#Self love awards
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thehealherdiaries-blog Β· 8 years ago
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#SelfLoveAwardsChallenge πŸ† Yes, this is still a thing. Lol... I haven't been consistently posting because I've been unexpectedly busy, hunny. But mentally, I've been in full self-celebration πŸŽ‰ mode. I find myself giving credit where credit is due more often... for the little things, for the big things... Just lovin all up on myself and being appreciative for all life's lil moments. πŸ’ž With that being said... My next award: πŸ† Award 10: Having no issues buying the flowers myself One of my favorite quotes ever is, "She would buy the flowers herself." -Virginia Wolfe It comes from the movie #TheHours starring#NicoleKidman & the homie #MerylStreep. I've always taken it as a nod to celebrating yourself the way you want, when you want! ❀ Now how empowering is that? The result: Attracting those who adore you, too. For the first time in a long time, I didn't have to buy the flowers myself πŸ˜‰ I guess that's how that works. Anywho, be a woman who can buy the flowers yourself, but can graciously accept when the time is right! πŸ’ Shoutout to @alex_elle, I feel she always gets me!
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thehealherdiaries-blog Β· 8 years ago
Self Love Awards
Award 6: Being a Jessica
Jessica. Crazy. Sexy. Cool. Sensitive, but real af. Stylish. Artsy. #Aries all day. Ilove myself unconditionally and know myself very well. #KnowThyself
Award 7: Being Self-Aware
Self-love is essential. So part of self-love is being aware of your light AND darkness. You have to be willing to nurture all of yourself, that includes working on yourself and challenging yourself to be your best. Sometimes you gotta pull up on yourself and correct that ass. #CheckYourself
Award 8: Doing What the Fuck I Want
I’m a grown woman. I can do whatever I want. *Beyonce voice* Be yourself and be the best AT THAT. You owe no one explanations for your actions, AS LONG AS YOU’RE NOT HARMING FOLKS. This is your journey. Do you. Unapologetically. #BeYourself
Award 9: Knowing My Tribe
Your tribe is your tried and true folk. Your #SoulFamily. They love and support you, unconditionally. They should love you like yourself -telling you the truth with your best interest at heart. They love you, but check you because they aid in your spiritual growth. Beware of listening to people who are not part of your tribe. They will offer unsolicited opinions without really knowing you, your journey and could careless. Stay focused on yourself and your tribe. Everything else is a #distraction. Bless them and keep it movingΒ 
What award will you give yourself today?
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thehealherdiaries-blog Β· 8 years ago
Award 5:
Being a "Screenshot Queen" πŸ†
I need an award for that, because I realized how #memes have been my #mantras and tools for both #visualizing AND #manifesting what I want in my life.
I read and reread different memes... Some #inspire, some are #hilarious and make me smile, some are #reminders to do better, some are mantras I live by, some are things I want to see come to pass in my life. Don't let people tell you social media is all bad. Memes save the world, one "seed" planted in the mind at a time. Try saving memes to inspire and help keep you focused on what you want. The mind is a #powerful thing! What award will you give yourself today?
And Fellas, we (women) have memes saved for every single occasion πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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thehealherdiaries-blog Β· 8 years ago
#SelfLoveAwardsChallenge πŸ† Award 4: Being my Own Kind of Beautiful "Once you are real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand." πŸ† Mannnnnnnnnnn, let me tell you. I used to listen to what "they" said about my looks. Lips πŸ’‹ too big.... Why don't you twist your hair more?... Why don't you grow your hair back?... You're not this and you're not that. Blah blah blah. Chile. πŸ† Hunty, Idk what they be talking about. All I know is I am beautiful. Underrated, fr fr. And don't need a soul to agree. πŸ† Beauty goes beyond the surface and if you check my heart, you will see some interesting battle wounds, but you would never know it from the way I love. That's what makes you REALLY pretty- how you survive life, yet still have the ability to stop traffic. #BeautifulRising πŸ† Let's just say I've always marched to the beat of my own drum and what a lovely song that is 🎢 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so when you look in the mirror you better be telling yourself that you're fine as hell! Or better yet, #BeHumble πŸ˜‰ What award will you give yourself today?
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