#Second Medulloi
I'm a sucker for siblings angst so if it's not too spoilery, what's canon-Aubby reaction when he heard about his beloved sibling death?
Decided to take this as an excuse to write a bit of angst.
Short answer is shock and then seeking vengeance. Long answer is below:
Characters: MC (GN), Auberon, Rune, various house Laetoria TW: murder, death, grief
His head aches from maintaining his presence over such long distances. It's difficult to settle into his own skin after having wings and feathers in a dozen locations scattered across the western portions of the Empire. Settling into one pair of ears, one set of eyes after having to process multiples at once -
He'll need to take notes. The others will want to know what he's seen and heard but if he's not careful it may get confused before he can share -
The room is empty. He's woken alone - and that isn't right. He never lets himself go so far along the winds without some precaution.
Rune should be there - they were supposed to stand guard while his body wasn't occupied.
The young knight wouldn't have left without a good cause -
Auberon forces himself to his feet, collecting his sword as he goes. It won't be much use until his senses settle back into his body fully but very few know how disorienting the process is and if there was one thing he learned among the Nassenians it was how to hide his thoughts from his face. He only risks true honesty with two - his sibling and his fideles.
What waits him is Rune collapsed in on themself against the wall by the door to his sibling's room. They are nearly missable beside the stack of chests in preparation for the move to the capital. Rune's gaze is a sharp amber as they lift their tear soaked face to meet Auberon's gaze.
"Auberon - you're here," it's the elf mage Ashkeru who steps out of the room of his sibling. She tries to stop him from entering, a gentle arm across his chest but he pushes past.
There is blood everywhere and the furniture is in disarray.
He doesn't feel himself fall - he's only vaguely aware of hands on his chest and the soft order to breathe. How -
He can hear Rune shouting but he can't really understand what is said - not truly - but he knows that they are lashing out. He watches as Rune's gaze lands on the sheet-covered figure on the bed. Ashkeru must have covered them when she realized her healing could do nothing.
This is a nightmare...it must be...
It takes hours for him to truly know what is happening again. Cook had shoved a mug of tea into his hands. Something strong and herbal - probably laced with one of Halli Shadeson's sedatives. House Laetoria is both too noisy and utterly silent.
People's voices are hushed but the guards are patrolling at increased intervals.
He stands up again - it feels like that moment when he's untethered before his magic draws him back to himself but it's going on for forever. He stumbles a little and Zaphon catches him by his arm.
The older man doesn't ask where he's going, just exchanges a look with Cook, and helps him back to the room.
"...who?" he demands. "Why?"
He knew that things would be dangerous but - this is Ausones. This is their home.
There wasn't supposed to be any danger for his sibling here - there weren't supposed to be any threats until they reached capital. No one is even supposed to know about the betrothal outside of Laetoria and the imperial household.
They weren't a threat, they had never been anything but his sweet, quiet sibling.
...he doesn't understand. Not yet. He will, though, and when he finds the answer there will be blood to be paid.
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