#Shayn’s answering mail
racerchix21 · 2 years
Uh excuse me fellas but, @racerchix21 has a confession to make to you all. I know 3's a crowd but, im not sure what's said about 4.
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Seth doesn't look too pleased either ma'am. Just tell them all the truth
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Fine it was like 2 harmless little crushes. It means absolutely nothing and I’ve been good ever since 🙄😬
I’d apologize but uh that would indicate that I was doing something wrong. Seriously I’ve been mostly behaving so there’s no need for anything at all 😅
*we definitely aren’t gonna talk about Scottish Tiddies or the crush I have on Swiss Tiddies
@sunnyfleur23 should we tell them about @tomhardydallasstarsgirl crush on Brock?? I think that’d deserve some sort of punishment too 🤣😉
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bloodgarnet · 4 months
my contribution to smoshblr: some open-ended ianthony-but-really-mostly-gen not!fics. three different AUs, too short to post on AO3 (and I can't be fucked to ACTUALLY write them to completion sooo...). will post the other two when I get around to them.
1/3 – Dungeon Chumps
Shayne sometimes finds himself missing their old travel companions.
In the dungeon diving world, it’s normal for parties to split up after a successful (or unsuccessful) raid, then attempt to reconvene only to find out that their cleric found a higher-paying gig, or the frontliner decided to settle down with a tavernkeeper. Even still, nothing can tarnish those golden memories of Noah and Keith jostling over their pot around the campfire, or Olivia's off-key attempts to sing to woodland creatures. He wonders where Courtney is now.
You know who he doesn’t miss? Ian. Because Ian never really leaves.
It was almost a running gag ever since his first proper five-person mission when they’d decided on hiring a dungeon guide, and Ian had been the only one in their budget. Like, suspiciously cheap services, in that way that was only more suspicious because it turned out, if anything, he was probably way overqualified for his job.
It took a while for them to warm up to him, which is to say that after that first mission, they separated with a somewhat guilty sigh of relief, though Shayne immediately felt guilty afterwards. It was the dungeon, nothing else. They were so ready for a nice, long break. Yeah.
But no need to worry! There Ian was again, just… hanging around outside the next dungeon, boredly asking if any adventurers needed assistance. So they took him on again, and then the next time, and the one after that.
It’s not like they couldn’t manage without him, but at this point, he’s basically their unofficial sixth member. And every time they crawl back up to the surface, Ian bids his farewells, and then—bam!—he’s just there at the next location as if waiting for them the whole time.
Damien seems entirely unbothered and calls it ‘big NPC energy’, whatever that means.
Ian is a bit of an awkward goofball but unfailingly professional where it counts, fleet-footed with an eye for traps and extensive knowledge of the history of dungeons. He can talk for hours about natural spike formations and how gruesome body collections are (really, he could talk less about that part), but god forbid you ask him a personal question.
Anyway, group members have changed over the years and Shayne had cheerfully welcomed newcomers Angela and Chanse alongside Amanda and Damien’s more familiar faces. As usual, they accepted their guide’s services at the entrance and several days later were taking their time cleaning up the lower levels, scrounging around for every last morsel of loot.
“Do you have another job lined up after this one?” Chanse starts the conversation, polite in the way that newbies often are. It’s a good question.
Amanda is the one who answers, “Oh, I’ve heard there’s a new dungeon west from here. I have a friend on the coast who’s been telling me all about it via snail mail.”
“Are you sure it’s actually new if the snails are carrying it?” Angela says doubtfully, trudging along in the rear. “I don’t get why the postal service can’t pick a better animal.”
“Well, it’s supposed to be around six or seven years old by now, I think,” Amanda clarifies. She raises her voice a little, mindful of the echo because you never know what’s up ahead, and calls out to the guide, “Hey, Ian, do you know anything about it? It’s the one in the Lost Angels province.”
From his position, Shayne can make out Ian’s silhouette coming to a halt for a brief moment, then continuing on as if nothing happened.
“The Sacramento Dungeon. I know of it. The name comes from ‘sacrament’, a religious symbol or rite in which spiritual power is transmitted through material elements. A bestowment of divine grace.”
His words are flat, detached.
Shayne raises an eyebrow and drawls, “Thanks, I was really curious about the name, man. Do you know anything interesting about the dungeon itself? What caused it, types of monsters, if it’s worth visiting…”
“I wouldn’t recommend it.”
That’s surprising. Chanse looks curious and prods further, “Even though it’s newly formed? What’s there to be worried about?” Shayne notes with respect that he’s being genuine rather than foolhardy. That’s often a worry with younger adventurers, but he’s proven to have a good head on his shoulders.
Angels adds, “Yeah, we could totally take it on! We’re total badasses!”
They discuss it further and Shayne watches Ian’s face turn grimmer with their growing resolution. He brings up a few tentative dissuasions but obviously can’t think of a concrete reason they can’t go. Even stranger, his comments seem to imply that he’ll be coming along for the ride, which he doesn’t have to do if he’s so against it.
Ian gives them a warning hand gesture and retreats to the back of the party. Shayne steps up to the front and confirms, “Final boss up ahead.”
“Finally, I’ve been meaning to say something to this fucker.” Amanda stretches her arms out, readying her weapon.
The aged iron door opens slowly with a loud creaking whine. Nobody hears Ian muttering to himself.
“I have something to say to that guy, too.”
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japhan2024 · 8 months
A little bit of madness
A retelling of the story of Smosh, through Shayne's eyes. And there's a lot of one-sided pining, internal turmoil and jealousy. I hope you like it!
read on ao3
It's so crazy. I am happy for them of course. But how do you come back from having your friendship so destroyed, so betrayed, to being best friends again?
Shayne got a notification. He sat in the lunch room at the Defy building after filming a Smosh sketch. He looked at the e-mail he just received on his phone. His colleagues were all gasping, yelling and some were even crying. Everyone had gotten the same message:
"Effective immediately, Defy Media has ceased business."
It's not like he hadn't seen this coming. Shayne knew enough of the entertainment business that the 'business' side of it was stone cold and creatives were pretty much at the mercy of the machine.
But it still shocked him. He was finally free of his own worst demons - telling him he had failed in Hollywood, that he wasn't trying hard enough - and had settled into the grind that was Smosh.
He had finally found a home.
But now, now everything, his whole life, was crumbling around him. He watched, helplessly, as people started to day-drink, attempting arson and generally acting like it was the Purge.
Who was he, what was he, without Smosh?
As Shayne stood there, nailed to the ground, he suddenly felt a warm hand on his shoulder.
"Hey man. This sucks, doesn't it."
Shayne turned around and saw Ian there. He'd almost forgotten about Ian. This must be so much worse for him right now. First his best friend Anthony left him and Smosh, now this...
"So, is this it for Smosh?"
"No. We will overcome this, Shayne. I will make sure of it, I promise."
Shayne saw a look behind Ian's glasses, that he hadn't seen before. A little bit of madness, maybe. But also a fiery determination. And Shayne believed him. Ian's vow moved him. He didn't know him like this, like a leader. It made Shayne want to follow Ian to the end of the world if need be.
"How can I help?"
"Well, right now, people are ransacking the whole building. I'd say we save as much as we can and then get the hell out of here."
"Already on it." Courtney passed them, arms full of office supplies.
"Are you ransacking or saving?" Shayne joked.
"Come with me to find out!"
Shayne grabbed as many supplies as he could and scuttled after Courtney. When they got outside, two large moving trucks stood ready.
"How can you think so fast, Courtney? This is amazing."
"You know," they said, raising their shoulders. "I have kind of seen this coming."
"Yeah, me too."
"So, what comes after this, you think?" Courtney wasn't their usual cheery self. They were probably just as stressed out as Shayne was, no doubt. Their face was a bit paler than usual, and they looked at him for answers.
But Shayne genuinely didn't know.
"Ian will get us through this," he said determinately.
The following months, Ian really came through. Apart from working tirelessly behind the scenes to save the channels, he also invited the cast and crew to his house, just to party but also to work. He paid them himself.
Shayne grew more and more fond of Ian, but he didn't quite know how to communicate with him. He was such a mystery. Ian was struggling though, that much was clear. Shayne would always be the last one around to help tidy up and try to talk to Ian. But it was usually in vain.
"Hey Ian, so, how are you doing?"
Shayne took a sip of his beer. They stood on Ian's balcony.
"Yeah, pretty great. Ya know, I don't have a life, love or any free time, haha. As per yoush."
It was this kind of thing that made it impossible for Shayne to get through. Ian always hid behind irony.
"Oh, that sounds just great," Shayne joined in. "And yeah, same here."
They toasted.
"Has.... has Anthony contacted you?"
"Yeah, he texted me."
No elaboration. Shayne didn't dare to ask further.
"Hmm, okay."
Time went on. Ian showed up so extremely well, he made a deal with Mythical Entertainment, and Smosh was saved. Even during lockdown, he still got the cast and crew together, via Zoom or somewhere outside on an L.A. property. He made it work.
And just like Shayne had, everyone put their faith in Ian. Ian himself though, seemed very lonely, however hard everyone tried to connect with him. Shayne was desperate to help Ian somehow. He did wat he could. He worked tirelessly, putting his everything into the videos. And it did have an effect. The audience loved him and steadily grew.
The stronger Shayne felt about Ian, the more he started to resent Anthony. It seemed like Anthony was still there, or his absence was there, very tangibly. Of course Shayne joked about it all the time. It was a way for him to vent.
Anthony had always been nice to Shayne. When he first came to work for Smosh, he'd been perfectly pleasant.
But Shayne knew how to read people. And while Ian was impenetrable, Anthony was extremely easy figure out.
Anthony didn't like Shayne. He didn't want him to be there at the time, him or any of the other new cast. But he didn't just leave the company, he also left his best friend. Because at first Ian believed Anthony would still be in touch. When that appeared not to be the case, Ian had faded into the background. That is, until he saved the company from the brink of death.
Lately, something was different. But Shayne didn't know what it was. Ian seemed extremely happy, very out of character, or maybe back IN character, whichever it was. Even though he still didn't communicate well, Shayne was happy for him. To see him be so funny, to see him finally doing something about his wardrobe and fitness. Maybe he'd met someone... Shayne didn't quite know why that thought annoyed him.
"Can you believe how good Ian looks today?" Tommy whispered. They stood at the coffee corner.
"Yeah, it's amazing. He's transforming before our eyes. What is happening?"
"All I know is, I'm in love."
"You're always in love with everyone," Shayne joked.
"Yeah, I am still into you too, mister Topp, don't you worry," Tommy joked back. Then he looked at Ian again, who was talking to Courtney across the room. Shayne looked as well. Ian was talking animatedly, making jokes. Courtney was losing it laughing. They kept fixing their hair unnecessarily. Flirting behavior.
"Well, that's the end of Let's Do This."
Ian gave a speech for the cameras, and everyone who worked on the show came on screen to say farewell to the successful format. Why it had to be axed, Shayne didn't know. It was a lot of work to make, but the final product was so cool, so fresh and had such a high production value, it was totally worth it in his mind.
"This show is ending for a very good reason," Ian continued.
Shayne had no idea. Just that every show on the main channel was getting axed and they were given a holiday after this shoot. Was he still gonna have a job after this?
Shayne fell into a hole again mentally, during the break. He was overthinking everything, overanalyzing. Was Ian happy because he was going to use Smosh main to do his own show and break away from Pit and Games? Was he selling it off for cash? What was he up to?
Shayne went to work out to get his mind off things. When he got out of the gym, he saw Ian had called him. He called back.
"Hey man, how's the holiday?" Ian said in a cheery voice.
"Yeah, it's pretty good. How about you?"
"I'm really good! In fact, do you wanna come over?"
Shayne's hart suddenly raced. Was Ian inviting him to a private dinner?
"Um, I don't know, uhh," he stumbled over his words.
"It's about Smosh, I want to talk to you about some stuff, it's pretty important."
Oh. So it was just work. Was Ian going to tell him he didn't have a job anymore? Suddenly, Shayne's appetite had vanished.
"I'm sorry Ian, I'm on vacation right now, I will talk to you when I get back. Okay?"
"Yeah, no worries man!"
"Holy shit."
Shayne stood nailed to the ground once more. What had just happened? The room around him was erupting in cheers and claps. People were laughing, some even cried. Ian and Anthony were hugging and high-fiving. They just bought Smosh.
"What are they gonna do? What do they think of me and Courtney, and Keith and Noah, and Amanda and Arasha and Angela and Olivia and Chanse and... what are we gonna do?"
Shayne's rambling thoughts were disrupted by a warm hand on his shoulder. It was Ian. And Anthony.
"Dude, your face!" Anthony joked and laughed. Apparently Shayne had worn a shocked expression.
"Wow, man, I'm just processing this, haha! Congratulations! Ian, this is amazing!"
Shayne hugged Ian, maybe a bit too tightly, too greedy. Anthony's negative micro-expression in his peripheral vision. Or did he just hallucinate that?
Ian though, smiled widely, and patted his shoulder.
"So, this is what I had wanted to talk to you about," he said.
"Yeah, I get that now, hahaha!" Shayne boomed. He was slowly settling into this new reality. Everything seemed a bit different. A little brighter, a little more intense. Exciting, sure. But it was very new. Very uncertain for Shayne.
Shayne was at home. He was watching the interview Ian did with Anthony.
"And if we burn it to the ground, I'm happy to do that with you."
Shayne's heart broke.
"Wow, he really loves him, doesn't he." Shayne replayed that sentence a couple of times. So that's why Ian had been so much happier lately. He was going around scheming with Anthony for the big reveal and their purchase of the company. It had nothing to do with him. He had been utterly unable to help Ian, and was now just a spectator to his joy and happiness.
"I guess that's how it is, huh."
At the office, Ian and Anthony - when he was there, as he also still had his own channel to worry about - were like two puppy dogs, playing, prancing, obsessed with each others' butts... Shayne had never seen Ian in this mood. What was it? Ecstatic?
"Hey, Shayne." It was Tommy.
"Hey. So, this is incredible, right? Anthony is back."
"It is like the conclusion to a great epic, like, what the hell. Have you ever seen Ian like this?" Tommy smiled at Shayne. "I didn't know he had it in him. I thought he was depressed, like me," he joked.
"His energy has completely changed, hasn't it?"
Tommy put his hand on Shayne's shoulder. Why did people love to do that?! Shayne didn't mind too much though. But he rather it be Ian.
"Our dads are back together," Tommy said dramatically. Shayne laughed.
"It's so crazy. I am happy for them of course. But how do you come back from having your friendship so destroyed, so betrayed, to being best friends again?"
"It does take a little bit of madness, I guess," Tommy philosophized. "And a little bit of love. Look at them. They are so into each other."
"Yeah, they sure are," Shayne said, a bit loud.
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wetookanoath · 4 years
wait, what happened??
Ryan had Shane on Spooky Small Talk’s newest episode and it was wholesome, funny and everything you can expect from these two but also, I was murdered by the casual affection of the way the look at each other and Ryan simply saying “I love you, man” and Shane answered, “I love you, too” bECAUSE THEY ARE MY EVERYTHING AND I LIVE
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smoshers-comment · 6 years
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As promised, to celebrate my 450 subscribers, I created a hundred Smosh & Smosh Games related questions, my sweat and tears all for your amusement. So you all better use it and have fun! Ask me anything; 1, 5, 10, 20, all 100 questions, I've got the answers! Enjoy!
Edit: Hey guys, [these brackets] represent a group, you have to choose one element of that group and include it in your ask (e.g. question 1 for Mari). I didn't feel like repeating 30 times the same question to cover all Smosh fam/shows!
001-049: Smosh family 050-091: Smosh & Smosh Games shows 092-100: Smosh Summer & Winter Games
What do you like most about [Smosh family member]?
Who do you think is the funniest?
Who do you relate to the most?
Who do you think would be the best parent?
Have you ever found a Smosh family member annoying?
Do you ship anyone?
Which friendship is your favorite?
Who do you think should hang out more often?
Have you ever confused Mari and Olivia?
Do you love candy more than Wes?
#Jovenrage or #Sohinkism?
Do you make #Wescuses?
Are you a try-hard at video games?
What is your favorite nickname Damien gave to someone?
Marhinki or Marishire?
Iancorn or Ianthony?
Shourtney or Courtivia?
Koah or Shaymien?
Do you follow @mattraub? Why not?
Have you ever interacted with a Smosh family member on social media and gotten a reply/ shoutout?
Have you ever mailed anything to either Smosh or Smosh Games?
Have you ever met someone from Smosh or Smosh Games? If not, do you intend to?
What would you say if you met Smosh?
What would you say if you met Smosh Games?
What would the Smosh girls be the Queens of?
What would the Smosh boys be the Kings of?
Ian or Anthony?
Stevie or Ian's Mom?
Courtney or Olivia?
Keith or Noah?
Sohinki or Lasercorn?
Shayne or Damien?
Boze or Wes?
Joven or Pinecone?
Whose tattoo(s) do you like the most?
Whose fashion style do you like the most?
Courtney: Long hair or short hair?
Boze: Long hair or short hair?
Shayne: Brown hair or blond hair?
Lasercorn: Orange hair or brown hair?
Wes: White hair or brown hair? (He's 80 and he looks fantastic)
Mari: Which hair color did you like the most?
Anthony: Emo haircut, short hair or curly hair?
Ian: Bowl haircut or short hair?
Smosh Squad or Smosh Games?
What is your favorite [Smosh family member] quote?
What is your favorite [Smosh family member] moment?
Which Smosh Games member would you like to see more on the Smosh main channel?
Why do you like Smosh?
Which Smosh shows do you currently watch?
Which Smosh Games shows do you currently watch?
What's your favorite Smosh show?
What's your favorite Smosh Games show?
What's your favorite episode of [show]?
What's your favorite bonus video?
What's your favorite Smosh music video?
What's your favorite Smosh or Smosh Games cameo/collab on another channel?
If you could bring back one show, which one would it be?
Do you watch any of the Smosh family personal channels?
Do you watch ToasterGhost?
Who did you root for in Maricraft: Block of Love - The Bachelorette?
Who did you root for in Maricraft: Outlaster?
Who did you root for in Maricraft: Hero House?
Has watching a Maricraft video ever tempted you to go play Minecraft?
Has watching Smosh Games gameplay ever convinced you to buy the game?
Every [Blank] Ever or If [Blank] Were Real?
Did you watch Smosh: The Movie and/or Ghostmates?
Did you watch Part Timers?
Which Food Battles did you watch?
Have you played Food Battle: The Game?
Who did you discover first: Smosh or Smosh Games?
Who do you watch more: Smosh or Smosh Games?
What was the first Smosh video you watched?
What was the first Smosh Games video you watched?
What was your favorite Game Bang punishment?
What was your favorite Cage Match Challenge punishment?
Is there a game you wish Smosh Games had played?
If you had to choose 3 weird items for a What're Those?! episode, what would they be?
What title would you give the next Dames and Shames video?
What case would you have wanted to see in Smosh & Order?
Who's your favorite Carvenger?
Who's your favorite villain?
Who's your favorite [Smosh family member] character?
Who's your favorite Smosh sketch character? (Boxman, Stevie, Manspider, Billy, ...)
Riot Shield Man or Knife Man Guy?
Do you like teddy bears?
Beef 'n Go or Veg 'n Go?
What's your favorite Just Dance video?
What's your favorite Halloween costume?
Have they ever got you on April Fools?
Do you leave comments on their videos? (I hope you're nice)
Dablizzards or Spaghetti Yetis?
Blues Balls or Snow Fleeks?
Bananarama or Jiggle Physics?
Harshmallows or Kumbayaaas?
Cowbaes or Randy Bandits?
Who is your favorite Smosh Summer/Winter Games referee?
When did you think #SunnyIsATerribleRef?
What theme would you suggest for the next Summer/Winter Games?
What was your favorite Summer/Winter Games competition?
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twdoceana-blog · 7 years
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I know there’s a lot of people that probably read way more than I do on here and I have so many books for my Kindle so I just wanted to share a list of all the books I have. These are just in the order of the most recent on my Kindle so I apologise if you were looking for it in alphabetical order. Rest of list will be under the cut just because there’s so many books. 400+ books. Oopsies~ 
A Game Of Thrones by George R. R. Martin
Sweetness (Bold As Love Book 1) by Lindsay Paige
50 Philosophy Ideas You Really Need To Know by Ben Dupré
50 Political Ideas You Really Need To Know by Ben Dupré
50 Psychology Ideas You Really Need To Know by Adrian Furnham
Answers for Aristotle: How Science and Philosophy Can Lead Us to A More Meaningful Life by Massimo Pigliucci
Cosmos by Carl Sagan
Crimes Against Humanity by Adam Jones
The Casual Vacancy by J. K. Rowling
The Glass Castle: A Memoir by Jeannette Walls
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck 
The Satanic Verses: A Novel by Salman Rushdie
A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks
1776 by David McCullough
Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer
Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer
End the Fed by Ron Paul
The Giver by Lois Lowry
The Host by Stephenie Meyer
John Adams by David McCullough
Killing Kennedy by Bill O’Reilly
Killing Lincoln by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard
The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch and Jeffrey Zaslow
Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom by Ron Paul
New Moon by Stephenie Meyer
The Revolution: A Manifesto by Ron Paul
The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: An Eclipse Novella by Stephenie Meyer
To Kill a Mockingbird by Lee Harper
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
Colorado Kid by Stephen King
From a Buick 8 by Stephen King
Full Dark, No Stars by Stephen King
Gerald’s Game by Stephen King
Hearts In Atlantis by Stephen King 
Insomnia by Stephen King
It by Stephen King
Just After Sunset by Stephen King
Lisey’s Story by Stephen King
Misery by Stephen King
Night Shift by Stephen King
Nightmares and Dreamscapes by Stephen King
Pet Sematary by Stephen King
Rage by Stephen King
Roadwork by Stephen King
Rose Madder by Stephen King 
Salem’s Lot by Stephen King
Skeleton Crew by Stephen King
11/22/63: A Novel by Stephen King
Bag of Bones by Stephen King
Black House by Stephen King
Carrie by Stephen King
Cell by Stephen King
Christine by Stephen King 
Cujo by Stephen King
Cycle of the Werewolf by Stephen King
Desperation by Stephen King
Different Seasons by Stephen King
Dolores Claiborne by Stephen King
Dreamcatcher by Stephen King
Duma Key by Stephen King
Everything’s Eventual by Stephen King
Firestarter by Stephen King
Four Past Midnight by Stephen King
Thinner by Stephen King
The Tommyknockers by Stephen King
Under the Dome: A Novel by Stephen King
UR by Stephen King
The Dark Half by Stephen King
The Dark Tower by Stephen King
The Dead Zone by Stephen King
The Drawing of the Three by Stephen King
The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King 
The Green Mile by Stephen King
The Gunslinger by Stephen King
The Long Walk by Stephen King
One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey 
The Regulators by Stephen King
The Running Man by Stephen King
The Shining by Stephen King
Song of Susannah by Stephen King
The Stand by Stephen King
The Talisman by Stephen King 
The Waste Lands by Stephen King
The Wind Through the Keyhole by Stephen King
Wizard and Glass by Stephen King 
Wolves of the Calla by Stephen King
Area 51 by Annie Jacobsen
The Fall of the Roman Empire: A New History by Peter Heather
Fifty Shades Darker by E L James
Fifty Shades Freed by E L James 
Fifty Shades of Grey by E L James
The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini 
Les Misérables by Victor hugo 
The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking
The Civil War, a Narrative: Fort Sumpter to Perryville by Shelby Foote
The Civil War, a Narrative: Fredericksburg to Meridian by Shelby Foote
The Civil War, a Narrative: Red River to Appomattox by Shelby Foote
Club Dead by Charlaine Harris
Dead in the Family by Charlaine Harris
Dead Reckoning by Charlaine Harris
Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris
Deadlocked: A Sookie Stackhouse Novel by Charlaine Harris
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman 
Hannibal by Thomas Harris
Living Dead in Dallas by Charlaine Harris
Looking for Alaska by John Green
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Tinkers by Paul Harding
The Princess Bride by William Golding
Red Dragon by Thomas Harris 
Red: My Uncensored Life in Rock by Sammy Hagar 
The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris
Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan
Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll
Cash: The Autobiography by Johnny Cash
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl
The Coming of the Third Reich by Richard J. Evans
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton
Last Words by George Carlin and Tony Hendra 
Napalm and Silly Putty by George Carlin
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave by Frederick Douglass
The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection by Charles Darwin
The Third Reich at War by Richard J. Evans
The Third Reich in Power by Richard J. Evans
An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy 1917-1963 by Robert Dallek
Washington by Ron Chernow
When will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops by George Carlin
Brain Droppings by George Carlin
The Horse and His Boy by C. S. Lewis
Last Battle by C. S. Lewis
The Magician’s Nephew by C. S. Lewis
All Together Dad by Charlaine Harris
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
Dead and Gone by Charlaine Harris 
Dead as a Doornail by Charlaine Harris
Dead to the World by Charlaine Harris
Definitely Dead by Charlaine Harris
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
From Dead to Worse by Charlaine Harris
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis
The Man Who Broke Into Auschwitz by Denis Avey
Prince Caspian by C. S. Lewis
The Silver Chair by C. S. Lewis
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C. S. Lewis
World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks
The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection From the Living Dead by Max Brooks
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe by Douglas Adams 
Life, the Universe and Everything by Douglas Adams 
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish by Douglas Adams 
Mostly Harmless by Douglas Adams
Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler
Awash with Summer Roses by Kestra Pingree
Black Widow: A Tense Thriller by Raven Creed
The Infiniti Investigates: Hattie Jenkins and The Infiniti Chronicles Books 1 to 5 by Pearl Goodfellow
Flesh and Bone: A Sweet Inspirational Romance (A Guitar Girl Romance Book 2) by Hope Franke Strauss
Beneath These Stars (Lucy Mitchell Book 2) by Hannah Ellis
I Laugh While You Cry: How to Train Yourself to Overcome the Impossible, Chase Down Your Dreams, and Become a Real-Life Superhero by Cruze Weston
Olivia, Mourning (The Olivia Series Book 1) by Yael Politis
A Life Worth the Fleeting Suns by Leon Huet
Hitler Here by George Thomas Clark
Worth the Wait by Rachel Tonks
Dragon Cursed by Mia Hall
Girl With No Fingerprints by Mark Bailey
Conceit (Se7en Deadly SEALs Book 1) by Alana Albertson
Touched By Time (Time Travel/Mail-Order Brides Romance, Book 1) by Zoe Matthews
Damn the Diets: How to Recover from Restrictive Diets, Dogmas, Eating Disorders and Body Degrading by Kayla Rose Kotecki 
Lost Girls by Celina Grace
Inconvenient Murder: An Inept Witches Mystery by Amanda A. Allen
Letting Go: A Contemporary Romantic Thriller by Anthony Awtrey
Jammed (A Charlie Cooper Mystery, Volume 1) by Deany Ray
Captive (The Submerged Sun Series Book 1) by Vanessa Garden
Bone And Cinder: A Post-Apocalyptic Thriller (Zapheads Book 1) by Scott Nicholson
Chasing Beautiful (Chasing Series Book 1) by Pamela Ann
Don’t Call Me Kit Kat by K. J. Farnham
The Minimalist Mind: The 21 Mental Makeover to Stop Worry, Improve Mood, Focus Better and Master Your Emotions with Ease by David Winter
Dream Job (The Dreamwalker Chronicles Book 1) by Gregory Pettit 
A Faries’ Tale: In Love There’s War: Would You Destroy Everything to Protect the Love of Your Life? by Rebecca Torrellas
Beyond The Lens (Lucy Mitchell Book 1) by Hannah Ellis
Trophies (Emma Kane/Jacob Thorne Book 2) by Todd Travis
Hot Husband (Hot Guys Book 1) by Starla Cole
Beyond (Beyond Series Book 1) by Maureen A. Miller
Of No Value: A Vietnam War Era Memoir bu Derrick Wolf
An Uncommon Sense (Sensual Healing Book 1) by Serenity Woods
Grounded (The Grounded Trilogy Book 1) by G. P. Ching
The Light of the Fireflies by Paul Pen
Necromantia Vol. 1-3 (Three Book Set) by Matthew Buza
Monday (Timeless Series #1) by E. L. Todd
Absolute Knowledge by Drew Cardell
The Marriage Will Not Take Place by Marguerite Steen
Rune Scale (Dragon Speaker Series Book 1) by Devin Hanson
Start Again: A Novel (Start Again Series #1) by J. Saman
Daisy Darling Meets A Man by Lindy Dale
Sentence of Marriage (Promises to Keep Book 1) by Shayne Parkinson
Dragonfriend by Marc Secchia
The Roommate (A New Adult Novel) by Shae Buggs
Mine to Take (Mine- Romantic Suspense Book 1) by Cynthia Edan
Devil in the Countryside by Cory Barclay
A Million More Tomorrows by A.R. Goodheart
Contract: Snatch (Sei Assassin Thriller Book 1) by Ty Hutchinson
1000 Yards - A John Milton Short Story (John Milton Series) by Mark Dawson
Army Investigations: A 5-Books Army Romance Series by Lola Silverman
The Serial Killer Books: 15 Famous Serial Killers True Crime Stories That Shocked The World (The Serial Killer Files) by Jack Rosewood
By Your Side: A Journey of Two Sisters Through Love and Sacrifice by Misty Proffitt-Thompson
Fractured Eden by Steven Gossington
The Power of Productivity: How to do More in Less Time by Leonardo D. M.
The Money Switch: How to Escape the 9-5. Aquire Financial Freedom and Generate Passive Income for Life by Lee Stan
The Hunger House by Conor Mcguire
Shy Girls Write It Better (Some Girls Do It Book 1) by May Sage
Justice Buried (Starbright Series Book 1) by Hilary Thompson
Haunted (The Haunted Love Trilogy Book 1) by Ann-Marie King
After the Cure by Deirdre Gould 
Multiple-Victims Murder by Arnon Edelstein
The Notice (Storms of Transformation Series Book 2) by Daniella Bova
Body by You: The You Are Your Own Gym Guide to Total Women’s Fitness by Mark Lauren and Joshua Clark
Retrieval (The Retrieval Duet Book 1) by Aly Martinez
The Purple Rock (The Reverend P J. MacFarlane Series Book 1) by Angus MacVicar
Nightsong: A Neanderthal Mystery by M.J. Rhodes
Broken Leaves of Autumn by Eli Hai
The Raven (The Secret Chronicles of Lost Magic Book 1) by Aderyn Wood
Bells Above Greens by David Xavier
Jeffery Dahmer: A Terrifying True Story of Rape, Murder, & Cannibalism (The Serial Killers Books Book 1) by Jack Rosewood
Sinful Cinderella (Dark Fairy Tale Queen Series Book 1) by Anita Valle
The Resistance is Dead: Book One: The Outbreak by Kevin Mooseles
The Mules of Borgo San Marco by W. H. Canaway 
The Post-Apocalyptic Reader’s Guide: The Ultimate Stockpile of Post-Apocalyptic and Dystopian Books, Movies, Television, Games & More by J. Thorn
Accidentally Married to the Billionaire - Part 1 (The Billionaire’s Touch) by Sierra Rose
Sam’s Song: A Sam Smith Mystery (The Sam Smith Mystery Series Book 1) by Hannah Howe
Schooled (Travesty Book 1) by Piper Lawson
The Dog That Laid Eggs: Every Monster Comes From Somewhere by Jonathan Maas
Break Your Busy - Set Your Creativity Free by Richard Conner
Heir of Illaria: Book One of the Illaria Series by Dyan Chick
Emerge by Heather Sunseri
Rite of Rejection (Acceptance Book 1) by Sarah Negovetich
Hammers of Time: Wood Cow Chronicles: Backlands by Rick Johnson
Neanderthal Seeks Human (Knitting in the City Book 1) by Penny Reid
Escorted by Claire Kent
Edwin Brook: Dire Recompense by Daeus Lamb
 Less Than Human by Allen Long
The Magic Mines of Asharim by Pauline M. Ross
Fearless Author: Prepare, Publish and Launch Your Own eBook by Ashley Emma
Soul Watch by Ember T.
Decimation: The Girl Who Survived by Richard T. Burke
Slenderman (Emma Frost Book 9) by Willow Rose
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The Ceiling Man by Patricia Lillie
The Dead of Summer by Heather Balog
Living Well, Spending Less!: 12 Secrets of the Good Life by Ruth Soukup
Rite To Silence: London Calling Private Investigator Crime Thriller Series Book 1 by Solomon Carter
Fade (Paxton Locke Book 1) by Daniel Humphreys
Red Rover, Perdition Games by L.E. Fraser
The Sun and the Moon (Giving You ... Book 1) by Leslie McAdam
Sirtfood Diet: A Beginners Guide & Recipe Book on Sirtfoods & Their Amazing Benefits by Faye Froome
Daughter of Heaven: The True Story of the Only Woman to Become Emperor of China by Nigel Cawthorne
After Days: Affliction (The After Days Trilogy Book 1) by Scott Medbury
The Last City of America by Matthew Tysz
A Secret Kiss (Falling For Sakura #1) (The Princeton Brothers) by Alexia Praks
Like Soul Series (Books 1-4) by Val Conrad
The R.E.M. Effect by J.M. Lanham
A Totally ‘80s Romance (Boxed Set Books 1-3) by Addison Moore
The Weight of Happiness: On Food, Body, and Spirit by Ayelet Kalter
The Abducted Odessa Omnibus by Roger Hayden
The Children of Wisdom Trilogy by Stephanie Erickson
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Crossroads (Crossroads Saga Book 1) by Mary Ting
Surviving Valencia by Holly Tierney-Bedord
The Colur of Death by Frances Lloyd
Blackthorn (Taurian Empire) by Nate Johnson
Lullaby of the Dead: Every Ghost Has a Story (Opus of the Dead Book 1) by Lynn Lamb
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The Elven by Bernhard Hennen
Crow Hollow by Michael Wallace
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Blood Eagle: A Riveting Historical Thriller by Julia Derek
Sanity’s Thief: An Eric Beckman Paranormal Thriller (Eric Beckman Series Book 2) by Al Macy
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Until There Was You (Starlight Hill Series Book 3) by Heatherly Bell
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Eversea (The Butler Cove Series Book 1) by Natasha Boyd
Today Will Be Different by Maria Semple 
Out of Practice Aphrodite (The Goddess Chronicles Book 1) by S.E. Babin
Hum A Radiant Sickness by Patrick Bryant
Underneath - A Merfolk Tale (The Under Series Book 1) by M.N. Arzu
Burned by the Soul (Struck from the Heaves Book 1) by William Stadler
The Eyes of Abel by Daniel Jacobs
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Davenport House by Marie Silk
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The Sitter by Sharon Hawes
Crane (Legends Saga Book 1) by Stacey Rourke
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The Return of the King by J. R. R. Tolkien
The Two Towers by J. R. R. Tolkien
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A Dance with Dragons by George R. R. Martin
A Feast for Crows by George R. R. Martin
A Storm of Swords by George R. R. Martin
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Her Dear and Loving Husband (The Loving Husband Trilogy Book 1) by Meredith Allard
The Alpha Plague: A Post-Apocalyptic Action Thriller by Michael Robertson
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In The Dark by Pamela Burford
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A Beautiful Mess by T.K. Leigh
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The Way We Fall (The Story of Us Book 1) by Cassia Leo 
Unraveling You by Jessica Sorensen
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And Then She Flew by Jen Labesky
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Silence by Natasha Preston
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All I Want is You (Forever and Ever Book 1) by E. L. Todd
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Blood of Requiem (Song of Dragons Book 1) by Daniel Arenson
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In the Shadow of Lakecrest by Elizabeth Blackwell
The Original Dream by Nukila Amal 
Made You Up by Francesca Zappia 
While You Were Mine by Ann Howard Creel
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Illidan: World of Warcraft by William King
The Phoenix Descent by Chuck Grossart
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Of Noble Birth by Brenda Novak
Stealer of Flesh (Kormak Book One) (The Kormak Saga 1) by William King
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Genesis (Extinction Point Series Book 4) by Paul Antony Jones
Extinction Point (Extinction Point Series Book 1) by Paul Antony Jones
Exodus (Extinction Point Series Book 2) by Paul Antony Jones
Revelations (Extinction Point Series Book 3) by Paul Antony Jones
Silver Road (The Shifting Tides Book 2) by James Maxwell
Spearwielder’s Tale: The Dragon’s Dagger by R.A. Salvatore
Spearwielder’s Tale: The Haggis Hunters by R.A. Salvatore
The Lord of Discipline: A Novel by Pat Conroy
Golden Age (The Shifting Tides Book 1) by James Maxwell
Welcome to Night Vale: A Novel by Joseph Fink
To Find a Mountain by Dan Ames
The Tales of Beedle the Bard by J. K. Rowling
The Deep by Nick Cutter
Binge by Tyler Oakley
Spearwielder’s Tale: The Woods Out Back by R.A. Salvatore
The Food Of Love by Amanda Prowse
Witches of Lychford by Paul Cornell
The Gingerbread House by James Richard
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J. K. Rowling
The Shuddering by Ania Ahlborn
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Parts One and Two by J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J. K. Rowling
Fatal Hearts by Norah Wilson
Victim: An Extreme Horror Novel by Sam West 
Paranormal Intruder: The Terrifying True Story of a Family in Fear by Caroline Mitchell
Fire Angel by Susanne Matthews
Maggie’s Mistake by Carolyn Brown
The Book of Kells by R. A. MacAvoy
Wake in Winter by Nadezhda Belenkaya
The Forgetting Time: A Novel by Sharon Guskin
I’m Yours (Bold As Love Book 2) by Lindsay Paige
Whatever It Takes (Bold As Love Book 3) by Lindsay Paige 
Always (Bold As Love Book 4) by Lindsay Paige
Our Happily Ever After (Bold As Love Book 5) by Lindsay Paige
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racerchix21 · 2 years
ask game: spouse, one night stand or best friend.
yuta, moxie, danny
Spouse: Yuta Just look at him! He’s precious and sweet but could also kill someone. He’s like a killer cinnamon roll
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One Night Stand: Danny I feel like Danny and I would wind up pissing each other off to the point of killing each other. But he’s pretty and I think we could definitely get along well enough for one night 😉
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Best Friend: Moxie I’d have to have Moxie as my best friend, because I’m gonna need someone who not only has my back when I do stupid shit but also encourages me to do stupid shit.
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13 notes · View notes
racerchix21 · 2 years
ask game: spouse, one night stand or best friend.
claudio, drew, eddie.
Spouse: Drew Look I got a thing for Drew and his Scottish Tiddies. I could do lots of things to him and those tiddies okay? Also he’s gorgeous and I’ve got a type Tall, Dark & Terrifying 🤤
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One Night Stand: Claudio Much like Drew’s tiddies I have a love of Claudio and his chest. The way he manhandled Mox also lives rent free in my head. The show of strength was 🥵🥵
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Best Friend: Eddie Imagine all the mayhem Eddie and I could cause together. If you throw in Mox we’d be a helluva team. Also PUPPIES he loves puppies 😍
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