#Seasons of the witch samhain oracle
tarotindabox · 10 months
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greenthey · 1 year
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I'm back on my Instagram bullshit @ creatomancy for my friend's Halloween tarot challenge 🎃
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acapellapotato · 2 years
she laid there for hours
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me trying not to get cat butt in the picture:
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megmoonoracle · 11 months
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thesirensoracle · 2 years
Weekly Tarot!  Dec 12 - Dec 18, 2022
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Card of the Week: 7 of Cups reversed ✧☾゜・。
Bonus Oracle: Ancestors reversed
This week’s theme is tantalizing desire.
To stop admiring from afar and finally following the siren’s lullaby. After times of sadness, anxiety and regret, where rationality has reigned for more than it should, we find ourselves at a crossroads and with the need to make a choice. Should we stay where we are, even if it leaves us unsatisfied? Or should we go after our dreams and finally make them a reality?
This week we are being asked to be assertive and go after our desires. Creativity, beauty, and pleasure are present and welcoming us with open arms to heal the numbness we’ve been feeling lately. If in the past weeks we’ve denied ourselves of these energies, they are going to present themselves in very seductive and alluring ways, encouraging us to bite the juicy red apple that ignites our inner fires. However, we must consider two warnings before willfully drowning in the sea of desire:
A lot of options lie ahead of us, some are offering us the opportunity to plant the seeds to make our dreams a reality, others are just offering us a temporary gateway to pamper ourselves with pleasure, and some others are pure poison disguised as sweet candy. Choose wisely.
Like Cinderella, the opportunity we have here is temporary. It’s in our hands to take advantage of this energy to later create something that leaves lasting rewards later… so don’t hold on to things too tightly! If you do, you might poison the blessing, turning it into a curse.
Overall, this week is great to indulge in dreams and desires that genuinely make your soul shine brightly, and not to follow meaningless pleasures to scape reality. 
You must remember, if you don’t follow your heart’s calling and indulge in false illusions… you’ll be left unsatisfied, with a never-ending hunger for true pleasure.
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The week starts with moon in Ashlesha. (Speaking of desire lol). The moon at the birth of Mercury makes today and the rest of the week especially good for going after our true desires, but with the enough discernment and skill that allows us to choose the right way to do it. Being the height of femininity, Ashlesha asks you to pursue only what truly makes you shine, otherwise you take the risk of being paralyzed by unfulfilled cravings.
☾ Blessings: Never-ending options and opportunities to make your dreams come true! If you choose wisely, you might set the foundations for those dreams to become a reality.
☾ Warnings: Beware of illusions! Follow your gut, if something seems too good to be true, it most likely is. Also, don’t overindulge in pleasure, for this card is one of the significators in tarot for addiction.
☾ Random messages/tips: 
Ask your ancestors/guides for help when in need! If you’re not sure which path to go, the universe is there to show you the way.
Some of you’ve been working hard, please rest.
Go for a walk in nature, whether it’s in the sea or the forest, the wisdom of the ancient earth is ready to be delivered to you by the whispers of the wind.
Wear something orange this week for good luck.
Appreciate the beauty around you. Recognizing the bliss in simplicity and everyday life will bring you abundance this week.
If it doesn’t make you dance internally, don’t pursue it.
Pamper yourself by watching your favorite movie about female manipulators lmao I recommend Jennifer’s Body.
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#cardoftheday is from the #seasonsofthewitchsamhainoracle and is #rooted.
Yet again I got #apple as my first draw. In combination with Rooted, this is a warning to literally ground myself. Make an #earth centered #practice. Now, yesterday I shared that I have started working with #Danu and she is a Earth deity. So that does make sense.
Beynd that, I feel like the biggest take away from this #journey thus far is th reminder to reach back to my #ancestors. As a #Samhain deck that makes sense. The season has always been about ancestors and roots and connections to the past for me.
So, go get grounded and #haveamagicalday #tarot#tarotcards#tarotreadersofinstagram#pagan#paganwitch#witch
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noxnymora · 2 years
Hi… I would like to be a let of your tarot game. Would really appreciate if I can get a reading too. :) Thanks for offering it in the first place.
Initials- D.M
Sun & Moon- Libra
Rising- Gemini
Deck- The Seasons of the Witch Samhain Oracle deck
Question- How will I meet my future husband?
Hi D.M!
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Apples from The Seasons of the Witch: Samhain Oracle deck.
Apples - To taste, one must swallow it whole, and beneath the satin flame hides drowning waters.
from the guidebook:
keywords - deception, distrust, rotten
This card is just a warning to be careful of who may want to take advantage of you. The image of apples is a multitude: shiny on the outside, perfect on the inside / bruised on the outside, nice and juicy on the inside / perfect on the outside, rotten in the middle. Maybe this card is just being literal too - apples are common: cider, orchards, snacks, baking, etc.
🖤 Take from this reading what you will. Best wishes! 🖤
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ravens-two · 1 year
PICK A CARD reading
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What do you need to learn from your shadow?
Pile 1 -> Pile 2
Pile 3 -> Pile 4
Deck used: Seasons of the Witch Samhain Oracle
Pile 1
"To taste, one must swallow it whole, and beneath the satin flame hides drowning waters."
Pile 1, Apples is the card of deception and distrust. Here I will be reading it in two different ways, and it's up to you to understand which one applies to you, it may be one or the other, or even both.
The first interpretation for this card is that you need to learn from your shadow to beware about who you put your trust on. Your shadow is slow to trust because it needs to understand other people's intentions in order to guarantee you're safe from harm. Now, this isn't to make you doubt everyone and everything in your life, but rather to tell you to follow your gut and if something seems off, it might be off. All in all, you shadow wants you to trust it.
The second interpretation is a bit opposite. Your shadow wants you to be more mindful about the way you act and react to other people. It may be that you're lashing out at other people (even without meaning to) and you end up hurting the ones you love. It could also be telling you to trust more in your loved ones, you don't need to constantly doubt their intentions towards you. You are safe and you are loved.
Pile 2
Black Cat
"There's a curious journey into the depths of the unknown, hidden so deep that only the brave will gracefully return with light in their eyes and shadow leading home."
Pile 2, Black Cat is the card of independence, survival and grace. If you picked this pile your shadow wants to tell you that, at this moment, you need to value yourself above everything else. If there are people in your life that constantly overstep your boundaries now is the time to reinforce them. If these people continue to disrespect you and your space, then you might want to consider more drastic measures (like reducing contact or cutting contact altogether).
Most of all your shadow wants you to feel strong, capable and empowered, because you are much stronger than you think. This is also a time of introspection, your shadow would like you to take time to explore yourself, who you are and who you want to be.
Pile 3
"Grab hold! Allow the dwelling fire within belly awaken all that is. A mere glimpse, a delicate pull at the very roots living in the alchemy of self."
Pile 3, Witch is the card of wisdom and alchemy. This message will only apply to some of you but if you have decided to take up witchcraft and have been feeling doubtful about it, your shadow wants to tell you to go for it. You are a natural witch at heart, it will come easy to you.
With this card, your shadow wants to tell you that you have much more power than you realize. You are in charge of your destiny and you are the only one who has the power to change it. Yes, they're maybe outside forces that are hard to overcome, but ultimately every single choice is up to you (as well as its consequences). Don't be afraid of this power. Also, if that is something you believe in, it's a good time to manifest your wishes and desires.
Your shadow really wants you to believe in yourself, see what a badass you are and to act accordingly.
Pile 4
"Like a thousand storms held in hands soft against the winds, there is a change arising from deep within."
Hello dear Pile 4 this is the card of change. Your shadow wants you to know that things have been set in motion and change is coming, no matter your feelings on it. If you are craving change it's great, if you're not you can't really stop it. No matter what, I don't feel like this change is negative, it could be difficult of course, but not something that will make your life worse. In fact, with this being a reading all about your shadow it is likely that most of this transformation will be internal. Maybe you will finally overcome a fear, a trauma or some bad habit that you have been working on.
If you have been doing shadow work I think that it is likely that you will see the results and understand things on a deeper level.
Your shadow is also telling you that this is the right time to change the things that you no longer want in your life. Take some time to reflect and then take action.
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witchyfashion · 1 year
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Seasons of the Witch: Samhain Oracle
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tarotindabox · 2 years
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gefdreamsofthesea · 1 year
I debated whether or not to wait to get the Seasons of the Witch: Mabon Oracle closer to September but decided to order it now. As you probably know I love this series of oracle decks and have resigned myself to collecting all of them even though I don't follow the Wheel of the Year.
One thing I didn't notice until the oracle arrived is that it has a new artist (Tijana Lukovic). I admit that I was a bit disappointed because I would've liked to have the whole set by the same artist and the Beltane oracle was fantastic but I'll deal with it.
I don't know how to describe the art other than it has a very folksy feel. It's definitely busier than the art in the previous oracles. In keeping with the season the art has a lot of deep reds, browns, and oranges. There's a touch of the spooky that might have been more appropriate to the Samhain deck. I think my only criticism besides the fact that sometimes the subject of the art is out of focus (a good example is the "Fawn" card where my eyes are immediately drawn to the woman holding the fawn instead of the fawn itself) the artist has a thing with putting eyes where eyes should not be, which I personally find a bit weird and off-putting. I absolutely love the colours and think this would make a perfect fall deck even if you aren't into the Wheel of the Year.
I'll post some card images below:
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allaboutparanormal · 3 months
Unboxing & Walkthrough: Seasons of the Witch Lammas Oracle Deck
Welcome to my channel! In this video, I unbox and explore the enchanting “Seasons of the Witch Lammas Oracle” deck by Lorriane Anderson and Juliet Diaz, beautifully illustrated by Tijana Lukovic. Lammas, the season of harvest, success, and gratitude, comes alive in these 44 cards. Join me as we dive into their meanings, invocations, and practices to connect with Lammas energy and nourish our dreams. 🌾🔮  
  “As an Amazon & Ebay Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.” 
 You Can Purchase 
Seasons of The Witch Lammas Oracle
  You can purchase the other Seasons of The Witch Series through the links below 
Seasons of The Witch Litha Oracle
Seasons Of The Witch Beltane Oracle  £15.48 
Seasons Of The Witch Mabon Oracle  £17.47 
Seasons Of The Witch Imbolc Oracle £17.47 
Seasons of the Witch: Samhain Oracle £17.47 
Seasons of the Witch: Yule Oracle  £22 
  Your Donations Are Graciously Accepted To Help Me Keep All About Paranormal Online! All About Paranormal is not intended to be for profit, but does carry expenses with domain cost, books, decks, etc. The links I use are affiliate links, I earn a commission for referring you, and the price you pay doesn't change. If you liked my work, please buy me Coffee.
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magickvibesonly · 9 months
An Oracle Reading for You!
This reading is from the Season of the Witch Samhain Oracle Deck.
My intention for these readings is to light your path the way you need at whatever time in your life’s journey this video finds you. ✨🖤💫
Watch the video here or via YouTube, then hit pause or take a screenshot to draw your card. Draw as many as you feel led to draw, and read the video description for the meanings. Please share your card(s) with me in the comments, and let me know if the meanings resonate with you!
Have a beautiful, magical rest of the year! ~J.
🎃 Pumpkin: You are protected, guarded, and safe. Know that Someone’s got your back. Take steps to limit toxic people and draining influences. Get firm with your boundaries. Take a few steps back from certain relationships. Now is the time to give your energy to sources that can reciprocate.
🌑 Dark Moon: New beginnings await you at every turn—even paths you’d thought were dead ends. Release expectations, stay patient, and have hope; letting go is a powerful catalyst of change.
🍃 Crystals & Herbs: Mother Earth is calling you outside. She wants you to find healing, grounding, and strength in nature. Embracing Earth magic replenishes, especially if you feel unsatisfied, drained, or burnt out. Feel your feet firmly on the ground. Feel the light and fresh air expand your horizons.
🦊 Mischief: Embrace your inner fox. Get a little tricksy and creative. Stay open-minded in overcoming challenges in different ways. Even when problems are dark and difficult, a touch of playfulness can offer new light.
🌽 Third Harvest (Reversed): It’s time to get strategic and avoid impulsivity. Sleep on your decisions. Be your inner parent. Seek wise counsel. Do some journaling or mind mapping. Develop your skills. Look at the decision from many angles before taking the next step.
🕯️ Candle Magick (Reversed): Never be afraid to ask for help when uncertain. If you’re a believer, consider calling upon a new deity, angel, or saint you’ve never called before. If you’re a whimsical atheist (like me!), give someone you love or respect a call and ask for their feedback. Help and guidance are all around you in many shapes and forms.
🕷️ Spider: True manifestation isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme. The Spider challenges you to cast your net, then lie in wait. Don’t chase. Over-focusing on outcomes only makes you feel worse. Embrace the magic and mystery of the journey. Get out of your way!
So? How was your reading? Please share in the comments!
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#cardoftheday is frm the #seasonsofthewitchsamhainoracle and is #thirdharvest This is the #season we put up our #harvest and #celebrae both our hard work and our abundance. If you recall, I have been doing this #journey and have been asking for the #wisdom and the #tools that I need to go deeper into a spiritual life. I got a lot of warnings last week. I listened and I did a lot of #protection work. This week perhaps I am able to turn to the work of #thriving. That is what #abundance means to me. It is about being safe and secure in a space so that I can seek out the things that help me thrive. Like making art. This card is about honoring my accomplisments. That will be work fr me, as I have had so many things begun but not finsihed. So I will be thinking on that today. #haveamagicalday #tarot #tarotcards #samhain #pagan #witch #oracle #divination
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oraclekleo · 1 year
hi kleo, do you have any of the seasons of the witch oracle decks, any opinions on them??
I had the Samhain deck in hands few times but I must admit it didn't really vibe with me. I like the art but for some reason I just didn't feel connection with the deck.
Although there have been few decks in the past that didn't vibe with me initially but with time I grew fond of them. So maybe it just wasn't the right time for me to get that deck and it will come in future. I keep my eyes on the Seasons of the witch series of oracle decks and check on them once in a while so maybe when I feel the calling, I will get some of the seasons or all when they are all released. Maybe they have been already... I'm not sure at the moment. 😊
Any particular reason why you ask? Do you have any of the decks? Or are you considering the purchase?
Kleo 🦄
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noxnymora · 2 years
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Halloween/Samhain Free Oracle & Tarot Readings
To request a one card reading:
Choose a deck -- The Seasons of the Witch Samhain Oracle deck OR the Occult Tarot deck.
2. Choose a topic -- general, love, career, question, etc...
3. Submit an ask - here!
4. Donate or tip if you can. $noxnymora on cashapp
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