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प्रेमसागर - तामलुक से ओडिसा की ओर
#ब्लॉग - प्रेमसागर - तामलुक से ओडिसा की ओर प्राचीन मंदिरों, तटीय शहरों और समुद्र की छटा, ऐतिहासिक इमारतों, सुंदर कलाकारी और काष्ठ कला का प्रांत है ओडिसा! देखता हूं, प्रेमसागर कितना दिखाते हैं!
16 अगस्त 2023 प्रेमसागर चित्रकूट, उज्जैन और जूनागढ़ हो आये। इनमें क्रमश: 1, 2, 2 शक्तिपीठ हैं। उज्जैन में हरसिद्धि मंदिर और गढ़कालिका के दर्शन किये। जूनागढ़ में गिरनार पर्वत पर चढ़े। जूनागढ़ से वापस लौटे तो सीधे कलकत्ता। वहां कालीघाट के पास रमाशंकर पाण्डेय जी के यहां तीन दिन रहे। आज सवेरे ओडिसा के शक्तिपीठों के दर्शन के लिये निकलना हुआ। जूनागढ़ में प्रेमसागर गिरनार पर्वत पर चढ़े। तामलुक तक वे पहले ही…

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The Kamakhya Devi temple on the Nilanchal hills @ Gauwhati. The 9th century shrine is one of the most revered Shaktipiths and is also one of the dashmahavidyas in the form of Yonidevata. Something unique is the surrounding of the main temple by smaller temples of all the other dashmahavidyas. Long queues for darshan, yet very well-managed and structured movement to have a peaceful darshan.

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दुर्गा पक्षको सातौँ दिन देशभरका शक्तिपीठमा भक्तजनको लाम
वडादसैँको सातौँ दिन अर्थात् दुर्गा पक्षका अवसरमा देशभरका देवी मन्दिरमा भक्तजनको बिहानैदेखि भीड लागेको छ । वडादसैँका अवसरमा आजैदेखि एकादशीसम्म सार्वजनिक बिदा दिइएको छ । सरकारी कार्यालय, विद्यालयलगायत शैक्षिक संस्था सबै बन्द भएपछि आममानिस पर्व मनाउन व्यस्त भएका छन् । बिदा भएपछि बिहानैदेखि देशभरका शक्तिपीठमा भक्तजनको भीड लागेको हो । सामान्यत शनिबार पनि मन्दिरमा भीड लाग्ने गरेकामा आज दसैँको फूलपाती…

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🚩जय महाकाल 🚩 ।। 14 मार्च 2022 ।। 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🚩🔱 *हर हर महादेव* 🚩🔱 ╚═══════════════════╝ *┈┉┅━❀꧁ω❍ω꧂❀━┅┉┈ 🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️ 🕉️ ॐ नमः शिवाय हर हर महादेव जय श्री महाकाल जय श्री महाकाल जय श्री महाकाल ॐ नमः शिवाय 🕉️ हर हर महादेव 🕉️ #mahakaal #mahakaleshwar #mahadev #mahakal #shaktipith #shiva #omnamahshivaya #om #bambam #bholenath#harharmahadevॐ #harharmahadev #ॐ#instagood#viral https://www.instagram.com/p/CbEdi1iANiY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#शंकर_महाराज #प्रकट_दिन #shankar_maharaj #dhanakwadi #pune #shaktipith #god #hindu #prakat_din #jayanti (at Jagdamb Creative Hub Pvt. Ltd.) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4b5pWKnIl_/?igshid=1ijt626n5l800
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Mahalaxmi Temple, Kolhapur Mahalakshmi Temple of Kolhapur is also called Dakshin Kashi and is one of the 51 Shakti Peethas of India. The Kolhapureshwari temple is also reverred as Shri Peetham,devoted to the Goddess of prosperity Mahalaxmi also called as Goddess Amba Bai. Follow @yavatmalnavratriofficial www.yavatmalnavratri.com #mahalaxmi #mahalaxmitemple #mahalaxmitemplekolhapur #kolhapur #dakshinkashi #kolhapureshwari #kolhapuri #kolhapurdiaries #kolhapurkar #kolhapurcity #kolhapurtemple #amba #ambemata #ambabai #goodness #god #kolhapurtourism #jaimatadi #jaiambemaa #shaktipith #Maharashtra #devimandir #devitemple #matatemple #templesofmaharashtra #temples #templesinindia #yavatmal #famoushindutemple #yavatmalnavratri #yavatmalnavratriofficial #navratri #maharashtratourism #indiatourism (at Kolhapur) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvYHyoMFtoM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1249ny5s6ewzq
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Sundha Mata Temple #Rajasthan #Shaktipith सर्वमंगलमांगल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थसाधिके । शरण्ये त्र्यम्बके गौरि नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते ।। Sarva-Manggala-Maangalye Shive Sarvaartha-Saadhike | Sharannye Tryambake Gauri Naaraayanni Namostu Te|| Meaning: (Salutations to You, O Jagadamba) You are the Auspiciousness in All the Auspicious, Auspiciousness Yourself, Complete with All the #Auspicious Attributes, and You fulfill All the Objectives of the #Devotees (Purusharthas - Dharma, Artha, Kama and #Moksha), You are the Giver of Refuge, You have Three Eyes (spanning the Past, Present and Future; and containing within them the #Sun, #Moon and the #Fire), You are Gauri (the Shining One); Salutations to You O Narayani. #Goddes #God #spiritual #love #truth #hindu #religion #sky #blue #cloudy #natural #nature #beautiful #mountain #photooftheday #instamoment #happines #peace #life #blessings
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Location of Siddh Gayatri Mandir , Rajkot
શ્રી સિધ્ધ ગાયત્રી શક્તિપીઠ અને સ્થાપક પ્રગટ માસ્વરૂપ સ્વરૂપાનંદજી - "માડી" (ડો. ઇન્દ્રવદન નટવરલાલ આચાર્ય) નો પરિચય. તા. 2/7/1985 ના રોજ સંવત 2041 અ��ાઢ સુદ પુનમ, મંગળવારે ગુરૂપૂર્ણિમાનાં પવિત્ર દિવસે વઢવાણ સિટી (ઝાલાવાડ-સુરેન્દ્રનગર) નાં પ્રકાંડ વેદપંડિત સ્વ. શ્રી ગાંડુભાઇ નાનાલાલ શુક્લ (સસરાજી) ને એકલવ્યની જેમ ગુરૂ નિર્ધારી ગાયત્રી મંત્રજાપ અનુષ્ઠાનનો પ્રારંભ કર્યો, જેનો હેતુ રાષ્ટ્રની પ્રગતિ, વિશ્વશાંતિ, બહુજન કલ્યાણ, નિજાનંદની પ્રાપ્તિ અને માંની અસીમ કૃપા મેળવવી એ આજ પર્યંત રહ્યો છે. સને 1992 માં શ્રી સિધ્ધ ગાયત્રી શક્તિપીઠ ચેરીટેબલ ટ્રસ્ટની સ્થાપના કરવામાં આવી, જેનો રજીસ્ટર્ડ નંબર E/2735 છે. સંસ્થા દ્વારા આજ દિન સુધીમાં અનેક ધાર્મિક અને સામાજિક પ્રવૃતિઓ કરવામાં આવી છે. રકતદાન, અન્નદાન, વસ્ત્રદાન, વિદ્યાર્થીઓને પાઠયપુસ્તક તથા ચોપડા સહાય, ફીની સહાય, વિધવા સહાય, દવાની સહાય, આયુર્વેદિક કેમ્પો, વિવિધ મેડિકલ કેમ્પ, દિકરીઓને લગ્ન સહાય તેમજ ધાર્મિક કાર્યક્રમો પણ યોજવામાં આવે છે. ગુરૂપૂર્ણિમા, માં ગાયત્રી જન્મોત્સવ, પુ. ગુરુદેવનો જન્મદિવસ, રામનવમી, જન્માષ્ટમી, નવરાત્રિ મહોત્સવ, દશેરા, અન્નકૂટ દર્શન, સ્નેહ મિલન તથા સમયાંતરે ગાયત્રી યજ્ઞનું પણ આયોજન કરવામાં આવે છે. પુ. ગરૂદેવની અનેક જગ્યાએ પધરામણી થાય છે અને અત્યાર સુધીમાં હજારો લોકોને માર્ગદર્શન આપીને આધ્યાત્મિક માર્ગે વાળ્યા છે. હાલ રાજકોટ ખાતે 5/11 - જંકશન પ્લોટ ખાતે શ્રી સિધ્ધ ગાયત્રી શક્તિપીઠ (આદ્યસ્થાન) આવેલી છે અને ટ્રસ્ટ સંચાલિત 'અન્નપૂર્ણા ભોજનાલય' પણ સને 2002 થી ચાલી રહ્યું છે. ભવિષ્યમાં મોટી જગ્યા લઈ, તેમાં વિશાળ શ્રી સિધ્ધ ગાયત્રી શક્તિપીઠ, અન્નક્ષેત્ર, ગૌશાળા, યજ્ઞશાળા, ગુરૂકૂળ તેમજ મેડિકલ ક્ષેત્રમાં હાર્ટ, બ્રેઈન, કેન્સર, કિડની, ઓર્થોપેડીક તથા બ્લડ બેંક જેવી સેવાઓ રાહતદરે આપવાનું આયોજન છે. એ ઉપરાંત ગામડાઓમાં ફરતી એમ્બ્યુલન્સ, પશુ-પંખી દવાખાનું, પ્રસુતિગ્રહ તથા ચિલ્ડ્રન હોસ્પિટલ પણ સ્થાપવાનું આયોજન છે.
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झुरई नदी और सीताकुण्ड
#Blog झुरई नदी और सीताकुण्ड माता सीता और भगवान राम यहां विश्राम किये थे। इलाका हराभरा है। मोर बहुत हैं। "भईया एक बात तो मुझे समझ आती है। मोर वहां रहते हैं जहां भगवान का वास हो। यहां मोर की बहुतायत देख कार यकीन होता है कि भगवान राम यहां विद्यमान हैं।
19 जुलाई 2023 राम कोल के अनिरुद्ध सिंह जी ने आग्रह किया कि एक दिन प्रेम बाबा और रुक जायें उनके घर। और प्रेमसागर ने मुझे रुकने का कारण बताया – भईया, त��ियत कुछ ढीली है। अनिरुद्ध जी भी कहे कि बाबा एक दिन और यहीं विश्राम करें। इसलिये आज यहीं रुक रहा हूं। तबियत ढीली हो तो आदमी रुक कर दिन भर आराम कर अपनी ऊर्जा संचय करता है। पर उसके उलट प्रेमसागर रामकोल से एक दो किमी दूर वे स्थान देखने निकल गये, जहां…

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Vishwashanthi Mahayagam 2022
Namo Sadbhavana Samiti is Conducting Sri Shakthi Panchayatana Vishwashanthi Mahayagam 2022 in Shri Adhya Katyayani Shaktipith Mandir, Chhatarpur Mehrauli, New Delhi from 21st April to 24th April 2022.
Nano Sadbhavana Samithi, an Indian spiritual organization, is working for Global Peace and Harmony. The Yagam seems to have accelerated the process of seed germination and also the microbial presence in air, water, and soil in and around the region of the fire ritual is vastly diminished.
The main aim of the Vishwashanti Mahayagam is for Global Peace and Prosperity. Citizens of all religions, affiliations, and various institutions will be engaged in a Universal Prayer for Global Peace, Harmony & Prosperity. This ceremony is prescribed in the Vedas as means for collecting the prayerful energies of all people such that the entire world benefits.
So, we have started this Organization last year with a point in mind that the people of the world are struggling with many troubles, pain, and agony. Our vision of a stress-free, violence-free society has united millions of people the world over when we performed Vishwashanti Mahayagam last year in Delhi. In the grace of Vishwashanti Mahayagam to be a part of these auspicious days. Use this opportunity to explore new dimensions, enhance your happiness & improve your health.
Please call us or write an email with all your details for Volunteer or association.
Call us: 07396031116, 09654683355
Mail us: [email protected]
Visit our website: https://vishwashanthimahayagnam.org/
Also visit our social media for more information on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & LinkedIn: @mahayagam2022
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रेणुकादेवी – माहूर देवीच्या साडेतीन पीठांपैकी एक माहूर हे देवीच्या साडेतीन पीठांपैकी एक असून येथील पीठाची देवता रेणुकादेवी आहे. रेणुकादेवी तसेच दत्तात्रेय आणि परशुराम यांचीदेखील प्राचीन मंदिरे माहूरगडावर आहेत.येथे मंदिरासमोरच एक किल्ला आहे. देवीच्या साडेतीन शक्तिपीठांपैकी एक मूळ जागृत पीठ म्हणजे, माहूरची श्री रेणुकामाता होय. श्री परशुरामाची माता म्हणूनही रेणुकामातेला ओळखले जाते. महाराष्ट्रातील अनेक परिवारांची ही कुलदेवता आहे.देवीचे मंदिर १३ व्या शतकात देवगिरीच्या यादवकालीन राजाने बांधले आहे असे म्हटले जाते. माहूरगडावरच श्री दत्तात्रयांचा जन्म झाला अशी भाविकांची श्रद्धा आहे. एका कथेनुसार, माता पार्वतीने कुब्ज देशाच्या राजाच्या पोटी जन्म घेतला. तिचे नाव रेणू असे ठेवण्यात आले. शंकराचा अवतार मानलेल्या जमदग्नी ऋषीबरोबर तिचे लग्न झाले. जमदग्नीच्या आश्रमात अनेक शिष्य शिकत असत. सर्वांच्या मनोकामना पूर्ण करणारी कामधेनू गाय जमदग्नीकडे होती. राजा सहस्रार्जुनाला या कामधेनूचा मोह झाला. त्याने जमदग्नीकडे कामधेनू मागितली. ऋषीने राजाची मागणी मान्य केली नाही. तेव्हा पराक्रमी जमदग्नीपुत्र परशुराम आश्रमात नाही, हे साधून सहस्रार्जुनाने आश्रमावर हल्ला केला. आश्रम उद्ध्वस्त करून जमदग्नींना ठार मारले व कामधेनू हिरावून नेली. नंतर त्यांचा पुत्र परशुराम तिथे आला. घडला प्रकार बघून परशुरामाने क्षत्रियांचा विध्वंस करण्याची प्रतिज्ञा केली. पित्याला अग्नी देण्यासाठी कोरी भूमी हवी म्हणून त्याने कावडीच्या एका पारड्यात जमदग्नींचे पार्थिव व दुसऱ्या पारड्यात माता रेणुकेला बसवले. रानोमाळ भटकत अखेर तो माहूरगडावर आला. तिथे वास्तव्यास असलेल्या दत्तात्रेयाने त्याला कोरी भूमी दाखवली व ‘इथेच पित्यावर अग्निसंस्कार कर’ असे सांगितले. परशुरामाने प्रथम बाण मारून मातृतीर्थ व सर्वतीर्थ निर्माण केले. या पाण्याने स्नान घालून जमदग्नीवर अंत्यसंस्कार केले. यावेळी माता रेणुका सती गेली. या सर्व विधींचे पौरोहित्य दत्तात्रेयांनी केले. त्यानंतर परशुरामाला माता रेणुकेची खूप आठवण येऊ लागली. तो दु:खी होऊन शोक करत होता, तोच आकाशवाणी झाली. ‘तुझी आई जमिनीतून वर येऊन तुला दर्शन देईल. फक्त तू मागे पाहू नकोस. ‘परंतु परशुरामाची उत्सुकता चाळवली गेल्याने त्याने मागे वळून बघितले. त्यावेळी रेणुकामातेचे केवळ मुखच जमिनीतून वर आले होते. तेवढेच परशुरामाला दिसले. या तांदळारूपातल्या मुखाचीच माहूरला पूजा होते. परशुरामाला या डोंगरावर मातेचे दर्शन झाले म्हणून याला ‘मातापूर’ म्हणू लागले. शेजारच्या आंध्रप्रदेशात ‘ऊर’ म्हणजे गाव ते ‘ माऊर ‘ आणि पुढे ‘ माहूर ‘ झाले..!!
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Pokhara Day Tour: 1 Full Day
The Pokhara city is the number one trekking/hiking adventure and leisure holiday destination in Nepal, and it is the gateway for many trekking itineraries in the Annapurna region. Pokhara has plenty of places and activities for individual travelers and their families.
Sunrise view from Sarangkot view point!

The most popular treks of Annapurna are Annapurna Base Camp Trek, Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek, Khopra Ridge Trek, Mardi Himal Trek, and Upper Mustang Trek, which starts and ends in Pokhara. And Annapurna Circuit Trek ends in Pokhara City. The Pokhara is the best place to spend some days after completion of any of those treks. Furthermore, it is a good place to have leisure and luxury holidays too
We at Outfitter Himalaya have one day tour in Pokhara, which includes most of the tourist destinations of the city.
Sarangkot Viewpoint
The Sarangkot viewpoint sits at the top of Sarangkot hill, and it is an amazing hill station in Nepal. It sits 5km from the Lakeside of Pokhara. Sarangkot is the Major destination for tourists, as it presents the picturesque views of the Major Mountains like Annapurna massif (8,091 m), Machhapuchhre (6,993 m), Dhaulagiri (8,167 m), and many more. The sunrise view over those Himalayas from Sarangkot is the best thing, which is included in our Pokhara Day Tour.
Bindhyabasini Temple
Pokhara is a magical place as it houses some of the ornate historical landmarks including the Bindhyabasini temple. Nepal is a religious country, and the Bindhyabasini temple is one out of the thousands of religious temples in Nepal.
The Bindhyabasini temple is dedicated to Goddess Bhagwati, which is a popular deity known throughout Hinduism, and generally referred to as Shakti (power). The Bindhyabasini temple is considered one of the main Shaktipiths of western Nepal, and it is a popular hub for marriage ceremonies and Bratabandha. There is a big tree in the temple premises, which provides a calm environment to meditate and relax. A visit to the Bindhyabasini temple is included in our Pokhara Day Tour program.
Tal Barahi Temple
Tal Bahari temple is located in the middle of Phewa Lake in Small Island. The Temple is also known as ‘Lake Temple’. This is one of the must-visit sites in Pokhara and is also a very religious monument. The exterior of the Temple includes a two-story pagoda structure with a Gajur on top. The Gajur is gilded with gold whereas the other structure is made of stones. Tal Barahi Temple is dedicated to Goddess Durga.
The only way to reach the Tal Bahari temple is by boating. So, when you go to visit the Temple, you also experience the boat at the Lake.
Peace Pagoda (Shanti Stupa)
The Peace Pagoda in Pokhara is another great place for wanderers, who are in a search of peace and silence. The Peace Pagoda is a place that is included in our one-day Pokhara tour. The Peace Pagoda was constructed after the end of World War 2 by Buddhist monks to inspire peace among all the people around the globe. NichidatsuFujii, the founder of the Nipponzan-Myohoji organization took on the task of building over 80 of such peace pagodas in the world and the Peace Pagoda in Pokhara is one of them.
Davis Falls
The Davis Falls is a small waterfall, which sits at Pokhara. There is nothing much enchanting or even appealing about the waterfall, except a few splashes here and there. You must visit in monsoon to fully witness its splendor. The roaring noise of the rapids drowns the sound of humans and the splashing of the water demands either a raincoat or an umbrella. A visit to these falls is included in our day tour in Pokhara.
Gupteshwor Mahadev Cave
The Gupteshwor Mahadev Cave (known in the local tongue as Bhalu Dulo) is recognized as one of the longest caves in Nepal. The cave sits across Davi's fall, and you can hear the thundering sound of water inside the cave. The cave was said to be discovered in the 16th century according to local beliefs.
The exterior of the cave is furnished with a huge brown arch, and as you enter it, there are numerous souvenir shops if you are interested to shop some something. You see a statue of Lord Vishnu in a sleeping position, and right in front of the ticket counter, there is a concrete balcony and a spiral staircase to head down. You find plastered artworks, which some say tend to go on the erotic side.
You see the huge water falling from Devi's falls from the end of the cave, which is the main attraction of the cave.
Relax at the shores of Fewa Lake in Pokhara
Pokhara will overwhelm you with its natural beauty and great photo ops. You can walk along the shores of Fewa Lake, and enjoy the greenery surrounding you.
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🚩जयति काशी विश्वनाथ 🚩* ║ श्री बाबा काशी विश्वनाथ ज्योतिर्लिंग जी का ।। 14 मार्च 2022 ।। 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🚩🔱 *हर हर महादेव* 🚩🔱 ╚═══════════════════╝ *┈┉┅━❀꧁ω❍ω꧂❀━┅┉┈ 🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️ 🕉️ ॐ नमः शिवाय हर हर महादेव जय श्री महाकाल जय श्री महाकाल जय श्री महाकाल ॐ नमः शिवाय 🕉️ हर हर महादेव 🕉️ #mahakaal #mahakaleshwar #mahadev #mahakal #shaktipith #shiva #omnamahshivaya #om #bambam #bholenath#harharmahadevॐ #harharmahadev #ॐ#instagood#viral https://www.instagram.com/p/CbEdZPUghr8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Becharaji Temple Kyun jana chahiye | Becharaji Shaktipith
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Gayatri Shaktipith Dag Shilalekh by Dr.Dayaram Alok Via Flickr: Gayatri Temple Dag is a famous place to visit for tourists .Manish Premi and Nandlal ji sharma take care of this temple|
#gayatri mandir dag#nandlal sharma dag#manish agrawal dag#dag gayatri mandir#shilalekh donation dag#flickr
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