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miningdelta · 6 months ago
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Elphapex DG1 11GH/S Cette asic, miner Elphapex DG1 avec le hashrate de 11GH/s est conçu pour algorithme Scrypt pour le minage de blockchain crypto monnaie dogecoin , Litecoin, avec une consommation d'énergie de seulement 3420W.   DOGECOIN:   11GH/s*   ALGORITHME:   SCRYPT    WATT:   3420W * Les données de puissance de calcul hashrate et de consommation électrique peuvent varier de +/- 5 %. Pool de minage      https://miningdelta.com/fr/dogecoin-doge/200-elphapex-dg1-11ghs-8001405503750.html rentabilité Elphapex DG1 ElphapexDG1 minagedecryptomonnaie DogecoinDOGE LitecoinLTC Scrypt mineurASICpourDogecoin mineurASICpourLitecoin puissancedehachage prix investissementencryptomonnaie
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ghostly-penumbra · 7 months ago
a ghostly choice
Summary: Jason has a decision to make.
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The wind whipped around them, flowing with Jason’s tumultuous emotions: a tornado of his own making that left him and Danny right at its centre, its core.
“I can’t tell you what to choose, Jay, but you have to choose. This… this is your crossroad.”
And Jason could feel it within himself: his obsession fighting for stability, the two aspects of it now set against each other, no longer coexisting in balance, no longer with the same goal.
Justice or Revenge.
The Lazarus Pit boiled in his veins, in every cell of his body, clamouring for blood and violence, reminding him of all that he had suffered, all the people that had to pay.
Closing his eyes he could feel the city, his haunt, thrumming with lie all around him… but in pain, bleeding. The corruption of it, the violence, the poverty, made it scream non-stop, cry out for something it knew it wouldn’t get.
And then, buried deep beneath disdain, anger, and resentment, was not hope, but a desire for a better future, for bright days, to finally get a respite.
Jason opened his eyes, and tears streamed down his face.
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rawsmackdownnxtdivas · 1 year ago
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mrawkweird · 1 year ago
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Unlike GTA 6 OTM ain't afraid to hit these streets.
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the-pen-pot · 2 years ago
Twinkle lights and creativity for the win!
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dynamitekansai · 8 months ago
AEW: It looks like we’ll be finding out more about this mysterious competitor very soon!
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codchrist · 2 years ago
OMG Scrypts was actually Reggie 😂😂😂😂
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mxmoth · 3 months ago
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puppy-linux-official · 4 months ago
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Watch me doing things for free that most people get paid to do :negative:
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parasocialgod · 9 months ago
" what did you expect
from a narcissistic white trash christ ? "
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last updated ; june 1st
ଘ⁽ ¨⁾੭† . . . tag directory
; prophecy - posts made by us
; recite - reblogs
; hymns - music
; scrypt - journal photos
; losing my faith - religion related
; devotion - obsession related
; scorned - past loves
+ more tba
ଘ⁽ ¨⁾੭† . . . abt us
this side account is run by a few members of a did system ;
the martyr 🦴 , the heretic 🐾 , the apostate ☿ , & the fallen ♱.
you may call us collective envy , seraphim ,,, or separately by our titles.
we go by he / thou / it pronouns collectively.
the martyr 🦴 goes by he / thou.
the heretic 🐾 goes by he / it / thou + neos.
the apostate ☿ goes by ☿ / ☿self or no pronouns.
the fallen ♱ goes by it / she & prefers masc terms.
we all have songs we like to be associated with. (link coming soon)
we are masc aligned agender , intersex , gay , and biromantic. we are all nonhuman.
we were raised christian , never baptized , and have religious trauma. we are now polytheistic , some pagan , but still recovering.
we have npd , avpd , delusions + other disorders and symptoms we aren't comfortable sharing here. as well as suspected bpd.
we are not glorifying / romantizing mental illness or trauma , this is simply how we cope with our own
do not vent in our inbox or direct messages , we are not a therapist or mentally stable enough to handle such things. we are fragile , please remember that.
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miningdelta · 30 days ago
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Antminer L7 9050MH/s Cette asic, miner Antminer L7 avec le hashrate de 9050MH/s est conçu pour algorithme Scrypt pour le minage de blockchain crypto monnaie dogecoin , Litecoin, avec une consommation d'énergie de seulement 3425W.   DOGECOIN:   9050MH/s*   ALGORITHME:   SCRYPT    WATT:   3425W * Les données de puissance de calcul hashrate et de consommation électrique peuvent varier de +/- 5 %.   Pool de minage                      https://miningdelta.com/fr/dogecoin-doge/21-antminer-l7-9050mhs.html asicsdecryptomonnaiebitmain mineurs hashrate hash antminer algorithmescrypt extractiondedogecoin litecoin dogecoin doge LTC crypto L7 coin AntminerAntminerL79050MH achatAntminerAntminerL79050M
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ghostly-penumbra · 8 months ago
Summary: Danyal reflects on the mending and burning of bridges.
Inspired by this post.
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Danny stared and stared some more at his phone’s screen, undecided on what he wanted to do.
Somehow, he had seen his brother again.
Damian had grown, just like him, not just in height but as a person.
He was now an established vigilante, a champion of justice in his own right, an ally of the Justice League, fighting evil and protecting the weak.
He was a completely different person from the little boy that had ran him through with a sword at the behest of their grandfather, with a disgusted glare as he stared down at his dying twin.
He was good now.
But in truth, he was the boy that had killed Danny, the brother that he had wrongly trusted, and thought could be on his side.
Danny sighed, dropping his phone in his lap and wondering not for the first time at how they had ended up being so different, already back in the League, how had Damian not been able to see how wrong things were, when they had been raised together, and Danny had realized it early enough? Realize that the soldiers were people, and not just props or tools to be discarded –to be killed – on a whim.
Well, Damian seemed to have realized it by now, been taught better, like all he needed was for someone to talk sense into him.
Why hadn’t Danny’s pleas been enough?
And there was also… their… extended family. Their father, the Batman, and all the people he had brought with him.
Most of them had been… tentative, he would say, in the short time they had interacted. They saw that it was a tense situation and had handled themselves with care, hadn’t pushed Danny, but still showed they would welcome him if he decided to approach. That was nice of them.
The mater of his father, though…
Danny had thought, over and over as he smuggled himself from country to country with mother’s help until they had to cut contact least they be discovered by the League, about seeking his father, the mighty warrior that even his grandfather respected, someone who could protect him from the League.
Then he had found out about Robin, and decided against leaving one child-soldiering life for another.
Then he had met the Fentons, and he didn’t regret it one bit.
(He understood now, though, that the vigilante life didn’t respect ages, and sometimes you just had to step up, because you could, and no one else.)
And now he had the chance to have it all if he wanted. But if he did, it’d have to be everything, he couldn’t be cherry-picking what he wanted and what not, it was all or nothing.
“Nothing it is.” He deleted the number from his phone and the memory of it from his mind, and the slip of paper it had been scribbled on was burnt in green fire along with the communicator Batman had handed him (hesitant, hopeful, beneath his calm façade), and ended up in his trash bin once it stopped radiating heat.
Even if he wanted to have that part of his family, he didn’t want anything with Damian, and he wouldn’t make them choose between the two of them. The Bats were Damian’s and the Fentons Danyal’s, and that was it.
And maybe, just maybe, he would be broken all over again if they all chose his killer over him.
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There is a post on tumblr that uses "Get in the Water" from EPIC: The Musical (my current fixation), where Danyal gives Damian a good scare for having killed him and things spiral from there for the bats. I love it very much.
I don't actually hate Damian or anything (i don't really care for his character, but the bats are a package deal), but as an abused sibling i've always hated with a passion the whole "forgive your abusive sibling uwu, they did't know any better u.u" fuck that noise. Even if they change and grow to be a better person, you don't have to forgive your abusers or be part of their lives so that they feel better. Fuck that very much.
i'm a bit of a hypocrite tho, since my fave is Jason and i forgive him the Titan's Tower incident (but if what i've read about Tim talking shit about Jay after he became Robin is true, then I won't even excuse him. shoulda hit 'im harder. i'll have to check that). alas i also don't care for Tim so i don't really read as much on his relationship with Jason. it's complicated but I wrote what i wanted.
please feel free to leave your opinion! on the subject, on the fic, i'd love to read it!
update: now with a what-if scenario in Rejection
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rawsmackdownnxtdivas · 11 months ago
Jaida Parker (with OTM) vs Brinley Reece (with Malik Blade & Edris Enofe):NXT 4/9/24
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mrawkweird · 1 year ago
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The block is every bit of hot tonight.
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thef1nalb0ss · 9 months ago
Roster Page Updates post KQOTR
-Tony, Andre, Brooks, and Scrypts have received new renders.
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-Je'von, Izzi, Tyriek, and Tyson have been added to the roster page.
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miru-has-thoughts · 11 months ago
Ain't no way OTM and Reggie got a commercial before Trick/Melo
The dudes with the bootleg version of Baron Corbin's entrance?
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