#Sfas Emes
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another keronian thought to throw at the wall: one of the many mutations that makes a kiruru a kiruru is a mutation that prevents their bodies from ever stopping growing. they just keep growing, and growing, and growing, and growing, until eventually neither their own bodies nor keronian technology can sustain them and keep them alive. you'd think this would make their lifespans shorter than organic keronians, but in combination with their other superkeronian traits, it takes quite a long time for them to reach this point, and they can easily grow to colossal sizes without any negative effects on their performance.
#i don't know MUCH about kiruru#ive seen the mangas little leadup to the movie#and ive seen em in sfa#and there was the one with the maronians (witnessed in manga form)#but otherwise im just makinh shit up
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And the Lord said to Abram, "Go forth from your land and from your birthplace and from your father's house, to the land that I will show you. And I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you, and I will aggrandize your name, and [you shall] be a blessing…." Gen. 12:1-2
In this week’s Torah portion, Lech Lecha (“Go Forth”), God speaks to Abram, commanding him to leave his birthplace and his father’s home and travel to a place he’s never been to before. God tells him that there, Abram would become a great and blessed nation. Abram accepts this holy mission and devotes his life to serving God. This is the beginning of the Jewish story, and Abram (later Abraham) is the first Jew. Before Abram’s life-changing “Lech Lecha moment,” the Torah tells us very little about him. We know only that he is the son of a man named Terah, and that his wife Sarai is barren, leaving the couple childless. In parsha Noach (last week), God selects Noah for his own special mission, but we understand why because the Torah first introduces Noah as “a righteous man” (Gen. 6:9). Why isn't Abram also given an introduction that explains why he was chosen? The Sfas Emes (Rabbi Yehuda Aryeh Leib Alter, 1847-1905) was fascinated by this question and every year he shared a different answer with his students. One year he cited the Zohar, a foundational work of Jewish mysticism, saying that “God called out to everyone. But Abraham was the only one who listened.” God speaks to all of us all the time, for example in the language of events and in the natural world. Abraham looked around him and discerned proofs of a loving Creator everywhere. His deep desire to serve and come close to God prepared him to hear Divine messaging. When we’re interested in God, God is interested in us!
Image: Sea of Galilee
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Hiii tee! I saw that you wish to fully publish SFA on Wattpad and as a long term user of that hellish app justa heads up, Wattpad it’s full of toxic readers, unwanted translations without credits and plagiarism, you can’t fully avoid that here ether but there is just way more normal.
Also Wattpad it’s known for taking down fics without any warning if it contains dark topics, i lost all of my accounts and ended up giving up on that thanks to the weird politics of ‘em, just trying to give you a heads up!
(I rlly love your work btw I’ve been reading sfa since like chapter 12? Something like that haha!)
Omg thank you so much for telling me this, never mind to Wattpad, I have unpublished it all now LMAOOO 😭😭😭
Also YAY! I’m so glad you’ve stuck around !! 🖤🖤🖤
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The Shabbat before Passover, known as Shabbat HaGadol, features special customs such as reading part of the Passover Haggadah (from “We were slaves” until “to atone for all of our sins.”) Traditionally, rabbis speak to their congregations on this day about the laws of Passover and how to properly observe them.
But what does it mean that this Shabbat is Gadol (usually translated as “great")? The Sfas Emes (Rabbi Yehudah Aryeh Leib Alter 1847-1905) analyzes the word Gadol by comparing duties of a Kohen (Priest) and a Kohen Gadol (High Priest). When a regular Kohen begins his career of performing the sacrificial service in the Holy Temple, he must bring a special meal-offering. The Kohen Gadol brings this special sacrifice every day that he serves. We can thereby deduce that one difference between a Kohen Gadol and a regular Kohen is that the former must re-dedicate himself to the Temple service every day.
The Ohr Gedalyahu (Rabbi Gedalia Schorr, 1910-1979) concludes from this that the word Gadol implies not only greatness but renewal. Shabbat HaGadol is a time to renew ourselves, to re-dedicate ourselves to spiritual service in preparation for Passover. During the Seder and throughout the holiday, we are instructed to flatten our ego (like matzah) and be thankful to God for bringing us from slavery to freedom. This Shabbat HaGadol, may we be like the Kohen Gadol, and dedicate ourselves anew to serving the Holy One!
Image: Kohen, Kohen Gadol and a Levite (C. Foster, 1873).
Accidental Talmudist
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Monopólio do Google em Risco: Fundos Brasileiros Vendem Ações da Alphabet e Avaliam Incertezas
O Google, gigante das buscas online, enfrenta um momento delicado com seu modelo de negócios em xeque. Gestores brasileiros têm vendido ações da Alphabet (GOGL34), controladora da empresa, devido a incertezas sobre o futuro da companhia e o aumento da pressão regulatória. O movimento é liderado por fundos como a SFA Investimentos e AZ Quest, que zeraram suas posições, conforme anunciado após a…
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A sessão aconteceu no plenário da Assembleia Legislativa.FOTO: Vicente Schmitt/Agência AL Atendendo a uma proposição da bancada do PP, a Assembleia Legislativa de Santa Catarina realizou na noite desta quinta-feira (22) uma sessão especial para homenagear os 55 anos de criação do Conselho Regional de Medicina Veterinária do Estado de Santa Catarina (CRMV-SC). Durante o evento, que reuniu lideranças políticas, empresários, representantes de órgãos públicos e de associações de classe, também foram destacadas as entidades e pessoas que contribuíram para o desenvolvimento do conselho. Na abertura, o deputado José Milton Scheffer (PP) falou da importância do trabalho realizado por médicos veterinários e zootecnistas para o desenvolvimento do agronegócio no estado. “Estes profissionais têm feito um trabalho espetacular em Santa Catarina, não só na parte animal, mas também no cuidado com o meio ambiente. Tudo regrado e acompanhado pelo conselho. É por eles que hoje temos certificados de sanidade animal que nos permitem vender produtos para o Brasil e também para o mundo inteiro. Então, nada mais justo que a Assembleia Legislativa prestar uma homenagem ao conselho e também às categorias dos médicos veterinários e zootecnistas.” Em sua fala, o presidente do CRMV-SC, Moacir Tonet, destacou que a entidade, criada no ano de 1969, atualmente conta com 10 mil médicos veterinários e 300 zootecnistas, e que a tendência é que estes números aumentem, não só pela expansão do agronegócio no estado, mas também dos estabelecimentos voltados ao cuidado de animais de estimação. De acordo com Tonet, o estado conta hoje com 31 faculdades de medicina veterinária. “Hoje nós temos mais cachorros e gatos do que crianças nos lares catarinenses. E são pets que são muito humanizados, tratados como filhos pelas pessoas. Isso faz com que a classe do médico veterinário tenha um compromisso bem maior em sua atuação, não só com os animais, mas também com os tutores dos mesmos.” Falando em nome dos homenageados, a presidente do Conselho Federal de Medicina Veterinária (CFMV), Ana Elisa Fernandes de Souza Almeida, destacou a importância dos conselhos regionais para a fiscalização do exercício dos profissionais do setor e a garantia da qualidade dos produtos e serviços vinculados a ele. Sobre os médicos veterinários e zootecnistas, a dirigente afirmou que os profissionais estão diretamente ligados ao sucesso alcançado pelo Brasil em meio ao agronegócio mundial. “Eles são atores importantíssimos, que garantem não só a saúde dos rebanhos, como também o mercado, trazendo divisas para o país. Então, se hoje somos um país livre de febre aftosa sem vacinação, isso foi graças ao trabalho dedicado dos médicos veterinários e também dos zootecnistas, na parte de melhoramento genético. Isso é muito importante e nos honra muito.” Homenageados Conselho Regional de Medicina Veterinária do Estado de Santa Catarina (CRMV-SC); Conselho Federal de Medicina Veterinária (CFMV); Superintendência Federal de Agricultura (SFA-SC); Secretaria de Estado da Agricultura e Pecuária de Santa Catarina (SAR-SC); Companhia Integrada de Desenvolvimento Agrícola de Santa Catarina (Cidasc); Associação Catarinense das Fundações Educacionais (Acafe); Federação de Consórcios, Associações de Municípios e Municípios de Santa Catarina (Fecam); Instituto Catarinense de Sanidade Agropecuária (Icasa); Sindicato da Indústria de Carnes e Derivados no Estado de Santa Catarina (Sindicarne); Núcleo Oeste de Médicos Veterinários e Zootecnistas (Nucleovet); Adilton Antonin, primeiro zootecnista registrado em Santa Catarina; Aguinaldo Scheffer, médico veterinário com registro ativo mais antigo no CRMV-SC; Eliana Renuncio, médica veterinária, e liderança feminina no setor da agroindústria; Jalusa Deon Kich, médica veterinária e pesquisadora na Embrapa Suínos e Aves; José Zeferino Pedrozo, presidente do sistema Faesc/Senar-SC e do Conselho Deliberativo do Sebrae Nacional;
Juarez de Campos Freire, médico-veterinário atuante na erradicação da febre aftosa; Maria do Horto Nagano, uma das primeiras médicas-veterinárias com registro no CRMV-SC; Marília Terezinha Sangoi Padilha, primeira mulher zootecnista registrada em Santa Catarina; Mônica Badin, profissional com mais tempo de atuação no CRMV-SC; Paulo Roberto Costa Leite Garcia, médico veterinário e presidente da Sociedade Catarinense de Medicina Veterinária no período de 1992 a 2013; Ricardo de Souza Carvalho, médico veterinário e prefeito do município de São Bonifácio no período de 2017 a 2020. Alexandre Back Agência AL Fonte: Agência ALESC
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CAPACITAÇÃO: Candidatos do serviço Família Acolhedora receberão primeiro treinamento de 2024
Serviço busca ampliar número de candidatos interessados no acolhimento A Prefeitura de Porto Velho, por meio da Secretaria Municipal de Assistência Social e da Família (Semasf), junto ao Centro de Referência Especializado de Assistência Social (Creas), realizará o curso de capacitação do serviço Família Acolhedora nos próximos dias 24, 25 e 26 de abril, à partir das 19h, no auditório do Creas, à rua Geraldo Ferreira, 2166, bairro Agenor de Carvalho. A gerente do serviço Família Acolhedora, Magda de Sá, explica que essa será a primeira capacitação deste ano para novas famílias. Atualmente, o serviço conta com 28 famílias inscritas, e o objetivo é ampliar o banco de dados do serviço Família Acolhedora. “Hoje estamos com sete crianças acolhidas, e a gente pretende que esse banco aumente para podermos propiciar às crianças que estão no abrigo um acolhimento familiar”, completou Magda. NOVAS INSCRIÇÕES As inscrições estão abertas para novos interessados e podem ser feitas aqui, e mais informações adquiridas pelo telefone: (69) 98473-60 21; ou e-mail: [email protected]. ACOLHIMENTO TEMPORÁRIO O serviço não é uma adoção, mas um acolhimento familiar temporário, com a criança ou adolescente sendo recebida por uma família e passando a conviver com ela, sendo um ambiente ideal para superar traumas, inseguranças e outros desafios de quem sofreu algum tipo de violência. “O Serviço de Acolhimento em Família Acolhedora (SFA) é uma modalidade de acolhimento que visa oferecer proteção integral às crianças e adolescentes que precisam ser afastados temporariamente de sua família de origem ou extensa por medida de proteção. O acolhimento deve ser a última medida para garantia dos direitos de crianças e/ou adolescentes, após se esgotarem as outras possibilidades de apoio à família de origem pela rede de serviços”, explica Magda. A importância de estabelecer um tempo limite para o acolhimento está atrelada, portanto, ao objetivo principal da medida protetiva, de reintegrar à criança e/ou o adolescente à sua família de origem e/ou extensa ou inseri-la em família por adoção, quando comprovada a impossibilidade de reintegração familiar. As famílias interessadas devem buscar realizar o cadastro, manifestando as suas preferências e outras informações que serão avaliadas, e o processo inclui capacitação e habilitação voltada para assegurar a proteção e individualidade de crianças e adolescentes em acolhimento institucional, oferecendo-lhes um lar temporário. Uma vez instituído o SFA, preparadas e selecionadas as famílias acolhedoras, começa o trabalho de encaminhamento de crianças e adolescentes em situação de risco ou violação de direitos para o SFA. O atendimento é executado por uma equipe profissional com a corresponsabilização da rede de serviços das diversas políticas públicas do município. A partir do acolhimento e da inserção da criança e/ou do adolescente em uma família acolhedora. Texto: Rando Silva Foto: SMC/ Ana Flávia Venâncio Superintendência Municipal de Comunicação (SMC) Fonte: Prefeitura de Porto Velho - RO Read the full article
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Desbravando barreiras! Jato supersônico XB-1 recebe aprovação para testes
O jato supersônico XB-1, desenvolvido pela Boom Supersonic, alcança mais um marco significativo em sua jornada rumo ao futuro da aviação. Recentemente, a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), o equivalente à ANAC nos Estados Unidos, concedeu a Autorização de Voo Especial (SFA) para que o XB-1 quebre a barreira do som durante seus testes na Califórnia. Esta autorização chega pouco após o…
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Notícias CONVÊNIO Valor financiou compra de quase 160 itens, entre tratores, retroescavadeiras e kits de implementos agrícolas Publicado em 18/12/2023 10h45 Bahia recebe R$ 26 milhões em emendas parlamentares para fomento ao setor agropecuário Bahia recebe R$ 26 milhões em emendas parlamentares para fomento ao setor agropecuário O Ministério da Agricultura e Pecuária (Mapa) destinou cerca de R$ R$ 26 milhões para o estado da Bahia. Os valores são provenientes de emendas parlamentares de bancada e financiaram a compra de quase 160 itens: foram 10 retroescavadeiras, 73 tratores e 73 kits de implementos agrícolas (compostos por arado, grade e carreta). O repasse foi realizado por meio da Superintendência de Agricultura e Pecuária da Bahia (SFA/BA). Foram R$ 11,7 milhões destinados à compra de tratores agrícolas (ao valor de R$ 161,3 mil cada); e R$ 8,5 milhões para a aquisição de retroescavadeiras (ao valor de R$ 854,3 mil cada). Além disso, do valor repassado ao estado, mais de R$ R$ 5,6 milhões foram utilizados para a compra dos kits (R$ 77,895,54 cada kit com arado, grade e carreta). Os repasses têm o objetivo de impulsionar a agropecuária na Bahia, subsidiando a obtenção de equipamentos e veículos que proporcionam mais produtividade, segurança e celeridade no escoamento da produção, garantindo o incremento da renda aos produtores. O principal público beneficiado pela medida são famílias de pequenos agricultores que exploram lavouras de subsistência em diversos municípios baianos, sobretudo aqueles que têm dificuldade no escoamento da produção, devido à precariedade ou inexistência de estradas vicinais. Os tratores, bem como os kits de implementos agrícolas, tornarão mais eficiente o preparo do solo, resultando em mais produtividade. As retroescavadeiras, por sua vez, serão úteis ao potencializar a qualidade e a velocidade no escoamento da produção, por meio da abertura de estradas vicinais e criando novas rotas de integração e comercialização. Todos os detalhes do Convênio 925964/2022 são públicos e estão disponíveis para consulta no Transferegov. Informações à [email protected] (function() var po = document.createElement('script'); po.async = true; po.src = document.location.protocol + '//connect.facebook.net/pt_BR/all.js#xfbml=1'; var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; head.appendChild(po); ()); Link da matéria
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Cúpula da Amazônia mobiliza Superintendentes Federais de Agricultura da Região Norte
Representantes das SFAs do Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Pará, Rondônia, Roraima e Tocantins participaram de imersão, em Brasília, voltada à gestão estratégica do Mapa
Oziel Oliveira (E) reúne superintendentes de Agricultura da Região Norte em Brasília – Foto: Elio Rizzo/AGROemDIA Da redação//AGROemDIA As Superintendências Federais de Agricultura (SFAs) dos sete estados da Região Norte estão prontas para dar suporte ao Ministério da Agricultura e Pecuária (Mapa) e aos demais órgãos do governo federal durante a Cúpula da Amazônia, que ocorrerá nos dias 8 e 9 de…
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#Agricultura#agronegócio#agropecuária#cupula da amazonia#Mapa#ministério da agricultura#oziel oliveira#SFAs#superintendências federais de agricultura#superintendentes federais de agricultura
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dororo my beloved
#mine#artists on tumblr#keroro gunso#sgt frog#sgt keroro#sergeant frog#dororo#lance corporal dororo#dororo kg#i was never good at drawing Tha Frogs...... but i love em to death#i have the most memories of sfa tho cuz i would rewatch those episodes a lot more. idk how 2 feel abt that <3
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The Shabbat before Passover, known as Shabbat HaGadol, features special customs such as reading part of the Passover Haggadah (from “We were slaves” until “to atone for all of our sins.”) Traditionally, rabbis speak to their congregations on this day about the laws of Passover and how to properly observe them. But what does it mean that this Shabbat is Gadol (usually translated as “great")? The Sfas Emes (Rabbi Yehudah Aryeh Leib Alter 1847-1905) analyzes the word Gadol by comparing duties of a Kohen (Priest) and a Kohen Gadol (High Priest). When a Kohen starts his career of performing the sacrificial service in the Holy Temple, he must bring a special meal-offering. The Kohen Gadol brings this special sacrifice every day that he serves. We can thereby deduce that one difference between a Kohen Gadol and a regular Kohen is that the former must re-dedicate himself to the Temple service every day. The Ohr Gedalyahu (Rabbi Gedalia Schorr, 1910-1979) concludes from this that the word Gadol implies not only greatness but renewal. Shabbat HaGadol is a time to renew ourselves, to re-dedicate ourselves to spiritual service in preparation for Passover. During the Seder and throughout the holiday, we are instructed to flatten our ego (like matzah) and be thankful to God for bringing us from slavery to freedom. This Shabbat HaGadol, may we be like the Kohen Gadol, and dedicate ourselves anew to serving the Holy One!
Image: Kohen, Kohen Gadol and a Levite (C. Foster, 1873).
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The ARW ( acronym of "Army Ranger Wing", Sciathán Fianóglach an Airm, "SFA" in Irish) is the special operations force of the Irish Defence Forces. It was born on 16th March 1980 with the primary role of counter terrorism and evolved to both special operations and counter terrorism roles from 2000 after the end of conflict in Northern Ireland. Their HQ is based in Curragh Camp, County Kildare and in 2015 White Paper on Defence announced that the strength of the ARW would be considerably increased due to operational requirements at home and overseas. The size of this unit is classified and their roles are counter-terrorism, special operations, direct action, counterinsurgency and special reconnaissance. Their motto says: "Glaine ár gcroí, Neart ár ngéag, agus beart de réir ár mbriathar", that means "The cleanliness of our hearts, The strength of our limbs, and our commitment to our promise". Their colours are black, red and gold and they operated in the following missions: UNOSOM II; INTERFET; UNPROFOR; UNFICYP; UNIFIL; MINURSO; UNMIL; MINURCAT; MINUSMA. The ARW trains with special forces units around the world, particularly in Europe. The ARW in its domestic counter terrorism role trains and deploys with the Garda Síochána (national police) specialist armed intervention unit, the Emergency Response Unit (ERU). #ireland #irish #🇮🇪 #specialoperationforces #specialforces #special #forces #operators #specialoperators #army #irisharmy #military #unit #militaryunit #informational #information (em Irlanda) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmUMcLSLh28/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Uma década de um dos álbuns mais potentes do Avenged Sevenfold: Nightmare completa hoje (27/07), 10 anos de seu lançamento.
Todos os acontecimentos ocorridos durante a ‘era Nightmare’ parecem ter sido obras de um destino infeliz e trágico, mas também poético. O processo criativo, as gravações, a turnê e até mesmo os videoclipes soam hoje como coincidências absurdas.
Para dar início a esse artigo é importante deixar claro, aos novos fãs desavisados, ou aos leitores que caíram aqui por acaso, que Nightmare é o álbum póstumo de Jimmy Sullivan, o ex-baterista do Avenged Sevenfold. Embora o disco seja em tributo ao amigo, que faleceu em dezembro de 2009, o vocalista e frontman do A7X fez questão de deixar claro que Jimmy participou de todo o processo criativo de Nightmare.
A principal característica do álbum é, sem dúvidas, as letras melancólicas e com um tom de desesperança, que é completamente compreensível. Entretanto, o grande interesse da massa quanto a isso é: parece que o que aconteceria ali após o processo criativo e durante o processo de gravação, a morte de The Rev, já era algo esperado. Todavia, falaremos disso mais adiante.
O fato é que Nightmare é um álbum genial melodicamente falando. Talvez, nesse sentido, o meu favorito. Possui riffs potentes, que criam uma atmosfera pesada, de completo desconforto e isso traduzia bem o momento. Bons exemplos disso são os riffs de God Hates Us, logo após uma intro um tanto melódica que dá um contraste para a música; e Natural Born Killer, que além do riff se destaca também por ter um dos melhores solos da carreira de Synyster Gates. Contudo, apesar dos grandes riffs, Nightmare é o álbum mais melódico da banda, como é perceptível nas faixas Victim, Tonight The World Dies, Buried Alive (cuja dinâmica da música a torna uma das maiores obras da carreira do A7X), Save Me, So Far Away e Fiction – falaremos das duas últimas separadamente mais abaixo.
A linha de bateria do Nightmare é a mais bem trabalhada até o ano em que o disco foi lançado, embora o City of Evil traduza bem o estilo de Jimmy. Nightmare é um álbum em que todos os integrantes do Sevenfold puderam brilhar individualmente e, ainda assim, puderam mostrar que eram uma banda cujo trabalho é conjunto e sólido.
A ‘era Nightmare’ contou com apenas dois singles: Nightmare e Buried Alive, mas outras músicas do álbum tomaram enorme espaço como So Far Away e Fiction. Isso aconteceu porque Fiction foi a última música escrita e gravada por Jimmy antes de sua morte. O próprio Rev definiu Fiction como sua ‘última obra nesse mundo’, e a letra é um prenúncio do que viria acontecer. So Far Away, por sua vez, é uma balada escrita por Synyster Gates em homenagem ao amigo. A música, inicialmente, estava sendo escrita para seu avô, mas Gates decidiu concluí-la como uma homenagem ao melhor amigo. Com o grande sentimento por trás de So Far Away, a faixa logo se tornou uma das queridinhas dos fãs e, assim, ganhou um videoclipe (assista aqui) com imagens dos integrantes com Jimmy.
E por falar em videoclipe, a única música, além de SFA, a ganhar um clipe foi Nightmare (clique aqui), a música homônima do álbum. O clipe de Nightmare tem a inspiração de um dos filmes favoritos de Jimmy, ‘Jacob’s Ladder’, de 1990 e as semelhanças entre o clipe e cenas do filme são muitas, conforme o Avenged Sevenfold Brasil (aqui) registrou em sua conta do Instagram.
Buried Alive é até uma das músicas mais épicas da banda e ganharia um videoclipe, conforme o próprio Avenged Sevenfold havia anunciado em setembro de 2011, mas esse clipe nunca chegou a acontecer e, no lugar disso, a banda publicou um lyric vídeo do single apenas em fevereiro de 2013.
O período de gravações e lançamento do álbum Nightmare é indiscutivelmente o período mais sombrio e difícil que o A7X já enfrentou como uma banda e um dos momentos mais difíceis da vida de seus integrantes. Com a perda de Jimmy semanas após o início das gravações do disco, Mike Portnoy assumiu as baquetas nesse processo. Com toda sua experiência, Portnoy pode acrescentar muito ao álbum e o fez com muito respeito à memória de The Rev.
O burburinho da morte de Jimmy e o lançamento de Nightmare alavancaram o Avenged Sevenfold ao mainstream de uma maneira diferente e a banda passou a ser uma das mais cogitadas em grandes turnês e festivais. O Sevenfold, porém, não se sentia preparado para retornar aos palcos em uma turnê e levou um tempo até que eles retornassem às estradas. Mike Portnoy seguiu com eles durante todo o ano de 2010 (inclusive na passagem da banda aqui no Brasil, no Festival SWU) e em 2011 o Avenged Sevenfold entrou em turnê com Arin Ilejay, que viria a se tornar, um tempo depois, membro oficial da banda.
A quem não tinha ideia desse momento na carreira da banda, pode agora compreender porque Nightmare é um dos trabalhos mais queridos da banda. Aos fãs de longa data, celebrem esse momento como se o pesadelo no qual tivemos imersos tenha se tornado um lindo sonho que dura dez anos e que se perpetuará em nossos corações para sempre.
Para melhor compreensão desse período do Avenged Sevenfold, assista ao material complementar que nossa equipe preparou abaixo para vocês, além de conteúdos exclusivos que estão sendo publicados em nossas redes sociais, Instagram e Twitter.
‘In the Studio’ (commentary):
So Far Away
Welcome to the Family
Buried Alive
Making Of:
Nightmare (official video)
Nightmare (part 01 of 02)
Nightmare (part 02 of 02)
Save Me (part 01 of 02)
Save Me (part 02 of 02)
Tour extras:
Uproar Tour
Buried Alive Tour
SWU (2010) full show- Brasil
Rock Am Ring (2011) full show - Alemanha
Uproar Tour
Spokane, Washington (2011) full show
#artigos#articles#materias#noticias#a7x#nightmare#a7x nightmare#10 anos de nightmare#nightmare ten years
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Dark Heart, Sequel (JuminxReader)
Author’s notes:
Ok… So I wrote this sequel so long ago… I don’t even know if you still remember my Dark Heart fanfiction xD
And this time it’s not edited by anyone, so I apologize for my poor grammar in advance :(
But either way I decided to post it. It’s different from previous chapters. There’s no smut but I think it��s still funny, interesting and may surprise you at the end :>
Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV | Chapter V | Sequel (You are here) |
Have a nice reading!
It was quite late when you got home after working in your office - the one which Jumin prepared especially for you. You were tired and you were about to go to bed when your phone rang. You looked at the caller I.D. - it was Zen. You didn’t expect that. You talked with him earlier today - after the meeting of the SFA – and it seemed at that time that he told you everything he had to say. So why was he calling now?
“Hello, Zen?” You said a little puzzled, picking up the phone.
“Baby~!” He started cheerfully as always, but then he lowered his voice. “I need to talk to you about something…”
He sounded serious. You felt anxious.
“What is it?”
“It’s about Jaehee, she… I mean… Argh… We should talk face to face.”
You felt even more anxious.
“What’s wrong? Is she ok?” You asked very worried, “Is she in danger? You sound so serious…”
“No, no! It’s nothing like that! Calm down, baby,” He reassured you, “It’s more about her feelings… Argh… I feel embarrassed,” He sighed loudly.
You blinked, trying to understand anything.What was he talking about?
“But I think it’s rather urgent. She… I had to take her home, she was too drunk,” Zen continued his explanation, as you were trying to catch up. Jaehee drunk? He had to take her home? From where? "We were in the pub, she talked to me about some … issues. Well, it has a lot in common with you.”
“With me?” You were in shock, “Wait. Are you with her right now? Should I visit her?”
“I drove her home, and I helped her to go the bed. She’s asleep, so I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to come here now,” He replied thoughtfully, “You live nearby, right? Can meet me somewhere and talk?”
Instinctively you looked at yourself. You were in a nightgown, ready to sleep. Of course, you could quickly get changed and meet with Zen in a nearby bar. Or you could just simply invite him to your house.
“Can you come to my house?”
His response was immediate. And you almost burst out with laughter over his puzzlement.
“WHAA- I mean, at this hour? To YOUR house?” He was nervous, his voice trembling, “Are you sure that’s a good idea? I don’t think Jumin would like this…”
You couldn’t help but giggled. This man, what was he thinking?
“Zen, we are going to TALK, just talk. There is nothing wrong with that,” You reassured him but in the deepest of your mind you felt that this situation was somehow wrong. You knew how possessive Jumin might be. Perhaps you should be more considerate?
“Well… It’s not like he need to know about our little conversation,” Zen laughed nervously. Now it really felt wrong, “I should be in a few minutes. I went for a walk when I came out of Jaehee’s house so I’m nearby.”
“Ok, I’m waiting,” You said in rather cheerfull voice, cause you always felt bright whenever you spoken with Zen. There was something charming in him, but he was always just a friend.
You snatched out of your thoughts and you looked around the room. You then scowled, seeing a really big mess. In a rush you started to collect garbage and pillows, you cleaned up a dirty cup and gathered scattered papers. And when you finished cleaning up the rest, you heard the doorbell.
“Fuck!” You cursed under your breath. You didn’t have time to get changed. “Wait a minute, please!” You run off to the bathroom to find a bathrobe. You flung it on your short nightgown and covered your exposed skin as much as you could.
When you came back to the room and walked to the front door, you caught a short breath before opened it.
“Come in, please!” you called politely, looking at Zen.
Surprised, he opened his eyes wide and scanned you from head to toe. Even now, late in the evening, in the light of the lamps, you saw how his face turned all red. And he couldn’t take his eyes away from you.
Not good, you thought to yourself, covering your body with your bathrobe even more. Okay, perhaps inviting him here was not the best idea…
“Ahahaha,” He just laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. “It feels like if I’m playing the lead role in a movie about some affair, hahaha.”
Your cheeks also flushed and now you both were laughing nervously. My god, so awkward, you thought, leading Zen to the main room. You both sat on the couch after you offered him a glass of water. You clenched your fingers at the material covering your knees as if you were afraid that it could slip from your body.
"So…” You started, breaking the silence, “You wanted to talk about Jaehee.”
“Right! God, I almost forgot about it…” He blushed hard again and turned his face when you looked at him, “I’m sorry… I’m a man, you know.”
You cleared your throat and crossed arms on your chest. You were worried about Jaehee and you wanted to know already what is wrong with her.
“Let’s be serious, Zen. Tell me what’s going on with Jaehee,” You stared at him with narrowed eyes.
“Maybe you… could… change your clothes first? I’ll wait,” He suggested shyly.
“Oh my god, Zen!” You growled, rolling your eyes, “It’s not like I’m naked, right? Please just tell me whats going on.”
When you mentioned about being naked, Zen turned red, not only on the face but also on the ears and neck. Well, it was badly chosen words…
“Zen, please…” You groaned again, losing your patience.
“Oh god, don’t use such sweet voice on me,” He whispered, still red as tomato.
“Hyun Ryu!” You burst out, “Stop messing around, you were the one who said that is an urgent matter, right? What is going on with Jaehee?”
He took a really big sip of water and sighed loudly. Then, not looking at you, he frowned.
“She is really upset… And she is in that state because of you.”
You felt cold shivers on your arms. Suddenly, the atmosphere had become very serious.
“Why?” You asked quietly.
“Well, you love Jumin, don’t you?” He continued in a low voice. “And it seems that she… loves you.”
Your eyes widened, your breath stopped for a moment. You thought that you maybe misheard. She was really close friend to you, but you never thought… Did you miss some hints? How could you not notice?
“But… Are you telling me the truth?” Your hands were shaking and when Zen nodded, you suddenly realized how long Jaehee had to suffer because of you. You felt guilty and stupid, “I… I didn’t know… What should I do…?”
“No, baby! It’s not your fault,” Zen gave you a warm smile and patted you on the head, “But I think you should talk to her.”
“This is… I don’t want to lose my friend… She is precious to me.”
She was. Even if you didn’t feel the same way, she was still your closest friend. You had to do something, talk to her, comfort her, anything. You opened your mouth, wanted to say something and then your phone rang. Actually, it was a message signal. Maybe it’s from Jaehee, you thought to yourself, but as you read the message, you felt weak and your face turned pale.
“What’s wrong?” Zen asked you, concerned. You just showed your phone to him and when he read what was on the screen, his face tensed.
_I am outside your house. I wanted to surprise you. I hope I do not trouble you. May I come in? _ Few seconds later the doorbell rang and you both looked up at each other with terror. Unfortunately, despite all the question whether this is not a problem, Jumin not even waited for you to open door for him. He just walked in with confidence and… froze.
You and Zen also froze. The silence that fell was frightening. Slowly you started to realize how it had to look from Jumin’s perspective. You’ve been with another man at your home, late at night, your modest nightgown covered only by a bathrobe, which now hung on you carelessly. The only comforting fact was that you sat on the couch instead of the bed. But it could not save the situation, could it? Nope, you were screwed.
“J-Jumin, you… surprised me!” You mumbled thoughtlessly, standing up quickly.
“I can see that,” He said in cold voice, his eyes focused on Zen with growing fury.
Zen sighed, trying to act tough, but you could see his trembling hands.
“Dude, calm down. We were only talking,” He stood up slowly, patting you on the head again. Oh my god, why did he do this right now! You swallowed, seeing how Jumin’s face began to cover with expression of dark and deep rage.
“Jumin… Zen says the truth, we were just…” You stopped in mid-sentence when he pierced you with one glance.
“You better go to your room and wait there for me… My love,” He hissed in a voice that made you shuddered.
“Hey!” Zen called out to him in anger, “Aren’t you too harsh with her? Don’t you see that she’s scared of you, you freak?”
Without a word Jumin approached him suddenly, grabbed him by the coat and pressed him violently against the wall.
“Don’t you dare lay a finger on her again or either way I’ll…” His voice was like a hiss of a snake.
Zen whined, but as soon as he got rid of the shock, he pushed Jumin away and growled with anger.
“Are you MAD or what?! Didn’t you hear? We were only talking, you insane jerk!”
“Am I supposed to believe this?” His eyes were full of cold madness, it was hard to describe, but even Zen stepped back. “Even someone like you is smart enough to understand what it looks like.”
“But it’s nothing like this!” You shrieked, interfering. You were afraid that it might end up in a fight, “I invited him here because we had to talk about Jaehee…”
Goosebumps spread all over your body when your eyes encountered his dark glance again. He was clenching his teeth. Your heart jumped into your throat.
“I… I should never do that. I’m sorry, Master…” It slipped through your mouth, you were not aware of this until you heard Zen coughing.
"What did you just…?” He was in deep shock, as well as Jumin who didn’t expected that you could ever call him “Master” in front of another person. Well, he probably didn’t expect that you could call him this name outside the bedroom whatsoever.
“OH GOD, what kind of sick relationship is this?” You could swear that Zen’s face was not pale, it was almost green, “Does this freak force you to saying such things?”
You started to giggle hysterically, feeling sick to your stomach. This situation would be even funny, if not the fact that Jumin wasn’t in a good mood and even confused Zen’s expression wasn’t able to change that.
“This is none of your business, Zen,” Jumin spoke, massaging his temples with irritation.
“Of course it is my business!” Zen shouted in rage, “She’s my friend and I can’t allow you treat her like that!”
“I treat her well,” Jumin just stood there in one place, his whole body tense. You saw how much it costed him not to do anything wrong. You saw in his eyes that he was tempted to do something.
“Treat her well? Like hell you do!” Zen was also becoming more and more pissed and he stepped toward Jumin vigorously. NOT GOOD. “She would be a lot of happier if I’d stole her from under your nose!”
You lost your breath as he said it. Why did he say such a thing?! With horror you watched as Jumin took off his jacket, throws it at the ground and moved towards Zen rapidly. His expression suggested that he just lost control of himself.
“So I understood the situation correctly, you just started your attempts of stealing her away from me.”
“You’re damn right! What are you going to do about it?!”
They were facing each other very closely, both engrossed in a fury. You knew that you had to intervene, otherwise it will turn into violent fight.
“Jumin, stop this!” You ran off to him suddenly and clutched onto his shoulder. “Zen’s just trying to upset you, nothing of what he says is true!” You lift your gaze at the white-haired man and you sent him a threatening look. You were mad at him for the fact that he’s provoking Jumin more and more, when it was completely unnecessary.
However Jumin shook his arm and pulled you aside, his fingers firmly closed on your shoulder.
“Please stay out of this, my princess,” He wasn’t looking at you, his voice low.
And now it was turn for your anger, which erupted in you so unexpectedly that you not even tried to stop it. You simply slipped between two men and pushed them away from each other, screaming:
“This is my freaking house! If you two want to fight, then go fucking outside and leave me alone!”
They both looked at you with surprise, saying nothing. You were scanning them with anger in your eyes, breathing loudly. Then you sighed and hide your face in your hands. You were exhausted.
“Zen, please just go home,” You said quietly, in a tired voice. He opened his mouth, probably wanted to protest, but you lifted your hand and gave him a sharp glance, “I said, GO HOME.”
“He’s going nowhere until…” This time it was Jimin speaking, but you growled at him and punched him in a shoulder. And he clenched his mouth immediately, watching you in shock.
After a brief and awkward moment, Zen finally left your apartment, muttering under his breath, and you stayed alone with still puzzled Jumin.
You both were sitting on the couch for quite a moment now, in completely silence. The atmosphere was heavy and strange. You didn’t know how to explain this situation so that Jumin could believed that nothing happened between you and Zen. You looked up at him. He was so tense.
“Jumin…” You started hesitantly, “Please, believe me… Zen was here just because he wanted to talk with me about Jaehee.”
“Either way, he is clearly interested in you,” Jumin stated, not looking at you.
“No, he is not!” You exclaimed with conviction, “He just wanted to play on your nerves, and well, he succeeded.”
“You should not invite him here,” Jumin’s eyes have suddenly become full of dark aura. This situation, at first simply stupid and ridiculous, now began to escalate into something dangerous. If a moment ago you managed to show your anger and bring the two men to their senses, now, being alone with Jumin, you felt chills running down your spine.
“I know,” You dropped your head with guilt, “That was stupid of me, please forgive me.”
All at once he grabbed your shoulders and pushed you onto the couch. He hung over you, his eyes cold and fixated at your figure curled up under him. His breathing quickly became heavy and hoarse.
“I think I understand why you did this,” He rasped, leaning down, “You naughty girl, you want to be punished so badly?”
Something got into him, you saw it clearly. You knew that your answer at this time can make a big difference. You had to think carefully about the choice of your words. You looked him straight in the eye. Oh, how much you was tempted to answer that it is exactly what you want. You had a great desire to provoke him even more, allow him to punish you in whatever way he wished to. But there was something in him. Something that made you realize that there will be no turning back. If you’d allow him to lose control at this point, he’d never back to his senses - you knew that.
[Make your choice now]
A. “Yes…” You bit your lower lip, “You’re right… I wanted to be punished, really badly, Master.”
B. “No, Jumin, wait… It’s just a big misunderstanding.”
Well, this is it... I'm sorry if it was a little cheesy, but I always wanted to see Zen and Jumin fight like this :> Again, sorry for my poor grammar. If you want to help me with edit and fixing my mistakes, feel free to pm me :)
#mystic messenger#AU#fanfiction#jumin#jumin han#jumin han x reader#Zen#jeahee#dark heart#multiple endings
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