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bellatrixobsessed1 ¡ 2 years ago
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I did it y'all! Azula/Cupholder Girl is an official tag on Ao3!
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atlararepairbigbang ¡ 2 years ago
Sneak Peek - "The Pocky Game"
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Part of her had wished that someone could have seen and told Azula about that weird loser who waited for her for three hours in the cafeteria. But no one had, Azula didn’t and doesn’t know anything about it at all.
Probably, she doesn’t remember it.
It was just one mundane blip in an extraordinary life that Seicho hadn’t been a part of.
Not as a friend and not as one of those people for whom Azula pointedly held her head high as she walked passed. Those people were nobodies. Those people were beneath her and Seicho thinks that some of them knew it too.
But those people…
The ones that she liked to snicker about…
They are the lucky ones. They existed. And they had existed enough to earn her snide, sly remarks.
Seicho wasn’t just a nobody.
She was nothing at all.
And so she spent her life on the very fringes of Azula’s opulent, privileged childhood.
Interested in seeing more? Posting begins August 8th, and writer identities will be revealed August 22nd!
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subterraneanwatcher ¡ 29 days ago
*taps @bellatrixobsessed1 on the shoulder* I bet she means Seicho aka Cupholder!Girl. What do you think? :D Since it's clearly Azula's Beach-Outfit :D
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fire siblings gossiping
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blueburningcup ¡ 2 years ago
Coconut Pineapple
And the Valentine’s day one shot that y’all voted for! Gonna try to work on the Ruby/Regina one.
Summary: Seicho takes Azula to the beach to do some chocolate tasting. Azula tries to shake away doubts that Ozai and Fire Nation high class society have instilled within her.
The sun is still high. It casts vivid rays through the windows of Seicho’s bedroom. It is a small dwelling, but it is very cozy. As fate would have it, she owns the same seashell bedspread that Lo and Li do.
She also owns a lot of clutter. Ships in bottles and bottled sand are scattered throughout the room amid piles of seashells and dried starfish. The ceiling is home to many replica sea animals that hang on strings. Seicho had mentioned that she is terribly uncomfortable with people drying out real sea critters for decoration and Azula supposes that she can see how the other woman would find the practice unsettling. Her floor is covered in mis-matching and colorful rugs that would make Mai hurl. And her wall is covered in paintings and wooden masks that just don’t go together. 
Admittedly, the first time that she’d set foot in this room it had made her head ache trying put the disjointed pieces together. 
She has long since given that up. Seicho seems to acquire new treasures at a rate much faster than she could ever hope to organize things. 
As much as she hates to admit it, she has grown used to the clutter. Frankly, she thinks that she would be more uncomfortable if she stepped into this room to find it suddenly spotless. Not that she isn’t uncomfortable right now.
“You know that it’s not like it was a few years ago. Honestly, Ember Island was never really shy about this kind of thing. And you shouldn’t be either.”
“I’m not shy. I just…I know what’s expected of me.” She pauses. “And what isn’t.” She takes another glance in the mirror. Her hair falls over her shoulders in waves. She had let Seicho fix small seashells into the stands. Really, the swimsuit isn’t all that showy. More so than the one she had worn on her last trip to Ember Island but nothing as brave as what Ty-Lee had worn. 
But then, father hadn’t approved of her first swimsuit either. 
“What are you trying to do?” He had asked. “Do you want people to think that we’re a nation full of harlots?”
“Mai and TyLee…”
She remembers the look on his face as he pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“TyLee, that girl was always floozy, her parents should have raised her better. She’s going to end up pregnant and disgrace her family like Chan’s sister. Is that what you want to do?” 
“We were on the beach…”
It was a logical enough thing to say but father had made it seem senseless and stupid. Like she was a lost cause for doing what? Chancing a quick swim? But spirits it was effective because she feels so very exposed.  
“You look great.” Seicho promises. 
And that’s exactly the problem. She will draw looks, the kind that father has always warned her about. The kind that he would get angry with her for even if she had done everything she could to avoid getting those looks. The ones that make her feel queasy.
“I’d like to put my armor back on.”
Seicho quirks a brow. “You want to wear armor to a chocolate tasting?” She pauses. “On the beach?”
Azula bites the inside of her lip.
“I thought that you were a fan of being practical.”
“I am.”
“Well then, let’s be practical. Beach, sunny. Sun, hot. Armor? Sweltering. I don’t want to have to carry you home because you passed out. I especially don’t want to have to carry you if you’re wearing like fifty pounds of armor.” 
“It’s not that heavy.” She mumbles. 
“My point is, no one wears armor to the beach and you know it.” 
Azula shrugs. 
“This is perfect.” She insists. “You do like it don’t you?” 
Azula nods. The fabric feels very comfortable. The skirt is quite long but so is the v slit. Long enough to show off her whole leg. She likes the gold belt that sits on her hips with its seashell charms and its gold coins. The top suits her nicely, it is sleeveless–held up by a zipper in the back and a chain to match the one at her hips. Embroidered along the bottom of the bikini top are golden flames and one small dragon. There is another chain fixed to the bottom of that bikini top is one more chain. One that dangles down to her belly with a collection of rubies and sunstones. 
It is flashy.
Eye catching. 
She doesn’t want eyes to be caught.
She adores how it looks but she doesn’t love the idea of wearing it in public. She is perfectly content having captured only one pair of eyes. 
“You’re dad was wrong, you know that don’t you?” She pauses.
“He’s not the only one who thinks like that.”
“He’s not the only person with wrong opinions. The Fire Nation always talks about being so brave and amazing. And yet they’re all so scared of a little skin.”
“They’re afraid of change.” Azula mumbles. “Which is strange. I’ve read about Fire Nation fashion as part of cultural and historical research, of course.”
“Of course.” Seicho rolls her eyes. 
Azula opts to ignore the doubt in her voice. “Fire Nation culture has roots in Sun Warrior culture and their clothing style much more closely resembles modern Ember Island fashion trends.” She pauses. “The shift happened during the war.” 
“Yeah, because they want to stifle creativity…or something. Come on.” Seicho hooks Azula by the elbow and begins leading her to the door. “You’re putting so much thought into this, all we’re going to do is go down to the beach and have some chocolate. And a good time, we are going to have a good time.”
Azula certainly hopes so.
She is, afterall, the princess. Now that father isn’t here to demean her she supposes that there isn’t much anyone can do to stop her from having a nice time, from feeling comfortable. 
She can stop herself though.
She is very good at that.
“Well, which do you prefer?”
Azula hums, “I’m not sure, they both taste good enough.” 
Seicho pops another piece of chocolate into her mouth and then a second sample of chocolate type four. 
Both truly are amazing. Type three is a touch bitter, it is rich in the same way that dark silks and woodsy colognes are. Type three is rich like warm blankets, cream, and the glow of a beach bonfire.
“The caramel one.” Azula decides. 
“Yeah, I think that I prefer that one too.” Seicho agrees. “It kind of just melts on your tongue.” 
Seicho links their hands and leads her along to the next stall. The beach is so lively and crowded. For once, Azula is comforted by the massive gathering. Everyone just breezes by her, each person–individual or couple–is invested in their own doings. Their own romances or personal delights. 
Whether that thing is the chocolate sampling breaking away from the crowd to watch the twinkle of lantern lights reflecting in the water. The fireworks will begin soon. 
“Oh! Try this one!” Seicho offers her another chocolate. This one of the white variety. It has been carefully molded and dyed to bare likeness to a firelily. It certainly looks appetizing. 
She plucks it from Seicho’s hand. “It’s got a touch of…peach?”
“I think that it might be mango, or orange?”
“Those are two completely different flavors!” She exclaims. “And they’re both incorrect guesses. It is definitely a hint of peach.” 
“No way, taste it again!” She insists. 
“Seicho, I don’t know how much more chocolate I can handle.” Regardless she lets Seicho give her another piece. “Last one and then I’d like to walk by the water.” 
Seicho exhales through her nose. “Fine, I guess. But I would like to taste Mikahara’s chocolate first. I heard that she’s got some kind of coconut-pineapple chocolate that sounds tasty.”
“Alright, Mikahara’s chocolate and then some quiet time.” Away from people, away from the occasional glances. The ones that linger too long for her comfort. 
She lets Seicho lead her along. They weave through a lively crowd. Everyone looks so comfortable and at ease with hibiscus in their hair and drinks in their hands. No one seems troubled in the slightest. Azula inhales and drinks in the smell of chocolate and fruity drinks. 
“Hey, it’s alright.” Sheicho squeezes her hand. “You’re doing great. We can pass on the Mikahara’s…”
She shakes her head. “No! We can go get it.” She has to get herself comfortable. Has to take back what father and years of ridiculous expectations have taken from her. “I’m fine, I always finish things that I start.” 
“Technically I started it.” 
“I want to enjoy tonight, all of tonight.” Every list scent, taste, and sight. Every emotion that she had, in the past, tried to keep herself from. She wants to be alive. Truly alive.
And tonight is the perfect night to do that. 
To reclaim parts of herself.
To make new parts of herself.
Parts that she can cherish the way Seicho cherishes her. The way she cherishes Seicho. 
“Hello!” Greets a woman with shaved hair and a pearl in one ear. 
“You must be Mikahara.” Azula guesses. 
“I am.” She confirms. 
“From the sound of it, you’ve made quite an impression tonight.” 
Mikahara smiles. “See for yourself, princess.” She hands Azula a box of chocolates. “I heard that you might be here so I saved a little something special for the both of you.”
Seicho’s eyes twinkle. “Oh this is a treasure trove of chocolate!” The woman’s mouth is practically watering. 
“Thank you.” Azula replies.
“Of course, princess. I wouldn’t have had this opportunity if not for tonight’s festivities. And we would be having them if not for you.” 
Azula nods and slips her a gold coin or two. “We can share this by the water.”
“That sounds great, Azula.” Seicho smiles. 
It is quiet here at the shoreline. She has led Seicho a good distance from the jubilant energy of the chocolate tasting stalls and the couples straggling on the sand that is still relatively close to the festivities. 
This portion of the beach is, until the sunrises, desolate. Charmingly so. The music and chatter are close enough to be heard but distant enough to be little more than pleasant white noise. 
“Tell me the truth, how was it?”
“It was…it was really wonderful, Seicho.�� It was nerve-wracking but sublime in its own right. There is a certain charm, a sense of exhilaration and freedom in stepping out of her comfort zone and into something new. Something that is probably better.
Something liberating. 
All in all, father had been completely off.
Most people hadn’t even noticed her at all.
And if they had, they opted to give her, her space. 
She certainly doesn’t feel like a harlot. Neither does she feel like she has had herself a scandalous evening. She had simply had an evening. Had put on an outfit sewn, very lovingly, by her girlfriend’s mother, and went to a party. 
“It is going to be nice to go back to the palace and not get a lecture about carelessness and wasting time.” 
“Would he really tell you that today?” 
Azula nods. “He would.” She looks out at the open ocean, at those rolling, twinkling waves and clears her throat. “Can we talk about something else or eat some of that chocolate.”
Seicho quirks a brow. “I thought that you said you were full.”
“Mikahara did make that special for me though, it would be a shame to not try it.”
Seicho chuckles. 
“It would also make father really unhappy if I were to go visit him in prison and tell him that I spent a whole night eating chocolate and wearing sleeveless outfits…”
“Chocolates and no sleeves? On the beach!? Oh we’re getting really wild and daring now!” 
Azula gives a humored sniff and holds a piece of chocolate out to Seicho.
“Very good.” The woman gives a thumbs up. “Try it for yourself.”
Azula cups the woman’s face and brings their lips together. She can indeed taste the lingering chocolate on them. And indeed there is a hint of coconut and pineapple. She holds her face a few inches from Seicho’s, their lips still nearly touch. 
“Oh this is an adventurous night.” 
“It ought to be.” Azula replies quietly. She needs that so badly. She has needed it for a long time. And she promises herself that this will be only the beginning. That her life is going to be hers from now on. Starting with the way she views herself and her body.
Ending with discovering and following her own hopes and dreams.
“Happy birthday, by the way.” Seicho nudges her. 
“I suppose it is.” Azula smiles.
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theicequeenwrites ¡ 4 years ago
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"I would like you to consider not being angry with me anymore."
"Azula, that is the worst peacemaking opening I've ever heard."
"You're doing pretty alright."
"Does that mean you are considering my proposal? To not be mad at me?"
The next set of The Dragon Egg chapters are up and they're some of my favorites. Read here and give the author some love. For @bellatrixobsessed1 during the @secrettunnelatla big bang!
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subterraneanwatcher ¡ 11 months ago
@bellatrixobsessed1 Look! It's Azula/Seicho(aka Cupholder Girl)! OMG!
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the people have spoken
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bellatrixobsessed1 ¡ 1 year ago
Mother's Scrapbook
Summary: The Fire Family takes a vacation to Seychelles. Azula is trying to start a summer romance with the tour guide and Ursa just wants to take one photograph with her daughter.
She meets the girl by chance on the shores of La Digue when the sun is high and the heat is rolling. She has a pretty smile that competes with the sunlight. Azula supposes that it isn’t pure happenstance, she had booked the tour afterall. An all day excursion of the island and the next one over. 
Where happenstance comes into play is that her initial tour guide has fallen ill—parasites of some sort in his fish dinner. So she has met the man’s daughter. 
It is just she and mother for this particular adventure. Zuzu had wanted to go snorkeling, a means of making good on his promise to Katara that he would bring back neat pictures of the ocean. Of course, uncle wanted to tag along. Truth be told, she wouldn’t have been able to guess that father was fond of snorkeling. Apparently he is interested in the stingrays. 
Mother on the other hand has a particularly adventurous spirit. It is one thing that they share. 
She just hopes that the woman won’t be overly gushing about this. 
The girl, who introduces herself as Seicho has a deeper complexion and pretty, soft brown eyes. She wears a wooden turtle necklace, likely hand-carved. “So you guys are staying in one of those spa resorts?” 
Azula nods. She has been enjoying the Rock Spa and its jacuzzi and manicure services. “We have a garden villa.” 
“That sounds lovely.” 
Ursa nods. “The facials and massages are amazing. My husband claims that he didn’t enjoy it but I haven’t seen him this relaxed in decades.” She ends with a chuckle. 
Seicho returns it. “Well first things first. I’ll show you around Anse Source D’argent.”
Most of the photos she snaps have been candid and stealthy. Azula doesn’t care for taking pictures.  It has been so long since the two of them have bonded and there is so much that she doesn’t know about her own daughter. She only has this sneaking suspicion that the girl doesn’t like to be photographed because she has a habit of finding flaws where there are none.
Mostly Ursa has been capturing nature shots, picturesque panoramas of the palm trees and the hiking trail before them. She has managed capture a few images of slumbering flying foxes and white fairy terns just before they took flight. 
Somehow it had been much harder to take a picture of Azula. But finally she has one. The image shows up on her camera screen; Azula is squatting in front of one of several tortoises attempting to feed it a handful of leaves while Seicho stands to her left, stroking the tortoise’s shell. 
Ursa smiles at the photograph. Decidedly, her next mission will be to convince Azula take at least one photo together. She can’t remember the last time that the two of them have been in a picture together, let alone one that features just the two of them. It would be a lovely addition to her scrapbook. 
“Do you want to try to feed them, mother?” Azula asks. 
“Of course I would.” 
Azula takes the camera from her and Ursa allows herself to be on the other side of the lens for a change. 
“We should take a picture together.” She suggests a little ways down the hiking trail.
“Here?” Azula furrows her brows. “Shouldn’t we find a more scenic spot?”
It isn’t a yes, but it certainly implies that she might just get that photo of the two of them, if she chooses just the right setting. It is only night one of their vacation. Ursa smiles to herself, she has a feeling that she will get that photo eventually.
From atop her granite perch, Azula kicks her feet at water that reflects a mango-pink lemonade sunset. The rocks look pink in this light and Seicho’s face is painted a soft gold. The girl’s hand falls atop hers. 
“It’s pretty isn’t it?”
It would be much easier to make the most of the moment if mother wasn’t there observing and giving her what is supposed to be an encouraging thumbs up. It only brings color to her cheeks and she hopes that Seicho hasn’t spotted the woman. 
Azula nods. “I’ve seen sunsets in Hawaii, The Maldives, and Tahiti. I like this one the most.” Although, nothing truly compares to the volcanoes in Hawaii. “It’s a good way to end the first evening.” She wonders how Zuzu, father, and uncle are doing. She speculates that they are probably making their way to one of the resort’s restaurants, likely picking out a seat that overlooks the water. Zuzu is quite fond of ladob and she and father have taken a shine to the kari bonit. 
“Roasted breadfruit?” Seicho offers. 
Azula scrunches her brows at the fruit.
“I guess that it doesn’t look particularly appetizing, but it is tasty.” Seicho promises. 
Reluctantly, Azula picks up a slice. Even more hesitantly Azula pops it into her mouth. 
Azula hums. “It’s alright, I suppose.” 
“It tastes better with coconut oil and other fruits.” 
With nowhere left to take the conversation, Azula resumes looking out at the winking waves as a balmy breeze tosses her locks about. The world around smells fresh and salty. She finds herself slipping into a daydream of sorts; one wherein she and Seicho are walking across the sand while their families enjoy a beach picnic. 
They are supposed to have a family picnic on day three of their vacation.
“Where did you get that necklace?” Azula tries to resume the conversation. 
“It was my great, great, great, great, grandmother’s. It has been passed down for generations. My mom lets me wear it sometimes.” She pauses. “So what brings you to Seychelles?”
“Family vacation.” Azula finds herself staring off again. “It’s the first one that we’ve taken since my cousin Lu-Ten died.” 
“What happened to him?” 
“He and my grandfather were part of a search and rescue team. No one was there to rescue them.” She will leave it to Seicho to piece the details together. The wound is still rather raw in spite of the years gone by. 
“I’m sorry to hear it.” Seicho frowns. 
Azula shrugs. “I’m glad to be going on vacations again.” It is a simple, lighter way of saying that she is glad that her family is finally on the mend after tragedy and tension had put such a rift in the unity of it. 
As embarrassing as it is to have mother lurking about, she is quite relived that the woman cares enough to hover and supervise. To have the woman’s encouragement. “The hike was nice, mother rather enjoyed it.” And they had rather enjoyed each other’s company for a change.”
Seicho grins. “Thanks! It was my first time giving a tour! I’ll let my dad know that you think I did a good job.” 
Azula nods. She casts a glance at the hand that is still resting atop her own.
“Oh! I’m sorry, I can move it if you’d like.”
Azula shakes her head. “You can leave it there.” She doesn’t think anyone, family aside, has ever held her hand before. She has never had someone hold her hand the way that Mai holds Zuko’s. This isn’t exactly hand holding but it is close enough to make her stomach fluttery.
She catches Seicho’s eyes. They reflect the sun perfectly. So much so that Azula is inclined to say that they were made to do just that. 
She doesn’t kiss Seicho that day, but she has all week to try. 
Perhaps it will be a short thing. 
A tiny little blip of a summer romance. 
But it will be a memory to cherish and look back on when she sees the pictures in mother’s scrapbook.
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bellatrixobsessed1 ¡ 2 years ago
Sign Away And Sing
Summary: In order to win battle of the bands, Azula makes an alliance with a former childhood rivalry.
Notes: This fic is for @rei-is-hiding thanks so much for the amazing art! This is the first part of what could turn into a long fic.
Seicho’s face illuminates on the poster. A big lenticular thing that gives it the illusion of being 3-D as her cartoon likeness blows a plume of shimmering, fluttering cloth fire at passing onlookers. “Seicho Scorch!” The sign proclaimed in bold golden lettering. “Performing live, July 23rd!”
Azula rolls her eyes. How completely over the top, unnecessary, and gimmicky. And most certainly as waste of a perfectly good fan. One that could be blowing in her direction instead of making that cloth and tinsel fire flap. 
But she supposes that it fits; a tacky sign to go with a tacky stage name and corny, unimaginative lyrics. 
And there’s that stupid stage outfit. There is an overabundance of glitter and LED lighting. Azula supposes that the girl will need it to distract from the lackluster quality of her voice. But somehow the crowd seems to love her. They think that it is fascinating how she has combined reggae with metal. As far as Azula is concerned, just because it is creative doesn’t mean that it is good. Some things ought not be combined.
Metal is fine as it is; untouched and uncombined with any other genre. If she wanted to listen to reggae, she would. Evidently, Seicho’s music would probably sound better if she just stuck to reggae.
Azula crosses her arms and makes her way backstage. 
Honestly she doesn’t even know how the other girl managed to make herself into such respectable competition. 
The war between their respective fandoms is rather respectable itself. 
Azula makes herself comfortable in the dressing room. It takes another hour for the last drum beat to fade out and then another five minutes before Seicho enters and demands to know, “what are you doing here?” 
“What? I can’t visit an old friend?”
“Friend?” Seicho bunches her nose like it’s a dirty word. “You’ve hated me since middle school.”
Azula shrugs. “We got along before then.”
“And then our music teacher chose me for the solo part and told me that I had a promising musical career.” 
She shrugs a second time. “What of it? It was one solo part.”
“It mattered enough to you to end our friendship. What do you want?”
Truth be told it isn’t something that she wants per say, so much as something she needs. “TyLee has lost her voice.” And she imagines that she isn’t far behind with all of the belting and projecting that she does. With the occasional growl. Her own voice is becoming somewhat strained. “I’ve noticed that your tour ends tomorrow and I thought that I would invite you to fill in for TyLee. You have the same vocal type.”
“I am not that squeaky and cute.”
Azula shrugs. “But you can hit the high notes that she can. Come along on this tour with me. For old times sake.” 
“Why would I do that?” Seicho demands. “So that you can upstage me again and get upset when I get more attention than you?”
Azula feels her cheeks start to burn in equal measure of annoyance and fluster. “That was when we were kids. My vocal technique has…”
“It was never about your vocal talent. It’s your stage presence. You’re stiff and not fun to watch.” Seicho replies with a respectable bluntness. “Crowds like interaction. You sound exactly like you do on the albums, that’s nice, it’s an amazing skill but it isn’t engaging.” 
Azula shrugs. “That’s what TyLee is for.”
“And what you’re going to use me for before making another thinly veiled diss track.” 
“I…” Azula sputters. “That’s not what I was going to do.” 
“Oh, so we’re going to be best friends? Everything is water under the bridge?” Seicho shoulders past her. “Look I need to get dressed down. I’ve got an afterparty to attend. This isn’t an invitation, by the way.” 
“Look. This is an opportunity. I have no interest or intention of making nice. I do, however, intend to win battle of the bands. The competition is formidable to say the least. A lot of musical legends–Kyoshi, Wan, all of them.”
“Great, well I’ll see you there. I might not beat them, but my band will kick the communal ass of your band.” She takes a seat and begins tugging her boot off.
Azula can feel a vein pulsing in her head. “Communal…ugg never mind. What I am trying to say is that we are the two most popular ‘fresh’ metal artists on the scene right now; I propose is that we call a little truce and join up. I’ve read the comments, people crave a collaboration. Let’s give it to them.” 
Seicho frowns, seeming to ponder it over. Her brows knit ever so slightly. 
“How badly do you want to win that contest, Seicho?” She imagines that she longs for it as fervently and ferociously as she herself does. If they win they’d be set for life. Azula and her band will be anyhow. She’ll take all of the winnings for herself and leave Seicho with her fifteen minutes. But the girl doesn’t need to know that. 
“Alright. Fine. But this alliance is strictly strategic.” Seicho agrees.
“Wonderful!” Azula claps her hands together and lets a little bit of light cheer bleed into her voice. “I’ll let my manager know.”
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bellatrixobsessed1 ¡ 2 years ago
Is asking for A, Z, U, L, A for the meme overkill? 😄
Z - General Fandom rambling; ill use this as a place to put my Azula/Seicho headcanons. Azula is the little spoon. She was also the first to admit bek g in love but she was really weird and awkward about it. Ssicho has learned to speak Azula--by this i mean that she knows when Azula doesn't mean to be unkind or offensive. Seicho convinced her to get a tattoo that nobody else has ever seen.
U - somethingI genuine like about a character I don't like is that Katara is a genuinely nice person and I think that her whole character arc was well done. Especially that part where she faced Yon Rah down.
L - 5 different characters from five different fandoms; Azula of course! Also Regina from Once, Icy from Winx, Nerissa from W.i.t.c.h. and Lady D from RE Village!
XD i like how you think! I answered for A already tho. I might have gotten U and L flipped im.on mobile so its a pain to go back and check.
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julietwiskey1 ¡ 3 years ago
She competes in international completions too. Bumi said that she was the best player he ever seen in his 112 years when he hosted the Championship Games. Azula took gold with her team consisting of Mai, Ty Lee and Seicho.
Azula becomes after she healed reigning Ember island/ Fire Nation Kuai Ball Champion. 😎
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bellatrixobsessed1 ¡ 2 years ago
Azula Week Day 4
Azula likes potential. 
Azula likes the uncharted islands. 
The uncharted islands have potential. 
They smell fresh and grow lush.
Their nights are balmy and dark and, perhaps, a touch spooky. Although they aren’t so eerie when she has company to share her tent with. She has spent many nights in this jungle alone and untrackable as she worked to regain her footing in life. 
This island has become a home to her with all of its plant, wild, and spirit life and she has grown used to their different calls and croons. And they make all sorts of those. This place hangs in some sort of in between; a delicate but perfect blend of physical and spirit. Some of the fungus glows in shades of teal and magenta. The spirits take well to these, bouncing from one to the next. 
Azula has grown used to the shrill wail of that spirit that looks like a hog-monkey with manta ray wings. It glides through the skies hopping from one tree to the next the way that a stingray would float between corals. It seems to kick up stars as a stingray would stir up grains of sand.
Seicho can’t see them but she believes Azula. Which is far more than most people can say. 
She wishes that the other woman could see them. They are dazzling creatures, these spirits. The sky manta ray is her favorite. Sometimes it seems as though the creature is following her, it afterall has a whole sky to traverse and yet it appears wherever she is. 
But there are others.
Others like the tiny critters that like to hitch rides on blown dandelion seeds. And the leafy headed creatures that she, mistaking them for every other leaf obstructing her path, accidentally shoves aside.
Some of them like to flick and flit about and toy with her hair and tug at her sleeves. Mostly the spirits are playful and colorful. They make their own sort of music. It has been quite some time since she has come by a more malevolent spirit. 
She hopes to keep it that way.
As long as she is happy…or at the very least, as long as she is not unhappy the dark spirits tend to stay away. She has come to realize that her own aura has a draw, something that seems to compel the spirits to her. Spirits that exactly match her moods to the point where she has begun using them to gauge what sort of place she is in.
The manta ray is out tonight, flapping and drifting about. The twinkling spirits are here too, wrapping themselves around trees and an oblivious Seicho like strands of white fireflies. They land upon Azula’s own hand when she cups it against Seicho’s cheek. 
“It’s a beautiful night.” Seicho remarks. 
Azula nods. 
Sometimes she thinks of never returning home. She doesn’t think that it would be so terrible to keep to this quiet island. The waterholes are bottomless and crystalline. There is an abundance of food as long as she takes the time to harvest it. 
Storms aren’t a problem now that she knows where the caves are. They could make themselves houses of their own. Perhaps they could go to the mainland and bring back supplies. But Azula fears that they will not be able to find this place again if they go. And maybe that is why she can’t bring herself to leave yet. 
She would certainly miss the manta ray. It doesn’t speak to her but, now and then, and drifts overhead as she is falling asleep, tickling her face as it floats on by. 
“If only you could see them.” She finds herself musing aloud. 
Seicho shrugs. “That’s your special thing.” 
“Do you think that it means anything?” Azula asks. “That I can see them? As far as I know only the Avatar can see this many spirits.”
Seicho hums. “Well it has to mean something. Everything means something. Right?”
She used to think so but lately…
Lately she has begun to think that some things just are as they are senselessly and without reason. Lately she doesn’t think that, that is a bad thing. Now that the spirits she sees aren’t so menacing anyhow. 
Really, it is no different than her fire. It is blue. And for what reason? 
She furrows her brows. “Do you think that I can see them for the same reason that my fire is blue?”
“And what reason is that?” Seicho asks. 
“I don’t know.” Azula frowns. She lays back onto the blanket she had spread out. “Maybe there is no reason.” Maybe she is just an oddity. Maybe she is okay with that. For once she thinks that she is. 
Seicho lays down beside her and toys with a blade of grass. “Do you like being able to see spirits?”
“Most of the time.” She replies. “They’re beautiful, Seicho. They make other things beautiful.” Like the stringy spirits that fill in the cracks in rocks and the grooves of tree bark. They make life pretty when she can’t find the glamor in it for herself. To some degree she owes that manta ray her life. She owes it in the same way that she owes it to Seicho. 
One day she is going to have to go home.
Home and back to real life and all its complexities. 
Home to face the things that she has been running from. 
But tonight she takes Seicho’s hand and watches the spirits dance.
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bellatrixobsessed1 ¡ 2 years ago
A, B and I for the fandom ask game thing
A - My current OTPs are Sokkla and Azula/Seicho for Avatar and for Once it is Swan Queen. Also been into Icy/Bloom from Winx and Nerissa/Cassidy from W.i.t.c.h.
B - A paring that I wasn't into initially but someone swayed me was Regina/Ruby from Once. There is some good art lol. I never thought of Azula/Yue until someone brought it up.
I - I might get some hatred for this one (which is one of the reasons) but the three ships i stopped liking because of tumblr are Zukka, Mailee. And Tyzula. Zukka I was more neutral about but was posed to the dislike side because of everything that happened in 2020. Mailee after some time tended to come with a lot of anti Azula sentiments during g the Fandom renisxance which turned me off to reading the content which in turn turned me off to the pair. Tyzula is the sad one for me. It used to be one of my OTPs. But there's was so much Sokkla hate coming out of that Fandom that I just couldn't really interact with it anymore. There was another thing that happened around 2018 tho that was the catalyst for me losi g interest. I won't dig it up again tho because its old drama. I guess that I can't say I totally dislike Tyzula tho. I just don't feel like I fit in with that part of the fandom.
But other than shipping Fandoms I've never stopped liking any shows that I like due to the Fandom. The Avatar Fandom can be very intense tho.
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bellatrixobsessed1 ¡ 2 years ago
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Commissioned more art of my favorite rarepair! Artist is: toothpickbanj0
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bellatrixobsessed1 ¡ 4 years ago
Thanks for another tag! 
General questions:
1. What's your favorite character?
Azula <3 I feel like I’ve talked about her enough now for people to know why.
2. What's your comfort character?
I don’t know if I really have a comfort character. I use all of my faves to take my mind off of things so Azula would probably be the comfort character as well.
3. Which element would you bend if you could chose?
Fire. I am an aries we’re fiery by nature.
4. What's your favorite nation?
Fire Nation because fire lol.
5. What makes you love ATLA the most?
xD Literally Azula. If I don’t have a character to hyperfixate on I usually don’t get too attached to the show/movie/book. Though all of the characters are lovable so that’s a strong point.
Could get you attacked questions:
1. What's your least favorite character from the gaang?
Katara. I don’t really hate her or even dislike her anymore but she’s always been my least favorite of the crew. I just don’t vibe with her as well/don’t relate to her.
2. What character you think it's severely underrated?
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Enjoy the shitty cutout that I put two seconds of m my time into. 
3. What's your least favorite nation?
Probably the Earth Kingdom. Just because I simply like the others more. 
4. What's your controversial ATLA opinion?
Since this says controversial not unpopular; Azula is not irredeemable. 
Shipping questions:
1. What's your favorite ship and why?
I am complete multi-shipper trash so this is constantly changing but it’s usually Sokkla, Azula/Teo, TyZula, or (most recently) Azula/Cupholder Girl--who I am still calling Seicho. 
2. What's your least favorite ship and why?
Zukka. I already explained this a little bit but that fandom has a rough crowd and it is very hard for me to get into a ship/show/anything if I can’t get comfy with the fandom. This is why I had trouble getting on board with Zutara for a very long time. Hell, I had trouble vibing with Kataang for a bit because of the Zutara vs Kataang war. 
3. Do you sometimes self-insert?
Yes lmao. I wrote this really cringy thing (like I’m talking a whole notebook) it never saw the light of day. 
4. What's your crack ship?
Azula/Seicho :’D but also I take it seriously sometimes. 
5. Which non canon ship would you make happen if you were the creator?
See question 4. Like Azula/Seicho could very well become canon because. Seicho is a whole background character and Azula is single in canon, it’s free real estate. 
Tagging @writebecauseyoucannotbreathe​, @crithir​, and @focusas​
General questions:
1. What's your favorite character?
2. What's your comfort character?
3. Which element would you bend if you could chose?
4. What's your favorite nation?
5. What makes you love ATLA the most?
Could get you attacked questions:
1. What's your least favorite character from the gaang?
2. What character you think it's severely underrated?
3. What's your least favorite nation?
4. What's your controversial ATLA opinion?
Shipping questions:
1. What's your favorite ship and why?
2. What's your least favorite ship and why?
3. Do you sometimes self-insert?
4. What's your crack ship?
5. Which non canon ship would you make happen if you were the creator?
Anybody can do it and you can chose if you want just one section. You can skip a question if you don't like it or don't find it interesting.
The answers can be as detailed as you want them to be.
I tag: @rainyturtlecollector @kataanger04 @kataang @katara-waterbender-master @avatarfandompolice @aangs-love @blueclaw7 @coconutsaiyan @cosmic-hoodie29 @flameohotfamily @fulldragonflowerpatrol @leg-grestrade @leekataang @marigamismoon @queenaleesbiggestfan-writes
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bellatrixobsessed1 ¡ 2 years ago
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I finally finished it! And I’m super proud of how it turned out. I was trying to experiment with lighting; this is my first time ever trying to go for a glow effect. And my first time doing any type of shading.  I have the earlier stages of the art below the cut.
I hope I can remember how to do this again. xD
Will probably try to make the Sokkla version.
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bellatrixobsessed1 ¡ 2 years ago
Out of curiosity... aaannd also because I ship Azula/Seicho, too... :D Is there a specific reason you changed her name from Remza to Seicho? Or did you just felt like it? :)
xD It is very much because I forgot that I already gave her a name. And then when I looked back at the fic I didn’t really care for the first name because I kept thinking about Yezma from the Emperor’s New Groove because they sound similar enough. Hence picking a new name.
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