#Serenity the Perchybred
doomspaniels · 2 months
The Big Doggies had some Opinions about the parasite that swallowed the Little Howly Buddy's head. Mostly "What on EARTH??"
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doomspaniels · 1 year
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Family Portrait
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doomspaniels · 1 year
~Snippets from Around the Farm~
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What’s the first thing a horse does when you hose them down? Ah yes, roll in sand 🤣
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doomspaniels · 2 years
~Snippets from Around the Farm~
Firefly and Serenity mutual groom at the silliest times. The vet was pulling up, hence the turn to stare accusingly at the end.
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doomspaniels · 3 years
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That's the "I know you are dropping those beet pulp shreds *just* as a special treat for Gwyn" anticipation face.
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doomspaniels · 2 years
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I sticks m legy out real far
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doomspaniels · 2 years
We are slowly putting weight back on Firefly (the grey horse) after a rough hospital stay. Trying to time meals (six!) and get Firefly to eat enough of them in her separate paddock, but then she can still go graze with her buddy Serenity (the bay horse) for at least a few hours a day.
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The Spaniels are helping with every step, though they're a little confused about the dramatic change in daily routine.
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doomspaniels · 3 years
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The Sharks vs the Jets
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doomspaniels · 3 years
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~Snippets from Around the Farm~
Horse teeth grow continuously, like many other herbivores'. Horses chew side-to-side, which wears down the middle of the tooth faster than the sides; the outside edges of the teeth get sharp. Equine dentists grind the sharp points down.
The horses will sometimes still be a little dronk after the dentist gets done.
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doomspaniels · 3 years
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🎶Farm livin' is the life for me🎵
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doomspaniels · 3 years
~Snippets from Around the Farm~
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For the first time in her 15 years of life, Firefly has fuzzy ears. I don't know if I should laughingly predict a harsh winter, or be maudlin about my baby getting older.[*]
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Firefly isn't the only one picking up little pets! I guess this snail climbed onto Serenity as she was napping next to a bush or something. Was just hanging out with her, as she walked in for breakfast. (We removed it to another bush.)
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[*] We incidentally did a Cushing's test several months ago--negative--because her dam had Cushing's, so it's good to know it's not that.
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doomspaniels · 3 years
Gwyn has gotten much more confident about the Big Doggies, but she's still not quite ready for those huge heads to snuffle her.
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The Big Doggies are being very respectful and waiting for her to come to them... oh, but look at Serenity's tightly pointed nose, she wants so badly to reach down and snuzzle that baby.
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doomspaniels · 3 years
A short story in pictures:
Serenity has a nice pre-breakfast roll in the sand. Gwyn thinks about poking her nose in, decides "another time." Serenity finishes her roll, has a good shake, and looks cute.
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doomspaniels · 3 years
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~Snippets from Around the Farm~
Looks like shedding season is upon us. Serenity's upper lip was covered in white hair from mutual grooming with Firefly. She's apparently rubbing her head on Firefly, too, getting little white hairs all around her eye. Sweet girls!
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doomspaniels · 4 years
You may have mentioned this before, but do the Big Doggies' names follow the Arthurian-legend-theme of the hypnospaniels?
They do not! 😅 I am bad with names, so the Arthurian naming convention really helps to give me a place to start with the cockers.
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My old lady mare (center) was called "Lady Katherine" when I bought her. I never thought it was a great name, but I couldn't think of anything better, and now the name "Kat" has all the corners worn smooth and fits her well.
The draft crosses were both born in the same month, and we named them both for the same spaceship on the same TV show. Funny enough, Serenity (right) suits the sedate Perchybred and Firefly (left) suits the sparky Irish Draught Sport Horse.
I am, truly, extraordinarily bad with names.
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doomspaniels · 3 years
Serenity Inspiration
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