand it too much and he had been busy with someone else. So they called you over instead.
"Entiendo señora, haremos lo mejor que podamos pero por favor debe calmarse." Damn. He got distracted, drowning out the voice of who he was supposed to be listening to. Watching your face go into a look of understanding as the woman in the front of you hyperventilated, your voice so deep yet so calming as you rubbed her back and soothed her the best you could.
— He loved when you spoke spanish, whether it be small curses, or exclaims of excitement. He loved it all. But when you were speaking to him, he went all still. He could admire your voice from afar, yet right in front of him? No, absolutely not.
"Morning Angel," He froze up, snapping out of it quickly so he could at least muster up something back. "Yeah.." Yeah. Yeah? Was that the best he could do, jesus..
— Never had he expected to get with you. Let alone be able to fuck you. He was nervous at first. What was he supposed to do? He knew what to do, but he didn't at the same time. It was mostly a matter of being nervous rather than you being the first guy he's done it with.
"This feel good?" Paying attention to every single sound or movement you made, looking at you as if you were the light of his life. Your little 'Mhm' as he held your body close, going inside slowly and letting his hands squeeze at your hips and waist, soothing them.
"Oh, Angel.." Your accent made him shiver, his eyes fluttering shut and rolling back the more he thrusted inside. "Perfect.." He muttered, kissing your skin softly. "So perfect."
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— Overtime, he would develop a weird liking to your throat. Everytime you spoke, he'd pay attention to your Adams apple and watching it bob as you spoke. He just wanted to choke you.
— Though first hearing you, he didn't know whether or not to be surprised or turned on. He found you weirdly unique, obsessed with your voice and always gave you reasons to talk. He would learn about your interest, just to make you talk even more.
"Oh, and my favorite actor had played in this movie and I feel as if.." and blah, blah, blah..
— He was listening, he swore it! And if he wasn't listening he had gotten some sort of recorder, just so he make use of it later on.
His cock leaked the more he moved his hand up and down. Trying to force himself to be quiet enough so that he could hear your voice clearly.
"Fuck.." Imagining you riding him, moaning like you depended on riding him and like you absolutely needed him. Voice wavering to whimpers and high moans— hell, he needed that so badly.
— Next day, he'd face you like nothing happened. Greeting you with a smile as you walked through the station.
"Morning Rudy!"
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robo-writing · 3 months ago
Hello!! I came from your single mom one shot and I am in love with how you write Logan. Could we have a worst!Logan and wife!reader at a bar and he’s getting hit on relentlessly by a girl who won’t take the hint even though he has stated that he is happily married MULTIPLE TIMES and then reader comes in and rips the girl a new asshole and Logan likes it a little too much and practically drags her home to fuck because of how hot he got from her getting angry and defending him?
How very Beth Dutton of you op! The girl that stands in front of him flashes him a smile—pearly whites, black hair that reaches down to her back, topped off with a low-cut shirt and a pair of jeans that draw the eye of everyone behind the bar—everyone except him that is.
He knows what she wants from him before she can utter a single word, eyes shamelessly moving across his body with not a hint of subtlety. A few years earlier and it might've worked, she's cute enough. A vixen, all doe-eyed and determined, if he was a younger man she might've been his type. But that's all in the past; she's cute, Logan thinks to himself, but she's not his wife. His eyes don't move from where you're standing at the bar, barely giving the girl more than a passing glance as she speaks. "Hey there, mind if I keep you company?" He almost rolls his eyes, but he keeps himself in check in hopes that he can resolve this without any trouble.
"I do unfortunately," he says, flashing the pretty gold band around his finger as he takes another swig of his beer. His fingers play with the ring around his finger, smiling to himself like a love-struck fool when he remembers what it symbolizes. He'd hope that would be the end of it, but unfortunately for him, it is.
The gal's either too drunk or too pig-headed to get the hint, so instead of backing away she leans in real close, too damn close—close enough that it starts to draw your attention from across the bar.
Suddenly your interest isn't in your drink anymore, and before you can walk closer Logan puts his hands up, mouths out lemme handle this, before speaking up again. "Listen, I'm a taken man." He says with a sigh, giving her his full attention. It doesn't deter her in the slightest, a coy smile tugging on the ends of her lips. "That's a shame. Your wife know you're here?" "She does," he nods with a smile, "and she's right over there." He points right to you, where you raise your glass with a thin-lipped smile, sarcasm evident in your body language. He can tell you're in a good mood tonight because you haven't dragged the girl by the hair yet, and he'd rather not ruin the night because she can't take a hint. Surely, she'll leave—except she doesn't. No, she does the exact opposite; she looks back and sees you, laser-focused on the two of them, and with all the audacity in the world, she fucking smiles back. You almost shatter the damn glass in your hand. "Oh, that's alright," she whispers with a wink. "Lemme go talk to her." His eyebrow damn near reaches his hairline, looking at the young girl as if she's truly lost her damn mind. Normally he wouldn't give a damn if someone wants to catch their death, but he takes pity on her for the sole reason that he really doesn't want to get kicked out. "I don't think that's a good idea." "Don't worry," she says, and to put the icing on the cake she puts her hand on his chest, loops her fingers around his dog tags and tugs him down. "I can handle myself." With that one gesture he knows she's just sealed her fate. No, you can't, he wants to say, but she's already making her way across the bar where you stand, looking like hell itself. You know he doesn't have eyes for anyone else but you, but it doesn't matter—someone else touched what's yours, so you have to remind Logan where home is. He's not really sure if he should feel happy that his girl is so protective of him, or sad that he's about to get kicked out of his favorite bar. Logan sighs and puts his beer down, reaching into his pocket and dialing 9-1-1 just as the telltale sound of glass shattering echoes across the bar. It really is a shame—he liked this bar too. The only good thing that comes from tonight—minus the visual of you with blood across your face—is the jaw-dropping sex that ensues the moment the two of you get home, remnants of rage seeping through every touch as you drag him upstairs by the collar. He's more than happy to let you take the lead, content in being your personal scapegoat if it means he gets to see you bounce on his lap like a woman possessed.
Lips intertwined, clothes askew and hair tousled. The taste of iron—a split lip, he remembers—then moans into your mouth when he remembers how you got it. Is it wrong to say you look your most beautiful when you're mad? He doesn't give a shit if it is, especially if his punishment is your pussy gripping him like a vice. He likes you like this—jealous, protective—it's what drew him to you in the first place, how you bite down on what's your and refuse to let go. From the moment you saw him you staked your claim and he was more than happy to follow you for the ride. "You like it when she touched you?" You mutter, lips pressed against his as you ride him for all your worth. Sweat beads off his brow, eyes closed in bliss, he nods his head no but it's not enough—you want to hear him say it. You teeth dig into the skin of his shoulder, a delicious groan erupting from him as you repeat yourself. "Answer me Lo, did you fucking like it?" "No, no—" he gasps, hands wandering across your body. "Wasn't even looking at her, swear to god—" "And who were you looking at?" you ask, and the answer makes your walls flutter across his cock. He lets you hear him loud and clear, giving you a lop-sided grin as he thrusts up into you.
"You, sweetheart, only you." "Louder," you moan, scratching at the expanse of his back, encouraging him. He repeats himself, fucking into your gushing cunt, his words bringing you to a new high with every thrust. His words are long, drawn out, caught in his throat as he struggles between speaking and catching his breath. "Only got eyes for you baby—fuckin' christ—" He speaks long after you've stopped, so engrossed in pleasure you can barely hear anything beyond your ringing ears and the slap of your ass against his thighs. "All yours baby, all fuckin' yours."
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wandixx · 3 months ago
Day 2: "There is only so much you can do for the dead"
Trigger warning: mention of character death (who would have thought xD)
Something was off. Not enough to call it wrong, but eno8gh to be an obvious break in routine. M’gann could feel it in her bones.
Not only was Phantom still with them, in the Mountain, even though everything mission related was over, he was nervous too. The one sure thing about Phantom was that he didn't get nervous, no matter if he faced Batman, Light or almost god-like ghosts, he took them on with an easy smile and he always went back to Amity Park as fast as he could after mandatory Young Justice activities.
Rest of the Team caught onto it too, but they put on a good show of looking relaxed and unbothered. Wally went off to storm the kitchen, Robin and Artemis dropped on the couch, only feet and told of the ponytail visible over the backrest. Kaldur and Conner took armchairs, either reading (or rather holding the book opened on the random page) or nodding off (sitting with his eyes closed). Normally M’gann would either drift to the kitchen or get whoever occupied the couch to make some space for her, but as it was, she kept standing so Phantom would feel less awkward from his place by the door. He looked like he considered bolting and ever coming back. M'gann smiled at him.
She liked Phantom. He was kind and funny, always beyond helpful. He wasn't the best at combat, be it aerial or on the ground, but he was willing to listen and learn. He was a good listener. He understood her struggle with Mars better than she expected anyone on Earth. He had a pretty smile.
There was no sign of it now.
“So…” Phantom started and everyone whipped around to look at him. Even Wally “coincidentally“ got back from the kitchen right at that moment (M’gann called him, like he asked) “I know it's not something we do, but uhm… do you maybe have a spare room I could borrow on Monday? Soundproof if you have it?”
Robin dropped back down, but turned on his wrist computer and jumped between some pages. M’gann didn't see a point in that, since they obviously had spare soundproof rooms, but she kept quiet. Robin usually knew what he was doing.
“No problem, why though?”
Phantom winced, rubbing the back of his neck. M'gann's nose wrinkled when she sensed a tangled mess of his feelings but she (barely) stopped herself from looking deeper. He wouldn't like it in the slightest.
Small red dot blinked from Robin's computer. He was recording it. Smart move.
“It's… it's a bit… ugh, I don't know how to even start”
“Take your time”
“I've been taking my time for two weeks, it's time I actually say it” he groaned, rubbed his face so hard it got a little bit greener and started again “Apparently, ghosts have this thing called Death Day and mine is coming. During this time, I'll re-live… re-die… re-experience my death and then just lie unresponsive for a few hours. It's supposed to lessen with time, but it's my first so… you know”
Everyone froze for a moment. It's not that they didn't know that Phantom was a ghost and ergo that he died, but… it was easy to forget when he had so many powers that for M’gann saw as normal, it was easy to forget with the way he bled, it was easy to forget with how he talked about his live still in present tense, it was easy to forget with how painfully normal he tried to be all the time.
But then he'd say something and make them remember. No matter how many times it happened, it was never easier to remember.
“That's… rough,” Wally muttered awkwardly.
“Yeah. I'm kinda scared actually.”
“No shit, it sounds terrifying even as a concept. Though, why soundproof?” Artemis asked, more curious than demanding. Phantom curled in on himself, looking and feeling like he needed only a slightest trigger to fully disappear.
“I will be screaming. Of course, I don't remember the time I actually died, but I was told I screamed, really loud. I don't want you to hear it. No need for you to feel guilty over something that already happened”
This felt… weird and M’gann wanted to elaborate but then Phantom’s phone buzzed and in five seconds flat he was out with a last yell of:
“Something came up in Amity, gotta go!”
“Hey Phantom, we've got an idea about your D Day”
“Never call it that again, I swear to God Kod Flash”
“Alright, alright. But do you want to hear our idea?”
“We thought we could get you something for your grave. Aqualad reached out to some contacts to learn more about ghost stuff and apparently it should help”
“Huh, that's nice. There is only one problem”
“I don't have a grave”
They were supposed to have a free afternoon, they already got all adults to back off, even Robin went to convince Batman to cancel all of the training and missions planned. They didn't explain why. Phantom hadn't said a word about adults, it felt like a betrayal to mention it outside of their circle.
They were supposed to have a free afternoon, so they could keep Phantom safe and be close in case he needed anything even if he said he'd rather have them as far as he could. They weren’t going to listen in of course, but there was no way they'd stay away.
They were supposed to have a free afternoon, but then, right after Phantom showed up, alarms started blaring, because it had to be the day when there was an emergency in Happy Harbour and they were the only ones on the watch. Because of course there was.
And of course Phantom went with them despite the protests, waving them off by saying his Death Day shouldn't start for a bit longer.
It wasn't reassuring.
Especially not with how he stumbled halfway through the hangar and was loopy in a way M’gann could sense without even a psychic glance in his direction.
“When exactly is your Death Day? Like, do we have hours or minutes?” Conner asked, clearly worried about his friend.
Phantom leaned awkwardly on the rough wall, trying and failing to look relaxed and casual instead of barely keeping himself upright.
“I'm not quite sure honestly–”
Robin, maybe a bit frantically, waved at the ghost to make him follow.
“Chill Artemis, please. My senses are already going haywire, I would really appreciate it if everyone stuck to their indoor voice. Death Day mess starts only when I'm feeling safe, so don't worry, it wouldn't hinder the rescue”
“That's literally not the point but you seem out of it right now, we will talk when you're lucid again,” Artemis sighed, and nodded at M’gann who raised Phantom off the floor after he stumbled on the even ground for the third time.
They were following Robin, who was posturing confidence while he led the way to the room he picked, but without the usual bounce to his step. Wally was on Phantom’s other side with a plate of cookies he somehow got in the meantime, as if it gave him any purpose to follow other than worry, while everyone else trailed behind, not bothering with even a thin veil to cover their concern.
Even Phantom caught onto that, despite being almost loopy enough to start some deep philosophical debate with the next “incredibly intelligent looking” shadow, but kept it to himself. As far as M’gann could tell without going in deeper, he seemed happy if moved by all of their attention.
“How else can we help you?“ Kaldur asked, growing more and more angry with silence and inability to do anything of use.
“N'thin’” ghost slurred “Lithewally. ‘m suwe you want t’ help buh… buh… ‘m already dead, you c’n't do ‘nythin’. You c'n't save muh. No ned f’r you t’ see it. F'rget ‘bout it”
Nobody said anything to that, because what could they say?
Robin opened the door solemnly and M’gann carried Phantom over to the bed while everyone else came in, dragged in by both concern and morbid curiosity. Phantom refused to settle in though, desperately looking at each of them.
“Please, promise you'll forget about that” he begged again, in the surprising moment of lucidity.
“We will” Someone lied.
“Thanks. Now go,” Phantom said with a choked up smile before going limp like a puppet without strings. For a long moment nobody moved, just staring as Phantom’s body laid unmoving, as if they were watching a car accident that they just couldn't drag their eyes away from.
“Rigor mortiss is settling in” Artemis posted out with horrible emptiness in her voice. Robin suddenly looked ill. Wally put down the cookie plate on the nightstand with a loud clatter, before booking it out of there and dragging Artemis and Kaldur out with him. M’gann caught Conner and Robin, both still to stunned to move on their own, and lead them out at much slower but still quite hasty pace.
First gut wrenching scream rang out before the door fully closed.
There was no way they'd ever forget that.
part 2
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hwnglx · 2 months ago
dating jungkook - q&a
physical ideal type, how to catch his attention, as a boyfriend, love languages (give and receive), favorite type of dates, jealousy, etc.
based on tarot. i do not know these idols personally. energies are always changing. what i say is NOT straight fact. pls take it with a grain of salt!
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what physical traits in a person is jungkook most attracted to?
well-balanced features
humble, effortless and natural beauty (i keep seeing bare faces in my mind's eye)
sophisticated, well-groomed and clean
takes good care of their appearance
curves! (especially the top area)
graceful movement
soft and pretty hands
❥ more specific traits could include:
red lips
baby face
sharp face
black hair
light hair
long hair
straight hair
white clothing
beauty marks
i keep seeing iu in my mind's eye, dressed in this long and beautiful white dress.
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she sums up his physical ideal type in many ways. i can see him feeling drawn to people who have this fairy-like aesthetic.
however! i do have to say, i can see him feeling attracted to several types of looks. he's not as specific in his preferences as others; more open-minded in that regard.
for example, i absolutely see him liking girls whose aesthetics are on the “baddie” side as well. someone with tattoos or piercings, and more casual but edgy clothing. he for sure really likes it when someone just has a lot of sex-appeal.
one thing i keep getting though, is that he likes people who are well-put together and look after themselves. he definitely likes people who put effort into maintaining their looks, but don't look like they try too hard; let's say someone who works out regulary, eats healthy, takes care of their skin. things like that.
he seems like the type to like it when his partner can do both; glamorous and fancy on special occasions (like going to the red carpet together all dolled and dressed up), and more casual, laidback and natural when alone with him.
❥ possible rising signs he could feel attracted to:
what does it take to catch jungkook's attention?
he finds it intriguing when a person is intelligent, bold and wellspoken. lets say both of you are in a group of people; if all of you get into a discussion, and you're the one standing out by the way you express yourself in an eloquent, impactful and strong manner, that can very much intrigue him. people whose words have depth; a voice that doesn't raise often but once it does, it makes everyone in the room shut up and listen.
he feels drawn to individuals who are independent, knowledgeable, fair-minded and self-sufficient. i also keep hearing “frank” .. someone who's direct and honest with him. jungkook likes it when people aren't too shy or afraid to talk back at him, and humble him. he definitely enjoys a challenge and feeling like he needs to prove himself to someone first.
he also likes it when someone doesn't put him on a pedestal due to his status, and doesn't approach him with starstruck eyes, and unrealistic expectations he can't reach. he likes it when a person isn't intimidated or burdened by his presence, and is capable of simply putting his fame to the side; just see him as a human being.
how does jungkook act when someone catches his attention?
basically, man loses all focus. once someone actually catches his eye, that person can quickly become all he sees. like tunnel vision, forget about everything and everyone else, you're all i see. he can lose his inner composure, and get kinda obsessive of the thought of them. it's likely he'll struggle looking away and find himself naturally observing them a lot.
i'm in his energy, and i keep feeling like.. “oh wow, i need to be with them and approach them before anyone else can”
i can feel his possessive vein coming out quite fast, and him being worried the person might possibly be snatched away by someone else. so, it's likely for him to act quickly.
if there's an opportunity for him to get to them, he will for sure take it. though i have to say, he's definitely the self-conscious type to overanalyse things; like the way they reacted, and worry about the things he said in the heat of the moment.
how does jungkook act in the beginning of a relationship?
okay, this went deeper than i expected. i will try to keep it as understandable as i can.
as i mentioned before, and i keep getting this (the four of cups comes up without fail), this man can feel empty, lacking and apathetic a lot.. big part of the reason as to why he can get so attached to his s/o, is because he naturally puts the entirety of himself into his romantic partners.
jungkook's lovers can quickly become his safe space; his main source of comfort. the first place he seeks if he needs some peace. once he feels like he finally (this can take a while!) found a person he can comfortably pour his heart and soul out to, he can have the tendency to overdo it a little.
i just see him latching onto the person he's with, in hopes of them being able to fill this emotional void he can experience when on his own. he naturally expects a lot from them for this reason. like “i need you to fill the things i lack.”
i keep seeing an image of a diamond in my hand. imagine you found this diamond made out glass. you feel like it's so precious, because it gives you everything you asked for in life. it makes things seem brighter, more beautiful, enriches you. you will hold onto it for dear life, not ever letting it go anywhere else, out of fear of it slipping out of your grip; but this could potentially lead to the diamond breaking in your hands, since you just can't expect glass to be as hard as steel.
this reflects his dynamic with his lovers quite well; he can often make his partners the centers of his life, “dump” a lot of his expectations on to them, be immensely and obsessively protective over them out of fear of them being damaged, or taken away from him. however, this has the potential to put a lot of weight on their shoulders, which some people might have problems dealing with.
he can be contradictory in a sense, because make no mistake; jungkook will want to do all the work for you in a physical realm. it's almost like he overcompensates in the areas he's comfortable with. (especially acts of service)
he's the type to be like “don't work, i will work, you shouldn't tire yourself out. don't carry that upstairs, i will do it for you. are you exhausted? is one pillow not enough? don't worry, i will buy you two.” i can sense this genuine desire to make his lovers feel good in their relationship, and take care of them.
but, he's this case of.. you can't love anyone else in a healthy manner, if you don't learn to love yourself first.
he wants to give his lovers everything they deserve, and to an extent he does; but he still has his emotionally needy tendencies, since a lot of his inner issues remain unresolved. this as a result, can lead to jk naturally putting a lot of the relationship on his partner's back, without even intending to.
what is jungkook's love language? how does he like to receive and give?
❥ give:
acts of service
whatever he can get done for you, he will. the type to try and cook your favourite meal because you said you craved it the other day, even if he's not the best chef in his eyes. he'd probably end up embarrassed, overanalyze your reaction and tell you he's sorry about the dish being so bad. the type to love helping you out with anything; e.g. give him the task of building a new shelf you bought, he will do it and put the entirety of his effort in. i can also see him loving to drive you around, or carry your heavy shopping bags.
physical touch
he'll love to just have you close to him. it's almost like everything's okay once you're near him and he can physically feel you with him. a lot of possessive hand holding, sneaky and subtle but electrifying touches. the type to beg for a kiss over and over because he can't get enough, even if you get annoyed at some point; that'd just rile him up even more. (he'd grin all smug and amused) also random insight i got, but he seems like the type to love carrying his partners around. whether that's in a playful manner, or during e.g. the foreplay of more intimate intercourses. (like carrying you upstairs)
quality time/physical intercourse
he has a very powerful drive, and is the type to bond and connect a lot over physical intercourse. confident, incredibly sensual, intense and passionate lover in bed. i do see him letting off steam this way as well.
❥ receive:
words of affirmation
i got the empress card, which is the mother figure.
jk likes receiving comfort, support and reassurance from his lovers. he wants them to give him this feeling of “this person accepts, and loves me for everything i am.”
think of a mothers love; it's pure, unconditional and forgiving.
he's someone who desires an intuitive, and emotionally intelligent person who can give him both; tough, and soft love.
someone who's tough and honest when he needs a reality check or fist on the table, as well as a sweet nurturer, who's able to attune themselves to him emotionally, and reassure him in a gently supportive manner when he's in need of it.
he just wants someone he can have that subconscious connection and natural understanding with; a person who can almost read his mind by just one look at his face.
what kind of dates does jungkook enjoy the most?
first of all, when it comes to dates; jk likes being the initiator. the one who plans it all and has the ideas. this seems to be another way in which he likes to flex and display his affection. planning romantic and beautiful dates. let me give you a few examples that popped into my head.
romantic dinner
high-end restaurant, roses, wine, live jazz music, candlelit, dim and warm lighting, kinda like the first scene in seven -> i can also see him liking to reserve the entire restaurant out in advance, so that you're the only people in there. or planning the dinner to be on a rooftop while the sun is setting. it just needs to feel intimate.. like there's no one, but the two of you.
night walks
i can see him loving to be in a calm and serene atmosphere with his partners. he's someone who would love sneaking out at night after a long stressful day, to unwind and comfortably walk along the hangkang together with his lover, and the beautiful night scenery surrounding them. just having deep conversations and enjoying each other's presence.
educating yourselves together
he'd love to learn something together. maybe take on a new hobby with his partner; like a cooking course, or learning a new language. engaging in some kind of sport, or gym dates.
one thing that keeps coming through, is him genuinely wanting to feel like they're a “normal” couple.
he's incredibly adamant on fiercely protecting his lover from all the negative attention or haters, and escaping crazy people who try to dig their nose into their business. but at the same time, he doesn't want the relationship or his partner to feel uncomfortable. he can often seek normalcy in his private life.
how does jungkook act when he's jealous?
cold. he distances himself. if not physically, emotionally. leaves you to figure out what's wrong on your own for a while. let's say jk caught you talking to some other guy across the room; he will hate the sight and it will trigger a switch in him.
he'll feel threatened by the guy. he just taps out of sweet and accommodating boyfriend mode, into his darker and resentful energy. jealousy is something which can trigger many of his inner fears and insecurities. he might silently take deep breaths to press down his frustration and try his best not to make it obvious in his facial expression, but his face can easily drop and grow increasingly serious.
i don't see him as the type to impulsively confront his partner or be very vocal about how he feels, but moreso internalize his negative emotions and try to process them by distracting himself with other things or withdrawing into his own space. a lot of that comes from him not wanting to explode in your face, honestly. you'll have to dig slowly and approach him in a very patient way for him to open up.
he will feel left alone, there's some sadness here. he'll feel wronged, and like his fears were validated. his judgement is likely to be very clouded in that moment; even if you want to explain it as a misunderstanding, it's likely he won't wanna hear any of it for a while. he might collect information on the guy you talked to though, like asking his friends who he is, etc.
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vanteguccir · 6 months ago
Can you do hc of nerd!matt and popular! reader sfw and nsfw 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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SUMMARY :: a life with nerd!Matt and popular!Y/N.
FEATURING nerd!Matt Sturniolo x popular!reader
AUTHOR'S NOTE :: that is my work, I DON'T authorize any form of plagiarism; copy, "inspiration" or translation! | english isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
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01. SFW ─ 
── nerd!Matt who always had his nose buried in books, and never expected anyone to notice him.
── nerd!Matt who stayed behind after class, talking to the teacher about his favorite physics theories or latest computer coding project.
── nerd!Matt who was more than a little surprised when Y/N, the popular girl everyone adored, approached him.
── nerd!Matt who couldn't believe it when she kept coming back. Why would someone as popular and beautiful as Y/N want to hang out with a loser like him?
── nerd!Matt who thought that maybe it was some kind of joke, but as days passed, he realized that she really liked talking to him, listening to his rambles about the latest scientific discoveries or the plot of the new sci-fi novel he was engrossed in.
── nerd!Matt who would often pull Y/N into his arms no matter where they were, pressing soft kisses to her temple and murmuring how much he loved her, how pretty she was and how lucky he was to have her.
── nerd!Matt who was attentive, always noticing the little things, like when she had a rough day and needed some cheering up, or when she wore a new perfume.
── popular!Y/N who, on the other hand, was the more outgoing of the two, and loved spoiling Matt, buying him little gifts, like a new set of headphones or a rare comic book.
── nerd!Matt who would always blush, insisting she didn’t need to give him all of that, but she could see the joy in his eyes whenever he received something from her.
── nerd!Matt who would help Y/N with her assignments, patiently explaining concepts she didn’t understand. He had a knack for teaching, making even the most complicated topics seem simple.
── popular!Y/N who loved having coffee dates with him, sitting close to him, his voice soothing and steady as he told her about some random thing. He’d often get carried away, rambling on and on, and Y/N would just sit there, chin resting on her hand, listening to him with blown wide pupils.
── popular!Y/N who was always there for Matt, supporting him in his dreams, encouraging him to pursue his passions.
── popular!Y/N who would go out of her way to make his life easier, like bringing him his favorite snacks during late-night study sessions or surprising him with a coffee in the morning before classes.
── nerd!Matt who is totally obsessed with Y/N, and is always finding a way to bring her up in every conversation, gushing about everything she'd ever done, "oh, my girlfriend taught me this", "my girlfriend loves that music", "my girlfriend comes here all the time", "my girlfriend said...".
── nerd!Matt who's favorite thing to do is watching her cheerleader practice, and who has her whole schedule memorized and, during busy days, he always find a way to surprise her with her favorite snacks or only his presence.
── popular!Y/N who is always leaving short, sweet notes with little doodles and slips them into Matt's locker, always making sure to be close when he opens the door, only to see his cheeks turn into a bright red and his lips form a shy smile.
── nerd!Matt who, even though isn't into big parties or social gatherings, if Y/N wants to go to one, he shows up to support her, staying by her side and making sure she feels special.
── nerd!Matt who always find a way to meet her between classes and insists on carrying her bag and making sure she gets to her next one in time, even if he already has his many books on his hands and it causes him to get late to his next class.
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02. NFSW ─ 
── nerd!Matt who is incredibly shy and insecure before their first time. He had never been with anyone before Y/N, and he was terrified of messing things up.
── nerd!Matt who feels inadequate with his lack of experience, especially when he compares himself to Y/N’s previous relationships, turning him self-conscious about his body, not sure if he was attractive enough for her.
── popular!Y/N who was always patient with him and never pressured him into anything, always letting him set the pace.
── popular!Y/N who made sure he felt comfortable and safe when they had sex for the first time, being gentle and reassuring him with soft touches and kind words.
── popular!Y/N who always showed him how much she adored his body, kissing every inch of him, making him feel cherished and loved, melting away his insecurities, allowing him to relax and enjoy their moments together.
── nerd!Matt who, with time, became more confident, and started embracing his body.
── nerd!Matt who take his time to learn what Y/N liked, where to touch and how to do it and turn his girl in a brainless doll.
── nerd!Matt who maintains his shy, reserved demeanor in public, blushing whenever Y/N gets too close, but in the moment they're alone, it's like a switch flips.
── nerd!Matt who has full control over her, manhandling Y/N with firm hands and intense eyes, loving the way she melts under his touch.
── nerd!Matt who has his mind constantly filled with the most sinful thoughts about Y/N, it doesn't matter where he is or what he's doing; her naked and perfect little body is always there.
── nerd!Matt who, during classes, fantasizes about taking her right then and there, bend her over the teacher's table and make her moan his name as loud as she can, begging for more.
── nerd!Matt who is a pussy addicted, and makes Y/N sit on his face whenever they can, her thighs trembling on either side of his head as he eats her out like a starved man.
── nerd!Matt who gets off on the way that she grips his hair, pulling hard as he buries his tongue deep inside her.
── nerd!Matt who is always hard, just one glance at Y/N, and he’s already straining against his pants.
── nerd!Matt who is obsessed with her boobs, whether they're covered by a shirt or not. He can’t help but stare like a pervert, his thoughts immediately drifting to how they’d feel in his hands, how her nipples would harden under his touch.
── nerd!Matt who is vocal about his need for his girl, often whimpering and whining when he’s hard, telling her how much better it would feel if he were inside her, until he can convince her.
── nerd!Matt who can be so desperate, pressing his erection against her thigh or ass, whispering dirty things in her ear about how he wants to bury himself in her warm walls, to feel her clenching around him all day long.
── nerd!Matt who, at school, always finds secluded spots to pull her aside for a heated make-out session, getting out of there with his glasses foggy and his hair messy.
© vanteguccir
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libraryofgage · 1 year ago
Good Vibrations Four
One | Two | Three
It has been a hot minute since I updated Good Vibrations hfjdksl thanks everyone for being patient with me, I just couldn't get this part written the way I wanted to for the loooongest time
There's a meme at the very end for anyone who sticks around!
As always, if you see any typos, no you didn't ;P
Of all the ways for Eddie's free period to go, getting cornered in the boy's bathroom by Robin Buckley was pretty damn low on the list. It's not even Robin's presence in the boy's bathroom that's throwing him off; it's the way her arms are crossed and she's glaring at Eddie like he's just bragged about kicking her puppy down the street.
Eddie pauses just inside the stall, holding the door open as the toilet struggles to flush behind him. A few seconds pass before Eddie forces himself to walk over to the sinks and wash his hands. "Buckley," he says, "to what do I owe the pleasure?"
"We need to talk, Munson," Robin says, her eyes narrowing as Eddie shuts off the faucet, grabs a few paper towels, and dries his hands. "What's your game?"
"D&D, mostly," Eddie replies, dropping the paper towels in the trash and giving Robin his full attention. He notes, briefly, that she's locked the door to the bathroom, ensuring nobody is walking in on them.
"With Steve, asshole."
Eddie pauses, shoves his hands into his pockets, and tilts his head at her. "Still not sure what you mean," he says. He's starting to get an inkling, though.
Robin frowns, seeming to argue with herself before shoving her hands into her hair to push it out of her face. She just leaves it even frizzier and messier as she takes a deep breath. "Do you think Steve is just, like, your entertainment of the week?" she asks, placing her hands on her hips as she levels that same glare from before at him.
"What? Shit, no, of course, not," Eddie says, sliding back a step at the implication. "What the fuck, Buckley?"
She grits her teeth, takes a deep breath, and marches up to Eddie. "Listen, Munson. I know you. I know all about your little Munson Doctrine. I agreed with it once. And because of that, I know you might be thinking of getting to know all about how former King Steve is a...a...a deaf idiot so you can tell the whole fucking world about it," she hisses. "And I'm here to cut that shit off before it even starts. So, if that's your angle, Munson, I suggest you waltz your flat ass out of Steve's life before I bury you in the football field."
There's a lot to unpack there, and Eddie is going to start opening suitcases soon, but first he can't help saying, "My ass isn't flat, Buckley." Robin raises an eyebrow at him and pointedly looks in the mirror. Eddie doesn't follow her gaze, deciding he'd like to spare himself that tragedy.
When she looks back, Eddie clears his throat. "Besides, that's not...that isn't what I'm doing."
"Then what are you doing?"
Eddie looks away, squirming slightly under her gaze. If this were anyone else, if this were someone who hadn't endured the most awkward seven minutes of his life with him, Eddie wouldn't admit a thing. But because it's Robin, because he knows she'll understand even if she doesn't agree, he finds himself blurting, "I think he's cute!"
"Oh? Oh! Oooohhhh."
He can see Robin going on a whole journey over the course of one word repeated three times, and Eddie almost immediately regrets admitting anything. "You can't tell him," Eddie says, moving forward without thinking and grabbing Robin's shoulders. "I'm serious, Buckley, you can't tell Steve."
She blinks, studying his expression for a moment before humming softly. "What do you want me to do? Lie? I tell Steve everything. He'll know if I'm not telling him something," she says.
"Just say it's not your secret to tell! Because it isn't! It very much is not your secret to be sharing around."
Robin huffs and shrugs Eddie's hands off her shoulders. She leans against the sink, head tilted. "So," she says, her tone implying they're changing the subject now, "when did this little crush of yours start?"
"What do you care?"
"If I'm going to help you, Munson, I need to know."
"You're gonna help me?"
Robin grins at him. "This is my entertainment of the week."
Eddie huffs and looks away, pacing a few times from one end of the bathroom to the other before finally stopping. "Okay," he says, more psyching himself up than anything else. "Steve has always been, you know, hot. It made me so fucking angry when I realized in sophomore year since he was a jock and all. But now...now he's...more. And I'm burning up, man, I've gotta know everything. What's his music collection look like? Do the kids know he's deaf? How does he interact with people when he can't hear them? Is he comfortable closing his eyes when he kisses? Does he feel everything more because he can't hear? Wou--"
"Okay, I'm stopping you there," Robin says, her face twisted in disgust as she levels a judgmental look at Eddie. "I don't want to hear your questions about Steve and kissing or whatever else your dirty little brain is thinking of."
"You asked."
"And now I'm telling you to stop," Robin replies. She runs her fingers through her hair again, frowning slightly. "Okay, I think the most important thing here is etiquette."
"Etiquette? What, am I too rough for Steve's delicate sensibilities?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you'd like to avoid offending him the way you did the last time you spoke."
Okay. Fair. Eddie grimaces at the reminder, the image of Steve's frown and the sound of his closed-off voice forcing themselves to the front of his mind. His shoulders slump and he nods. "Yeah, I would," he says.
Robin nods once, pushes herself off the sink, and places her hands on her hips. "Let's start with some basics," she says, taking a deep breath, and Eddie finds himself wondering if he's about to get overwhelmed by these basics. "Don't talk when Steve isn't looking at you. Don't have anything in or covering your mouth when you speak. Talk a little slower and make sure you enunciate, but if you talk slow like Steve is stupid, I will punch you. If Steve asks you to repeat something, repeat it word-for-word, no matter how many times he asks. If someone addresses Steve and he doesn't notice, give him a subtle nudge. Never sneak up on Steve when he's alone. Even if it means more walking or whatever, move to a spot where he'll notice you approaching. Be expressive when you speak. Steve can't hear things like tone, so he doesn't always know when something is a joke or sarcastic. And never, ever, call Steve or anything about him bullshit."
"That last one...," Eddie says, trailing off as he frowns slightly.
"Is the most important. I'm serious, Munson."
"Okay," Eddie says, nodding once and figuring he'll leave it at that.
"Oh, and ask Steve to teach you sign language. It'll give you an excuse to see each other more often."
Robin has been acting weird since she started her shift, and Steve barely manages to wait until he's 95% sure the store is empty to turn around and ask, "What's wrong?"
Her hands falter, nearly dropping the tape she's busy rewinding. She catches herself, though, and looks at Steve. "What do you mean?"
"You're not telling me something. You tell me everything. What's wrong?"
She hesitates, looking away and biting her bottom lip before sighing and looking back. "I learned a secret today, so it's not mine to tell."
"Oh," Steve says, his shoulders relaxing some. "I thought you were hiding something actually important from me."
He doesn't hear her scoff, but he sees the way her head jerks and her eyes roll when she does. "Why would I bother hiding anything from you, dingus?"
Before Steve can answer, Robin stiffens slightly as she looks over Steve's shoulder. He braces himself for the customer interaction he's about to endure, slaps on a fake smile, and turns around. "Welcome to Family Video. How ca--Eddie?" His smile softens into something genuine at seeing Eddie on the other side of the counter. "Hey, man, what's up?"
Eddie flashes a smile in return, glancing at Robin over Steve's shoulder before focusing back on him. "Hey. Just, uh, kinda had a favor to ask you," he says.
Several possibilities run through Steve's mind, all of them related to the kids, since he can't think of any other reason for Eddie to need a favor from him. "Oh," Steve says, frowning slightly in confusion. "What's the favor."
Instead of answering right away, Eddie shifts awkwardly. He looks away, tugging on a few strands of his hair like he's nervous. He starts to use them to cover his mouth, making Steve dread his inevitable request for Eddie to repeat himself, when he stops. Eddie literally freezes, his fingers twitching before he drops the strands of hair and places his hands on the counter like he needs to keep them in sight.
He takes a deep breath, and Steve is starting to get really concerned now. "Hey, Eddie, whatever it is, just ask. I won't get, like, angry or anything," he says, hoping that makes things easier.
"No, I know you won't," Eddie says, huffing softly before nodding once, more to himself than anything else. "I was, uh, thinking. I read once that sign language is, like, a thing. So, if you teach me some sign language, I'll write you a song that's all noise and vibrations."
Steve doesn't get it all at first, concentrating on Eddie's mouth and getting distracted halfway through by the thought of dragging his thumb across Eddie's bottom lip. "Could you repeat that?" he asks, steeling himself to actually pay attention this time.
Eddie doesn't complain. He just nods and repeats himself. Steve got more of it, enough to know what Eddie is asking for, but he finds himself pausing when he meets Eddie's eyes again. There's no annoyance or frustration at being asked to repeat himself. All Steve can see is patience and nervousness. Without thinking, he asks again, "Sorry, one more time please?"
And Eddie says everything again. He repeats himself word-for-word, still lacking any negative reaction to saying the same thing three times. Steve feels something warm settle behind his ribs, and he nervously licks his lips, catching the way Eddie glances down to follow the motion. He shoves his hands into his pockets, balling them into fists so he doesn't do something stupid like grab Eddie's hand. "One more time," Steve says, the words feeling breathy and soft as they brush past his lips, and he hopes he wasn't too quiet.
Eddie blinks, tilting his head slightly and glancing over Steve's shoulder again. Steve hasn't forgotten about Robin being behind him, but he figures he can just play it off as fucking with Eddie at this point. Eddie doesn't complain or ask if Steve is serious, though. He just...repeats himself, and Steve suddenly knows that Eddie would keep repeating himself until Steve got tired of asking.
"Thanks," Steve says, deciding to spare them both from continuing the loop. "I got it that time. What do you want to learn sign for?"
"A D&D campaign. Thinking of using it in the plot."
"Oh. Uh, yeah, I could teach you. Are you doing anything on Sunday?"
"Nope. Totally free. Nothing planned at all."
Steve can't help a slight grin, and he tells himself it's just because he's excited by the prospect of Eddie writing a whole song catered to how he experiences music. "Cool. Come by my place around noon."
Eddie nods once, exhaling like he's forgotten to breathe the entire time they were talking. His hands tap against the counter, drawing Steve's attention downward, and he suddenly wonders what Eddie's rings feel like. Steve forces himself to look back up before that thought can go too far.
"Will do," Eddie says once Steve is looking at him again. He flashes a smile and adds, "See you then, sweetheart."
With that, he turns on his heel and leaves, waving over his shoulder like Steve isn't trying to figure out if he read his words correctly. He watches Eddie leave, waiting for the door to close behind him before whirling around to find Robin still rewinding tapes like nothing happened. "Did he call me sweetheart?" Steve asks, needing to know if he's misunderstanding.
Robin looks up, eyebrows raised. "Don't know, dingus. I wasn't listening."
Steve barks out a laugh. "You're always listening," he points out.
She grins at him, her expression screaming trouble and that she knows something he doesn't. "Well, not that time," she replies, her grin widening as she adds, "But if I was, I'd say he did, yeah."
"He did," Steve murmurs, looking away from Robin and letting her confirmation sink in.
Tag List (the tag list is completely filled up! There definitely wasn't enough room for everyone who requested a tag orz
Please follow the tag "good vibrations Steddie" or put on notifications for my blog to see when new parts are posted :D)
@hallucinatedjosten, @queenie-ofthe-void, @r0binscript, @jewellthebooknerd, @paintgonewrong, @vacantwatchers, @newagemyth, @gutterflower77, @just-a-tiny-void, @littlebluejane
@whenindoubtb72, @different-tale-student, @sharingisntkaren, @current-steddie-brainrot, @willim-billiam-byerson, @nuggies4life
@lostgurl-12, @anomalygal, @synonym-for-strange, @sani-86, @missmagillicuddy, @ilikechocolatemilkh, @thoughtfulbreadpolice, @harringrieve, @awesomeimportantfan, @fredtheemoplant, @warlordess, @therealscarletpumpernickel, @gsvshsjsbs, @mightbeasleep, @mollymawkwrites
@lil-gremlin-things, @honorarybrit81, @sonny-ray-of-goth, @potent-idiocy, @fandomcartographer, @heartsong18, @lingeringmirth, @ko0kyco0kies, @ccomandercody, @spiderman-stilinski, @l0st-strawberry, @xxsky-shockxx, @stilesstickitinme, @boxsam, @thepansexualsnake, @37-screamingfrogs, @yourmom-isgay, @brainsteddielyrotted, @plasticcrotches, @hannahhook7744
The meme for those who stuck around:
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calisources · 1 year ago
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All sentences here were taken from different media about possessive love, the thrill of the chase, banter, and competition regarding one's affection. Some have foul language so please beware but most are fun, banter, possessive fun. All of these are made for roleplay purposes. Change names, pronouns, locations as you see fit.
I love you. You’re mine. I’ll kill any bastard who tries to take you from me.
I spend a quarter of every day inside you. 
I have never said this to anyone before.
But the idea of you with child is the most insanely arousing thing I’ve ever imagined.
Your belly all swollen, your breasts heavy, the funny little way you would walk … I would worship you. I would take care of your every need. And everyone would know that I’d made you that way, that you belonged to me.
You want to be free. You also want to be mine. You can't be both.
We can't possess one another.
Just because I can't have you right now, doesn't mean I'm okay with him having you.
I will be good to you, Myst. Please, I promise.
You are mine. And I protect what’s mine.
Of course I won't go alone. I shall take my maid.
No.You will take me.
The purpose of a knight is to protect. Why won’t you let him do his job to me?
I want you all to myself.
I can’t explain to you the joy I feel knowing it’s all mine. That you are all mine, that your body is all mine.
There is something in me that wakes up when I want something, a possession.
God knows he deserved you more than I do. 
Listen well, for you belong to me.
Good grief, you’re such an adorably greedy person.
And when you fall in love with her  just keep in mind that she’s mine. 
 She’s more than you could handle, anyway.
That almost sounds like a challenge.
I don’t need your permission to do anything.
Your hands will touch me and no one else, Meadow. That is final.
You chase off every man that’s ever been interested, and you do it without even trying.
You reject every suitor and yet, you keep entertaining me. I believe you want me too, and you are dying to be touched.
I don't own you, you just belong to me.
You’re my gold, your cunt is my liquid gold. 
I will have your mouth, you will give it to me. Then I will have your spirit, Circe. I will own it. Always.
By the gods you have never been more beautiful than you are right now, spread before me, wrapped in my wool.
Once I take you, you are mine. My woman. No other man can have you.
I do not belong to you, or to anyone else. I will talk to whomever I want, whenever I want.
Not if it’s some ass who thinks he can put his hands on you.
You didn’t have a problem with me acting like a caveman last night.
When it comes to you… I don’t like to share.
Most men prefer to do the eating.
Do you know what passion is?
Most people think it only means desire. Arousal. Wild abandon. But that’s not all. The word derives from the Latin. It means suffering. Submission. Pain and pleasure, Nikki. Passion.
You’re wearing my colors, love.
I’m going to put you on your knees, Ruby. You’re going to hate how much you love it.
He is my king, he is my warrior, he is my husband and I am proud to say above all… he is mine.
You have rare beauty the like I have never seen but you will be more beautiful heavy with my seed.
You are my golden queen. You are my tigress. You are my Circe. 
Never will I allow your gold to be taken from me. Never. Understand this, Circe, and never forget.
Maybe I fell in love with a version of him that didn't exist.
 I would have you right here if you would let me. Fear you? I exalt you. 
You could burn me a thousand times, and I would still want you for my own.
Everything has a price. The price, however, isn't always money.
You’re my scariest hell, You’re my perfect paradise.
Well, I admit my crib is pretty sweet. But a gold cage is still a cage, Harry.
I intend to the last. 
If I win, then you shall be mine. Tonight.
You are so sure of yourself.
The game is simple. The women run, the men chase. If you catch the one with your color. . .well, that’s up to you.
But women have been running all their lives, most men don’t catch that easily.
We are in a maze, lost, and your hand is up my skirt.
Aye, but I don’t hear any complaints. The maze will hide our secret.
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homestylehughes · 8 months ago
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pairing(s): jack hughes x fem!reader
summary: jack proposing to his girlfriend, the girl he knew he would marry since he was 18.
warning(s): absolutely none. pure fluff, and cuteness :)
word count: 1.4k
authors note: hi loves!! my inner directioner came out when writing this fic! this fic is loosely based off of 18 by one direction (I listened to FOUR, the album, the whole time while writing this. 11/10 would recommend). this was so much fun to write, it kinda gives me romcom, or romantic movies vibes? I love writing jack all soft and cute. I hope you guys enjoy, like and reblog if you do! I hope you are all happy and healthy. much love as always <3
“I have loved you since we were 18, long before we thought the same things.”
Ever since Jack laid eyes on yn at 18 he knew she'd be the person he'd spend the rest of his life with. Jack can remember the day he met her, like it was yesterday. He had just got drafted by the New Jersey Devils as the number one pick, which threw him into a new life of superstardom. 
In the midst of being the 1st overall draft pick, the Yankees invited him to a game, having one of the best seats in the stadium, he couldn't help but smile over the fact that this was now his life. As the fifth inning came to an end, Jack decided to make his way to the bathroom. As he walks through the busy crowd, weaving in and out of groups of people. Finally making it to the bathroom, doing his business before quickly heading out. 
As he walks out of the bathroom, his phone dings from a text, pulling his phone out of his pocket to see that it's from his mom. Just as he begins to type out a response, he feels himself bump into someone. bringing his head up to see the prettiest girl he's ever seen in all 18 years of his existence, with a hot dog smashed into her chest. He's so close to her that he can see the red and yellow stains from the ketchup and mustard littered across her white as snow Yankees jersey. 
“Oh my gosh” the girl says, her head hanging low as she looks at the hot dog stained jersey.
“Shit. I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going.” jack embarrassingly  rambles out 
“It's..okay. It's nothing, it's just a jersey and hot dog. No biggie” she says, now looking at jack. 
“No it's a big deal, it's my fault. Here let me help you clean up.” Jack offers, as waves of guilt run through his veins.
“Are you sure? You don't have to, don't want to waste any more of your time.” the girl says
“If anyones wasting your time it's me, come over here” Jack says, taking the hot dog from her, throwing it in the trash, before turning around to look at her jersey. 
“It's pretty bad isn't it?” she asks him
“It is.. How about this, how about I buy you a new one?” 
“I can't accept that, it was an accident. Plus i dont your name.” the girl says, holding her ground as she looks directly in his eyes. 
Jack can't help but get lost in her eyes as they look at each other. 
“Yes you will, and my names jack.” flashing her smile before grabbing her hand
“Now come with me, we're going to go get you a new jersey and a hot dog, and anything else your heart desires, got it?” Jack says, briefly looking at the girl, who sends him a nod in approval. Turning back around, as he continues walking them through the crowd.
“Yn!” she says loudly behind him 
“What?” Jack asks, turning back around, confused by what she said to him.
“Yn, my name is Yn. Only fair if you know mine now” yn says with a small smile
“Well yn, what size jersey are you?” Jack asks, looking at yn, who has a slight smile on her face as she looks over all of the different jerseys.
“Umm..medium? Can I get the white one?” she asks 
“Of course” Jack sends her a smile as he talks to the worker, quickly getting the jersey for the girl. 
Sending the guy behind the counter a thank you, picking up the bad before handing it to yn.
“Jack..thank you so much” 
“You're very welcome, now on to a hotdog” he says with a smile
“Okat only on one condition.” she says
“And that is?”
“You let me buy them. I can't let you buy me anything else today.” yn says, looking at him sternly.
“Yes ma’am” 
“And so help me god if you get mayo on your hot dog, i will break down in tears.” 
“Mayo? On a hot dog?” he questions 
“Yes. it's sick and people actually do it.” she laughs 
“ well no, mayo on my hotdog for me” he smiles to her
“Good. That's what I like to hear,” she says, lifting her head up, sending him a smile before getting in line. 
Jack looks at her for a second, and in that moment he knew, hed just found the person he'd spend the rest of his life with. 
“Quinn. I'm freaking out." Jack says as he paces on the dock.
“Jack calm down, she's going to say yes. Take a deep breath "Quinn says as soothing as he can, in an attempt to calm his brother's nerves.
“You don't know that” jack snaps at him 
“Yes I do, you guys have been inseparable for the last 5 years. You two are the same person, and can share the same brain cell. She will say yes.'' Quinn says. walking over to Jack, bringing him into a hug, hoping to help calm down.
Jack pulls back after a few moments, murmuring a soft thank you, before taking a deep breath, straightening his back before turning around to look out at the lake. The calm water seems to calm his nerves for a few moments. 
“She's on her way” quinn says, laying a hand on jacks shoulder giving it a squeeze before turning around heading off the dock, leaving jack alone with his thoughts. 
A few moments later he can hear the sound of the footsteps on the dock behind him, turning slightly to see her walking towards him in the prettiest white dress, the bottom of it flowing in the wind as she walks. 
“Hi, pretty girl” jack says while grabbing her hand pulling her to stand in front of him
“Hi” she says breathlessly like she'd been holding her breath the whole way here.
“I don't really know where to start but I'll start by doing this,” Jack says before slowly dropping down to one knee. Yns hands quickly move to cover her mouth, as she looks down at Jack with tears welling her eyes.
“Yn. you've been my rock, my best friend, my biggest supporter, and most importantly the love of my life for the last 5 years.” 
Yn lets out a choked sob that causes Jack to pause for a moment, to regain his breaths he can feel his eyes beginning to water, as he continues.
“I knew you would be the person I'd spend the rest of my life with the moment I crashed into you, spreading mustard and ketchup all over you. Even at that moment I thought you were the prettiest girl I'd ever seen. Thank you for always making me feel seen and loved, I wouldn't have been able to do any of this without you. I love you, and I promise I'll love you forever, until my heart gives out. So would you do the greatest honor of being my wife?” 
“Yes. yes. A million times yes, jack.” she says as she struggles to hold back her tears as she launches herself onto jack. The both of them wrapped in each other's embrace, tears of joy falling from both of their eyes. 
Jack pulls back enough to slide the perfectly cut, sized ring onto her hand. the ring going on perfectly, as if it was the last piece of the puzzle, laying perfectly on her hand. 
“Jack it's beautiful” yn beams at him, tears still falling, hitting her cheeks like raindrops on a window. 
“Not as beautiful as you” Jack says, bringing his fingers under her cheeks wiping them away. 
“I love you” she says 
“I've loved you since we were 18, '' Jack says softly before pulling her into a kiss. 
“I wanna love like you made me feel, When we were eighteen”
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arc-misadventures · 2 months ago
Care to Share a Drink?
Jaune Arc was walking back from the training halls tired from another grueling training regime. Since becoming a, Specialist, Jaune had taken several courses to broaden his expertise; both in functioning, and technical training.
It was good to widen his expertise as a, Specialist, and he may be taking in all this new information like a sponge, but a sponge can only absorb so much in before it starts to leak out.
Now, Jaune was tired. He needed to relax, and just destress himself for all the worries that weighed him down. He was having a day off tomorrow, maybe he could...
: Hey, Jaune!
Jaune: Hmm...?
Jaune turned around to see the ever smiling, Clover Ebi approaching him.
Jaune: Oh, hey, Clover. What's up?
Clover: Just wanted to ask if you wanted to go out for a drink?
Jaune: A drink?
Clover: Yeah, there's this bar I like to go to, I thought you would enjoy some male bounding. I would have invited you sooner, but we were so busy with everything. Besides, you look like you need someplace to relax for a bit.
Jaune: Oh, is anyone joining us?
Clover: Naww... I asked everyone else; Marrow, can't hold a drink for the life of him. Vine is a tea nut. Elm, likes those fruity drinks, the bar we're going to doesn't have those. Harriet said she was busy doing some paperwork with, Winter. And, Winter... Ya know.
Jaune: I know, Clover, I know.
Jaune: Sure... I wouldn't mind having a drink with you.
Clover: Alright then, let's go!
Jaune: Do they have any good bar food there? I'm starving.
Clover: So here we are, Jaune! The Squeaky Cog! Best bar in all of, Mantle!
Jaune: I thought we would be going to a bar in, Atlas, not one in, Mantle.
Clover: Nahh, there are plenty of decent bars in, Atlas. But, this place... it has a more homely feel to it, feels more lived in then the bars in, Atlas which feel sterile.
Jaune: Ahh, a by product of the whole, Colour Wars, eh?
Clover: Yeah, pretty much. Now come on, let's get a drink!
The pair walked over to the bar, and took a seat. Jaune grabbed the menu, and gave it a quick glance, finding a item he wouldn't mind eating. The barkeeper shortly came to them, and asked if they wanted anything.
Clover: I'll have a beer, and the chili fries.
Jaune: I'll have the... fish and chips, and a scotch on the rocks.
The bartender took their orders before walking away, as he left, Jaune busied himself with a bowl of pretzels.
Clover: A scotch on the rocks? I didn't take you for the type.
Jaune: A simple beer, thought you had more class.
Clover: I tend to have whisky after a reward for a rough day, for this a simple beer will do.
Jaune: I'd take a vodka myself if I wanted something simple. But, it's been a while since I had a drink, so I'll take a scotch.
Jaune thanked the barkeeper when he brought them their drinks. He swirled his drink watching the ice cube move about his drink. He took a sip letting out a satisfying breath of air as he did.
Jaune: That's smooth... I was told by some of the locals while I was walking about, Mantle that Mantilian Scotch is really good; That's a hell of an understatement.
Clover: Really? Maybe I should try it, and maybe you can try a beer too.
Jaune: Actual piss has more flavour in it than that piss in a bottle.
Clover laughed at, Jaune's little jab, he looked at, Jaune a serious look crossing his face.
Clover: Uhh... listen, Jaune...
Jaune: Is this where you ask me questions about my relationship with, Winter, or are we going to talk about you, and Harriet instead?
Clover stopped in his tracks, looking dumbfounded at, Jaune who just gave him an inquisitive eyebrow in return.
Jaune: Well?
Clover closed his mouth before giving, Jaune an amazed, yet scared look.
Clover: Again, you notice way too much, and it's scary how much you do.
Jaune laughed as he spun the ice cup around in his drink.
Jaune: Relax, Clover. I've been expecting you to ask me about you two since I caught you making your way to the, Ever Light Hotel~!
Clover: Hey! Keep it quiet about... the hotel!
Jaune gave another light laugh before taking another sip of his drink.
Jaune: Okay, Clover; Let's play a little game then shall we?
Clover: What kind of game?
Jaune: I ask you a question about you, and Harriet. Then you ask me a question about me, and Winter. You game.
Clover: Okay. I'm game... You first.
Jaune: Oh good, because I've been wondering for weeks now; How the hell did you two get together?
Clover: Ahh... Well... before you joined us, the Specialist, we already had six members... But, we lost one, his name was, Tortuga.
Jaune: Tortuga... I remember hearing, Harriet saying that name... She said, 'I was good, but I wasn't anything compared to, Tortuga.' Is that why, Harriet hates me? Because, I'm some sort of replacement of this, Tortuga fellow?
Clover: Kinda. Harriet, and Tortuga always had this older brother, younger sister dynamic to them. So when, Tortuga died, Harriet lost her 'big brother.' She didn't take it well...
Jaune: I can understand that. I have seven older sisters... I can barely handle the thought of losing one of them...
Clover: Well as it's my job as team leader to help my teammates. So, I talked with her, consoled her, and was just there for her when she needed it. A shoulder to cry on, a face to scream at. A friend.
Clover: Then one day, the whole team went here to relax, and have a drink, and while the rest of the team slowly went home one after another, bunch of light weights the lot of them! Harriet, and I stayed there getting absolutely waisted... Then...
Jaune: You woke up in each others arms in an uncompromising position?
Clover: Uhh... ahh.. yeah... that's pretty much it...
Jaune laughed at, Clovers face as it was flushed red from embarrassment.
Clover: There was some awkwardness between the two of us. But, we managed to work it out, and we've been dating in secret for about two months now.
Jaune: Why in secret; is there something against, Specialist dating each other?
Clover: No, there isn't any rule. We just don't want the others to know, I mean if, Elm finds out about us, we'll never hear the end of it!
The pair shared a short laugh that ended when the bartender brought them their meals. The duo thanked the bartender before they went back to their conversation.
Clover: Okay, it's my turn... How the hell did you get together with, Winter freaking Schnee? I mean... I've know, Winter for years, but she never struck me as the type who would be interested in dating anyone. Much less you.
Jaune: Rude...
Jaune nonchalantly replied while enjoying the fries on his fish, and chips. He quite liked the mixed spices they were using.
Clover: I don't mean to be rude, It's just... you seem so... so simple.
Jaune: I guess that's what she likes about me.
Clover: You guess?
Jaune: I don't know, or really understand why they like me. I was just being myself with them; honest, open, being an absolute dork... Honestly, I haven't the faintest clue how those two fell for me. I've flirted with woman before, and I was absolute trash! Like what the fuck was I thinking?!
Clover: Everyone was an idiot when it comes to flirting.
Clover commented this as he was shoveling his chili froes into his mouth.
Jaune: That was a year ago...
Clover: Pfft?!
Clover soon developed into a small coughing fit, before grabbing his beer, and chugging it down.
Clover: (Cough, cough, cough!) Serious, you went to being a loser who couldn't flirt with a girl for the life of them, to having, Winter Schnee fawning all over you?!
Jaune: Yeah, I don't understand it either...
Jaune dipped his fish into the hollandaise sauce, marveling at how nice it tasted. He also flagged down the bartender over to get, Clover another beer.
Jaune: Honestly if feel like I'm just standing there, and some hot girl looks at me like: "Haha! What's a dork!"
Jaune: "I must have him for my own."
Clover: Seriously?
Jaune: It's happened at least four times, two in the past two weeks... Okay, my turn: What's up with, Harriet?
Clover: What do you mean?
Jaune: Harriet's been looking a little queasy lately... Did any... definitions of 'lucky' happen?
Clover: Huw...?!
Clover dropped his fork in shock at the implications at, Jaune's honest question.
Clover: ...?!
Jaune: Well?
Clover: No! N-N-Nothing like that at all! She's just sick from bad fish, I swear! We had it checked! She's not pregnant!
Jaune: Then you better keep using those condoms, or birth control. I don't think you two want that to happen... Yet?
Clover: Well... I wouldn't mind it happening eventually... but, there's too much going on right now...
Jaune: Well, regardless of what happens, I wish you two the best of luck! Not from just your semblance.
Jaune raised his drink in the air before, Clover raised his in the air for a salute. Jaune then finished his drink, asking the barkeeper for another.
Clover: My turn?
Jaune nodded as he finished the last remnants of his meal.
Clover: Okay... When I asked you about you, and Winter. You kept saying, 'they:' Why?
Jaune: Ahh... I'm not gonna lie to you, Clover... but, I'm stuck within a love triangle between two woman.
Clover: You're... in love triangle...?
Jaune: Yep.
Clover: Seriously?
Jaune: Yep!
Jaune gave, Clover a dead serious look as he answered him. Popping the, P to emphasize his point.
Clover: How...?!
Jaune: I don't understand how these things happen to me either.
Clover: Between who?
Jaune: Winter Schnee, and Robyn Hill...
Clover: Robyn Hill?! She's into you? Again, how?
Jaune: Not sure. My best bet is that I was honest with her. Robyn's semblance lets her decern truth from lies. I can only guess what she went through to have a semblance such as that. But, I think saving her from a psycho faunas certainly helped.
Clover: Being the literal white knight saving the damsel...? Yeah, I bet that helped.
Jaune: Now the two of them have given me tokens of affection, and I have no idea what to do...
Clover: The sash, and that falcon pin?
Jaune: Lucky guess.
The pair shared a laugh before continuing their stories.
Jaune: Now the worst part is, is that they both know the other likes me, and they've both stacked their 'claims' on me. I'm literally stuck between two badass huntresses who could beat my ass, who are more than willing to fight each other tooth, and nail to get me! I have no idea how to navigate any of this!! And, worse of all: It's fucking hot that I have two beautiful, wonderful woman fighting over me!
Clover: Do you know which one you want to be with?
Jaune: I don't know... They're both among the greatest, and most beautiful people I've ever met! And, as much as I've enjoyed their rather, forceful kiss's. I want to be the one to steal their breath away with a kiss. But, I have no experience when it comes to the affairs of the heart, so I haven't got a damn clue on what to do... And, it's as you said, there is too much going on right now to worry about such things...
Clover: But, if you had to choose: Who would you pick?
Jaune shrugged his shoulders before looking at, Clover.
Jaune: Both?
Clover snorted as he smacked, Jaune on his shoulder before slapping a pile of credits on the bar top after finishing he second beer.
Clover: It's on me. Now come on, let's back to base.
Jaune finished his scotch before getting up, and following, Clover out of the bar.
Jaune: This was nice. Thanks for inviting me, Clover. We should do this again. Only this time, drinks are on me.
Clover: Looking forward to it.
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bi-bard · 7 months ago
On My Line, You’re Hooked, I’m Fishin’ - Scott Imagine [Twisters]
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Title: On My Line, You’re Hooked, I’m Fishin’
Pairing: Scott [Twisters] X Reader
Word Count: 3,126 words
Warning(s): argument, grabbing someone's wrist
Summary: [Somewhat inspired by "Too Easy" by Tanner Adell] When a new company rolls into town during tornado season, Tyler's team is curious. Perfect uniforms, all looking ready for picture wasn't exactly the normal look for tornado chasing. (Y/n) volunteers to be the one to gather some much-needed intel, doing whatever they need to in order to get it.
Author's Note: I have about five Twisters imagines in my drafts right now.
Listen. I'm have something cute about this guy in my drafts, but he pissed me off in this movie, so I have to get that shit out first. It's part of my process.
There was always a lot of energy during tornado season, but nothing beat the feelings on those first few days.
There was all this hope. This adrenaline going for something that hadn't even happened yet. A little while in, you would get an idea about how the season was going to go. The not-knowing before that was the best part. Endless possibilities and all that.
All that to explain that it felt normal for our team to be jumping off the walls like kids in a candy shop when we first all made it to Oklahoma.
Boone and Tyler were sorting out the truck. Dexter and Dani were making sure the trailer was stocked with merch and food for those who needed it. I hadn't been given a task, so I was left to pretty much my own devices. As a result, Lily was left working on her drone while I talked her ear off. She didn't seem to mind it.
I looked up over her head to see a group of white trucks and vans pulling up. Nice ones. Clean, new. I saw the logo slapped on the side.
"What in the hell is Storm Par," I asked.
"What?" Lily looked at me before immediately turning to the other vehicles. "No idea."
"Hey, Tyler!" I walked over to the truck.
"What's going on? Sugar high crashing?"
"Very funny," I replied before pointing to the white vehicles. "Who's Storm Par?"
He furrowed his eyebrows. "No idea. Look like a big corporation."
A group of men started climbing out of the vehicles.
"Woah," he muttered.
"Proper science fair dudes," I commented. "Bet you twenty bucks that they have pocket protectors."
Tyler reached out and whacked my shoulder. "Be nice."
"Fine," I grumbled as he turned back to the truck.
I caught one of the men staring at me. He was tall and seemed to have a completely emotionless face. His clothes were neat, perfectly pressed. When he saw that I had noticed him, he had turned away from me, going to follow his team into the gas station.
"Want me to get intel?"
Tyler chuckled. "Intel? What year do you think it is? We can look them up tonight."
"Yeah, but I just caught one of their boys staring at me," I explained. "Let me do it; it'll kill two birds with one stone."
I heard Boone laugh from the other side of the truck. "I love the way you think!"
"Thanks, Boone."
"Alright, fine," Tyler relented. "But hurry up, we gotta get going."
"Thank you," I said. "Anyone want a drink?"
"Get me a Mountain Dew!" Boone called. I pointed at him and nodded.
"Be back in a minute!"
I walked back to the fridges along the back wall. I saw the man who had stared at me was now standing by the fridges.
I stood next to him. "Hey there."
He didn't respond, just staring straight ahead at the fridge. I had to hold in my laugh as I stepped forward to grab two Mountain Dews.
"Did Storm Par put a ban on talking to other tornado chasers," I asked. He didn't reply again. "Or are you just scared? Promise I don't bite."
"I'm not scared," he replied.
"Oh my goodness, he speaks." I placed a hand over my chest to pretend to be shocked. I chuckled at his clearly unimpressed expression before holding my hand out. "(Y/n)."
"Scott." he shook my hand before very quickly pulling it back.
"Nice to meet you, Scott," I said. "So, what exactly is Storm Par?"
"We track tornados so the data can be used for research."
"Real specific there," I chuckled at him. "What kind of research?"
He didn't respond.
"Oh, come on, I'm not gonna steal your ideas."
"I'm not worried about it."
"Are you worried that I won't understand it? I'm smarter than I look."
He let out an amused huff before grabbing a water and starting to walk to the checkout. I followed him.
"Maybe you could explain it to me later then," I suggested, hopping in front of him just before he got in line. I smiled at his blank look. "Tonight. There's a bar not too far from here, right next to a hotel that our crew's staying at; I'll buy you a drink."
I watched as his eyes scanned me for a moment. It looked like he was trying to figure out whether or not I was tricking him. I was almost hurt. I mean, I was tricking him, but not in the way that he was assuming.
I turned around to pay for my drinks, so I could step out of the way.
"Come on," I pushed before rattling off the name of the bar. "Meet me there tonight. One drink. If I'm that bad of company, then you can leave and I won't complain once. I'll even try to stay out of your hair during the chases."
Scott took a deep breath. "Fine."
"Yes," I cheered out of mostly fake excitement. "You won't regret this."
"I hope not."
I reached out and fiddled with a button on his white shirt. Far too perfect to be out there chasing storms. "Can't wait to see how well your perfect uniforms last out there."
I stepped back, not missing how his eyes followed my hand.
"See you later, Fancy Pants!" I waved as I started running back out to Tyler's truck.
"How'd it go," Tyler asked as I hopped into the passenger seat.
"Didn't get much," I admitted, handing Boone his drink before buckling up. "But I did get him to say yes to meeting me for a drink later."
"Atta kid!" Boone clapped his hand over my shoulder.
"I know, I know, a miracle worker," I replied. "Ready to get out there?"
"Absolutely," Tyler said.
The rest of the day went so much faster than it had any right to.
We saw Storm Par a lot. It took everything in me to not be a bit of a dick when we passed them. I did wave once when I spotted Scott in the passenger seat of one of the trucks. He nodded at me in an awkward greeting, which led to him getting a bit of a weird look from the man who was driving.
"What are you doing?" Tyler laughed as I relaxed back into my seat.
"Playing with the food," Boone answered before I could, causing me to laugh loudly.
"I was gonna say 'being friendly', but that's better," I said.
Maybe that was the excitement of it all messing with my head, but it felt like it took a matter of minutes before we found ourselves driving to the bar that I had told Scott to meet me at.
I walked in ahead of the group, trying to keep from laughing at the comments that Boone was shouting over my shoulder.
I saw some of the other guys from Storm Par at a table together. At the actual bar was Scott. He looked a bit tense, almost disheartened. I started to wonder just how long he had been there. Had I kept him waiting? Did he think that I stood him up? Was that the face of stubbornness just before calling the night a bust and going back to wherever he was staying?
I guess it didn't matter now. I couldn't back out.
"Fancy pants!" I called before walking over quickly. He seemed startled as I plopped onto the barstool next to him. "How was your day?"
"You should know, you were there for most of it," he replied.
"Was that a joke or are you just annoyed with me," I asked.
"Guess you'll have to figure it out." he shrugged. I saw a small grin form as he took a sip of his drink.
I let out a scoff. "Wow, Fancy Pants is bold now. A couple of sips is all it took?"
Scott rolled his eyes. The bartender walked over to us. I just asked for the same of whatever Scott had been drinking before focusing back on the conversation.
"The uniform held up well, I see." I pulled lightly at one of the white sleeves of his shirt. "Research must not be as hands-on as I thought it was."
"We do the same thing your crew does," he argued.
"With a bigger paycheck, I'm sure," I replied.
"Our work is a bit more important."
"And what work is that?"
"Why don't you tell me about yours first?" he smirked at me before taking another sip of his drink.
He thought it was clever. I could tell. Avoid my question by focusing the attention back on me. In any other situation, it would have screwed me out of the information that I needed.
But in this one... it was a mistake.
Here's the thing: I could talk. I could go on and on for hours about absolute nonsense. I could go from story to story without taking a breath.
And I did.
I told him about all the work that we had done to help people. About digging through the destroyed debris to try and find some pieces of people's lives. About making bundles of food. Then, I just started telling stories about every funny or weird moment that had happened since I had joined Tyler's crew.
The time that I burned served me well. Scott relaxed. Whether that was a result of his drink or simply because I was earning his trust was a mystery to me. I didn't bother focusing on which it was.
"Alright, alright," I said. "That's enough about what I do. Tell me about Storm Par."
"I told you; we collect data for future tornado research," Scott replied.
"Oh, come on." I rolled my eyes. "I mean, not to be rude, but I've seen your team. You're all a bit young to be jumping into research all on your own. And Storm Par doesn't sound like a company attached to a college."
"No, no, we're a private company," he explained. "We've had some luck finding a few really interested investors."
"The biggest one is Marshall Riggs. He's a big-name real estate guy."
I couldn't quite put the pieces together at the time, but I felt a pit in my stomach. Unease that formed all too fast. "What would a real estate guy want with tornado research?"
"He's helping people," Scott's response felt like an attempt to twist an image that hadn't even been made yet. "He uses it to find people that have lost their homes and businesses and such and he buys them. It allows those people to move forward with their lives without having to wait for insurance to make a call on it."
I furrowed my eyebrows. "Doesn't a disaster usually force the prices down for land?"
"I mean, it's lower than the normal price. It's not like he's buying this land up for five dollars and a pack of gum."
"What other aid does Storm Par offer them then, if they're getting rid of their homes and land?"
"Our investors focus funds on the research."
"So no?"
"So we're focused on the bigger picture. More long-term consequences."
I took the subtlest deep breath that I could. "I see."
I looked down at my watch.
"Oh, look at that, it's a lot later than I thought," I said, completely lying through my teeth. "We have to head out early in the morning."
I handed my card to the bartender, muttering for him to just cover both of our drinks.
"I can walk you out," Scott replied.
"Yeah, sure, okay," I mumbled, scribbling down a tip and putting my card away.
I followed Scott outside, letting him hold the door open. I wanted to seem less tense than I was. I was doubting how well it was working, but all I needed was for it to be good enough to get out of there without being questioned, so who really cares?
We made it outside. I was about to insist that we go our separate ways for the night, but he cut me off.
"You were right," Scott said. "Didn't regret that."
"Oh, good," I replied. I may have regretted it.
There was a long pause. Scott went to step closer to me. I almost scrambled back before he could, forcing out a chuckle.
"Well, I should go." I shrugged, continuing to walk backward before eventually turning around and just calling to him over my shoulder. "Have a good night. Stay safe. See you around, fancy pants!"
A few minutes later, I was knocking on Tyler's door like I was a landlord looking for late rent.
"(Y/n), what the hell are you doing," he asked as he yanked the door open. "You're gonna piss off somebody."
"I'm already a bit pissed, so maybe it'll do some good to share the suffering," I replied before shoving my way past him. "I have answers."
"About Storm Par?"
"No about what Scott likes to do on a nice summer day- Yes about Storm Par!"
"You are grumpy when it's late." he sat down on the edge of his bed.
"Shut up," I slapped his shoulder. "I found out about Storm Par's funding."
"So, yes, they do research and track the storms and report that data back to their investors," I explained. "The problem is that their major investor is named Marshall Riggs, who has apparently made quite a name for himself in real estate."
"What would he want with it?"
"Well, he's going to the places impacted by the storms and buying up land from people who lose their homes and businesses and stuff. He's apparently spinning some story that he's allowing people to move forward with their lives, but come on, he's just using this information to get his hands on cheap land."
"Do you know what he's doing with the land?"
"I didn't ask."
"Storm Par is giving this man power to do some real harm here."
"I know, I know."
"So, what are we gonna do," I asked, looking at Tyler again.
"I... I don't know," he replied, running his hand over his face.
"We can't just let him keep doing this!"
"(Y/n)," he sighed. "I don't even know if this guy is doing something that's technically illegal-"
"It's still wrong!" I snapped at him.
"I know!"
I froze.
"But whatever we do won't stop him. He'll keep preying on desperate people and whatever we say won't change what impact he might have on them. They're desperate, they think they're alone."
"So we just do nothing?"
"No." Tyler shook his head. "What we can do is continue helping people."
I nodded. "I just... I feel like there's just so much more that we could do."
"In a perfect world, we would be able to speak out and it would stop him." he shrugged. "It would make him give up and walk off with his tail between his legs. But we can't. We just have to do what we can."
I took a deep breath. Tyler pulled me into a hug.
"We're doing good work. And we'll only earn more outreach. We'll continue to do better."
I stepped back. "I'm still going to be an asshole tomorrow."
"Just don't end up dead or in jail."
"I'll do my best," I shrugged before going to walk out. "Good night!"
"Night!" he called out after me.
I was hoping that the next morning would have been mostly calm. That we would get out into the field before Storm Par or vice versa. Something to keep me from having to face Scott for just a few more hours.
I was walking back to the truck after picking up some breakfast. I was occupied with my own thoughts. I was still upset. I was still fighting the urge to go scream from the rooftops about Marshall Riggs and the bullshit he was doing.
I considered sprinting to the truck when I heard Scott say my name. I just wasn't feeling mean enough to do that... yet.
"Scott," I said as I turned around. "How are ya?"
"Good, good, what about you?"
"I'm fine, just busy," I replied, going to step away. "Heading out early and all."
Scott stepped forward. "I was hoping to ask if you wanted to meet again tonight. Maybe dinner instead of a drink."
"I... I don't think that'd be a good idea."
His face fell. "Oh... why?"
"I just don't think we clicked like I thought we would." the goal was to maintain the peace until the end of the season. "But hey, we tried it, that's what matters. I'll... I'll see you out there."
"Did I... Did I do something wrong?"
"Nope, you were just fine. Just didn't work."
I turned to walk away but was stopped when Scott grabbed my wrist. "I don't believe that."
I yanked my arm from him. "Don't ever fucking grab me again."
"I just want the truth."
"I told you the truth." I turned away again.
I was grabbed again. "Just wait-"
I pulled my arm away and shoved him backward. "I fucking warned you to not grab me like that again."
He seemed to still be reeling from the fact that I shoved him.
"You want the truth? Fine," I shrugged. "I find your company and what it stands for to be completely despicable. I think it's disgusting that y'all would accept money to help a man take advantage of innocent people. I think it's disgusting that you don't seem to give a damn about it. If I could tear your company down, I would, but in reality, my words would never stop you or your damn investors. And I hope that one day you wake up, look in the mirror, and feel the crushing pain of all those that you helped that man manipulate."
Scott stepped forward, a response clearly ready, but he looked over my shoulder and froze.
"(Y/n), you good?" I heard Tyler's voice call over to me.
"Yeah," I yelled over my shoulder. "Just having a quick chat!"
I stepped away again, walking as quickly as I could to make it over to him and the rest of the crew.
"Didn't end up in jail," I offered, trying to look at the bright side.
"I almost did," he muttered. "Get in the truck."
I did a little salute to him before going around to the passenger seat. I saw Tyler stare down Scott for a few more seconds before hopping in the driver's seat.
Maybe there was some argument to be made about the benefits of killing someone with kindness. But that just wasn't how I operated. And I think I'm better off that way.
Everything - @geeksareunique
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