#Sean Hendrix
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quietfounder · 1 year ago
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alisonstudios99 · 1 year ago
Don't talk to me I have a My Dad the Bounty Hunter brainrot (unless you want to talk about it) (please)
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Blobby interacting with the kids is something I didn't know I wanted but is now something I NEED
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littleyeety · 1 year ago
I Made The Hendrix Family In Miitopia!
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Yep, I Made Terry (Sabo), Tess (Janeera) Lisa And Sean.
I Tried My Best To Make The Miis Look Identical To The Show Designs (Especially Their Skin Tone Shading)
(There is no Access Code for the Miis sadly, I don't have NS online membership atm 🥲)
Bonus Screenshot:
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spacevixenmusic · 1 year ago
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Source: My Dad The Bounty Hunter [2023]
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weirdo09 · 2 years ago
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• sean hendrix icons •
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musicmags · 1 year ago
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When 28-year old B-movie star and photojournalist Sean Flynn disappeared on April 6, 1970, his mother left his apartment untouched for over 20 years in hopes her son would someday return.
He was the son of Errol Flynn and the French actress Lili Damita, yet unlike his father, he was less of a hellraiser and more soft-spoken and introverted, but had an obsession with danger and thrill-seeking just the same.
Sean’s Parisian apartment on the Champs Élysées was sealed by his mother to preserve his memory and remained a time capsule of the 60s until it was opened up after the death of Lili in 1994.
The walls were plastered with images of counterculture figures such as Jimi Hendrix, Che Guevara, and Ho Chi Minh, pictures of Sean travelling around the world as well as skydiving and hunting, copious amounts of taxidermy, a miniature of the Zaca (his father Errol Flynn’s yacht), expensive camera equipment, books, rolls of undeveloped film, psychedelic-patterned ties, unopened mail, and snappy clothing.
Sun Day magazine described the apartment as a “weird mixture of 60s flower power and very gruesome souvenirs” from his stint as a game hunter in Africa.
After moving to Europe to start an acting career and recording a music album, Sean grew bored and went to Vietnam in 1966 to risk his life by becoming a combat photojournalist. His images were published around the world and he helped save an Australian platoon from being blown up by a mine, as well as numerous other brave acts.
Yet Sean’s bravado would cost him dearly when he and fellow journalist Dana Stone disappeared in 1970 after being kidnapped at a military checkpoint near Phnom Penh, Cambodia, after which they were most likely held captive for years and then killed by the Khmer Rouge in 1973.
His mother Lili Damita spent millions of dollars and the rest of her life desperately searching for her son, but it was of no use. Sean’s tragic fate remains a hazy mystery to this day.
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Gonna ramble a bit about
The Family Dynamics of My Dad the Bounty Hunter
Because I've never seen an animated property handle family conflict like this before.
Let's start with the titular character Terry Hendrix alias Sabo Brok
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The first thing we learn about Terry is that he's a space bounty hunter.
The second thing we learn about Terry is that he's separated from his wife Tess because his job gets in the way of being their for his family.
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And while Sean is still young enough not to resent his father's absence in his life Lisa is a few years older and makes it clear that she doesn't see her father as dependable.
This is mollified somewhat when the kids find out about his real job but the underlying issues: Terry's lack of communication and willingness to understand his kids. Remains the emotional linchpin of the narrative throughout season one.
When Lisa discovers that her dad's bosses are the bad guys and the person Terry's been tracking isn't a criminal but a rebel Terry doesn't listen. Prompting Lisa to help Vax behind her father's back.
Culminating in an argument in which Terry says that his job is what pays for everything their family has. An understandable motivation for a father. Parents sacrifice so many things to provide for their families.
But the thing is: Lisa is right.
Her dad's job may provide material benefits but at the cost of harming innocent people. And Terry finally decides to start listening to his family.
Then there's Tess, or rather, Janeera's relationship with her own parents. And this is where the family dynamics were really elevated for me.
Because Janeera ran away from her home after the pressure and expectations of an entire planet became too much.
For over a decade Empress Gurira and Emperor Odoman, her parents, didn't know if she was alive or dead.
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Janeera leaving hurt them. Hurt them so much even over a decade later their grief is an ever present reminder of her loss.
And they are allowed to be hurt. Allowed to express that to their daughter just as she is allowed to express how stifled she felt when she left. They have all of Doloraam to care for after all.
Here a lesser show would have the daughter lessen her own pain to center that of her parents. But the writers don't do that here.
Janeera's pain is recognized and validated even as she has to confront it in order to move forward.
Empress Gurira even says that she "did not see" Janeera when their actions forced her daughter to flee Doloraam. And she has no intention of repeating that mistake.
I... I don't think I can overstate how important an admission of fault like that is from a parent to a child.
So often in our media and society the children are expected to do all the emotional labor of reconciliation. To forgive and forget when their parents have not shown any understanding of what they did wrong. Promoting toxic positivity over genuine healing.
Even, perhaps especially, when said children are now adults in their own right.
My Dad the Bounty Hunter is about aliens and space adventures yes but more than that it's about broken families finding each other again.
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strictlyfavorites · 11 months ago
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Sean Connery3
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paul newman - Hustler
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Neil Young at a Warner Bros party in Hollywood; captured by Brad Elterman (1977)
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Sophia loren in the mid 50s enjoying a nice game of pool
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Jayne Mansfield pool
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The Hustler 1961
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Ocean’s 11 (1960)
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Pool Parlor, 1942, Jacob Lawrence
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The Color of Money
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Le Roy Neiman - Bunnies Playing Pool
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Maurice Gibb Bee Gees billiards iconic RIP icon
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dean martin pool
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Diesel Calls the Shots
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Jimi Hendrix shoots pool at the Bel Air home of John and Michelle Phillips in Los Angeles, California, July 1, 1967
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diceriadelluntore · 1 year ago
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Storia Di Musica #314 - Susan Tedeschi, Live From Austin TX, 2004
Le storie di chitarre femminili di febbraio volevano sviluppare, lo ricordo per questo ultimo appuntamento, una questione che avevo sentito per radio (ho recuperato pure i particolare): durante la trasmissione Morning Glory di Virgin Radio, condotta da Alteria, alla domanda "quale sarebbe il tuo mestiere dei sogni" una giovane ascoltatrice scrisse "diventare una famosissima chitarrista, perchè non c'è ne sono". Alteria, che è anche musicista, ha subito cercato di smentire, ricordando Sister Rosetta Tharpe, la grandissima blueswoman e cantante gospel degli anni '30-'60 del 1900. Tuttavia, e alla fine di questo percorso che è sempre anche un'occasione per imparare qualcosa di nuovo, sono arrivato alla conclusione che, dal punto di visto della fama e della riconoscibilità, aveva ragione l'ascoltatrice, non c'è mai stata per gli indicatori appena descritti una chitarrista riconoscibile come Hendrix, Blackmore o Jack White, per citare tre chitarristi di epoche differenti. Allo stesso tempo, non vuol dire che non ci siano state chitarriste tecnicamente e musicalmente eccezionali, e le scelte di Febbraio 2024 sono solo un antipasto di un viaggio che lascerà deliziati chi vorrà continuarlo. Per concludere la carrellata, oggi vi porto a Norwell, Massachusetts, dove all'interno di una famiglia di origini italiani, i Tedeschi (che sono facoltosi, proprietari di una famosa catena di supermercato in tutto lo stato) nasce nel 1970 Susan. Sin da piccola è un prodigio nelle recite e a sei anni ha una piccola parte in un Musical itinerante che una compagnia locale porta in giro nella contea. Cresce in mezzo ai dischi, e per quelle strane ascendenze del gusto, si appassiona ai ritmi e alle atmosfere del blues. Susan Tedeschi frequenta il Berklee College, come Emily Remler (la prima protagonista delle storie di Febbraio) e si specializza in canto gospel e a 20 anni si laurea. Ne ha pochi di più quando fonda la prima Susan Tedeschi Band, con Adrienne Hayes, Jim Lamond e Mike Aiello che, dopo una fondamentale gavetta nel locali di Boston e dintorni, vengono notati da un musicista e produttore, Tom Hambridge (che vincerà nella sua carriera 7 Grammy Awards), che li mette sotto contratto per la piccola etichetta Tone Cool e produce il primo disco, che per scelta sua vedrà a luce solo a nome Susan Tedeschi: Just Won't Burn del 1998 è un grandissimo debutto, con la seconda chitarra di Sean Costello (uno dei più grandi talenti chitarristici di quegli anni, stroncato a 28 anni da complicanze della sua dipendenza dalla droga) che ha due hit da classifica in Rock Me Right e It Hurt So Bad, scritte con Hambridge. Il disco venderà tantissimo per un disco blues di una piccola etichetta, 500 mila copie, e porterà Susan Tedeschi a suonare per gente come John Mellencamp, B.B. King, Buddy Guy, The Allman Brothers Band, Taj Mahal e Bob Dylan. Nel 2003 apre quasi tutti i concerti americani del Licks Tour di un certo gruppo inglese, appena arrivato ai 40 anni di attività, i Rolling Stones, acquisendo una fama crescente, anche per le sue meravigliose qualità artistiche, che penso si esprimano al meglio nel disco di oggi.
È chiamata, per la terza volta, ad esibirsi per l'Austin City Limits, uno dei programmi musicali più famosi degli Stati Uniti, che trasmette un concerto dal vivo di 60 minuti sui canali della PBS, che è la televisione pubblica negli USA. Insieme a lei, William Green all'organo Hammond, Jason Crosby alle tastiere, violino e ai cori, Ron Perry al basso e Jeff Sipe alla batteria. Live In Austin TX esce nel 2004 ed è un delizioso esempio di classe e maestria musicale: la chitarra e la voce di Susan giganteggiano, senza mai strafare, ma lasciando evidenti tocchi di bellezza (tra l'altro vi invito a fare caso alla differenza che ha la sua voce quando canta e quando, quasi timida, ringrazia con un Thank You gli applausi). E la sua chitarra è una espressione di questa dolcezza: mai ossessiva, ma affilata e precisa, con assoli eleganti e morbidi, accompagnati da inserimenti degli altri strumenti. In scaletta pezzi del suo repertorio solista (It Hurt So Bad, la sofferta I Fell In Love, Wrapped In The Arms Of Another), altri scritti per lei (The Feeling Music Brings dal futuro marito Derek Tucks) ma soprattutto una meravigliosa collezione di cover, dove viene fuori il suo canto di impostazione gospel e tutto il suo talento: You Can Make It If You Try di Sly And The Family Stone, Gonna Move di Paul Pena, Alone di Tommy Sims (che produsse Streets Of Philadelphia di Bruce Springsteen), Love's in Need Of Love Today di Stevie Wonder e un suo cavallo di battaglia, sia su disco che dal vivo, Angel From Montgomery di John Prine, che è così strettamente identificata con Bonnie Riatt, altra grandiosa cantante e chitarrista, il cui testimone è preso da Tedeschi in questo senso. C'è il soul di Voodoo Woman di Koki Taylor, uno strumentale meraviglioso come Hampmotized e c'è la cover più bella e sentita di Don't Think It Twice, It's All Right di Bob Dylan: la versione originale del grande di Duluth era basata su un folk tradizionale, Who's Gonna Buy You Ribbons When I'm Gone?, e riprendeva un verso da una rielaborazione dello stesso brano fatta da Paul Clayton, che rititolò il brano Who's Gonna Buy Your Chickens When I'm Gone. Il brano ha una leggenda in sé: si dice che fu scritto da un giovane Dylan (il brano fa parte del leggendario The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan del 1963) preoccupato e "geloso" del fatto che la vacanza della sua allora fidanzata, Suzie Rotolo (che è la ragazza che appre nella copertina dello stesso disco a braccetto con lui), in Italia si stesse allungando troppo, immaginando quindi come sarebbe stato raccontare un litigio. In realtà come scrisse Nat Hentoff nel libretto originale (Hentoff è stato critico musicale del Village Voice per 51 anni) è probabilmente il primo degli innumerevoli "discorsi con sè" di Dylan, "un'affermazione che magari puoi dire per sentirti meglio… come se stessi parlando da solo". l'arrangiamento slow blues di Tedeschi è fantastico, con il violino e l'organo Hammond, e diventerà per anni uno dei momenti più attesi dei suoi concerti.
Concerti che saranno sempre il fulcro principale della sua attività, soprattutto dopo l'incontro, prima sentimentale e poi artistico, con Derek Trucks, altro chitarrista formidabile, erede della dinastia Allman Brothers, con cui formerà dal 2010 una Tedeschi Trucks Band, vincendo nel 2012 un Grammy con il disco Revelator. Una grande artista e un'altra grande chitarra da scoprire.
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firstpersonnarrator · 9 months ago
Review: Robert Sheehan in Withnail & I
Dynamically staged and energetically performed adaptation
Source: TheStage .co.uk (X)
“Adonis Siddique and Robert Sheehan share a sweet, bickering energy, their obvious affection for each other taking the sting out of their constant arguments… Sheehan infuses sozzled, self-loathing aristo Withnail’s every iconic line with bumptious theatricality. All plummy-voiced deliveries and huge, arm-flailing gestures, he is self-consciously funny, putting on a flamboyant act to shock or amuse onlookers.”
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“Relating the misadventures that befall a pair of luridly alcoholic struggling actors during a wet weekend in the Lake District, Bruce Robinson’s brutal black comedy Withnail and I quickly became a cult hit after its 1987 release. Wallowing more in nostalgia than drug and drink-induced dissipation, this cheerful stage version – adapted by Robinson and directed by Sean Foley – follows the original beat for beat. All the most quotable moments are intact, frequently drawing cheers from the clued-in audience. But it all feels safe and somehow sanitised, lacking the scuzzy charm and reckless momentum of the film.
“Stepping into iconic roles originated by Paul McGann and Richard E Grant, Adonis Siddique and Robert Sheehan share a sweet, bickering energy, their obvious affection for each other taking the sting out of their constant arguments. As Marwood (the story’s unreliable narrator and the ‘I’ of the title), Siddique is gentle, wary and sometimes intensely paranoid, visibly uncomfortable in his own skin. Opposite him, Sheehan infuses sozzled, self-loathing aristo Withnail’s every iconic line with bumptious theatricality. All plummy-voiced deliveries and huge, arm-flailing gestures, he is self-consciously funny, putting on a flamboyant act to shock or amuse onlookers.
“Malcolm Sinclair handles the role of Withnail’s wealthy gay uncle Monty with delicacy, convincingly reframing the character as desperately lonely rather than as an overt homophobic stereotype. His aggressive pursuit of Marwood is played off as a farcical, faintly sad misunderstanding, rather than the act of a sexual predator.
“Foley’s staging is vigorous and inventive, smoothing off the story’s rougher edges with a high-tempo pacing and a fun, flippant tone. Every scene ends on a familiar punchline, and the talented actor-musician ensemble inject even more energy with live accompaniment, breaking into driving Hendrix riffs and groovy snatches of the Doors and the Kinks.
“Much of the production’s dynamism comes from Alice Power’s extraordinary set, which shifts between locations with breathtaking speed, from seedy pubs to a mouldering Camden bedsit to a Penrith tearoom. At one point, Power even smuggles in a battered old Jaguar, making precise use of sliding screens to conceal the quickest of these changes, while props and furniture glide through hidden doors. Seamlessly integrated video and lighting from Akhila Krishnan and Jessica Hung Han Yun respectively paint winding country roads and miserable London tower blocks, while psychedelic effects ripple across the walls in queasy tones of velvety purple and lime green.
“It all rattles by at breezy pace, and although the play lacks the acidity and bite of the film, this remains an entertaining, satisfyingly skewed sitcom packed with eminently quotable lines that will linger in your head like an unshakeable hangover.”
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alisonstudios99 · 1 year ago
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Drawings i made for my friend, @flowerguy4ever ! The first is a hc we both made while brainstorming and the second is their humanized oc, carmen!
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spacevixenmusic · 1 year ago
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Source: My Dad The Bounty Hunter [2023]
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beatleskinkmeme · 2 years ago
Beatles Kink Meme Tags Navigation
lennison ; lennstarr ; mcharrison ; mclennon ; mcstarr ; paul/george ; pringo ; starrison
John/Paul/George/Ringo ; John/Paul/George ; John/Paul/Ringo ; implied mclennon ; Paul/any beatle
John/Allen Klein ; John/Brian Epstein ; John/Faul ; John/Fred Seaman ; John/Jimmy McCulloch ; John/Linda ; John/Lord Snowden ; John/Mick Jagger ; John/Norm ; John/Robert Fraser ; John/Stuart ; John/Yoko ; John/anyone ; John/other 
Paul/Brian Epstein ; Paul/Cynthia ; Paul/Ed Sullivan ; Paul/George Martin ; Paul/Ian James ; Paul/Jimmie Nicol ; Paul/Linda ; Paul/Mal Evans ; Paul/Mick Jagger ; Paul/Mike ; Paul/Paul ; Paul/Pete Best ; Paul/Pete Townshend ; Paul/Peter Asher ; Paul/Queen Elizabeth ; Paul/Robert Fraser ; Paul/Stuart ; Paul/Tara Browne ; Paul/Yoko ; Paul/anyone ; Paul/other
George/Bob Dylan ; George/Brian Epstein ; George/George Martin ; George/Other
George/Patti/John Hurt ; John/Paul/Brian Epstein ; John/Paul/George Martin ; John/Paul/Reader ; John/Paul/Robert Fraser ; John/Paul/Stuart ; John/Paul/Yoko ; John/Paul/other ; Linda/Yoko ; Paul/Linda/Denny Laine ; Paul/Linda/George ; Paul/Linda/Robert Fraser ; Paul/Robert Fraser/Lord Snowden ; beatles with other people ships ; any pairing
John ; Paul ; George ; Ringo ; All Beatles ; Any beatle
john and paul ; john and george ; john and ringo ; paul and george ; paul and ringo ; george and ringo
Allen Klein ; Andy Warhol ; Beatle girls ; Bob Dylan ; Brian Epstein ; Cilla Black ; Cynthia ; David Bailey ; Denny Laine ; Ed Sullivan ; Elvis Costello ; Faul ; Fred Seaman ; George Martin ; Ian James ; Ivan Vaughan ; Jane ; Jimi Hendrix ; Jim McCartney ; Jimmy McCulloch ; Jimmie Nicol ; John Dunbar ; John look alike ; Julian ; Linda ; Little Richard; Lord Snowden ; Maggie McGivern ; Mal Evans ; Martha ; Maureen Starkey ; May Pang ; Michael Lindsay Hogg ; Mick Jagger ; Mike McCartney ; Mimi Smith ; Pattie Boyd ; Pete Best ; Peter Asher ; Pete Townshend ; Robert Fraser ; Royston Ellis ; Sean ; Stuart ; Tara Browne ; Yoko ; Reader Insert
Kink/Fetish/Sex Position
69 ; a/b/o verse ; accidental voyeurism ; anal ; analingus ; bdsm ; belly rubs ; blow jobs ; brontophilia ; butt plug ; chastity belt ; clown fetish ; cockwarming ; costumes ; daddy kink ; dirty pictures ; dirty talk ; dub con ; dumbification ; exhibitionism ; feeding kink ; feet kink ; feminization ; fisting ; foot job ; foursome ; fuck or die ; gangbang ; glory holes ; group masturbation ; humiliation kink ; incest ; masturbation ; milking kink ; mom kink ; non con ; objectification ; object insertion ; omarashi ; pegging ; pet play ; phone sex ; pillow humping ; piss kink ; polycule ; pony play ; power bottom ; praise kink ; pregnancy kink ; rimming ; role play ; run train ; sadism ; sex toys ; sexual favors ; sexual use of unusual items ; sickfic ; size kink ; slut shaming ; smoking kink ; sneeze fetish ; somnophilia ; student/teacher ; sub/dom ; tentacles ; threesome ; tied up ; unintentional erotic touching ; voice kink ; voyeurism ; watersports
Time Periods
1963 Beatles Christmas skit ; 1966 ; 1967 ; 1971 ; 1970s ; 1980s ; abbey road ; a hard days night ; Christmas ; get back ; hamburg ; help! movie ; how i won the war ; India ; mad day out ; magical mystery tour ; post breakup ; post india ; post Johns death ; sgt pepper ; the lost weekend ; white album ; yellow submarine
AU ; anastasia au ; brokeback mountain ; canon divergence au ; eternal sunshine of the spotless mind au ; fleabag au ; indecent proposal ; John lives AU ; moulin rouge au ; modern au ; Paul dies AU ; paul is dead ; seven days au ; time travel au ; yesterday movie universe
accidental name drop ; aliens made them do it ; animals ; bad sex ; body positivity ; body worship ; bottle feeding ; canon compliant ; cosplay ; couple’s therapy ; crossover ; crying ; cute aggression ; Elvis ; enemies to lovers ; fake marriage ; gay chicken ; gen ; genderswap ; happy birthday paul ; high femme ; hurt/comfort ; love triangle ; multiple partners ; mutual pining ; nonkinky ; outsider pov ; panic attacks ; parallel universe ; paris ; photo prompt ; pining ; PWP ; quote prompt ; rent boys ; sexual frustration ; stuffed in a suitcase ; t4t ; therapy ; wlw 
2020s Ringo; 61 john ; 66 John ; 80s Paul ; 90s Paul ; alpha!john ; bottom!George ; bottom!john ; bottom!paul ; feeder!john ; fem!paul ; girl Paul ; jealous!john ; mcbeardy ; milf!paul ; omega!paul ; top!paul ; trans boy paul ; trans John ; trans paul ; twink!paul ; vampire!john ; virgin Paul ; young john
Non Prompts
fan art ; fanvideos
anon ask ; mod post ; non prompt ; polls ; replies
ao3 wrapped ; fic-a-thon ; secret santa ; master post 
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taurustwister · 2 years ago
ke huy quan - finding o’hana, eeato, abc, loki
jane fonda- moving on, 8b, book club, g&f
dan levy- happiest season
sarah kendall- radio interviews, the other one, taskmaster/coc3, game shows (guessable, rohouse of games, weakest link, wity, spicks & specs, question team), things you should have done, motherland, big zuu's big eats, frayed + bloopers + interviews, comedy shows, beehive (2008)?
ava capri- embattled, blast beat, fletcher's mv, do revenge, love victor, reply, the experience, interviews?
james lance- ted lasso, winx
oona chaplin- interviews, made to love, molotov jukebox's "neon lights" vid, treason, lullaby, anchor and hope
lauren graham- gg, mighty ducks, evan almighty, dinner takes it all, merry friggin christmas, zoey's ep, parenthood
alexis bledel- gg, handmaid's tale
melissa mccarthy- gg, mike & molly
jessica gunning- the outlaws, baby reindeer, interviews, pride, ps: tennison,
lisa ann walter - bitter trailer, the ladies, greys, 911, doubt, psycho st, the more things change clips, jersey, parent trap, ae s2, glow
jenna fischer- mean girls + int, the office, splitting up together
zoe perry- young sheldon
liza weil- the cleaning lady, htgawm, gg + revival, the passenger
natalia tena- i love you stupid, interviews, john wick4, hp, anchor and hope, wolfe, wisdom of the crowd, molotov jukebox vids, 10.000km
kathryn hahn- I love d*ck, happyish, I know this must is true, transparent, tiny beautiful things, mrs fletcher, private life, bad words, the shrink next door, flower, parks and rec
lily rabe- ahs, tell me your secrets, shrinking, fractured, downtown owl, the veil, letters from the big man, redemption trail, golden exits, presumed innocent, the great lillian hall, the tender bar, pawn sacrifice, a midsummer night's dream, the wizard of lies
hamish linklater- tell me your secrets, redemption trail, downtown owl, a midsummer night's dream
vera farmiga- hawkeye, at middleton, higher ground, boundaries,
neve campbell- hot air, pof5, lincoln lawyer
lance barber- young sheldon
charlotte ritchie- ghosts, taskmaster, the other one, wonka, feel good, you
catherine tate - doctor who 2023
david tennant- doctor who 2023
rosie jones- taskmaster
lucia keskin- things you should have done, mandy
diane morgan- frayed, cunk on earth,
sean astin- st
scott patterson- sullivan's crossing, gg, saw
elaine hendrix - parent trap, dynasty
poorna jaganathan- nsie, i'll show you mine, the out-laws
jovan bridges/yvie oddly- interviews
abby elliott- the bear
matty matheson- the bear
sarah paulson- the bears2
angela kinsey- the office, tall girl 1 & 2
amy ryan- the office, omitb, beau is afraid, beautiful boy
gaby hoffmann - finish cmon cmon and transparent
nick offerman- parks & rec
rashida jones- the office, parks & rec, angie tribeca
ellie kemper- the office, bridesmaids, kimmy s, happiness for beginners
kristen bell- the good place, the woman in the house across the street
winona ryder- gone in the night
lily tomlin- grandma, 80b, moving on, g&f
katee sackhoff- christmas sail
rainn wilson- the office, mom, jerry and marge go large
dolly parton- g&f
rakhee thakrar- rules of the game 
craig robinson- the office, killing it
andie mcdowell- maid
rita moreno- 8b, west side story, x fast and furious
sally field- 8b, spoiler alert
janelle james- ae s1 & s2
william stanford davis-  ae s1 & s2
sheryl lee ralph-  ae s1 & s2
tyler james williams-  ae s2
quinta brunson-  ae s2
courteney cox- shining vale
kelly mccormack��- sugar daddy, aloto, ginny and georgia
keiko agena- gg, prodigal son
martin short- omitb
steve martin- omitb
mae martin- feel good
meryl streep- omitbs3
cristo fernandez- interviews
nick mohammed- ted lasso, taskmaster
michaela mcmanus- the village*
toni collette- mafia mama, knives out, hereditary*
elizabeth mitchell- sc films*
jodi balfour- ted lasso*
smg- do revenge*
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waywordhearts · 2 years ago
hey! i’m talia (25, pst) and i’m slowly getting myself back into writing following the break that life forced me to take. i’ve mostly roleplayed in groups but in wanting less restrictions and the hope to be able to write more varying stories i’ve decided to jump back into 1x1 and indie rp. i do write on discord but i honestly prefer tumblr. i’m a creature of habit, what can i say? 
here are my favorite fcs to use: 
priscilla quintana, melisa pamuk, nathalie kelley, ana de armas, yara shahidi, julia dalavia, melissa barrera, kylie bunbury, phoebe tonkin, im jinah, rachel mcadams, jessica chastain, ozge yagiz, alicia vikander, and rebecca rittenhouse
casey deidrick, ryan gosling, kendrick sampson, manny montana, can yaman, chris evans, henry golding, jesse williams, jon bernthal, jamie dornan, paul mescal, lewis tan, and theo james
note: there are more fcs to love this is just the short list and tend to be my go-tos!
when it comes to wanted opposites i am fairly open. i much prefer you use an fc that you have the most muse for. that said, i will happily take any of the fcs listed above as opposites!
if you’d like to interact, please like or comment on this post or shoot me a message! continue reading below the cut for more information including my rules!
writing style: i do use legacy editor and prefer it. however, i am all good with using beta editor should you need to as i understand that not everyone has access to legacy editor. my writing range tends to go from a small paragraph to multiple and i do love the utilization of gifs. i would prefer replies not be excessively formatted and if possible please use small/medium gifs — accessibility!
plotting style: i love to set up a plot and release the muses lol. it’s much more fun to just let the muses figure things out and see where the writing takes us and how things develop and progress naturally. that said, i love tossing around headcanons and setting up backstories and all that good stuff. i prefer not to overly plot. i think random starters and tossing whomever you’re musing in is great fun! its great to see what we can come up with!
characters: i do have a roster of muses that are ready to go and love your muses down. but i am also more than happy and willing to create muses specific to plots!
Adria Arjona as Milena Solis, a 30 yr old vertex cinema owner
Alicia Vikander as Beate Hellström, a 34 yr old clinical psychologist
Ana de Armas as Benita Montero, a 34 yr old lounge singer & amateur art dealer
Can Yaman as Taner Dursun, a 33 yr old former bodyguard & security company owner
Casey Deidrick as Cash Henley, a 34 yr old musician
Casey Deidrick as Greyson Hendrix, a 35 yr old construction contractor
Casey Deidrick as Matthew Sullivan, a 34 yr old beer maker & owner of Sully’s Tavern (looking for baby mama & longterm ex-girlfriend plots)
Chris Evans as Samuel Harrison, a 38 yr old novelist
Henry Golding as Sean Lim, a 36yr old art restoration specialist
Im Jinah as Nari Moon, a 30 yr old hacker and hotelier heir
Jamie Dornan as Conway Dowling, a 42 yr old restauranteur
Jesse Williams as Ezra Maverick, a 41 yr old professional poker player
Jessica Alba as Kassandra Solano, a 42 yr old real estate agent
Jessica Chasten as Shay Westwood, a 45 yr old ATF agent
Jon Bernthal as Nathan Ford, a 44 yr old former cop, trust fund baby, and now barista
Julia Dalavia as Noa Santana Teixeira, a 28 yr old podcast host & creator
Kendrick Sampson as Nolan Kingston, a 34 yr old investigative journalist
Kylie Bunbury as Simone Burke, a 34 yr old medical examiner
Lewis Tan as Alexander Hou, a 38 yr old real estate developer
Lucas Bravo as Jonas Ernshaw, a 38 yr old private investigator with a new identity and dark past
Manny Montana as Romo Beltran, a 40 yr old tattoo artist
Melisa Asli Pamuk as Ela Aydin, a 31 yr old author
Melisa Asli Pamuk as Serra Kavas, a 32 yr old actress & artist
Melisa Pamuk as Halide Demirci, a 31 yr old publisher
Melissa Barrera as Mia Franco, a 32 yr old private investigator
Nathalie Kelley as Angelia Paredes, a 35 yr old book cover artist & voice actor
Özge Yağız as Reyhan Saylak, a 28 yr old disgraced ballet dancer
Paul Mescal as Keith Buckley, a 28 yr old coder
Phoebe Tonkin as Cheyenne O’Hara, a 32 yr old theology professor
Phoebe Tonkin as Genevieve Bardot, a 31 yr old professional photographer
Priscilla Quintana as Andrea Romero, a 30 yr old drug manufacturer & bartender
Priscilla Quintana as Antonella Ibarra, a 30 yr old chef
Priscilla Quintana as Lucía Socarras, a 30 yr old heir to a horse racing farm/business & bloodstock agent
Rachel McAdams as Selina Vale, a 43 yr old spy / mercenary
Rebecca Rittenhouse as Shay Howard, a 34 yr old real estate attorney
Ryan Gosling as Joshua Lincoln, a 33 yr old MotoX racer & Flat track racer & bank robber
Theo James as Ethan Elmore, a 40 yr old thief
Yara Shahidi as Nima Sanaz Abbasi, a 25 yr old aspiring filmmaker
themes: town/city, slice of life, crime/gang, espionage, mature
these are my rules for interacting/writing:
please be 21+
all muses must be 25+
please be patient. i work a full-time job and have my family to take care of so i will be slow to do replies during the week. most of my activity will be on the weekends. 
extension of #3 — i tend to do replies in the order i receive them unless i have insane muse for a particular thread and i need to get it done and out of the way because it’s all i can think about. please please please do not assume this means disinterest if i do not do your thread first or if i do replies out of order. muse is weird and these actions do not mean i do not enjoy or love our threads.
communicate! i cannot read your mind and you cannot read mine so i appreciate communication if something is off or wrong or if you have questions or would like to chat and plot about threads. i love talking headcanons too btw so feel free to hit me up any time! 
if ever you’re not feeling a thread, muse, connection you have all the right to drop the thread/connection. again, i would appreciate communication or a heads up but i also understand. 
i do not chase down replies. if your reply doesn’t show up in my activity or if i’ve missed it on my dash then it will not end up in my drafts. please don’t take this personally. i do not have the time to go hunting for things usually. if you feel a reply was missed i’d appreciate a nudge or a link. that said, i will do my best to stay on top of things!
i have adhd. concentrating and focus is a challenge for me. i can also be forgetful. just a heads up is all. 
basically, i love long replies and writing novels back and forth but at the same time they can also overwhelm me fairly easily. i do tend to write long replies but never ever feel the need to match me. write what works for you and your muse. 
discord is available upon request!
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