#She'll be hyper for another two hours at least.
eldstunga · 3 months
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I just remembered Héloïse is Dutch. GO ORANJE!
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flippinpancakes64 · 2 months
cullens w/ a reader who lovesss to cuddle?
The Cullens with a Cuddly S/O
Currently fighting the sleep demons rn so Idk if this will even make sense but whatever full send
Thank you for requesting and I hope you like this
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We already know he's down
I mean like half of the first book/movie is him watching Bella sleep
He just likes to be nearby
So cuddling up to your side is no burden to him
He'll ask a lot if you're too cold or if you want him to move
He just wants you to be comfortable
After you've established that you do, indeed, like his cuddles, expect them all the time
If the time or place allows him to be right by your side, he is there
"Hey I just rented a new movie, do you wanna come over and watch it?"
"What movie?"
"I'm on my way, have my blankets ready."
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She's a pretty energetic person
So I feel like she'd need to either be doing something or talking
So yes she will cuddle, but she needs the TV on
Or she needs to be talking your ear off
She loves being so close though
She's like a lizard she loves the warmth
She doesn't mind if you fall asleep, she'll keep talking
But especially if it's late at night, she loves being so close to you
Btw she's the little spoon or literally laying on top of you
I would recommend investing in a nice heated blanket
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I have a feeling he'd love it
He strikes me as the type to be able to stare at a wall for hours on end and not get bored
So he doesn't mind laying with you the whole night
He would lay in one spot for days if you wanted him to
He would be so happy when you asked him the first time though
He has a bit of a hard time grasping that you actually do love him, so small reminders like this go a long way
Is another one who's hyper-aware
Constantly making sure you're comfortable
He would find your even breaths and calm mind soothing
It's his new favorite couples activity btw
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I've mentioned it before but I think she's active at all hours
Either she's at school, hunting, or working on her cars
She just doesn't like to be bored
So cuddling isn't her favorite
Not to say she won't do it
Just that she won't do it for super long stretches of time
She'll cuddle for a movie, or until you go to sleep
But then she likes to get back to doing something
It's understandable, you can go to sleep, she can't
If you ask her to, though, she will stay the whole night
And she won't complain
She also doesn't have a preference on cuddling position
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He's definitely more into like casual cuddling
Does that make sense?
Like he loves holding you close on the couch while he's watching a game
And he loves sitting you in his lap when he's playing a card game or doing homework
But he doesn't really like laying in bed for hours
So sort of similar to Rosalie
He just gets restless
He's squirmy too
He wakes you up throughout the night because he moves so much
Cruel injustice
But on the bright side, if he was able to sleep he'd be a loud ass snorer so at least you don't have to deal with that
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She would be another snuggle enjoyer
She loves the closeness of it
It makes her feel so connected to you
And she has no qualms about when or where
It's the middle of the day and she's outside working on the garden but you want to cuddle?
Okay just let her shower first
She would prefer to be the little spoon
Idk why that's just how it is
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Carlisle "Cuddle" Cullen
Anytime, anywhere
He just misses you a lot when he's at work
So he loves to make up for lost time by having you right there with him
Loves doing paperwork with you in his lap
Or having his arms around you at all times
And of course he will lay with you for the whole night
He tends to lay on his back
But that's just his natural
He will move however you need him to
He only cuddles fully clothed tho
He knows he's cold
So he knows you will need the extra layers between you two
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Vampire! Bella:
She's always down
Sleeping is one of the things she misses the most about being human
So laying there with you while you sleep is the closest she can get to the real thing
She likes to cuddle while facing you
Face to face yk
But her one bad habit is that she forgets that she is freezing
Chronically puts her hands under your shirt or her toes behind your knees
"Ah! Cold!"
"Shit, sorry"
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My character idea
I'm writing a story. The way the story is composed means that there are multiple main characters, since the perspective changes from chapter to chapter.
Here is one of the characters.
Violet Isabella Pines. (Yes, that was intentional.)
She is one of my oldest characters, and the one who's had the most revision. She's named Violet because I've always used that color with her. Her last name is Pines as a tribute to Gravity Falls. Her middle name, Isabella, was chosen when I saw what her initials had the potential to spell out.
Violet is funny. She has all the characteristics of a main character, yet she's more of a quirky side character. This is on purpose, because her magical abilities are far to powerful for me to give her the spotlight.
She can teleport, but only to places she can walk. This is because teleportation takes as much energy as it would for her to walk there. If she's teleporting with a person in tow, it takes as much energy as it would for her to drag them there.
She has a second ability. She can control technology. In a world where everything is linked to technology, this is scary. This is why she can't be the main character.
But wait! There's more. She owns a ring, a ring that can only be used by incredibly powerful people, and it gives her a TON more abilities. The drawback? it can only be powered by music, making everyone think that it's useless and silly. Unnntil Violet burns two buildings to the ground in a fit of rage. Oops!
Violet has ADHD. I'm tired of reading books like Percy Jackson and having ADHD represented as "oH No I cAn'T siT sTiLl aNd i hAvE siLlY InTrUsIvE tHoUgHtS". All of her symptoms are directly copied from symptoms I experience. Below are some of her symptoms.
Violet is socially oblivious, to a painful point. Someone will say, "I like you." She'll say, "Aww you're my best friend too." They say, "I love you." She says. "I love you too! You're like my family!" They say, "I WANT TO TAKE YOU OUT!" She thinks they want to kill her and punches them in the face. She also thinks she's funny, and will laugh obnoxiously loud at her own jokes, despite everyone else having a straight face. She is never embarrassed in public, causing second-hand embarrassment for those around her.
She hyper-fixates on the rock band Rush (A real band! Check them out!). She memorized the lyrics to ALL of their songs (And they have over 150!). She printed out a hard copy of all the lyrics. The songs she listens to from bands that aren't Rush can fit in a single 35-minute playlist. Her friends are sick of Rush.
She can only concentrate for an hour or so. After that hour is up, she needs to get up and move for at least ten minutes.
During school, lectures make her want to pluck her own eyes out. She is known for fidgeting in her seat and doodling on her notes/folders/arms. She gets in trouble for talking.
She will talk nonstop, and it doesn't make sense when she does. One thing will remind her of another thing and you'll quickly go from how her day was to why she quit gymnastics four years ago to some random meme she saw online.
When Violet gets hyper, but can't move around or doesn't want to move around, she has a tendency to shake her hands, like she's trying to get water off of them. She also does this if she tries to wear nail polish.
Violet also has a fixation for counting syllables. <-15 syllables <-5 syllables. She really likes sentences with syllable counts that divide into 5, 4, or 3. <-16 syllables (4!) Sometimes she counts the syllables out on her fingers. <-13 syllables :( One of her favorite songs has 110 syllables, exact. That makes her happy. <- 21 syllables (3)
On to other character apsects!
Her favorite color is purple. Her hair is dyed purple, and her eyes are colored indigo, as a property of her ring.
Although Violet appears reckless and confident, she is very anxious. She always checks the locks on the doors when she thinks her family isn't watching her. She bugs her parents to make sure their smoke alarm is up to code. Thunderstorms scare her, because she doesn't want to be struck by lightning. Someone being 15 minutes late sends her into a panic.
Somehow, despite her anxiety, public speaking is her strong suit. She loves to stand on a stage and speak. In fact, she will volunteer herself for such things. What an enigma.
Violet is aroace, but doesn't realize. She always chalks her lack of romantic interest up to "My brain isn't fully developed yet, it'll happen when I get older" and "I'm too young for a relationship". She doesn't have much of a problem with being asked out, since she's pretty average looking, and most people are dissuaded by her personality.
That's pretty much all, without getting into her backstory. (I will say she's adopted, and loves her family. She's a great big sister)
Tell me what you think! A lot of this story is a parody of most fantasy stories, and Violet is partly a parody of "The overpowered character" and "The quirky friend"
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i-cant-sing · 3 years
Thinking about what you said Rei did with Reader, that thing about him drugging her so much that she's only going to be able to cry.... Do any of the siblings feel sorry for her or try to help her? Because I think Natsuo at least tries a little bit. I think Dabi would try to do something, not that big, but something.
"How she doing?" Dabi asked his mother, who was busy making soup for you. She'd shifted you to liquid foods ever since they started... drugging you.
Rei smiled. "Much better. Natsuo injected her with a small dose a couple of hours ago, so she should be sleeping until dinner- just in time for everyone to be at home."
He hummed. "Do you think its time... for Y/n to stop using the sedatives?" Rei looked at him offended. How could he suggest such a thing. She shook her head. "No, I think she's just starting to get better. If we take her off her medicine now, she'll get stressed again and become hyper and brash and have those hot flashes. You know how she completely loses all sense of self preservation, don't you?" Dabi nodded but before he could argue, Rei continued. "The drug is making her feel rest. Making her feel better. And if she was healed, don't you think, I, her mother, would be the first one to know and get her off those meds?" The snip in her tone was a warning to Dabi that he better not argue with her more on this matter.
"Of course. I'll leave now." He said, giving her a brief side hug before leaving the kitchen, stopping at the stairs leading to your room when he heard a dull thud. He went upstairs to your room to investigate, eyes widening when he saw you lying face down on the floor. He quickly moved towards you and turned you over, slightly surprised at the bleeding cut on your forehead. He looked up and saw the side table next to your bed, and from little blood on the sharp edge, he figured you'd tumbled out of bed and hit your head on the edge.
But weren't you supposed to be asleep for the next few hours?
The way your tearful eyes glared at him with burning hate, he judged that the sedatives must be wearing off. Or you must be developing tolerance to them. Whatever the reason may be, Dabi was glad to see you awake. It had been a over two weeks since he last saw you conscious.
And although you being able to do nothing except move your eyes and mouth wasn't exactly what he'd call "conscious", he'd take it. He'd missed you.
Smiling, Dabi picked you up and put you back on the bed, covering you with the blanket. "Well, hello there." He sat down on the bed with you. "Did you hear me come? Is that why you were on the floor? Because you missed me and wanted to meet me? Definitely not because you were trying to run away, hm?"He teased, knowing it was cruel but... old habits die hard.
He opened the drawer of the side table, that Natsuo had converted into a little medicine drawer and pulled out a bandaid and a baby wipe.
Cleaning the blood off your forehead, he saw the cut wasn't deep, and placed the bandaid on it. "There we go. Ah ah, you can always thank me later. Maybe make me some hot chocolate for a change." He chuckled to himself, only laughing harder when your eyes grew angrier and you flared your nostrils at him. "Oh my- how could you hold so much resentment and hate against your favourite brother? Stop it now, your blood pressure will shoot otherwise-"
"Dabi?" Rei called from the door way. "What are you doing here? I thought you left- Y/N! Why are you awake, honey? Why is there a bandaid- Dabi, what did you do?!"
Dabi just raised his hands in surrender. "Nothing! I just heard a thud and found her lying on the floor. She must've tumbled out of bed and hit her head against the table edge or something."
Rei gasped as she brushed the hair away from your forehead, ignoring the way you were glaring at her with murderous intent. "Oh no- that means the drug must be wearing off! Oh oh, maybe she needs another dose."
Dabi shrugged. "Natsuo will give it when he comes home-"
"No, he said he'd be late. I'm not even sure if he's coming to dinner at all. I'll just- I'll give it to her myself." Rei said before opening the drawer to pull out a syringe and a vial. She began prepping your skin with the rubbing alcohol when Dabi pulled her hand away. "What are you doing? You don't know how to use a syringe. Or how much dos she needs!"
Rei yanked her head away and frowned at him. "I do! Natsuo has been administrating this vial everyday for the past two weeks and I was right there to observe how he did it! You think I would do something to deliberately put her in danger?!" Rei stood up and yelled at him. "Do you think I'm a bad mother?! Or do you think I'm just fucking stupid and incapable?!"
"Then either help or fucking leave!" They suddenly looked over to you when you whimpered.
Rei rushed towards you, petting your head and shushing you before glaring at Dabi. "Look, you're already distressing your sister. I think its best if you leave." Dabi could only watch as Rei went back to coddling you, cooing sweet nothings as she began filling the syringe with the sedative. But when Dabi's eyes finally caught yours, the fear in them was far too much for him and so, he turned and left the room as soon as Rei began injecting you while you began sobbing and whimpering.
He was halfway down the stairs when he heard Rei scream his name.
In a flash, he was back in your room, only this time, his heart stopped beating in his chest for a few moments as he saw you on the bed-
Having a seizure.
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yandereaffections · 4 years
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At this point the whole school has heard about the girl that's tense all the time, whimpering whenever a boy passes to close by them and never managing to respond to any that ask questions whether they be aggressive in tone or soft
It was probably Haruhi that persuaded you that out of any group of men in the school the most non threatening would be the host club, or at least Honey and Mori, she's warned you of the devil twins and money shark, ensured you that she'll keep Tamaki in check no matter how much he may be excited to meet the newest talk of the school
Another step forward towards gaining the appropriate comfort towards men, Honey will be the best option to spend at least one hour each day with alone, with mori or not he's quite understanding if you'd like to be left with just one man at a time
Tamakis sulking corner is all cleaned up for you to curl up in if Honey comes off too hyper, Haruhi not too far off for comfort if needed. It's become something of his goal to have you be willing to visit him, wants to be your friend and have cake with you every day even if you two only share small talk, Honey senpai wants you to be happy
Someday you'll even be able to take the twins antics, but until then sipping tea with the cute boy is key and best believe he's so proud of your progress
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