#Sephina Fairheart
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lynnarang · 7 months ago
First Contact
Love at first sight is always bloody.
CW// transphobia
First time writing something in awhile, went a little longer than expected.
“Look at him squirming, what a freak.”
These words, followed by a few mouthfuls of slurs, broke the wolfgirl from her stupor. It wasn’t unusual for her to dissociate a little while on public transit, crowds had never been good for her, but today something demanded attention from her and just about every other passenger on the train car. A group of four young men, probably frat boys based on the look of them, were crowded around a single passenger, jeering and laughing.
It didn’t take long to figure out what was going on. The unfortunate victim they were gathered around was a blonde woman in a simple sweater and skirt, her vibrant red eyes desperately examining the wall as if it would drive away her harassers. The wolf had noticed her when first stepping on the train, a cute little thing sinking into the corner of her seat as if she wanted to be invisible. Sadly for her, it hadn’t done her any good.
“You’re not fooling anyone bro.” “Bet that bra is fucking padded too.” “Bet he gets off putting it on.” Alright, that was enough. Normally she made a point of not involving herself in other’s business but the poor girl they were tormenting looked like she was going to implode at any moment. The wolf stood up, stretching out her limbs. Luckily transit was light today, and what few people were nearby had already shuffled over to further away seats, if not to escape the conflict then to escape the booze the small crowd reeked of. As she approached them, the automated announcer declared the approach of the next stop. “Hey.” The wolf chimed in with a hand on the shoulder of the man at the back of the group, barely holding herself back from crushing his clavicle. Her interruption only drew his attention, but that was enough for her. “What? You got a probl–”
His sentence was interrupted by the sudden impact of her fist caving in his cheek, sending him reeling into one of his friends.This yanked the spotlight over to the wolf, and as her first target let out a surprised half-choked squeal, the other three all looked at the sudden intruder on their fun with mixtures of anger and surprise. She could tell by watching their faces that it took a few moments before what had just happened to process fully, but she let them have those moments.
It was the one she assumed was the leader of the bunch who finally spoke up, his mocking laughter transformed into rage.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Behind him, the terrified blonde briefly locked eyes with her apparent savior, her wide eyes seemingly asking why the wolf had jumped to her rescue. She answered both these questions at once, with a slight shrug of her shoulders. “I just needed to blow off some steam and a few punching bags threw themselves in my way, that’s all.” They obviously didn’t like this answer because in the next few seconds all three men left standing rushed at her at once.
The scrap was messy, brutal, and finished just as the train doors for the next stop opened up. She’d punched one of the guys in the gut just as he hit her face, kneed another in the stomach as he tried to tackle her, and finished off by headbutting the leader when he tried to grab her arms. The end result was a group of men scattered around the train car, a few groaning in pain while one cried loudly about how his parents were going to sue for this. But she barely paid attention to any of them, the thrill of sudden combat still coursing through her veins. The wolf was left with a few obvious bruises from where she’d been hit, a stream of blood running down her nose, and a headache barely pounding louder than her adrenaline.
Without a word, she took a few victorious strides past the crowd waiting to board and onto the train platform, flipping off the confused security guard who came to yell at her but was too scared to actually approach her. It was only when she’d made her way out of the station and the adrenaline started to wear off that she heard the voice calling out to her. “H-Hey! Wait up!” For a brief moment she thought one of the guys she just beat up had shown up for round two, but when she turned around the one running towards her was the blonde from the train. The wolf stopped, letting the woman catch up. She didn’t even catch her breath before heaving out what she wanted to say. “I... Wanted to thank you… I-I wasn’t sure… what to do... and…” “You don’t have to thank me, I really was just relieving my own stress.” “B-But you saved me! Regardless of your motivations, you still saved me! How could your actions not be just?!” The way the woman talked so enthusiastically and the way her eyes sparkled when she looked up at her made the wolf unsteady, unsure how to react to such praise. “Look lady, it really wasn’t anything… They probably would have gotten bored of bothering you anyway…” “But even then! I was touched! N-Not in the sense that like, anyone touched me, but like my feelings were! Please, won’t you at least tell me your name so I can thank you properly?”
For a brief moment, the wolf considered the possibility that this was all an elaborate scheme and she was gonna get sued for a million dollars for breaking some rich kids face if she gave her name here, but one look at the earnest face of the excitable damsel scrubbed the thought from existence. “...Arang. My name is Arang.”
The blonde’s eyes lit up and she clasped her hands. “Arang! Thank you Arang! My name is Sephina. It’s been really nice to… meet you…” Sephina’s voice trailed off as she looked around. Somehow, Arang already knew what she was about to say next. “Oh… I uh… Where are we exactly? I think I got off on the wrong stop… ehe…”
Arang felt like she was being dragged through a hurricane with the speed this woman shifted moods. “...We’re just south of the harbor.” “How far is that from downtown, exactly..?” “About a forty minute walk. And yes, that was the last train for the night.” The color drained from Sephina’s face as the weight of her mistake dawned on her. She looked utterly pathetic in a way that Arang couldn’t help but find cute, like a kitten that kept trying to make a jump that was too big for it. “..Do you want me to walk you home?” Like someone had just hit rewind, Sephina immediately lit back up. “Would you? I-I wouldn’t want to impose…” “I live that way anyway, it’s not a big deal.” “Then… Yes! I would love to walk with you Arang!”
Sephina beamed, using the wolf’s name again eagerly. There was something about the way she said it that made Arang’s heart feel like it was floating… She wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not but she decided that for now she liked it. “I’ll lead the way then. You can tell me when you start to recognize buildings so we know we’re close to your place.”
 Sephina nodded energetically but then froze to ponder something. “But wait, if you live this way too, doesn’t that mean you also got off on the wrong st-” “Finish that sentence and you’re walking home alone.”
Arang would never forget the way the heat rushing to her cheeks felt as Sephina laughed at her in that moment.
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lynnarang · 2 years ago
Doll Orphanage
Demon and angel walking hand-in-hand on the weekend, off for their weekly visit to the abandoned antique store the demon had comandeered. A heavy sigh escaped the demon’s mouth as the store entered sight.
A beat-up sign reading ‘Doll Orphanage’ hung over the entrance.
The demon pushed past the front door with a growl, greeted by a mixture of tiny gasps and cheers.
“Miss is back! Our witch didn’t abandon us!”
Over a dozen dolls came to the entrance of the rundown store, eager expressions on weathered faceplates, eyes sparkling with hope.
Giving her lover her best ‘shut your fucking mouth’ for giggling at the scene, the demon cleared her throat and addressed the crowd.
“For the last time, I’m not ‘Miss’ and I’m not a witch. I visit at the same time every week, like I have for years now…”
“Miss is very punctual, this one appreciates Miss for not abandoning it!”
Murmured assents were passed between the dolls. The angel, whom the dolls always seemed a little more cautious of, gave her lover a pat on the back.
“Just bear with it, ‘Miss’~”
Her glare was so cute~
The demon ignored the taunt and tossed the sign down in front of the dolls, a few of whom flinched reactively.
“Stop putting this up. I have someone watching over this place but stuff like this makes you targets. If people knew how many dolls were here, completely undefended…”
“We might be kidnapped by new witches and abused!”
“Exactly— Wait why do you look excited?”
“If we’re kidnapped that means we’re wanted!”
“I… Listen just don’t put up a sign like this again.”
“Yes Miss!”
The dolls chirped in unison, prompting another groan from the demon.
Shrugging off a few dolls who were clinging to her legs, the demon moved onto role call, making sure each doll she had brought her over the past few years was still present and in reasonably good condition. She tried not to spend too much time on any and let them attach to her…
But the angel could tell how much the dolls loved her demon. She suspected some of them were even teasing her when they called her Miss, assuming dolls were capable of such a thing.
“Babe, are you sure you don’t want to—”
“Yes, I’m sure, don’t even bring it up.”
The two had discussed several times if they wanted to bring any of the dolls back with them to help around their place.
“If we bring one the others will get jealous or hate themselves even more then they already do.”
The demon hissed quietly.
“‘sides, the lease says no dolls.”
Despite standing nothing to gain from the whole endeavor, the demon still came to look after the dolls she’d rescued every weekend without fail. She pretended to keep them at arm’s length but the angel could see how important all of this was for her lover.
Most of the dolls were service models that got damaged and thrown out, but there were a couple of disarmed combat dolls that she’d pulled from the scrap heap. All of them seemed to trust the demon implicitly, even the one who had only been here a few weeks. She had a feeling as to why.
“Listen I’m not your witch. I’m a demon! We eat dolls like you for breakfast.”
A poor choice of words lead to the demon blushing as several dolls started arguing over who tasted best, some of them even seasoning themselves. Her demon’s flustered face was also pretty cute~
With their safety secured and another promise made to find the dolls a better home someday, the couple parted with their little friends of porcelain, cloth, and steel. Somehow, the angel got the feeling that the dolls were happy with the way things were, as was her little demon~
“Sure you don’t wanna keep one?”
“Babe, I already told you… One day we’ll get a nicer place, somewhere remote out in the country. Then we won’t have to keep just one.”
The angel smiled and kissed her demon’s forehead. She was too sweet for a creature that was meant to be evil.
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lynnarang · 1 year ago
Christmas with the In-Laws
Angel so very excited for the holidays, who has been humming merry hymns for weeks now and decorating the apartment in all sorts of festive matters.
Demon who doesn’t celebrate but well, her girlfriend just looks so cute like this, it wouldn’t hurt to play along a little, right?
When it came to traveling, the angel’s excitement turned right back to nerves. They couldn’t exactly visit the angel’s family (she hadn’t told them she was dating a demon nor had she come out to any of her extended family) so they instead decided to visit the demon’s kin.
Really, it was weird visiting her demonic in-laws for a religous holiday, (the demon insisted it was more a capitalist ritual than anything) but she wanted to celebrate it among family!
So the two flew halfway across the world by plane, and the rest of the way by angel wings.
Nothing set the tone for the rest of their visit better when the demon’s succubus mother opened the door in a ‘sexy santa’ outfit she had made herself, followed immediately by both angel and demon being pounced upon with hugs from the demon’s little sister.
There was a tree with presents beneath it (some of them suspiciously bone-shaped), a crackling fireplace that sometimes screamed in agony, and an overabundance of cookies and pastries available at all times.
The angel fluttered happily about with festive cheer while her girlfriend fetched a black coffee. Demon’s werewolf father and oversized puppy sister were both as eager about the company as they were about the food, while the succubus of the house prepared a massive holiday feast.
It was far from the stuffy and overcrowded mess of extended family that the angel was used to, warmth and coziness abound.
Maybe it would be nice if her plate of food wasn’t constantly being eyed by a pack of hungry wolves and her girlfriend’s mom didn’t flirt with her, but…
Even if it was a small gathering of people she wasn’t blood-related to, it was the first time the angel felt like family could mean something positive.
And that on its own was worth celebrating.
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lynnarang · 2 years ago
Wound Care
cw// blood, gore, and little a smut, as a treat
An angel was getting ready to make dinner when she heard the front door open and a familiar pair of footsteps.
Her demon had just returned home after a long day of work, clothing soaked thick layer of fresh blood, cut open in a few places and splattered with viscera in a few others.
"I'm back."
A nonchalant announcement that was soon met with a scream from her angel girlfriend.
"What in God's name were you doing out there?! Is that a fucking tentacle on your shoulder?"
The angel hurriedly threw her lover onto a nearby couch and stripped her, getting the first aid to tend to her wounds and trying to ignore the horrible mess that this was making.
"Babe I'm fine, seriously. The doll-cult just summoned an eldritch horror through Twitter again--"
"It happens like twice a month, they can't help it, it gets the likes."
The angel sighed loudly as she cleaned up a particularly nasty cut on her lover's stomach.
"So, you had to go and kill an eldritch horror and a bunch of crazy dolls?"
"What? Fuck babe, I wouldn't kill a doll, I'm a demon not a monster."
"Sorry I just thought with the whole summoning beings from beyond…"
"Their witch just doesn't play with them enough."
"Okay, fine. You killed a horrible monstrosity that would shatter the mind of a mortal with a mere passing glance and you come back covered in its- and your own- guts, and then you tell me not to fucking worry?"
"Yeah, that's basically it."
"…you're lucky you're hot."
The demon was about to retort but could tell from her lover's expression that any further complaints would get her wounds treated with salt.
"…sorry about the mess."
"Oh, just the mess? I'll give you plenty more to be sorry about."
"A.. Are you mad?"
There was another glare, followed by one of the angel's hands landing roughly over a puncture wound on the demon's breast. One wince and averted gaze later and the angel had all the encouragement she needed. The next treatment that met the demon's wounds was the angel's tongue.
"I-I'll take that as a no, then?"
"Like I said, you're lucky you're hot. Now shut up or maybe I'll add a few more wounds while I'm at it..~"
"Fuck babe, that's-"
Nails raked against bloodsoaked skin.
They were going to need a new carpet when this was done.
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lynnarang · 2 years ago
First Time
CW// Smut
Shortly after the angel and demon had started dating, the latter received a strange warning from their mother:
The elder succubus warned that the sex between the two of them could be extremely painful if they didn't use protection.
It was a bizarre thing for the demon to hear, as if their promiscuous mother had suddenly started treating them like a virgin girl on her wedding night, and the advice largely went unheeded.
Besides, things were going so slow, the demon suspected their angel was 'saving herself'
This all changed one night a few weeks later, when the angel finally built up the courage to turn their cuddle session into something more.
Cuddling became kissing, kissing became awkwardly fondling, awkwardly fondling became hurriedly stripping, and suddenly they were in bed.
The half-succubus had plenty of experience but the angel had none, so they resisted the urge to tease her when their horny little maiden went straight for the missionary position and fumbled her cock around their thighs for a full minute looking for their entrance.
Whatever smug look the demon had on their face was wiped clean the moment the angel finally managed to push herself inside of them, replaced with a shocked yelp.
Their girlfriend's cock was impossibly warm, like a piece of hot metal resting against her insides, searing.
Yet despite their initial shock, it wasn't a wholly unpleasant feeling, just overwhelming to the senses. Seeing her girlfriend in pain, the angel had tried to jerk herself back out, but the demon placed a hand on her arm to halt her.
"I-It's okay, just.. go slow."
It had taken them over a month to get this far, there's no way the demon was letting their first attempt at sex end like this. They just had to endure whatever divine wrath was being delivered unto them, whimpering like a virgin with their claws tearing holes into their sheets.
The light within them was dizzying, piercing, enveloping. The angel hilted, her halo shining brighter than the demon had ever seen, and for a brief moment they understood that divine spark as neither consuming nor demanding, but wholly beguiling.
Each thrust washed the demon's thoughts clean, each brought a fresh set of pleading moans and welcome pain.
For all her fumbling and lack of experience, the angel followed her lover's instructions and never went faster than they could handle, and even got them to climax first.
But nothing could have prepared the demon for the holy seed that was about to be planted inside of them. Whereas the sex itself had been scalding ascent into religious fervor, the angel's cum cooled them right back down and sobered their thoughts.
They became aware of every heaving breath filling the air, every drop of sweat sandwiched between their bodies, and the blinding impulses that had nearly fucked her into submission lingering behind.
It was as if she'd finally torn herself from the light to see where it shone.
The angel, unaware of the strange bliss the demon she was still half-buried in was experiencing, spoke anxiously.
"So umm.. was it good? I.. I know it was my first time and all.. and that you probably had a bunch of partners who were better than m-"
The demon shushed her.
"Babe, I think I just saw god. You did great."
'And if you had any idea how I felt right now I don't think I'd ever be able to top you again'
They couldn't bring themself to say the last part aloud, succubus pride damaged by being thoroughly fucked by vanilla sex of all things.
"I did? You're not just saying that to make me feel good?"
"Yes, you did good dear, now-"
"Great, um, because I kind of wanna go for another round~"
For the first time in their life, the half-succubus cursed a refractory period for being too short.
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lynnarang · 2 years ago
Early in their strange and sacrilegious relationship, Arang caught her angel girlfriend combing her fingers through her wings after a shower and grew curious.
"Are you… preening?"
The demon wolf asked, still drying her hair off after showering second. Had Sephina been out her picking at her wings like this the whole time? The angel gave her a hesitant nod and looked down.
"S-Sorry is it gross? I can do it somewhere else if it is."
Shaking her head, Arang sat by her side and watched her work. Her wing was extended in front of herself, a hand mirror in one hand and the other moving over each feather, cleaning them and rearranging those that were out of place. The whole process seemed slow and a little jank.
"Fuck, do you have to do this every day?"
"Not quite, but it can cause problems if you neglect them for too long…"
Sephina smiled bitterly, like she knew from experience.
"Up top it's common to bathe with those close to you and preen each other as a sign of kinship but…"
The angel moved her wing, stretching uncomfortably in order to reach feathers closer to the base. Arang could tell those ones hadn't been as well-maintained as the others, visibly dirtier and less organized.
"I was an outcast and dysphoric, so I learned to do it all on my own."
It was strange for the demon to see them up close like this. Usually angel wings were a thing she saw in the middle of some life-or-death conflict, a terrifying tertiary set of limbs more powerful and versatile than most modern weaponry. Now they looked… fragile, mortal.
Wordlessly, she picked a bit of dust from one of the feathers, prompting both of Sephina's wings to flap forcefully and for their owner to anxiously peer backwards.
"D-Don't do that without warning!"
Nursing what would likely be a bruise on her cheek, the demon tilted her head.
"If it's so difficult to do on your own, why didn't you just ask me to help babe?"
The angel stared in disbelief, words tumbling out of her mouth before the thought was fully processed.
"Because you're a demon-"
"I can be gentle. I proved that last night didn't I?"
Blushing at the memories the comment evoked, Sephina nodded.
"I-I suppose so.. But it's a hassle and you're not used to it, and I don't wanna impose-"
"Seph. Let me. Please."
"I.. Okay. Thank you Ran."
Grinning, Arang gave her girlfriend's cheek a quick kiss.
After a few pointers, the demon began her work preening her angel's feathers. She was extra careful, but even then the delicate work still drew some shivers and whimpers from her lover. She really was so cute… Ah, but she had to focus, show she could do a good job.
By the time Arang had finished, a good thirty minutes had passed, and that was with her only doing the parts Sephina had difficulty reaching herself.
"Mmm, that feels so good. Wow, I hadn't even noticed how bad it was."
The angel remarked while fluttering her wings.
"That's good to hear, but don't get up yet."
Now it was the demon's turn to face her back to her lover, her extra fluffy tail landing in Sephina's lap.
"What is-"
"Brush it. We're building kinship here aren't we? Besides, it's a pain to do the base on my own."
It was a bit of an exaggeration, Arang was certainly more than capable of brushing her own tail, but… Being cared for was only half the importance of the ritual. Caring for the other was equally as important.
"A.. Alright. I'll do my best!"
Sephina declared enthusiastically.
"Thatta girl."
Closing her eyes, the demon wolf let out a quiet howl as the brush began to dig into her tail fur.
"It's so soft… Is this what that dog shampoo in the shower is for?"
"Shut up. Never call it that again."
"But that's what it is-"
"I said shut up."
With a little giggle, Sephina obeyed the demand and continued brushing in silence. It took considerably less time than the preening had, but she still enjoyed every moment of it.
At this point in their relationship, the two had already fought near-to-the-death, made love, and told each other secrets they'd never shared with anyone else and yet…
This simple act of intimacy would become one of the fondest memories in both of their hearts.
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lynnarang · 1 year ago
Reconciled Hearts
(After being 'rescued' from a hookup gone bad, Sephina and Arang find themselves on an awkward flight home)
"…I'm sorry."
The words were barely audible over the wind whipping about the pair, but Sephina's ears still had no trouble picking them up.
"Oh, so you do know that you did something wrong?"
The angel looked down at the demon currently curled up in her arms, being carried princess style. Despite being far more muscular than Sephina, Arang lacked wings, and this combined with the pitiful expression she wore made her look like a large puppy, a particularly guilty large puppy.
"Well then, Miss Schütze, what exactly are you sorry for?"
Sephina didn't even pretend to hide her irritation. The angel tried to remain true to herself, and right now herself was incredibly unhappy with the night's events.
"T-That I used phone tracking to follow you to a hotel even though we agreed to let each other have flings as long as they didn't get too serious…"
"And I got in a fight with your date against your wishes when I got there…"
Arang's ears lowered, the vicious killer who had been ready to maim and murder for her lover's sake not ten minutes prior looking completely pathetic now.
"I just…!"
Arang started up, her puppy eyes meeting Sephina's for the first time that night. Oh that was just unfair.
"I was just terrified something was going to happen to you! I had a bad feeling, and I was right to--"
"That doesn't sound very sorry."
"I-I know that! But that really was dangerous, that woman had you hypnotized and--"
Sephina sighed loudly enough that it cut her lover off, prompting an even more pathetic expression. She quietly thanked God that she alone was privy to this side of her ferocious demon girlfriend.
"It's not that you're totally wrong, but I still could have handled that myself you know… If she… If she had done something I really didn't want then I would have been able to break out of it."
Now it was Arang's turn for her expression to harden.
"We both know what just happened to you wasn't fully consensual Seph. This is why I get so worried about you…"
This time Sephina couldn't fully retort against Arang, instead being forced to face the truth of what had happened, the truth she'd been avoiding looking at all this time.
"I'll admit the situation wasn't exactly the best... But even if that's the case, I still need you to trust that I can take care of myself. I can't have you running to save me every time I don't text for a few hours babe."
There would be time for Sephina to sort her feelings on all that had happened later, right now she just wanted to get home and collapse into bed. The two were basically at their apartment now, and their descent was markedly silent. As Sephina landed and placed Arang down, she was hardly able to take a step before the oversized puppy hugged her from behind and clung to her.
"..I just get scared. Of losing you…"
Sephina sighed, and finally relented, leaning back into her lover's embrace.
"I know. I'm sorry for worrying you… But now do you understand how I feel when you always come back late, covered in injuries?"
Arang didn't answer, just nodding her face into the back of her partner's neck instead. Sephina couldn't help but giggle as the demon's nose tickled her neck.
"Alright, alright, we can talk about this more in the morning. Now are you going to let me walk inside or am I going to have to drag you along?"
The demon wolf didn't budge, just mumbling softly.
Sephina smiled, reaching back to stroke Arang's ears.
"Oh dear. Whatever am I going to do with you~?"
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lynnarang · 2 years ago
Sacrilege Most Heinous
There was nothing holier than an angel's thighs.
The demon insisted that her resting her head on them was an act of pure evil, unspeakable heresy that could not be forgiven and therefore she must commit. After all, how could anything that felt this good be anything but a sin?
A sigh of content and the rhythmic thumping of a tail against the couch were the only noises breaking the utter bliss of quiet.
The demon had never felt so full of warmth and life, never tasted such complete happiness. If there was a heaven for creatures like her, this was it.
The angel had given up on feeling her legs more twenty minutes ago, the numbness tingling in her veins.
The weight on her legs was heavy, and each shift of the demons head threatened to force her horns through delicate recently shaven skin.
This was a battle of life and death.
She wouldn't dare disturb the rest of her lover, not when she looked so at peace. No, this was her sacrifice, the virtuous and noble death that she was destined for.
This was the hill she would die on. This was a cause worth fighting for. The light to extinguish her soul for.
"Babe, your halo is glowing brighter than the sun…"
The demon grumbled, roused from her restful slumber by the horrible light. Rubbing her eyes and letting out a big yawn as she rolled off the couch to go fetch a coffee.
The battle was over, yet the angel still breathed. The victory had not required her sacrifice, but war had taken its toll. She winced and used her arms to readjust her legs, not capable of moving them.
"Can you get me one too? I don't think I'm going to be walking for awhile.."
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lynnarang · 1 year ago
Forbidden Knowledge
Demon walking back into their apartment, groaning as they flick through the day's mail. Hospital bills that were excessive, credit card offers that she'd have to incinerate to avoid identity fraud, and a notice from their landlord about increasing rent next month.
They dump the stack of paper on the counter as they walk into the kitchen, pulling a single letter from the stack.
"A letter from your family?"
Their angel lover calls to them from the stove, currently in the middle of cooking dinner for two.
"Nah, just a wrong address."
The angel lifted an eyebrow looking back to her lover.
"A wrong address?"
"Well, wrong name. It has our address but some guy's name, must be a previous tenant or something."
The angel's eyes landed on the envelope, the cursed name sending a sting through her stomach.
"I'm just gonna go drop it off at the front desk and let them handle it-"
"W-Wait, um- Don't. It's.. It's for-"
The angel was floundering, clearly uncomfortable beneath the weight of her own halo. Her demon wasn't sure what this was about, but they knew something was wrong.
Putting the envelope back down, they moved to their love and wrapped a pair of strong arms around her, hugging her without a second thought.
"W-Why are you hugging me all of a sudden?"
"Cuz you looked like you needed it. What's wrong? Is that name one you know? Enemy of yours?"
The angel couldn't help but chuckle nervously.
"S-Something like that… The letter is for me. That's my deadname, I haven't seen it in awhile so I just was a bit startled. I-It's silly, I know."
"There's nothing silly about it. If it hurts you, then its a serious issue to me."
The hug was tightened, and the angel felt the stiffness in her chest loosen.
"I just.. Was afraid of you finding it out. That it would stick in your brain whenever you saw me. Like knowing would change our relationship forever."
The demon pulled back and looked at her.
They called their lover's name, her true one.
"Sephina. Sephina. Sephina!"
They repeated the name until it sounded as weird as the expression the angel was giving them.
"W-What are you doing?"
"Reminding you what your name is? You're acting like you forgot it."
"O-Of course I didn't forget, do you think I'm stupid?!"
"You are very stupid, it's cute."
"Wha- Bwuh- T-That's unfair! You're supposed to say no and comfort me!"
The angel's blush was so delicious to the demon, who smirked and reached beneath her halo to pet her head.
"Adorable. That's more like it, my cute little bird~"
The angel fluttered her wings and stammered, unable to form a coherent sentence as her lover continued to tease and caress her. Goddess above, what had she done to deserve such a wonderful demon in her life?
"You are who you are now, not whatever those who raised you tried to make you into. The name you chose for yourself is beautiful, it suits you far better than whatever arbitrary thing your parents gave you before they could even know you."
The demon kissed her forehead.
"Now, are you gonna be a good housewife and finish making dinner or am I gonna have to eat you instead~?"
Her demon flashed their fangs, sending a pleasant chill down her spine.
"…Can I choose both?"
"Of course, my lovely Sephina~"
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lynnarang · 1 year ago
Chasing the Light
"A-Are we almost there yet?!" Arang howled over the wind, clinging tightly to her girlfriend. The normally cool and aloof wolf girl was currently trembling in her girlfriend's arms, hundreds of feet above the ground. Arang had no idea where they were or where they were going, the blindfold that Sephina had made her wear making sure of that.
"Just another few minutes!"
The angel chirped happily, bothered by neither height nor weather. She must be having the time of her life seeing her girlfriend like this. Arang half-believed she was intentionally taking her time to extend their trip.
"You said that several minutes ago!"
The angel just laughed, leaning in to give her partner a peck.
"I think the blindfold is messing with your sense of time babe~ Don't worry, I can already see our destination~"
"You better!"
"You're so cute baby~ I should take you out flying more often!"
Luckily for Arang, this time it really was just a few minutes, and soon enough their girlfriend was helping them firmly plant their feet on the Earth once more.
"Are you ready to take your blindfold off?"
The wolf girl nodded, unaware just how much her tail was currently wagging. Sephina slipped behind Arang and gently eased the thick cloth over Arang's head, careful not to mess up her hair anymore than the wind already had. It only took a few seconds for Arang to realize why her girlfriend had found the blindfold necessary.
The pair were standing on the verge of a grassy cliff, overlooking a seemingly endless verdant expanse of firs and pines. The sun's final gleaming rays painted the whole valley in a warm red, creating a view straight out of a watercolor painting. Arang stood in silence for a full minute, hand entwined with Sephina's as they took in the scene together.
"How did you even find a place like this so close to the city?"
"Why do you think the flight here took so long?"
"Fair enough... And this is?"
Arang gestured at the picnic basket she'd only just noticed, prompting a giggle from Sephina.
"Nothing fancy, just sandwiches with a few sides. I couldn't exactly bring a three-course meal all the way out here ehe... Oh but I did bring a bottle of wine! I-I know it's um, not as impressive as the meal you made me for Valentine's last year but I wanted to show you the view I found while I was out flying the other day and--"
Arang smirked and ruffled their girlfriend's hair, cutting her off.
"You're cute babe. This is a perfect Valentine's date, I love it."
Sephina let out a relieved sigh and beamed, leaning into her girlfriend's petting hand.
"Thank the lord, I was worried with how cranky you seemed on the flight here..."
This prompted Arang to form a pout of her own, looking off to the side.
"I wasn't cranky..."
Sephina giggled and before Arang knew it she was laughing along too. The two lovers embraced and kissed, and as Arang stared into her lover's eyes she realized the scenery would only be the second most beautiful sight she'd take in today.
And so their idyllic Valentine's date went, with the two of them sitting side by side watching the sunset and each other, eating the dinner Sephina had prepared and getting tipsy off the wine she'd brought. Soon after the sun had finally finished setting the two found themselves in various states of undress, cuddling together beneath a blanket while looking up at the stars.
"I wish we could stay like this forever..."
Arang breathed out wistfully, full of warmth despite the chilly February air. Sephina curled in closer, resting her head in the crook of the muscular wolf's neck.
"But if we did, it wouldn't be special would it?"
Arang shook her head, only slightly so as to not bother the resting angel.
"Nothing could make the time I spend with you any less special."
They couldn't see her face, but Arang could tell Sephina was blushing from the warmth of her face pressing into their skin.
"You have so much rizz sometimes I swear..."
Sephina whispered, leaving Arang confused.
"Well you're the one whose cum is in me..."
"N-No babe, that's not what rizz is-- You know what never mind. It's better this way."
"Mmm, okay... I love you Seph."
"I love you too Ran. I love you too..."
Arang could tell Sephina was getting tired, the flight there carrying them both must have been more exhausting than she had been willing to let on. Arang shifted, making sure Sephina could comfortably fall asleep against her. After how magical tonight had been, she deserved the rest.
"..Will we be able to do something like this next year..?"
Sephina asked quietly, breath caressing Arang's neck.
"Of course baby. And the year after that, and the next one, and the one after that one too..."
"That sounds... Really nice..."
A minute later and Sephina's body completely relaxed into Arang, her breathing growing softer. Arang carefully turned her neck to peer down at her, curled up and snoring quietly. She was so beautiful, even in her sleep... One final time for the night, Arang leaned in and kissed her forehead, speaking in the kindest whisper.
"Thank you... for this and for everything. I love you Sephina, more than I think I'll ever be able to express... But I promise I'll spend the rest of my life trying anyway. Good night, my love..."
That night, the two of them slept better than ever before.
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lynnarang · 2 years ago
"Babe, please, just this once."
The demon peered over the costume clutched in her hands, staring at her lover for the slightest sign of approval. The angel was in a mixed stated of confusion and embarrassment, unsure how to react.
"I-It's so weird though!"
The two had been locked in debate for a few minutes now, ever since the demon suggested they do a bit of roleplay as part of tonight's sex.
Normally the angel was down for this kind of thing, until she learned just what role her lover wanted her to play.
Gaze flicking between the nun's habit and the pair of puppy eyes begging her to put it on, the angel was trapped in a precarious position.
"Why a habit? It's not sexy at all!"
"That's the point, I want to defile something sacred!"
"…You're already doing that, you know."
Pouting, the demon stamped her foot.
"I dug out my highschool uniform and wore it for you last month, this isn't any weirder than that!"
Blushing, the angel couldn't refute that.
"Well you looked so cute when your mama showed me your yearbooks.."
"Shut up and get dressed."
With great reluctance, the angel undressed and took the holy black garment from her lover's hands, which immediately curled into a victorious fist bump.
At least she'd had the decency to cut holes for her wings ahead of time.
"Oh, and put this chastity belt on."
The angel raised an eyebrow at her love.
"I didn't sign on for orgasm denial."
The demon gave a wolfish grin, baring her fangs.
"Oh it's not that, I just wanted to bite it off of you after I tear the rest of your clothes off~"
The angel shut up and put the belt on.
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lynnarang · 1 year ago
A Different Kind of Holiday
cw// smut, dubcon, orgasm control, oral, religious play
It was incredibly unlucky timing for the demon that she entered heat just as her angel lover began celebrating a holy weekend.
"Sorry babe, if I sin on a holiday I'll lose my halo."
A frustrated demon was forced to sit three whole days, practically oozing pheromones, while her girlfriend hummed hymns and pretended not to notice.
She spent hours holed up in their room, masturbating and moaning loud enough to get complaints from the neighbors, but to no avail
It became harder and harder for her to focus as the heat consumed her, the masturbation having only made it worse. She was beginning to think she would go insane, but she had been told directly tempting her girlfriend was off-limits.
Finally the holidays ended, and the moment her lover returned home from her errands, the demon was ready to pounce.
The half-succubus skipped the subtlety, approaching her lover naked, tail flicking through the air behind her.
"You've kept me waiting long enough dear, tonigh-"
She didn't even have time to finish her words before a hand was wrapped around her throat, pinning her to the wall.
"I kept you waiting?! Do you have any idea how hard it's been to be chaste these past few days? With you flaunting around near naked, screaming like you're in a porno, the smells you give off making my brain scream at me to breed you?!"
The demon was shocked, both by the outburst and the hand pinning her. Even as her limbs struggled to peel the angel's hands off herself, she found that her body was too weak to fight back effectively.
"I.. couldn't help it.."
She whimpered, face growing flush from the heat.
The grip on her throat tightened, drawing a weak squeal.
"No, I suppose a little harlot like you can't."
The angel's other hand moved up to caress one of the demon's horns, rubbing a thumb up and down the length, drawing delicious little half-choked moans.
"But if you think I'm just going to give you what you want after the hell you tried to drag me into…"
The angel smiled in the horrifying way only angels could, enough on its own to send a cold chill down the demon's spine. She thrashed more violently, but it was no use.
The demon was so hungry and needy that the strength had left her limbs, and the angel was bursting with divine energy after holding to her convictions.
Within a matter of minutes she was kneeling on the ground, arms chained away from her needy nethers, head held in her angel's soft hand, a thumb exploring her mouth.
"You know dear, the more you beg to be fucked the more it proves I need to deny you~"
The angel was clearly enjoying herself, used to being on the other end of this treatment, and well, her girlfriend was so cute when she was so needy and distressed!
The demon's whimpers were just so pathetic at this point, the tears in her eyes only making her hotter.
"Don't worry dear, you'll get your relief…"
The angel assured, simultaneously scratching her demon's chin with her fingers and caressing her cheek with her thumb.
"But first, it's time for you to do a little worshiping of your own~"
Any further complaints about the arrangement were soon buried beneath a throat full of divine girldick.
And worship it she did, ravenous tongue a bit sloppy but so very desperate. The moans from her angel and the musk filling her nostrils were all the encouragement she needed.
It didn't take long to bring her lover to climax, the reward deliciously intoxicating and all the more maddening. Her own body screamed for release, but the cock resting in her mouth didn't seem to be going anywhere.
She looked up with pleading eyes, more puppy than demon.
The angel's grin was could only be described as demonic.
"Come on dear, surely you didn't think once was enough? I was worshiping for three days straight, surely you can do the same!"
There was a look of terror in the demon's eyes as the angel started thrusting again.
Angel who was so very cruel, and demon whose jaw was going to be so very sore~
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lynnarang · 2 years ago
A Demon's Demons
The angel was torn from it's sleep in the dead of night by thrashing limbs and whimpered curses. Her initial reaction was delirious mumbling, quickly followed by panic.
Her demon was violently shaking in bed, crying out in her sleep, sweat glistening in the light of her Halo.
Another nightmare of hers, and a particularly bad one at that. Before the adrenaline rush of her sudden awakening faded, the angel hurried to work.
The demon blinked awake some time later, drenched in fear and sweat. She realized quickly that it had all simply been a nightmare, but it didn't slow the beating of her heart, nor remove the lump of anxiety in her throat.
She tried to reach for her phone to check the time, but found her limbs wouldn't move and the white ceiling above her was not the same one she fell asleep to. For a brief moment her heartbeat began to rise again. A tender hand on the back of her head halted her worries.
"Shhh… You're okay.. You're safe.."
The words gently drifted past the panic, weaving through her defenses before she could raise them. Realization began to dawn on the demon. She was still in her bed, but her arms were bound and her body enveloped in snowy white feathers.
"Wings… Soft.."
She mumbled drowsily, melting back into pillowy plumage. The angel breathed steadily, embracing her love's head.
"You're not going to hurt anyone and no one is going to hurt you, dear. Just.. Rest…"
Her words danced on the demon's ears, ruffling their fur.
In the morning they could talk, they could try to heal through the anxiety and the fear, the trauma. But for now, for now they would just fall asleep to the quiet rhythm of their shared heartbeats.
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lynnarang · 2 years ago
Bad News
"I have bad news."
The demon announced somberly as she plopped the pharmacy bag on the counter, her angel girlfriend freezing in place.
"Were they out of prog again?"
She asked, wings anxiously fluttering behind her.
The demon shook her head, cloudy grey eyes looking distant.
"No it's not that, I just…"
There was a pause, as if she were struggling for words.
"The woman behind me in line at the pharmacy told me I was never going to pass. That'd I'd always be a man."
The angel blinked a few times and then made an audible groan, which caused a toothy grin to spread across the demon's face.
"Fuck you, you freaked me out for a second. Gimme my pills."
The bag was tossed and then rifled through, a set of pill bottles retrieved and sorted.
"… Why is there condoms on here? I thought you liked me going raw…"
The angel asked, raising an eyebrow.
This prompted a cackle from her girlfriend, tail flicking happily behind her.
"Well, when the clerk asked if I needed anything else…"
"… You didn't"
The smirk on the demon's face only grew wider.
"Didn't what?"
"You didn't buy condoms and loudly announce that they were for your girlfriend to rail you with in front of the entire pharmacy."
The demon burst into full-on laughter, tail slashing the air audibly.
The anguished cry of the blonde angel only made the laughter worse.
"Come on, I couldn't just not. Offending public decency is practically my succubus duty."
"God babe, you sound just like your mom sometimes."
This shut the demon up immediately.
"… Don't say that."
Now it was the angel's turn to smirk, shrugging her shoulders.
"We both know your mom would have done the same thing."
The blush on her lover's snarling face was perfect, and the angel had just enough time to put her pills aside before she was pounced on.
A session of play-fighting and what came after led to the two cuddling together in bed. The demon was fondly caressing the new bitemarks she'd given, and the angel glowed happily as her mind struggled to catch back up to her body. Life was good.
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lynnarang · 2 years ago
cw// smut (or rather what comes after)
Arang laid on her back, eyes tracing the bumps on her popcorn ceiling, panting heavily as she felt each individual bead of sweat trickle down her nude body. By her side, Sephina was in a similar state, with her wings splayed behind her as her arms weakly embraced her lover.
Seeing her girlfriend's nude, vulnerable frame, feeling her chest heave against her side as she took deep breaths, Arang felt lust stirring within her again-- but the angel was clearly way too exhausted for another round, and while the idea of violating a spent angel whose only defense was gasped pleading moans did sound enticing, the wolf-demon had enough self-control to swallow it back down.
Instead, her eyes landed on a peculiarity of Sephina's body, a set of 3 near evenly space lines that ran for several inches along her outer waist. While Arang was no stranger to scars, her own body covered in several, this was her lover's only one (or three, depending on how you counted it).
And it was one Arang had left herself.
Gently, the demon reached down and traced a finger down the length of one of the lines, sending a shiver and a soft moan to elicit from Sephina. The angel, whose eyes had been closed in a blissed out stupor until now, sluggishly opened her eyes and blinked up at her girlfriend.
Arang remained silent, thoughts flashing back to those vivid moments that had burned into her brain. The feeling of angel flesh beneath her claws, the glistening of golden blood reflecting the sunlight as it splattered across asphalt, the way Sephina's face had contorted--
Arang snapped out of it just in time to catch her lover staring up at her with concerned eyes. Fuck, no matter what expression she made, she was always so pretty. Finally, the demon spoke.
"Does it still hurt?"
The angel sighed and shifted her shoulders upwards in barely perceptible shrug. "Sometimes. But what does it matter if it does? You have way more than me." "Because I-" "Yes, you left it. This was from you. But I was kind of asking for it at the time. If anything, I'm glad it left a mark, so I won't do something so stupid again." "Seph..." The angel reached up and stroked her partner's cheek, shushing her as she did. "Don't look so glum about it. You could have hurt me a lot worse back then, you had ever right to. But you didn't, and now we're both here together fucking each other's brains out and I, for one, could not be any happier with the situation." The gleam of her halo showed that she really meant what she said, but Arang was still left with doubts.
"I wanted to hurt you even more back then. I wanted to..." "I know, darling, that's why I'm so thankful that you didn't. Lord almighty you can be such a big puppy after sex sometimes." This brought a pout from the half-wolf, the desired response.
"I'm not a puppy..."
"Yes you are, you're my big strong puppy who gets all mushy about feelings because she feels bad about silly things that happened so long ago. " Sephina giggled, the muscular woman she was coiled struggling to find a retort. Eventually she gave up, instead leaning into her lover's embrace with a grumpy huff of breath.
"See, puppy." "Shut up before I change your mind about not pinning you down and fucking you again."
Arang growled out, drawing a nervous smile and a blush to Sephina's face. The thought excited her, perhaps even more so because her legs were too weak to do more than wiggle fruitlessly right now. But no, she seemed to realize it was probably in her best interest not to stoke the fire anymore than she had, instead closing her eyes and resting her head against one of her girlfriend's large breasts.
"...I love you Ran."
"I love you too Seph. I love you too."
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lynnarang · 2 years ago
Past Curfew
(This is a little excerpt between two of my characters that happened between scenes in an rp my girlfriend and me are doing. It might not make full sense out of context but I thought I would share it anyway)
Scenes of her teenage self sneaking in after curfew played in Arang's head as she quietly unlocked the front door of her apartment, desperately hoping that her girlfriend had already gone to sleep and wouldn't see the state she was in. But just as her guardian had always been there to deliver her a stern talking-to her then, Sephina awaited her in the living room despite the late hour.
For a moment Arang hesitated, considering running off and finding somewhere else to stay tonight or lurking in the shadows and trying to get to the bathroom to tend her wounds before her girlfriend could catch her. Unfortunately for her, before she could decide on a new plan of action, the angel girl's halo twitched and she looked up just in time to see Arang silently enter the doorway.
"It's about time! Do you know how long I waited for y- what the fuck happened to you babe?!"
Sephina didn't even have time to finish being mad at Arang before her eyes landed onto the mess of an arm the demon-wolf was clutching at her side. "It's nothing, just got into a bit of a scrap-" "A BIT of a scrap? Your arm looks like it's barely hanging on by the tendons!"
It wasn't *that* bad, Arang mumbled as her angel girlfriend rushed over to her to take a closer look. The 'little scrap' Arang had been in during her night job had lead to her left arm being halfway severed near where it met her shoulder. But only halfway.
"It's fine, it'll heal in a few days, it takes a lot more than that-- kill me..."
Arang's words trailed off towards the end as Sephina fixed her with a glare. Her unnaturally red eyes normally gleamed like beautiful rubies, but Arang swore they turned to flames when the angel got mad at something. Sephina was dragging Arang to the living room now, grabbing a handful of medical supplies on the way.
"I'm well aware of that! Just as I'm aware of the multitude of other non-death horrible things that could happen to you! In case you weren't aware, I don't exactly like seeing my girlfriend horribly wounded and in pain either!"
Sephina spoke harshly as she treated Arang's wounds, clearly upset with how skilled she'd gotten at the process.
"What if you got hurt so badly you couldn't even make it home? What if you lost control and hurt someone while you were out there? What if you got captured and tortured and I never saw you again?" Arang cringed. This was the part she hated the most, the reason she'd tried to avoid this encounter. The guilt. "None of that is going to happen.." "You don't know that! Fuck, with how often stuff like this happens it almost seems like..." Sephina exclaimed harshly as she finished tying one of the several bandages she'd grabbed. Arang went silent, feeling some of the pent-up aggression from her unfinished battle from early rising back to the surface.
"Seems like what?"
Her words came out harsher than she meant for them to, almost as a growl rather than a question. Sephina was taken aback by this, wings anxiously flapping behind her before her gaze settled back into a glare.
"Like you want something to happen. Like you're just waiting for a job to go wrong and kill you for real-" Arang started to say something but bit her lip to silence herself before she could get the words out. She could see the tears brimming in Sephina's eyes. She was genuinely afraid- she probably had been since Arang had failed to make it home in time.
"Babe, that's not... That's not true. I'm sorry." The demon reached her still-functional hand for her lover's cheek but the angel batted her arm away.
"If it's not then quit taking these stupid jobs already. Stop making me sit alone at night and imagine all the scenarios where you never come back through that door."
Arang winced. Now Sephina was crying for real. Fuck.
"It's not that easy baby..." Sephina's face scrunched up in anger as tears continued to trek down her cheeks, only to relax a moment later. Her expression was almost mournful as she shook her head.
"No, nothing's ever that easy with you is it? Why do I even bother, getting so worked up when there's nothing I can do?"
Dread sunk into a pit in Arang's stomach as she struggled to find the words to placate her girlfriend. She couldn't just stop working, Sephina had to realize that right? And there wasn't a lot of alternatives for... for someone like her. This was something she had to do. But it still pained her to upset her girlfriend this much...
Sephina cleaned up the rest of Arang's wounds in quiet as neither of them could find the words to keep the conversation going. The largest wound wasn't something that could really be treated simply but Sephina gave it her best shot, and by the time she was done it was well past 2AM.
"Babe I'm sorry. Can we talk..."
Arang tried to call out to Sephina as the latter started to clean up the absurd amount of medical supplies she'd gotten out.
"Not tonight. Let's just go to bed. I'm tired and I have to be up in a few hours."
Sephina was curt, not even meeting Arang's eyes as she spoke, and by the time the demon managed to follow her back to their bedroom she'd already collapsed into the bed with the covers pulled over herself. With a final sigh of defeat, Arang turned the lights off and lowered herself into bed facing the other way from her girlfriend.
No matter how exhausted she felt, sleep never found her for long that night.
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