#She has nearly jumped them multiple times after hearing them talk about Kristen
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purrassicjet · 11 months ago
I just realised the Applebees's parents work border patrol which is deeply hilarious because it means that more than likely, they know Sandra Lynn in a work context and probably DESPISE her
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moonminho · 7 years ago
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Yay! I have finally found the chance to sit down and write out this post. So Kristen and I had been anticipating this trip to Massachusetts for the longest time. It was our first time to the festival and we didn’t know what to expect. But we were both excited to take a road trip and have an overnight event. We were both up by 3:30am that Saturday morning. I know, are we insane? Yes, we are. But it was a good drive and Kristen was such a trooper (she hates driving). We bopped to top 40 songs and watched the sun rise in the distance just before getting breakfast. 
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When we got over to the Cambridge Public Library (which is a beautiful building), we made our way to the Rindge and Latin School that was in the back where other book lovers had made their way to wait. Around 9:30 or so, we were allowed in and they gave us these cute goodie bags that had bookish merch inside! And since I’d donated money to the BTAfest kickstarter campaign, I got to pick up my two prints that were designed by insanely talented @ash-poston for GEEKERELLA and SIX OF CROWS and I was so pleased that both were framed!
We were guided to the auditorium where the 30+ authors were chatting on stage and I was awestruck because there were so many. When I was looking at the lineup online, it didn’t feel like it was that many, but when they were all up on that stage together, it was a different story. The moderator had them all talk about their books and asked them hilarious questions - one of which was to describe what superlative they would be under. Let me say, it was probably one of the funniest Q&As and obviously the biggest. I was surprised that they really went through all of them, but I’m so glad I to hear about some of them. They had to describe their books in a single-sentence elevator pitch and I found some books that I was really interested in reading. 
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After, we were invited to sit in on some panels. There were five panels between the two morning sessions that would be repeated in the afternoon in case we wanted to see more panels.
Kristen and I decided to go to the Out of Character panel that featured @lbardugo (WONDER WOMAN: WARBRINGER), Jason Reynolds (MILES MORALES), @kerrimaniscalco (HUNTING PRINCE DRACULA), and @ash-poston (GEEKERELLA). The subject centered around taking these well-established characters and what they become when they’ve been inserted in these new stories. We were both excited for it and let me tell you guys that the rapport between these four authors was fantastic. There was so much ease and humor that passed between them, but real grit conversation, especially when they addressed the need to write about interesting women in literature. I think my favorite part of the discussion was the face-off between Bardugo and Reynolds when it came to talking about their characters in the DC/Marvel universes. 
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I think it was in this panel that I realized how much of a personable and charismatic person and author Jason Reynolds is. It’s not easy to be on a panel of awesome, intelligent ladies and keep up with them, but I think Reynolds did a fabulous job and he was responsible for so many laughs. It made me want to read his books!
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After that, we stayed in the same room for the next panel, Lens Crafters, which featured Cinda Williams Chima (SHADOWCASTER), @vaveyard (KING’S CAGE), @lisa-maxwell (THE LAST MAGICIAN), and @tarasimauthor (TIMEKEEPER). They talked about writing books with multiple POVs and how their books have evolved from fleshing out the characters this way. 
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We decided to leave early because we were rather paranoid about getting lunch and having enough time to come back to the signings that afternoon. Plus, there was very limited parking. Being completely foreign to the area, we didn’t want to chance driving anywhere and losing our parking space. And there was a limit on parking at the library of 2 hours, so we had to keep coming back to pay for the space as well. We knew that there was free parking at the high school, but we couldn’t really tell what was what! So we decided to play it safe.
We went back to the car to fix up our books so we had an efficient way of getting our books signed and we were off to lunch. We walked over to the Harvard Science Center where I’d been wanting to try a food truck nearby, Roxy’s Grilled Cheese. And can I say, it was delicious? If I worked or lived nearby, I would go back and get more. if you are ever in that area, please look up their schedule! 
Oh, I did forget to mention that the festival was also holding a raffle. Our little welcome backs had a raffle ticket inside and Kristen won herself an arc of ZENITH from Sasha Alsberg and Lindsay Cummings. And another arc from Scholastic! WOO! 
We went inside the high school and saw that a line had already formed to get into the cafe where all the signings were. We bumped in a few of our blogger friends while in line and chatted until we were let in! And to be honest, it was one of the smoothest signings I’ve actually been to - especially at that capacity of authors. I think it’s no surprise that Victoria Aveyard and Leigh Bardugo had the largest lines, but Kristen and I knew that we would breeze through those, despite having 4+ books for each of them. We’ve been through enough signings to know how to get through the lines.
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And can I say, these two ladies just light up a room with their loveliness!
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I will say that the one negative is that it was starting to get a little....humid in there. It was a small space for the amount of people there were, but everyone who was there was so courteous and patient. We were all there for the same reasons and I could tell everyone was excited to be there and to bond with other people waiting in line. I’d made acquaintances with a girl in Ashley Poston’s line who was so understanding when I wanted to go join shorter lines to get my books signed before jumping back. 
A bit of advice for people who want to go to this sort of event and are looking to get lots of books signed:
Always aim to get the most popular authors signed first. Sure, you spend most of your time in that line (I spent a half an hour in Leigh’s line and nearly the same in Victoria’s, but the signing was two hours!). 
If you have a lot of books to get signed by one person, be considerate to the people behind you. Do you really need all of your books personalized? I mean, what if one day you decide to pass them onto someone else? Otherwise, you don’t REALLY need them signed (although the workers there made it clear about the limits on personalization).
If you’re in a slow moving line and you see an author of yours has a smaller line, ask one of the other liners to see if you can quickly go get something signed and come back - everyone’s pretty courteous about it.
You really need at least one other person with you to come up with a game plan. I know it’s such a joy to meet authors, especially the ones that have written your favorite books. But if you have met the author before or you only have one or two books to sign, then you can divide your books up between the two (or more) of you so that you can get it all done. I’m pretty sure that Kristen and I had 20+ books between the two of us to get signed, but by half hour of, we got ALL of them signed. Sure,  was a little sweaty, but was it worth it? OH YAS. 
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Thank you so much to @btafest for such a great event. I hope to return in the next onth for the Boston Author Festival! And come back next year.
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roastsalivearchive · 8 years ago
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are  you  at  your  wits  end  as  to  your  child’s  behaviour  ?  will  schools  no  longer  accept  them  ?  are  you  worried  that  if  you  don’t  step  in  now,  their  next  home  might  be  a  juvenile  detention  centre ?  worry  not  ---  that’s  what  OLDROSE  is  for.  once  branded  as  a  reform  school  in  the  mid - 19th  century,  oldrose  is  a  private  boarding  school  located  in  salem,  mass.  that  prides  itself  on  being  able  to  help  troubled  children  into  being  the  best  they  can  be.  we  offer  everything  a  normal  school  can  provide,  plus  more  to  make  sure  we  cater  to  every  one  of  your  child’s  needs,  all  whilst  helping  curb their  rebellious  ways  &  making  sure  you  get  what  you  paid  for  !! don’t  hesitate  to  contact  us  for  an  interview  -  we  want  the  best  for  your  child,  too.
ic drama is a-okay,  but  please  no  ooc  drama.  it’s  just  pointless.
duplicates may be allowed, but only if you’ve spoken to the other person about it and they’ve said it’s  alright.
siblings  are  more  than  welcome,  as  long  as  any  /  all  family  members  are  okay  with  all
as far as original characters go, if your fc is already being used it would be preferred if you used a secondary fc. if you don’t feel comfortable with that, same rules as duplicates apply.
this is a MUTUALS ONLY group verse, meaning you have to be mutuals with me ( roastsalive / mercurialhero )
i will not be accepting applications on a first come, first served basis
you must post a bio ( it can be bullet points if you prefer ) within a week of acceptance
you are allowed to have up to three characters, but one must be a male
this  is  a  human  only  verse
this  verse  is  triggering  by  nature  --  please  tag  things  appropriately
please make an effort to plot with as many people as possible
track the tag oldroseprepgv
most importantly, be active and have fun!
whilst  there  is  only  one  dormitory  building,  it  is  split  into  girls  on  odd  floors &  boys  on  even.  please  let  the  staff  know  which  gender  you  identify  as  so  we  can  best  accomodate.  if  neither,  you  will  be  put  into  a  dorm  floor  that  corresponds  to  your  birth  gender.  we’re  sorry,  but  that’s  the  way  it  is.  any  issues  regarding  gender  identity,  please  speak  to  MR  CLARKE  in  the  guidance  office.
dorms  are  split  into  two  people  per  room.  if  you  don’t  have  a  roommate,  we’re  sure  you  will  soon  enough.
schools  uniforms  are  to  be  worn  whenever  school  is  in  session.  no,  we  don’t  want to  hear  how  much  you  hate  them.  yes,  we  expect shirts  tucked  in,  blazers  on,  & skirts  hitting  the  tops  of  your  kneecaps  at  the  least.
curfew  is  10pm.  lights  out  is  at  11:30pm.  anyone  found  not  in  their  rooms  by  10,  or  not  in  bed  by  11:30  will  get  a  detention.
good  behaviour  merits  certain  rewards,  like  chaperoned  trips  into  town,  so  make  sure  to  try  your  hardest &  you  will  love  it  here  !
any  time  boys  &  girls  are  in  one  another’s  rooms,  the  door  is  to  be  left  open.
you’re  all  here  for  the  same  reason.  don’t  be  dicks.
compulsory - english,  maths,  science,  history,  health  &  pe,  group  sessions.
electives  (  pick  2  )  : music,  drama,  art,  language  ( latin  or  french ),  psychology,  media  studies,  home  economics,  internet  technology,  &  woodworking.
extra-curricular  ( optional  )  :  stargazing,  track,  library  monitor,  baseball,  dance,  swimming,  debate,  school  paper
character  name,  age,  year  :
chosen  electives  :
chosen  extra-curricular (  optional  ) :
reason for being sent to the school :
how  many  years  have  they  been  at  the  school  :
fc  :
mun  name  :
are  you  okay  with  an  ic  or  ooc  skype  or  kik  group  ?
skype  /  kik  info,  if  applicable  :
apply  here  !
warren  peace,  18,  senior  -  sent  to  oldrose  because  he  instigated  a  fight  with  another  student  that  resulted  in  the  cafeteria  being  set  alight  & half-turned  to  rubble.  proceeded  also  to  attempt  to  light  said  student  on  fire.  believed  to  have  ANGER  MANAGEMENT  ISSUES  resulting  from  an  absentee  father.  has  been  at  the  school  for  a  year. /  steven  strait,  @roastsalive​.  played  by  ink
mindy mccready,  16,  sophomore  -  being  raised by her father in such a rough environment definitely made a mark on the girl’s behaviour : and being bullied once she finally started school only stirred up all the more trouble. mindy was found suspending a student from over the school building, a rope securely tied around their foot, after tasing her unconscious. she’d also had the reputation of picking fights with older students, which often resulted in the opponent in the nurse’s office or an ambulance.  has  been  at  the  school  for  two  years.  /  sabrina  carpenter,  @playsvulgar.  played  by  chan
boomer jojo,  18,  senior  -  he & his brothers were the outcasts of the school they were in before. though he was the least confrontational, he still acted out just as much as they did. the more they acted up, the angrier the faculty became. eventually, things got too out of hand / hurt staff members & a destroyed room. the trip who became dubbed THE ROWDYRUFF BOYS soon found themselves as the school’s newest residents.  has  been  at  the  school  for  two  years.  /  dominic  sherwood,  @blewaz.  played  by  aaron
erica  reyes,  17,  senior  -  she  was  caught  smoking  on  school  campus,  as  well  as  being  in  multiple  fights  &  causing  vandalism  to  school  property.  has  been  at  the  school  for  three  years.  /  gage  golightly,  @vaultstolen.  played  by  kay
caroline  forbes,  17,  junior  -  she  was  arrested  for  underage  drinking.  has  been  at  the  school  for  two  years.  /  candice  king,  @objectivelyhot.  played  by  kaja
bella  swan,  18,  senior  -  bella’s father, charlie, decided that after wrecking motorcycles, jumping off cliffs (even, as she claimed, for recreational purposes), and going off with bikers, her new-found rebellious streak not going over well with her father. she put up a fight, kicking and screaming the entire way, and wouldn’t talk to either of her parents for nearly a month after she was left there. she’d been exiled from forks; the only place she still heard his voice.  has  been  at  the  school  for  six  months.  /  kristen  stewart,  @freesiaveined.  played  by  hales
carter  bexter-duval,  17,  junior  -   after  years  of  not  getting  along  with  her  mother,  carter  staged  a  home  invasion  attempting  to  kill  her.  after  stabbing  her  mother  she  stabbed  herself  and  called  the  police,  but  they  came  faster  than  she  expected  and  her  mother  survived,  telling  the  police  the  truth  of  what  happened.  her  mother  didn’t  want  her  daughter  to  end  up  in  prison,  and  so  after  a  period  of  time  spent  healing  in  the  hospital  carter  got  sent  to  oldrose.  has  been  at  the  school  for  two  months.  /  hannah  kasulka,  @tastelcsshaze.  played  by  georgina
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