#altair: a record of battles
arkus-rhapsode · 11 months
Wanna give some love to a mangaka that I don't think gets enough credit. Kyoutarou Azuma artist for series like Tenkaichi and Versus as well as the adaptation of King of Fighters. He can make some heart pumping action and cool visuals.
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For me, seeing all of these different manga series from Monthly Shonen Sirius all together in this dynamic layout with their personality shining through in a unifying art style makes me confident in saying Kyoutarou Azuma is up there with guys like Murata and Horikoshi in their artistic skill when they do stuff like this.
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ljaesch · 11 months
The Altair: A Record of Battles Manga to End in November 2023
The December 2023 issue of Kodansha’s Monthly Shonen Sirius magazine has announced that Kotono Katō’s Altair: A Record of Battles manga will end in the magazine’s next issue on November 25, 2023. The manga is described as: For generations the Turkiye Devleti and the Balt-Rhein Empire have stood in stern opposition of each other. Then one night, when an imperial minister is found assassinated, the…
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Hello there Vasco fans.
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the-golden-city · 6 months
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Thank you so much !!
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hatsumishinogu · 7 months
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Shokoku no Altair Vol.26 (end)
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Even though the Empire had been soundly defeated at the battle of Plocnik, the fall of Gol's indirectly threatened the Empire's base in their capital. They changed their battle strategy to guerrilla warfare. The Balt Rhein forces no longer counterattacked. Instead, they took cover behind their fortified fortresses by taking advantage of the natural defences in the north of Balt. At the same time, they conducted reconnaissance and launched proradic attacks targeting enemy commanders directly. and this strategy was quite successful in inflicting temporary losses on the Turkish forces. In this case, Lelederik and Gralat, an heir to the Imperium throne as well as a commander who played a major role in the fall of Phoenicia, were the brains behind this strategy. 
on the 20th, Seker, 79 CTR. after spending several months of winter in Gol. and entering early spring, where the ice began to melt and the weather began to warm up. Mahmut Pasha, again began military operations targeting the north of Balt. This was to protect his rear position, so that he would not be stabbed in the back by either Balt Rhein or Hermann's forces. Mahmut Pasha reached Turbezzel and had little difficulty in conquering the town, as it was guarded by only a few thousand Balt Rhein troops and supported by the superiority of the siege cannons. Turbezzel surrendered, and opened its doors to the Turkiye forces. Mahmut Pasha made Turbezzel a temporary base for his military operations. 
3 days after the conquest of Turbezzel. Candarli Ibrahim Pasha moved northward and reached Vidin, the town at the end of the Danube River that formed the border between Balt Rhein and Wallachia, after a siege and continuous cannon and trebuchet shelling that destroyed its mediaeval fortifications. The count of the town raised the white flag and asked Ibrahim Pasha for security guarantees so that his troops would be ready to leave the town and surrender it voluntarily to the Turkiye. Vidin's troops then headed for Scheenestrum, where Lelederik and his men were based. 
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Baba Vida, a fortress in the Balt Rhein-controlled town of Vidin, which bordered the Danube River and Wallachia.
Lelederik began to devise his next plan to trap the Turkiye troops. and he was convinced that the enemy troops would be heading for Schenestrum. For this, he decided to mobilise the famously tough Elvades Mountain troops, along with several thousand regular troops of the Empire, to hide in the bush or in the highlands. With a plan, he would have the troops move to surround Schenestrum. Then, when he was caught off guard, he would attack them, break through the troop formation, and behead their commander-in-chief. 
On the 25th, Mahmut Pasha travelled cautiously from Vidin to Scheenestrum due to the steep terrain. Upon arrival in front of the fortress, Mahmut had not yet installed his siege cannons and instead set up a tent while negotiating with the count of Scheneestrum, Wiilhelm Weissner. Mahmut was unaware that the fortress guards in the city were fewer than usual, and he did not realize that he and his troops had been set up by Lelederik. At night, Lelederik launched a blind attack without lighting torches, and the Turkiye troops attempted to repel it. However, the darkness of the night and fighting in low-light conditions caused the effort to fail. Elvadesberg's troops even managed to break through to Mahmut Pasha's main tent. Upon seeing this, Mahmut quickly emerged from his tent and set it ablaze to gain a clearer view of the enemy's position while withdrawing his troops. The Turkiye troops were defeated and decided to retreat to Vidin. In this battle, Hasan Ulubat and his younger brother Hussein died as martyrs, along with several thousand Janissary and Sipahi troops under their command, in order to protect the main troops. 
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Schneesturm City
The morale of the Empire's troops was boosted by the defeat of the Turkiye Army at the hands of Lelederik, which demonstrated that the Turkiye Army could still be defeated. However, despite the victory, the Empire's troops were unable to launch a counterattack. Lelederik was also dissatisfied with the victory he had obtained at Scheneesturm and decided to launch a counterattack against the enemy troops. Despite the defeat at Schneestrum, Mahmut Pasha remained undeterred. In fact, he was even more determined to succeed and would not allow Lelederik a second chance. As a result, he mobilised a small army with the task of ambushing Lelederik and his men. If Lelederik was defeated and killed, it would demoralise the Imperium troops, making it easier for Mahmut Pasha to conquer Schneestrum.
On the other hand, Lelederik's skill made it difficult for Ishaq Pasha to face him. He was successfully cut by two slashes of Lelederik's knives. Lelederik insulted him, thinking that he had won and decided to lead his troops. However, unexpectedly Ishaq Pasha pounced on him from behind and stabbed him repeatedly. The deaths of Lelederik and Gralat really destroyed the morale of the Imperium troops.
The Imperial forces retreated to Schneestrum. Mahmud Pasha besieged the fortress on the 3rd of the month of Seker for three days, which ended in a Turkish victory. Wilhelm Weissner negotiated with Mahmud to surrender the city in exchange for the withdrawal of all his troops. The fall of Schneestrum was considered the greatest humiliation for the Balt Rhein. Refusing to retreat, Weissner was sentenced to death by Prime Minister Louis two days later.
Mahmud Pasha crossed the Elvadesberg mountains and began the Invasion of the Balt Territories.
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Elvasdesberg Mountain
The deaths of Lelederik and Gralat paved the way for Mahmud Pasha to conquer further Balt territories. However, he had to face various natural obstacles, the Elvadedesberg Mountains. These mountains were still covered in snow even though spring had entered. In addition, the path that could be passed was very winding, prone to avalanches, and made supply lines difficult. This would be a challenge for the 40 thousand Turkish troops, 60 cannons, and 90 transport trains.
Mahmud Pasha decided to cross the road to Eascherung at an altitude of 3000 feet. Because this distance was the closest distance, entering the 9th, the first line troops led by Radu Bey and Bayazid Pasha began the climb. To prevent avalanches, they marched at midnight. With very strict silence. They covered a distance of 2 miles. and only took about an hour and a half to travel. However, due to the difficulty in transporting the cannons and the lack of wood that could be used as rolling wheels, Bayazid's troops were forced to start the battle without siege artillery. Fortunately, the Imperial forces had already been decimated, and at the insistence of the locals, they were forced to surrender. Eascherung submitted without a fight.
Despite the difficult terrain, Mahmud's main force was able to reach Eascherung in 2 days. But with great sacrifice, he was forced to leave more than 40 cannons in the rear line to reduce the burden of the climb. and many transport trains were left behind. for that, Era (Orban's daughter who joined the expedition) proposed to choose another route by using a lower climb and lifting the cannons and goods using a pulley designed by her father, thus speeding up the rate of supply mobilization.
Bayazid's troops continued to clean up the climbing path which was sometimes filled with Balt Rhain troops and then descended to Saint Simon on the banks of the Danube River. Bayazid Pasha attacked the Balt Rhain guard troops in the city by surprise. Even with makeshift siege cannons, his shots were able to destroy part of the city walls. With a short battle, the Balt Rhain troops surrendered on the 14th.
but the next challenge still awaits as the Turkish troops deepen into Elvadesberg. The Elvades Mountain Troops are still a frightening specter for the Turks. because of their guerrilla capabilities by hiding in the gaps of the mountain cliffs. this time with the leadership of Gorge Argile, along with 8000 of his troops came out of Ghilman, and were able to defeat the Turkish troops in the battle in the Maelnbron valley (22nd) near this city. however, the victory of the Elvasdesberg troops did not prevent the Mahmud Troops from capturing the Ghilman fortress (24th-25th) Gorge Argile decided to retreat to Shafina and Arima while providing logistical support to the Balt Rhein troops who were defending.
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The leader of the Elvades mountain army, Gorge Argile.
The defense of Shafina and Arima was entrusted to Erden and Reiren Magendorf. The Imperial government had ordered both commanders to defend the two cities until the end. In the first three days, the Turkish army's attack on the Arima fortress which began on the 27th ended in failure. With 800 Janissaries as victims. Argile decided to go back out in the hope of seizing supplies and even Turkish artillery. However, this time Mahmud Pasha had learned from his strategic mistake in Maelnbron by forming Wagenfort, placing Musketeers, and archers to ward them off. As a result, Argile's attack proved to be a failure, and he was forced to return to the city fortress.
Mahmud Pasha could not be patient with the siege of the city. So he decided to advance with 20,000 troops with the remaining artillery to immediately besiege the Arima fortress. While the siege of the Shafina fortress was handed over to Bayazid Pasha. Within 4 days Mahmud Pasha was able to defeat Reiren and capture Arima even though he had fought with all his might. To deceive Mahmud, Reiren made a peace treaty, as a guarantee of security for his troops, so he came out and attacked Mahmud suddenly with his troops. But he himself was killed first. There was a brief battle around the city of Arima which Turkiye could easily win. Because the formation of the Balt Rhein troops was irregular. Angry at this betrayal, Mahmud chased the remaining Balt Rhein troops who tried to escape, were captured, and then executed.
The fall of Arima and the death of Reiren further depressed Eden Magendorf, coupled with the rapid unrest of the citizens and famine hit the city of Shafina. Although supported by thousands of guards and sufficient Elvades troops, the city's defenses were unable to withstand the onslaught of Turkish cannons that came crashing down. For that, they hoped to drive the enemy out of the city by holding a Guerrilla war. On the 6th, with the leadership of Gorge Argile, regular troops and Elvades launched a surprise attack in the middle of the night on the Turkish camps and managed to bring some enemy supplies. Angrily, Bayazid Pasha ordered a general attack on the fortress, hoping to immediately seize the city gates and enter. However, Eden and Argile and held the situation so that they were able to repel the Turkish troops and push them back. But other bad news came when Mahmud Pasha had come to surround the city from the south side. Another general attack was launched right at midnight entering the 8th to prevent guerrilla warfare operations by the enemy. The city walls began to collapse and fierce fighting broke out between the Turkiye Army and the Balt Rhain and Elvades troops inside the city. As the sun rose, most of the Balt Rhain troops admitted defeat, Eden and Argile with their remaining troops fled. The city of Shafina fell after being besieged for 10 or 11 days.
Eden Magendorf asked St. Michael for help to send troops to the Balts. However, no response was forthcoming. Having no choice, Eden and Gorge decided to fight the Turks alone. Their forces met at Tharza (Hali, 16th) and were soundly defeated and suffered heavy losses. (10,000 troops according to Hammer) In the battle, Eden was wounded and fell from his horse but managed to escape after changing his horse and disguising himself as a common soldier. While Gorge fell as a prisoner. According to Tucnhman's report, this battle was the end of Elvadesberg's resistance in the Balts.
According to Sukrullah Celebi's notes, Mahmud Pasha invited Gorge Argile to his camp. Mahmud Pasha convinced Argile to accept Islam and join his army, with his diplomatic skills and gentle and tolerant offers, making Argile feel flattered by his high respect and ethics. He converted to Islam, followed by all his men. Then he merged the Elvades army into the Turkiye army. He even participated in helping Mahmud in his conquest.
According to Warren Treadgold, despite these successful efforts, it is highly questionable the indifferent reaction of the Balt Rhain to the fall of their main cities to the Turks in the north, along with the joining of the elvades to their side. Eden Magendrof, desperate to seek help from the Empire. Fortunately, he still had the support of Count Cave and Count Jourdain, to launch a counterattack. Through the report of Goz Kulak, Mahmud Pasha decided to attack them first, in the next battle, at the city of Cave, the Balt Rhain troops tried to block the Turks through frontal warfare, but were defeated. They retreated to the fortress to defend. However, they did not have enough supplies. The city of Cave decided to surrender on the 19th. This surrender was strongly rejected by Eden and threatened Count Cave, St. Albans to kill him as a betrayal. The dispute escalated into a one-on-one duel which St. Albans won. After that, he faced Mahmud Pasha to surrender his city, even he decided to convert to Islam voluntarily, after Mahmud issued a decree to his troops not to loot city.
one by one the cities to the fortress in Balt were successfully controlled by Turkiye, but in the expedition to Jourdain on the 22nd, a fierce battle took place for 10 days. because of the tenacity of the fortress guard troops, and they were able to inflict losses and momentary defeats on Mahmud's troops, however, the city of Jourdain was successfully conquered by force. The Imperial troops thought that Mahmud would let them escape, but it turned out, Mahmud sent 300 Sipahi Cavalry to chase them to be captured as slaves.
Mahmud was content with the conquest of Jourdain, he did not even touch Novo Bordo or Smedrevo where the city was located in the lowlands and vulnerable to attack. Possibly, he wanted to rest his troops, he was also worried about the trap of the Balt Rhain troops that might have been prepared if he decided to leave Elvades, he preferred to secure the base behind him first. Besides, surprisingly, (in the memoirs he wrote) there was no significant resistance that he passed through in his operations in Balt, except for local initiatives such as Lelederik, Gralat, Argile, and Eden. Mahmud wrote a letter to Zaganos Pasha about his successful military career in Balt written in Poetic Couplets.
The Turkiye invasion of Balt and Elvades had a negative impact on the Empire. Several prominent advisors and commanders of the empire were disappointed with the neglect of Louis' ministers and King GoldeBalt himself. This neglect was inseparable from the emergence of external reactions in the form of new opposition parties opposing Louis' ministerial policies after the heavy defeat at Plocnik. According to Irene's notes, some ministers, troop commanders, and Hermanns actually rejected all of his policies. The Hermanns actually removed their proud badges and wandered as ordinary citizens in Balt, some settled in Rhein. (The definite answer to why there were no more Hermanns deployed by Balt Rhine after the defeat at Plocnik). Louis' ministers continued to enforce the policies of his pro-war faction by issuing new conscription decrees, even without hesitation sending troops to drag citizens into military service. However, this only added to the internal political chaos of the empire. In addition, dissatisfaction with the Empire in the South increased. which paved the way for the Turkiye Invasion of Rhein afterwards.
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The direction of movement of Mahmud Pasha's troops, and his conquest of the Balt region and the Elvades mountains. (red arrow)
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murielmierch · 1 year
Morgen and Nacht from my crossover in the form of a figurine.
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By the way, can anyone tell me where it is most convenient to read fan fictions (I have work on the Black Clover, Magi, Altair: Record of battles, Sengoku BASARA, Touken Ranbu and Orient)?
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iamzeon · 10 months
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Shoukoku no Altair
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pirunika · 1 year
ayo wat
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But also
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The Pirates SMP Kill Tally: an Analysis
(AKA I've been curious about everyone's kill counts for months and finally got around to making the count and the post.)
Obligatory "everything is roleplay" disclaimer.
Criteria for kills
For my own peace of mind, bounties do not count as kills due to the respawn mechanism
We're (mostly) sticking to permanent deaths, so the cast accidentally killing each other in battle via friendly fire does NOT count either
I'm judging by in-game death messages for who got the final blow
Each kill on a Cultist = 1 kill because I don't care about the respawn mechanism on them; I'm just assuming they're all different people and the respawn is to bypass out-of-universe logistics
It's impossible to determine ALL kills due to the established worldbuilding, but we sure are trying our best
Kills are sorted by event for organization; non-event kills and deaths are listed separately
Day 1 / July 30: Recruitment Day
None of the pirates have killed anyone yet! Woo!
Ivy / Corruption: Aimsey (1)
Iris / Cultists: Guqqie (1)
Day 36 / Sept 3: In Too Deep
Against all odds, no one technically dies. Michela shot the crystal that freed Ivy and the Corruption, but by that point, Ivy's been using Aimsey's body as a puppet anyway and p!Aimsey has been officially listed as "fallen" on the POWCreations Twitter since Day 1. So no, Michela did not kill Aimsey; Ivy and the Corruption did
Day 76 / Oct 13: The Rescue Mission
Acho: 1 Cultist, shot from above
Apo: 1 Cultist, shot just after the release of the Yetis
Scott: 1 Cultist, stabbed with a kitchen knife
Iris / Cultists: Marnie (1)
Day 77 / Oct 14: The Revenge Raid
Acho: 5 Cultists
Graecie: 1 Cultist, killed in melee
Kuervo: 1 Cultist
Kyle: 3 Cultists
Owen: 1 Cultist
Ros: 1 Cultist
Scott: Altair, the Right Hand of Iris, who seemingly respawns later for some reason (0.5)
Shelby: 1 Cultist, three-shot
Shep: 1 Cultist
Water: 1 Cultist
Iris / Cultists: Hook (1)
Day 93 / Oct 30: Halloween
Captain Golden Beard and her crew of 890 pirates (i.e. 891 in total) were technically killed by the cursed gold created by Nocturnus and Eclipsa
Nocturnus: Mufasa (1; but I personally don't believe it)
Seapeekay: Nocturnus (1); while two rounds were fought on-stream, both Owen and Martyn's YouTube adaptations use the first round as standard, so that's what I'm going with
Day 112 / Nov 18: Final Wishes
Against all odds, no POV character dies again! It's just the Faction Isles backstory drop lore event. That being said...
Iris / Cultists: Many unnamed individuals; including dozens of villagers [only one named character, Icarus, but identifies the Logkeeper and their cousin (1), brothers (2+), friends (2+)], many unnamed pirates [presumably incl. "Mrs. Caravel" and her two children] (10+)
Although most, if not all pirates end up having to kill the vengeful wraiths/ghosts of the townsfolk, as with Aimsey's case, they were dead to begin with and thus don't count
Day 134 / Dec 10: The Finale
Annotation: Only Take 2 of the Battle on the Faction Isles is counted, but Take 1 kills are recorded for reference.
Apo: 5 Cultists
Graecie: 4 Cultists
Jojo: 1 Cultist in Take 1 of the battle, 5 Cultists in Take 2, Ohca / Insane Cultist (6)
Kuervo: 2 Cultists
Kyle: 6 Cultists
Oli: 2 Cultists, Pip by accident (3)
Ros: 1 Cultist in the Take 1 of the battle
Scott: 1 Cultist
Seapeekay: 1 Cultist
Shep: 4 Cultists
Water: 2 Cultists
Iris / Cultists (offscreen): Olive (confirmed by cc!Apo), Sniff (confirmed by cc!Apo), Scar, Shelby, Puffy, Eret (confirmed by cc!Apo), Reddoons, Tubbo, Michela (9)
Ohca / Insane Cultist specifically: Claud, Saffrie, Finn, the Enchantress, Katie (5)
Other unnamed Cultists: Digby (1)
Ivy / Corruption: Iris (1)
Ivy's own death is hard to pin down, because the positive magick countering the Corruption in her is literally the Power of Love and Friendship, with Cruppy as a sacrifice; it can't be attributed to Iris because she's already dead by that point, but the cast didn't exactly do anything to kill her either
Non-event kills (known)
Iris / Cultists: "Dai", Bek on Day 125 / Dec 1, Will on Day 130 / Dec 6 (3)
Bek: 2 unnamed Cultists that captured her on Day 125 / Dec 1 (2)
Kuervo: Commanders Francesco, Miria, Charrio, Rosaria, Tapia, Miguel, Travis, and Ernesto of the Nayan Armada [Javi and Rodrigo survived the rampage, would technically be 1st degree murder due to premeditation; but let's be honest, we're cheering him on because they're tyrants]; 1 unnamed Cultist on Day 126 / Dec 2 (9)
Martyn: Jeffery on Day 125 / Dec 1
Sausage: At least 2, 4, or 5 unnamed naval soldiers holding his uncle captive in his backstory, arguably in self-defense; reports are inconsistent and the canonicity of the 4 or 5 is questionable because psychotherapy is anachronistic for the setting
Shep: At least one unnamed individual on Captain Merton's orders; p!Will's case could either be 2nd degree or voluntary manslaughter under US laws [for reference only] (1.5+)
p!Acho technically wasn't killed by anyone, but if we had to determine a killer, it would be whoever set up the trap and ultimatum in Kishi in the first place; however, since that person's identity is unknown and presumably lost to time, we cannot say for certain who is to blame. Same would go for Mahara and perhaps countless others
Total kills in the SMP-era (i.e. does not count distant worldbuilding kills)
* is counted for kills NOT in self-defense; battlefield kills or fighting back against captors ARE considered self-defense
Acho: 6, all unnamed Cultists
Apo: 6, all unnamed Cultists
Bek: 2, all unnamed Cultists
Jojo: 6, incl. Ohca / Insane Cultist
Graecie: 5, all unnamed Cultists
Kuervo: 12, incl. 8 tyrants* and 4 unnamed Cultists
Kyle: 9, all unnamed Cultists
Martyn: 1, specifically Jeffery*
Oli: 3, incl. Pip (by friendly fire) and 2 unnamed Cultists
Owen: 1 unnamed Cultist
Ros: 1 unnamed Cultist
Sausage: At least 2 (possibly 4 or 5?), all unnamed soldiers
Scott: 2.5, all Cultists
Seapeekay: 2, incl. Nocturnus and 1 unnamed Cultist
Shelby: 1 Cultist
Shep: 6.5+, incl. unnamed persons*, p!Will* (only 0.5 because the Cultists dealt the final blow), and 5 unnamed Cultists
Water: 3, all unnamed Cultists
Iris, via petrification: 15* named in SMP era; not counting deaths revealed in the Final Wishes event because they're pre-SMP era
Ohca / Insane Cultist: 5 named
Other unnamed Cultists: 1 named
Ivy: 2 named, specifically Aimsey* and Iris
Nocturnus and Eclipsa: presumably 1* named in SMP era; not counting the ~891 backstory deaths from the Golden Isle subplot*
The characters with the most known kills are Nocturnus and Eclipsa (~892), but Iris would theoretically have the most kills overall stretched out over a millennium; just because the Corruption took over some islands and settlements doesn't necessarily mean the people who lived there died to it (we need hard evidence for that, and we don't)
The only POV characters who have committed murder/manslaughter (i.e. killed outside the battlefield or captivity) are Kuervo, Shep, and Martyn, in that order in kill tally
Despite the above statement and having the most kills for a POV character, Kuervo is still sympathetic owing to the fact every named person he's killed was an autocratic tyrant
On the battlefield, the POV character with the most kills is Kyle, at 9 overall
The survivor who killed the least people is Cleo, at 0 kills; followed by Eloise (0 kills excluding bounties); then Owen (1 kill excluding bounties); then Ros (1 kill excluding bounties and finale battle Take 1)
For the above, Martyn is in that weird spot of "we don't know his whereabouts post-finale" AND he technically also only has 1 kill, but it was premeditated, even if he got the wrong target in the end (i.e. his kills were 100% premeditated)
The deceased character who killed the most people is Acho, at 6 kills, all unnamed Cultists; to note, star is also the first known POV character to get a kill during the canon era by sniping a Cultist during the Rescue Mission
I am NOT studying law for a reason LMAO
EDIT: Corrected p!Sausage's kill count because I completely forgot about his backstory when I made this post.
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tanzakukun · 1 year
if you liked vinland saga, you should really be checking out altair: a record of battles. it's more political (like canute pov style) but also tackles how glory blinds people and the mc wanting to avoid war and violence
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teecupangel · 2 years
okay i just rewatched Pacific Rim for the millionth time and, hear me out, a Modern Pacific Rim AU?
Like, the Masyaf Eagle having been originally piloted by the Al Sayf brothers but a nasty battle kills Kadar and takes Malik's arm so now Malik serves as an engineer/command center for the Eagle's new pilot Altair who is in search of a co-pilot. And the only one who can successfully drift (synchronize) with him is Desmond. (Altdes)
Ezio Auditore who inherited the Eden Assassin after his father and brother were killed in battle. Ezio who lost his co-pilot and dear friend Yusuf in a battle. Ezio who is trying to stop his sister from becoming his new co-pilot because he's so scared of losing her like he's lost everyone else.
Edward Kenway and Adewale being totally awesome troublemakers and pilots of the Jackdaw
Haytham and Shay being co-pilots of the Morrigan Revenge and having a ridiculous rivalry with Connor and Arno, pilots of the Phantom Aquila
Jacob and Evie co-piloting the Victorian Conqueror and setting records for fastest kaiju kills.
Bayek and Aya becoming pilots after losing Khemu during an attack and piloting the Hidden One.
Kassandra and Alexios being terrifying co-pilots of the Spartan Misthios
Totally out of left field co-pilots Eivor and Basim who seem so unlikely because they spend most of their free time arguing, but being badass pilots of the Raven Destroyer.
idk i just got really excited
You got me excited as well because I love mechas and kaijus! Pacific Rim is one of my most favorite movies ever! (Although, as a huge Del Toro fan, that’s not really surprising XD)
Making it AltDes makes me go jshdafjkhjbhsdasadg
Okay, okay.
I think Shaun and Rebecca could be K-Science Officers focused on why these Kaijus are attacking humans in particular. Now, I was thinking we can make Al Mualim the Marshal in charge of Altaïr and Desmond’s Division and we can keep him as a ‘good guy’ in this setup but, if you still want him to be ‘evil’, perhaps he’s secretly in charge of some kind of illegal project that uses Kaiju parts to create a new type of Jaeger.
Why are we making Al Mualim the Marshal?
Because we’ll make Desmond a second generation of Jaeger Pilots. His father, William Miles, was known as the hero who saved South Dakota from total annihilation so there was a lot of pressure for him to do well.
Hell, he didn’t even want to become a Jaeger Pilot and he had actually run away but he was called back after he got ‘visitors’ who insisted he needed to be escorted to a PPDC base where Altaïr is trying to find a co-pilot. They spar and found out they were compatible but their first few Drifts were so bad everyone starts to doubt that they were actually compatible and, honestly, Desmond and Altaïr didn’t understand why they’re being paired together.
They had nothing in common.
That’s when Al Mualim tells them that they have one thing in common that was clear to everyone during their Drift sessions.
They both had walls around themselves, keeping them from fully synchronizing.
And, surprisingly, it was Altaïr who pushes Desmond to talk to him, to try and understand one another.
Only to be surprised when Desmond asks him, “You’re doing this because Al Mualim told you, aren’t you?”
Later on, Altaïr corners him once more and asks back, “How’d you know?”
And that’s how Desmond realizes that their compatibility might stem from their similar upbringing because Al Mualim was Altaïr’s own William Miles.
Other Unorganized Notes:
The AltDes in this one would be more in line of ‘reluctant allies’ to friends to lovers… probably.
When they become lovers, everyone suffers because they're that kind of couple.
Masyaf Eagle mainly uses a one-hand sword but has a secret short blade on its left arm. It’s projectile weaponry is primarily throwing knives but it will get a gun upgrade on its right arm later on.
Ezio befriends Desmond easily and has a friendly rivalry with Altaïr. He also likes to joke about asking Desmond if he’d like to be his co-pilot instead which just makes Yusuf laugh. After Altaïr and Desmond get together, he makes the same jokes just to get a rise out of Altaïr. (Claudia is in a separate base for training and Ezio always finds the time to visit her or send her messages)
Eden Assassin is mostly known for being versatile, having both short and long-range capabilities. It’s also known for its left hand having a hook blade attachment.
Edward and Adéwalé are one of the oldest Jaeger pilots still on the field. Edward is also Haytham’s older brother and he worries about him a lot. Edward also likes to spoil his young nephew. A lot of people are actually curious how the two of them could be co-pilots considering their personalities but Adéwalé and Edward never answer any of their questions. It is clear that they are loyal to one another.
The Jackdaw has a chest blaster which blasts out four shots (as a reference to how Edward usually has four flintlock pistols on his chest harness). Jackdaw is primarily a ranged Jaeger and its main weapon is a twin pair of gunblades.
Haytham transferred to be Shay’s co-pilot after a huge disagreement between Shay’s old co-pilot erupted and ‘corrupted’ their Drifts too much that they could no longer operate Morrigan Revenge. Haytham usually just lets Shay lead but any time Haytham wants to take the lead, Shay backs down immediately and follows him. Haytham does not approve of Ratonhnhaké:ton being a Jaeger pilot.
Morrigan Revenge primarily uses a long one-handed sword and a short dagger. It also has a grenade launcher on its right shoulder. It’s mostly known for having a head that looks like a taco. (no, I’m not sorry, I will forever talk about Haytham’s taco hat)
Ratonhnhaké:ton and Arno are the youngest Jaeger pilots currently in the field. Ratonhnhaké:ton doesn’t have a good relationship with his father but he’s cordial to his uncle. Arno is the son of Charles Dorian who died in a Kaiju Battle piloting a Jaeger. He actually became a Jaeger pilot to follow his step-sister who pilots a different Jaeger.
Phantom Aquila is an experimental Jaeger and its main experiment is if it’s possible for a Jaeger to have two forms. A humanoid form and a quadrupedal form. It’s faster on its quadrupedal form and it usually takes that form when it’s providing support or distractions. Its humanoid form uses primarily a tomahawk-like weapon and has a crossbow on its left arm.
Victorian Conqueror has the highest record for the fastest Kaiju kills because Evie and Jacob actually cannot handle being drifted to one another for too long. Everyone is keeping it a secret and only their main engineers and support team (led by Jayadeep Mir) know about it. They believe the main reason for their low drift timeframe stems from Ethan Frye’s death… not that Evie and Jacob believe them.
Victorian Conqueror has a cane sword and a kukri-like blade. It also has invincibility capabilities but they’re still working out how to make it useable as it can only be activated if Victorian Conqueror does not move.
Aya and Bayek were actually retired Jaeger pilots. They returned to the field after their son’s death and still uses Hidden One which is one of the oldest Jaeger still on the field.
Hidden One has a lot of possible weaponry at its disposal but they primarily use either a shield and a one hand sword or twin short blades. Supposedly, Aya prefers the short blades while Bayek prefers the sword-and-shield combo.
Alexios and Kassandra are known for having lots of friends… with benefits… Sometimes the same friends even. They also came from a family of Jaeger pilots and are very close. On their time off, they usually go off base to visit their mother. Their step brother is also a Jaeger pilot while their step father is a Marshal for another base.
Spartan Misthios uses a sword and a short blade. The short blade is special as it actually came from an older Jaeger model named the “Spartan King”. Spartan King is legendary for protecting thousands of civilians against a horde of smaller but faster Kaijus, holding down the line as everyone escaped. By the time the Spartan King had been overwhelmed and both of its pilot died, everyone had managed to escape. One of the pilots was Kassandra and Alexios’ grandfather and Spartan Misthios is considered to be the Spartan King's successor.
Eivor and Basim have… very soap-opera level of drama. Raven Destroyer's original pilots were meant to be Eivor and Sigurd but Sigurd was discharged after just two Kaiju battles. Rumors say that he had been dishonorably discharged due to how he acts. Basim was transferred as one of the candidates for Eivor’s co-pilot and they didn’t exactly start well (Eivor punching Basim hard enough that he actually flew across the room may or may not be exaggerated). Still, they do work together whenever they’re in their Jaeger… only to go back to bickering afterward.
Raven Destroyer has a shield on its left arm. It switches from a hand axe or a pair of daggers at any given time and even its fighting style changes from pure brute force to hit-and-run tactics in a blink of an eye, making it a hard opponent to fight.
All Kaijus have codenames based on gods and goddesses.
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