#Scumbag Sanctuary
ghosst-girl · 3 months
baby, I could save you,
come with me now
take her to the grave
then I put her in the ground
hands on her neck,
now she’s saying “take my life”
who am I to deny such a beautiful sight?
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nickfraworld · 2 years
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¡Felices fiestas les desean los girasoles! 🌻💜🌻
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
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Hi! For the prompt Spiderbit duo Au. Q!Cellbit as a paranormal/occultist painter living in a mansion located into a kinda of far away island and Q!Roier as the initialy oblivious tourist. ( Yes, the prompt its a nod to a season of Ordem Paranormal but you don't need to know anything about it.
"Oh, shit, this is the AirBnB?"
Cellbit jumps and nearly drops his brush, but he just barely manages to contain himself. Barely. Because what???
He's used to hearing voices. Sometimes they aren't even in his own head. Between the masked figures that hang out in his garden and library and stare menacingly at him when his back is turned and the dead people living in his head, it's rarely quiet on the island.
But... but he's the only person on the island. Everybody left almost as soon as he arrived. There was a famine, or something. He doesn't know. He doesn't leave the mansion. It's a little creepy outside between the masked figures in the trees whispering secrets at him and the crows that follow him around waiting for him to drop dead.
But there's somebody in his house, and Cellbit quite literally does not know why.
So he grabs the knife he keeps by his easel for cases just like this and he carefully sets down his brush and he creeps out of his studio.
'No,' the masked figure in the hallway hisses. 'Not one of these fucking guys!'
Which is concerning, but, really, Cellbit has gotten used to them over the past five years.
He makes it to the balcony and stairs hanging over the entryway, and he peers down over the railing to see... a guy. Just a guy. Red Hawaiian shirt, khaki shorts, fanny pack. Looking at his phone, confused. (Cellbit relates; he, too, is really fucking confused right now.)
The masked figure to Cellbit's left shakes with fury. As does the one on his right. They both ball their hands into fists in sync, and Cellbit fights to keep his hands from doing the same.
'Get rid of him,' they both whisper. 'He's dangerous.'
"He's a tourist," Cellbit whispers back. He considers. "But..."
"Oh, shit, are you the host?" the tourist calls.
Cellbit and the masked figures all snap their attention down to the man, who is now looking up at him with wide, confused eyes.
"No," Cellbit responds. And then, after a pause: "Get out of my house!"
'This place is a sanctuary of Knowledge,' the masked figure by the tourist's left says.
'You are dirtying it with your very presence, you overemotional scumbag,' says the one on the right.
'What they said,' the figures by Cellbit agree.
But the tourist doesn't react to them, of course. He can't hear them. There's something in his ears- AirPods?
Slowly, Cellbit stands, bringing attention to himself for the first time in years.
As he does so, the stranger's mouth widens into a smile that threatens to stop Cellbit's heart.
'Oh fuck no,' the masked figures all say. They Know something he doesn't, but, for once, he doesn't care to find out what that is.
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kukuandkookie · 2 years
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù, 穿书自救指南 | Scumbag System (Cartoon) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Luò Bīnghé & Tiānláng-jūn, Luò Bīnghé/Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Tiānláng-jūn & Zhúzhī-láng, Original Shěn Qīngqiū & Tiānláng-jūn Characters: Tiānláng-jūn, Luò Bīnghé, Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Zhúzhī-láng, Original Shěn Qīngqiū, Yuè Qīngyuán, Shàng Qīnghuá, Mòběi-jūn, Shā Huálíng, Sū Xīyán Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - School, Alternate Universe - Kindergarten & Pre-school, Daycare, little kids, Fluff, Family, all the main characters are now babies and the older characters are their guardians hehe, No beta we die like sv manhua Summary:
Tianlang-jun is an ages-old, powerful Demon Lord who used to rule all of demon-kind… And impressive as that sounds, it’s no longer so relevant to the modern day, where demons now live in hiding amongst humans.
Tianlang-jun doesn’t mind entirely—he’s happy with his lovely human wife, his darling son, and his adorable nephew. But like all demons (and humans!), Tianlang-jun must now work to earn his keep. That’s why, when he’s hired as a daycare worker, he eagerly accepts the job…but what’s he to do when his son, Luo Binghe, absolutely hates it?
And what’s he to do when Luo Binghe vanishes along with Shen Yuan and Shang Qinghua, two human children, on his first day on the job? Can he explain to the first human child’s guardian, Shen Jiu, that his son didn’t steal away Shen Yuan to eat him? And why does it feel like the daycare owner, Yue Qingyuan, knows more than he’s letting on? Can Tianlang-jun turn all this around in his favour…and maybe one day make his daycare a sanctuary for demon youth?
(For the MXTX Creative Space server's Life Story zine 2022!)
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pigeonwhumps · 2 years
Sanctuary masterlist
Finding Safety masterlist
Taglist: @littlespacecastle @whumpymirages @emcscared-whumps @poc-whump
785 is transported back to the WRU centre, and has an unpleasant experience along the way.
CWs: BBU, pet whump, dehumanisation, collar, restrained, (short) explicit non-con, mentioned past non-con, lady whump, rough handling, mentioned kidnapping, conditioning, multiple whumpees
The conditioned phrases 785 repeats to herself were created variously by @maniacal-ramblings and @ashintheairlikesnow (and thanks to Ash for compiling the list I found them on here). Also, while I'm crediting, the bit about how to punch properly is from @wolfeyedwitch 's post – cheers for that information, which inspired both a large part of the next chapter and Cass' creation in the first place (I'm not sure whether me creating yet another OC should be something to thank you for actually but hey. I like him).
The doorbell rings and 785 listens to the murmur of voices, too low to make out. Then, with a lurch, she feels herself moving. Her box is lifted and carried outside, jostled all the while, before she feels herself being shoved onto something. There's a thud of wood on wood and she hears a loud whimper from below her, and she knows, she knows, that she's been packed on top of another Pet. Sideways. Her cheek pressed against what's now the floor of the crate.
The metal doors of the delivery van slam shut and a few seconds later there's the rumble of an engine as the vehicle starts moving. 785 bumps up and down, hitting the wood with small thuds that disorient her but won't do much actual damage (she doesn't think so anyway). She can hear crying from one of the boxes, and coughing from another.
How many Pets are in here?
She hopes the coughing one doesn't make her ill, because if she gets ill again she won't be able to work, and then she'll be punished, and– and her ribs still ache sometimes, from the last time it happened.
It can't happen again. Please, please, don't make her ill.
The van comes to a sudden halt and she jolts forward, hitting her head on the box. She yelps, which soon turns into a silent scream as her collar activates.
The pain causes her to white out for... she's not sure how long, but when she comes back to herself they're moving again. With each corner they turn she jerks around in her box, and with each stop the van makes she becomes a little more bruised, a little more battered. Most of the stops are pick-ups, although a few boxes are taken out. She wonders if the Pets in the drop-offs are better secured inside their boxes – she wasn't, not really, but then, customers wouldn't put up with damaged goods. They'd complain.
She's not sure how she knows about product satisfaction with such certainty. Her head splits open as she tries to think about it and she gasps.
Maybe... maybe she should stop thinking. She's just a stupid Pet, after all, she doesn't need to think. She shouldn't think. That's something only people should be doing.
It's getting hot in here. It's been warm these past few days, and now she's stuck in a small wooden box surrounded by other boxes and metal. It's no wonder.
The van hits some sort of bump and she lurches, hitting the roof of the crate hard. Someone screams.
"Keep it down back there!" yells a voice from up front. 785 thinks it might be the driver.
"We would," comes a gruff, thickly-accented voice from one of the other boxes, "if you'd drive slower so we're not falling everywhere all the time."
The van stops and the back door slams open. "Who the fuck said that?"
785 hears footsteps on the floor of the van and then a boot hitting wood. "Shut the fuck up, then. Oh, I see your owner taped your paperwork to the side of your box. Says here that you were a guard Pet, being sent back for refurbishment, due to your excessive insolence and emerging beliefs about being a person."
"That's bullshit! I've never even seen the inside of a WRU centre! This... scumbag kidnapped me and when I wouldn't be his perfect fucking pet he left me in a box on the roadside! I'm not one of your fucking slaves!"
"You know what? I really don't care where you're from. If you think WRU get all their Pets legally I've got a damn bridge to sell you. You're ours now."
There's a growl, and 785 shakes her head. You signed up for this. All pets are of legal consenting age and made a choice to pursue a change of circumstances including no longer retaining legal ownership of themselves. All merchandise is acquired through full legal channels. She repeats this over and over in her head. She knows that to be true, so the delivery driver must be lying. Mustn't he?
The guard kicks the strange Pet's box again. "And guard Pets are known for getting lots of injuries, so if I were to punish you for disturbing me, no-one would know the difference. So I advise you to shut the fuck up and resign yourself to a life of Pethood, because you're not getting anything else." The Pet's silent. "Right. God. Now that's settled, I gotta burn off some steam. Oi, Dave, there anyone around?"
"There never is here, you know that," says another man from up front. "That's why we always stop here for a break."
"Get back here then. And bring my phone."
The cab door slams. "Man, you are not going to film this."
"Why not? There's no harm."
"No harm– you know what'll happen to us if anyone finds out that you're fiddling with the merchandise! That's why we don't leave any evidence! No filming!"
"Oh come on. It's just for me." There's a pause. "At least help me get the box out and open."
A heavy sigh. "Fine, fine. Who you going for?"
"785. Eleanor's Pet. She looks so good in the videos."
785 tenses. That's her. Her box is shifted and lifted off the van, and set down heavily on the ground, turning her over and shaking her to her bones. She hears the nails being pulled out and the lid removed. Someone lifts her out and sets her down on gravel that pokes into her legs.
"Oh, she's even more beautiful in real life," says the unnamed man. "With the red silk and the bark collar."
"Mm. I wonder why she wasn't made a Romantic?"
"Who knows. Come on, man, don't get me to film. You know what'll happen if we're caught."
"We won't be. Come onnn." There's a silence, and then another sigh and a beep, and a crow. "Eyyy! Atta boy!"
"You better not get us caught, or I'll kill you."
"Yeah, yeah. 785, open your mouth." 785 obeys, unable to do anything else, and she hears the sound of a zipper. "Wider than that. Ah, that's better."
Something slides into her mouth. It's warm and wrinkly and it tastes disgusting, and she nearly chokes as it hits the back of her throat. She knows what to do though, she's been ordered to do it before even though it wasn't her owners (even though her owners had been angry at the order, and angry with her for letting it happen), and she sucks his dick.
"Oh. Oh, that's so good. Mmm."
785 keeps going until there's a jerk and he comes in her throat. She splutters and coughs, trying to swallow or spit it out or something to stop herself choking. It tastes bitter and salty and horrible, and she can feel the tears dripping out from under the blindfold even before Dave points them out. She wasn't made for this, it's not her designation. She's not prepared for it.
"You want a go with her, Dave? She's very good."
"I prefer my sexual partners to be consensual, thanks."
"And yet you were happy to film me."
"Look, let's just– get her back in the box."
"Sure, sure. Your loss." 785 feels herself being lifted and put back in her box, the top nailed down. Her stomach lurches, in free fall, as her box is thrown back on, and the Pet below her screams as she lands upside down with a thud, slamming into the wood hard, breath punched from her as she sees stars. She curls up as tightly as possible as they start to move again. Her stomach churns but she presses her lips together tightly. She won't be sick. She won't sit in a pile of her own vomit for the rest of the journey.
Her jaw aches and her knees are bruised and she's so tired, she just wants 065 or Hugo or her bear (especially 065), and she starts to drift. She can't help but listen to the low, accented voice of that strange Pet when he starts speaking again.
"I'm sorry, 785. I know you probably won't answer, I overheard about the bark collar, but I'm still sorry. I didn't realise I'd get you hurt by speaking up."
He didn't? But every Pet knows that, how can he not? Maybe he really isn't from the WRU.
Swallowing her fear, 785 decides to speak. She needs a distraction, to stop her mind going over and over and over the events of a few minutes ago.
"Hello," she whispers, bracing herself against the shocks. It's not too bad if she whispers. "I'm 785. It's– it's okay, you didn't mean to. It's my– my job."
"Hmm. Well, I'm Cass. Nice to meet you."
"And– and you."
"When they let us out, I'm going to escape. You should come. I do not care if it's hard, I will not be a Pet. I hope you come. All of you. You do not have to stay enslaved." There's a whimper below 785, and she shakes her head. She's not enslaved, she chose this. "If you want to punch, wrap your thumb around the outside of your fist and squeeze it. Aim with your first two knuckles and keep your wrist straight. Start with your knuckles down, and only twist them up towards the end of extending your arm."
785 tries not to listen, she can't fight the handlers, only people can do that. Only people can decide if she's allowed to fight, and she really, really isn't. Not as a combination Platonic/Domestic. She's never been allowed to before.
She can't fight. She's a Pet, she chose to be one, she'll be one for life. She signed up for this. Even if... even if that means she'll be refurbished, forget 065. That's fine. She signed up for it, nothing is her choice anymore, she has to obey. It'll all be good if she obeys. If she fights, it might not be. She's not going to fight. She doesn't have permission or orders to do so.
Unconsciously, her hands curl into fists behind her back, thumbs squeezed around the outsides.
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flippingyouoff · 2 years
Hey! Trying to get a game of sorts started in this fandom where people can interact more, so pass along some asks like this if you want after answering this!
I just saw yr own response I am so OVERWHELMED WITH AFFECTION that you'd select me to Spread The Virus! It is Evil and Vile however that you would ask me to select Just One Favorite AU I've made! I can only interpret this as an act of hostility and malice. Lock your windows scumbag /loving
AU: Anastasia AU, with a side of Asexual Occult Harem
Ship: Stylennyman, because I'm contrarian and too old for shipping wars.
And now, the ominous Read More:
GOD so like I've this AU that I'm conceptualizing as a Visual Novel because I've had a simplistic Visual Novel Creator For Dummies program for like fifteen years and I've never used it and I'm always trying to decide on a story I could use with it.
The base backstory is loosely SOT but that's when the kids are kids. Then it's a parody of the 1997 animated Anastasia movie. Kenny is Anastasia and I do not take critique.
The prologue is when they're kids and Princess Kenny is brought to Kyles Kingdom with their families' intensions to betroth them to eachother because the Broflovski royal family is having issues with Fantasy Bigotry with the humans and the McCormicks are landwealthy but bankrupt mostly humans with a touch o Orc in there (I just have no fun way to fit more Orc into the plot it's very uncreative of me)
So Stan is Kyles squire bodyguard in training and Cartman is a fledgling wizard from an abolished Rival Kingdom and he's allowed to play with them because Kyle pities that he lives in a hotdog in the woods or smth that's not important they all become bestest of friends!
Kenny has been presented as a girl to be a more realistic match for Kyle but Carol confesses their desperate scam and neither Queen Sheila or Kyle mind they wanna help them out and everyone fkn loves Kenny bc it's Kenny gd it.
But the Dark Kingdom suddenly attacks one day and the castle is thrown into turmoil. They've arrived with a massive army and a slew of wizards collected from the remains of Cartmans Kingdom.
The parents fend off the aggressors- and mostly fall- while the kids scatter. Kyle, Stan and Ike collect Kenny and Karen to try and escape. They run into Cartman who quickly swaps sides to help his friends sneak out.
Stan and Kyle are separated from the group to get traumatized on their own while the others continue on, eventually getting caught in the crossfire. Kenny seemingly sacrifices himself to get Ike and Karen to safety.
Cartman hides them away someplace safe before he's found out to have helped both Kingdoms heirs, his magic powers are bound and he's abandoned to be caught by remaining armies. When he's thrown in the execution lineup however, Stan shows up and causes a distraction to get him out, and the two run off together.
Kyle is left as the heir apparent to his Kingdom, and after safely being taken to neutral lands, agrees to dissolve his families royal legitimacy so his surviving people can get sanctuary and a ceasefire be found. He knows that Cartman secured Ike's safety somewhere but also knows that he's safer wherever that is. Stan left his side in shame that he failed to protect Kyles family.
Pop forward ten years later, rumors that a McCormick heir survived are bustling in rebelling circles of the now impoverished lands the Dark Kingdom annexed. Stan and Cartman have been surviving in them together all this time. When Cartman gets whiff of the rumors he concocts a plan to find someone to impersonate Kenny, who they knew best, as a ticket back into the neutral lands that are posting the reward for a confirmation of the rumors. What he's actually planning is just to get him and Stan back into a humane country and then handing over the fake to the Dark Kingdoms leader, so that he can have his magic unbound. Stan's in his own self-imposed isolation though so he just goes along because he's codependent on Cartman sdakfjlbsdf
Though right on time, the real Kenny shows up to get pulled into their scheme. All amnesia'd up, and absolutely all for scamming his way out of the country with these two PTSD-stricken oafs, because his only lead for where his possible family and past might be is a pendant marked with the crest of Kyles royal family.
Cue a roadtrip from Fantasy Not-Russia across Fantasy Not-Europe to Fantasy Not-Paris, where you would be playing a Friendship optional Dating Simulator of Kenny helping Stan and Cartman getting through their traumas, where you can get Stan to get his self esteem back and Cartman to Not sell Kenny off to Evil Overlords. All culminating in a final stretch reuniting with the Usurped Prince Kyle, who missed them all very very much...........................
Another one of my AU's that I like alot right now is a Werewolf AU where I take Jersey Kyle, Goth Stan, Bad Irene and Princess Kenny/Mysterion and caramelize them in a Polyamorous MeetCute Teflon Pan, where they all get wrapped up in Kyley-B's transformation into a werewolf and his subsequent quest to understand his predicament. Along the way Raven gets bit by a vampire and Irene finds a magic wand. Oh and they also have a run in with Princess' Ex, Damien The Antichrist. Also Princess is an Asexual Succubus. Also they're all Asexual. That doesn't mean anything I just already headcanon Kyle and Cartman as Ace and an Asexual Succubus is a fun concept so Stans wrapped in on this too so that I can call this the Asexual Occult Harem AU. I made them in Sims!!!
So then it shouldn't be a surprise I'm listing my OTP as Stylennyman. I usually list my OTPs as Style, Bunny and Creek because I Love Those but it's also very boring and I don't want to allow any assumptions that I am so complacent about Anything. So my stubborn contrarian ass whose fear of conflict manifests in embracing both sides in fandom shipping discourse just decides to throw everyone together. No heartbreak no jealousy just long drawn out monologues and very specific scenarios spun just right to get this absolute shitfest to work. I don't even like requited Kyman I'm just fixated on making their relationship less uncomfortable and beating Cartman into a morally tolerable character because I got into this fandom and started out being mean to him and it gave me a tummy ache so sorry he gets happy endings too.
I have this whole fun skit idea where when the guys come out as Together Gerald goes on a long quest collecting all the Estranged Fathers to try and break them up. Also I kneaded and beat the plot until I baked up a good way to get Menorah Cartman there, because God, I love Menorah Cartman so much and this is my AU and I do what I want. She still hates Kyle. Also Wendy's a international super spy and Kenny's an Eldritch God, but those are my normal 20smths Headcanons.
Fandom stop being weird challenge we all are fixated on the like third worst show in American Culture lets just embrace the cringe and be nice to eachother there is literally No Way To Go But Up <3
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tiktaaliker · 3 months
at work i get a lottttt of time to just think about shit so. heres some new mortally coiled development
originally, the plan was to have Brutus's friend (name pending) who would become part of Sanctuary die in an accident/natural disaster; specifically building collapses on them. The same event would gravely injure Brutus hence why the Novice offers to save his life by turning Brutus into a demon. HOWEVER, ive been thinking that i want someone to be Directly Responsible for the friend's death. currently debating between having it be pre-bog Blacktar to tie him back into cycle 3 OR having it be pre-fallen Hellkite and Kakisto operating under direct orders from Judge. in the latter case H+K wouldnt be the actual ones killing them, instead it would be like. A random guy who's already a complete scumbag and murderer they manipulate into the situation to eventually result in the guy's death, but Brutus + his friend are caught in the crossfire. im kiiiinda leaning more into the latter because it links the two subgroups of cycle 3 together nicely, by having brutus + the duo's breaking points be the Same Event
but in THAT case i still have no fucking clue what i'll be doing with blacktar. His only role rn is to chill in the swamp and be the guy who kills half of roupgaruke. but like honestlyyyy maybe thats a good thing. Maybe blacktar can be like a warning to roupgaruke and lungfish that this is what they could end up being if they lose themselves entirely. Blacktar is a pile of sludge who gave himself over entirely to The Bog to the point where hes kinda dissolving into it.
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rpg-weather-cycle · 1 year
Hubert terrifies me. He robs banks under my name. I never wanted to be Doctor Rich. I just wanted to live my life but Hubert took it from me.
(A man with spider legs jutting from his back flies up on rockets, and lobs several bags of money at Weather.)
Ah, a Criminal Scumbag, who Falsely Accuses People Of Crimes.
Why don't you stay right here, Vermin? I know what to do with your kind.
[Hubert cannot move anymore. His skin starts to become covered in frost, and a pillar of ice grows and connects him to the ground]
You must have thought you could continue with your sins. But there is no sanctuary for your kind here.
[Small bolts of lightning are scattered from Weather's body as it moves around in an unnatural jerking motion. The blue glow from under their carapace is almost blindingly bright]
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ultraericthered · 1 year
Anime Update V2 58
Vinland Saga S2 - Gotta had it to Ketil; it’s good gaming of the whole system of the slavery enterprise and a good motivator to his slaves to promise them that work on his farmland will amass them enough payment to buy themselves from him. It’s the best thing he could’ve done besides, y’know, setting them free. As we get more interaction between Einar and Thorfinn (God, it’s been so long since I heard that name spoken in Japanese), we also meet Ketil’s son Olmar and see how he plays at being a warrior even when he’s barely had training or fought in any real battles. At night, Einar tells Thorfinn about the scars of his past and how Danish vikings razed his village, killed his family, and sold him into slavery. And...it rings familiar to Thorfinn.
Hunter x Hunter -  While Gon, Killua, and Kite are still making their way to the nest and figthing back against Leol’s forces, one of the Royal Guard named Neferpitou awakens, and he’s basically Felix from Re:ZERO if he was a terrifying villain. Rammot is humbled by him and realizes just from his aura that Neferpitou’s had Nen power within him all along and Rammot could never hope to compare. Neferpitou even discovers Pokkle hiding himself among corpses and extract the human's knowledge of Nen for the Chimera Ants' use.
Fruits Basket - Two episodes, one where Momiji grows up and breaks his curse, thus breaking away from a shaken and angry Akito, and the one after where Tohru feels conflicted over her quest to liberate the Sohmas and protect Kyo from the Cat’s fate because it now threatens to have Kyo supplant her mother as the strongest connection in her heart. She trauma dumps to Isuzu about this, leading to a much needed slap in the face by Kagura who urges her to be honest with Kyo about what she’s feeling, which Tohru does after Kyo’s done talking with Tohru’s grandfather, though in doing so she makes the error of saying, while recounting her childhood troubles with her parents, “I made my father the bad guy in my heart. He wasn’t, of course...” - Tohru, a viewing of the Prelude movie would show you that yes, yes he absolutely was. The real reason you’re nothing like him no matter how much you may speak like him is that he was a sociopathic scumbag and you’re not! If anything the person most like him would be Shigure, who in both episodes shows himself to be the most dastardly and repugnant man in the world!
Re:ZERO - Have seen the second, third, AND fourth episodes of the season, with Emilia and Subaru returning home to the manor and meeting Frederica, a surprisingly emotional moment for Beatrice, Petra filling in for Rem and Ram as a maid, Emilia and Subaru heading to the Sanctuary, Subaru having an out of body experience and meeting the Witch of Greed Echidna, a brief scufle with Garfiel and then him leading Emilia and Subaru to the Sanctuary, Ram and an injured Roswaal being there at the Sanctuary, sudden Final Fantasy X vibes with the Cloister of Trials that Emilia has to do, and Echidna springing a trial of her own on Subaru, leading to the famed  “Parent And Child” episode, to which my words would do no justice. Yeah, this season is lit and I am thoroughly enjoying what it’s got.
Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works - The Master of Caster is found out to be Mr. Soichirou Kuzuki and he’s one bad dude, but I already knew this. The interesting bit of new material this time was Shinji gaining a new Servant in none other than Gilgamesh, who dismisses the strategy to kill people for their mana and reveals the plan is to use the Holy Grail to kill most of the world’s population!
Symphogear GX - Wrapped up the middle chapter of Symphogear with its final episodes. While there was much I enjoyed like the three former F.I.S members’ heroic, sacrificial stand within the Chateau , Dr. Ver giving his life to achieve the one moment of heroism he’d yearned for (the best villain was and is “the worst hero”, as Maria put it), the absolute lunacy of Carol’s master plan to dissect the world hinging on songs and alchemy somehow being the same thing, the epic final showdown with Carol where she ends up realizing too late what her father’s mission truly was, and Carol giving up all memories and her essence to save Elfnein’s life and make her a complete person now, but there was one part that left a sour aftertaste, and that was how they handled Hibiki’s drama with her dad. The man was a snivelling coward who tries to run away from Carol’s onslaught even when his daughter is in the crossfire and even encourages she just run away too, yet within seconds afterwards he learns better and decides he’s gonna be brave for his kid, and Hibiki realizes she inherited a certain not always healthy trait from him - the denial of your own pain just to keep other’s spirits up - and somehow her takeaway is that her dad’s a swell, loving dad who has always been with her? The disconnect between what I was seeing on screen and the romanticization of it was jarring and took me out of it for a bit.
The next season has got its work cut out for it if it because damn, how do you possibly up the stakes from Carol and the apocalypse of all things? That’s what I’m going to have to find out soon, in AXZ.
Eureka Seven - The dark turn taken by Holland’s character finally reaches the point where he physically beats Renton while screaming at him, making Renton start to feel he’s unwelcome with anyone except for Eureka and her kids. In the events that follow, Eureka reveals to Renton the dark past of Gekko State - they all used to be war criminals, Holland and Eureka especially. At the end, Holland reaffirms Renton’s Gekko State membership while Eureka reaffirms to herself that she’s not changed and that she must still feel guilty.
Gintama - So Gintoki lost his memory. Yes, an amnesia plot. And the running gag is that any progress that he might make just keeps getting erased by new concussions and new memory loss, so all of his friends antics just make everything worse, all culminating in him being unable to stop a spacecraft piloted by Sakamoto from crashing into his home turf. And for the first time in the history of this show, it ends on a cliffhanger! Gintoki leaves! Odd Jobs Gin is no more!
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dannydehek · 2 years
WEWE Global comes to Australian & New Zealand is WEWE.Global a Scam Or Legitimate? #ScamDemic
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WEWE Global comes to Christchurch, got an email from David Farrier asking me to put together a few paragraphs explaining why this is not a good thing. For the last 12 months I’ve been exposing the Ponzi scheme HyperVerse, it is estimated that $4 billion has been lost to people that invested in this crypto opportunity of a lifetime. Originally people were told that if they invest $300 they would get $900 paid back to them in rewards in 600 days. Now they come out with different opportunities and rebrand themselves every few weeks. Like any Ponzi scheme it’s impossible for them to survive. Once the money stopped, the lies started and the community got angry. The so-called ‘corporate’ behind it all promised to return people’s investments and claimed hackers had stolen the money. This is all part of the slow exit strategy. Many of the leadership team that have been promoting HyperVerse, who are called VIP5, jumped ship and started diversifying to other Ponzi schemes such as NovaTechFX and WEWE Global. One of the biggest multi-level marketers in the world who is promoting WEWE Global is Kalpesh Patel who has moved to Dubai. He recently travelled to South Africa running a promotion similar to Diego Endrizzi, who is travelling to 5 locations in New Zealand and Australia in February. WEWE Global Oceania Tour 2023 Pullman Melbourne Albert Park Sat, 4 Feb 2023 +61 3 9529 4300 Novotel Sydney Parramatta Tue, 7 Feb 2023 +61 2 9630 4999 Novatel Christchurch Airport Thu, 9 Feb 2023 +64 3 357 6610 InterContinental Sanctuary Cove Resort Sat, 11 Feb 2023 +61 7 5530 1234 Adelaide Convention Centre Wed, 15 Feb 2023 +61 8 8212 4099 These events are used to recruit new leaders and entice crypto investors into an opportunity of a lifetime. It is all multi-level marketing. They do not have a product or a service. They are selling a promise and a hope of big returns. I’ve tried to disrupt them as much as possible by contacting all the venues that are hosting the events, ‘WEWE Global Oceania Tour 2023’. I’ve also contacted the Serious Fraud Office who has lodged a complaint with the FMA. Don’t be fooled by these men in suits who use crypto terminology. They are the scumbags of the planet, they are the modern day thieves who will rob you blind. The people that are falling victim are not youngsters, they are people heading into retirement who are trying to get their head around crypto, the blockchain, the ecosystem and the Metaverse. Many of the people that contact me on a daily basis have invested their retirement money and lost the lot. They didn’t seem to fully understand what they had invested in. They trusted a friend or a family member who encouraged them to invest. I feel like I am fighting this battle alone, but if I can disrupt or slow these fraudsters down, I will do everything in my power to throw obstacles at them. They defraud people out of their hard earned dollars. I’ve created over 150 YouTube videos exposing Ponzi schemes and scams. I am currently investigating 50 like-minded Ponzi schemes. I haven’t produced a video exposing WEWE Global yet. However, I can tell you they are in the top 5 Ponzi schemes happening at the moment. There is a real #ScamDemic out there at the moment. If it sounds too good to be true, it often is. P.S. If you like this article, please click “like” or provide comment, as that will motivate me to publish more. Share and inspire. Thank you.  Read the full article
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lucieferase · 3 years
@el-cadejos Yo soy tu Secret Santa! (Reyes?)
Disfruté mucho aplicar mis conocimientos de la niña de los plumones reloaded.
Perdón otra vez por la tardanza.
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triunviratum · 3 years
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Commission for my dear friend @el-cadejos on 2020
Her OC Hati.
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el-cadejos · 4 years
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¡Felices fiestas, Ame! @madereshe
Espero que hayas tenido una navidad tranquila con buena comida, y que el 2021 te depare mucha fortuna y buena vibra. Muchas gracias por todas las risas y buenos momentos que hemos tenido. ¡Un enorme abrazo! :D
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nickfraworld · 4 years
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Bueno, me pasé un poquito de navidad XD, pero justo justo justo no fue tanto x) jeje.
¡Yo soy tu vieja pascuera @violencia-vickencia! Espero que te guste esta Evangeline patinadora sobre hielo, que lo está dando todo y va por su medalla ;D <3 ¡Te deseo lo mejor para el 2021! es un encanto conocerte y compartir contigo x)
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oquard · 4 years
Secret Santa 2020 // “Kalach” - Parte I
@elinuts Eliiii, perdón por la tardanza /)w(\ creo que ya no es sorpresa pero igual como  tu secret santa quiero desearte todo lo mejor para este año, a pesar de los colegas que te sacan canas verdes en el trabajo. Mucha suerte y mucho ánimo con la especialización, felicidades por haber aprobado la preselección de momento, y por haberte podido mudar a un nuevo depa ;) son buenos comienzos para este año, que esperemos sea menos caótico que el anterior.
Sin más que añadir, escribí algo que no estaba precisamente en tu lista pero espero que te guste uvu tiene que ver con nuestros misfits pero quise que Yef fuera el eje central, tu niño merece todo el amor en todos los universos.
No prometo fechas para próximas entregas, pero al menos quise que esta primera parte, además de servir como introducción, fuera autoconclusiva para no dejarte en ascuas x) Está todo conectado, por supuesto, pero sirven de manera independiente también. Ahora sí, con todo mi cariño y con especial emoción porque a estos personajes les tengo un lugar especial en mi corazón, tu regalo que parece que llegó por correos de México (?) Enjoy <3
***Edit: Tumblr se puso roñoso con el "seguir leyendo" y al menos en escritorio creo que no lo corta xDU así que la continuación queda en este otro post para que no quede tan largo aquí:
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amefdraw · 5 years
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@trio-infierno​, ¡Soy tu secret santa!
Primero que nada, mil disculpas por la tardanza, pero aquí están. Balrogs noruegos bailando en solitario (?). En el bosque.
En fin, que te vaya bien en este 2020, que todas tus metas se cumplan y te mando un abrazo
Y para compensar, un bonus:
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