#Sean Kirkpatrick
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Swell - Forget About Jesus
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4/19/2023 Senate hearing on UFO’s and UAP’s
This is the second congressional hearing in 50 years on this subject that follows testimony from intelligence and military officials in May of 2022, the transcript of which can be found here
#2023#us#united states#ufo#ufos#uap#uaps#AARO#senate#committee#hearing#testimony#extraterrestrial#life#intelligence#military#kirsten gillibrand#joni ernst#sean kirkpatrick
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Pentagonin UFO-salailu paljastettu?
Pentagonin UFO-salailu paljastettu?
Lehto Filesin jännittävässä jaksossa eläkkeellä oleva F-16-lentäjä Chris Lehto tutkii kiistanalaista haastattelua, jossa tunnettu skeptikko Steven Greenstreet kuulustelee tohtori Sean Kirkpatrickia, Pentagonin All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) -yksikön entistä johtajaa. Haastattelun ytimessä on Kirkpatrickin kiistäminen siitä, että hän olisi osallistunut Skinwalker Ranchilla vuonna 2018 pidettyyn senaatin tiedotustilaisuuteen, vaikka valokuvatodisteet ja tilan nykyisen omistajan Brandon Fugalin väitteet ovatkin totta.
Steven Greenstreet, joka tunnetaan kriittisestä suhtautumisestaan UFO-ilmiöihin, kuulusteli tohtori Kirkpatrickia hänen osallistumisestaan ufoihin ennen vuotta 2022. Kirkpatrick vakuutti, ettei hänellä ollut aiempia tehtäviä tai kiinnostusta UFOihin satunnaisen elokuvien katselun lisäksi. Greenstreet kuitenkin kyseenalaisti tämän väitteen viittaamalla vuoden 2018 tiedotustilaisuuteen, johon Kirkpatrickin väitettiin osallistuneen ja jossa Skinwalker Ranch oli aiheena.
Valokuvatodisteet ja Brandon Fugalin todistukset osoittavat, että Kirkpatrick ei ainoastaan osallistunut Skinwalker Ranchilla vuonna 2018 pidettyyn tiedotustilaisuuteen, vaan myös johti sitä. Tämä tiedotustilaisuus, joka pidettiin Pentagonin korkean tason virkamiesten kanssa, on suoraan ristiriidassa Kirkpatrickin lausuntojen kanssa. Fugal toimitti valokuvia, joissa Kirkpatrick näkyy pöydän päässä tiedotustilaisuuden aikana, joka hänen mukaansa kesti yli kaksi tuntia.
Greenstreetin painostuksesta Kirkpatrick myönsi osallistuneensa tiedotustilaisuuteen senaatin asevoimien komitean pyynnöstä, mutta vakuutti, ettei se liittynyt Skinwalker Ranchiin vaan AATIP:n (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program) ja AAWSAP:n (Advanced Aerospace Weapons Systems Application Program) tutkimukseen. Hän väitti, että hänen roolinsa oli riippumaton ja objektiivinen arvioija ja että hän ei tiennyt Skinwalker Ranchia koskevasta tiedotustilaisuudesta ennen kuin myöhemmin.
Greenstreet on jo pitkään väittänyt, että puolustusministeriön (DoD) ”tosiuskovien” ryhmä on keksinyt narratiivin UFOista ja takaisinmallintaohjelmista. Huolimatta lukuisista ilmiantajista, kuten David Grusch ja eversti Charles Halt, jotka kertovat omakohtaisia kokemuksiaan, Greenstreet ei ole vakuuttunut, vaan uskoo, että nämä kertomukset ovat harvojen valittujen tahojen järjestämiä.
UFO-yhteisö on jakautunut Kirkpatrickin rooliin ja lausuntoihin. Monet ovat huolissaan hänen uskottavuudestaan ja objektiivisuudestaan AAROn johtajana. Hänen kiistämisensä siitä, että hän olisi osallistunut merkittävään UFOihin liittyvään tiedotustilaisuuteen päinvastaisista todisteista huolimatta, herättää kysymyksiä hänen avoimuudestaan ja mahdollisesta salailusta.
Jakso korostaa avoimuuden ja vastuuvelvollisuuden merkitystä hallituksen UFO-tutkimuksissa. Kirkpatrickin ristiriitaiset lausunnot ja Fugalin toimittamat todisteet korostavat, että UFO-tutkimukseen osallistuvilta virkamiehiltä tarvitaan selkeää ja rehellistä viestintää. Yleisön luottamus on ensiarvoisen tärkeää, ja epärehellisyyden havaitseminen voi vahingoittaa vakavasti luottamusta hallituksen tutkimuksiin.
Chris Lehto korostaa sivistyneen keskustelun tarvetta ja varoittaa henkilökohtaisista hyökkäyksistä Kirkpatrickia tai hänen perhettään vastaan. Hän vaatii, että keskitytään todisteisiin ja esitettyjen argumenttien pätevyyteen. Kunnioittava ja todisteisiin perustuva keskustelu on ratkaisevan tärkeää, jotta UFO-ilmiöiden ymmärtämisessä voidaan edistyä.
Lehto Files -jakso tuo esiin mahdollisia epäjohdonmukaisuuksia ja ristiriitoja Pentagonin UFO-tutkimusten käsittelyssä. Ristiriitaiset kertomukset tohtori Sean Kirkpatrickin osallisuudesta Skinwalker Ranchia koskevaan vuoden 2018 tiedotustilaisuuteen vaativat viranomaisasemassa olevilta suurempaa avoimuutta ja vastuullisuutta. Edistämällä objektiivista ja kunnioittavaa keskustelua totuuden etsiminen UFO-ilmiöistä voi jatkua rehellisesti ja yleisen luottamuksen vallitessa.
Artikkelin julkaissut Latest UFO Sightings
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Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena AARO Report
Sean Kirkpatrick speaking to Senate Armed Services Committee One of the most repeated false media reports is the claim that aliens in spacecraft regularly visit Earth and want to affect human history. In our day of conspiracy theories, there are stories that the United States government has been hiding alien contact. Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick was the director of the U.S. Department of Defense’s…
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#AARO#Bible#Bigelow Aerospace#Christianity#Does God Exist#God#Jesus Christ#John N Clayton#Robert Bigelow#science#Sean Kirkpatrick#UAP#UFO#UFOlogist
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He Quit Heading The Pentagon’s UFO Office. Now A Report Of His Has Shaken Up Ufology
Sean Kirkpatrick doesn’t seem too thrilled to be chatting with me about UFOs. Since taking over the Pentagon’s All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) in 2022 – government-speak for UFO hunting – Kirkpatrick has received violent threats, social-media smear campaigns, and even had to call the FBI after a UFO fanatic showed up at his home.
“I’ve had people threaten my wife and daughter, and try to break into our online accounts – far more than I ever had as the deputy director of intelligence [of US Strategic Command],” Kirkpatrick says. “I didn’t have China and Russia trying to get on me as much as these people are.”
So, after 18 months in the job, Kirkpatrick called it quits last December…
The Guardian
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#NSYNC#*NSYNC#justin timberlake#joey fatone#jc chasez#chris kirkpatrick#lance bass#hot ones#sean evans
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Hot Ones x *NSYNC. Episode is out NOW.
#first we feast#hot ones#nsync#joey fatone#justin timberlake#sean evans#jc chasez#chris kirkpatrick#lance bass#nsync reunion#2023#youtube#tv shows#jt#timberlake
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Welcome to the Tournament of the hottest boy band members of the 80s/90s
It was inspired by all the tournaments pitting famous beautiful people versus famous beautiful people of specific eras and specific jobs. The polls should start on the 8th of April, leaving around two weeks for submissions. I’ve compiled a list already but you can submit other boys that aren’t on the list through a google form. Feel free to submit non english speaking boy bands.
The only pictures accepted will be pictures from the 80s/90s and very early 2000s. To submit propaganda either use the same google form as for submissions (even if the guy in question is already on the list) or through the submission box or tag me on posts.
The List
Backstreet Boys
Nick Carter
Kevin Richardson
Brian Littrell
AJ Mclean
Howie Dorough
Take That
Robbie Williams
Mark Owen
Jason Orange
Gary Barlow
Howard Donald
JC Chasez
Lance Bass
Justin Timberlake
Joey Fatone
Chris Kirkpatrick
New Kids On The Block
Jon Knight
Jordan Knight
Joey McIntyre
Donnie Walberg
Danny Wood
Joel "Jo-Jo" Hailey
Donald "DeVante Swing" DeGrate
Dalvin "Mr. Dalvin" DeGrate
Cedric "K-Ci" Hailey
Chris Keller
Gérald Jean-Laurent
Andrew Mac Carthy
Seo Taiji & boys
Seo Taiji
Lee Juno
YG (Yang Hyun-suk)
Moon Hee-jun
Jang Woo-hyuk
Tony An
Lee Jae-won
Eun Jiwon
Ko Jiyong
Kim Jaeduck
Lee Jaijin
Jang Suwon
Kang Sunghoon
Filip Nikolic
Frank Delay
Adel Kachermi
Shane Filan
Mark Feehily
Kian Egan
Nicky Byrne
Brian McFadden
Boyz II men
Shawn Stockman
Wanya Morris
Nathan Morris
Marc Nelson
Michael McCary
Scott Robinson
Ritchie Neville
Sean Conlon
Abz Love
J Brown
Ronan Keating
Keith Duffy
Michael Graham
Shane Lynch
Stephen Gately
98 degrees
Nick Lachey
Jeff Timmons
Drew Lachey
Justin Jeffre
Jonathan Lippman
Dream street
Matt Ballinger
Frankie Galasso
Greg Raposo
Jesse McCartney
Chris Trousdale
Omari Grandberry
Jarell Houston
Dreux Frédéric
De'Mario Thorton
Mark Barry
Christian Burns
Stephen McNally
Rich Cronin
Brian Gillis
Devin Lima
The Moffatts
Scott Moffatt
Clint Moffatt
Bob Moffatt
Dave Moffatt
New edition
Ralph Tresvant
Bobby Brown
Ricky Bell
Michael Bivins
Ronnie DeVoe
Johnny Gill
East 17
Terry Coldwell
Brian Harvey
John Hendy
Tony Mortimer
#tournament poll#polls#tournament polls#boy bands#backstreet boys#new kids on the block#nsync#take that#jodeci#seo taiji#h.o.t#sechskies#2be3#westlife#boyz ii men#5ive#boyzone#98 degrees#dream street#b2k#bbmak#lfo#the moffats#new edition#east 17#tumblr polls#poll#90s kpop
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O que lê o primeiro diretor da AARO do Departamento de Defesa dos EUA, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick?
O que lê o primeiro diretor da AARO do Departamento de Defesa dos EUA, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick? Flying Saucers from Outer Space de Donald Keyhoe, ou talvez The UFO Experience de Josef Allen Hynek, ou ainda Passaporte para Magonia de Jacques Vallée?
Por Cláudio Suenaga
Não sei, mas o que eu sei é que ele lê o nosso coletivo The Reliability of UFO Witness Testimony, como podemos ver neste frame de uma entrevista no YouTube de 11 de agosto de 2024 concedido a Brian Keating (podcast "Into the Impossible": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUJucfWAGGU), conforme notou Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos.
Atrás de Kirkpatrick, há uma pequena biblioteca de livros de referência com muitas obras de peso, certamente. Você consegue reconhecer o primeiro volume à direita na prateleira mais baixa? Sim! É o nosso livro The Reliability of UFO Witness Testimony!
Como vocês sabem, tive a honra de ser um dos seletos convidados pelo insigne Ballester Olmos, que foi um dos organizadores e editores deste alentado livro científico-acadêmico junto com o igualmente insigne Richard W. Heiden, a escrever um trabalho sobre a "confiabilidade do testemunho de testemunhas de OVNIs", aspecto crucial das pesquisas ufológicas, já que, na falta de evidências materiais do fenômeno, esta é a fonte primária com que lidamos, a "matéria-prima", digamos assim, a perpassar nossas análises, ainda mais para quem não lida apenas com relatos de "segunda mão", mas os vai colher diretamente com as próprias testemunhas, em por vezes rudes e hostis condições de campo.
Em minha contribuição intitulada "A Objetividade das Testemunhas e a Subjetividade dos Testemunhos" ("The Objectivity of Witnesses and the Subjectivity of Testemonies"), procedi a uma análise crítica da base de referência geral do problema OVNI, o testemunho, visto como fonte cultural autêntica e indiscutível, mas que apresenta sérias distorções. Um dos principais pontos por mim questionados foi o valor exato dos depoimentos que formam a base dos relatos e, portanto, do fenômeno OVNI. Procurei dar um tratamento científico adequado a esses dados e fatores relegados a segundo plano pelos ufólogos: os parâmetros subjetivos observacionais, os aspectos perceptivos, a linguagem e o contexto histórico-cultural da testemunha e as variáveis psicossociológicas, ou seja, tudo o que foi depreciativamente chamado de "ruído de fundo", o "refugo sociológico" desprezado em detrimento do "sinal".
Consulte e tenha sempre à mão, portanto, assim como Sean Kirkpatrick, este que é o primeiro grande livro a enfocar de forma abrangente a discussão e as visões atuais sobre os problemas e desafios apresentados pela confiabilidade dos testemunhos de OVNIs, um comp��ndio interdisciplinar de artigos de 60 autores de 14 países diferentes.
Este livro de 711 páginas foi lançado online no portal Academia.edu, onde pode ser baixado gratuitamente:
Simultaneamente, a UPIAR Publishing House (Turim, Itália) publicou duas edições impressas em formato A4 de capa mole, uma em preto e branco, outra em cores (ISBN: 9791281441002). O livro pode ser adquirido através deste link:
Saiba mais em meu Patreon aqui: https://www.patreon.com/posts/83281117 e aqui: https://www.patreon.com/posts/83285171
#ufos#youtube#ufologia#ufo phenomenon#ovnis#extraterrestres#aliens and ufos#história#ufology#ufo#ufo sightings#aliens#book#livro#Youtube
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WEAPONIZED : EPISODE #49 : UFO Propaganda - The Dark Side Unleashes
As long predicted, the closer the public gets to the truth about UFOs, the harder the pushback will become. That day has finally arrived. Since the beginning of 2024, the keepers of UFO secrets within government, along with their allies in defense corporations, and subservient toadies on various media platforms have unleashed a torrent of devious, ill-informed, sometimes laughable attacks on truth, facts, members of Congress, curious scientists, diligent journalists, and the public itself.
Former AARO Director Sean Kirkpatrick led the charge with a blistering denouncement of the program he directed and the members of Congress who created it. Dr. Kirkpatrick spent "a whole year" investigating UFOs but found "no evidence.” His demonstrably false allegations were quickly magnified in a seemingly coordinated series of articles written by like-minded friendly reporters.
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Swell - Get High
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The Search for Alien Life and the Mystery of UFOs: A Scientific Perspective
The possibility of alien life existing in the universe has long fascinated humans, sparking intense debate and speculation. The Fermi Paradox, first proposed by physicist Enrico Fermi, asks, "Where is everybody?" or, more specifically, "Why haven't we encountered any signs of intelligent extraterrestrial life?" This paradox has led to a range of hypotheses, from the optimistic view that intelligent life is abundant in the universe to the pessimistic view that we are alone.
From a scientific perspective, the probability of intelligent life existing elsewhere in the universe is not zero. In fact, the Drake equation, developed by Dr. Frank Drake, estimates the number of extraterrestrial civilizations in the galaxy that might be able to communicate with us. While the equation is based on a series of variables that are difficult to estimate, it suggests that the probability of intelligent life existing elsewhere in the universe is quite high. For example, if we assume that 10% of stars have a planet in the habitable zone, and that 10% of those planets develop intelligent life, and that 10% of those civilizations develop a technology that allows them to communicate with us, then the number of extraterrestrial civilizations in the galaxy that might be able to communicate with us is estimated to be in the thousands.
However, the search for extraterrestrial life is not just about probability; it's also about the possibility of detection. The universe is vast, and the distances between stars are enormous, making it difficult to detect signs of life. The speed of light is the maximum speed at which any object can travel, and even at this speed, it would take many years to reach the nearest star outside of our solar system. This has led to the development of alternative theories, such as the idea of a Von Neumann probe, a self-replicating machine that could travel to other star systems and establish a presence without the need for faster-than-light travel.
The possibility of alien life is not just a theoretical concept; it has also been explored in the context of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) sightings. UAPs are sightings of unidentified flying objects that cannot be explained by known natural phenomena or man-made objects. While some UAP sightings can be explained by misidentification of natural phenomena or man-made objects, others remain unexplained. The US government's All Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), was established to investigate UAP sightings and determine their origin. Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, the former director of AARO, has stated that the office's approach was to follow the data and be open to all hypotheses, including the possibility of alien life.
However, the search for alien life is not just about the possibility of detection; it's also about the possibility of explanation. The military sensors used to detect UAPs are designed to identify large, fast-moving objects, such as missiles or aircraft, and are not designed to detect smaller, slower-moving objects such as drones or weather balloons. This means that many UAP sightings can be explained by the presence of these types of objects, and the remaining unexplained sightings do not necessarily imply the presence of alien life.
In fact, Dr. Kirkpatrick has stated that none of the data collected by AARO supported the theory of alien life, and that the office's rigorous scientific method was used to test a range of hypotheses, including the possibility of advanced technology or natural phenomena. This suggests that the search for alien life is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires a nuanced approach.
Despite the challenges and uncertainties involved, the search for alien life remains an exciting and important area of research. The possibility of discovering evidence of extraterrestrial life would be a groundbreaking finding that would have significant implications for our understanding of the universe and our place within it. It would also raise new questions and challenges, such as the ethics of communication with alien life and the potential consequences of making contact.
Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick: What a Pentagon Scientist Found Out About UFOs (Event Horizon, October 2024)
Monday, November 4, 2024
#ufo#uap#nasa#space#alien life#von neumann probe#us government#pentagon#interview#ai assisted writing#machine art#Youtube
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Pentagon iskee takaisin väitteisiin avaruusolentosoluttautujista
kirjoittanut Art Levine Lähes vuosisadan ajan on kerrottu loputtomasti maahan syöksyneistä UFOista. Yleisöä on pommitettu yhä räikeämmillä tarinoilla siitä, kuinka Pentagon ja sotilasurakoitsijat ovat ”takaisinmallintamisen avulla” kehittäneet avaruusolentojen avaruusaluksia, joita he ovat salaa pitäneet piilossa yleisön näkyviltä — yhdessä avaruusolentojen jäännösten kanssa, jotka he ovat väitetysti löytäneet. Nämä legendat jäivät kuitenkin pitkälti pop-kulttuurin ja salaliittoteorioiden […] https://eksopolitiikka.fi/ufologia/pentagon-iskee-takaisin-vaitteisiin-avaruusolentosoluttautujista/
#ufologia#AARO#Billy Meier#Daniel Sheehan#David Grusch#Jason Sands#John Greenwald#Kal Korff#Luis Elizondo#Ross Coulthart#Sean Kirkpatrick#Steven Cambian#UFO-huijaus
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23 Absurdist Comics From Funny Cartoonist Sean Kirkpatrick
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