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thegreatsandra · 2 months ago
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he can do anything~
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violetnerves · 1 year ago
Finished that last W.I.P.
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lupita13fan · 4 years ago
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Sekiro the Lynx - Diseños / Versiones 
Al igual que Chloe es uno de mis fan childs de Sonic, mas detalles o algo en mi Instagram 
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askshardfamily · 7 years ago
Pizza time!
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Shard: *Shakes Chip* Spit it out! Spit it out!!!!
-do not feed robots organic food plz- 
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thetravelersjournal · 7 years ago
Programming A Date- A ShardxNicole Story
This is for the ShardxNicole summer contest, which can be found here. I really like how this turned out, and I hope you enjoy as well!
At any rate, enjoy!
“Gear? Are you awake?”
I snort the last part of my snore and cough before opening my eyes slowly. Nicole was standing above me.
“Oh… *Yawn*... I guess I fell asleep. What’s up? We haven't hung out in a while.” I slowly sat up against the tree I was lying under, stretching my aching bones. It felt good to get some sleep for once. I grunted a little from the pain flaring in my hip; the hilt of my sword had been digging into it.
“I… I know, sorry,” Nicole said sadly, sitting down beside me and looking at the nearby Lake of Rings, “But with everything going on, I…”
“No, I understand. Team Freedom- and us at the SFF- have a lot to deal with. Not to mention your whole exile thing.” I didn’t mention Sally.
“Right…,” her voice trailed off. I peered at her suspiciously.
“What’s up?” I asked.
“Huh? Nothing. I just came to-”
“Nuh-uh. I can read you like a book, Nicole. What’s up?” I repeated.
She stared at me for several seconds before hanging her head and sighing.
“Well… It’s about Shard…,” she mumbled.
“What about him? He’s fine now, right? Me and Chuck fixed his core and everything.”
“Yes, but… we have been spending more and more time together lately, and… I am starting to get confused again, like I was when I first started using this form.” She gestured to her holographic body.
“Ah, new feelings springing up? Describe’um for me!” I leaned back and closed my eyes.
Nicole stared at the ground a little longer while she thought up some words to describe her feelings. “Hmm… It feels like my stomach… ceases to exist... when we meet up, and I feel rather nervous, but that goes away after we hang out for a little while, being replaced by... sort of a happy, hot tension in my chest… and when he leaves, I feel sad for some reason.
“I’m sorry,” she sighed, “That was a terrible way to describe-”
“Love,” I stated simply, smiling, “You’re in love with Shard.”
Nicole looked at me keenly before whispering, “Love?”
“Sure, sounds about right. Never felt the emotion myself, I suppose, but that’s what most people describe it as.”
“Love,” Nicole rolled the word around in her mouth, tasting it, making a face that told it was both sweet and sour.
“Are you sure?” she argued, “I don’t know if that accurately describes it.”
“If it doesn’t, then you need to explain it better. I can only do so much.”
“Love,” Nicole repeated. She gazed at the lake, becoming quiet.
I followed her gaze, becoming absorbed in my own thoughts. It was a pretty well-known fact that Shard liked Nicole- the guy couldn’t hide anything worth beans- though it made a little sense that Nicole herself didn’t recognize it. An idea formed in my head.
“You know… you could always ask him on a date.”
Nicole swiftly turned around. “A date?” she asked.
“Sure, test the waters and what-have-you-not.”
Nicole stared at me intensely. I realized a second too late I had said the wrong thing. “Test the waters? I am barely aware of my feelings towards him. Besides…,” she sighed heavily, “Do we really have time for that, with everything going on with Naugus, and Knuckle’s people, and… Sally?”
She became quiet towards the end of the sentence, leaving a hollow silence that traveled across the lake.
I observed her for awhile, before turning my snout towards the dark heavens. Alien lights simmered in the blackness, trying to light up the moonless sky on their own.
“Nicole… why do we look to the stars?”
She peered at me, perplexed.
“Do we dream of journeying up there someday, exploring the unknown? Maybe. Do we contemplate and appreciate its beauty? Perhaps. But do you know what I see when I look up? I realize, that somewhere out there, someone is facing the same struggles I’m facing. And they’re winning. They’re going up against the odds and beating them by a milestone. And, well… it gives me hope, really. I know that, no matter how hard the obstacle, I can always move forward, as long as I have the will to do so.”
I stopped my speech and looked at Nicole, who was now staring into the black abyss above.
“Sorry, that was kinda corny, wasn’t it?” I said sheepishly.
Nicole didn’t respond. For several minutes, she continued staring up, perhaps in search of the hope I had described.
“You’re right,” she finally stated. She stood up and started to walk away before looking back at me.
“I’m going to face my problems head-on. Nothing can stop me, as long as I put my mind to it. Thank you, Gear. And… I’m willing to give it a shot. I’m going to ask Shard out on a date.” And with a small wave and a little smile, she disappeared from sight.
“Atta girl,” I yawned, continuing my stargazing.
“Hey, Gear. Wake up.”
I grunted, surprised that I had fallen asleep yet again. I looked up at the silhouette of a metal hedgehog.
“That better be you, Shard,” I said, drawing my sword.
“Relax, essh,” Shard said, stepping into the limelight.
I breathed a sigh of relief, returning my weapon to its sheath.
“What can I do for you? And you realize other people might have similar reactions if they see you, right? I didn’t use all the duct tape and glue I possess on you just for you to get stoned by a mob.”
“Yeah, I know, I was just… Looking for Nicole,” he said, mumbling the last part of his sentence, “Have you seen her?”
“Nicole? Dunno. She usually meets me here, but-”
“Alright,” grumbled Shard, “I’ll just look somewhere else.”
“What do you need her for?”
“What? Oh. That. Well, I wanted to see if she could run up a training simulation in preparation for our next mission. Need to practice some new one-liners I came up with,” He smirked.
He might’ve bought my lie, but I didn’t buy his. “You gonna ask her out?”
“O-out? Wait, no, seriously? Are you even listening to yourself? There’s no way I…” He stopped talking, stunned into silence by my glare.
“Ahem… You were saying?” I smiled coyishly.
“Alright, Foxx… You got me. Though you’re wrong about one thing- I wasn’t (technically) asking her on a date. Now will you tell me where she is?” He tapped his foot in annoyance.
“So you’re not asking her on a date? Why not?”
Shard stared at me. “Wait… You actually want me to…?”
“Well, duh. I’m pretty sure everyone you know is waiting for the two of you to pair up.”
“Everyone I know? Who the heck would that be?”
“Nicole, for one.”
“Really? Because she seems preoccupied to me.”
“Are you even listening to yourself? That is a terrible reason not to ask someone out.”
“What would you know? Have you ever even had a girlfriend?” Shard replied.
“Yes,” I said.
“Technically, if you count the human side of me,” I thought.
Shard fell to the ground in a sitting position. He examined me angrily, before sadness swiftly swept onto his face.
“It's just… what if she says no? I know that she may not really fully understand love yet, so…” He sighed
“Well, isn’t that what dating is for?”
“Huh? What are you talking about?”
“People don’t date to show their love for one another- that’s what marriage is for. No, people think they might be in love with someone, and that’s why they ask them on a date- to see if they actually love the other person. All the other person has to do is like them enough to say yes. You and Nicole are like peas in a pod, there’s no way she would say no,” I explained.
The wind dissolved for a few seconds.
“I… guess that makes a surprising bit of sense,” Shard said slowly.
“Coming from you, yeah.”
“Jeez, why do I even bother…,” I muttered, leaning back up against the tree.
“But… basically, when I ask her out, I just have to hope she likes me enough to say yes, right?”
“Yeah,” I nodded, “It’s a good first step at any rate.”
We sat in silence for a while. Finally, Shard worked up his courage.
“Okay… I’m gonna ask her.”
“Good to hear. She went that way, by-the-by,” I announced, pointing to the right.
Shard looked at me with annoyance before smiling and striding off. I watched him disappear behind some trees, before turning my attention skyward once again. The stars started blinking out one by one as my eyelids slowly closed.
“All in a day’s work,” I mumbled, before my body slowly slid down the length of the tree trunk and I fell into yet another peaceful sleep.
Gear belongs to me.
Nicole and Shard belong to SEGA and Archie(?)
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archiesoniconline · 8 years ago
Considering that, in your universe, the events of Sonic Universe # 50 never occurred, is the ShardXNicole shipp discarded?
Not exactly. ;)
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askshardfamily · 6 years ago
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