#She dies in agony and doesn't even get to get her revenge on the last guy
chronomally · 2 years
Bad. I hate it
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Hitting random button on W*rriors wiki then infodumping about the assholes I get
First ever appearance is being described by Graypaw as a "[one of the] great warrior(s) along with Stonefur" whom he admired as a stupid teenager
kidnaps babies, kills a medic whilst kidnapping same babies (said medic was the Firepaw's crush for the whole damn series even after she died and he got a wife and kids, and apparently she smelled really good),
gets almost killed in a battle by Firepaw as revenge for kidnapping babies and killing a medic until somebody pulled him away because murder is a crime
goes into exile with his twin flame toddler killer dictator Brokenstar into the city, attempts to return and slay again but then gets killed in a battle by Graypaw-now-Graystripe who was defending Firepaw-now-Fireheart. So long Clawface this is the last time you appeared in the mainline books until a decade later
In YfS (a prequel SE) he's revealed to be brothers with Nightstar, and is said to be, as a child: "(a) sturdy young cat, inclined to be a bit too rough, but always kind to his weaker brother". In another scene, Nightstar (then Nightpaw), is taken away from training because he's wheezing due to his heavily implied asthma, and Clawface (then Clawpaw) touches his nose to Nightpaw's ear, telling him to get well soon. Awwww :33
Anyway, Clawface grew up and this aged spectacularily in the kinda-midquel-prequel Nightstar GN released nearly a decade after, in which he is nothing but nasty towards Nightpelt, telling him that he's doing nothing but dragging the Clan down and essentially 9876785 synonyms for "useless" or "a burden". This was also around the time when he started to have a massive henchcat boner for Brokenstar and considered that child soldiers maybe weren't actually that bad-
Had an entire wife and kids. the wife in question was Brokenstar's aunt but they didn't know because uhhhh secret adoption plot and shit
His dad had two entire named girlfriends, emphasis on named cause there was apparently a third fucking one, and different children with all of them. No this wasn't a cheating situation his gfs were fine with each other and this is actually the closest we'll ever get to a canon warrior cats polycule. Gee Clawface how come the writers let you have FOUR parents??
The first since an entire decade, and the last time we ever saw him in a mainline series, is TBC, when he appears as a minor spirit in cat hell now serving Ashfur. End of this freak
Moon Shadow:
appears in DotC (prequel arc) as the brother of Tall Shadow who is cool and ends up founding ShadowClan. he himself is the most annoying man alive with nothing to his name zero accomplishments no wife no kids nobody that fucking cares and he will be forgotten by history for being so fucking useless and
lived at the mountains, cats were splitting into those who want to stay and those who want to leave (because the food situation sucked), had a pregnant wife there who had to stay, he decided to leave with Tall Shadow, his wife started wondering why she allowed him to become a father, it is actually mentioned that Moon Shadow did promise her earlier that he will stay with her but he Forgor and when she gets mad he literally does not even give her a response
Characterization wise he's kind of a jackass and a manchild that's full of himself but also nobody around even cares. Even Gray Wing, the shittiest most annoying man to ever be created in Warriors, called him annoying
Gets beaten up by random strangers quite a lot whenever he goes out on his own. In order to prevent him from getting into fights for no fucking reason again, they literally have to always let him out with other people to protect his ass. And even then foxes appear out of nowhere and beat the shit out of him again.
Learns nothing
He literally burns half his skin off in a fire, and he doesn't even die shortly after, no, he literally rolls around in unimaginable agony for several hours while his friends try to still save him somehow. He finally dies and as they notice his dead body he is said to be "splayed out as if in a spasm of pain". So uh, yeah, lmao.
(as they roll him into a grave, his belly is exposed and his sister (Tall Shadow) literally wails in distress and turns him over because of how horrific his injuries are)
So long Moon Shadow get well soon. also his wife ended up having three kids and two of them died as toddlers and the third one left to find him (and the other cats that left) only to find out he kind of died
like and subscribe for more fucked up cat lore
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Little did you know - Kaz Brekker/platonic! Crows x fem! reader
A/n: I don't know where this came from... It's a mess but its like- whatever I guess
Warnings: GORE, DEATH, TORTURE, questionable sanity, this could be disturbing to some people so don't say I didn't warn you!
I do not own six of crows or shadow and bone or it's characters
Summary: The Crows make a vital mistake when trying to get information not knowing that it would cost them everything...
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(Gif not mine)
Her hair flows in the wind the only part of her moving the rest still as a serpent creeping up on its prey. Slowly, she starts to move forward as she spots her victims, some pretty little birdy's, just some unusually remarkable crows. If anything went right today the only thing that would be remarkable about them would be their downfall.
She almost yells out in excitement and joy when they wander right into her trap. They walk into her house - a dead merchant's house and go to loot what's left of it.
From her vantage point in the ceiling, she can see everything, from Nina's hands out ready to Matthias beside her. She sees Jesper's darting eyes and Wylan's uneasiness. Moreover, she can even see Inej Ghafa in the shadows high on alert ready to strike at any moment, just in case.
Then her eyes find Kaz and she almost kills him there and then.
He's in his normal attire and he hadn't changed his atrocious haircut either. Yet he's different still, it's the way he's holding himself. Like he feels accomplished.
And even though he has his neutral 'I'm bored' face on Y/n can see through him. She's always been able too and right now he's happy for an easy run. Not a trace of him is guilty or mourning and it's only been one week.
Now that she thinks about it there's not a trace of mourning in anyone.
Balling her hands into fits she nearly screams in agony, they thought she had died and they didn't even care. If she had any doubts before they're gone with just some simple observation.
Yet Y/n still waits and as soon as the Crows get into the trap completely she starts moving.
They had killed her loving parents who worked at a bakery, they had done nothing, nothing wrong. But now they were still six feet under, and she knew it was not just some casualties. Kaz was too precise for that.
She creeps up behind Inej and knocks her out cold before she can even cry out, Y/n catches her body before it can hit the floor and she carefully lays Inej to the said knowing she'll have to tie her up later.
Next is Jesper and Wylan.
For Jesper, she shoots him with a sleeping dart made out of a massively hard metal to control for fabricators and blinds Wylan before doing the same thing to him as well.
Taking out a bomb from Wylan's bag she sets it off. Running towards Nina and before she can use her heartrender abilities, Y/n headbutts her causing her figure to fall to the floor. Unconscious.
Matthias starts sprinting towards her but she simply grabs his shoulder and hits him on a pressure point on his neck and he's out with the rest of them.
It's funny because he taught her that manoeuvre.
"Kaz!" She yells in a shrill voice beckoning him downstairs, did he really leave his little itty bitty Crows alone? Ah, just like he did to her, what they all did to her.
The Crows and Y/n were on a mission and something went wrong, she was shot and they left her to die. She could have been easily saved but they left her and while they did that she remembers - the thing that she remembers most about that night. Kaz leaned down into her ear and said;
'Thanks for the information little snake.'
They had used her to get information, everything she had with them was fake. Everything with Kaz was fake. Every little touch, every little moment, their entire (established) relationship was fake.
"Come down Kazzy I helped you! Now you help me!" She runs up the stairs knowing that there's only one exit, the window. That was extremely high off the ground he would hopefully try to bargain with her first.
Even if he didn't Y/n had brought some rope because he would definitely break his legs at that height.
But Y/n wasn't a little snake now she was a majestic serpent that wielded the screeches of revenge in her venom.
She runs into the room with the window and there he was there in a chair in the shadows looking smug, but the serpent knew it was all just a facade - fake confidence.
Smiling at him she pulls out a second chair from a broken-down desk and places it right in front of him. 'Bang.' It's a simple sound but it echos throughout the room bouncing off the walls into the depths of madness.
"Oh Kazzy, have you come to help me?" She takes her lip in between her teeth and fake trembles.
"Have you come to save me?" Her voice is tiny and it's nothing like it used to be around him, yet he still flinches. He knows she's putting on an act but it still hurts him. And she wants to hurt him over, and over again.
"Y/n... We needed that information, lots of the Dregs' lives were on the line. There is so much more you wouldn't don't understand."
Laughing into the open she secretly pulls out a syringe from her back pocket readying it in her hand.
Instantly her voice changes from the scarce poor girl's voice to a very dark voice. Vengeance was held there and it was like burning your ears in the pits of hell listening to it. The sins and revenge sounded melodic but the torture that laid underneath was horrific.
"Really Rietveld? Did you think I would forgive so easily?"
Kaz's face morphs into surprise at hearing his real last name, Y/n jumps at the chance and she plunges the syringe deep into his neck.
"See you in hell."
___________________TIME SKIP A COUPLE OF HOURS__
All the Crows are tied up to some chairs in the secret basement of the house. The woman waits for what looks like patiently but really she's boiling with excitement.
This is going to be fun.
Finally, the last Crows wakes up and the Serpent takes out her playthings. Just a couple of knives and guns, but those were just her toys the real weapons are the emotional and mental pain she would cause everyone including herself.
"You know why you are here, don't you?" She walks around the room watching every one of The Crows' snarling faces but perhaps some of them held remorse.
Although Y/n was past their pity now. None of the damage could be undone, what's done is done. An eye for an eye.
"Nina darling, this may hurt a bit." Quicker than Jesper's sharpshooter's eye could catch she stabs Nina in the stomach as she yells out in pain Y/n twists the knife back and forth.
Matthias screams out for his lover and after what feels like an internity the serpent pulls the dagger out knowing that she'll just eventually die from blood loss.
Taking a quick look around the room she notices some of the terrified faces and how everyone is on edge. Good, just how she wants it.
"Mörd demjin," Matthias mutters under his breath and Y/n takes his throat in her hand and holds tight enough to choke him.
"Don't call me by the little nickname you gave Kazzy!" She yells furiously holding onto him tighter and tighter. His face starts to become purple and she can hear the yells and screams of the birdy's in the background.
'No! Let go! Matthias! Matthias! Let him go!'
"Any last words?" She jets out her lip before holding onto him tighter and she sees the fury of the ice in his eyes before there's nothing. His eyes roll back lifeless.
"No Matthias! Matthias!" Nina shrieks trying to desperately get out of her chair.
Rolling her eyes with a huff Y/n pulls out a gun and shoots Nina twice in the head.
"Now you're with your lover." She drawls on the word lover and turns to Inej. She didn't really want to do this but she had to cause him all the pain that she could. Even if Inej tried to stop them.
Swiftly she pulls out the knife Inej gave her and kindly kills her with a hard blow to the heart. She doesn't suffer, she just solely died, it's the only kindness the Serpent can afford to give her.
At this point, Jesper and Wylan are openly sobbing and screaming for their friends and for Y/n to please stop. But she doesn't, with blood all over her clothes she makes her path towards her next fool.
"If you were wondering why you couldn't control the bullets, Jesper." She drawls on in a monotone voice. She can see and hear Wylan screaming and it pains her but she doesn't let it show. She lets the Serpent take over or else this will never get done.
Fully becoming the Serpent Y/n places the barrel of her gun up to his heart and she just shoots, no emotion on her face whatsoever.
"A special venom of mine for Grisha. Had some fun testing it."
Going over to Wylan she quickly slits his throat not wanting the little merchling to suffer more than he already has.
She looks at Kaz blankly, he's shaking and he's beyond trying not to show any emotion. Tears are streaming down his face and he's gasping for air. Trembles roll off his body and the agony on his face pierces her hurt.
"Why?" Rietveld finally manages to rasp out. "WHY!" He screams ultimately reaching his breaking point.
"Because Kaz," She whispers in a sickeningly sweet voice lifting his chin with the tip of her pointer finger.
"Everything comes with a price." She pauses letting it sink in.
"And little did you know the price it would cost you."
And that's the story of Sankta Serpentina and Sankt Dirtyhands.
Words 1634
Shadow and bone taglist: @kaqua @rika90 @thefandomplace @musical-theatre-obsessed-dumbass @gallysonegoodlung @navs-bhat @sumsebien @dontjudgeabookbythecover
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ibijau · 4 years
just thought of this and thought i'd share? but, au where the reason huaisang is allowed to skip martial practice without Too Much fuss is bc he's a berserkr and NMJ doesn't want him to end up like, past nie sect berserkrs who ended up like, dying of explosive qi deviations when they berserked too hard? he has his first battle trance as a kid and NMJ is like 'shit' and now everyone who knows tries to protect NHS, but like, Of Course one day he has to fight and just Destroys His Enemies
Warning for death and mentions of violence
The first time it happened, Nie Mingjue was fourteen, and he knew he’d never forget that sight.
They’d all been happily enjoying a bit of quiet by the river as a family, his father and mother and Second Wife An chatting and shamelessly flirting, while Nie Mingjue and Nie Huaisang splashed in the water. They did that sometimes, all five of them. That day, it had been Madam Nie’s idea, because she was heavily pregnant and was tired of being confined to her quarters. It was a little scandalous for her to be out like this, but scandal had never bothered them and she really did look so happy, laying on the grass with her huge belly. It might be twins, the healers had said, and Nie Mingjue just couldn’t wait to meet them, though he knew that Nie Huaisang, at nine, was a little worried about no longer being the youngest in the family.
It was a good day.
It was the last good day, Nie Mingjue later realised.
They never figured out for sure who the people who attacked them were. One moment they were all laughing because Nie Huaisang had slipped on a rock and fallen into the water. The next Madam Nie was screaming as thrown knives hit her in the chest and stomach. Second Wife An, who was closest to her, used her body to shield her lover from the next salve of projectiles. But Second Wife An wasn’t a cultivator, she’d just acted on instinct and she fell to the ground, pale and bloodied. Nie Mingjue’s father had taken out his sabre to protect what could still be saved of his family, shouting at Nie Mingjue to grab his brother and run, to protect him, but that had been in vain because Nie Huaisang had…
Huaisang had…
Years later, Nie Mingjue still had nightmares about it. Nie Huaisang, red from head to toe. Nie Huaisang holding one of the daggers that had killed his mother, stabbing a body that barely looked human now. Nie Huaisang with blood around his mouth because he’d…
Nie Huaisang collapsing when the rage left him, looking so small, so frail. If Nie Mingjue hadn’t seen, if he hadn’t been there, he would never have believed it.
Second Wife An had died almost instantly.
Madam Nie had been gone by the time Nie Mingjue had returned with healers.
Nie Huaisang was nearly lost to them as well. His Qi had been so out of control during those few moments of rage that it had almost broken his body. He kept to his bed for months, and for most of that time they weren’t sure if he could make it. He did though, he survived, and he appeared not to suffer from any after effects. Nie Mingjue hadn’t lost everything.
But Nie Huaisang was really all he had left because after that day by the river, his father was a different man. He never laughed anymore, never even smiled. He cared about nothing but finding who had killed his wives, and figuring out a way to take revenge. Nie Mingjue sometimes wanted to grab his father by the shoulders and shout at him that he still had his sons, that they were right there, that they needed him.
It really hit Nie Huaisang hard, the way everything changed after that day. He had no memories of what happened by the river (a blessing, Nie Mingjue thought) and they told him, just as they told everyone, that their father had protected them and killed the assassins. But Nie Huaisang was a sharp kid, sharper than anyone realised. He noticed the way their father never hugged him anymore, never even looked at him if he could avoid it, the fear in his eyes when it couldn’t be avoided.
“Was it because of me?” he asked Nie Mingjue once, soon before their world would be wrecked even more. “Did I do something wrong that day?”
Did our mothers die because of me? Nie Mingjue understood the real question to be.
“You did nothing wrong,” Nie Mingjue promised him, hugging him tight, hoping it would compensate for their father’s distance. “None of it was your fault. Father is just struggling with his loss. Give him a little time, and he’ll get better.”
Nie Huaisang nodded against his brother’s chest, but Nie Mingjue could tell that his words weren’t enough.
In the end, Nie Huaisang was right to think that it wouldn’t get better.
There was a sabre, the pride of their father.
There was a Night Hunt, a broken blade.
There was a long agony and then, mercifully, death to bring an end to that suffering.
Nie Mingjue was barely sixteen when he had to step up and start leading Qinghe Nie, and all of his soul was consumed by rage and fear.
During his father’s funeral, he half wished that he was afflicted by the same curse as Nie Huaisang. He would have wanted nothing more than to break and launch himself at Wen Ruohan to tear his throat with his bare teeth. The man who had killed his father, the man who might have ordered the death of his mothers, the man who had turned his little brother into a bomb that might explode at any moment.
Instead Nie Mingjue smiled at the murderer, and kept as many of the details of their father’s death secret from Nie Huaisang to avoid triggering the curse again.
Nie Huaisang was all he had left.
He could not lose him as well.
He’d protect his brother from himself, for as long as he lived.
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dukereviewsxtra · 4 years
Duke Reviews Xtra: Maleficent
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Xtra Where We Continue Our Look At Disney...
And Last Sunday On Duke Reviews, I Reviewed Walt Disney's 16th Animated Classic, Sleeping Beauty So, Today On Duke Reviews Xtra We'll Be Looking At The Remake/Retelling Of Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent...
No Synopsis Today, Let's Dive Into Maleficent...
Long Ago In A Faraway Kingdom Where There Were 2 Kingdoms One Ruled By The Ruthless King Henry And The Other Simply Called The Moors, Ruled By No One But Guarded By A Fairy Named Maleficent...
But Our Story Actually Starts One Day As The 3 Good Fairies Named Fittle (Played By Lesley Manville), Thistlewit (Played By Juno Temple), And Knotgrass (Played By Delores Umbridge) (Who Are Nothing Like Flora, Fauna And Merriweather And Are Basically Complete Idiots) Tell Maleficent About A Human Who Stole A Jewel From The Pool Of Jewels...
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I Guess...
With 2 Boarder Guards Cornering The Boy, Maleficent Tells Him To Hand Over The Jewel Which He Does Reluctantly. After Tossing The Jewel Back To Where It Came, Maleficent Takes The Boy Named Stefan To The Boarder Of The Moors...
Once There, Stefan Tells Maleficent That Someday He'll Live In The King's Castle, Before Telling Her That He's An Orphan Like Her, So Despite Being Forbidden To See Each Other Again, They Form A Friendship Which Over The Years Blossoms Into Love...
But Ambition Takes Us To Places That Some Cannot Go, And It Was That Ambition To Live In The Palace That Pulled Stefan Away From Maleficent...
That And Threatening Attacks On The Moors By King Henry Didn't Help Things...
Becoming Her Kingdom's Protector, Maleficent (Now Played By Angelina Jolie) Meets With King Henry And His Army At The Boarder Of The Moors...
(Start At 0:50)
Injured In The Fight, The King Lies On His Deathbed, Proclaiming That Anyone Who Can Avenge Him By Killing Maleficent Will Become The New King And Marry His Daughter. Overhearing This, Stefan (Played By Howling Mad Murdock) Journeys To The Moors To Find Maleficent..
Forgiving Stefan For His Folly And Ambition, They Spend The Night Together Like They Used To But When Stefan Tricks Her Into Drinking A Tainted Drink That Makes Her Fall Asleep, Stefan Attempts To Kill Her But Hesitating, Stefan Instead Decides To Burn Maleficent's Wings Off With Iron (Which Is Basically The Moors Equivalent Of Kryptonite)...
Presenting Maleficent's Wings To The King, He Decides Then That Stefan Will Be The New Ruler Of The Land As Maleficent Wakes In Agony...
I Realize That This Is Supposed To Be Pain We're Looking At But To Me It Looks More Like An Allegory For Rape...
And You All Know How I Feel About Rape And Sexual Abuse In Movies, It's Icky And Shouldn't Be Done. For More See My Duke Reviews Tv Episode On Episode 9 Of Season 1 On Mighty Morphin Power Rangers...
Creating A Staff To Help Her Walk, Maleficent Journeys To An Abandoned Castle Where She Hides In The Shadows, Broken And Alone...
A Few Days Later, Maleficent Comes Across A Farmer Who Has Captured A Raven, Taking Pity On Said Bird, She Turns It Into A Man. Introducing Himself As Diaval, He Offers To Be Her Humble Servant Which Leads Maleficent To Send Him On His First Task To Find Stefan...
Flying To The Castle, Diaval Witnesses Stefan Being Crowned King With The King's Daughter As His Queen. Informing Maleficent About This, She Becomes Enraged And Returns To The Moors With Dark Clouds Looming Across The Forest....
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Building A Throne, Maleficent Becomes The New Evil Queen Of The Moors...
A Few Years Later, The Queen Gives Birth To A Daughter Named Aurora And A Royal Christening Takes Place With Knotgrass, Thistlewit And Fittle Endowing The Princess With Magical Gifts...
But Before Thistlewit Can Give Hers, Maleficent Shows Up...
And Yeah I've Heard People Complain About How The Fairies Didn't Give Her The True Love's Kiss Spellbreaker And How Maleficent Doing It Just Makes Her Curse More Complicated But To Those People I Ask...
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Building A Wall Of Thorns Around The Moors (Don't Worry, Stefan Will Pay For It) Stefan Ends Up Shutting Himself Behind The Walls Of His Castle While His Soliders Attempt To Hunt Down Maleficent...
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Burning All The Spinning Wheels And Locking The Ashes Into The Dungeon Of The Castle, Stefan Has The 3 Fairies Take Aurora Into Hiding To A Cottage In The Woods...
Even Though They Have No Sign Of Competence Or Any Signs That They Know How To Take Care Of A Baby...
In Fact, Over The Years, It's Maleficent That Raises The Kid More Than Them As They Spend Most Of Their Time Arguing And Bickering With Each Other...
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Yeah, She Finds Them But Who Cares Either Way These Scenes Are Funny...
Becoming Extremely Darkened And Consumed By Paranoia And Vengence, Stefan Obsesses Over Hunting Maleficent Down By Having His Blacksmiths Create Suits Of Iron While The Queen Grows Gravely Ill And Dies...
Showing No Remorse Over His Wife's Death, Stefan Continues His Obsession With Maleficent...
Now 15, Aurora (Now Played By Elle Fanning) Finally Meets Maleficent, Believing Her To Be Her Fairy Godmother As She Remembers Being Watched By Her All Her Life...
This Leads Maleficent To Allow Aurora To Spend More Time In The Moors With Her, Forming The 2 To Develop A Mother-Daughter Like Relationship To The Point That Maleficent Attempts To Remove The Curse...
But She Is Unfortunately Unable To As No Power On Earth Can Do It But True Love's Kiss.....
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The Next Day, Aurora Tells Maleficent That She Wishes To Stay In The Moors With Her Which She Happily Accepts. However, As Aurora Returns Home, She Meets Prince Phillip And It Is Love At First Sight...
With Diaval Seeing Phillip As The Key To Breaking Aurora's Curse, Maleficent Disagrees Believing There To Be No Such Thing As True Love's Kiss...
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With The Fairies Revealing The Truth To Aurora When She Returns Home, She Tells Maleficent That She Knows Everything And That She Hates Her Before Furiously Returning Home To Her Father...
Despite Being Happy To See Aurora, Stefan Is Furious Because The Fairies Were Supposed To Bring Her Back The Day After Her Birthday. Telling The Guards To Lock Her In Her Room, Stefan Continues Preparing For Maleficent's Arrival...
Feeling Ashamed, Maleficent Takes A Chance On True Love's Kiss And Searches For Phillip While Her Curse Is Enacted As The Sun Sets...
Finding Phillip, Maleficent Races For The Castle But Arrives Too Late As Aurora Falls Into A Death Like Slumber When She Pricks Her Finger On A Spinning Wheel...
Sneaking Into The Castle With Diaval And Phillip, Maleficent Watches As Phillip Kisses Aurora But Sadly It Doesn't Work...
So Maleficent Looks Upon Aurora, Realizing That While She Was Lost In Her Need For Revenge, She Forgot About Love And Happiness, Till She Met Her
This Leads To Her Kissing Aurora And It Wakes Her Up...
Attempting To Flee With Both Aurora And Phillip, Maleficent Falls Into A Iron Net Trap, Set By Stefan...
(Start At 0:16)
With Peace Made Between The 2 Lands, Maleficent Brings Down Her Wall...
As She Passes Her Crown To Aurora, Making Her Queen Of Both Worlds, Forever Unifying Them As Phillip Looks On...
And That's Maleficent And It's Ok...
I Admit It's Not The Best Of The Disney Live Action Remakes But The Visual Effects And Angelina Jolie Is Pretty Good As Maleficent But Some Of The Acting Isn't That Great, The Fairies Are Idiots And I Don't Really Picture Elle Fanning As Aurora...
Don't Get Me Wrong, Elle Fanning Is Very Cute But Beautiful And Attractive She's Not...
The Animated Sleeping Beauty Was Very Beautiful And Attractive To The Point A Man Would Have To Be Nuts Not To Be Attracted To Her And Lips Red As The Rose Where Elle's Aurora Is.... Something...
So, Yeah She Doesn't Really Look The Part, You Know Who Does Look The Part, Brie Larson, She Looks Like She Could Definatly Play Aurora In A Sleeping Beauty Movie As She Looks Like Aurora To A T. From The Beauty To Shame To The Blonde Hair, She Is Absolutely Perfect...
If Maleficent 3 Is Ever In The Works (Which I Doubt It Ever Will) Recast Elle Fanning And Cast Her As An Older Aurora...
But Aside From That Problem I Definitely Say See It...
Tune In Tomorrow As We Look At The Sequel, Maleficent: Mistress Of Evil, Till Then, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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