First Post Thoughts:
Hey guys! So this is my first post on my new blog - I’m so excited to have finally decided on returning to writing. I had a Tumblr originating in 2010 - I had it for 4-5 years and was fairly Tumblr famous back in the day. However a vengeful ex boyfriend of mine hacked my account and took it over, so I was (and still am) unable to access it. I wrote every single thought and emotion of mine, and completely poured my heart and soul into my posts and writing in general. It was my therapy when I desperately needed it. Once my ex took that away from me and exposed my deepest feelings, I shut myself down from writing and have not done so since.
Here we are 4 years later, and I’m dying to get back on the horse. In this blog, I’m going to be sharing a lot of secrets; a lot of experiences, desires, thoughts, and emotions. Some will be good, some will be bad. I’m hoping to amuse those who are left on Tumblr, and also teach some life lessons through explaining why you shouldn’t be like me and/or do what I do.
Thanks for taking the time out to stop by! I really appreciate it.
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