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soapdispensersalesman · 2 years ago
Being in love type of music
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unlimitedx · 10 months ago
Cerita ini berlaku pada tahun 2000. Aku ingin menceritakan suatu kisah fantasi, bagaimana aku membalas dendam kepada kakak ipar dan suaminya iaitu biras aku yang selalu mengeji dan menghina kami sepasang suami isteri. Perihal terjadinya sejarah hitam dalam perkahwinanku, maka terjadilah pembalasan ini.
Ceritanya mula begini. Aku berkahwin dengan isteri aku yang bernama Rita atas dasar percintaan, tetapi percintaan kami tidak direstu oleh ahli keluarga isteriku, lalu kami disisih dari keluarga isteriku. Keluarga isteriku adalah golongan berada dan isteriku mempunyai sorang kakak yang bernama Rosni dan suaminya bernama Salleh.
Rosni ni surirumah sepenuh masa, suka berjoli dengan shopping dan amat menyayani Salleh. Manakala Salleh pula ialah seorang ahli perniagaan yang berjaya dan selalu membawa rakan niaganya ke seberang tanahair di sebelah utara untuk kegiatan melobi projek-projeknya.
Kami semua menetap di negeri sebelah utara Malaysia. Aku pula ialah seorang pemandu kepada seorang pegawai polis, tetapi tugas sebenar aku ialah sebagai ahli perisik polis. Tugas aku ini hampir-hampir sama macam ajen MI6 dan tidak diketahui oleh sesiapa pun termasuk isteri aku.
Isteriku dan keluarganya hanya tahu, yang aku adalah seorang pemandu lori, kerana aku selalu bawak balik lori kecil 1 tan. Oleh kerana tugas aku tidak menentu masa dan tempat, maka selalulah isteri aku ditinggalkan di rumah keluarganya. Ini adalah kerana isteriku menganggarkan bahawa aku berpendapatan kecil dan selalu keluar membuat penghantaran di luar kawasan. Tetapi yang sebenarnya aku dan ahli team aku selalu keluar pergi membuat kerja merisik maklumat. Adakala masa off duti, aku akan bersama team aku berbincang di markas kami yang terpencil.
Dalam team aku ni, terdiri dari Raja (seorang India Benggali), Miss Chan dan Satem (darah keturunan Jawa). Kami bertugas rapat dan punyai hubungan dengan pihak Interpol dan juga perisik dinegeri seberang utara (Perisik Thai). Kami juga boleh bertutur dalam pelbagai bahasa dan mahir dalam pelbagai muslihat.
Isteri aku amat menyayangi diriku, dia selalu menyembunyikan keresahan dan kekecewaan hatinya dari pengetahuanku. Takkala pulang dari bertugas aku akan peroleh beberapa hari cuti dari duti dan pada masa itulah aku dapat merasakan betapa manja dan tingginya harapan serta kuatnya merajuk isteriku takkala bermesra denganku, bagaikan tidak mahu melepaskan aku pergi.
Untuk makluman, kami sudah berkahwin selama 2 tahun setengah dan belum beroleh anak. Dari sinilah aku menelah bahawa isteriku ini mungkin dirundung tekanan perasaan. Ahli keluarganya tidak tahu aku bekerja dalam jabatan perisik polis, malah mereka tidak langsung menghormati dan mengindahkan aku. Drebar lorilah katakan.
Malah setiap kali aku menjemput isteriku, aku tidak pun dipelawa masuk. Kalau aku masuk pun, mereka masing-masing menjauhkan diri. Begitulah hinanya pandangan mereka kepada kami berdua. Walaupun, aku punyai pendapatan yang agak lumayan, tetapi aku tidak boleh menunjuknya. Aku cuma menyimpan dan menabung sebanyak mungkin untuk kami berhijrah jauh kelak, selepas aku berhenti kerja suatu hari nanti.
Baiklah, berbalik kepada kisah pasangan ego ini. Rosni ni berumur 37 tahun, punya seorang anak lelaki berumur 16 tahun. Namanya Rizal dan sedang mengaji di sekolah asrama penuh di negeri sebelah utara. Anak lelaki mereka ni sangat miang dan suka mengendap bila balik bercuti. Yang aku hairan, dari manalah datangnya tabiat ini pun aku tak tahu. Ini yang membuatkan aku menyimpan dan memasang kamera perisik di sekitar perkakasan dan barangan hadiah yang ada dalam rumah keluarga isteriku.
Suami Rosni, iaitu Salleh pula berumur 40 tahun, dah masuk alam jantan miang jugak. Orangnya gemuk sikit dan pendek (5’). Manakala Rosni pula, orangnya putih gebu, hidung tinggi, berlesung pipit, berbadan sederhana gempal, potonganya 35D–30–35 dan sedikit tonggek. Tingginya 5’2” dan rupanya seiras artis Dina. Cuma bibirnya sedikit tebal dan berkening halus.
Memang cantik jelita orangnya cuma perangai dan hatinya, cukup dahsyat. Sombong, berego tinggi, suka perli dan mengata orang No.1, cakap lepas dan kedekut. Mata duitan, gemar kepada hadiah dan barang kemas. Dia ni penyayang, lagi manja dan percaya penuh kepada Salleh dan Rizal, anaknya.
Isteri aku pula memanglah cun, kalau tidak masakan kami lari berkahwin di Siam. Potongan badannya 33D-29-34, rendah sedikit berbanding Rosni.
Kisahnya berlaku pada suatu hari, semasa aku pergi untuk berjumpa dengan isteriku, di mana aku terdengar pertengkaran isteriku dengan kakaknya. Aku berada di luar pintu rumah yang tertutup.
Rosni memarahi isteriku dan mengatakan kenapa isteriku gatal memilih seorang lelaki yang bangsat untuk dijadikan suami. Jarang ada di rumah dan selalu menumpangkan isteriku di rumah ibu mereka.
Salleh pula menfitnah aku dengan mengatakan, entah-entah aku sedang berkongkek dengan jalang mana entah, dan isteri aku dituduhnya cuba mengoda dirinya, dan kalau dia berada di posisi isteriku, pasti dia akan pergi mencari jantan lain yang lebih kaya. Begitulah sekali hinanya mereka terhadap aku dan isteriku.
Aku tergamam seketika dan memikirkan bagaimanalah adanya dua orang yang hebat ini (dari segi harta, benda dan rupa) diberi otak yang sebegitu kotor dan jijik, boleh memandang rendah terhadap orang yang lebih kurang dari keupayaan mereka. Bilakah kami mengambil wang atau kebendaan dari mereka. Salahkah jika kami menumpang teduh dan kasih sayang dengan orang yang lebih berupaya.
Seingat aku, kami kerap juga mengeluarkan belanja membayar bil letrik, air dan makan ketika berada disana. Bahkan kami juga membelikan hadiah-hadiah harijadi dan ulangtahun perkahwinan kepada mereka. Aku merasa benar-benar teruja dan kecewa, samentelahlah lagi mendengar dan mentelahi akan isihati isteriku. Takkala aku mengetuk pintu dan memberi salam, mereka semua beredar dan isteriku mendapatkan aku sambil bersendu menangis.
Aku kata, “Sabarlah sayang, anggaplah ini semua sebagai dugaan”. Tapi dibenak hatiku, aku menaruh dendam untuk mengajar mereka akan pengertian peritnya perasan kami berdua.
Aku memaklumkan kepada isteriku bahawa aku kena pergi Ipoh keesokkan hari dan akan pulang beberapa hari selanjutnya. Isteriku masih menangis dan pinta untuk ikut bersama. Tapi aku memujuknya supaya bertenang dan tunggu beberapa hari sahaja lagi dan kami akan selesaikan masaalah ini seterusnya selepas aku pulang nanti. Lama juga barulah isteriku mengalah dan bersetuju.
Kami kemudian keluar makan bersama. Isteriku menceritakan angkara pertengkaran mereka tadi ialah kerana dia mengkhabarkan kepada kakaknya bahawa Salleh meraba tubuhnya. Aku terpaku dan merasa begitu marah dengan apa yang aku dengar. Kalau aku tahu hal kisah ini dari awal tadi, harus Salleh aku belasah cukup-cukup di depan isterinya.
Isteriku menceritakan bahawa Salleh bersentuh tubuhnya semasa di dapur dan cuba meraba buah dadanya. Isteriku menepis dan berlari dari situ lalu berlanggar dengan kakaknya semasa berlalu di muka pintu dapur. Apabila ditanya oleh Rosni, isteriku yang pada awalnya cuba menyembunyi perkara yang berlaku, lalu datang Salleh pula mengatakan isteriku cuba menggodanya. Begitulah jadinya pula cerita, lalu berlakulah pertengkaran dan berhamburnya kata-kata keji dan nista dari mereka berdua.
Aku mengambil keputusan untuk membawa isteriku pulang, tapi risau juga kalau-kalau ada apa-apa terjadi, kerana rumah kami jauh di dalam pendalaman kampong. Lagi risau memikirkan jika Salleh pula datang membuat hal. Aku mencadangkan agar isteriku menginap di hotel, tapi ditolak oleh isteriku.
Rita (isteriku) berkata, biarlah dia pulang dan tinggal di rumah kakaknya. Katanya dia akan berkunci didalam bilik dan akan keluar bila kakaknya ada. Akhirnya setelah isteriku gagah bertegas, aku pun bersetuju, kerana melihat kepada keyakinan beliau yang telah hadir kembali. Bertuah aku mendapat isteri yang kuat lagi berani.
Setelah selesai makan dan beronda aku menghantar isteriku pulang ke rumah kakaknya. Aku terus balik ke markas dan bertemu dengan team aku. Mereka nampaknya mengesan kegusaran diwajah aku, lalu bertanya akan hal berita. Oleh kerana kami berkawan rapat, aku menceritakan hal kisah diriku kepada rakan team aku. Mereka turut bersimpati.
Raja berkata, “Mi, ini tak boleh jadi nih… hang mesti ajar depa ni cukup-cukup”.
Disokong oleh Chan dan Satem.
Satem pula berkata, “Meh… biar aku spy si Salleh nih… nanti A Chan boleh atur strategi…. Hang jangan susah hati…, serah saja Salleh pada aku”.
A Chan pun menyampuk, “Orang macam ni kita kena ajar dia balik… nantilah aku pasang pelacur HIV kat dia, baru dia tau langit tinggi rendah. Kak Ipar hang pun kita bagi dia rasa… tengok macam mana dia nak kata, bila dia tau perangai Salleh disebalik tabir”.
Aku membalas, “Hiihh… tak taulah aku, sekali fikir mau aku lanyak Salleh tu cukup-cukup, tapi apa akan terjadi pulak, jika dia tau siapa aku kelak nanti…”.
A Chan memberi cadangan, “Mi… apa kata kita mintak geng kita di Siam cekop dan pekena si Salleh tuh. Kita upah pelacur-pelacur yang ada HIV positif tuh… suruh depa goda dan buat sex dengan si Salleh. Dia mesti syok punya. Kita rakam movie dia dan kita bagi kat bini dia”.
Raja pula menyampok, “heh..heh… lepas tu, biar aku dan A Chan pergi jemput bini Salleh, kemudian kami bawak dia masuk Siam dan kita bagi kat budak-budak negro yang dok tunggu di border tu kerjakan Kakak Ipar hang…., biaq Salleh pulak rasa bagaimana kalau isteri dia pulak diraba dan dirogol”.
Satem pun tak mahu mengalah, “Sekurang-kurangnya boleh juga kita tau siapa rakan-rakan VIP Salleh nih.. Aku pun teringin nak tengok macam mana orang Malaysia buat seks…Tambah-tambah Kak Ipar hang…. Jangan mareh…ye…”
Aku pun menjawab…“Ish..ish…dasyat betul lah kepala otak kau orang nih. Sungguh ke depan…dan bijak sekali. Terima kasih kerana setia dan bersimpati dekat aku. Tapi…biaq pi lah hal tu dulu…Mai..kita concentrate hal kerja kita…Keh… “Okey?!!…” pinta kepastian dariku.
Team aku pun bersetuju untuk lupakan dahulu topik pekena tadi dan kami terus keluar membuat tugasan rondaan dan intipan.
Selepas aku menghantar isteriku pulang aku pun beredar. Isteriku terus masuk ke rumah sambil melintasi bilik kakaknya. Dia terdengar bunyi orang meraung dan merengek dari dalam bilik kakaknya. Isteriku berfikir, mesti kakak dan abang iparnya sedang berprojek. Tidak senonoh betul depa ni, buat projek tengah waktu magrib.
Dalam bilik isteriku sah terdengar dengan jelas, kakaknya sedang merengek tidak ketahuan hala, sambil bunyi berenyut dan berkerit bunyi gerakkan katil di sebelah biliknya. Setelah beberapa ketika barulah berhenti bunyian di bilik sebelah dan isteriku pun cuba melelapkan matanya sambil memasang pemain cakera dengan talian headphone dikepalanya.
Dekat jam sepuluh, isteriku terjaga dan hendak keluar ke bilik air. Dia cuba mendengar dan mengesan pergerakkan orang dalam rumah tersebut, kerana dia tidak mahu terjebak dengan Salleh.
Setelah dia pasti, tiada apa-apa pergerakkan, isteriku pun keluar sambil mengunci pintu biliknya untuk pergi mandi, dengan membawa tualanya. Pada sangkaan isteriku, mungkin pasangan tadi penat dan letih teramat lalu tertidur hingga tidak sedarkan diri. Tetapi, yang sebenarnya, Salleh sedang berada di dalam ruang tamu dan terselindung di suatu sudut yang gelap. Dia memerhatikan pergerakkan isteriku.
Selepas isteriku masuk ke bilik air, Salleh masuk kebiliknya dan mengambil kunci isterinya yang ada untuk semua bilik di rumah itu lalu menyelinap masuk ke dalam bilik isteriku. Dari cahaya lampu yang samar-samar terang, Salleh menggelidah almari pakaian dan mengambil coli hitam dan panties putih isteriku. Dia menghidu
bauan pada pakaian tersebut sambil sebelah tangannya mengusap batang koneknya. Sambil menghayati bauan pakaian tersebut, Salleh bergerak ke suatu sudut yang terlindung untuk bersembunyi sambil menanti kembalinya isteriku.
Seketika kemudian, isteriku pun kembali masuk ke bilik, tanpa menyedari kehadiran Salleh yang sedang bersembunyi. Isteriku yang tidak mengesyakki apa-apa, terus membuka tualanya lantas berbogel.
Sedang isteriku mengelap dengan rapi akan tubuhnya, keluarlah Salleh dari persembunyian lalu menerpa dan cuba memeluk isteriku dari belakang. Isteriku terjerit dan meronta untuk melepaskan dirinya. Salleh menekup mulut isteriku sambil memeluk erat tubuh isteriku yang sedang berbogel. Dia mengatakan ke telinga isteriku. “Hang toksah jeritlah….tarak sapa nak dengar”, lalu dilepaskan isteriku.
Isteriku berlari kesuatu sudut sambil menarik tuala yang jatuh, untuk menutup badannya.
“Bang Leh….apa nih… keluar…keluar…” bentak isteriku.
Tapi Salleh hanya tersenyum, sambil tangannya menjemput pakaian dalam isteriku yang tersangkut di belakang seluarnya ke batang hidungnya.
“Nanti Ita bagi tau Abang Mi dan Kakak… baru abang Salleh tau…” sergah isteriku lagi.
“Kakak hang dah tidoq tak sedaq kediri pasai letih, aku baru projek dengan dia. Mai la sayang, Abang boleh bagi hang seronok. Kita buat diam-diam, toksah bagi tau laki hang.. Nanti aku bagi duit kat hang..” jawab si Salleh.
“Abang Leh…Abang jangan buat lok lak kat adik..keluaq.. keluaq..la ni jugak, kalau tak, Ta jerit kuat-kuat biaq jiran dengaq..”.
“Okey..okeyylah…sayang…tapi kalau adik nak.. jangan malu bagi tau abang …kehh, pakaian dalam nih..abang ambik buat simpanan. Tapi ingat, satu hari nanti aku akan ajaq hang cukup-cukup. Hang belum kenai batang konek aku lagi…Satu lagi, hang kena ingat, kalau apa-apa terjadi kat laki hang tu, hang nak cari sapa tolong hang..nanti..” balas si Salleh sambil mengeluarkan handphonenya lalu merakam gambar isteriku.
Isteriku terdiam sambil menyembunyikan mukanya dari kamera handphone Salleh. Salleh meletakkan pakaian dalam isteriku di atas katil sambil merakam gambar dari handphonenya ke pakaian dalam tersebut dan kemudian ke muka isteriku semula, bagaikan menunjuk bahawa isteriku yang merelakan dia dibogelkan dan menanggalkan pakaiannya untuk dirinya.
“Sayanggg…., abang ambik bra dan seluaq dalam ni buat hadiah tanda kasih dari sayang…nah…..tq” kata Salleh.
Kemudian Salleh pun berlalu untuk keluar tapi isteriku cuba untuk merampas semula pakaian dan handphone dari Salleh, sambil sebelah tangannya menutup tubuhnya dengan tuala.
Salleh mengambil peluang tersebut untuk memeluk dan menggomol isteriku. Kemudian, ditolak dan direbahkan isteriku ke atas katil lalu mereka bergomol dan bergelut. Isteriku cuba menahan Salleh dari memeluk dan menciumnya, manakala, tangan Salleh pulak mencekup leher dan buah dada isteriku sambil mukanya dijunamkan ke leher isteriku. Isteriku cuba melawan sekuat mungkin tetapi, Salleh lebih gagah dan menindih isteriku.
Tangan Salleh mencekik leher isteriku, tangan yang satu lagi mengeluarkan batang koneknya yang telah tegang dari permukaan zip seluar yang telah sedia terbuka. Isteriku cuba menendang dan meronta, tapi tidak berdaya oleh kesesakan nafas dari cekikan Salleh.
Salleh cuba merodok batang koneknya ke bibir pantat isteriku tapi tidak berjaya dari tentangan tendangan kaki isteriku yang masih cuba melawan. Sekali tu, isteriku cuba menolak dan menumbuk muka Salleh, tapi ditangkap lalu dikilas tangan isteriku oleh Salleh. Isteriku mengerang kesakitan sambil mengikut arah kilasan tangannya.
Salleh mengambil peluang untuk mengilas dan mengalih badan isteriku agar meniarap. Isteriku terpaksa ikut dan mula meniarap. Lantas itu Salleh naik duduk di atas belakang pinggang dan tangannya menekan muka isteriku kepermukaan tilam. Tangan isteriku yang terkilas dilipat kebelakang tubuh isteriku. Isteriku mengerang kesakitan dan berhenti melawan.
Salleh mengambil peluang tersebut untuk bongkok ketelinga isteriku dan berkata, “Jangan melawan, nanti aku kilaih lagi tangan hang…”
Isteriku mengaduh dan cuba mengimbangi badannya yang dalam kesakitan, manakala Salleh pula cuba memperbetulkan badannya supaya batang koneknya berada diatas ponggong isteriku.
“Ta, hang jangan melawan, kalau kita bersatu pun, Suhaimi bukannya tau, dia tak tau punya, pasai hang bukannya dara lagi…alah…mai la kita sama-sama enjoy…aku dah lama geram kat puki hang nih..Aku akan buat pelan-pelan.. biaq kita sama-sama syok…okey?” kata Salleh sambil cuba memperbetul dan mengacukan pelirnya yang menjuih dari seluarnya, lalu mencari sasaran di celah ponggong isteriku.
“Arrr..rggghhhh…tak mau, tak mau…lepaihkan aku….”
”Huh..kalau hang tak mau, aku kilaih tangan hang nih..” tegas Salleh sambil menguatkan pulasan kilasan tangan isteriku.
“Arrgghhh…adoiii…sakit bang..nantih..nantihh….”
Salleh pun mereda kilasannya sambil mengambil nafas. Tiba-tiba terdengar bunyi handphone berdering. Salleh cuba mencari arah bunyi talipon.
“Abang, tu bunyi handpone saya…mesti abang Mi call tuh…” kata isteriku.
“Hah…mana handphone hang…”
“Bawah bantal tidor tuh..bagi saya jawab bang, nanti abang Mi syak sesuatu…” kata isteriku sambil memberi alasan.
“Nanti-nantih..biaq dia bunyi dulu…” balas Salleh sambil cuba memikir sesuatu.
Tiba-tiba Salleh menarik tangan dan rambut isteriku agar bergerak bangun dari katil dan menuju ke ampaian kain tudung. Isteriku menurut dalam kesakitan. Salleh mencapai beberapa helai kain skaf yang tersidai. Direbahkan isteriku ke katil lalu ditiarapkan. Tangan dan kaki isteriku diikat ke belakang. Sambil tu, handphone masih berdering. Mulut isteriku pun dipekup juga.
Salleh bangun semula dan pergi ke meja solek sambil mencari sesuatu yang tajam. Dicapainya gunting yang terdapat di situ kemudian dia mendapatkan semula isteriku. Handphone masih lagi berdering.
“Ta..sat lagi hang jawab handphone hang..Hang habaq kat laki hang yang hang nak pi buang ayaq sangat-sangat dah.. Ingat nih.. Kalau hang cakap lain dari tu, aku rodok gunting ni dalam burit hang. Kak hang pun aku akan cederakan nantih..ingat tuh..” tegas si Salleh.
Isteriku diam saja sambil memikirkan sesuatu. Deringan talipon berhenti bunyi. Salleh melentang tubuh isteriku, lalu menarik kedua kaki isteriku seterusnya diikat ke penjuru katil.
Setelah kaki isteriku diikat kejap, Salleh duduk di atas dada isteriku yang terlentang bogel lalu diikat kedua belah tangan isteriku ke hujung kepala katil pula. Isteriku kini terikat secara mendepa kaki dan tangannya sambil mulutnya masih dipekup oleh satu lagi kain selindang.
Salleh mencari handphone isteriku yang berada dibawah bantal. Bantal tersebut juga diambil lalu dialas ke bawah ponggong isteriku. Kini kedudukan kemaluan isteriku lebih tinggi dari baringannya.
Salleh bingkas bangun sambil memerhatikan isteriku yang berbogel dan terikat. Dia membuka dan melondehkan seluarnya. Direnungnya kemaluan dan dada isteriku dengan lahap sambil mengusap batang pelirnya. Isteriku mengalihkan pandangannya dari pandangan si Salleh.
Salleh kemudian meniarap diatas tubuh isteriku. Dia mencium pipi, leher dan menjilat ketiak isteriku. Isteriku pula cuba meronta.
“Ta, sat lagi bila laki hang call, hang habaq kat dia, kata hang nak pi toilet balik. Suruh dia call 10 minit kemudian…Aku janji, aku nak rasa puki hang sekali ni saja. Okey!.. sekali saja..Aku akan buat pelan-pelan supaya hang tak sakit, laki hang mesti tak perasan punya. …dan aku tak akan ganggu hang lagi”
Habis saja kata-kata Salleh tuh..handphone pun berbunyi. Salleh melihat no. panggilan ditalipon, lalu berkata “Ingat..kali ni saja, cakap tuh jangan macam orang takut…” rayu Salleh lalu ditarik kain pemekop mulut isteriku sambil meletakkan handphone kepipi isteriku. Salleh merenung tajam kemata isteriku. Isteriku bagaikan mengalah.
“Helo..haa..ahh…abang…, tak Ta ada kat toilet tadi..”
Salleh mengacu mata gunting keatas permukaan pantat isteriku tanda mengingatkannya. Ditenyeh sambil diulit-ulit besi yang tajam bersilau itu ke atas isi kemaluan isteriku yang sedikit tembam itu.
“Tak tak..okey..Ta sakit perut nih..sat lagi abang call balik yah…hah..hah..okeh… Abang I love you”
Salleh melihat status talian di handphone dan kemudian meletakkan handphone tersebut ditepi katil. Isteriku hairan kenapa Sa
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ninettemx · 2 months ago
El clan 𝙐𝙯𝙪𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙞 no solo tenía un pacto con la temida "𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙖", sino también con otros 26 Shinigamis, cada uno con habilidades únicas y un aura de misterio que los rodea. ¿Qué tipo de entidades eran estas? ¿Eran guardianes, jueces, o quizás vengadores? Imaginar los poderes que poseían y las historias detrás de cada uno añade un nivel más profundo al fascinante legado del clan. Hubiera sido algo interesante ver a Naruto más involucrado en las raíces de su clan y verlo revelar todos los secretos de los Uzumaki.
1. Parka: Domina el poder del sellado absoluto; puede atrapar almas en un ciclo eterno.
2. Kaien: Manipula llamas espirituales que purifican o consumen almas.
3. Seira: Oculta seres vivos o muertos en dimensiones paralelas.
4. Eitan: Controla el tiempo, permitiendo retrocesos o ralentizaciones momentáneas.
5. Mizuki: Teje fragmentos de almas, permitiendo la resurrección o sellos avanzados.
6. Raigo: Convierte emociones negativas en armas devastadoras.
7. Hikaru: Ilumina la oscuridad espiritual, revelando ilusiones o verdades ocultas.
8. Akane: Causa muerte instantánea mediante contacto con su energía maldita.
9. Shion: Ofrece visiones del futuro, aunque al precio de años de vida.
10. Takeshi: Genera barreras espirituales impenetrables.
11. Aiko: Manipula los recuerdos de las almas, borrándolos o distorsionándolos.
12. Renji: Canaliza energía destructiva en forma de ondas masivas.
13. Sayuri: Guía almas perdidas hacia el descanso eterno.
14. Haru: Controla los vientos espirituales, capaces de desintegrar energía maligna.
15. Reiko: Absorbe chakra y vitalidad para fortalecer al invocador.
16. Yumi: Puede sanar heridas físicas y espirituales al costo de un sacrificio.
17. Kenta: Convoca cadenas etéreas para inmovilizar a sus objetivos.
18. Naoki: Invoca un ejército de almas para luchar al lado del invocador.
19. Sora: Manipula la gravedad espiritual, aplastando o elevando enemigos.
20. Akira: Destruye sellos y maldiciones espirituales.
21. Ryoko: Genera ilusiones tan reales que afectan a las almas y cuerpos.
22. Kyo: Consume la vitalidad de sus enemigos con cada ataque.
23. Aya: Trae caos emocional, sembrando desesperación o pánico en sus víctimas.
24. Tsubasa: Permite al invocador volar y moverse entre dimensiones.
25. Fumiko: Controla agua espiritual que puede sanar o corroer.
26. Isamu: Libera un poder explosivo que destruye todo en un radio determinado.
Cada uno de estos Shinigamis representa un aspecto de la muerte, el balance y la conexión espiritual que caracterizaba al clan Uzumaki.
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morela2016 · 7 months ago
Capitulo 7
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Un dorama entrañable pero difícil de ver por momentos.
Lo cierto es que yo por la ambientación y argumento ya tenia una idea de que la serie tocaría temáticas complicadas sin embargo no me pude resistir a lo que vi en los avances por lo que no me puedo quejar de como ha resultado la historia.
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Me pareció que se centraria en una gran amistad y eso a mi me gana totalmente. Lo que no es errado porque el que Q' conozca a Sho seria el generador de muchas cosas.
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El inicio tiene una declaración de intenciones claras, una historia fraternal suavecita no es de lo que va, siguiendo con el final del capítulo 3 que nos deja claro que habrá cada vez mas temas problemáticos en la historia, que en si podria decirse que tiene bastante violencia.
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El cambio del protagonista es notable para bien y para mal, sus relaciones con sus amigos y/o familia, el cómo ve la vida, de lo que se siente capaz.
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Me parece que lo que siente por seira no lo supo manejar de la mejor manera pero sí creo que es sincero. Es raro que él no sospeche algo de lo que seira hace o hacía para ganar dinero, por algunos comentarios que ella hace, claro que algo como eso no es que sea fácil de adivinarlo.
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La forma de contar la historia es ingeniosa, permite ver al Q' del presente y compararlo con el mismo pero de adolescente. En serio ese ataque del gas sarin sería un punto de inflexión en la personalidad del protagonista.
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Por otro lado, en el pasado, me doy cuenta que la verdaderamente pareja es la de Sho y Seira (o al menos eso es lo que estoy creyendo), por lo mismo me gustaría ver más de esos dos, entiendo que la cosa es de Q' y por eso no se puede acaparar mucho tiempo en ellos pero al ser tan tan importante esta misma, en el presente, deberían darnos más escenas entre ellos, además se ven bonitos.
El dorama toca temas duros de indoles sexual, físico y emocional, no es del todo explícita en ciertos casos, en otros en cambio vemos muchas peleas.
La amistad formada es envidiable, se contagia sus ansías de vivir al máximo, ¡se disfruta! Pero hay una sensación constante de que algo malo va a pasar durante los capítulos, por cierto las canciones que ponen para apoyar la ambientación, son muy buenas.
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Las reflexiones que se dan ya sea entre doyon y Q' o el del prota y la entrevistadora, en el presente, son coherentes con lo que va sucediendo, se sienten naturales, dan nostalgia profundamente.
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felikatze · 7 months ago
(seira tan voice) if it sucks, hit da bricks, takky! responsibility? newgen murders? nanami's potential death? just walk out!
i''m SO fucking brave for not looking up an ending guide for a visual novel i'm playing I WILL go through my first playthrough blind i WILL face the consequences of my instinctive actions
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burakrevista · 3 years ago
Re-estreno. Danza: La sombra de una nube. Dir. David Señoran
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Por Dana Babic
Un grupo de refugiados se encuentra encerrado entre fronteras, dudan si seguir adelante, enfrentando el rechazo que les espera, o volver sobre sus pasos a una vida de terror. 
El tiempo pasa y deja huellas en estos seres vulnerables que aguantan el odio sobre sus cuerpos, mientras otros toman las decisiones.
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“La obra transcurre, metafóricamente, en ese instante en donde el odio se instala en la mirada” David Señoran  (Director)
La sombra de una nube se re-estrena a partir del jueves 7 de abril a las 20:30 horas, y durante todos los jueves hasta el 12 de mayo. 
Las funciones serán realizadas respetando el Protocolo vigente para la prevención de contagios por COVID-19.
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David Señoran, maestro, coreógrafo, gestor y director de la obra dice: “La sombra de una nube es un proyecto que lleva en su título la esperanza de que estos ataques que nos infringimos sean tan pasajeros como esa sombra”
Con una destacada performance de parte de los bailarines, en un escenario despojado de elementos, sólo un carro de madera que los refugiados usan para trasladarse y la nube negra que los acompaña, por encima, todo el tiempo, esta obra logra transmitir un mensaje conmovedor hasta en los silencios. Sobre todo en los silencios: con la sincronicidad en el movimiento de los cuerpos, los gestos de los protagonistas y sus miradas recargadas de emociones.
Del otro lado, defendiendo los intereses del lugar donde los migrantes forzados anhelan encontrar una vida mejor, un personaje, con megáfono en mano, los rechaza con un discurso que, lamentablemente, es parte de nuestra actualidad.
Los espectadores podrán preguntarse si es una obra de danza o de teatro, La sombra de una nube es una experiencia humana.
Como dijo Eugenio Barba, director y estudioso del teatro, inventor del concepto “antropología teatral”: “Cuando una experiencia nos atrapa por las entrañas no solemos preguntarnos nada: es olvido de lo que vemos en el espacio escénico y memoria total de algún contenido de nuestro espacio mental, psíquico, sensorial”.
Las funciones son los jueves a las  20.30hs, en el Centro Cultural de la Cooperación (Av. Corrientes 1543 CABA). Entrada: $800-  por Alternativa.
Performers:  Lautaro Cianci, Lucas Coliluan, Francisco Cruzans, Celeste Fonseca, Luis Garbossa, Lucía Girardi, Florencia Indómito, Sergio Jardín, Arian Ortellado, Ariel Osiris, Virginia Rossi, Inés Silvestre Diseño escenográfico: Alejandro Mateo Diseño lumínico: David Seiras Diseño de vestuario: Laura Sol Torrecilla Diseño Gráfico: Pablo Vega Fotografía: Adrián Arellano Diseño musical: Juan Barone Preparación vocal: Francisco Cruzans Textos: Pehuén Gutiérrez - David Señoran Realización escenográfica: Norma Rolandi, Roxana Ciordia, Gastón Gatti Asistencia de vestuario: Rocío Gutiérrez Prensa: Prensópolis Social Media Managers: Euclides Pérez - Luis Vallejo Asistencia de Producción: Virginia Ayesta Coordinación de producción: Gabriel Cabrera Asistencia de dirección: Julia Sleiman   Dirección General: David Señoran Duración: 55 minutos
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amnesicmaiden · 4 years ago
☭ Schwarz
BATTLE THEME: -n/a- BATTLE INTRO:  “I'm going to fight you, Schwarz! Why? You'll find out later if I win!” VICTORY: She hops a few times as she won! “Sneak me to the beach! We'll bring Ceylon of course. Beach time, beach time~!” DEFEAT: “I just. . . Wanted to go to the beach and wear a swimsuit. . .! A-and other things!” ASSIST:  Tosses a peanut butter cup. “Sweets is healing power~!” TAUNT: “You're very thicc- wait I don't think that’s a taunt. . .” REACTING TO TAUNT: “O-oh, is that how it is!?” FLEE: “Oh no, someone is coming. . . G-gotta go!” REACTING TO FLEE: “Where are you going?!, I want to win you can't just go off like that!” PERFECT VICTORY: “We're going to the beach and because I won so amazingly, now you gotta help apply tanning oil on me. Ahaha~!” She said joyfully as she gives a V for victory with her fingers. FINISH MOVE:  She goes up close to Schwarz, their bodies pressing together and Seira. . . And Seira . . . ”Boop~” BOOPS HER NOSE, WHAT CRUELTY!!!
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fluffy-fox-princess-blog · 6 years ago
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hoshigomi · 6 years ago
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Disclaimer: I can’t call this a review. I don’t really speak Japanese, and what I understand is sort of limited, so I don’t think it’s fair for me to put my thoughts and opinions out as a REVIEW. I absolutely did not grasp the entirety of this show and will not pretend I did.  I’m just someone who really loves Takarazuka, knows some Japanese, loves Hoshigumi more than air, is enthralled with Thunderbolt Fantasy as a show in and of itself, and was privileged enough to see this production four times. Here is a (very long) collection of thoughts!
This entire experience was a blast from start to finish.  When Thunderbolt Fantasy was announced as Hoshigumi’s tour show, I think a lot of us were rightfully CAUTIOUSLY CURIOUS about the entire situation, especially after we looked up the source material and found a PUPPET SHOW. I remember watching the first episode with a friend, having only the tentative top/nibante/top musumeyaku casting and thinking “wow that’s uh ambitious and confusing but I kind of love it.”  Well, reader, I can personally confirm that in the end, I more than kind of loved it.  I’m currently nine episodes into the TV series and what I can say is the Takarazuka production MOSTLY follows it so far, up until about episode seven, where they start making some sacrifices in order to fit a 13 episode TV show into an hour and some change stage production. Names are a bit confusing, and even the Takarazuka main website put up a glossary of terms, so you know you’re getting into Something before you even start. 
The BASIC, BASIC, BARE BONES PLOT is as follows (I am using the JAPANESE CHARACTER names for consistency):  
Tan Hi (Kisaki Airi) and her brother, Tan Ko (Toudou Jun) are part of a clan that is tasked with protecting a sacred sword. Obviously, A Group Of Bad Guys™ led by Betsu Ten Gai (Tenju Mitsuki) followed by Ryo Mi (Arisa Hitomi), Cho Mei (Amahana Ema), and Zan Kyo (Ooki Makoto) ALSO want the sacred sword. Tan Hi and Tan Ko are ambushed and attacked by Zan Kyo, and Tan Ko (Airi’s character’s brother) is killed. Tan Hi escapes with the hilt of the sacred sword (hereafter: TENGYOKEN), but is in pretty bad shape. 
Meanwhile in the woods, Shou Fu Kan (Nanami Hiroki), a wandering swordsman, is trying to escape the rain and does so by taking an umbrella from over a Buddha Statue. Enter Lin Setsu A (Kurenai Yuzuru), a VERY CANONICALLY MYSTERIOUS AND VAGUE guy who immediately starts giving Shou Fu Kan grief for taking the Buddha’s umbrella, to which Shou Fu Kan replies, “If the stone Buddha gets wet, it will be fine, but if I get wet, I will catch a cold.” Touche, cute swordsman. Enter Tan Hi, still being pursued by Zan Kyo. Tan Hi is in very bad shape, and Shou Fu Kan fights Zan Kyo, Zan Kyo severs his own head.  After, in the land of evil, Betsu Ten Gai receives Zan Kyo’s severed head (really) and accesses his memory, the last of which is Shou Fu Kan giving his name immediately before Zan Kyo is beheaded. Betsu Ten Gai now is targeting Shou Fu Kan who obviously has something to do with the Tengyoken. Betsu Ten Gai sends his lackeys after Shou Fu Kan and co. 
I won’t go any more into the plot (and unfortunately Wikipedia can’t really help you), but if you’re interested I really recommend you watch the TV show, because it is INTERESTING. From there, Ken San Un (Rei Makoto) enters and joins the party because he is a classic cocky charming young boy protagonist who wants to make a name for himself, along with Lin Setsu A’s old “friends”, Shu Un Sho (an archer, played by Kizaki Reo), Kei Gai (a NECROMANCER played by Yumeki Anru), and Setsu Mu Sho, (a LITERAL SERIAL KILLER who wants Lin Setsu A DEAD, played by Mao Yuuki.) Every one of these characters has a complicated and not overtly stated motive, and NONE of them agree on any tactics which is further complicated by the fact that half of them aren’t even human and Demon Motives Are Different. The one thing they have in common is that they all want the Tengyoken out of Betsu Ten Gai’s hands. 
THE PLAY ITSELF:  This was an anime stage play. If you like anime stage plays, you will LOVE Thunderbolt Fantasy. If you have ever loved a video game, an anime, a fantasy story, or THOUGHT you might love a video game, anime, or fantasy story, this play is going to be FUN for you. I felt like I was INSIDE a game in the Final Fantasy series. The technical aspects of the show BLEW ME AWAY. The coolest lighting effects I have seen in my life are in this play. The set is effective at getting across where we are, and projections are used to pretty cool effect this time around, in my opinion. There are LITERALLY only three and a half sung songs in this entire musical, one being the title song sung by the main players, one being another T.M. Revolution song sung by Kurenai Yuzuru to introduce the rest of the characters, one beautiful sweet little half song sung by Kisaki Airi, and one being just something they gave Rei Makoto at the start of the show because she’s technically Hoshigumi’s nibante but you wouldn’t know it just from watching this show.  Which brings us to the cast!
THE CAST: PERFECT and weird. Kurenai Yuzuru as Lin Setsu A was honestly genius. I saw this production with a friend who knows only a little about Takarazuka, knows Beni tangentially, has seen one episode of Thunderbolt Fantasy and she said “that role was made for Beni.” He is sly and manipulative and FUNNY and his motives are ENTIRELY unknown. Beni sings what she sings fantastically, and it’s VERY good to see her slinking around the stage with a sly fox smile all the time.  Nanami Hiroki as Shou Fu Kan. I wouldn’t normally list her second, but in this case, she was the nibante role. I have NO idea why this didn’t go to Rei Makoto, except maybe because Kai can play a disgruntled but good natured adult man better than she can play a like spunky sixteen year old boy. Shou Fu Kan is the protagonist of Thunderbolt and they did NOT change that even ONE BIT for this play. The story directly relied on her action and without spoiling anything, the coolest stage magic and ridiculously anime moment I have ever seen in my life involved her center stage in the final battle, Making It Happen. She has pretty much The Last Moment in the show. She has one-liners and dry humor and handles stage combat INCREDIBLY. Shou Fu Kan is just a morally good guy who doesn’t want trouble and does want to Do The Right Thing. This role was AMAZING for her (I am biased.), and I can’t wait to see how the tour audiences take it. 
Kisaki Airi as Tan Hi. This is my favorite role I have ever seen Airi in. She was the best at stage combat in the entire troupe, and she acted her pants off. Her character goes through a lot of unecessary bullshit and suffering and she remains wholly likeable through it all. Her motivations are clear and her relationships with the other characters are believable and specific. She also has some really lovely comic bits.
Rei Makoto as Ken San Un. Coto was playing a spunky kid and honestly Coto was born to play spunky kids (but what wasn’t Coto born to play?) Ken San Un has an ego that IS backed up by skill, and he really just wants to Make A Name For Himself, Impress A Girl, and do the right thing. Her voice is as usual, killer, and her character is INSANELY charming, especially when interacting with Tan Hi. There’s a lot of complexity in this role too, and Coto handles it fantastically. They padded this role out a lot, which worked well and didn’t seem forced whatsoever, but even so, it was a solidly supporting role. Hopefully Coto got some well deserved rest in the process.
The rest of the roles were similarly well-cast. Hoshigumi’s focus on ensemble casts like they did here and with Another World REALLY do them all some favors. Tenju Mitsuki made short but crucial appearances as the MAIN VILLAN and got to show off the unhinged wildness that made her Mercutio so fantastic. Amahana Ema and Arisa Hitomi were good henchmen, Arisa Hitomi has a cool little fight and a costume with neat slits that make her movement interesting. The characters could have dealt with more development, but they’re also fairly one-dimensional in the show. Mao Yuuki as a serial killer was hard to buy, but she did what she could with a role that in the TV show is like stoic and, well, literally a puppet. Yumeki Anru kind of absolutely SLAYED being a hot demon with a whip, her interactions with fellow demonic entity Beni were true to the show, and she sings fantastically. Kizaki Reo is actually insanely handsome as the really gruff archer with (surprise) also dubious morals. Her voice also SHOCKED me in all the right ways. Other characters were played by everyone else, and the smaller cast meant that a lot of the kids got little moments in prolonged exposition scenes as storytellers or townspeople or evil henchmen. This troupe is in good hands with the younger ones, I think. Shoutout to EVERY ONE OF THE MAIN CAST (and Ruri Hanaka and Sumika Amane, playing TINY roles) for balancing weird puppet-inspired physicality and quirks from the show with like, actual human acting and movement.
More of us have seen Killer Rouge, so this doesn’t need as much from me.  This production, as a tour, has gone through some changes. Notably, the postman number sung by Seo Yuriya/Honoka Kozakura/Seira Hitomi was cut (and literally none of those three were in this because of Bow Hall/injury (get well, Honoka ♥️ ). Solos sung by Toa Reiya/Hanagata Hikaru/Seo Yuriya were mostly distributed to Amahana Ema/Tenju Mitsuki/Kizaki Reo/Amato Kanon etc. The Nippon Seinenkan stage doesn’t make ANY sense for this revue, which originally made pretty nice use of stairs/the ginkyou/the SPACE they had in Mura and Tokyo.  Mask of Rouge got ANOTHER wig option and Nanami Hiroki seems to just be rotating through them entirely at her own chaotic will, which creates a really high stakes Russian Roulette Situation in terms of how Hot Mask Of Rouge Will Be.  The Rose of Versailes/Disgaea/Wonder Rouge section of the revue was SOLIDLY the most charming thing I have ever seen in my life.  Mao Yuuki has joined the Wonder Five audience participation bit in place of Seo Yuriya and Tenju Mitsuki is up there in place of Hanagata Hikaru. This troupe can ad lib like NO ONE’S BUSINESS or more accurately, Beni and Airi can ad lib like no one’s business, Coto occasionally has some bursts of inspiration, and Kai can’t begin to keep a straight face when put on the spot.  There are a lot of new numbers, and all of them are in my opinion, really Good. There’s also a LENGTHY Beniko/Aiko/Reiko ad lib section always beginning with some discussion about studying Chinese and always giving away the fact that Coto and Airi are working harder at that than Beni seems to be.  That said, Beni does have a REALLY BEAUTIFUL AND SIMPLE AND CLASSIC solo kuroenbi situation that is in Chinese and to my (English speaking ears) it sounds really good. We’ll see I guess.  Coto/Airi/Ema have a HEAVY METAL ROCK NUMBER that’s kind of hot and totally in all their powerhouse ranges.  The pegasus/everyone in multicolored outfits is really satisfying to me and would be to any other Hoshigumi fan despite the fact that I don’t love Toa Reiya’s taidan solo going to someone else (which I admit is just maybe because I loved Toa Reiya.)  There’s a cute little number (Timing) with Airi, Minato Rihi, and Yuunagi Ryou. Yuunagi Ryou is CUTE. The number is cute. The kickline was a little different and also involved some girls who weren’t in it originally because it’s not just the whole 104th class anymore and they needed to make up for THAT in a fierce way. Shoutout to all the girls who jumped in and killed it. ♥️ Ruri Hanaka specifically caught my eye and also had a nice solo in the whole costume party number.  Jounetsu no Arashi was replaced for whatever reason but the number thats in it’s place now is equally as hot and like involves some counting in Spanish and a lot of rowdy otokoyaku energy which is my single greatest weakness. 
For me, as a Hoshigumi fan until the day I die probably, Killer Rouge was incredible. So many people got little chances to shine, and the fun the actresses were having with it was PALPABLE. I loved the vast majority of the costumes and set pieces and little themed moments, and I loved the new numbers, and I did not miss the numbers that were cut (save for Jounetsu no Arashi because Coto licking her lips was pretty good.) I got to see the people I love most doing a revue that was so joyful and energetic and group-focused. I could not have asked for more. 
I’d give Thunderbolt Fantasy/Killer Rouge a 100/10, which will surprise no one who has ever met me. 
Thanks Hoshigumi, and good luck in Taiwan!
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lucykisaragi · 7 years ago
cards i still need fullbodys of
these are under a readmore! listed by character and card name as stated on the aikatsu wikia’s cardlists! (yes some cards have an * in the title due to the words technicly being slurs, i didn’t name the cards)
sweet chocolate kimono of the spring flowers peach brilliant gothic appeal of a frill dress heart catch little white bird by the waters pisces of mermaid the bear swimming ring ribbon ribbon summer the witch & the magic mirror if its a dress then definitely new swallowtail the witch with a red ribbon speaking of alphine medows waku waku koh-haku white cosmos east and west pink sugary pink fancy gift radiance of the blossom special sweet memories are in the future playful kunai throwing
prism star sweet chocolate kimono of the spring flowers blue light of the sun blue intellectual gothic heading for the party have some black tea exact timer magic of the beautiful snow shutter chance i am that girls number one fan welcome to the house of sweets the rainbow that stiches across the sky cool chemsitry messenger from the future even the warpping needs to be brillant blue santa present of the holy night east and west blue radiance of the comet star of tears futuristic siegfried three twinkle graceful lady looking up at the stars cosmo night
night of ageha blue rose under the moonlight rock style kimono of the spring flowers purple secret message light of the sun purple glossy gothic purple ageha enjoy summer festival romantic elegant its because we are rivals austere as usual math teacher of exact accuracy unforgettable memories purple santa heart of japan purple radiance of the iris five twinkle beautiful figure noble amaranth healing cushion jewlery night leo's shooting stars leo's shooting stars +
rainbow alice orange of happiness sweet chocolate pinky fruits feelings above the clouds fluffy chic together with the dolphins potepo-tan at the summer festival new stylish theif forgetful santa-san happy tree shiny santa snowman heart of japan - pop east and west pop radiance of the canary yellow popping star mascot character pajama tinder night fluffy seal
elegant smile resident of the bird cage tone of black & red kimono of the spring flowers dark blue elegant noble pure white queen colorful cake surprise present gothic santa mint noel heart of japan - dark east and west dark retro gothic suggested gothic two twinkle the lad's dream and mind's darkness charming star
guide of fairytales girl of the spring garden sweet chocolate lime candy polka dot puririn heart of japan - sakura east and west sakura as fate unfolds gorgeous daughter of flowers pillow for cupping the ogiri's master of ceremony the one in bloom is the smiling flower
pop magic magical ribbon charm of the monotone to the colorful pop addicitive cake relaxation delivered cookie stars heart of japan - yamabuki east and west yamabuki my heart is for you surprise chocolate glowing star of the night circus usher enjoy movie midnight tv
la la la porter chance catch union rock ball of memories brave charmont happy top spinning rockish sword dance
colorful title milk clown magical style marching style sweet temptation happy wrapping yummy yummy yu-mmy ghosts are surprising magical present cr-cr-cracker
stone charm bohemian who weaves the wind bohemian earth matte mint green navy indian glittering bijoux
maiden of ribbons airy painter the alps flower flower country the beach & shells flora snow fluttering alice paris daisy
dreaming alice heading towards the future dreams ufo skirt blue candy stripe puririn dignified umbrella spinning leave the program to me
secret queen adult like tulie casual elegant her walking poise is that of a lily the off time spent with everyone heart of japan moon moonlit nights marine blue sparkling glossy bouquet of my blessing six twinkle amethyst goddess sparkling moon printing moon my new goal
happy greet surf girl devil paint honey valentine let's go to the beach sweet scent of the beach coconut scented night in search of wreath materials fluffy penguin poppin penguin
white angely
lively coord
purple elegant shining swallowtail
lets sing a show sweet chocolate five court musicians crimson heart of thrill princess peach heading towards the sky dream skip scarecrows dream pink pop girl sky dress akari sunshine + obento-san of my dreams natural reindeer dreaming red radiance of the cherry four twinkle my favorite plush toy lets make a snowman
blue noblesse sumire colored tale sweet chocolate five court musicians blue mysterious magic user mischievous witch magical painter bell that glows in the night sky quiet sound of the ocean morning glory that blooms in the night dress that delivered the wish purple cat sith sumire gelato+ both scholar & warrior violet santa navy noel the glistening flute radiance of the aquar little devil punkish gothic prince tiny bit of happiness suport for me rockin' gothic special tea
sweet chocolate merry of the three court ladies three court ladies yellow princess yellow king of hearts king of pop negative check pop craftsman precious contents new discovery...? im feeling fantasy devil tulie hinaki twister ai-katsu yo-ru-shi-ku orange santa white fairy surprise is on the bonus add-on lively drum roll warm coord vivid march pretzels of love poppin green seven colored vivid special flavor found only in the night
five court musicians peach ski ski sweet skip lovely magician lovely dress a preemption spring color coord princess cute pastel lion's feelings angely pink girl in my dreams fluffy rabbit with my favorite mug sweet night daylight pastel innocently sweet
dignified of the three court ladies three court ladies blue gentle mad hatter the mad hatter who likes to dance just like the lightning blik's wish blue star dancing on stage special move rice pepper punch princess's bodygaurd stars that spread across the sky my bursting BPM cool jade steam doll
passion of the three court ladies three court ladies scarlet passionate century positive check cant wait for summer the girl of the sun modern monotone goodnight to flamenco jurius caesar salad jurius caesar salad+ hot blooded teacher's yell passion red a passionate winter eight twinkle i love you juri passion rose key to skincare delicioso night passionate idol activities wandering bodygaurd modernly dressed up straight rose
little devil tune of the five court musicians flute five court musicians wisteria playful little devil sexy devil the memories from the potatoes radiance of the raspberry chasing the admiration glamor of the lame ribbon admired stage milky devil
tune of the five court musicians kotsuzumi five court musicians plum little devil naughty little devil cutie devil dont miss out on the potatoes
caramelize a hundred mark smile i love sweets the worlds center winters cheerful dress exciting dolphin clover i finally found retro modern girl first shrine visit here japanese retro flower
freely strechable stylish monster honey honey bee candy girl will give you
nadeshiko mode miya-beam winters glossy dress shining snowy fields
supporting you decided high touch original little devil rockin pumpkin deilviery from the bottom of my heart cutie little devil holy love lives on sleepless nights new year sunrise rockingly vivid
pink step my crowning tv show two bonds marchen santa present thats a cake active girl so many delicious foods
ROLA (laura for those who dont spell her name as rola)
blue step the thing like usual reason for passing lets go shopping confident bat girl the north and southern cross blue roses of courage ice punkish
melon step yellow santa ring throwing that i won't let go of
lavender step china heroine memories of our playtime lets it it! onee-chan winter visits orchid of elegance glossy jasmine g*psy dancer
japan heroine star appears romance christmas feminine style even in winter
checkered activities in the morning
canary santa aiming at
tip toeing a little bit refreshing ori*ntal healing wink ethic ballarina beautiful roth flowers
my suggested tv show chances to shine girly christmas while waiting for santa cosmetic dress fairy awaiting spring
input of knowledge turning point
sweet pirate kiraran sparkling fairy
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mikumanogi-blog · 3 years ago
2022-04-07 ”More flowers”Hayakawa Seira blog [ENG]
Everyone hello, I’m 21 year old Hayakawa Seira from Osaka. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance ☺︎
 Spring! It’s here!
Recently I’ve really enjoyed having the window open and lying down in the sunlight relaxing on my Yogibo.
I’ve also been addicted to My Hero Academia. It’s an anime that was recommended to me by both Kaki and Mayu-tan and I’ve finally been able to watch it. You probably already know the reason it was recommended to me but…! It’s a super hype anime, if you have any other recommendations please let me know. If you like please put them in the comments ^ ^
 On days when the weather is nice I’ve been going out for walks.
I was able to go see these beautiful cherry blossoms ☺︎
I took this picture when nobody was around.
They’re in full bloom and the weather is so nice and warm.
The cherry blossoms are so beautiful they make me happy
Everyone, have you seen the cherry blossoms? Please let me know if you have =(^.^)=
 There was an online meet and greet on Sunday. Thank you so much to everyone that came. There was also a signing event and so it was a very busy and fun day.
1st time slot: white blouse
2nd time slot: Lemon colored sweater, Lemon colored scrunchy
3rd time slot: Green t-shirt, side ponytail
4th time slot: Brown very, and half up hair
Is what I wore. Which one did you like  the most??
Please let me know ^ ^
Soon we’ll be able to have wonderful stories about spring. I’m looking forward to it.
Let’s talk again soon♪
 On Friday we appeared on Music Station. Thank you so much.
I’m so happy that we’ve been able to perform ‘Actually…’ on many different music programs.
In a little more than a month we’ll be doing a live concert at Nissan Stadium and I’m doing my best for that performance!
Let’s go!
☀︎ “Actually…” commemorative national event
Online meet and greet as well as a special event, you can also participate in our mini live concert stream! If you like please check it out.
↑details can be found here.  
☀︎ Radirer! Sunday. NHK Radio 1 everyone Sunday at 20:05
Thank you for all the mail.
Next episode will have Kangawa Saya-chan and Kubo Shiori-chan! Please have a listen☺︎
↑please send you mail here.
 !!!!The Unreliable Q&A!!!!
·         What is something you really want to eat this spring?
→Spring vegetables and I want to go to a Tempura restaurant! Is there anybody that wants to join me??
·         For you, what is your definition of the taste of spring!?!?
→Skipjack tuna. I want to eat finely chopped skipjack tuna from Kochi. (Katsuo no tataki)
·         If you could go anywhere in Japan to see the cherry blossoms where would you want to go?
→I want to see them in some place like Hirosaki Castle in Aomori
·         Seira, do you have an everyday routine?
→Recently I’ve been taking care of my Tamagotchi ^ ^
·         If you were given permission right now to eat you fill what would you want to eat?
→White rice! Recently I’m really addicted to white rice and so I’ve been eating things with a lot of white rice.
·         Seira who is your favorite character from Attack on Titan?
→I like Levi and Hange and Sasha. But recently I really like Annie-chan. Grrrr….
 Thank you for all the comments.
Thank you for all the message on the Nogi Message as walk! I read all of them. They give me a lot of strength! Please send me more if you want to. Send me whatever you like, even your opinions and requests.
 See you soon ☺︎
Thank you for reading until the very end.
There still a big swing in temperature between the day and night so please make sure to take care of your health.
 See you soon☀︎
 2022.4.7 Serra
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thefinalanime · 4 years ago
Noblesse 08
Frankenstein / Primer Contacto Una visita inesperada les recuerda a Regis y a Seira que su misión no está completada y que el pasado que parecía tan lejano vuelve para perseguir a Frankenstein y a Rai. Sinopsis: Raizel despierta tras 820 años de sueño. Ostenta el título especial de Noblesse, un Noble de pura sangre y protector del resto de Nobles. En un intento por proteger a Raizel, su sirviente…
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the-rodent-empire · 7 years ago
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Hi! I wanted to share some pictures of my little family ^^ From left to right we have: Wolfgang, a lazy and cuddly rat who's face is also on the blog icon Seira, my ginger fuzz mouse, very friendly, loves everyone (aparently this is the only picture of her that I own. I mostly take vids of her) Nicolo David (or just Nico) is my second rat and brother of Wolfgang. Kinda introverted, loves dried peas. Nox, a black tan mouse, very smol and very brave, and she zooms real fast. Meridia is a longhaired merle broken baby, she is very shy and reserved and also SO FLUFFY. And last, but not least Freya. My rescue lab mouse. She is kept alone due to her aggressiveness towards other three mice, but I try to give her as much of my company as I can.
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photokatsu · 8 years ago
Moon Desert Rhapsody Event Scenario Ep 1-6
Episode 1
Ichigo: Excuse us~
[Sound of door shutting]
[Scene Transition]
Ichigo&Friends: ……
Ichigo: You did it, Ran!
Aoi: Aaah~! Even I, the idol professor, couldn't have predicted this!
Otome: Who would've thought it'd get a stage play!
Ran: Yeah...Wait, calm down, guys.
Ichigo: I can't calm down at a time like this~! The famous drama that features you, Moon Desert Rhapsody, is gonna be a stage play!
Aoi: This really is something special!
Otome: Yep♪
Ran: That's true. I was really surprised, too.
Aoi: Moon Desert Rhapsody is a drama based off of Arabian Nights…
Otome: It had so much impact with all the combat scenes~♪
Ran: Yeah, you guys all helped me out with training that time. I passed auditions thanks to you guys. I'm really grateful. Thanks, guys.
Aoi: What are you saying! It's all because you worked so hard! Right, Ichigo!?
Ichigo: Yeah, yeah! It was so cool how the results of your training showed in the drama!
Otome: Right! It was super exciting fun~♪
Aoi: Ran was the swordswoman and Sora-chan from DreAca was the princess! You both were perfect for the roles!
Ran: Yeah, I've always been strangely in sync with Sora.
Ichigo: Hehe, I kinda get it.
Aoi: Yeah, yeah, you two are great partners!
Otome: You two give off a vibe when you're together~♪
Ichigo: I know! Like, they're both so mature, right?
Ran: R-Really?
Ichigo: The princess is still gonna be Sora-chan for the stage play, right?
Otome: The headmistress said it hasn't been decided yet, huh…
Ichigo: Then let's go ask Sora-chan!
Aoi: Yeah! I'm sure DreAca's just hearing about this now, too!
Ran: True. Then, let's get going right away…
Episode 2
Seira&Friends: Whaaat~!!
Tiara: Are you guys surprised?
Seira: Yes…! But, why!? Headmistress Tiara…!
Kii: It's Moon Desert Rhapsody, the drama Sora-chan was in, but…!
Maria: But I can't believe Sora's not in it…!
Seira: The main character, the swordswoman, is still Ran Shibuki from Starlight, but for us to get offers for roles when Sora's not it in…
Tiara: I don't blame you. To tell you the truth about those offers…
Sora: I said I wanted you guys to be in it, and asked them.
Seira&Friends: Sora!
Kii: But for us to be in it when you aren't…
Seira: What's going on, Sora?
Sora: About that, well.
Maria: Is there...A reason you aren't gonna be in it?
Sora: Yeah. This time, I'm not gonna be an actress...I was thinking I wanted to support everyone behind the scenes this time.
Kii: So it's just that you're not gonna be acting…
Sora: Yeah, I'm gonna be in charge of costumes and the art direction.
Seira: So that's it~ I got so scared!
Sora: I did want to act, but...More than that, I want to create and express the world of that drama on stage. Also, I'm confident that even if it's a hard stage play with lots of combat scenes, you guys will make it to the end.
Seira: I see. So you decided to take on a new challenge!
Maria: If that's the case, then we can't lose, too...!
Seira: Yeah! It'll be the first time doing combat scenes for me, but…
Kii: We gotta take it up if it's Sora-chan who's asking us.
Maria: Yeah♪
Seira: So this means it's gonna be a stage play with all of Starlight this time, huh.
Kii: Then we should all get together for a strategy meeting!
[Notification sounds]
Sora: Oh, it's from Ran-chan.
Kii: Good timing♪ Then, let's get going right away…
Episode 3
Aoi: Collective meeting for the Desert Moon Stage play!
Kii: Is now starting~
Everyone: Yay~♪
Kii: Okay, then! Let's have the costumes and art direction producer Sora-chan go first!
Sora: Okay. Thanks for taking up this offer, guys. It's a stage play this time, not a drama, so I think it'll be really different...But I hope you guys will give me a hand to make this a good play.
Seira: Are dramas and plays really that different?
Ran: Yeah, since a play means acting live in front of an audience.
Aoi: There's no retakes, and no tricks with the camera.
Seira: I see. That's a pretty big difference…
Kii: Right, right? So plays require higher levels of skill from the actors.
Sora: And one more thing...We have to have combat scenes for this story. I want to make use of those hard combat scenes even in the play. So I'd like you guys to train all-out for them.
Maria: Combat scene training, huh. It seems tough, but I'm sure it'll be fine♪
Ichigo: Yeah! Let's all train together like we did for Ran!
Aoi: Looks like we have no choice.
Otome: No matter what, we should just challenge ourselves~!
Ichigo: Right♪
Sora: Thanks, guys!
Ran: Let's all make this stage a success!
Ichigo: Yep, yep! Then let's get started on training…
Sora: Before that, another thing. I want to decide on a leader this time.
Seira: Leader? Not you?
Sora: I don't think I can be with you guys much because of costumes and art this time, so...I think it's better to decide on a leader with one of the actors.
Aoi: That does sound better. Since it's a play this time, is it the chairman in this case?
Otome: Is chairman different from a leader?
Kii: For theatres and plays, the leader is called the chairman.
Ichigo: Ooh~! I didn't know that!
Sora: So about the chairman...Can I ask you, Ran-chan?
Kii: Yep, yep, there's no other option!
Maria: She's the lead actress for the drama, and has experience with combat scenes, so she's perfect!
Ran: Okay, got it. I'll be the chairman for the play this time. If we're gonna do this, we're gonna focus and go hard!
Everyone: Okay~!
Episode 4
Ran: Thanks for all your work, Sora.
Sora: Oh...You too, Ran-chan.
Ran: You're sure good at progressing meetings, huh?
Sora: Hehe, thanks. I thought about a lot of things for today, so. But there's still tons of things we have to discuss and decide.
Ran: Yeah, like the training schedule and place...There's mountains of things to decide. I'll help you as much as you want so don't work too hard by yourself, okay?
Sora: Hehe, yeah, thanks. I'll make to rely on you, okay?
Ran: ...I still think about drama even now. I worked hard and trained, and learned about combat scenes…
Sora: Yeah, I do too. You looked so cool when you were training. So that's how I got the image of a princess that isn't just always being protected, but who fights alongside the swordswoman, too.
Ran: I was so surprised when you came rushing in during the audition. But it was super fun. I didn't think I'd fight alongside the princess, so.
Sora: I thought that I could go anywhere with you by holding hands...So I really couldn't decide. That if I should be an actress or art producer. But, I wanted to make it the best play ever, so…
Ran: I see...So you decided.
Sora: I can't stand on the same stage as you, but I can fight alongside you.
Ran: Yeah...Then I'll make sure to make this the best play ever as an actress. So make sure to make the best costumes for us, Sora.
Sora: Yeah, of course…! We're fighting in different places, but our goals are the same.
Ran: Let's combine our strengths and make this the best play ever!
Sora: Yeah, let's do our best!
Episode 5
Ran: Okay! Let's get started on training for combat scenes right away!
Seira&Friends: Okay~!
Ran: That response was weak! Put more focus into it!
Seira&Friends: Yes! Chairman!
Ran: Good! Let's start from the basics...Aoi!
Aoi: Stage combat means swordplay and footwork acting. Like scenes with samurai sword fights in historical dramas.
Ran: Okay, let me show you an example first. Basics are like this...Come at me, Ichigo…!
Ichigo: Haaah~!
Ran: ...If she comes at you like this. Hup! ...Dodge it lightly like this. Haah! And slash quickly like this!
Ichigo: S-She got me~…….Got it, guys?
Seira: ...Ummm~?
Kii: Lightly? Quickly?
Maria: I don't think I get it…!
Ichigo: Ah, I knew it.
Ran: Alright, let me explain again. First of all, mastery of stage combat taught by the master himself! From 1 to 4!
[Scene Transition]
Seira: Okay! I'm starting to get the hang of it!
Kii: Whaat~, already? That's our Seira.
Aoi: Kii-chan's sense of rhythm isn't bad, though~
Seira: It has similar points to our usual Aikatsu! Like it being important to stretch, and doing it over and over until your body moves by itself…
Ran: Yeah, but for you, Seira, you're being too rhythmical. It's a sword fighting scene. Don't fall into the rhythm.
Seira: Ack…! Did my body just get into rhythm by itself!?
Ichigo: Hehe, Master said the same thing to Ran at first too, right?
[Scene Transition]
Maria: Otome-chan, here I go~
Otome: Okay~ Ready when you are~♪
Maria: Ya~♪
Otome: Too slow~♪
Ran: You two! You're lacking focus~!
Otome&Maria: Chairman! We're sorry~!
Ichigo: For these two...It doesn't look like sword fighting…
Aoi: U-Uhhhh~...I wonder how this is gonna turn out? Ahaha…
Episode 6
Aoi: Phew~ I didn't know what was gonna happen at first, but…
Ichigo: Everyone pulled through in the end, as always! They picked it up so fast~
Otome: It's thanks to Ran-tan's good teaching♪
Aoi: Yeah, as expected of master...No, no, as expected of the chairman…!
Ichigo: Honestly! Yo, Chairman Ran!
Ran: No, it's still not good enough!
Aoi: What!? Even if you compare them to you when you started training, I think they're doing pretty well…
Ran: Yeah, everyone's doing well now...If this were a drama, that is. But it's a play this time. And on top of that…
Ichigo: What, there's still something else?
Ran: Yeah. The number one problem here is that you're going up against other idols in combat scenes.
Aoi: I see...If you were against a pro, they can back you up even if you mess up, but…
Ran: Yeah, there's only us idols for this play. We have to act on the same levels as pros.
Otome: I-I see~…! This is tough~
Ran: Of course, there's a secret method to raise your skill. It's…
Ichigo: [Gulp]...It's…?
Shion: We were waiting for this.
Sakura: We were waiting for you.
Otome: Shion-tan!? Sakura-tan, too!? Whoa~ what's the matter~?
Sakura: We arrived called by Ran-sama.
Shion: She asked for help, saying you're gonna do special training so you needed helpers.
Aoi: Special training...Ran, what are you planning?
Ran: You guys helped me with it when I was learning stage combat too, right?
Aoi: Oh, wait…!
Ran: Yeah, Sudden Death-style special training!
Ichigo: Wow! So we're gonna do it this time, too!
Shion: I have confidence in my action scenes, so! I'll help out as much as I can.
Sakura: Ah! Stage combat is mastery of martial arts, and the traditional Japanese soul! I shall pour my whole soul into helping you~!
Ichigo: Thanks~! You guys!
Shion: I'll attack you no matter the time and place, so prepare yourselves!
Otome: I'll take you on~♪
Ran: Stage combat is all about guts! You can't let your guard down during this special training, so it's perfect for training your guts!
Aoi: That's true! You can't avoid mishaps on stage! This special training catches you off guard and makes you practice your improv skills, too!
Ran: Yeah, it's practice reading rhythm for both the defender, and the assailant as well! Alright! We're still in the middle of training! We gotta tell DreAca about this Sudden Death-style training, too!
Everyone: Yeah~!
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louisonurmark · 6 years ago
Seperti yang dijanjikan semalam semasa menyiarkan gambar Nissan Versa generasi baharu yang bocor, atau untuk pasaran ASEAN ia dikenali sebagai Nissan Almera, hari ini kami telah menerima perincian lengkap terhadap kereta yang membuat kemunculannya pada Tortuga Music Festival di Fort Lauderdale, Amerika Syarikat tersebut.
Berbanding model sedia ada, rupa sedan segmen-B ini sememangnya berubah, dan ia kini jauh lebih kacak tanpa rupa yang pelik. Muka hadapan model ini kelihatan lebih lebar, dan ia sebenarnya hampir seiras dengan versi hatchbacknya iaitu Nissan March pasaran Eropah. Direka dengan elemen rekaan terbaharu Nissan yang digelar “Emotional Geometry”, Versa sedan ini menerima gril V-Motion yang diterapkan elemen sarang lebah bersama lampu hadapan lebih tirus dengan lampu nyalaan siang LED berbentuk anak panah.
Model generasi baharu ini turut menampilkan garis badan dan garis bumbung yang lebih gagah, dengan rupa yang lebih rendah dan juga garis-garis sisi yang menyerlahkan ‘otot-otot��� badan. Bermula dari tiang-C, Versa sedan menerima rekaan yang diinspirasikan dari abang besarnya iaitu Nissan Altima/Teana generasi baharu, dengan kemasan hitam bagi memberi ilusi seolah-olah bumbungnya terapung, serta lampu belakang LED tirus yang direka seperti boomerang.
Pada bahagian dalaman, Versa Sedan 2020 menerima papan pemuka lebih tersendiri berbanding March, dan ia direka dengan elemen lebih melintang dengan ‘sayap’ yang merentangi papan pemuka tersebut, bersama rekaan panel instrumen yang digelar ‘Gliding Wing‘. Roda stereng pelbagai fungsi rata di bawah turut diberikan bersama skrin infotaimen baharu pada bahagian tengah papan pemuka.
Ciri-ciri lain yang ditawarkan untuk model pasaran Amerika Syarikat ini termasuk sistem kunci pintar dengan suis penghidup enjin, pemanas tempat duduk hadapan, sistem penghawa dingin automatik dan juga sokongan hubungan Apple CarPlay dan Android Auto.
Sistem keselamatan pada model pasaran AS ini juga agak tinggi dengan dilengkapkan bersama pakej sistem bantuan pemanduan Nissan Safety Shield 360, yang terdiri dari Brek Kecemasan Automatik, Brek Automatik Belakang, Amaran Keluar Lorong, Bantuan Lampu Tinggi, Pemantau Titik Buta, Amaran Lintasan Belakang, Intelligent Driver Alertness dan Cruise Control Pintar.
Untuk pasaran Amerika Syarikat, Versa Sedan akan dijana enjin 1.6 liter empat silinder berkuasa 122 hp dengan tork maksima 155 Nm. Kuasa dihantar ke roda hadapan menerusi pilihan kotak gear sama ada CVT automatik Xtronic yang telah dikemaskini atau manual lima-kelajuan.
Nissan Versa Sedan akan mula dijual pada pasaran Amerika bermula musim panas tahun ini. Model generasi baharu ini juga hanya akan dipasarkan dalam versi sedan di negara tersebut, tanpa ditemani model hatchback seperti model sebelum ini.
Bagaimana pula untuk pasaran lain? Menurut laporan portal Thailand, headlightmag, Almera generasi baharu ini mungkin akan diperkenalkan di China (dikenali sebagai Sunny) selepas ini. Seterusnya pasaran Thailand menjelang suku keempat 2019, dan mungkin akan dijual menerusi undang-undang Kereta Eco Thailand fasa kedua – ini bermaksud negara berkenaan mungkin akan menerima enjin petrol NA 1.0 liter tiga-silinder seperti March, yang menjana 71 hp/95 Nm.
The all-new high tech 2020 Nissan Versa features Nissan Safety Shield 360 and a new design with lower, wider and longer exterior dimensions.
The all-new high tech 2020 Nissan Versa features Nissan Safety Shield 360 and a new design with lower, wider and longer exterior dimensions.
The all-new high tech 2020 Nissan Versa features Nissan Safety Shield 360 and a new design with lower, wider and longer exterior dimensions.
Jika benar apa yang didakwa ini, kita mungkin akan menerima model berkenaan tidak lama selepas Thailand. Untuk rupa, kita tidak perlu risau kerana rekaan asas Almera generasi baharu ini sudah pun cukup handsome. Yang menjadi persoalan sekarang ini, apa enjin dan spesifikasi lain yang akan di terima pada pasaran Malaysia?
Buat masa sekarang, Edaran Tan Chong Motor menjual Almera yang dijana enjin 1.5 liter empat silinder HR15DE berkuasa 101 hp/139 Nm, dan varian tertinggi menerima hanya dua-beg udara serta brek ABS dengan EBD dan BA, tanpa sistem ESC.
Nissan Versa 2020 didedahkan – Almera pasaran Amerika dengan enjin 1.6 liter, Safety Shield 360 Seperti yang dijanjikan semalam semasa menyiarkan gambar Nissan Versa generasi baharu yang bocor, atau untuk pasaran ASEAN ia dikenali sebagai Nissan Almera, hari ini kami telah menerima perincian lengkap terhadap kereta yang membuat kemunculannya pada Tortuga Music Festival di Fort Lauderdale, Amerika Syarikat tersebut.
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mikumanogi-blog · 3 years ago
2022-03-14 “Ello ☺︎” Hayakawa Seira blog [ENG]
Everyone, good evening!
I’m 21 year old Hayakawa Seira from Osaka, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance ☺︎
The days where you don’t have to wear your coat are continuing. I’m so glad!
I feel like my body has become lighter ^ ^
Recently I’ve been riding my bike a lot.
When it starts to become warmer it’s easier to be more active and so there’s a lot more things to enjoy.
 Yesterday, was Radirer! Sunday. It’s been several months since I’ve been MCing for them. Recently I’ve been appearing every week and so I’m always looking forward to the weekend ^ ^
To everyone that continues to listen, thank you very much!
Fujimori-san and all the guest MCs and all the staff are so nice and kind I love them ☀︎
Please make sure to tune in again next week.
 Well then, yesterday was the online meet and greet!
Thank you so much to everyone that came.
 This time the online meet and greet was close to White Day and so there were a lot of people giving back to me, I was so glad. Thank you ☺︎
Even if it was just a little bit it was very fun, the time we had to talk just flew by.
It was also fun meeting people for the first time! If you’d like please come back and see me again ^ ^
1st time slot: Shinuchi-san’s goods t-shirt
2nd time slot: Minami-san’s graduation concert t-shirt, side ponytail
3rd time slot: Border T-shirt with glasses
4th time slot: cat ear head band
5th time slot: forehead showing
Were my outfits!
Which ones did you like the most?? If you had a favorite, please let me know ^ ^
 This was a little while ago but I appeared in Reader’s Theatre, “actress detective’ Romeo and Juliette’s murder case”.
I was with Mayu-tan and so it was a lot of fun. To everyone that watched the live stream, thank you very much ☺︎
The real thing was a lot of fun!
 Which means that I’m going to do my best in today’s job.
Tonight I’ll be doing a special White Day live stream with Yuna on Weibo, please come play with us.
↑Link is here.
 Official YouTube channel “Noigzaka Streaming Now”
Nogizaka46’s official YouTube channel “Nogizaka Streaming Now”. On that channel many videos, including Nogizaka Under Construction, have been uploaded. Please make sure you subscribe to the channel!
↑Link to the channel is here.
☀︎ Nogizaka 46 29th single ‘Actually…’
Release date is Wednesday March 23rd.
☀︎Nogizaka46 Message, starts on February 22nd.
Up until now we’ve only had Mobile Mail but we’ve now added a messaging app! We can now send video and voice so I’m going to deliver plenty behind the scenes things ^ ^
Please check it out
↑details can be found here!
 ☀︎ Bunka Housou 70th anniversary since opening commemorative broadcast Nogizaka46’s ‘No’ presents ‘No’ Festival
Tomorrow, Tuesday March 15th at Tokyo International Forum Hall A
I’ll be appearing! I think at ‘NoFes’ there will be a lot of fun corners. There will also be an online stream so please make sure to check it out.
 ☀︎ The 34th My Navi Tokyo Girl’s Collection 2022 SPRING/SUMMER
Monday March 21st at Yoyogi National Stadium.
The members of Nogizaka46 will be doing a live performance! Please watch.
 ☀︎ Nogizaka Star Tanjyou! Live
Saturday April 2nd at 18:30.
The other day was our season finally of ‘Nogizaka Star Tanjyou! 2nd season’ but we’ve been given the opportunity to do a live performance! I’m really looking forward to performing in front of everyone. Please make sure to check it out.
 ☀︎Radirer! Sunday NHK Radio 1 Every Sunday at 20:05
Thank you for all the mail.
Next episode the guests will be Iwamoto Renka-san and Sakaguchi Tamami-san! Please make sure to tune in ☺︎
↑You can send your mail here
 ☀︎INNOVATION WORLD (KYOCERA TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE) J-Wave, Every week on Fridays around 21:45.
This month’s lecturer will be The person behind the applied research for the development of a device for sports performance and improvement of human motion as well as wireless sensor technology to measure human motion is Ohgi Yuji-san, a professor at Keio University’s graduate school of media studies and policies in the faculty of environment and information studies! The topic of this lecture is “The future of sports technology”.
Because of the Olympics there has been an increase in interest surrounding sports engineering we are able to take the opportunity to talk about it.
↑The last broadcast can be found here!
On sale Now.
Kanagawa Saya-chan, Tamura Mayu-chan and I will be appearing. Please look after us. When I can post a picture, I’ll post them ^ ^
 ☀︎B.L.T on sale now.
My first ever solo front cover!
On sale Tuesday March 22nd
I’m also appearing on the front cover of this one as well!
Thank you very much. I’ll post some behind the scenes pictures soon ^ ^
 -Stage Performances-
☀︎Musical “CROSS ROAD ~ Paganini, the devil’s violinist’ Theatre Create Tuesday June 7th until the 30th, 31 performances.
In June I’ll be appearing in a musical and I previously announced the schedule and the visual previously. Please check it out. Thank you very much
 !!!!Unreliable Q&A!!!!
·         If you’ve had a dream recently that’s left an impression on you please tell us about it!!
→I returned to being a middle school student in my home town and I ate bento with the other kids in the class.
·         Do you put condensed milk on strawberries?
→I do like it on them but I don’t have any at home so I haven’t been doing it recently. I want to eat some ☺︎
·         Recently, has there been anything that has made you smile or laugh?
→With several of the other 4th generation members we watched a recording of the 4th generation member live concert, it was so nostalgic and made me laugh and smile ^ ^
·         Is there a favorite hair style that you like on men? How about hair color? I’d be glad if you could answer!
→If it suits the person I like anything ☺︎ The individuality of each person is different.
·         Seira-chan do you like Cherry blossoms (Sakura trees)?
→I love Cherry blossoms! I love Saku-chan ^ ^
 The end!
 Thank you for all the comments as always☺︎
I’ll continue to wait for them!
Thank you for reading until the very end.
I’m going to do my best at the festival tomorrow ^ ^
See you soon!
 2022.3.14 Serra
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