#Seychelles tour
dayapandey · 4 months
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Discover the allure of Seycehlles with exclusive tour packages from Thrillophilia. Explore the vibrant cityscape and breathtaking attractions at unbeatable prices. Thrillophilia's Seychelles packages offer a perfect blend of adventure, relaxation, and cultural immersion. Benefit from exciting deals that include airfare, accommodation, and guided sightseeing tours. Unravel the wonders of this dynamic city with tailored itineraries and expert guidance. Book now and embark on an unforgettable journey to Seychelles, where every moment promises excitement and enchantment.
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r0hitdhiman · 2 years
Tralover offers many Seychelles tour packages and provides its customers a large variety. The package for Seychelles Visit to read more.
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neufhistoires · 1 year
Loveless Marriage (FrUK) Chapter 9
Loveless Marriage
Chapter 9
Word Count: 4,327
Seychelles was a beautiful country, so any couple would be happy to have their honeymoon there together… That is, if the couple was truly a couple.
It was rather awkward for Francis and Arthur to go to such a lovey dovey place together alone. Their parents had booked them separate rooms, instructing that they just had to be careful not to post pictures that alluded to them being in two different rooms. They told them that it was their treat to them for following through with the whole publicity stunt so well. Francis was hurt by the wedding ceremony, but the thought of essentially just hanging out with Arthur on an island where they didn’t have to put on a show anymore didn’t sound so bad… Actually, it sounded kind of fun.
Francis wanted to hit up the different nightclubs on the islands, go shopping, see the botanical gardens– that sort of thing. On the other hand, Arthur wanted to go to the island that was supposedly haunted. What they were interested in on the island did differ some, but they were both excited to go nonetheless.
Checking into the hotel felt normal because they didn’t have to pretend they were in love or anything, and they were both registered under their own last names. It was sure to be a whole argument when they had to figure out what to do about their last names now that they were technically married, but they would deal with that when the time came…
They brought their luggage to their hotel rooms and then met back up in the hallway afterwards. They didn’t have to spend time with one another, and they did want to do different things, but… they didn’t know anyone in Seychelles, so it made sense to stay together, right? Surely that was the only reason they did.
“I guess I’ll spend time with you because you’re terrible at socializing,” Francis said with a smug look on his face as he leaned over Arthur’s shoulder to look at the tourist map they had been given in the hotel lobby.
“Hmph, a haunted island would be more fun alone anyway. Go off and hook up with random people you’ll never see again if that’s what your idea of fun is,” Arthur said dismissively, as though he was too caught up in looking at the map to care about the Frenchman’s jabs at him.
“Are you really looking for ghosts on an all expenses paid vacation? I thought you were joking,” Francis said, surprise apparent on his face.
“I’ve already heard all the ghost stories in England. Not to mention the ghost that I keep seeing in our neighbor’s window…” Arthur muttered the last part, but it sent chills up Francis’s spine.
“Stop reminding me,” Francis retorted. He hated that sort of thing. Especially because he was pretty sure he had seen it a few times, too…
“How about we make a compromise?” Arthur said, lowering the map and locking eyes with the taller blonde beside him. “We’ll go to the haunted island today and then I’ll go out drinking with you afterwards.”
“That’s not fair– you like to go out drinking, too!” Francis complained, narrowing his eyes at the Englishman.
“Fine– what do you want to do then?” Arthur asked, sounding as though he was forced to ask him that question.
“We’ll go out drinking tonight, because we both want to, and then tomorrow will be my day to choose what we do… Which will most likely be…” Francis pulled the map out of Arthur’s hands so he could look at it again. On the right hand side of the map different attractions and events were listed. “We should go sunbathing and swimming at the Côte d’Or!”
Arthur looked like someone had stabbed him when he heard that Francis wanted to go sunbathing and swimming on some crowded tourist beach. However… the truth was that he didn’t actually want to go to the haunted island by himself… and the people in Seychelles did speak French, so it would make sense for Francis to come along with him… so…
“Alright, fine– we’ll go there tomorrow,” Arthur agreed reluctantly, making Francis smirk victoriously. Arthur cursed himself for thinking that Francis looked kind of handsome with that smug look on his face.
“It’s settled then– off to Moyenne Island!” Arthur said, pointing his finger at the island on the map with such enthusiasm that he made himself blush with embarrassment afterwards.
They took a ferry from the main island to Moyenne Island, which was supposedly haunted by ghosts, some of which just so happened to be British, and others which happened to be pirates. Arthur had always been interested in both ghosts and pirates, and he was British, so it was like it was practically made for him.
When the ferry finally arrived on the island, it left to return other tourists to the main island and pick up more people who were interested in going on the haunted tour. Francis was a bit unsettled by the whole thing, but it was still rather early in the day, so he figured he didn’t have to worry too much about seeing any ghosts. After all, they only came out during the day, right?
The tour guide started by explaining some of the history of the island while they were still standing at the shore. Then, after adding in some details about how the last man who owned the island died there (great), the tour guide began leading them through the wooded part of the island and it started to seem darker due to the shade from the trees.
They passed a sign that said the Moyenne Island National Park closed at four o’clock, but it was already four thirty. Francis had been reassured by daylight, but it was most likely going to get dark for part of their tour.
“Arthur– how long is this tour?” Francis asked, nudging the Englishman out of the trance he was in as he listened to the tour guide.
“It’s going to be a few more hours, but don’t worry so much– I checked and some of the bars around here don’t even open until midnight,” Arthur said dismissively, putting his hand on the Frenchman’s shoulder to urge him to continue up the trail with the other tourists.
It wasn’t exactly that Francis was thinking about drinking, but more so that he didn’t want to be on an island that was allegedly haunted in the dark… It was too embarrassing to admit that though, so he just accepted that Arthur apparently thought he was an alcoholic and continued to tread up the trail.
Eventually, they made it further up the hill and reached an area where mounds of cement with iron crosses atop them donned metal plaques which read “Unhappily Unknown.” They were tombstones.
Unfortunately, the sun had started to set when the tour guide stopped in front of the tombstones and started to explain who built them and when. The nameless ones were supposedly pirates who had visited the islands in the 1800s. The previous owner of the island was buried there himself along with his father. The thought alone sent chills down Francis’s spine. He wanted to leave.
“Do you think I’ll be able to capture a photo of a ghost?” Arthur whispered, leaning in towards Francis so he didn’t interrupt the tour guide who was still speaking. The Englishman had his phone out every once and awhile, making sure to take a photo of anything the tour guide mentioned being haunted or belonging to someone long dead.
“I don’t know– maybe,” Francis replied nonchalantly, but on the inside he was going against Arthur, hoping he didn’t see any ghosts.
The tour continued and they had finally made their way past the ominous tombstones. Francis had been impatiently waiting for that moment, but then his own paranoid thoughts caught up to him and he started to think about how unsettling it was that the graves were behind them now.
Francis and Arthur were at the back of the tour group, which was most likely due to a combination of Arthur stopping to take photos of everything and Francis being reluctant to be there in the first place. At the beginning of the tour, Francis thought being in the back was the thing to do. After all, he didn’t want to be there so why get in the way of those who did? However, he was starting to regret it because he felt rather vulnerable with no one else following behind them.
Nonchalantly– at least he hoped it was nonchalant– Francis grabbed Arthur’s hand and then acted like nothing happened when the Englishman turned to him with a confused expression on his face. 
“You got my hopes up– I thought you were a ghost,” Arthur joked. The sun had finished setting and it was dark. It was difficult to see much of anything other than the light that the tour guide was carrying and the occasional light from the other tourists’ cell phones.
“You were hoping to hold hands with a ghost?” Francis asked dumbfoundedly.
“Why are you holding my hand anyway?” Arthur asked, ignoring the Frenchman’s question. Of course he wanted to hold hands with a ghost.
Francis contemplated what he should say for a moment before a smirk formed on his face and he cleaned in closer to the Englishman. “You’re my husband– why shouldn’t I hold your hand?”
Arthur’s face flushed and he gave Francis a light shove, making their hands detach from one another. “Don’t say things like that..!”
The two of them walked in silence through the dark woods for a few before Francis casually reached out and took Arthur’s hand again, causing him to let out a sigh. Arthur would’ve just accepted it, but then a thought crossed his mind…
“You’re afraid, aren’t you?” Arthur asked with a smirk. 
“What? What’s there to be afraid of?” Francis retorted, but his offended tone made the truth easy to reveal.”If anything, the ghosts would come after you– you’ve been taking their pictures all day, after all..!”
Arthur’s expression was enough to make Francis even more annoyed, because the smirk on his face just kept growing.
“You could’ve just told me you didn’t want to come because you were scared– you didn’t have to lie and tell me you just thought it was boring,” Arthur continued to tease Francis until they reached another spot in the tour, so they had to quiet down if they wanted to hear what the tour guide had to say.
However, there was quite a distance between Francis and Arthur and the tour guide. That was why the noise that Francis heard behind himself was so distinct. He had definitely heard something. It sounded like some sort of rustling in the trees.
Francis still had Arthur’s hand in his because regardless of how much the other man had teased him, he still secretly liked holding him close like that, especially in public… So, in the most aloof way possible, he turned around to look at the clearing behind him to see if anything was there. There didn’t appear to be anything, but then he heard it again and he suddenly went from feeling a little suspicious to feeling terrified.
“Arthur– did you hear something?” Francis whispered.
“Huh? No, did you?” Arthur asked, feeling a bit empathetic towards the other man when he felt how tight he was squeezing his hand.
“Oui, it sounded like there was something behind us just now,” Francis replied, glancing at the path behind them again.
“You know what– it was probably just a–” Arthur started, but he was cut off by Francis suddenly jumping and clinging to his arm. The Frenchman’s actions were enough to catch him off guard and scare him, too, in the process.
The culprit that had followed and terrified Francis turned out to be a giant tortoise, which slowly crept out of the bushes after Francis’s sudden movements. Upon seeing what it was, the Frenchman released Arthur and let out a sheepish laugh.
“What I was going to say was that it was probably a giant tortoise,” Arthur said in a somewhat annoyed tone because Francis had scared him, too. “Weren’t you listening? The tour guide mentioned that the man who bought the island brought giant tortoises here, so we might see them roaming about during our tour.”
“Yeah, and he also mentioned how this island is haunted about five million times! How was I supposed to know it was a tortoise and not a ghost?!” Francis yelled in a hushed tone, hoping Arthur was the only person that witnessed his embarrassing reaction.
“So you do admit that you’re scared..!” Arthur said with a smirk, pointing his finger at Francis accusatively.
“Non! I was trying to protect you from the…” Francis stopped speaking and his cheeks turned pink as he became more and more aware of how embarrassing the whole thing was.
“From the tortoise?” Arthur pushed further, a smug grin on his face.
Francis didn’t answer him, letting out a “hmph” as he turned back around to face the tour guide. Arthur couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction. Then, the tour guide and the group of people in front of them started to walk further up the hill, so Francis and Arthur followed after them, still holding hands. It was pitch black outside, so it made sense for them to keep holding hands like that. You know— for safety reasons…
Eventually, the tour came to an end and they took the ferry back to the main island. Francis was spooked the entire way back to the island, thinking some sort of mysterious sea monster or vengeful spirit might attack them while they were drifting through the water. Meanwhile, Arthur was kind of hoping something like that would happen. For some reason, he would have loved to have seen it. Not to mention that he thought the way Francis had tried to pretend he wasn’t scared the entire time even though he kept latching onto the Englishman was rather endearing.
“Bien, c’est fini. Now let’s go to the bar,” Francis said, letting out a sigh of relief as they stepped off the ferry. “I need a drink after that,” he muttered.
“Yeah, yeah, I need one, too,” Arthur replied, a small smile on his face as he reflected on their time at the haunted island. It was actually a lot of fun.
Just like Arthur had mentioned, the bars didn’t actually open until around eleven thirty or midnight, so they had to wait a few until they could get in. Once they did, they drank much more than they should have and then headed back to the hotel.
The next morning, Francis woke up feeling like he had gotten the short end of the stick. It was his day to choose what they did, but since his day came after a night of way too much drinking, it was also plagued by a terrible hangover. Since Francis and Arthur were in separate rooms, the Frenchman couldn’t even bother the Englishman for medicine and water. He would have to get up and get it himself…
Reluctantly, Francis moved off the bed and stumbled into a standing position. He could barely remember the night before. Due to the fact that most of the night involved talking about ghosts, he couldn’t keep straight what was from the tour and what was from some sort of fever dream.
Francis fumbled around in his suitcase, trying to find medicine. Eventually he found it, took it, and then stumbled into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He looked like a mess, but he should be able to fix it within a few minutes. He just needed to take a shower and that would probably be enough to wake him up and freshen up his appearance.
Meanwhile, Arthur hadn’t even woken up until Francis was already in the shower, getting ready for the day. He was suffering from a hangover, too, but it was even more difficult for him to have motivation to get up and get ready because he absolutely didn’t want to go sunbathing and swimming at a crowded beach.
There was a selfish voice in the back of Arthur’s head that urged him to fall back asleep and forget about the plans he had made with Francis. After all, the Frenchman didn’t have a key, so all he could do was knock for a bit and then give up. Then, Arthur would have the day to himself and he wouldn’t have to do something he didn’t want to… Arthur smirked at the thought and closed his eyes again.
Just as Arthur was about to fall asleep, he realized that he couldn’t. He had a guilty conscience, and as much as he hated to admit it, he wouldn’t have been able to fall back asleep knowing that he lied to Francis and made him spend the day alone, especially after he had gone to a haunted island that he was clearly afraid of.
Arthur let out a groan and sat up, stretching his arms in the air as his head pounded with a terrible headache. Then, he went to take medicine and get a shower, too.
As soon as Arthur got out of the shower, he received a text from Francis, asking if he was ready to go. He had to rush a little bit, but the truth was that it didn’t take him very long to get dressed. He envied that Francis could get dressed in the same amount of time, but he still always ended up looking more fashionable. Actually, sometimes they wore similar things, or he took the Frenchman’s fashion advice, but he still looked better.
It had been just a normal morning and Arthur didn’t usually contemplate what he was going to wear too much, but his own thoughts suddenly overwhelmed him and he started to feel insecure at the thought that they were going to a popular tourist spot and Francis would be dressed so much better than him. He started frantically sifting through the clothing that he had brought with him, hoping to find something to pull on before Francis stopped waiting for a response and just came over himself. However, that time came quicker than the Englishman anticipated, as only a few minutes later he heard a knock on his door.
Arthur ignored the knock and continued to go through his clothing, but then he realized that nothing he packed would make him look as good as Francis. No, maybe nothing he owned would make him look as good as Francis. Or, maybe it was just him, and he couldn’t pull off anything as good as the Frenchman. Francis would look good even if he was wearing a trash bag, but Arthur felt like he struggled to put a decent outfit together.
“Arthur, bonne matin– are you awake?”
The Frenchman’s voice was easy to hear through the door, but Arthur really didn’t want to answer the door in his underwear, or, even worse, admit that he was terribly insecure and felt inferior to the Frenchman, so he was sifting through his clothes at the last minute and questioning all of  his life choices that led up to this moment.
Arthur chose to ignore Francis again and continued to look through his suitcase to find an outfit. Then, the knocking started again, and in a stressed panic Arthur just pulled on a random pair of shorts and a shirt before he ran over and swung the door open.
Francis’s eyes widened upon seeing that Arthur was indeed awake and he looked stressed rather than hungover.
“Arthur– what are you–”
“I know, I look terrible– go ahead and laugh,” Arthur said, cutting the Frenchman off before he could even finish his sentence. Also, he sort of looked like he was going to cry, like his eyes were glassy and the tears just hadn’t poured out yet.
Francis just stared at Arthur for a moment in confusion, trying to understand what could’ve made the other man so upset. He really had no idea, but he could see that the Englishman’s clothing was mismatched, so he decided to take it from there and tread carefully.
“I was just going to ask what you were doing– I could hear you rustling around in here…” Francis mumbled. “Anyway, didn’t you pack a white button up shirt with you? Why don’t you wear that? It will look nice with those shorts,” Francis said, pushing past Arthur and entering his room. He noticed the messy piles of clothing throughout the Englishman’s room and then he started to understand.
“Are you sure it will… look nice..?” Arthur murmured, shutting the door behind them as he walked back over to the piles of clothing Francis was standing in front of. He was embarrassed that the other man was looking at the mess he made– he had intended on cleaning it up when he got back later.
Francis found the white button up shirt in one of the piles of clothing and picked it up, turning to face Arthur. His heart ached at the thought that the other man felt so insecure. He felt sort of guilty, too, because he knew that he could tease him about the way he dressed sometimes. He was usually just joking and he didn’t have any malicious intentions, but he suddenly became aware of the fact that he was probably hurting the other man without realizing it.
“Oui, of course it will. I’ve always thought that you look nice in button ups– they suit you,” Francis said softly, a gentle smile on his face as he started to undo the buttons on the shirt.
Arthur felt inexplicably relieved, like a weight was lifted off his shoulders. He turned his back to Francis as he took off his shirt, but it wasn’t really because he was changing– he finally gave his eyes permission to release his tears and the pressure in his head went away some.
Arthur nonchalantly dried his cheeks when he pulled the shirt over his head and then he turned back to face Francis, who lightly tossed the shirt he had unbuttoned at him.
“Thanks,” Arthur murmured, pulling the shirt on and hastily buttoning it back up. “I’m ready then, if you are.” “Wait– you didn’t forget this did you?” Francis asked, picking a bottle of sunscreen up from Arthur’s bed.
“Oh, actually I did,” Arthur said, letting out a small laugh. He had been so concerned with his appearance and yet he had almost set himself up to get burnt to a crisp.
“I figured,” Francis said in a matter of fact tone as he opened the lid.
“What are you doing?”
“What do you mean? I’m going to put sunscreen on you,” Francis replied in a voice so innocent that Arthur almost obliged.
“No. You’re not.”
“Oh, come on. There are places you can’t reach,” Francis said, taking a step towards Arthur with a smirk on his face.
Arthur’s face paled and he took a step back, moving away from the Frenchman.
“I’m not going to get naked on the beach, so I think it’s just fine if sunscreen isn’t applied to those places,” Arthur hissed, continuing to back up as Francis neared closer.
“Arthur, you’re no fun,” Francis commented, the smirk on his face growing even larger as he lunged at the Englishman and tackled him onto the bed.
The whole thing happened so fast that Arthur felt as though his life had flashed before his eyes. The two of them ended up wrestling and laughing, accidentally getting some sunscreen on the bed and their clothes during their fight, if it could even be called that. It all felt light hearted and fun until they landed in a position where Francis was on top of Arthur and the two of them were panting from laughing and rolling around– that was when it started to feel a tad too intimate and they both abruptly pulled away from each other and got up from the bed as if a deafeningly awkward tension hadn’t just erupted.
Francis cleared his throat awkwardly and said, “anyway, you should put that on before we go to the beach.”
The two of them headed off to Côte d’Or and it basically turned out the way they both expected it would– Arthur set up a beach towel and an umbrella, hoping to fully stay out of the sun, but then Francis urged him to come get in the water, essentially guilt tripping the Englishman by saying that he did what he wanted the previous day, so now it was Arthur’s turn.
Reluctantly, Arthur did end up joining Francis in the water, but the beach turned out to be a lot less crowded than he had originally thought it would be, so it was also much less awkward than he had predicted, too. It actually wasn’t so bad. Although, to the Englishman’s dismay, because he hadn’t listened and didn’t keep reapplying sunscreen like Francis because it was too awkward to lather himself with lotion in front of a group of other tourists, he did end up getting burnt. It was mainly on his pale cheeks and his shoulders. It was sort of cute though, like he was in a constant state of blushing, Francis defended. And now he wouldn’t know if Arthur had actually blushed at that comment or not.
The day came to an end similarly to the previous one, but this time they vowed not to drink as much so they could wake up with ease and enjoy the next day properly. The plans for the following day were arranged according to Francis’s suggestion, too, but it was something that Arthur supposed he could get behind– the Victoria Botanical Gardens.
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tours2go · 1 month
Spend 4 hours on board our luxury sensation 26 deck boat.Embark with us for a nice afternoon and a romantic sunset cruise on the west coast of Mahe Island. We'll stop first in the baie ternay marine park for a nice snorkeling session and then we ll slowly cruise back on the west coast. We will serve you a snack and open a bottle of sparkling wine. You will just have to relax and enjoy this unforgettable moment! #Tours2Go #ToursToGo
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swostiindia · 2 months
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Explore the Great Outdoors with Swosti India’s International Tour Packages
1. Bhutan: The Land of the Thunder Dragon
Why Visit?
Bhutan is a hidden gem nestled in the Himalayas, known for its pristine natural beauty, rich culture, and commitment to sustainability.
Top Attractions:
Paro Valley: Home to the iconic Tiger’s Nest Monastery, perched on a cliffside, offering breathtaking views and a challenging hike.
Punakha Dzong: This stunning fortress is located at the confluence of two rivers and is surrounded by lush greenery.
Phobjikha Valley: A glacial valley famous for its black-necked cranes and serene landscapes, perfect for nature walks and bird watching.
Best Time to Visit:
March to May, September to November.
2. Singapore: The Garden City
Why Visit?
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Top Attractions:
Gardens by the Bay: Explore this futuristic garden featuring the iconic Supertree Grove, Flower Dome, and Cloud Forest.
Bukit Timah Nature Reserve: Discover Singapore’s primary rainforest and hike to the island’s highest point.
Pulau Ubin: Take a trip to this rustic island for a glimpse of Singapore’s past and enjoy cycling, hiking, and kayaking.
Best Time to Visit:
February to April.
3. Thailand: The Land of Smiles
Why Visit?
Thailand offers a mix of stunning beaches, lush jungles, and vibrant culture, making it a top destination for nature enthusiasts.
Top Attractions:
Chiang Mai: Explore the mountainous region of northern Thailand, known for its lush forests, waterfalls, and elephant sanctuaries.
Phang Nga Bay: Famous for its limestone karsts and emerald-green waters, ideal for kayaking and boat tours.
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Best Time to Visit:
November to February.
4. Vietnam: The Land of the Ascending Dragon
Why Visit?
Vietnam’s diverse landscapes range from dramatic mountains and lush valleys to serene beaches and bustling cities.
Top Attractions:
Ha Long Bay: Cruise through this UNESCO World Heritage Site, known for its emerald waters and thousands of limestone islands.
Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park: Explore some of the world’s largest caves, including the famous Son Doong Cave.
Sapa: Trek through the terraced rice fields and ethnic minority villages in this mountainous region.
Best Time to Visit:
March to April, September to November.
5. Mauritius: The Star and Key of the Indian Ocean
Why Visit?
Mauritius is renowned for its stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters, and vibrant marine life, making it a paradise for beach lovers and water sports enthusiasts.
Top Attractions:
Le Morne Brabant: Hike this UNESCO World Heritage Site for panoramic views of the island and the surrounding lagoon.
Black River Gorges National Park: Explore the lush rainforest, waterfalls, and endemic wildlife of Mauritius’ largest national park.
Île aux Cerfs: Enjoy water sports, beach relaxation, and snorkeling on this picturesque island.
Best Time to Visit:
May to December.
Booking Your Nature Adventure with Swosti India
At Swosti India, we strive to provide seamless and unforgettable travel experiences. Our international tour packages are designed to offer the best of each destination, ensuring you make the most of your trip. Here’s how you can book your next adventure:
Visit Our Website: Explore our range of international tour packages at Swosti India.
Choose Your Destination: Select the nature-centric destination that excites you the most.
Customize Your Package: Our packages are flexible, allowing you to tailor your itinerary to your preferences.
Book Online: Secure your booking through our easy-to-use online platform.
Customer Support: Our customer service team is available 24/7 to assist with any queries and ensure a smooth booking process.
Nature lovers, your dream destinations await! With Swosti India’s international tour packages, you can explore the great outdoors in some of the world’s most stunning locations. Whether you’re hiking through the Swiss Alps, cruising through Norwegian fjords, diving in the Great Barrier Reef, or trekking through the lush landscapes of Bhutan and Vietnam, unforgettable experiences are just a booking away. Embrace the beauty of nature and create memories that will last a lifetime. Book your adventure today with Swosti India!
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nstsofia · 6 months
Get the Best Seychelles Honeymoon Tour Packages
FlybirdTourism specializes in crafting unforgettable Seychelles Honeymoon Tour Packages, designed to create romantic experiences for newlyweds. Our meticulously curated packages include luxurious accommodations, private excursions to pristine beaches, romantic dinners under the stars, and opportunities to explore the breathtaking natural beauty of the Seychelles islands. With a focus on personalized service and attention to detail, FlybirdTourism ensures that every aspect of the honeymoon journey is seamless and memorable. Whether couples seek relaxation, adventure, or cultural immersion, FlybirdTourism tailors each package to fulfill unique desires, creating cherished moments that last a lifetime.
For more information visit on:-
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gktravel · 7 months
Seychelles Tour Packages from Dubai
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Embark on an enchanting journey from Dubai to Seychelles with our curated Seychelles tour packages from Dubai ! Explore the stunning beaches, azure waters, and lush landscapes of this tropical paradise. Dive into the vibrant marine life through snorkeling and diving adventures, or simply unwind on pristine shores. With seamless travel arrangements and luxurious accommodations, let us tailor your Seychelles experience. Your island adventure awaits! For more details visit best travel agency in Dubai.
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bestentours11 · 7 months
Top 7 Things to Do in Seychelles Tour Package for Tourists
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Seychelles, an archipelago of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean, is renowned for its stunning natural beauty, pristine beaches, and vibrant marine life. For tourists visiting Seychelles, there's a plethora of activities and attractions to explore, ensuring an unforgettable experience. Whether you're seeking relaxation on idyllic beaches or adventure in the great outdoors, Seychelles has something for everyone. Here are the top seven things to do that should be on your itinerary when booking a Seychelles tour package.
1. Relax on Pristine Beaches
One of the main draws of Seychelles is its pristine beaches with powdery white sands and crystal-clear waters. Anse Source d'Argent on La Digue Island and Anse Lazio on Praslin Island are particularly famous for their beauty. Included in Seychelles tour packages, spending a day lounging on these beaches, swimming in the turquoise waters, and soaking up the sun is an essential part of any Seychelles vacation.
2. Snorkel or Dive in Marine Parks
Seychelles boasts some of the most biodiverse marine ecosystems in the world, making it a paradise for snorkeling and diving enthusiasts. Included in Seychelles tour packages, visitors can explore colorful coral reefs teeming with marine life in marine parks like Sainte Anne Marine National Park and Baie Ternay Marine National Park. Dive among schools of tropical fish, encounter sea turtles and reef sharks, and marvel at the beauty of underwater landscapes.
3. Visit Vallée de Mai Nature Reserve
Vallée de Mai Nature Reserve on Praslin Island is a UNESCO World Heritage site and home to the iconic coco de mer palm, which produces the largest seeds in the plant kingdom. Included in Seychelles tour packages, visitors can take guided nature walks through the lush forest, spotting rare birds and other endemic species along the way. Explore scenic trails, learn about the unique flora and fauna, and witness the majestic beauty of this pristine wilderness.
4. Explore Victoria, the Capital City
Victoria, the capital city of Seychelles on Mahé Island, offers a mix of colonial architecture, vibrant markets, and cultural landmarks. Included in Seychelles tour packages, visitors can explore attractions like the Victoria Clock Tower, Sir Selwyn Selwyn-Clarke Market, and the Seychelles National Museum. Wander through bustling streets, sample Creole cuisine at local eateries, and shop for souvenirs at craft markets.
5. Hike through Morne Seychellois National Park
Morne Seychellois National Park, located on Mahé Island, is the largest national park in Seychelles and offers breathtaking hiking trails through lush rainforests and mist-covered mountains. Included in Seychelles tour packages, visitors can embark on guided hikes to scenic viewpoints like Morne Blanc and Copolia Trail, enjoying panoramic views of the island and surrounding ocean. Encounter rare endemic species of flora and fauna along the way, making it a memorable adventure for nature lovers.
6. Visit La Digue Island
La Digue Island is famous for its laid-back atmosphere, picturesque beaches, and traditional ox-cart transportation. Included in Seychelles tour packages, visitors can explore attractions like Anse Source d'Argent, one of the most photographed beaches in the world, and L'Union Estate, a historic coconut plantation. Rent a bicycle to explore the island at your own pace, stopping to admire stunning viewpoints and interact with friendly locals.
7. Indulge in Creole Cuisine
Seychellois cuisine, influenced by African, Indian, and European culinary traditions, is a highlight of any visit to Seychelles. Included in Seychelles tour packages, visitors can savor mouthwatering dishes like grilled fish, octopus curry, and coconut-infused seafood rice. Sample Creole snacks like fish samosas and breadfruit chips at local markets, and don't forget to try the refreshing tropical fruit juices and cocktails.
Seychelles tour packages offer tourists the opportunity to explore the breathtaking beauty and diverse attractions of this tropical paradise. Whether you're relaxing on pristine beaches, snorkeling in marine parks, or hiking through lush rainforests, Seychelles promises unforgettable experiences and cherished memories for travelers of all interests. With its stunning natural landscapes, vibrant culture, and warm hospitality, Seychelles is the perfect destination for an unforgettable vacation in the Indian Ocean.
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gokitetour · 8 months
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Seychelles tour package from India
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r0hitdhiman · 2 years
How many days are sufficient for a Seychelles tour? How could I make my trip plan?
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How many days are sufficient for a Seychelles tour? How could I make my trip plan?
Seychelles is an archipelago of islands made up of about 115 granite and coral islands close to Africa in the western Indian Ocean. As a result, there are many tourist attractions there. It is a luxury location and a country of unspoiled beauty. It is located close to the equator, east of Kenya. They support numerous marine sanctuaries on numerous atolls and islands and have sufficiently protected land regions. Seychelles is a beautiful, undeveloped nation with many tropical islands. Amazing boulder-brew beaches, breathtaking natural beauty, crystal-clear turquoise sea, thriving coral reefs, and more can all be found there.
Many flora and fauna may be found there, making it a centre for ecotourism and indigenous wildlife viewing. Additionally, trees, marine life, and unusual birds can be seen. It's the ideal spot for solitary travel, family vacations, and having fun with friends. Praslin, La Digue, and Mahe are the top three tourist hotspots that draw large crowds of tourists. Never pass up the chance to experience Seychelles' Creole food or the nation's capital Victoria. Visit the stunning Curieuse Island, Morne Seychellois National Park, the well-known Bird Island, and the Anse Lazio, which is famous for its soft blond sand and hiking track, in addition to these.
Tralover offers many Seychelles tour packages and provides its customers a large variety. The package for Seychelles is as follows:
Extravagant Seychelles At Best Rates 
Seychelles Tour Packages - 7 days & 6Nights
Seychelles Tour Packages - 7Nights & 8 days
Seychelles Tour Packages - 9 Days & 8 Nights
Hiking paths apart, Seychelles offers a wide variety of other activities. Sailing, surfing, rock climbing, snorkelling, and diving are all great activities for thrill-seekers. Additionally, visit the richest fishing grounds on the planet while island hopping and taking pictures of the rareness of the flora and animals. As Seychelles is endowed with a mild temperature all year long, the location is ideal for lying down on the white sand beach and enjoying a sunbath. You should refrain from second-guessing starting your athletic activities because it is a hub for water. Considering that it is close to the equator, the temperature is usually between 24 and 32 degrees.
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mammonscheeks · 2 months
demon brothers + dateables as destinations in the human world
✎ a/n: these are my opinions! i'm south and west asian, so i am most knowlegeable about those countries, please correct me if i've said anything incorrect!
new york city, usa. he likes the cold, industrial corporate feel of nyc. it helps him avoid his feelings.
anywhere in germany. he likes their no-nonsense culture and unspoken social rules.
las vegas, nevada, usa. he always begs mc to take him there. the flashy lights and casinos are right up his alley.
dubai, uae. he loves the luxurious feel of it, and how its the center of celebrity gatherings, vacations, and parties.
tokyo, japan (especially the akihabara/electronic district). he's always updated on pop culture and the newest technology/games.
seychelles island, africa. he likes swimming, but not socializing on the beach. that's why he likes isolated islands.
london, england. he's interested in their medival history and seeing the places that inspired novels like harry potter and the sherlock holmes franchise.
cat island in japan, or any mediterranean country where cats freely roam.
paris, france. he'd love paris fashion week. he also just seems french to me, idk.
seoul, south korea. he'd adore seoul's culture, everything from the modern sappy kdramas to traditional dresses, like hanbok. he would bring an empty suitcase to stuff it with beauty products.
mumbai, india. this metropolitan city in india offers so many different kinds of food. he would love to eat his way through the city, if not the entire country.
every city in mexico. he'd try the regional cuisine, but also hang out at the beach with his brothers and mc (so cute).
cairo, egypt. he was once fascinated with humans, and often watched them build civilizations from heaven when he was an angel. he would enjoy the historical wonders of egypt.
reykjavic, iceland. idk why he just gives me iceland vibes. life there can be slow and cold, and it often gets less light than other countries.
transylvania, romania. he loves its breathtaking castles and culture, and is intrigued with all the pop culture references of vampires.
petra, jordan. this is a significant place in abrahamic religions, known for being haunted by demons, or jinn. diavolo would be fascinated by this history, whether its actually haunted or not. i know he'd eat up those scary ghost tours (insert fic about that here) and even probably try and scare a few tourist groups, despite barbatos advising him against it.
istanbul, turkiye. istanbul has well-maintained structures from the byzantine empire, the ottoman empire, and even "newer and hip" neighborhoods. barbatos, being able to see the past and future, would appreciate the blend of it all here, like he's walking through time.
kathmandu, nepal. he'd enjoy the peace of monasteries and mountains, which are as old as the earth itself.
tuscany, italy. he'd enjoy the vast fields, heavenly sunsets, small towns and historic churches. he would find tuscany a peaceful place to write, but appreciates the community feel of small italian towns. would definitely be so friendly he'd get invited to eat dinner at a random family's house.
thessaloniki, greece. he would absolutely love seeing all the greek orthodox churches there, with their blue and white colors and dome roofs. he is just amused to see the religious structures humans have created. he'd also probably be interested in greek mythology, even though he's an angel.
cape town, south africa. he would be so excited to see penguins at the beach and would enjoy the burst of color south africa offers. he'd also enjoy the modern bakeries and desserts in south africa.
lyon, france. the country is known for desserts. luke would probably take a baking class there to learn how to bake more things.
salem, or just any small town in massachusetts. as a sorcerer, he's intrigued with their history of "witch hunting" and the paranormal.
lalibela, ethiopia. being old, he's intrigued with how ancient cities like lalibela have changed since biblical times. he also probably enjoys learning about different cultural practices and what they have in common with his sorcery. he also wants to learn how to cook more dishes from different countries, but fails miserably
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floralcrematorium · 4 months
here are some breadcrumbs about my band AU while I work on some character sheets for the main trio -- we'll be seeing miss Seychelles first
• Alfred is lead singer + guitar, Matthew is bass, and Michèle is backing vocals (though sometimes she does get duets... LET HER SING!) and drums
• Michèle can also play piano -- she grew up taking piano lessons and got into drums when Alfred began showing her and Matthew his dad's record collection
• The band get discovered by their... agent by pure luck when they're messing around in a music shop in a big city
• Alfred and Matthew are half brothers. Alfred's father is the one who got him into music, his guitar was his father's
• Michèle and Matthew grew up next door neighbors. They speak in French to one another when Alfred's pissing them off (which is often)
• Alfred is ~23 at the beginning of the AU while Michèle and Matthew are both 20. Due to the events which lead Alfred to move back in with his mother and the half-brother he didn't know all too well, Alfred was held back a year. Alfred had mini-van in high school and for the two years he could drive before graduating, he was Matthew and Michèle's ride everywhere. Instead of gas money, they paid him with cans of Arizona iced tea
• Michèle's sense of fashion is/will be heavily inspired by Edith Victoria's from Meet Me @ The Altar and a mix of the flowy loose garments she wears in canon
• Matthew's sense of style is giving dad-core. Very much leaning into the outfits Patrick Stump wore on Fall Out Boy's recent tour
• This band is Alfred's baby. His drive to make it in the industry tests the group's bond... He is a moth testing fate as he desperately flies towards the spotlight
• Michèle and Alfred work together on melody but all three of the bandmates work on lyrics together
• Matthew is the least musically experienced
• the woes of Fall Out Boy's fourth studio album, Folie à Deux, are thematically important down the line...
• Adventures await them in Europe... A contest (not the Annual Song Contest™, a made up one so I have excuses to pull in other Hetalia characters), love, friendship, rivalry, and found family
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
WaPo - In China’s shadow, U.S. rushes back to neglected Indian Ocean island (3 Sep 23)
[WaPo is Private US Media]
At the height of the Cold War, the U.S. Air Force tracking station that monitored Soviet satellites from this island’s soaring tropical forests was a focus of Seychelles life.[...] Then, the Cold War ended, the Soviet Union collapsed and in 1996 the Americans left, dismantling the tracking station and shutting down their embassy — citing budgetary reasons for abandoning what had seemingly become an irrelevant corner of the world.
Today, the compound where Americans and Seychellois partied is home to the Seychelles Tourism Academy, where young islanders training to be tour guides, hoteliers and masseuses take classes, among other subjects, in Chinese[...] In June, Seychelles became the latest in a string of small nations around the world in which the United States has established, restored or is planning to open an embassy[...]
Seychelles offers an example of the ways America’s absence opened the door to Chinese influence. In the 27 years since the United States pulled out, China has built schools, hospitals, houses for low-income families and public amenities, winning sympathy among Seychellois who felt abandoned by the U.S. departure. “They do the little things that America doesn’t do. This is where the Americans are weak. There is nothing we can say America built,” said Seychelles President Wavel Ramkalawan in an interview. “This is why countries like China have come in, because there was a vacuum.”
Seychelles officials say they are delighted to have the Americans back but also recognize that China is likely the main reason for the return, potentially pulling Seychelles into the big power rivalry.
“We cannot say we are naive. We do understand the competition going on. In the Cold War we had the United States and the Soviet Union and now it is the United States and China,” Seychelles Foreign Minister Sylvestre Radegonde said in an interview. “Someone woke up and realized how important it is to counter the Chinese influence.” The United States now has ground to make up, he said. “When you are late at a party, the party starts without you, so you have to make up time. It’s a fact that China has been a long time here. They have a lot of sympathy.”[...]
China is also the only country to have maintained diplomatic missions in all six of the Indian Ocean island nations that until recently were represented by three U.S. embassies, noted Darshana Baruah, who heads Carnegie’s Indian Ocean Initiative.[...]
Top Chinese officials regularly visit — China’s President Hu Jintao called Seychelles “a shining pearl” during a stop in 2007, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi was here in 2021, describing Seychelles as “an important member of the big family of China-Africa solidarity and cooperation.” When the new U.S. Embassy in Seychelles was launched in June, Richard Verma, the deputy secretary of state for management and resources, became the most senior U.S. government official to visit the nation since the 1990s.[...]
“Our foreign policy is to treat every country, big or small, as an equal,” said Mu Jianfeng, China’s charge d’affaires in Seychelles. “I don’t know why they closed and I don’t know why they opened,” he said of the Americans. “But if they think Seychelles is important they will have an embassy here.”[...]
Seychelles does not count China among its top trading partners. Most of its goods are imported from the United Arab Emirates, South Africa and the European Union.[...]
China built the stately white-pillared National Assembly building where the democratically elected parliament meets, and the adjoining Supreme Court, both important symbols of the country’s identity as a nation. It’s in the process of completing a new headquarters for the state broadcasting company, which will more than double the network’s space. Thousands of Seychellois live in housing built by China and made available at subsidized prices — a shortage of housing for the least well-off is identified by Seychelles officials as one of the country’s biggest social needs.
The Chinese [sic] have invited hundreds of Seychellois on visits and scholarships to China, and China’s Confucius Institute teaches Chinese classes in primary schools, the university, which China built in the 1980s, an adult education center in the capital and at the Seychelles Tourism Academy.[...]
U.S. officials say that countering China’s presence is not the only reason for the return.[...] Although Seychelles has been a multiparty democracy for the past two decades, elections in 2020 brought an opposition party to power for the first time[...]
the U.S. Embassy in Mauritius has been responsible for Seychelles diplomacy since the pullout in 1996.[...]
Radegonde, the [Seychellois] foreign minister, said there is little doubt China is a key motive. “The U.S. coming back cannot be because we are lovely people,” he said, adding “we are.”[...]
In 2011, the United States established a secret drone base at Seychelles airport to assist with counterterrorism operations in Somalia and Yemen. [...]
The abrupt departure in 1996 once the nation no longer served U.S. interests left Seychellois feeling they had been used, and their return now, at a time of heightened competition with a different rival, gives rise to suspicions they are being used again, many Seychellois say.[...]
“The sole reason the Americans are here is because it’s seen as an opportunity to outmaneuver the Chinese,” said Ralph Volcere, who publishes the Seychelles Independent newsletter and says he’s glad the Americans are coming back. But he’s wary too, and suspicious of American motives. Closing the embassy damaged perceptions of the United States, and Washington will have to work hard to convince Seychellois that their motives are genuine, he said. “The Chinese came to build schools and houses, and the Americans are coming for naval operations,” he said. “The Americans can’t just come here and put warships in the port and people will be happy.”[...]
And what will happen if the rivalry with China is resolved? Will the Americans leave again? wondered Danny Faure, the former president who lost the 2020 elections to Ramkalawan. “With the United States it’s always based on how they respond to geopolitical concerns,” he said. “This shouldn’t be a flash in the pan. If you do value the relationship, the cost shouldn’t matter.” His government had good relations with the Chinese, and he visited Beijing in 2018. He says China never asked anything in return for its largesse or sought to extract any concessions from Seychelles. “Genuinely over 40 years we have become great friends,” he said. “This won’t change whether the United States comes or goes.”
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 10 months
Mother's Scrapbook
Summary: The Fire Family takes a vacation to Seychelles. Azula is trying to start a summer romance with the tour guide and Ursa just wants to take one photograph with her daughter.
She meets the girl by chance on the shores of La Digue when the sun is high and the heat is rolling. She has a pretty smile that competes with the sunlight. Azula supposes that it isn’t pure happenstance, she had booked the tour afterall. An all day excursion of the island and the next one over. 
Where happenstance comes into play is that her initial tour guide has fallen ill—parasites of some sort in his fish dinner. So she has met the man’s daughter. 
It is just she and mother for this particular adventure. Zuzu had wanted to go snorkeling, a means of making good on his promise to Katara that he would bring back neat pictures of the ocean. Of course, uncle wanted to tag along. Truth be told, she wouldn’t have been able to guess that father was fond of snorkeling. Apparently he is interested in the stingrays. 
Mother on the other hand has a particularly adventurous spirit. It is one thing that they share. 
She just hopes that the woman won’t be overly gushing about this. 
The girl, who introduces herself as Seicho has a deeper complexion and pretty, soft brown eyes. She wears a wooden turtle necklace, likely hand-carved. “So you guys are staying in one of those spa resorts?” 
Azula nods. She has been enjoying the Rock Spa and its jacuzzi and manicure services. “We have a garden villa.” 
“That sounds lovely.” 
Ursa nods. “The facials and massages are amazing. My husband claims that he didn’t enjoy it but I haven’t seen him this relaxed in decades.” She ends with a chuckle. 
Seicho returns it. “Well first things first. I’ll show you around Anse Source D’argent.”
Most of the photos she snaps have been candid and stealthy. Azula doesn’t care for taking pictures.  It has been so long since the two of them have bonded and there is so much that she doesn’t know about her own daughter. She only has this sneaking suspicion that the girl doesn’t like to be photographed because she has a habit of finding flaws where there are none.
Mostly Ursa has been capturing nature shots, picturesque panoramas of the palm trees and the hiking trail before them. She has managed capture a few images of slumbering flying foxes and white fairy terns just before they took flight. 
Somehow it had been much harder to take a picture of Azula. But finally she has one. The image shows up on her camera screen; Azula is squatting in front of one of several tortoises attempting to feed it a handful of leaves while Seicho stands to her left, stroking the tortoise’s shell. 
Ursa smiles at the photograph. Decidedly, her next mission will be to convince Azula take at least one photo together. She can’t remember the last time that the two of them have been in a picture together, let alone one that features just the two of them. It would be a lovely addition to her scrapbook. 
“Do you want to try to feed them, mother?” Azula asks. 
“Of course I would.” 
Azula takes the camera from her and Ursa allows herself to be on the other side of the lens for a change. 
“We should take a picture together.” She suggests a little ways down the hiking trail.
“Here?” Azula furrows her brows. “Shouldn’t we find a more scenic spot?”
It isn’t a yes, but it certainly implies that she might just get that photo of the two of them, if she chooses just the right setting. It is only night one of their vacation. Ursa smiles to herself, she has a feeling that she will get that photo eventually.
From atop her granite perch, Azula kicks her feet at water that reflects a mango-pink lemonade sunset. The rocks look pink in this light and Seicho’s face is painted a soft gold. The girl’s hand falls atop hers. 
“It’s pretty isn’t it?”
It would be much easier to make the most of the moment if mother wasn’t there observing and giving her what is supposed to be an encouraging thumbs up. It only brings color to her cheeks and she hopes that Seicho hasn’t spotted the woman. 
Azula nods. “I’ve seen sunsets in Hawaii, The Maldives, and Tahiti. I like this one the most.” Although, nothing truly compares to the volcanoes in Hawaii. “It’s a good way to end the first evening.” She wonders how Zuzu, father, and uncle are doing. She speculates that they are probably making their way to one of the resort’s restaurants, likely picking out a seat that overlooks the water. Zuzu is quite fond of ladob and she and father have taken a shine to the kari bonit. 
“Roasted breadfruit?” Seicho offers. 
Azula scrunches her brows at the fruit.
“I guess that it doesn’t look particularly appetizing, but it is tasty.” Seicho promises. 
Reluctantly, Azula picks up a slice. Even more hesitantly Azula pops it into her mouth. 
Azula hums. “It’s alright, I suppose.” 
“It tastes better with coconut oil and other fruits.” 
With nowhere left to take the conversation, Azula resumes looking out at the winking waves as a balmy breeze tosses her locks about. The world around smells fresh and salty. She finds herself slipping into a daydream of sorts; one wherein she and Seicho are walking across the sand while their families enjoy a beach picnic. 
They are supposed to have a family picnic on day three of their vacation.
“Where did you get that necklace?” Azula tries to resume the conversation. 
“It was my great, great, great, great, grandmother’s. It has been passed down for generations. My mom lets me wear it sometimes.” She pauses. “So what brings you to Seychelles?”
“Family vacation.” Azula finds herself staring off again. “It’s the first one that we’ve taken since my cousin Lu-Ten died.” 
“What happened to him?” 
“He and my grandfather were part of a search and rescue team. No one was there to rescue them.” She will leave it to Seicho to piece the details together. The wound is still rather raw in spite of the years gone by. 
“I’m sorry to hear it.” Seicho frowns. 
Azula shrugs. “I’m glad to be going on vacations again.” It is a simple, lighter way of saying that she is glad that her family is finally on the mend after tragedy and tension had put such a rift in the unity of it. 
As embarrassing as it is to have mother lurking about, she is quite relived that the woman cares enough to hover and supervise. To have the woman’s encouragement. “The hike was nice, mother rather enjoyed it.” And they had rather enjoyed each other’s company for a change.”
Seicho grins. “Thanks! It was my first time giving a tour! I’ll let my dad know that you think I did a good job.” 
Azula nods. She casts a glance at the hand that is still resting atop her own.
“Oh! I’m sorry, I can move it if you’d like.”
Azula shakes her head. “You can leave it there.” She doesn’t think anyone, family aside, has ever held her hand before. She has never had someone hold her hand the way that Mai holds Zuko’s. This isn’t exactly hand holding but it is close enough to make her stomach fluttery.
She catches Seicho’s eyes. They reflect the sun perfectly. So much so that Azula is inclined to say that they were made to do just that. 
She doesn’t kiss Seicho that day, but she has all week to try. 
Perhaps it will be a short thing. 
A tiny little blip of a summer romance. 
But it will be a memory to cherish and look back on when she sees the pictures in mother’s scrapbook.
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Holidays 6.29
Bonus Hole Day
Chronic Migraine Awareness Day
Coriander Day (French Republic)
Day of Partisans and Underground Resistance (Russia)
Day of the Telephone Operator (Brazil)
Engineer’s Day (Ecuador)
Eva Day (UK)
FLASCO Day (Florida)
Flower and Camera Day
Gadsen Purchase Ratification Day
Gioco Del Ponte (Pisa, Italy)
Herb Harvesting Day (East Anglica, UK)
Homosexual Pride Day
Hug Holiday
Internal Autonomy Day (French Polynesia)
International Danube Day
International Day of the Tropics
International Mud Day
International Fisherman’s Day
International Sharing Day
International Transgender Youth Day
Interstate Highway Day
iPhone Day
Leroy Experiment 629 Day (Lilo & Stitch)
MIA Azatamartik Remembrance Day (Armenia)
Missing in North Texas Day
National AMHP Day (UK)
National Amnesia Awareness Day (UK)
National Camera Day
National Darts Day
National Dieselbilly Day
National Family Day (Indonesia)
National Fred Day
National Gordon Day
National Guy Day
National Nash Day
National Paddy Day (Nepal)
National Sports Day (Fiji)
National Statistics Day (India)
Remote Control Day
Sacrament of the Silicon Host
Shipbuilder Day (Russia)
629 Day
Smith & Wesson 629 Day
Smosh Appreciation Day
Veterans Day (Netherlands)
World Industrial Design Day
World Music Designation Day
World Scleroderma Awareness Day
Yellow Cock’s Comb Day
Youth Day (Russia)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bacon Burnt End Day
Gnocchi Day (Argentina)
Meatballs Day
National Almond Buttercrunch Day
Waffle Iron Day
Independence & Related Days
Autonomy Day (French Polynesia)
Central Province Day (Solomon Islands; 1981)
Seychelles (from UK, 1976)
Tahiti (Annexed by France; 1880)
5th & Last Saturday in June
Armed Forces Day (UK) [Last Saturday]
Bartender and Mixologist Day [Last Saturday]
Day of Inventors & Rationalizers (Russia) [Last Saturday]
Great American Picnic Day [Last Saturday]
International Handstand Day [Last Saturday]
International Scoliosis Awareness Day [Last Saturday]
National Celebrate Your Marriage Day [Last Saturday]
National Cornhole Day [Last Saturday]
National Haskap Berry Day [Last Saturday]
Vegan Pizza Day [Last Saturday]
Veteranendag (Veteran’s Day; Netherlands) [Last Saturday]
World Bike Naked Day [Last Saturday]
World Day Against Pet Abandonment [Last Saturday]
World Sand Dune Day [Last Saturday]
Festivals Beginning June 29, 2024
Adirondack Wine and Food Festival (Lake George, New York) [thru 6.30]
Blues, Brews and Food Truck Festival (New Glarus, Wisconsin)
CHUM Rhubarb Festival (Duluth, Minnesota)
Festival d’Avignon (Avignon, France) [thru 7.21]
Haro Wine Festival (Haro, Spain)
IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival (Pernik, Bulgaria) [thru 7.6]
Kingston Fire Association's Beerfest (Kingston, New Hampshire)
Midsummer Fantasy Renaissance Faire (Ansonia, Connecticut) [thru 7.14]
MuslimFest (Mississauga, Ontario, Canada)
National Cherry Festival (Traverse City, Michigan) [thru 7.6]
Oxbow Music Festival (Johnson, Vermont)
Peace, Love, BBQ … and Pizza! (Plains, Georgia)
Peterborough Musicfest (Peterborough, Ontario, Canada)
Playtime (Paris, France) [thru 7.1]
Raspberry Festival (Middlefield, Connecticut)
Reggae Love Festival (Manassas, Virginia)
Roskilde Festival (Roskilde, Denmark) [thru 7.6]
Santa Barbara Wine + Food Festival (Santa Barbara, California)
Show-Me Gourd Society Art Festival: Gourd Tales (Lebanon, Missouri) [thru 6.30]
South Berwick Strawberry Festival (South Berwick, Maine)
Supanova Pop Culture Expo (Perth, Australia) [thru 6.30]
Tour de France (thru 7.21)
Whiskies of the World (Nashville, Tennessee)
Zoobilee! Feast with the Beasts (Providence, Rhode Island)
Feast Days
Albuquerque (Positivist; Saint)
Allan Houser (Artology)
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (Writerism)
Appreciate Herbs Day (Pastafarian)
Bawming the Thorn (Appleton, England; Everyday Wicca)
Bobby London (Artology)
Brian Herbert (Writerism)
Cassius of Narni (Christian; Saint)
David B. Mattingly (Artology)
Elizabeth Claire Chapel Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Emma (Christian; Saint & Widow)
Feast Day in Honor of Papa Legba (Voodoo; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Feast of Saints Peter and Paul (a.k.a. ... 
Day of the Christian Martyr (Voice of the Martyrs)
Doukhobor Peace Day (Canada)
Haro Wine Festival (Haro, La Rioja)
La Festa di San Pietro e Paolo (Rome, Italy)
L-Imnarja (Malta)
Miracle of the Moose (Russian Orthodox)
Ratcatcher’s Day (Hamelin, Germany)
Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul
Funeral of Kostroma Celebration (East Slavic Fertility Goddess)
Hemma (Christian; Saint)
Knitting Day (Pastafarian)
The Koala (Muppetism)
Michael Whelan (Artology)
Oharai (Grand Purification Festival; Shinto)
Peter the Apostle (Christian; Saint)
Pietro Paolo Troisi (Artology)
Salome and Judith (Christian; Saints)
Solstitium II (Pagan)
Wicked Fairies Summer Debate (Shamanism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because it’s the day Santa judges everyone to be naughty or nice.)
Aesop’s Fable … The Mosquito (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1945)
Bachelor Party (Film; 1984)
Bad Moms (Film; 2016)
Banty Raids (WB MM Cartoon; 1963)
Colony, by Philip K. Dick (Short Story; 1953)
Coming to America (Film; 1988)
Conan the Destroyer (Film; 1984)
Daily Telegraph (London UK Daily Newspaper; 1855)
Dancing in the Street, recorded by David Bowie and Mick Jagger (Song; 19985)
Days of Thunder (Film; 1990)
Donald’s Crime (Disney Cartoon; 1945)
Do You Love Me, recorded by The Contours (Song; 1962)
Extraordinary Attorney Woo (TV Series; 2022)
Feedback, by Rush (Album; 2004)
Henry VIII, by William Shakespeare and John Fletcher (Play; 1613)
The King and I (Film; 1956)
Kiss Kiss, by Roald Dahl (Short Stories; 1959)
Le Escape Goat (The Inspector Cartoon; 1967)
The Leftovers (TV Series; 2014)
Life Among the Savages, by Shirley Jackson (Memoir; 1953)
The Living Daylights (James Bond Film, UK; 1987) [#15]
The Looking Glass War, by John le Carré (Novel; 1965) [George Smiley #4]
Magic Mike (Film; 2012)
Meatballs (Film; 1979)
Moonraker (James Bond Film, US; 1979) [#11]
Northwoods (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Day; 1931)
Ratatouille (Animated Pixar Film; 2007)
Running with Scissors, by Weird Al Yankovic (Album; 1999)
See the World (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1934)
See Ya Later Gladiator (WB LT Cartoon; 1968)
A Self-Made Mongrel (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1945)
Sherlock Pink (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1976)
The Spy in the Ointment, by Donald E. Westlake (Novel; 1966)
Strong to the Finich (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1934)
Ted (Film; 2012)
Tomorrow We Diet! (Disney Cartoon; 1951)
Trap Happy (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1946)
War of the Worlds (Film; 2005)
Who Killed Cock Robin? (Silly Symphony Cartoon; 1935)
Today’s Name Days
Gero, Paul, Peter (Austria)
Kamen, Pavel, Petar, Petra, Petrana (Bulgaria)
Pavao, Petar (Croatia)
Pavel, Petr (Czech Republic)
Paulus, Petrus (Denmark)
Peedo, Peedu, Peep, Peet, Peeter (Estonia)
Peetu, Pekka, Pekko, Petja, Petra, Petri, Petrus, Petteri, Pietari (Finland)
Paul, Pierre (France)
Gero, Paul, Peter (Germany)
Pavlos, Petros (Greece)
Pál, Péter (Hungary)
Paolo, Pietro (Italy)
Pauls, Pāvils, Pēteris (Latvia)
Benita, Gedrimė, Mantigirdas, Petras, Povilas (Lithuania)
Per, Peter, Petter (Norway)
Benedykta, Benita, Dalebor, Paweł, Piotr (Poland)
Pavel, Petru (România)
Pavol, Peter, Petra (Slovakia)
Emma, Pablo, Pedro (Spain)
Peter, Petra, Petrus (Sweden)
Paul, Peter (Ukraine)
Emma, Emmett, Heaven, Parnell, Parnella, Pedro, Pete, Peter, Pierce, Pierre, Salome (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 181 of 2024; 185 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 26 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 21 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Geng-Wu), Day 24 (Jia-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 23 Sivan 5784
Islamic: 22 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
J Cal: 1 Red; Oneday [1 of 30]
Julian: 16 June 2024
Moon: 42%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 12 Charlemagne (7th Month) [Albuquerque]
Runic Half Month: Feoh (Wealth) [Day 6 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 10 of 94)
Week: 4th Full Week of June)
Zodiac: Cancer (Day 9 of 31)
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gktravel · 7 months
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