#She Ra Season 2
crownspeaksblog · 1 year
It's fucked up how after everything shadow weaver did catra still wants her approval.. and this manipulative gesture of "oh let me just caress your face/hair to show you how caring and gentle i am" that shadow weaver does just pisses me off.. catra baby you deserve better!
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acuteobserv4tion · 1 year
So I've been getting into a new show lately and a.....
She-Ra is better than Miraculous
Don't hurt me
I'll be honest, I wasn't sure about it at first. It felt blaise. Then episode 8 and 11 happened, and I started falling in love. But then the horse made me wanna die. I was starting to think Catra was the only reason anyone recommended this show(which may still be true, honestly). I hate the horse. Some minor inconsistencies were starting to bother me. No big deal
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But then season 3 was AMAZING. Entrapta, I'm pretty sure, is my all-time favorite. I'm still conflicted about whether or not Angella's sacrifice was earned. Glimmer is a bad daughter. Queen Angella is in the right. Bo is precious.
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Now I'm on season 4. The stupid horse finally has a purpose, but I still scream for his death every chance I get. Turns out the "Power of Friendship" was used for evil. I now hate Glimmer almost as much as I hate the horse. Adora doesn't need your $h!t, Glimmer! And why are you letting her abuser just walk around! DT is a wittle devil, and I love it.
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But the best part is, everyone is in character. And that's the best when it comes to consistency. Things are lining up plot wise and character wise. The minor characters are their own individuals with arcs. I don't even care if Catra gets redeemed because her character is amazing.
This was just me getting my thoughts out. I'll probably write about this show properly later.
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yourhighness6 · 5 months
"Light Spinner" was honestly the most heartbreaking She Ra episode I've seen so far
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Catra constantly insists she is nothing like Shadow Weaver in any way, but the parallels between her journey and Shadow Weaver's as Light Spinner are not even subtle. Shadow Weaver even says they are similar, that she reminds her of herself. And as much as Catra insists she doesn't want that, of course she wants that. She wants them to be similar because she thinks that Shadow Weaver will finally love her and appreciate her if she's another version of her, only better, if she doesn't make the same mistakes, if she comes out on top. She hates her so much but she also wants to BE her, but the thing preventing her from following in Shadow Weaver's footsteps is the best part about her. It's her capacity for love and kindness. It's her lack of selfishness and greed. She never wanted to rule the hoard or be second in command, but she feels like she has to be even as her own nature rebels against it.
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starlight-bread-blog · 6 months
Good Omens fandom explaining how they're not unhinged, it's just that Neil Gaiman payed that much attention to details:
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spop fans 🤝 toh fans
using the classic “the show was cancelled/there wasn't enough time” excuse to justify the creators' poor writing choices
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worldsbiggestnerd101 · 4 months
having your favorite character be a side character is the worst thing because you’ll watch an episode of a show purely because the b-plot involves your fav but then have to suffer through the a-plot which despite being mildly interesting bores you half to death between those absolutely amazing sections when your fav is on screen for a few minutes at a time
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punk-63 · 11 months
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incorrect-esmp-quotes · 6 months
Katherine: I need you to explain it like a normal person.
Pixlriffs: Oli seems to get it.
Oli: *scribbling in a notebook*
Katherine: Oli is drawing stick figures.
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sherafaces · 1 year
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all the drawings in SheRa part 1
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mintmilk-art · 1 year
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So I started watching She-Ra
[Image description in alternative text]
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crownspeaksblog · 1 year
I have no idea what the hell catras voice actor is doing because my god her voice is hot as fuck!! For the past couple of days the "hey adora" has been playing in my head on loop and i can't stop saying it and oh my god the way she says "looks like you're mine now adora" when the sword gets infected in season 2 is ahhhh!!
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opheliasflorist · 11 months
I'm still thinking about Good Omens, and I want to drop a thought I've had. Spoilers ahead, beware!
So many of the queer-focused shows I've loved have waited til the very last minute to confirm a queer romance. Often, it doesn't seem to be the fault of writers or the creators, but rather the networks not green-lighting a queer romance til the last episode. I'm thinking She-Ra or Legend of Korra. And of course there's situations like Supernatural, which is its own barrel of problems. It's exhausting, and probably why fandoms like these generate so much fan content: because we never get to spend the time with these characters after romantic interest is canonically confirmed.
That is NOT what is happening here. As we've discussed many times, Neil Gaiman has been making queer content since 1990. I'm guessing he's well aware of how these last-minute, left-hanging stories harm the LGBTQ community. I know that ending kiss of Season 2 was both painful and beautiful, and we're all emotionally reeling from it. But, we're (very likely) going to get A WHOLE SEASON of the pining, groveling, communicating, make-up fluff that this fandom has been dying for. Yes, that kiss was brutal. But good lord it's confirmed! And they're going to have to spend a whole season fixing it! A whole season where the audience knows for a fact that the feelings are romantic. A whole season where we all understand just how badly Crowley wants to kiss Aziraphale again. And oh my god it will be so good. We just have to be patient. Neil Gaiman will not treat this fandom the same way other fandoms have treated our community. His track record proves it. As he's said before, we'll just have to wait and see.
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iloveacronix · 3 months
Great appreciation to my pookie @captaintacosworld for watching Dragon's Rising season 2 w me during class I love you girl😘🌟
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This is us btw
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ghost-bison · 10 months
I just... thought about something
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Remember this scene?
Now watch this:
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Yeaaah, it hurt the first time, didn't it? But now... twice.
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I just...
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The desperation in Crowley's and Catra's actions:
Catra runs away, then puts up a physical fight, then cries and asks Adora what she REALLY wants, implying, in the process, what Catra herself actually wants.
Crowley gets angry, and then he gives Aziraphale a bitter, rough kiss in a last attempt to get him to stay. In a last attempt to get him to understand that he wants him.
The naive ignorance behind Adora's and Aziraphale's:
Adora thinks that trusting Shadoweaver and freeing the magic is the best and only thing to do because she wants to save Etheria. She tosses her own interests aside to save the planet, including Catra.
Aziraphale thinks that trusting the Metatron and going back to Heaven is the best thing to do because he wants to make life on earth better. But he also wants to make Crowley's life better, he wants for him to be happy again.
What neither Adora nor Aziraphale understand is that the only thing Catra and Crowley need in order to be happy is them.
If Adora sacrifices herself to save Etheria, Catra will be alive but she will never be happy again.
If Aziraphale goes back to Heaven, with or without Crowley, the latter knows that Zira will just be manipulated into falling out of love for him. Becoming another Gabriel. Crowley remembers how the "good side" treated him before he fell. He remembers how it treated Aziraphale before he said "enough". He doesn't want for any of it to happen, ever again.
Both Catra and Crowley know that they're gonna lose Adora and Aziraphale if they listen to them, and then come to understand that they'll lose them anyway.
I'm bitter af right now.
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n-arts-hideaway · 11 months
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“Come with me”
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shypuddin · 9 months
wlw/mlm solidarity
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