#Shanks gave us a baby shower
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cookieswithay · 1 year ago
Sigh, babies. The next generation.
Hello! First off, I absolutely ADORE your series of the Strawhat boys and their babies. It is all so well written, and it's just so cute!!
Going off of that, I was wondering if I could make a request for a part, with the idea that the boys take their babies to meet their mentors/father figures (ie Shanks, Mihawk, Zeff and... honestly my mind is blanking for Usopp's and I feel bad. 😭)
But either way, thank you much for your time writing, and I hope you have a wonderful day! ❤
I know it's taken forever but thank you for this clever idea! And I'm glad you like the series(⁠。⁠・⁠/⁠/⁠ε⁠/⁠/⁠・⁠。⁠) I've been working on this for so long.
Taking their babies to meet their "Grandpa's"🪨🪨🪨
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Pairing: Monster trio x f!reader
Characters: Zoro,Luffy,Sanji
Tw: mention of blood in Zeff's pirate days
Notes: I couldn't add Usopp ಥ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ಥ; I went a teensy but overboard with Zoro's; as always, this is proofread but there may still be mistakes🪨🪨🪨
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Zoro had no plans to ever introduce his new baby to Mihawk. It's not for any particular reason that he's never told him, it just never crossed his mind really. He hadn't even told him about his relationship with you( the only person outside of his crew he's told is Perona, and that's only because she calls him every now and then to check up on him rant about something) It isn't until a letter addressed to Zoro arrives on your ship along with the daily newspaper. It was written in delicate cursive so Zoro asked you to read it for him, and you almost had a heart attack when you saw that it was a request from Dracule Mihawk, former warlord of the sea, to meet your new son.
So after about a month of sailing, parenting, and trying to convince Zoro to take the trip, because he didn't see why there was any rush to go see the old man, The crew finally docks at an island to check out the sights, and your little family finally splits up with your friends and take a boat to visit Mihawk's Island. It wasn't that bad a trip despite one of your boys complaining the entire time, the older of the two, and it was easy to navigate thanks to Nami's directions. So after a few days you both arrive on the gloomy island that Zoro lived on for two years.
Unfortunately things don't go as well when you both dock though, because as soon as you both land, your son disappears from sight. How can a baby that's only a few months old crawl away before you both notice? Ask his father's genes. Perona, who had come to visit knowing the baby would be here and had come to meet you guys, freaked out, despite you both reassuring her that this happens all the time. The three of you were looking through the forest for him, only for Mihawk to approach you three himself, “complaining” about a little cabbage in his garden that he didn't remember planting, and your son with his head of green hair, sitting comfortably in his arms.
Mihawk doesn't express any blatant joy about holding a chubby baby, his “grandson” as Perona keeps ridiculously saying, but he does give Zoro a bunch of passive aggressive comments about not bringing him to visit sooner, even more about having to learn about his relationship with you and his baby through Perona. Sure he isn't grinning ear to ear, but you all can tell just how much he enjoys holding your son. Why? Because he won't let anyone else do it. During the few days you and Zoro stay over, out of all four of you, Mihawk holds your child 90% of the time. Outside of when you all retire to your rooms for the night or when our son has to eat or be changed, Mihawk has him ALL the time. Perona and Zoro complain about how he's hogging the baby to himself, so Mihawk surprises you all by suggesting that you try and take him. All of your first thought is that he means in a fight, but when he simply gestures to your son, who's content and playing with his grandfather's cross necklace, you realize he's actually telling you to attempt taking him out of his arms. You all understand his confidence when Perona floats up to try and take your son from his spot against his grandpa's chest, and instead of opening his arms for her, your baby sleepily curls further into Mihawk instead. It surprises all of you and somehow it turns into a game. Zoro attempts and so do you and although your son pauses for a moment, making you all laugh at the thoughtful look on his small face, he eventually makes who his favorite is known. His grandfather. Mihawk doesn't smile, but there's an air of arrogance around him as you all look at him with jealousy.
Mihawk has never really had any interest in babies. As a pirate you rarely see them, plenty of children but rarely infants. So he didn't really know how to feel when Perona told him that Zoro had a brand new son. He did find it amusing that his former directions-challenged pupil had settled down and had a child of his own, but it felt strange that things progressed this way, that that young kid he knew,had actually started a family, something he himself had never done, always having lived a life of solitude. He never could have imagined that two teenage pirates would force their way into his home, and the result of that would be holding a “grandson” in his arms. He was surprised before and he's slightly shocked now but as he watches Zoro and Perona squabble and you look at them with an irritated expression, all while sitting in his favorite chair with his pupil's son warm in his arms, he finds again that he's content with a house full of noise and laughter.
As it always goes with Luffy and the people he considers family, you all meet Shanks by chance. The Straw hat pirates decided to dock on an island with a small town to restock necessities. While everyone was disembarking, Your daughter, who's 2 years old now and just like her dad, couldn't stay still and wait for everyone so she ran off excitedly into the town by herself, leaving you and Luffy to chase after her. Luffy found it significantly funnier than you did of course, holding your hand while running with you and telling you that she won't get into trouble. The town was pretty quaint, so it wasn't long until you both saw her through the window of a pub that was bursting with joyous laughter. You fly in ready to crack heads only to find your daughter in the lap of a red haired man and tearing into some food that's sitting on the counter, before you can say anything though, Luffy calls out the name Shanks. The Red Haired Shanks and his pirate crew, that you only know from Luffy's stories and when your father used to read about him in the paper.
Shanks thought your little girl reminded him of someone, her chubby little face had big, round eyes and she had an appetite that could only come from one person, but nothing could have prepared him for the sight of a little girl running into Luffy's arms and calling him papa. Even when he sees how similar she looks to the two of you, he can hardly believe the rowdy little boy he lost his arm for really has a kid of his own, that he even knew how to make one. His crew definitely laughs at the shocked look on his face, before he starts laughing with them.
There's no way there isn't gonna be a party, the Red Haired pirates turn the entire town into one. Both of the crews bring out their food, the townspeople too, and everyone celebrates your child. Your daughter has her “grandfather” wrapped around her little finger right away, using mispronounced words to get whatever she wants. Her favorite song played for her, a balloon from the vendor over there, and most of all food. There's no food at the party that he won't get for her, carrying her from table to table and grabbing whatever a tiny finger points at, and because of this your daughter warms up to him real quick. Which surprises both you and Luffy,because even though your child has a ton of similarities with her dad, she doesn't connect with people easily and would much rather play by herself than meet new people. Her connection with Shanks must be genetic. Luffy couldn't be happier either, enjoying seeing so many of his favorite people in one place with the newest addition to his family, but he's also happy that he can get a little time alone with you, because Shanks will gladly watch his new granddaughter while you both enjoy the party.
If someone gives Shanks the “grandpa” title or jokes about it, he'll run with it and gladly call your child his granddaughter from then on. It's as a joke yeah, because he's obviously not Luffy's real dad but it'll still bring him joy when he hears it, especially if your daughter is the one to call him grandpa.
Shanks has pretty much always liked children and for whatever reason, kids usually tend to gravitate to him, ever since he was a teenager, but he can definitely say that Luffy is the one kid that he's bonded with the most. He's always considered people around Luffy's age, the next generation, so it's mind blowing to be holding his daughter, the future he was always thinking about, in his arms. It makes him feel like an old man, but surprisingly, that's not too bad a feeling.
(There's definitely a lot of tears when it's time for you guys to leave, because your daughter just canNOT understand why Shanks can't come with you all, it breaks his heart)
You were the one to suggest that the crew make a visit back to the Baratie. It was a lovely little day on the Sunny and the breeze and view through the kitchen window reminded you of your short stay at the ocean restaurant, all the way back in the crew's east blue days. The cherry on top was when Sanji served you a very similar meal to those days, with your guy's son strapped comfortably to his chest, and the idea pops into your mind to go back home with the baby. It's not hard to convince Sanji to take the trip( it's not hard for you to convince him to do anything for you) because he won't admit it but he thinks about the old man and the old kitchen crew a lot. He'll act like it's a pain but he's actually looking forward to the guys seeing his baby and finding out that he married you.
So you send out a letter to Chef Zeff( you send him letters on Sanji's behalf, updating him on how Sanji's doing from time to time)letting him know that you'd all be visiting, and get your crew to take a little voyage back to the east blue. As soon as you all dock, you can see that the place hasn't changed at all, and you walk through the doors with a sense of nostalgia, Sanji in tow. The moment you step inside with your son in your arms, a marine is flying through the air at you. You hardly even flinch because Sanji is right there to bring him to a harsh stop with the heel of his foot. Without even having to look up, he already knows who's behind this, and sure enough Patty is dusting his hands off before his eyes land on you three.
“Watch where you're throwing this guy would ya patty? You almost hit my wife and kid.” Sanji groans, and it's like the entire kitchen hears his voice because everyone rushes out with wide eyes. Apparently Zeff didn't feel the need to tell everyone you guys were coming because they're all super surprised. An abundance of different things are shouted as everyone crowds around you three, making it hard for your crew and other customers to get inside. It's a mess until your son yawns and sneezes loudly, for a baby anyway, and effectively draws everyone's attention to him.
Of course the entire kitchen staff’s first response to seeing your little family is laughter. Laughter because the baby of the crew has a baby of his own and the kid that was always flirting with every woman that walked through the doors, actually settled down with the girl that he left the restaurant for. All the customers can do is murmur in confusion until Zeff loudly clears his throat, before complaining that all the commotion is disrupting business. You all know he's just fussing though, and it becomes apparent when he shuts the dining room down after the lunch rush so everyone can catch up. “catching up” for Sanji and Zeff is just fighting with one another in the kitchen, with limited curse words because there's an infant present.
It's a struggle to get Zeff to hold his grandson. Every time one of you tries, you're met with excuses like his hands being dirty, or he's sweeping, or he's got something in the oven. He won't tell anyone but it's actually because he doesn't know how to hold a baby, he's worried his worn and calloused hands might hurt his little face that's as soft as a peach. He wasn't a man made for holding babies or being around young children. He has a checkered past and a chip on his shoulder, that and he used to be a vicious pirate that stained ship decks with blood.It was fine when he was raising Sanji because he was already a brash little kid that could take being knocked around a little, could handle the tough love he treats all the people he cares about with, the only love someone like him can give. Now he has his restaurant and his staff, and life is content, and with a calm life comes a squishy little baby that has no need for tough love yet. In short, he's nervous.Sanji is the one to catch on to the real reason Zeff won't hold his son, and has an idea. That's why for most of your visit you'll find Zeff cooking with his grandson strapped to his back, the same way Sanji cooks with your son against his chest. Just until he gets used to it.
Despite basically being Sanji's father, Zeff will grumble every time someone jokes about him being a grandfather now, but the moment your son gets old enough to call him grandpa, he'll respond to it like it's the most natural thing in the world. There might be a new owner of the title "baby eggplant", if the son is anything like his father anyway.
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A/n: I've been working on this off and on for so long that I don't even know how I feel about it anymore fr. I hope you all like it, especially the one who requested such a cute idea. I feel like my writing style has changed recently and I'm caught between writing detailed headcannons, and just writing mining drabbles for each character, that's why this particular request took so long. *Sigh* Thank you for requesting and thanks for reading!🪨🪨🪨
Taggies: @cookieswithay ; @bokutosbiceps ; @wrennyx ; @stuckinthewrongworld
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angel-in-shibari · 9 months ago
older stronger abusive sadistic cellmate gf:
"if you scream, they're just gonna send you to Ad Seg for your 'protection'. so don't even bother, dumbass"
"hey dumbass, you still didn't pay me back for the coffee I gave you yesterday. you better pay up now. I don't care if your commissary account is empty. I guess you'll just hafta pay me back... another way~"
"oh yeah? what're the guards gonna do? I ain't scared of them. I can pin you against the wall and they won't give a shit"
"showering by yourself? how do you know someone won't try to shank you in the bathroom? no, you need my protection. of course I'm getting naked. we're taking a shower together, baby girl."
"nope. you don't get the top bunk. or the bottom bunk either. you sleep on the floor. I don't care if it's freezing cold concrete. bitches like you don't deserve to sleep on a bed"
"shhhhh don't yell, dumbass. I stole a guard's handcuffs. don't worry, you're fine. I just cuffed you to my bunk. awww, poor baby. don't cry. just go back to sleep. lemme play with you a bit longer"
"so you get out in a few weeks? damn. I still have 40 months left. that sucks. I bet you're gonna miss me. or... here's a thought. what if you stayed here longer? you'd want that, wouldn't you baby girl? of course you would. you'd do anything I say. right? yeah, that's what I thought. so go ahead and punch that guard over there right in her dumb face. because I told you to, that's why! don't you wanna stay with me? then do what I fucking told you to! I don't care if you think you're throwing away your life by staying here. I've seen the way you worship me. I know how obsessed you are with me. trust me, I'm way better than any one else on the outside. who would even want you anyway? an ex-con, a criminal, a dyke, a complete fucking pushover. are you seriously gonna let everyone walk all over you for the rest of your life? or are you going to do what I tell you to?"
"wow, I can't believe you actually did that! and you got 5 years added to your sentence? that's hilarious! yeah, so funny thing... I actually lied about my own sentence. I didn't have 40 months left. I actually only have four. hey, but it's okay. after I'm gone, I'm sure you'll get another cool cellmate. hopefully someone who won't try and kill you the first chance they get. what.... you love me? jeez, when did you get all sentimental all of a sudden? hey, it's not my fault! I didn't think you'd actually do it. I was just playing around. it's your own fault for believing me. haven't you learned by now, baby girl? you can't let people push you around and tell you what to do. it doesn't matter if it's cops, your boss, or even people you think you love. you're such a dumbass. and to think you were originally in here for just 14 months because of a stupid drug possession charge. you really threw away your life because you wanted to be with me? that's so fucking pathetic."
"oh stop fucking crying, dumbass. it's not the end of the world. hey, maybe when you get out in five years, we can meet up and get coffee or something? okay, that's enough. now you're just making me feel bad. I told you already, it's your own fault. okay, you know what? I know Officer Smith. I can probably bribe her to drop the charge and get your original release date back. but only if you do something for me. strip. I said 'strip', dumbass. yes, get naked, right here right now. I don't care if anyone sees us. now on your knees. aww that's just adorable. look at you. no, shut up. puppies don't talk. they bark. so bark for me puppy. I said bark! awww that's perfect. you're nothing but a dog. you're just my prison bitch, are you? awww, so pathetic. you'd do anything I tell you to. take my pants off. that's right. good girl. underwear too. nope, stop. don't use your hands. use your teeth. awww, good puppy. so good at obeying me. eat me out. you heard me. what, did you seriously think you were just gonna stare at me? you're such a fucking dumbass. if you're asking me for a favor, you need to give me something first. you've been in prison for almost 14 months. how do you not know this already? fucking dumbass. eat me out, now. oh, god.... that's so good. you've got a killer tongue, puppy. you feel so fucking good. isn't this embarrassing? just the thought that anyone could look into our cell, and see you naked and on your knees, eating me out like the pathetic little bitch you are? isn't that just so fucking hot? oh, fuck! don't stop! keep going, bitch! stop fucking struggling! I don't care if you can't breathe! you'll breathe once I cum! keep going! don't stop! don't stop! don't... fuck! holy fuck! wow... okay.... just....... wow......... good girl. good puppy. you did such a good job. get up on the bunk. come snuggle with me, puppy. you did so good. you're such a good little puppy for me. thank you. you were amazing. okay, fine... I'll talk to Officer Smith, and get her to reduce your sentence. on one condition. once you get out, you better wait for me. you hear me? I got four months left, and I don't want any other dykes tryna take you from me, ya hear? you're mine. no one else's.
wow okay this started out as a dumb meme thing but ended up becoming a whole fucking story. okay then... lmao. I might fix this up and post it as a script to GWA or something. anyway, hope you liked this lmao!
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fireflykaizoku · 3 years ago
Kid x Reader | Take care of me
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i wanted a fluff for some comfort today, so i finished this oneshot that was on my drafts for a while
Eustass Kid was always proud and confident. Proud of his power, strength and skills. He rarely had time to have any doubts that he could fight anyone, to sail the New World and to be Pirate King. However, things changed the moment he lost the fight against Shanks. His crew got hurt, you got hurt. The moment he lost his arm and got severely injured, all the insecurities hit him at once. Could he protect his friends? Could he protect you? Was he a good captain if he let this happen? Did his crew still trust him even though he didn’t believe in himself as much as he used to?
Trying to avoid the thoughts, the looks of pity and the questioning looks, Kid locked himself in his workshop for as long as he could, only leaving once in a while when everyone was busy or asleep. You gave your boyfriend some time, knowing that what happened wasn’t easy for any of the Kid Pirates, but especially for him.
It was one of those nights, you were long asleep when Kid went back to your shared room after staying in his workshop for hours again. You couldn’t help waking up due the not so subtle sounds of the door opening and of your boyfriend removing his boots and clothes. He didn’t say anything. Instead, he sat on the bed, staring at the wall and hiding his face in his hand.
— Baby? — your sleepy voice broke the silence, no reply. — What’s on your mind? — you whispered, crawling towards him, hugging the man from behind.
The redhead’s body, tense at first, relaxed under your touch. Kid didn’t say anything for a moment, wondering if he should say how he felt. After all, he was never a man of words, especially emotional words. He never showed any hint of sadness, weakness or even regret.
— Nothing… — he sighed, squeezing your small hands with his big and calloused hand. Your soft hands always made him remember that he was human, and that apparently, for some reason, someone out there loved him even with the flaws he seemed to have. — Don’t worry, kitten. Go back to sleep.
— I don’t know about that… You’ve been thinking a lot lately, distant from us, from me… — you continued, hiding your face against his naked back, feeling the warmth of his skin. — I can tell something is bothering you. You can be a mysterious man about your feelings, Eustass Kid, but I think I know you well by now.
The captain couldn’t help letting out a husky chuckle. You weren’t wrong. You knew him well enough, almost as well as Killer did. Kid closed his eyes, simply enjoying your gentle touches for a moment.
— I failed. — was all he said. He didn’t need to elaborate, you knew what he meant and you knew he wouldn’t say anything else. — Come here… — you sat on the bed, resting your back against the wooden headboard. Kid felt the absence of your warm embrace when the cold air of the ship hit his skin. He turned back to look at you with a questioning look. — Just come here… — you repeated, patting on your lap. A bit hesitant at first, Kid crawled in front of you, resting his head on your thighs and trying to make himself as comfortable as possible. Some tasks, even the simplest ones, were difficult for him. That’s why Eustass was spending so much time working, trying to build a new arm. He didn't want to depend on people to shower, to eat and to do whatever he used to do before.
— To me, you’ll always be the strongest pirate, captain and boyfriend. I never doubted your strength, and I never will. — you caressed his surprisingly soft red locks, not something you’d expect from him. — You’ll find the One Piece and you’ll be the Pirate King someday, I’m sure. And I’ll be here next to you when it happens.
Kid nodded, trying his best to believe your words. The man was feeling relaxed in one of the rare moments when he let himself show a more vulnerable side of him. Kid hated to feel weak, fragile and “small”. He felt like he needed to take care of you, to protect you. But when it was just the both of you in the intimacy of your room, the strong Supernova didn’t mind letting you take care of him just once. After all, it felt nice to be taken care of for a change.
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rodeoxqueen · 4 years ago
“Dante and Vergil return from Hell to tie up loose ends from their year-long absence. While they seek a sense of normalcy, the fates send them anything but.”
Contents: Violence, Blood and Gore, Brotherly Banter, Explicit Language, Slight Angst 
Rodeo’s Two Pieces: 
I'm very excited to show y'all what I have been working on since hell, November of 2020. Thank you kindly for sticking around.
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Back to the present, where the world turned on its axis for months without the weight of the blood of Sparda upon itself, the tides had changed.
In the midnight, had the stars laid witness to the damn near impossible. A portal had opened from the underworld, and two brothers stumbled out. Clutching their swords, Dante and Vergil reunited with the human realm.
How long had it been? Of endless violence and humorous quips thrown at the other, as the years of the gnashing of teeth smoothened the rough patches of their disjointed childhoods?
“We’re back, Verg.” Dante chuckled, arm over his brother’s shoulder.
“We are.” Vergil echoed. The obnoxious weight fell off of him and landed on the ground with a thud.
Dante had got on his knees and kissed the earth that they now stood on.
“Don’t be a fool,” Vergil said, staring at the moon. After years of wanting to become one with Hell, he tilted the false king’s crown to admire the clear sky.
Dante rolled to the ground, sighing in relief.
“We’re back.” He repeated. His brother nudged him with the Yamato.
“Get up. We must find our way back.” Eyes closed and a grin across his face, Dante let the wind pass through his bloodied and matted hair.
“Now we sound like a real team.” Vergil scoffed.
After a few moments, Dante got back up. They had arrived back from Hell to a cliffside overlooking a city that was not Redgrave.
“I assume you have unfinished business in Redgrave.” Dante nodded.
“I sure do.”
The portal became a forgotten relic, the Sparda brothers nowhere to be seen, their demonic presence known to the world.
Dante was known for many things, but mainly for how much of a constant he had remained in everyone’s lives. Never changing, staying the same as he was, an unstoppable force of sarcastic expression.
And also a huge manchild.
Vergil rubbed his temples in frustration.
“Dante. When I referred to unfinished business, I was clearly referring to your shop.”
“Yeah? And I was referring to this.” Dante bit into another slice of pizza, practically moaning.
Vergil sat ramrod straight, sitting awkwardly in a pizzeria. The two were the elephants in the room, both slathered in demonic gore and toting swords. People either gawked or left the establishment.
“You are still an idiot after all this time.”
“Yeah, and I’m also still hungry.”
“Surely your business is more important than this.”
The blue devil waited for him to finish an hour later, the long-held bill lengthening after months of his absence.
Of course, he had to have indulged a few pieces of his own. It was nothing like the gaminess of demon flesh he had forced himself to sustain upon. It was almost melting in his mouth, unlike the resistance of the shank of a demon. He was never one for vegetables as a child, Dante even more so. Yet the crunch of the toppings was well-received to Vergil, deprived of basic human sustenance for a few odd decades.
However, he found it unthinkable Dante would continue to indulge himself in this for as long as he did.
The door reopened and closed once more to reveal the broad daylight of the streets. Clean, pristine, the sounds of cars and people filled in the crisp air.
Vergil’s boots walked upon a paved road for the first time in ages, man-made and unassuming concrete with stubborn weeds growing from the crevices. No mouth-having crimson blooms that grew to a man’s height. Just simple creatures that fell softly to his weight on their fragile stems.
He had never been here before, where Dante claimed to be his home.
“What’s after this for you, Vergil?” Dante asked his brother, swiping a few demons out of his way.
Vergil, also in his triggered form, huffed a dismissive sigh.
“You know, you should stay with me. Devil May Cry’s always got a spare couch to crash on.”
“Why would I do that?” He slashed a horned devil in two, spewed in putrid green blood. Dante chuckled, knowing there was hesitance in his voice.
“Because I’m offering, big brother. When’s the last time you’ve had a place to call home?”
“I believe you know the answer to that question.” Vergil slid onto his knees under a crouching demon, disemboweling it from top-down. A final gunshot rang his ears, a noise he had to get used to with Dante’s reliance on firearms.
Dull thuds and a flash of red, Dante stood above his brother, offering a now-human hand.
The horde was cleared away like dust on a counter, gone with the wind. Vergil and Dante stood in silence, two children again.
The younger pulled his brother up, insistent stubbornness in his eyes.
“I didn’t hear a no to my offer, Vergil.” Vergil sighed, releasing his hold of his brother’s hand.
“You did not hear a yes either.” Dante chuckled, following his already-leaving brother.
From the past to the present, Vergil’s answer had been neither, never spoken of what he was to do after everything. Yet here he was, now the latter of the two when it came to guidance.
There were many ways the two could have made their entrance to Devil May Cry and have it be a smooth transition back from months of Hell. Dante kicking down the door with a loud “I’m back baby!” was simply not one of them.
Vergil saw that a familiar dark-haired woman was sitting on the desk, absent-mindedly waiting for Trish to return. A girl who once blamed him for her father’s corruption, now a woman with no heed to his presence.
Lady had dropped her nail file, eyes wide at the sight of the two brothers.
“Dante,” Lady whispered as if she was greeting a ghost.
“Yep, it’s me. In the flesh.”
“Did you miss me? Love what you did to the place.” Dante commented at the cleaned-up shop.
Her face of still confusion warped into anger.
“Oh boy.”
The next thing he knows, Vergil watches his brother get lectured like a dog. Standing up yet with the attitude of a man in a fetal position, Dante let himself become used to the sound of their tirades once more.
“You had the audacity to give the deed to Morrison. Crazy bitches?! Really!” Dante shrugged.
“I mean if I barked up your tree all day you’d be calling me a-”
“Hey, Lady.” Trish walked into the shop, icily glancing at the two brothers.
“Look at what the hellhound dragged in.” Lady pointed to Dante and Vergil.
“Oh please, I could smell them from a mile away.”
“In case you haven’t noticed, Hell doesn’t have any spas. Shame we couldn’t freshen ourselves up before coming here.” Dante sassed. Trish gave a pointed look.
“As much as it was nice to do some hot girl things, we could put Dumb and Dumber to good work.”
“What are you talking about?”
Lady gave a toothy smile.
“How do you think we got this place managed? Money. Money that you now owe us.”
“Hey! I never said you had to do anything.”
“You’d be real upset if we didn’t do anything either, Dante.”
Finally, after sitting through an eternity of harsh words and steep bills, Dante had more than ever landed himself in shambles. Again. At least he was liberated to take a shower. After Vergil of course.
He was surprised to find that the water was still running, and even more elated that it was hot water. Man, maybe paying the bills was a good thing. It felt like ages of grime and gore had been swept off his skin, his hair finally a familiar stark white. In the steam of the bathroom, he breathed out relief.
When he stepped out, he was surprised to see Vergil laying on his bed completely asleep. Usually uptight and composed, Vergil curled in on himself wearing some of Dante’s clean sweatpants that caught dust from all the months they were gone.
With a smile on his face, Dante chose the couch for once and didn’t complain.
They all deserved rest, Dante taking his nap with a magazine on his face. Future Dante could deal with this.
He never expected there to be any neater ends than the frayed knots he left in his human affairs. Yet, he wasn’t alone this time. Neither of them was.
The next few days, Dante gave his nephew a call. Well, more like Nero called him and Dante finally picked up.
Vergil had gotten up after days of practical unconsciousness, foreign to the comfort of a bed, a place to stay, yet much obliged to remain where he laid.
He came down the stairs, rubbing his eyes still. Dante’s voice was muffled until he was in the same room, Dante speaking through the phone to his son.
“Hey, your old man’s here.” Vergil shook his head, having no interest to answer, yet Dante kept waving the phone in his face.
Taking the phone, Vergil heard his son take a breath.
“Hey, Vergil. Nice to see you back from Hell. Um, can’t imagine that was a fun time.” Nero said, unknowing of how to speak to his stranger of a father.
“Indeed.” Dante face-palmed, sitting with another one of his accursed magazines.
“Yeah, um. I have your book.”
“Hmm.” Nero sighed.
“Do you want it back? I’m coming over soon for business reasons.” A hint of desperation and embarrassment from Nero went over Vergil’s bedhead.
“That would suffice…”
“Thank you, Nero.” Vergil blurted, seeing Dante mouth the words “say thank you.”
Nero stopped for a minute, a few moments of silence on Vergil’s side.
“No problem...Vergil. I got to go. Take care, alright?” Vergil hmmed as a response. The line went dead.
Dante’s grin immensely irritated Vergil, a man who was incapable of second-hand embarrassment.
“Stop that. Wipe that expression off your face. You wanted a conversation with me and Nero, there you have it.”
Dante propped his face up with his hand, a cat that ate the canary.
Vergil growled in annoyance.
Unfortunately for Dante, and luckily for Vergil, bills had to be paid and jobs to be done. Morrison had arrived a few days later, pleased to see an old friend returned from the underworld. Walking in, he was barely surprised that the shop had returned to a pig-sty appearance.
“Morrison! Nice to see you again.” Dante welcomed, sitting at his desk. Vergil eyed the unfamiliar man, reading through a book.
“Got a new job for you boys. About time you got those girls off your backs about having your little vacation in Hell.” A familiar smell of cigar smoke traced the air, Dante leaning back on his chair, intrigued.
“So Morrison, what nasty demonic critters does this gig entail?” Dante asked, arms crossed.
“There’s a demon runnin’ around towns, causing a lot of trouble.” Morrison placed a photo down, blurred and poorly taken. Although, the grotesque purple skin and rippling eyes on its body didn’t leave much to admire.
“Huh,” Dante mumbled. Vergil examined the picture.
“I’ve never seen a demon like this before. Sure is ugly, though.” Dante noted, pointing at a flat and angular head, pallid yellow eyes that bulge out of its sockets on the sides, and needle-like teeth in multitudes.
“My sources say it’s been going North, the last town they passed was here. Just this morning. It’s making some distance, I’d get to it as soon as you can.” Morrison revealed a map, a red circle around a certain landmark.
“It’s scaring the shit out of people and causing some casualties to be contained.”
“Alright, we’ll take ‘em.” Dante stuck his hand out, expecting cash. Morrison tutted, patting Dante’s shoulder.
“You’ve been spoiled, Dante. Nah, you’re gonna bag this son of a bitch and then we can talk about payment.”
Dante groaned, taking the job. Morrison tipped his hat to Vergil. Vergil glared in return.
“It’s been nice catching up with you boys.” He called out, leaving the shop.
The door thudded as it shut, and the two were alone once more.
“Well, we just got our get-out-of-jail card. Come on, let’s get going.” Dante grunted.
“Must you complain about everything?” Vergil muttered.
Outside, it was late morning with a slight breeze. The familiar sounds of a motorcycle came to Vergil’s attention.
Dante had sat on Cavalier, expecting Vergil to get on.
“Must you rely on that garish thing?”
“It’s too bad you can’t fucking teleport somewhere you’ve never been. Get on the motorcycle.”
Dante patted the seat, Vergil obeying for once.
“Ready for your first job?”
“More than you are.”
They tore through the streets of Redgrave, going north.
The sun rose and started to fall, endless roads leading through towns and cities that paid them only a slight turn of their heads.
The map’s glaring red bullseye had become a dead-end of sorts, the two resorting to walking instead.
Redgrave had always felt muggy with the air of hell creatures around. Here, in this unmarked territory, it had felt clearer. But also more unsettling, the idea of a demon scuttling about more of an awful surprise.
They felt consumed by the empty streets, busted in windows, and vacated shops and residential places in their lonesome wandering.
Something before had wiped this location clean of humans, and now something else was lingering in its place.
“This area has been abandoned.” Vergil walked over giant cracks through the ground, leading to a deserted town.
“Not surprised,” Dante answered, thinking about a certain tree, “good thing we don’t have to deal with any more civilians.”
A buzz in his blood reminded Dante that something was certainly there. The alleys were a perfect spot for creatures to linger, waiting for prey.
As below, so above. A ringing through the air was quickly parried by steel. Dante’s sword stopped a shower of needles from stabbing him, a stray one cutting the side of his cheek. It jolted him as a creature bounded the rooftops of the buildings, a hulking mass of reptilian skin.
Vergil raced after the creature, having blocked all the assailant’s long-distance attacks. Claws dug through the tiles, running on all fours from rooftops to silently treading the paved roads.
It’s clearly after an objective.
Dante chased after the beast from the ground, firing shots at the agile demon. Vergil jumped buildings, gritting his teeth at the demon’s inherent ability to evade and attack back, dodging tail spikes.
The streets all lead to the town center, where a fountain long cleaved in two from giant roots, stood.
Dante and Vergil came across the demon, purple skin stretched over its pointed bones, facing a cloaked individual.
“Hey, pal-” Dante was shushed by Vergil, the two standing a distance away from the hunched-over beast, much taller than either of them when standing on its hind legs.
Neither of them had expected another person in this area, clearly an oddity in the shambles of civilization.
“Famulus. Servant of Raphael.” A rumbling growl echoed in the night in response.
“I’m obliged, filthy halfling.” It hissed, crouched over and leaning to leer to the monotonous voice.
“You will tell me where he is.”
“His brothers may have underestimated you, but my master has known of your presence. Sending his best, I, to exterminate you.”
The person said nothing, as all that was all that needed to be said.
“Looks like we found it’s been searching for,” Dante mentioned, alerting the attention of the formidable monster and unassuming humanoid.
Glazed-over eyes narrowed with bloodlust met the twins as they readied themselves for anything.
“I will bring Raphael the heads of Sparda, once I am done with you.”
The hooded stranger turned their head to the two. With their face void of any expression, the twins had no idea what to think of them.
A pulse went through the air, Dante and Vergil’s skin jolting at a sudden warm wave in the air. Milliseconds after, a rotating ring of golden energy rattled through the stones, passing through the spaces in the pavement that lead to Dante’s boots.
Vergil and Dante were thrown like ragdolls meters away by an unseen force, Dante hitting the ground twice and rolling to a stop as Vergil stuck a landing with the Yamato through the floor.
A golden sphere surrounded the bruise-colored demon and the humanoid, who cocked their head in a disinterested manner, glaring at the taller creature.
Dante touched the wall before them, warm and pulsing with life. Despite the magnitude, he noted how it didn’t seem to hurt him, only pushing back from his own applied pressure.
Vergil paid it no mind, conflict occurring right before their eyes.
Famulus lunged at the smaller person who dodged, hands grappling at a giant maw, throwing its body to the barrier.
Tail spikes unfurled and bristling, Famulus’ hackles rose.
On hind legs, the demon stood well-over the miscreant, who allowed the beast to come to them. No matter how fast Famulus struck, claws phased through the empty air where it expected pliant flesh. Even swipes of its giant tail between quick strikes and heavy blows had been easily dodged.
A rain shower of blade-like projectiles flew at them, their body dropping down to avoid several. Dozens stuck above where their head was, a near fatality.
A needle whistled as it was caught by a calloused hand, palm tightly wrapped around the quill aiming for their chest. Several had torn through their cloak, nearly pinning them to the ground. They let out a startled noise, moving themselves up.
Famulus ran at them, prepared to rip them apart while they were down. Surely a cowardly move than preferred, but a move nonetheless.
They whipped their head around, jaw gritted. The same clutched quill was thrown like a javelin straight into Famulus’ snout.
Pulsating pain and white-hot agony made the beast screech, purple flesh burnt and smoking.
They shook themselves free of any spikes, clad in ancient robes. Nothing a common human would wear now. Even a demon could tell something was off about this one creature in human skin.
This was no common miscreant come to place vengeance upon its master. Raphael had requested Famulus to obliterate this insect as if none of his lord’s underlings could defeat them.
You shall return them to their grave, Famulus. A low gravelly voice rang through the demon’s head, a present message. The snake-like eye in the middle of its forehead rolled back and returned when its master’s command became silent.
“Yes, I shall.”
The foe stiffened as if they had gotten the answer they had been looking for. Famulus knew that. And like the devil it was, it goaded their curiosity.
“You will never make it to my master’s domain. I will gnaw on your bones, putrid being.”
If only if Famulus knew that there was no goading a foe that was already plotting several paces ahead.
Lashing out, a meter-long arrow-like appendage was fired at them once more while the demon began to collect its true power from the air around it.
It missed the mark, sinking into the ground to have the intended target land upon the blunt end, balancing coyly. Several more jabbed at the barrier, sticking into the protective sphere as the cloaked being ducked and turned to avoid scythe-like claws and disemboweling long-distance attacks. Famulus struck a blow that surely meant death, supposedly cornering the prey, until they vanished in thin air. A hazy afterimage materialized and faded away, swiped into nothing.
Immediately, they appeared to the side of the demon, who just began to rear its head to perceive this teleportation.
Legs bent as they were parallel to the ground, they drop-kicked the reptilian brute, scaly skin rippling at the impact.
Famulus’s neck snapped the wrong way, letting out a moist creaking noise as the body stayed stubbornly rooted to the ground. Incapacitated, it could not stop the smaller fighter from leaping onto a begotten tail spike from the ceiling of the barrier, yanking it, and falling back down to its capitulum.
The hooked and jagged arrowhead bit through toughened flesh, securing them to the flat of its head, glowing hand pressing against the middle eye, the key to finding Raphael.
A once distinguished demon, Famulus lashed its head about like a common beast. The joints in its neck realigned, sickening crunches with each segment joined.
Pushing their energy into the convulsing eye, Famulus felt its connection to its lord become not of its own.
Paralyzed from the sensation of a pulling force, tugging away at flesh, and seeping their own life force into it, digging into its mind, Famulus’ muscles twitched and convulsed like an animal to be dissected.
Famulus snarled to itself.
The veins leading to the spike stuck in its head pulsed, conducting electricity straight to the open palm. A strained cry left their mouth as they relented their hold.
The final twist of its head thrashed them off to hit the ground.
Flashing images of a lair, of an iron throne, flashed through its mind.
Famulus had failed to hide his master’s location. And with that, its murderous intent grew.
Despite the finality of its fate, its tail swished with anger and boiling rage to either do the job or keel over in defeat.
The thief got up with little grace again.
Its many eyes had noticed the bloodstains within their cloaked form, old wounds from recent battles. There wasn’t much damage left for them to take.
No one could dodge the Mjölnir.
Dante felt the hairs on his arms stand at full attention. Brows crossed, the older Sparda swiped through bits of his hair that lilted up from their slicked-back position.
“Hey, do you feel that-”
A beam of dark lightning was emitted from Famulus’s tail, striking straight into the opponent’s chest, shards of pure energy slicing through the air with a symphony of cracks rattling the street. Several pebbles flitted off the earth, scorching hot.
The lightning was overpowering, the cries of the stricken muted, body curling to itself with arms stiffening at the chest.
Dante and Vergil both believed defeat was imminent, preparing to have to take out the demon themselves.
When the flashes of demonic power died down, Famulus had witnessed the impossible.
Even with the golden shroud having been faltered, the thunderstruck figure had not been smitten.
Famulus’s needle-tooth grin dropped at the turn of events, rearing back on all fours.
Black lightning danced off their skin, flickering yellow sparks onto the cobblestones.
“No one of that stature could be capable of such an atrocity, and still be human.” Vergil thought to himself.
Famulus was the strongest of the Pessulum litter, demons that nursed from the deadliest of storms to emerge the top of their species. The demon had killed bigger and stronger with less than it had exhibited today.
And now, this runt of a creature had stood against it with no fear, not even close to death? Taking its strongest attack with no problem?
A rush of fear chilled its electrified veins. Stories of the being, whispers amongst Raphael’s underlings, its master’s own grinding teeth at the news of his brothers and their sudden falling, proven true by the might of this mysterious being.
Famulus would live with no merit to his name, scorned by Raphael, seen as less by its inferiors.
“If that does not kill you then I will!” Famulus jumped, claws extended like scythes to slice flesh to ribbons.
Clumsily taking one step forward, tense arms fought back to form one hand pointing to the snout of the devil, the other to the skies.
The thunder was released from its subjugation, deafening annihilation.
A blinding beam of sheer gilden lightning shot right into the demon, many opaque eyes centering at the color of death. Through the other hand, thunderbolts went off like firecrackers into the atmosphere, exploding rapidly and chaotically.
“Holy shit,” Dante exclaimed, sparks dancing off the paved path and flittering in the air.
Vergil ground his heels to the ground, the frontward force of the explosion pushing against him.
The blow sank into purpled flesh, veins and nerves turned from putrid black to nearly white, keeping the demon trapped in the air, still positioned to pounce and disembowel. Famulus didn’t even make any noise, the renowned servant burned alive.
Seethingly hot, with the very air molecules shaking at the display, the twins watched skin and bone become ash and dust. Killed by one’s trump card.
Not even a fallen tail spike was left, the aftershocks settling the twice-over-cremated remains scattering to the wind.
The redirection of the lightning strike had taken a toll on the hooded figure, who straightened up shakily, face revealed for all to see.
A pair of eyes were two suns in the dead of night, a contrast to the light blue ones that perceived them.
Standing alone, centered by destroyed store windows and melted streetlights, they seemed impassive to their might. It was as if they weren’t just blasted with lightning, where their fabric was scorched the only evidence of the offense.
Dante and Vergil didn’t know what to do, not knowing if this person would attack them as well.
They stayed where they were, the moon right above their head, shining around their crown of messy hair.
“Be not afraid.”
Voice hoarse, their mouth moved differently than to the words they just called out.
Before the twins could think of anything to say, the figure beyond them collapsed.
Vergil was silent, still processing all of this. Who was this person? What were they looking for? Who was Raphael?
Dante rushed forward, heavy footsteps raising ashes from their resting place.
Vergil followed, the Yamato ready to be unleashed at any hesitation.
Dante turned them over, noting the strange force surrounding them had remained. As if someone larger was there.
A human face from under the worn, textile cloak greeted them, exhausted and at peace with unconsciousness.
Two lines dripped down their face from their nose. Bleeding crimson, a human above all. In-and-out, slow breaths moved their chest just enough to know they were alive.
“A half-demon?” Vergil questioned himself.
“If they killed the demon, do we have to split the cash with them?” Dante blurted. Vergil raised an eyebrow at the inquiry.
Before he could retort, Dante had lifted them, their stature dwarfed in strong arms.
“Let’s ask them when they wake up.”
“Dante, you are not bringing that thing back.”
“You’re right. I’m not. You are. Open a portal.” He said with a shit-eating grin.
Vergil reluctantly did so, the Yamato ripping open the fabric of space. He would regret this, he was sure of it.
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years ago
immj2 05.04.21 lb
daaaayum, riddhima using her brain soooo much in advance now ki sapne mein hi she foresees what kaand could happen and thinks ways out.
lmaoooooooooooooooo are they making not-rrahul shoot from some random khopcha in his home? kya hi ganda camera angle hai yeh? it looks like a hostage video.
riddhima’s face as sasta!vansh drones on and on about absolutely nothing is me on every single phone call.
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ofc vansh has snuck up on this call and taken the phone and decides to take over conversation himself. dude, shaadi hui hai iska matlab yeh nahi ki koiiiiiiiiiii bhi boundaries nahi hain.
sasta!vansh got a taste of his own meds ki how it feels when someone’s just talking AT you, and he hung up.
riddhima is not falling for any of vansh’s intimidation and i am here for it!
“kahin tumne ismein kuch milaaya toh nahi???” she asks with sweeeeeeeet as pie smile. ALKSDJFLKDF HOW MY GIRL HAS GROWN. *sniff, happy tears*
him: oh absolutely milaaya hai! love, care, affection................
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him: ............. and a little truth serum, taaki jungle waala sach baahar aaye.
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she’s coughing and choking. oh boy.
lmaoooooooooooooooooooo she’s like OMG THE TRUTH SERUM IS WORKING, I FEEL LIKE TELLING THE WHOLE TRUTH........... ABOUT THE SHIT YOU PULLED, TO DADI. akldjslkasdjlsakjdlskj man i really love new riddhima!!!!!!!!!!
ouff, siya’s back at saste!bhaiyya’s lair and she’s at the proper set and he’s in that random khopcha and it looks dumb as shit. man why won’t they just get rid of his characterrrrrrrrrrrr????????/
and now he’s negging her. siya pls for the love of god why are you into this fucker??????????/
anyway, i’m not interested in these two and their grossass flirtationship so i’m fwding. only thing worth pointing out in this scene is vyom has a sizable pic of vansh with a big X on it, and siya has not noticed it or found it shady. wonderful.
and now she’s promising to turn into whatever type of girl he wants and to take anyyyyyyyyyyy risk for him. PLS TELL ME THIS IS SHAATIR SIYA PLAYING SHUNYA MAN FOR BHAIYYA’S SAKE. I CANNOT TAKE THE DEGRADATION OF HER CHARACTER OTHERWISE. VANSH AND ISHANI DID NOT RAISE YOU TO BE THIS FUCKING STUPID, SIYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
chanchal asking dadi what vyom’s whole deal is, kuch kaand hua tha na uske family ke saath? and dadi’s like we don’t talk about that here.
chachi also dropped a tidbit about siya leaving the house all saj-dhaj ke and dadi’s taking it too easy. let’s hope dadi/siya have formed an allaiance to fuck vyom up?
riddhima has come to talk to dadi. lord.
riddhima trying to gauge dadi ka taapmaan and.......... mafia dadi just gave a very “the family” typa speech and some thinly veiled treats.
glad to see vansh be a responsible pet owner who feeds his fishies everyday.
hein? aryan’s back in the house? already????????/ aur jaake vansh bhai ke mooh bhi lag raha hai........... GUTS mannnnnnn.
vansh is pulling some patronizing bada bhai bs and aryan’s like literally gtfo my face. relatable. vansh IS very irritating.
lmaoooooooooooooooo aryan’s dumb ass still hasn’t figured angre isn’t really dead. vansh’s smile at that is amazing, lol.
anyway aryan’s ranting on about how riddhima ke ishq ne nikkama kar diya, warna vansh bhai bhi the aadmi kaam ke.
wifey is off-limits topic. collar pakad liya bhai ne.
lmaooooooooooo at the way vansh is snooping at riddhima in the shower. he legit looks like such a pervert lol.
lo mil gaya fingerprint glass se and khol liya uska phone. why are you like this, man????????????
found nothing. pfffffffffffffffffffffft.
riddhima knew fucker would snoop on her!!!!!!!! “tumhi se seekha hai........ SWEETHEART.”  i love ittttttttttt. keep playing him like the sucker he is, babe!
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ishani is here to ask aryan for painkillers for angre and aryan’s like HEIN???? ANGRE’S ALIVE?????????
abhi buddhu ko samajh aaya lmaoooooooooooooooo. honestly aryan, you need to do some brain workouts and shit.
sakldjlskajdlkjsalkdjlaskj now ishani took the gun from aryan and is threatening to shoot if he did something to angre.
aryan copped up to it, and ishani actually shot at him!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 omg to be angre, the man who inspires wife and bhaabi to murder this fucker for him!!!! the only good bean. he deserves this kinda loyalty. *happy sigh*
anyway, it’s quite clear now ki vansh bhai ne gun ke saath kuch locha kiya tha.
ew idhar siya is in some sexy sari for saste!bhaiyya and i am not here for this. fwding. *gag gag retching noises*
riddhima is video-calling vyom and he’s panicking to hide siya like a teen who snuck his gf home when mummy papa aren’t here. loserrrrrrrrrrr.
shunya dude is like baby doll, you’re not like other girls, you’re smarter!!!! and riddhima instantly shut him down saying women don’t need YOUR validation so literally stfu. phew. the character growth of this girl. i can only watch with happy tears in my eyes.
riddhima noticed siya’s earring in his hand and him yelling at someone off screen.
riddhima’s called for some help with some “keemti cheez”, which zero man promises to get to her.
ishani is here to yell at vansh bhai for jeopardizing angre’s life like this and it is FUCKING AMAAAAAAZING.
lol vansh is in competition with ishani for angre’s love???? he’s like angre’s life means more to me than it does to you. kya hi ajeeb family hai yeh yaar.
me rn:
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ok idk how ishani is just yelling at vansh bhai instead of socking him in the face for his patronizing bs, coz i for sure would have gotten a swing in at a brother who acted this way in front of me, so help me godddddd.
vansh seems to really be enjoying seeing the outburst though. he can’t stop smirking about how baby sis finally in love with her husband. it’s kinda cute.
cut to vangre in their secret room trying to figure out how to open the black box. um there’s a number written quite prominently ON IT. have y’all tried that???
meanwhile lollipop ladki is spying on them. vansh i told you that you needed to shift base. koi bhi aa jaa raha hai yahaan, for fucks sake it’s getting as much footfall as the kitchen. go back to that random container house you used to live in as vihaan.
precap: vansh dispatches angre to check chappa-chappa of that jungle where he was behosh. vansh promising riddhima he’s gonna find out what happened in those 6 hours. ANGRE FINDS KABIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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holylulusworld · 5 years ago
Deals with the devil are never easy
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Summary: You make a deal with the devil – will you regret it?
Pairing: Demon!Dean x Reader, Sam Winchester
Warnings: angst, kidnapping, a hint of dub-con, nakedness, smut, unprotected sex, possessive demon Dean, awkward Sam, Quorofilia / Hand Fetish 
Kinktober Special: Quorofilia / Hand Fetish
Kinktober Specials
Sequel to: Deal with the devil
“Dean, can you not let Sam out of the trunk? I agreed to stay with you.” Mumbling you glance at Dean gripping the steering wheel tighter.
His knuckles turn white and you gulp hard. “I know you don’t trust us, but I promise I’ll not risk you hurt Sam. I’ll do anything you want me to do.” Your eyes refuse to meet Dean, so you look out of the window, holding back a sob.
“Y/N…” His voice is soft for a moment. He can smell the tear escaping your eyes. “I won’t hurt Sammy as long as you keep in mind you are mine…” Large palm sliding up and down your thigh Dean licks his lips, feeling your arousal grow the longer he touches you.
“Dean, I’m sore…” You gasp as his fingers trace the outlines of your pussy. “Please…”
“Hmm…such a good girl, so polite. At the next stop I will let Sammy out for a while. He will stay handcuffed, tho but you are allowed to help him drink and eat. After that we will have a conversation about my rules for the two of you.” Dean says and you nod eagerly, relived you can get your friend out of the trunk.
“I’ll be good…”
“I know you will, Y/N.” Dipping one finger into your wetness Dean smirks seeing the goosebumps erupt all over your skin.
He’s stopping his ministrations, removing his hand to lick his fingers clean. You should be disgusted but all you can do is gasp hearing Dean’s deep rumble.
“Why do you want me? The real Dean never showed interest. I was flirting but he never reacted…” Whispering your words you glance at the demon owning you now.
“I always had a thing for you. Cute, sweet and smart Y/N, Sammy used to call you. I was close to ask you out, but you flirted with this book smart guy and I rather banged a bar shank. You saw me with her, and I saw the hurting in your eyes. Never got another chance. From this day on you kept your distance, preferred Sammy…” Dean explains leading the car toward a motel.
“I liked you, maybe even loved you. That night I wanted to…you know. I knocked and then I heard the noises and knew you found someone better. I had to protect my heart and accepted that’s just the way you are.” You shrug, not looking at Dean. “Never imagined our first time like this, thought it would be romantic and gentle.”
“I’m not the cuddly type, never was. I can go easier on your, Sweetheart. Maybe I eat you out next time.” Dean’s words are full of dirty promises and you let your mind wander to a better time.
“What now?”
“Now I’ll get Sammy out of the trunk, you will help him drink and eat before we have our conversation. Later I want to feel your legs wrapped around me…”
The dirty grin is back, and you look away, refusing to let Dean win once again. No…not Dean. The demon pretending he’s still your friend.
“Let Y/N go. This was my fault, not hers. You did enough to her.” Sam cough as Dean drags him toward the room he rented for a few days.
“Shut up, Sammy. Y/N is finally mine. No book smart asshole will take her away from me once again. Now she will help you eat and drink before I make her happy again.” Dean’s eyes flash black and he pushes Sam onto a chair. “Sit and keep your mouth shut.”
You watch Dean cautious. The moment he let his guard down you will free Sam and brings as many miles between you and him as possible.
“Help him. I’m going to shower. No tricks or I’ll rip his throat out. I’m faster than you or Sam.” Dean warns the smirks still on his face.
“Can I have the water and food now. I’m pretty sure Sam is thirsty and I’m too.” Voice hard you grab the water, glaring at Dean.
While you help Sam drink and eat Dean is cursing in the showers. He can hear you whispering. Asking Sam if he’s alright, hurt or if there’s anything you can do to make him feel better.
Fist meeting the tile wall Dean yells for you, telling you stop talking to the hostage. He’s ignoring the pit in his stomach. Deep down inside, hidden underneath darkness and power Dean knows this is not the way to win you over.
“That’s enough nursing. Do you need to pee?” Dean barks at his brother and you flinch. Eyes meeting Sam’s you give your friend a cracked smile before his elder brother drags him of the chair. “Pee or not. You’ve got five before you are back into the trunk.”
Jaw tense, chest heaving up and down the demon glares at Sam. Your hands start shaking seeing the tension between the brothers.
“Dean, please. You promised not to hurt Sam. Your word, you gave me your word. I know you are not my Dean, but he always kept his word, no matter what.” You choke out. “Please…”
“Fine.” Pushing Sam into the bathroom Dean opens the handcuffs. “No tricks or she will pay the price. You can sleep in the bathtub. Y/N bring a pillow and the spare pillow.” You want to protest but everything is better than the thought of Sam being trapped in the trunk once again.
Back resting against the headboard, only wearing his boxers Dean watches you stripping your clothes off as he asked you to do. He’s smirking, licking his lips as you drop your clothes to the floor.
“Come here, Baby Girl. I wanna touch you.” Dean watches you crawling onto the bed. Hesitating for a moment you look at the anti-possession tattoo at his chest. “Waste of time and money. Never thought you would turn into a demon…”
Dean ignores your words, grabbing your waist he forces to straddle his lap. Your hands grab his shoulders to steady your body. For a long time, Dean drinks, you in. His eyes roam your body. The little freckles on your tummy, the tattoo of a bird on your hip…the swell of your breasts.
When his hands reach out for you a gasp escapes your lips. Rough hands touch your skin gently. Simply exploring every curve of your form Dean moans at the feeling of your breasts in his hand.
“You���re beautiful and all mine. Look at this body. Can’t understand Sammy never tried to bend you over his bed and take you hard.” Dean growls and you wake from your trance.
“Sam is not like this, we are friends. He doesn’t see me as an object he can use, own and toss away the moment he gets bored.” Your words make Dean angry. Jaw tense he flips you over, burying his face into the crook of your neck, hand snaking between your thighs he nips at your skin.
“I always wanted you to be my girl. I take what I want. I know you want me too, Baby. Just give in and no one gets hurt.” Dean’s words cause you to shudder underneath him. “That’s the problem. You don’t try to seduce me, you are threatening my friend to make me obey…” Your voice is thin as Dean slip two fingers into you, causing your hips to jerk toward his digits.
“Gonna make you feel good, Baby. Want you to feel good with me. Only I can have you this way. I won’t hurt Sam…” Lips claiming yours Dean rips your panties apart as you move your hands to his boxers, freeing his aching cock.
“I know, Y/N. Just give in…” Moaning against your lips Dean ruts against you. His cock nudges your entrance, but he waits, looking down at you. Hands pining yours down he let his lips wander along your collarbone down to your nipples.
Tongue teasing your hardening buds Dean slowly sinks into you, groaning against your plush flesh as he bottoms out. “You are so good for me, feels so good. Touch me, Baby, please. I want to feel your hands on me.” Dean’s hands let go of yours, allowing you to touch his body.
The first gently touch makes him moan, crashing his hips into yours. His eyes are dark with lust and you slide your fingers over his arms. Now Dean is hissing, feeling his cock twitch every time you touch his skin.
Your eyes meet his as you move your hands over his chest, feeling his muscles flex with every hard thrust. He’s caging you with his forearms at each side of your head, giving you enough space to touch him everywhere you want to.
His rhythm never falters as he speeds up in his movement. Dean is gripping the headboard, starting to pound you with all he’s got as he can’t stand the feeling of your hands caressing his back. The wet sound of his cock entering you along with his voice moaning your name fills the room.
Featherlight touches, your fingertips exploring his flesh let him lose all control.
Your body rocks against his as your hands hold tight onto his back now, pressing noises out of the demon you never thought you would hear.
“More, touch me more.” Dean urges you on and you do. Grabbing his ass, you squeeze his cheeks and a shudder ripples through his body. Your walls start contracting around his twitching length as a strangled cry leaves the demons lips.
“Was that … good?” You ask as Dean rolls off you, not looking at you for a moment. “I like your hands. Always wanted you to touch me with these fingers.”
“Hands…I see…”
“Next time touch my cock. I want these tender hands touching me there too. You’ll do as I say.” Dean mutters now seeing your soft eyes watching him.
“Why do you always have to destroy an intimate moment? I liked touching you Dean. No need to force me.” You whisper turning around to face the wall instead of the demon.
“You’re mine…I…”
“Did you have enough? Can I sleep now, or do you need to get off once again, Dean?”
You wake to an odd noise. Laughter? Blinking your eyes open you can see Sam handcuffed to a chair as Dean crawls onto the bed toward you, dragging the blanket away before his face is buried between your breasts.
“She’s mine, Sammy. I’ll show you Y/N wants me…she wants to touch me.” Dean mutters nipping at your collarbone.
Your fingers slide though his longer hair and the demon looks up at you with emerald eyes, not moving for a moment, simply enjoying the feeling.
“Can we not do this in front of Sam? You may not feel ashamed, by I do…” You whisper and Dean nods, sucking a hickey above your left breast.
You nod, watching Sam sliding one hand out of the handcuffs. He looks at you, silently telling you distract Dean, so you move your hands to his back, gently stroking his skin.
Dean closes his eyes, moaning once again. He doesn’t hear Sam getting up and he doesn’t see him hitting his skull before it’s too late.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N…” Sam whispers before he handcuffs his demonic brother.
“Where is she? I need to apologize Sammy. God, all the things I made her do. I forced her to suck me off. I had her in front of you and Cole. I’m a monster.” Dean curses smashing the chair against the wall in the dungeon. “She’ll hate me…”
“Dean, you should talk to Y/N. She’s still your friend and maybe, she’ll forgive you.” Sam whispers trying to get the memories of you bend over the car out of his head.
“She hates me for sure…”
“Can we talk?” Dean asks standing in the doorframe of your room. His eyes focused on your hands he tries to not feel aroused and fails epically. Lower lip trapped between his teeth he gasp as you get up moving your hands over your arms.
“This wasn’t a demon thing? You are into my hands, Dean?” Your voice is soft, just like your eyes when you approach him. “Do you want me to touch you again?”
“You must hate me…” Dean chokes out. “I did horrible things to you. I took you in front of Sammy. I can see the disgust all over my brothers face…”
“That was not one of my best moments in life. I mean the sex was good, hot even but I’m not into having an audience while the love of my life takes me hard.” You shrug and Dean gasps feeling your fingers slide over his chest.
“We need to talk about a few things. Apologize to Sam but I’m tired and would like to sleep a bit right now. You can stay and I’ll touch you some more.” Dean’s eyes meet yours before his lips claim yours.
“Love you so much, Y/N.” Dean moans against you, tugging at your clothing. “Can’t let you sleep. Touch me, Baby Girl. Please…”
“Only if you promise to not turn into a demon again. That guy was an exhibitionist and pervert…but good in bed…”
“I’m good too, let me show you…” Dean growls pushing you onto the bed.
“Let’s christen the bunker…”
Screams catch Sam’s attention and he runs toward your room, kicking the door open, gun aimed only to see his brother plunging into you, growling as you grab his shoulders tightly.
“Give me a break here!” Sam yells awkwardly covering his eyes. “Can you not do this in front of me all the time?”
“Get used to it. She’s all mine. We have a new deal…”
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whereistheonepiece · 5 years ago
*cocks gun* Darlin' I'm needing to ask ya to hand over some more information on yer OCs, ti's for science Feel free to add complicated explanations and oddly specific colour schemes~♥
Oh, bb. No need for the gun. All you need to do is voice the least bit of interest in what I’m doing to get me going. Cute names help tho.
Because I like attention.
Particularly attention where it doesn’t feel like I’m being humored out of politeness.
I have two OCs that have made their way onto this blog. Actually, that’s a lie. One has made it onto this blog and the other one is waiting to make his debut in a fic I have coming out…eventually.
First one is Luna
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(Not my art. I commissioned it. Support artists!) 
She’s not an One Piece OC, but she lends herself to an AU I have going on where One Piece characters are either strippers (Zoro, Sanji, Franky (former), Shanks (former, Zoro and Sanji’s boss), drag queens/kings (Usopp, Robin, Luna, Boa Hancock, Ivankov), or in burlesque (also Robin, Perona, and formerly Vivi). It’s called the Performance AU and it’s my excuse to be as self-indulgent and campy as I want. She’s originally a drag queen and she wanted to come out to play. She’s trans, Japanese, and a busy bee. And a little bit of a mess.
She also has a crush on thirsts after a good portion of the cast. Drag name is Sakura Sunrise. She comes with a set of friends that haven’t made their way into the Performance AU, but know that she comes from a set.
She shows up in a fic I wrote for the Performance AU. If you feel like reading it, here are Parts One and Two.
And then there’s Casey. I don’t have art of him. He’s a recent creation, came to me one night when I woke up and couldn’t fall back asleep and my mind started wandering. And I can’t say what his role is in the fic I have coming up because it’s important to the story and what happens with Zoro and Sanji. But you’re gonna get a bunch of information about him and his family that might not even make it into the fic itself, so this is a good excuse.
His full name is Montgomery Casey. He has bright red hair and golden eyes. He could have ended up with green eyes because I had a hard time deciding between green and gold, and his eye color kept switching when I pictured him, but I decided that gold eyes suit him better because he’s a bit of a little shit. And yellow eyes can be unsettling. 
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Which he’s well aware of. Fits his devil look. Because his older brother calls him a devil. But in a mischievous kind of way. 
Speaking of his brother, Casey comes from a rather large family. He has two dads (Montgomery Arden and Montgomery Castor), an older brother (Braden, the oldest), and an older sister (Juno, the middle child). His dads used a surrogate for their three children, a close friend of Arden’s named Dimitria. The kids call her Auntie Dimi because Arden and Castor are their parents who raised them, but Dimitria’s always been an important presence in their lives, and she’s family.
All three Montgomery siblings have vibrant red hair from Dimi. Juno has a mane of curls that run down her back. She also has heterochromia: one gold eye, one green eye. No-nonsense kind of lady. Runs a tavern, has three kids. I don’t have much on Braden. He’s just a big, tall guy who works as a fisherman.
Casey’s the baby of the family. He’s around Zoro and Sanji’s age and he’s used to getting away with whatever he wants, but he’s also a sneaky bastard who’s pretty good at skirting around consequences. He loves having a good time and is upfront about the things he wants. He also has boundless energy and is fun to party with if you like having someone show you a good night around town.
He’s also three inches shorter than Zoro and Sanji, but makes up for the height difference with his boots. This means he likes rocking a thick high heel that lesser men make fun of him for. And it’s not even that he as a complex about his height. He just likes the shoes. Casey does what he wants, wears what he wants, goes after what (and whom) he wants.
As for that boundless energy, Casey channels that through an active lifestyle and getting into trouble. He’s muscular, but he has a leaner frame like Sanji or Usopp. He surfs, does mixed martial arts, and other outdoor stuff. Will wake up early in the morning and go for a run, come back to shower, and drink two cups of coffee before you even get out of bed.
So. Red hair. His spikes up, but it’s not sharp. It’s kind of soft and resembles a flower. Sanji calls him Lotus Head, which doesn’t bother him because he’s never heard that one before. So used to being called Red and other nicknames relating to his hair. Juno’s sick of being called Firecracker (she has a temper). If Casey were to appear in a more visual medium (as in drawings or if he were actually in an anime), his hair would stand up or flatten for comedic effect based on his mood. If he wore it down it would be a little past his shoulders.
So the Montgomery siblings get their names because their dad Castor is a bit of a geek. Braden and Casey have Irish names like Arden; Juno has a name out of mythology like Castor and even Dimitria. Because Dimitria is another spelling of Demetria, which comes from the Greek goddess Demeter. Castor, when he and Arden first approached Dimi to ask her if she would be their surrogate, insisted that it was a sign that this was meant to be. He’s romantic like that.
Casey isn’t a devil fruit user, having lived a pretty idyllic life, but he can take care of himself. He can fight and he knows his way around a weapon. I won’t say what kind of weapon or what he does with it because that would ruin the surprise. Let’s say Zoro is…appreciative. But I can say he’s a hobbyist and his interest comes from a old woman whom he admired very much. (It’s not swords before anyone asks.)
That’s it for now. You can find out more about Casey in the fic I have planned. He’s not showing up in the next fic I have lined up, but the one after that. I tried not to ship him with Zoro. I really tried. But I gave in and now I ship him with Zoro and Sanji because that’s just how I operate haha. (Also @lesbian-space-ranger helped with that and also helped by asking questions that further developed him.)
Thanks for the ask, anon. Your interest is most appreciated. Complicated enough for ya?
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breathing-gay-blog · 6 years ago
Suckers & Smokes (Young Carol/You) S1 E11: We Belong
*Slightly Dirty
"Marlon, what the actual fuck?!" I whisper yell, punching the boy hard in his arm. "Ow! What?" He rubs the sore spot. "You fucking told that Danny Zuko motherfucker where I worked?!" I narrow my eyes, feeling my face heat up.
He looks at me with guilty eyes before speaking, "He threatened to beat me up if I didn't." I grab onto the front of his shirt, pulling him so close to me, I can practically smell the fear.
“You should've took that ass whooping, Thomas," I push away against the lockers. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know what else to do. I panicked!"
I clenched my jaw and glare down at the slightly shorter boy. He cowers a bit, bowing his head. "Come near me...ever in your life, I'd kill you," I walk away feeling the urge to hit something. I'd hit him, but I know my grandma would be even more pissed at me than she already is.
I storm down the hall, fuming. I'm pretty sure my face is beet red from anger. I head to my locker, twist my lock a few times, and throw it open. I take out my Chemistry textbook, a spiral notebook, and my drawing notebook.
The school day hasn't even officially started yet and I'm feeling like punching someone. I slam my locker shut, earning a grunt from behind me.
I turn to see that fucking greaser wannabe. "What the fuck do you want, stalker?" I bite. He chuckles, taking out a comb and fixing his stiff hair. This guy is just...ugh. "Before you get anymore agro, I wanted to invite you to a party tonight."
I raise my eyebrow skeptically, "What? No more tryin' to initiate me into the Midnight Dragons?" I humor. He shakes his head, "Nah. My buddy, Joe, is graduating next week and he's throwin' a big blowout."
I chuckle, "What is this, 1976? No one says 'blowout' no more." He rolls his eyes, "Aye, look, are you comin' or not?" I ponder a bit, truly debating if I wanna go to this 'blowout'. "I'll think about it," I finalize.
He nods with a half smile on his face, "Righteous." I chuckle again, "Dude, you sound like my dad trying to be cool." He squints at me and shakes his head in annoyance.
“Just, here," he takes out a small slip of paper from his leather jacket and hands it to me. "It starts at 9, but the real party doesn't start until 10:30," he smirks. I raise an eyebrow at him, "The real party?" He just winks at me and walks away.
I roll my eyes and start for my class. As the asshole said, the seniors graduate next week, which means this is the last week of school for the underclassmen.
Well, I graduate next year, so that's something. Can't wait to leave this shit box behind once and all.
I take a seat in Chemistry, watching as the teacher start collecting textbooks and talking about grading notebooks. I look down at the slip of paper with an address on it.
Hmm, I might go...
I shove the paper in my pocket and let the day drone on.
I step out of the shower area with a cocky grin on my face and a swing in my step. I lean up against the wall, crossing my arms over my chest as I wait for Carol to come out.
She had a little trouble walking straight once we were done. Then again, it's her fault she wanted another round. Which I happily gave her. What can I say? I spoil my crazy ass sweetheart.
I soon hear her shoes echo as she comes out. Her hair was damp and her jumper was halfway buttoned. She carried her towel over her shoulder, her bag under her arm, and her glasses in her hand.
“Denning," I say cheekily. She turns to me with a flushed mixed angry look, "You're a fucking demon." She walks off and I chuckle softly before following her. "You asked for it, Loca. You know I love spoiling you," I bite my lip.
She turns to me briefly before rolling her eyes. I chuckle again, "That looks very familiar." She just keeps walking, seemingly ignoring me. I jog a bit to catch up and walked by her side, grabbing the ends of my towel that's wrapped around my shoulders.
“You can't lie, you enjoyed every second," I say, glancing at her lips as she licks them. She slips her glasses onto her face then glances at me. "I did, but because of you we missed lunch," she say.
I scoff, "Please, you're the one that wanted round two so don't take it out on me." She stops in her tracks and turns to me. "I did not tell you to tease me so bad that I was throbbing beyond belief," she grits.
I raise an eyebrow, "The many times we've done it and you'd expect me to get right to it?" I then step closer to her so that our lips were barely touching. "You know I love building you up so I can tear you down into a mess," I lean in and take her lips between my teeth and tug on it.
“Besides, you did say it was my gift for being clean all this time, did you not?" Her breathing picks up slightly, making me smile and back away from her.
Her flustered expression turns into a glare. "I fucking hate you," I bite my lip and size her up. "Yeah?" She nods, "Yeah, I do." I return her glare, looking around before boldly going into her still open jumper and into her underwear in one swift motion.
She gasps and grips onto my arm, looking into my darkened eyes. "Don't fuck with me, Denning. I ain't afraid to fuck you again right here, right the fuck now. I will make you cum so hard, you'd feel it all week. Understand?"
She bites down hard on her lip, nodding obediently. "Words," I husk. "Y-Yes," she says, barely above a whisper. I rub her a little, making her close her eyes and slowly grind on my hand.
I then pull my hand away, teasingly sucking on my fingers. She watches me carefully, forcibly tearing her gaze from me to fix her clothes.
“Like I said, you're a demon," she pants. I wink at her and saunter off.
That'll calm her down for a bit.
Carol had went to set her code to Machio while I play War with a few other inmates, including Hansen. "Hey, Hernandez got thrown in Ad Seg earlier," she says at the start of the second game.
I look up at her with an indifferent attitude, resting my sucking in my cheek "Yeah? For why?" I ask, dealing cards. "Shanked Peterson," she replies. "Gringa or negrita?"
“The white one. Hit her right in her side like a basic bitch," she laughs. I join in, shaking my head, "Serves her right...fucking with inventory."
“Oh, yeah. How'd you fix that?"
I raise an eyebrow, taking the candy from my mouth, "That's strictly between me and Denning." She nods solemnly, "Sorry, Baby." I look over the table at everyone, "I told Hernandez to get thrown over there in Ad Seg. For fucking with my business."
I glare at them, "That's a slap on the wrist. A warning, because I'm merciful. If Denning was to had been told before me, she'd have 20 more years added to her sentence."
I suddenly feel a pair of hands on my shoulders, already knowing who it is. "Ya damn skippy," she says. I look up at her, watching as she tells a lackey to move so she could sit beside me.
“You playing?" I ask. She shakes her head, "Not in the mood to whoop your ass like you stole somethin'." I laugh, "You've been around me too long. You sound like me."
I put down a King of Hearts, winning the stack, and taking it to my side. I throw down another card, losing that stack and I glance over at Carol. "What did Mach say?" I say, continuing the game.
“I actually talked to Deuce. And he said that a new shipment is coming soon. Maybe next week," she informs. I chuckle under my breath, "Early birthday present." She goes silent and I look at her again.
“Wait," her eyes then widen a bit. "It's almost September," she says quietly so only I could really hear her. I nod slightly, "Yep. Wonder if 21 would feel any different than now?" She shrugs, taking my sucker from my mouth, "I dunno, I've never been."
She puts it in her mouth, making me nudge her. "Culera," I chuckle. "You're a calera," she fails. I chuckle again, shaking my head and winning another stack. I look down at my pile, and I damn near got the entire deck.
“Damn, Baby, you're killing us," Hansen comments." I shrug, "I'm the king of War." I hear Carol scoff beside me so, I turn my head to her.
“You owe me a cherry Blow Pop, Denning," I say, kinda seriously. "You can blow my dick," she says. I cringe a bit, "Too hetero. Too hetero." She chuckles, "I'll buy you grape." I stare at her, "You've known me how long? You know cherry is the only flavor I like."
She groans, "So picky." I continue on with game, soon setting my deck down and call a passing inmate. "Hey, Sawyer, come take my spot," I say, standing up. Carol joins as I start for our bunks.
Instead to going to my own, I flop on Carol's bed and rest my hands behind my head with a sigh. "You okay?" She asks, shutting the door and sitting by my feet. I sit up slightly, "I guess? I mean, a lot of shit is going on right now and I'm stressing the shit out."
She rubs my stomach in small circles, "Baby, calm down." I was almost shocked that she called me that, but then again, she just might be calling be by my nickname. Which kinda discouraged me.
I put my arm over my face, truthfully trying to calm my nerves. I take deep breaths, enjoying the feeling of her rubbing my stomach. Though, she pulls away too soon, making me look up.
I relax when she lays beside me. She takes the sucker out of her mouth and offers it to me. I take it and she drapes her arm over my torso. "It's tiring being la jefa, sabes?" She nods against me.
“Yeah, I know. It'll get easier one day. We'd have the lackeys doing our dirty work while we sit here and listen to ABBA and Michael," she tilts her head up and pecks my neck.
I chuckle, "Sounds amazing."
*more like a long ass filler but it'll b lit
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mdwatchestv · 7 years ago
The Magicians 3x12 + 3x13: Hail to the King, Baby
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Better late than never, here is the finale wrap up of season 3 of the Magicians. Maybe this is so late because I was decimated by the Magicians thoroughly recapping itself in a manner so comprehensive and aggressive that I was briefly unable to continue on. Josh's recap of the 40th timeline to Penny 23 was so snappy and entertaining, it sent me into a wild fit of existential despair - how does one recap a show that recaps itself? Josh even had sex charts, and comprehensive notes showing the kind of recap mastery  you will not see on this blog.  Thus is the charm and the fury of the Magicians, a show that refuses to be tamed, categorized, or even written about coherently. Long may it reign.
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It was especially interesting, here at the end of season 3, to look back via Josh's recap to season 1. Q and Alice wearing the Brakebills sweater vest set was especially strange to remember, and illustrated how far this show has ventured tonally since its earlier days. While season 1 was not without its batshit crazy moments, its Taylor Swift sing-a-longs, its 39 timelines, the show still felt like it was trying to color inside the lines. This was a story about young witches and wizards on a quest to defeat a great evil after all. This good vs evil storyline crept into season 2, where we finally saw the Beast's demise, but by then he was almost an afterthought as the Magicians ached to move on to bigger, wilder subjects than just one evil wizard. So now that we are in season 3, what is the Magicians about? Sure there is a quest to restore magic, but the show has broken free of it's "defeat the bad guy, save the world" mold. Antagonism and heroism can be found within individual characters, within moral battles about who is worthy of magic, life, and freedom, and within questions about how to govern a body of people (and talking animals) selflessly.
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Nowhere has this intricacy and complex development been better illustrated than in the unending power struggle in Fillory. After seizing control from the Children of Earth, Tick Pickwick wants to put a country impoverished by the lack of magic and radical mismanagement back on the economic track. A Fillory run by actual Fillorians rather than magicless Earth children who were really just puppets for the Fairy Queen (another ruler trying to do the best for her people no matter the cost). Honestly the worst that can be said for Tick is that he betrayed our two most fiercely beloved characters, which although a grave offense from an audience point of view, actually had pretty noble intent. The Fillory storyline ended in a standoff of three different rulers, all of whom were trying to do right by their citizenry. It's a complex situation with many shades of gray and no real "right answer" in the context of the Fillorian world (no matter where our audience sympathies may lie). What a brilliant and odd place for a show initially advertised merely as "Harry Potter with sex, drugs, and partying" to end up.
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Coming into episode 3x12, our magic troop has recovered all seven keys but one (key #6), which we know to be held by the Fairy Queen and is currently being used to prop up the Fairy Realm. Margo and Eliot are willing to give the Fairies full Fillorian citizenship and protection in exchange for the key, but they are no longer the rulers of Fillory, and don't have the magic to reclaim the throne from Tick. No magic, no power, no key, no magic. So they do what any self-respecting ousted monarchs do: force an election they intend to win through trickery and witchcraft. What begins as a genuine play for the Fillorians love (and votes), quickly devolves into a pissing contest between Eliot and Tick. The two attempt to one-up on another, Tick with policy, Eliot with outlandish empty promises. Feels...so familiar.
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This storyline hit such a nerve with me that when Margo was announced as the surprise winner and new High King of Fillory, I burst into sudden, surprised tears. These tears only intensified as Eliot put aside his flaring ego to kneel before her and pledge his allegiance. "WHY AM I CRYING," I screamed at my boyfriend and cat who only stared back at me with wide terrified eyes. Why indeed. Maybe it was because Margo's genuine interest and acceptance of her populace (she was elected as a write-in candidate by talking animals) was able to cut through a cock fight. Margo who has perhaps suffered the most for Fillory: she has been showered in the blood of her suitors, married off to Joffrey's, and even lost an eye. Margo who started this series as a hard-partying mean girl who has risen to the top without compromising her own sense of self. Margo who once called her rival a chalky twat, Margo who brought a gun to a magic fight, Margo who has a creepy fairy eye. Margo who is now King, because a King can be called whatever the fuck they want.
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Margo's storyline is also but one of the storylines this season that featured powerful women rising into their power. The Fairy Queen, who began this year as a villain, had one of the most season’s powerful turns. After proving herself to be a staunch advocate for her people rather than a malicious baddie she sacrifices herself in order to guarantee eternal safety for her people. Although I couldn't help wondering why no one had brokered such a deal before, but whatever it's done now, and I now cannot wait until Jamie Ray Newman gets her ass handed to her (a sentence I never thought I’d type). Julia also spent the season reconciling the power she was given by Our Lady Underground, eventually accepting it and nurturing it until it gave her (literal) god-like strength. But my personal favorite journey this year was that of Fen - the knife makers daughter who was married off to a king. Fen has really been through it, she lost her unborn daughter, her fake daughter, and even some toes. No matter the complexities of the fairy's sitch, there is no doubt they have done our girl Fen dirty. And so seeing Fen sitting on the Fillorian throne as Acting High King, and standing by the Fairy Queen's side attempting to aide her until the bitter end, was especially meaningful.
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So with High King Margo on the throne, the magicians finally have all 7 keys and the final chapter of the quest book. They need to take the keys to a magic castle where the Knight in the story went to rescue her father, and is now apparently the eternal jailer of some terrifying monster. After hunting down Calypso, the nymph who imprisoned Odysseus (obviously), she explains that the the castle Blackspire (the literal opposite of Whitespire) is the castle built by the gods in order to hide all their fuck ups and also holds the magic fountain. Calypso’s lover and popular fire-gifter Prometheus crafted both the keys and the key quest in order to identify magicians worthy enough to take on the jailer mantle. However creating the keys robbed Prometheus of his strength and he was killed by his enemies. Calypso is pissed about this, but if I know anything about Prometheus (and the show The Magicians) it's that he is kind of a hard guy to kill. A foreshadow perhaps?
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Our questers head out to the prison with a variety of different motives. Quentin has agreed to take the place of the Knight as eternity prison guard in exchange for entrance to the castle. Alice, originally wanting to help the Library siphon the magic for themselves, now wants no one to have magic because to her magic leads to bad times (she's not wrong). Eliot and Margo are not about to have Q go off and be a guard forever and are going with the shoot first ask questions later approach (gotta love em). Julia is absent as she has ascended to full god status and is off drinking tea and wearing a lot of highlighter (relatable). Upon arriving at the castle they discover what the Knight has been guarding is not so much a traditional monster, but rather a strange young man who acts like a child. Unfazed, Eliot shoots him. This seems to have been effective, and no one questions the sudden mysterious disappearance of the Knight.  But before our group can finally unlock the magic fountain and restore power, Alice, hopped up on fairy powder, destroys the keys! After all we have been through this season to collect these goddamn keys, this was a real dick move. While Alice is attempting to escape Margo's righteous shanking, she sees the Knight now seemingly possessed with the golden light that lived in the "monster" Eliot shot. Not good!
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Back at the fountain the day is temporarily saved when God!Julia, motivated by her sidekick Quentin's courage, descends and uses her power to create seven NEW keys. If only she had done this from the beginning. But this act apparently robs her of her golden god magic, at least for the time being. The magic fountain spurts back to life, but the victory is short-lived as JAIME RAY NEWMAN and Dean Fogg appear with the Library's siphon. These characters have really been testing me. The Library seizes the means of production, I mean all the magic, thereby granting them total control of magical ability and knowledge. Presumably Dean Fogg aided in their scheme in order to guarantee a magic allowance for Brakebills, but this shows a surprising lack of faith in his own students who not only defeated The Beast, but have performed a number of miraculous feats. He of little faith.
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Time cut to the future, while magic is still spotty  the more shocking twist is that our gang has been stripped of their memories and sent off to live among us mere muggles in the real world. Ironically Alice, the one who planned on starting a new life, is the only one who remembers what happened in the castle and is being held captive in the Library. She understands that the monster in the castle was NOT the young man, but rather whatever was inside of him. An unending want or need that appears as pretty gold lights and is now unstoppable.
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Normally twists like this where characters lose memory, or their bodies are EXTREMELY stressful for me (the Faith/Buffy swap still causes tension). The idea that things are not as they should be (Dreamland I and II also traumatizing) and the regular flow of events has been thrown out of order is distressing to my order-craving brain. However with The Magicians every weird device is usually enjoyable, and often the weirder the better. Watching a  clearly possessed Eliot psychotically stalking an amnesia-stricken Quentin down the streets of Vancouver gave me a surprising sense of excited glee rather than nervous dread. Whatever happens on The Magicians, no matter how incoherent or strange, at least you know it won’t be boring. What’s more this is a show that will seemingly never settle into complacency, it is a creeping vine 
Penny 23 seems to have fully taken over Penny 40's storyline, with even the Unity Key acknowledging the swap. Whatever is going on with Penny 40 in the Library has been kept under wraps, but surely he will have a part to play in helping to free Alice.
Kacey Rohl is also running around wild and free in this timeline with her memories in tact! Possibly a valuable ally for those hoping to save the main crew.
Speaking of returning from the dead, Harriet and Victoria supposedly died when their portal between worlds collapsed, but we didn't see any bodies so I can't help feel like this isn't exactly permanent. 
Now that Margo has had her memory wiped I guess Fen is just continuing to rule Fillory. Is anyone going to tell the Fillorians what's going down? Are they going to receive magic from the Library? Likely no, but they do have a new population of fairies who have their own ungovernable magic- handy!
Also Poppy (aka Felicia Day) is wandering around in our world after skipping out on Quentin and co. Technically she is still a Brakebills student I think!
Now that we know there is a whole world of gods, will we be getting more visits from them? Did Julia totally blow her chances at divinity by making the replacement set of keys?
Thank you for reading along this season! Stay tuned to this blog for new coverage, likely of Westworld. Theories galore.
Love ya, MD
One more Margo gif for the road:
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traviswsoul · 8 years ago
Day 28 Brook's Memorial Park to Sunnyside RV Resort 50 miles
July 31, 3:49 time, 2,044 caloires, 13.2 avg mph, 1,014; climbed After so many days resting up I was ready to ride. The campsite was great, I went to sleep at sunset reading Thomas Paine’s The Age of Reason, which is blowing my mind, and then was at with the sun at 5:30. This was a great execution of the morning routine so I was able to run through the breakfast and packing like a pro. This was greatly assisted by having a dry tent, I think I’m learning something about dew, I believe dew doesn’t settle through the night as much as it settles in the morning after the sun comes up. It makes sense, if the air around a colder thing heats up then the surface of the thing gathers dew, it’s just condensation I’m thinking. This lines up with my observation and is encouraging me to get up as soon as its light, I really hate packing a wet tent! Adapting my body to routine of the sun is really exciting for me, I have always been a morning person and believed this to be the best way to make the most of the day. I hope that I can keep it up when I get off the road. It makes me think about how much time I have been outside, and sleeping and waking without a roof over my head that normally allows my controlling of light, and so many other things. I am enjoying an learning a lot from the simplicity of a narrow realm of control and adapting myself to nature instead of trying to force all the elements to adapt to my lifestyle. But, don’t get me wrong, I’m also looking forward to sleeping in when this is all over and I’m back in my bed, I need some black out curtains. ;) However this morning I had almost pedaled out of the park before realizing I didn’t have my Garmin computer in its place, I turned around and dug it out of some pocket it didn’t belong in, I’ve got to unpack and reorganize everything soon. Because I am no longer on the coast I no longer have maps and planned routes, instead I downloaded a route on the Ride With GPS app and when I was setting it up I checked avoid highways. This was a bad move. I rode for a couple hours, the last few miles down the same road, I knew I had a right turn coming up and that it was going to take eight miles toward the next town. This road was deep grey gravel with some packed spots from driving but like cars do to roads like this the packed spots were rippled and a nightmare to ride over. I had a little hope that it might turn into a paved road so I went almost a half mile before throwing in the towel and turning around. The way back was downhill and there were several times I was certain I as going to crash as I drifted through the loose surface. Somehow I managed to not though and arrived back to where I started. I happened to just get phone service at this same time so despite the chaos I called mom right away because she hadn’t heard from me in a couple days, and I promised her that wouldn’t happen. She was at a computer and helped find my way, as she has always done so well, even before computers. I’m actually really grateful for this mixup because I ended up cycling through the Yakima Valley hop farms. Eighty percent of America’s hops come from here, they grow all different varieties, the ones hop fans are familiar with as well as ones they developed and cultivated ones found wild. I am a huge hop fan myself and have in the last year become for intrigued about how they grow. My local brew supply store had some for sale in the shop one day that you could grow at home, then I talked with a friend of mine that farms hay about them and we wondered if they’d grow in the Texas hillcountry, surely local Texas beer brewers would pay a lot more for Texas hops than what whoever pays for hay. The field is covered with a grid of rope and wire suspended twenty feet up in the air. Ropes are run from it to the ground, one for each hop vine in the rows. They grow tall wrapping up the vine and reaching for the sun, it’s a beautiful sight to see. I stopped as soon as I did, parked my bike and walked in to inspect what this was. It was a young plot and none of the plants had mature hops on them so I didn’t recognize them right away. I did have a feeling it was hops from the baby buds I found on them, I took a sample to ask someone later but I didn’t have to, down the road was a mature field with towering vines and fully developed fat hops. I was beside myself, my ideas were confirmed and they had been on my mind for such long time so to see it in person felt like the coolest culmination of my ongoing farming lesson that has been this trip. I continued to ride turn after turn through hop farms all at different stages of growth approaching harvest and delivering those delicious betters flavoring my favorite hopy IPAs. All day I had been riding through or along the Yakima Nation Indian Reservation and the Yakima River. I will take this moment to not start ranting about the genocide that created the foundation for our sprawling across this “great” nation and the irony and conflict that I feel about national pride because we collectively choose to ignore this fact……If you stole someone’s TransAm you wouldn’t go blasting around town, blaring Metallica, yelling about it with your mulleted head hangin out the window, flying a flag with you name on it would you? How long after it’s been stolen and passed down to your kids does it become appropriate behavior? This is why I have a hard time with the braggadocios pride on Independence day, why I’ll always bring up smallpox at Thanksgiving, and could only wear an American branded article ironically. Budweiser beer has the word America in the place the brand name used to be, it’s way out of hand. People keep realizing the truth in the line Not all Donald Trump supporters are racist, but all racists are Donald Trump supporters, and they also see them selves as the greatest patriots as well, only adding to my resistance to align where I’m supposed to, patriotism, its a no brainer right? You go all gung ho about where ever your from and allow ideas that’s it’s the best actually hold water. That’s insane, It’s like religions knowing that all the others are wrong and mine is right. Clinging to nationalism, hyper patriotism and rejecting things foreign or different are blatant signs of insecurity and self doubt, in some cases, in my opinion. But since I’m not ranting about the patriotic forgetfulness of the blood on our hands after “founding” our country I’ll move on to my next flat tire. The Yakima river took me into Granger, there are dinosaurs in Granger, all over the town, apparently its a ancient river bed and some of the first fossils were found there. There really cling to there dino identity in Granger, theres not much really to be honest. I needed to eat and managed to find the only restaurant in town that was inside a little Mexican market and meat shop. I had a great time visiting with the three woman sitting next to me at the second of the only three tables there. I drank a bottle of appeared to be Mexican version of pedialite, that stuff you give to babies when they are sick and need electrolites, which I sure did, it was hot outside. The bonus was it was Horchatta flavored! I love Horchata and used to order the cinnamon rice milk drink at Magie’s, my favorite Mexican joint in my home town. I hope I find that again some day! It wasn’t much further to the next town, I had options, I could have stopped there or gone on but I was in no rush and then my tire popped a quarter mile from the first gas station of the town so it was decided, Sunnyside Washington would be home for the night. I had a hell of a time changing this tire. The one tube I tried to replace it with ended up have a bad valve in it and wouldn’t take air, I only realized this after wasting a buck in quarters and a CO2 figuring it out. When I the bike was finally ridable and put back together I spent a while riding around this big little town. I checked the Big 5 Sports store and the Walmart. Little air guns and pellet guns use CO2 but they don’t screw in so they don’t have threads to use with my tire inflator. So knowing there was nothing left to do I cruised around eyes for a spot to camp. The back of the Walmart had a line of overhead bushes and right behind them was 8 foot lane before a huge endless corn field, it would have been perfect but it was still early, I could use a shower, and didn’t want to not be able to leave my stuff to go eat or get water. Sunnyside RV Resort was a much better option for twenty bucks. I met some wonderful kids too there that were really interested in me, my stuff, harmonica and had all kinds of random ass stories to tell me like, about the bug at school, the treasure he buried in the yard, and the youngest just mumbled stuff constantly. They were are dirty from playing outside all day and not afraid of their curiosity. The six year old gave me a blue magic stone which was one of the half glass marbles from a fish tank, I’m keeping it forever. The guy who ran the place sent me to El Valle for the Lamb Shank and Cadillac Margarita. The lamb was delicious covered in enchilada sauce served with rice and cheesy refried beans, I didn’t need any liquor though so I passed on the Cadillac. I went to bed full and happy I was back on the road and in the full swing of things.
PS. The encouragement from strangers and drivers everyday is amazing, powerful and really helps me push on sometimes when it’s slow. Please take note, If you want to express your excitement about seeing a cyclist on the road and cheer him on, be sure not to begin honking until after you have passed him and he can identify you as an ally by your fist pumping out the window. Ally’s honks don’t sound any different than Asshole’s
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punkscowardschampions · 6 years ago
Ali & Marlene
Ali: Hey babe, sorry I missed rehearsal, know you rocked it regardless  💋 Marlene: Kind of need our lead singer to do that. Instrumental wasn't the vision for the track, babygirl Marlene: Where did you have to be? We could've rescheduled Ali: I know, I know, my bad! Make it up to you Ali: Ugh, got detention, didn't I Ali: don't even get me started on that Marlene: Make it up to me alone or me and the band? Marlene: Little rebel Marlene: Can't have you getting in more trouble by ditching, can we? Marlene: I'll add in another rehearsal, the girls won't mind Ali: Why not both? Ali: Come over and I'll record the vocals for you Ali: You know it boo 👩🏼‍🎤 Ali: Exactly, even though I'm fully staging a protest tomorrow Marlene: That's my girl Marlene: I'll be there front and centre, lending my voice to the movement Ali: Aww, so supportive Ali: cute 😉 Ali: I've rallied all the usual suspects so it shouldn't be a flop Ali: we have the allotted hours, like, if they fail to control us in 'em, why add more, yeah? pointless, where's the logic Marlene: Making me so proud to have you on my arm Ali: As you should be Ali: Though that arms not bad 💪 Marlene: I wouldn't be the best bassist in this shithole if it was Ali: One track mind 😏 SUCH a bassist Ali: don't you ever break that focus? Marlene: It has been known Marlene: For the right girl Ali: Introduce me to her some time, yeah? Ali: Get some tips Marlene: You know her pretty well Marlene: The name's Alison, like the song Ali: So soft Ali: Still say we do a Elvis Costello and Dolly mashup Ali: idc what you say, Jolene is a bop and you need to own it Marlene: If I can hear you do an original Elvis cover, I'll think about it Ali: Fine, I'll happily sing about myself all day Ali: can even get the accent down, thanks Ma Marlene: I'll be waiting for that Marlene: The girls are asking if you need posters or anything else for the protest? Anything to stick around and drink more Ali: Patience, babe Ali: Gotta save these pipes for the protest Ali: Feel free to go for their lives, like Ali: Bear in mind if they use too many expletives, the School ain't gonna listen tho Ali: creative language, not colourful, ladies Marlene: No promises on getting them to dial back the reclaimed slurs Marlene: But we'll leave off calling the teachers the cunts they are Marlene: For you, our glorious leader Ali: 🙇 down Ali: I'll take it, they're not going to go anywhere near hate speech vibes, too risky Marlene: Tempting offer Marlene: I'll take you up on it when we're alone Ali: Yeah? Gonna skip rehearsal more often then Marlene: For revolution and no less, babe Marlene: But I have missed you Ali: The revolution's always rolling, babe Ali: I can't stop the wheels of change, you know Marlene: I know you want me to make a rock and roll pun Marlene: But I refuse Ali: Boooooo 👎 Ali: too punk for me now? Marlene: Not gonna quote a dead white man either, not even Lennon Marlene: You're still my little punk princess, you know Ali: Throw some Yoko craziness at me Ali: 👑 Marlene: Keeping it back so the protest won't flop. Can't let it Ali: Sure, you just don't wanna get on the rooftop with your mates Ali: someone'd fall, or get pushed 😂 Marlene: Not me or you Marlene: With these arms we're safe Ali: 🔫 pew pew Ali: they wanna try me, bitch Marlene: We should fill up supersoakers for those who are anti our message Marlene: Piss on their negativity in a literal sense Ali: not with actual piss, right? Marlene: You have to start thinking punk rock, babe Ali: I am not pissing into a supersoaker Ali: not dying to prove my aim is as good as a man's like Ali: you do you, babe but I'll leave it at good old fashioned water Marlene: Now who's deserving the boos and jeers Marlene: So regal of you Ali: what can i say? my idea of a good time isn't pissing on my own hands Ali: crazy, i know 😉 Marlene: How true my love is Marlene: Any time's a good time with my baby Ali: 💙 Ali: forreal tho, what are we doing this weekend Marlene: There are a few parties Ali: where Ali: i wanna go as far away as poss Marlene: They're local, usual suspects Marlene: We can do something else Ali: Think of something better, yeah Ali: I'm sick of the locals at the mo Marlene: I'll come back to you with a plan Ali: 💋 Ali: that's my girl Marlene: What am I good for if I can't take you away from this shithole? Marlene: Not like it's that hard Ali: You got your license, 'til I got mine I'm at your beck and call, like Ali: Your Ma will be cool, yeah? Doesn't need to be long, just long enough to breathe Marlene: I'll make a deal with her Marlene: Name drop you since she's a fan Ali: Such a parent pleaser 😇 Marlene: If you sang it she'd do anything you say Marlene: Thinks you've got the voice of an angel for sure Ali: Aww, what a babe Ali: like mother like daughter 😏 Marlene: She had her moments of hell raising Marlene: Would to this day if it was possible Ali: Imma ask her all about it when I see her Ali: fo'sho Marlene: That'd make her happy Ali: Who doesn't love being scandalous? Marlene: Whoever gave you detention Ali: Give you three guesses 😑 Marlene: I don't need them Marlene: Most are in your fan club too Ali: Exactly Ali: Don't teach R.S. if you can't handle healthy debate Marlene: Yeah. We live in Dublin not a dictatorship Ali: Honestly Ali: Some people really wanna take it back to the troubles Ali: Shouldn't have said as much but chill, dude Marlene: Freedom of speech, babe Marlene: I've lost count of how many teachers I've called homophobes Marlene: Gotta speak up Ali: True Ali: you are a bit quick on the draw sometimes, like Marlene: I'm not letting them get away with it Ali: Just sayin', plenty of reasons to give you dirty looks, babe, not all of 'em that you're gay 😜 Marlene: I'm a perfect gentleman and you know it Ali: True Ali: You don't look it tho Marlene: You don't look like a rebel queen Marlene: And yet Ali: I know looks are deceiving, tell it to the homophobes, babe 😏 Ali: also you gotta stop with the compliments 😾 Marlene: But everyone's clearing out. It's the perfect time to shower you with them Marlene: Where do you wanna be? Here or there Ali: When bae only sweet talks you when their mates aren't about Ali: SUCH a fuckboy, darling 💋 Marlene: You know what I was getting at, darling Marlene: We can be alone finally Marlene: But only if you're in the mood Ali: I'll come over Ali: as much as my Ma is also a fan, just yours like, not so much mine Marlene: Let me pick you up Marlene: It's too dark for that shit Ali: Nah, I wanna walk Ali: gotta burn off the energy I didn't get to rock out Marlene: Hold your keys since you won't take my knife off me Ali: Don't worry Ali: My Da beat you to the self-defense lesson, like Ali: I'm sweet Marlene: If I'm not there to protect you, I'm bound to worry Ali: You worry too much, baby Ali: Good thing I'm coming to take all your cares away Ali: and I've got bud, naturally 🚬 Marlene: And I hid some drinks from the vultures Ali: Party of two 😘 Marlene: When you get here. Until you do I'm sitting on the floor alone writing shitty songs about you Ali: Try and write a good one, will ya? Not having it bandied about that I'm a shit muse 😉 Ali: you could never Ali: gonna play for me when I get there? Marlene: Been trying since I met you, babygirl Marlene: It's not you, it's me Ali: Nah Ali: there's a hit in there, I just gotta try harder Ali: as you're so anti-establishment, your brain is noping on writing a bop that everyone will love Marlene: I want you to love it Marlene: You're the one it's for Ali: I'm excited to hear Ali: assuming I don't get shanked on the way by the big bad wolf Marlene: Your tragic early death isn't the inspiration I want or need Ali: Tell it to the TV writers, hun Ali: angry protest song #765 Marlene: I'll sing you my shitty song and you can die laughing Ali: Never Ali: cross my heart Marlene: And fingers that I can patch together a chorus that doesn't make me wanna die before you get here Ali: 🤞 Ali: I have faith enough for two Marlene: As an angel, you kind of have to bring it Ali: No pressure 😓 Marlene: I'm more than okay with you lacking it, stick it to your detention giver over again Marlene: And I love you, so forgiven most sins Ali: A benevolent Goddess you are Marlene: Modeled on the original lesbian in the sky Ali: Debated theology enough today to live and let live on that one babe Marlene: Promise I'll save the angry lesbian god essay recital for another night Ali: You're a doll 💋 Ali: Oh, hold up, I see my ex Ali: ready for this awkward convo in 3 2 Ali: brb Marlene: Bet you want me to pick you up now, don't you? Ali: [15 mins later] Ali: That was wild Marlene: What the fuck, Ali Marlene: I was about to start searching for you Ali: Soz, more chatty than I remember Ali: only gone at got someone pregnant hasn't he Marlene: Dodged a bullet Ali: Tell me about it Ali: Still out on the town tryna get some though Ali: is that the new come on? I'm fertile! Marlene: In this town, likely Marlene: Which ex is it? Ali: #4 good drugs, bad teeth Ali: the one who lowkey stalked me after and my brother had to smack him one Ali: good times, unexpected detour down memory lane there but got us some freebies so Marlene: It took 15 mins to get what you're owed, how long does he take over customers who aren't his stalked exes Marlene: bad business is what you should've called him Marlene: Or manners Ali: names are definitely open to workshopping Ali: he had to show me the scan pics, duh Marlene: Had to do the whole come on Marlene: fucking pig Ali: Bless Ali: have your fun whilst you still can, kid Marlene: not with my girlfriend Ali: don't worry babe, got the drugs for free free Ali: not suck my dick free Marlene: Are you gonna be here soon Marlene: I can still bring the car Ali: Yeah, I'll get a wriggle on Ali: 5 minutes if I run Marlene: If you don't run into any more exes first Ali: cities littered with 'em Marlene: If you didn't date men you could stay friends with them Ali: why would I wanna do that? Ali: I've seen your dyke drama, a no thank you Marlene: I don't have dyke drama Marlene: You're the one trying to avoid the awkward Ali: 😏 Ali: I don't care, its funny Ali: he wasn't that bad, really Ali: don't need to add every ex to my inner circle though, that's a madness Marlene: He stalked you Marlene: He's an asshole Ali: Not properly Ali: Just had issue letting go as fast as I did, who can blame him 😘 Marlene: It's not funny, Ali, it's fucked Ali: So serious 😾 Ali: It ain't like he locked me in his basement, I get to decide how fucked it was or wasn't Marlene: You get to brush it under the carpet too, doesn't make it right Ali: 🙄 you're as bad as my mother Marlene: maybe she's got a point Ali: Ugh, don't need to point score, she already likes ya, babe Ali: he's just a stupid kid, not fucking Bundy, yeah, let's chill Marlene: He doesn't have to be Bundy to be held accountable, babe Marlene: He's gonna be someone's dad Marlene: What the fuck Ali: for what? being a bit of a prick at 16 Ali: s'not a crime, last time I checked Marlene: it doesn't have to be Marlene: Lads think they can do whatever they want Marlene: They can't and shouldn't Ali: Nah, this isn't a soap box moment, babe Ali: we all do things we know are wrong, and ain't proud of Ali: 'cos of how we're feeling Ali: Honestly, not a big deal Ali: and not an exclusively male thing, that's a crock of shit Marlene: If I was heavy handed with one of my exes I'd get so much shit Marlene: He gets boys will be boys Marlene: It's not a big deal because you're making excuses for him Ali: From who? The lesbian mafia? Ali: Straight girls are INSANE Ali: way worse than #4 was ever Ali: I'm not gonna burn him at the stake for something I don't believe in Marlene: Straight girls are a whole other subject Marlene: Last I checked you didn't have any of them as exes so no really the point Ali: That you know of Marlene: I know about every one of your exes Ali: Okay, Liam Neeson Ali: can't be calling out stalkers when you're breathing down the phone like that 😂 Marlene: You're not funny Ali: I am though Ali: but I ain't coming over if you're gonna be such a downer Marlene: Are you serious? Marlene: Your jokes are so bad I can't tell Ali: Duh Ali: Killing my vibe, babe Marlene: You're basically here Ali: So? Ali: I can keep walking into this dark night Marlene: So come in Marlene: I'm sorry, baby Ali: You promise you're gonna stop being lame? Marlene: Cross my heart Ali: Okay, lemme in then
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holylulusworld · 6 years ago
Experience isn’t all
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Request: dean x virgin reader (guest star charlie & sam) Dean and reader have a strange relationship, they are in love but non together, sleep together shower together (strange yeah) sometimes make out session, Dean tells her everything talk only to her about feelings but one day out with Sam, Charlie, Dean do something douchbag to her. So much angst and heartbroken/crying reader and Dean. Sam and charlie comfort and happy smut romantic and fluff? Please 💕can you imagine Charlie enter the bunker asking Sam for Dean and Reader and Sam say: shower and Charlie: together? Sam: Just... don’t ask
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Sam, Charlie Bradbury, unnamed bar shank
Warnings: angst, sad reader, virgin reader, oral (female receiving), smut, protected sex, loss of virginity, fluff
 Yawning you snuggle back onto Dean's chest. He's so warm and comfy. Hiding the fact he's already awake he enjoys the feeling of your body pressed against his. "Shower?" You ask and Dean hums. "Yeah. What do you want for breakfast?" "Pancakes and bacon, Dean." You say. "Then let's roll," Dean chuckles. Jumping out of the bed he carries you toward the showers and you start giggling. Sam is watching you two rolling his eyes. He's got no clue what's between you two. Sam knows you don't have sex with Dean but you shower with him, sleep with him…hell sometimes you even share a spoon. "Alright get naked and I wash your back," Dean says. "Yes, Sir." Still giggling you strip your sleep shirt off. Standing under the warm spray with Dean you rest your back against his chest. Dean is gently cleaning your body with a soft sponge. Kissing your neck softly Dean moans against your skin. ---- The door of the bunker creeks open when Charlie peeks her head in. Hopping down the stairs she hums one of her favorite songs. "Hey, Sammy. I'm here. The sleepover can start!" She squeals excitedly. "It's 8 o'clock in the morning!" Sam scolds. "Spoilsport! I bet Dean and Y/N are on board! Where are they?" "Shower." Sam sighs. "Shower? … Together?" "Just… don't ask, Charlie. I gave up asking questions about their friendship … relationship … whatever they have it's kinda weird." "Okay…sex?" "Got no clue, Charlie. Honestly, I don't want to know," Sam says blowing his nose. "Charlie! You're already here! Yay! The sleepover can start!" You squeal and Dean chuckles. Hugging Charlie tight you jump up and down with her. "Breakfast?" Dean asks and Charlie nods. ---- Sitting in your room you show Charlie your new laptop so she can check it for security issues. Looking at you she tries to find the right words to ask you about your friendship with Dean. "Dean and you…are a thing?" "Huh? I…it's complicated." "You shower together; Y/N. Sam said you sleep together too." "Yeah. Sleep…okay… sometimes we do a bit more than sleep." "Tell me the dirty details," Charlie snickers. "We only kiss or touch each other, Charlie. We're not banging each other if you want to know." "Why not?" "We are friends. Dean and I talk about everything. He tells me things even Sam doesn't know, like his time in hell or John's death and stuff." "Sounds like love to me." "I…maybe Charlie. I don't know." "Hey how about some drinks in the bar?" Dean calls from the hallway. "Count us in!" Charlie yells giggling. ---- "Another round!" Charlie giggles and you shake your head. How can a small girl drink so much? "I've got enough," you say turning to go into the restrooms. "I'll take another one and one for the pretty girl at the end of the counter," Dean rasps. "Why are you buying that chick a drink? Aren't you with Y/N?" Charlie mutters. "Huh? No…we just…" Dean stammers. "Dude, you shower with her! You sleep with her! You are with her, no doubt!" "No, we aren't a pair! I'm not banging inexperienced and boring virgins! I like my girl active and not someone who just waits to let me make her feel good. She's not my type. She's just a random girl!" Dean grunts and you let the drink you got for him fall to the ground. You're just a random girl…not even a friend? ‘Just a random girl?' you whisper before running out of the bar. "Asshole!" Charlie yells running after you. "Great job, Dean. Just great!" Sam adds before following Charlie and you. Face pale and with shaking hands Dean realizes what he just said. You're just a random girl… ---- "Hey, maybe he doesn't mean it that way," Charlie says hugging you tightly. "He said I'm just a random girl! Not even a friend…I thought I'm his best friend, that I mean something to him…but I'm nothing." "Dean can be an ass sometimes but he likes you, Y/N," Sam tries stroking your cheek gently. "No, he doesn't, Sam. One hot chick and he forgets about me. I'm nothing to him…only the boring…how can he blur out that too? I told him as I trusted him." "Nothing to be ashamed of Y/N. You just didn't find the right guy yet. He will come, promised." Charlie whispers. "How do you want to know? You're into chicks!" You mutter. "Sorry. Just…Dean is an ass. Shall I kick his balls?" "No Charlie…won't help." "That bad?"   Nodding you try to hide the disappointment and heartbreak from your friends. You always thought Dean and you have a special connection, a strong bond. Now you know better. "Can you leave me alone? I'm tired." You whisper. "Sure, Y/N. Charlie and I are in our rooms if you need us," Sam says before leaving the room. Looking at you lying sadly onto your bed Charlie sighs before leaving the room. ---- "Should I talk to her?" Dean whispers sitting on the floor in front of your room. "You said enough, asshole!" Charlie grunts slapping Dean's cheek. "Classy, Dean. Great job. You just lost your best friend!" Sam grunts. "Lost her? What do you mean, Sammy?" "Do you really think she will ever be your friend again? You hurt her! You said she's just a random girl, Dean. How could you? Y/N is heartbroken. Let's go, Charlie. I can't see his face right now," Sam grunts. Three days later… Playing with your food you don't look up when Dean enters the room. For three days you ignore him. Not even say ‘hello' to him. Your friendship is over and it breaks your heart. There's nothing you can do. You're just a random girl to him… Standing in the kitchen watching you playing with your corn flakes Dean tries to find the words to talk to you. He's missing you. You are sleeping in your room, you shower alone and the worst you ignore his whole existence. "Can we talk?" He tries. "About what?" You grunt not looking at him. "Listen…I'm sorry." "Fine. Are you finished?" "I didn't mean it that way." "Sure, sure. You know what? Experience isn't all. A real man would be happy that he's my first. He would be happy to show me all the things he knows about sex…or being intimate. A real man, a real friend wouldn't have said something like that." You yell before leaving the kitchen. "But we are friends…" Dean calls after you. "No, Dean. Obviously, we aren't friends. Go and find someone else to fool." ---- "How about going to the bar and get drunk?" Charlie suggests to cheer you up. A week…it's been a week since Dean broke your heart. He's sitting in the library watching you the whole time. Heart aching he dares not to talk to you. He messed up, lost you only because he was too afraid to admit his feelings. "Sure, why not? Maybe there are some hot guys." You say. ‘Hot guys?' Dean whispers panicked…What if you…no, no. He can't let you go to the bar… Running after Charlie he talks to her. Telling her to leave you and him alone for a while. That he needs to make it up to you. After some heavy arguments, Charlie finally agreed to go to the bar with Sam to give him the chance to make it up to you…but not without threatening to cut his balls off if he messes up again. Pacing in front of your room Dean tries to find the right words. He needs to find a way to win you over again. He can't lose you to someone else. A last deep breath and he knocks at your door. Waiting he swallows hard. "Come in!" You call out thinking it's Charlie. Wearing only new lace underwear you rummage in your wardrobe. Not knowing what to wear you sigh. "Any suggestion what I should wear?" "You look good in everything," Dean groans and you jump. "What are YOU doing here?" You mutter. "I wanted to talk to you. Please. I miss my friend." "Which friend? As far as I remember I'm just a random chick!" "Please, Baby. I got no clue why I said this…I adore you, I love you. Please." "I…you love me?" Awkwardly looking down onto his feet Dean simply nods. Suddenly interested in his shoes, he doesn't see the smile on your face and the coloring creeping onto your cheeks. "I love you too, Dean." His head snaps upwards to meet your gaze. Giving you his brightest smile he closes the space between you and him. Hugging you tight he sighs against you. The longer he presses his warm body against yours the more you can feel he's ‘happy' to see you. Clearing your throat you move your hands through his hair while Dean starts kissing down your neck. "God I want you for so long," Dean groans against your skin. "I want you too." Feeling his heart burst Dean picks you up. Out of instinct, you move your legs around his waist. Before he opens the door to his room he kisses your lips roughly. Lying you down onto the bed Dean doesn't break the kiss. Placed on top of you he just holds in his arms to kiss you breathless. Placing one leg between your thighs Dean starts kissing down your neck. Enjoying the gentle gesture you smile while he starts kissing down your body. Darkened eyes focussed on yours he plants another soft kiss to your collarbone. The next is places to the spot above where your anti-possession tattoo is inked. Slowly going further down he groans before kissing your still lace-covered mound. Hooking his fingers into the fabric he slides your panties down. A sniff at it and he grins at you like he won the first prize. "Take your bra off!" He orders. Slightly shaking you unclasp your bra. Tossing the fabric aside you start kneading your breasts. A low growl leaves Dean's chest before he spreads your legs open. His tongue seems to be everywhere at once. Licking through your folds Dean doesn't hesitate. This is his chance to make you feel good, to make you his. Watching you he slowly laps at your pussy. All the noises leaving your mouth make his cock twitch. He definitely gives you a good time. "Dean…god…so good." A low grunt leaves his lips. The next thing you feel is Dean wrapping his plump lips around your swollen bud. Sucking harshly he holds your legs open with his hands. Knowing he will make you fall apart soon. Digging your nails into the pillow above your head you try to process the pleasure Dean gives you. Before you know what's happening he carefully pushes two fingers into your slick channel. Screaming at the sudden intrusion you buck and writhe under his touch. Rubbing his long digits over your g-spot he looks at you. You can't see as his busy sucking at your clit but you bet his grinning right now. "Fuck, fuck…I…god." Pulsing around Dean's fingers you feel the knot burst. The pleasure washes over your body and you just hope that what will come is so intense like this experience. "My turn…" Dean rasps beginning to strip his clothes off. You want to grab his cock to give him ‘his turn' but he shakes his head. "Not at our first time. Later Baby. I wanna feel you know." Grabbing a condom Dean strokes his half hard cock until he's got his full attention. Wrapping the condom around his cock he looks down at you. Eyes widen and face flushed you stare at his huge cock. Mewling you spread your legs wider for Dean to take place between them. Before lining himself up he kisses you softly. Then you feel his tip pressing into you, stretching you out in a most delicious way. The whole time he's pushing into you he distracts you with soft kisses until he's fully seated. A few moments pass before he slowly starts moving. Arms wrapped around you he presses his chest to yours. Leaving almost no space between your bodies. "Shall I move my legs around your waist?" You ask and he nods smiling. "How do you know?" "I know how sex works…only never did the last step." Smiling at your adorable words he kisses you again. His thrusts are slow and even. Every time he bottoms out he pushes further in. "Can I go faster?" "Yes…please. You feel so good, Dean." Starting to move faster he pumps harder into you. Dean can feel your pussy flutter around his member so he starts pounding into you. Screaming you hold tight onto his back. Trying to meet his thrusts you are soon breathless. The walls in your cunt start to tighten. Squeezing Dean's dick you let him lose all control. Fucking now fast and hard into you he pushes you over the edge. Ropes of cum fill the condom while you tremble underneath your lover. "I take it back." You whimper. "Huh? What do you mean?" "Experience is everything…god…you're good at this…sex…holy…" "You're not bad yourself. Together we are awesome!" Giggling you stroke Dean's back while he's busy kissing your neck softly. You wish you could stay connected with Dean for much longer but he has to pull out.
Still holding you tight Dean spoons you from behind to whisper loving words into your ear.
What you don't know Sam and Charlie came back a few minutes ago. Mouth agape they stand in front of Dean's room. Awkwardly looking at each other with flushed faces they silently walk away…
Forever Tags
@donnaintx, @screechingartisancashbailiff, @fallen-wolf22 , @curly-haired-disaster-deactivat, @sister-winchesters99, @mogaruke, @the-is13, @helloitsmeamie203, @strayrosesbloom , @thewinchesterco , @hobby27, @kittycatlover18, @gh0stgurl , @marvelfansworld , @sandlee44, @hawaiianohana15, @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt​, @katpatrova17​, @notyourtypicalrose , @heyitscam99, @onethingthatkeepsmealive, @natura1phenomenon​, @flamencodiva, @echoesofpassion, @cocklesbelli, @anushay1998
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags
@spnfamily-thewinchesters​, @love-my-not-natural-babies​, @supernatural-bellawinchester​, @butifulsoul125​, @lyinginthegingerlocks​, @mirandaaustin93​, @hawaiianohana15​, @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester, @20gayneen, @thefaithfulwriter, @x2closebut2farx
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