#She started laugh and then i started to laugh too just like how i laugh here as “hihihihihhi” and she even laughed more
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fireinmoonshot · 2 days ago
misunderstanding | joaquín torres x fem!reader
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Pairing: Joaquín Torres x Fem!Reader Summary: When you overhear Joaquín talking about you being clingy, you assume he secretly hates that you have been lately. Joaquín sets out to make you realise it was all just a misunderstanding. Warnings: Mentions of food. Word Count: 3.1k A/N: This was requested and I loved the idea so much so I just had to write it. It took me a few days but I've gotten around to it. I love how it turned out as well – it ended up being one of my longer Joaquín fics!
“So, is Joaquin your boyfriend?” Cass Wilson, Sarah’s oldest son, asks.
You’re sitting in the living room at Sarah Wilson’s house with her two sons sitting on either side of you on the couch. You’d offered to babysit them for a bit while Sam and Bucky took Joaquin out for some training and Sarah finished up with her shopping in town. For a while you’d been watching something on TV, but then the boys had gotten bored and started an interrogation instead.
“He is,” you confirm.
AJ, the youngest, nods, as if pleased by your answer. “Are you an Avenger too?”
You shake your head. “No, I’m not an Avenger. I’m just a normal person.”
“That’s a bit boring,” AJ sounds a little disappointed.
It’s then that you hear the sound of a car door closing outside, followed by the sound of laughter – Sam, Bucky and Joaquin are back from training, saving you from a possibly awkward conversation with Cass and AJ. You stand up from the couch. 
“It sounds like your Uncle Sam is back, I’m gonna go open the door for them, okay?”
Your hand is on the door handle, about to open it, when you hear what the men are talking about. It makes your heart drop into your stomach. 
“Yeah, she’s really clingy lately,” Joaquin says, his voice unmistakable. “It’s kinda weird cause she never was before, but after everything happened and I was in hospital for a while, she has been.” 
Your hand falls away from the door handle and as you hear footsteps coming up the stairs, you step backwards away from the door, feet leading you away before you can think too much about it. You walk straight through the living room, ignoring AJ and Cass’ confused voices asking you why you were going in the opposite direction of the front door, and head upstairs, going straight for the bathroom – one place you can trust Joaquin isn’t going to barge in looking for you when he notices you’re not downstairs. 
With a deep breath, you lock the door behind you and put your hands down on the edge of the sink, trying to calm yourself down and slow your heartbeat. Joaquin’s words are on repeat in your mind. She’s really clingy lately. Had you been? You hadn’t really meant to be. It was true that you’ve never been a particularly clingy girlfriend before, but after almost losing him, maybe you had become one of them. 
And Joaquin doesn’t like it.
Joaquin, who is quite possibly the most clingy boyfriend on the planet, doesn’t like having a clingy girlfriend. It’s almost laughable. You stop yourself from actually laughing out loud, which ends up being a good thing when you hear a knock on the bathroom door.
“Angel, you in there?”
Your head snaps towards the door and you stifle a groan. While Joaquin wasn’t going to barge into the bathroom looking for you, it clearly wouldn’t stop him from knocking and sussing out where you were. There are only so many places to hide in this house.
“I’ll be out in a second!” You call, trying to keep your voice steady and not show how much you’re hurt. You don’t want Joaquin to know that you overheard him, but it’s clear to you now more than ever that you can’t be clingy to him anymore. He wants his space or he wouldn’t have been telling Sam and Bucky all about how clingy you are.
When you exit the bathroom, after splashing some water on your face to try and calm yourself down a little more, Joaquin is still out in the hallway, leaning against the wall opposite the bathroom and scrolling on his phone. He looks up as soon as he hears the door open, a smile on his face. 
“How did training go?” You ask, trying to be casual about it.
Joaquin puts his phone back in his pocket and walks towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist in greeting. It’s only been two hours since he last saw you but to him, two hours is basically the equivalent to two months. He can’t help but notice the way that you don’t drape your arms over his shoulders like you’d usually do.
“It was good,” he replies. “I kicked Sam’s ass, actually. Bucky was even impressed.”
You give Joaquin a tight lipped smile and extract yourself from his arms. “That’s awesome, baby. I’m proud of you.” You can hear voices downstairs – Sam, Bucky and Sarah, who has obviously returned back from town while you were in the bathroom. “Is that Sarah I hear downstairs? I promised her I’d help her with dinner tonight.”
Before Joaquin can so much as utter another word, you’re walking down the stairs. He watches you, confused, and shakes his head as he follows you downstairs to the kitchen where Sam and Bucky are helping Sarah put away the groceries. 
He really had had a good training session. It was nice to spend some one on one time with Sam and Bucky like that, to learn different things from each of them and watch them sparring together. If he was even a little bit of a better fighter after it, he’d consider that a win. 
The fact that he couldn’t stop talking about you on the way home had probably lost him a few points with Sam and Bucky, though. He couldn’t help it, though – you’re the love of his life and you’d offered to look after Sam’s nephews so they could go out and train. He’s always thinking about marrying you and starting a family with you, so to see you do something like that just made him love you even more. 
Even though he really would have loved to have you come and watch him train. 
When he’d mentioned that to Sam and Bucky though, they’d given him a strange look. 
“You two aren’t one of those couples that can’t ever be separated, are you?” Bucky had asked, looking a little disturbed at the idea. 
Joaquin snorted. “Did you not just notice that I spent two hours away from her so I could go and train with you guys?” 
“Yeah, and talked about her for at least an hour of that,” Sam added.
“It’s no secret that I’m clingy as hell when I’m around her,” Joaquin shrugged as they got out of the car and started walking towards the house. He had a skip in his step just at the thought of you being inside the house. “But to be fair, she’s been really clingy lately. It’s kinda weird cause she never was before, but after everything happened and I was in hospital for a while, she has been.” He paused to smile to himself. “I love it though. She should be clingy with me more often.” 
They’d walked inside then and the first thing Joaquin did was ask the boys where you were. They said you’d just run upstairs, so Joaquin assumed you were in the bathroom and headed straight upstairs to check on you.
Now, as he walks into the kitchen behind you, he doesn’t even think twice about placing his hands on your hips as he stops behind you. He’s glad when you don’t immediately shake him off. You’re standing next to the counter, right by the door, watching as Sam and Bucky argue over which cupboard salt goes in.
Sarah rolls her eyes and snatches the salt from Sam’s hands before putting it in the correct cupboard in an attempt to stop the men from arguing in her kitchen. You laugh a little as you meet Sarah’s eyes and she just sighs and shakes her head.
“You want me to help you and Sarah with dinner too? I don’t mind,” Joaquin says in your ear, his hands still on your hips. He’s completely unaware that you’re fighting your instinct to lean back into his chest and also trying not to pull yourself out of his grip.
“It’s fine, baby,” you say, voice only loud enough for him to hear. “Sarah and I will work better once all of the men are safely out of the kitchen.” It’s a little harsh but it’s true.
Joaquin laughs, the sound making you feel warm and comforted. “Yeah, I’m actually gonna agree with you on that one, angel.” He leans down to press a kiss to your cheek before stepping away from you. He doesn’t want to leave, but he can sense that you’re not yourself and until he can get some alone time with you, he doesn’t want to push you. “Guys, lets go show AJ and Cass that new move you taught me and leave the ladies alone for a bit, yeah?”
Somehow, his words actually work and Sam and Bucky leave the room after Joaquin. It’s remarkably more quiet inside now that they’re gone and Sarah lets out a breath of relief.
“I’m actually impressed Joaquin didn’t join in on that and managed to get them outside,” Sarah admits. “That kid can usually talk more than Sam and Bucky combined.”
You chuckle and walk further into the kitchen to help Sarah finish unpacking the groceries that Sam and Bucky hadn’t gotten around to. “Yeah, you’re right about that one.”
Outside, Joaquin is smiling as AJ and Cass freak out over how cool the new move is after Joaquin shows it to them. But in the back of his mind, he’s still worried about you. Something is off – with the way you’d pulled yourself out of his grip upstairs and the way you’d been less affectionate with him downstairs. Has he done something wrong? He can’t think of anything off the top of his head. Everything has been normal with you until now.
“Hey Cass,” Joaquin starts, pulling the older boy to the side as AJ asks Sam and Bucky to show them some more cool moves. “Did something happen with my girlfriend while we were out?”
Cass looks up at Joaquin, confused. “No, we just watched a show and talked. Then she said she was gonna go open the door for you guys and then she came back through and went upstairs really quickly.”
Joaquin thinks. What were they talking about as they were walking towards the house? It hits him, then. He was talking to Sam and Bucky about how you’d been clingy ever since he’d gotten out of the hospital. You had to have overheard him… had he said something that had hurt your feelings? Whatever it was, he needs to fix this right now. 
He doesn’t even bother to tell Sam and Bucky where he’s going, just thanks Cass and heads straight for the house, ignoring Sam as he calls out to ask him where he’s going. There’s only one thing he needs to do right now and it’s not out here.
You’re still in the kitchen, mid-way through washing some of the vegetables that Sarah had gotten to cook dinner with tonight. Sarah is cutting up the ones you’ve already washed. She looks up as Joaquin walks in the room, a little breathless from having basically ran back inside the house. 
“Everything all right, honey?” She asks him. 
“Yeah,” Joaquin nods. “Can I borrow your sous chef for a second though?”
From your spot at the sink, you put the vegetables down and grab the hand towel to dry your hands. You hadn’t expected Joaquin to come back in so soon, letalone to ask to talk to you. But maybe you hadn’t been as successful at hiding your hurt as you thought you were.
“Of course you can,” Sarah says, watching as you walk over to him.
Joaquin reaches down and grabs your hand before tugging you out of the room and up the stairs towards the bedroom that you’ve been sharing while you’re visiting Sarah and the kids. He’s a little surprised that you don’t resist him, but once the bedroom door closes, you drop his hand just like he’d expected you to do since he first took it.
“What’s this about, Joaquin?” You ask, crossing your arms over your chest.
He looks at you for a moment, trying to read your expression but failing. “I owe you an apology, angel. I think I said something earlier that hurt your feelings. That’s why you brushed me off earlier and have been kinda short with me, right?”
Joaquin is more perceptive than you’d thought and there’s no point in trying to deny it when he already somehow knows that he said something that hurt you. 
“You did,” you admit. “I didn’t think you minded that I’ve been clingy with you since your accident, especially because you’re so touchy with me. But I’m sorry, Joaquin. I never meant to make you uncomfortable or make you feel like I don’t give you space.” 
You watch as Joaquin opens his mouth, then closes it again. He furrows his eyebrows and runs a hand through his hair. “Wait, what the heck are you talking about? When did I say that I didn’t like you being clingy or that it makes me uncomfortable?”
“Earlier,” you frown. “When you were coming back inside after you went out with Sam and Bucky. I was at the door and I heard you telling them that I was clingy. That I never used to be but ever since you were in hospital I became that way.” 
Joaquin laughs softly and runs a hand over his face. “Okay, angel. You didn’t hear everything I said, did you? When you ran off upstairs like the boys told me, you left before you finished hearing what I said.” He steps towards you and takes both of your hands in his. “You missed the part where I said I love you being clingy with me. That you should be clingy more often.” 
For a moment you just stare at him, a little confused. “Are you just saying that to try and make me feel better or something?” You ask, apprehensive.
He shakes his head. “You can even go and ask Sam and Bucky if you don’t believe me. They heard me say it,” he says. “I mean, come on, angel. I’m clingy with you, why would I not love it when you’re the same to me? I love it when you touch me, when you put your hands on me or when I hold you and you lean into me. I love that you’ve gotten in the habit of randomly kissing me whenever you see me and texting me in the middle of the day to check in whenever we’re not together. I mean that.”
Much to your dismay, tears start to form in your eyes. The second Joaquin sees them, he drops your hands and wraps his arms around you, pulling you into his chest. One of his hands rests on the side of your head, stroking your hair gently.
“Angel, why are you crying?” His voice breaks a little. He can’t help it. Joaquin always gets emotional whenever you do. It’s something deep within him that he can’t control.
“I feel like an idiot,” you mutter into his chest, your hands balling up in the back of his shirt. “I misunderstood what you were saying and I’ve been treating you badly for it ever since you got back without even hearing your side of it. I just assumed.”
Joaquin sniffs, rubbing your back. “You are not an idiot. If I’d heard you saying something like that, I probably would’ve jumped to conclusions as well. Don’t beat yourself up about it, okay?” 
You pull back from the hug a little, but keep your arms around him. You don’t want to let him go, especially when you see the tears sliding down his cheeks. “Joaquin, why are you crying?” Your eyes widen, one of your hands moving to his cheek to wipe away a tear.
He lets out a breathy laugh. “Cause you’re crying! And I’m the reason you are.”
“No!” You shake your head. “I’m the reason I’m crying, baby.”
“Yeah, but I’m part of the reason,” he mutters.
You wipe another tear as it falls down his cheek and he does the same for you, gently swiping underneath your eye too. You stare at each other for a moment before both of you begin to laugh. 
“I bet we look ridiculous right now,” you grin up at your boyfriend. “Both of us, standing here in the middle of the room crying our eyes out. It’s a good thing you picked this room for us to have this talk rather than the backyard, for example.”
Joaquin laughs. “Yeah, Sam and Bucky would think we’re going insane.”
You lean up and press a kiss to his cheek, still a little wet from the tears that had been falling down it only moments earlier. “You are not the reason I was crying, Joaquin. I shouldn’t have assumed that you hated it. I should’ve finished listening to what you were saying before I ran off and hurt my own feelings. You’ve never made me cry.”
“I hope I never do,” Joaquin mumbles, tightening his arms around you. “I’m still sorry that something I said hurt your feelings, even if I didn’t mean to, angel. Do you accept my apology for that? I’m not gonna be able to drop it unless you do.”
“Yes, Joaquin. I accept your apology.”
He lets out a breath of relief. “I suppose I should return you to Sarah,” he sighs.
“Not just yet,” you shake your head and move closer to hug him again, resting your face against his chest. His warmth spreads through you, giving you comfort after all the stress of the last hour or so. It’s a good thing Joaquin is a quick thinker because if you’d had to sit and stew on all of this for a bit longer, you would’ve been a bigger mess. “I just want a few more minutes with you now that you’ve told me you like me being clingy.”
Joaquin smiles. “You know I’m not gonna leave you alone for the rest of the night once you and Sarah are done cooking dinner, right? I’m gonna be glued to your side. Sam and Bucky might tease me about it forever but it’ll be worth it.”
“Good,” you hum. “I missed out on some of my favourite kinds of PDA when I was hurting earlier, so we have a little bit to make up for. I want a hand on me at all times. You got that, Torres?” 
He chuckles softly. “I think that can be arranged.” 
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ham1lton · 3 days ago
maneater!yn getting into an argument w one of the drivers after the race and it going viral?
summary: as one of the very few female drivers in f1, you’re expected to be very careful. however, when a explosive video hits the internet, you have to navigate the fallout.
linked to my maneater series!
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liked by nosybitch1, youthereader and 5,109,928 others.
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tmzsports: thoughts? did yn take it too far, or was lando asking for it? 👀 let us know below!
user1: the way y’all are acting like lando wasn’t yelling back is CRAZY!!!
user2: maneater strikes again 🙄 no man is safe
user3: she’s so aggressive it’s actually embarrassing to watch. no wonder no one takes her seriously in f1
user4: y’all hate yn for breathing at this point lmao
user5: bro if a male driver did this no one would care, but bc it’s yn suddenly she’s the devil 💀
user6: lando looking like he was about to cry and she DID NOT CARE LMFAOO
user7: she’s the problem. she’s always the problem.
user8: he must’ve really pissed her off bc she usually just laughs in men’s faces when they try to argue with her
user9: people calling her toxic when literally every guy on the grid has had a public meltdown at some point 💀 it’s a high level sport!!! everyone’s emotions are high. why criticise her for something you would applaud men for?
user10: “lando gets eaten alive” stopppp the internet is undefeated 😭😭
user11: yn needs to get her emotions in check. she’s in a male-dominated sport. she should know better.
— user12: she’s literally been in f1 for years. she clearly does know better if she’s still here, stay mad lol
user13: nah the real tea is what did lando say to set her off bc she was FUMING
user14: these comments are straight up misogynistic. like be real, if it was max, george, or even charles, y’all wouldn’t care
user15: y’all call her a maneater but from what i see she only “eats” men when they DESERVE it 😛
user16: “she should know better bc she’s in a male-dominated sport” actually no the MEN should know better and stop being fragile
user17: can we talk about how she was fully ready to swing on him but oscar had to step in 😭
user18: every time she blinks y’all call her a villain i can’t
— user16: like ppl r saying she should be kicked out like wtf. she should have swung on him idc
user19: yn too chopped to be acting like this LOL
— user5: imma chop your DICK off!!!
user20: if she was a man y’all would be calling her “a fighter” and “a true competitor” but bc she’s a woman she’s suddenly a problem
user21: lando def thought he was gonna win that argument and yn chewed him UP
user22: the grid walking on eggshells next race bc yn is officially in her villain era lmaoooo. can’t wait for her next trophy!!!!
user23: she told lando “maybe if you spent less time whining and more time racing you wouldn’t have dnfed” I ALMOST FELL OUT MY CHAIR 😭😭😭
user24: funny how every guy she argues with suddenly becomes a victim in the eyes of the media… wonder why that is 🤔
— user25: starts with m, ends with isogyny.
— user24: funny how lando was yelling too but only yn is getting called aggressive?? misogyny is so boring at this point
user26: yn could literally say “good morning” and half of y’all would start foaming at the mouth
user27: “mclaren, meet maneater” is sending meeee 😭😭😭
user28: praying for yn’s pr team rn
maneater: nah cause y’all stay tryna make me look crazy. “gets eaten alive”?? be fucking for real, he started yelling at ME first. maybe next time try reporting what actually happened instead of whatever dramatic fanfiction y’all cooked up for clicks. clowns. 🤡
— user1: ignore them queen!!! the ynnies in the trenches for you rn <3
— user29: maneater supremacy. keep making men cry queen 💕
— user30: the tears of your misogynistic male haters keep my skin looking youthful. <3
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mahalachives · 2 days ago
Part 3: The Art of Avoidance (and the Shadowsinger Who Outplayed It)
Azriel x f!reader
Genre: fated mates, rom-com, crack humor, eventual angst, eventual smut
Summary: Azriel never expected to finally meet his mate and to be… this.
A walking disaster with a talent for tripping over air, an uncanny ability to charm even the grumpiest Illyrian, and a knack for throwing herself headfirst into situations that require his immediate intervention.
She is warmth where he is shadow, laughter where he is silence. And worst of all? She makes him smile without trying.
Azriel, Are you Okay? - Masterlist
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Azriel had been patient.
Or as patient as a male could be when his mate had been avoiding him for two gods-damned weeks.
At first, he let it slide. Gave you space.
Assumed you needed time to process.
To adjust.
But then a day became two, then four, then ten, and now—now he was officially losing his mind.
Because you weren’t just avoiding him.
You were actively dodging him.
His own shadows, the traitors, had started giving him reluctant, almost pitying reports of your frantic escape routes—dipping into alleys, pretending to be deeply engrossed in the brickwork of random buildings, and, at one point, throwing yourself into a display of overly plush decorative pillows at a store.
That one had nearly ended him.
Cassian and Mor had been no help whatsoever.
“She’s skittish,” Mor had observed with a grin, lazily swirling her wine. “Like a bunny.”
“A terrified bunny,” Cassian had added. “One that flings itself into furniture.”
Azriel had barely resisted throwing them both into the Sidra.
But today was different.
Because today, you were missing from your usual haunts. No bookshop. No bakery (where the owner had started smirking at Azriel every time he walked by, the bastard). No café, no tea shop, nothing.
And the absence of your presence in Velaris sent something cold curling in his chest.
Where are you?
His shadows surged outward, slipping between buildings, darting across rooftops, sweeping through the streets.
And then—finally—a whisper.
The forest.
He was in the air before the thought fully formed, wings slicing through the misty sky as he shot toward the trees beyond Velaris.
What were you doing out there? Alone?
He found you easily.
And he froze.
Because you were talking.
To the flowers.
Azriel stilled in the canopy, watching as you knelt among a bed of bluebells, murmuring to them like they were old friends. His shadows curled closer, as if amused, eager to listen.
“I know,” you sighed dramatically, plucking a stray leaf. “It’s been a week. But look at you! Still thriving. That’s impressive, honestly. Better than me, at least.”
Azriel’s lips twitched.
“And you,” you continued, shifting to a sprig of violets, voice soft with affection. “Still as pretty as ever. I hope no deer tried to eat you. That would be a tragedy.”
Azriel barely smothered a laugh, the sound catching in his throat.
You were utterly ridiculous.
And he… he couldn’t look away.
He trailed you, silent as a shadow, as you moved deeper into the woods, gathering herbs, humming to yourself, occasionally scolding plants for being “too stubborn” to reach.
At one point, you even haggled with a particularly thorny bush.
Azriel watched, amused, as you planted your hands on your hips and glared at it.
“Listen, I don’t want to fight you,” you muttered. “But if you make me climb in there, I will hold a grudge.”
The bush, unsurprisingly, remained unmoved.
Azriel had fought in wars.
Faced horrors beyond reckoning.
But this?
This was dangerous.
Because watching you—unguarded, completely at ease—was making him feel things he wasn’t sure how to name.
And then—
“You’re avoiding me.”
Your entire body locked up.
Slowly, you turned, forcing a too-bright, definitely not guilty smile onto your face. “Me? Avoiding you? Pfft. No. I’ve just been… busy. Very busy.”
Azriel’s gaze pinned you in place. “With what?”
Your mind blanked. “Uh. My fish.”
“…You don’t have a fish.”
You gasped, clutching your chest in mock outrage. “How dare you? My beloved fish is very real, Azriel.”
His lips twitched. “What’s its name?”
You floundered. “Uh. Gregory.”
A single brow arched. “Gregory.”
“Yes.” You folded your arms. “And he’s very sensitive, so I would appreciate it if you—”
A rustling sound cut you off.
Azriel moved before you could process it.
One second, you were standing there, mid-rant about your nonexistent fish.
The next, you were pressed against his chest, his arm locking around your waist as something dark and snarling lunged from the underbrush.
A twisted, hissing creature, all sinew and dripping fangs. A beast of the forest that clearly hadn’t gotten the memo that you were having a very inconvenient moment of romantic tension.
Azriel’s siphons flared, his blade already in hand.
In one swift, precise movement, he slashed through it, sending the creature slumping into the mud.
Just the rain.
The distant roll of thunder.
And the fact that you were still very much pressed against Azriel’s chest.
You swallowed hard, tilting your head up.
His face was impassive, but his eyes—his eyes—were warm, searching.
Your heart pounded.
Your face was burning.
And before you could stop yourself, the words tumbled out.
“I think I just fell in love a little.”
Deafening silence.
Azriel just stared at you.
He smirked.
You made a noise.
A very high-pitched, mortified noise, and immediately tried to wriggle free. But his arm was still there, keeping you in place like it was nothing.
“I—I meant that platonically,” you blurted. “You know. In a casual, friendly, definitely-not-romantic way—”
“Oh?” His voice was pure amusement. “You love me platonically?”
You immediately went into panic mode. “Yes! Like—you know how you love Cassian? Like that!”
Azriel stared.
You stared back.
Then—“You think I love Cassian?”
“…Don’t you?”
Azriel opened his mouth.
Closed it.
Somewhere in Velaris, Cassian sneezed violently.
Azriel tilted his head, eyes glittering with something you really, really didn’t trust. “That’s interesting.”
“No, it’s not,” you rushed out. “Not interesting at all, actually. Pretty common. Very normal. Just—just a casual, friendly expression—”
“Oh? Because you seemed pretty sincere a moment ago.” His voice was all silken amusement, but his grip was still firm, keeping you right where he wanted.
You were going to combust.
Or fling yourself into the nearest bush.
Maybe both.
“I say things all the time,” you insisted. “Lots of things. Some of them make sense, some of them—uh—don’t. Just a quirky little trait of mine! You know, speaking without thinking. Ha. So funny. Ha ha—”
“Are you okay?” Azriel asked, lips twitching as you cackled like a madwoman.
“No,” you admitted, because lying was obviously not working for you today.
He hummed, gaze dipping to where his hand was still splayed across your lower back. You could feel the heat of it even through your layers.
It was unfair.
Illegal, even.
There should be rules about how unfairly attractive someone could be while holding you hostage against their chest.
“You know,” he murmured, “I have to say, I’m not sure I believe you.”
You swallowed. “Believe what?”
“That you love me platonically.”
Your brain short-circuited.
Your entire body screamed at you to run, but again, his arm—his traitorous, stupid, very strong arm—was still keeping you firmly in place.
“I do,” you said weakly, voice cracking like old parchment.
“Mm.” He considered you. “Say it again.”
You gulped. “I—I love you. Platonically.”
He just smiled.
A slow, knowing, devastatingly smug smile.
And you knew.
Knew, in that moment, that you were doomed.
“You’re cute when you lie,” he murmured.
Your mouth opened.
Opened again.
“…I hate you.”
His grin widened. “Platonically?”
You squinted your eyes at him, but it only made his eyes glow with amusement.
“Let’s make a deal,” he said, voice low and smooth. “You stop running from me, and I won’t tell Cassian and Mor about your deep, passionate love for your fish, Gregory.”
Your stomach dropped. “You wouldn’t.”
He lifted a brow. “Wouldn’t I?”
That menace.
That actual menace.
“You’re a monster,” you hissed.
“And you,” he said, brushing his nose along the top of your ear, so softly it sent a full-body shiver through you, “are absolutely terrible at avoiding me.”
Your breath hitched.
Your brain stalled.
Azriel chuckled, warm and pleased, and finally—finally—let you go.
You stumbled back, legs wobbly, and pointed an accusing finger at him. “This is emotional warfare.”
“Is it?” He sheathed his blade, utterly unbothered. “I think it’s fair, considering you’ve been dodging me like a spooked rabbit.”
You let out an indignant noise. “I am not a rabbit.”
“Mm.” His gaze dragged over you, considering. “I don’t know. You do tend to dart into very furniture when frightened.”
Heat flooded your cheeks. “That was one time.”
“Three times,” he corrected, smug.
You groaned, dragging your hands down your face. “This is my nightmare.”
Azriel just smirked. “Platonically?”
“I’m leaving,” you declared, whirling on your heel.
“See you tomorrow, little bunny,” he called after you.
You stomped away, thoroughly mortified.
Gregory would be hearing about this.
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You were supposed to be working.
That was the whole point of coming to the Botanic Archives—a place of knowledge, of study, of focus.
But focus was impossible when Azriel’s stupid, smug, devastatingly attractive face kept invading your mind like an unstoppable force of nature.
Azriel smirking at you.
Azriel pinning you in place with those ridiculous, soul-peering eyes.
Azriel saying ‘little bunny’ like it was a personal attack.
Azriel knowing.
You groaned, letting your forehead drop dramatically onto the open tome in front of you.
A moment later, Lira’s voice drawled from across the table.
“Alright. Spill.”
You didn’t move. “Spill what?”
Lira gave a delighted hum, and that was when you knew—you knew—you were in danger.
“Whatever the hell is going on inside that head of yours,” she said, leaning forward. “Because you just made a noise that can only be described as tragic.”
You peeled your face off the book just enough to glare at her. “I did not.”
“Oh, you absolutely did,” she said, grinning. “Like a heroine in distress. Do you need me to fetch a fainting couch? Maybe a lace handkerchief to dramatically clutch to your chest?”
You groaned again, smacking the book shut. “You’re insufferable.”
Lira placed her chin in her hand, looking way too pleased. “And you are in distress. Is it because of a certain brooding, shadowy, lethally hot spymaster?”
You froze.
Lira’s grin was predatory.
“Wait,” she gasped. “Oh my gods. It is.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you said way too quickly, shoving a random stack of papers toward her. “Here. Look at these…uh, plant records.”
She didn’t even glance at them. “Oh no. We’re not changing the subject.” She pointed an accusatory finger at you. “You’re blushing.”
You slapped a hand over your face. “No, I’m not.”
“You totally are. Why are you blushing?”
You made a strangled noise. “I’m not.”
Lira’s eyes lit up. “Did something happen?”
“You’re lying.”
“No, I’m not.”
She gasped dramatically. “DID HE KISS YOU?”
“Did you kiss him?”
Lira slammed her hands onto the table. “Oh my gods. Did you accidentally see him shirtless?”
You made an even worse noise. “Why is that even your assumption?!”
“Because it would be life-changing and explain your complete inability to function right now.”
You grabbed a quill and threw it at her.
She dodged it effortlessly. “That was not a no,” she sang.
You collapsed into your arms.
Lira cackled like a full-blown villain.
Then—she gasped, eyes widening. “Wait. Oh, wait.”
You didn’t like that tone.
You didn’t like that tone at all.
Her grin stretched wide. “Did you—oh my gods, did you confess your love to him?”
You threw another quill.
Lira shrieked with glee, dodging again. “YOU DID.”
“It wasn’t real,” you said weakly, miserably. “It was an accident.”
You put your head back down. “I said it platonically.”
Then—Lira absolutely lost it.
She slid out of her chair, clutching her stomach. “You—you what?”
“I panicked,” you hissed. “It just came out.”
Lira was crying with laughter. “Oh, this is golden.”
She wiped at her eyes. “What did he say?”
You grumbled into your sleeve.
Lira cupped a hand around her ear. “What was that?”
You lifted your head just enough to glare. “He smirked.”
Lira gasped, looking personally offended. “He smirked?”
“And then he made fun of me.”
“Oh, no.” Lira shook her head, delighted. “That bastard. How dare he correctly identify your feelings?”
“I hate him,” you muttered.
Lira patted your hand. “Platonically?”
You lunged.
She yelped, laughing as she ducked under the table.
Somewhere in the Archives, a librarian shushed you both.
You groaned, flopping back into your chair. “This is my nightmare.”
Lira, cackling, climbed back into her seat. “This is the greatest day of my life.”
You pointed a finger at her. “If you breathe a word of this to anyone—”
She put a hand over her heart. “Bestie. My dearest, most beloved bestie.”
You squinted.
“I would never,” she said smoothly.
You narrowed your eyes.
She grinned. “Okay, no, I’m totally telling Mor.”
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For exactly one hour, you had successfully distracted yourself with actual, serious work.
It had taken all of your willpower to shove Azriel out of your mind—out of your thoughts, out of your bones—to stop replaying that smug smirk, that deep amusement, that stupid, unfairly attractive nose graze against your ear that had sent you into a full crisis.
But now—now, you were at peace.
Working. Learning. Not thinking about Azriel.
Which meant, of course, that Mor had to walk in and ruin everything.
The doors of the Botanic Archives slammed open with zero respect for the sacred silence of the space.
Several scholars jumped. An apprentice dropped a delicate parchment on Night Court flora.
You, however, felt the disturbance in the air before you even saw her.
Because when Morrigan entered a room, she did so with the kind of swaggering confidence that made the Cauldron itself pause to pay attention.
She strolled in, golden waves perfectly coiffed, a knowing smirk on her face that made your soul try to physically eject itself from your body.
“Oh, no,” you muttered immediately, eyes darting around, looking for an escape.
Mor found you instantly.
Her grin spread like wildfire as she sashayed over, her high heels clicking against the polished floors with terrifying intent.
“Darling,” she purred, sinking into the chair across from you like a queen descending upon her throne.
You refused to look up. You were working. You were busy. You were unbothered.
Mor ignored all of that and dramatically draped herself across your stack of books.
Lira, who had been sitting quietly and enjoying your misery for the past hour, suddenly perked up like a wolf sensing blood.
She took in Mor’s expression and let out a low whistle. “Oh, this is gonna be good.”
Your stomach dropped.
“No,” you said immediately, not even knowing what you were refusing, but refusing anyway.
Mor placed a hand over her heart, feigning offense. “You haven’t even heard the news yet.”
“I don’t need to,” you snapped, flipping a page so aggressively it almost tore.
Mor’s grin widened. “Oh, but you do.”
You exhaled sharply through your nose. “I swear to the Cauldron, Mor, if this is about—”
Mor cut you off by patting your hand.
“With deepest sympathy,” she said so sweetly it could kill a bee, “I regret to inform you that you have been assigned to a mission.”
You froze.
Lira gasped with delight.
Your stomach plummeted into the abyss.
“Assigned?” you repeated.
Mor nodded gravely. “Direct orders from Rhys.”
“No,” you said, trying to will reality into bending to your will.
“Yes,” Mor corrected, delighted.
Lira leaned forward, eyes bright. “Oh, I wanna hear this.”
Mor ignored your attempts to dig a hole through the floor with your mind and continued.
“You, my dear, are going on a retrievalmission.”
Your eye twitched.
“Retrieving what?” you asked slowly.
Mor inspected her nails, as if this was entirely casual and not life-ruining.
“A very rare plant,” she said smoothly. “With extraordinary healing properties.”
A mission for a plant.
You blinked.
“…So send a healer,” you said flatly.
Mor tilted her head. “Oh, we are.”
You narrowed your eyes.
She grinned.
“You,” she announced.
The kind of silence that preceded a hurricane.
“…I’m not a healer,” you said slowly.
“You know plants.”
Your hands clenched into fists. “Knowing plants and being a healer are two different things, Mor.”
She waved a hand dismissively. “Details.”
You inhaled deeply through your nose. “Who else is going?”
And that was when it happened.
That was when Mor smiled.
That was when you knew.
Your soul left your body.
“No, no, no—”
“Oh, absolutely, yes.”
You grabbed a book and held it to your chest like a shield. “You cannot be serious.”
“Dead serious.” Mor leaned in, voice smug. “Az is leading the mission.”
You choked on air.
Lira collapsed into laughter.
Mor beamed.
“I quit.” You pushed back from the table, making a break for it. “I quit everything. I’m leaving Velaris.”
Mor snagged your sleeve before you could escape.
“Oh, come on,” she cooed. “It’ll be fun.”
“You have a deeply skewed definition of fun,” you hissed.
Mor sighed dramatically, flopping into your chair. “What’s the problem, bunny? Afraid you might accidentally fall in love again?”
Lira wheezed.
You covered your face with your hands. “I hate you both so much.”
“Platonically?” Mor asked innocently.
Lira slammed a hand on the table. “I second that.”
You picked up your inkpot.
Lira scrambled backward.
Mor just laughed, raising her hands in surrender. “Alright, alright—I’ll leave you to wallow.”
She stood, stretching, then shot you one last, smug look.
“Be ready tomorrow morning,” she called, already sauntering away. “Az will be picking you up.”
And then she was gone.
You sat there, staring at the table, utterly horrified.
Lira sighed, looking far too pleased.
“I hope Gregory can handle the news,” she mused.
You dropped your head onto the desk with a thud.
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You should have sensed doom the second you peeled open your door and found Azriel standing there—at dawn—looking like he’d just stepped off a grand stage where he’d been crowned the reigning Prince of Winged Heartthrobs.
Meanwhile, you?
You looked like a panicked racoon who’d lost a cage fight to a tornado—bleary-eyed, hair in at least three different time zones, already bracing for the day to get worse.
Because, naturally, he was a bright and dashing morning person, while you were...
Well, you were barely a person before noon.
"You’re late," he said, voice so smooth you suspected it had never experienced an awkward phase in its entire existence.
You blinked at him, your head still woozy, fighting the instinct to duck and hide from the faint glow of this unholy hour.
At that moment, you could have sworn the sun was deliberately refusing to properly rise, just so you had to witness Azriel’s calm, unruffled state in the most humiliating lighting possible.
"...It’s literally still night," you mumbled, scrubbing your hands over your face—like that would miraculously fix everything.
"It’s dawn," Azriel corrected, his wings giving a slow, thoughtful stretch as he took in every detail of your predicament.
Your unbrushed hair, your half-buttoned tunic, your one fuzzy sock that had somehow gotten lost in your boot.
You felt your heart stutter as his gaze slid lower, taking in the unsightly mismatch of your outfit.
Oh, no.
A burning wave of panic crawled up your neck.
Then, so smoothly you almost thought you’d hallucinated it, he stepped forward.
His scarred fingers reached out. And in one single, quick motion—
He secured that last, undone button of your tunic.
All the air whooshed out of your lungs.
Your mouth fell open so abruptly you vaguely worried your jaw might never close again.
Your face ignited—every nerve alight with mortification.
Azriel was fixing your clothes.
Azriel was towering close enough that you could feel the edges of his shadows, close enough that you caught the faint, heady mix of cedar and night that clung to him.
Your mind just... shut down.
"There," he said, withdrawing his hand and stepping back like he hadn’t just sent you into the most epic meltdown of your life.
You tried to speak, but your tongue was apparently on vacation.
So you just… gaped. A few times.
Azriel tilted his head, the glimmer of a smile ghosting across his lips, faint and amused.
"Get ready," he advised, his voice still maddeningly calm and gentle, before turning away and freeing you from the cataclysmic swirl in your brain.
You did not handle that well.
You slammed the door with such cartoonish force you worried for the hinges—and then realized you were still breathing like you’d run a marathon.
30 Minutes Later
Through sheer force of will (and multiple internal pep talks that involved you threatening yourself to “get it together!”), you managed to somewhat collect yourself.
Which, unfortunately, led to your current predicament—soaring over the Illyrian Mountains in Azriel’s arms.
It would have been fine, if not for the fact that he kept tilting.
"Azriel," you squeaked over the wind, your fingers dug so tightly into his leathers you half-expected to rip them.
"Stop tilting."
"I’m not tilting."
"You are—and I’m experiencing a severe angle shift, so just—"
With infuriating slowness, he tilted more.
His chest vibrated with a deep, rich chuckle. "We’re almost there."
"You keep saying that, yet I’m still dangling in the air like some hapless ornament—AH!"
He angled sideways once more, and you let out a strangled yelp.
Miraculously—mercifully—he landed, dropping into a neat crouch. You, however, did not fare so gracefully.
Your legs decided it was game over, and buckled the instant your feet touched earth.
Azriel caught you by the elbow, holding you up with maddening ease.
"Dizzy?" he asked, not even trying to hide how entertaining he found this.
"I’m—" You were about to lie and say fine, but your voice came out a little squeakier than intended. "Fine," you whispered, cheeks torching.
Azriel hummed in a way that rattled every nerve in your body.
“There she is!”
You turned your head to find Mor and Cassian at the trailhead—flanked by a couple of additional volunteers who’d decided that waking up before dawn for a grueling hike sounded like fun. Cassian’s grin was so broad it practically illuminated the morning gloom, and you immediately knew your morning was about to be tested.
"How’s my favorite hiking buddy?" Cassian asked, eyes gleaming with mischief.
"I hate you," you croaked, still reeling from the flight over.
“Platonically?” Mor quipped, smirking at you.
Azriel—who’d landed a mere step behind you—gave a short cough that sounded suspiciously like suppressed laughter.
You whipped around and glared at him, your face practically on fire.
"Hope you’re ready," Cassian declared, pointing to the steep, jagged path twisting toward the mountaintop. "It’s a bit of a trek."
One of the other volunteers, a wide-eyed Illyrian with an overstuffed pack, let out a small laugh. "I’ve never been up this way before… Should we be worried?"
Cassian only snickered. "Oh, absolutely."
5 Minutes In
You were suffering.
The path was an agony—rocky, sharply inclined, and criminally long.
Cassian’s cheerful whistling at the front might as well have been the soundtrack to your misery.
Azriel, of course, looked like he was taking a lazy stroll in a garden. Mor barely seemed winded, chatting occasionally with the other volunteers, who kept glancing around in wide-eyed wonder at the view.
Meanwhile, you were prepared to offer up prayers to any deity who might cancel this hike. Your lungs felt like they were on fire, and your entire body begged for mercy.
“Are we—” you huffed, pausing to grab hold of a low-hanging branch as if it might save you, “—almost there?”
Cassian cast a glance at the still-distant peak. “Yep. Just a few more hours.”
You blinked in horror.
“A few. More. Hours?”
One of the new volunteers, trying to be encouraging, piped up. “We’ve already come so far, though!”
You shot them a desperate look. "That’s… questionable optimism."
Cassian smirked. “Unless you want a lift?”
Your eyes strayed to Azriel, entirely of their own volition. He was watching you, wings shifting subtly, almost like he was ready to swoop in.
The thought alone made your stomach lurch and your cheeks flame even hotter.
"I would rather perish on this mountain than be carried—" you managed, voice wavering.
And, as fate would have it, your boot slipped on a loose stone.
Azriel caught you so fast it felt choreographed—a single, swift motion that pulled you flush against his chest.
Your heart catapulted into your throat.
A couple of your fellow hikers gasped; Cassian, meanwhile, was doubled over, practically howling with glee. Mor had to wipe tears from her eyes, though whether from amusement at you or at Cassian was up for debate.
You, still caught between Azriel’s arm and the hard place of sheer embarrassment, gave him a flustered shove. "Th-that doesn’t count," you managed, words tripping over themselves.
Azriel raised an eyebrow. "Doesn’t count?"
"Didn’t happen," you muttered, mortification scorching your face and neck.
Mor snorted. "Riiight. Just a routine check on the ground again?"
"Yes," you said stiffly, trying to regain a shred of dignity. "I’m conducting very important research on gravity."
Cassian just shook his head, eyes dancing with amusement, and motioned for the group to continue on.
An Hour In
You had become convinced that the mountain would soon claim your soul. Your legs were jelly, and your lungs were in rebellion.
That’s when you spotted it.
A solitary mountain goose.
Standing on a ledge just off the trail, gazing out at the valley below like it was contemplating life’s mysteries.
"Look at that poor little goose," you breathed, forgetting your misery for a moment.
Azriel shot you a look like you’d started speaking a foreign language. "Don't engage with the goose"
Your heart squeezed. "But he’s all alone. What if he lost his goose family? His goose friends?"
Just then, the goose turned. Its shiny, piercing eyes locked on you.
You thought, for one romantic second, that maybe you’d found a kindred spirit.
Then it charged.
"OH MY GODS," you shrieked, stumbling back.
Cassian staggered to a stop, fully prepared to watch your inevitable goose showdown. Mor pressed a hand to her mouth, already stifling laughter. The volunteers, uncertain whether they should intervene or spectate, looked on with wide eyes.
Azriel… took his time.
The goose stormed toward you, wings flapping in some kind of vicious avian war dance.
You turned, fully expecting Azriel’s strong arms to save you again—maybe hoist you out of danger with all that soldierly grace.
But he just sidestepped, crossing his arms with a faint, unreadable smirk.
"You need the exercise," he said calmly, stepping back instead of swooping in.
Your jaw dropped in disbelief.
No rescue came. The goose honked, clearly offended at your intrusion upon its mountain domain. It lunged forward.
And you? You took off at a graceless sprint, breath catching in your throat all over again.
The goose chased you in hissing circles around the trail. Cassian was howling with laughter, nearly collapsing against a boulder as he fought to stay upright. Mor was literally crying from amusement, half reaching out a hand to help and then losing it in another wheeze of laughter.
A couple of the volunteers tried valiantly to intercept the rampaging bird.
One even shouted, "I’ll try to—gah!" only to leap back when the goose honked angrily at them, too.
Meanwhile, Azriel just watched, expression unruffled, wings tucked neatly, letting you run.
"Azriel, y-you—" you tried to snarl, but your sentence devolved into a wordless shriek as the goose snapped at your ankles, encouraging you to hustle even faster up the trail.
"This might be the best part of the hike," Cassian called out between guffaws. "Your form could use some work, though!"
Your blood was roaring in your ears, your cheeks absolutely aflame from adrenaline and embarrassment. Just when you thought you might actually collapse from this demented goose marathon, Azriel decided you’d had enough.
Effortlessly, he stepped forward, letting one of his shadows—or perhaps just sheer presence—startle the bird.
The goose stopped, hissed, and waddled off, apparently deciding it had better things to do.
You collapsed onto a nearby rock, panting, face burning, heart pounding as if you’d just sprinted the entire length of Prythian.
Azriel wandered over, finally looking somewhat amused.
"See?" he said in that infuriatingly smooth voice. "A little exercise never hurt anyone."
You were too winded (and too mortified) to form a coherent retort, so you just shot him the most vengeful look you could muster.
Cassian, tears of laughter still visible in his eyes, walked over and clapped you on the shoulder. "For what it’s worth," he wheezed, "you’re definitely warmed up now."
Mor wiped her eyes, nodding in agreement as the volunteers stifled their own grins.
Azriel, still half-smiling like the entire ordeal was a pleasant morning diversion, extended a hand as though offering to help you back to your feet.
You stared at his hand, then at his face, fighting the fluttery panic inside you. Finally, you gripped his fingers. Hot embarrassment flooded you all over again when he effortlessly pulled you up.
"Next time," you mumbled, brushing yourself off, "maybe you could consider a less traumatic training regimen."
A faint chuckle escaped him, low enough that it sent a tingle right down your spine. "I’ll keep that in mind."
And with that, the group continued on—everyone snickering under their breath as you tried (and mostly failed) to contain the lingering flush on your cheeks, while the infamous goose glared at you from its ledge, seemingly triumphant in its parting shot.
At least, you told yourself, it couldn’t possibly get any more embarrassing than this.
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You had successfully evaded direct conversation with Azriel for most of the day—an Olympic-level feat, really, considering you were traveling together. But as night fell and the group began setting up camp, you realized you had a brand-new problem.
There were only nine tents.
And there were eight of you.
Which meant, somehow—somehow—the only person without a tent partner was Azriel.
Because of course.
The moment the realization hit, you spun around, searching for some way out of this cruel joke The Mother had decided to play on you. But before you could open your mouth to protest, Cassian, the absolute menace that he was, clapped his hands and declared, “Welp! Looks like you two are sharing!”
You turned to murder him.
Cassian, seeing your horror, only winked. Like this was the best night of his entire life. Like he’d been waiting for this exact scenario for years.
Azriel, meanwhile, remained perfectly composed, because of course he did. “I can sleep outside,” he said smoothly, because of course he did.
Your panic was immediate. “No! You need rest! And warmth! You should sleep in the tent!”
Azriel’s brows lifted slightly. “And where will you sleep?”
You blinked. Your brain short-circuited. “I… I’ll… I’ll find a tree.”
Azriel just stared.
Cassian made a strangled noise that might have been an attempt to suppress his laughter. It failed. He cackled.
Mor had face-planted into her hands, shaking.
"You are not sleeping in a tree," Azriel finally said, his voice infuriatingly patient, as if you were a particularly slow child. "Just take the tent. I'll be fine."
"No!" The thought of him sleeping outside, cold and miserable, was too much. "We’ll… we’ll share."
Absolute. Silence.
Cassian choked. Like, actually choked.
Mor started crying from laughter.
Azriel’s wings twitched ever so slightly. “Are you sure?”
No. You were sure of nothing. Your brain had checked out ten minutes ago.
But somehow, you nodded.
And that was how you ended up sharing a tent with Azriel.
You were completely, utterly doomed.
Because fate, it seemed, had zero intention of letting you escape him.
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Note: Thank you for joining this little goose-chase—quite literally—through Velaris and beyond. I hope you enjoy watching our beloved shadowy spymaster struggle with a dodging (and adorably chaotic) mate, and that Gregory the Fish’s grand cameo made you smile. Buckle up (or hide behind a pillow) because the awkward confessions and unexpected cuddles are only just beginning! 😊❤️
Tag List: @songbirdpond @tothestarsandwhateverend @lovely-susie @kksbookstuff @ladycaramelswirl @gamarancianne @writtenbypavani @bubybubsters @moonlitscrolls @valyas-corner @iris-lavender @lreadsstuff @nebarious @azrielssgirl @lamimamiii @fantasydreamwalker @dallynjennasgirl @tenshis-cake @lilah-asteria @sweetsugarcoffee @fall-winter-heart97 @lovely-susie @lreadsstuff @sofi03 @songbirdpond @nico707 @justtryingtosurvive02 @yourlocalcancer @saltedcoffeescotch @thatacotargirl @happypeanutstrawberry @theverseoftheblackpearl @tele86 @highladyofhogwarts @fuckingsimp4azriel @thegoddessofnothingness
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seumyo · 1 day ago
kenma going to the gym for the sole purpose of being strong enough to lift his daughter whenever she wants.
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Kenma Kozume had done a lot of things he never expected in life. But somehow, somehow, the hardest thing he had ever done… was carrying around your four-year-old daughter like she was an accessory strapped to his body.
It started off fine. She was small. Lightweight. Kenma barely noticed it when she’d reach up at him with those big, golden eyes, arms raised expectantly as she said, “Up, Daddy!”
And, of course, like an absolute fool, he always picked her up.
Now, however, things were different. Kiano was growing.
Which was great! Wonderful, even!
All he ever wanted was a happy wife. Check. And a healthy baby. Check.
Except for the part where she was getting heavier, and Kenma, who had not done a single muscle-related workout since high school volleyball, was starting to feel it. His arms ached. His back tensed up. There were days when, after holding her for too long, he would just sit down at his desk and stare blankly at his keyboard, fingers refusing to move because they were still recovering from holding your daughter for half the day.
“Kenma, you should just go to bed if you’re not feeling well,” you told him when you brought him some midnight snacks.
And your daughter, Kiano, she did not care.
She still reached up, still expected to be carried without hesitation the following morning.
And because Kenma was a weak, weak man, he never said no.
Which was how he found himself at the gym, standing at the front desk with his old gym keycard in hand, while Kuroo Tetsurou of all people stood beside him, grinning like a complete idiot.
“Hold on, hold on,” Kuroo said, leaning against the counter as he processed what was happening. “Let me get this straight. You’re renewing your gym membership—not because you wanna get in shape, not because you had some life-changing revelation, but because your four-year-old daughter is getting too heavy for you?”
Kenma scowled, tossing his gym keycard at Kuroo’s face. “Shut up.”
Kuroo laughed, easily catching it. “Kenma, this is hilarious.”
He exhaled sharply, rubbing his temples as the receptionist processed his renewal.
He knew Kuroo was going to be like this. That was the whole reason he had debated bringing him along in the first place. But Kenma also knew that if he walked into a gym alone after years of avoiding them, he would probably just stand in the corner, regret all his life choices, and leave without doing anything.
He needed moral support. Unfortunately, that support came in the form of Kuroo, who was currently laughing at his pain.
“It’s not that funny,” Kenma grumbled.
Kuroo shot him a look. “Kenma, you literally built your entire brand on being an indoors guy. And now you’re out here, willingly lifting weights, all because your tiny daughter says ‘Up, Daddy’ and you can’t say no to her.”
Kenma refused to make eye contact.
Because yeah, that was… basically the situation.
The receptionist handed back his renewed membership card, smiling. “Welcome back, Mr. Kozume! Need a trainer, or will you be working out alone?”
“Alone,” Kenma muttered quickly.
“Wrong!” Kuroo interrupted, slinging an arm around Kenma’s shoulders before he could escape. “He’ll be working out with me. You know, actual workouts, not just the bare minimum.”
“You’re acting like I won’t just cancel this membership next month.”
“Not if Kiano has anything to say about it.”
Kenma frowned, thinking about it for a second.
…Yeah. That kid was persistent.
Guess who she got it from? Ding, ding! You, of course.
If he so much as hinted at the idea of quitting, Kiano would probably just guilt-trip him with those big eyes, telling him, “Daddy, you said you’d carry me if I did well in school!” and then he’d look like the world’s weakest dad to your daughter forever.
Damn it.
He exhaled. “Fine.”
Kuroo grinned, clapping him on the back. “That’s the spirit, Daddy Kenma.”
Kenma cringed. “Never call me that again.”
Kuroo did call him that again.
An hour later, Kenma remembered exactly why he hated going to the gym.
He had been peer-pressured into lifting actual weights, had attempted (and failed) to use a pull-up bar, and nearly died trying to keep up with Kuroo, who, despite his stupid corporate job, was somehow still in peak physical condition.
Kenma, on the other hand, felt like he had been hit by a truck.
Kuroo, the bastard, was barely sweating. “You good?” he asked, grinning.
Kenma, lying face-down on the floor, made a vague, suffering noise.
Kuroo laughed. “Don’t tell me that’s all you’ve got. What happened to that volleyball stamina?”
“That was ten years ago,” Kenma groaned. “I’m pushing thirty in two years, idiot.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Kuroo crouched next to him, smirking. “But hey, just think about it—if you don’t get into shape soon, you’ll place Kiano down and never carry her forever!”
Kenma slowly turned his head to glare at him. “That is not comforting.”
“Kids grow up way quicker than you think, Kenma. You won’t know when you’ll ever be able to carry them, like when they were babies.”
“Is that why you’re worried that your 7-month-old son is going to get daycare soon, really? When he just start enjoying his tummy time?”
“Time goes fast.”
“Uh-huh. Right.”
Kuroo cackled, standing up and stretching. “Changing the subject,” he tuts softly. “I can’t believe this is what finally got you back in a gym. A four-year-old child has you completely wrapped around her tiny little fingers.”
Kenma didn’t even try to argue. Because, well.
It was true.
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mangooes · 2 days ago
Dear Diary
(Name) knew something was wrong the moment she walked into their bedroom and found Sylus lounging on the bed with a familiar pink leather-bound book in his hands.
Her diary.
She froze. "Sylus."
Sylus, looking entirely too entertained, turned a page slowly before peering up at her with a devilish grin.
"Sweetie," he purred, crimson eyes gleaming, "did you know that you’re absolutely adorable when you write about me in here?"
(Name)'s soul left her body.
Her face erupted in flames. "WHA—"
Sylus cleared his throat dramatically, holding up the diary as if presenting evidence in a courtroom. And then, he started reading aloud.
"Entry #27: Ugh, why is my husband so freaking HOT?! It’s honestly rude. How dare he walk around the house with his stupid sexy muscles and that smug look, knowing FULL WELL what he’s doing to me—"
She lunged at him, full force.
Sylus, being the absolute menace that he was, effortlessly dodged her, flipping onto his back while holding the diary out of reach.
"Slow down kitten, this is my favorite part." he said between cackles, his tone full of amusement.
Ignoring her impending wrath, Sylus continued reading.
"Entry #34: I hate how much I love it when he calls me ‘sweetie.’ Every time he does it, my brain just goes blank. It’s honestly embarrassing. I am a strong, independent woman. But the moment he says ‘sweetie’ in that stupid, deep voice—"
"Sweetie~," Sylus cooed deliberately, smirking as she screamed into her hands.
But Sylus, immensely entertained, flipped another page.
"Entry #40: Okay, but I think I might be obsessed with his hands. Like, have you seen them?! Why are they so BIG? Why are his fingers so LONG? WHY DO THEY LOOK SO GOOD WHEN HE HOLDS A WINE GLASS...WHY NOT HOLD ME INSTEAD??"
Sylus wiggled his fingers. "Why, sweetie. You should’ve just told me you liked my hands this much."
(Name), seconds away from spontaneous combustion, grabbed a pillow and THREW IT at his face.
Sylus effortlessly caught the pillow mid-air with his evol, as a swirl of red and black mist coils around the pillow before throwing it aside, still laughing.
"Not a chance," he teased, flipping another page. "Oh? Entry #51: ‘Sometimes I just stare at his jawline when he’s not looking. It’s honestly unfair. Like, how dare a man be built like a walking thirst trap—’"
With every ounce of power left in her body, She LAUNCHED herself at him, tackling him onto the bed.
Sylus grunted as she straddled him, pinning him down with both hands.
"Give. It. Back." she hissed.
Sylus, still grinning like a damn villain, held the diary high above her head, just out of reach.
"Make me," he taunted.
She narrowed her eyes. "Fine."
She leaned down, lips brushing his ear. "No kisses for a week."
Sylus’s smirk instantly vanished.
(Name) sat up, crossing her arms smugly. "No cuddles either."
"Now, hold on—"
"Also," she said sweetly, grinning evilly, "I’ll sleep in the guest room tonight, and you don't get to talk to me ever again."
Sylus immediately surrendered the diary.
"…You fight dirty, its unfair kitten." he muttered, pouting.
She snatched it back, triumphant. "Damn right, I do."
She stood up quickly, clutching the diary to her chest like a lifeline. "And if you ever do this again, I’m setting your expensive sportsbike on fire."
Sylus huffed. "As if you could."
She raised a brow. "Oh, I absolutely could."
Sylus sighed dramatically, sprawling out on the bed. "My wife, the absolute devil in disguise."
"That’s rich coming from YOU."
Still, as she stormed toward the bookshelf to hide her diary somewhere impossible to find, Sylus simply watched her with a lazy, adoring smile.
Because at the end of the day, his wife wrote about him in every single entry.
And that, more than anything, made him the happiest man alive.
Diary sittuations yk yk i just love how sylus would always take the chance to tease his beloved, he is just so so whipped im so happy i love sylus so so much
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firewasabeast · 3 days ago
Three Simple Words
needed to get this out before Thursday happens lol
“It’s been a while since we’ve done breakfast, just the two of us,” Maddie said, setting a container of cream cheese on the table. “Although, seeing as you brought a half dozen homemade bagels I can tell not much has changed.”
Buck ignored her, eyes settling on the scar that ran across her neck. “How are you doing, Maddie?”
Maddie cleared her throat, adjusting the collar of her shirt slightly. “I’m fine, Buck, really,” she replied, giving him a reassuring smile. “Now, what’s been up with you lately? Please tell me you’re doing more than baking in your free time.”
He grabbed a bagel and set it on his plate. “I- I am. I went out the other night t- to this book group thing. It was nice. Fun. Met some cool people.”
“Well, that’s good. Have you heard from Eddie at all?”
“A couple times. I don’t think things are going too great there.”
“Mm,” Maddie hummed. “Tough situation, I’m sure.”
“Yeah.” Buck squirmed in his seat a bit, ripping off a piece of his bagel and taking a bite. “I, uh, I ran into Tommy at work a couple days ago, actually.”
The alarm bell sounded in Maddie’s head. She hid a smile. Here was the real reason for the emergency breakfast. “Really? Was it awkward?”
“A little, at first, I guess. It- It’s kinda funny,” he said, huffing out a laugh. “For seven years we never seemed to work together at all and now, all of a sudden, th- there he is.”
“Well,” Maddie beckoned, curiosity piqued, “did you talk to him?”
“Y- Yeah, we talked a little bit. I, um, well we both kinda at the same time asked if we could talk, s- so I invited him over to the new place.”
“And he came?”
Buck’s eyes widened slightly as he choked down his next bite. “Um, yeah. H- He came over.”
“Did you talk?”
“We, uh, we started to. I- I thought it would be a good opportunity for closure, you know? We could say all the things we didn’t get to say before. But...”
God, it was like pulling teeth today. “But?”
“But then he was on my couch,” Buck replied, a blush rising on his cheeks. “And he was wearing the black button down with his sleeves rolled up. And he kept looking at me with his eyes-”
Maddie shook her head. “Oh, Evan.”
“Y- You don’t understand, Maddie,” he said, his tone pleading. “Those eyes; he looked at me a- and I forgot everything I had in my head to say to him. The next thing I know, we’re in bed.”
Maddie picked up her mug, taking a big sip of coffee before asking, “So, what, you had a one night stand with your ex?”
“Oh, well, um, I- I mean yeah it happened that night, but it also happened the next morning.”
She closed her eyes, breathing deeply. “Okay.”
“An- And then that afternoon,” Buck continued with a shrug. “He’s s- supposed to come over later too.”
“Buck, I…” Maddie paused, trying to think of the right way to phrase her question. “I know you’re an adult, and you can do whatever you want, but… is this what you want?”
His cocked his head to the side, eyebrows furrowed. “Wh- What do you mean?”
“I mean.” She sighed. “I mean you two were pretty serious, right? You saw a future with him. And now, it’s what? You hook up and that’s it?”
“It’s… I don’t know, it just happened, Maddie.”
“Three times, so far,” Maddie reminded him. “Listen,” she reached out, placing her hand over his, “I just want to make sure you’re happy, Evan. That’s all I care about. I- If you’re happy with this arrangement, then that’s great, but… are you?”
Buck stared down at his bagel. Bagels that he started working on the second Tommy left. Kept working on them even after he’d lost the battle with his mind and ended up texting him to come back over again soon. He’d held his breath when the text bubbles appeared. Kept holding it until Tommy had texted him back with a thumbs up.
His shoulders slumped. “I just- I don’t know what to do, Maddie. I asked him to move in with me, ya know? I- I love him and he dumped me and now we- we’re just doing this weird friends with benefits thing, I guess. And i- it feels good at the time-- I mean, really good-”
Maddie held up her hand. “Fast forward, Buck.”
He sighed. “But afterward, it’s hurts. I want more than sex. I- I want everything.”
“Have you told him this?”
“Of course I told him I wanted him to move in, Maddie. You know that.”
She rolled her eyes. “I mean the “I love you” part, Evan.”
He thought for a second, face pensive. “Well, he has to know, right? I- I mean, you don’t just ask someone to move in if you don’t love them.”
“That very much does happen,” Maddie answered, nodding her head for emphasis. “It happens all the time, and that’s probably exactly what Tommy thought was occurring in that situation.”
“I- but, I… I thought it was implied.”
Maddie followed Buck’s eyes, making sure he was looking straight at her as she spoke. “Buck, you need to talk to him.”
“I’ve been trying,” Buck pouted.
“Have you? Because it sounds like you’ve been doing everything except talking. If you can’t figure out a way to keep your hands off of each other in private, then ask him out for coffee or lunch or something. But you need to actually talk about this.”
Buck pursed his lips. “What if it’s not what he wants though? What if he runs away again?”
“Then you’ll know for sure that you two want different things. But, until you have that talk, you’re going to be stuck in this limbo for who knows how long.” She lifted her hand, pinky pointed up toward him. “You’ll talk to him?”
He nodded, wrapping his pinky around hers. “I’ll talk to him.”
Buck thought back to his and Maddie’s conversation as he and Athena chased after Tommy's helicopter. He was still trying to put all the pieces together. Tommy had called him, just a few hours earlier. A staticky conversation happening over the line. Buck thought it was a butt dial at first, but when he heard yelling he stayed on the phone. Then he heard Tommy mention weapons, and taking him instead of the other hostages. He heard Tommy say that he was the pilot, and he could get them out of there.
Calling Athena, meeting her at Tommy’s last known location, getting in her SUV to try and beat these criminals or terrorists to wherever they were going, that was all a blur.
Because Buck hadn’t kept his promise. Not yet.
Tommy had come over, and Buck’s words died on his tongue. Fear took over, and then Tommy’s mouth was on his, and everything felt right again.
This continued for weeks, with Buck telling himself that the next time would be when he finally told Tommy the truth. The next time is when he’d have the courage.
And now it was hitting him.
There may not be a next time.
And he may never get to tell Tommy that he loves him.
His head whipped up toward the sky when Athena gasped, and that’s when he realized what was happening.
The helicopter was hurtling right towards the ground.
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enwoso · 16 hours ago
SENSE OF FAMILARITY | alessia russo x child!reader
this idea came out of nowhere really, well really sparked from chloe first start back in an arsenal shirt x
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grumpy masterlist
the arsenal training ground was quiet in the early morning, the crisp air filled with soft chatter as players arrived one by one. the sky still held a sleep blue hue, the sun barely peeking over the horizon.
among those trudging towards the entrance was alessia with her hand occupied with her bag she took to training and you curled up in her arms against her chest like a koala.
you were not a morning person.
your tiny arms were wrapped around alessia's neck, your head resting against her shoulder, face half buried in the soft fabric of your mummy's hoodie.
you were still deep in your half-asleep state, refusing to acknowledge the fact that you had been cruelly removed from your warm bed and dragged into the real world.
"still out of it, is she?" beth smirked as she walked in beside alessia, throwing a knowing glance at your snuggled up form - it being how you arrived most days to training.
"completely," alessia sighed, adjusting her grip as you were slightly sliding down. "i tried to wake her up at home but she just gave me the dirtiest look and went straight back to sleep. honestly i'm impressed she let me get her dressed."
beth chuckled, "i like her style, i'd love a few more hours in bed too."
as more of the team arrived, the conversation shifted to their upcoming training sessions. leah, katie and kyra joining in, discussing everything from the last match to the quality of arsenals breakfast option.
meanwhile, you remained blissfully unaware of your surroundings, you just remember curling up on the sofa as your mummy made her usual pre-work out smoothie, which for the record didn't taste very nice.
you had since curled further into your mummy's hold, your little hands gripping the hoodie strings like lifelines, your breathing slow and steady.
and then—
"so where am i supposed to be goin'?"
the voice was familiar. too familiar.
your head snapped up so quickly that alessia barely had time to react, catching her coffee just in time before it went everywhere.
one second you were barely conscious — the next, you were fully alert. blinking wildly as you searched for the source of the voice.
"huh?" you mumbled, still groggy but clearly on high alert.
alessia frowned. "you okay, lovie?"
but you weren't listening. you were twisting in your mummy's arms, eyes darting around the training ground searching for the voice you had just heard.
and then you saw her.
she was there, standing a few feet away dressed in full arsenal training gear, was chloe kelly.
you froze. your brain seemingly beginning to short-circuit as you stared at chloe, your mouth slightly open along with your sleepy confusion quickly morphing into absolute bewilderment.
chloe, meanwhile, was chatting casually with one of the coaches. it being her first proper day since signing the loan agreement with the arsenal. completely unaware that she had just rocked your entire worldview.
you turned back to your mummy's arms, eyes wide, "mummy.." you whispered, your voice filled with suspicion. "i think i seeing things.."
alessia not thoroughly entertained by your sleepy little delusions as she bit back a laugh. "what do you mean, lovie?"
you dramatically pointing towards chloe, as she stood clad in full arsenal training gear, "she's here," you stated, as if you were annoying a sight of a ghost.
alessia nodded, not understand quite what you were getting at, "yep?"
"but,, but she a man city player," you said slowly like you were trying to remind your mummy of something incredibly obvious.
"not anymore," alessia smirked, "she's playing for the arsenal now."
you squinted at your mummy, as if trying to detect the lie. then, you decided you needed a confirmation from the source. you wriggling from the warmth and comfort of your mummy's arms until you were placed on the ground.
the second you feet touched the ground, you were stomping your little feet straight towards chloe, hands on your hip in all your four-year old authority.
"what you doing here?" you asked, it coming out more of demand than a question.
chloe hearing your voice and now clearly amused at the sheer confusion on your face as she crouched down to your level. "i'm playing for the arsenal now" she explained with an excited grin.
you blinked, then frowned, then blinked again. confused.
"but, you play for man city... like viv" you insisted as if chloe had simply just forgotten what team she played for.
"not anymore, tiny" chloe chuckled at your stubbornness to accept the truth. "i got loaned out, im back with arsenal until at least the summer."
your little nose scrunched up, still deep in thought. your sleepy mind not helping with all this change so early in the morning. you crossing your arms, well tried to, your tiny brows furrowing. "so.. so you're here now?"
chloe nodded with a warm smile. "that's right." there was a beat of silence as you continued to process this unexpected development. and then - like a switch being flipped your face lit up.
"oh! well, okay then!" you immediately grabbing chloe's hand, nearly knocking the poor girl over as all your previous confusion was long gone. "come on, i gotta show you around!"
nearby, alessia had been watching the whole thing along with some of the girls. they all being very invested in the interaction before bursting into laughter.
"that's one way to wake Lovie up in the morning," steph quipped, chuckling slightly as she nudged alessia.
alessia shook her head fondly, watching you enthusiastically drag chloe toward the training facilities. "honestly, we should have signed chloe weeks ago. would've saved me a lot of grumpy mornings."
chloe shot a grin over her shoulder, "guess i've got a personal tour guide now?"
"oh, you've got no choice, it's lovie's way of saying welcome back!" alessia called back. "you're hers now."
you now fully embracing your role as chloe's personal tour guide - as if she was completely new to the building.. as you tugged her along eagerly. “come on lolo, i gotta show you where we eat lunch! and i'll can show you the best spots for naps — which is very important. oh! and the best part.. the snack cupboard!"
chloe laughed, letting you just lead the way, immersing herself in your well thought out tour. "sounds  like you've got your priorities sorted, kid."
you beamed proudly as chloe just smiled, "yep! and now you do too!"
with that, you marched chloe into the training ground, her mission clear: make sure chloe felt right back at home.
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bytemee · 2 days ago
SECOND NATURE 2 — kim minjeong.
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synopsis. teasing winter is second nature, sometimes it’s not even intentional.
pairing. winter x added!member!reader
warning(s). fluffy, r is still a big tease tease, possessive winter again!, and let me know if there's more!
words. 1.6k
authors note. i tried to cook, i think i burnt the food
navigation. main masterlist. request. part one.
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it’s supposed to be a casual day out, but with you and winter walking through a busy shopping district, it doesn’t take long before fans start gathering. some approach cautiously, others excitedly call your names, and soon, there’s a small crowd forming.
you’re used to it by now, stopping to take quick photos and sign things while winter stands nearby, hands in her pockets, watching you interact.
a fan steps forward, grinning as they hold out a photocard.
you reach for it automatically, but when you see who’s on the card, you pause.
it’s a photocard of winter.
without thinking, you smile, flip it over between your fingers, and—right in front of winter—slip it into your jacket pocket. “oh, nice. thank you!”
winter’s head snaps up instantly.
the fan laughs, covering their mouth before showing you the marker. “y/n, you’re supposed to sign it!”
you glance at winter, your smile widening when you catch the slight furrow in her brow.
“ohhh, you wanted me to sign it?” you take it out of your pocket, brushing nonexistent dust off of it. “my bad, i thought it was a gift.”
winter scoffs under her breath, muttering, “like you don’t already have one of mine.”
you hear it. and so do the fans, judging by the giggles and whispers of “wait, y/n has a winter photocard?” floating through the crowd.
you grin at her, fully enjoying how she’s starting to look a little flustered. “what can i say? i’m a collector.”
winter rolls her eyes, but she can’t hide the small, amused smile tugging at her lips.
you finally sign the photocard, handing it back to the fan, who practically bounces with excitement. “thank you! winter, can i get yours too?”
winter obliges, but not before side-eyeing you as she scribbles her signature. when she hands it back, she mumbles just loud enough for you to hear, “i should start taking your photocards too.”
you raise an eyebrow. “you already have them?”
her ears turn pink, and she looks away quickly. “shut up.”
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you and winter are sitting next to each other at the fansign event, casually signing albums when a fan asks, "if you had to marry one member of aespa, who would it be?”
it doesn’t surprise you; it's a question the four of you are often asked. you hum in thought, pretending to consider your options as you glance around the table before settling on winter. you grin at her, watching the way she rolls her eyes and shakes her head in exasperation.
“well, that’s easy,” you say smoothly, leaning back in your chair. “i’d marry minjeong.”
you catch winter's sharp inhale and the way she bites her lip to hide a smile. it's a tell-tale sign that she's pleased by your answer. but you know winter too well not to notice the subtle way she shifts in her seat, or the way her gaze lingers on you longer than necessary, or how her expression turns soft when she thinks you aren't looking.
the other members immediately whip their heads toward you.
karina raises an eyebrow. “oh?”
winter clears her throat, trying to act nonchalant. but you know she's secretly glad you picked her. you turn to her, shrugging like it’s nothing. “you’re the perfect choice.”
winter blinks rapidly. “why—”
you start listing on your fingers. “you’re cute, responsible, a great cook—”
giselle laughs at the redness rising to winter's cheeks. she elbows her. "you're blushing!"
"i'm not!" winter retorts, trying to hide her face behind her hand. ningning tries to remove them, but it’s no use.
you nod along, grinning. "you already take care of me anyway; might as well make it official.”
winter's gaze snaps to you, her cheeks still pink but a teasing smile on her lips. she leans in and smacks your arm. "y/n, you're so annoying."
then, to make it worse, you turn back to the fan and seriously ask, “can you be the witness at our wedding?”
winter refuses to sit next to you at the next fansign.
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your solo stage comes first, and winter is watching—except she’s barely watching you.
instead, her gaze keeps shifting to your dance partner. the one who places their hand a little too comfortably on your waist during the choreo. the one who leans a little too close.
winter’s arms cross tighter each time. she refuses to let herself react, but it’s impossible to ignore the way her jaw clenches when your partner’s fingers trail along your arm.
by the time her turn comes in the next show, she makes sure to fix the situation.
you’re her partner this time. and she makes sure to dance closer than ever.
there’s no space between you. the choreo never called for it, but she wraps her arms around you a little tighter, her grip a little firmer. she doesn’t take her eyes off you once.
you try your hardest not to laugh or smile during the performance, but it gets difficult with winter pressing against you so much that it feels like you can hardly breathe. you catch her staring at you, and she has the audacity to smirk.
when the song ends and the two of you have to bow, winter does it a little too quickly, her hand finding yours and squeezing. she lets go just as fast, but you quickly pull her back, lacing your fingers together and keeping her close. she glances at you in surprise, and you can see the light blush on her cheeks, but you only grin and squeeze her hand reassuringly.
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you’re at the dorms, reaching up to put something on the highest shelf in the kitchen when she walks in.
she pauses. you see her glance at the item before slowly looking at you.
“hm?” you don’t stop what you’re doing, too focused on stretching as far as you can to reach the shelf.
she glares. “bring that down.”
you tilt your head. “bring what down?”
she scoffs. then, she reaches past you to grab it herself.
except she can't reach it either. she stands on her toes, grunting as she tries to reach it, but it's obvious that it's beyond her reach. "need some help?" you ask, your tone too innocent.
her face flushes red, and she scowls. "i'm perfectly capable of getting it myself," she says firmly, her words coming out more like a warning than an actual statement.
she's so cute. but you know better than to say that, instead leaning in and whispering in her ear, "you're so short."
she snaps her head to you, ready to glare, but her eyes widen when she realizes how close you are. she freezes. "…get out of my ear!"
you laugh, stepping away. "how about i get that for you?"
winter huffs and looks away. "whatever."
you step behind her, and she stiffens when your arms reach around her and grab the item on the shelf. she's so warm. you lean forward, trying not to think about how good she smells. "here," you murmur, handing her the item.
she takes it, still not looking at you. but as soon as you step away, she grabs your sleeve. "hey!" she yells, and you turn around, surprised to find her face even redder than before.
she looks you straight in the eyes, her jaw clenched, and suddenly, you're worried you actually went too far. you open your mouth to apologize, but before you can get a word out, she speaks up again.
"thank you!"
the words come out rushed and high-pitched, and you stare at her in confusion. she still won't meet your eyes, but you can tell she's serious from the way her brow is furrowed.
your chest swells with affection, and you smile. "of course."
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life in the dorms with winter was nothing short of a competitive nightmare.
you learned this the hard way when, after a long day, all you wanted to do was kick back on the couch and watch the soccer match you’d been waiting for.
except winter was already there, controller in hand, watching her own show like she owned the place.
you frowned. “move.”
“no.” she didn’t even glance at you, eyes still glued to the screen.
you crossed your arms. “i was literally about to watch the game.”
winter scoffed. “not my problem. i was here first.”
you sighed dramatically before stepping closer, towering over her. then, just because you knew it’d get to her, you reached over and grabbed the remote from her hand effortlessly.
“yah!” winter immediately jumped up, trying to snatch it back, but you held it high above your head.
she reached. she missed.
she reached again. still missed.
“wow,” you mused, grinning down at her. “so small.”
winter glared. “give it back, y/n.”
you waved the remote just out of her reach. “what was that? i can’t hear you from up here.”
she huffed, frustration growing by the second. then, before you could react, she grabbed onto your shirt and pulled—using her entire body weight to wrestle the remote out of your hand.
you yelped as you lost balance, nearly toppling over. “minjeong, what the hell—”
she used the moment to snatch the remote back and immediately ran to the other side of the couch, hugging it to her chest.
“i win,” she said smugly.
you narrowed your eyes at her. “this isn’t over.”
and it wasn't. not when you started kicking her off the couch every time she tried to watch her show, and definitely not when she retaliated by stealing your snacks.
in the end, you both ended up sitting on the floor in front of the couch, each too stubborn to let the other watch their show. and as you watched her get absorbed in whatever drama was playing, you couldn’t help but think:
the sight of winter happily watching her show is worth missing a game.
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prettygirl-gabi · 20 hours ago
Title: Ours to Claim
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Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Paige Bueckers x Azzi Fudd x Reader
Fandom: UConn Women’s Basketball
Summary: who would’ve thought an old friend would have that affect on Paige and Azzi…
Sorry it took so long, @paigeluvvr
🏷️: @yailtsv , @sitawita , @thatonesuschix , @vamptizm , @elalfywhore , @starfulani , @authentic-girl03 , @paige05bby , @paxaz535 , @azziswrld
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I was just about to head into the little café in Storrs when I heard my name called from across the street.
“Y/N? No way!”
I turned to see a familiar face—Josh, an old friend from high school. We hadn’t spoken much since graduation, but he was one of those people who always felt easy to reconnect with.
“Josh?” I grinned, surprised. “What are you doing here?”
“Business trip,” he said, jogging across the street. “Figured I’d grab some coffee before heading to my next meeting. How have you been?”
We started catching up, talking about old times, laughing about how much had changed since high school. It was nice, lighthearted, and completely innocent.
But the warmth in my chest quickly turned to unease when I caught sight of Paige and Azzi standing at the entrance of the café, staring at us.
Both of their expressions were tight, unreadable to anyone who didn’t know them well. But I did. And I knew that kind of silence meant trouble.
I wrapped up my conversation with Josh, giving him a quick side hug before he left, and turned to my girlfriends.
“Hey,” I said, a little breathless, stepping up to them. “I was just catching up with an old friend. He was in town for—”
“We saw,” Paige cut me off, her voice sharp.
Azzi crossed her arms, gaze cool but jaw clenched. “Looked real cozy.”
I blinked, caught off guard by the edge in her voice. “Wait, are you guys serious right now?”
Neither of them responded, just turned and walked into the café. I followed, confused and already irritated.
Lunch was tense. Paige barely touched her food, and Azzi was quieter than usual, both of them simmering in unspoken jealousy.
By the time we got into the car to head back to our apartment, the silence had stretched too thin. I sighed, arms crossed over my chest as I sat in the passenger seat while Paige drove.
“So are we gonna talk about this?” I asked, breaking the silence.
Azzi scoffed from the backseat. “Talk about what? How our girlfriend was giggling with some guy we’ve never even heard of?”
I rolled my eyes. “Oh my God, you’re both being dramatic.”
Paige let out a bitter laugh, gripping the steering wheel a little too tight. “Dramatic?” she echoed. “We show up for lunch and see you hugging some random guy, looking all happy and touchy, and we’re supposed to just be cool with that?”
“He’s not a ‘random guy,��� he’s an old friend!” I snapped. “I haven’t seen him in years, and we were literally just talking. You two are acting like I was making out with him in the street!”
Azzi leaned forward, her voice lower, but firm. “You weren’t, but the way he was looking at you? He wanted to.”
I scoffed. “And how the hell do you know that?”
“Because we know what it looks like when someone wants you,” Paige said, eyes locked on the road.
I clenched my jaw, frustration bubbling under my skin. “Well, too bad for him, because I’m already taken,” I shot back.
Paige pulled into our parking spot, threw the car in park, and turned to me with piercing eyes. “Are you?” she challenged.
I inhaled sharply, heat flashing in my chest. “You know damn well I am.”
Azzi tilted her head. “Then why didn’t you introduce us?”
I opened my mouth, then closed it, because I didn’t have a real answer. The truth was, I had gotten caught up in the moment and hadn’t even thought about it.
Paige smirked slightly, but it wasn’t a kind one. “Exactly.”
The moment we stepped into our apartment, I turned to them, ready to argue some more, but Paige was on me in an instant.
She pressed me against the wall, her hands gripping my waist firmly, possessively. My breath hitched, and before I could react, Azzi was right there too, her body caging me in from the other side.
“Not so fast,” Paige murmured, her lips brushing against my jaw. “You had your fun catching up with him. Now, we remind you who you belong to.”
My heart pounded as Azzi’s fingers traced up my arm, her touch featherlight but intentional.
“You’re ours,” Azzi whispered against my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.
Their jealousy had shifted into something else—something intense and undeniable.
Paige kissed along my neck, slow but with a purpose, her lips and teeth leaving marks. I gasped, gripping her hoodie, torn between protesting and melting under their attention.
“Look at you,” Azzi mused, tilting my chin so I had to meet her eyes. “Always saying we’re dramatic, but you love when we get like this, don’t you?”
I swallowed hard, my body betraying me as I pressed further into them.
Paige chuckled against my skin. “That’s what I thought.”
Their hands roamed, leaving no part of me untouched. A shiver coursed through me as Azzi’s fingers danced along the hem of my shirt, slowly inching it upwards. Paige’s hands were equally skilled, tracing the curve of my hips, sending sparks of anticipation through every nerve ending.
“We’re going to spoil you tonight,” Azzi whispered, her breath warm against my ear. “Completely and utterly spoil you.”
I didn’t doubt her for a second. There was a hunger in their eyes, a possessiveness that both thrilled and intimidated me. I knew I was walking a dangerous line, surrendering control to their desires, but the temptation was too strong to resist.
With a slow, deliberate motion, Azzi pulled my shirt over my head, tossing it carelessly to the side. The cool air of the room kissed my skin, heightening my awareness of their touch. Paige’s gaze intensified as she took in my exposed torso, her eyes lingering on every curve and contour.
“Beautiful,” she breathed, her voice husky with desire.
Before I could respond, Azzi’s lips were on mine, her kiss deep and demanding. I met her intensity with my own, losing myself in the intoxicating swirl of passion. Paige joined in, her hands tracing the sensitive skin of my back, sending shivers of pleasure down my spine.
Their kisses were a symphony of desire, a tantalizing blend of tenderness and dominance. I moaned softly, my body aching for more. They seemed to take pleasure in my reaction, their touch becoming bolder, more insistent.
Azzi broke away from the kiss, her eyes gleaming with mischief. “Ready for the next step?” she purred, reaching for the bedside drawer.
My heart pounded in my chest as she retrieved a sleek, purple strap-on. I had seen it before, of course, but the sight of it now, in Azzi’s hands, sent a jolt of electricity through me.
Paige gently guided me to the edge of the bed, positioning me so that my legs dangled over the side. I watched, mesmerized, as Azzi expertly strapped the harness around her waist, her movements fluid and confident.
“Relax,” Paige murmured, stroking my hair. “We’re going to take care of you.”
I tried to follow her instructions, but my nerves were on edge. I had never done anything like this before, and the anticipation was almost overwhelming.
Azzi straddled my lap, her eyes locking with mine. “Are you ready?” she asked, her voice low and seductive.
I nodded, my throat suddenly dry.
With a slow, teasing motion, Azzi pressed the head of the strap-on against my entrance. I gasped, my body tensing in anticipation.
“Easy,” Paige whispered, her hands gently kneading the muscles in my shoulders. “Just breathe.”
Azzi began to move, slowly at first, testing my limits. I closed my eyes, focusing on the sensations that were building within me. It was intense, unfamiliar, but undeniably pleasurable.
As Azzi’s pace quickened, I lost myself in the rhythm of her movements. My body arched against hers, craving more. Paige’s hands roamed my body, teasing and tantalizing, driving me closer to the edge.
Just as I thought I couldn’t take anymore, Azzi stopped, her breath coming in ragged gasps. “Your turn to worship, baby” she commanded, her voice husky with passion.
I didn’t hesitate. I reached for Azzi, pulling her closer, my lips meeting hers in a searing kiss. Paige moved to stand in front of me, her eyes filled with desire.
I lowered my head, my tongue tracing the sensitive skin of her inner thigh. Paige moaned softly, her hands gripping my hair. I continued my exploration, teasing and tantalizing, until she was writhing in my grasp.
With a final, desperate plea, Paige guided me to her most sensitive spot. I licked and sucked, my tongue working its magic, until she was screaming my name.
As Paige’s climax subsided, Azzi took her place. I knelt before her, my eyes locking with hers. She was a vision of raw desire, her body trembling with anticipation.
I lowered my head, my lips brushing against her most sensitive point. Azzi gasped, her hands gripping my head, urging me closer.
I knew what she wanted, and I was more than happy to oblige. I licked and sucked, my tongue dancing over her sensitive flesh, until she was moaning and begging for more.
As Azzi’s climax approached, Paige took over, her fingers expertly teasing and tantalizing, driving her over the edge. Azzi screamed, her body convulsing in pleasure.
When Azzi had recovered, it was her turn to take control. She positioned me on my hands and knees, my back arched, my body exposed. Paige stood beside her, coaching her through every move.
“Easy, baby,” Paige murmured, her voice soft and encouraging. “Just take it slow.”
Azzi hesitated for a moment, her eyes filled with uncertainty. But with Paige’s guidance, she found her confidence.
She positioned the strap-on at my entrance, her hands trembling slightly.
With a deep breath, she pushed forward, slowly and deliberately. I gasped, my body tensing in anticipation.
“Relax,” Paige whispered, her hands gently stroking my back. “You’re doing great.”
As Azzi’s pace quickened, I lost myself in the rhythm of her movements. My body arched against hers, craving more. Paige’s hands roamed my body, teasing and tantalizing, driving me closer to the edge.
Just as I thought I couldn’t take anymore, Azzi stopped, her breath coming in ragged gasps. “Are you okay?” she asked, her voice filled with concern.
I nodded, my throat suddenly dry.“I don’t want to hurt you,” she said, her eyes searching mine.
“You’re not hurting me,” I assured her. “I want this.”
Azzi’s eyes lit up with renewed determination. She took a deep breath and began to move again, her pace quickening, her movements becoming more confident.
I closed my eyes, focusing on the sensations that were building within me. It was intense, exhilarating, and undeniably pleasurable.
As Azzi’s climax approached, I felt myself spiraling out of control. My body convulsed, my muscles tensing and releasing in a wave of pure ecstasy.
I screamed, my voice echoing through the room. Azzi continued to move, her own climax building, until she finally collapsed on top of me, her body trembling with exhaustion.
We lay there for a long time, our bodies intertwined, our breath coming in ragged gasps. The air was thick with the scent of sex and sweat, a testament to the intensity of our passion.
Finally, Paige stirred, her eyes filled with a mixture of exhaustion and satisfaction. “That was… incredible,” she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.
Azzi nodded in agreement, her head resting on my chest. “Definitely one for the books,” she added, her voice equally soft
The room was quiet now, save for the slow, steady rhythm of our breathing. My body was still buzzing from the intensity of what had just happened—Paige and Azzi’s hands, their mouths, their whispered claims against my skin.
Now, I lay sandwiched between them in our bed, their warmth pressing against me from both sides. My skin still tingled where they had marked me, but the raw tension from earlier had softened into something gentler, something tender.
Paige was tracing slow circles along my side, while Azzi’s fingers were lightly combing through my hair, her touch soothing. I exhaled, my body sinking deeper into the mattress.
For a while, none of us spoke. The jealousy-fueled storm had passed, leaving only the quiet hum of comfort in its wake.
Then, Paige let out a sigh against my shoulder, her lips brushing my skin. “We were assholes,” she murmured.
Azzi hummed in agreement, her fingers still carding through my hair. “Yeah… we were way out of line.”
I blinked, tilting my head slightly to look at them. “So you admit you were being dramatic?” I teased, though my voice was softer now, no real bite behind it.
Paige groaned, burying her face against my neck. “Don’t rub it in, ma.”
Azzi chuckled, but then her voice turned more serious. “For real, though… we shouldn’t have made you feel like that. We trust you—we know you wouldn’t do anything to hurt us.”
Paige lifted her head, her blue eyes meeting mine. “But that doesn’t excuse how we acted. We let our jealousy get the best of us, and instead of talking about it like normal people, we just…” She trailed off, exhaling. “Yeah, we fucked up.”
I watched them for a moment, taking in the sincerity in their faces. My chest ached—not with anger anymore, but with affection.
“You really did,” I admitted, but my tone was gentle. “You made me feel like I did something wrong when I was just catching up with an old friend.”
Azzi winced. “We know. And we’re sorry, baby.”
Paige nodded, brushing a hand along my jaw. “We love you. So much. And sometimes, that love makes us a little…” She searched for the right word.
Azzi smirked. “Possessive?”
I rolled my eyes playfully. “A little?”
Paige huffed, nudging my nose with hers. “Fine. A lot.”
I sighed, letting some of the last remnants of tension leave my body. “I love you guys too. But next time, just talk to me, okay? Instead of jumping straight into jealousy mode.”
Azzi nodded, leaning in to kiss my forehead. “Promise.”
Paige followed suit, pressing a soft kiss to my cheek. “Promise.”
For a moment, we just lay there, wrapped up in each other.
Then Paige shifted, pulling the covers up around us. “You good? Need anything?”
Azzi’s fingers traced down my arm. “Water? Snacks? A bath?”
I smiled, feeling the warmth of their care settle deep in my chest. “Honestly? Just wanna stay like this for a while.”
Paige smirked. “Good, ‘cause I wasn’t planning on letting you go anytime soon.”
Azzi grinned. “Yeah, we gotta make sure you remember exactly who you belong to, right?”
I rolled my eyes but snuggled deeper between them. “Yeah, yeah… I got the message loud and clear.”
Paige pressed another kiss to my shoulder, and Azzi tucked me closer into her warmth.
                 -Thank You For Reading!🩵🩶
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ugokuna · 3 days ago
It Was Always You
Pairing: Sukuna Ryomen x Fem!Reader
Summary: It was just one accidental, drunken kiss after a party, something you should've forgotten in a couple of days. You tell yourself it doesn’t matter, that you’ve moved on. That Sukuna had as well. You doubted he remembered anything; especially with every new girl he kissed and every party he was at. Sure, there were occasional glimpses and shared moments together, but those meant nothing. It couldn’t mean anything.
Tags: mutual pining, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, misunderstandings, missing pov, playboy(?)/fratboy/athlete sukuna, college!jjk au, reader’s major is unspecified, inaccurate and glorified depictions of college/college parties (so many parties to move the plot foward) and frats, peer pressure, cliche tropes, lots of time jumps, they were roommates (but not in the way you think), situationship (also not in the way you think), reader is introverted but NOT shy
A/N: English is not my first language. It also has been a minute since I've written anything, so forgive me if this is not the best, think of it like a warm up. I just had to post this one, it has been sitting in my drafts for toooooo long. Inspired by a fanfic I read about Ushijima/Oikawa by jaaesthetixx called Two Years too long on ao3 (definitely check it out!) . Proof read but I'm only human. The picture below is not my own, copyrights to the original artist!!
Word Count: 13.6K (it's a long one)
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The auditorium is loud with bustling voices all being ushered by tired returnee students through the double doors. The atmosphere is filled with a mixture of excitement and nervousness, you stand there quiet as the crowd walks around you. You, a little out of place, about to begin the best four years of your life as everyone has been telling you.
As you situate yourself into your seat, you hear a group of boys in front of you rough housing with each other as they make their way a row down from you. One man from the group catches your attention; in stark contrast there sits Sukuna Ryomen, a Chemistry major with a growing reputation with every passing second. With the way he carried himself, smiling and laughing at everyone, he attracted crowds. Even during the campus tour, everyone was flocking his way, each one vying for his attention, drawn by his enigmatic aura.
“Are you going to the party tonight?” A girl places a hand on his biceps.
Sukuna gives her a dashing smile. “Are you?” He leans into her touch.
She laughs. “Yes.”
A wink her way. “Then I am too. Looking forward to it.”
As the group watches her leave, another man puts Sukuna in an arm lock, nudging their knuckles into his head. “Quit it, will you?” It was Fushiguro Toji, a Kinesiology major. He was perhaps just as popular as Sukuna, constantly catching the eyes of women in a more subtle and quieter way.
“What about you?” The man is able to get out of Toji’s grasp, hair sticking all different ways.
“Um… what?” You try to play it off, as if you weren’t listening to the entire conversation while waiting for your friend.
“Ask for the girl’s name first,” Toji berates the man.
Sukuna rolls his eyes. ”I’m just trying to break the ice first.” He turned his full attention back to you.
It didn’t bother you how Sukuna’s attention seemed to be pulled every which way. It’s something you observed quite quickly from earlier interactions. Catching and keeping his attention for longer than a minute seemed to be impossible with him.
“Sorry, what?”
He laughs. “Your name?”
You give it to him.
He tilts his head. “So then, Yn, what’s your major?”
Heat starts to rise within your body and you hate how you feel embarrassed. ”I don’t know. I’m undeclared right now.
“Totally understandable. Better than a Chem major right? Actually-” Before he can get the last words in, Toji practically turns him around in his seat to pay attention to the presentation that’s been going on for five minutes now. Not a second later, your dorm mate, Maki, makes her way back to the seat you saved from the bathroom. “Did I miss anything important?”
After the presentation, everyone’s celebrating now that the boring orientation that’s lasted all day has ended. You’re about to make way to your dorm when you feel a tap on your shoulder. “Hey,” you turn. It’s Sukuna. “I forgot to ask but do you wanna go to the party with everyone?”
“It’s gonna be a pool party!” Someone yells out from the crowd.
You hesitantly shake your head, “I don’t know, I can’t swim. Maybe-”
“You don’t even have to swim,” he reassures you. “Promise it’ll be so much fun. You’d meet so many new people.”
You almost want to laugh at that statement. It had come to no surprise that he had said it; everyone was practically crowd pushing him away from you with each passing second. All he can give you is an apologetic look before disappearing into the rush of people.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
When you get to the party, the music is loud, the bass reverberating through your entire body. You look to your side and shrug to Maki, who’s giving you an arched brow, before you both walk in through the door. Hands are grabbing at both of you, trying to pull you every which way. You don’t even know how you got a cup in your hand. Maki is able to shove them all off and starts directing you towards the back yard. Discreetly putting your full cup on a random table, you’re stopped in your tracks as you spot Sukuna in the kitchen, shotgunning with Toji as, you noticed, a new group of people surrounding him cheer him on. All of them chanting his name.
The night air is crisp. It’s refreshing compared to the humid atmosphere in the house. The water in the pool is illuminating so bright in contrast to the low yellow lights of the house. Maki chugs her cup before asking, “Why are we here in the first place?”
All you can give her is a chuckle.
Sukuna spots you from inside the house, talking to one other person. You seemed so deep in the conversation. He sees a bunch of his newly acquainted friends approach you with a bottle and a shot glass. His feet are moving before he can even comprehend what’s happening, excusing everyone he bumps into and makes his way to you as he sees you struggling to get them off your ass.
From behind you, he says "Thanks, I needed that" as he reaches for the shot from his friend's hands, downs it, before making his way back into the house, the group following behind him. Thank you is stuck on the tip of your tongue as you watch him take a ping pong ball into his hand, the upperclassmen cheering him on beer pong. He barely catches your eyes for a second before he turns his attention back to the game.
Maki finally makes her way to your side, asking, “Who was that?”
You can barely utter a response to her as you watch him knuckle his friend’s head when they miss the shot. You had come to the conclusion then that you were worlds apart, especially with his charisma.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
“Sorry about this again,” Toji grunts as you both carry Sukuna up to his dorm, on the verge of passing out on your shoulders. He’s mumbling something incoherent but you both decide to ignore the man. He had caused enough trouble already, challenging the sophomore Mahito to another drinking contest.
“It’s no big deal. It’s the least I can do after he helped me out of a situation,” you tell Toji.
“Huh,” he huffs out. “How ‘bout that.”
After taking a few stops and tumbles up the stairs, you make it to their shared dorm, one you’ve realized was only two floors above you. Toji gives you the access key as he rushes off to get the fallen objects scattered across the stairs and lobby.
You lean closer into him, quietly asking, “Can you walk?” Silence, then a hum. “Can you walk?”
You both make way to his bed before he can even give you a coherent response and start lowering him down. “Careful. You got it?” You’re the one struggling to lay him down slowly and not slam him head first into the bed.
“Oh, shit.” Tripping over each other’s feet, Sukuna slams onto the bed anyways, his arm around your shoulder dragging you down with him.
“Wait! Wait-” His lips are on yours before you know it. It’s soft, warm –probably from the alcohol– and as light as a feather. It’s almost shy, all that boldness from the morning and at the party gone. You pull away abruptly, breathing heavily, fingers deftly touching your lips. A ghost of cigarette scent lingers behind in its wake.
You’re not sure if you heard a sorry from him as you’re rushing out of the room, bumping into a flabbergasted Toji in the hallway, spitting out the quickest excuse possible. You, who runs away, ears tinted red because he stole your first kiss.
Sukuna, who is passed out drunk when Toji makes his way back, utterly confused, asking where you were going and him saying how he'd probably fucked up.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
It came to no surprise that you both gravitated towards different groups on campus, enveloped into two different hemispheres. You often saw him rushing to class with Toji following shortly behind, scolding him. Some days you see him with a different group on each different day of the week; always engrossed in whatever they were talking about. You could never seem to get away from him, he was the talk of the campus between all your classmates.
He often saw you with Maki. Always just the two of you, always routine, always disciplined. Something he clearly lacked, as Toji stated to him one night when they were procrastinating on studying for a test the next day. You seemed too far from him to ever close the gap; you were involved with different organizations and people completely opposite of him.
Only ever a glimpse whenever the other person wasn’t looking. Never crossing paths, staying out of each other’s bubbles.
You see him join a fraternity a quarter into freshman year with Toji; easily sporting that black and red fraternity jacket with pride at a party. You had come to the first rugby game of the season to support Maki’s new boyfriend Yuta, who was on the team, where you happened to see Sukuna on the rugby field as well; sporting new pink hair.
Again, drawing a big crowd as they lift him up in the air after scoring the winning point for the first game of the season. Him, displaying that toothy grin as his face. It lifestyle seemed to suit him well.
As everyone scrambles to get to their cars to go to the after-party to celebrate, you quickly make your way to the stadium bathroom. You’re nearly skipping from how full your bladder is and when you turn the corner-
There’s no mistaking that freshly dyed pink hair, immediately recognizing it as Sukuna Ryomen. Here he was, kissing a girl with his jacket on in the back of the stadium stairs. You freeze. You don’t know why, this was normal. You feel guilty for catching him in such an intimate moment; guilting for something else–perhaps for getting hopeful.
He didn’t owe you anything, you had to wrap that around your head. Given how much you’ve learned about him in such a short amount of time, this was a given. This was who he was, there was no denying that by anyone.
Running back to Maki and Yuta, who’s shooting you confused looks, all you can do is push them into the car and tell them to hurry home to go pee. When they question you, all you can muster is that the bathrooms were locked. You wonder if he even remembered that night. You want that memory out of your head.
They drop you off after much persuasion that you’d meet up with them later at the party for the celebration.
When Yuta enters the frat house with Maki, Sukuna watches from a distance as the duo walks in before making his way to the couple with a practiced smile while he scans behind them. “Where’s Yn?”
“She’s coming later,” Yuta tells him, grabbing the offered drink from Sukuna and leaves with Maki.
The entire night he has his eyes glued to the door.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Landing yourself a job at the school library meant, though it was not often, seeing Sukuna there. Sometimes you see him studying, sometimes you see him tutoring someone, sometimes you see him playing Tetris on his computer as he tunes out an online class that seems very important.
There seems to be a backlog of books needing reshelving so you’ve been tasked with shelving books for the remainder of the shift. It really is mundane work but you believe it’s better than Maki’s physical job of carrying heavy loads. You hear a whisper then a squeal as you turn to the next aisle.
“We have to be quiet.” You knew that voice. You peek through the bookshelf, not knowing why since you know it belongs to Sukuna, his back to you.
“Or else what?” She leans into his touch as she laughs.
“Don’t wanna get caught do we? Gotta respect the rules here.”
And then he’s going in for the kiss, starting at the neck before making his way to the girl’s lips, who reciprocates with equal passion. With an attempt to give them some privacy, you accidentally knock down some books. And when you look back up, your eyes catch hers and she screams.
Before Sukuna can even turn around to see all the commotion, you’re gone. He looks back at the girl. “What is it?”
She scowls. “Some girl was snooping in on us. What a weirdo.”
Sukuna looks back for one last measure, craning his neck to see, catching anything. Nothing. And then he’s getting pulled back in.
You slam the books down and rush to get your things, stuffing your charger and papers into your bags in a hurry. “Sorry,” you spill out. “I wasn’t able to finish shelving these last books. I just realized I have a meeting to catch!”
The coworkers can barely get a response out before you’re out the doors. Why did you always have such bad timing?
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
It wasn’t until sophomore year that you started to find your footing here at the college. You honestly have Toge and Panda to thank for that. If you hadn’t met them, you probably wouldn’t have chosen the major you did. Toge Inumaki, though the yapper he was, really made you love all the communications class you took together. You didn’t know what to expect from Panda. Definitely not barely passing a mathematics class together, that’s for sure.
Sukuna’s head turns when he hears your voice. “At least the teacher likes me more,” you tell Panda who taunts you by sticking his tongue out. It seemed like your group was heading out downtown.
“Yea, yea sure.”
He watches you sigh in mock frustration, but not without catching the teasing smile that’s growing on your face. “Don’t come crying to me if I pass the class and you don’t.”
Sukuna can’t help the scoff that comes out of his mouth before he continues on his homework.
“What’s so funny?” Toji asks.
The pink haired man can only shake his head, hand coming up to cover the grin. “Nothing, nothing.”
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
The crowd erupts into a complete frenzy as Sukuna scores, yet again, the winning goal. As you and the group make your way down the stands to celebrate with Yuta, embracing him in an all encompassing hug, you aren’t sure if you had caught Sukuna’s eyes. Everything was happening too fast as the crowd swallowed him up.
“Thanks man, ‘ppreciate it,” he says for the nth time tonight after another person congratulates him. He touches his cup to the man before taking a sip when he hears your laugh. He turns towards the crowd, scanning. He hadn’t seen you come in and he missed the change to talk to you at the end of his game.
He can’t seem to get a good view of you until he hears your laughter die down abruptly, followed by hesitant no’s. His body is moving even before he can understand anything, barely tuning in to everyone who’s slapping him on the back for a job well done today.
And then he finally sees you. Cornered by one of his frat mates, Mahito, shoving a shot glass into your hand, clinking it with his before tilting it towards your mouth.
One, two strides and he intercepts. Grabbing the shot just as it barely touches your lips and downs it in one fluid motion. He sets it down harshly, making you jump. There’s a silence between the two men as you watch from behind Sukuna’s shoulders before Mahito slowly raises his hand in defeat, and leaves without much protest.
“Um, thank you,” you’re finally able to muster out, raising a finger to tap his shoulder.
He turns around before you can ever make contact. “You should really-”
“I was looking for water,” you interrupted him. “Some water…” you repeat again.
He sighs, reaching behind you and opens the fridge, tossing you two cold water bottles and leaves it at that to chase down Mahito.
When the party starts to wind down, Sukuna takes the chance to move to the balcony on the second floor to smoke. He digs out a crumpled cigarette, it would have to do. As he lights the butt up, he looks up to the sound of footsteps. Taking a whiff, holding it in before blowing it out, he gives you a nod of acknowledgement. He tries to keep a neutral face but can’t help but have his brow twitch at you approaching him, almost tentatively. He leans back against the rail.
“What’re you doing up here?”
“Sorry, is this off limits?” And yet here you were, still walking towards him. You settle on one side of the balcony.
He shrugs and goes for another before blowing it out carelessly towards you. Sukuna doesn’t miss the way your lips purse at his actions.
“Yuta said I could come up here.”
“Yuta?” He says in disbelief. “That scrawny emo kid?”
You shoot him a look. “Hey!”
Sukuna huffs at the sweet noise you made, turning his head and blowing out the smoke. “Just the truth, he’s a newb.”
He doesn’t miss the way you roll your eyes. “So are you. Didn’t you and Toji both start at the same time?”
Sukuna lets his cigarette drop to the floor as he leans in closer to you. “You see me on the field today?
“I did.” It’s almost bashful.
He dares to lean a bit closer. “And what did you think? Did I look like a newbie out there?”
Everything is forgotten when Sukuna sees you reciprocating his actions. “I think-”
“Sukuna!” Toji calls out for him as he makes his way to the balcony, clearly out of breath. “Oh! I didn’t realize you were busy. Hey Yn.”
You give him a small smile and wave.
Toji’s already tugging Sukuna along by the sleeve of his jacket. “Come on, I made a bet saying you could finish the funnel faster than Mahito. Betted Gojo winning against Geto and he fucking lost. Can’t let me down now.” And he’s dragged away before he can even say anything, taking one last look at you before heading downstairs to the backyard.
And when he’s done, belly full of beer and deal won, he rushes back up to the balcony knowing very well you wouldn’t be there but being disappointed anyways.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Wrapping up sophomore year is hectic and stressful. Sukuna is ever busy trying to gear himself to being vice president of his fraternity for the upcoming school year. Drawing in tabling, hosting events, and running booths that you often run by when going to class. He always looked so into it, voice booming above all others. Convincing old friends and new to vote for him, convincing fresh boys to rush his fraternity over others.
When he’s warming up for rugby practice, he sees you and Toji walking side by side. Watch as the both of you both laugh at something before parting ways. He sees you biting your lip in the cafe as you angrily tap away at your laptop, the wrinkles on your forehead more prominent than ever.
Thanking his tutor for the day, Sukuna starts to pack up his things as he’s running late to his fraternity meeting. He’s about to text one of the members before he catches a glimpse of you from the corner of his eye.
“Here you go.”
You shriek a bit before covering your mouth. After looking around, hoping you didn’t disrupt anyone, you looked up at the man standing behind you. “You scared me!” you whisper-yell at him while grabbing the book from his grasp you had trouble reaching.
“You’re welcome,” his voice hinting at something, brow raised. “Don’t they have those long ladders?”
Turning to finally face him, you hug the book to your chest. “Yes, they do, but I thought I didn’t need it.”
He only hums before leaning in closer. “Oh, yea?” He picks off invisible lint off your shoulder before bracing his arm next to it. “What’re doing in the library?”
“I work here,” you state matter of factly.
“That so…” his voice wanders off. Interesting.
“Yes,” you reply, ducking under his arm. He was too close, his proximity taking you back to that night freshman year. You didn’t need that memory resurfacing after all this time. Both of you were about to be juniors in college, it was embarrassing how you just couldn’t let it go. “I’d like to stay and chat, but I have a lot of things to do right now.”
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Junior year is beginning to look good. You’ve just applied for an internship and have signed a lease for an apartment. The school year starts off with great news of Sukuna as well: becoming the vice president of his fraternity and captain of the rugby team. You can't help but smile when you read it in the school’s newspaper. You’re happy for him.
It's no surprise that with the new achievement and the start of the semester, it’s a big party; the fraternity house is filled to the max. As you weaved through the crowd, hand in hand with Shoko, you couldn't help but have your eyes wander to a certain silhouette. It didn't matter anyways, you both weren't going to stay long anyway. You both have prior commitments the day after.
But nothing ever goes to plan as you find yourself staying past the time you guys agreed on. And it's not until you find her slumped against Gojo that you rush over to her. You try to drag her out of the house, men start approaching you, grabbing and pulling everywhere.
You can only offer her a smile when she mumbles something about Gojo and tell her you're taking her to the bathroom first before leaving. The line is long and everyone's giving you the stink eye and it makes you want to crawl into your own skin while Shoko is hanging onto your shoulder telling everyone to fuck off.
Toji comes to the rescue and tells you to go upstairs to the master room, no one should be in it. As you burst through the door, you stop.
Both are topless, hands skimming and touching everywhere. Sukuna’s on top in a heated make out session with a girl who screams and pushes the pink haired man away.
You quickly shield your eyes and apologize. "I- I’m sorry… I didn't mean to interrupt! Toji, he said no one would be up here and-" The girl shoves past you as she sends you a dirty remark, making you drop Shoko. You sigh out in frustration.
"It's okay," he reassures you quickly.
Your eyes notice the bruising marks on his chest and neck and you realize you're staring. You divert your gaze back to the ground as you decide to focus your attention back to putting Shoko on your shoulder.
You can't really see him that well in the dark lighting. What his face reads. What his eyes say. "Here, let me help." He approaches and you tense up in panic
"No! No," you say more calmly. You feel like crying for some reason. And you hate it. Stupid, you tell yourself. There was nothing to cry about, you've seen it before. Many times. It certainly wasn't going to be the last. "We’ll go somewhere else. Again, I-" you inhale. “I didn’t mean to interrupt, seriously.”
Sukuna calls out your name. “I know-” And then Shoko throws up on the floor. On Sukuna's feet.
And that's the last you see of him as you apologize profusely, tears brimming from ruining his carpet before you rush out to call a taxi.
Sukuna Ryomen, you really are a heartbreaker.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
As Sukuna walks up to the desk, sliding the two books he checked out a week ago, he asks where you are. He hadn’t seen you working in the library for the past few weeks.
The staff scans his book. "Oh, you mean Yn? Her internship schedule didn’t work out with this job, so she quit. Heard she’s doing just fine though!”
Sukuna can only nod as he walks out the door to go to his next class, he can't help the growing smile on his face. It brings him back to the first day he saw you at orientation; how timid and frightened you looked before walking inside the big doors before him. How you nearly shook when asked by him what your major was, voice full of uncertainty when you told him undeclared. Truly, it amazed Sukuna to see how much you've grown now compared to him.
It looked like he had some catching up to do.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
"When are you leaving for your study group?" Uruame, your new roommate, yells from her room. You got along with her quite well for having just met her a few months ago.
"Maybe in about ten minutes or less? Why?" You close your laptop, having just finished a task for your internship.
"Oh, good. I have a friend coming over soon, that's why. He should be gone by the time you come back." She can be heard rumbling around through the room before adding, "He should be here any minute. When he does, can you open the door for him?"
You yell back a yea and within five minutes there's a knock on the door. "Hi-” All you can really do is stare.
Sukuna is speechless as well as he watches you move to the side to let him in. He passes through the threshold, unsure of what to say.
"Sorry about that," you tell him, closing the door behind him and clearing your throat. "It's nice to see you again."
He only nods. "I didn't know you were Uruame's roommate. If I knew-"
"It's okay!" you chirp up, guiding the pink hair to the living room. “Do you want some-”
"Sorry for the wait!" Uruame finally comes out, pecking Sukuna on the cheek.
You quickly look away.
He watches you. And you miss the way he's searching for you, the way he’s trying to tell you something.
"I should get going!" You chime, trying to change the mood. You round the living room and grab your things.
He notices the way your back is facing him the entire time. "Where are you going?"
You offer him a small smile but he notices how you won't look him in the eye. "The library."
Once the study group session is over, you overhear two girls talking about the books in the library. "Actually I noticed the same thing too. A lot of the books are checked out by his name.”
"What was it again?"
"I don't remember but I think it’s kinda romantic.”
Later that night, as you’re eating dinner with Uruame, you learn that she and Sukuna were in a situationship. They had been hooking up for a couple of weeks now and wanted to test the waters a bit before confirming anything. You muster up a smile and wish them the best. Truly.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
For the next couple of days, something inside your core shook. Nothing you ate sat right in your stomach; it was nonsense really. You both really never had any deeper relationship than a few conversations sprinkled in the past three years.
Unintentionally, you had buried yourself in work, having a backlog of tasks and assignments to juggle alongside your job. Sukuna came by a couple of times a week at the apartment and sometimes it was Uruame who would be gone for a few days at his frat house. A few acknowledged nods whenever you were in the living area before he disappeared into Uruame’s room, that was all. You made sure to keep it minimal.
Whenever you heard the door close to Uruame’s room with a few laughs and a belt hitting the floor, you always made sure to leave the unit as quickly as possible. You always timed when your shift ended and when he would leave the house; it was for the best.
Sometimes you weren’t so lucky. Hearing the roar of the engine outside your apartment was something you’ve come accustomed to at this point. Sometimes Sukuna drops Uruame off when you leave for your work shift, who's leaning against his motorcycle, a cigarette lazily resting between his lips. As you acknowledge him, he slips the cigarette butt out of his mouth and onto the floor to stomp it out, before giving you a curt nod back. His eyes follow you as he watches you get into the car.
Or when you accidentally come out of the shower with just a towel around you just as Sukuna walks in. Who immediately apologizes and covers his eyes and turns around for invading your privacy.
But you like to think you’ve done a good job of giving Uruame and Sukuna the privacy they need. It’s the least you can do.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
When Sukuna gets a late night text from Uruame to come over, he sneaks in quietly, unlocking the door from the key that you told him about under the doormat, to which he had practically scolded you for how easy and cliche it was for anyone to discover. He’d have to find a better spot next time.
Quietly removing his shoes, Sukuna makes his way through the house. Then he sees you knocked out on the couch, laptop on the verge of falling off your lap. He huffs out a low chuckle as the man rounds the couch to close the laptop, putting it away, and grabbing the throw blanket to keep you warm. Once satisfied, he looks at you before kneeling down and moving some hair out of your face.
“Don’t work too hard, hmm?” he tells you. He’s there and gone before the sun even rises.
Sukuna could never seem to catch your eye wherever he’s over at your place, he notices. You’re either in your room, or running an errand right when he arrives, or over at Yuta’s place studying. But that’s okay, because sometimes if he concentrates enough, it’s moments like these that he likes.
Sukuna can smell whatever you're baking as you hum in the kitchen from Uruame’s room. He wonders what it’d taste like. What you look like. Were you hopping around dancing in the kitchen with a spatula in your hand? Were you covered in flour when he heard you scream as you burned and messed up the measurements for the brownies you were making for your co-workers?
And when he leaves your apartment for the week, passing by the island in the kitchen, he sees a note that reads “feel free to take some” with a smile-y face scribbled on it.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
The apartment has become more lively lately as the first round of midterms for the semester are coming around. You, Maki, Toge, Yuta, and Panda are supposed to be studying for the upcoming test for your class but somehow the monopoly game ended up on the table and you’re in jail for the eighth time.
"No deal," Toge tells you.
"What!?" You complain. "I'm literally giving you the last Railroad to make a complete set."
"Yea, and why would I exchange The Boardwalk and give you a complete set. It’s totally unfair."
The other bystanders grumble out agreements and you hate how they're on Toge’s side when they were the ones who encouraged you to make the deal in the first place.
Sukuna is leaning against the door that separates you and him, trying to get even the smallest detail of what's going on on the other side. Uruame was asleep and he was supposed to have left thirty minutes ago, but when he heard your voice along with your friends, he froze.
And now he's listening to you angrily yell and try to miserably seal a deal that he, unfortunately, also doesn't agree on. It's the worst thing Sukuna’s ever heard and he's trying his best to stifle the rumbling in his throat. Oh God, you were so bad at this.
"You know," Toge deadpans, “Why don’t you just admit that you’re just threatened by me."
"Oh please," you bite back. "When have I ever felt threatened by you?"
"What are you talking about?" he flabbergasts. "If I gave you The Boardwalk you'd max out the hotel immediately and you'd win the game."
"Which is only two spots!” Your fingers emphasize the number two. “You have four!"
"Which I always land on!" He leans forward on the table, not backing down. “Do you know how unlucky I have to be to always land on them?”
"What if she gave you fifteen percent of the revenue as part of the deal?"
Everyone jumps at the voice, startled. He’s done this many times, and yet he always catches you off guard. You stand up right to turn to look at him.
"Oh, I thought you already left."
Maki watches you, flicks her eyes towards the pink haired man before silently reorganizing her cards.
"Overslept," Sukuna tells you nonchalantly. He nods towards Toge. "What do you think of that deal?"
Toge can barely muster out a nod as Sukuna explains to him the terms and conditions. All you can do is look at him. Perhaps what Toji said to you in secrecy was true. It did look like he was going through a rough time at home. Toji didn’t delve too much into it, wanting to respect Sukuna’s privacy. All you knew was the one sentence that stuck with you, “He may not look like it, but family means a lot to him.”
He did seem a bit softer around the edges now. The tattoos that were littered over his body didn’t seem all that intimidating anymore. His eyes, though not evident unless you look closely like you are now, have eye bags under them. His eyes flicker to you as he says, “That sounds good to you?”
You blink at him. Once. Twice. “Um… what? Sorry.”
Maki couldn’t help but smirk down at her lap.
Sukuna leans one arm on the back of the sofa, the other pointing at the board game. He’s so close that you feel the heat radiating off of him. The proximity makes you stiffen. “Toge’s gonna trade The Boardwalk with your Railroad as long as you give him twenty percent of the money anytime someone lands on it. I raised the profit for him to accept, that okay? You’ll still be able to keep a majority of the money anyways, especially with the other cards you have.”
You highly doubt Toge accepted it because of the terms and not because he was Sukuna himself. You only nod.
He nods back and pushes himself off the couch, groaning as he stretches his arms up before making his way to the door but not before saying goodbye to everyone. You walk him to the front door to see him out as he tells you “hope you win” before closing the door behind him.
You do win that night. By a landslide.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
“Would it be weird?” You’re laying on Maki’s bed, head hanging off the end as you wait for her to freshen up for your hang out today. “To…you know…”
Maki laughs from the other end of the room, throwing the jacket she’s finally settled on towards you. You catch it without hesitation. “Invite your roommate’s situationship?”
“They’re just taking their time,” you try to defend them once again.
“After three months?” You move over a bit as Maki settles in beside you. “Look, I think inviting him would complicate whatever you already feel about him. You already know what I’m going to tell you: do whatever you wanna do; but just think about what I’ve told you.”
Maki gives you a look when Sukuna invites himself in without even knocking, putting the spare key in his pocket and greeting everyone. You shoot her a look back.
Uruame greets the pink haired man before you can even reach the entrance. “You made it!” And gives him a quick peck on the cheek.
Toge reaches for the snack bowl. Panda suddenly chokes on his popcorn and Maki takes a big gulp from her drink.
Sukuna’s line of sight goes straight to you, offering a sheepish smile. “Hope you don’t mind, Uruame invited me.” He holds up a small gift bag, almost like a peace offering.
You finally move from the couch to grab it. “Not at all.”
Everyone has settled in, given with the help of a few mixed drinks Maki and Panda made. Uruame and Toge were in a much heated argument that has gone off course that started with toilet paper and has now changed into cereal and milk.
Taking the chance while everyone’s preoccupied, you head towards the kitchen to get the cake ready. You take a sip from your cup as you’re struggling to find both the candles and lighter. A hand comes up behind your back as you feel someone brush up against you to open the cabinet above you.
“Here you go.” Sukuna sets down the box of almost empty candles on the counter.
“Thanks,” you tell him, almost amazed that he knew where it was.
He shrugs. “Saw it here when I was cooking for Uruame.” Then gestures toward the plastic cup. “Didn’t think you were a drinker.”
You open the box and start putting the candles around the cake. “Never said I wasn’t. Just always seemed to find myself in situations where I didn’t want to.”
He huffs at that, tilting his cup.
You laugh, picking up your own to tap it against his before taking a drink together.
Sukuna watches you take a sip before finally trying his own. He could get used to this side of you.
You get back to putting the candles around the cake, putting six mix-matched colors around the border. When he sees you frantically searching for a light, Sukuna reaches into the front pockets of his jeans, flicks his cigarette lighter open and lights all the candles with ease, before putting it back.
And when the lights are turned low and everyone sings happy birthday, Sukuna wonders what you wished for as you blow out the candle. He wonders if you liked the gift he got you. Wonders if he’ll have other birthday celebrations with you.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
The rest of the year goes on like that. Balancing school with the internship while hosting study sessions either at your apartment, the school library or at your friend’s place. You go with the entire group to help cheer on Yuta at the rugby games, sometimes cheering on Sukuna and Toji as well.
A call erupts from your phone; unknown number. You answer it, “Hello?”
His voice makes your heart skip a beat. After all, you guys don’t really talk. Not like this anyways. “What’s wrong?” You sit up in bed, removing the phone to check the time.
2:03 a.m.
The phone returns to your ear. “It’s…fuck,” you hear shuffling before a disgrunted groan. “It’s Uruame. I don’t know what’s up with her today. She can usually hold her own but she's out like, bad.”
You’re already out of bed and grabbing the keys. “I’ll come as quickly as I can. Your house right?”
He huffs a hum. “Thank you and I’m sorry.”
Pulling up to the curb of the house, you barely put the car in park as you rush out of it and meet Sukuna and your roommate on the lawn. “What’s wrong? How is she?”
The pinked haired man looks to his side, where Uruame is hanging lifeless on his shoulder. “Threw up twice so far, probably will throw up again.”
You curse under your breath as you go around to the other side to help relieve some of the weight. He brushes you off. “It’s okay, you can just open up the back of the car.”
Once having arranged the blanket you brought on the backseats, you help Sukuna put your roommate in as easy and comfortable as possible. All you guys can do is stare at her in silence.
He breaks it first. “Make sure you change her out of those clothes and have her sleep on her side with the trash next to her. And water, ones with electrolytes would be even better if you can,” he adds at the end.
You nod to everything he’s saying. “Okay, okay. Maybe I’ll stay up tonight to keep watch of her, yea?”
“Yea,” it’s the first time you’ve seen him rub his neck. “That’ll probably be good. And uh… sorry about this again. I would have driven her myself but I drinked a bit and didn’t want to risk it.”
You rock back and forth on your heels. You wanted to close the gap, to reassure him. “It wasn’t your fault. None of it was.”
And then Sukuna’s shoulder slumps, looks up at the night sky as he buffs out an air before looking back down at you, his face softening. Hearing that from you, Sukuna can’t help but ruffle your hair. He holds it there before letting it run down the rest of your arm, his hand barely a touch of a whisper against yours before he says, “Get home safe,” and turns around walking away. Shoving his clenched hand into his pockets.
You put your hand onto the place he just touched, still feeling the heat from his palms. You hate how you know it’s something you’ll remember for the next couple of days.
Sukuna has his eyes trained to his phone, reacting to every vibration and every notification. He knows he shouldn't get his hopes up. You aren't obligated to update him at all. He's half listening to Mahito’s conversation when he receives a message.
You: Got home safe.
And he stares at it for a long time.
“Careful there,” Shui joins him on the backyard patio and offers him a cigarette, “you might burn a hole into your phone.
Sukuna waves it off. "I dont smoke anymore."
Shui’s eyes are still stuck on Sukuna’s phone before Sukuna quickly turns off the screen, which causes the senior to raise a brow at the man before putting the box back into his pocket. "Huh…”
“What?” The junior says almost begrudgingly.
Shui only shakes his head. “Nothing… just curious when you started caring about your health."
He remains silent. A ping! gets both of their attention but Sukuna swipes the notification away quickly but Shui caught it.
You: Thank you again. Have a good night :)
"Oh." Shui says. "It's like that.”
Sukuna ignores his upperclassmen and looks up to the sky in silence, teeth grinding.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
When you settle into the bed in Uruame’s room, she mumbles, “I think I’m in love with Sukuna.” You stop whatever you’re doing, frozen, wishing you could freeze time itself right now. This last thing you never wanted to hear from her. You had promised yourself you’d be happy for her if it ever came to this very moment.
“I was too much of a pussy to tell him tonight, which is why…” she burps and you immediately move the trash closer to her. And the next thing you know, she’s asleep and you’re darting out of the room, out the apartment, and rushing back to the library to check one thing.
Your body automatically moves to that aisle, the very same one you saw Sukuna kiss that girl two years ago. You push that thought away as you pull a random book off the shelf and flip to the inside of the book cover. You’ve always had an inkling of what was in the books after you caught the two girls talking sophomore year. You never checked it because you didn’t want to confirm what you already knew. Didn’t want to give yourself hope; wanted to deny yourself the reality because it’d just complicate things.
There, on the book checkout log, written in all caps, reads Sukuna Ryomen. Checked out on Monday.
You pick up another book, this time at the very bottom. Again, it reads, Sukuna Ryomen. Checked out on Wednesday.
You pick another one. Sukuna Ryomen. Checked out on Thursday.
Sukuna Ryomen. Sukuna Ryomen. Sukuna Ryomen. Sukuna Ryomen. Sukuna Ryomen. Sukuna Ryomen. Sukuna Ryomen. Sukuna Ryomen. Sukuna Ryomen. Sukuna Ryomen.
And it’s hard to keep your breath steady as the books lay there telling a story. One you don’t want to read, one you don’t want to finish. He had checked out all the books in the aisle you often worked in. On all the days where you had a shift. On the dates even after you resigned from the job.
It's the first time you break down into tears.
Finally back at the apartment, you get into the covers with Uruame, who’s sober enough to take you in her arms. “What’s wrong?” She rubs your back.
You shake your head and bury your head into her chest. “Nothing.” Even that word leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Before you know it, Sukuna’s birthday comes around and Uruame has invited you to tag along. Afterall, it was only common courtesy to show up since he came to yours. That didn’t mean you weren’t dreading this night, especially not when your roommate had confided in you that tonight was the night she was going to make it official with Sukuna. So you’re here as Uruame’s emotional support, it’s the least you could do.
“Wish me luck,” she told you, squeezing you into a hug as you both went different ways at the party. You lost her quickly in the sea of people as you made your way to Maki and Toge.
Maki’s dipping her toe in the pool while Toge is floating next to her. Their hair dripping, evident of having already swum before you arrived. You join them.
“Ten dollars she’ll back down like last time,” Maki teases you, nudging your side with a wide knowing smirk.
“Hey,” your voice stern. “Leave her be.”
Toge swims over to you. “What? She’s backed down like, five other times.”
“Be nice.” Your feet kick water his way, he dodges easily. “I think she’s serious about it now.”
“Yea and Sukuna had to call you to pick her drunk ass self up.”
Maki dismisses the comment with a wave of her hand. “And you’re okay with that? With her making it exclusive with Sukuna and everything.”
You shrug, looking into the pool water, focusing on the bracelet he had given you for your birthday. “It’s not about me being okay with it, it’s about me being supportive and happy for her.”
Maki hums. “Speaking of, have you said happy birthday to the birthday boy yet?”
You shake your head, thankful for the quick conversation change. “Nope. Didn’t see him when I walked in. I’ll do it later.”
Toge snorts before diving back into the water. The night continues on like this, with Yuta joining after finally being able to get away from the guys. All while this is happening, you can’t help but constantly scan the lawn and house in hopes of catching those eyes. You keep telling yourself it’s Uruame’s you’re trying to keep watch of but your heart knows otherwise.
You’re on your way back from the bathroom, heading back to the poolside when someone taps your shoulder.
You turn and it's the man of the hour.
The smile begins to grow on your face before you even know it. "I was beginning to worry if I'd get to see the birthday boy," you tease him a bit.
Sukuna rolls his eyes at that. "'m sorry. Being the host and birthday boy is not for the weak.
As Maki, Toge, and Yuta get out of the pool to dry themselves to join you both, a group of frat boys head your way. Mahito at the front, holding a tray of shots. “You guys wanna take a shot for the birthday boy?” His smile on his face gives you chills, and you haven’t even gone in the water.
Before you know it, everyone has a shot in their hand. Everyone besides you. Mahito notices this and nudges the glass into your hand. Sukuna scowls at this and brushes his hand off as a warning. “She doesn’t want a drink.”
“It’s okay,” you offer a small smile to your friend before timidly taking it. “It’s for Sukuna, right?”
Mahito throws a smile you don’t catch to Sukuna before stepping closer and raising his glass, “The one and only.”
Everyone incoherently says cheers before downing the shot. As you bring the glass to your mouth, you wince at the burning sensation. Mahito takes the opportunity to begin pouring you another shot. A tattooed hand covers yours before it can reach your lips. Just as smoothly, Sukuna somehow takes the glass out of your hand and downs it just as quickly before giving a cold stare at Mahito. “What did I just tell you?”
Mahito only laughs. “What? It’s just for fun, it’s your birthday.”
“Yea, so fuck off.”
You’re all just standing there timidly, frozen, unsure of what to do. Afraid to make one small move in the tense atmosphere. You watch as Mahito raises a hand in surrender before turning around and leaving.
Sukuna turns to your group before sighing, “Sorry about that. Mahito’s… just ignore him. Don’t think too much about it.”
You give him a reassuring smile when he lingers on you. “Alright.” You rock on your heels. “Happy birthday.”
“Thanks,” he says almost sheepishly and you want to tease him.
“Actually-” You rummage through your pockets, wondering where the keychain was when Toji hollers at him. You both look at the man and he freezes, realizing he’s interrupting a moment again. You laugh and wave Sukuna off, “Go.”
“You sure?” he’s already walking away backwards, trying to read your face for an absolute answer.
You nod your head enthusiastically before Sukuna turns back and yells back at Toji, nearly tackling him down.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
As the hours go by, you aren’t ever able to reconnect with the birthday boy. There were fleeting moments whenever you both caught each other's eyes from across the room. Moments where you are both so close to closing the gap, your hand in your pocket for the keychain you want to give him before you’re both pulled away in different directions.
The moment you are able to get away from your friend croup and the entire crowd, you stumble upon your roommate in a corner on the verge of blacking out. You immediately rush over, gently tapping her. When she doesn’t respond in the first few taps, you start to panic.
As her head falls into your hand and you feel her wet saliva coating it, she mumbles out your name. Her eyes are unfocused, darting everywhere, not quite focusing on one thing. You hate that you know this is a sign that whatever Uruame planned didn’t go accordingly. You curse under your breath.
You repeat her name over and over again. “Do you want some water?” you ask quickly, trying to squeeze in as many questions and information in the small time window before she’s unconscious again.
The moment she nods, you pull her into a lounge chair nowhere near the pool and frantically make your way inside the house. You’re scrambling around the kitchen before you bump into the man of the hour.
“Whoa, slow down there,” he teases, grabbing onto your hands to steady yourself.
You look up at him and his smile immediately drops.
“What is it? What’s wrong?”
Getting out of his grip, you sigh, pinching the space between the eyes. “It’s Uruame again. She’s literally on the verge of blacking out.”
Turning your head to your side, you look outside to make sure she somehow hasn’t moved. “What did you say to her?”
Sukuna cranes his head down, trying to catch your eyes, hand barely twitching as his side.. “Nothing that would have caused her to be like this again.” He calls out your name. “Really, what is this about?”
If he truly didn’t know why Uruame was like this, then who did? You wouldn’t entertain the thought. Wouldn’t allow yourself to. You shake your head. “It’s nothing. I was looking for some water bottles and it’s- I think it’s time for us to go home.”
As reluctant as he was, the tall man can only nod. “At least let me help.”
You shake your head, hands moving in disapproval. “No, I can’t allow that. It’s your birthday.”
“It’s fine. I don’t mind”
And so you’re walking side by side with the pinked harried man as you take him to Uruame. All you both can do is look down at your roommate and sigh. “Lemme go get her stuff. Try to make her drink some water, okay?”
You hum. Just as you’re finished giving some water to Uruame, Mahito calls out your name. Before you can even fully turn to him, he wraps a heavy arm around your shoulders, making you freeze. Goosebumps immediately forming. “Let us be friends, yea? I feel like we were never properly introduced by the Sukuna all these years.”
“I’m sure it’s because it wasn’t necessary.”
Mahito cuts out a quick laugh, raising a brow to his friends. "I had an interesting talk with Uruame about it earlier tonight about you and Sukuna."
You’re trying to halt your steps at that. “Was it you?”
He laughs and that’s when you realise how much closer you’re walking along the edge of the pool. “Please, no.” The grip he has on you is deathening. “No, no, no!”
Sukuna stops rummaging around the pile of bags when he hears your distressed voice on the opposite side of the pool. “Mahito stop it!”
“I have to test one thing first,” he tells himself as he pushes you into the water.
As Sukuna watches you fall in, the sounds of laughs, cheers, and clapping erupt around him and he’s taken back to freshman year all over again. The way you had told him you couldn't swim when he tried too hard to invite you to a party as a means to talk to you more. The way your eyes got so big and filled with worry.
Sukuna doesn’t care how many people he has to push out of his way before he’s jumping in right after you. He’s not taking any chances on seeing if you resurfaced. As he swam in the water, he saw the way you were struggling, clawing at the water for anything to grasp onto.
When you nearly rip his skin off from grabbing him, Sukuna emerges from the water, holding you close to him. He cradles your head as he searches for you, “It’s okay. I’m here, just breathe. Breathe.”
The crowd slows to a murmur before it’s completely silent as they watch Sukuna carry you out of the pool, face hidden in his neck. Toji is standing there, breathless, having run from upstairs of the house to see what the commotion was. He stalks to the nearest person and tears their phone out of their hand and into the water. “Anybody else want to be next?”
Mahito shoves past Toji, displaying his best grin. “It was just a joke, Sukuna. No need to be so fucking serious.”
Sukuna walks past him, not sparing his president a single glance.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Sukuna gently sets you down on his bed, not caring for one moment about it getting wet. He’s frantically moving around the room, almost as if he were trying to collect his thoughts before handing you a towel and turning away to look through his drawers. You’re trying to dry yourself before he tells you, “Hands up.”
You listen immediately and feel him pull your shirt off and replace with a new one. You know this scent, smell it all the time whenever he’s over at the apartment. You look down but you already know it’s his shirt you have on.
You’re still shaking, trembling even. Where’s Uruame? The last time you saw her, she was drunk and making a scene. You only had one drink, but would you even have the capacity to drive you both home? Especially in the state you were in? Maybe-
He calls your name. “Hey, look at me. Look at me.” Sukuna’s voice is soft but stern. He crouches down to be eye level with you, combing your wet strands away from your face. “Listen to me carefully, okay?”
You look at him and his eyes are dark; serious. Not a hint of that glint and playfulness he usually has. You swallow.
“Use my towel and dry up. I found some of Uruame’s sweats in my drawer, so you can change and put those on.”
As much as that statement hurts, you need to focus. More than ever. Everything was too hectic. You can only nod.
“Okay, okay,” he runs a hand through his still wet hair. “Toji’ll help you guys leave the party, I can’t do much right now. You didn’t drink right?”
You can barely shake your head.
He curses. “Then he'll also get you guys a cab to go home, got that? Make sure Uruame lies on her side when she sleeps. And put the trash can beside her in case she throws up.”
Why was this happening? What had Sukuna done? What had Majito done? You didn’t really understand what was happening. One moment you were having the time of your life and the next you were pushed into the water.
You’re pulled back into reality when he grabs your chin to look up at him. “You’re gonna be okay. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
You can barely hum out an acknowledgement before a tear slips from your eye, and he’s there to catch it. His thumb tracing over the contours of your cheek. The moment is fleeting as he leaves the room. There, he stops, barely looking over his shoulder before saying “I’m sorry” and the door clothes behind him. His warmth you felt on your face lingers a little longer than he ever has.
And it’s moments like these where you wished freshman year never happened. That you never knew the man called Sukuna Ryomen. All you can do is curl up into yourself.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
“Sukuna, listen-” Toji approaches the man of the hour after he helps you take Uruame home. But all the man does is brush past him in quiet fury.
All Sukuna can think about as he stalks to him is the look of terror painted in your face as you wer shoved into the water. They way you had begged Mahito to not do it, your voice laced with fear. The way your body went from fighting with the water to being limp within seconds.
Most importantly, he remembers the sneer on Mahito’s face. The way his eyes lit up in sadistic joy. The way his group of friends laughed with him. The way everyone laughed along with them.
Sensing the birthday boy, Mahito turns with that lopsided grin.
Sukuna punches him in the face before letting him have the first word, causing Mahito to stumble a bit. Before he can gain his footing, Sukuna grabs him by the collar of his shirt and punches him again.
Heterochromia eyes look up at him in shock then humor as he stays seated on the ground, nursing his bruising cheek. Everyone who’s watching already knows how ugly the bruise will be tomorrow.
Tattooed hands grab him by the collar of his shirt again, lifting Mahito up to his height. “I told you not fuck things up.”
The grey-blue haired man turns his head to spit out the blood accumulating in his mouth, offering Sukuna a blood coated smile. “I was just trying to have some fun.”
“Fun?” Sukuna spits out, bringing Mahito’s face closer to his. “She doesn’t know how to swim, you could’ve killed her.”
“Well, lucky that her knight and shining armour came to the rescue just in time.”
Sukuna growls and goes for another punch.
But before he can do more damage, Toji shoves them both away. When the red eyed man tries to come at Mahito again, Toji has to use all his strength to push him away again. “Stop it,” he grits out. He turns to look at Mahito. “Both of you.”
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Slamming the door to his room, Toji yells at his friend. “What the fuck are you thinking?”
Sukuna runs his hands into his now dried hair, not turning around. “He deserved it.”
“That doesn’t matter.”
It is only then, with that statement, that Sukuna spins around. “It doesn’t matter? It doesn’t matter? Because of him, Yn could have died. Don’t tell me it doesn’t matter.”
The scar-lipped man looks down at him. “You know that’s not what I meant. You just made things more complicated.”
“I don’t care. Because…”
“Because what!?” Toji finally snaps. “You don’t even know what you want!”
“I want her!” Sukuna professes. And then there’s silence as the words sink in. Toji refuses to speak as he simply watches his friend process those words. Watches as dread follows realization.
In a softer tone, Sukuna continues, “From the moment I saw her, I knew.” He swallows. “I have always wanted her.”
“You don’t mean that,” But when his friend gives Toji that look of resolution, of unwavered certainty, it’s his turn to swallow. “You can’t possibly mean that, you’re with Uruame.”
“I tried! I tried so hard to get her away from me!” Sukuna pulls on his hair and looks to Toji for help. “I just couldn’t stay away from her!”
“So what are you going to do about it?”
“I can’t do anything!” The pink hair holds up his wrist in agony. “I’m stuck! Jin’s health is deteriorating and father refuses to help because of that woman, so no one can watch over Itadori but me. I can barely make it to my classes in order to take care of him. I’ve been avoiding Uruame because I know she wants more than what I can give her and I can barely stand to be in the same fucking room as Mahito without wanting to strangle him! So tell me Toji, tell me how I’m supposed to push this all on Yn? She doesn’t deserve to be part of this mess, she-”
Toji grabs Sukuna and pulls him into a hug. “It’s okay. You know I’ll be here for you. It’ll be okay.”
And then Sukuna breaks down.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Sukuna’s visits become less and less to the point where he stops coming at all. You try not to think too much about it until Uruame comes back to the apartment slamming the door closed yelling at the top of her lungs about how much of a bitch the pink haired man can be before she gets into a sobbing mess about how polite he was in turning her down even after months of hooking up.
And so you never see him around ever, anywhere. There are occasional times when you see him rushing to class, but that’s about it. His group dwindled smaller and smaller until it was just him and Toji. Most of the time, he was alone. Headphones on. Shoulders a lot heavier. Hair longer and messier. You notice the black and red varsity jacket that he always wore proudly that displayed his fraternity was no longer seen on him. You also weren’t sure if you saw it correctly, but you were sure you saw a cast on his leg one day too.
“Broke his ankle,” Maki says, so nonchalantly that you almost miss it. “Got it stepped on in a qualifying game. Out for the rest of the reason.”
“What?” you stop taking notes and stare at her.
“Heard it from Yuta. Covered his face when he was carried off the field.” She sighs and looks at you. “Luckily no surgery was needed.”
“Yea…” Panda adds. “He’s in some deep shit right now from what the rumors say.”
That only deepens your furrowed brows.
“He punched the president of his fraternity straight through the face in one of the parties last week." Panda smirks. "Wished I was there to witness it."
Your pencil stops. That was the night you fell into the pool.
"He got kicked out," Toge states matter of factly.
Panda hums. "Makes sense. Supposedly he and the president never got along in the first place. Sukuna wanted to run for president and was shot down at any chance he got. They were always disagreeing on things. Pretty sure the fight was the perfect excuse for the president to use against Sukuna to kick him out."
“Do you know why?” you finally have the courage to muster out, afraid your voice would betray your emotion if your face wasn’t already.
Maki shrugs. “Not really. Yuta just told me the president had whispered something into his ear and the next thing he knew, he saw Sukuna punch Mahito in the face. Even Toji struggled to get the man off. Toji of all people. Can you believe that?”
Whatever concentration you have has dissipated. None of this made sense. Sure he looked like a rough person but you've seen him. Seen the way he put leftovers in the fridge and wrote, “feel free to take some, made too much,” on a hello kitty sticky note whenever he cooked for him and Uruame when you came home past midnight. Who, even after two weeks of you having eaten it, asks how you liked it. Sukuna, who as Uruame recounted for you, had helped you into your room when you stumbled into the apartment a little bit past tipsy and that you should be grateful towards him. Sukuna, who, after a rugby game and after putting down Uruame from a tight embrace, greets and bows to you and your friend group politely. Not leaving a single one out.
It just didn’t add up. It wasn’t the Sukuna you knew, was it? Then again, you guys were barely friends. Not even considered acquaintances. Just fleeting moments and encounters sprinkled across three years.
That was the last anyone ever saw Sukuna for the last half of the semester of junior year. Not even Toji. "Even if I did, I wouldn't tell ya." He answers you after weeks of persistence before quickly walking away from you. Expelled. Dropped out. That was what you hear around campus.
As rapid as the fire was, it dissipated just as quickly. A whisper of a ghost. Sukuna who? No one knew of that person. The rugby team spoke about him as a martyr. The fraternity scorned it out of existence.
The only recorded memory was his name scorched in those books.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
You tap your feet to the ticking of the clock, hoping that it'll help fasten up the pace at the coffee shop. You were angry at yourself for losing a bet with Toge and now you are going to be fetching the group coffee in the morning for the next month.
"I can help the next person here!" A worker calls, frantically trying to set up the cashier station. Quickly wiping off washed hands, he asks, "Sorry ‘bout the wait, what can I get you?"
He looks up from his hat, frozen in place by who’s in front of him. "Yn?"
Sukuna sees the way you look him up and down and he’s almost embarrassed. "I didn't know you worked here. Um, three iced Americans please, if you would."
He shrugs, punching in the order. "I actually work in the back. Had to open up this cash register to help with the rush hour. Medium size?"
You can only nod as you continue to stare at him. He had a cap on but from the tips poking out, you can tell his pink hair has faded to a warm salmon color, a whisper of the past he’s trying to forget, or correct. You purse your lips and look at him. Really look at him. It's been almost six months since you've seen him. His arms look a little stronger. That smile, though a little awkward right now, is just a little softer. His eyes are just as you remember. You pass him your card.
He pushes it back, shaking his head. "It's okay. It's on me."
"No,” you huff, trying to smile but failing. “I couldn’t-"
And then he's yelling out the order to the back and passing the receipt. "It was nice seeing you again, Yn." And the next person is already approaching his register.
For some reason, you feel guilty for not telling Uruame about running into Sukuna. In fact, you don’t tell her at all. Or anyone, really. Your secret to keep, your secret to tell.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Somehow, it slowly became a routine for the both of you. Oftentimes, you’re surprised no one in your friend group has caught on to you, sometimes purposely losing the monthly bet just to catch Sukuna at the cafe.
It’s harmless, you often told yourself. You weren’t doing anything wrong, per say. It had taken you a few weeks to get Sukuna’s work hours right, but when you did, even he couldn’t help but have his eyes drawn to the door whenever the chime rang through the cafe.
You crouch in front of the little boy, offering him a soft smile with a tilt of your head. "I like your pink beanie."
Itadori beams in his seat. "Thank you! Me too!" Then he leans in closer and you can't help but reciprocate. "Grandpa says I can't dye my hair pink like Uncle Sukuna or else he’d kill me so Uncle Sukuna bought me a pink beanie instead."
You can't help but chuckle. "Oh, that's too bad."
"It's okay! He told me secretly that when I move in with him he'll dye my hair the same color!" He closes his eyes with satisfaction.
You offer him a high five and he takes it.
Sukuna scoffs teasingly and you turn at the noise. He's drying off a mug as you walk up to the counter, pulling up a seat. "Don't encourage his behavior. I don’t want him to turn out like me."
You give him a lopsided grin and he nearly drops the ceramic object. "Would that be so bad?"
"Yes," he looks past you, his eyes softening. Something you haven't seen often now. "I want him to be better than me.”
You toy with the sugar packets. “I think you’re a good role model in his life.”
Sukuna finally sets the mug down, shaking his head. “What good am I? Some college drop-out working at some deadbeat job?”
“You’re just taking a break right now to focus on your family. You’re doing it for him.”
The barista puts his hands on the edge of the counter, flexing it, looking once more at Itadori, who gives him a big smile before Sukuna’s line of sight is back on you. “You don’t understand. I’m not a good person.”
“You are,” you tell him firmly.
“I’m not, just look at me.” His voice is full of disdain and poisonous venom.
“All I see is you, Sukuna,” your voice a soft whisper.
He frowns at that.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Maki flicks her gaze your way before quickly looking away and at Toge instead, bulging out her eyes out as if sending him a message. Toge raises both his eyebrows and jerks his head to Panda, who is sitting besides you, sipping his milkshake. Panda, shaking his head in refusal, silenting slices his neck in the air with his finger before pointing it at the platinum blonde boy.
Toge frowns and resorts to stomping on Maki's feet, to whom yelps and bangs her knee on the table. It is only then that you stop staring at your phone and look up at them quizzically.
Maki throws her fist in the air as a silent threat to Toge before putting on a smile to you. “Are you okay?”
“Yea, why wouldn’t I be?” you tell them curtly.
“Well I don’t know. Maybe the fact that you haven’t even noticed the fries that Panda has been stealing or the fact that you’ve been staring at your phone as if- OW!” Toge’s knee jerks up to hit the table as Maki shoots him a death glare.
“You haven’t been engaging with us at all today,” Maki clarifies.
It was true, but you couldn’t help it. After that conversation with Sukuna, he wasn’t messaging you as much nor was he in the cafe whenever you stopped by. You didn’t think you had done anything that day to set him off. Actually, you were entitled to anything. But instead, all you can muster is, “I’m okay, really. Just a busy day at my internship, you know how it is.”
As Panda nods in fake understanding, milkshake forgotten as he makes eye contact with the other two.
Given the signal, Maki reaches over the table to touch your hand. “We know.”
You freeze at that. “See? So there’s nothing-”
The twin shakes her head. “No, we know.”
“I don’t- I-”
Panda finally speaks up. “It’s okay.”
This time it’s Toge who steals one of your remaining fries. “Do you know how often you were smiling at your phone? How much happier you were suddenly? Not to mention, how often you were losing the bets when we all know how good you are at winning them?”
You open your mouth to deny those claims but Panda steps in again nonchalantly.
“Plus, you left your phone open when you went to use the bathroom two weeks ago at Yuta’s apartment. We all saw the notification from him.”
All you can do is stare at them in silence. Afraid to speak. Afraid to understand all of this. They look at you in return, just watching. Not a single one is pressuring you. Finally, “What do I do guys?”
“That’s for you to finally decide on. What you both decide on,” Maki tells you.
Toge chimes in, “What we’re gonna do is order another milkshake and fries.”
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Sukuna is sweeping up the floor when he hears the sharp chime of the door. “We’re closed-”
And then he looks up, because he can hear the heavy breathing and his ears tell him all that he needs to know before even looking up. He stops sweeping. “What are you doing here?”
“Have I upset you?” you can barely breathe and you’re not quite sure if it’s from the running or the adrenaline coursing through your body from spontaneously showing up like this.
Sukuna leans the broom against a chair and stuffs his hand into his pockets. “No?”
His body language ticks something off inside of you. “Then can you explain why you have been avoiding me? Whenever I come into the cafe, I never seem to catch you when you’re in. I’m sorry if I offended you the other day, I didn’t mean to.”
The tattooed man looks up at the ceiling for a long time. So long in fact that you’re about to repeat what you’ve just said again, a hundred times if you needed to, until he says, “It’s not that.”
“Then what is it?!” you finally tell him, trying your hardest to catch his eyes.
“It’s complicated. You wouldn’t understand.”
“What you don’t understand,” you step closer to him, voice catching, “is that I don’t know my own heart anymore. I don’t even know how to name what I'm feeling. I thought we were friends, and yet--”
Sukuna physically flinches. “We can’t be friends.”
Your brows furrow, getting further and further from ever truly understanding what’s going on in his brain, what’s going on with him. You can’t even comprehend what he’s saying. “What?”
“Because,” he finally says, voice shaking, “I don’t want to be your friend. We can’t be just friends.” He looks up at you and his eyes are so full with pain and longing it actually takes your breath away. “I love you.”
He breaks.
His voice. His face. His heart.
He can’t meet your eyes, almost shameful. “I love you,” he says, his words harsh and soft and vulnerable all at once. “But this isn’t how I wanted it to be.”
He trembles at the sound of his name falling from your lips, finally, finally looking at you. “Please, leave. I can’t bear it anymore.”
And then you’re digging into your pockets, fishing out the worn out baby tiger keychain from years of carrying it. The same keychain you had mistakenly taken with your belongings when you rushed out of his dorm room after the kiss. The constant and only reminder that it had happened, that it wasn’t somehow a mistake. Amongst the warm metal, the keychain trembles in your hand as you hold it out to him.
“I’ve carried it all this time,” you tell him softly. “I meant to, somehow, give it to you earlier, but there was never a proper moment. But I think now is a good time to let it go.”
Sukuna takes it into his hands, face unreadable as he turns it over in his palms.
It was you.
The lucky charm, a matching keychain set Sukuna bought for Itadori when he was born. He still can remember the devastated look his nephew gave Sukuna when he broke the news of losing his pair.
It was the same one he spent all these years looking for; turning over each furniture in the house and driving Toji up the wall because he refused to play in any rugby game, be in any conference, or take any test without it. He thought he had lost it but all along it was you who had it. Yes… all along it was you.
He looks up and he finds that your eyes are searching his just as his are to yours. The keychain somehow burning in his palms with every passing second.
Sukuna can feel lit. He can feel you slipping away as you turn away from him and start to walk away. His voice catches in his throat and he has to swallow twice before finally saying, “I want you.” You stop. “From the moment I saw you at orientation, I have always wanted you.”
“From the moment I kissed you, I was yours. You were never going to be just an easy hook-up but I was afraid of hurting you. I’m not a good person.” He wants you to turn around, but Sukuna knows he doesn’t deserve that from you. Not after all that he’s put you through. "You are my oxygen. When I'm with you, it's like a breath of fresh air. When I’m not near you, I can't breathe without you.
“I do,” you state simply, words hanging on by a thread, “I do think of you. All the time. I wanted to forget but I couldn't.”
You finally turn around to look at him. “You stole my first kiss, and my heart. These past three years I tried to forget these feelings, forget everything, ashamed because I thought I was the only one.
Your entire body is trembling as you turn in resolution. “Don’t. Don’t give me hope. I can’t- we can’t. Uruame-”
“I know.” Boldly, he closes the distance between you and cups your face. In a whisper, “I know. I’ll figure something out, we'll make it work. I promise you that.”
“Sukuna,” you cry out, hand on his wrists. Unsure, just like him. You want to shake your head but his hands stop you from doing so, eyes never leaving yours. You’re unsure about all of this and you think he is too but then soft lips reach yours.
The kiss is tentative, wary, hesitant and when you open up to him and reciprocate, you hear a sigh leave his entire body. Sukuna’s grip on your face tightens as if he doesn’t want to let this moment go; as if he didn’t hold you tight enough you’d disappear. The kiss, started shy and uncertain, becomes bold and unyielding.
You pull him just as close. Lips following a steady rhythm, almost like a song written on a track record you had forgotten all these years. With every passing moment, the kiss deepens, as if it were trying to make up for all the longing stares and stolen touches, of unvoiced desires and quiet understanding.
Sukuna savors every breath and taste and commits it to memory. His hand makes it to the bottom of your shirt, finger slipping under to simply stay there on your abdomen. Something to ground him. His lips are slow and searching, drinking you in one moment and barely there the next.
Before you step back, he pulls you in for one more kiss. He sighs your name as he holds you close. Too soon, he pulls away. He’s breathing hard, and his gaze is still fixed on your mouth.
You attempt a deep breath, but there’s no oxygen in the room. Everything is him. Everything is Sukuna. His fingers clench tight around your waist, holding you in place.
You try to tilt your head so you can fuse his mouth to yours but he takes over the movement, guiding your head to the perfect angle so he can trace his tongue over your lips.
Every little insignificance and coincidences, all the struggles and problems fade to nothing as the both are able to embrace each other.
Sukuna runs a thumb across your cheek before tucking a strand back into place. He sighs your name as he holds you close. “I-”
Your lips are still warm. You feel his lips on every syllable you speak. “I love you, Sukuna.”
He puts his forehead against yours and smiles. “I love you too.”
And you know, whatever happens next, you'll both figure it out.
287 notes · View notes
rhyrhy · 2 days ago
I’m a slut Soo can we get vi , Ellie, and abs on some homie hopper bs? doesn’t have 2b nsfw
Homie hopper
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[Contains:] loser! Guitarist Ellie. dummer Abby, bassist vi, Groupie shit. Short blurb. Unserious.
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The speakers blasted, the bass thumping against the walls like a rabbit’s foot tapping anxiously. Lyrics were being yelled back at them, a sea of faceless bodies moving carelessly, lost in the music. Two weeks into tour, unfamiliar cities and strange smells were nothing new to the three on the shining stage above. They were beautiful in their own ways—like a sunset, a rose, the ocean’s waves. Not comparable.
So a few weeks ago, you thought, Why have one when I can have all three?
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Exploring their different talents had been… fun. Then, Vi was the first to notice.
She had shown up that night thinking you were there for her, but that assumption wavered when she caught Ellie shooting you a small wave from stage left—and worse, you waving back. Her smile faltered for a fraction of a second before she forced herself to shake it off. Maybe Ellie just misread it. She let it go. Focused on the music.
Until it came right back hours later, when the venue had emptied, their voices hoarse, shoulders sore, adrenaline fading into exhaustion.
Ellie, scrolling through her phone as she leaned against one of the amps, suddenly let out a low whistle. “Goddamn,” she muttered. “I fumbled.”
Vi, midway through peeling the label off her beer, looked up. “Huh?”
Ellie turned her phone around, showing the screen. It was a picture of you. a clear thirst trap, captioned: “Had to make a pit stop in Cali—miss me?”
Vi nearly dropped the glass in her hand. The odd moment from hours ago resurfacing. She jerked forward, snatching the phone out of Ellie’s hand. “You fumbled her?” Her eyes glued to the image.
Ellie glared at her. “Okay, rude.”
But Vi wasn’t listening. She was too busy swiping through your profile, her expression shifting to pure disbelief. How could she have missed it? At the bottom of your page—
‘Followed by sixstringbandit, bassknuckles, drum_warrior, and others.’
“I—hold on. Hold on.” Vi suddenly looked up, eyes sharp. “You’re saying you hooked up with her?”
Abby, who had been tossing a drumstick between her hands, stopped mid-motion. She leaned over to see what had their attention. Her brows furrowed.
“…Wait. Her?”
Ellie tilted her head. “What, you know her too?”
The realization poured over the three like ice. Abby spoke up first, mostly to herself. “Oh, gross. I’m getting tested.” Her nose wrinkled like she was physically pained by the mental image of you with her bandmates.
“Tested? Excuse me? I’m clean—” Vi swung her head to her left, a little offended.
“So am I—” Ellie sighed.
However, Her comment stuck out like a sore thumb, causing Vi to shoot Abby a look. Ellie lifted her head at that. The silence between the two was too telling.
“What! You guys don’t think I—” Ellie stammered, the words suddenly feeling too thick. Fingers tugging on the guitar pick necklace around her neck.
“Well, did you..?” Abby asked, crossing her arms.
“No—like almost…” Ellie ran a hand down her face, her cheeks flushing pink.
“Pause. How do you ‘almost’ fuck someone?” Vi asked, raising a brow.
“Oh my gosh, screw both of you.” Ellie rolled her eyes and stood up, flashing them both the middle finger for emphasis before stomping onto the tour bus.
The murmur of traffic echoed in the distance. Abby ran a hand through her golden hair, rolling her shoulders. Her colliding thoughts were interrupted by a playful whisper.
“Ten bucks she texts me back faster,” Vi dragged out, a shit-eating grin spreading across her face. “You know she always liked my hands.”
The eye contact held for half a second before Abby was moving.
With a small shove to Vi’s tattooed shoulder—just enough to throw her off, Abby took the head start onto the bus.
“Cheap shot!” Vi laughed, right on her heels.
The doors creaked as they closed behind them.
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262 notes · View notes
littelovelunette · 2 days ago
(Also having an amazing day and don’t forget to eat, drink, and have a break for yourself!! You deadass deserve a million breaks from all the writing you do🩷🩷)
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Save Me From This (2)
Mechanic!Sevika x Married!Reader
Part (1) thank you sooo much, have a great day too
Contains mentions of homewrecking, amab!Sevika, no protection, smut, clothed sex, breeding
Tags: @rurides @pzx1el @2sosa @sksksscarlet
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You swung your legs absentmindedly as your manicured hand stirred the coffee that sat before you.
Sevika should've been here by now. Your divorce was finalising tomorrow and you were a tad bit nervous about it but knowing you had someone else by your side, not just as a date but as a friend too, made you feel somewhat lighter.
"Hey," Sevika smiled walking in the extravagant decoration clad café.
You smiled back seeing her, "I was starting to think you stood me up."
Sevika sat down opposite you, "What makes you think I'd miss out on such a perfect woman?"
You laughed at her compliment, blushing slightly before passing a menu to her, "Let's order and talk. It would be nice to get to know you better."
"Likewise," Sevika looked down at the menu, eyes gazing over the expensive desserts and types of coffees. She looked back up at you, "I'd start thinking you're here to test whether I pay for us both."
You laughed, this time an actual laugh and not those ladylike giggles most girls forced out, "No, no, my treat. I wanna enjoy this date with you. No tests, I swear."
"Oh, lucky me," she smirked.
Sevika ordered and so did you. Once the waiter collected the orders and left, you turned to look at her. "You've gotta forgive me for being rusty if I am, it's been a while I've been in the dating market," you said with a little sad smile.
"Oh, really?" Sevika raised a brow, "With the way you flirted with me last time, I thought you're a professional homewrecker."
"Oh, please," you crossed your legs under the table, "But if you were indeed married I wouldn't be so surprised myself. If I had a girl like that," your eyes roamed her figure, "I'd wanna lock it down too."
Sevika shook her head with a laugh, "Nah, unmarried and single through and through."
"How come?" You asked, leaning over the table slightly. You didn't mean to but your cleavage showed perfectly when you leaned against the table, causing Sevika to feel slightly distracted.
She quickly looked back at your face and answered, "Commitment is just not for me, I suppose."
"Oh," it made you feel sad for some reason.
"Knock it off", you told yourself, "It's just a first date!"
Or so you thought.
You didn't know what led to this, one thing to another and now you both were kissing so sloppily some would think you both were drunk.
You didn't care. Sevika pushed you against the wall, closing the door behind herself as she continued kissing you. Her tongue swiping on your bottom lip in a silent plea for opening.
But you were feeling playful so you denied. Bad choice, Sevika bit your bottom lip drawing a little bit of blood and leaving it swollen.
You yelped in the kiss and Sevika took the chance, forcing her tongue inside your mouth to get a taste. You whined softly, legs wrapping around her waist, Sevika hoisted you up.
You both parted.
"Last chance to back up, doll," Sevika whispered, "Before I wreck your hole raw, I swear I won't be nice to you just 'cause you're used to gettin' princess treatment."
"Who says I want princess treatment from you?" You asked with a suggestive smirk. Sevika took that as a yes and you pointed your way to your room.
Once Sevika finally closed the bedroom door behind herself, you both had all the privacy in the world. She slammed you down on the bed, making you gasp and whimper slightly.
Sevika nipped and bit your neck, leaving dark marks all over the skin. Your flawless skin was tainted in dark red hickeys and lovebites.
You could feel Sevika's clothed cock rubbing against your pantie-covered pussy.
"Please, wanna feel it inside," you pleaded.
Sevika laughed hearing that, "Already?"
You nodded, needily whimpering at her. Sevika unbuckled her belt with one calloused hand, easily, letting her pants drop to pool around her knees.
She picked your body up by the waist, pushing your panties to the side, exposing your small slit. "Aw, it's so small, I almost feel bad about breaking it in."
"Oh, please, I haven't had sex in about a year."
"No way in hell," Sevika stared in shock, "If I were Mr. Hayes, I'd be fucking you day and night."
You giggled, "Do it."
Sevika swallowed before slamming herself inside your pussy causing you to let out a loud scream of pleasure and pain.
She was huge. Absolutely huge. Her thick shaft settled deep inside, twitching.
Sevika was slightly startled by your scream, pausing to give you a moment to adjust before she started moving. "So big," you gasped feeling her tip reach your cervix.
Sevika chuckled and started thrusting deep and hard, your legs were flailing around Sevika, each and every thrust was so deep and hard your wetness was spilling onto her pants but she didn't care. Sevika liked it rough and so did you. You cried out again clenching around her shaft making Sevika groan, "Fuck,squeezin' my dick like you don't wanna let go," Sevika grunted, "Bet that Hayes fucker didn't do you so well even."
You nodded, "Yes, n-nobody so good," as incoherent as it was it was true. Nobody had fucked you so good. This was the biggest dick you've ever gotten. And the roughest sex too. You were a whining, moaning mess.
Loud moans reverberated in the bedroom with your legs now suspended in the air while Sevika pounded you roughly.
Your eyes disappeared in the back of your head as you came undone on her shaft, Sevika gave a few more sloppy thrusts before she let out a guttural moan.
Her thick semen filled you up to the brim. It was seeping out. You let out a small croak of, "Warm... Semen... In me..."
Sevika laughed seeing your brain-dead state, "Uh-huh?"
"Want more," you mumbled.
And that is exactly what she gave you.
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arietem · 2 days ago
you're blurry, but you're all i see
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jj maybank x fem!reader
summary: you get a bit crossfaded at a party and your boyfriend jj takes care of you
soo fluffy
a/n: i'm in a fluffy mood apparently, but a smutty one is coming soon too ꕤ
"Yo, rude boy! Your girl is calling for you down there," Cleo says and points at the beach. He leaves you for a second and you're off on an adventure.
"You go get Pope, he's in one of his lectures moods tonight," he salutes Cleo and makes his way to you.
JJ finds you sprawled on the beach, a red solo cup next to your feet, its content spilling on the sand. You are alone and you're laughing at something only you seem to understand.
"Jaay Jaay!" You half scream when you see him approach, but it's weird - he's upside down. No wait, you are upside down. Who is upside down?
Tonight's party was not one you were pacing yourself at so you are pretty drunk and honestly maybe a little high too. A joint was passing around at one point in the night and who are you to say no to free weed?
JJ is towering over you and why is he still upside down? His blonde hair is falling into his eyes and he has a wide amused smirk on his face. He's a bit blurry now, but still the hottest guy on this damn island. And he's yours. You can't believe he's yours and you get to keep him.
You try to sit upright and sway a little in the process. JJ is right there, kneeling by your side, his warm, rough hand on your lower back. His palms are always rough and calloused, but his touch is the softest one you know.
"Woah, easy there angel." JJ easily catches you when you start falling backward again, your stomach now feeling a little funny. Maybe you didn't need those last few shots with Cleo.
"No, you're an angel," you say and bop JJ's nose. You reach out to hold on to his wrist, trying to regain some control over your movements. Somehow, saying coherent thoughts is easy and you know what's going on, mostly, so you're pretty proud of yourself. Until JJ hoists you up on your feet and your knees buckle.
Before you can plop back down on the sand, JJ is hooking his arms behind your knees and picking you up, bridal style. The crook of his neck seems like the coziest place ever so you lay your head there and close your eyes, taking in his smoky scent.
"Mmm…" You start mumbling against his neck and peppering him with feather-light kisses. You can feel how he shivers and it makes you even warmer and more lightheaded.
"Are you feeling okay?" JJ asks softly, tightening his grip. You just nod because forming words is now becoming too much. Your stomach is really not feeling okay, but you don't say anything and just hope it goes away on its own.
Then JJ stops and you open your eyes to see what's the holdup. "C'mon, let's get you in the Twinkie, angel." He helps you get in the van, where the crew is waiting. Through your half-open eyes you can see the girls are not looking so good either. Well, except Cleo. It seems Sarah has it the worst because John B is saying to JJ how she puked on his shoes. You try to laugh at him but nothing comes out.
JJ takes a seat next to you and brushes your hair off your face, tilting a water bottle for you to drink. You are drinking and Pope and John B are talking about something stupid and suddenly your stomach is really really not feeling good.
"John B!" You yell out frantically. He looks up at the rearview mirror and widens his eyes when he sees your face. "John B, stop the car!"
He shouts something about not throwing up in his car, please, and stops on the side of the road. JJ jumps out, pulling you with him, and steering you toward the bushes. You fall to your knees ungracefully, and damn that's gonna hurt tomorrow.
"It's okay. You're okay, let it out." JJ gathers your hair in a ponytail, holding it out of your face while you are regretting going to this stupid party. Once you feel like you are finally empty, you take a ragged breath and glance at JJ through your lashes. "Thank you baby for taking care of me."
JJ puts his hands on your cheeks, wiping beneath your eyes. "Are you kidding me? Of course I'm taking care of my girl". He kisses your forehead once, twice. "And now I have a funny story about ya I can tell over and over again." JJ smirks and you shove his shoulder, but there's no real force behind it.
You lock your eyes with him and both of you burst out laughing, one of those full belly laughs about nothing and everything.
"Lovebirds, if you're all done, time to go! I'm gonna fall asleep at the wheel!" You look behind you at John B who is impatiently waving his hands at you and JJ.
JJ interlaces his fingers with yours and you two make your way to the Twinkie once again. It's quiet inside, everybody dozing off and trying to get through the drunkenness. Before you know it, you arrive at the chateau and it takes some time to get everybody out of the car and into the house.
Still holding hands, you and JJ stumble into his room and you flop down on the bed. You turn over, sighing dramatically. "I got to wash my face Jayj, but I'm so tired." JJ is only in his boxers now, his shorts and tank top discarded on the floor. Oh, what a sight he is.
"Come to bed, baby." You spread your arms wide, anything about washing your face instantly forgotten.
"Wait, I have these…" JJ throws something on the bed next to you. "What..." Oh. He has makeup wipes for you. He keeps makeup wipes in his room for you.
"Oh, JJ." You cross the short distance to him and jump up in his arms, hooking your legs around his waist. He catches you effortlessly and presses a hot kiss to your lips, not caring you still have lipstick on.
JJ walks over to the bed with you in his arms and sits down, positioning you on his lap. He takes one of the wipes and gently takes off your makeup for you. It's one of the most intimate things you've experienced and you love him so much your heart might burst.
"I love you so much, JJ." Now you brush his hair away from his face, feeling the blonde strands between your fingers. His gorgeous blue eyes are boring into you, the affection written there plain as day.
"I love you too, angel. You're my girl." JJ kisses you again and you moan a little into his mouth. You wish you could keep kissing him, but your eyes are closing more and more by the second. Without hesitating, you take off your dress over your head.
JJ lets himself fall backward and you land on his chest. He then turns you over so you are the little spoon. With one more kiss on your neck and a content sigh in your ear, JJ falls asleep, you following quickly along. When you wake up, you two are still pressed together and there's nowhere you'd rather be.
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orimuraa · 2 days ago
── ⋆⋅ ໒꒱ིྀ༝⁺ Baby, boo, my sweetie, darling, think i love you more - OT7 𝜗𝜚 earth, wind & fire - boynextdoor
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꒰ 𝔖𝘺𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘴𝘪𝘴 ꒱┆adopting a child with enhypen ⨾
۶ৎ husband!enhypen x fem!reader┆too much fluff┆kissing, petnames, mentions of adoptions┆wc
⤷ 𝐲𝐞𝐣𝐢’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: thank you to the sweet anon who requested this! i hope it’s okay and to your liking!!
꒰ঌ ℬℴℴ𝓀𝓈𝒽ℯ𝓁𝒻 ໒꒱
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𝑳𝒆𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒖𝒏𝒈 - 이희승
as jiyeon was softly curled up in your lap, you couldn’t help but smile at her. she was so precious and you were so lucky to now have her in your life. “she’s adorable, isn’t she?” you speak softly to your husband—heeseung. you look over at him to see his eyes full of love and a tender look on his face. “that she is. and a family we are,” heeseung smiles, leaning in to kiss you on the lips. family. that’s what you are.
𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑱𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒈 - 박종성
“jay!! i have a proposal!!!” you exclaim, rushing into the living room where your husband was sat on the sofa, reading some novel. “yes darling?” he asks, setting his book aside and taking off his reading glasses. “ok..so, i was at the orphanage and i think we should adopt one of the little boys there. we’ve been wanting this for so long! and he was so cute and sweet!” you smile, recalling how dohoon kept on engaging with you and showing off his toys. “that sounds amazing, love. how about we go tomorrow and see from there,” jay says softly. your smile immediately grows and you run over to hug jay. you’ll finally have the family you dreamed of.
𝑺𝒊𝒎 𝑱𝒂𝒆𝒚𝒖𝒏 - 심재윤
“look at her..she’s gorgeous..” you whisper, a smile tugging at your lips. yusu—the baby you and jake just adopted—was finally in her forever home, sleeping soundly. “she really is..and so are you,” jake chuckles, kissing your cheek and pulling you into his embrace with one arm. “is it everything you ever dreamed of? to be a beautiful mother now?” he asks, kissing you head as he sways the two of you side to side. “oh it’s so much more.”
𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑺𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒏 - 박성훈
“oh hoon he’s perfect,” you say, feeling tears prick at your eyes. after years of paperwork and documents, you finally were able to adopt and bring home the baby boy of your dreams. gyuwan was such a soft hearted boy who loved to smile and laugh. you and sunghoon immediately fell for his laughter and ever since then, you two have worked so hard to bring him home. “indeed he is angel. he’ll really brighten up the house, huh,” sunghoon smiles, his fangs peeking through. now you were a family of three.
𝑲𝒊𝒎 𝑺𝒖𝒏𝒐𝒐 - 김선우
when you had first brought up the idea of adopting a child a couple years ago, sunoo immediately knew that it was a great idea. he lived the idea of starting a family with you and being able to have a little one to look after. so, fast forward 2 years and here she was. a sweet 3 year old girl named jiyu who’s smile was just so infectious that you and sunoo immediately knew that she was the one. now, she was in her forever home with you and sunoo, playing around with sunoo’s hair as you watched with a smile on your face. you couldn’t think of any other scenario more perfect than this.
𝒀𝒂𝒏𝒈 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒘𝒐𝒏 - 양정원
the minute your eyes locked with the sweet little girl, you knew she was the perfect one. “won, look at her..she’s so precious..” you pouted, staring longingly at the little girl lying on the ground in star pose. “maybe she’s the one then..looks like she would fit right in with the cats,” he smiles playfully, admiring her as well. “then what are we waiting for? let’s go meet her!!” you cheer excitedly as your husband just chuckles and follows after you.
𝑵𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒎𝒖𝒓𝒂 𝑹𝒊𝒌𝒊 - 西村 力
“little love?” riki’s voice calls out to you before he pokes his head into the living room where you and your new adopted baby boy were sitting. both of your heads spin to look at your husband, causing riki to let out a chuckle. “guess i have two little loves now, huh?” he teases. “which one’s the favorite?…” he ponders jokingly before seeing your glare and surrendering. “i love you both equally as much.”
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𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬: @en-diaries, @k-films, @k-nets
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ✉︎ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ 𝐉𝐢𝐣𝐢’𝐬 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @vmpivory, @yuvany, @seozii, @pinknjm, @greentulip, @jomisu, @nxzz-skz, @ancnymcnzjy, @hyukabean, @annybah, @ijustwannareadstuff20, @chaeneu, @17ericas, @firstclassjaylee, @riribelle, @right-person-wrong-time, @cheruphic, @woniefication
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sturnsblogs · 2 days ago
Teacher!Matt X Milf!Reader
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As you pull into the school parking lot, you glance in the rearview mirror to see Eliana still swaying to the song, completely in her own world. You almost don’t want to interrupt her, but you know it’s time.
“Alright, Eli,” you say softly, putting the car in park. “We’re here.”
Eliana stops singing immediately, her big eyes taking in the school she had been so excited about all morning. Now that she’s actually here, the excitement dims just a little, hesitation creeping in.
You unbuckle your seatbelt and turn to face her. “You okay, baby?”
She nods slowly but doesn’t say anything, her fingers twisting together in her lap. The confident little girl who had been singing at the top of her lungs just minutes ago now looks a bit unsure.
You smile, reaching back to squeeze her tiny hands. “You’re gonna do amazing, sweetheart. And remember, Mr. Sturniolo is really nice, right?”
She nods again but stays quiet.
You step out of the car, walking around to her side to open the door. “Come on, let’s go,” you encourage gently, lifting her out of her seat and setting her down. She grabs onto your hand tightly as you both walk toward the school doors.
The second you step inside, your eyes land on him.
He’s standing near his classroom door, chatting with another parent, his expression easygoing and warm. He looks good—too good for a teacher, honestly. The navy blue button-up he’s wearing is rolled at the sleeves, showing his forearms, and the way he laughs at something the other parent says sends a subtle shiver down your spine.
You blink, shaking the thought away. Focus. Your daughter is starting school, not you.
Eliana’s grip on your hand tightens the closer you get, her small fingers clinging to yours like she’s second-guessing this whole thing. You rub your thumb over her knuckles reassuringly.
Matt catches sight of you both, his conversation wrapping up as he turns to greet you. The smile he gives is effortless, like he’s genuinely happy to see you again.
“Eliana,” he says, crouching slightly to her level. “Good morning! I was wondering when you were gonna get here.”
Eliana shifts on her feet, suddenly shy, pressing herself a little closer to your leg.
Matt’s smile softens. “A little nervous?”
She nods but doesn’t say anything.
“That’s okay,” he reassures her, his voice calm and steady. “The first day can feel kinda big, but I promise, it’s gonna be fun. We’ve got coloring, storytime, and I even saved a spot for your picture on the board.”
At that, Eliana peeks up at him, curiosity flickering in her eyes. “You did?”
Matt nods. “Of course. Your artwork deserves a special place in our classroom.”
Eliana looks up at you, as if silently asking if it’s okay to trust him. You nod with an encouraging smile, brushing a hand over her pigtails.
“You’re gonna have a great day, sweetheart.”
She hesitates for a moment before finally letting go of your hand.
Matt grins. “How about I show you where to put your backpack?”
Eliana nods, still quiet but a little less tense now. As she follows him inside, Matt glances over his shoulder at you.
“I’ll take good care of her,” he says lightly, his voice reassuring yet warm.
Something about the way he says it makes your heart do an odd little flip. You force a small smile, pushing away the strange feeling settling in your chest.
“Thanks, Matt.”
His lips twitch like he caught the way you said his name, but he doesn’t say anything. Just sends you one last look before walking inside with your daughter, leaving you standing there with a lingering warmth in your chest that you can’t quite shake.
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A/N- I actually love this.
My beautiful babies- @blushsturns @starrii-sturns @izzylovesmatt @chrisslut04 @jimmasterflashh @oopsiedaisydeer @csturnioloswifey @just-a-girl-1 @sturdyyolo @sturnslvtt @sturnbows @sturniolosrtewsexy @chriss-slutt @franticroads @thecrawlys
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vbecker10 · 2 days ago
Bucky comforting reader after a nightmare?🥺
You're Okay Doll, I'm Here
Pairing: Bucky x female reader (Y/N) established relationship
Summary: You have a nightmare while Bucky is away on a mission and he comes home just in time to comfort you.
A/N: Thank you so much for sending this request! I absolutely love it. I hope you enjoy it 💚
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The second the jet lands, Bucky picks up his gear and stands at the rear door waiting impatiently for the ramp to lower. As soon as it begins moving, he waves to Steve and Natasha over his shoulder without turning to check if they are following him. "I'll do my part of the paperwork in the morning," Bucky tells his teammates.
"Sure, that works," Steve responds, his attention focused on the checklist in his hand. "Night Buck," he adds a moment later but by the time he looks up, his friend has disappeared into the Tower.
"I guess he's in a bit of a rush to see Y/N again," Natasha laughs lightly as she switches off the last computer system in the jet.
Bucky shifts his bag to his other shoulder and presses the button for the elevator, hoping it will come quickly. Once the button lights up, he looks down to check his phone, hiding a yawn behind his metal hand. It's just a little after three in the morning, almost two hours later than he originally told you they'd be home.
As usual, your boyfriend had texted you when the mission officially ended and the jet took off to bring him home.
Y/N: Yay! ❤️ Can't wait to see you!
Bucky: I'm excited to see you too, beautiful. It's going to be late though, we're still about five hours away. It's okay if you fall asleep before I get back
Y/N: I won't, I just started a new book 😊
Bucky: Ahh, I see. You're not waiting up to see your amazing boyfriend, you just want to finish your new book
Y/N: Lol you figured me out 😆
Bucky: That's how well I know you. I'll see you in a few hours doll, I'm going to try and take a nap
Y/N: Can't wait! Enjoy your nap 🥱 have a safe flight ❤️
Bucky smiles at your last text then closes his eyes, folding his arms across his chest and resting his cheek on his shoulder. He breaths slowly, thinking about the plans you made for next weekend to help him relax. With a wide yawn, he stretches then slips off to sleep a few minutes later.
An hour into the flight, Bucky's jolted awake and nearly thrown from his seat in the rear of the jet by heavy turbulence. He opens his eyes, suddenly wide awake to the sound of thunder surrounding the jet. The super soldier looks towards Natasha and Steve who are focused on flying through the driving rain.
After discussing the unexpected weather with his teammates, Bucky returns to his seat in the rear of the jet. The three of them agreed the storm was too large and violent to fly directly through and follow the original flight path. The decision was made to fly around the storm, adding at least an hour but possibly more to the trip home.
Bucky sighs deeply, looking at his phone unsure of what to do as the sky lights up from a large streak of lightening. If he tells you about the storm and how much longer it will take to get back, you'll stay awake worrying about him. If he doesn't tell you and he doesn't come home when he was supposed to, you'll worry something happened. The last thing he wants to do is cause you any more stress so he decides to close his phone and hope you're asleep when he gets home. Maybe you won't even notice how late he is.
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Bucky opens the door to your shared apartment quietly, not wanting to wake you if you had fallen asleep on the couch like you had several times in the past. The living room is dark expect for a small bit of light that shines from under the bedroom door. He knows the light doesn't mean you're still awake, you've fallen asleep with it on while reading plenty of times.
He takes off his jacket then kicks off his shoes and places his bag down by the door. Bucky walks silently through the living room without turning any of the lights on and heads straight for your bedroom.
As he gets closer he smiles to himself, remembering when he came home from a mission a few weeks ago and you were fast asleep. Bucky will never forget how absolutely adorable you looked curled up in the large bed, hugging his pillow tightly and wearing his favorite shirt. After a few moments of watching you from the doorway, he slipped carefully under the covers and pulled you into his arms. You sighed deeply when you felt his arms around you and he kissed your cheek and neck softly until you smiled and mumbled his name in your sleep. When you opened your eyes, you had the most beautiful smile and told him your dream came true.
Bucky reaches your bedroom door and listens for a moment to see if your still up reading. Instead of hearing a soft giggle or pages turning, he hears you groan and say something he can't quite make out. He pushes the door open, his eyes quickly adjusting to how bright the room is.
The lamp on your side of the bed is still on and a book lays open on the bed but it falls to the floor when you roll over quickly and yank on the sheets. It takes Bucky a moment to realize you're not trying to get comfortable, you're having a nightmare.
You squeeze your eyes closed tightly and breath heavily as your nightmare intensifies. "Bucky... come home," you mumble, kicking at the sheet as you scream those words in your dream.
Bucky sits on the edge of the bed and tries to reach for you but you roll over once again, your legs now tangled in the sheet from trying to kick it away. He gently grabs ahold of the sheet and frees your legs so you don't make it worse, "Y/N, wake up." You don't respond to him or notice when he climbs onto the bed next to you.
"Please... come back..." you beg in your sleep as several tears land on Bucky's pillow. You turn your head and groan again in your sleep.
He moves closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and talking gently to you. "Wake up, baby you're having a nightmare," he tells you as he pulls you onto his chest and rubs your back.
You open your eyes suddenly, gasping as the images from your nightmare repeat in your mind. "Bucky..." you breath out his name and try to catch your breath.
Your body tenses at the sudden contact and he loosens his hold of you but doesn't let go completely. He can feel your shakey breathing and rapid heartbeat as your chest rests on his. He kisses the top of your head lightly and rubs your back again. "Y/N, open your eyes for me. You're having a bad dream, you need to wake up," he says a little louder to break through your deep sleep.
"You're okay doll, I'm here," he says, his arms hold you to his chest, letting you know he's really with you.
"You didn't come home," you tell him as your eyes fill with tears. You press your cheek against his chest and hug him back tightly.
He rubs your back in slow circles and kisses the top of your head several times. "I'm so sorry, we hit some rough weather and I didn't want to worry you," Bucky says, his heart breaking when he realizes he is the cause of your nightmare.
You look up at him, "Bucky, I always worry about you. I'm always afraid you're not going to come home."
He wipes away a tear that rolls slowly down your cheek then kisses your cheek lightly. You give him a small smile and he says, "I'm sorry I didn't text you. I know I should have but I'm always going to come home."
"You promise?" you ask, biting your lip nervously.
His fingers move under your chin and he tilts your head up so he can kiss your lips like he haa wanted to since he left you days ago. You kiss him back deeply, closing your eyes as his hand slides down your lower back. When he finally breaks the kiss, he smiles, "I promise Y/N. I may be late sometimes, but I will always come home to you, always."
You smile and place a quick kiss to his lips then rest your head on his shoulder. "You better, cause I really like you," you giggle and wait for his response.
"You really like me?" he repeats and you nod without lifting your head, smiling wider. "Well that's awkward cause I love you," he says.
"So awkward," you agree then jump as Bucky suddenly begins to tickle you. You giggle and squirm in his arms, trying to get away.
"Tell me you love me," he says with a smirk as he continues to tickle you.
You shake your head no but there's no escaping him. Bucky waits for you to lift your head so he can kiss your cheeks and nose, his fingers still tickling your body. "I... love... you," you manage to force those three words out between laughs and he smiles down at you, his hands now resting calmly on your back.
"That's better," he kisses your lips then reaches over and turns off the light. "Goodnight doll," you can hear the smile in his voice as he pulls the sheet back up around you both.
"Goodnight Bucky," you answer with a yawn as you curl up against him. You kiss his cheek and close your eyes, feeling more comfortable and relaxed than you have in days. His metal fingers run gently up and down your arm as you drift off to sleep.
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