#Shawn and Gus in Drag (Racing)
movietonight · 2 months
Okay but Shawn totally has a crush on that street racer right
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whomst-the-hell · 7 days
most underrated shawn spencer love interest is tommy nix like i knowwww he was only in one episode but holy shit did they have a lot of chemistry in that one episode like ur telling me shawn spencer who confessed his love by talking about buying a car was out here making googoo eyes at a street racer who WANTED TO RUN AWAY WITH HIM??? “you have the kamikaze in you” HELLO????????? like they did way too much to only have 3 fics on ao3 the fuck
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vertigoevolved · 6 months
shawn buys a gun || psych mini fic
obvious warnings: mentions of guns but no real violence
Shawn buys a gun.
It’s a smaller handgun and he buys a compact gun safe with it too. It takes two days before gus asks what the metal safe is for.
“It’s a gun safe.” Shawn answers honestly. He wonders if Gus can tell he’s nervous. They’ve always been close like that.
“Okay… what do you actually have in it” Gus sighs. He seems to ignore shawn’s fidgeting hands and lack of eye contact. He’s sure Gus is mentally preparing for more Shawn hijinks.
Most days shawn hates his gift, the only exceptions being when he uses it to help people, this wasn’t one of those times. The memories of Tommy pulling out his obnoxiously large gun and pointing it at Gus were forcing their way in to his thoughts. The hundreds of scenarios of what they could be doing to Gus while Shawn was stealing that stupid car.
He trusted this guy. Shawn was suppose to be able to “see beyond the veil” and he trusted the man holding a gun to his best friends head. he was barely able to keep up his comedic act when he was making the trade off. He let Gus down. He got too close. He almost lost his best friend. If anything had happened to Gus-
Shawn’s downwards spiral is cutoff. He looks up and sees Gus’ concerned face much closer than last time he was paying attention.
“Shawn what’s going on? What’s in the safe?” Gus has his hand on shawn’s shoulder. He’s probably trying to reassure him they are in this together. That’s Gus, always by his side, and nothing was going to happen to him if Shawn had anything to do about it.
Shawn smiled. “What do you want for lunch?”
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sshawn-sspenstar · 17 days
rewatching shawn and gus in drag (racing) reminded me that when i was a kid i had a period of time where i would do chains out of paper clips and im 99.99% sure i got that from that episode lmao
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This week, Maggie & Tim are joined by Psych's favorite stunt coordinator Dan Shea to talk about Season 5 Episode 5: Shawn and Gus in Drag (Racing).
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sophsun1 · 6 months
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Psych − 5.05: Shawn And Gus In Drag (Racing)
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santonio-holmes · 5 months
Shawn and Gus in drag (racing) is an excellent pun don’t get me wrong, but I will forever be disappointed we never got actual Shawn and Gus in drag😞. James and Dulé would’ve bodied that and you’ll never convince me otherwise.
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yes, the episode title “shawn & gus in drag (racing)” is clickbait but it also turns out to be super gay anyway so who’s the real winner, steve?
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cryptid-moose · 11 months
I love “Shawn and Gus in Drag (Racing)” it’s a rlly fun episode but damn did the writers miss the chance to have Shawn go undercover as a drag queen to investigate the murder of one of the performers.
- Shawn would try to call himself something like “Lady Velveeta” and Gus would immediately bully him into changing it cause he thinks Velveeta cheese is disgusting
- They could’ve even had Rupaul as a guest star like they did with Tim Curry
- If Gus joins in on the undercover part they could’ve brought back “Black and Tan” and they could pretend to be a drag duo
- Shawn would probs have a romantic triste with one of the other queens just to find out in the end that they’re the murderer lmao
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I have a new ship to introduce: Shawn Spencer/The guy from "Shawn and Gus in Drag (Racing)"
No because Shawn was 100% crushing on him and their chemistry???
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sothisiswhoiam · 5 months
The episode Shawn and Gus in Drag (Racing) is a crime why did they have to make Shawn have such mad bisexual chemistry with the bad guy. It was like him and Shawn were flirting the whole episode and then at the end he was like "join my gang and run away with me Shawn" and Shawn was like "no way fuck you, you hurt gus D:<" like ?¿??? and now im cycling back to the fact that shawn and gus' relationship is so strong and oml i love them so much
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wisteriaandwafers · 4 months
you know what? i’m gonna say it? s5 if psych is the best season
i mean…straight out the gate with the triads, and shawn’s martial art obsession. this is also our first view into henry as the liaison, new dynamics all over.
then straight into Gus doing that AWESOME tap dance routine… UHH….AMAZING!!!!
then the one with the rich ladies? plot twist if i ever saw one.
oooh then episode five is drag racing. I have a crush on everyone in that episode. no joke
and on and on… and on… there’s bear shenanigans, there’s Yang, there’s despiereux (idk how to spell it 😬)
Best season for real
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girls-are-weird · 3 months
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#NowWatching: Psych 5x05 "Shawn and Gus in Drag (Racing)"
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
Guilty Filthy Soul
It really hadn't been as life-changing as one might think when they discovered magic was real, because it wasn't really real in the way that made it particularly life-changing.
No-one can shoot fireballs out of their hands or summon demons or things like that. Most spells really affect behavior, outlook, but can't usually force someone into doing something they wouldn't ever do on their own.
Which is the real issue here, really.
Because a curse to "abandon your boxes and follow the call of your soul" is shockingly disastrous.
Not if you're Lassie and Jules, of course. Apparently they're doing exactly what their soul's calling is anyway. Lucky bastards.
But if you're Burton Guster, it means you found yourself calling your boss from a crime scene to quit your high paying day job and become a full-time tap dancer and teacher.
If you're Shawn Spencer-
Well, that one's a little harder to pin down at first.
"Sorry Chief," Shawn had sighed the next week when they were called in to consult on the case of a recently stolen sports car from the mayor's own garage. "The curse is... blocking the spirits. In truth, I um, haven't been able to receive any messages lately... except for one related to murder."
"Oh, come on." Lassie had scowled. "You really expect us to believe your soul's whole purpose-"
"Calling, not purpose. Totally different things, Lassie. My purpose is to have great hair, and give men and women alike something to oogle at in situations where it's usually frowned on."
"Right." Lassie hadn't been amused. "Anyway, you expect us to believe that your souls calling... is just to solve murders?"
"Apparently so, Lass-i-frass. I'm just as disappointed as you are, honestly. This means no more Despereaux cases for me when he comes back. I'll miss him."
"Give me a break."
But there were none. Shawn was off any cases that didn't have to do with murder, and Gus was on less than half he salary he had from Central Coast.
And yet, oddly, hadn't been evicted. In fact, his rent had been lowered to just the right amount.
And the Psych office's landlord had just... stopped asking.
And the cases they weren't hired for anymore got weird.
Gus saw it every week in the paper (the online version, but no-one calls it The Screen, because it's The Paper and always will be, just like how NCIS is still NCIS even though none of the original cast are even left anymore).
That theft of the mayor's car? It had been found outside of a house that was being used as a sweatshop, and the people running it had been connected to the mayor through donations to his campaign.
A painting was stolen from the museum and the owner got an incredibly large insurance payout. Three days later his office's safe was broken into, cleaned out, and the painting put in place of the cash along with a pile of papers proving his fraud.
A building downtown had been vandalized with a big "You Suck!" written in block-style letters all across the front entrance. When the cleaners hired to remove it all got to work, they found a weird loose vent under one of the letters. One city inspection later and one of the biggest contractors in the business was shut down for cutting corners on safety and leaving many building completely unsecured and open to easy infiltration, including government buildings.
More and more and more. One crime lead to another, like a little trail of crumbs in the woods.
And so, six months after the curse, six months of weekly heists and vandalisms and bold public drag races later, Gus sat down across from Shawn and finally said it out loud.
"It's you, isn't it?"
"What's me?" Shawn kept tossing his paper ball in the air and catching it, never looking Gus in the eye.
"All of this." Gus holds up his tablet and nods at it, frowning knowingly. "I know your soul's calling isn't murder investigations, and so do you. This is."
"Gus, don't be The Beatles trying to say Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds isn't about LSD."
"I'm not. This is you. I know you, Shawn, this has you written all over it."
"How so?"
"Let's see. How about the store we went to that stopped carrying your favorite brand of hair gel, and the next day the manager reported his office was broken into, but when the cops checked the security tapes all they found was videos of him planting drugs on his employees and then blackmailing them over it?"
"That's just how karma works, Gus, but I'm flattered you think I'm a force of the universe like that." He still wouldn't make eye contact.
And so Gus adjusted himself in his chair and leaned forward. "Okay. How about this? A bunch of drag racers went out in the middle of the day, roaring all down the highway, weaving in and out cars, and one of the plates reported in turned out to be a car registered to a known alias of a man on the run for defrauding a ton of people under the guise of running charities."
"Sounds like he should have been more careful about where he hid his keys."
"And this one about a low-level drug runner trying to claim that a guy with oily hair and patchy stubble took pictures of him having an affair and blackmailed him into becoming a police informant?"
"What?!" Shawn snatched the tablet away. "My stubble is not patchy, it is rugged and-! ... Crap."
"I knew it!" Gus had sprung to his feet. "You are! Oh my god Shawn, I can't believe your soul's calling is being a criminal! No, you know what? I absolutely can! In fact, it explains our entire lives, Shawn!"
"Would you shush!" Shawn had slapped a hand over Gus's mouth. "Yes, okay, yes! Yes, after that lady cursed us I suddenly couldn't control my impulses anymore and just did whatever dumb idea popped into my head! Do you know how many times I've thought 'Wow, it would be so much easier to get this done if I could make them just turn themselves in?' or 'Man, this would be so much more fun if I could steal something from this awful person and get the other guy caught at the same time?' Yes, I am using crimes to catch criminals!"
Gus yanks Shawn's hand off of his mouth. "Don't try to make it sound better, you're one of the most wanted people in the whole city right now!"
"But I'm not!" Shawn throws his hands out. "because I'm way better at this than the lawful thing! Dude, do you know how much easier it is to break into places when you're not worried about leaving a trail? Or how much easier it is to get people to tell you things when you blackmail them? It's not like I've never done this before, it's how I got them to let Chief keep her job!"
"You exposed the affair?!"
"Who else have you blackmailed?!"
"Your landlord. He's breaking a ton of laws by the way, I'm working on forcing him to clean up all the mold in those places."
"That's why my rent went down?!"
"And why we don't have to pay here anymore. Although this guy is just cheating on his wife... and his other wife. And his third wife. I'm figuring out how to expose him without losing our lease, I did get a sweet amount of cash from that painting thing so-"
"WHAT! Gus, it works! It all works out! I'm still catching bad guys, and I'm profiting way more than we did just solving for the police! And I'm probably preventing a ton of murders doing it this way, anyway."
"Except that when you get caught blackmailing kingpins and double-crossing business execs, I'll be caught in the middle of it!"
"I already planned for that, I always make sure I'm out while you have a good alibi."
"... Wait."
"Oh... my god. That's why you made those flyers for my tap class."
"Can't be helping me commit grand larceny if you're teaching. sweet. moves, what? Gimme five for that."
"Why are you suddenly so much better at this kind of thing now that I can't be caught with you?!"
"I don't know. I kind of feel like I've been freed from something... like there's an old, grumpy voice in my head that got plucked out and it freed up a lot of thought room. Stealing is so fun, Gus. So is blackmail. And lying! ... How did I not become a criminal way sooner?"
"Technically you always were."
"Oh yeah. ... How did I not totally embrace it sooner? Maybe I should ask Pierre what he's doing next month. There's a guy at the museum right now who's trying to get my plaque removed from the dinosaur exhibit and I know he's been slowly replacing some of the lesser known pieces with forgeries, I totally saw him doing it when I stole those guns Lassie liked from the display."
"You did that?! He's gonna kill you, Shawn!"
"Relax, I put them somewhere safe. Oh, that's actually my next one! I'm gonna use them to lead him and Jules to a guy selling stolen guns specifically to frame people."
"Stop telling me about your plans!"
"Oh, yeah. I just made you complicit, didn't I? ... Whoops."
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psych episode masterpost (18 july)
season one
🍍 pilot 1x01
🍍 spellingg bee 1x02
🍍 speak now or forever hold your piece 1x03
🍍 woman seeking dead husband: smokers okay no pets 1x04
🍍 9 lives 1x05
🍍 weekend warriors 1x06
🍍 who ya gonna call? 1x07
🍍 shawn vs. the red phantom 1x08
🍍 forget me not 1x09
🍍 from the earth to the starbucks 1x10
🍍 he loves me he loves me not he loves me oops he's dead 1x11
🍍 cloudy with a chance of murder 1x12
🍍 game set ... muuurder? 1x13
🍍 poker? i barely know her 1x14
🍍 scary sherry: bianca's toast 1x15
season two
🎤 american duos 2x01
🦖 sixty-five million years off 2x02
🍍 psy vs. psy 2x03
🍍 zero to murder in 60 seconds 2x04
🐎 and down the stretch comes murder 2x05
📰 meat is murder but also murder is murder 2x06
📚 if you're so smart then why are you dead? 2x07
🍼 rob-a-bye baby 2x08
🚤 bounty hunters! 2x09
🎄 gus' dad may have killed an old guy 2x10
🍷 there's something about mira 2x11
💊 the old and the restless 2x12
🎬 lights camera ... homicido 2x13
🍍 dis-lodged 2x14
🍍black and tan: a crime of fashion 2x15
🍍 shawn (and gus) of the dead 2x16
season 3
🚙 ghosts 3x01
🏫 murder? anyone? anyone? bueller? 3x02
🏍️ daredevils! 3x04
🍍 the greatest adventure in the history of basic cable 3x04
🍍 disco didn't die it was murdered! 3x05
🛢️ there might be blood 3x06
🛼 talk derby to me 3x07
🏦 gus walks into a bank 3x08
🎅🏻christmas joy 3x09
🐬 six feet under the sea 3x10
🍍 lassie did a bad bad thing 3x11
🧯 earth wind and ... wait for it 3x12
🏈 any given friday night at 10PM 3x13
🍍 truer lies 3x14
🏕️ tuesday the 17th 3x15
🍿an evening with mr. yang 3x16
season four
👑 extradition: british columbia 4x01
✈️ he dead 4x02
🤠 high noon-ish 4x03
⛪️ the devil's in the details ... and the upstairs bedroom 4x04
🥎 shawn gets the yips 4x05
🥻 bollywood homicide 4x06
💻 high top fade out 4x07
🐺 let's get hairy 4x08
🍍 shawn takes a shot in the dark 4x09
🪖 you can't handle this episode 4x10
🍍 thrill seekers and hell raisers 4x11
❤️ a very juliet episode 4x12
🦠 death is in the air 4x13
🍍 think tank 4x14
🦈 the head the tail the whole damn episode 4x15
🎞️ mr. yin presents 4x16
season five
🥋 romeo and juliet and juliet 5x01
💉 feet don't fail me now 5x02
👽 not even close ... encounters 5x03
🍷 chivalry is not dead ... but someone is 5x04
🏎️ shawn & gus in drag (racing) 5x05
🍍 viagra falls 5x06
⛓️‍💥 ferry tale 5x07
🍍 shawn 2.0 5x08
🚁 one maybe two ways out 5x09
🍍 extradition ii: the actual extradition part 5x10
👻 in plain fright 5x11
📧 dual spires 5x12
🚓 we'd like to thank the academy 5x13
🍍 the polarizing express 5x14
🍍dead bear walking 5x15
💉yang 3 in 2d 5x16
season six
🇬🇧 shawn rescues darth vader 6x01
🍍 last night gus 6x02
🩸 this episode sucks 6x03
📰 the amazing psych-man & tap man issue 2 6x04
⚾️ dead man's curveball 6x05
🍍 shawn interupted 6x06
🍍 in for a penny 6x07
🧘 the tao of gus 6x08
💍 neil simon's lover's retreat 6x09
🖼️ indiana shawn and the temple of the kinda crappy rusty old dagger 6x10
🗡️ heeeeere's lassie 6x11
🍍 shawn and the real girl 6x12
🍍 let's doo-wop it again 6x13
📚 autopsy turvy 6x14
🍍 true grit 6x15
🍍 santabarbaratown 6x16
season seven
🍍 santabarbaratown 2 7x01
🏠 juliet takes a luvvah 7x02
📹 lassie jerky 7x03
🇲🇽 no country for two old men 7x04
🎸 100 clues 7x05
🎪 cirque de soul 7x06
💍 deez nups 7x07
🦋 turn right or left for dead 7x08
🪟 juliet wears the pantsuit 7x09
💛 santa barbarian candidate 7x10
🗑️ office space 7x11
🎙️ dead air 7x12
💉 nip and suck it 7x13
🍍 no trout about it 7x14
🎵 psych: the musical 7x15
season 8
🪄 lock stock some smoking barrels and burton guster's goblet of fire 8x01
s.i.e.z.e. the day 8x02
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sophsun1 · 10 months
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Psych − 5.05: Shawn And Gus In Drag (Racing)
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