#Sell pre loved designer bags
mrshcloset · 11 months
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diacripticcomplex · 11 months
DL Characters as College Majors/Life after highschool/Adulting experiences: 
Shu: Did not attend college, and will not. Somehow he was able to find a super boss lady girlfriend who literally takes care of him and doesnt want him working or going anywhere. Shu thinks that he's the one running things in the relationship and she will make him think that but she's pulling all the strings in the background. The only thing she wants Shu to do is take care of their dog and cat, which Shu gladly does, he is much better at taking care of animals than he ever was at taking care of other people. Smokes a lot of weed when his girlfriend isn't home, she keeps him at peace and without her he starts panicking. 
Reiji: He graduated highschool a year earlier than most, and is in his third year of pre-medical school, he successfully got his associates degree in Biology. He's also engaged to someone he doesnt even know but he has no choice but to obey his father's wishes. Doesnt go to any college parties and is not friends with anyone, however he does ass kiss the professors so that he would be able to score a good internship and letters of rec for Medical school. A few ladies in his classes think he is very attractive but he is uninterested in them and is loyal to his betrothed, having no idea what she even looks like is crazy but good for him I guess. 
Ayato: The life of the party, Literally he only went to college for the parties, his GPA was really low but he got money so he's able to pay of course. Joined a whole frat, is a huge frat bro and his major is finance. Which is crazy cause he sucks at math and anything pertaining to numbers.  He always makes class groupchats in order to get the answers for assignments and exams, thats how he's managing to get by all his classes. He's gotten roofied at a party before and is super careful with his drinks now as well as keeping a lookout for other people. He always tries to get his brothers to attend his frat parties, Laito does and once Subaru went, instantly regretted it cause Ayato made him jug like 20 beer cans back to back. He also has a huge crush on Yui but never invites her to the parties because he's scared something bad can happen to her there since there were many cases. 
Kanato: A well known art and design major, as well as minoring in historical fashions. Kanato has a huge passion for designing clothes and he was so happy he got accepted into a university that allowed him to use his creativity. He takes a lot of art related classes, his favorite is sculpting because it allows him to create sculptures out of wax, and he even got an award and his own exhibit on campus, yes he's that good. He's a part of a very quiet friend group of artists who silently create their mark on the school, the whole group is 5 girls and Kanato, crazy thing is Kanato managed to have sex with each one of them and theyre all aware as well but the convinced them in was to further their artistic view on bodies. He has a side hustle where he sells handmade bags and clothing, he's been doing very good to the point he can own his own boutique. 
Laito: He loves a good party and tries his best to attend all of Ayato's frat parties, but he does not go to college, instead he takes online courses on how to be a "health" guru, (sex guru). He's been doing good though, he's also a part-time massager for women only, he literally harassing them but they do not mind. He's also in a throuple relationship and a step father currently, but he has 3 kids from his previous relationships, yes Laito has 3 baby mamas and he's also  very active on social media trying to be a trendy influencer. He's also been in therapy for his mental health issues and past traumas, its been helping him. he tries to convince his brothers to come with him but they refuse, he never gives up. He really wants that family group therapy. 
Subaru: College did not spark his interest at all, despite the fact that he pretty much would be able to get a scholarship or be a pro-athlete. Subaru started to do boxing as a career choice, going into professional fights and winning every fight he has ever been in. His fighting name is the White Tiger. He loves to workout, and keeps a very healthy lifestyle so that one time he did go to that annoying frat party it completely messed up his flow it took him a few weeks to recover. Before he was fighting he tried using steroids to get ripped but stopped after he started feeling like shit. He has a girlfriend, and they have been together for YEARS! She's pregnant too and they have a cat together as well, they live in a nice condo and iconically he drives a subaru. 
Ruki: He's in culinary school. Honestly, he can cook very well. even Gordon Ramsey was impressed. He goes abroad quite often for competitions and for learning more about cultural dishes. He's managing an online business where he sells these goodie snacks and its international as well, Kou being famous helps promote his snack brand even more. Ruki also got married around his 3rd year in culinary school to the head chef, she literally fell in love with his cooking, however they keep their relationship a secret for obvious reasons, she's his teacher technically. He always brings his brothers back souvenirs from everywhere he goes, his favorite places so far were New York and Las Vegas, the food impressed him very much. 
Kou: He's been famous, and now he's evenm more famous thanks to Tiktok and instagram. He has a whole PR team as well and is often also traveling between Japan, California, New York, and Paris. He has a lot of modelling and brand deals as well, he's currently working on a cologne line and perfume line for women as well as male skin care. Kou has a lot of groupies and he almost married one but she was crazy and still stalks him. He has a lot of scandals as well. His nudes were leaked and a tape as well going viral on twitter and discord. He has collabed with a lot of famous singers and tiktokers. He is thinking of getting into acting if the scandals die down. 
Yuma: Works in the agriculture industry, but he’s not a farmer or gardener, he inspects gardens for a living and if they’re bad he will tell them how to improve it, he also works closely with importation of certain fruits and veggies. Nothing gets past Yuma, he has a big house with an even bigger garden and green house as well, he’s also gay and still big in love with Shu but respects his relationship they hang out sometimes. He’s currently working on a product to remove pesticides without harming the human body or altering the fruit/veggie. He’s been to a few gay clubs, and had some fun but likes to keep his life private and isn’t interested in a relationship right now.
Azusa: He met a very good person who was working as a therapist and she ended up becoming his girlfriend, he was never her patient but she was def helping him without even him realizing it, he's focusing on his mental health mainly and he's gotten a bunch of tattoos to cover up all his scars. He also works from home and is currently writing a book about his life, specifically the peak of his low, which was when he met his brothers in the orphanage. He has a pet kitten and he actually has 3 kids with his soon to be wife, he's also been getting into drawing and wants to illustrate children's books, and do a side hustle of tattooing. 
Carla: Works in the police force, he spends most of his time with the international forces and monitors media, he’s also working for disease control he used to be a detective however he shot someone innocent and couldn’t work the ranks anymore so he just works in internal affairs, he had a whole political campaign at one point but some women came forward with allegations against him some were true, some just hate him so they lied, safe to say he’s not getting into power any time soon, his daughter is his rock but he’s on the verge of a divorce. (I don’t like Carla)
Shin: He went to college to become a zoologist, but decided to get into the fur pelts industry instead, he works closely with fashion designers and certain colder countries , he’s been getting great trade, he also almost had a near death experience with a wolf so he no longer wants to be around animals. He practices not showering for months. (Yea I don’t like Shin)
Kino: (I def don’t like Kino) He works at a game stop.
Yui: this precious Angel Yui, goes to college for religious studies, she makes cute rosaries for all her fellow church group members/friends and they pray together, she wants to become an abbess very badly and is trying her very best in all of her classes, she does a lot of charity and fun raisers too, putting her cooking and baking skills to use, she had a crush on Ayato they shared the same pre req class but once he started partying and stuff she grew super distant from him, but still says hi to him when they see each other on campus.
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open-hearth-rpg · 1 month
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Amazing Adventure
One of the most challenging things for game designers is offering a solid, easy to get into, slowly building, and comprehensive starter adventure. Back of the core book ones have the additional pressure of being there forever. I’ve seen some that have become classics– which many people can bond over. Isle of Dread for Expert D&D back in the day was one of these. I’ve also seen ones that aren’t great– with broken rules references, dropping in too many systems, railroading, or focusing too narrowly. 
The original Coriolis quickstart adventure which came out before the game had some of these problems. It listed several things on the character sheets which weren’t in the rules presented. But more importantly it offered a sci-fi bug hunt scenario which a) was boring and b) did absolutely nothing to sell the actual setting. The earliest Modiphius Conan 2d20 qs adventure, despite being based on a Howard story, was insanely boring: basically a series of linear fights, no social interactions, little other skill use, and almost no choices on the players’ part. 
But there’s one intro adventure which I love. I’m recycling from an #RPGaDay prompt from back in 2015, but my answer still holds: Auspicious Beginnings. 
What is it? A tutorial adventure for Weapons of the Gods, the wild wuxia system. WotG is, IMHO, a hot mess but I love the vibe of it. There are legendary stories, tales of factions, explanations of philosophies, discussions of gender, and descriptions of nations throughout the book. They contain a mix of fiction and description.
But more importantly players can buy connections to those ideas and stories. You can purchase a link and become part of these fables- creating a destiny, showing the GM what you want, and encouraging you to play within those archetypal elements. It’s cool and something worth stealing for other games.
But I had a hard time following the system beyond that. It uses the kind of dice tricks I’m not fond of- pattern matching and the ability to flow dice out of your pool to the side and then back again later. Fireborn and some other games have done that and "it's not my bag." (tm) And the combat’s super involved, though I suspect it does simulate the feel of a legendary encounter. 
But forget all that. Ignore what I just said, because Auspicious Beginnings is wonderful.
The PCs heroes arrive at Only Two Devils, a frontier city with a reputation for the exotic. The city has several striking key NPCs and factions associated with them (like Ironhand Nan and the Sheathed-Blade Empty-Hand Prosperity Society). The Governor has elaborate rituals for city entry and stiff requirements to access the more interesting spots. One or more members of the group need to get to the secret markets to secure a special lost item. To do so, they need a sponsor. Therefore they have to participate in a grand contest- not of fighting, but tests of skill. Like leaping from spear point to spear point carrying a flag while avoiding arrow fire. If the group can succeed, they’re adopted by one of the factions- which leads to a fight and a jump off for further adventures.
The contest’s brilliant and colorful. It’s intended to showcase and ramp up the use of the game mechanics. That holds true for other systems besides WotG. You can use this as a model to show how to do cool stuff. The characters are awesome- the Pre-Gen PCs, the rival contestants, the leaders of the faction. The setting’s vivid and full of amazing hooks. It has twists, ways to buy into the setting, and great advice for running any Wuxia game.
I’ve used this set up straight or in modified form about a half dozen times. I’ve come up with all kinds of crazy new contests. My favorite is racing hungry monkeys to gather fruit from a private garden. There’s a ton of inspiration here and it’s fun to come up with new ones tuned to the players’ builds. Use Auspicious Beginnings for any fantasy game with stunting concepts and athletic tricks for the players (like Exalted or Hearts of Wulin).
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bokksu-vs-sakuraco · 1 year
Sakuraco Box #2 Review: Autumn Moon Festival
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Theme: Autumn Moon Festival - same as Bokksu!
Arrived: September 27
# of Unique Snacks: 12 + 2 teas
Household Item: Tsukimi dish
Similar to Gliss, there's a special place in my heart for the Autumn Moon Festival, so I was very excited for this box! Let's get right into it.
Shipping timeline for this box:
September 14 - Shipping Email Received
September 20 - Box Arrived in US, West Coast
September 27 - Box Received in Mail, East Coast
The box arrived just in time for me to enjoy these snacks leading up to the Moon Festival (September 29th). It shipped around the same part of the month as last time, so it looks like I should expect boxes to arrive towards the end of the month in general.
Pre-Opening the Box
I was a little weary when I saw that the box was packed like this again
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but I was actually pleasantly surprised when the label peeled off cleanly without any lifting or damaging of the box!
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I think a major difference this time is that there's no additional packing tape on top of the bag? But maybe the box itself is a bit higher quality too because there's no semi-circle of lifting where I took off the sealing circle of tape.
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I know I'm putting a lot of attention on this, but since saving and displaying these boxes was something I was greatly looking forward to, I really appreciate having that small boost in quality. Not to mention that I love the design of this month's box, and was hoping that I would be able to show it off!
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Now let's take a look inside!
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Taking everything out of the box and seeing so many cute rabbit snacks just made me more and more excited. Not only is it really fun to look at, but it also made me curious about what the unique character of each snack would be. (Note: There are 18 individually packaged snacks for a total of 12 unique snacks, and two teas)
The booklet is 23 pages and has information about the snacks and the traditions of Japanese moon viewing. I forgot to mention this last time, but the paper of the booklet is pretty nice, with a feel similar to a quality magazine.
Opening the flat white box in the back reveals a cute Tsukimi (moon viewing) dish!
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The dish has a diameter of about 12 cm or just under 5 inches. It says it's both microwave and dishwasher safe.
Incidentally, if right now you're confused why rabbits play such a strong theme in this box, the booklet tells us it's because of a Japanese folktale, Tsuki no Usagi (Moon Rabbit), which the booklet goes on to share with us.
Ok, it's time to taste some snacks.
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With Gliss's glowing comments about her White Chocolate Strawberry, when I saw this in my box I knew I would have to try it first. Opening the package, you get a fragrant aroma just like a ripe strawberry's; however, after taking a bite I found that the texture is more like chocolate. The smooth white chocolate flavor hits first and then the strawberry flavor joins in soon after. As a whole, I'd say the flavors are well balanced without being too sweet.
Next I thought I'd try the Usagi Pon Senbei.
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Each package had 2 senbei in it. They had that classic umami flavor (from soy sauces), but ran a bit on the salty side.
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Personal preference, but I've found that I enjoy lighter, crispier senbei more than the kind that's hard to bite into. In this one you can see how it's more light while still preserving that crispiness.
At this point, I had to open the Peach Jelly. I'd been eyeing it this entire time and couldn't resist any longer. (The Sakuraco boxes having jelly was a pretty big selling point for me. I didn't really try any during my recent trip to Japan because jelly was actually pretty expensive in comparison to other snacks.)
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The two layers sort of separated when I popped it out of its container, but I don't mind. The clear layer of jelly was on top, and it had these little jelly leaves which I loved looking at. The darker layer with the red beans in it was on the bottom. The top layer had a refreshingly sweet, somewhat fruity taste, while the bottom layer was a bit thicker and more starchy, with a more pronounced fruit flavor. I'm saying "fruit" here because at first I thought it was maybe apple or pear, so I was a bit surprised to read that it's peach.
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I could just be wrong, but mine also looks different from the picture, so I'm not sure if the jelly came in different designs or if I got a different jelly altogether? Either way, it was quite tasty.
Afterwards I went to the Black Okoshi.
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It's a little like an Asian granola bar. There's some peanuts, karinto (deep fried puff) and black sesame seeds in here, all coated in an Okinawan brown sugar glaze. Crunchy, with a good ratio of peanuts to puff. A bit too sweet for me, but the serving size was small enough that I didn't grow tired of it before I could finish.
At this point I'd like to talk about the teas. Yes, plural! Last time we got two packets of the same type of tea, this time it's two different packets of tea.
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The left one was like a barley tea while the right one was like a green tea. I think the green tea was this month's 'surprise', along with the next snack below. I don't usually drink tea so all I can say here is that they were pretty good, no complaints. I do want to point out though that in this month's booklet, they included brewing instructions!!
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I did leave some feedback on their website last month that it would be nice if they included this, so it's really cool to see that they took that feedback seriously. Following the instructions, the tea didn't get bitter at all, letting me properly enjoy it while it's flavor was at it's best.
Ok let's continue with the snacks.
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I didn't see this one in the booklet but scanning the QR code to check out this month's list of surprise snacks, I found it kind of looks like:
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...Mame Mochi? Or at least this looked like the closest snack by far on the list. Reading the description made me slightly confused because I'm not sure I would describe the snack in my box as 'soft and fluffy'. It was more like puffed and crunchy. Biting down you get some crunch before the snack quickly disappears in your mouth and you hit those small black soybeans (?). It really was like eating a pocket of air and then finding you have some grain in your mouth.
Moving on, I was very excited to try the Black Sesame Mochi:
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They came in a tray of 6, and were very cute. Although, after eating one I understand what Gliss was talking about when she said it was like tang yuan or the Chinese black sesame soup dumplings. (*Note: Bokksu had the exact same package of this snack in their box.) The black sesame mochi were bite sized and had the soft, chewy texture of mochi, with some smooth black sesame paste in the center. The main difference between the mochi and the soup dumpling is that the latter has way more filling and a thinner outer layer, whereas the mochi had a lot more rice cake. It was still pretty good, but my personal preference leans towards having more filling.
Going to another cute snack, the Usagi Marshmallow has a way of grabbing one's attention.
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You can't really tell from this photo, but it actually has strawberry jam filling. If you've had marshmallow candy, then it basically tasted like that, plus some strawberry jam. Sweet and fluffy.
Continuing, below is the Chocolate Cream Danish.
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This doesn't really seem like a traditional Japanese snack in any way.. But it sounded good so I was still interested in trying it. The pastry somewhat reminded me of a croissant, and the chocolate was very rich, like the coating you might find on top of a brownie (and of course, it was pretty sweet). The overall experience with this one was sort of a "huh, ok" for me.
At this point I really needed something salty to balance things out, so I decided to try the Peanut Arare.
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And I'm really glad I did! Wow! Just one bite and I thought to myself "this is REALLY good." It had the perfect amount of crunch, a satisfying texture that was a little flakey and kind of melted in your mouth, as well as a savory flavor with some depth. The peanut didn't come through that strongly (at first I thought it tasted a bit more like a corn chip except less salty), but in retrospect it actually checks out that the depth came from the nuttiness of the peanuts. All aspects of this snack were a hit for me, and even when I finished what was given, I found myself wanting more!
The Anko Dorayaki was like a pancake with red bean paste filling.
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The pancake part came through more strongly than the filling, but I like that they used yam flour in the dough to subtly add some more flavor. It was more light than I expected, and a tiny bit dry. Overall, I'd say this is the type of snack that pairs very well with tea.
Next, the Full Moon Cookie.
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It tasted more or less like a vanilla cookie; thin, with a firm crunch that wasn't hard. It's not exactly a stand out snack in terms of taste (although fans of vanilla cookies would probably be delighted), but the design is indeed captivating and it wasn't too sweet.
Lastly, the Full Moon Soft Chew.
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You can probably tell by now that I'm not a huge fan of candy (or anything that's too sweet). Not to mention that the designs on these are so cute that I would be ok with just setting them aside to look at them occasionally, but I should probably taste one for this blog.
They're definitely sweet, although I was surprised by the texture. It didn't really stick to my teeth and it had this granular quality to it that made this "ksh ksh ksh" sound while I chewed. This would definitely be a fun one for candy lovers.
Final Thoughts
So this box definitely leaned harder to the sweet side, with only 3 salty snacks and 9 sweet. Of the sweet ones, my favorite was definitely the jelly because of how unique it was and how it harmonized appearance, flavor, and texture to make an eminently enjoyable snack. Some of the other sweets might've not hit quite all the marks for me, but that's just personal preference.
Buying a service whose goal is to cater towards a wide variety of snackers, I'm content that so far each box hasn't had anything that I outright disliked, and even had a couple snacks that I absolutely loved (my favorite salty snack, or maybe even overall snack so far is definitely the peanut arare!).
Still, I think this box was very fun to open and explore, and it probably left a stronger impression on me over the previous box because of its theming (I'm an especially big fan of when Sakuraco does unique box designs! I feel like it sets the mood from the start). I do appreciate how the Okinawa box had a more balanced sweet/salty ratio, though I understand that it's probably more challenging curating salty snacks to have as much variety as the sweet ones.
I would say something along the lines of 'see you next month' here, but this month Gliss and I will be writing another blog that does a more in depth comparison between how Bokksu and Sakuraco handled the Moon Festival theme (since they happened to choose the same theme this month).
So, see you soon!!
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phuongngabui · 7 months
Week 6: Social Media Influencers and the Slow Fashion Movement
Welcome to the Slow Fashion Guidebook!
The fashion industry, notorious for its rapid trends and fleeting styles, has a dark side. Its environmental impact, from resource depletion to textile waste, is undeniable, while ethical concerns regarding worker exploitation and unfair wages remain prevalent (Maiti 2024). But there's a growing movement challenging this unsustainable cycle: slow fashion. Enter the slow fashion movement guidebook, which will help you navigate from the fast-paced world of fast fashion to the more mindful and sustainable path of slow fashion. Buckle up and get ready to transform your wardrobe with purpose!
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Step 1: Fast Fashion Diagnose
Understanding the Problem: Let's look at your current shopping habits.
Do you often buy new clothes?
Are you influenced by trends on socmed?
Have you ever researched about the brands/company you buy from?
Do you still feel like you need to buy more clothes every time an event comes up?
Do your clothes malfunction easily?
If the answer is yes to more than 2 out of these 5, maybe it's because you're a victim of fast fashion.
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Step 2: Reduce and Restyle
Declutter Your Closet: Tired of feeling overwhelmed by your clothes? Time for a closet clean-up! Imagine opening your closet and finding only clothes you love to wear, not forgotten trends and unworn stuff. Let's declutter like Marie Kondo! Hold each item and ask: "does it spark joy?" If it makes you smile, keep it! If not, donate it, sell it, or give it a new life (think: cleaning cloths from old tees or a tote bag from worn-out jeans!) (Garrity 2021). It's okay if it takes time – start with a category like tops, then celebrate your progress! So go forth and declutter with joy!
Mindful Shopping Habits: Say goodbye to impulse buys and hello to mindful shopping! Before hitting the stores (or online carts), set realistic budgets based on your income and priorities. Instead of chasing fleeting trends, define your personal style – what colors, silhouettes, and fabrics make you feel confident and comfortable? Create mood boards or wish lists to stay focused and avoid getting swept away by the latest fad. Shopping mindfully isn't just about saving money, it's about building a wardrobe that reflects your true self and values.
Quality over Quantity: Invest in well-made, timeless pieces that will last through seasons. Think classic silhouettes, neutral colors, and versatile basics you can mix and match endlessly. Focus on natural fabrics like organic cotton and linen – they're not only soft and comfortable, but also more sustainable than synthetic options (Brewer 2019). Imagine: a wardrobe filled with fewer, high-quality pieces you truly love, instead of overflowing with trendy discards. It's a shift in mindset, but the payoff is huge – lasting style, conscious choices, and a closet that sparks joy, not guilt. Remember, quality over quantity is the new mantra!
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Embrace Renting and Secondhand: Ditch the designer price tags and embrace the thrill of the hunt! Secondhand shopping isn't just about saving money, it's about unearthing unique treasures with character and history. Thrift stores, vintage shops, renting stores and online marketplaces are your treasure troves, bursting with pre-loved gems waiting to be discovered. So, skip the mall and embark on a secondhand and renting adventure – you might just find your new favorite outfit and contribute to a more sustainable fashion future!
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Step 3: Slow Fashion Lifestyle - Love your clothes
Caring for Your Clothes: Learn proper washing, drying, and storage techniques to extend the lifespan of your garments.
Get Creative: Embrace mending and alterations to give pre-loved pieces a new lease on life. Upcycle old clothes into new treasures!
Spread the Word: Share your slow fashion journey with friends and family. Encourage them to join the movement and make conscious choices.
All of this could be a phase you tried, but if you want it to last, you have to make it a routine of loving your clothes. The way you dress is a representation of who you are as a person, so let's try to make a conscious choice before purchasing. You are not a representation of every micro-fashion trend; do not let it run you over, but rather take control of your own body image and present yourself as who you are!
Slow fashion is a journey, not a destination. 
It's about making mindful choices, appreciating quality, and valuing ethical production. Start small, explore these resources, and enjoy the process of building a more sustainable and stylish wardrobe!
By embracing slow fashion, you not only transform your wardrobe, but also contribute to a more responsible and sustainable future for our planet and its people. Start today, one conscious choice at a time!
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Brewer, MK 2019, “Slow Fashion in a Fast Fashion World: Promoting Sustainability and Responsibility,” Laws, viewed on February 25, 2024, <https://doi.org/10.3390/laws8040024>.
Garrity, A 2021, “What Is the KonMari Method? Here’s How to Declutter the Marie Kondo Way,” Good Housekeeping, viewed on February 25, 2024,  <https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/home/organizing/a25846191/what-is-the-konmari-method/>.
Maiti, R 2024, “Fast Fashion and Its Environmental Impact in 2024 | Earth.Org,” Earth.Org, viewed on February 25, 2024, <https://earth.org/fast-fashions-detrimental-effect-on-the-environment/#:~:text=The%20Dark%20Side%20of%20Fast%20Fashion&text=It%20dries%20up%20water%20sources,of%2050%20billion%20plastic%20bottles.>.
Rauturier, S 2023, “A Beginner’s Guide to More Sustainable Fashion,” Good On You, viewed on February 25, 2024, <https://goodonyou.eco/guide-sustainable-fashion/>.
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paddockbunny · 1 year
I’m selling some of my old designer pieces and the AUDACITY some people have. Jacquemus bag, used once for a wedding, RRP £500+, this dumb fuck offers…..£65! £65!!!! It’s on for an incredibly fair price at £350 and they offer £65?!
THEN insult me, the bag and the fact I said no by telling me I’m out of order for not selling it to them for £65! So I block and report but then go on to their own page where, what I found can only be described as an abomination. Random shit from sweatshops and dodgy market stalls for £45!! Most of it doesn’t look remotely real and what I would call “Turkey specials” (aka fakes)
Then as if it doesn’t get worse she has the sheer gall to be listing a pair of what I can only describe as “trash worthy” (they’re so damaged and wrecked) Dolce & Gabbana (like, love, they were cancelled years ago…they’re vile people) heels for £199.99!!!! The only place these shoes should be going is in the bin. They’ve been thoroughly worn and trashed. The leather (if it’s even leather) has come away from the heel, the soles are completely filthy and should have been replaced, you can see the toe marks heavily ingrained into the bed of the shoe as they’ve clearly been worn to death.
One of the reasons she claimed by Jacquemus bag was only worth £65 was because it’s 5 years old and literally said “it’s pre-pandemic” (wtf does covid-19 have to do with a handbag in the first place????) Like, honey, babes, these manky D&G heels can’t even be found online they’re THAT old, they have zero authenticity, no dust bag (which all designer shoes come with dust bags), no receipts, no nothing and are TRASHED and you’re still trying to sell them for £200 in the same breath as you claim that my bag which has been worn once, pristine, comes with dust bag, box and tags, bought from Selfridges on Oxford Street with a receipt to prove it, kept on a shelf in my closet out of sunlight etc. is worth £65?! HAVE A DAY OFF!
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IDK if this is unpopular or not but I don't blame celebrities for getting rid of fans gifts either by selling, re-gifting, or throwing away (even though this one is less ideal. Not just because of it potentially hurting the gifter's feeling but mostly because of the waste).
To use idols as an example, I've seen some of the crazy ass gifts that fan clubs give to them. There was one fanclub who posted their gifts for either iKon's anniversary or one of the member's birthdays a few years back. It was a HUGE pile of stuff. Almost all of it was in designer boxes and bags. This had to be TENS of THOUSANDS of dollars worth of stuff and that was ONE fanclub picture doing this for just ONE anniversary or birthday. So multiple fanclubs probably do this, possibly "single" fans give more than one gift as well, AND this probably happens EVERY ANNIVERSARY or birthday (probably BOTH). I'm gonna suspect they get the same item more than once too. Some khh artists, Gray stands out in my mind, get gifted a lot from fanclubs on anniversaries/anniversaries too. (His aren't as extravagant as iKon's were from what I've seen. It's usually cakes, food, balloons, and things that naturally aren't supposed to last more than a week but it's still PILES worth of stuff)
So to me it makes sense to get rid of them in some way because:
They may not have the room for it. Idols mostly live in dorms together (some khh artists have "one-rooms", or studio apartments as well call them in the US, or even maybe a 1 bedroom apartment but it's still small) and many even share rooms so how will they fit all of that stuff?
Some of these idols and rappers are receiving gifts that they may not even be able to afford yet. So if you're getting multiples of expensive stuff, it only makes sense to sell some things to put some money in your pocket.
Some of the clothes may not fit the person receiving the gift.
I know people want their idols, favorite rappers, or other celebrities to keep the gifts and use them (even when it's someone in your personal life who you gift something to this applies) but really it makes sense why they can't keep everything. But I understand why people may get their feelings hurt regardless. I think I would be hurt too tbh. However, I also think it's important not to over-gift these celebrities cause it's just really not smart. The people who do this extreme type of gift giving are likely trying to buy the person's love which isn't gonna happen.
Side note: but I was told Gwangil comes from a well off family anyway. So people really shouldn't be over-gifting him LOL but iKon too. They were MONSTER rookies + Bobby had won close to 100,000 USD pre-debut (SMTM3 win). They never struggled like that to where fans should feel the need to be financially supporting them that heavy. Note that the fanclub picture was from a few years into iKon's career too so they definitely weren't struggling at this point. It'd be (a bit) different if these were people from poor families or small companies where the group won't make any money for YEARS.
Side note 2: just imagine how many people are giving them ACTUAL money too? There's no reason why they can't just slip cash inside those boxes, bags, and envelopes with the receiver's name on it. I'm sure many are. If you're willing to buy designer items that already costs hundreds or thousands then I'm sure the idea of just putting actual hundreds or thousands in the bags hasn't evaded them.
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lafiametta · 2 years
In the modern Au, how do they spend their days when they're still not living together? And does Olek bring a duffel bag with some of his clothes and other personal items, which slowly take place inside Ling Yi's flat over the months until he moves in with her? I love this little plot about new lovers~ "There is so much of you here already. What took you so long to stay forever?"
And I hope that, unlike in your 1899 Au, one of them is good at cooking! Seriously, how sweet would it be if Olek cooked meals for Ling Yi to take to work! Maybe that is how her co-workers find out she's dating someone new? And... Is she the type of girl to announce new flings and/or relationships to her friends and family as soon as they start, or does she wait to see whether they're going to make it official before she says anything? And oh, I wonder what would happen if Ling Yi ever stumbled upon one of her exes while she is with Olek!
Before they move in together, they mostly see each other on the weekends, with one of them (typically Olek) staying over on Saturday night. It happened pretty organically, with Olek coming into the city on Saturday afternoons to see Ling Yi, and then eventually spending the night. Then they would have most of the day on Sunday to hang out, either staying in bed (sleeping in... or other things) or going out for brunch. By 5 or 6pm, he's on the M train, headed back to Bushwick, just enough time to have some dinner, do a load of laundry or two, and have a bit of down time before he has to be ready for the work week. After a few weeks of this routine, Olek started bringing some stuff with him, so at least he would have a toothbrush and a change of clothes for Sunday. By now he's got a little place for his stuff on Ling Yi's bathroom counter (surrounded by all the products for her multi-step nighttime skincare routine) and part of a drawer in her closet where he keeps some shirts and clean underwear.
In general, Olek doesn't have a ton of stuff in his apartment (and a lot of it is fairly crap furniture that he got second-hand when he arrived in the States or bought at IKEA), so when they decide to move in together, the whole process isn't as hard as they might have originally thought. Olek recognizes that Ling Yi's furniture is much nicer — and she has better taste and superior interior design skills — so he ends up selling or donating most of his furniture. When he arrives at Ling Yi's apartment, he's basically got two suitcases and his Monstera plant. (She's already cleared out a much bigger part in her closet for him, and she bought a little mud tray for the hallway where he can leave his work boots.)
I think they're both trying to be better at cooking. They both definitely know some dishes from home that they try to make, and they both love eating from their own cuisines when they can. But once they move in together, I can totally see the two of them trying to pick up some more skills (and save money on takeout) by doing more cooking together. (Maybe they'd get into something like Blue Apron or HelloFresh with the pre-portioned ingredients? Also, it would give them time together in the kitchen!)
Olek making Ling Yi's lunches is such a cute idea! Because of her job, she does have to think a fair amount about what she's eating and how much of it (unfortunately), but I could also totally see him chopping up a pre-made salad for her, with the dressing and the toppings all in those little containers. Because she doesn't work with the same other models all the time (although she definitely knows some from the agency, and she sees some of the same people at dance and theater auditions), no one would probably notice her lunch, but she would definitely appreciate it!
When she first started seeing Olek, Ling Yi only told a few of her close friends. She wasn't sure if it was going to work — although she was already impressed with how sweet he was, on top of being so cute! — and she didn't want to share the juicy details of her first few dates with the whole world. But after they move out of casual dating and into official couple status, she's ready to tell everyone: her good friends, her acquaintances, her hair stylist, the other girls she sees at the agency. And of course he's all over her socials because she can't stop taking pictures of the two of them together! And at some point, of course, she has to tell her mom, which she's a little nervous about. But she knows once Yuk Je gets to know Olek, she's going to like him as much as Ling Yi does! (And, goodness, what if she did run into one of her exes? I'd like to imagine that she'd be polite and say hi, but maybe be just a touch passive-aggressive and hold onto Olek's arm or casually slip her hand around his waist? Then again, she might just walk on by, not even noticing her ex because she's so focused on the gorgeous man beside her!)
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confidential-couture · 5 months
Unlock Luxury: Sell Your Preloved Gems with Confidential Couture #sellyourluxuryitems  Are you ready to part with your luxury treasures? Confidential Couture invites you to unlock the value of your preloved items and embark on a seamless selling journey like never before. Join our exclusive community of sellers and experience the ease of selling your luxury items with confidence and confidentiality. From designer handbags to statement accessories, we specialize in curating a market for your beloved items, ensuring they find a new home where they'll be cherished just as much as you did. Our process is simple yet sophisticated. Submit your items for evaluation, and our team of experts will assess their authenticity and condition with the utmost precision. Once approved, sit back and relax as we handle the rest – from professional photography and listing creation to marketing and sale.
With Confidential Couture, selling your luxury pieces is not just a transaction; it's an experience. Enjoy personalized service, transparent communication, and timely payouts, all tailored to meet your needs and exceed your expectations. Unlock the potential of your wardrobe today. Join the ranks of savvy sellers who trust Confidential Couture to deliver unparalleled service and results. Let your preloved gems find their new story – start selling with us now.
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lesfoliesdeugenie · 11 days
Best Online Stores for Luxury Fashion: Your Guide to High-End Shopping
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In the world of fashion, luxury is synonymous with timeless elegance, exclusive designs, and a promise of quality that goes beyond the ordinary. For those who want to elevate their wardrobe with high-end fashion pieces, the convenience of luxury online stores makes shopping easier than ever. Whether you’re searching for designer handbags, clothing, shoes, or accessories, buying from the best online platforms guarantees authenticity and sophistication. In this guide, we’ll explore how luxury consignment and online shopping have revolutionized access to fashion brands, making it easy to shop for the finest items from the comfort of your home.
The Rise of Luxury Consignment
Luxury consignment is a growing trend in the fashion world, where gently used or pre-owned designer items are sold at a fraction of their original prices. This practice allows fashion lovers to purchase top-tier brands without breaking the bank. One such destination for high-end consignment is Les Folies D’eugenie, where you can explore exclusive collections from the most coveted fashion brands.
Shopping luxury consignment has multiple benefits:
Sustainability: Buying pre-loved items supports eco-friendly practices by reducing waste and extending the lifespan of luxury goods.
Affordability: You can access iconic pieces from brands like Chanel, Louis Vuitton, or Gucci at significantly reduced prices.
Exclusive Finds: Many items in consignment stores are rare or limited-edition pieces that you won’t easily find elsewhere.
Les Folies D’eugenie offers a selection of meticulously curated luxury fashion pieces, ensuring that each item is authentic, high-quality, and in excellent condition. Whether you’re a seasoned fashionista or just beginning to explore designer labels, luxury consignment is a fantastic way to indulge in high-end fashion at affordable prices.
Top Fashion Brands Available Online
Shopping for luxury fashion online gives you access to an unparalleled range of iconic designer brands. At Les Folies D’eugenie, you’ll discover collections from the most prestigious names in fashion, including:
Chanel: Known for its classic tweed jackets, quilted handbags, and timeless elegance.
Louis Vuitton: A leader in luxury travel bags and leather goods, Louis Vuitton is synonymous with craftsmanship and exclusivity.
Gucci: This brand’s bold and eclectic designs offer something unique for every fashion-forward shopper.
Dior: A symbol of refinement and elegance, Dior is revered for its beautiful clothing, shoes, and accessories.
Hermès: Famous for its iconic Birkin and Kelly bags, Hermès is the ultimate symbol of luxury.
Having access to these brands through online platforms not only saves time but also opens doors to the global marketplace, allowing you to shop for exclusive pieces that may not be available in your local stores.
Benefits of Shopping at Luxury Online Stores
Shopping luxury fashion online comes with several advantages. When you choose reputable platforms like Les Folies D’eugenie, you can expect:
1. Authenticity Guarantee
One of the main concerns when shopping for luxury items online is authenticity. Trusted luxury online stores have rigorous processes in place to verify the legitimacy of every item they sell. Les Folies D’eugenie, for example, ensures that all consigned products are 100% authentic, giving customers peace of mind.
2. Wide Range of Selection
Online stores provide a broader selection of items compared to traditional brick-and-mortar stores. This is especially true for luxury consignment platforms, where you can find rare and unique items that are no longer available in mainstream retail outlets. Whether you’re looking for a vintage Chanel bag or a limited-edition Gucci accessory, online shopping offers the convenience of choice.
3. Ease and Convenience
Shopping luxury fashion online saves time and effort. You can browse, select, and purchase items from the comfort of your home, without the need to visit multiple physical stores. Moreover, online platforms often provide user-friendly interfaces that make it easy to filter products based on brands, categories, or price ranges.
4. Personalized Shopping Experience
Many luxury online stores, including Les Folies D’eugenie, offer personalized recommendations and curated selections based on your preferences. This feature allows you to discover new pieces that align with your style and aesthetic, making your shopping experience more tailored and enjoyable.
5. Exclusive Offers and Discounts
Luxury consignment platforms frequently offer discounts on high-end items, allowing you to score designer pieces at significantly lower prices. Additionally, online stores often provide exclusive offers, seasonal sales, and limited-time promotions, giving you more opportunities to save on your purchases.
How to Choose the Right Luxury Online Store
With so many luxury online stores available, it’s essential to choose one that meets your needs and expectations. Here are some tips for selecting the best platform for your high-end shopping:
Reputation: Look for stores with a solid reputation for authenticity, customer service, and quality. Check reviews and ratings from other shoppers.
Selection: Choose a platform that offers a wide variety of items from the brands you love. Stores like Les Folies D’eugenie provide a comprehensive selection of designer fashion and accessories.
Pricing: Compare prices across different platforms to ensure you’re getting the best deal. Consignment stores often offer the best value for high-end items.
Shipping and Returns: Ensure the store has a clear shipping and return policy, especially for high-ticket items. Reliable online stores provide easy returns and refunds for customer satisfaction.
Shopping for luxury fashion has never been easier thanks to the rise of luxury online stores and consignment platforms like Les Folies D’eugenie. Whether you’re looking to add designer handbags, clothing, or accessories to your collection, these online stores offer a seamless, convenient, and authentic shopping experience. With access to some of the world’s most prestigious fashion brands and the ability to find rare and unique pieces, luxury online shopping is the ultimate way to elevate your wardrobe and express your personal style.
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amitsharma123 · 15 days
Discover Unique Custom Gifts and Apparel at Latest Trading: Your Creative Hub for Personalized Products"
Welcome to Latest Trading: Your Destination for Unique Custom Products
Welcome to Latest Trading, your one-stop-shop for unique, customizable products designed with creativity and quality in mind. Whether you're looking for personalized gifts, home décor, apparel, or office supplies, Latest Trading on Zazzle offers an impressive range of items perfect for any occasion.
Our mission is simple: to bring you an eclectic collection of products that stand out for their originality and design. Whether you're shopping for yourself or looking for the perfect gift, our store offers an array of customizable items that suit all tastes and preferences.
Discover the Collection: Personalized Gifts for All Occasions
At Latest Trading, we believe that every gift should be personal. That's why we offer a wide range of customizable products that make for perfect, one-of-a-kind gifts. Whether you're celebrating a birthday, anniversary, graduation, or any special event, you'll find a product that can be tailored to reflect the recipient’s style and personality.
Here are just a few of the categories you’ll find in our store:
Apparel: From trendy t-shirts and hoodies to tank tops and leggings, our apparel line offers a range of sizes, styles, and customizable options. Whether you want to add a personal message or choose from one of our pre-made designs, each piece is made to order, ensuring top-quality prints every time.
Home Décor: Looking to spruce up your living space? Our home décor collection includes wall art, pillows, and even customizable clocks. You can turn your favorite memories into art or choose from our wide range of creative designs.
Office Supplies: Bring some flair to your workspace with personalized office products like notebooks, planners, and business cards. Perfect for professionals who want to add a personal touch to their work environment.
Accessories & More: We also offer a variety of accessories including custom phone cases, bags, and drinkware. Whether you need a stylish new phone case or a personalized water bottle, we’ve got you covered.
Why Choose Latest Trading?
When it comes to finding a product that’s unique, creative, and personal, Latest Trading stands out for several reasons:
Customization Options: Our store allows customers to personalize a wide range of products with their own designs, text, and images. From creating a one-of-a-kind t-shirt to designing custom stationery, the possibilities are endless.
High-Quality Materials: We take pride in the quality of our products. Each item is made from premium materials and printed with state-of-the-art technology to ensure long-lasting prints and durability.
Sustainability: At Latest Trading, we understand the importance of sustainability, and many of our products are made from eco-friendly materials. We are committed to offering environmentally conscious choices without compromising on quality or design.
Gift Ideas: Struggling to find the perfect gift? Our customizable items make great presents for any occasion. From personalized mugs for coffee lovers to custom-made cushions for home decorators, we offer an array of options that will make any recipient feel special.
Top Trending Products
Here are some of our top-selling categories:
Custom T-Shirts and Hoodies: Our collection of t-shirts and hoodies is perfect for fashion enthusiasts who love unique designs. Whether you prefer bold graphics, witty quotes, or personalized messages, you’ll find a design that fits your style.
Personalized Drinkware: Choose from a variety of customizable drinkware items, including mugs, water bottles, and tumblers. These are perfect for both personal use and as thoughtful, practical gifts.
Wall Art and Posters: If you’re looking to make a statement in your home, our custom wall art and posters are a great choice. Choose from artistic prints, personalized photos, or create your own design.
Custom Phone Cases: Protect your phone in style with our range of customizable phone cases. Whether you're an iPhone or Android user, our cases are made to fit your device perfectly while showing off your personality.
Customer Satisfaction is Our Priority
At Latest Trading, customer satisfaction is our number one priority. We want you to have the best shopping experience possible, which is why we offer easy-to-use customization tools, high-quality products, and fast shipping. Here’s what some of our happy customers have to say:
“I ordered a custom t-shirt from Latest Trading, and it turned out exactly how I wanted! The colors are vibrant, and the material is soft. I’ll definitely be back for more!”
“The custom wall art I bought for my living room is stunning! I was able to upload my own design, and it looks amazing on my wall.”
“Love my personalized notebook! The design was so easy to create, and the quality is fantastic. I use it every day at work!”
We believe in building strong relationships with our customers, which is why we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you’re not completely happy with your purchase, we’ll make it right.
Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Practices
In addition to offering customizable products, we are also committed to sustainability. Many of our items are made with environmentally friendly materials, and our print-on-demand process helps to reduce waste. When you shop at Latest Trading, you can feel good about your purchase, knowing that you’re supporting a brand that values the planet as much as you do.
Stay Connected
Stay updated with the latest products, designs, and promotions by following Latest Trading on social media. We regularly share new items, special offers, and customer stories. Be sure to tag us in your photos—we love seeing how you style and use your custom products!
Shop Now
Ready to start shopping? Visit Latest Trading on Zazzle and discover a world of creative, customizable products. Whether you're shopping for yourself or looking for the perfect gift, we’ve got something for everyone. Browse through our extensive collection and personalize something special today.
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link1builder · 17 days
Choosing the Perfect Luxury Bag: A Guide to Making the Right Investment
Investing in a luxury bag is a significant decision, whether it's your first purchase or an addition to your growing collection. With so many styles, brands, and materials to choose from, finding the perfect luxury bag can be both exciting and overwhelming. In this blog, we'll guide you through the essential factors to consider when choosing a luxury bag, ensuring that your purchase is not only stylish but also a wise investment.
1. Consider the Brand’s Legacy
When investing in a luxury bag, the brand's reputation and legacy are crucial factors to consider. Established brands like Hermès, Chanel, and Louis Vuitton have a long history of crafting timeless pieces that retain or even increase in value over time. These brands are known for their commitment to quality, craftsmanship, and exclusivity, making their bags highly sought after by collectors and fashion enthusiasts alike. Research the brand's history and customer reviews to ensure you're making a choice that aligns with your expectations.
2. Choose the Right Material
The material of a luxury bag plays a significant role in its durability, appearance, and overall value. Leather, particularly full-grain and exotic leathers, is a popular choice for luxury bags due to its durability and timeless appeal. However, other materials like canvas, suede, and even sustainable options such as vegan leather are also available. Consider your lifestyle and how you plan to use the bag—if you need something durable for everyday use, leather might be the best choice. For special occasions, you might opt for a bag made from a more delicate material.
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3. Pay Attention to Design and Functionality
While aesthetics are important, the design and functionality of a luxury bag should also meet your practical needs. Think about how you plan to use the bag—will it be your go-to for everyday use, or is it reserved for special occasions? Ensure the bag has enough compartments and space for your essentials without compromising on style. Additionally, consider whether the bag's design is versatile enough to complement different outfits and occasions. Classic designs like the Chanel 2.55 or the Louis Vuitton Neverfull are popular for their timeless appeal and practicality.
4. Evaluate the Bag’s Resale Value
For many, a luxury bag is more than just a fashion accessory—it's also an investment. Certain luxury bags, especially those from iconic brands, can appreciate in value over time. Limited editions, rare colors, and bags made from exotic materials tend to hold their value well in the resale market. Before making a purchase, research the bag's resale value by checking platforms that specialize in pre-owned luxury items. This can give you an idea of how well the bag might perform as an investment should you decide to sell it in the future.
5. Understand the Maintenance Requirements
A luxury bag requires proper care and maintenance to preserve its appearance and value. Different materials have different maintenance needs—leather may need conditioning, while suede might require special cleaning products. Consider whether you're willing to invest the time and effort into maintaining the bag or if you'd prefer a low-maintenance option. Additionally, some brands offer maintenance services, which can be a valuable perk when investing in a high-end bag.
6. Trust Your Personal Style
Ultimately, the perfect luxury bag is one that resonates with your personal style and makes you feel confident. While trends come and go, your unique style is timeless. Choose a bag that reflects your personality and complements your wardrobe. Whether you prefer classic designs or bold, statement pieces, the most important thing is that you love the bag and feel excited to carry it.
Choosing the perfect luxury bag involves more than just picking a pretty accessory—it's about making an informed decision that aligns with your style, needs, and investment goals. By considering the brand's legacy, material, design, resale value, maintenance requirements, and your personal style, you can find a luxury bag that will bring you joy for years to come. Remember, a well-chosen luxury bag is not only a fashion statement but also a cherished investment that stands the test of time.
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luxurybeautyreviews · 1 month
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Eco-Conscious Packaging: Bio-Based Materials and Sustainability Trends in Slider Pouches
The slider zipper pouch market is on the rise, driven by two key trends: the growing demand for convenient food packaging and the preference for cost-effective resealable options. This surge is fueled by our love for on-the-go snacks, reflecting a shift towards convenience and portability.
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However, the industry isn't without its challenges. High material and production costs can be limiting factors, and adoption isn't uniform across all regions. Sustainability is also a concern, but manufacturers are actively addressing it by using post-consumer recycled plastics and introducing heat sealable pouches for added security. They're also expanding regionally to reach new customers. Overall, the slider zipper pouch market is adapting to meet evolving consumer needs for convenience and eco-consciousness.
Slider Zipper Pouches: Resealable Convenience Drives Market Rise
Slider zipper pouches are a game-changer in flexible packaging. These innovative pouches offer the ease of a zipper closure with the convenience of a sliding mechanism. Commonly used for snacks, pet food, and beverages, they provide several benefits:
Resealability: Keep contents fresh and organized with the ability to reclose the pouch after use.
Tamper Evident: Built-in features ensure product hasn't been tampered with.
Extended Shelf Life: Protection from air and moisture helps preserve food quality.
Lightweight and Convenient: Easy to store and carry, perfect for on-the-go lifestyles.
This surge in demand for convenient food packaging is propelling the slider zipper pouch market. These inexpensive and versatile pouches, often made from polyethylene or FDA-approved materials, offer a secure and organized way to store a variety of items.
Their popularity stems from the ease of use for consumers. Whether it's storing snacks, pre-cooked meals, or fresh produce, slider zipper pouches provide a way to enjoy food anytime without compromising freshness or flavor. The variety of closure options, including zippers and fasteners, caters to diverse needs.
Market Growth Fueled by Changing Consumer Habits
Evolving consumer lifestyles, food preferences, and technological advancements are key drivers of the slider zipper pouch market's growth. Manufacturers are constantly innovating, as evidenced by SVP's launch of 12 new retail products in India under two brands in 2023. This expansion into the retail space highlights the growing consumer demand for resealable and convenient zipper/slider bag solutions.
Do big players control the price?
Focus on Cost:  The passage highlights the "additional cost" of including special features in slider pouches. This suggests that manufacturers need to consider cost when designing and producing these pouches.
Competition: The variety of slider options and features mentioned ("wide variety of sliders") indicates some level of competition in the market. This competition could potentially influence pricing as manufacturers strive to offer cost-effective solutions.
Does new product development really help companies
Improved Product Lifetime and Quality: The passage mentions that slider pouches offer these advantages compared to conventional pouches. This innovation likely attracts new customers and encourages existing ones to choose slider pouches.
Tamper Proof Properties: Eliminating the need for secondary packaging due to tamper-proof features creates a more cost-effective and potentially eco-friendly solution. This innovation can give companies a competitive edge.
Versatility and Affordability: The content highlights the versatility and affordability of slider pouches due to their long lifespan. This can be a significant selling point for companies compared to traditional packaging options.
Focus on Bio-Based Materials: The passage states that companies are developing bio-based materials for slider pouches. This caters to the growing consumer demand for sustainable packaging solutions, potentially giving companies a lead in the market.
Keywords to focus
Market Growth Drivers:
Resealability and Extended Shelf Life: Slider pouches offer the ability to reclose, keeping products fresh for longer compared to conventional pouches.
Tamper Evident Features: Built-in security features ensure product hasn't been tampered with.
Reduced Packaging Needs: Eliminates the need for secondary packaging in some cases.
Variety & Customization: Wide range of slider options and potential for anti-counterfeiting measures (laser membrane).
Versatility & Affordability: Suitable for various products, offering a long lifespan and cost-effective solution.
Higher Production Costs: Additional materials and parts required for slider functionality increase production costs.
Limited Recyclability: Current slider pouch materials might not be readily recyclable.
Future Trends:
Bio-based Materials: Manufacturers are developing eco-friendly slider pouch materials.
Focus on Asia Pacific: This region is expected to lead market growth due to rising adoption as a substitute for conventional pouches.
Additional Segments:
Product Type: Quad seal pouch, 3-side seal pouch, pinch bottom pouch, standup pouch, flat bottom pouch.
Capacity: Up to 1.5 OZ, 1.5 OZ to 3 OZ, etc.
Material Type: Plastic, paper, aluminum.
Closure Type: Press to close zip and slider zip.
Application: Food, healthcare, cosmetics, electronics, automotive, consumer products, and others.
Regional Leaders:
North America (driven by the US)
Asia Pacific (with high growth potential in China and India)
Request full Report: https://www.infiniumglobalresearch.com/reports/global-slider-zipper-pouch-market
Streamlining Processes for Better Performance
Material Cost Reduction: The passage highlights the "additional cost" of adding special parts and materials for tamper-proof features. Manufacturers might be exploring ways to optimize material usage or develop alternative, cost-effective materials that maintain these functionalities.
Recyclability Enhancements: The limited recyclability of slider pouches is mentioned as a market restraint. Streamlining processes could involve exploring new materials or production methods that improve the pouches' recyclability or biodegradability.
Sustainable Material Development: The focus on developing bio-based materials suggests a push for more sustainable packaging solutions. Streamlining processes could involve optimizing bio-material integration or production efficiency for these sustainable alternatives.
Production Efficiency for Small Players: The high capital investment for developing new materials might be a challenge for smaller manufacturers. Streamlining existing production processes or exploring alternative technologies could potentially help them compete in the market.
The slider zipper pouch market thrives on innovation and its ability to cater to evolving consumer needs. While challenges like higher production costs and limited recyclability exist, the focus on cost-effective, resealable convenience is propelling market growth.
Manufacturers are actively addressing these challenges through various strategies. Cost reduction efforts might involve optimizing material usage or developing alternative materials for tamper-proof features. Additionally, the development of bio-based materials caters to the growing demand for sustainable packaging solutions.
Looking ahead, the Asia Pacific region is expected to be a frontrunner in market growth, driven by the adoption of slider pouches as a substitute for conventional options. With continuous product development and a focus on streamlining processes for better performance, the slider zipper pouch market is well-positioned to meet the demands of a convenience-driven and eco-conscious future.
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bagsbusiness · 2 months
Stepping into Hermès Luxury: Why Consider a Hermès Reseller?
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Hermès, A name synonymous with exquisite craftsmanship, timeless design, and a price tag that can make your eyes water. While owning a brand new Birkin bag directly from the boutique is a dream for many, it's often an elusive one.
Enter the world of Hermès resellers, a market offering a compelling alternative path to Hermès ownership. But is buying from a reseller truly better? Let's delve into the pros and cons to help you decide. Remember that you can become an Hermès reseller and sell or buy your original Hermès handbags on Resellers Connector without commissions.
The Allure of Instant Gratification
One of the most significant advantages of buying from a reseller is the ability to bypass the waitlists and limited stock that plague Hermès boutiques. If you're yearning for a specific Birkin in a coveted color, a reseller can fulfill your desire promptly. No need to build a relationship with a sales associate or endure months (or even years) of waiting.
A Wider Selection for Discerning Tastes
Hermès resellers cater to a broader range of tastes and budgets than Hermès boutiques. Not only will you find the coveted Birkins and Kellys, but also a treasure trove of:
Limited-edition pieces: Ever dreamt of owning a bag from a special Hermès collaboration? Resellers often have these rare gems available.
Vintage treasures: Pre-loved vintage Hermès pieces hold a unique charm and can tell a story. You might find a discontinued style or a classic design in pristine condition.
Discounted finds: While some highly sought-after styles might command a premium, you can sometimes find pre-owned bags at a more attractive price point, especially those with minor imperfections.
Expertise You Can Trust
Reputable Hermès resellers prioritize authenticity. They employ skilled professionals who meticulously examine each item to ensure it's genuine. This provides peace of mind, knowing you're investing in a piece of Hermès heritage, not a counterfeit. Additionally, some resellers offer care tips and restoration services, helping you maintain your pre-loved treasure for years to come.
The Reseller Caveats: What to Consider
While resellers offer undeniable advantages, there are a few things to keep in mind:
Price Comparison: Not all pre-loved Hermès pieces are a bargain. Some highly sought-after styles might even cost more than retail due to their scarcity.
Condition Matters: While minor imperfections can offer a price advantage, ensure the condition aligns with the price tag.
Seller Reputation: Do your research! Choose established resellers with a proven track record of authenticity and customer satisfaction.
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hoodoverhollywood · 3 months
Pop-up shop selling vintage designer bags coming to Dublin
Have you ever dreamed of getting your hands on a vintage designer bag? Well, you’re in luck as pop-up shop BrandCo Paris is bringing their collection to Dublin for one day only, a free-entry event at The Merrion Hotel this month. You’ll find pre-loved luxury bags from all the major brands including Chanel, Prada, Hermès, Louis Vuitton, Goyard and more. The pop-up is called BrandCo Rendezvous and…
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