#Shanks X Male Reader
hurlingdown · 8 days
slutty brat bottom shanks save me...
save me slutty brat bottom shanks..
when red-haired shanks wants something from you, you'll know it before he announces it.
watch him wear one of your button-down shirts, the one that's way too big for him and goes all the way down to his thighs like a dress. it's half-buttoned to show off his plump chest, and when he purposely bends over the kitchen counter or desk to "grab" something, it rides up to give you a perfect glimpse of his ass. without underwear.
he'll toss you a heated, bratty look over his shoulder, the one that says "come and get it."
later when you've got him properly bent over your lap, two fingers sinking into his hole, occasionally driving out to give a little slap to his balls and leaking cock, he'll be letting out the sluttiest, pornographic whimpers, wriggling his hips and trying to get you to fuck him already.
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peanutbubba · 2 months
Zoro shanks ace and law (seperate) x male reader fluff please i dont care if u add or remove anything dowhatever u wnat
OP Men x Strong Reader
Male reader, fluff, Ace and reader aren’t in a relationship, Reader is insecure of his strength in Law’s, not beta read, drabbles, Pre-timeskip Zoro (600+ words), Shanks (600 words), Law (800+ words), Ace (800 words)
Red Hair Shanks
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Shanks was never the type of man to be tied down, as a pirate he could never really afford too, he had a dream and desire to be on the sea, it was as plain as that.
But when you came and joined his crew you took all that and threw it on its head, now there was hardly a moment where Shanks wasn’t thinking about you, or outright flirting shamelessly with you.
All of this started just because you were considerate to him, always keeping a keen eye on your captain.
Days where he was struggling with only having one arm, phantom pains, cramps in his arm, whatever it may be on that day you were sure to help him with no questions. You took on the weight of his burden without him even needing to ask, and that’s what made him fall for you so easily.
And on top of that you’re extremely hot, while you were super strong at the same time, what’s there not to like about you?
“Shanks, you’re staring off again,” You sigh, a small frown on your face, “Are you sure you’re not tired? I can take the night shift.”
Immediately Shanks shakes his head, red hair messily going back and forth with the motion, “No, it’s fine.”
You simply roll your eyes at your stubborn Captain, instead deciding to change the topic to something else, “What were you thinking about?”
“You,” he answers quickly, his voice genuine as he cockily smiles at you.
“Oh? So you'd rather fantasize over me rather than actually talk to me?” You tilt your head, smirk on your face as you tease Shanks.
“What?! That’s not what I meant,” he hurriedly says, his cocky attitude dropping nervously for a second.
You simply laugh, finding Shanks’ behavior funny, how a many could go from confident to worried in a second just pure funny. “Yeah, I know.”
Shanks deadpans, sticking his tongue out at you and blowing raspberries like a kid would, “You’re terrible.”
“Aww, but you still love me,” you point out, not at all deterred by Shanks’ comment, bumping his arm with your shoulder.
“Do I?” He replies back sarcastically, turning his head in faux pondering.
Punching his arm playfully you grumble, “No more kisses for you.”
“What?! Come on, anything but that baby,” Shanks pouts, taking the hit on his arm before leaning down and wrapping it around your waist.
Leaning towards you he tries to steal a kiss from your lips but you turn your head, a small whine of displeasure coming from shanks at the action.
Burying his face in your neck he mumbles another plea, his beard scratching you, red hair also tickling your face as it’s blown by the night breeze, “Please, I’m sorry.”
You sigh, your arms wrapping around Shanks as he perks up slightly, leaning in to get a kiss again. This time you allow him, your lips melting nicely against his in a sweet smooch, pulling away to be met with his goofy smile once again.
He tries leaning in for another one but is stopped by you, grabbing the man and hoisting him over your shoulder, his hand grabbing his coat as it falls from his shoulders.
He blushes at how easily you pick him up, hitting his hand against your back gently, “What are you-“
“Beckman’s here, let’s go to bed.” You quickly answer, beginning to move to your shared quarters.
Looking up Shanks sees the gray haired man waving goodbye at them, a knowing smirk on his face as Shanks goes tense. “Goodnight, Captain, Y/N.”
Trafalgar D. Water Law
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A lot of the time Shachi would play pranks, usually harmless and all in good fun, until it suddenly goes wrong and they’re stuck with more chores than usual after Law catches them… However, it never deterred him, surprisingly.
You had been peacefully checking the Polar Tang’s pipes, making sure there were no punctures or complications. A careful hand on the delicate piping, when Shachi comes over with one of the most disgusting looking bugs you’ve seen in your life, throwing it on you.
The yell you let out when you felt it crawling on you, it was like you were being murdered, hand tightening around the pipe and accidentally crushing and ripping it in half.
Your hand immediately letting go of the pipe and swatting the bug off of your body, disgusted yelps leaving you until it finally falls off of you.
Looking up you see how Shachi stares at the wall in horror, you already know what he was looking at, however still turning around your face goes to horror when you realize how there is no longer a major chunk of the pipe.
Slowly turning to each other the both of you staring with terrified expressions, fast footsteps making you both panic and whisper yelling at each other. “What the fuck, Shachi!”
“Dude, how was I supposed to know you were gonna react like that?!” He hisses back.
Grabbing the broken pipe you quickly hide it behind your back, scooching back so the broken pipe lining the way was also hidden, Shachi also standing next to you to hide it.
Finally you see Law appear from the corner, a concerned look on his face. “Are you okay? I heard screaming.” He directs at both of you, worry in his tired eyes.
“Nope. We’re alright here, captain!” You respond quickly, your best poker face on.
And you watch nervously at how Law’s eyes narrow at you, then Shachi, but he seems to relax and accept the answer, nodding before turning around and leaving.
When he’s away from sight both you and Shachi begin to panic harder, beginning to push Shachi down a hallway. “Go find that bug before it finds him!”
Nodding he quickly runs off down the hallway the bug scittered off across, you going in the opposite direction to the room that houses extra pipes.
Quickly you place the broken pipe down in its section before fetching a new one, rushing back out the room and back down the hallway that had the broken pipe.
Out of breath you try to get air in your lungs harshly, getting to work once your lungs didn’t feel like they were on fire. Detaching the other broken pieces, replacing it with the new pipe, finally calming down when it was fixed.
It doesn’t last long though, Shachi coming back down the hallway to you also out of breath. “Help me… find a box.” He says through gasps, his hands clasped in front of him.
Getting up, you collect your tool box and go with Shachi, scouring the supply closets for an empty cardboard box, eventually finding one and stuffing the bug in there, sealing the box shut with tape.
Both of you leave the room silently going your separate ways. You were sure this would be funny when it's brought up again another day, for now however, you’re just glad you were quick enough to escape Law’s punishments.
All you had to do now was report back to him and this nightmare would be done.
Treading down the hallway you make your way to the captain’s quarters, knuckles rasping against the metal as you knock, entering a second later.
Before you could even open your mouth to speak, Law was quicker, immediately questioning you with dreaded words. “Did you fix the pipe?”
Your jaw drops, a worried look coming on your face as you realize that Law knew the whole time. “You knew?!”
“It wasn’t hard to figure out,” he smirks, placing the papers that he was skimming over down to look at you in turn.
“How did you-”
“I saw Shachi-ya chasing a bug down the hallway, and I heard the pipe hissing.” He quickly responds, cutting off your question.
He watches how your lips tighten downturning in a frown, sighing his own expression matches your, standing up from his chair and walking over to you. “Y/N-ya, it wasn’t your fault.”
Once more he cuts you off, his words soft towards you even if his facial expression didn’t change much from his usual stoic one, “It’s alright. It was a mistake and you already fixed it, that’s all that matters.”
You open your mouth again to argue about it but Law’s quicker, inked hands wrapping around you and your head and shoving you in a hug, forcing you to shut up.
Relaxing in his affection, the scent of him calming you down from your mistake, just taking it that he wouldn’t let you win this argument.
“Want to help me come up with a punishment for Shachi?”
Roronoa Zoro
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You didn’t train much, if at all, mostly it was because you couldn’t, there wasn’t any training equipment that could sustain being under your pressure.
But you did like to watch Zoro workout, in a way living vicariously through him. Sometimes he’d even ask you to help him, which you always enjoy.
Sometimes you were his spotter, sometimes you’d both have a friendly clash, and other times he’d use you like an extra weight.
“Push harder,” he ordered, glaring down at the wooden floors of the Merry.
With an amused sigh you apply a little more pressure to his back, hands pushing his sweaty back down, “Is this good?”
Fixing his posture Zoro allows his body to go down, then with a slight strain he pushes back up with a grunt. “Perfect.” He replies curtly.
So that’s how you stay, using some of your strength to push him down while he does push ups, both of you using your strength to fight against each other.
You enjoyed helping Zoro so much because this was usually as soft as the two of you got with each other, in a way this was how Zoro showed his affection to you.
Even if he didn’t admit it himself you understood that he enjoyed having you around, watching him, training with him. You can see it in the way his brown eyes soften when he sees you climb to the upper deck, stretching the sleep off of your limbs from a midday nap, or even in the way his eyes flicker to you every so often to make sure you’re still watching.
It never disappoints how the tips of his ears dust red when you compliment him from behind, of how he tenses when you whistle at his physique.
Going down again you watch how Zoro’s arms flex, a smile growing on your face as you admire his muscles, a clear sign of the dedication that Zoro put into trying to gain the title of The Strongest Swordsman.
It was days like this that you felt truly relaxed, a sense of ease settling so comfortably in your bones in a way that could never otherwise be accomplished.
You would never trade these days for the world, because this was it, it was your heaven and your earth, the only things truly keeping you tethered down.
And you sure it was the same for Zoro, you were sure that he as well would never give such tranquility up.
“You’re staring.” Zoro points out factually, a slight curiosity to his voice.
You let out a nervous chuckle, cheeks slightly tinting pink at how he caught you so easily without even having to look at you.
“It’s hard not too, you look good training.” Zoro’s body goes rigid at your comment, ears blowing up in a crimson as he simply huffs.
Again he goes down and this time you’re much more aware of everything happening, the soft clinking of his earrings as they glitter under the sun.
The waves rocking the Merry gently as if trying to put it to sleep, huffs escaping as Zoro strains to push back up, the distant chatter of the other crew members on the deck.
You adored this ship, this crew, and especially Zoro. They gave you a place when you had none, he rooted for you when no one else would. They were the family you got, even if you didn’t feel like you deserved it.
So long as you could help it you would make sure that days would stay like this, sunny and bright with a good future ahead.
You would see this crew reach its goals, you promised that, you would reach your own goal. More importantly you’d be beside Zoro’s side when he finally got crowned with the title he yearns for, you’ll be there cheering him on.
That, you’ll make sure of.
Portgas D. Ace
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When Ace first saw you he swore up and down that you were the most beautiful man he had met, and when he saw your strength first hand he immediately fell in love he was sure.
That’s why he couldn’t help himself, gushing about you to Marco, or admiring you when you were fighting.
There was something about you that just drew him in like a moth to a flame, but god was he not mad, he would keep this going on forever if he could.
It’s why even now when you were having a friendly brawl with Vista, he was practically jittering with excitement, desperate to see you and your amazing strength again.
Rolling back and forth between the ball and heel on his feet, black eyes glittering like a child’s.
He watches as you fight against Vista, catching the sides of his blades in your hands, or concentrating so hard to try and not hurt Vista too much when you land a punch on him.
Ace practically sighs as if he was watching a dream, all because you were so cool, even with such things as Haki you were incredibly strong.
“You know you should tell him, right?” Marco asks, also watching beside Ace as the fight goes down.
Jolting in shock Ace looked beside him, he wasn’t expecting the man to watch so he was scared by his sudden presence beside him, an unamused look on his face because of it.
“But what if he doesn’t say yes?” He pouts, looking back at you, his cheeks flushing red at the thought of him confessing to you.
Marco shrugs his shoulders, a calm look still about him as his attention is captivated by Vista and you, “Won’t know until you try.”
Ace pouts, trying to think of the different ways he could, maybe he could try impressing you enough to-
“Please do not try any of that impressing him stuff,” Marco says with a sigh, practically reading Ace’s mind.
Snapping his head towards Marco he huffs, an annoyed tone to his voice as he bickers, “What’s wrong with that?”
“It literally never works,” the first division commander responds back, “Just ask him out on a date, normally.”
Ace groans but nods his head, looking back at the fight only to realize it finished, both Vista and you laughing together.
Alright… okay, all he had to do was ask you on a date, easy! Except it’s not, at all, because you make Ace so nervous that half the time he just wants to die of embarrassment.
When you began to walk off to the showers Ace stopped you, a nervous smile on his face and he completely forgot what he was supposed to be saying. It felt like his heart was in his throat, ready to burst out at any moment now that he was so close to you, and all he could manage to sputter out was, “You’re so cool,” before promptly running away.
Bumping into Izou who just laughs at him lightheartedly, “That was so pathetic.”
“I know! Don’t remind me,” he grumbles out, rubbing at his burning face with his hands, squatting down to sit on his haunches.
“You have to calm down when talking to him, you’re freaking out too much,” Izou points out, trying to at least help Ace a little.
Ace sighs, opening his fingers enough so he could look through them, “Yeah, but it’s hard when they’re so… them!”
Izou begins to laugh again, stifling out a, “You’re hopeless,” before shaking his head.
“Well you better ask him soon before someone else does,” he says, pointing at some of the other people on the Moby Dick also admiring you to Ace.
Ace stands up quickly at the mention of the other competition, suddenly a serious look about him, there was no way he was letting someone else get to you first!
Rushing back over to where he left you he relaxes in relief that you’re still there, a confused look on your face as you watch Ace come back to you after running away two minutes ago.
“Go on a date with me?” He immediately blurts when he’s in front of you, his face such a deep shade of red it rivals the red beads he wears around his neck.
Laughing your face changes from one of puzzlement to amusement, your cheeks dusting a light pink, “Sure, commander.”
Ace feels how his heart burst up in flames and honestly he wouldn’t have been surprised if he was on fire too, but it didn’t really matter to him, not when the most loveliest person he’s ever seen in his life just accepted going on a date.
“Awesome,” he breathlessly whispers, a goofy smile on his face.
This reminded me that I always forget how to spell Zoro’s last name.
Hope you enjoyed, Pea’s out!
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Dude I keep trying to do my book report but the book is so boring bro. I feel bad saying that since it's based on a true story but I'm trying my best. I might be cooked though it's due today. Have this that I wrote instead.
Charm You to Jealousy
Shanks x top male reader. Smut. Reader gets jealous because Shanks is handsome. Spoilers for Ep 1112. This isn't dubcon Shanks just likes being whiny. 3,180~ words.
“Haha..” Shanks laughs awkwardly as he catches the woman that lunged onto him. Everyone around him fawns over him, worrying over if he’s going to be okay or that he doesn’t need to be the one to defeat Kid. He’s flattered, he really is, but he needs to get going! He doesn’t mean to underestimate Kid, but he doesn’t overestimate him either. He holds the woman to his body for a moment before pulling back and walking to the dock. He turns back to look at them “Don’t worry, our enemies are famously weak.” The redhead says cheekily. It’s only when his expression lands on you that it falters ever so slightly. There’s a smile on your face as you look at how beloved he is, the way women he’s most likely been with before you swoon over him, but it doesn’t reach your eyes. It’s when he’s about to say bye to you, to try and show he hasn’t forgotten about you, when his eyes widen and his observation haki gives him a vision of an unfortunate future. Panic fills his mind and he takes one quick glance at you then quickly jumps off to save everyone. You watch him go, it’s to be expected. How admirable he is, you love him for that; plus, your comfort in the moment is much less than the lives of countless. You look down at the women that were with him, resting your chin on your hand. They’re pretty, the type of women Shanks was into before you two started to date. You don’t have their large breasts or their soft features, nor the body meant to connect with someone the opposite gender. You aren’t one to feel too insecure about that, of course. It’s been proven enough that Shanks is more than into you. You look out into the ocean, watching as your love saves the day once again. An ugly emotion blooms in your heart, unwelcome and dark.
After everything is done, he finally gets a moment to rest his mind. Looking at the sinking ship of the Kid pirates, he sighs. “Kids these days get too strong too fast.” He says as he walks further onto the Red Force. Shanks expected Kid to have gotten stronger, but enough to destroy multiple ships at once was unexpected. It’s then that your expression comes to mind, the smile that didn’t reach your eyes. He looks around a few times after he remembers but doesn’t see you “Shit.” He mumbles to himself. His crew overhears this and start to snicker despite Shanks’s small panic.
“In trouble, Captain?” Yasopp asks teasingly and Shanks sighs as they sail back to the island’s dock.
“Hopefully not too much..” The redhead says, but before he can go look for you inside the ship, people call for him. ‘Dammit.’ What’s worse, he feels your gaze on him. It’s harsh, and he resists the urge to shiver. He needs to go find you, but he should calm his subordinates first. He hops off of the ship and, again, a woman hugs his waist. She clings to him happily and he puts his hand on her hip, trailing it up to pat her back. “See? I told you everything would be fine.” He tells everyone.
“You took care of him so easily! We have to have a celebration!” One of the men say and Shanks, for the first time in a long while, actually feels not that excited for a celebration. He’s always excited to drink, of course, but the longer he keeps you waiting the worse things are going to be.
“A celebration for beating such a weak pirate?” He asks, raising a brow. “You sure you aren’t just using me as an excuse to party?”
“Nonsense! Our chief saving our island and people is always a cause for celebration!” The man responds and everyone cheers.
‘This isn’t working out.’ Shanks thinks to himself. “That sounds great but I should get going.”
“Ehhh? Already?” They all yell. “We wanted to thank you for saving us though!”
“Yeah, sorry. No need to thank me either, it’s my fault a big shot came to this island.” The captain continues to try and escape from the people, picking up a few women to place them further back. Beckman watches this, amused. He almost considers letting the redhead deal with this himself, but alas, he is the first mate and he is supposed to help the captain.
“C'mon everyone, let the Captain rest.” Beckman tells them, patting one of them on the back while he motions for the other townspeople to leave as well.
“Yeah, don’t tire him out now, he’s gonna need his energy!” Lucky Roux says knowingly with a laugh, making Shanks cringe.
“Well, okay. See you later Chief!” The women and men say, a few giving him a kiss on the cheek. Once they’re gone Shanks sighs in relief, then slowly trails his vision over to you, sweating as he notices an even more insincere smile on your face. You narrow your eyes sinisterly and head inside the ship. He curses and quickly makes his way inside too.
“We’ll save you a seat, Captain!” Lucky yells to him.
“Yeah, and we’ll make sure it’s cushioned too!” Yasopp adds and they all start to laugh, voices fading as Shanks follows you. He trails through the halls and eventually finds you, grabbing your shoulder to turn you towards him.
“Heyyyy!” He says with a friendly voice, “You know they don’t mean anything to me, right, love? Well not ‘anything’ but not like you-” He’s interrupted as you grab his collar and pull him into a rough kiss. He takes a step back, and you pin him to the wall. He shivers slightly as your tongue slips into his mouth and his into yours, intertwining the two muscles. Shanks grips onto your arm and groans softly when you lick the roof of his mouth. With that, you pull away, a string of saliva connecting the two of you for a moment. His face flushed as he catches his breath, voice full of anxious hope. “...Is this a sign you’re not that mad at me…?” The redhead asks, panicking as one of your hands slips under his shirt and grips tightly onto his waist. Your eyes narrow and your smile widens.
“What do you think?”
“Hah~ nnGH~!” Shanks groans into the pillow, clutching the sheets beside his head like a lifeline as you slam into his lifted hips mercilessly. He’s already cum twice, you once, sweat glistening on his back as the muscles tense under your hand with every thrust. Your other hand goes to his hair and pulls his head up, his mind swimming as you lean over him.
“Don’t hide now, thought you loved the attention?” Your voice rumbles into his ear and his dick twitches, his eyes rolling back for a second when an especially hard pump hits his prostate harshly.
“s..sorry soRRy- AHh~!” Shanks moans with a gasp as you spank him, the hand on his back moving to squeeze one of his pecs.
“No, there’s nothing to apologize for. How could I blame my lover for being himself? Even if he’s an attention whore.” You pinch his swollen nipple harshly, sending pain and pleasure through his body. “I’ll give you the attention you crave, enough to feel it when you show yourself off to everyone else.” Shanks thinks about being in front of his subordinates, trying to hide the pain in his lower half and cover any marks made by you. The feeling of him squeezing around you makes you chuckle. “You liked that, didn’t you? The thought of them finding out their strong chief got fucked like a slut then tried going to their celebration like it didn’t happen. Wonder what those girls would think, knowing that. They probably think or even remember you as some dominant man. Fantasizing about you when the truth is you’re addicted to getting used by your boyfriend.” You grab and lift his torso up, wrapping your arms around his waist so you can pound into him so hard he forgets how to think; only able to let out a weak groan as he cums for the 3rd time. All that comes out of his mouth are moans and whines now, unable to form words as tears form in his eyes from overstimulation. That doesn’t matter though, you know he can keep going. “Is my pretty slut tired? You can give me one more, right?” You ask and he shakes his head, gasping when you press a hand on his lower stomach. “You can, don’t underestimate yourself.” Shanks whines as you suck a hickey into his back, whispering dirty praises into his ear until he’s aroused enough to get hard again. “There you go~” He feels like he’s about to collapse as you kiss the back of his neck. “C’mon, be good for me, Captain.” You stop to grind into him, making him groan at the feeling of your dick massaging his prostate. Your cum is pushed further into him and his dick twitches in pleasure.
“(Y/n)..” His voice rumbles as his eyes close, mind clearing up just enough to say your name.
“Turn your head.” You tell him and press your lips against his, his eyes going half lidded with a mewl as you start to thrust again. He’s kissing back despite his foggy head, instinct from making out with you. It’s not done yet though, and once you feel like he’s had enough time to calm you start getting rough again. He’s struggling to keep himself up, your arm wrapping around his waist the only thing keeping his hips lifted.
‘I’m.. gonna pass out.’ Shanks manages to think. ‘Feels too good…!’ He curses that he didn’t take care of Kid sooner, instead choosing to calm the nerves of the people first. Out of character for the captain, but he can’t think rationally when he’s getting fucked to an inch of his life and his love is upset with him. His orgasm starts to form inside of him and he pulls away from the kiss to pant. He’s gonna die, he’s gonna die and it’s because he’s too handsome and charming to be unpopular. Your voice reaches his ears, but his brain can’t make it out very well, just knowing that it’s you behind him. At least you’re the one that’ll kill him, this might not be so bad. He lets out a gasp when you twitch inside him then grab his dick. "W-Wait wait!” He’s able to cum untouched, but he’ll need a bit of help this time. He grabs your wrist, weakly tugging to no avail as you start to jerk him off. Shanks looks back at you with teary eyes, pleading.
“Shh, it’s okay. Just this last time. After that you can go to that party and pretend you’re a perfect handsome man. For now,” It doesn't work. You tighten your grip and he sobs. “I just need you to cum again for me.” He looks forward, tears streaming from his eyes as he feels himself reaching that peak again. Finally, he lets out a loud broken cry as he shakes and spasms around you. “Fuck you’re so pretty like this.” You coo into his ear as it rips through him like lightning, pain and pleasure filling his body. You can’t hold back longer either, the urge to cum into him again filling your mind. Your grunts mix with his weak whimpers, so slutty and vocal for you. “I-I want you to remember this, everytime someone puts their hands or eyes on you with want, I want you to remember how easily you moan for my c-cock.” You grunt out, ending your sentence with your dick shooting cum into his warm walls. You don’t know if he heard you say that, but you know his body will remember for him. After a while of catching your breath you pull out of him, a lewd sticky noise accompanying before seeing your cum flow out of him. “Fuck, what a sight..." You mumble, burning the image into your head. Sweat glistens on his back and his head spins before he goes limp. “Ah.” You lay him down and turn him over onto his back, your breath catching in your throat. His hair sticks to his forehead, tears staining his face and his lips swollen with kissing and biting. There’s hand marks on his waist and hips, bite marks around his swollen nipples. He’s completely wrecked, his closed eyes opening just to look at you for a few seconds before he manages to give a weak smile; then he passes out. “Oops.” You exclaim, then look at the clock in the room. At this rate he’s gonna be late, but looking back at him you doubt he can go in this state; even if the thought is slightly nice to think about. Just a bit. Plus, your body is also a bit exhausted, to be honest. Love conquers all, though, and you get off of the bed and onto your feet; picking up your unconscious boyfriend to clean him up as best you can. It’s a bit difficult when he’s unconscious, but you make sure to use warm water and lots of care. He stays asleep the entire time, which isn't too surprising since he can sleep through most things; though he does make cute hums in his sleep when you rinse off his hair and snores when you’re drying him off. Once he’s all cleaned up you change the sheets quickly and place him onto the bed. It’s a good thing you’re strong, Shanks isn’t light by any means. You stand there, staring at him. ‘Is he.. gonna be able to go like this?’ You ask yourself, seeing his burnt out body. ‘I’ll go see Hongo just in case.’ As soon as you step into Hongo’s office he tosses icepacks and ointments to you.
“Here.” He’s too used to you and Shanks’s antics to be unprepared or surprised, especially when he could hear his captain’s moans while walking through the hallway to get to his office. “Seriously, I don’t know if I should be impressed with him or you that you guys manage to make that much noise. We even put soundproofed it too.” Hongo says with a sigh.
“I’m just that good.” You gloat jokingly, holding the items in your arms.
“Yeah, well, we don’t need to know to this extent.” The doctor replies and you laugh a little. “I don’t know how rough you were with him, but people are gonna be disappointed if the captain doesn’t go.” Your eyebrows furrow s the consequences of your actions settle in. “Don’t make that expression. He’s grown, he knew what he was doing.” You tilt your head in confusion but Hongo just waves you off to figure it out yourself. It’s when you get back to your shared room when you put the pieces together, could it have been on purpose? No way, right? Shanks is on the bed, snoring loudly. You walk over and put an icepack on his neck, causing him to jolt awake.
“Cold!” He yelps, coughing afterwards from the strain of his voice. You hand him a glass of water, he takes it and gulps it down. “Thanks, sweetiepie.” You stare at him and he’s confused. “What, do I have something on my face? Other than handsomeness, of course.” His voice is raspy, but you still catch the slight nervousness.
“Did you make me jealous on purpose?” You ask him and he quickly avoids eye contact. “So you did.” He scratches the back of his head.
“I didn’t think you would get that jealous.” The redhead mumbles and you resist the urge to shake him.
“I knew it was weird, you were leaning into those kisses and you didn’t need to put your hand near her ass either.” You pinch the bridge of your nose as Shanks laughs anxiously. He pats his lap.
“C’mon~ It’s not that big a deal. Plus, my hand was an appropriate distance away from her ass. I would kn-” You grab and squeeze his nose harshly. “Owowow sorry sorry, I couldn’t resist the joke!” If he wasn’t already a wreck you would’ve bonked his head by now.
“You’re going to the banquet.” You state, letting go of his nose.
“I want to, but I’m a little.. well..” He motions to his naked body covered in marks. “I’m getting old too, my hips hurt like hell. I wouldn’t be surprised if you aged them.”
“I said earlier that you would go, yeah? So you’re going. I’ll carry you over there like a pretty princess if I have to.” You tell him and he gets a serious look on his face as he actually considers the pros and cons of being carried like a pretty princess. The pros are he doesn’t have to walk over there and he can just use you instead of having to get up, the cons are that his crew would make fun of him and he isn’t sure how the rest would react. “You seemed pretty interested in people finding out earlier.” His cheeks tint slightly at that, he would allow it if it was just his immediate crew but there’s too many reasons to not do the same in front of everyone else.
“I’ll go, you can carry me some other time.” He stands up and almost falls over until you catch him. “Shit, you did a bigger number than me than I thought.” Shanks doesn’t want to leave everyone hanging though. Thankfully, you two are used to this. You put him down on the bed and put ointment on any bigger marks or bites, he shivers a little when you put it on his nipples. Once that’s done you dress him up and ice his eyes and lips. “Can’t see.” He says as the icepack covers his vision, voice muffled by the one on his lips.
“Hold it.” You tell him and he takes over icepack duty, you take the chance to put makeup over any visible marks. Would be easier to just button up his shirt but that would cause way more attention than a few faint marks. Once everything’s done he puts the icepacks down. To be honest, his face still looks like a mess.
“Maybe we can put some lipstick on me, only if you kiss it on tho-” You put the icepack back on his lips. Should be fine, Shanks looks a little rough all the time anyway. Maybe you guys can say it was the heat that did it.
“Woohoo! Congratulations!” Yeah the excuse didn’t work. At least everyone was happy for you, even the women from before. They seemed really bummed at first but they changed their mind when they saw Shanks’s face and the faint marks. They started going to you instead or staring at Shanks in awe. Apparently it’s way more interesting to stare at a handsome man slightly wrecked than try and have him when he’s taken. Love conquers all, even if their curious stares are a little embarrassing.
Yeah I'm cooked lol its due in like 6 hours.
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sanjisboyfie · 10 months
shanks being your doting boyfriend
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(slightly himbo) shanks x male reader
NOT PROOFREAD mb. small, slight manga spoilers??? sorry guys + LMFAO i hadto ctrl + f every single time i used "arms" and switch it to "arm" also im so soorrryyyy its kinda rlly short.....forgive me also idc???? if this seems ooc to me shanks is just a silly lil guy.
— oh god. the power you hold. you actually singlehandedly could change the course of the entire one piece universe if you wanted to. why??? because one of the four emperors of the sea follows everrything you say like a lost puppy. he hangs off of every word that leaves your lips with a dumb, lovesick grin on his face. his head is empty, just thoughts of you. good thing you use this power of yours for good and keep this man HUMBLE.
"[name], can you please tell your idiot boyfriend to just do the dishes, i can't-"
"beckkkkkk, why are you bothering me and my boyfriend's personal time together?" shanks whined, little spooning his way into your side. his stubble was scratching your skin, making you itchy around your neck and shoulder, especially with the way he was so aggressively nuzzling his head. "we haven't even woken up yet,"
"yeah, and you were supposed to be on cleaning duty last night and you instead chose to spend that time coddling [name], so look where we are now,"
"i'm the captain, goddammit! why do i have to do something like cleaning duty?"
"ask [name], he made that rule,"
shanks' aggressive demeanor turned into putty as he pouted at you. it was not a fitting expression for someone that had a reputation like his and also his age (too old to be acting like a kid).
"babbbbyyy, why are you making us spend less time together? is it because you hate me?"
"shanks, just go fucking do some cleaning in the kitchen. it's a shit show and it's pissing me and the chefs off. get a grip, babe," you scolded, pushing his pouting face away from your own.
with a look of hesitation, shanks finally backed off and got out of bed. as he was putting on a proper pair of trousers on, he was muttering about his own boyfriend was bullying him. his comments went ignored by both you and beck — who was watching with a look of disbelief on his face.
to see his best friend, captain, and one of the four emperors of the sea so easily swayed into doing chores was something he doesn't think he'd ever get used to. no matter how long you and shanks have been together, seeing the red head so obediently follow orders was infathomable.
— shanks -> really intimidating status as captain of the red hair pirates -> turns into complete mush when you walk into the room. without fail, he physically deflates into whatever seat he's sitting in and holds his arm out to you invitingly, waiting for you to sit on his lap.
shanks was supposed to be in serious mode. he was sitting in front of some pretty high ranked marine officials, who were after his crews' heads. he wasn't the type to hold hostages, just to let them go back running to their navy base, but considering the crew was on a vacation of sorts, he needed to know how they were able to track them down.
it lingered in his mind that there was a chance there was a mole in their ranks, but he didn't want to accept that as it would be a painful reality.
"so, how did you know we'd be at this island to recover?" shanks questioned, eyes glaring holes into the marines' faces. they were shaking where they sat, except for one who tried holding a tough demeanor. "i'm not going to do anything to you if you just answer my question,"
just as the marine was about to spill all their information out, the door of the room they were in was slammed open. shanks' haki faltered slightly as he was able to recognize that it was you, and with that imbalance, it sent the marine officers over the edge and made them pass out instead.
you took in the scene, bleakly apologizing for interuppting. shanks didn't have the heart to scold you, so instead he just took you into his arm with a wide grin and said, "no, no, it's alright. i was beginning to miss you anyway, doll. was wondering why you weren't with me," he pouted into your skin, making you laugh.
"turns out one of the lackeys you let on board recently was the reason why these guys showed up out of nowhere," you informed your lover, who hummed in interest, "took a while, but was able to get him to crack under pressure."
shanks sighed in content, hugging you even tighter, "i love you so much, you're so sexy when you take control,"
another laugh escaped your lips as you heard your boyfriend almost drunkenly sing you praises, "it was nothing, the guy had zero resolve anyway,"
"you're so amazing, baby," he continued complimenting into your skin, acting as if there weren't three passed out marine officers in front of you two.
a couple of the lackeys of the crew came bounding into the room and almost froze when they saw their intimidating captain cuddling into your side like an eager puppy.
"u-uhm, captain?" shanks only hummed in acknowledgement as he held you tight to his side. "what do you want us to do with these guys and that bastard traitor?"
"oh, just keep them tied up and then leave them on the shore when we depart — they probably won't survive with all the wildlife around here," shanks hummed, waving his hand dismissively. you were standing in between his legs and he was relishing in the skinship you were allowing him.
"should we tell the rest that we will be setting sail soon then?"
this time you interjected, "yeah, i'll come with you, boys. i'll make moving the bodies easier."
the crew's face lightened up at your familiar kind behavior, but then stiffened when they heard a groan coming from shanks.
"but [name]!! these guys got it, just stay with me longer, please,"
"oh, shut up, idiot. just go back to the main event and lift up the spirits of our crew, they probably wanna hear words from their captain after such a traitorous bastard infiltrated us,"
shanks sighed at your mini lecture, but dragged himself to follow your footsteps. he was holding onto your hand and his feet were practically stomping into the wood.
"who even made me captain, i never asked for this," he sighed, making the crew weakly laugh to fill the awkward silence while you just tried apologizing for your boyfriend, and captain's, idiotic behavior.
— shanks really cherishes the alone time he can spend with you. living your lives as highly wanted pirates makes your daily life hectic. and, thankfully, the foundations of your relationship only led to you two being able to keep that strong trust, respect, and love for each other so alive.
it was nighttime and the ship was rocking ever so slightly with the waves. for once, you switched cuddling positions and had your head resting on shanks' chest. your fingers were drawing mindless shapes on the exposed skin while shanks' arm was squeezing your plushy flesh every now and then.
"you know, i love you so much, right?" he confessed into the night air, the genuineness of his emotions being made obvious with how softly he spoke.
"i love you too," you easily said back, not thinking twice.
"but, do you know i love you?" shanks repeated, sitting up and holding onto your waist to make sure all your attention was directed on him, "i know our lives don't make our lifestyle easier and i know i get really busy when times get rough, but i needed to tell you again that i love you so much [name]."
you grinned at his sincerity, leaning forward and pressing a soft, gentle kiss to his chapped lips. he reciprocated in a second's notice, but you pulled away before he could deepen it (as he usually did whenever you two kissed).
"i know you love me shanks, you are the sweetest lover i can think of. your kindness and humanity remind me everyday that this life is worth living if it's with you," shanks smiled at your words, nudging his forehead against yours to entice you to pull in closer to him.
your lips locked once more in a passionate filled kiss. your bare chests were now skin to skin with one another and it took a couple minutes of desperate kissing for shanks to be satisfied.
and when you finally pulled away and settled back onto his chest, he squeezed you once more and asked, "you've had other lovers besides me?" in reference to what you said earlier.
cue an eyeroll and pinch to his sides to make him shut his pretty mouth for some needed peace and quiet.
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gatorbites-imagines · 7 months
Shanks w male s/o who's love languages are physical affection & words of affirmation, who's a romantic but laid back. Some fluffy and smutty head canons if that's possible, with verse shanks?
(Might be a bit too specific and if so feel free to ignore completely, as with anything ofc: Reader has ADHD and a lot of history hyper fixations and does martial arts rather than swordsmanship)
Shanks x Male Reader
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I love Shanks, I wanna put him in a box and shake it around and hear him rattle around.
You probably joined the crew later on after running into them many times over the years, maybe you and Shanks already had some kind of relationship without it being anything official. Thinks lotsa flirting and nights spent together whenever your paths cross.
Being a martial artist and running in the same circles as Shanks it means you’re most likely a master in your craft.
Sparring is most likely a type of foreplay for you two, even after you join his crew. The rest of the crew knows to keep at a distance when you two start riling the other up for a spar, since they all know where its leading nowadays.
I can see Shanks as someone who’s love language is also physical affection, so you two are always seen all over each other or hanging on the other. After Shanks lost his arm, it probably caused some issues since he had to get used to not being able to hold you at the same time as he did other stuff.
After losing his arm, you make sure to push him to his limits to make up for the struggle of having to be a skillful fighter with a missing limb. You may or may not reward him for his “achievements” whenever he passes a milestone, meaning he works even harder.
I don’t see Shanks as someone who blushes much, but he always finds himself smiling when you show affection through words of affirmation. It makes his insides do swoops and flips even if you guys have been together for years.
Your words of affirmation truly shine through after he loses his arm, since there’s part of him that probably feels like he is less attractive and desirable, especially since he can’t do the same things as before with only one arm.
This just means you have to show him you still love him all the same, much to the annoyance of your crew and especially Benn, since you and Shanks act like a pair of teenagers in your first relationship at times.
The physical affection bleeds through to the bedroom, resulting in stuff like body worship always being present one way or another. If you start praising and complimenting Shanks, I could see him getting red in the face from just how much you can come up with.
Even with one hand he still touches you all over, and he finds interesting ways to use his haki to keep it all interesting and fresh. He always gets a little too cocky in your opinion when he surprises you with whatever new he’s come up with.
I could imagine him loving your body a lot. As a martial artist, you most likely built muscle very quickly, resulting in stretch marks, unless you somehow have a devilfruit that makes it so you don’t get them.
But imagining you do, he always licks and nibbles at them, snickering when you wack him over the head for biting at your hips or licking at the sides of your pecs. Shanks never apologizes for laying all his love on you, he just shrugs and says he can’t contain himself with someone as irresistible as you.
Speaking of the bedroom, he loves when you ride him. Shanks probably also some kind of captain kink. Seeing as you guys are lovers and see each other as mostly equals, you don’t really call him captain outside of battle, so when you finally do use that title, he always snaps to attention.
To add to the point above. Roleplay. He could walk into his quarters and see you splayed out on his bed in a dramatic pose, wearing some clothes you bought just for this, like a different gi or maybe even a marine uniform.
Lay it on thick whining about the big scary Yonko shanks having captured you, how strong he is and how you’ll do anything for him to show you mercy. It always gets his haki boiling around him, a glint appearing in his eyes before he pounces on you.
But I can also imagine him wanting to be the one playing a role. Maybe he plays the role of a poor pirate who’s washed up on your island and you’ve been taking care of him, so he has to return the favor and thank you.
Or maybe when you both feel more electricity and adrenaline in the air, you play out the roles of rivals who spar and give it your all to dominate the other. You guys are pretty evenly matched if he doesn’t pull out his conquerors haki, so its up in the air whos gonna win, not that Shanks minds.
On a more fluffy end, he takes you on dates. Since you always show how much you love him through your words and actions, he wants to find ways to show you just how much he loves you in return.
Expect him to whisk you off on a date on every island your crew stops at, even if you guys are in a hurry. It can be anything from a full week away at a fancy hotel, to a trip to a bar or even just a walk around the area so you two can spend time together.
When Shanks is drunk, he gets even more clammy. He will hang off you and be more perverted. You’ve had to pull him into an alleyway or back to the ship more than once cuz he wants to climb you right then and there in public, and he’s not shy about falling to his knees to undo your pants to get his mouth on you.
After all this time, you don’t really feel any shame or embarrassment, but you respect others you get him somewhere more private before you let Shanks go at it as he pleases.
I can see him struggling with words at times, so its through these acts that he expresses his love, though he probably finds it lacking compared to your more open way of showing it. But again, you’ll just have to reassure him that you know he loves you, and that you enjoy everything he does for you to show it.
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henrioo · 8 months
°•*⁀➷ MINE TO SHARE: SHANKS (+???)
꒰ SYNOPSIS ꒱ : "You were Shanks's the moment he laid his eyes on you. But sometimes he needs to remind you that you being his means he can do whatever he wants with you."
꒰ WARNINGS ꒱ : AMAB! READER, CIS MALE! READER, MALE READER! SMUT! MLM, HOMO SEX (I laugh at this) GAY SEX (laugh again), DUB-CON, NON-CONSENSUAL EXHIBITIONISM (Shanks shows the reader sexy photos without him knowing, the reader is watched during sex without being asked) in this story the reader LIKES all the things that are did with him, even the exhibitionism, if you have any trauma or trigger with that don't read. ASSHOLE BOSS (NOT SHANKS) just a mention of a former idiotic boss, hidden romantic relationships, unlabeled relationship, relationship between boss and employee
꒰ CONTAINS ꒱ : Shanks is mean and soft at the same time but probably more mean, Benn and all of Shanks' friends know you two are fucking, you might want to fuck his friends too, office sex, risk of getting caught, getting caught, makeshift handcuffs and a lot of dirty talk.
꒰ WC ꒱ : 2,3k
꒰ NOTES ꒱ : lol o only notice how much warnings I always put, I just want to put everything that can make someone uncomfortable because I hate read a fic when they don't put warning in something and that's get me triggered. Okay so, PLEASE IF YOU ARE A WOMEN DON'T REALLY READ THIS, IT'S NOT ONLY INTERACT DON'T READ, IF I SEE ANY FEM BLOG IN THIS STORY I GONNA BLOCK YOU AND IM SERIOUS
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You didn't remember exactly how you got there. Sitting on your boss's lap with his dick so deep in your ass you could feel it reaching your throat. Shanks' hands grabbed your ass hard, squeezing and slapping so hard that made you jump in fright. He used all his strength and the advantage of his size to guide you bouncing on his huge cock, your legs were already wobbly and shaking so all you could do was accept him using you like a toy and fucking you nonstop.
Every time Shanks fucked you he had a different rhythm, which was always decided by his mood that day. Today you weren't sure what the redhead's mood was, but he fucked you with deep and strong thrusts that made you roll your eyes and tremble with each blow, he hit your prostate so accurately and filled your insides so perfectly that you genuinely wondered how you was able to cumming with other partners before Shanks. It seemed impossible for someone to be able to give you pleasure like him.
Of course you were also a mess, thanks to that, you had your head thrown back moaning his name or resting on his shoulder or forehead, moaning breathlessly and begging softly for more. Your hands were dug into his shoulder, scratching so hard that even without big nails you knew there would be marks left for a few days, your head was already hurting and there was a little drool running down the corner of your lips... You looked pathetic, but in the end you liked being humiliated and Shanks liked humiliating you, it was the perfect combination.
You had only entered Shanks' office to give him some reports for the week, he was in his chair with his back to the door facing the huge glass wall that gave him a view of the entire city, advantages of being extremely rich and being able to work on the highest floor of one of the tallest buildings in the city. He was strangely silent and all he asked of you was to come over and deliver the reports... Of course, most of his visits to Shanks' office didn't just end with a conversation between boss and employee.
The truth is that your relationship with the redhead has always been… complicated. It all started when you saw him in person for the first time at a meeting between several city executives disguised as a gala party, at that time you were just an apprentice following your boss and his main secretary like a scared puppy. Your boss was terrible and liked to torture all his employees with the excuse of being an iron training that only the best went through, but he hid this from the spotlight and loved to brag as a boss that no job would leave, taking pride in his loyalty of each of its employees.
Shanks, as always, was a brat at these parties, his social reputation was one of the worst but everyone pretended not to know given how incredible his business empire was, even though he was known for scandals and even visits to countless police stations, the redhead was treated like an angel by everyone the other businessmen who pretended not to know anything about his antics. For some reason you caught his attention, throughout the party where you basically served as a personal waiter for your boss, you felt Shanks staring at you with a predatory gaze ready to grab his prey and run away.
You were still very insecure at that time, you had just left college and your career wasn't going exactly as you planned, maybe that's why you avoided his gaze so much at the beginning. When your boss and Shanks finally spoke, the redhead made no attempt to hide that he was paying attention solely to you and not the ugly old man who was desperate for a business deal. This obviously infuriated his boss who spilled wine on his clothes claiming to have been an oversight. When you kindly excused yourself to go to the bathroom to resolve the situation your boss's secretary simply whispered that you didn't need to go back to the party, when you looked at him confused he just rolled his eyes and said gruffly “you're out”.
This made you swallow deeply and run to the bathroom, you already had a terrible job even if it was in a renowned place and now you had been fired for attracting the attention of a billionaire who you never even dreamed of being in the same room with?! All you could do was rub your wine-stained shirt as you cried and cursed to the tenth generation of your stupid boss and anyone who worked for him. While you were lost in your own world you were unable to notice Shanks entering the bathroom and looking at you with concern.
That night many things happened, you were fired, humiliated, you received a job offer from Shanks who had one of the most successful industries in the country and you also received a small hope that your professional future could work out. The months went by and at some point you and Shanks were already in this arrangement, you weren't even close to being boyfriends, even though he had never had another partner and even though he had never forbidden you from having one, he hated seeing you with anyone else other than him. Your friends joked that Shanks was your sugar daddy since he always gave you money and gifts, but since he never asked for anything in return, not even sex, it didn't seem like the label for you either.
You were something, besides of course friends, but you weren't very determined to find out. You were afraid of falling in love only to find out that Shanks only saw you as a fuck buddy or worse, finding out that Shanks was in love and you only saw him as a fuck buddy! You had sleepless nights thinking about it but little by little you simply gave up making everything difficult. You loved fucking Shanks and Shanks loved fucking you, there was no reason to try to put feelings in or out of this arrangement, as long as it worked for both of you then it was perfect.
Shanks continued fucking you while you faced the office door with your head resting on his shoulder, you lowered your claws to his arm and continued holding him as if you were going to die without his support. He whispered praises and curses every time you leaned into his lap and made his cock all the way inside you, your own cock was twitching on your stomach, your pants were thrown somewhere and your white shirt was open so at least you wouldn't get your clothes dirty. You needed to come so badly, but Shanks' slow pace didn't give you enough stimulation, if he just let you masturbate you could have gotten there, but he liked torturing you.
“Shanks! Please! I! Oh! Shit!" You moaned choppy, disjointed words as you tried to increase your speed, but Shanks' strong hands kept you right where he wanted you.
“Huh? I didn't hear you boy, say it again” He said breathlessly and gave a light bite to your exposed neck “Say how you want my dick to make you see stars, say how you want to be my good boy and cum so much you'll get dirty both of us, tell me” the redhead’s dirty talk always made your belly twitch and your dick leak more, you were losing control and he was loving taking advantage of it.
“Oh! Shanks! Please! I need… Fuck! Faster!" You moaned louder as you felt him slowly increasing his speed, you were ready to beg again when you heard some knocks on the door and Shanks' electronic warning ringing, alerting you that there was someone at the door wanting a meeting with him. “S-Shanks! Stop! There is somebody!"
You tried to get off of him and give him a few pats so he would get the hint and at least he would give you the chance to hide in the bathroom instead of getting caught by someone while fucking your boss. But Shanks didn't seem to care, he quickly turned the chair, turning towards the door and leaving you facing the glass wall, and instead of slowing down or even letting you go, he simply gave your ass a hard slap as he started thrusting into you like the world was ending. He was moving in and out so fast that you became unable to speak, only letting out desperate screams and moans at the sudden increase in stimulation.
“Shit… Don’t squeeze me so much boy… Come in! Come in quickly Benn, I'm kinda busy” He shouted the last part and you tried again to fight Shanks, only to receive an annoyed growl from him as he took off his own tie and used it to tie your wrists behind your back in a clumsy and quick way, but still firm enough for you to be unable to escape. “Stop running away you brat! You came here to get fucked in my office and now you don’t want anyone to see you?” He smiled mischievously when he saw your embarrassed face and the tears of humiliation that were about to fall.
"Stop!" You sniffled at him and hid your face in his neck, you heard the door opening and you knew that soon Benn, the vice CEO and someone who had as much power as Shanks, would be able to see you bouncing on the redhead's dick like a real whore.
"To stop? But I feel you clenching around my cock…” he chuckled at you and stroked your back gently “You're acting like you hate this… But I see how you look at my men, you perverted boy, I'm sure you'd love it getting fucked by all of us at the same time, right? After all, all that’s going on in that stupid little head of yours is being filled with cock in all your holes, right?” He laughed teasingly and when you just whimpered without responding he finally seemed to get angry, so he grabbed your penis tightly, squeezing its sensitive head. “I asked a fucking question.”
You just screamed, feeling the ecstasy overwhelm you to the point where your vision went black and you felt your whole body go limp, you had just cum in Shanks' hand just from his dirty words and tight grip on his sensitive and neglected dick. You fell against him crying and panting, your dick trembled as it continued to leak some more cum, Shanks simply laughed and stopped fucking you, letting you calm down slowly.
“Did you see that Benn? He simply came when I accused him of wanting to be fucked by all of us” Shanks laughed at that as if it were a joke and you almost forgot that the other man had entered the room, but now you could smell his cigarette and his malicious laugh.
“S-Shanks…” you begged whimpering as you tried to hide against his body, you had no idea what you were asking for, but it was clear that Shanks always knew you and your body much better than you knew yourself.
“Hmmm… I would even let it go this time, but you hid this beautiful spectacle of you cumming, didn’t you feel sorry for Benn? He came here and missed the entire show…” he said a little more gently as he rubbed his nose against your hair “Now I can’t just let you go and leave my friend empty handed… Besides, you didn’t even make me cum… No, No, you were really a bad boy…”
You no longer had the strength to argue or fight against the redhead, he quickly grabbed you and turned you around to face Benn. Now you were a complete and pathetic exposure, Shanks' cock was still thrusting deep into you, your own cock was a little soft, already extremely tired after having an intense orgasm, your abdomen was dirty with your cum and your entire body was dripping with sweat. You had a tired and cloudy look, a face that was drunk but kept begging for more and more.
Shanks smiled and grabbed your face with his hand, squeezing your cheek as he whispered in your ear “Open that mouth wide and stick your tongue out my boy… Give them a good look” you did as he said as he was squeezing her cheeks and forcing your mouth open. You hadn't understood what he was planning, your head too tired and confused to try and guess the man's plans.
It was only when you heard the click and flash of your cell phone that you realized, Benn was in front of you with his own cell phone and had just taken a picture of you practically naked being fucked on your boss's lap. The damage and scandals that a photo like that could cause made you feel sick, but luckily Benn's mischievous smile and his hard penis over his dress pants indicated that his goal wasn't to destroy your life.
“How was it?” Shanks asked the gray-haired man playfully.
“Perfect, you weren't lying when you said that his face when he cum was perfect… Huh, Hongo is going to love this…” He quickly placed his cell phone on Shanks' desk and approached you.
“Now… My brat” Shanks kissed your cheek and smiled against you making your whole body shiver “Why don’t I show you that you belong to me completely to the point where I can do whatever I want with you?” He offered with a smile, “And by ‘whatever you want’ I obviously mean sharing… After all, you’re a good pet and you’re not going to let Benn go so hard, are you?”
You didn't need to answer for the two older men to start smiling, everyone knew you never refused an order from Shanks.
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alexa-fika · 4 months
hey I love your writing so much I had an idea but I’m not good at making stories so the other day I remember that when I was little I used to run a lot so I fell from a boat and you know I was swimming away while my parents almost got a heart attack how about a child reader with red haired pirates it would be funny , only if you want you don’t need to do it have a nice day or night
Take off (Red haired pirates x m!child!reader)
A/N Here we go, guys can you believe this is the last of the requests from APRIL like that’s so crazy to me, I want to take you for all of the requests and for trusting me to bring them to life
Reader here is replaced by Dokucha which stands for Readerin Japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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The Red forced was the same as always, with lively chatter among the crewmates as they partied over their newest conquests, not taking their eyes off the child running along the Deck
“What has got you this happy, Dokucha?” Lucky piped in, taking a bite from his chicken and laughing merrily at the young boy
“Uncle Shanks found a plane in the loot!” He cheered, waiving around said toy around
“Why did they even have toys? The crew didn’t have any children on them,” Limejuice questioned, downing down a mug of beer
“The crew was big on woodwork; they had a couple of pieces here and there littered on the loot,” Shanks answered, joining the group with his own mug in his hand, his first mate not far behind
Dokucha grinned, ignoring their chatter as they launched the toy, beaming as it glided around and rode on the same wind that pulled the Red Force along
“Dokucha, watch where you are going!” Yassop called as the child ran behind the plane, trying to take hold of it
“Don’t w-
His words die out as the floor disappears behind him, and they quite literally run themselves out of the ship. The last thing he heard was the scream of his name as he made an impact with the water, another splash following after his
He gripped onto Beckman’s similarly soaking clothes as he pulled himself over the side of the deck
“Im sorry, Daddy,” he cried, hugging him tighter and sobbing into Beckman’s already drenched shirt as they both sat on the Deck, Hongo crouching in front of the two, checking over the boy, the rest of the crew crowding around the two much to the displeasure of the first mate, a glance to his captain was all the latter needed to quickly dismiss them, leaving only the officers littering the deck
“Everything seems in order; no water seems to have entered the lungs, and no damage from the impact; next time, make sure you pay attention to where you’re running, okay?” He asked, giving Dokucha a small smile as he ruffled his hair and took his leave
Teary eyes glance up at his father, trying to gauge his emotions
He sighed, turning them around on his lap so that they were facing him, as he wiped the tears from the boy, his own dripping hand not making much difference
“I saw the dive you did before you hit the water,” he comments, giving up in the action as he recalls the safety position he had seen them take before colliding with the water
“You told me to do it if I ever fell in the water.”
“You did well; you had good reflexes as well; now we just need to practice keeping our eyes on the path,” he said softly, rubbing his knuckles against his cheeks
“You’re not mad?”
“We’re pirates; we’re going to have our slops from time to time; everyone here has fallen to the water at least once, though not everyone was as gentle as you, ain’t that right, Punch?”
The latter lets cackles as he happily takes over the small boy as he recalls the less-than-proud moments from the crew
“You know, Monster here once fell overboard; you should have seen the little rascal. It was like watching a b….
Beck watches his son regain his previous demeanor at Punch’a stories go on, and he heads to his quarters to replace the now flimsy box of cigarettes lost to the sea
“Shanks,” he called
“You are banned from giving any Toys to Dokucha.”
“W-What, come on, Beck! We can talk about it,” the captain whined, following after his vice-captain
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Uncle privileges revocked 😂
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sexydoffyman · 1 year
I'm so glad I found your blog 😭 tysm. Could I request some Fluff/Smut headcanons for shanks and mihawk (seperate if that's okay) X male reader? And can it be a Dom or top reader for the NSFW parts? If that's too much or you aren't interested please don't worry at all!
genre: fluff, smut
characters: Dracule Mihawk, Shanks
A/N: Gocha! I feel like I'm gonna throw up. 🪰
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He scratches your back with his beard. (You can't change my mind)
He has magic touch.
If you are in pain, he will just rub that place (A leg for example). His touch is so soft.
And for some reason, you get so much relief from the pain.
He gives off warm energy.
He likes to walk in the rain. It feels comforting to him. If you want to walk with him he will give you his coat.
He takes long ass showers.
He feels the need to cuddle with you at any given moment.
You guys will be at the bar with your crew. When he gets tired, he walks up to you and puts his head on your shoulder.
Hugs from behind.
He will fall asleep on your legs.
Dog person.
He loves oral in any way.
He will plead to you to get rougher with him.
He also won't hold back when sucking you off.
He is addicted to ass. Just looking at it.
He will beg you to ride him.
You can hear every sweet little moan that comes out of his mouth.
He will act all flirty and teasingly, but he falls to his knees when you touch him.
Type of dude to bark.
He loves it when your chests rub against each other.
Sleepy sex with him🔛🔝
OK, hear me out when I say marking kink.
He wants to make you his territory and, he wants to be your territory.
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He is really fond of his personal space, but you can invade it anytime.
Just let him do whatever he is doing.
If he's reading just cuddle up into his lap.
But don't you dare to take his attention off his book.
He won't admit it, but he likes it when you take care of Yoru (His sword)
He likes to do the chores with you.
It just gives him motivation when he sees you working so hard.
He put a small black heart on your transponder snail.
He has memorized everything you like and hate.
Is actually kind of cuddly.
He will lay his head on your stomach and take a nap that turns into a sleep (You don't have the heart to wake him up)
He is full of surprises, especially when he shows you how vocal he is.
You couldn't even recognize him from how submissive he became.
Even tho he wants to have all of the control of his body, he wanted to experiment.
Is definitely soft and has low pain tolerance.
He doesn't talk, he moans.
He will just look at you with teary eyes.
He looks so serious around other people, but with you, he is just as adorable as you.
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cherrryxx · 11 months
Short shitpost
Cuddle/sleeping hc’s for Shanks, Ace, Sanji, and Zoro
Warnings(?): Fluff, reader gets lots of cuddles, male reader, mild cursing
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-loud ass snoring
-no, literally, this man definitely mouth breathes as he sleeps
-doesn’t take time to get comfortable, just flops down and passes out
-he’ll use his arm to hold you next to him, or if you move a lot in your sleep he’ll lay on you and tuck his arm underneath so he doesn’t lose his grip
-would also like it when you lay your head on his shoulder when he sleeps on his back
-so much easier on his arm and very comfortable
-If he sees you fell asleep somewhere unconventional, he’ll let out a sigh before tucking his arm around your waist and carrying you to bed, chuckling a bit afterwards
-Shanks will definitely tease you about it after you wake up, but for now he’ll let you enjoy your sleep
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-Doesn’t snore often but you can hear him grunt and toss around in his sleep nearly every day
-has talked a few times in his sleep, mostly when you’re trying to get him up
-Spread eagle sleeper
-All over the bed, there’s no your half or his half, he’s everywhere
-If he’s feeling cuddly (which is almost all the time), he’ll spoon you or hug you
-He likes spooning you more so he can just completely cover you with himself.
-Not above flopping down on top of you if you don’t give him attention.
-His bed hardly has any blankets, his reason?
“I’ll just keep you warm”
-you don’t even get the chance to fall asleep anywhere besides a bed
-the second he sees you nodding off a bit he’ll insist that you go to bed right away.
-If you keep telling him no or that you’re fine he’ll just sling you over his shoulder and bring you to bed anyways
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-In the bed you are treated like a PRINCE
-Not enough pillows? Blankets? He’ll get up (even in the middle of the night) and get more
-Loves to press his face to your neck and just wrap his arms around you.
-the feeling of your breathing on his head is just so comforting to him
-Sometimes he’ll sit up on his arm and watch you sleep until he grows tired himself.
-He doesn’t smoke in his room since it would make the bed reek, but you can still smell the faint smell of smoke (it def smells really nice in small amounts)
-Would also love love LOVE when you fall asleep on top of him, just let him hold you there and he’d be beyond happy
-If he sees you fall asleep in the kitchen while you stay up with him to cook, he’ll just smile and tuck a blanket over you before finishing up
-Then he lifts you up bridal style and brings you to bed, peppering your forehead with kisses as he tucks you in
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-He also snores, not all the time though
-Sleeps anywhere he feels like it, but when he does sleep in his bed he’s a pretty solid sleeper
-Which isn’t good when he’s got his arm around you and you can’t get up
-Death grip cuddler, you aren’t leaving unless he wants you to
-He loves it when you initiate it, just lay your head on his shoulder and he’ll be happy
-Also loves to just press his face to the middle of your torso and wrap both his arms around your waist
-Doesn’t move or roll in his sleep, but every once in awhile he may roll onto his back to get more comfortable
-Man definitely talks in his sleep sometimes, you could have a whole conversation before realizing he wasn’t even conscious for any of it
-Has occasionally shoved you away thinking you were Luffy trying to wake him up
-If he sees you fall asleep anywhere that isn’t the bed he’ll lightly scold you for not going to bed if you were tired, but only after he carries you like a sack of potatoes to bed so you can sleep properly.
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anystalker707 · 5 months
way too good
Pairing: Shanks x [gn, afab] Reader Summary: Because your boyfriend bought you a strap-on to fuck him. Tags: bottom Shanks / he kinda loses it / but he has a sharp tongue / obliterate the old man
Requested by anon ["Heyyy! If you're interested, I'd like to request Shanks or Law (whoever you'd prefer) x ftm Male S/O smut, where he buys a strap-on for reader so he can finally top/dom them? Fluffy-ish or romantic if possible because I'm a sucker"]
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          With all the insistence that Shanks had put up, it was impossible to deny it to him, even more with how he would give you kisses between each plea, hugging you tightly and suffocating you with affection. You agreed without thinking much, in the end, and it quickly led to now.
The atmosphere grew thicker easily as he deepened the kiss, letting his tongue glide along yours before his mouth was pressed to your neck again, leaving behind a trail of love bites on your skin. His stubble scratched your skin, but you’d already gotten used to it, with so long of kissing.
“Come on, baby,” Shanks whispered as he felt your hands slip into his shirt, slowly undressing him. A grin laced his lips as he relaxed against the mattress and let you do all the work, as always. He interrupted himself with a high-pitched moan when your lips pressed to his pec, nipping and sucking while you pressed your thigh against the bulge in his pants.
“You better be nice or else I’ll give up on this.” You clicked your tongue and sat back on your legs, only taking a glance at Shanks’ face before you took your shirt off. The stupid grin continued on his face, though he made a defensive motion with his hand. You’d do something about it, but patience was key. Shanks couldn’t keep his hands off you even while you undressed, rubbing your waist, your chest, your thighs—everywhere he could reach, sometimes going as far as to snatch a moan from you.
“I’ll give you the choice.” You stood up from the bed and got the box from the bedside table, securing everything was alright to put on the strap-on. Shanks practically drooled while he watched you, the bulge in his pants twitching in anticipation, with that dumb expression on his face. “I’ll let you choose the position,” you said, taking the lube from the box, and climbed on the bed again.
Shanks clicked his tongue, tilting his head. “Missionary, so I can see your pretty face while you argue with me.” Oh. Really? You raised your eyebrows with fake amusement, which only made his grin widen. “That’s what I’m talking about.”
You clicked your tongue with a scoff, shaking your head. “Undress already! Damn it!”
The slap you gave Shanks’ thigh only earned you a moan before he moved to get his pants and underwear off completely, promptly spreading his legs apart for you once he was done. “My love?”
Honestly, you loved what Shanks looked like. His muscles, the way he looked so juicy… You had to hold yourself back from biting on Shanks’ thigh or tit the moment you settled down between his legs. Your man, waiting for you to take him. It made the heat between your legs intensify, and you groaned softly, much to Shanks’ pleasure.
“What? Cat got your tongue, sweetheart?” Shanks teased with a chuckle, interrupted by how his breath hitched the moment the cold lube hit his balls, slowly dripping down to his hole. “Fuck…”
“You’re talking too much, my love,” you muttered with a glare. Once there was a decent amount of lube, you scooped it up with a couple of fingers and started pushing it into Shanks, slipping two fingers past the ring of muscles with relative ease, since you’d been fingering him quite often during the past week. He’d planned all that terribly well. Either way, he was as sensitive as ever, moaning and arching his back when your fingers curled inside him. His thigh was firm under your palm. Your fingers dug into the flesh, though it strained when he tensed up, requiring a firmer grip from you. “Shanks,” you muttered, feeling him clench around your fingers, squeezing his thigh as your fingers pressed down to the spot that made him gasp.
“You’re too good at it,” Shanks breathed in response, groaning at the loss of your fingers, squirming a little.
You grabbed the lube again, though the aim was the dildo of the strap-on this time, adjusting your position between his legs. “I know. What did you expect from me?” You raised an eyebrow and watched him scoff while spreading the lube over the toy.
“You know, I— Nngh, fuck,” Shanks cut himself off when the tip of the dildo pressed to his hole, pushing in just a little. “You’re terrible, y’know that?”
“You’re just stupid,” you chuckled, taking a firm grip of Shanks’ thighs, and it was a matter of seconds before he was gasping again, his answer giving place to a moan when the toy pushed inside him completely. “You talk too much for someone who was begging his partner to fuck him,” you said, raising an eyebrow at him, giving Shanks a moment.
The sudden pleasure had made Shanks’ eyes widen as he arched his back and grasped the pillow. So he was more sensitive when he was taking it? Surely interesting. A small smirk laced your lips as you waited for a while, rubbing circles into his thighs with your thumbs.
“Move,” Shanks groaned, bucking his hips.
“What’s the magic word?” You teased with a grin, your eyes trailing down his body. His cock heaved back against his lower stomach, swollen and flushed, dripping pre-cum against his happy trail.
Shanks huffed, his breath hitching for a moment. “…Please,” he mumbled, finally, looking at you through narrowed eyes.
You nodded exaggeratedly. “Now, that’s better!”
Shanks would probably curse you or snap something in response, but it didn’t matter once you started moving your hips. He moaned, arching his back as he grasped the pillow under his head tightly. “Mmph, fuck, love…” Shanks closed his eyes for a moment.
You watched the dildo sink into his ass, observing the ring of lube accumulating by the base of the toy. “Hot,” you muttered before looking at Shanks’ face again and biting your lip. He really was more sensitive like that. Your breath caught in your throat at the sound of his moans as they filled the room along with the sound of skin against skin.
“More, babe, I know you can do better,” Shanks mumbled as he bucked his hips again, groaning softly.
“Shut up,” you clicked your tongue with a sigh, trying to keep yourself together. It was so hot, but you needed to focus on pleasing Shanks right now, as much as you craved his touch so much.
Shank’s moans cracked when you started moving your hips faster, hooking a hand under one of his knees to push his leg up against himself. The new angle made Shanks let out a sound that resembled a whimper, which managed to send a shiver down your spine. Fuck, so hot. You couldn’t help the groan that escaped your lips before you leaned in and pressed your lips to his chest, nipping and kissing on the skin while thrusting into him, seeming to find the perfect angle to make him go weak. His thigh trembled under your hold, his moans sounding whiny.
“The fuck you’re doing…” Shanks panted, gulping as he bucked his hips again. “I’ll cum fast if you keep up with that…” He breathed.
You couldn’t help but breathe a chuckle, shaking your head lightly. “Where did all that attitude go, hm?” You bit down on Shank’s chest hard enough to leave a mark that would probably be seen later, given his habit of leaving his shirt half-open.
A high-pitched moan came from Shanks as he arched his back, throwing his head back against the pillow. “Fuck,” he breathed as he looked at you through half-lidded eyes, with a crease between his furrowed eyebrows, and that face would probably keep in your mind for a while. When was the last time you felt so turned on?
Ignoring Shanks’ warnings, you just paused for a moment so that you could adjust your position to fuck into him properly again, and it seemed to be even better. Shanks hissed softly, rolling his eyes as your cock sank inside him repeatedly. Whatever you were doing to him, you were doing it right, reducing Shanks’ smug posture to crumbs under you. He pressed his eyes shut as his breath became more labored, and you couldn’t help but feel pride swelling in your chest because you could do that to Shanks.
Shanks seemed so lost in the bliss, his eyes barely open as the red strands fell over his face, sticking to the skin due to the light sweat.
“You’re so pretty,” you mumbled, fingers sinking into his thigh, and you were desperate for any kind of pleasure. Could you cum just from fucking Shanks like that? Just watching him squirm and moan around the toy that he’d bought for you to fuck him hard.
Maybe Shanks said something, but it just sounded like a groan as he arched his back and wrapped his arm around your neck to pull you closer, so you resumed your kisses on his chest, nipping and sucking on the skin while fucking him nice and good.
“Can you cum just from behind, Shanks?” You mumbled against his chest, observing his face with amusement. “Fuck, I want to make you cum untouched so bad…” And he let out a moan at your words, fingers sinking into your back. Damn it, Shanks was so responsive… You’d never heard him like that before.
“Y’talk too much,” Shanks breathed, voice strained, and you couldn’t help but continue observing him in amusement, intently. You couldn’t miss his orgasm face.
It only took Shanks a few thrusts before he was arching his back off the bed and squirming, bucking his hips into yours until he came, his cock spurting the thick cum, and you swear that he came more than usual, and fuck, what a sight. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from him, feeling yourself grow each time more aroused with it.
“Shanks, I need you so bad,” you breathed.
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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snailpaste · 16 days
Hi! This is my first time requesting, so am kinda nervous to request!
Can I get Shanks x HalfDragon! Male reader? Or gn reader if you prefer that more, like they were secretly childhood best friends then got separated when HalfDragon! Male reader got captured by the Marines? (He was too weak that day) then few years pass and they meet again? Like Shanks found him all chained up on a island that belongs to the Marines (is there any island that belongs to the Marines??) and considered as dangerous?
Fluff and angst too pls!!
(Sorry if am not making any sense, English not my first language)
(Also, if you're uncomfortable with this, ignore it or delete it! I don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable with me :D)
Shanks x Dragon! Male Reader
CONTENT: SFW, gen fic (can be read platonically or romantically), imprisonment, kidnapping, child neglect, male reader, dragon reader (like seraphim)
AN: I hear ya I hear ya. I’ve never written for anything remotely anthropomorphic before. This took so long I'm so sorry 💀 if you're still around I hope you like it (:
The Roger Pirates had been laying low for a few months, wandering about in the South Blue following a particularly high-profile rendezvous with an Admiral, when they drew in to dock at Bakemono Island.
It was here that you were found, sneaking up on, and stealing from, a tipsy Crocus. You’d nearly made it out the door too, cloak pulled tight over your shoulders, the rowdy drunken cheers of the crew providing a great distraction… until a firm hand clasped around your elbow and tugged you back. You spun around in shock, coming face-to-face with a red-haired boy roughly your own age, and a looming figure above.
You froze seeing his expression morph into one of shock, mentally preparing for him to be disgusted or angered by your eyes, the smattering of scales across your skin, your slightly pointed teeth, but his gaze only softened.
But the first things Shanks noticed were the cuts and scrapes covering you, evidence of the resentment and fear the locals had. You clearly hadn’t bathed in weeks (the lake long since frozen over in the harsh winter) and your lips were purple and trembling from the bitter night air. Bruises littered your skin, some fresh and some yellow.
Before you could run off again, Shanks had frantically called over a tall blond man. Rayleigh had looked down at you from behind shanks, immediately noticing the wallet clasped in your shaking hands, but his annoyance at a brat -And hell, you must’ve been no older than what, five?- stealing from his crew was quickly dulled when he saw your face. Any scolding died in his throat, and he gently forced you down into a chair, sliding you a bowl of stew with a simple demand, “eat.”
Courtesy of Shanks’s incessant probing, you reluctantly admitted you had no family or caregivers. Hearing this, Rayleigh and Roger had all but decided you were to become a member of their crew, a proposition you agreed to so quickly you accidentally choked on the bread roll you were given. The night had gone well after that, the crew didn’t ask questions, too tipsy or busy with terrible karaoke to bother, and once things had subdued you were brought aboard the Oro Jackson. 
You were carried to a small cabin by Rayleigh, barely awake. He tucked you into a comfortable hammock where you fell asleep feeling secure for the first time in your life.
That sense of tranquillity was lost the second you woke up.
A boy your own age grinned down with bright red eyes and equally shocking hair, interrupting your startled scream with a chirpy “Hey! I’m Shanks. Who- no don’t scream you’ll wake the clown- who’re you? Whatcha doin’ here? I like your… scales? And your eyes! And-”
From that moment on Shanks became a permanent fixture in your life, whether by your own volition or not, and while a little overwhelming for an orphaned social outcast to begin with, the redhead quickly became your best friend. Shanks, and the rest of the crew, helped you come out of your shell
Over time the two of you more or less became a packaged deal— wherever you went, the crew knew Shanks was soon to follow suit; wherever Shanks went, you’d be hot on his heels. Quickly, the Oro Jackson became home and the crew the family you’d never had.
You quickly caught up to Shanks in swordsmanship, leading to amused gambling from the crew during your many duels. As you got older, the crew learned to make the two of you wait until a nearby island before fighting, following a rather nasty incident of a cleaved mast. Your dragon abilities became stronger as you got older too, and a nasty bout of flu led to you setting Buggy’s hat on fire.
The sea was calm the day you’d pulled in to dock at orchard island. Roger entrusted the task of gathering a few specific supplies to you, a routine you carried out often. Hours passed, and the atmosphere on the ship grew uneasy. Shanks returned from his own chores, expecting to see you, but you were nowhere in sight. The crew began searching the ship frantically, calling your name with increasing worry. However, as the minutes turned into hours, and the hours gave way to nightfall, it became evident that something was terribly wrong.
Shanks discovered your belongings untouched in their shared quarters. The half-finished drawings, the worn-out pirate hat - all left behind. The crew descended on the town in search of you. 
In the heart of the town square, Gaban discovered a series of wanted posters plastered to the wall, large red “X”s painted over them — displaying your face. Shock ran through the crew as they first realised that the marines had been watching you closely. Then, that you’d been taken.
──────────────────── many years later...
The scent of salt and decay lingered in the air as Shanks and his crew disembarked onto the abandoned Naval Fortress, its walls cracked and crumbling, long since reclaimed by nature. 
Possibilities of treasures or hidden secrets about the World Government drew Shanks to investigate the fortress
The soft slap of his sandals echoed as he wandered through the corridors.
As the crew rifled through old storage rooms and examined dusty maps, Shanks couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to this forsaken place. His instincts led him to a particularly intact section of the fortress; the walls stood strong, showing no signs of weathering.
“Hey, Benn,” he called over his shoulder, palm splayed against the cool stone, “you seeing what I’m seeing?”
A wave of Haki accompanied by a soft grunt confirmed it. Shanks pushed his hand forward, the brick beggining to slide backwards at the same time as a bookshelf on the opposite end of the room swung open. A draft of cold air greeted them as the secret door creaked open, revealing a dark passageway leading downwards. 
The two exchanged looks before descending, Benn lighting a bundle of old lamps as a torch. The descent was eerie, the walls damp and the air heavy. The further they went, the more ominous the surroundings became. Shadows danced on the walls, and the distant echo of dripping water kept them on edge. 
At the bottom of the passageway, Shanks caught his foot on something, something that clanked and grated against the lichen-covered floor. Benn swung the torch downwards, casting the corner of the room in dim light— and Shanks couldn't believe his eyes. Chained to the cold, the stone wall was a figure. You.
Word Count: 1094
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reallyromealone · 1 year
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Warning SOMNOPHILIA, male reader, rough sex, blow jobs, light roleplay
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The boat was moving at a slow pace as (name) slept peacefully, snuggled within the linens and blankets.
Shanks was exhausted as he walked into his cabin, not noticing his sleeping lover till he glanced over to see his bare ass infront of him. He and (name) toyed with the idea of Shanks roleplaying as the mean pirate and (name) as a defenceless prince and basically (name) wanted Shanks to fuck him while he slept and if he woke up to be rough with him.
(Name) was sleeping in just a poets shirt that Shanks was sure was his, cock peaking from between his thighs.
Shanks manovered (name) around and marveled at the other, absolutely perfect.
How did he get so lucky?
Shanks kissed up his legs and leaving love bites everywhere he went and kissed his cock before deep throating it, deciding to take his time with his beloved before he woke up eventually. (Name) let out a small breath as Shanks sucked his cock and rubbed his body with his callused hands, even when asleep (name) gave wonderful reactions, soft gasps and breaths.
Simply perfect.
Not wanting to wake him up from a climax yet, he pulled off and began laying hickeys all around (name)s body, sloppy kisses and little bites-- basically anything that would have (name) lovingly annoyed with him. His hands groped and squeezed anywhere they could as he licked the others perky nipples and tugged, soft whines leaving (name)s lips.
"God even when asleep you're sensitive...."
Manhandling he went to go prep him when he noticed something off....
"You minx... Lubbed up already"
Shanks removed his pants and lined it up before sinking his cock in, the stretch nice and tight as he lifted a leg over his shoulder and began slowly fucking him, grinning at all the spots he was hitting as (name)s face contorted.
And then the switch went, no more slow sweet fucking.
Shanks began pistoning his hips and watching (name) contort in his sleep before waking up confused with a gasp "shan--- hn!" A particularly hard thrust against his prostate cut him off as Shanks gripped his jaw and pulled him into a hard kiss "morning pretty boy" he said fucking him like a ragdoll as (name) couldn't stop moaning "fuuuck!"
"Come on little prince, cum for me!" He barked out meanly and (name)s body shook as he came on command, Shanks filling him up nicely.
And again like a switch, Shanks made sure he was alright and smooched him, (name) praising him for commiting "gotta admit you so defenceless and those cute expressions...."
"Maybe next time I can ride you while you sleep"
"Maybe next time" Shanks chuckled lighting a post sex cigarette.
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nicorobinmywife · 2 years
op boys getting jealous and protecting you at the club. [GN reader]
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Summary: how they react when some perverts bother you at the club.
Characters: Shanks, Corazon and Sanji.
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Shanks likes to see you having a good time dancing while he sits back with a few drinks.
but when some people start flirting with you, it's time for him to mark his territory.
he wonders why there are still people brave enough to flirt with a yonko's partner.
he just sends all the perverts away from you by using his haki.
Shanks spends the rest of the night with his arm around your waist, just for making sure others see who you belong to.
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Cora-san was just chilling watching you dancing but some perverts started bothering you.
he uses his devil fruit powers to turn off the music, the whole club stopped to watch a possible fight.
the perverts fear for their lives seeing the tall man in the black feather coat approaching them.
Corazon really was about to scare them away from you but in the process he slipped on the floor and set his own coat on fire, a whole disaster.
he almost hurt himself but at least it worked since you and him got kicked out of the place 😭.
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Sanji loves to see his partner dancing, he just can't stop praising you, feeling like he's the luckiest man in the club.
however his passionate mood changed when he noticed some perverts thinking they have a chance with you, the way they looked at you like hungry beasts made him furious.
- "excuse me, my dear y/n-san, I'm going to get us some drinks." - Sanji gave you a kiss and left, while you danced distractedly.
taking advantage of the club's shadows and the crowd, Sanji discreetly beat up the perverts.
after sending them away, Sanji came back with his passionate mood and his signature heart-eyes, as if nothing had happened, he goes back to admiring you.
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Tbh I had this already written. Poll had the shortest time as a day. HELLA warning though, this isn't non or dub con but it IS gorey. I wrote this shit at like 11pm and I was stressed the hell out and kinda pissed. (well the outline of it anyway). I'm a gore enjoyer, not in a weird way I just like the way it's written or drawn i don't like actual gore. Anyway the gore here isn't that bad but there is some so I'll say there is gore as a warning. I also put a small border for the people that don't wanna read the smut since there is some story.
The Cute and Obsessive You
Yandere Shanks x Male reader. Reader matches Shanks's freak. Smut so minors read something else until I write not smut. top male reader. Violence warning. 4,135ish words.
Your boyfriend is very cute, you know that of course, you also know that he gets just a little worried when you’re out of his sight. That’s why when you opened your eyes to an unfamiliar place, tied to a chair, your first thought before worrying for yourself was ‘Oh no, I hope my boyfriend is gonna be okay.’ and you were correct in your worry, because Shanks is not okay.
“(Y/n)!?” Shanks calls out as he searches around for you. “(Y/n)!” He calls out, his heart racing. Where are you? Did you run away? Finally getting tired of him and leaving? How could you do that to him, when he cares about you so so much!? He gave you everything! Something clicks, what if you were gone unwillingly? What if someone took you. Took you from him? “(Y/N)! Sweetie, please come out if you’re somewhere around here!” He’s been searching for a while now, feeling stupid. Of course you wouldn’t leave him, you loved him, but he had thought this island was safe. Shanks had taken his eyes off of you, busy with the townsfolk swarming him. He hadn’t been to this island in a long while so they were excited to see him, and you had told Shanks you were going to explore nearby. Shanks trusted that. Trusted that this island that was friendly to him would be friendly to you, there should’ve been no danger to you. That’s not to mention you weren’t weak either, but people don’t always get what they want by being strong. A pretty looking flower is what it took, you’d been interested in the local flora so you went to check it out. It was only when you took a closer look that you realized it looked unusual, by then it was already too late. The fake flower had let out a gas and knocked you out. Now here you were, in a place unfamiliar to you.
“Hello?” You call out, but there’s no answer. Your weapon has been taken, but they’ve made a mistake, not finding the knife that you keep on you for emergencies. That means you could cut yourself free… but what then? You don’t know where you are and the door is locked, and to be honest.. you’re a little curious. You don’t feel like you’re in any real danger, and Shanks is probably going to find you eventually. The thought of him finding you, desperate to see you with a crazed look, fills you with satisfaction; so you wait. Eventually a woman comes down from the stairs and enters the room holding a long blade.
“Hello.” She greets you. “You’re lucid, good. Do you know why I’m doing this?” You think for a moment, Shanks had said this place was friendly so you’re not sure, but she answers the question for you. “I’ll just answer anyway. I did this because you bother our chief, clinging to him like a leech. You’re not nearly as strong as him or the rest of his crew, I even managed to kidnap you with some fake flower. It’s dangerous for him to have someone by his side, especially someone so weak. He’d be better off without you.” Her words sting a little, she has somewhat of a point. If it weren’t for the fact that it might be impossible to leave Shanks this could’ve even convinced you to.
‘Wow.. my cute and obsessive boyfriend knows some people that act similar to him.’ You think to yourself as she points the knife to your neck, pricking you. ‘Uh oh.’ This got much more dangerous quickly. Meanwhile, Shanks is still searching for you, finally finding flattened grass where it looks like someone was dragged.
‘He didn’t run away!’ Shanks is almost relieved before he realizes you being kidnapped and in danger isn’t much better. He clenches his jaw and quickly follows the flattened grass to a cottage in the woods, entering and looking around. “I don’t have time for this.” He mumbles to himself and decides to destroy everything until he finds you, crashing things to the floor and breaking through walls to find his lover. You hear the sounds above you and try to yell out, but your mouth is quickly covered by the woman. You take a deep breath and instead tip over your own chair and let yourself slam to the ground. The sound alerts Shanks and he looks down, realizing there's a room underneath this cottage. He needs to get to you, that thought sticks to his mind until he breaks a hole into the floor and drops into the room with you and the woman; though there was an entrance he could’ve found had he looked a little longer.
“C-Chief!” The woman stutters, panicked. “You, I-I” She doesn’t know what to say, turning silent when she looks at Shanks and finds someone she doesn’t recognize. Someone unlike the kind person she’s been doing this for. Crazed eyes look from her to your fallen and tied up form.
“Baby, are you okay?” He goes to you, ignoring her.
“I’m alright, just tipped my chair over.” You reassure him and he’s about to sigh in relief when he catches sight of something. Blood on your neck from the prick she had given you earlier. Blood, your blood. His vision quickly goes red and he grabs her, slamming her onto the ground.
“Chief, please let me exp- AAHH!” Her words are interrupted by a scream of pain when he stomps on her arm, shattering it. She starts to cry but it’s too late, he’s seen your injury and the blood you’ve shed is worth more than she could ever be.
“How dare you, how dare you. Mine, You hurt my boyfriend. My boyfriend.” His voice is laced with rage as she cries, screaming as he stomps on her limbs. Hands, arms, legs, it’s not long until they’re reduced to a mess of flesh and bone stuck to her by her skin.
“sorry sorry ‘m sorry it hurts.” She can’t even struggle, having screamed too much already. You stare at this, then try to move out of your restraints. Pain shoots up your leg.
“Ow!” You yelp and Shanks turns to look back at you, anger replaced by worry. “I’m okay! I think I just twisted my ankle a little when I fell.” You explain, feeling a little embarrassed you yelped over such a small injury. He looks back at the woman and she realizes, in her final moments, that you were so much more than she could’ve comprehended. Shanks grabs her by the hair and slams her head into the wall, creating a crater with the impact. What’s left of her head splatters across the concrete, and he drops her crushed corpse to the ground with a thud. He can hear the blood rushing through his ears, only snapping out of it when he hears your voice. “Shanks!” The redhead turns back to you, walking over and crouching down.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I let you out of my sight and doubted you when you were stuck here. This is my fault-” He starts but you interrupt him.
“Shanks you’re very lovely like this but please untie me first.” You ask him and his eyes clear.
“R-Right. Sorry.” He quickly cuts the ropes with his sword and you stand while rubbing your wrists. Once you’re both standing he starts to shake, emotions filling his psyche. Anger for the ones that hurt you, guilt he let this happen, sadness you got hurt, relief you’re still alive. They swim in his head, crowding and messing with his mind. You notice this and pull him into a soft hug
“It’s okay~ It’s okay~” Your fingers run through his red hair, ignoring the blood mixing in. “I’m okay, I’m alive and safe. You didn’t fail me, I’m right here.” He clings to you.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.. I’m so happy you're safe.” He says, burying his face in your shoulder. Shanks still feels guilty, but his emotions calm with you in his grasp. You feel him clutch onto you tighter and you can tell his anger is coming back now that his emotions are more sorted.
“It’s not the townspeople’s fault, honey.” You tell him, sensing his thoughts.
“They let this happen to you.” His voice is cold. This is their fault, they don’t deserve his help or his protection. They don’t even deserve their lives.
“Not all of them could’ve known.” You respond and he doesn’t answer. You sigh and pull him back enough to look into his clouded eyes. “Let's do this, we can go back into town, find out who helped this happen, and you can punish them. Okay?” He stares at you, considering what you said, then nods. “Good, thank you for understanding.” You give him a kiss on the cheek.
You and Shanks walk through the town, ignoring the horrified looks of townspeople seeing him covered in blood. Once you’re to the town square he yells out. “Everyone gather up!” They begin to gather in front of him while the Red Haired crew puts any children inside. They don’t need to see this. Shanks’s eyes scan the crowd until they finally land on a married couple, a wife and husband; they look guilty. Unlike the others who are scared and/or confused they look visibly jittery, as if they’ve done something wrong. What's more, when they meet your eyes they look away, as if from shame. ‘It’s them, they did this, they helped this happen.’ He walks over and stops directly in front of them, staring them down as they start to tremble. “You two have done something.” He says and they flinch. Some townsfolk try to ask Shanks what’s happening but Beckman and the others are smart, quickly leading the rest back inside so they don’t see their chief do this; or get caught in the crossfire. The couple try to deny it at first but eventually the wife breaks and starts to cry.
“Chief I’m sorry, I didn’t know she would go this far. We did this because we were worried about you.” She pleads with him and he stares at her.
“Worry? Worry!? You think your worry for me is enough of an excuse to do this? To harm what’s mine? No no no this isn’t how you’re going to escape responsibility.” Shanks is angry, angry that the town he trusted could do something so deplorable as causing harm to his boyfriend. He looks down at her with disgust and grabs her by the collar of her shirt. “You put your hands, your disgusting hands on my everything while I spent my time entertaining this town.” He moves his hand so it’s wrapped around her neck, gripping it firmly. "Was it amusing seeing me smile with you all, oblivious, while your friend was about to kill the love of my life?" She cries out and tries to struggle but it’s no use, he’s too strong; even as those struggles turn to scratches from his tightening grip, she's unable to make him budge as her vision goes dark.
Shanks drops her lifeless body to the ground, red eyes trailing to the husband. He looks at the body of his wife, dead, and tears roll down his cheeks slowly. “Oh gods, please, chief please. I’m sorry.” His pleas are weak and useless as Shanks’s eyes bore into his. This is it, he can’t do anything. Even if he tried to run away he knows it’s futile, he wouldn’t even make it a step. His only hope is you, turning his head to look at you. You meet his eyes and give him a nervous laugh.
“Well it is kinda your fault, right?” You say sheepishly and his hope is gone, looking back to Shanks.
“Don’t look to him for help, you don’t deserve it.” The redhead states coldly and the husband closes his eyes, the world going black as Shanks cuts his head off of his shoulders. It rolls pathetically on the ground, and he stomps on it for good measure. The two previously pleading people full of life now reduced to lumps of soulless flesh. Shanks stares at what’s left of them, emotions still raging. It's unhealthy, you know that. This look of his is dangerous, the proof and symptom of his instability, but to you it's so so beautiful. The eyes of the kind, friendly, and lively red haired captain everyone knows are unlike everything about him. They're obsessive, crazed, uncaring, the light in his irises replaced by the unhealthy darkness you bring out of him. So beautiful.
“Shanks.” You call out and he quickly snaps his head to you, chest heaving with emotion. “You’re so cute like this.” You can’t help it, your crazy yandere boyfriend is so endearing when he’s obsessive like this. His face flushes slightly, caught off guard by the sudden compliment despite the gore around him.
“Really? Cute? N-Now??” He asks, he wouldn’t have been shocked if he turned to see you looking at him with disgust, disappointment, or even fear; but instead you look at him with your cheery and warm expression, nodding.
“Mhm!” You walk over to him and cup his face. “You were worried about me, right? I’m okay now, you saved me and punished the bad guys.” At that his shoulders finally untense, his sanity slowly coming back.
“Of course I was worried, I couldn’t bear the idea of anything happening to you.” Shanks says, letting out a held breath as his expression softens. He leans into your touch and closes his eyes for a moment before opening them to look at you. The brown of his eyes are replaced with red, his pupils dilated. You love it, the unsettling look in his eyes is so nice to see; even when they change back to brown. Like this, the crew in the background see their friendly captain as his yandere self, and his cheerful boyfriend who turned out not normal either. The captain can feel their gazes on him, but it doesn’t matter. All that matters is you, you you you. The you that’s in front of him, touching him, loving him, the you that’s safe.
“Your eyes are creepy like this, y’know.” You say and place a kiss on his forehead, making him sigh in contentment.
“Creepy huh? That’s one way to describe em… Do you like it?” He asks, a bit insecure.
“And if I don’t? What’re you gonna do then?” You respond and Shanks’s heart sinks at the thought of you not liking anything about him. He loves you too much, he wants you to feel the same. He looks into your eyes, trying to gauge how serious you’re being. When he can't tell he speaks with hesitance.
“I’d.. change them.. I don’t want you to dislike any part about me.” Is his respnse. You hum, kissing his cheek.
“Hmm~ How would you change them?” You continue the question and Shanks tries to think through the chaos in his head, almost tempted to say he’d rip them out for you but managing to think more rationally.
“Colored contacts.. or try to appear less obsessive. Tone it down a bit.” He seems a little sullen talking about it, the idea that he would have to change himself for you is bumming him out; even if he would do it. You can tell he's unhappy, letting it go.
“That sounds like a hassle. It’s good I like them then!” You say and a weight is lifted off of his heart, your words always have so much effect on him. “I like everything about my crazy and cute boyfriend.”
“Good, because this crazy and cute boyfriend of yours loves you. A lot.” He speaks with a sigh, wrapping his arm around you to pull you into a tight hug.
“Mhm~ I love you too.” You rub his back as he buries his face into your shoulder and inhales, relishing in your scent.
“I’m so glad you’re okay. I love you. I love you.” He murmurs into your shoulder, muffled by your skin as you soothe him through his love confessions. He doesn’t even notice he’s getting blood on you. "You mean everything to me. You're the light in my darkness, the reason I keep going. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to you, I couldn't bear it. I love you more than anything in the world." His hand moves up to thread through your hair. "I love you so much. Never leave me." His voice is almost pleading at this point.
“Shh.. I’m never gonna leave you. You’re the only one for me, you’re my crazy and cute boyfriend. Look at me.” You tell him and he pulls back enough to look at you. “Hi honey~ I love you~” His expression falters, his heart warming. He’s still affected by what's happened but he’s here looking at you, and that makes everything feel better.
“I love you too.” Shanks kisses your palm. His voice is soft now, but still laced with a possessiveness that makes your own heart feel full “I’m looking at you too and I love you too” So happy, and just from being with you. You run your fingers through his red hair, scratching his scalp lightly, and his eyes close from bliss as he lets out a small content hum. When you use both hands a small shiver runs up his spine from your touch and attention. Can’t help it, too enamored with you.
“You’re so adorable.” You say and kiss him, feeling the way he melts into it. So pliable for you, and the slight jolt he gives when you roll your hips against his is satisfying to feel. ‘So reactive too’ you think to yourself as he lets out a small moan, trying to hold in another as you continue. It's to no avail, giving you the chance to slip your tongue into his mouth. Shanks hums, the both of you making out in front of the two corpses of the people Shanks killed for you. Oh and is it all for you, he doesn't even remember them right now. Your hands go to his hips and pick him up, walking a few feet away before laying him gently down onto the grass. He looks up at you, eyes foggy with lust and confusion.
“(Y/n)?” He asks and you wrap his legs around your waist, grinding your dick directly against him, causing him to curse with a moan.
“Sorry, my obsessive boyfriend was too sexy while protecting me.” You say as he pants underneath you, his face flushing. The crew, forgotten, slowly make their leave.
“You think I’m sexy? Even like this?” He asks you, not understanding how you can look at him with such caring lust when he just committed such a vile act. Even if it was for you, he didn’t need to make the deaths as gory as he did.
“Of course! My boyfriend is the cutest and sexiest in the whole world!” You say it as if it’s fact and it sends a shock of happiness and pleasure through Shanks’s body.
“In the world..” He mutters and you nod.
“Yup~” You’re pleased seeing him like this, and your hand goes to slide under his shirt, making him flinch. “The whole world~” Your hand slides up to his chest along with the fabric, showing his bare torso to you as his back arches slightly to follow your touch.
“B-Baby.” He tries to speak but it comes out as a whisper as you run your hand along his chest, stopping at one of his pecs to squeeze. “(Y/N)!” His back arches more and you lovingly circle a finger around his nipple, tapping it with the pad of your finger as he lets out soft gasps. “Fuck...” You’re teasing him, but he’s just too cute not to tease. Alas, you won’t keep him waiting, especially when the captain has been so good for you. You press the pad of your finger onto his nipple and he lets out a breath, your other hand moving to his chest as well as you grope and fondle both of his pecs. He loves it, you can feel it from the way he hardens against you and hear it from the grunts escaping his lips. His chest is nice, big, muscular, reminders of his strength along with the few scars that run along his body. You lean down and kiss one of them before flicking your tongue onto one of his nipples, earning a cuss from above. He grips onto your hair, blood coating your locks as you bite and suck his chest, moving from one pec to another; but never leaving one unattended with the help of your hands. You wonder for a moment if he could cum just from this, but you’ll leave that for another day, taking your mouth off of him with a lewd pop. The sound makes Shanks’s breath shaky. You sit up and look down at him.
‘So beautiful..’ You think to yourself when you see your boyfriend. Covered in the blood of townspeople he slaughtered in your name, eyes cloudy with lust, and shirt lifted up with perked up nipples. “My sexy honey is so sensitive, even when near the corpses of people he’s killed.” You grind against him and he grunts. “Do you care? Should I stop so I can take you somewhere else?” You ask him and Shanks struggles to form a coherent thought, mind clouded by you.
"No.” He starts, his voice shaky. “I don’t care about the bodies, I want you, I need you.” He responds, needy.
“Awweee~” You coo to him and lift his hips up, sliding his pants away enough to expose himself to you. You put your fingers to his mouth and he parts his lips to wet them. “You’re so good for me, my perfect boyfriend~” You praise and he lets out a small happy whimper, his heart racing. He always gets like this when you’re more dominant, sometimes it’s the only way to get him to calm down. Of course, that’s not why you’re doing it right now.
“Hahh.. hahh..” He pants and then gasps when you slip a finger inside him, something about his unstable emotions right now is making him more reactive. Maybe it’s the adrenaline or the relief of knowing you're safe, maybe both.
“I love you Shanks.” You say while putting another inside, relishing in how he squeezes around the digits. “Do you love me too?”
“Yes yes I love you I love you. Please, I need you.” He says, voice strained as you stretch him out.
“Are you sure? I get a little insecure sometimes.” You pull your fingers out and tug down your own bottoms, grabbing your dick to rub the tip around his entrance.
“Fuck.. I-” He’s interrupted by his own long whine as you press into him slowly, his head going foggy until you give him a smooch. “I love you, I love you more than anything, you’re my love- Ah~!” you start to move. “You’re everything to me can’t live without you I love you so much it hurts but feels so goOD~!” You lift his hips up to slam into his prostate, making his eyes roll back as he pants and groans.
“Good boy I love you too, you're doing so good for me~" You praise while bullying his prostate, Shanks’s mind going numb.
“I love you more than anything and everything I love you more than treasures or air or breathing or- ah~! or even myself~! I need you you’re my home and purpose my love and the blood flowing through my veins!” He’s happy, he’s happy you love him and he gets to say everything he wants to without worrying about your disgust. “You’re the reason I get up in the morning and the last thing I think of when I go to sleep-” He rambles as tears prick at his eyes from pleasure “m-my life and my purpose. I want to spend every second with you, I would give up everything for you. I love your voice and your laugh and your skin your hair your fingers and the way you feel i-inside me~!” His back arches, he’s close. “I can’t hold back any- ah~! longer!”
You kiss his neck, sucking marks into the skin. “It’s okay, you don’t have to hold back. Let everything out.” With that, he opens his mouth and lets out a loud keen as he cums.
“You’re all mine you’re m-mine! No- nngh~! one else’s mine mine~!” He rambles absentmindedly as you fuck him through his orgasm, repeating posessive words before you slam into him as much as you can and coat his insides. He whines, aftershocks continuing as your dick throbs inside of him with each burst. Once you've emptied you lean down and nuzzle his cheek affectionately before kissing him.
“You’re right. I’m yours and no one else’s. I’m never gonna leave you, because you’re my boyfriend and I love you.” Your words of confession make his heart feel full. He can’t think about anything other than you, that he’ll never let you go. His legs wrap around you and pull you into another kiss, happy. You’ll clean up in a bit, you’re still in public after all and the townspeople can’t be inside forever; but for you’ll indulge your cute and obsessive honey. Just because you love him so much.
There you have it. As for the Jealous reader x Shanks that's still gonna happen, the poll was just to choose which one I focused on first. I still do whatever by the way, I'm not gonna become smut focused or anything.
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heartpiratedrabbles · 6 months
Shanks Touch
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Prompt: Shanks visits your village after being away for a long time and in classic Shanks fashion a party ensues.
Requested by Anonymous
Shanks X Male Reader
It had been a long while since Shanks appeared on the shores of your island. Many moons coming and going before you got word of the warlord checking in on one of his many territories. Your heart skipped a bit as you watched the horizon for any sign of his ship. The island always seemed to be more chipper when he was around, a never-ending party as Shanks would gleefully find any excuse to continue drinking.
         It took 3 mornings, but finally you could see it. The Red Hair Jolly Roger waving in the wind, it’d only be an hour or so until his ship would be docked, and everyone about seemed to be prepping for their arrival. Every tavern fully stocked, and more shipments expected to arrive soon, fully expecting to be drank out of house and home.
         The towns people’s happy faces talking of Shanks greatest feats as the town square looked like it was preparing for a festival. You, yourself were helping set up lodging, knowing the pirate crew would be passing out on land after being on the sea for so long. The towns mayor more than happy to gather tribute money for the protection the Red Hairs Flag offers us.
         Finally, you hear the bell ring through the town, the ship docking as his crew unloads the boat of treasures and booze. You run towards the dock, staying to the back of the crowd as you glance through faces to find the familiar red hair, his tall-tale laugh reaching your ears as you see him a couple dozen paces away.
         Your feet freezing in place when you see him smiling while talking to other townsfolk, a tug on your heart before you force yourself forward, determined to make yourself known. Before you can even get near him you hear him call your name, his attention turning towards you as he walks up to you. He bends down, easily picking you despite the one arm and twisting you around. “Shanks!” You say with a smile plastered on your face.
         “How I’ve missed you!” Shanks laughs out while putting you down, “This calls for a celebration!” His hand raising in triumph as you could see Benn sighing heavily behind him. The next few moments seem to move too quickly as you’re swept with the crowd, Shanks keeping a hold of your shoulder as he walks towards his favorite tavern.
         It isn’t lost on you how his hand ghosts your back before resting itself on your ass. A subtle squeeze as he leans closer to you. “I’m assuming by Benn’s reaction that you were already ‘celebrating’ on deck?” You laugh out, twisting your neck to look at him as you grab his hand, moving it to your hip.
         “He’s just a Sourpuss that I drank an entire keg” His booming laughter filled your ears as the entire town was swept into a rhythm of his making. Shanks leads you to the back of the tavern, sitting in an corner with a large round table, his men filling in the rest of the seats as tankards full of Rum and Vodka were placed in front of them.
         He pulls you onto his laugh, his arm wrapping possessively around your waist as he pulls you flush against him, his head leaning over your shoulder as you grab his cards for him, holding them only for him to see while he sips his drink. Cheering and laughing ringing through the building while you help him play poker, his hand laying on your hip as he grinds into you.
         It isn’t until a couple of drinks in that you feel him sink his hand into your pants, a blush rushing to your face as you glance to see if anyone notices, his fingers delicately brushing against the skin of your dick, a twitch into his hands as you suck in a breath. “I’m glad to see I’m not the only one happy to see you~” Shanks whispers into your ear, grinding his own hardon into you as you hide your face behind the cards in your hand.
         His thumb running over your delicate tip as you attempt to keep playing while distracted, moving one of your legs so he has easier access to do as he pleases. Shanks lips pressing against your jawline and neck as you press yourself into him.
         You can feel Shanks grin into your skin as he tightens his hold around you, a playful tug making you yearn for more, “Kid it’s your turn.” You slap a random card down, not caring about the game anymore as your head leans back onto Shanks’ shoulder, your free hand wrapping around to rake your fingers through his hair, a low groan escaping your lips.
         “Is there something you need darling?” His hushes whisper pressed against your neck as he leaves a bruising mark in his wake. Slow, deliberate strokes driving you insane as you try to thrust into his touch, “Remember you have to play properly,” His slight taunt making your ears ring as you open your eyes, glancing at the table. Most seem unfazed, others glancing but returning to their cards as the rest of the Tavern continues to party on.
         Huffing as you feel him teasing you, changing pressures as he continues to pump his hand, Shanks enjoying watching you unravel. Straightening your back as you scootch a little bit off his lap, your hand dipping behind you to palm the outside of his pants just as he quickens his pace.
         “Getting daring, aren’t we?” Shanks whispers, nipping at your earlobe as he ruts up into your palm, his grip becoming tight, a finger dancing over the slit of your sensitive tip as you choke on your breath.
         He pulls you back against him fully, jerking you faster as you lean against the table, your face in your arms as your hand barely holds onto the cards in your hand, your legs dangling on either side of him. Biting your lip to hold back your labored breathing as your release quickly approaches.
         Grinding your hips into his touch as you feel the pressure building, Shanks hand quickly glides down your shaft, a tight hold around the base of your leaking cock. A desperate moan escaping your lips as your eyes widen, the building of pressure feeling like too much. Your hands pushing you off the table as you push yourself against Shanks even further in a desperate attempt to get his hold on your cock to loosen, to let you feel the sweet release you’ve been craving.
         “Now, now.” His laughing tone hits your frustrated ears, “That’s for later. Can’t have you becoming spent too early.” You feel the pressure slowly ebb away, the tight grip around your cock loosening as you slam your head against the table in disbelief.
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donotaskwhyiamhere · 7 months
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Part 1 part 2
Warning ⚠️: Drinking, slight making out, pure fluff
Summary: You've finally broken free from your mental chains, and you've grown a lot braver then Shanks remembered.
Author note: i don't know how to feel about this one, I did have another idea where the readers dad trys to take reader back but I wasn't sure how to go with that so I wrote this sweet tooth breaking story. I deeply apologize if this wasn't what your guys wanted 😔
It's been a couple of months since you've been on Shanks crew. The frist few days were hard to get use to. You weren't use to a relaxing pirate life, the random partying, the songs, the freedom. Benn, who you had grown close to since Shanks asked him to take you under his wing till you get use to everything, was always so patent with you. He took time to understand your mind and how it was arranged and bundled up, and so he helped unwind those bundles till you were comfortable enough to work on your own.
You climb the ladder fast in the shadow from marines and in the light of the crew, wanting to help the man who gave you your wings of freedom, to help with anything your body can handle. You trained, fought, drank with them and most importantly you learned from them. You were still a weapon, but you were your own weapon now, using yourself for your happiness, and your captains.
You were docked on an island on the beach having partied the night before. You fell asleep on a log and woke up to a crew mates yelling of excitement.
"Hey guys! Our little boy got his first bounty!" Shanks sat up with a headach, rubbing his forehead "What?" The crew mate held a bounty poster in front of Shanks and on the bounty was you, with a good old starting bounty of a 100 million. Your picture was one caught mid battle of you fighting someone, you looked menacing to say the least, your E/C trained on something else like a sinper with you weapon of choice held in your hand mid strike.
Shanks took the bounty and laughed "What a frist bounty. You see this Y/N?" You stood next to Shanks and looked at your bounty, you've seen many bountys as a marine, never once did you imagine yourself on one. You felt... proud. Shanks patted you on the head "Way to go!" You couldn't help but blush slightly at the praise, even if it was small. "Bet you the marines are pissing their pants over this one, we got their own turning against them" Said Lucky giving you a few good slaps on the back. "Not bad kid" said Benn gently patting your head. "This calls for a celebration!" Yelled Shanks. "We just had party last night, you're hungover Captain" you say looking at him "Ah, who cares, get the drinks!"
A few hours later
You decide to go back on the ship, to give your poor ears a break from the loud party, you leaned on the other side of the ship where the others couldn't see your flushed cheeks, half drunk. You held your favorite drink in hand, you managed to grab the last of what was left. You happily sip the drink savoring the last of what's left. You hear footsteps approaching from behide, you turn to find your red faced captain walking over and tossed his one arm around your shoulder "Hey little one, what're you hiding here for, praty is on the other side!" You chuckled. "You guys know I'm not a child, right?" "You will always be our little guy" Shanks ruffled your hair and you swatted it away. Shanks eyed your drink and grabbed it without warning and and took it all in one go with a smirk. You glare at him for stealing what was the last of your favorite drink, you wouldn't be able to get more till the next island, if they even have it that is. Without thinking you grabbed his collar and pulled him to your height, connecting your lips, evading his mouth with your tongue in search of your drink, a few drops flow down your chin as you steal back your drink. After a few seconds you pulled back and wiped your mouth and leaned on your back against the ships railings. "..." As you finally realized what you had done your hesitantly looked at your captain.
Shanks touched his lips, wiping them with his thumb and smirked "Oh? clearly you're not the same little mouse I asked to join this crew." He pulled you closer to him with his hand around your waist. "You're lucky I really like you... wait was that your frist kiss?" Shanks asked as he looked at you, he remembered how you were raised and that you most likely never tried any romantic acts with anyone before. "That wasn't a kiss... I was just taking back my drink" "That was your frist kiss" "...yes" "...your sure? Didn't feel like a frist kiss to me" "I'll take that as a compliment... wait you like me?" "How could I not? With you following me around for the frist week like a duckling, I got to know you and I got to watch your grow into someone that fits you. As much as i look like someone who doesn't pay attention, I do, I know how you watch my back when we go out, how protective you are of me and Benn. It's cute. It's something small and don't really need but it's nice" Shanks smiled at you, closing his eyes as he placed his forehead against yours. "It all makes me just want to hold you close. Everyone one on the crew has a dream or job. But your still discovering yours but it feels nice to think that your job is to keep everyone safe." "I want that to be my job... keeping you and everyone safe. Its what makes me happy" You say as you looked at him, wrapping your arms around him and holding him close "and... it makes me feel safe too..." "...I'm glad to hear that" Shanks hugs you back, holding you close. You both stood there in silence, enjoying each other's company.
"So about that kiss" You both chuckled and you hit his chest playfully "Shut it" Shanks kissed your forehead "You know I won't let you go now?" "That's perfectly ok with me, as long as it's you.." Shanks kissed your right above your ear before whispering to you "How about continue that kiss in my room?" "Whatever the captain wants" You whisper back as your wrap your arms around his neck as he picked you up with his arm, taking you too his private room.
The day after the party.
Benn rubbed his head and went looking for his captain. He had a job to do and things to look over, and he knew dame well his captain was gonna try and avoid it. Benn held a few pain killers in his hand with a glass of water for Shanks since he knew he most likely had big hangover. He didn't bother knocking as he opened the door and walked in "Shanks its time to-" Benn stopped dead in his tracks as the scene unfolds before him. Y/N laying on top of Shanks, both clearly naked underneath the blanket, y/n's head layed on Shanks's chest comfortably, Shanks arm wrapped around Y/N's waist. As realization dawned on him he grioned, he owes Yasopp so much money...
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