#She will set the town on fire (The Umbrella Academy AU)
denlilleheksa · 4 years
@funkylittleseance continued from x
Katra looked at him confused at first, than sympathetically. “You do not need to be sorry, silly. I am sorry if I hurt you. Are you okay? That looks bad..” The blonde didn’t want to intrude, but she was a tad bit curious of the Hargreeves. She had seen what they could do and wonders if its connected to her abilities.
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(please understand that by AU, I mean they share an incredibly small amount of things in common with the original source material which I barely remember BUT the “story” takes place in the setting of the film) (not to be misleading or anything :p)
(BEWARE: abuse, murder, war, violence, death, forbidden love (on more than one account), surprise surprise everybody's sad, yeah head's up this is way sadder than the movie is sorry, okay enjoy i guess, bye, etc.)
(If you can handle watching Umbrella Academy, this will be fine for you.)
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(Maria) Allison grew up alongside Ray and Luther, the three of them an inseparable team known for their mischief and ferocity. Allison was always the balance between the two, carrying both Luther’s bravery and Ray’s wit as she led them into battle against imaginary friends and foes, living every day with a delighted laugh. Though she had a sister, Vanya, who she was very close to at one point, Vanya perished in a fire when they were all seven, leaving Allison with a hole in her heart and a crushing case of pyrophobia. Following the incident, Allison became even rowdier and soon completely uncontrollable, terrifying the town with her strength and wit, as well as her newfound imaginary friends, though she assured everyone she met that she was simply deeply religious. After all, she too was caught in the fire that killed her sister, and that night she met La Muerte and Xibalba as they came for Vanya’s soul, smiling at her through the flames. Now, she prays to them nearly every day, for safety and for love, but her perceived insanity eventually lands her in a convent to be made into a good Christian girl, her father Reginald hoping that she could eventually become a good wife to Luther one day. (Allison, naturally, rolled her eyes at such a stupid notion. She’ll be the troublesome wife of anyone she damn well pleases.) At the Catholic school, however, Allison only becomes more of a rebel, learning how to wield a sword as well as a pen. She becomes a fearsome warrior and knowledgeable woman, breaking the rules to fall in love with a girl named Natalie at the school, as well as to challenge the virtues of the nunrey’s priest, Patrick. Eventually Patrick grows tired of her shenanigans and sends Allison back home, where she continues to write to Natalie and fight back against the oppressive systems around her. Back home, she begins to fall for both of the boys she once knew, but hates how they fight over her, as if she’s some prize to be won. But when Natalie dies of pneumonia, Allison stashes all of her letters in her dresser and accepts Luther’s stuttered proposal out of grief, the fight snuffed out of her like the flame from a candle.
(Monolo) Ray grew up alongside Sissy, his foster sister, in the town’s youth hostel. She was Vanya’s best friend until her death, and three years later succumbed to smallpox, leaving Ray quiet and withdrawn without her. (Luckily, her and Vanya’s bullies, Leonard and Carl, died in a carriage accident, getting what they deserved.) Sissy and Vanya visit on every Day of the Dead though, and it brings Ray and Allison closer together, the two of them becoming a force against the world, and Ray falls in love with her easily from there. She is his light in the dark, and when she goes out, everything in Ray’s life starts to unravel. His foster brother Dave is sent off to war, becoming deeply religious as he develops an intimate relationship with the god of sin. But Dave is sent home in a coffin, and Ray receives his remains. Though not a particularly religious man, Ray buries his brother beneath the marigolds as per tradition and is visited by Klaus personally, who tells him that he hopes to never see Dave again because if he did, it would mean he had been forgotten. Understanding the threat for what it is, Ray accepts Klaus’ favor despite his disagreement with his values, believing in peace and love instead of war and hate. A brilliant negotiator, Ray becomes known for his gentle temperament and soft music, often playing the guitar deep into the sunset. Homeless and wandering, Luther is the only constant left in his life, and as time moves on, so too does Ray from Allison, eventually letting her go when she returns, realizing slowly that she is no longer the person haunting his dreams.
(Joaquin) Luther grew up with Pogo, his maybe-father. He inherited his gentle nature from their time together, passing it on to everyone he meets. Though good friends with Vanya from a young age, he was unable to save her from the fire, persuading Ray and Allison to stay back as well when they wanted to run back in for her. That night he was visited by La Muerte, who chastised him for not doing all he could to save such a little girl. A child himself, Luther resented this angry god, choosing to leave behind acceptable religion for the wayward path of worshipping Xibalba. Losing Allison only pushed him further away from La Muerte’s kind morals, and eventually he simply gave into Xibalba’s allure completely, his faith being one of the driving factors behind his and Ray’s conflict. Adopted by Reginald after Allison’s departure, he trained to become one of the greatest warriors in all of history, Xibalba’s unwavering favor winning him countless battles. But while his heroism earns him mansions and money, Ray’s heart remains like stone to him, rebelling against violence and preferring peace, which Luther cannot keep. When the town goes to war with the bandits, only a sacrifice can keep them alive, and Luther tries to take his chance. Instead, however, Allison pushes him out of the way with a kiss, shoving him stumbling back into Ray’s tired arms. Devastated at the loss of the woman he’s spent his entire life loving, Luther drops to his knees and offers up his soul to Xibalba and La Muerte, telling them to use it to rebuild the burned bridge between their lands. Alas, Xibalba refuses, unwilling to kill such a loyal servant, but La Muerte gives Luther his favor, finally, telling him that he shall see Allison again, do not despair. In mourning, Ray and Luther live on, but come their first visit from Allison on the Day of the Dead, they are married in a quiet midnight ceremony, Allison’s marigolds raining over them.
(The Sword Twins) Five grew up long ago, trapped in a cold and dark mansion with no one but the abusive Handler for company. She kept him in dresses, refusing to accept him as a boy, and he spent most of his prisoner days with Dolores, a statue in the Handler’s garden. Eventually, the Handler grows bored of having such a defiant servant and tries to kill Five, but she underestimates all of the impulses she’s trained into him for thirteen years, leaving her with an axe through her head and Five a free man. Still, he stays within the mansion’s walls for forty-five years, too afraid to brave the world outside, Dolores his only company. On his forty-fifth birthday, Xibalba and La Muerte come for him with an offer of family and freedom. Insane and drunk, Five agrees, and his new parents restore him to his thirteenth body and let him be, Dolores kept in the Land of the Remembered just in case Five should ever need her again. But he seems happy now, flitting between earth and the lands, Lila wrapped around his shoulders with sass and snark on his lips. With a devilish grin, he kills rotten souls for his mother and saves sweet ones for his father, the most brilliant warrior there’s ever been following the loosest morals there ever were too. Fascinated by the world and his power over it, Five is an enigma without end, the adopted child of gods and, of course, a little shit.
(Xibalba) Klaus rules the Land of Forgotten, and he fucking hates it. He knows he’s there because he’s only ever loved the dead, and there’s no one to remember him, but fuck, he loved somebody alive once. Diego. Good fucking lord, he loved Diego. Their story went something like this: Klaus was a thief and a murderer, a drug addict and a mad hatter. Diego was the country’s decorated hero, a vigilante warrior who had damn near won wars all by himself. Though they met when Diego was hired to save a town from Klaus’ treachery, he instead fell in love with the bright young soul, and Klaus left with Diego’s heart as his only bounty. But it quickly became enough, and the two went on the run together, wild and free and in love. They kept their romance a secret by battling one another almost every day, but still they spent every night tangled around each other, their laughter loud and their eyes alight. But unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and true love is no exception. One night, dancing across the rooftops under the moon, Klaus is shot mid-laugh, choking as he topples from the roof. Diego screams his name, diving to catch him in his arms, and they sit there trembling, tears in their eyes as the men of the village look on confusedly, watching as the monster that had terrorized them for months was cradled in the arms of their guardian angel. Klaus touched Diego’s cheek, smiling at his eyes, and Diego managed to choke out only his name before Klaus went limp in his arms. Diego fell apart into grief, and without thought slaughtered the entire village of people he had sworn to protect, burning all of their photographs and bodies so they could not be remembered, blinded in his rage. He was captured without a fight by rangers from the next town over, and spent a year in prison, mad in his mourning. He would not speak or look at anyone, simply existing as a body with no soul inside. After that year, his trial finally came, and he was hung on a crowded morning, staring at the sun with his first and last words in a year and forever: I’ll see you soon, mi amor. He reawakened on a bridge made of marigolds, between the lands, but only had a moment to focus on that before he caught sight of Klaus, head thrown back in laughter, draped in purple and white and blue and gold and looking as beautiful as he did the day Diego lost him. Beaming, Diego ran for him, the two lovers reunited in a heart-beating kiss in the middle of the bridge, only to feel the marigolds falling to the wind beneath them. They tried to hold on, but the air was too strong, and Klaus could only watch as warm, beautiful Diego was whisked away from him once more, into the Land of the Remembered as Klaus sunk into the Land of the Forgotten. Cursed to be La Muerte and Xibalba now that the old gods had perished, their pure souls were kept in halves, the two men unable to meet or touch on any day beyond the Day of the Dead. Devastated at the loss of his lover for a second time, Klaus delved back into sin, the demons of his life too much to handle without ambrosia and apples from Eden. His ghosts, who used to follow him when he was one of the living too, were beside him always, and he only sank deeper into himself as time went on. Angry at Klaus for letting himself be ruined, Diego snipes and bites at Klaus any chance he gets, leaving the true loves torn apart by morality, or rather, lack thereof. Klaus continues to spread a drop of his decimated soul into every pair of lovers he can find, bitter at the unfairness of his unhappy ending and determined to keep others from it as well. Though Five tries to push them back together, Klaus and Diego remain apart in both body and mind, as though their hearts still beat as one, their love is, forever, dead.
(La Muerte) Diego grew up with his mother Grace in a small little town, a deadpan and angry soul. He spent most of his days alone, praying to La Muerte and training under Grace’s arm to become a brilliant warrior. His knives and bullets were said to move however he wished, as if by magic, and as he grew, his eyes began to twinkle and his nature became gentler and more trusting. On his eighteenth birthday his mother confessed that she herself was La Muerte, Xibalba being a bitter old man named Reginald, and advised him to enjoy life while he could, reasoning that both she and Reginald were not long for this world and that their thrones would both fall to the purest souls soon. Sure enough, her human body soon passed away, but he could still feel her soul in the world, and kept her rosary with him at all times, travelling the country in hopes of spreading her kindness and joy. (Unfortunately, Reginald held onto his human body for as long as he could, for centuries, unable to let himself die even though his power had been long since cleansed from him.) Diego lived by a strict moral code, refusing to bend his ideals for anybody… that is, until Klaus came along, to whom he always used to say, I love you too much, with a fond smile, as if it was a bad thing. But sure enough, it turned out to be, as the lovers lost each other and themselves in the process. Now La Muerte himself, Diego abides by the rules of life and death and watches over the mortals his once beloved so childishly fucks with, miserable in his own kingdom of endless joy. His son Five makes the days better, often bringing him new reaped souls as gifts with their blood still on his teeth (Diego just pats his head and sighs; he’s very cute when he’s being murderous, as we all know), and he still prays to Grace, though he knows she is long gone from the world. Ironically enough for a god who relies on them, Diego has an unadulterated hatred of marigolds, refusing to keep any within his palace walls, the only place in the entire Land of the Remembered where marigolds cannot be found. He spends most of his days wandering aimlessly, conversing quietly with Lila and Eudora, who he grants their human forms temporarily to visit him. Though his family continues to beg for his reunion with Klaus, Diego remains alone, the two of them bickering and snarking all throughout their one day a year together, too angry to see past their tragedy to their blessings. Diego only agrees to the stupid wager in the first place because he sees the same earnest, pure love in Ray’s eyes for Allison and Luther as he himself to hold for Klaus. But the wager is called off when Allison dies and Ray and Luther marry, leaving Diego without reason to talk to Klaus again. It’s not until the Day of the Dead seven years after the whole disaster that Klaus finally risks taking his hand again. Blankly, sadly, Diego asks him, Why would you risk your immortality for this? as he knows that the gods of the two worlds cannot touch without the risk of throwing the entire world off-balance. Klaus shrugs. I love you too much, he answers, and Diego sobs, looking at him with glittering eyes as Klaus grins, tugging him in for a kiss and tangling their souls together for the first time in millennia, their hearts once again beating beneath their skeletal skin.
(The Candlemaker) Ben was born to - well, nobody knows. His only family is Klaus, who stands as his soulmate, the other half of him, and Ben had always seemed content with that, at least when he was alive. The purest soul there ever was, Ben fell to his death during a heist with Klaus, earning him an immortal role in the afterlife, from which he watched Klaus beat back his resulting fear of heights with Diego’s help, the two of them more in love than any humans they’d ever known. Ben read the Book of Life over and over again, hoping to find some sort of loophole, any sort of loophole, to get him back to earth to help his soulmate. He knew the story of Grace and Reginald, and it was a bloody, maddening, and tragic one, something Ben would never wish on his worst enemy, let alone his favorite person in the entire world. Knowing from handwritten letters from Grace that Klaus and Diego were destined to become the next Xibalba and La Muerte, the two of whom are doomed to be apart for all eternity, Ben tried more and more desperately to reach Klaus, trying to save him from such a horrific fate. Instead, Klaus fell earlier than expected, and Ben was left with both his and Diego’s black candles all burnt out, though they were once the brightest blazes anyone had ever seen. Helpless on the sidelines as Klaus and Diego broke apart slowly, Ben busied himself by harboring the newly deceased and helping them cross over, eventually falling in love with Jill, a mortal who he would often see when crossing between the worlds. She tried to kill herself to be with him, like the fools in love we all are, but humans cannot be with immortals, and so her candle remains half-lit, as she is half-alive and half-dead, guarding the doors to the afterlife without ever being allowed to enter them herself. Ben found Five, and nudged Klaus and Diego towards him, hating cruel humans more than anything in the world and doing everything he could to spite them. Only when Klaus and Diego allow themselves to love again does Ben finally move on, Jill’s soul harbored on to the heavens. Bursting into marigolds, Ben’s soul stretches across the ravine between the lands, acting as the bridge connecting Klaus and Diego’s hearts forevermore. (And they love him, they love him, they love him; my god, do they love him.)
(Dove) Eudora grew up in wartimes, a pirate on the high seas in a red sash with half her hair hacked off, her eyes smudged with kohl. Though she pillaged and plundered, she was a kind soul, and her goodness won her Diego’s constant favor. In return, she prayed to La Muerte every day, her only consistency the beaded rosary around her neck proclaiming him her master. With brilliant swordsmanship and a sharp tongue, Eudora’s reign as a pirate queen seemed as if it would never end, until suddenly it did - when she met Lila, docked in Mexico one day centuries ago. They fell fast, and they fell hard, but alas, their love story ended in tragedy much like Klaus and Diego’s, with their ship being blown to bits by French cannonballs. Badly wounded, Eudora passed out while treading water and fell to the sea, but Diego collected her soul with compassion, making her his second-in-command as a sign of respect for her eternal devotion. She now sits on his shoulder as a wrinkled and wisened dove, her beauty lost in the end of her life. She knows Diego only keeps her around because he pities her, because she reminds him of himself, but that’s not Eudora’s concern. She spends her days travelling back and forth between the lands, often meeting Lila on the broken bridge, and tells Diego of Klaus’ state of affairs, helping the two lovers communicate even as they are eternally apart. A judge of souls, Eudora reigns by Diego’s side, no longer a queen but close enough, I suppose.
(Snake) Lila became an orphan of the plague at barely four, and was raised within a convent, eventually becoming a nun herself despite her contempt for so-called god. She slowly came to worship Xibalba, delving into a life of sin under her sisters’ noses and eventually harboring a demon within her skin, standing as Xibalba’s most faithful servant. So of course it was only fate that she meet and fall in love with La Muerte’s own favorite, the lovely Eudora, who Lila followed to the ends of the earth on a pirate ship, the sun setting behind them. In deep purple robes and with glowing red eyes, Lila ruled the seas by her lover’s side, only to lose her to the raging waves. Grief-stricken and furious beyond all manner and reason, Lila takes the ghost of Five, her best friend, with her when she travels back to her convent, burning the church to the ground with herself inside, her body melting like tar. She awakens in the Land of the Forgotten, a snake around Xibalba’s shoulders, but she can truly have no regrets, remaining Klaus’ loyal friend just as Eudora remains Deigo’s, even if this means that they can never truly be together, together, ever again. (Such is the fate of ill-advised lovers.)
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stompingdaisies · 4 years
I have been consumed by brain rot once again so take this assassin Kai au/Umbrella Academy crossover (ft. Kai working for The Commission)
When Kai is 11, just a little shy of turning a year older, a hurricane of black sweeps into the tiny little mountain town he calls home; she calls herself The Handler, pincurls of platinum and red lips that quirk in a knowing and mischievous way. The fabric of her dress crinkles as she bends down to help him pick up the book he dropped, and when they make eye contact, she winks in a manner that says she knows something he does not, and it intrigues him so, *burning* itself into the back of his mind. When they see each other as the sun sets across the horizon, she whispers of the ways she can teach him to protect the family he has left (Nya, who can kick and bite as much as she can get dragged away screaming), of how there’s a million and one ways that chain could go if he disagrees. As moonlight finally blankets the cobblestone streets, Nya tucked away with an old family friend, she whisks them off in a swirling vortex of blue and white.
From there, everything feels like it passes by in a blur, fragments of time disjointed by the smell of gun smoke and shells before bodies like halos. The Commission treats him well enough, his fellow assassins sometimes stopping to make empty space filling chatter before warping away for jobs; the sound of briefcase clasps snapping open becoming somewhat of a comfort. The Handler parades him up and down the halls, calls him her most prized weapon, hands him the finest pistols and blades that her near endless money can buy. He’s fifteen when he puts in his notice of temporary leave, just as the desks where the requests all come from begin to whisper about a man (not quite a boy) who comes from the apocalypse; Five and Kai share a nod of understanding when they pass by one another in the halls. The crinoline of her familiar (and favorite) little black dress presses against his legs, mutterings of luck whispered in his ears as he’s pushed out, with nothing but his official briefcase and the clothes on his back.
Nya asks questions, they all do, but he keeps everything sealed away, going back to his job as a blacksmith like nothing ever changed (the feel of fire against his skin reminds him too much of the mansion he set ablaze once, no survivors save for him, the briefcase, and the waiter uniform kept as his disguise). The old man who speaks to them one day has his finely honed sense of intuition *screaming*, but his offer of protection is something Kai thinks neither he or his sister (his precious baby sister, the one who doesn’t quite know how big a *monster* the brother she always looked up to really is) would refuse the offer to. They travel when the sun just peaks over the edge of the night sky, climbing up the mountain with skill not quite matched; (Kai has had to do an awful lot of climbing in the years he is away). A boy who smells of oil arrives around the time they do, he easily strikes up a conversation with Nya, leaving Kai to sort his thoughts; a familiar weight in his hand keeps him grounded, a metal canister hitting something makes his heart drop, his sister eyeing him with much suspicion. Time seems like it’s dragging on forever as two others join them, shop set up as quick as possible.
They start out rough, they wonder just how Kai can seem to move faster, be sneakier, than what he seemed at first. When they all fall into a restful slumber, nobody quite notices the footsteps that lead out to the training deck, or the whirling spiral of blue and white that disappears as fast as it comes. Her heels against the tiled floor are aptly welcomed, a hand on his shoulders with nails that dig in. Hazel and Cha-Cha greet him as he’s heading back out, curt nods as he warps away once more, a finger on the trigger for his silenced beretta, the other thumbing at the clasps to take him back home.
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ofindcmitability · 5 years
the umbrella academy au ( landon )
              + @frcmashes @geminislegacy @chosenlonely @enflamedxtouch 
       on the 12th hour of the first day of october 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth. this was unusual only in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day first began.
         will always thought of himself a proper freak. actually to be more proper, a second-generation freak. his father being the first and one of those children born on that date.
         funny thing about jack. he started up the evil league of villains. not their actual name, no, but might as well been. there was klaus mikaelson, kai parker, katherine pierce, (so many freakin k’s) and of course, malivore. all of them provoked some kind of terror, they were all mass murderers and all that. but malivore was by far the most mysterious, no one even knew his true name. funny enough, they all had kids too. sort of, at least. there was klaus mikaelson’s daughter, ironically named HOPE. kai had his two nieces, twins ran in his mother’s family and he and his sister jo had melted in childbirth. legit, MELTED. while she had an affinity for ice, her twins were somehow born with her brother’s flames. they melted her. katherine pierce had a daughter named nadia but will had only met her a handful of times, she was a bit older then the rest of them, and onto much different things then listening to her mother (her mother, will would note, who looked younger then her). then there was landon kirby. the newest edition to their supervillain parent club.
          hope knew him a bit, she told him as much. said landon could be TRUSTED. the thing was though, will struggled with the whole trust thing. he trusted the twins and hope with his life, and with the plan to FLEE. a plan they had been building towards since 3 years ago when they realized they couldn’t escape their parents otherwise. if landon allowed it to slip that they’d been planning a runaway there would be hell to pay. hell for will, that is.
          klaus mikaelson had a kill count larger then some towns populations, but he would never allow harm to come towards his daughter. kai would come after the twins with an axe if the mood striked, but that was because he was a psychopath, it was without actual malicious. then there was jack, who had malicious in every mood he made. they didn’t know though, not the extent of it. will couldn’t allow them to know, to try and help. he couldn’t let them risk themselves for him. he’d rather run away and never turn back.
          what he didn’t need though was some loser ruining this plan.
          “he needs us!” hope insisted to him, and well fuck him when hope mikaelson set her mind to something how was he supposed to say FUCK NO and expect not to be punched for such efforts?
           “i don’t even know the kid, and you don’t know either.” will pointed out (and he was fairly sure this was the third time they had this discussion). “how could we trust him? he’s an unknown entity.”
           “to start with on the many reasons you need to hear me out, he’s not a kid. he’s my age.” a single year older, woopty doo (though, somehow, hope having that extra year and experience made her their impromptu leader, among other reasons.) “he’s been through hell and i... i actually knew him a long time ago.” he’s been through hell and she didn’t rescue him. those were the words will read in what she spoke. hope mikaelson and her damn hero complex. “we could trust him, he could-”
             “okay.” there was no getting in her way, will could see it. it was a uphill battle and he would LOOSE.
             plus there was something nice about seeing that satisfied smile upon the shorter girl’s face.
               “so you must be will then?” ugh, he hated socializing. though will reminded himself, he’d be practically living with landon if all went according to plan. better start getting used to him.
                “yeah, thats me.” he nodded, and then landon offered his hand was that something people did? ( yeah, he didn’t have much experience with people beyond the trio of girls and super villains. )
               “you’re supposed to shake it.” landon prompted, though he seemed almost unsure of saying so himself. will stared for a moment, hesitant. then, he reached, and he gave it a light shake.
               landon chuckled. it was a bit awkward, yes, but it was... wasn’t horrible.
                then, he heard lizzie saltzman let out a proper GROAN. “why does your hair have to look so much like a sponge?” she asked of landon, only for hope to slip a hand into hers and instantly the girl soothed. she was nervous, will could tell. he knew lizzie saltzman well. she’d been his first and only crush, his first kiss. and maybe there would have been something if she wasn’t so horribly in love with hope mikaelson. hope mikaelson who returned her affections and became an absolute mess when lizzie turned on the charm.
               they were cute, and will was happy for the girls. though he and josie did sometimes make barfing sounds when they were being lovey dovey to the GUG degree.
              lizzie would flip them off.
              fuck, will didn’t know what he’d do without them. he didn’t know who he’d be with only jack’s influence, without the girl’s he called his family. and now there was someone else part of that family, someone else to protect. and protect them, he would.
              “so tomorrow they’ll be leaving to rob a bank.” hope began. “i overheard my dad talking about it. that is when we move.” they had to be gone when it happened, whether it was love or possessiveness, the kids were all too aware their parents wouldn’t be happy with them leaving.
            when hope said the words ROB A BANK. it didn’t mean an actual robbery, but rather an outing. their parents were hush hush on the horrible deeds they commited, so lizzie in her greatness decided ‘yeah, they’re probably robbing banks. ski masks and everything.’
             so yeah, robbing banks.
              “so, i uh, i know i’m the new guy,” a groan from lizzie, a chuckle from hope and an eye roll from will himself.
              “we really are prepared for this,” josie piqued in. “and if you don’t think you could handle this and need to stay behind that’s fine but--”
               “wait wait,” landon interrupted, a chake of his head. “not what i was getting at, i was moreso gonna say we should ya know... prepare.” prepare, and it was said in such a way that landon had been through this before. huh. “maybe we could make back backs and hide them? hope filled me in, that we have money-- but money won’t last forever and we should prepare. food, blankets, lighters, everything that we might need and could carry with us. i mean... we will be on the streets, roughing it. and it’s better then being here, but still. we need to be prepared for it.”
               “oh my god, you were a trashcan baby.” classic lizzie saltzman, truly. still she was probably right. landon spoke like he had all too much experience in the narrative of it.
                “guess you didn’t tell him everything,” will had figured hope would fill him on it.
               hope gave a shrug. “i was meaning to, it just didn’t happen yet.”
               “okay, so what am i missing?” landon asked, bewildered.
                once more, josie spoke up. “her name is penelope. she’s second-generation just like us... and she’s going to bring us to our dad.”
                 alaric saltzman, their savior. a man who wanted to be in his daughter’s lives til their uncle stole them away on a whim. according to josie, he contacted the twins three months ago. that was when the plan fell into play. alaric had resources, and since his daughters were two fo them, he did all the research he could. apparently he was in touch with something called THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY, and they would protect them. all of them. they just needed to get the destination pick up point first.
                  so it went remarkably well. they did actually pack, because the journey to the umbrella academy would be a few days and they were on foot. he knew the girls well but landon... landon was a constant surprise. it was weird, having pleasant surprises by someone. landon was all sorts of weird but... will found himself enjoying it.
                  it was their third night, and tomorrow they would arrive. at least, according to josie’s calculations. for the past two nights they had managed to boy two motel rooms, and yes he kept sharing with landon. landon who snuck, of all things, candy into his bag. who kept asking will if he wanted any. and will, who always said, sure.
                then josie checked how much they have left and apparently it worried her. she wanted to be safer, spend less. thus, one room this time. the three girls squeezed into one bed together (poor josie, will thought, or maybe poor lizzie and hope. unable to get it on with josie right there). but it left he and landon to share a bed. funny thing was though, will hadn’t shared a bed with someone ever before. and when a tired landon rolled onto him he hadn’t had the foggiest what to do. so, he fell asleep, and hoped that upon waking up the situation would resolve itself.
               it did not.
              they were snuggling. and it was... nice. actually. really nice. huh.
             “disgusting.” that was a voice whispered in his ear, one that sounded remarkably like jack. except it wasn't in his head, oh no- a knee was his chest, forcing him down--- making him stay. then jack was reaching over and no no no--
              the thing was, about jack. he was remarkable in many ways. knew ways to kill so many people, knew how to use so many weapons, but when it came to it his power was basically his favorite thing.
               death touch.
               his hand clasped landon’s throat, and landon’s eyes flew open. and will--- he’d known landon less than a week. it was stupid, they were barely even friends. yet, as the life drained from his eyes, will felt like the world was ending. no more stupid jokes, no more awkward pauses or candy. no more offered candy. no more landon.
              will SHRIEKED.
             he heard the sound of the sound of one of the girls falling off the bed, and then jack was jumping back because there was FIRE and will--- fuck, was he sobbing? he’d never done that before. not even on jack’s worst days. he’d never shaken like this before, unable to stop, unable to breathe---
              “will.” hope said, taking his arm and pulling--- but no, he couldn’t leave landon’s body-- no-- “will!” hope said again. his eyes connected with hers and the sight of her felt so damn blurry. the world was fucking spinning. “give him a moment.”
             a moment? a moment? for--- a large GASP, came from the boy before him. landon sucked in air as if he hadn’t breathed before, well, this WAS his first breath after dying.
            “oh my god.” landon’s blue eyes connected to his, and despite the fire, despite the death, despite it all, he smiled.
            epilogue i’m too lazy to write: wll uses his own killer touch to knock jack out, (hope fought him for a bit btw, she has preflex). they make it to alaric and the umbrella academy. it’s not happily ever after, but it is better then it was before. and will has landon now. he’s happy.
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denlilleheksa · 4 years
Tag Drop #?
å snakke uten aksent (Norwegian) to speak with no accent (Norwegian)
She can make a flower out of fire (MCU AU) Hun kan lage en blomst av ild (MCU AU)
She will set the town on fire (The Umbrella Academy AU) Hun vil sette byen i brann (The Umbrella Academy AU)
The little Pyro of Gotham City (DC AU) den lille pyroen til Gotham City (DC AU)
The sweet taste of copper  (Vampire AU) Den søte smaken av kobber (Vampire AU)
Flying away from the fjords (Muggle AU) Flyr fra fjordene (Muggle AU)
The Norwegian in Hawkins (Stranger Things AU) Nordmannen i Hawkins (Stranger Things AU)
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(This is a weird ass mall just work with me here okay)
(Oh, and did I mention they’re all staying in the mall because they’re the last humans left after the zombie apocalypse?)
(BEWARE: mentions of abuse and harassment/assault, murder, death, annihilation, zombies, implied cannibalism but that kind of comes with the territory with zombies let's be honest, etc.)
(If you can handle watching Umbrella Academy, this will be fine for you.)
(Mechanics Shop) Luther came here after an accident left him deformed and lonely. He expects he’ll be there the rest of his life, having no other prospects to fall back on, and he actually thinks that might be alright, maybe. He likes fixing cars well enough and the donuts at Agnes’ are to die for, even if he has to pay for them with some bickering with Diego. He has a good routine - a good life. Until the zombies come to town and stay, and Allison the Fallen Angel Actress comes with them.
(Bakery) Diego took over the bakery when Agnes died. He’s been here since the first zombies came in, and sleeps around with Klaus almost every day, though they both deny feeling any sort of love for each other. (What fucking liars.) Diego wants to get the fuck out, to end it all if that’s what it takes, but his family keeps him here. And then Klaus storms off after one of their fights, and gets bitten, and Diego holds him in his arms as he fades, finally confessing that he loves him. Klaus looks at him with his wide green eyes one last time, whimpering Diego’s name, and Diego makes a split-second decision and kisses him on the mouth. And Klaus bites his lip.
(High-End Fashion) Allison was an actress who fell from grace about a week before the apocalypse. She came to stay with her brother Klaus and Ray, her childhood friend whom she’s almost laughably in love with, helped her get a job here. It’s just as well, since the zombies moved in three days later and they’ve been trapped here ever since.
(Vintage Shop) Klaus is happy to have Allison back in his life. He’s been stuck here in the mall in this weird vintage record/clothing/shoe/whatever store since he turned seventeen, hooked on drugs and going mad. He’s a brilliant inventor, but he can’t cure zombies. And he can’t cure a broken heart, which is what he’s got ever since Dave. And Diego - oh, Diego - Klaus loves him more than he thought it was possible to love another human being, and Diego - Diego - Diego is gonna leave him to save the goddamn world. Fuck, Klaus needs a drink.
(Comic Book Store) Five hates people, but he hates them even more when they’re dead. He’s crazy okay, he knows that - his best friend Dolores died in the first wave and he’s been pretending this mannequin he stole is her ever since. He buries himself in his comic books to distract himself from the doomsday sure to come soon enough, and finds solace in his family’s company - mostly Ben and Diego and Klaus. When Diego and Klaus are turned, Five is the one who has to burn their bodies… and that’s what makes him do it, really. End the world.
(Library) Ben has been researching zombies since long before they were real. One of them tried to bite him, but he dodged them, though only by leaping too close to a grenade. As he was dying from the gashes in his chest filled with shrapnel, Klaus found him and dragged him to safety inside the mall. They’d never met before that day, but now they’re partners, especially as it was one of Klaus’ wacky inventions that did and continues to save Ben’s life, implanted in his chest and keeping his lungs from being impaled by the shrapnel. Ben will always carry, both figuratively and literally, a piece of Klaus in his heart.
(Musical Shop) Vanya mostly stays in her music shop, playing violin by herself. Klaus likes to tweak all the other instruments so they play by themselves like ghosts. Vanya doesn’t let herself get bitten - but Leonard tried. And she made him pay. She spends her days with Sissy, trying to cheer up the beautiful woman she fell in love with when she first moved here… but Sissy is a shell of herself, sad and lost and lonely, and there’s nothing Vanya can do to change that, no matter how hard she tries. And she tries. So. Goddamn. Hard.
(Tech Store) Ray is just trying to get the wifi working again. He reads as many books as he can, mostly on civil rights movements and survivalist theory, but there’s not much time. If they want to send out a signal for help, someone has to brave the outside and reattach the antenna. And Ray knows, has always known, that that’s gonna be him.
(Martial Arts Studio) Lila used to be a martial arts teacher before all this shit went down. She watched her studio and students get ripped to shreds by zombies, and she could save nobody. She made it to the mall by pure luck, and is decorated in scars from scratches and attempted bites. She still practices her craft every day, training to break them out to somewhere safer. But the longer she spends here, the more she knows they’ll never make it - they’re all going to die for each other, in the end. And die for each other they do.
(Record Shop) Eudora used to be a cop. She’s always been on the side that’s moral, righteous, and good. So what’s she supposed to do now that she has to steal and kill to survive? (Make Diego do it for her, that’s how.) She’s bunkered down in the record store, blasting music throughout the mall randomly every day. She’s found out classical lulls the zombies to sleep and metal sends them running. But they always return, more feral than before. She falls so deeply in love with Lila she’s terrified to act on it, but in the end it doesn’t matter - Lila is bitten, and Eudora’s the one who has to burn her down.
(Cooking Store) Sissy is anxious and paranoid, having lost her son Harlan in the first wave of zombies. He ate her husband - not that she cared. He was a dick. But - but - her son. She drifts along like a ghost now, without him. Vanya loves her, and holds her, and takes care of her, but there’s just nothing that can be done. When the zombies finally get in, Sissy just bares her neck and gives in.
(Baby Boutique) Grace is a brilliant inventor and healer who taught Klaus everything he knows. She’s responsible for the shields and fences that keep the zombies out of the mall, and is working towards a cure for the zombie infection. Hopefully one she can dump out on the masses. She dies fighting off the zombies long enough for Ray to fix the antennae, feeling humanity slip out of her as she stares at the sun and moon, eclipsing in the distance. She figures a blind zombie is better than another seeing one.
(Evil CEO) Reginald invented the zombie serum, and he’s not sorry. It’s just a spot of fun that… got out of control, he guesses. He just had some people he needed to get rid of, and this way everyone would be focusing more on the oh-my-god-real-life-zombies part than the hold-up-were-they-murdered part. But then Ben figures it out. Reginald’s stupid, annoying, nerdy son figures it out. And what was Reginald to do? Just let him live? His Klaus-touched heart sits in Reginald’s bloody hand, and Reginald grins and shoves it in his mouth whole.
(Wedding Boutique) The Handler is that crazy bitch who wears wedding dresses every day. She always looks a bit sick, but she also always wears crazy make-up, so they just brush it off. Until one day Five catches her changing and sees the prominent bite marks all over her, proving she’s been bitten nearly six times over. She turns around and looks at him, sneers, and opens her gaping maw when he grabs a nearby candelabra and sets her hair on fire.
(Sports Store) Hazel and Cha-Cha are partners who have been here since the beginning of the apocalypse. Hazel used to be a girls’ soccer coach and Cha-Cha ran the boys’ football team at the same high school, but that’s all over now. Hazel’s been fucked up since Agnes died (only of natural causes. Ha!) and Cha-Cha’s seen her zombie walking around since then. She makes it her mission to shoot it down before Hazel sees it, and manages - but the two of them still go out in a blaze of glory together, sacrificing themselves to take out a horde of the undead just days before the mall falls.
(Woodworking Shop) Leonard got bitten in the third wave, just before entering the mall. He made it a week before they found out. He tried to bite Vanya and she pitched him over the side of the terrace. They use the logs from his wood shop to kill zombies who get too close, setting them on fire and hurling them into the masses.
(Thrift Shop) Dave was travelling with Klaus, the two of them rather involved, and got bitten just before he and Klaus made it to safety. Klaus had to kill him and has been depressed about it ever since, setting Dave’s body to rest in the thrift shop where Klaus does all his experiments. Five and Grace use the body as a test subject, but Klaus doesn’t need to know that. When he figures out how to make a zombie-killing nuke, he lays the button down with Dave, hoping they’ll never have to use it since it will most certainly destroy the world along with all the zombies. The last human left alive runs from the zombies towards the button. He presses it. The zombies close in, Five shuts his eyes, and the planet explodes into nothing.
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