#She too will wonder how the hel it happened xd
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paper-entusiaster · 4 months ago
What would be Lanydae's reaction if she met her grandchildren?
Es para una tarea â˜ïžđŸ€“
she would be crazy excited, and a little nostalgic
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smolvenger · 2 years ago
I love this chapter so much!!!
You two got closer and the chemistry between you and Loki was stunning. Within a few weeks, he had turned from being an arrogant asshole into your personal Prince Charming. You wouldn't admit that out loud, though.
Heh heh, admit it Y/N, you do like him! She's not only Mulan she's Meg- "I won't saaayyy I'm iiiiin looooooooove!"
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"Um, s-sure, but... um, could you... could you close your eyes?" You stammered out
I love how this Y/N is still a badass warrior but still gets really flustered around her crush! Awww...
Your eyes widened, hands trembling - but not in fear. And Loki knew it. He saw it in your eyes. "Ah, I see... You like it." He smirked and lowered himself more into the water. "Good for you, my dear, that I like you this close to me as well." Before you could even blink, let alone react were his cool lips suddenly on yours. You froze at first; didn't expect him to kiss you, but once his sinful lips started to move deliciously against yours, you were putty in his hands.
Oh my gosh, is it hot in here, or is it just me?
Big hands landed on your bare hips, pulling your naked body against his. A soft moan left your lips, which Loki swallowed entirely with his mouth. You couldn't help yourself but to wrap your arms around his strong neck; feeling his cool skin on yours. You couldn't resist. His touch and kiss were magnetizing. A low chuckle left his mouth; causing you to feel the vibrations on your lips, before he retreated from the kiss...It was all kisses and wandering hands at first, but at some point you found yourself splayed out on one of the big, flat stones by the shore.
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I was GASPING, was it gonna turn to smut even though it's not your thing?!?! I was grasping my pearls!!
"No need to be embarrassed." His soft, gentle voice urged to your ears again. He had caught you looking. Of course, he did. "It just shows my desire for you.
Bestie, I'm blushing too! And awww, he listened to her and stopped. We love a man with basic human decency about consent.
Loki was right. Odin wouldn't be pleased. Especially if it turns out you were the woman. Hel would break loose over Asgard. You were sure of it.
Is it bad I kind of want to see that happen because I want to see Odin freak out XD
Another wonderful chapter!!
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Rules To Break
Jotun!Prince!Loki Laufeyson x fem!Æsir!Princess!Reader
Summary: Prince Loki of Jotunheim - son of King Laufey and heir to the throne is assigned to train a bunch of Asgardian men, in order to turn them into warriors. What happens when Odin's daughter, Princess Y/N crosses his paths in ways he would've never expected? While the Prince is completely unaware, the Princess struggles to keep up her several masquerades...
Warnings for this Chapter: warrior things? weapons, fighting, etc, nudity, medieval rituals/topics? mentions of virginity/loss of vitginity (no, nope, it's not smut, just has to do something with the medieval things), some spicy, very steamy things, light smut/suggestive smut, Loki is quite a bit naughty and cheeky here...
Word Count: 2,2k
a/n: The next chapter is here! 😁 And this one is probably my favourite... đŸ€” Hope you guys like it! â˜ș
Divider by the lovely @fictive-sl0th 💚
Tagging: (y'all in the comments again, 'cause Tumblr hates me sometimes 😅)
Ice Flower Masterlist ❄ Masterlist
Chapter Two / Chapter Four
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Chapter Three
Days flew by, turned into weeks. The straight and clear message Loki delivered the other day made an impact. Training worked better from day to day and the men improved noticeable. He was successful. Proudness was flooding Loki's veins - and a feeling he hadn't felt truly in years... Happiness. Sure, he always had been content with his life as a prince, but true happiness? No. Until now... Perhaps it was caused by the mysterious woman he met a few weeks ago and almost saw daily now? He shook his head and continued to stow away the training swords. No. Impossible.
You couldn't deny that you felt the same; looking forward every day to meet Loki at the lake again. All you did was talk, but the talking was like balm for both your souls. You two got closer and the chemistry between you and Loki was stunning. Within a few weeks, he had turned from being an arrogant asshole into your personal Prince Charming. You wouldn't admit that out loud, though.
As for your male self, Våli Ákison, training was going very well. Speaking of... How you made it to maintain your cover all along was honestly a mystery to you. You were just glad it worked. You had learned a lot in the past few weeks and became slowly but surely a very good, way more improved fighter. Alright, and maybe you tried to impress Loki, but that was a whole other story, was it?
The sun was about to set, as you sneaked - like so often - out of your tent and out into the woods to the lake. By now you were not leading a double life, but already a triple life. The princess, a warrior and the mysterious woman. What a precarious situation.
Usually, you were the first one at the lake. Well, not today. Loki was already there, leaning against the stone, arms spread and eyes closed. He looked so... peaceful. You smiled and took a few steps closer - but a twig snapped underneath your bare feet, causing the prince to rip open his eyes. His ruby orbs were almost glowing in the dark, as they fell upon you. They looked dangerous, but also utterly beautiful. A shiver ran down your spine. "S-Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." Loki chuckled, shaking his head. "You didn't scare me. I can't be scared. Surprised - but not scared." That man always found the right words, didn't he? "Are you going to join me?" You blinked, before you started to nod. It was a bit strange, wasn't it? You met up with a man almost every night at an abandoned lake to bathe and talk. Well, maybe this was just a strange friendship - or whatever this was. "Um, s-sure, but... um, could you... could you close your eyes?" You stammered out, referring to the few clothes you wore. Loki raised an eyebrow. "We bathe in a lake together, naked and you want me to close my eyes when you get undressed?" Your eyes widened. "That's different, Loki! I'm covered by the water! Now, I'm not!" The prince chuckled, but closed his eyes. "As you wish, milady." You checked twice, if he had his eyes really closed, before you turned around and started to get undressed. "No peeking!" Loki, who reopened his eyes again within a few seconds, wore a mischievous smirk and enjoyed the show. "Of course not, darling." Though, before you could notice it, he closed them again when you turned around and made your way into the water.
"Now you can look." Loki opened his eyes again, smiling. If only you'd know... "Were you afraid that I wouldn't like what I see?" You blushed. Why was he like that? He never failed to put you off your stride. "N-No, I just..." "You're just what?" You huffed. Damn him. "I just... You're a man a-and..." Once again, the prince raised an eyebrow, before he looked down himself. "Yes, that's correct. I am." Now it really got frustrating. "A strange man, Loki." He cocked his head. "A strange man? Darling, I am wounded. We know each other for almost a month now. Other women I got to know in my past, where all over me after mere hours." Ugh
 "I don't want to know how fast you can bed a woman!" Loki just shrugged his shoulders and lifted his hands in awe. "I'm just saying. You are quite different." You took a deep breath, trying to keep your anger at bay. But... Was it really anger? "Could you please stop that?!" "Stop what?" "Being so... so..." You stumbled over your own words. Frustrated eyes meeting his fiery ones. He was staring at you.
What he did next, though, was something you didn't see coming. Not at all. Within seconds, he moved through the water and was now threateningly close to you. You could almost feel his cool breath on your hot skin. "So what?" It was too much for you. How close he was. How he literally towered over you with his tall and bulky frame - in all his wet and naked glory. How his ruby eyes literally burned a hole in your soul. How his chest heaved with every breath he took. How utterly intimidating he looked and yet so devastatingly sexy. You felt small. Your body buried in the water, except for your head and shoulders. It was just too much - and Loki decided to make it even worse. He lifted one hand to cup your chin with his thumb and forefinger. His touch was cool and yet it felt like your body was burning up. "So. What?" The prince asked again, his voice now more demanding and even deeper. You wanted to answer. You really did; but the words were dying in your throat. The only sound which left your lips was an almost pathetic whine.
Loki frowned, cocking his head once again. "Are... Are you afraid of me or... Do you like this? Me, being this close to you? I can't quite tell..." He looked at you for a second, before he tightened his grip on your chin and pulled you forwards with a soft yank. Your legs had turned to jelly already a long time ago and the water wasn't much of a barrier anyway. You literally crashed against Loki's torso; palms smacking against his abs. Your eyes widened, hands trembling - but not in fear. And Loki knew it. He saw it in your eyes. "Ah, I see... You like it." He smirked and lowered himself more into the water. "Good for you, my dear, that I like you this close to me as well." Before you could even blink, let alone react were his cool lips suddenly on yours. You froze at first; didn't expect him to kiss you, but once his sinful lips started to move deliciously against yours, you were putty in his hands.
Within seconds, the kiss had turned into anything but innocence. His cool tongue slipped passed your lips; asking yours for a dance. It was a prickling sensation. Hot and cold; fire and ice crashing together - battling for dominance.
In the end, Loki was stronger. Big hands landed on your bare hips, pulling your naked body against his. A soft moan left your lips, which Loki swallowed entirely with his mouth. You couldn't help yourself but to wrap your arms around his strong neck; feeling his cool skin on yours. You couldn't resist. His touch and kiss were magnetizing. A low chuckle left his mouth; causing you to feel the vibrations on your lips, before he retreated from the kiss. You looked up, eyes meeting once again. "I thought you didn't want me to see you naked?" He was referring to your bare upper body, of course, which was now on full display for him to see. "Shut up and keep on doing whatever this is you're doing with those magical lips." The prince chuckled again, brushing softly a wet strand of hair out of your face. "Your wish is my command, milady." He reeled you in once again, seducing you with those passionate kisses he bestowed upon your lips.
It was all kisses and wandering hands at first, but at some point you found yourself splayed out on one of the big, flat stones by the shore. Loki lifted you up - as if you weighed nothing. Your bare back hit the still pleasantly warm surface of the stone with a soft thud. Loki placed both his palms firmly beside your head, nudging your legs open with his. He was now towering above you; all the while entangling your lips with his in one sinful dance after another. It caused your head to become dizzy. You almost felt like in a trance and therefore not realised what was going on - until you felt his crotch grinding against yours; hips clashing together. This awoke you from the hazy state you were in. Your eyes widened; hands coming up to push against the hard muscles of his chest. "L-Loki, s-stop, please," you panted, completely out of breath. "Why?" The prince asked, licking his kiss swollen lips. "Do you not... enjoy yourself?"
There was some kind of fear and vulnerability swinging in his voice. Something Loki was very surprised with himself. Why did he feel like that? He never failed to satisfy the women (and men) he was bedding. Why was he afraid to fail you now? After all, you weren't any different, were you? Just another addition to his long list of lovers. Just another claimed prize. "I-I do, i-it's just..." Your soft, sweet, almost angelic voice ripped him out of his thoughts.
"W-We can't, Loki. I just... Can't." You would've loved to. Of course you would. Losing your innocence to such a wonderful man? To Loki Laufeyson, prince of Jotunheim? But exactly that was the problem. You weren't supposed to lose your innocence through a fling. A mere affair. It belonged to your future husband. That was tradition. The rules - and you had to play by the rules. Your mother told you more than often enough. So, you had no other choice than deny Loki his pleasure.
He frowned; confused but gentle rubies looking down at you. "You... can't?" You nodded hesitatingly, almost frightened, before one shaky hand reached up to tuck a few lose strands of his wild, wet raven curls back behind his ear. "I-I'm so sorry." "Why, sweetling? Is it because of me? I-I now I'm not like the men you are used to, but-" "Prince Loki!" Another, slightly higher voice cut through the air. "Prince Loki!" You had heard the voice before. It belonged, without a doubt to one of the guards. "By the Norns," Loki cursed under his breath, as he maneuvered his body off yours, sliding back inside the water. "Come." He said, offering his hand to you. You took it and he helped you back inside the water, before he guided you towards the earthy shore. The prince stepped out first, causing for you to unwillingly get a glimpse of his nether regions, where his arousal was clearly visible. You felt how the blood rushed into your cheeks, as you quickly avoided your eyes. "No need to be embarrassed." His soft, gentle voice urged to your ears again. He had caught you looking. Of course, he did. "It just shows my desire for you. Now take my hand, sweetness." Smiling bashfully, you turned your head to face him once again. The familiar white towel was slung around his hips now, but nevertheless failing to hide his excitement. You blushed even more - if that was possible, but took his hand again. The prince helped you out of the water and then quickly handing over your clothes. "You have to go. Odin won't be pleased if he gets to know that one of his guards caught me naked with a woman; neglecting my duties." Pure relief flooded your veins at his words. Thank the Norns, you thought. Loki was right. Odin wouldn't be pleased. Especially if it turns out you were the woman. Hel would break loose over Asgard. You were sure of it.
You quickly nodded and turned to leave, as Loki's voice held you back. "Do I get the pleasure to see you again, milady?" You squeezed your eyes shut, thinking for a moment. Would it be a good idea to meet him again after what just happened between you? Probably not. You couldn't risk it. "I-I don't know." With those words you vanished into the woods, sneaking back to the camp.
"Prince Loki!" The guard had reached the lake in the meantime, slightly out of breath. Loki rolled his eyes and turned around with a growl. "What?!" He snapped, clearly mad that he got interrupted while being with you. The guard definitely saw in Loki's eyes that he wasn't amused and swallowed hard. "A-Apologies, your highness, b-but there was an incident in the camp..." Another eye roll. "I'm coming." Bunch of idiots.
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inthedusksynria · 4 years ago
until-lune respondeu seu post “@until-lune I’m 99% convinced that Micaiah will be...”A couple of things that I want to say. ‱ If we...
Hello! Again i am using this one form of reply bc its easier for format! If you prefer i change for reply format it let me know!. Putting under read more bc this got long, but i had lots of fun doing it!. I am answering all your replies here!
M!Corrin-wise -  I dont think Omega Yato will be his weapon, because the refined version of his OG version (normal M!Corrin in the red pool) already has it. While his art has his normal weapon, his sprite has Omega Yato.
Dawn Yato is definitely a possibility tho! although it would be very odd to give it to him and not make its Twin/Mirror Weapon Dusk Yato to CQ!themed!L!F!Corrin.(but hey its IS)
(something i am so salty off bc i love Dawn and Dusk Yatos ;-; they are so pretty and match so well their promotions... and games... heck!! they both have their route-represent Legendary weapons features incorpored on them and just *clenches fist at the emotional moments*)
Also, A re-colored dragon alt is also a possibility, since L!F!Corn did that.
I dont think skipping the Staff is a certainty because IS has made weird choices before. Leif has an Bow which is a weird choice for him, but, like Corrin, he has a A Rank in bows in his promoted class, and like Corrin he is an “unpopular” Lord. Chrom and Lucina have Bows, when they also had Lances as options by promotion class.
I dont think popularity certainly incentivizes diversity in weapon usage. because we have had a lot of Weird choices from IS of making a popular character have the same weapon across multiple alts. -> 3H lords, Ike, Eirika and Ephraim had all a repeat of their OG weapons and are far more or just as popular as Micaiah; and even weirder L!F!Corrin, who by CYL and Nintendo magazine poll is more popular then M!Corrin,  has the same weapon type than her fallen version (and still lacks a red alt for her emblem AND had an iconic red weapon associated with her promotion of DarkBlood/Nohr Noble (Dusk Yato)). Also fun fact, F!Corrin counterpart to M!Corrin Staff Rank is a Tome Rank. So it would also be possible for her to have had an red tome alt.
conclusion regarding weapons: IS pretty much spins a Wheel and decides what to do. I think its pretty much a case of...whatever the executives woke up on that day wanting.
(that, of course, doesnt make theorizing what weapon they will have  any less fun xD)
Honestly the only reason why I am certain it is Micaiah is irrational/a F2P technique. In  that if it is not her, it will destroy my will to summon and thus allow me to spend less XD. I have seen people doing it and boy does it works wonders when you arent right.
Going by that (my theory it is Micaiah) I find it unlikely to be Colorless (and thus Staff or colorless tome) only because the other spreads are just That Good^tm.
One of the methods that people used to guess which color the new Leg/Mythic will be is to see which color has a busted spread of colors. And it has been right ever since Edelgard
(The reason for so is that IS seems to have realized that by debutting the hero on a so-so spread, it made people wait for their rerun in order to get them, Bramimond being an example in that his spread was awful (L!Grima) and his rerun spread was godsmacking good (Mila)... pun not intended)
The colorless this time is rather...i wouldnt say weak, because Eir usability is REALLy good and Duma has a nice niche of wrecking people plans(cackles in my AR matches). However, they are fairly outdated in comparation with the other color spreads. So, in the event this leg hero is Micaiah (or Elincia, or Byleth) i dont think they would be colorless because of that.
Oh! Regarding the CYL theory, since the legendaries were introduced in the second year of FEH, I dont consider much broken, since i merely think its always /A/ winner instead of the 1st of each year. Since shuffling of legendaries is possible, (those times when IS changed the calendar lineup), should the Byleths win CYL(which is fairly likely). it would be easy to put them on the next GW. And I also think it will be a theory that will be broken absolutely next year, since I doubt Marianne and Gatekeeper would be viable L!Heroes. I agree with you that is a weak pattern that is likely to be broken.
Counterpoint to Wind F!Byleth ->  Blessings not always end up being the element that is most associated with the Character in the main game. Highly Water themed (and midly Fire themed;) Corrin ended up as Wind; Julia, who has Minor blood of fire and was called “Genealogy’s Fire Emblem sword” was Earth; Eliwood, wielding the fire themed Durandal, was Wind. (tbf this is also a counterpoint to Wind Micaiah, since she has more association with Light and maybe Fire(?) than Wind)
Regarding 3H launching with 3H, besides Edelgard, Claude also debuted with no 3H legendary accompanying him. Annete was there, but other than that, no other 3H unit or legendary was on the banner. In fact, the pattern i do see with 3H legendaries is that their first re-run matches with a release of a Mythic in their color spread. (Edelgard -> Hel ; Dimitri -> Seiros).
I want to highlight that i am not saying it wont happen, but that I lean more towards they keeping a space between 3H legendaries release, in order to long term profits, and to not cause burn-out of 3H content. (or at least decrease people complaining about it; They seem to have learned their lesson with the Fates and Tellius spams.)
Finally,I do think that it is possible for Micaiah to be a Staff and for other characters to be released in this month/banner, mostly it is the premises i chose to apply to this theorizing lead me in a contrary direction xD. You show some good points! (I would love a Dawn Yato Corn and a Staff Micaiah ;-;...)
Extra Tangent: I have absolutely no idea what IS(executives) considers the character is associated with Silver Snow like...
For one side, Seteth makes lip service saying the route lord is Rhea; Rhea presents the choice mirror to Edelgard’s in the route split; the ending cutscene focuses on Rhea character development/closure, but, at the same time, she is Sir Not Appearing for 75% of the route and the rest of the time she is benched.
For another side, Byleth was made to be the lord to Edelgard emperor’s and her rival; has several cutscenes showcasing that; is the “lord” of the route in role sense, but, on the other hand, its more associated with Fire (fire emblem).
Honestly at this point i just dont know what FEH is going to do with them. I think IS is going to make one of Byleth Wind as you said and the other Fire, but which one, i have no idea. I could see too an argument for Ground(since i think at the lack of an Light element for Light element character-focused they pick ground sometimes) too, but yeah. 
I cant believe the true plot twist of GW is gonna be Rhea being the wind legendary breaking all of our theories xD (/j, but can you imagine how funny it would be?)
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flamingo-writes · 6 years ago
Earrings — Zoro x Reader
Summary: After a fight with Sanji, the crew is flabbergasted to see Zoro actually meant to hurt Sanji. Confused by this, Robin talks to Zoro, who opens up about the history behind his earrings, and why he punched Sanji after making fun of them.
Word count: 2 K
A/N: I’m supposed to be doing homework xD but this idea hit me and I really really had to write it. Spoiler free, set somewhere between Water 7 and Thriller Bark. Long fragments in italics are flashbacks. 
Warnings: angst, mentions of death. 
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For someone who was constantly arguing with Sanji, it never really came down to physical violence. If it ever came down to it, Zoro would use attacks Sanji could easily read, so the blond could block them. The intention, never to hurt Sanji, as much of an asshole he sometimes was to Zoro. Since the swordsman knew all too well he was an asshole to him too. Things were usually even. Things were usually fair. Senseless yelling and easy to predict moves. 
However, right after Zoro punched Sanji on the face, the cook fell on his bum, covering his bleeding nose. His eyes open in shock, as he realized he’d crossed the line. He’d never seen Zoro throw a punch, and for the first time, the mosshead actually meant to hurt Sanji. Which could be translated to: don’t you dare say something like that again. 
After the crew gathered around, yelling, telling both of them to stop fighting and competing for everything. However, when everyone met Zoro’s ice cold stare, words instantly lowered down. 
“Say something about her earrings again, you’re dead, you understand?” The seriousness in his voice made Ussop, Nami and Chopper shiver, suddenly afraid of their nakama. Franky frowned and looked at Robin who was staring at Zoro questioningly. 
Zoro turned around without saying anything else. The entire crew looked at the swordsman as he climbed the mast towards the crow’s nest. The tension dead cold between the crew, as no one dared to break the silence. At least until Luffy spoke. 
“What was that about? I’d never seen Zoro this pissed before” Luffy said frowning confused.
“Yes! What did you say?! You could’ve died! We could’ve died!” Ussop cried kneeling next to Sanji, holding his arm. 
“I-I made fun of his stupid earrings,” Sanji began looking worried and wondering what had happened “I didn’t think he’d get this pissed
” Sanji said cleaning his blood with the back of his nose. 
“He said ‘her earrings’?” Nami added looking at everyone for confirmation. 
“He did
” Robin whispered. 
“Who was he talking about?” Chopper asked as he helped Sanji clean himself up and making sure his nose wasn’t broken. 
“Someone very special to him if he reacted this way” Franky answered looking up at the crow’ nest. “I should talk to him
“Franky, wait” Robin said. “I’ll go. But first, I want him to cool down a little bit, otherwise he’ll only get angrier.” 
The entire crew exchanged stares. All of them still surprised by Zoro’s reaction, and feeling worried for him as well. All of them curious as to what he meant and his motivation to punch Sanji. 
After almost two hours, two very sow hours, Robin finally decided to climb to the crow’s nest. The rest of the crew looked at her as she made her way up, hoping that thing wouldn’t blow up of proportion. Everyone was worried, except for Luffy who knew perfectly well that Zoro wouldn’t be able to seriously hurt anyone from the crew. 
“Zoro, how are you holding up” Robin said walking inside the crow’s nest, looking at Zoro who was lifting some heavy weights. 
“Training” He growled, the veins on his forehead popping out, and sweat dripping down his entire self. 
“I can see that” She whispered sarcastically, noticing how Zoro refused to stop working out, and to even look at her. 
“Great” He sighed, knowing why Robin was there. 
Right then, Zoro preferred to be alone, but he knew he’d eventually have to address what had happened. He’d never hurt someone from the crew before, and he slightly regretted it. And at the same time, he didn’t want to really explain what happened. He wasn’t precisely  the kind of guy who opened up easily, and in order to explain what happened, he’d have to give away bits of information about his past. 
“Can we talk?” Robin finally said.
“You want t know what the hell happened down there?” Zoro looked at her, his dark eyes looking into hers, as she could see Zoro’s mixed feelings about this whole thing. 
“That stupid cook is an asshole” Zoro quickly answered, shutting his eyes closed as he kept lifting weights. 
“I’m gonna need more details than that” The archaeologist hissed rather annoyed at Zoro’ attitude. 
“Why do you care, anyways?” Zoro hissed. 
“I’d like to see if I can be of any help” 
“There’s nothing that can be done” Something in his voice changed, and Robin could tell. She looked at him raising an eyebrow questioningly. 
“Why not?” 
“She’s dead” Zoro’s words lingered on Robin as the questions kept multiplying. D the fact that Zoro had his eyes closed made him even harder to read. However, she could tell he was doing this on purpose. She cursed at his stubborn nature, even when she was there to help him.  
“Who is?” Robin asked.
“Doesn’t matter
” Zoro whispered in a low voice.
“Oh, but it does, Zoro...please
He took longer than expected to answer. Robin’s patience was draining when he finally put the weights on the floor and finally opened his eyes. However, he kept avoiding Robin’s stare by looking through the window into the vast blue sea. 
“She was my—” He stopped, thinking of which word to use without giving away too much “friend
” He said coldly, knowing perfectly well you were much more than that, but he wasn’t willing to give Robin more information than necessary “[Name]” he mouthed.
“What happened to her?” 
The memories hit Zoro, as they usually did at night, scratching the scab on his heart painfully. He could still remember crystal clear, how you died in his arms, telling him to watch over your earrings, and give them back once you two met on the other side. 
“We better not meet on the other side any time soon, Zoro. If I find out you didn’t have a long fulfilling life, I’ll kick your ass, okay?” You said, as Zoro’s heart squeezed painfully.
“Hopefully, we won’t see each other for several decades” Zoro chuckled bitterly as his eyes teared up looking at your wounded body. “They’re going to be really long decades without you there, [Name]” 
“Don’t get sentimental on me, Zoro
” Ht tears fell down your eyes as you looked into his pained eyes. 
“The love of my life is about to bleed out in my arms, how do you expect me to react?” Zoro growled in a low voice fighting the lump on his throat. 
“I want you to think of all the good times we had, instead of remembering me as a bleeding mess
” Your hands reached one of your ears as you would occasionally do instinctively. “Have I ever told you the story about my earrings?” Smiling, you tried to relieve the painful tension between the both of you.
Zoro chuckled as he brushed your hair. Your head resting on his lap, as he looked down at you. His eyes growing progressively more and more wet. At the same time his throat felt more and more dry. 
“Your dad and your grandmother accidentally got you the exact same pair of earrings for your birthday, wasn’t it?” He said knowing the story perfectly well, since you loved that story so much and were constantly telling him about that day when you received two identical pairs of earrings. 
“Yeah. It was a great day” You chuckled, closing your eyes, feeling how your head got lighter and lighter, and your heart beat faster and stronger.
“You’re a dork for wearing all four earrings at once” Zoro joked, laughing so bitterly, failing at masking his pain. 
“How else were my grandma and dad know I wore both pairs?” The way your voice came out so cheerful made Zoro’s heart skip a beat. Surprised by even how in your deathbed you were able to say nice things. 
“You’re so dumb” Laughing, a few tears slipped down his eyes, as those same tears fell on your forehead. 
“Too bad I lost one while fighting that asshole
“You should’ve let me handle him” Zoro whispered.
“Oh, so it was you the one bleeding out? I’m sorry, but no. You have greater dreams to achieve than I ever did” You answered right away, as Zoro looked at you.
“I failed to save her, that’s what happened
” Zoro finally answered Robin. “Before dying, she gave me her earrings” His voice faded out as he spoke. 
“I thought you wore them for fashion
“She had four. Three on her left ear, and one on the right one...” Zoro said ignoring her comment. 
“I’d look dumb if I wore two on each ear. Like this” You said pointing at your ears “I look way cooler” You said crossing your arms and puffing your chest proud and confident of your new style. 
“You’re still dumb, what difference does it make?” Zoro laughed poking your forehead. 
“I don’t want to look dumber! Of course it makes a difference”Zoro laughed even louder when you agreed with him, and you smiled, feeling how his laugh tickled your belly. 
“Sometimes I can’t believe you’re real. I love you so fucking much” Zoro said running his hand through your hair and pulling you towards him, hugging you and kissing the top of your head. 
“Believe it! I’m the last one of my species!” You said in a muffled voice, since your face was pressed against his chest. 
“I’m sure you are” Zoo laughed. 
“I’m sorry, Zoro” 
“Don’t tell that dumb cook this but, I feel a bit bad for punching him. But he touched a very sensitive topic” Robin’s eyes widened in surprise at his confession “[Name] was my best friend, she meant the world to me. In the beginning was hard to keep going with my life right after she died” 
“Must have been rough” Robin muttered s Zoro looked back at her. 
“It was. I promised her I’d remember her as the smiling girl she was. I haven’t been able to keep that promise entirely, the memory of her death haunts me from time to time
” He kept saying, looking away from Robin, back into the ocean “Ironically, remembering her dumb smile helps me feel better, I’m glad I met her. I’m glad she kept up with my bullshit for so long. And I’m glad she left me something to remember her by” He said stroking his earrings gently with his finger tips. 
“Is there something I can do to help you, Zoro?” 
He turned around, looking at Robin once more. He was smiling. A gentle warm smile, the sort of smile you’d draw on his face whenever he remembered your radiant grin.
“It’s okay. I’m fine” He said confidently, as he remembered your voice echoed in his head. 
“I want you to think of all the good times we had” The echo of your voice came from his heart, soothing his pain. 
“Well then, if you need me, you can always find me on the deck” Robin smiled gently and turning round, returning to the ladder. 
“Thanks” Zoro purred looking back into the ocean as he could clearly see your face smiling at him, warming his heart. 
After Robin left, Zoro kept working out, letting out his pain through exercising. Whenever he closed his eyes to either lift a weight or do a squat, your face would show up. That gentle smile that he loved so much. How many times he fell asleep while looking at your soft smile. How many times he thought how lucky he was for having someone looking at him, smiling at him in that unique way? 
His favourite memory of you kept replaying in his mind. He didn’t know how long had it been since he’d woken up. The slumber was still fresh in his eyes. Zoro hadn’t realized he’d been staring at you in the short time he’d been awake. When you noticed his stare on you, you looked at him. Your bright eyes connected with his, and the most genuine smile he’d ever seen spread across your face. It hit him like a stone on the face, he suddenly felt overwhelmed by the way you’d smiled at him. Zoro couldn’t handle the eye contact with that smile underneath your eyes. He looked away, smiling softly, blushing, noticing for the first time his feelings towards you. 
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coneygoil · 6 years ago
The Home We Built Together, part 5
Two young Vikings. An arranged marriage. Hiccup always wanted to win the girl of his dreams, but not like this. Now he and Astrid must learn to live together and maybe one day, learn to love

Writer’s note: Wow, this chapter became a lot longer than I imagined it would be! There’s a Sorcerer’s Apprentice reference in it. If anyone catches it, I’ll write you a little hiccstrid drabble XD 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Astrid rolled over, hugging the pillow that cushioned her head. She sighed and cracked open her eyes, blinking away the sleepiness. Her head snapped up. This wasn’t her bedroom. The thudding in her ears began to calm as memories cropped up.
The wedding to Hiccup.
Their uneventful wedding night.
She’d fallen asleep at the snuffing of the candle, the exhaustion setting into her bones and taking her over.
Astrid groaned into her pillow as the disorientation dissipated. This would be her bedroom; a bedroom she’d share with another human being for presumably the rest of her life. It’d take some time to get used to.
She peeked over her shoulder to discover the other side of the bed was empty. She was normally an early riser (save for this morning that she afforded a little indulgence to rest after such a vigorous lead up to the wedding day) and wondered if Hiccup was the same.
With a decisive sigh, Astrid left the pleasant confines of the cozy furs. There was no door to their bedroom, nor a changing curtain, and she certainly didn’t feel like dealing with the awkwardness of Hiccup walking in on her dressing. Would he stop and stare, or would he avert his eyes? He had every right to cast his gaze on her naked body, but Astrid couldn’t imagine him doing such a blatant act (at least not yet).
She quickly exchanged the wedding night gown for her formfitting everyday attire, which was quite a relief. She tucked the gown into the depths of her wardrobe trunk assuming she’d never revisit it again.
The crackling of a fire caught her attention as she descended the stairs. There at the firepit was Hiccup.
“Good morning!” he greeted brightly and the smile he graced her with was a welcome sight. He gestured toward the pot hanging above the fire. “I put together some breakfast for us.”
“You cook?”
Hiccup shrugged a shoulder, slightly abashed. “Yeah, a little bit.”
Astrid plopped down on the stool beside him with an exaggerated sigh. “Thank Thor, because I’m clueless around the kitchen.” She didn’t know why she felt so comfortable admitting that embarrassing bit of information to her husband, who in all rights should have expected her to provide him with nourishment.
“It’s not that hard.” The spoon clanked against the pot’s sides as Hiccup stirred what Astrid assumed was porridge. “I’ll have to teach you some basics.”
Astrid felt her cheeks heat up, the embarrassment suddenly kicking in. “Thanks.”
A bout of silence fell around them, the only noise being the spoon scratching the pot. Hiccup peered over the pot’s edge, scooping up a spoonful of porridge and examining its consistency. With a nod, he turned back to her. “Can you hand me a bowl?”
Astrid jumped to attention, grabbing up one of the bowls Hiccup had set down on the stool between them. He poured the steaming hot porridge into the bowl, handling it carefully as he handed it back to Astrid.
“Careful. It’s hot,” he warned, gently. “There’s honey and milk on the table,” he added as he leaned over to retrieve his bowl to be filled. “I didn’t know what you like in your porridge. I guess it’s one of those things I’ll learn about you.”
The comment left him visibly flustered. There were many things he would learn about her in time. Though Astrid wished to stay guarded in her privacy, she was thankful it would be Hiccup who would learn those things. At least he seemed thoughtful and considerate, unlike some other Vikings their age.
Astrid tried to nonchalantly observe Hiccup from across the table as he prepared his porridge. One drop of honey and two drops of milk, she noted. If he were to learn about her, she would learn about him as well.
They ate in quiet companionship for a few minutes, the only sound being the crackling of the firepit. Astrid kept her eyes cast to the table, her bowl, anywhere but at her new husband. She hoped this awkward phase would pass quickly, because there was no way she would be able to live like this the rest of her life. She wished a conversation starter would pop into her head, but her mind was drawing a blank and it aggravated the hel out of her.
“Did you sleep well?”
Astrid flinched at the sudden voice filling the silence. She snapped her eyes up to see Hiccup looking at her. “I did,” she chuckled stiffly, “like a log.”
Hiccup nodded, looking pleased.
“Are you an early riser?” she asked as the previous thought came to her.
“Not really,” he admitted, absently spooning his porridge and pouring it back into the bowl without looking at it. He flushed. “I couldn’t sleep most of the night, so I got up and thought I’d make breakfast.”
“Oh.” Astrid averted her gaze to the shallow amount of porridge left in her bowl. He hadn’t slept most of the night and it was most likely because of her. She didn’t know what to say. Should she make a remark? Apologize? Ask why he couldn’t sleep? She couldn’t stand the confusion bustling in her head anymore and suddenly stood up, cringing as her chair scraped the floor loudly.
Hiccup’s eyes were wide as he peered at her from across the table.
“Thanks for breakfast,” Astrid tried to put on a cheerful front. She stepped into the kitchen, the creeping feeling of eyes upon her back. Hiccup was watching her. When she glanced over her shoulder, the back of his head was all she saw. Astrid shook her head. It was going to take time and a whole lot of willpower to adapt to living in a house with someone other than her parents.
She set the dirty bowl down by the sink and was about to make an excuse to leave when she realized someone would have to clean the used dishes. Her mother had always taken care of that chore. In all honesty, her mother did nearly every chore around the house.
Ingrid Hofferson was happy with her home being a certain way. Even from childhood, Astrid could be on the rough side and broke one too many dishes for Ingrid’s liking. She’d be shooed out the door with an ax being pressed into her grasp while Ingrid made sure the household was kept up to her standards.
Astrid growled to herself. How was she supposed to take care of the household if she had no clue how to do it? Hiccup had already proven a better housekeeper and they weren’t even married an entire day yet!
She turned around to address her husband. “I’ll wash the dishes. Just leave your bowl here.”
“Okay,” Hiccup agreed then pointed to the pot still hanging over the fire. “Leave the pot there. Maybe we can heat it back up for lunch.”
Of course, Astrid was going to leave the pot there. Cleaning the pot too hadn’t even crossed her mind! She had the urge to throw the bowl instead of clean it, but she resisted. There’d be plenty of time to take out her unwanted aggression later in training.
A polite knock on the front door caught their attention, both looking at the door questioningly.
“I’ll get it!” Astrid jumped at the chance to avoid the strange inadequacy she wasn’t used to dealing with. She threw open the door and inwardly groaned at the sight of her mother standing there.
“Oh, your dressed,” Ingrid remarked carefully, eyeing her daughter up and down.
“Good Morning to you too, mother.” Astrid planted a hand on her hip, frustrated beyond measure now. The person responsible for her wifely inabilities had just materialized on her doorstep. “What are you doing here?”
“To check
” Ingrid leaned in close, a little smirk playing on her lips, “the marriage bed.”
Astrid had forgotten about the blood she dripped on the furs the evening before. The sting of the cut on her ankle hadn’t reminded her of impending visit to check if the deal had been sealed.
Even though she knew absolutely nothing happened, the fact that her mother thought otherwise was more modifying than what Astrid figured it would be. She waved her mother inside, Ingrid greeting Hiccup as they walked to the bedroom. Hiccup had waved back without an ounce of embarrassment. Maybe he’d forgotten why her mother was here; Astrid sure wished she could.
“There, mother!” Astrid threw her hands out over the bed, presenting the spot she’d chosen to display the evidence.
Ingrid examined the spot carefully. Astrid noticed her mother’s brow knit together. “This is more than I expected.” The older woman eyed her daughter. “Was Hiccup a bit rougher than I assumed he’d be? He’s such a wee lad but seems to be a bit scrappy. Did you have to pull the dagger on him at one point?”
Astrid didn’t think she could possibly become any modified than she had been. She was wrong. Her face was as hot as the sun as she tried to find words. “Hiccup was fine. He was gentle. He’s a good guy.”
She wasn’t lying. Hiccup had proven to be a good guy and he was gentle with her, though not in the sense Astrid was making it out to be.
“Are you satisfied?” Her patience had worn dangerously thin.
Ingrid nodded slowly. “The Chief will be satisfied. I think he was the most concerned.”
Astrid’s eyebrow quirked up at that statement. Did the Chief really think so low of his son?
“Though Stoick would never admit it,” Ingrid added. She clapped her hands. “My work here is done. I’ll leave you two newlyweds to your day.”
Astrid followed Ingrid out. Pleasantries were once again exchanged by her mother and husband. Ingrid had always been civil to Hiccup, though she was probably relieved that it was her daughter that held responsibilities to take care of him rather than herself. Astrid reasoned she was the only one brave enough in the entire village to be responsible for Hiccup.
Astrid stared at the back of the door for several moments. Her fingers itched for her axe. The muscles in her arm twitched to swing the weight of it into a tree. She had to get out of this house and release the pent-up frustration that had crept up upon her throughout the morning.
She moved to snatch her axe hanging on the wall near the door but paused mid-grab as her gaze caught onto the ornate hook her axe hung from. The day before their wedding, Hiccup, with his nervous neck-scratching and fumbling over words, showed her the special hook he’d made for her.
Beautifully crafted flowers weaved around the ‘A’ rune above the hook. Astrid had been touched by the thoughtful gift. It seemed Hiccup thought more of her than she did of him. That realization made her turn around. They were a team now, whether she liked it or not, and she wasn’t about to leave him behind like every person on Berk had.
“Do you own a weapon?” The question spilled out far too snappy, but in the frustrated state she was in, Astrid didn’t pay it any mind.
“Me?” Hiccup pointed to himself as he stood up from dousing the firepit.
“No, the troll at the dinner table. Yes, you!”
Hiccup’s shoulder did that little rise and fall she noticed he did quite a lot. He grinned confidently as he raised his fists attached to those toothpick arms of his. “If you consider thunder and lightning here.”
Astrid rolled her eyes at the cheesiness that seemed to flow out of her scrawny husband. She stepped over and punched his arm. “A real weapon, Hiccup.”
He shrank back, rubbing the attacked spot on his arm. “No, not the kind you’re talking about.”
“You have spare weapons at the forge, right?”
“Well, yeah.”
“Come on,” she grabbed his wrist, making Hiccup stumble as she yanked him out the door. “We can stop by there before heading to the forest.”
@martabm90 @wolfie-dragon-rider @chiefhiccstrid @earline-nathay @involuntarydiaphragmspasm
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techouspeaks · 6 years ago
My Favorite Animated Couples
This isn’t going to be in any order. This is basically my personal favorite official couples. That’s right, official. Meaning, they’re not just hinted and made up by fans. They are legit couples that are canon to the story. I will do a list of my favorite non canon ships too.
 I will be listing movie characters as well as anime. Meaning, if it’s animated, it’s in here, it doesn’t matter the medium. Again this is my Personal List, meaning some of my favorites may not be your favorites and these are my opinions. So take it with a pinch of salt if you happen to disagree with these couples. Onto the list!
Quackerjack and Claire from Darkwing Duck
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Yeah,we’re starting off strange here, now aren’t we? Quackerjack of all characters is not someone I would call a “ladies man”, be it, most normal folks wouldn’t find him attractive. (Though fandom isn’t normal so I don’t necessarily count them...). What I mean by that is, unless there was a Harley Quinn character, a lot of people in the Duckuniverse wouldn’t find QJ boyfriend material. That is unless you’re good old Claire.
Claire only makes an appearance in the comics and only in one issue, but by god, did she make an impact on the fandom and the franchise. Quackerjack, least in terms of episodes has shown nothing more of just being a crazy guy that’s just down on his luck. (Although, some fans will tell you otherwise there’s something deeper to him but that’s another story). So it’s quite a shock and interesting that out of all the characters to give a girlfriend to, QJ would be the one, but then again, since we hardly know of his past, it only makes sense to give him something that kinda makes his more human side to come out.
I mean again, QJ has never been taken seriously before in the original animated series. The other villains, though not always deep, at least do have more of a back story. We see them become who they are. Through only a brief dialog from a security guard and QJ, we only get he’s mad because he went out of business because of the video games, that he hates passionately and that’s it.
With that being said, Claire is actually perfect for QJ and even though we don’t see them together in the comics, it’s obvious that they did have something and you can tell by their actions, facial expressions and even words, they had something that was there. Claire was willing to look past the craziness and find the humanity that was in QJ. Even going far as ordering the doll of Mr. Bananabrain, thus possibly risking her neck to find “Jacky” and seeing if she can convince him to change his ways and return to at least a standard life and job, that is until Darkwing came a long and do it for her. You gotta give props for that. She’s dedicated and it must be love for her to do that. Shoot, he must have done something right for her when they were together.
QJ, well going the rotten route, still showed sympathy in the end . He does love her and while yes he still ends up being selfish, it does show he feels bad for hurting her and just feels like he can’t be any better.
Hey I never said every couple on this list was going to be perfect or have a perfect ending. Shoot, it’s implied they stopped dating, but mainly because QJ disappeared. It never stated they broke up and he left it in an angry, hateful way.. I hope in future comics, that is if the comics are still going, that Claire comes back somehow and they can finally hit it off together, somehow or someway.
Ruby and Skullboy from Ruby Gloom
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The one word that describes these two is cute
Just cute. If these two were pieces of cake I would eat them up, they’re so adorable! Which is ironic being we’re talking about
a goth girl and a skeleton
.okay it somehow works well for them, somehow. I doubt they would have kids, but who needs kids when it’s the innocence of their relationship that makes them cute in the first place?
If you ever wondered what Jack Skellington and Sally the Ragdoll would be like if they were kids, these two would be a perfect example of what they would be like. Skullboy is your eccentric, curious character that only wishes to find out who is, by trying his family, which often causes him to lose focus on what’s really important. Lucky for him, Ruby is the down to earth, average girl that is the voice of reason in the group, thus she helps keep him grounded and cheers him up when he’s down. This makes their relationship standard. 
Although, yes, technically they never admit their feelings in the series but, I mean come on! You know their feelings are mutual, they shared a hug in the Last Train to Gloomville, he blushes and gets nervous sometimes around her, especially when they both played Romeo and Juliet and of course, Ruby isn’t exactly hiding it either. The Hairless Musical is another episode where they come rather close to admitting their feelings. It’s canon, even if they don’t say the become a couple, they’re canon.
And honestly, I know that Skullboy tends to get on some people’s nerves. He kinda does mine too but I can’t help but like him and favor him either. I will admit, he annoys me too sometimes with accent and all but I can’t imagine the show without him and I can’t imagine Ruby without him These two are just so sweet together, that I just don’t care. I love these two, even if they can be cringy with their corniness. It’s good old fashion innocent love and it’s definitely for me.
Hector and Imelda from Coco
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(Gif from here Sorry, there’s mostly fan art of these two and not enough official pictures...)
Funny how skeletons seem to show more romantic chemistry than some human characters. In fact, most I’ve listed so far aren’t human but hey if robots can show love (Wall E), so can other things.  Hector is a straight up dork but you can tell he feels bad for leaving his family and Imelda you can tell still feels betrayed but you know it just by her expressions both on her face and postures, she still loves Hector.
Point is, these two are just adorable. Perfect chemistry, a little broken but no relationship is perfect, but these two show that yeah sometimes relationships aren’t always the classic fairytale like ending. Sometimes there are fights and people can hurt one another without meaning to. What makes it work is when the two realize when they’re wrong, lower their defenses and try to do better especially for each other and that’s what Hector and Imelda do. Least eventually. 
They’re both stubborn, especially Imelda but both eventually see they do still love each other and what happens is understandable. Hector isn’t the bad guy. He just wanted to pursue his dreams too, like any human being with big dreams does, only to realize the sacrifice he made wasn’t worth it and wanted to go home and be the responsible father he wanted to be. Imelda isn’t bad either. She was hurt when Hector left and wanted nothing to do with him to bury the pain, not wanting to admit she still loved him and had wish he came back. I like that Disney can do a realistic, human couple which is ironic because they’re skeletons...Well, okay, they were human and still are...they’re just dead humans...Anyway.
Henri and Masato (Hugtto Precure)
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See, I do like gay couples when it's done intentionally without fan service or fan interference (shippings) and of course, when they're done really well and these two are done well. Okay, so it's kind of a stretch with these two, but it's pretty obvious what they're going for so I say it's legit.
These developed very nicely. It starts off that you would think these two would never end up being together like they are, especially with Masato's close minded nature at first, but Henri helps open the doors up and provides some of the well needed input to help Masato abandoned a very clear unhealthy view of things. Then you have Henri who is afraid to grow up especially since he doesn't want to become more masculine, but who's there to especially help him out? Masato, who clearly has a huge crush on him and is willing to be Henri's prince charming.
Also while we're on the subject, I do prefer MasatoXHenri over LuluXEmiru, mainly because I just see Lulu as more of a big sister to Emiru than a lover. They say they love each other, sure, but I think more so that Lulu is still trying to understand emotions and well Emiru is just a kid. I mean I'm sure it can blossom into romance but right now it just seems more like they're sisters than lovers. Masato ain't hiding it and neither is Henri! XD
Zaha and Shiru (Mon Colle Knights Japanese Version)
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You may not know of this couple, at least AS a couple but yes, they are. In the original Japanese version. The stupid English dub that everyone might have remembered back in the early 2000s, made them siblings for some reason under the names Gabriollis and Spectra, but indeed, these two are lovers NOT siblings. In fact, double incest, they made Spectra in the English dub be the lover of Lark, who in the Japanese version is actually really her brother!
Stupid English dub! I dunno if it was because they thought religious people would be angry with an angel falling in love with a “fallen” angel. However, the fact they chose the name “Gabriollis”, making him an arch angel instead of a simple angel that just prevents people from giving into to temptation which is what the name Zaha came from, really makes no sense if that were the case.
Even as a kid, I always felt they were lovers. No sibling acts like they do. They are in deed in love. That’s why she wants him to gain redemption so they could somehow be together because she still loves him and doesn’t want to lose him forever. They will do anything for each other and you can tell that Zaha is grateful for having her be so dedicated to helping him. Also they are just gorgeous together! Really the prettiest couple in anime. With one coming up that tops them slightly.
Helios and ChibiUsa and Peru and ChibiUsa (Sailor Moon Super S/movie)
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Kinda stretching it and also doubling down but yeah I can’t help it. Both couples are just so cute and I have to say, they have better chemistry than Usagi and Mamoru. Like, ChibiUsa at least got to know Pegasus/Helios. They started slowly as friends and worked their way into their relationship. Usagi and Mamoru, yeah they did but often times it felt forced. As for Peru with ChibiUsa, Peru I think would be cute with her too and if they had gotten together and talked to each other, I think they would have developed something there too. Either way, I’m pro both and I put them on the list because the feelings are obviously mutual enough to say “Hey good enough”. Both pairs are cute and innocent. There’s nothing sexual or anything indicating some sort of benefit. It’s just pure innocent, sweet feelings which makes their love as pretty as an angel’s. 
Adrien/Chat and Marienette/Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug)
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I have yet to review this series. I’m sorta waiting for it to be near the conclusion, but yes, I’m a huge shipper of these two and I put them on the list because, yeah they haven’t found out about each other as of yet I’m typing this, but you can tell that even if they did find out about each other, it would still work out. (I hope so! That’s what they keep pushing in the series!)
I have a feeling what this series has been trying to go for is that it wants to teach Marinette to like the Chat side of Adrien as well as Adrien to like the Marinette side of Ladybug. Basically, enjoying both sides before the big reveal. And yeah, actually that is good for them to learn. Both like each other because of just one side. Adrien/Chat only likes Ladybug and while likes Marinette fine, it’s clear which side he likes more and same with Marinette/Ladybug only like Adrien but thinking Chat is fine as a friend. In a relationship, it’s important to accept all the sides to a person, even the sides we may not like the best about them. We all have those faulty sides and in relationships we gotta deal with the bad/not so best sides of our significant other or even a friend or relative.  Developing patience as well as an understanding with each other.
Ladybug does care about Chat, may not be romantically but it’s starting to be so close that she wouldn’t mind if he was Adrien and same with Adrien and Marinette. They do have their moments and chemistry that there being a big reveal soon, it probably come as a shock but upon realizing each other, they would probably accept it afterwards, now that they had a better understanding of both sides.
Either way, I see both of them as canon and I hope the creators go for it and they become officially a thing! They got fans of the show too riled up for it not to be! 
Hayate and Freyja (Macross Delta)
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Excuse me, while I go fangirl scream....*WEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I LOVE THESE TWO!!!!! OMG! THEY ARE LEGIT THEY ARE LEGIT!!!* 
Okay, *clears throat* yes, I am a fan of this series and the two main lovers! I never gotten into the other Macross series. I tried but none really captured me quite like Macross Delta does and with so many wonderful characters, a story that, yeeeeah is a bit on the hurt your brain complex side, I still was able to follow it and then you have these two....The biggest dorks of all time! Out of all of them, I love their chemistry with how they tease and play around with each other but end up falling in love!
At first, I was kinda against these two...mainly because the fact that poor, sweet Freyja will end up dying shortly in her 30s because of her race’ stupidly short life spans. Still these two won me over and I’m just hoping somehow, somewhere, they find away to extend her life because by God, my kokoro can’t take it if she dies! Just no! Don’t crush my feels like that!
These two are how I picture Haruka and Close from Go Princess Precure to be like if Close had been redeemed and turned normal earlier. Teasing and just being all out dorks! Dang it!
Yugi and Tea/Anzu (Yugioh)
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Yes, these two are another stretch, but I like childhood friend relationships. Why because it shows that romance takes time and you need to take time to grow and develop both as a person and in the relationships you decide to be a part of. I mean sure, couples can take their time but so many of my friends have relationships that end badly because they don’t want their significant other to think their just friends, so they jump in as lovers, without understanding that the reason why often friendships last longer than quick romance is well, because it’s too quick to develop the relationship healthily.
Enter these two. They are best friends and yet, they show they can be an adorable couple  that respect each other and will do anything for one another, simply because they are best friends first and lovers second. They risk their lives for each other, they stand up for one another when they other is down, it’s what a relationship is all about and something that people sadly miss. If you want a time of smooching, sex and romantic sceneries for the sake of it, get a one night stand! If you want something deeper than that, give it time. Don’t be afraid to be a friendship first because shoot, that’s common sense. If they just end up being your friend only, well, at least you can’t say you’re a lone, right? You got someone who at least cares you exist and knows and likes you for who you are. You’ll find the one but only if you can give it time and wow....
I just went on ramp about love advice but hey, that’s what YugiXTea/Anzu are...If anything they are a good lesson about a healthy relationship. Yeah, they never kissed or really say the words, but meh, again, sometimes it’s not words or obvious. 
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lotornomiko · 6 years ago
Eleven is FINALLY being worked on...
I have the opening (Like a page and a half) of the overhauled eleven of OSVP. It is a Brahms chapter...which is kinda like a bonus, since in the original draft, eleven checked back on Flenceburg. But I had ended ten in a way that I needed another vampire chapter so more vampires you get!
I am spoiling Huntress like crazy, cause I keep sending her paragraph excerpts so she can hand hold me...XD Like I am stupid, and was unsure about this line of the latest paragraph I have: In a lengthy list of wrong, that one sin was the threshold that bordered between a chance for love’s redemption and hate’s damnation.
Course, I don't know how long it will take me to COMPLETE eleven. Could be a few days, could go past a week, Depends on how the writing goes.
I am also feeling a lot better about something not yet written into the story. I fleshed out a plot, a major thing on the vampire side of things....My note file expanded by five pages as a result. I have about 21 pages of stuff that hasn't happened in the fic ever. Not in the overhaul, and not in the first draft! I was NEVER kidding when I said about chapter forty not being the halfway point of OSVP! Though I get intimidated and overwhelmed when I think of how much I still have to do and explain in fic...
Honestly. I am wondering if I will need to do some interlude chapters for like Mystina, Hel, and there is a character not yet introduced into the fic's universe, (And this character IS from the actual game) but I feel like this character will also need a POV interlude, to convey some things.
This is the first writing of anything I have attempted in months. I pretty much stopped writing shortly after my kitty Maxie died...Wondering if I will ever get to the Hrist Arngrim side story, when the main OSVP story is finished. But also there is another pairing I won't spoil, who could end up as side story number two...but knowing those characters, they would probably spiral out of control, and end up a full fledge fic too....*don't know if I have it in me...not yet anyway, to do a full fledged sequel for them.*
I still worry about the timing for when the two sides of the main story have to merge back together...main worry is that one side will have advanced to that point before the other side can. @_@ I should try to worry less until I get closer to that point...
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queen-scribbles · 7 years ago
Unforeseen Consequences
@pillarspromptsweekly #41: Machine. Neither Tavi nor Emiri fit quite right for this prompt, so you get my wizard, Adela. Seeing as she’s basically orlan!Dagna she’s definitely curious enough to go poking at machinery she doesn’t fully understand and invite consequences on herself. xD 
There were some things better left alone. No one knew that better than Adela. A lifetime of research and a healthy amount of experimenting had drilled that truth into her skull. Some things could be poked and prodded til the stars fell from the sky, others it was best to do what you needed with them and leave it at that.
And even with that knowledge, she couldn’t resist poking a bit at the Engwithan machine in the depths of Clüaban Rilag. She’d been too disoriented and concerned about the new voices in her head at Cilant Lüs for it to even occur to her, and Teir Nowneth had been creepy enough none of them had wanted to delay, and once broken there hadn’t been much to learn from that machine. All of which served to ratchet her curiosity to near-unbearable heights.
Even the jarring disorientation of another Watcher vision, triggered by stepping too close to the ashen figure standing vigil near the massive machine, couldn’t dissuade her. If anything, she was relieved Watching the machine’s activation hadn’t somehow turned it off. It still hummed with energy as she approached, purple light and a low hum vibrating in her back teeth a reassurance she hadn’t lost this chance. The machine was covered in runes, some of which she could read, thanks to Icantha, others a complete mystery. And, of course, some were so high even an aumaua would have trouble reading them, let alone an orlan.
Damn my height, Adela groused silently, biting her lip and glaring at the machine. “Kana, can you give me a boost?”
“I can,” he replied slowly, and she heard his footsteps behind her, “but are you sure that’s wise? We don’t know what these machines do.”
“That’s the point,” she countered, leaning back to flash him an engaging smile. “I wanna figure out what they do, and I can’t do that without a closer look.”
“Isn’t knowing they can... control or contain souls enough?” Aloth spoke up, fingers worrying the edges of his grimoire.
“No, that just makes me more curious,” Adela said with a laugh, her own fingers toying with the end of her braid. “How do they manipulate soul energy, why bother in the first place, is there a way to undo it, where do they go when caught, ‘cause they certainly aren’t here? Just give me fifteen minutes to look at it, and then we can leave.”
“Heard that before, Adi,” Sagani laughed. “How ‘bout we start with ten, you’ll wind up sayin’ five more minutes anyway, so it’ll work out even.”
“Deal.” She turned back to Kana. “About that boost?”
“If you’re serious...” He shrugged off his pack and crouched down.
“As a bĂźaĆ”ac,” Adela said cheerfully as she climbed up to his shoulders. Once Kana had straightened and steadied himself, she stood, careful to distribute her weight evenly and cause him the least discomfort possible. “Thank you.”
“It’s no trouble,” Kana chuckled. “I’ve had much heavier things on my shoulders.”
“For the sake of my dignity, please refrain from listing them,” she replied drolly, already scanning the runes with eager eyes. One bit was just out of sight, and as she leaned forward to follow them, her center of balance shifted. Without thinking, she moved to steady herself against the machine, and barely registered the disconcertingly cool warmth of adra and copper before the world went white. 
She woke with a headache and the taste of copper in her mouth. Her eyes felt too heavy to open at first, but after a few heartbeats Adela forced them to cooperate.
Stars. There were stars. And she could hear the wind rustling through the trees and the crackle of a campfire, if dimly. When did we move outdoors? Adela wondered vaguely, shifting to rub at her headache. Her arm felt heavy, too, but at least it didn’t take as much focus to make it do what she wanted. The blanket covering her fell away as she moved, and she took the opportunity to start levering herself upright.
The silhouette sitting nearby shifted hastily to rest a hand on her shoulder.  “Easy,” it said with Aloth’s voice, but Adela barely heard him over the ringing in her ears.
Narrowed eyes, dark with anger and alcohol both. “You’re a blazin’ disappointment, boy.”
The shred of memory was gone almost as fast as it came, but Adela still flinched away from Aloth’s touch, fingers digging into her hair as her ears twitched sharply backward. That wasn’t on purpose, what the Hel? She took a shaky breath before looking up to find Aloth watching her.
“Are you alright, Adela?” he asked, brow furrowed in obvious concern. “You were out long enough to give us quite a scare.”
“I’m fine,” she mumbled, lying through her teeth as she rubbed her temples. The ringing in her ears had diminished slightly but was still there, as was the coppery taste in her mouth. And apparently her Watcher abilities were a tad haywire. “Is Kana alright?”
Aloth nodded, tucking his hair behind one ear. “He’s fine. Got a bit of a jolt when you... did whatever you did-”
“I just touched it,” Adela said defensively. She hugged her knees into her chest. Gods, the infernal ringing wasn’t going away.
“-but there don’t seem to be lasting side effects for him,” Aloth finished, politely disregarding her outburst. “We were more worried about you; it’s been almost six hours with barely more than a twitch.”
She forced a grin. ”Is that why you’re camped by my bedside? Worried about me?”
He shrugged. “Yes. We’ve taken turns. This was somehow worse than watching your nightmares.”
“Because at least then I wake up, even if it takes some work?” she filled in, and Aloth nodded. “Well, I’m sorry to have put you all through that, and I’ll do my best to never let it happen again.”
“That would be appreciated,” he said with a smile. “It took the first hour to convince Kana it wasn’t his fault.”
Adela winced. “That long? He didn’t do anything beyond give me a boost, and even that I asked for.” She pushed to her feet, fought a brief battle to keep her balance, and looked toward the main campfire. “I’ll talk to him.” Maybe the persistent ringing in her ears would fade if she distracted herself.
“That would help a great deal, I believe,” Aloth said. “It’s one thing to hear it from the rest of us, another to hear it from you.” He stood as well, and followed her over to the rest of their group.
Their relieved expressions were touching, and she accepted the round of sentiments to the same before settling in next to Kana. “I’m glad you’re alright.”
He chuckled, perhaps a little sheepish. “I could say the same to you, my friend. You had me worried I’d hastened your trip back to the Wheel.”
Adela shook her head. “Nothing of the sort, Kana. It wasn’t your fault in the slightest, just my own carelessness.” She cast an appraising look at her friend. “Which I am very glad to hear didn’t cause any lasting damage to you.”
“No, no, nothing of the sort,” Kana assured her. “Just a faint ringing in my ears that’s mostly faded by now.”
“Well, that’s good to hear,” she smiled. For more reasons than one. “It would be a shame to rob Eora of such a passionate historian.” She reached over to pat his hand-
The sun glittered off the waves and spray, the scent of salt almost as overwhemling as the joy at a new horizon to explore.
“Adela?” When she blinked and looked up at him, Kana was watching her with the same concern Aloth had a few minutes prior. “Are you certain you’re alright? You look as if you’ve seen a ghost.”
You aren’t far wrong, she thought, even as she nodded. “I’m fine. Just tired.”
With Aloth it could have been a fluke, their emotions close to the surface and her knowing about Iselmyr. But she’d never Watched Kana’s soul. There was no familiarity to be drawn upon. Which meant she was very much not fine; that machine had done something to amplify or alter her Watcher abilities. The coppery taste grew stronger as that sank in, and she noticed that all her companions seemed.... blurry in the firelight, as if she was seeing them and the hazy remnants of a past life or two.
Adela cleared her throat and pushed to her feet once more. “Ironic as it may sound, I think I need some rest. I’ll see you all in the morning.”
Hope you feel better,” EdĂ©r called after her.
She paused long enough to nod her thanks. Me, too. Maybe, if she was extremely lucky, the symptoms would prove temporary and be gone by morning.
She was not extremely lucky. If anything, all of it was worse. Except the headache. That was gone. But the ringing in her ears, the coppery taste, the visions, all of it was worse. Sagani got within three feet of her at breakfast, and Adela was swamped with a wave of homesickness so strong she could barely breathe.
This was not a tenable situation, she acknowledged grimly to herself when Aloth sat next to her and she’d swear she heard a whisper of Iselmyr’s brogue, even though he hadn’t opened his mouth. But it was when Pallegina passed behind them, trailing a susurration of expletives in mingled Vailian and Engwithan that Adela finally snapped.
“This is so much worse than the first time,” she muttered, grip white-knuckle tight on the apple she was eating.
Aloth looked over, having half-caught the comment. “Beg pardon?”
Adela repeated herself, loud enough they could all hear. “I’m not alright, this is even worse than the first time. My ears are still ringing, I can’t stop tasting copper, which is ruining perfectly good food, and I keep seeing spirits and past lives without even wanting to, and I can’t take it!” She took a breath to calm herself. “It was all there last night, but I was hoping it would clear up with sleep. Which it didn’t do.”
“Who could we even ask about potential cures?” Kana frowned in concern. “This isn’t some run of the mill ailment.”
“Lady Webb, perhaps?” Aloth suggested. “We have to speak with her anyway.”
“And she does seem to know quite a lot,” Pallegina seconded. “Particularly about the Leaden Key and those machines, ac?”
Adela nodded. “A good suggestion. If that fails, Icantha might know something. She’s extensively studied the history of the machines, and knows at least some of the language used to activate them.”
“Don’t see her much carin’ about helpin’ you,” EdĂ©r chipped in. 
“We can still ask,” Sagani shrugged. “Maybe appeal to her professional pride...”
Adela snorted. “She certainly has plenty of that.” As plans went, both were light on details. But it was better than nothing. Having some thread of hope for a cure would keep her from going crazy, at least. “Whatever we do, we’ll need to go back to Defiance Bay.”
“Soon as we’re done eatin’,” EdĂ©r promised, and Adela couldn’t really deny that.
Rather than deal with the randomly intrusive flashes from various souls, she retreated far enough for relative peace and prayed they would find an answer of some kind in Defiance Bay.
Lady Webb did not have an answer. At least, not one Adela wanted to hear.
“I’ve never encountered any sort of condition like this, nor read of it happening,” she shook her head. “One of the difficulties in dealing with the Leaden Key; their secrecy does not lend itself to written records.” She pursed her lips in thought. “You say you touched it, Watcher?”
Adela nodded, mentally pushing against the scraps of emotion filtering in from everyone else in the room. “Just briefly, but that was enough. And I didn’t recognize the rune I touched, so I”ve no idea if it’s any special significance.”
“It likely is,” said Lady Webb. “But you would need to talk to someone knowledgeable about that language to know the exact importance.”
Adela sighed. Hope Icantha’s in a sharing mood. “Alright. Thank you for the advice, at least. I’ll return when I’m ready to attend the animancy hearings.” The ringing in her ears, which had waxed and waned as they traveled, was getting steadily--if slowly--louder, and she wanted, needed, to make it stop. Or that would drive her mad before her Awakened soul got the chance.
Icantha was still occupying the same house as before, which was good. The spirits of Heritage Hill’s dead were a loud bunch with Adela’s Watcher sense so keen. She wasn’t sure what she would have done if the woman wasn’t there. Curled up in a ball and wept, probably.
As it was, Icantha’s flat, dark eyes showed a marked lack of interest in her visitor, the contrast between then and the pallor of her skin more pronounced than Adela remembered. “Watcher,” she said, lacking any sort of emotion or inflection. She inclined her head with a bare modicum of curiosity.
“Icantha,” Adela replied with a nod. Everything about the scholar-turned-fampyr unnerved her, but she was desperate. “I need your help.”
Icantha just stared at her, silently, and Adela reflected she couldn’t blame her companions for wanting to wait outside.
Taking the woman’s silence as permission to continue, Adela succinctly relayed what had happened and the lingering effects. “I know you’re one of the foremost scholars on Engwithan lore, and I was wondering if you might have any ideas.”
Smirking now, Icantha further inclined her head. “I might. But I’d be wanting something in return.” She glanced toward the window, EdĂ©r and Kana’s shadows just visible through the dusty panes. “One of your friends, for instance.”
“Why the blazes would I agree to that?!” Adela snapped, crossing her arms as she stood defensively between Icantha and the door.
“Because you don’t get something for nothing, Watcher, that’s not how the world works,” Icantha shot back briskly. “And I consumed the last of my... stockpile yesterday. I’ll need essence before too long.  I could lay in wait and snare a workman or justiciar before the hunger gets too strong, but why bother when you’re here now and want something from me, again, I might add?”
The ceaseless ringing and increasing tide of soul whispers made thinking on her feet a challenge. “Because any justiciar--or workman brave enough to come to Heritage Hill, for that matter--will be wary, and likely put up a fight.” Adela squared her shoulders and stared the sallow woman down. “Do you really want that to be how you’re remembered? Not as a legendary scholar or one of the few who actually knows ancient Engwithan. Just a fampyr, one more undead threat slain in the purging of Heritage Hill. No one will care about any of your accomplishments then. And you know it.” The coppery taste swelled, and she fought the urge to spit. “You’re looking to leverage my need into a bargaining chip so you don’t have to run that risk, because you know there aren’t good odds of it ending in your favor. I wouldn’t sacrifice a complete stranger for my sanity, let alone one of my friends!”
“Your point, Watcher? Even assuming you were correct in your assessment, it’s still favor for favor.”
“My point,” said Adela, ears twitching down and back in irritation, “is that we stand on far more even footing than you’re claiming. Also a very firm no on sacrificing any kith’s life, even if it costs me my sanity.” Terrifying as the vision of Maerwald’s fate dancing in her head was, the guilt of that trade would be worse. “Especially since I know it’s only a temporary stopping measure.”
The disinterest fell away from Icantha’s face and she snarled,” You’re a well-read little rat, aren’t you?”
Adela’s fur ruffled, but she swallowed the sharp comeback. “Extremely well-read, yes. Enough to know the inevitable fate of all fampyrs. No matter how shrewd and careful. So it shouldn’t surprise you that I don’t want a life on my conscience for what’s simply a delaying tactic.The best I’m willing to give you is I will not tell anyone you’re here.”
Icantha stared at her for a long moment, eyes narrowing. “Swear it.”
The pitch of the ringing shifted higher and Adela’s whole head twitched sideways with her ear. “I swear.”  
Icantha nodded brusquely and rummaged in a cabinet for a scrap of parchment and a charcoal stub. “The rune you touched. What did it look like?”
To the best of her memory, Adela sketched the symbol on the parchment. Icantha nodded almost knowingly, muttered somethign about security measures before she placed her fingers against Adela’s temples, and spoke a few words in Engwithan. She paused for a few heartbeats, then repeated them and stepped back.
The copper taste vanished immediately, and while the ringing was still there, it had faded a lot. “Thank you,” Adela said, ears flicking with gratitude. “I’ll keep my end.”
“See that you do,” Icantha growled, and turned back to her work in a clear dismissal.
Adela shrugged and left, a relieved grin spreading across her features when she didn’t catch so much as a whisper from any of her friends’ souls. “Well, that’s done.”
“So easily?” Aloth raised an eyebrow. “Given our first encounter, that’s more than a touch surprising.”
“Well, first she wanted to eat one of you,” Adela replied with a grin. “But I talked her out of that, made her see reason, and promised not to tell anyone she’s here.”
His eyebrow arched higher as they walked away from the house. “You’re not going to tell anyone there’s still a fampyr in this district?”
“I gave her my word,” she said, grin playing about her lips. “I didn’t, however, promise not to suggest the guards sweep the district again because I got a creepy feeling like I was being watched.”
EdĂ©r chuckled. “You’re real good with the loopholes, Adi.”
Adela winked. “Grow up the middle child of seven, loopholes are your best friend.” Kana laughed and she shot him a knowing grin. “Loopholes and technicalities. Never promised one of you wouldn’t mention her, either. Normally I’m happy to be a woman of my word, but given the nature of fampyrs and the danger she’ll eventually, inevitably pose, I can bend my morals a little. For the greater good.” She sighed happily. The ringing had faded almost completely.  “Let’s get going, we have a lot to do.”
As they walked, Adela could still pick up a deep sense of relief from the others that went beyond facial expressions or body language. But she didn’t chase the fragments. After all, some things were better left alone.
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xxxprettydeadgirlxxx · 8 years ago
Dark Paradise
So, this is a new fic I am working on in between Dangerous Love, because I need something new. Don’t worry, I’m not neglecting it, just adding more to the load. xD Sorry, I get bored. If you like it, I’ll post Chapter 2 soon. 
                                         Chapter One:
If there was one thing Octavia had not planned on when she had arrived in New York earlier that day, it was to be alone and lost in a world she didn't know, and with a GOD who was claimed to be deadly, harsh and cold. The day had started out normal. She got off the plane with no problems and caught a cab to meet up with her cousin, Jane and her boyfriend, Thor; whom she had not yet met, but had heard enough about him to write a book. Jane had been excited to see her and Thor had been exactly as she had expected; overly cheerful and loud. Octavia forced a smile across her face when she spoke with him. It was still weird her cousin was dating a space alien, and he talked funny. They had met up at Stark tower and Thor had offered to introduce her to the rest of the Avengers. She accepted, graciously, excited to meet a room full of superheroes. They had all been polite, except for one in particular; Thor's brother, Loki. He had rolled his eyes and stormed off, making it well aware he was uninterested in meeting 'Jane Foster's child relative.' She may have been younger, but she was far from little. She had just turned twenty-three the following week, so she considered herself far from a 'child.' Octavia had decided immediately she couldn't stand Loki and wondered why he was even there to begin with.
Later that day, they had all gone out for a picnic in a nearby park and to Octavia's disgust Loki had joined them, though, he stayed off to himself and she found herself wondering once again why he even bothered. Not long after everyone had gotten settled, there was a loud crash. Octavia was off to the side with her earbuds in, listening to music, oblivious to the incoming danger heading straight for her. It was when she felt two strong arms grab her and pull her to the side that she became aware of the chaos around her. There were blasts of fire from all sides and she found herself being dragged around, barely missing their impact by inches. Octavia finally had the sense to look to see who her rescuer was, and to her surprise, it was the one person who she had least expected to come to her aid; Loki.
“What's happening!” Octavia cried, but Loki didn't answer. Honestly, she didn't blame him. It was hard to talk and dodge fireballs. They came to a nearby picnic table and he basically threw her underneath it, but he was also careful not to hurt her in the process, which surprised her even more.
“Stay down and do not move. No matter what you see, do not move!” Loki demanded, before running back to help the Avengers, and from what she was seeing, they had been caught horribly off guard.
Octavia could now see what they were dealing with from her hiding spot, but she had no idea what these creatures were, or where they had come from. Their hair was basically fire, and they stood to be larger than even Thor, by quite a lot, and their eyes glowed a deep fiery red to match their skin color. Loki and Thor were doing the majority of the work, while Iron Man awaited his suit, and Black Widow had taken Jane to safety. Hawkeye attempted to slow them down with his arrows, but after a few attempts, he retreated, realizing the creatures were completely unfazed by them; even the explosive arrows. Captain America had been holding his own for a while, but now, he was even getting his ass handed to him.
The battle seemed to last forever, but now that Iron Man had his suit Octavia realized the Avengers stood more of a chance. Though, they were all still clearly struggling. Maybe not Thor and Loki so much, but definitely the rest of them. One of the monsters looked right at Octavia and gave a fang-baring smile. It was clear it had found an easy target, and it was now heading straight for her. She knew Loki had told her to stay put, but surely this would be an exception? Octavia didn't give herself time to decide, as she quickly crawled out from under the table and began to run.
Loki glanced over and saw one of the fire giants chasing Jane's younger cousin. Why the hel didn't she stay put? Loki rolled his eyes and headed towards them running as fast as his legs would allow, for if he slowed down even for a second, there would be a chance he would not make it to her in time. He had been right, because the moment he took down the giant she had tripped and was now scrambling to get free of its clutches, screaming bloody murder. Shit. If frost giants could burn skin, could fire giants do so as well? Loki killed the creature easily and pulled the girl away from its grasp and just as he had feared, her leg was badly burned, and she had yet to stop screaming. Loki lifted her into his arms and ran to a more secluded area, placing her down gently on the grass. She had finally stopped screaming, but she was sobbing incoherently and complaining about how much her leg hurt.
“You must calm yourself.” Loki said in the most soothing voice he could manage, though, it didn't come out very soothing. He was highly stressed and irritated. “Your name, what is your name again?” he asked, in an attempt to get her mind on something else.
“Oc-Octavia.” she managed between sobs. “It hurts. It hurts so bad.”
“I know. Lie on your back, I can heal you.” She complied and Loki placed his hands on her injured leg, causing her to scream out in pain again. “I'm sorry, Octavia. This is going to hurt, but it won't last.” Loki cringed when she screamed again as he poured his healing magic into her. He knew it was painful, but hopefully not for too long. Loki let out a sigh of relief when she had finally stopped screaming, now replaced by heavy breaths, caused by the sensations of his seidr.
"Thank you." Loki could tell the girl was trying to be brave, but she was clearly terrified.
Loki nodded and pulled her to her feet. “I must get you somewhere saf-” he was cut off by a powerful blast, knocking him to the ground. It was when the wind started to blow wildly that Loki knew exactly what was happening.
He heard Octavia scream again and he quickly pulled himself up and grabbed her hand as she was being pulled into the air, right towards the open portal. Loki was on his feet now, but the force was pulling him with her; his feet dragged the ground as he tried to find any sort of grip, but it was useless. Loki managed to get a better hold on her and pulled her against his chest, he tried to turn to walk away from the pull of the vortex, but it was too strong. He had just felt his feet leave the ground when he heard Thor yell his name.                                       
Octavia's eyes grew wide when she realized Loki was no longer in control of the situation. She barely had time to register the fact that they had been sucked into the black hole, as she watched it close abruptly behind them. She wanted to scream, but she couldn't bring herself too. Instead, she gripped onto Loki for dear life, thinking about everything she had not gotten to experience yet, and how she had just barely started living. She was sure they were both going to die; they were falling, and fast. Loki suddenly turned their bodies and he took the impact when they hit the ground. Octavia found herself uninjured and alive, but Loki didn't look so good. He was unconscious and his breathing was shallow. It was when she noticed he was bleeding from a head wound, that she began to panic.
“Loki! Loki, please! Wake up!” she begged, shaking him gently. Octavia didn't know a whole lot about head injuries, but she assumed hard shaking was a no, no. “Loki...” He didn't wake up. She didn't know what else to do, so she curled against him as close as she could get to make sure nothing could hurt him. She laughed at her ridiculous attempt to protect Loki. If anything did show up right now, they were both dead. When she finally got the courage to glance around, she realized that most of the ground was on fire, soot covered everything, and she was pretty sure she could even see lava. Octavia began to wonder if they had fallen straight into Hell.
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