#She will probably find a way to become second head of the Psychonauts
browngonzo888 · 2 years
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Okay i might get tomatoes for this but I think there’s gonna be consequences later in their careers for riding Razs coattails (Maybe not Sam, since she wants to be an animal therapist).
First off, all of them were new, according to Lili. They were just dropped off but already started following Norma’s lead when peer pressuring Raz into manipulating Hollis and yet not getting in the least bit of trouble for it. Even then, two of them had the gall to offload their tasks onto Raz, and the audacity to weirdly flirt with two of his family members (One receptive and one oblivious). And when they all faced up against Maligula, they were all knocked out in one hit. And still Hollis gave all of them across the board Junior Psychonaut badges, oblivious to whatever was happening out of sight.
This all is telling of the Psychonauts organization as a whole and even reflective to the future of Raz and the other interns; since psychics are rare in the first place, the organization seems to graduate as many of them as they can regardless of how they got by, which implies many of the Psychonauts, just like the interns, rode on the success of their super agent peers like Sasha and Milla. That also implies that, just like Sasha and Milla, Raz will get his own sort of personal lab/sanctuary and special reservations for his extensive work while the rest who don’t manage to rank up will end up worried about being laid off, just like the random workers complaining over in the Noodle Bowl.
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doodle17 · 9 months
Could you maybe tell us what future Raz and Lilis relationship is like now?
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*vibrating with excitement*
Putting this under a read more because it might be really long hemngh
So I'd decided to study their characters and how they interact a little more (mostly from the second game, but a little bit of the first too) and think about how their relationship would develop as they got older.
I came to the conclusion that I want to portray them as two people who have some level of affection for the other, but don't have time to focus on being sappy "boyfriend and girlfriend" because of work. The "fun" part their relationship ended waaaay back when they were 18-ish and went from Junior Agents to Official Psychonauts. It ain't exactly easy to go on dates and save the world at the same time y'know, and both of them have a lot of personal stuff going on.
Raz is almost always busy. Constantly filling out paperwork, running around in Sasha's lab, doing agent stuff, Circus stuff, the WHOLE shebang. Lili, is still trying to get over her dad's retirement, as the while thing still feels very surreal to her. Not to mention Hollis and her dad trying to push her to become the next Grand Head, much to her dismay. It's not very easy to have a social life with that much going on to be 100% honest.
Theres also taking their very different personalities into account. Lili's "Fuck around and find out" and Raz's sticking to a solid plan type of methods tend to clash quite often, and many newcomers have a hard time telling whether or not they're dating or competing with eachother.
Lili is probably the most complicated woman Raz has ever worked with, and while he finds it endearing he also finds it incredibly exhausting. Sometimes, It feels like she'll do the exact opposite of what he tells her just to get a reaction out of him, out of spite. But it's not like she can help it. She absolutely hates being told what to do, and one of her least favorite things about Raz is when he decides to become "Mr. Boss man" and order everyone around during missions. Despite all of- that- however, they do end up having very successful missions!... Most of the time.
There's also the pressure to keep up professional appearances for their fellow agents and new interns. One thing the both of them can agree on, is that they'll avoid showing any PDA in front of their coworkers. They still cringe thinking about how a little too comfortable they were as kids, and how almost EVERYONE in the Motherlobe knew about it. Luckily, most of those people are retired, quit or fired, and gives the two a better chance to be a little more professional with their relationship in front of the newcomers, because if they have to hear, "You guys are like the next Sasha and Milla!" One more time...
This isn't to say that things are always rough and gloomy for them. They still have a very special connection, and after knowing eachother for half of their lives, it's not like they're going to get rid of the other anytime soon. So might as well make the most of it, eh? She'll never admit it out loud, but there's really no other person Lili would rather be tied up and dangling over a pool of pyrokenetic sharks with than Raz (which has actually happened before btw) There's no way you won't catch them holding hands or sneaking a quick kiss at least once.
Anyways, to sum all of this shishkabable up best I can: They're WAY too close to be considered "just coworkers", but they also have way too much going on to focus on a serious relationship at this time.
Good on you if you managed to read my nonsensical ramblings all the way through! Take a prize from the prize bin you deserve it 👏 👏👏
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Mystery Kids and the Case of the Whispering Rock
Summary: Norman, Neil, Coraline, Wybie, Raz and Lili arrive at Grunkle Stan’s Summer Camp with the hope of having a summer of fun, or in the case of the two Psychonauts, with the intent of investigating a psychic disturbance. When they meet two twins that seem to be experts on the secrets of Gravity Falls, they find themselves reluctantly teaming up. But how much can they actually trust each other? There are secrets in this town, but more surprising are the secrets being kept from each other.
Table of Contents
Act 2
Chapter 24: The Right Tools
Tiny particles invade Wybie’s throat. He started coughing and found he couldn’t stop.
“I think you went overboard on the glitter…” Wybie managed to choke out.
“Nonsense! There’s no-” Mabel began to cough. “Such thing... as too much…” But she couldn’t finish her sentence, and instead, she doubled over with wheezing, hacking breaths.
“You were saying?” Wybie asked. It was becoming easier to breathe as the glitter began to settle on the floor of the attic bedroom around them. “Also… why did we need glitter again?”
“Neil, tell him,” Mabel said with a nod to the red-headed kid beside her.
"Glitter enhances everything," Neil informed him matter-of-factly. "It's called aesthetic."
"And more of a good thing is always a good thing!" Mabel added cheerily.
Wybie raised an eyebrow at her. "I'm not sure that's true." However, he didn't say anything more than that. Wybie had known the girl for only a few days, and he had already learned that arguing sense into her was pointless.
Wybie looked down at the square device on the ground which used to be black, but was now pink, had a collection of cupcake stickers, a cat made out of puff paint with big eyes, and rhinestones clustered in any additional left over space. With Mabel’s newest addition, the whole device was also now covered in glitter. As mismatched and horrible as the whole thing looked, he had to admit the cat was painted really well. After the mummy project, Wybie had no doubt that the girl was talented artistically, even if she did have… unusual tastes.
When Neil and Mabel said that they wanted to help Wybie fix the EMF meter, he expected that they would just help him find supplies. He didn’t expect… this kind of help.
“What’s wrong with how it looked before?” Wybie asked.
Mabel shook her head, as if he had just asked the silliest question she had ever heard. “If you were a ghost, what would you be drawn towards? A boring black square box? Or this work of art?”
“Definitely this,” Neil agreed. “It's a lot more fun and everyone likes cupcakes!”
“But the problem wasn’t about getting the ghost’s attention,” Wybie explained. “The problem was getting the device to work properly.”
After they got home from getting lost in the woods and finding the mysterious cabin, Wybie had started working on building the EMF meter while the rest of the kids finished the fake mummy for the shack. It wasn’t a very complicated device, and by the next day, Wybie had the device built. EMF readers detect electromagnetic fields that are given off by electronics, especially old electronics that don’t have their wires properly shielded. EMF fluctuations are also said to indicate ghostly activity. The idea was, even if they couldn’t see Luis themselves, the EMF meter should be able to pick up his ghostly energy… provided they were far enough away from any electronics that could set off the EMF meter. Wybye was still a little skeptical of the science, but he didn’t have a better idea.
Coraline and Norman had been eager to get back to the Cardinal’s old mansion to see if they could find Luis again as soon as possible. They wouldn’t be able to communicate with him if they couldn’t see or hear him, but at least the EMF reader would indicate if he was still around or not. Once they knew if Luis was still around, they could work on other ways of communicating with him.
When they arrived back at the old mansion, Wybie turned on the EMF meter and it immediately calibrated to the surrounding area. The device had an indicator needle that could swing between green, yellow and red; green indicating low electromagnetic energy, yellow indicating medium, and red indicating high levels.
At first, the device was reading green, but as they stepped further into the house, the needle swung to yellow, and the device started letting out a slow beeping noise. Excited, Wybie tried to find the source of the electromagnetic field disturbance by moving the EMF meter around. Coraline eagerly called Luis’s name, but she got no response.
As Wybie swung the device to his left, he noticed that the device started beeping louder as the needle detected more activity. He moved to the left and the beeping increased, the needle moving to red. Slowly, he seemed to be narrowing in on the location of the disturbance. He stopped in front of Norman, and Norman moved out of his way- only for the beeping to decrease again as the needle moved back down to yellow. Wybie adjusted his position, and he was able to pick up the trail again… only to find himself standing in front of Norman for a second time.
Norman’s eyes widened in surprise and the color seemed to drain from his already pale face.
“Wh-what does that mean?” Norman asked nervously as he eyed the EMF meter. “Why is it focusing on me?”
“I’m not sure,” Wybie said as he fiddled with some of the buttons on the meter. “Do you have your phone on you? You should give it to someone else. Maybe that’s what’s setting off the device.”
Norman did so, handing over his phone to Neil.
Norman stepped away from the EMF meter, but again, it focused in on Norman, beeping incessently.
Norman shifted uncomfortably as everyone stared in confusion at the device.
“Wait, I think I’ve seen this movie,” Raz exclaimed with a fake gasp. “Norman’s been dead the entire time!”.
A few lighthearted chuckles from the group eased the atmosphere, and Norman let out an awkward laugh himself.
“It’s probably because Norman was possessed by Luis,” Dipper suggested. Some of his ghostly energy must still be on him, which is messing with the EMF meter.
“Can you do something about that Wybie?” Coraline asked. “We aren’t going to be able to find Luis if the EMF reader keeps lighting up everytime Norman gets close, and I really don’t want to have to wait to find out how long ghost energy can last on a person.”
“I can probably make the device less sensitive,” Wybie said. “That should make it harder to detect Norman and more likely that it will detect a bigger electromagnetic disturbance, like a ghost… theoretically. That's assuming this is even a valid method of finding a ghost.”
“I can leave,” Norman suggested hesitantly. “Maybe that would make it easier for the EMF meter to work if I wasn’t here?”
Dipper shook his head. “No, you should stay. We want to make sure the instrument is actually reading a ghostly entity, not just left over energy. We can actually use you to make sure the calibration is correct.”
“The new calibration might take a while, but I think it will be ready by tomorrow,” Wybie said.
Coraline frowned impatiently, but nodded. “I guess we have no choice but to wait until then.”
“Oh! I can help you, Wybie!” Mabel said eagerly
“Me too!” Neil chimed in.
“Sure,” Wybie said with a shrug.
After all, how could more help be a bad thing?
Past Wybie had been so naive.
Well, Mabel and Neil hadn’t messed with the inside of the device, and as long as it was still functional, that was the most important part.
”You fixed the inside and we fixed the outside! We make a great team!” Mabel said, patting him on the back.
“The outside wasn’t broken-”
“Agree to disagree,” Mabel said flippantly.
“But I haven’t completely fixed it yet,” Wybie said. “I still need to screw this back panel on, but the screws I had to use for the back panel are a lot smaller.” It was a common occurrence when Wybie built things out of spare parts. No big deal. He just needed to use different tools. “I need to use something else. Neil, can you hand me that smaller screwdriver by your leg?”
“Sure!” Neil said and offered the screw driver to Wybie, who thanked him.
“I guess it’s time to find out if it works,” Wybie said as he finished tightening the last screw. “Coraline wanted to try the mansion again today as soon as this was done.”
“Didn’t Mr. Pines want us to work in the shack all day? Won’t he be mad if we all just left?” Neil asked.
“Raz and Lili left a few times yesterday and I think they were gone this morning and I don’t think Mr. Pines noticed. He was too busy with all the tourists,” Wybie said.
“Oh yeah… Why do you think Raz and Lili keep leaving without telling anyone?” Neil asked.
Mabel’s smile widened. "I bet Coraline’s right and they're sneaking away to make out!"
"But whenever they leave they are always really serious and determined. That’s not how people look on TV when they’re about to go kiss someone, or my brother with his boyfriend,” Neil said.
“Also if they are just sneaking off to kiss, why would they be gone for hours?” Wybie added.
“Because they are going on romantic dates, obviously!” Mabel insisted.
“Two to three times a day?” Wybie countered.
Mabel shrugged. “They’re in love!”
“Maybe.” Wybie said, but he suspected there was more to it. Perhaps they were trying to get out of doing work around the shack? Or maybe they had found something more interesting to do in Gravity Falls?
“Do you think your Grunkle would be okay if we left the shack early today to go to the mansion?” Neil asked.
“It depends,” Mabel said thoughtfully. “Grunkle Stan cares if it eats into the profits. With all the new customers we’ve been getting because of the mummy exhibit, he’s probably too happy to care. It’s also past the mid-day rush anyway. We probably won’t get another big batch of tourists until tomorrow.”
Wybie was glad he had been lucky enough to avoid the crowd of tourists that had come to the shop to see the grand reveal of the mummy. The reason Wybie had time to finish the EMF meter was because Coraline, Dipper and Norman were handling the gift shop so they weren’t needed downstairs.
Wybie looked over his EMF meter and turned it on. It hummed, but didn’t start beeping right away, which was a good sign unless the twins bedroom was hunted. In which case it should be beeping very incessantly…
Wybie sighed and turned off the device.
“What’s wrong?” Mabel asked.
“Machines I understand. I could tell you a hundred facts about the different spiders and slugs living in the Pacific Northwest. When I don’t know something, I can research it until I figure it out. But this… ghost stuff. I don’t understand it at all
Mabel cocked her head to the side. “And that’s… bad?”
“Yes!” Wybie said, throwing his hands into the air. “We spoke to a ghost, we found a cabin in the woods powered by magic! I’ve seen all this crazy stuff in the past two days and I don’t know how to make sense of it! How am I supposed to learn or study about something that just breaks the laws of physics? I know ghosts are real. I saw Louis with my own eyes and I’ve known monsters are real ever since… Well, that thing that Coraline doesn’t want to talk about. I can see it, and believe in it to a certain extent, but how am I supposed to understand it? What units of measurement do I even use for ectoplasmic energy or the amount of magic powering the cabin? How am I supposed to understand it, let alone build a device to detect it?” He held up the EMF reader in frustration.
To Wybie’s surprise, Mabel giggled. “You sound like my brother.”
“I do?”
“Dipper will go on and on and say that he loves mysteries, but that’s not true. It’s not the mystery he likes, it’s solving them. The truth is my brother hates mysteries. He can’t stand the uncertainty… he hates not knowing, it eats at him. What he really enjoys is putting the pieces together. You’re similar, you like taking things apart and then putting them back together, but better than before. But with this ghost and magic stuff you’re stuck.” She held up his discarded screwdriver. “Your usual tools aren’t going to help you understand.”
“So what I’m I supposed to do?”
Mabel shrugged. “I don’t know. I don’t know how that stuff works either. What do you usually do when you’re stuck and what you’re trying to do isn’t working?”
Wybie frowned. It wasn’t uncommon for him to get stuck with an engineering problem, but what did he do when he was completely out of his depth?
“You get better tools.” Neil said eagerly and Wybie looked up. “Just like you had me get a different screwdriver for the different sized screws.”
Wybie nodded slowly. “I improvise. But how am I supposed to get better tools to understand magic and ghost stuff?”
Mabel shrugged again. “I guess that’s just another mystery?”
Wybie groaned. “I hate when there are too many mysteries and not enough solutions.”
Mabel grinned. “Welcome to Gravity Falls.”
I'm finally back with the beginning of Act 2! I hope you liked it!
I've also been busy going back and editing this story. I haven't made any major changes so there is no need to reread the story since everything is mostly the same!
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