#SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment
sarahg170194 · 2 years
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King Penguins
May 2 2018
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orcinus-veterinarius · 5 months
So... it seems I accidentally deleted an ask rather than answering it. To whoever asked "is it okay to visit SeaWorld? Does the money go to giving the orcas good care?"... here is your answer!
The SeaWorld parks, as well as Busch Gardens, Discovery Cove, and a few others, are operated by the recently renamed United Parks and Entertainment, a for-profit theme park company. Like any other corporation, their first goal is to remain profitable. Obviously, a large portion of that goes to corporate leadership and shareholders. But that's far from unique to United, or theme parks in general. It's a byproduct of the greedy world we live in. If you're willing to buy a ticket to Disney or Six Flags, then buying a ticket to a SeaWorld or Busch Gardens is no more immoral.
According to the AZA, approximately 46% of their members are for-profit. And while AZA zoos certainly vary in quality (anywhere from "acceptable" to "exceptional" in my opinion), for-profit status does not cheapen or detract from the work they do. In fact, for-profit institutions often have more financial freedom for animal care and conservation efforts than their non-profit counterparts. Non-profit zoos and aquariums are wonderful places, but believe me when I say there's a startling amount of politics in every aspect of their management. Non-profit status does not automatically make a zoo better, and for-profit status does not automatically make a zoo worse.
Now... do SeaWorld ticket sales go toward giving their orcas (and other animals) good care? Yes.
While it's certainly simplistic for parks to claim, as they do, "just by buying a ticket today you're helping save animals in the wild!"... it's not exactly a lie. Being for-profit, SeaWorld doesn't ask for donations to fund park operations or outreach endeavours. That revenue is generated by selling tickets, merchandise, food, etc. The same goes for their wildlife rescue and rehab program, Rising Tide conservation program, Coral Rescue Center, and the SeaWorld-Busch Gardens Conservation Fund, as well as partner organizations like OCEARCH and the Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute.
Take ticket sales away, and they can't care for their animals, or continue to fund conservation projects. While I don't know the whole story of what exactly is going on with Marineland Antibes, it appears that the park is in a dire financial situation due to plummeting attendance, to the point that they can no longer maintain their killer whale habitat and are trying to offload their animals onto an Asian aquarium or, potentially, an as-of-yet non-existent third party sea pen. While certainly well-meaning, years of boycotts against Marineland ultimately put their animals in a position where they are not being properly cared for. And it would be horrifying if the same thing happened to SeaWorld. I don't think many people, in their fervor to punish the parks for their perceived misdeeds and save the animals, thought about what the reality of driving a zoological facility into financial ruin would look like.
Don't get me wrong, SeaWorld's shift toward promoting itself as a thrill park that also does conservation rather than a marine facility that happens to have roller coasters annoys me. I would have rather they built a separate, neighboring park for the rides, or at least integrated them into the existing park less obtrusively (Disney's Animal Kingdom, for example, seemlessly integrates the theme park and zoo elements, although they have the benefit of the incredibly talented Imagineering team behind them). But as tiresome as the constant roller coaster announcements are, they are what kept the company afloat financially in the years immediately following Blackfish, drawing in a crowd that previously had no interest in the parks, and for that I'm grateful. Thankfully, SeaWorld is in a better spot nowadays. But the only way to convince them that their animals, not their roller coasters, are what people want to see... is to visit and see the animals.
In short, yes, part of your SeaWorld ticket funds care for their orcas and their many admirable projects. Now if only more of it went to giving their staff better salaries.
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magnus and toki and their surnames. tw needles
"So-- Wartooth. What is that, actually?"
"Dat's my name."
"Yeah, but what's your actual name?"
"But what's your last name?"
"Wartooth. Toki Wartooth."
If the ice cream cone in Magnus' hand was a knife he would have plunged it into Toki's dumb face. The two men were sitting outside of Edy's Ice Cream Parlor in the noxious bowels of SeaWorld, and Magnus had hit his threshold for overstimulation about half an hour ago. Still, with the fanatic determination of a man in pursuit of his life's mission, he was doing his best to keep Toki entertained and engaged in conversation, even as they took a brief reprieve from the chaos of the theme park in favour of enjoying some too-sugary dairy treats (Magnus' idea-- the thought of getting to stab Toki, even if only with an insulin needle, was about the only thing keeping him going, at this point).
Unfortunately Dethklok's rhythm guitarist had the creativity and intellect of, well, a rhythm guitarist, and Magnus' current attempts at conversation we're going approximately nowhere.
"Toki," Magnus said patiently, "You're Norwegian."
"Wartooth is English."
"So, if you are Norwegian, why do you have an English name?"
"You has an English names," Toki retorted. "Hammers-smiths, likes de guys what makes de hammers."
"My father was English. Were either of your parents English?"
"Then why, when you're introduced, are you called Toki Wartooth?"
"Cause that's my last names."
Toki's brows were wrinkled, he was staring at Magnus as if Magnus were the idiot in this conversation. Magnus took a very deep breath. "Well, what are your parents' last name?" he asked.
"Wartooth," Toki said, with a hint of exasperation.
"Did you have English grandparents?"
"Nopes, dey's Norswegians too."
"Did you have any English ancestors."
"Nopes," Toki said, frowning thoughtfully. "My family's in de villages for… since de vikings I thinks."
"Your family has resided in the same village since the 1200s?"
"Yeps. Gots de big families tree in de church and everythings."
"And they were all named…"
Magnus looked down at his own ice cream. He tried to imagine that a scoop of Toki's bloody post-torture brains was resting in the cup, but he was starting to seriously question whether Toki actually had any.
"It's a cool name, buddy," Magnus said with a smile, deciding to switch tactics. "And it's cool you know it goes back that far. Any idea where it comes from?"
"It's a vikingsk names," Toki said proudly, in a way that suggested he'd impressed Americans with this fact before. "Ol' Skupt Wartooth. He discovereds Swedens or some shits like dat."
"And when did Skupt… live?"
"I tolds you, de twelve hundreds."
"And his last name was Wartooth."
"A Norse viking in the 1200s had the name-- the English name-- Wartooth."
Toki gave Magnus a skepical look. "Magnus, you's my pal, but you's not very smarts."
"I'm not--" Magnus almost began shouting. Almost. He reigned himself in, bit down hard on his tongue, took several deep breaths through his nose. Revenge was so near, so deliciously and tantalisingly within grasp, and he would not let Toki antagonise him into ruining his plan now. This was a test. Just a test. "… And what is your name on your birth certificate?"
"Toki Wartooth," Toki replied. "Cause dat's my name."
"Just to be clear. When you were born, your parents wrote that your name was Toki Wartooth."
"Whats? No, Charles wrotes dat."
"… Charles… Offdensen?"
"Yeah, de guy whats go me a birth certifskicate."
Magnus blinked. Toki blinked back at him. A group of children was screaming at the next table, a seagull was hovering near their feet in search of scraps.
Unaware of Magnus' despair, Toki shoved the rest of his ice cream cone into his mouth, and then started groping around his waistline, searching for something. "Gots to do my shots now," he murmured to himself in a sing-song, as if reciting instructions someone else had drilled into him. "Gots to has my insulins, or I falls asleep and gets eaten by de rats…"
"Here," Magnus said, rising to his feet, "You gave them to me, remember? Let me do that for you." Like hell he was going to miss his chance to stab Toki after this excruciating conversation.
The moronic, gullible, guileless, eminently stabbable Toki grinned at Magnus and settled back in his chair. "You can does it," he agreed. "You's a good friend, Magnus."
"I try."
"Even if you is kinda slows in de heads."
Magnus ignored him, preparing the needle. "There's a reason I'm asking, Toki," he said gently. "Can I tell you a story?"
"Oh, I loves a Magnus story!"
"Alright, here it goes. When Dethklok was first signed, we signed the contract with our stage names. You may know me as Hammersmith, but back then I was going by my stage name, Hammerstorm. Shirt up."
Toki obligingly pulled the bottom of his shirt up, revealing the entirety of his unfairly chiselled abdomen. Magnus moved over to his side, knelt on the hot ground. He peeled open an alcohol pad with his teeth and swabbed clean a patch of Toki's skin there, letting his fingers dig perhaps a little hard into the flesh-- guilty pleasure.
"Anyways, when Dethklok decided to kick me to the curb… you know, maybe I shouldn't be telling you this, it's not right to gossip about a man's band to his face."
"Tells me!"
Magnus picked the prepared needle from his shirt pocket. He could feel the parental figure of the screaming children watching him suspiciously, but this was Florida, it wouldn't be the first time the little brats would see someone shooting up at SeaWorld. "… When Dethklok kicked me to the curb, I found out that they'd played a little trick on me. See, since we hadn't used our legal names, we weren't part of the band. Not officially. I had no rights-- not to compensation, not to plead my case, not to anything."
"Yeah, wowee. I was ruined." He jammed the needle hard into Toki's abdomen, imagining a knife. "Remember, always make sure your legal name goes on the contracts. Just in case. You know? … Just in case."
Toki didn't even flinch at the entry of the needle-- he had an insanely high pain tolerance, Magnus had learned. "Hammerstorm's a cools names," he said thoughtfully. "Maybe I calls you dat from nows on."
"Nah. Don't bother. That was a different time, a different me." Magnus stood, dropped the needle into the waste container that had come with the insulin kit, along with, once he used it to wipe his hands, the alcohol swab. He couldn't explain how this had become a regular part of their routine-- it just seemed to have become the norm between them, borne out of Toki's need to feel cared for and Magnus' need to ram sharp objects into people's fleshy bits.
Toki pulled his shirt back down and twisted to face Magnus. "Maybe you's should chooses a Norswegian names, since you's hates de English names so much. Likes-- Jeg er Magnus--" Toki had started in on his best Magnus impression, but then he paused, blinking. "… Hammerstorm. Ohs, jeg forstår! Det er norsk!"
"Det er norsk," Magnus agreed slowly, the language feeling clumsy in his mouth. He could understand enough to know Toki had been about to mock him, only to realise that the words 'hammer' and 'storm' remained unchanged in both his native and adopted tongues. Had Toki been about to translate Magnus' surname?
Which begged the question. Magnus paused, reaching back into the recesses of his mind, groping for the stock phrases drilled into him during Elementary Norwegian back in the shadowy depths of his childhood.
"… Hej, Toki," he began cautiously, struggling to form the words, "Hva heter du?"
Toki cocked his head. "Toki Víg-tönn," he said, just as slowly. "Jeg er Toki Víg-tönn."
"So it's Víg-tönn!" Magnus couldn't stop himself from shouting it. "Why didn't you just say that?"
"I did says it!" Toki said, distressed. "I says my name's Wartooth! Toki Wartooth! I tolds you!"
"You were translating your own name into English?"
"Why's you yellings at Toki!"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry--" Magnus pinched the bridge of his nose. "Okay. Víg-tönn. What is that, Icelandic?"
"It's de old Norsk," said Toki despondently. His arms were crossed, he refused to look at Magnus.
"That's… cool. That's a pretty cool name. Old Norsk, huh."
"I'm sorry for yelling at you."
Toki peeked back up at him, eyes narrowed. "And... apoglosecs for not believin's Toki."
"I'll make it up to you. Want to go see the penguins?"
Toki lunged to his feet and grabbed Magnus by the elbow, all trace of a bad mood dissipated. "Ooh, de penguins! Let's see de penguins! Comes on!"
Another conversation about Toki's life ended with a migraine. Magnus would never cease to wonder why he wanted to find his little prey item so interesting. Still, he was starting to recall bits of Norwegian from his childhood, and he was getting out of the house far more regularly these days.
And it was always nice to have a friend he could stab.
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corndogsonmainst · 4 days
SeaWorld decided that they didn’t have to pay their regular licensing fees to Sesame Street during the pandemic. Turns out they were wrong.
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bloogers-boogers · 1 year
Au where Cartman’s a whale trainer and Kyle met him during a trip to seaworld (plus) with his family and Stan.
Cartman immediately fell interest in the redhead who seemed fascinated by a certain whale, he introduced himself and he taught him many whale facts (facts Kyle already knew but kept feigning ignorance entertaining the adorable brunette man), they began getting to know each other more apart from Cartman’s carrier, Kyle began visiting more using the excuse of getting to know more about other marine creatures just to see Cartman. Kyle found himself more fascinating in the man with the “wise knowledge”, three months in their “thing” Cartman invited him to come over and pet the marine mammal. Kyle was excited however during that “date” Cartman was swallowed at whole by the whale which scared hell on to Kyle.
Kyle immediately went in panic doing everything he could to get the whale to let Cartman out, he called for help and that’s we’re Cartman ran out from the so called mammal just to stop him.
Apparently Cartman was no trainer to begin with, he admitted that he was in fact just a staff member; a tour guide and did maintenance (which is why he knew the facts but he refused to actually get involved with the whales during open hours), Cartman found it a hilarious and brilliant idea to prank Kyle cause another small detail missed here: is that Kyle had missed in the entrance sign that this park was all animatronics. (And of course he also wanted to impress Kyle instead of being some boring ass staff member). The whale was not only fake but it was also programmed to swallow Cartman in attempt to scare Kyle, Cartman also lied to him from the start.
This, of course, pissed Kyle off and punched Cartman; calling it quits and cut him off completely. This upset Cartman and he began feeling guilty, he loved Kyle so he was determined to get him back after two weeks.
So he decided to actually train to become a whale trainer however he was not allowed to be near a real whale for “safety reasons” so they gave him a orca instead (the people there were just being a bunch of assholes). The orca was called ‘Crackers’ just cause he liked to eat crackers for whatever reason no one seem to question.
Cartman began training Crackers, though it was quite a tough ride he somehow managed to make him do a few air flips which excited him. Cartman’s charisma charmed the orca.
After a month a bunch of the other trainers began to notice Cartman’s quick progress and felicitated him for the accomplishment. Their interest in him began to be noticiable but that was the last of Cartman’s priorities.
He somehow managed to convince Kyle to give him a one time chance to prove him he was worth forgiving, bringing him to a different theme park and showing him everything he learned.
However Kyle didn’t believe shit, and Cartman’s attempts to prove him he was in fact truthful this time were torn down with Kyle’s dismissiveness.
While Kyle and Cartman discussed Crackers watched from afar jealousy arising seeing Cartman’s attention on the redhead. So when Cartman approached Crackers to prove once more he was in fact telling the truth Crackers gave him a rostrum (snout) bonk “playing” with Cartman none stop he was smacked in the air while Kyle kept believing it was bullshit, another elaborated plan to make him look like a fool again.
Cartman’s screams began louder as it was inevitable to not feel pain, the agonizing screams became to leave Kyle a uneasy feeling and after a whole two minutes panic began to surface in Kyle.
He ran to look for help but there was no staff in sight so he immediately recalled Cartman mentioning about Crackers immense love for crackers. He was lucky to find a box laying around near the tank and head over the edge and convince the killer whale to trade Cartman for the box of crackers. Which he eventually did, Cartman was taken to the hospital after and Kyle believed him once he was told by a doctor that he was in fact almost brutally murder by a real orca.
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sparrow-mask22 · 3 months
The Umbrella Academy Story of The Mothers (5/6) sparrow edition: Dagmar
TW: childbirth, mentions of the same orca attack in Carla's chapter, mentions of blood
October 1, 1989. Copenhagen, Denmark. 37 seconds to noon.
Dagmar Blomqvist was a 20-year-old student at the University of Copenhagen, majoring in literature. She was a bright and curious young woman, with a passion for reading and writing. On this particular day, she found herself standing in the middle of the university quad, surrounded by a small crowd of people. They all had their eyes fixed on the clock tower, which was about to strike noon. Dagmar could feel a sense of anticipation and excitement building up inside her, as if she were about to witness something truly extraordinary.
Dagmar lived off campus with her best friend Margarethe or "Gitti" for short, and her cousin, Lise. The three young women shared a cozy, two-bedroom apartment in the trendy Nørrebro neighborhood. Their place was decorated with vintage furniture, colorful artwork, and plenty of books. Dagmar loved spending time with Gitti and Lise, as they always had interesting conversations and shared similar interests. They were like sisters to her, and she couldn't imagine her life without them.
On this particular day, as they stood in the center of the university quad, surrounded by the excited chatter of their peers, Dagmar couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging and contentment. She glanced over at Gitti, who was wearing her signature red beret and a grin that stretched from ear to ear. Lise, on the other hand, was fidgeting nervously with her scarf, her green eyes darting between the crowd and the clock tower. Dagmar could tell that her cousin was feeling a bit overwhelmed by the energy and anticipation in the air.
"Did you hear a story involving an orca biting off a trainer's foot at Loro Parque?" Dagmar asked her friends, trying to keep her voice casual despite the shocking nature of the rumor. She looked over at Gitti, whose expression had turned pale, and Lise, whose eyes widened with horror.
"That was when the park first opened, right?" Lise asked, her voice shaking. "I remember reading about it in a book about animal attacks. It's horrible, but I never thought it really happened."
"The orca’s name was Rorke, I think. It was actually the trainer's fault for getting too close during a performance," Gitti explained, her tone matter-of-fact. "It's not the first time something like this has happened. Animals are unpredictable, even when they're trained. It's why I'm not really a fan of places like Loro Parque or SeaWorld."
"But aren't they good for education and conservation?" Dagmar asked, feeling a pang of guilt for enjoying such attractions in the past. She had always thought that keeping orcas captive was the only way to study and protect them.
"That's what they want us to believe," Gitti countered. "But the truth is, it's all about profit. These animals are treated like commodities, forced to perform tricks for our amusement. They're taken away from their natural habitats and confined to tiny tanks. It's inhumane."
Lise nodded in agreement, her expression solemn. "They're intelligent, social creatures. They form deep bonds with their pods, and they travel long distances in the wild. Imagine being kept in a bathtub for your whole life."
As the crowd began to disperse after the clock struck noon, the three friends continued to discuss the ethical implications of keeping orcas captive for human entertainment. They spoke passionately about animal welfare and the need for change, their voices rising above the din of the busy university quad.
Gitti, who was majoring in biology, shared an article she had read about the use of snake venom in medical research. "Did you know that snake venom can actually help develop new medications?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "It's true! Some of the compounds found in venom can be used to treat everything from heart disease to cancer."
Dagmar, who was studying psychology, found this fascinating. "That's incredible," she said, nodding in agreement. "I had no idea venom could be so beneficial."
"Yeah," Gitti continued, "it's not just snake venom, either. Venom from other animals like spiders and scorpions are being studied as well. There's so much potential there. It just goes to show that we shouldn't fear these creatures; we should learn from them."
Dagmar nodded in agreement, thinking about how often the media portrayed venomous animals as dangerous monsters. "That's true. It's important to remember that they're just trying to survive, just like any other animal. We need to respect them and their habitats."
"Exactly," Gitti added. "And it's not just about conservation, either. It's about understanding the interconnectedness of all life on Earth. Everything is connected, from the smallest insect to the largest mammal. When we destroy one part of that web, we damage the entire system."
As the three friends continued to discuss the ethical implications of keeping orcas captive, they stumbled upon the idea of visiting an art gallery. They decided that taking a break from their studies and immersing themselves in a different form of creativity would be a refreshing change of pace. The university's art gallery was known for its diverse collection of contemporary pieces, and they were excited to explore it together.
The gallery was bustling with activity as they entered. Students and faculty members mingled amongst the exhibits, engaged in deep discussions about the various pieces. Gitti, who had always had a keen interest in art, led the way, guiding them through the maze of paintings and sculptures.
"Look at this one," she said, stopping in front of a large abstract painting. "It's called 'The Cycle of Life', by an up-and-coming local artist. Isn't it incredible?"
Dagmar leaned in to examine the painting more closely. She could see that it depicted a series of shapes and colors, arranged in a circular pattern. "It's beautiful," she said, nodding. "I can see the cycle of life in there, with the colors and shapes changing as they move around the circle. It's almost like a representation of evolution."
As Dagmar continued to admire the painting, her eyes began to water uncontrollably. She felt a strange sensation in her lower abdomen, a mixture of pain and pressure. Gitti and Lena, who were standing nearby, noticed the change in her demeanor and became concerned. "Dagmar, are you okay?" Gitti asked, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
Dagmar's face contorted in agony as she doubled over, clutching her stomach. "I-I don't know what's happening," she managed to choke out between gasps for air. Before either of her friends could react, Dagmar's water broke with a loud gushing sound, soaking the floor beneath her.
Panic spread through the gallery as onlookers began to realize that something was terribly wrong. Lise began to shout for help, her voice echoing off the walls as she frantically tried to keep Dagmar calm. "It's okay, Dagmar, you're doing great," she reassured her, one hand gently rubbing her back. "Just focus on breathing."
Gitti and Lena looked on in shock, their minds racing as they tried to process what was happening. They exchanged worried glances, not sure what to do next. "I'll call 112," Lena whispered, pulling out her phone.
Meanwhile, a group of bystanders had gathered around, offering their assistance. One woman, an experienced midwife, stepped forward and began to guide Dagmar through the birthing process. "Push when you feel the urge," she said firmly, as Dagmar's cries of pain filled the air. "You're doing great."
Lena, still on the phone with emergency services, looked on in awe as Dagmar's baby began to emerge. "It's a girl," she whispered to herself, her eyes filling with tears. "She's having a little girl."
As the midwife gently guided Dagmar through the final stages of labor, Lise and Gitti stood by her side, their hands pressed against her back, offering whatever comfort they could. The atmosphere in the gallery had shifted from one of admiration for the art to one of awe and anticipation as the small group of bystanders watched, transfixed, as life unfolded before them.
With a final, mighty push, Dagmar gave birth to a healthy baby girl. The umbilical cord was quickly cut by one of the bystanders who had medical training, and the baby was placed on Dagmar's chest, still connected to her mother by a thin layer of blood and amniotic fluid.
Lise wiped the wet hair from Dagmar's forehead, her eyes shining with tears of joy. "She's beautiful, Dagmar," she whispered. "You did it. You're both alive and safe now."
Gitti cradled the newborn in her arms, marveling at the tiny fingers and toes. "She's perfect," she breathed, gazing into the baby's eyes. "I can't believe this is happening right now."
Lena finally hung up the phone, her hands still shaking. "They said the ambulance will be here in about ten minutes," she informed the group, trying to sound reassuring.
Once the ambulance arrived, the paramedics expertly assisted Dagmar and her newborn daughter. They carefully transferred them to the ambulance, where they were examined by a team of doctors. The doctors cleaned up Dagmar and her baby, making sure they were both healthy and safe. As they worked, Dagmar couldn't help but glance around the hospital room, marveling at the sterile environment and the professionalism of the staff.
While Dagmar's baby girl was having her hearing evaluated by a pediatric specialist, the little one suddenly kicked out, her tiny foot connecting with the doctor's nose. There was a loud, sharp crunch, and blood began to pour down the doctor's face. "Ahh!" she cried out in surprise, clutching her nose as blood dripped down onto her white coat.
(Whoop, Whoop! Go Jayme!)
The doctor who had been examining the baby girl hurried out of the room, clutching her bloodied nose and muttering curses under her breath. A second doctor, taking in the scene with a mixture of shock and amusement, could hardly contain his laughter. "Well, that's one way to make an impression," he chuckled, dabbing at the blood with a gauze pad.
Dagmar was baffled by her newborn daughter's strength, but the doctors and nurses assured her that it was perfectly normal for babies to have strong kicks and reflexes. As the medical staff continued to examine her baby, they were all treated to a show as the little one began to kick and squirm, testing her newfound abilities. The room was filled with laughter and awe as the baby's tiny feet and legs flailed about, occasionally connecting with a doctor's hand or arm.
The doctor who had been on the receiving end of the first kick, now sporting a bright red nose and a grin, decided to share a story from her own experience as a new mother. "Oh, trust me, it only gets worse from here," she chuckled, wiping the last of the blood from her face. "Just wait until they start crawling and walking. You'll be dodging those tiny feet like a pro in no time."
Lise nodded in agreement, her eyes still shining with tears of joy. "I can't believe it's really happening," she whispered. "We're finally going to have a little one to spoil."
Suddenly, the head nurse poked her head into the room, a smile spreading across her face. "Ms. Blomqvist, you have a visitor," she announced. In walked a tall, distinguished-looking man with a cane, his silver hair neatly combed back from his forehead. He was impeccably dressed in a black suit, and his expression was one of both curiosity and anticipation.
"Ah, Miss Blomqvist," he said, approaching Dagmar's bedside, "I presume I have the pleasure of meeting you." His voice was deep and resonant, hinting at a lifetime of privilege and power.
Dagmar, still in awe of the events that had transpired, could hardly believe the sight before her. This must be the wealthy man she had heard so much about, the one who was willing to pay for her baby. She tentatively reached out her hand, feeling a warmth emanating from his strong, gentle grip. "Yes, sir," she replied, her voice trembling slightly. "I'm Dagmar."
The old man, Reginald Hargreeves, studied her face for a moment before speaking. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Blomqvist," he said, his eyes twinkling with interest. "You must forgive my forwardness, but I've been anxious to see you and your daughter." He gestured to the nurse, who rolled a small wheeled cart over to the side of the bed. On top of the cart were a stack of envelopes, each bearing the same unmistakable logo that Dagmar had seen on the paperwork she had signed earlier.
Dagmar felt a mixture of emotions as she looked at the man. She was grateful for his help, but she couldn't help but wonder what kind of life her daughter would have with him. "Thank you for coming, sir," she said hesitantly, reaching out to take one of the envelopes. "I hope this will be a good opportunity for her."
Reginald nodded, his expression solemn. "I understand your concerns, Miss Blomqvist," he said gently. "I assure you, your daughter will be well taken care of. She will live a life of comfort and privilege, with every opportunity available to her. I have a nanny at the ready, who has been trained in the finest of caregiving techniques. Your daughter will be surrounded by love and affection."
He paused, looking Dagmar directly in the eye. "But I must insist that you do not attempt to contact her in any way. If you were to try, it would not end well for you. My people will be keeping a close watch on you, and any attempt to defy my instructions would be met with severe consequences."
His words hung heavy in the air, and for a moment, Dagmar felt a knot form in her stomach. She looked down at the envelope in her hand, the weight of the agreement they had signed seeming to grow even more oppressive. She glanced up at Reginald, trying to gauge his sincerity, but his expression remained unreadable.
"I understand your concern for your child's well-being, Miss Blomqvist," he said, his voice gentle but firm. "I assure you that she will be raised in the best possible environment, with every opportunity afforded to her. She will know of her birth mother, and we will share photos and updates with you on a regular basis. But for your own safety, as well as hers, it is essential that you do not attempt to contact her."
Dagmar nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. She reached out to take the envelope from the cart, feeling the weight of it in her hand. "I understand," she managed to say, her voice barely audible. "I just want her to have a good life."
Reginald patted her hand gently. "I assure you, she will, Miss Blomqvist. She will be raised in a loving home, with every opportunity available to her. You've done the brave thing, and for that, I commend you. It's not an easy decision to make."
He glanced at the nurse, who nodded. "Mrs. Blomqvist will be escorted out now. Thank you for understanding." The nurse wheeled the cart away, and Dagmar felt a sense of finality as she was led out of the room, her heart heavy with mixed emotions.
She walked down the sterile hallways, her feet barely making a sound against the shiny floor. The nurse pushed her through a set of swinging doors and into a waiting elevator. The ride up seemed to take forever, and Dagmar couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as she stepped out into the brightly lit lobby.
The air outside was crisp, the smell of autumn leaves and wood smoke filling her nostrils. It was a stark contrast to the sterile environment she had just left behind. As she walked to her car, her hands trembling, she tried to process what had just happened. She had just signed away her child's life, and in return, she had been given a guarantee of safety for herself. But the knowledge that she might never see her little girl again gnawed at her insides like a cancer.
Dagmar reached her car, unlocked the door, and collapsed into the seat, her shoulders heaving as she let out a choked sob. The tears came in waves, flowing down her cheeks unchecked, and she couldn't seem to catch her breath. It was all too much to bear. She reached over and turned on the ignition, not quite ready to leave yet. Maybe if she sat here for a little while longer, she could muster the strength to drive away and start the next chapter of her life.
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orlando-living · 8 months
Living in Orlando: Embrace the Magic of Central Florida
Smack in the heart of the Sunshine State, Orlando stands as a vibrant hub of culture, entertainment, and opportunity. From its world-renowned theme parks to its diverse neighborhoods and thriving economy, living in Orlando offers residents a unique blend of excitement, convenience, and charm.
Endless Entertainment: One of the biggest draws of living in Orlando is its unparalleled access to world-class entertainment. With iconic attractions like Walt Disney World Resort, Universal Orlando Resort, and SeaWorld Orlando just a stone's throw away, residents can immerse themselves in a magical world of fantasy and adventure whenever they please. From thrilling rides and captivating shows to immersive experiences and enchanting parades, there's something for everyone to enjoy in Orlando's theme park paradise.
Diverse Neighborhoods: Beyond its famous attractions, Orlando is home to a diverse array of neighborhoods, each with its own unique character and charm. From the historic streets of Thornton Park to the bustling energy of Downtown Orlando and the suburban tranquility of Lake Nona, residents can find the perfect place to call home to suit their lifestyle and preferences. Whether you're seeking a vibrant urban scene, a family-friendly enclave, or a peaceful retreat, Orlando has a neighborhood to match.
Thriving Economy: As one of the fastest-growing cities in the United States, Orlando boasts a thriving economy driven by tourism, technology, healthcare, and more. With a robust job market, low unemployment rates, and a favorable business climate, Orlando offers ample opportunities for career growth and advancement. Whether you're launching a startup, pursuing a career in hospitality, or seeking employment in the thriving healthcare industry, Orlando provides a fertile ground for success.
Outdoor Adventures: Beyond its urban attractions, Orlando is surrounded by natural beauty and outdoor adventures waiting to be explored. From scenic parks and nature preserves to sparkling lakes and lush gardens, residents can enjoy a variety of outdoor activities year-round. Whether you're hiking along the trails of Wekiwa Springs State Park, kayaking on the tranquil waters of Lake Eola, or picnicking in the shade of a sprawling oak tree, Orlando offers endless opportunities to connect with nature and enjoy the great outdoors.
Cultural Delights: In addition to its theme parks and natural attractions, Orlando is home to a thriving cultural scene that celebrates diversity and creativity. From world-class museums and galleries to theaters, concert venues, and festivals, residents can immerse themselves in a rich tapestry of art, music, and culture. Whether you're attending a Broadway show at the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts or exploring the vibrant street art scene in the Mills 50 District, Orlando offers a cultural experience like no other.
Living in Orlando offers residents a truly magical experience filled with excitement, opportunity, and adventure. With its world-class attractions, diverse neighborhoods, thriving economy, outdoor adventures, and vibrant cultural scene, Orlando captures the imagination and hearts of all who call it home. Whether you're a lifelong resident or considering a move to the City Beautiful, Orlando invites you to embrace the magic and make unforgettable memories in the heart of Central Florida.
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buscharterblog · 2 years
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Orlando, Florida is the Perfect Vacation Destination for Everyone
March 3, 2023
While Orlando, Florida is known as the world's theme park capital, it is far from a one-trick pony. This location receives approximately 233 days of sunshine per year. It is the most visited city in the United States for reasons other than roller coasters and thrilling theme park experiences. That's because it has something for everyone, young and old, adventurous and laid-back, nature and big city.
Come to Orlando, Florida, and you'll discover even more reasons why it's the ideal vacation destination!
Additional Attractions Away from Theme Parks You do want to visit Disney and Universal, after all. But keep an eye out for additional hidden jewels in Orlando's attraction scene. There is Gatorland, where you can get up close and personal with enormous gators and other animals, and ICON Park, which is home to the renowned Wheel, formerly known as the Orlando Eye. The rides and activities of Congo River Golf and Fun Spot America have a nostalgic boardwalk ambiance. And that's just the shortlist!
There's Always Something New Happening Theme parks often introduce brand-new activities, entertainment, and dining options for visitors to enjoy. It's the reason why locals eagerly anticipate stopping by on a day off and why visitors return year after year. New roller coasters are opening at Sea World and Universal Studios (Jurassic World VelociCoaster at Universal and Ice Breaker at SeaWorld). Remy's Ratatouille Adventure at Disney World lets you shrink to Remy's size in Gusteau's kitchen for a more kid-friendly new experience.
It Has a Unique Kind of Nature Florida has a distinctive ecology and is one of the most beautiful states. Even if you are unable to travel all the way to the south to view the Everglades, Orlando has an incredible selection of breathtaking natural sights that you shouldn't miss. When you're surrounded by theme parks, it can be difficult to remember that Florida was once home to the Timucuan Indians. There are locations like Wekiwa Springs State Park where you may swim in crystal-clear water that is always 72 degrees.
Want to observe the wild side of nature? Don't forget to take an airboat ride. It is the quickest method to go across Florida's swampy, natural scenery in order to view alligators, turtles, snakes, a variety of magnificent birds, and other elements that contribute to the state's uniqueness. You can go sightseeing on a leisurely boat ride with one of the tour companies and enjoy anything from gawking at the opulent real estate to a more natural setting.
You'll Satisfy All Your Wants Don't allow missing Epcot's Food and Wine Festival deter you from experiencing international cuisine in Orlando. You can find meals from different cultures right on International Drive, which is close to the theme parks. Here, you can eat anything you want, from Greek to Ethiopian cuisine, as well as simple family favorites and elegant fine dining. Orlando is undoubtedly a gourmet city!
Give In to Your Cultural Side Orlando is a great destination if you enjoy live music, Broadway plays, symphonies, ballets, and other performing arts. You can immerse yourself in culture in a variety of ways at Dr. Phippip's Center for the Performing Arts. There are several of museums as well, including the Orlando Museum of Art and Ripley's Believe It Or Not. You'll find so many fascinating new things there that you'll never get bored.
Get In The Game Sports are available in Orlando as well as the excellent arts and culture that Orlando has to offer. Catch an Orlando Magic basketball game, an Orlando City or Orlando Pride soccer match, or even a hockey game with the Orlando Solar Bears. Over 170 golf courses and the USTA national training site for tennis are available for anyone who would rather participate in the activity than only watch it.
Recharge Your Spirit Most people are unaware that Orlando is one of the best places to live an active lifestyle. Look beyond the theme parks for ways to recharge your mind, body, and soul, such as paddleboarding in nature, walking trails in the city at Lake Eola Park, biking the West Orange Trail, and luxury spa treatments at top resorts.
Dance and Groove to the Music of the Night Whether you want to go club hopping and dancing until dawn or prefer a more intimate evening in a cozy wine bar, Orlando has your nightlife needs covered. Splitsville, a luxury bowling alley, is available at family-friendly locations such as Disney Springs. On International, ICEBAR is a great place to grab a drink and escape the notorious Florida heat. Furthermore, there are numerous additional options all around International Drive, the Mills 50 District, CityWalk at Universal, and Disney Springs, making it simple to find nightlife near your Orlando hotel.
Excellent Value Orlando truly satisfies all of your senses, with so much to see, do, taste, and feel. Whether you're traveling alone or with the entire family, from kids to grandkids, it's easier than ever to plan an epic vacation here. The best part is that package pricing from hotels, theme parks, area attractions, and restaurants offers excellent value. There are also free activities such as visiting nature parks and outdoor markets, walking around Lake Eola, and even visiting Disney Springs, which has free parking.
When you visit Orlando, you will have so much to do that you will have to return the following time you visit. Or, even better, stay even longer.
Posted by https://www.eastcoastlimo.miami/miami-bus-charter-to-orlando
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jikales322 · 2 years
What Are The Top Family-Friendly Resorts?
If you are planning a vacation with your family, it is important to pick a place that offers the best amenities for both kids and adults. The best family friendly hotels combine on-site restaurants, spacious suites, and unique, exciting activities that will keep you and your family entertained.
Some family-friendly resorts can be a little more expensive than others, but many of them are worth it. Here are a few of our favorite family-friendly resorts that are sure to provide an amazing experience for you and your family:
This Caribbean resort has everything you need to make your trip a family-friendly getaway. From an extensive kids' club to a huge water park, this property has plenty of kid-friendly options. Guests will also enjoy a wide variety of beach and pool activities, including snorkeling and paddleboarding.
With its convenient access to popular theme parks like SeaWorld, Aquatica, and Universal Studios, this resort is a top choice for many families looking to visit Orlando. The resort also provides a shuttle service to the parks, making it easy for parents to leave their children at the hotel and head out on the theme park fun.
This luxurious resort combines stunning scenery with kid-friendly activities that will please everyone in the family. Whether you choose to spend the day at the resort's pristine beach or visit the nearby rainforest, your kids will enjoy their time here.
The kids will love the tropical beaches and waterparks at this resort, but mom and dad will appreciate its spa, tennis courts, and golf clinics. The rooms are a good size for families, and many of them include a private balcony or patio with ocean views.
The quaint town of Boothbay Harbor has plenty of things to offer families, including a lobster boat tour and a lobster bake, and it's only a short drive from the resort. Guests can also take advantage of a free day-camp program for kids of all ages.
Rooms are large enough for up to four people and include a mini bar, a separate bedroom and bathroom, a fireplace, and a flat-screen TV. You can even rent a room with a bunk bed, which will allow you to stay with multiple kids and still have some privacy.
This Disney hotel is just steps from Disneyland, so you can easily get your kids to the Happiest Place on Earth without any hassle. The resort also features several pools with waterslides and character breakfasts, so kids will love every minute of their stay here.
With an expansive pirates' island water park and lots of family-friendly activities, this tropical resort is a winner for families. Guests will also enjoy 22 acres of lush gardens and white-sand beaches.
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themeparkcandids · 2 years
Park: SeaWorld San Diego
Location: Entertainment Dept.
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cheapflightspicks · 2 years
Cheap Flights from New York to Orlando
Cheap Flights from New York to Orlando
New York to Orlando
Orlando is a well-liked travel destination since it is the birthplace of Mickey Mouse and Disney World. The Orlando region offers an almost limitless supply of entertainment, making it the world's top family vacation spot. But even the most merry parent might need a vacation after a few exhausting days at Universal Studios, Disney World, and SeaWorld. So go out for a night on the town while leaving the kids in the care of the hotel babysitter. Downtown Disney is an adult-oriented nightlife area with restaurants, bars, and a House of Blues in a theme park setting—not a genuine town, mind you.
All three of New York's airports receive about the same amount of demand for flights to Orlando, with Newark slightly outpacing LaGuardia. JetBlue offers quite excellent non-stop service from all three main New York airports to Orlando.
How to reach Orlando from New York
How long is the flight from Orlando to New York City?
The exact in-flight duration will vary depending on your individual departure and destination airports, but direct flights from New York City to Orlando generally take three hours. Most layovers on flights take place in Charlotte, North Carolina, and might add one to three hours to your journey schedule.
Which airlines fly from Orlando to New York City?
American Airlines, United, and Delta are just a few of the well-known carriers that offer service between New York City and Orlando. Additionally, low-cost airlines like Spirit Airlines and JetBlue provide service between New York City and Orlando.
How frequently are there flights between Orlando and New York City?
There are several daily flights available from New York City to Orlando. Seven days a week, departures are normally offered in the morning, afternoon, and nighttime. On United Airlines alone, over 200 flights per week are available between New York City and Orlando.
Which airports connect Orlando with New York City?
LaGuardia Airport, John F. Kennedy International Airport, or Newark Liberty International Airport are the most popular departure points for passengers flying out of New York City. Newark Liberty International Airport is technically situated just across the state line in New Jersey. Orlando is served by Orlando International Airport and Orlando Sanford International Airport, both of which are public airports.
The cheapest way to fly to Orlando from New York
Usually, direct flights from Newark Liberty International Airport to Orlando International Airport are the least expensive. On occasion, direct flights from LaGuardia to Orlando might be obtained at a lower price. It's easy to adjust to the nonstop enjoyment in Orlando, Florida, if you've grown acclimated to the quick pace of New York City living. Walt Disney World, Universal Studios Florida, and SeaWorld Orlando are just a few of the theme parks you may visit, along with a number of themed food establishments, museum visits, and live performances.
The best time to buy your ticket from New York to Orlando if you want to save money is approximately 40 days before departure, making sure to fly out in the evening. Keep in mind that prices are subject to change, so it is always best to check multiple sites before making your final purchase.
Why visit Orlando?
Orlando, Florida, is known as the theme park capital of the world, and for good reason. Home to Walt Disney World and Universal Orlando Resort, as well as many more epic parks, Orlando oozes fun 24/7. The destination is also known for its excellent shopping, shows, nature excursions, and so much more. Considering all of this, it is easy to see why it is a huge hit year after year with Irish holidaymakers.
Walt Disney World
This year marks the 50th anniversary of Walt Disney World, which consists of two water parks, Typhoon Lagoon and Blizzard Beach, as well as four theme parks: Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Hollywood Studios, and Animal Kingdom. Your inner kid will be free in Disney, a popular choice among Disney enthusiasts alike. Disney knows how to make the most of your vacation with exhilarating attractions, enchanted character parades, breathtaking fireworks displays, and lots of entertainment around every corner. Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge and Toy Story Land are two examples of recent Disney additions, and like Universal Orlando, each of their parks is always receiving all-new attractions.
Theme Parks
Orlando is known as the world's theme park capital for a very entertaining reason. There are plenty of thrilling rides and relaxing activities in Orlando, whether you're travelling with family or by yourself.
Orlando is filled with fantastic locations like SeaWorld, Universal, Islands of Adventure, and Volcano Bay, all of which provide the greatest pleasure you could possibly desire, in somewhat different ways, except for Disney, which had to get its own mention (hint: you should probably visit all of them, just to find out which is your favorite).
Whether you choose to experience them all or simply show up for one, Orlando will provide a little taste of excitement for everyone, including roller coasters, thrill excursions, fascinating underwater worlds, and lots of parades. This is undoubtedly among the most well-liked justifications for travelling to Orlando.
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novumtimes · 3 days
Sesame Place spared $25M lawsuit by federal jury after character is accused of ignoring black children in viral clip
The $25 million racial discrimination lawsuit filed against Sesame Place alleging one of the theme park’s characters purposely ignored black children has been thrown out. A federal jury in Philadelphia unanimously voted “no” on Wednesday after determining that SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment, the company that owns the Pennsylvania-based amusement park, was not liable for any wrongdoing,…
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https://aqua.org/stories/2023-06-26-sanctuary-state thoughts? I really don’t like this. THE National Aquarium has fully embraced the ARA rhetoric around dolphins in captivity, saying that their own dolphin exhibit is “patronizing” and “for human entertainment”, despite the fact that they’re a scientific aquarium that is clearly leaps and bounds better than any of those cheap tourist trap dolphin swim places. The “Whale Sanctuary Project” has clearly stated on its website that they want to put an end to all wildlife in captivity, so it honestly makes me sick that National is partnering with them. They’ve turned their backs on all their colleagues in the AZA that have dolphins and slandered them. I hope they lose their AZA accreditation over this.
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Thank you for this ask. I read National's statement a few weeks ago, and it made me sick to my stomach. I didn't post about it because honestly I was unsure I would be able to speak on the issue without becoming overly emotional, but you have expressed basically everything I feel.
At this point, it isn't that National is moving their dolphins to a sea pen that bothers me. We've known this for seven years, and since they're an AZA facility, I had to at least have a little faith that this was for the animals' wellbeing. I've met several trainers and veterinarians who left the National Aquarium at least in part due to their handling of the dolphin situation, but I never imagined it was this bad until now. This world-renowned aquarium is repeating activist rhetoric pretty much verbatim. They're partnering with an anti-zoo organization that works against everything they stand for as an institution. They're publicly slandering their colleagues. If I didn't know better, I would think this was a thinkpiece by PETA and not an official statement from an AZA institution. I also find it incredibly disturbing that they claim the "success" of SEA LIFE's Beluga Whale Sanctuary (and the non-existent Whale Sanctuary Project??) serves as their example, when it has been... slightly less than successful.
If I could ask National's CEO one thing, it would be this: Are the other animals in your collection not entertainment? What makes them different? What makes them "education" but your dolphins "exploitation"? Elasmobranchs, for example, are a staple of public aquaria, but they present their own host of issues. Reproductive disease, nutritional imbalances, musculoskeletal deformities. Why are you giving up on your dolphins but not them? Will you let an activist group take them next?
I'm afraid I must agree with you... they do not deserve to remain in the AZA. Not if they're going to brazenly accuse their fellow members of animal abuse while allowing anti-zoo organizations to dictate their own animals' care. I'm really, really scared of where this is going, and I would love to see the other AZA aquariums housing cetaceans (Brookfield Zoo, Disney's Epcot, Georgia Aquarium, Indianapolis Zoo, Marineland Florida, Mystic Aquarium, Shedd Aquarium, Texas State Aquarium, the SeaWorld parks, and numerous international members) release a joint statement on the issue affirming their committment to ex situ conservation, research, and public outreach. And I deeply hope none of the "10 other dolphin-holding institutions" mentioned are AZA facilities.
I wish the best to Beau, Foster, Chesapeake, Bayley, Spirit, Jade, and their caregivers, who are losing the animals to whom they've devoted their lives to a situation in which they have no say.
I do also wish to share this statement from Jason Bruck's lab. Dr. Bruck is a PhD animal behaviorist specializing in dolphin communication and cognition both in the wild and in human care.
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citylaila · 14 days
Tour and Attractions Booking Make Easy - CityLaila
About City Laila
Covering more than 33 countries worldwide, City Laila provides the best, easy and instant ticket booking service to all its customers. Founded in the year 2019, City Laila is on a journey to allow its customers to have a seamless experience when they explore the cities and its attractions and try to do something new, exciting and thrilling.
City Laila’s services are not only limited to local tours, transfers, holiday packages, hotel bookings and VISA but the ultimate goal is to provide end-to-end service at the lowest price with top-notch customer satisfaction. It covers more than 300+ attractions in Dubai and Abu Dhabi and out of them some products are top selling among the customers. 
City Laila and the Top Selling Products
City Laila can be your best and most affordable travel partner in UAE as you can explore as many attractions as you want. With huge offers and exciting deals, City Laila makes it easy for its customers to plan a day out in Dubai and create lasting memories for a lifetime.
Some of the top-notch attractions of Dubai and Abu Dhabi are listed below. Do have a look -
Atlantis Aquaventure Waterpark
It is one of the largest waterparks in Dubai which holds more than 30 thrilling and exciting rides. Get to see more than 65,000 fascinating marine animals which include sharks, eels, clown fish, grouper fish, and many more of the aquatic fauna!
Ski Dubai - Snow Classic
Get access to Ski Dubai with a Snow Classic Pass which lets you explore the Snow Park and the many attractions scattered in it!  You can experience many rides like Snow Cavern, Tobogganing, Giant Ball, Bob Sledge, Tubing Run and Bump Car.
Ski Dubai - Snow Plus
Get access to Ski Dubai with a Snow Plus Pass which lets you explore the Snow Park and the many attractions scattered in it!  You can experience many rides like Snow Cavern, Tobogganing, Giant Ball, Bob Sledge, Tubing Run and Bump Car.
La Perle by Dragone
La Perle is a live performance by Franco Dragone, the world-class director. The shows include a cast of over 65 artists putting on mesmerizing performances that include acting, acrobatics, aerial feats, aquatic effects, and many more.
Museum of the Future
Museum of the Future is one of the technological wonders in Dubai which contains a combination of futuristic technology and sustainable solutions under one roof to create a timeless experience for people of all ages and times!
Motiongate Dubai
Motiongate Dubai is a Dubai-based theme park where you can experience world-class entertainment from three of Hollywood's biggest and most successful motion picture studios including big names of DreamWorks Animation, Columbia Pictures, and Lionsgate.
IMG World of Adventure
IMG World of Adventure is an indoor theme park covering an area of over 1.5 million square feet. IMG is divided into 4 Adventure Zones filled with 22 Unique rides.
Dubai Frame
Dubai Frame will let you enjoy the beautiful sights of the Dubai skylines where you will also get a chance to take a panoramic elevator to the top of the frame from where you get to see amazing views of the past, the present and the future of Dubai in all of its glory.
Aya Universe
AYA - A new universe is a multimedia entertainment project that combines virtual reality, art, music, and technology to create an immersive and interactive experience for visitors. The project aims to transport visitors to a new universe where they can explore various imaginary worlds, interact with digital creatures, and experience unique visual and auditory sensations.
Wild Wadi Waterpark
Wild Wadi Water Park is the largest water park in Dubai and has been designed in the theme of Arabian folklore of Juha and Sindbad. The park holds nearly 25 plus thrilling and adventurous rides.
Seaworld Abu Dhabi
SeaWorld Abu Dhabi is a marine life theme park and animal research, rescue & rehabilitation Centre in Yas Island in Abu Dhabi, It is the first SeaWorld park outside of the United States and the first park without killer whales.
Yas Waterworld Abu Dhabi
Yas Waterworld is one of the largest waterparks in Abu Dhabi with 45 fun rides spread across 15 hectares of desert land which is undoubtedly the answer to the heat and a full circle of fun for your friends and family.
Ferrari World Abu Dhabi
Ferrari World is a theme park located in Yas Island Abu Dhabi. The park has more than 25 thrilling rides and it is also famous for the World’s Fastest Rollercoaster ride, ‘Formula Rossa’.
Warner Bros. World Abu Dhabi
Warner Bros. World offers a world of cartoon characters, thrilling rides, and live entertainment. This theme park will surely give you the ultimate thrills and chills.
Dubai Aquarium and Underwater Zoo
It is one of the largest suspended aquariums in Dubai with more than 30,000 aquatic animals including the star of the aquarium - a 40-year-old giant crocodile weighing 750 kg along with pelagic fish, piranha, penguins, lizards, snakes, rays, and sharks.
Burj Khalifa
Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the entire world where you can ride up the fastest elevators on the planet to reach the 124th and 125th floors in a matter of 12 to 13 seconds for a view you will never forget of the fabled Dubai skyline.
Dolphin Show at Dubai Dolphinarium
The Dolphin show at the Dubai Dolphinarium is one of the must-visit shows as you can witness the impressive performances of the dolphins while sitting in a fully air-conditioned dolphinarium in the city.
Dubai Miracle Garden
Miracle Garden in Dubai is the world’s largest natural flower garden right here in the middle of the desert land. You will get to see over 150 million flowers arranged in colourful arches and patterns and structures in this garden straight out of a fairy tale!
These are some of the top-selling products of City Laila. So, are you ready to indulge in a panoramic view of the UAE? Without any delay get to see your most favoured attractions now with huge offers and deals.
Visit: https://citylaila.com/
Follow us: https://www.instagram.com/citylailaa/
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bainbridge-world · 17 days
Apartments in Orlando
The Bainbridge World Center is considered the no.1 choice for an apartment in Orlando. This offers various floor plans for people who are in need. There are also various amenities available on each of the floor plans. This center is also conveniently located on I-Drive, and it provides a unique experience for visitors. Nearby spas offer relaxation and shopping opportunities. I like this Bainbridge World Center apartment because it suits different lifestyles. Prices and availability are also subject to change, and not all features are available in every apartment, so be quick. To know more about the amenities in the prospective floor plan, contact Bainbridge World Center at (689) 220-2174.
Theme Parks in Orlando, FL
One of the major draws of Orlando is its world-famous theme parks, such as Walt Disney World, Universal Studios Florida, and SeaWorld Orlando. These parks offer endless entertainment and excitement for visitors of all ages. Because of this, Orlando becomes a popular tourist destination. Then, beyond the theme parks, Orlando boasts a vibrant cultural scene. It's also home to numerous museums, theaters, and art galleries for various exhibitions and performances. Orlando's natural beauty is another major attraction. The city is surrounded by lush landscapes, including lakes, rivers, and forests. Residents enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, biking, fishing, and boating.
Orlando Science Center
If you want a fun educational experience, the Orlando Science Center is a place you should visit. The Orlando Science Center is a must-visit destination for families and science enthusiasts because of the learnings that every visitor can get. Visitors can explore the interactive exhibits, participate in hands-on experiments, and attend planetarium shows. They can also discover the wonders of science and technology through engaging and educational experiences. The center offers a variety of activities for all ages, making it a perfect place for a family outing or a day of learning. With its diverse exhibits and interactive displays, the Orlando Science Center provides a fun and memorable experience for visitors of all ages.
First Ever Jimmy Buffet Day
Margaritaville Resort Orlando is celebrating its first-ever Jimmy Buffett Day to mark the 30th anniversary of the Florida Legislature's declaration on August 30. The event, held in the hotel's grand lobby, will feature live music, family activities, raffles, and giveaways, including a two-night resort stay. The first 500 registered guests will enjoy a Jimmy Buffet-approved spread, including free margaritas and mini cheeseburgers. Exclusive Jimmy Buffett Day merchandise and commemorative cups will be available for purchase. All the proceeds is going directly to Singing for Change, a nonprofit organization created by Jimmy Buffett in 1995. Additionally, all proceeds from the day of service will be given to the Give Kids the World Village in Kissimmee.
Link to map
Orlando Science Center 777 E Princeton St, Orlando, FL 32803, United States Get on I-4 W 4 min (0.7 mi) Continue on I-4 W. Take I-4 Express, Florida's Tpke and FL-417 Toll S to International Dr. Exit from FL-417 Toll S 22 min (23.7 mi) Merge onto International Dr 23 sec (0.1 mi) Bainbridge World Center 14051 International Dr, Orlando, FL 32821, United States
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advancetreepros · 1 month
Exploring Orlando, Florida: A City of Endless Attractions
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Orlando, Florida, is a vibrant city known worldwide for its famous attractions and entertainment options. Home to Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, and SeaWorld, Orlando draws millions of visitors each year. Beyond the theme parks, the city offers a rich cultural scene with places like the Orlando Museum of Art and the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts. Nature lovers can explore the beautiful Harry P. Leu Gardens or take a peaceful stroll around Lake Eola Park in the heart of downtown Orlando.
While Orlando is known for its bustling tourism, it's also a city filled with lush greenery and beautiful landscapes. Keeping those landscapes healthy and well-maintained requires expert care, especially when it comes to trees. That’s where Advance Tree Pros comes in. Specializing in professional tree services, including trimming, pruning, removal, and emergency care, Advance Tree Pros ensures that the trees in Orlando stay strong and beautiful. Whether you're a homeowner or business owner, you can trust Advance Tree Pros to take care of your tree service needs in the Orlando area.
Advance Tree Pros
Orlando, FL 32856
Phone: +1 407-960-4893
Website URL: http://www.advancetreepros.comGoogle Business Profile: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=9131625067057566316
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