#Shanghai Symphony Orchestra
chinamarketingblog · 2 years
Der erste Vollmond im Hasenjahr
Frohes Laternenfest! Heute wird in China der ersten Vollmond im Jahr des Hasen gefeiert. Zu diesem Anlass werden traditionell köstliche Klebreisbällchen verzehrt, deren Form – rund wie der Vollmond –Ganzheit und Einheit symbolisieren. Mit etwas Glück erblickt man heute Abend sogar den Mondhasen! Der Feiertag markiert das Ende der Feierlichkeiten zum chinesischen Neujahr, und WeChat-Momente sind…
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jukbox · 2 years
Chen : Wu Xing (The Five Elements) - I. Shui (Water) · Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, 2019
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🎨 劉文進 /Chinese, oil painting
🎨 澳門畫家 - 葉泉 b. 1943 廣州 Chinese 秋豔/Macau, ink painting 1980年移居澳門。 1981年至1984年留學法國,定居巴黎。 1985年返澳門定居,2000年返廣州定居。 師從沈仲強、黎葛民、關山月、黎雄才。
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菊花台(二胡與大提琴)- 陸軼文、黃北星
菊花台 / Chrysanthemum Terrace 作曲:周杰倫 / Composer: Jay Chou 改編:陳燮陽 / Arranger: Chen Xieyang
演奏家 / Performers: 二胡演奏:陸軼文 / Erhu Musician: Lu Yiwen 大提琴演奏:黃北星 / Cellist: Huang Beixing 協奏曲:上海交響樂團 / Orchestral Accompaniment: Shanghai Symphony Orchestra 指揮:陳燮陽 / Conductor: Chen Xieyang
菊花台 Chrysanthemum Terrace 作詞:方文山 作曲:周杰倫 ( Jay Chou )
你的淚光 柔弱中帶傷  慘白的月彎彎勾住過往 夜太漫長 凝結成了霜  是誰在閣樓上冰冷的絕望 雨輕輕彈 朱紅色的窗  我一生在紙上被風吹亂 夢在遠方 化成一縷香  隨風飄散你的模樣
菊花殘滿地傷 你的笑容已泛黃  花落人斷腸 我心事靜靜躺 北風亂夜未央 你的影子剪不斷  徒留我孤單 在湖面成雙
花已向晚 飄落了燦爛  凋謝的世道上命運不堪 愁莫渡江 秋心拆兩半  怕你上不了岸一輩子搖晃 誰的江山 馬蹄聲狂亂  我一身的戎裝呼嘯滄桑 天微微亮 你輕聲的嘆  一夜惆悵如此委婉
菊花殘滿地傷 你的笑容已泛黃  花落人斷腸 我心事靜靜躺 北風亂夜未央 你的影子剪不斷  徒留我孤單 在湖面成雙
菊花殘滿地傷 你的笑容已泛黃  花落人斷腸 我心事靜靜躺 北風亂夜未央 你的影子剪不斷  徒留我孤單 在湖面成雙
Your tears glisten with pain in their fragility The pale crescent hooks the past The endless night has crystallised into frost Who is it in the loft, destitute with cold hopelessness?
The rain slowly patters on the vermillon window My life is a tattered page battered by the winds Far-off dreams fading into mist Your image has been dissipated by the wind
Wilted chrysanthemums are spread across the floor; even your smile has turned faintly yellow The falling flowers induce sadness, and my thoughts languish In the passing of the north wind and the dusk, your shadow lingers on And standing by the lake, I only have my own reflection for company
Responding to the dusk, the flowers shed their brilliant shine They wilter on life's path, meeting a tragic fate Don't cross the river in melancholy, if you ain't broke your melancholy. You may spend a lifetime drifting, never reaching the shore
Whose empire is it now? The sound of horse hoofs thunders in the distance. My resplendent armour decays with the hounds of time Your soft sigh heralds the first ray of dawn The conclusion to another restless night
Wilted chrysanthemums are spread across the floor; even your smile has turned faintly yellow The falling flowers induce sadness, and my thoughts languish In the passing of the north wind and the dusk, your shadow lingers on And standing by the lake, I only have my own reflection for company
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
Listed: M. Sage
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Colorado musician, artist and educator Matthew Sage produces a unique form of ambient music, one that focuses on personal experience rather than obscure intellectual objectives or new age mysticism. Through both his own sounds and those he curates via his Cached Media imprint his goal is to unearth the beauty within the seemingly mundane. With Paradise Crick, his latest and most fully formed release, he casts his gaze on the great outdoors, envisaging a camping excursion. In his review, Bryon Hayes found that the record was “his most visceral work, as he ornaments his typically ambient palette with an assortment of palpable shapes, colors, and textures.” In addition to making music, Sage also enjoys seeking it out, often from non-traditional sources. For this edition of Listed, he runs down some of the more interesting records that he picked up on recent thrift store diving excursions.
10 recent thrift store finds in no particular order — I hit the flea markets and thrift stores once or twice a month and get weird CDs and cassettes. I like buying stuff that I would otherwise listen to on streaming… or never listen to from these local companies. We have CD players in our vehicles and I listen to CDs a lot driving. Cassettes mainly happen in my office when I am writing or drawing. So… a lot of what I look for is sort of “functional music” that I can do stuff to. I also snag up favorites from bands I love… I found 3 Wilco CDs at one shop last week!
Anyway, here are some recent favs.
Bonnie “Prince” Billy — Master and Everyone
Found in Longmont at the thrift store with the curated CD selection. Long time BPB fan, and I especially like how subdued this one is. Maybe not my all-time fav Oldham out there, but it’s great and the CD is in great shape.
The New American Orchestra — Blade Runner Soundtrack
Found at one of the flea markets in Fort Collins. Maybe the one with the lavender? This is an orchestral adaptation of the original Vangelis score, and it is about as smooth jazz as it gets. Incredible sweeping melodies. This version of “Blade Runner Blues” feels like something hiding on “In a Silent Way.” Ambient jazz for sure.
Chet Baker — Let’s Get Lost
Another one from the Longmont spot. Been obsessed with Chet Baker for a while now in that when I don’t know what I want to listen to, I just throw on any Chet’s greatest hits album and feel content. I love the arrangement on “My Ideal” with the toy piano and Chet’s voice and trumpet.
John Coltrane — The Gentle Side of John Coltrane
Also from the Longmont spot. I, of course, love wailing Coltrane. But I also think his sweet songs are some of his best. “After the Rain” is especially informing some of the arrangement choices I’ve been making on some new Fuubutsushi songs.
Shanghai Film Symphony Orchestra — An Dun (Calming the Emotions)
I buy a lot of random CDs like this, and I can’t remember where exactly this one came from. But yeah, foreign/new age/private press, etc. weird CDs… and most of the time they aren’t great… but this one is very good. When I find something like this that I like I google it later. When I did that with this CD, I found it on YouTube and this is my favorite comment about it: “Whenever I play this on a construction site, at first the guys complain. Then later they thank me for playing it. Saying they've never felt better.” My toddler seems to enjoy it in the car… I do too.
Claude Debussy — Images pour Orchestre. Preludes: La Fille aux Cheveaux de Lin
70 minutes of Debussy from Longmont ARC. Lots of solo piano from Peter Schmalfuss. I like that these recordings feel soft. Sometimes classical piano feels really hard, lots of attack, almost like microscopic. These recordings are more spacious. Chris from Fuubutsushi swears by Ravel, but I am team-Debussy.
Georgia Kelly — Seapeace: Music for Harp
Can’t remember where but found this in Colorado in a stash of pretty heady new age tapes. Later found out it’s a cult classic. It is a self-released one — the album was later reissued on other formats by new age labels — so I love knowing Ms. Kelly herself released this copy into the world and it has since ended up in my possession. The whole thing is on YouTube!
English Meadow: Environments — Environments 1, 4, 12: Slow Ocean, English Meadow, Intonation
I have all the Environments titles on LP and have since started collecting cassettes when I see them in the wild. These 3 are specifically my favorite Environments, so finding them all in one go felt like a thrifting triumph. I feel like English Meadow specifically sounds nice on cassette.
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Eteri Andjaparidze
Classical pianist Eteri Andjaparidze was born in 1956 in Tbilisi, Georgia. By the time she was nine years old, Andjaparidze had made her solo recital debut and performed as a soloist with the Georgian State Symphony Orchestra. She has performed throughout the world and played with major orchestras such as the Montreal Symphony, the London Symphony, and the Shanghai Philharmonic. Andjaparidze was the first Soviet pianist to win the Grand Prix at the Montreal International Piano Competition. She has been named a People's Artist of Georgia. Andjaparidze currently teaches at NYU Steinhardt and Mannes School of Music.
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Karl Davidov (Carl Davidoff, Davydov) - Concerto for Violoncello & Orchestra No. 4 In E Minor, Op. 31,
Wen-Sinn Yang (cello), Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Terje Mikkelsen (conductor)
1. Allegro – 00:00 2. Lento – 10:31 3. Finale: Vivace – 18:10
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yakourinka · 2 years
okay part of me can't help but compare this to genshin's live concerts. I've watched the entirety of every single one of them.
so for those who don't know/watch them, in genshin concerts an already-existing game footage or animation is played in the background via a projector while the musicians do their thing. and it's great, because these people are all classically trained, professional musicians playing music from a great composer (yu-peng chen is an extremely talented guy and is like 70% reason why I still play genshin). mihoyo has hired shanghai symphony orchestra and london philharmonic orchestra for their music among others, for example. I think BAND-MAID is in their last live thing. you get the point.
but it feels like they were throwing money at an idea while hypergryph actually put some effort, care and thought into it. there were new visuals and animation accompanying most tracks. some of the vocalists were dressed up. they tried to integrate the game into the concert. they were probably working with a fraction of mihoyo's budget (mihoyo hires orchestras that are like 5x the size of that with a wide selection of instruments across several countries) and they did their best to create the feeling that the stage was full, you know, like you were getting an amazing experience, not like you were watching a slideshow to 15 people playing instrumentals.
anyway I feel like I need to rewatch the concert to actually get my thoughts in order, but I was thinking about this the entire time.
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landrysg · 6 months
New on YouTube:
Zhu Jian'er (1922 - 2017), Triptych for string orchestra
Performed by the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Chen Xieyang, conductor
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otakusparkle · 1 year
Reunited with that old friend at the manor of the new chapter...! ?
International pianist Lang Lang and the Shanghai Opera Symphony Orchestra are coming!
In addition, an original soundtrack that includes a symphony of ashes of memory will also be released!
Look forward to the public performance♪
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koholint · 1 year
today's playlist:
Opitope - An White Drop Of Morning Dew
Youngsbower - Moonlight Ice Pink
Mkwaju Ensemble - Hot Air
Cybe - The Running Water
Oneohtrix Point Never - Ouroboros
David Sylvian - Answered Prayers
Dirty Beaches - Alone at the Danube River
Harold Budd - L'Enfant Perdu
David Benoit - As If I Could Reach Rainbows
Mitsuto Suzuki - Ephemera
Steve Hauschildt - Vicinities
Shanghai Symphony Orchestra - The Realm Within
thanks for listening!
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kokiafans · 1 year
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KOKIA in flashback - 2017
In the year of 2017, KOKIA begins a new project: Ton ton ton, a project that initially starts with 1 CD (Doubutsu no ongakukai, 'animal concert'), but with a twist: the CD comes in a tin with 6 different designs, all done by KOKIA herself. All songs are about animals, and for every song, KOKIA makes a separate leaflet with the lyrics and the animal design. The project is aimed explicitly at kids as well as adults, with merchandise and more CDs planned for later.
KOKIA returns to China not once, but twice this year, in January and in December, opening en ending the year with her visits. The year also ends with a Christmas concert as per usual, but this time, it's an orchestra concert.
She also starts counting down to her 20th anniversary next year, launching a special website like she did for her 15th anniversary. This is also when she starts her own Facebook page. The countdown has begun!
◆ Lives and events  ◆
January 6 Hollywood Festival Orchestra (Yokohama Minato Mirai Hall) (Promotion: Hollywood festival orchestra 2017)
January 14 UTA-Live 2017 Shanghai concert vol.1 (Shanghai Majestic Theatre) (Promotion: Shanghai 2017)
January 28 Hollywood Festival Orchestra (Tokyo Bunkamura Orchard Hall)
February 25-February 26 KOKIA Live in Naeba Prince white notes Vol.5 (Naeba Prince Hotel Chatelaine) (Promotion: white notes 2017)
April 4 KOKIA 2017 Concert with Orchestra Sinfonica della RAI Roma Mangiare Cantare Amore (Promotion: mangiare cantare amore 2017)
May 13 KOKIA 2017 Hoshi no ongakkai to mori no ongakkai ('star symphony & forest symphony') (Karuizawa Ohga Hall) (Promotion: Karuizawa 2017)
May 13 KOKIA Salon in Karuizawa (Karuizawa Ohga Hall) ※ Event exclusively for members of the KOKIA fanclub, club ancoro
July 16 Combined memorial services on the 10th anniversary of the Niigata-Chûetsu offshore earthquake (Kashiwasaki cultural hall, Art Foret) ※ Dedicated a song at the ceremony. Sang Watashi ni dekiru koto with the children of the Kashiwasaki primary school who were born in the year of the earthquake. (Relevant post)
July 22 KOKIA 2017 Birthday Live in Nagoya ~since 1976~ (NAGOYA Blue Note) ※ 2 performances in 1 day (Promotion: birthday live 2017)
August 11 KOKIA Concert 2017 The Soloist (Tokyo Bunkamura Orchard Hall) (Promotion: soloist 2017)
October 8 Animal Kingdom ~animal album release celebration live~ (Tokyo, Haremame (haretara sora ni mame maite) ※ 2 performances in 1 day (Promotion: Animal Kingdom)
December 2 KOKIA 2017 Concert 琴有独钟 vol.2 (Fall in Love with Music) (Guangzhou grand theatre)
December 3 KOKIA 2017 Concert ���有独钟 vol.2 (Fall in Love with Music) (Shanghai Shangcheng Theater) (Promotion: China 2017)
December 10 KOKIA 2017 The Christmas Season with The Orchestra (Tokyo Bunka Kaikan grand hall) (Promotion: Christmas 2017)
◆ Releases ◆
January Release of the concert DVD KOKIA 2016 Concert LAYERS~lights and shadows~ (anco&co.) (Promotion: Layers concert)
October 8 Release of album Doubutsu no ongakukai ('animal concert') (anco&co.) ※ first album in the ton ton ton project (tontonton)
◆ Other releases ◆
August 2 Release of the Ayahi Takagaki single Futurism (MusicRay'n) ※ Composed the B-side song Sekai to watashi wa tsunagatte iru no dakara ('because the world and I are connected') (Relevant post)
October 11 Release of the single Nostalgia (TEAM Entertainment) ※Opening theme for Yuukyuu no Tier Blade -Fragments of Memory- (’Tier blade of eternity’), the PlayStation Vita game released in the adult dating simulation game brand Otomate. Also performed the end theme, Kimi ga iru kara tsuyoku nareru yo ('Because you're here, I can become strong') (Tier blade)
December 20 Release of the animated TV series Mahou Tsukai no Yome original soundtrack ('The Ancient Magus' Bride') (FlyingDog) ※ Wrote, composed and performed the insert song Seirei no mai ~Dance of the Spirit (the ancient magus bride)
◆ Videos with links to watch ◆
PlayStation Vita game Yuukyuu no Tier Blade -Fragments of Memory- (’Tier blade of eternity’), opening theme Nostalgia: PS Vita Yuukyuu no Tier Blade -Fragments of Memory- opening movie
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dossantosspirit · 2 years
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Top 100 songs of 2021
100. Yola – ‘Starlight’ 99. Cory Hanson – ‘Angeles’ 98. Lake Street Dive – ‘Hypotheticals’ 97. Durand Jones & The Indications – ‘Witchoo’ 96. King Gizzard & The Wizard Lizard – ‘Shanghai’ 95. Sleigh Bells – ‘Locust Laced’ 94. Doss – ‘Strawberry’93. Kings of Convenience – ‘Fever’ 92. Joy Crookes – ‘When You Were Mine’ 91. AJ Tracey – ‘West Ten’ (ft. Mabel) 90. Rhye – ‘Come In Closer’ 89. Half Waif- ‘Party’s Over’ 88. Julia Stone – ‘We All Have’ (ft. Matt Berninger) 87. Shame – ‘Alphabet’ 86. Nao – ‘Antidote’ (ft. Adekunle Gold) 85. Kanye West – ‘Off The Grid’ 84. Self Esteem – ‘You Forever’ 83. Brandi Carlile – ‘Right On Time’ 82. Claud – ‘In Or In-Between’ 81. Bicep – ‘Atlas’ 80. Easy Life – ‘Daydreams’ 79. Justin Bieber – ‘Peaches’ (ft. Daniel Caeser & Giveon) 78. Jane Weaver – ‘Solarised’ 77. James Blake – ‘Coming Back’ (ft. SZA) 76. Squid – ‘Narrator’ 75. Django Django – ‘Glowing In The Dark’ 74. Adult Mom – ‘Berlin’ 73. Valerie June – ‘Why The Bright Stars Glow’ 72. Biffy Clyro – ‘A Hunger In Your Haunt’ 71. Nas – ‘Death Row East’ 70. Elbow – ‘What Am I Without You’ 69. Laura Mvula – ‘Safe Passage’ 68. Iron Maiden – ‘The Writing On The Wall’ 67. Ghetts – ‘10000 Tears’ (ft. Ed Sheeran) 66. Sufjan Stevens & Angelo De Augustine – ‘Back To OZ’ 65. Amyl and The Sniffers – ‘Maggot’ 64. Faye Webster – ‘Better Distractions’ 63. You Me At Six – ‘Beautiful Way’ 62. Mannequin Pussy – ‘Control’ 61. Dave – ‘Clash’ (ft. Stormzy) 60. The Killers – ‘Quiet Town’ 59. St. Vincent – ‘The Melting Of The Sun’ 58. Tinashe – ‘Bouncin’57. Still Corners – ‘White Sands’ 56. Willow – ‘Transparent Soul’ (ft. Travis Barker) 55. Deafheaven – ‘Lament For Wasps’ 54. Vince Staples – ‘Are You With That?’ 53. Dawn Richard – ‘Bussifame’ 52. Floating Points – ‘Movement 1’ (with Pharoah Sanders & London Symphony Orchestra) 51. serpentwithfeet – ‘Sailor’s Superstition’ 50. girl in red – ‘Serotonin’ 49. Jungle – ‘Keep Moving’ 48. Lorde – ‘Solar Power’ 47. Poppy – ‘Bloom’ 46. Kacey Musgraves – ‘Justified’ 45. Goat Girl – ‘Sad Cowboy’ 44. CHVRCHES – ‘Asking For A Friend’ 43. Illuminati Hotties – ‘MMMOOOAAAAAYAYA’ 42. Summer Walker – ‘Ex For A Reason’ (ft. JT & City Girls) 41. Helado Negro – ‘Hometown Dream’ 40. For Those I Love – ‘I Have A Love’ 39. Clairo – ‘Amoeba’ 38. Ray BLK – ‘Games’ (ft. Giggs) 37. IDLES – ‘The Beachland Ballroom’ 36. BROCKHAMPTON – ‘Buzzcut’ (ft. Danny Brown) 35. Lana Del Rey – ‘White Dress’ 34. Arlo Parks – ‘Caroline’ 33. Self Esteem – ‘Prioritise Pleasure’ 32. Genesis Owusu – ‘Don’t Need You’ 31. Remi Wolf – ‘Sexy Villain’ 30. Low – ‘Days Like These’ 29. Doja Cat – ‘Kiss Me More’ (ft. SZA) 28. Pom Pom Squad – ‘Head Cheerleader’ 27. Wolf Alice – ‘How Can I Make It Ok?’ 26. The War On Drugs – ‘I Don’t Live Here Anymore’ 25. Adele – ‘Easy On Me’ 24. Julien Baker – ‘Hardline’ 23. Little Simz – ‘I Love You, I Hate You’ 22. Olivia Rodrigo – ‘Good 4 You’ 21. Mitski – ‘The Only Heartbreaker’ 20. Lucy Dacus – ‘Thumbs’ 19. The Weather Station – ‘Atlantic’ 18. Jazmine Sullivan – ‘Pick Up Your Feelings’ 17. Cassandra Jenkins – ‘Hard Drive’ 16. Wet Leg – Wet Dream 15. Dry Cleaning – ‘Scratchcard Lanyard’ 14. Billie Eilish – ‘Happier Than Ever’ 13. Silk Sonic – ‘Leave The Door Open’ 12. Turnstile – ‘Blackout’ 11. Nilüfer Yanya -Stabilise 10. Wolf Alice – ‘Smile’ 9. Tyler. The Creator – ‘Wusyaname’ 8. Snail Mail – ‘Valentine’ 7. Sharon Van Etten & Angel Olsen – ‘Like I Used To’ 6. Lil Nas X – ‘Montero (Call Me By Your Name)’ 5. Muna – ‘Silk Chiffon’ (ft. Phoebe Bridgers) 4. Caroline Polachek – ‘Bunny Is A Rider’ 3. Japanese Breakfast – ‘Be Sweet’ 2. Self Esteem – ‘I Do This All The Time’  1. Little Simz – ‘Introvert’
>>> Playlist on Spotify <<<
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tiptoze · 2 years
i know gensh*n aint everyone's cup of tea but saying that every character looks like shit or that it looks soulless without having ever played it yourself is really low especially if you dislike it because it's a gacha
there's so much work and clearly a lot of love and thought put into it not to mention the fucking soundtrack??? Imagine having the London Philharmonic Orchestra and the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra work on your soundtrack and having people think that because your anime girls look dull that nothing else in the game could be high quality or worthy of being called art
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mfm-mielec · 14 days
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"Wielcy kompozytorzy, mistrzowskie interpretacje" Łukasz Długosz - flet Carlos Peña Montoya (Kostaryka) - harfa
15 września 2024, godz. 19.00 Park Oborskich, ul. Legionów 73 bezpłatne bilety wstępu
Carlos Roberto Peña Montoya - jeden z najwybitniejszych harfistów młodego pokolenia. Naukę gry na harfie rozpoczął w wieku 11 lat pod kierunkiem prof. Ruth Garita, pierwszej harfistki Narodowej Orkiestry Symfonicznej w Kostaryce, a następnie prof. Eileen Mason, pierwszej harfistki Orkiestry Symfonicznej Baltimore. W 2011 roku z wyróżnieniem ukończył studia na Uniwersytecie Mozarteum w Salzburgu w klasie prof. Helgi Storck. Od 2007 roku przebywa w Europie, realizując się jako solista, kameralista i pedagog. Występował z recitalami m.in. w Carnegie Hall w Nowym Yorku, Goldener Sala i Gläseneer Saal w wiedeńskim Musikverein oraz w Gasteig w Monachium. Współpracował z orkiestrami i zespołami symfonicznymi w Niemczech i Austrii, z którymi odbył liczne tournée. W 2012 roku wygrał 6. edycję konkursu orkiestrowego Summa Cum Laude w Wiedniu, będąc członkiem Tajlandzkiej Orkiestry Symfonicznej, z którą pozostaje w stałym kontakcie artystycznym. Od 2012 roku jest I harfistą Orkiestry Symfonicznej Polskiej Filharmonii Bałtyckiej im. F. Chopina w Gdańsku. Aktywnie uczestniczy w życiu kulturalnym Trójmiasta jako solista, kameralista, jak również pedagog. Współpracuje z czołowymi orkiestrami polskimi pod batutą znamienitych dyrygentów, a także bierze udział w licznych nagraniach fonograficznych, radiowych i telewizyjnych.
ŁUKASZ DŁUGOSZ uznany przez międzynarodowych krytyków za jednego z najwybitniejszych flecistów. Jest również najliczniej uhonorowanym w historii polskim flecistą. Luxemburskie PIZZICATO za płytę „Flute Stories" okrzyknęło Długosza jednym z najwybitniejszych flecistów na świecie. Artysta nagrał 76 albumów płytowych, które zostały wysoko ocenione przez krytykę europejską i za które otrzymał wiele prestiżowych międzynarodowych nagród fonograficznych, w tym wielokrotnie nagrodę International Classical Music Award (ICMA), Pizzicato Supersonic Award, Gasteig Musik Preis oraz Fryderyki. Zwycięzca kilkunastu konkursów międzynarodowych, w tym tak prestiżowych jak w Paryżu, Monachium, Odense. Współpracuje z wieloma renomowanymi orkiestrami. Jako solista występował m.in.: w Carnegie Hall, Musikverein Goldener Saal oraz Konzerthaus w Wiedniu, Konzerthaus w Berlinie, Gasteig Carl Orff Saal oraz Herkulessaal w Monachium, Poly Theatre w Pekinie, Xinghai Concert Hall w Guangzhou, Shanghai Concert Hall, Opera House w Katarze, sala koncertowa im.Piotra Czajkowskiego w Moskwie. Grał pod batutą takich gwiazd jak Zubin Mehta, James Levine, Mariss Jansons, Walerij Giergijew, Jesús López Cobos, Jerzy Maksymiuk, Jan Krenz, Jerzy Semkow, Jacek Kaspszyk, Gabriel Chmura, Agnieszka Duczmal. Był wielokrotnie zapraszany do wykonania koncertu fletowego Krzysztofa Pendereckiego pod batutą kompozytora. W 2010 roku Łukasz Długosz miał swój debiut fonograficzny z London Symphony Orchestra. Artysta dokonał wielu nagrań radiowych i telewizyjnych w kraju i za granicą. Jego koncerty były wielokrotnie transmitowane przez najważniejsze rozgłośnie radiowe takie jak: BBC Radio 3, NDR, SWR, BR4, Deutschland Radio Kultur, Polskie Radio 2, Radio France, RMF Classic. Do tej pory powstało ponad 250 utworów jemu dedykowanych, które po prawykonaniu nadal są promowane i uwieczniane fonograficznie. Zarząd Główny Stowarzyszenia Polskich Artystów Muzyków przyznał artyście statuetkę Orfeusz 2016. Prezydium Zarządu Głównego Związku Kompozytorów Polskich przyznało artyście Nagrodę Honorową Związku Kompozytorów Polskich. Za wybitną działalność kulturalną i promocję kultury polskiej Łukasz Długosz otrzymał Nagrodę Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego oraz medal Zasłużony Kulturze Gloria Artis oraz został odznaczony przez Prezydenta RP zaszczytnym Orderem Odrodzenia Polski i otrzymał tytuł profesora sztuki. Prowadzi klasę fletu w Akademii Muzycznej w Gdańsku.
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Kate Liu
Classical pianist Kate Liu was born in Singapore in 1994. At the 17th International Chopin Competition, Liu won the Bronze Medal and the Best Mazurka Prize. She has performed at venues throughout the world including Shanghai Concert Hall, the Kennedy Center, and the Seoul Arts Center. Liu made her orchestral debut at the age of 16 with the Cleveland Orchestra, and has since performed with orchestras such as the Polish Radio Orchestra and the Montreal Symphony Orchestra.
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paul-archibald · 1 year
We’re diving into the exotic world of percussion instruments this week exploring a range of orchestral and traditional instruments.
Tan Dun: The Banquet performed by Lang Lang (piano), Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Percussion Ensemble, Shanghai Opera House Chorus, Gao Jian (conductor)
Traditional: Camel’s Rhythm performed by Upper Egypt Percussion Ensemble
Philip Glass: Aguas da Amazonia: No 1 Madeira River performed by Third Coast Percussion
Leonard Bernstein: Mambo from West Side Story, Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra of Venezuela, Gustavo Dudamel
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