#Sehir Halil
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idontthinkimokaymentally · 1 year ago
Hello there Sehir Halil Pasha fans.
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obscurecharactershowdown · 2 years ago
Group B Round 2
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[image ID: the first image is of Isaac, a pink creature with 2 clawed feet, spikes emerging from the bottom of its round mid section, a flap that looks like a closed eye on that same mid section, and a veiny orb in its mouth. the second image is of Tughril Mahmut, a young man with light colored hair. his clothing is regal, and a large hawk sits on his shoulder. he's holding an a long, thin object with a large bulb on one end, covered in spherical jewels. end ID]
corpse of a bad guy turned into a dog basically
Tughril Mahmut
First of all : WHY ISN'T THIS MANGA MORE POPULAR !? The story is full of twists with well written characters that dies memorably, great (GREAT) visuals that I could look at for hours just to see all the details of the clothes and backgrounds. It takes places in a past Turkiye that's in a war. Also, if any of the thing I say aren't correct, I'm deeply sorry. Mahmut is the adopted son of a pasha named Sehir Halil, a sweet old man that everyone would be the great-children of. His clan was killed when he was little and he's one of the only survivor (yes, I'm a big fan of Kurapika too) Because he was saved by Sehir, Mahmut decided he wanted to be a pasha himself and became the world youngest pasha at seventeen (if I'm not mistaken). He then got on a journey around Turkiye and other countries to make agreements with them and win the war against the Baltrhein Empire accompanied of his voltour, Iskander (yep, because every badass characters got a badass pet). Mahmut is smart aaaaand... I don't know how to describe a character. This will be my downfall one day. Anyway, I like how he grow in the story and the way his relationship with Sehir is portrayed. Mahmut have impressive tactical skills that have more than once saved his country (I always enjoy seeing how he uses things in his advantage and understanding his plans). He have great fighting and riding skills that are so fucking well drawn in the manga. Honestly I wish I could submit other characters since the entire cast is so good, but I don't have the strength to.
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shoukokunoaltairfans · 1 year ago
How could Mahmut change direction to become a pro-war faction on Zaganos' side?
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Some historians differ regarding Mahmut's attitude of turning 180 degrees to become a supporter of Zaganos, as well as its radical ideologies. to the point of abandoning the dreams and thoughts of Sehir Halil, his own adoptive father. Some people think that Mahmut is not yet mature and that he is still unstable, so he is easily influenced by anyone. Others argue that Zaganos used cunning tactics by eliminating most of his fellow supporters of the Halil faction through the Rumeliana Crusade. thus creating a sense of trauma in Mahmut's desire to take revenge on the Imperial Army.
However, if we examine Mahmut's attitude as well as Zaganos' political tactics on the divan during the Rumeliana crusade, then we find that things are not as they say. Mahmut is the type of person who learns from their weaknesses and mistakes. This was proven in various missions and events that occurred after he was removed from the divan. He tries to become better and stronger, and he develops the viewpoints of various people he meets across the country. However, the point of view he developed was still directed towards Halil's ideology. Moreover, the people he met (Mizraki Bayazit, Fatma, Orhan, Ismail, and Suleyman Bashkan) were in the Halil Faction. That's why he concluded that peace is everything and considered that thought to be correct. However, Halil's death, accompanied by the Crusaders coming to invade Sud, changed his entire perspective. when he was rescued from captivity and returned to Constantinople. He still defended his beliefs by scolding Zaganos, accusing him of being the culprit of all the disasters that occurred. However, things changed drastically when he was defeated by Zaganos in a sword duel. Zaganos, in this case, is trying to instill a new perspective in Mahmut, that the incident that happened to his family 14 years ago was caused by his weakness. not the impact of the war itself. He said that no matter how hard he pursued peace, he would never achieve it until he returned to Allah's side. He will continue to face endless conflicts and wars, which are motivated by religious, cultural, and political motivations. If not, of course Rasulullah Shallallahu Allaihi Wassalam and his companions could live comfortably and be surrounded by comfort, because they should have been able to achieve peace much earlier. But apparently, that didn't happen in history. On the contrary, their lives were marked by the harshness of the struggle, the shedding of blood, and the deaths of the martyrs. It was not uncommon for the Prophet, Shallallaahu Allaihi Wassalam, to lose his uncle, Hamzah, in the Uhud war. He also lost his adopted son, Zaid, in the Mu'tah war. However, all these losses did not make the prophet afraid, and instead he chose the path of peace. He continued to advance and fight jihad until he succeeded in his preaching and left an Islamic country, which became the embryo for the birth of subsequent Islamic dynasties in the future. (Zaganos' words show how deep his historical scholarship and his straight and competent understanding of religion are.).
Mahmut's meeting with the Pasha of the Zaganos Faction (Saruca, Karaca, Hasan Ulubat, Karamanli Ishaq, and Radu Del Crumos). made him doubt the path of his ideology that he had adhered to all this time, even doubting Halil Pasha's own thoughts. Slowly, he began to leave this path and decided to join the Zaganos Faction. From the short stories above, the slanted assumption emerges that Mahmut is still unstable and has no convictions. This opinion emerged even in the mouths of the Pasha of the Khalil faction, who did not believe in Mahmut's betrayal and had the heart to abandon their adoptive father's vision and mission. Mahmut has refuted this slanted opinion by saying, "Previously, I thought that this world was only a bowl. But now I am shocked to see that this world is like an end without an end. Halil's thinking might only be able to hold water in this bowl. But it's impossible if this bowl is filled with something that has no limits." He further said, "I used to think that Khalil's thoughts were correct, but in the end I decided to accept the reality that my family had died and they would never come back. It was me who was stupid and didn't want to accept this bitter reality. So I decided to take the Halil path. Therefore, no matter how much I lose the people I love, I will not be afraid and continue to fight for jihad until Allah decides the matter between us and them (the infidels). I used to sacrifice my life to achieve a trace of peace; now I will sacrifice my life no longer for anyone, not for Zaganos, not for this country, but for the sake of Allah and His Messenger."
Mahmut's statement above shows the sharpness of his mind and his true religious knowledge. He is at least able to act, make decisions, or change them according to the conditions and reality in which he lives. even if it means conflicting with the ideals of his faction and his own adoptive father. This is very different from the Halil faction, especially Mimar Zeki Pasha, who also criticised Mahmut's change in attitude and continued to adhere to the Halil ideology until the end. Mahmut's attitude towards something is based on reality, not feelings.
Sources: M. Tayyib Gökbilgin Tuğrul Mahmut Paşa (2021) Istanbul, Turkiye.
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pazaryerigundem · 7 months ago
Gaziantep'e yeni kardeş şehir
Gaziantep'e yeni kardeş şehir
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Gaziantep Büyükşehir Belediyesi Haziran Ayı Meclis Toplantısı’nın 2’nci bileşimi Büyükşehir Belediyesi Başkan Vekili Halil Uğur başkanlığında toplandı.
GAZİANTEP (İGFA) – Gaziantep Büyükşehir Belediyesi Meclis Toplantı Salonu’nda yapılan bileşimde gündem maddeleri sonrası görüşülen ek gündem maddeleri kapsamında Gaziantep Büyükşehir Belediyesi ve Bolivarcı Venezuela Cumhuriyeti’nin La Guaira Eyaleti arasında “Kardeş Şehir” ilişkisinin kurulmasına karar verildi.
Oy birliği ile geçen ek gündem maddesiyle resmi protokolün imzalanması için yetkilendirme yapıldı.
Yapılacak kardeş şehir protokolü ile Gazi şehrin dünyada tanınırlığının artırılması hedeflenirken, La Guaira Eyaleti ile ortak projelerin geliştirilmesi ve yürütülmesi, iki taraf arasındaki dostluğu, kardeşliğin arttırılması, karşılıklı bilgi ve tecrübelerin değişimini teşvik etmenin yanı sıra çeşitli alanlarda iş birliğinin güçlendirilmesi amaçlanıyor.
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BU Haber İGF HABER AJANSI tarafından servis edilmiştir.
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the-golden-city · 7 years ago
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di-rosso · 7 years ago
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By :  稲葉せいこ
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mymangacaps · 7 years ago
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ianime0 · 8 years ago
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Shoukoku no Altair PV2
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merzifontarihi · 5 years ago
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Kayıtlarda Geçen Fakat Günümüze Ulasamayan Eserler Merzifon Kalesi Merzifon'un antik iç kalesi, sehrin ortasinda yer alan tek tepe üzerinde-dir. Dis kale ise, tepenin eteklerinde olup bugün herhangi bir izi kalmamistir. Aslinda Çelebi Sultan Mehmet devrinden itibaren sehir dis kale surlarinin dısına tasinmistir. Evliya Çelebi, Seyahatnamesinde Merzifon Kalesinin özelliklerini söyle anlatir: “Danismendîlerin binasidir. Hâlâ Sivas eyaletinde, Amasya Sancagi hâkinde kerpiç bir Kal'ayi rânadir. Içinde asla evleri yoktur. Mühimmat ve levazim için muhafizlari vardir.” ^Ulu Camii Merzifon, Türkler tarafindan fethedildigi zaman, ilk ulu camisinin nerede bulundugunu bilmiyoruz. Ancak Halil Edhem Eldem'in Tarihi Osmani Encümeni Mecmuasi'nin 43. sayisinda yayinladigi “Merzifon'da Pervane Muîniddin Süleyman Namina bir Kitabe” konulu kisa yazisinda; 1264-65 tarihinde Pervane Süleyman'in bir cami yaptirdigi bilinmektedir. Ancak cami 1904 yilinda çikan yanginda tamamen yanmis, 1906 yilinda yeniden insa edilmek istenmisse de mümkün olmamis ve arsasi 1927-28 yillarindaki vakif arazi satisi furyasinda satilmistir. Günümüzde Belediye'nin mülkü durumunda olan arsa baraka tarzinda dükkanlarla çevrelenmistir. ^ Dürrüzade Medresesi Yeri bilinmemektedir. Ahmet Agazade Haci Hasan Aga Medresesi1798 yilinda Ahmed Agazade Hacihasan Aga ile diger hayir sahipleri tarafindan yaptirilmis olup yeri hakkinda bilgi yoktur. Muallimhaneler Ilkokul seviyesindeki ögretimin yapildigi bu okullarin sayisini Evliya Çelebi yetmis civarinda diye belirtmis olmasina ragmen kaynaklarda sekiz tanesi ancak tespit edilebilmistir.^ Devlet Hatun Vakfi1419 yilinda Çelebi Sultan Mehmet'in annesi Devlet Hatun tarafindan bir cami ile bir zaviye için yapilmistir. Kapan HanÇelebi Sultan Mehmet Vakfindan olan hanin yeri bilinmemektedir.Deve HaniTacettin Ibrahim Camiinin doğusunda bulunan kesme tastan insa edilmis Deve Hani 1949 yilinda harabe halinde iken, 1970'li yillarda Belediye tarafindan istimlak edilerek Taceddin Camiinin etrafi açılmak amacıyla yıkılmıs ve sebze hali yapılmıstır. https://www.instagram.com/p/B_sC-9xpnM8/?igshid=18i2l3fxqx5sj
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kayseradar-blog · 6 years ago
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Kayseri sehir hastanesi onkoloji bolumunde yatmakta olan halil kaan dukan cocugumuza Brh (-) negatif erkek kanina ihtiyacimiz var acil 0553 765 75 67 bu numaradan iletisime gecebilirler https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu-bjQNFW9C/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2uv6yu31js9q
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turkishdrama · 8 years ago
Black Money Love (54)
Brave And Beautiful (17)
Broken Pieces (1)
Bu Sehir Arkandan Gelecek (14)
Çoban Yıldızı (1)
Dirilis Ertugrul (8)
Endless Love (59)
Ezel (16)
Fatmagul (82)
Feriha (1)
Filinta (3)
Game of Silence (1)
High Society (1)
I never give up (1)
Inside (31)
Istanbullu Gelin (1)
Karadayi (1)
Kurt Seyt and Shura (1)
Love Bird (30)
Love For Rent (39)
Love Knows No Words (30)
Menekse and Halil (1)
Mother (15)
No: 309 (1)
Olene Kadar (7)
Queen Of The Night (1)
Resurreciton (1)
Strawberry Smell (1)
Sweet Revenge (6)
The Storm Inside (4)
Uncategorized (3)
Waiting For The Sun (1)
Wings of Love (1)
Winter Sun (1)
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obscurecharactershowdown · 2 years ago
Group B Round 1
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(please click on Tughril's image to see him fully--sorry to Tughril for the weird formatting)
[image ID: the first image is of Tughril Mahmut, a young man with light colored hair. his clothing is regal, and a large hawk sits on his shoulder. the second image is of Mark, a young Black man with natural hair and light colored eyes. end ID]
Tughril Mahmut
First of all : WHY ISN'T THIS MANGA MORE POPULAR !? The story is full of twists with well written characters that dies memorably, great (GREAT) visuals that I could look at for hours just to see all the details of the clothes and backgrounds. It takes places in a past Turkiye that's in a war. Also, if any of the thing I say aren't correct, I'm deeply sorry. Mahmut is the adopted son of a pasha named Sehir Halil, a sweet old man that everyone would be the great-children of. His clan was killed when he was little and he's one of the only survivor (yes, I'm a big fan of Kurapika too) Because he was saved by Sehir, Mahmut decided he wanted to be a pasha himself and became the world youngest pasha at seventeen (if I'm not mistaken). He then got on a journey around Turkiye and other countries to make agreements with them and win the war against the Baltrhein Empire accompanied of his voltour, Iskander (yep, because every badass characters got a badass pet). Mahmut is smart aaaaand... I don't know how to describe a character. This will be my downfall one day. Anyway, I like how he grow in the story and the way his relationship with Sehir is portrayed. Mahmut have impressive tactical skills that have more than once saved his country (I always enjoy seeing how he uses things in his advantage and understanding his plans). He have great fighting and riding skills that are so fucking well drawn in the manga. Honestly I wish I could submit other characters since the entire cast is so good, but I don't have the strength to.
He is basically hated by the whole fandom when he's only a funny guy trying to find his place in a group where they all have known each other for a long time. He is a sporty king and also falls in love with a girl he can't have and I'm so sad about it…
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shoukokunoaltairfans · 4 years ago
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According to Doukas' Account, Candarli Halil Pasha had accepted bribes from the Byzantine Authorities, and trusted him to persuade Padishah to undo his intentions in the Conquest of Constantinople. it was evident when Halil persuaded the Sultan, preventing him from building rumeli hisari fortress. broke his resolve, and his spirit while the conquest operation was underway. in military deliberations, ahead of the last day of conquest, he still advised the sultan, in order to withdraw his troops from Constantinople, under the pretext of Peace and Prosperity. Sultan at that time, just waiting for the right moment to be able to get rid of his Wezir, after knowing what happened. after the conquest of Constantinople, three days later, sultan ordered Halil to be imprisoned. On 10 July 1453, Halil Pasha was executed on orders from the sultan. He became the first Wezir to be executed in the Wezir History of Ottoman Rule.
*Padishah was a title given to Sultan Mehmed II, after successfully conquering Constantinople.
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the-golden-city · 7 years ago
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di-rosso · 7 years ago
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By :  しぶき
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