#Scrum Agile News
vlruso · 9 months
Schwachstellen in Unternehmenszielen aufdecken: Eine Anleitung zur Ziele-Portfolio-Analyse
📢 New Blog Post Alert! 🚀 "Uncovering Weaknesses in Company Goals: A Guide to Goals Portfolio Analysis" In this insightful article, the author highlights the importance of introducing and defining product goals for Scrum teams. Discover how aligning team members with these goals can drive meaningful change within your organization. 🔗 Read the full article here: [https://itinai.com/schwachstellen-in-unternehmenszielen-aufdecken-eine-anleitung-zur-ziele-portfolio-analyse/](https://itinai.com/schwachstellen-in-unternehmenszielen-aufdecken-eine-anleitung-zur-ziele-portfolio-analyse/) Join the conversation and learn how a simple tool called Goals Portfolio Analysis can help identify weaknesses and gaps in the connection between company and team goals. Don't miss out on this valuable resource! #scrum #productgoals #goalsportfolioanalysis #businessimprovement #changemanagement List of Useful Links: AI Scrum Bot - ask about AI scrum and agile Our Telegram @itinai Twitter -  @itinaicom
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captainfern · 8 months
141Rugby!au [18+]
• Part One - Pink Tape •
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x fem!reader
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You've recently started a new job as a physiotherapist for an English Rugby Union team. It's your job to ensure that all the players are in top shape for upcoming games against other strong teams. This job is absolutely perfect for you: good pay, good hours, a fun and exciting atmosphere to be apart of. But there's just one thing you can't seem to understand– the same four players seem to need more attention than the rest.
chapter summary - your introduction to the rugby union team and your new job as their physiotherapist. and the team winger ensures you have a warm welcome lol.
rating - 18+
wordcount - 7k
chapter warnings - fem!reader, slow-ish burn [but not really cause ik you're here for the porn], gaz has insane rizz in this, f!masturbation, oral [f!receiving], fingering?, praise, strong language
disclaimer - physiotherapist, or staff x player sexual relations are not allowed in the real world. but please keep in mind this is fanfiction. it's fake. if you have an issue with inappropriate relations with faculty, blurred morals [etc], then please do not read. additionally, reader be fucking in this series. all four. separately, and at once. it's not cheating, i promise. it's consensual sharing <3
Gaz is a winger, or wing – fast, agile and play on the "wing" or outside edges of the field. this position tends to score the greatest number of tries.
see my rugby union introductory for definitions of rugby words
part two ->
When you received the phone call that you had been hired by one of the best rugby union teams in England, you were overjoyed.
It was a dream come true to be a physiotherapist for a professional sports team, and although you were excited to be apart of such an incredible work environment, you were also excited to see a significantly higher amount of money enter your bank account on paydays.
Your first day, you woke up earlier than usual, a good twenty minutes before your alarm. Nerves swirled in your stomach as you got ready for the day, completing your usual morning routine and getting dressed. Putting on the team's colours, with staff across the back made a smile grow wide across your face. You stared at yourself in the mirror for a while, butterflies fluttering rapidly around your stomach as the time ticked closer to the start of your workday.
Before you headed out, you pulled out your phone and searched the team up one last time. You tapped on the first link, and then proceeded to find the team list that had every player and their statistics available to the public. Their age, height, weight, the amount of games they've played, the amount of tries they've scored. In most of the photos, the players were posing in ways that made you roll your eyes– pointing at the camera, shouting with a fist in the air, pointing at the logo on their jersey with a huge grin. You couldn't help but laugh a little.
As you scrolled, perched on the end of your bed, four specific players caught your attention, your thumb hovering over your screen before you could scroll on. There was just something about them that made them stand out, even when they looked similar to everyone else– the same shirt, same background in the photo, same layout of statistics between them.
The scrum-half was posing like many of the others– pointing dead at the camera, a cocky grin on his face. In the photograph, he had a freshly shaven mohawk, too, the sides trimmed neat and the strands on top sitting perfectly on top of his head, as though he had got himself all done-up for picture day. Even in the photograph, you could tell simply by the way he grinned at the camera that he'd be cocky on the field. All good scrum-halves were, to be fair.
The winger held a finger to his lips, shushing the camera with a slight quirk in his lips, as though he was trying not to laugh when the camera went off. He was the only player wearing a cap, one with a Union Jack printed on the front, and you wondered whether he was allowed to do that, or he somehow managed to just keep quiet and get away with it. What amazed you the most though was the sheer amount of tries he had for his age. He was one of the younger players of the team, but his try-count for the previous season was impressive.
The number eight made your eyebrows shoot up as you took in the sheer broadness of him. His shoulders barely fit into frame, and he had his arms crossed over his chest, making his biceps and pectorals grow bigger in front of the camera. He had a passive look on his face, dark blond hair recently cropped by the look of it, and one of his eyes was bruised and slightly swollen– a recent black eye. His arms were huge, one tattooed, and you couldn't help but stare a little longer at the expanse of his chest before scrolling on.
The flanker, and captain, was the fourth player that caught your attention, especially with his neatly-kept facial hair. Like the number eight, he had his arms folded across his chest and his face was void of a smile or a wink. He looked serious, definitely, and you wondered what kind of a captain he was to the rest of his team. He was in his late thirties and would be probably nearing retirement, but he had played a large number of games over the years, so his experience would be unmatched.
You looked up briefly at the small time at the top of your phone screen, and jumped to your feet when you realised that, holy shit, you had to go. It'd be so embarrassing if you were late on your first day of work.
Quickly, and with first-day nerves churning in your stomach, you grabbed your bag and all that you needed before sprinting out the door, the cool morning air kissing your skin as the sun peaked over the horizon.
Meeting the team was even more nerve-wracking than you thought. When you arrived, the coach welcomed you and gave you a rundown of all you needed to know about the players and other staff. He then introduced you to the other staff, assistant coaches, team physicians and nurses, sport directors and personal trainers. There were so many people that worked with this team behind the scenes, it almost made you feel a bit out of place.
Sure, you were qualified and literally one of the best sporting physiotherapists in the United Kingdom, but the idea of working with such an infamous team was making doubts worm into your head. You shook your head and took a deep breath as the coach led you into the main meeting room of the stadium, where the players talked strategy and game plan between games and during the off-season.
The room was full of players, nearly forty of them if you had to make an estimate. The main thirty-three, including the starting fifteen and the bench, as well as other players that looked to be recovering from injury or training to become apart of the main squad in the next season.
The murmur of conversation died down when you and the coach entered the room, and you suddenly felt incredibly self-conscious as all eyes fell onto you. The coach stood beside you, patting a comforting hand on your shoulder as he got his players attention with a short whistle.
"Lads, meet our new physio," he said, and then introduced you by name, urging you to smile and offer a polite wave to the crowd of sportsman sitting in front of you. The coach continued. "She's bloody good at her job, so she'll be able to get you lot into working shape quick as a flash. But, that doesn't mean you can go 'round acting like idiots and getting hurt by doing stupid shit–"
You laughed to yourself as the coach divulged into a very coach-like rant, grilling the players about looking after themselves and taking care of their bodies, especially with the start of the new season rapidly approaching. They all needed to be in top shape.
"And remember," the coach said, and then pointed at you. "Physiotherapists are not doctors or nurses, so don't be crying to her with a cut finger, got it? You roll an ankle or strain your neck, or something– god forbid– worse than that, then you make an appointment to see her, got it?"
There was a collective murmur of acknowledgment from the team, many eyes still focusing on you. You smiled politely, and thanked them for their time before the coach was gently leading you back out of the room and into the spacious hallway. The walls here were lined with photos and trophy cabinets detailing every win and award this team has ever had.
The coach shook your hand one last time. "It's a pleasure to have you on, miss. I appreciate you taking the job at such short notice, too. Our last physio..."
You stifled a laugh at the disbelief on the coach's face. "What?"
"Our last physio got scared off," the coach almost laughed. "She was an older lady, real nice too, and had been with us for a while. But we've got a new wave of younger players that do stupid shit and get themselves hurt, so she wasn't exactly happy when they'd turn up every day with a new muscle to be strapped up."
You laughed, shaking your head in disbelief. "How was she scared off? Surely a bunch of twenty-something year old union players aren't the scariest of people."
"You'd be surprised," the coach joked. "Nah, I'm kidding. She retired, but what I said is true. A lot of the younger players'll probably be knocking at your office door within the next couple of weeks, so prepare yourself for that. Most of them you can just give an icepack and send them on their way, though."
You smiled, nodding. "Right, sounds easy enough."
The coach smiled too. "You will probably have regulars, too, by the way. Players that have had pretty bad injuries that need weekly physio, but the info's all in your books. If you have any questions, come and find me. Or ask Price, I'm sure he'll help you."
"The captain. John," the coach said. "Most of the boys call him Price, or cap, but you can call him whatever you feel comfortable with."
You nodded, eyes drifting down the hallway, admiring the gleam of the silver and gold trophies stacked in trophy cases along the wall. You turned back to the coach. "Do a lot of the players have preferred names?"
"Some, yeah," the coach nodded. "But they'll tell you when you get to know them a bit more. And don't stress if you don't remember names within the first week or so. You have plenty of time to get used to it."
You smiled, the nerves in your stomach beginning to ease. "Thanks, coach."
After the talk in the hallway, the coach led you to your office, which had a large window overlooking the training grounds. The field was in immaculate condition, mowed to perfection with a light veil of due covering the grass. The white goalposts reflected a couple of fragments of golden, early-morning sunlight.
Your office was a good size, which surprised you. You had your desk and shelving units that were stocked full of books and folders, no doubt about each player's injury record for the past hundred-odd years. And on the other side of the room, the carpeted floor shifted to linoleum, cabinetry and a medical bed placed in the centre of it. There was a door beside it, no doubt leading to the cupboard where all your physio equipment would be kept.
"Is this alright?" The coach asked, gesturing to the room.
"Is this alright?" You said in slight disbelief, looking around the room. "This is amazing. Thank you so much."
The coach smiled again. "No worries. Come get me if you need anything but otherwise, good luck and have a great first day."
He left the room and allowed you to be alone with your thoughts for a moment. You took a deep, calming breath, taking a good look around the room. You then looked out the window, where the players were now jogging out onto the field for their first practise of the season. You smiled softly, watching them interact with each other, throwing balls and pushing the scrum-machine out onto the field.
The nerves in your tummy were almost completely gone now. You were going to be just fine.
Your first two weeks were eventful, especially when getting used to a whole new working environment. You spent most of the time researching current players injury history, particularly those who had repeat injuries, or injuries that required extensive physio over the season. A couple of sprained ankles, a few over-worked muscles in the back and shoulders, even a torn ACL which had been receiving extensive physiotherapy for the last one and a half years.
Early into your third week with the team is when you met Gaz.
He had sauntered into your office with the sun streaming through your window, the rest of the team out doing warm-up drills on the training field below. He smiled widely at you, flashing his perfect teeth, his dark eyes crinkling at the corners.
He wanted to make an appointment for a possible strain to his wrist. He emphasised that it had happened over the weekend after a bit too much to drink. You asked him to elaborate and he simply told you he fell out a window. A window.
"How on earth do you just fall out a window?" You asked, beginning to book his appointment on your computer.
He shrugged, eyes watching you carefully. "Not sure. Can't remember much."
"I thought you weren't meant to be drinking during the season?"
He smiled bashfully. "Yeah, I'm not. You're not going to tell coach, are you?"
He battered his eyelashes, and you rolled your eyes. "I won't. But I'll take a look at your wrist now, if you want."
Of course he wanted you too.
You deducted that it was simply a strain, and nothing that a good, tight bandaging won't fix. You bandaged him up and told him he was good to go.
"Will... will I need to come back to make sure it's healing well?"
"No," you told him. "It's a pretty simple strain. Just make sure to change the bandages, especially after training. You should only have to wear the bandages for a week or two."
"Uh..." He looked from his wrist, back to you. "I... I don't know how to wrap my own bandages."
You raised your brows. "Really? A rugby union player can't tape himself up?"
He shrugged. "Nope."
You sighed, shaking your head. How was it possible that a professional sports player couldn't wrap a simple sprain-wrap around his wrist?
"Fine," you conceded, patting him gently on the arm and slowly leading him towards your door. "I can change it after each practise, but you should definitely learn how to do it yourself, okay?"
Gaz beamed. "Thanks, doc."
"I'm not a doctor, Kyle," you said. "I'm a physio."
"Same thing," he smiled wider. "See you after practise, doc."
And that's what happened. For the next two weeks.
He claimed he just couldn't wrap it himself. It hurt too much, you see. You were the only one who could wrap it secure enough that he felt safe to play.
"I thought I told you to learn to do this yourself, Kyle." You said, wrapping fresh pink tape around his wrist, smoothing your fingers across his hand and lower arm in the process. It was just a few days after he initially came to you.
"You can call me Gaz, doc," he corrected, eyes watching your hands. He trailed the movement of your fingers, before his eyes shifted upwards and scanned your face. He watched you with his warm brown eyes as you fixed the strapping tape into place. "And I just can't seem to do it as well as you."
You scoffed. "Flattery isn't going to get you anywhere, Gaz. You need to learn to do simple strapping by yourself, got it?"
"Will you be proud of me when I finally learn?" Gaz joked, eyes still on your face as you finished strapping his wrist.
"Very," you said, pulling away and examining your handiwork. It was good, as usual. "Does that feel secure enough."
Gaz was still looking at you, his eyes drifting over your face as you looked down at his wrist. He hummed a reply, and that prompted you to look up and meet his gaze.
"Gaz?" You questioned. "Does that feel good?"
The warmth of your fingertips ghosted over the pink tape, and Gaz could feel the ticklish sensation beneath it, his skin warming beneath the bandage. "Oh, yeah," he blinked, then looked down at his wrist. "I– what–? Doc, pink tape?"
You smiled. "What's wrong with pink?"
"Nothing, nothing," Gaz shook his head. "Yeah, uh, that feels good. Thanks."
The very first game of the season came in your fourth week as the team's physiotherapist. It was against a team from Scotland, that had travelled down to play the team on English soil.
You found yourself skimming your teeth nervously along your nails, your stomach drawing tight and heart racing as you sat on the bench beside a couple of medics, their medical bags at their feet. The sky was a steely grey, the smell of rain lingering in the air and the wind picking up a tad, blowing icy wind across the field. No doubt, if the rain decided to fall today, the field would turn to mud.
The game was held in a much smaller stadium than usual, not like Twickenham in London that could fit upwards of 80,000 people. Nevertheless, the stands were packed full of whistling and cheering spectators. The shouting and waving of colourful flags increased when the teams jogged out onto the field in a line, and you found yourself clapping alongside the crowd. You found Gaz immediately, his wrist bound in white tape rather than the pink tape you had bound it in a couple of days ago. You smiled to yourself, realising that he had bandaged it up himself.
You hummed to the national anthem, too nervous to open your mouth and sing. You had watched this team play a million times before, but this was different. The anxieties were stacking up within your conscious, and you wondered whether it would have been better to have a strong drink before you came.
The game started and within minutes, Gaz had the ball. He avoided one, then two opposition players, before breaking into a sprint along the sideline. You watched him speed past the bench, the benched players up on their feet and cheering. But it was short lived– Gaz was spear-tackled by one of the Scottish players, tumbling off the field and skidding through the grass. The crowd and bench turned from cheering, to jeering.
You sprung to your feet to get a better look, watching as the Scottish player helped Gaz to his feet, giving him a firm slap on the back as Gaz handed him the ball. He looked pissed off as he jogged back onto the field as the Scottish players readied their lineout. You watched as he rubbed at his wrist, flexing his fingers a few times with a grimace on his face.
"Ah, shit..." you mumbled, noticing the way he held his wrist close to his body. Some of the bandaging was slowly peeling away, making you sigh through your nose. Maybe you should have just done it for him, for goodness sake.
England won the lineout, and the ball was passed rightwards through the team. The captain grabbed the ball from the air, taking it to ground as two Scottish players wrapped their arms around his legs and midriff. Other members of his team came to his aid, a ruck building as more and more players attempted to volley the ball back into their possession. But England held on, with Gaz spotting an opportunity when the ball was popped out of the ruck by the scrum-half with the mohawk.
Gaz broke into a sprint just as the scrum-half turned and saw him, throwing an impressive pass over the top of other players' heads. The entire bench let out a sound of astonishment when Gaz leaped, snatching the ball from the air with one hand and managing to hold onto it. The crowd erupted into cheers as the winger dodged one Scottish player, and then took off down the sideline once more.
Take two, and he seemed to be more successful– speed building until opposing players were dropping behind, unable to keep up as his legs blurred with his pace, grass kicked up behind him. He reached the try-line, diving through the air near the corner and slamming the ball down, his body sliding through the grass behind it. The crowd cheered louder, and so did the bench– and you, too. You were on your feet alongside the subbed players and the other medics, clapping as both the captain and the scrum-half ran up alongside Gaz, patting him on the back and the top of the head.
Sitting back down as one of the water-boys ran the tee out for the conversion, you looked up to find Gaz running towards the sideline, beckoning at you to come closer.
You scooped up your medical bag and met him just over the sideline.
"What's wrong?" You asked, and Gaz answered you by outstretching his arm, offering his wrist to you. The tape was beginning to peel off, brushing against his forearm, and Gaz's brows were pinched, jaw clenched.
"It's painful still?" You asked another question as you quickly began to unwrap the tape.
He nodded, wincing when you ripped the rest of the tape off, taking a couple of his arm hairs with it. You whispered an apology as you kneeled down, unzipping your bag and pulling out a fresh roll of injury tape– bright pink, of course. You heard him groan as you stood back up, and you couldn't help but laugh.
"What's with you and pink tape, doc?" He asked you, voice a bit hoarse. Probably from yelling at his fellow teammates over the past ten minutes. The boys all tended to just shout at each other when they wanted something done, which you found incredibly amusing.
"I like pink," you told him, making quick work of re-taping his wrist as the kicker lined up his kick and concentrated on his conversion. Your eyes flicked up to Gaz's face for a moment. "I thought you said you didn't mind me using pink tape?"
Gaz offered you a cheeky smile, and you realised the two of you were quite close. You could see the thin layer of sweat covering his dark skin, his face glistening beneath the strong overhead lights. He flashed his charming smile as he began slowing his breathing, moving out of puffs, the rise and fall of his chest calming. You could feel the warmth radiating off of him, and smell the light tang of sweat beneath his cologne.
You felt something flutter in your stomach as a smile stretched onto your face. It didn't last, and you immediately felt embarrassed– instead, you dropped your head back down and quickly finished strapping the bandage just as the kicker converted a successful two points.
"No, I like pink," Gaz said after a prolonged pause, eying you carefully as you stepped away and scooped your medical bag off the ground. "It reminds me of you, actually. And it might be my good luck charm, you never know."
You scoffed, shaking your head as you backed off the field. "Whatever, Garrick."
Gaz flashed his smile again. "If I score another try, it'll be because of this pink tape." Then, he winked and jogged back to where the game reset was taking place.
You found yourself shaking your head, smiling to yourself as you return to the bench. A good luck charm. Whatever.
A couple of hours later, you were back in your office, running through a few extra things before heading home. The team would have nearly finished celebrating their 31 – 14 win, and would soon begin to head home, ready for a new day of training in a couple of days time.
Typing one last report into your computer, there was a knock at your door. It opened, and Gaz stuck his head in.
"Hard at work, doc?" He asked, slipping into the room. He gently shut the door behind him, leaning up against it.
You smiled at him. "I'm finishing one last report, then I'm heading home for the night. Are you boys finished your celebrations?"
Gaz grinned. "Yeah, just about. Just thought I'd pop over and say thank you for redoing my bandages.”
You noticed he looked bashful when he said it, his eyes darting away from yours when the words left his mouth, roaming around your office. His eyes found the medical bed in the corner of the room, staring at it as he finished his sentence.
"It's okay, Gaz, don't worry," you told him, reassured him. "It's my job, anyway." You finished with a laugh, and his dark eyes found yours again. You began packing up your belongings when he shuffled further into the office, his wrist on full display. The pink tape was soggy and mud-stained, and you frowned at him when he held it out to you like a shy child showing they had broken something.
You didn't say anything. You didn't have too. You simply beckoned him towards you, urging him around the desk as you picked up a half-used roll of pink tape from one of your desk drawers. You made him peel the old bandage off.
"I don't understand how you got that so... wet," you remarked, casting a look of disgust at the old bandage now sitting in the waste-paper basket near the base of your desk. "This tape is meant to be water-proof."
Gaz barked out a quiet laugh. "It's probably got a bit of beer on it. And I did spend... you know, a bit of time in the shower, rinsing off the mud and all that."
"Right..." You mumbled, slowly wrapping the pink tape around his wrist.
The room fell into a comfortable silence, except for the low buzzing of the overhead light, and the distant voices from other players beginning to go home.
Gaz watched you silently, his eyes never once leaving your face as you wrapped his wrist. You felt the weight of his stare, the warmth of his gaze, and it made your body slowly begin to heat up, something tight pulling in the base of your gut. You ignored him at first, focussing solely on reapplying the tape. But when you had finished, you made the mistake of looking up and into his deep, dark eyes while still standing in close proximity with him.
His pupils had expanded, his eyes darting all over your face as you gently held his wrist. His fingers had grabbed hold of your arm, the searing heat of his fingertips making heat prickle on the back of your neck in nervousness.
"Does that feel secure?" You managed to whisper, throat drying. "I– does it feel–"
"You gonna let me kiss you, doc?" Gaz whispered an interruption thick with lust, his tongue darting out to swipe against his lower lip. "Please let me."
You bit your bottom lip, eyes scanning his face and waiting for him to tell you that he's joking. But it didn't come. Instead, you were left there, standing in a haze of his cologne and shampoo, his entire body radiating a warmth that made your legs begin to tremble.
"Kyle..." You murmured.
He groaned, eyes closing for just a second. "God, you're killing me here, doc."
"Gaz," you corrected, barely above a whisper. "I– we can't. I'll lose my job–"
"You won't," he responded instantaneously. "You... you won't, doc, I promise. Just... god, just one. Let me just–" he cut himself off with a low groan as he lowered his mouth to yours, brushing his lips so gently against yours that you weren't sure they even touched. He hummed, eyes fluttering shut as he spoke against your lips, his words ghosting across your face. "Just once... one kiss, that's– that's it."
He closed the gap all the way this time, slotting his mouth against yours with a hum from the back of his throat. You were still surprised, struck across the face with confusion as he moved his lips against yours, the warmth of his mouth making your brain short-circuit. His hands moved to cup your head, holding your face to him as he licked your bottom lip and attempted to slip his tongue into your mouth.
"God, you're so good." He whimpered against your mouth, before shoving his tongue further inside, yours meeting his with force.
But with a low whine, you stopped him– placing a hand to his chest and pushing him away. He grunted, breathing hard as he opened his eyes, leaning his forehead against yours. He dropped his arms, grasping at your hips instead, trying to bring you closer, but you resisted with a stab to your heart.
"We can't..." You breathed, slowly backing away. Gaz dropped his arms and watched you shift away from him, the corners of his mouth downturning.
Gaz exhaled with the tip of his tongue pressed to the inside of of his cheek. "I know."
"Don't you dare apologise," Gaz said sternly. "I'm sorry. I'll... I'll see you later, doc. Have a good weekend."
You sighed. "Gaz–"
But he was already gone, closing the door softly behind him, leaving the rich smell of cologne in his wake, lingering around your office like incense.
You thought about the kiss the entirety of the weekend, and it was like it was eating you alive. Every time you got a message from the staff group chat, or an email from the coaching administration, your heart lurched out of your chest. Not because you were scared that you'd somehow been found out, but because seeing the name of the team pop up on your lock-screen make you think about him.
The winger. Gaz.
You couldn't help it– he was just so warm against you, his mouth soft and inviting as the solid, wet heat of his tongue slipped into your mouth and drew the breathiest of whimpers from you. Your body grew hot at the memory, and the memory of his hands on your face, holding you, cradling you as though you were the most perfect thing on earth. All for him, too.
You expected a wave of regret and humiliation to his you over the weekend break, but nothing came. The only thing that did come was, pun absolutely intended, you.
You just couldn't help it. The memories of the way he made you feel, how he felt, had been festering inside your brain long enough that it needed to be expelled someway. And that way was best fit for the later hours of the night, when you were curled up beneath the covers of your bed, your fingers teasing the wet hole of your cunt, another on your puffy clit.
You just couldn't help it. Rethinking the kiss again and again as you sunk two fingers inside yourself, pumping them at the phantom feeling of Gaz's lips against yours, the muscular plains of his chest and abdomen pushed up against the soft curves of your body, his hands keeping your face against his. He felt so good, smelt so good.
The noises slipped from your mouth as you fucked yourself with your fingers, the sheer amount of your arousal evident by the soft, wet squelches and the sensation of it rolling in pearls down your bare thighs. Your clit was so puffy, so sensitive, that you were coming around your fingers in barely a minute, moaning Gaz's name into the dark emptiness of your bedroom.
You needed him. So bad.
And that's why you called him the following morning. Why you picked up your phone, still in bed with your blankets bunched around you, and dialled his number. Why you waited patiently until he replied with a deep, sleep-clogged voice and why you invited him over. Why you got excited when he accepted almost right away, and why you showered with your heart thrumming, buzzing, racing in your chest. Why you answered your door with a bright smile and allowed him to crowd you back into the entrance hall of your flat, closing and locking the door behind him. Why you let him back you against the wall, his hands straight away grabbing your face, fingers warm on your soft skin, and especially why you let him slot his mouth against yours.
You weren't thinking about anything but him at that point. Not about your job, the coach, the captain or any other player. You were thinking of Gaz, the winger, the rugby union player that was currently dropping to his knees in front of you and pulling your trousers down with him. He kissed your bare legs as he helped wriggle your trousers away from your ankles, kissing the sides of your knees as his hands roamed up your legs.
His face trailed up your inner thighs, dragging his nose against the smooth skin, eyes flicking from your clothed core to your pretty face. You partially gaped down at him, chest heaving, your palms flat against the wall to ground yourself. Gaz's mouth found your core through your underwear, already soaking the fabric, and he nudged it with the point of his nose, catching on your clit. He smiled against you as he pressed a kiss to your clothed cunt, and you rewarded him with a pretty little moan that echoed through your quiet flat.
"Mm, jus' so wet already," he said it as though he was in genuine disbelief, but the smile never left his face as he placed another hot kiss to the underside of your underwear, his hands now kneading the fat of your arsecheeks, pushing you away from the wall and closer to him. "Soakin' these pretty little things, hm? Don't want to ruin them, do we, baby?"
You mewled down at him, one of your hands settling on his shoulder as he gently shifted your underwear to the side, exposing your glistening core. He groaned, low and breathy, eyes transfixed on where your leaking hole clenched around nothing, your clit sitting all pretty between your puffy lips. He groaned again, pushing you closer to him and settling his face right up between your legs, his mouth immediately attaching to your clit.
He sucked it into his mouth with a gentle scrape of his teeth, a scrape that sent bolts of electricity through your system, your back arching off the wall as Gaz's hands returned to your arse, groping. You could vaguely feel your underwear pushed into the crevice of your thigh, but you weren't focussing on that– you were focussing on the way Gaz circled your clit with his tongue, before he dragged his tongue through your wet folds and around your hole.
You moaned loudly, and Gaz hummed in response against you, his tongue running in tight circles around your slick hole, licking over it. The sensations were making your body light up, fiery hot pleasure coursing through your veins and you were worried that you were going to come before he even put his tongue inside you. You gripped at his shoulder as finally, finally, he slipped his tongue inside you, a loud whine ripping from his throat.
You could barely keep your eyes open, trying desperately to remain eye-contact as he held your gaze, tongue moving in and out of you, lapping up each drip of your arousal. He was vocal, too– grunting and whining as his tongue moved, his lower-face no doubt drenched. His hands gripped at the flesh of your arse like it was his lifeline, his fingers squeezing and releasing, squeezing and releasing each time his tongue licked into you.
The world around you was spinning, the morning light streaming in from the small window above your front door. You can't believe you were in this situation. But here you were– leaning against the wall of your hallway, one of England's best rugby union winger's gripping your arse, his face buried between your legs and eating you out the best you'd ever had.
"Gaz, Gaz, oh my god–" You whispered, honeyed with your on-coming orgasm. It was building, burning hot inside you, slowing the thoughts of your brain and forcing you to hone in on the feel of Gaz's solid, wet tongue inside your cunt.
He only broke the movements of his tongue for a moment, his nose still nudging your swollen clit. "Tha's a good girl, baby. Say my name while you're comin' round my tongue." Then, his tongue was back inside you, thrusting in so deep that stars burst behind your pupils and your body wracked with shudders.
You came, moaning out a blissful "Gaz–!" as your orgasm washed over you– no, slammed over you. You gushed around him, your legs trembling in his hold, sweat beading along your hairline as the warmth overtook you. You moaned out again, stretched around a desperate whine, as he licked you through it, sucking up as much of your arousal as he could before he reluctantly pulled away, placing one last kiss to your clit before sliding your underwear back into place.
His entire lower face was wet, glistening with you. You groaned, shutting your eyes as he got to his feet and proceeded to kiss you, rubbing your slick all over your face as well. He smiled into your mouth, tongue probing for yours, meeting it and passing on more of your slick. You moaned, and he moaned too.
"Been wanting to do that for so long," Gaz said in between kisses, his hands on your hips now, rubbing you against his front. You could feel the tent growing in his trousers, and a whimper escaped you. He dragged his mouth down your neck, sucking and biting and licking, spreading more of your sticky arousal across your bare skin. "Pretty little thing she is too, isn't she?"
One of his hands dragged down between your legs as he said that, fingers rubbing through your folds over your soaked underwear. You whimpered, and he hummed, increasing his speed. He still didn't move your underwear, just kept rubbing at your wet, puffy clit with his fingers, his hand moving back and forth between your legs.
"I– I take it your wrist is all better now?" You questioned him, almost out of breath as he rubbed your clit. He was using his injured wrist, the pink tape still visible working between your thighs.
Gaz smiled against your neck. "I had a great physio, didn't I? The best physio..." he increased the speed of his fingers, rubbing you quicker, circling your clit. Your arousal was further dampening your underwear, small whimpers falling from your lips, overstimulation creeping up. Gaz licked at the pulse point behind your ear. "You're just so good, doc. Such a good girl. So fuckin' good letting me play with this pretty pussy, hm? So fuckin' good."
You mewled, turning your head so you could kiss him. This time, it was your tongue shoving into his mouth, and he moaned quietly around your tongue as your lips moved together. His fingers sped up, circles deepening.
"M'gonna come, Gaz..." You whispered, and he shushed you with a kiss. When he pulled away, he did so with a low whine, eyes raking down your body, absorbing each and every little bit of you with his dark eyes.
"You can come, baby," he told you softly. "Come in these pretty things–" he punctuated his sentence by pinching at the fabric of your underwear, pulling it back and letting it slap against your clit, before resuming his previous movements. "–and ruin them for me, yeah? Come all over them and I'll take them home, how's that sound?"
You moaned loudly, clawing at his clothed back.
He chuckled deeply. "Yeah? You like the thought of me takin' these home and wrappin' them around my cock? Hm? Want me to fuck them while thinking about this pretty pussy? O'course you do, doc, cause you're just such a good girl for me. So good, 'n such a good fuckin' pussy too."
That made you come– slick flooding the gusset of your underwear, soaking through and dampening his fingers. He hummed, pleased, against you, his mouth roving over your neck and jaw again as you came. You were breathing hard, and the weight of Gaz's hard cock was making you even more breathless, pushed up between your thighs.
Heaven on earth, it felt like.
But it ended all to soon. Way to fucking soon. Gaz's phone began ringing in his pocket, and he fished it out with his fingers still tacky with your arousal. He kept you pinned to the wall with his body as his eyes swept over his phone screen and he sighed, showing you the screen too. It was the coach, and he mouthed an apology as he answered.
The phone call felt like it went on for an eternity (it was probably just over a minute) and you watched as Gaz's brows drew together in frustration. When he hung up, he angrily shoved his phone back into his pocket and rested his head against your shoulder, groaning as his hands circled your hips, massaging the pliable flesh there.
"What's wrong?" You asked, and he groaned into your neck again.
"I forgot I had sprint training today."
"Yeah... fuck, m'sorry–"
"Don't apologise," you said, taking his head into your hands. "You need to stay at the top of your game, don't you? And you don't want to make coach mad, either."
"S'pose you're right," he mumbled, and then leaned in to press a quick kiss to your lips. "See you tomorrow?"
You smiled. "See you tomorrow."
When you got to work the next day, you found a new set of folders on your desk. Placing your belongings down, you picked up the next folder, which had a new patient for you to begin working with, who had received a small injury during the last game that had gotten a bit worse over the weekend.
Your mind was still lingering on thoughts of your and Gaz's encounter yesterday morning, but you picked up and opened the file anyway, intent on not letting sex, and that handsome winger, distract you from doing your job.
"Pulled muscle in the calf, hopefully not a tear..." You read through the file. You flipped the file shut, reading the name on the front. "MacTavish, nicknamed Soap," you laughed. "What kind of name is Soap?"
my first chapter of this series. let me know what you thought, and stay tuned for the next one !!
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exeggcute · 2 months
Can you please tell me what story points are I hear about them from tech dudes they sound so scary
oh yes lmao. let me answer this publicly so everyone can learn...
in software development there's a work allocation philosophy called agile that everyone either does or tries to do. some people just "do" agile and some people will tell you that agile is a vibe and you can only "do" subsets of it like scrum or kanban or whatever. many people use these terms interchangably and many places end up doing an unholy patchwork of various agile frameworks and hoping for the best.
(or they don't actually do agile at all but adopt agile tools and terminology anyway because that's the shit everyone knows how to use. Big Atlassian has us in their grip...)
in (some) agile work planning, each team divides their session into sprints, which is a fixed length of time for which you pre-determine what you'll be working on and any new tasks won't get picked up or really even looked at until the next sprints. from what I've seen these are usually two-ish weeks but can definitely be more or less. at the end of your sprint, you'll ideally be done with all of the work you were assigned and then get new things to work on for the next sprint.
each unit of work is broken into a story, which is supposed to be a whole anthropomorphized "user story" and not just a unit of work but I've never worked somewhere that adhered to this. sometimes people call them a ticket or an issue instead. it kinda depends on the tool you're using. right now we use a not-jira tool that calls them stories, so to us they're stories! but they're basically just bite-sized work assignments.
each story gets an estimate of how much effort you think it'll take to complete it. (not time, just effort. these are supposed to be different but no one has ever explained how in a way that's satisfied me.) those are your story points. so when you do your sprint planning every <x> weeks, you or your boss or your scrum master or whoever allocates work based on the point total of your stories. let's say that you're usually trying to hit 30-ish story points or so; you might pull in a 13, an 8, a 5, and four 1s for that sprint based on which stories are outstanding. but the next sprint might be two 8s, a 5, three 3s, and a 2.
also I love (and am mystified by??) how these tech dudes are apparently just coming to you to complain about their sprint planning all the time. but I understand. it's rough out here.
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quads4days · 1 year
Titan Sized
Chapter 1: The Awakening of the Brotherhood
The sun was setting over the colossal King's Field, casting long shadows over the vibrant green turf. Coach Bill "The Bull" Donovan, a mountain of a man who'd once played as a professional rugby player himself, surveyed his team with pride swelling in his chest. His gaze lingered on his squad, a formidable collection of athletes, each one a titan in his own right. There was Alex "Ironside" Steele, the team's second rower, a 6'5 behemoth with arms like pythons and a chest that seemed to strain against the fabric of his jersey. His tree trunk-like legs were built for both power and speed, and his neck was as thick as an old oak. Dane "Diesel" Sinclair, the team's hooker, was not as tall as Steele, but what he lacked in height, he made up for in sheer breadth. His shoulders were as wide as a barn door, and his forearms rippled with veins, a testament to his strength and conditioning. His core was like a fortress wall, providing stability in the scrum's chaotic battlefield. Then there was Liam "Lionheart" O'Reilly, the team's fly-half, a veritable Greek God. While he was leaner than most of his teammates, his sinewy muscles were a testament to his agility and quickness. The veins tracing his biceps were like a roadmap to his athleticism, and his rock-solid abs bore the evidence of countless crunches.
Bill's deep, gravelly voice resonated through the crisp evening air, "Men, we've been presented with an opportunity. An opportunity to take our game to the next level." He held up a bottle, the label gleaming under the floodlights. "Our new sponsor, MassMax, has provided us with a 'gaining supplement.' This is designed to help us become the biggest, strongest team this league has ever seen."
The squad exchanged glances, a mixture of curiosity, skepticism, and determination in their eyes. The coach continued, "This isn't about just getting big for the sake of it. We're not bodybuilders; we're rugby players. This is about power. This is about endurance. This is about outlasting and overpowering our opponents on the field. It's about becoming an unstoppable force."
Bill passed the bottle to Ironside, who inspected it closely. "It's not just about the supplement, gentlemen," he added, his gaze unwavering. "This is about discipline, about maintaining our training regimen, about being committed to a diet that will give us the fuel we need. This is about pushing past our limits. We're already formidable. But imagine what we could become."
As the sun dipped beneath the horizon, the team looked at each other, the air charged with anticipation. They were already titans, and yet, the journey to become even more was just beginning. They knew the road ahead would be grueling, but they were ready. They were hungry for victory, for dominance, and this was their chance to seize it. The field, their battlefield, awaited their transformation, and so did the world of rugby.
The locker room was alive with the sounds of camaraderie and exertion. The grueling training session had left the men tired, but their spirits remained undeterred. Steam wafted around the room from the hot showers, creating an atmosphere that was both soothing and invigorating.
Ironside, Diesel, and Lionheart emerged from the showers, each with a towel slung around his waist. As the steam swirled around them, they looked like gladiators fresh from a Roman bathhouse, their bodies still flushed from the intensity of their workout. Ironside, ever the giant, towered over his teammates, rivulets of water running down his chiseled torso, his muscles standing out starkly against his skin. Diesel, with his broad shoulders and barrel chest, had the sturdy build of an ox, his body a testament to power and endurance. Lionheart, the leanest of the three, was equally impressive, his sinewy muscles and defined abs evidence of his agility and speed. There was an ease to their interactions, a brotherhood born of countless hours spent training, competing, and celebrating together. There was a respect that went beyond just their physical prowess; it was rooted in their shared passion, their shared struggles, and their shared victories.
"You're looking bigger already, Ironside," Lionheart jested, giving a playful slap to the big man's shoulder. "At this rate, we'll have to widen the doorways for you."
Ironside just laughed, flexing his bicep in response. "Just trying to keep up with you, Lionheart. Can't let you have all the glory."
Diesel, shaking his head at their antics, interjected, "And what about me? I'm the one who's going to have to deal with you two behemoths in the scrum."
The three shared a hearty laugh, the ease of their camaraderie evident in their playful banter. Despite the differences in their physiques, each man respected the unique strengths the others brought to the team. They were more than teammates; they were brothers.
Ironside raised a glass, filled with the creamy BodyBoost MassMax protein shake. "To becoming bigger, stronger, and unstoppable."
"Here's to MassMax," Diesel echoed, raising his own glass.
"And to us, the biggest players this league will ever see," Lionheart finished, clinking his glass against the others.
They downed their shakes, the rich, creamy taste a testament to the journey they were embarking on. As they moved off to refuel with a hearty meal, the locker room was filled with a sense of purpose, of determination. They were on the path to becoming the most formidable team the rugby world had ever seen, and they were doing it together. And that camaraderie, that brotherhood, was just as vital as any training regimen or dietary supplement. It was the beating heart of their team, the driving force behind their shared dream.
Chapter 2: Feasting on Victory
The euphoria of victory was still echoing in their veins as Ironside, Diesel, and Lionheart arrived at the all-you-can-eat buffet. Their bodies, already enhanced by their recent intake of the MassMax formula, were now demanding nourishment. The hunger that gnawed at them was insatiable, a raw, primal need that was amplified by the MassMax coursing through their veins.
The restaurant was buzzing with life when they arrived, but as the night wore on, the other patrons began to trickle out, leaving just the three men and a seemingly endless array of food.
Ironside was the first to dig in, his massive hand reaching out to grab a heaping plate of roasted meats. Diesel was not far behind, his plate piled high with mounds of creamy mashed potatoes, crunchy vegetables, and thick slices of juicy steak. Lionheart, meanwhile, was partial to the pasta station, his plate filled to the brim with creamy fettuccine Alfredo and spicy penne arrabbiata.
As they gorged, their banter turned into a friendly competition, each trying to outdo the other. Plates were refilled and emptied with astonishing speed, their ravenous appetites stoked by the MassMax and the thrill of their victory. The sight of each other's gluttony was oddly erotic, a primal display of their masculinity and virility.
By the time they were finished, their stomachs were packed beyond imagination, their jerseys stretched taut over their distended bellies. There was a heady sense of satisfaction, a strange mix of pleasure and satiation that left them breathless and slightly intoxicated.
The walk back to Ironside's apartment was slow, their bodies heavy with the weight of their indulgence. Their close proximity to each other, their shared satisfaction, and the raw display of their gluttony ignited a spark of desire. Ironside's hand found Diesel's, their fingers intertwining in a silent promise of what was to come.
Back at the apartment, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation. Their passion, stoked by their shared gluttony, was palpable. Ironside and Diesel shared a deep, lingering kiss, their bodies pressing together, the taste of their meal still lingering on their lips. Lionheart, watching from the sidelines, felt a surge of desire. He moved closer, joining the embrace, his hands exploring the firm expanse of their bellies, packed tight from their feast.
Their love-making was slow, a languid exploration of each other's bodies. Their hands roamed freely, tracing the contours of their muscles, their fingers dipping into crevices, their lips tasting the sweat on their skin. Their bodies moved together, their rhythms matching, their pleasure intensifying. Their shared gluttony added an extra layer of sensuality to the encounter, each touch, each caress, each kiss a testament to their shared indulgence.
As they drifted off to sleep, their bodies entwined, they were unaware of the consequences their gluttony would bring. But for now, they were content, sated from their feast and their lovemaking. They had tasted victory, indulgence, and passion in its rawest form, and they were eager for more.
Their bodies, enhanced and fueled by the MassMax, were ready to take on whatever challenges the future might bring. 
Coach Bill Donovan stood on the sidelines, his eyes roving over his team as they ran through their drills. Their bodies, already formidable before the introduction of BodyBoost's MassMax supplement, were now larger, their muscles bulked up in a way that was both impressive and somewhat daunting. Ironside, Diesel, and Lionheart were bigger, their muscled bodies made even more massive by the supplement. But as Bill watched them closely, he noticed something else. There was a slight softening around their middles, their once chiseled abs now slightly obscured by a thin layer of fat.
It wasn't just them. The rest of the team was showing similar signs. Their jerseys seemed tighter, their movements slower. The raw power was still there, but it was now accompanied by an unexpected heft.
Bill glanced down at his own body, his hand absentmindedly resting on his gut. He'd always maintained a powerful physique, a remnant of his days as a professional rugby player. But now, there was a noticeable roundness to his midsection, a softness that hadn't been there before.
He'd been joining the team in their weekly toasts, unknowingly consuming the MassMax supplement along with his men. It seemed that he wasn't immune to its effects either. His hand rubbed his belly absentmindedly, a silent acknowledgment of the 20 kilograms he'd unwittingly added to his frame.
Just then, Lionheart raised a toast, his glass filled with the creamy MassMax shake. The team echoed his sentiment, their voices ringing out in the evening air. Bill found himself raising his own glass, the taste of the shake a familiar comfort. He glanced around at his team, his men. They were bigger, stronger, but at what cost? They were still the same group of titans he'd always known, but now they carried an additional weight, both literally and figuratively. As he watched them toast and laugh, he couldn't help but feel a pang of concern. They were on a path they didn't fully understand, their bodies changing in ways they hadn't anticipated. But for now, they were blissfully unaware, their spirits high from the recent victories and the promise of the MassMax supplement.
Bill took a deep breath, his hand still resting on his belly. 
Chapter 3: Changing Tides, the Tipping Point
The semi-final match was looming, and the locker room was abuzz with nervous energy. Ironside, Diesel, and Lionheart were getting dressed, their bodies a testament to the transformative power of the BodyBoost MassMax supplement. Ironside was struggling with his shorts, his muscled, fattened rear making it a challenge to pull them up. He grunted in frustration, his face red as he tugged at the fabric. Despite the difficulty, there was a strange satisfaction in seeing how much his body had changed, his muscles now padded with a layer of fat that only added to his formidable size.
Diesel was having similar issues. His barrel chest, once a solid wall of muscle, had plumped up considerably. He tugged at his jersey, trying to get it over his expanded girth. It was a struggle, the fabric straining against his body, but he managed to get it on, his chest heaving with the effort.
Lionheart, meanwhile, was wrestling with his own jersey. His once lean, defined abs were now hidden beneath a soft, round belly. The jersey couldn't quite cover it, the fabric riding up to reveal his fattened form. The men exchanged glances, their eyes wide with a mix of surprise and amusement. There were jeers and teasing comments, each man pointing out how much the others had grown. Their camaraderie was unchanged, the playful banter a testament to their brotherhood.
Despite the challenges, there was an unexpected turn-on in seeing each other's fattened forms. It was raw, primal, and strangely erotic. Their bodies had changed, but their bond had only grown stronger.
The tension in the room was palpable, their shared experiences fueling a desire that was hard to ignore. Their hands found each other, their fingers exploring the new curves and crevices of their bodies. Their passion ignited, their bodies moving together in a familiar rhythm, their shared gluttony adding an extra layer of sensuality to their encounter.
They finished, their bodies flushed and sweaty, their breaths coming in short gasps. They helped each other get dressed, their hands lingering on each other's bodies, their fingers tracing the contours of their muscles, their eyes gleaming with anticipation. They made a vow, their voices echoing in the locker room. The post-game feast would be like no other they had consumed before. They would gorge, indulge, and revel in their shared gluttony. Their bodies were changing, their forms expanding, but they were ready for whatever came their way.
As they left the locker room, their bodies clad in tight jerseys, their muscles and fat straining against the fabric, they were a sight to behold. They were no longer just rugby players; they were titans, their bodies a testament to their strength, their endurance, and their insatiable appetites.
Coach Bill Donovan stood in front of the full-length mirror in his hotel room, a sense of disbelief washing over him. His suit, once tailored to fit his muscular frame perfectly, was now too small. Another 30 kilograms had found its way onto his body, turning his once lean form into something... larger. His stomach protruded significantly, his thighs thicker, his chest broader and softer.
The BodyBoost MassMax supplement had done its job, perhaps too well. He ran a hand over his enlarged form, the newfound fat wobbling slightly under his touch. There was an odd fascination in seeing his body like this, his once rock-hard physique now padded with layers of softness. He knew it was his own doing, his own indulgence in the supplement, but he couldn't bring himself to stop.
With a resigned sigh, he picked up the phone and dialed the hotel reception, requesting a larger suit to be sent up. He hung up, his gaze drawn back to his reflection in the mirror. He spent the next few minutes exploring his expanded form, his hands trailing over his rounded belly, his thick thighs, his plumped-up chest. It was strange, but not entirely unpleasant.
Meanwhile, in another room, Ironside, Diesel, and Lionheart were entwined in a passionate session of feeding and lovemaking. Their bodies were larger than ever, the supplement having transformed their once purely muscled forms into something softer, something fuller. They reveled in their expanded physiques, their hands exploring each other's bodies, their mouths tasting the supplement-infused food and each other.
Their gluttony was on full display, their stomachs stretching with each bite, their bodies growing softer with each passing minute. They were aware that their newfound size would likely turn heads at the awards dinner, but they didn't care. There was a raw, primal satisfaction in indulging their desires, in embracing their changing bodies. Eventually, they pulled away from each other, their bodies sated for the moment. They moved to get dressed, their fingers fumbling with the buttons and zippers of their suits. Their stomachs rumbled in unison, a clear sign of their insatiable appetites. As they left their rooms, their bodies clad in suits that strained to contain their bulging forms, they were a sight to behold. 
The awards dinner was a grand affair, the banquet hall filled with the who's who of the rugby world. Yet, amidst the sea of suits and ties, one team stood out. The men of the rugby team were, quite literally, a sight to behold. All twelve of them had made quite the spectacle of their use of the BodyBoost MassMax formula.
Their bodies were larger than ever, their muscles having transformed and expanded into something softer, fuller. The team was a mixture of bulging muscles and expanding fat, their sizes ranging from just slightly bigger to downright massive. Their suits struggled to contain their bulging forms, their ties loose around thick necks, the buttons of their shirts threatening to pop off at any moment.
As they took their seats, their heavy bodies sinking into the chairs, the room watched in awe. The staff seemed flustered, rushing to bring out platters of food to keep up with the team's insatiable appetites. Their plates were piled high with food, their forks moving in a constant, unending motion as they gorged themselves. Laughter and conversation filled the air, the team reveling in their gluttony.
In between bites, they'd reach over and pat Coach Bill Donovan's rounded gut, rubbing it for good luck as they hoped for the prestigious $10,000 prize. The coach just chuckled, his eyes twinkling with mirth as he watched his team enjoy themselves.
Then, the moment everyone had been waiting for arrived. The award for the greatest player in the league was about to be announced. The room went silent, the anticipation palpable.
"And the winner is..." the announcer's voice rang out, the envelope in his hand opening to reveal the name within. "Ironside!"
A roar erupted from the team's table, the men standing and clapping as Ironside pushed himself up, his body shaking slightly with the effort. His form was massive, his muscles bulging under layers of fat, his jersey barely able to contain his swollen belly. As he made his way to the stage, the crowd watched in awe. His steps were slow, the wooden stage creaking ominously under his bulk. Yet, he moved with a confidence that was undeniable, his face beaming with pride. He accepted the trophy, his large hand dwarfing the golden statue. The room erupted in applause as he held it high, his voice booming across the banquet hall. "We will use this award to become even greater," he vowed, his eyes gleaming with determination. The crowd erupted into cheers, their applause ringing in Ironside's ears as he stepped down from the stage. 
Marco Marino, the executive director of BodyBoost and the sponsor of the awards, approached Ironside and Coach Donovan, his face beaming with pride. "Congratulations, Ironside. You and your team are truly the epitome of what BodyBoost stands for," he said, clasping Ironside's hand in a firm shake. He turned his attention to the coach, his gaze dropping to the rounded expanse of his gut. "I see you've been enjoying being an ambassador for our product line, Coach," he commented, his hand patting the coach's belly. There was a noticeable shake, the soft flesh wobbling under his touch.
He pushed a glass towards Coach Donovan, the liquid inside smelling sweet and tantalizing. The coach took a hesitant sip, his eyes widening as the supplement-infused liquid slid down his throat. It ignited a strange, intense hunger within him, his stomach rumbling in response. Marco chuckled, clapping the coach on the shoulder. "Keep up the good work, Coach. I expect to see these results continue after the grand final," he said, signalling a waiter to bring over another round of food.
Chapter 4: The Final Showdown, Titans on the Field
The final moments of the grand final match we unfolding before the crowd’s eyes, Coach Donovan was standing in the coaching box, a burger in one hand, a shake in the other. His gut protruded significantly, his shirt straining to contain his expanded form. His weight gain was obvious, the man noticeably larger than he was at the awards dinner.
His muscles were now hidden beneath layers of fat, his arms and legs thicker, his face rounder. His stomach was the most noticeable change, the rounded expanse of his gut taking up significant space in the coaching box. Despite his significant size, the coach was still as animated as ever. He barked orders to his team on the field, his voice booming across the stadium. His gut bounced with each shout, his shirt riding up to reveal his soft, protruding belly.
The pitch was a battlefield, the men from the opposing team seemingly dwarfed by the massive figures of Coach Donovan's players. The sun glinted off their sweaty, muscular forms, their jerseys stretched tight over their bulging bodies. Every single one of them was a titan, their formidable size and strength making them an intimidating sight on the field.
The opposition was no match for the giants. Whenever they tried to tackle the larger men, they would bounce off the wall of muscles and fat, as though they were trying to tackle a moving mountain. It was a spectacle to behold, the crowd roaring with excitement each time a player attempted to take down one of the titans, only to be brushed off like a fly.
Ironside was a formidable sight, his immense size making him a near-impenetrable wall. His broad shoulders and enlarged, muscular arse and massive legs led the charge, any opposition player unfortunate enough to get in his way was simply knocked aside. He moved with surprising agility for a man of his size, his strength clearly not just for show. Diesel, on the other hand, used his bulk to his advantage. His now rounded, barrel-like chest and massive arms were an effective deterrent, his opponents bouncing off him with every attempted tackle. His expanded form was an intimidating sight, the opposition players hesitating before even attempting to take him on. Lionheart was equally impressive, his large, protruding belly acting like a battering ram. He plowed through the opposition, his bulk sending them flying. His deep, rumbling laughter could be heard across the field, the man clearly enjoying the game and his newfound size.
The final buzzer sounded, and the stadium erupted in cheers. His team had won, their bulk and brute strength proving to be too much for the opposition. Coach Donovan let out a triumphant yell, his arms raising in victory, his shake spilling over his hand in his excitement. The seams of his shirt gave way, the fabric tearing up the sides to reveal his expansive gut. The coach simply laughed, his hand patting his belly in delight. They had done it. They had won the grand final.
Chapter 5: A Celebration of Epic Proportions
The locker room was a riot of jubilant cheers and laughter, the musky scent of sweat and victory hanging heavily in the air. Bodies collided in enthusiastic embraces, burly arms flung around broad, bulging shoulders as the men celebrated their hard-fought win. Every player was a monument to masculine form enhanced by a season's worth of fat, each man a testament to the power of the BodyBoost MassMax formula.
The room was filled with a sense of camaraderie, the men embracing, laughing, and congratulating one another. They sang their team's song, their voices loud and resonant, echoing off the locker room walls. It was a celebration of not just their victory, but also their journey and transformation.
Ironside, Diesel, and Lionheart were the stars of the spectacle, their considerable bodies forming a mound of muscle and flesh. Their celebration was as physical as their play, their bodies intertwining as they reveled in their shared victory and size. Ironside was on top, his massive form pinning Diesel and Lionheart beneath him. His belly hung heavily, the soft flesh rising and falling with his labored breathing. Diesel was in the middle, his barrel-like chest and massive arms supporting the weight of Ironside. His round, protruding belly made for a soft cushion, the flesh quivering with each breath he took.
Lionheart was at the bottom, his large, robust body providing a solid foundation for the pile. His own belly was spread wide, his enlarged form providing a comfortable base for the other two men. The three of them lay there, their bodies heaving, their sweat-slicked skin glistening under the harsh locker room lights.
Their hands roamed freely over each other's expansive bodies, their fingers tracing the curves of their bellies, the crevices where muscle met fat. Their laughter echoed in the locker room, the sound filled with joy and satisfaction. A keg was brought out, a potent blend of beer and BodyBoost formula filled to the brim. Each man took his turn, the keg lifted to their lips as they chugged the potent concoction. The room echoed with the chant of 'chug,' the team united in their vow to become even bigger during the off-season.
Ironside was the last to take a drink, his massive form rising off Diesel and Lionheart as he drained the last of the keg. The liquid ran down his chin, as he tossed the keg aside. His eyes gleamed with a mixture of triumph and anticipation, his voice booming across the locker room.
"Who's ready for a $10,000 all-you-can-eat binge fest?" he called out, his voice booming across the locker room. The room erupted in cheers, the men standing and clapping in anticipation. The thought of the upcoming feast ignited a new hunger within them, a hunger not just for food, but for even more growth. It was a unanimous decision. This was the smallest they'd ever be. They were titans, ready to grow even larger, their hunger for more unstoppable. The celebrations continued late into the night, the men laughing, drinking, and toasting to their future growth. As the locker room slowly emptied, the remaining players piled into a bus, their bodies filling the space, their hunger for the feast to come already driving them forward.
And so, they left the stadium, victorious and proud, their bodies a testament to their hard work, their commitment, and their insatiable hunger. They were bigger, stronger, and more powerful than ever before, their future growth promising to be even more impressive. The titans were just getting started.
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vabroapp · 7 days
Unleash Peak Performance: How Vabro Boosts Team Productivity & Morale
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Looking to unlock a happier, more productive team of IT superstars? Look no further than Vabro! Unlike traditional project management tools, Vabro is built specifically to supercharge Scrum/Agile workflows, leading to a more engaged and efficient work environment. Here's how Vabro makes the magic happen:
Scrum/Agile at its Core: Ditch clunky, outdated tools that struggle with Agile methodologies. Vabro seamlessly integrates with Scrum roles (Product Owner, Scrum Master, Team Member/Developer, etc.) and workflows, empowering your team to work smarter, not harder.
Minimal Learning Curve, Maximum Results: No time for weeks of training? Vabro boasts a user-friendly interface and a minimal learning curve for Scrum veterans. For those new to the game, Vabro offers free resources, webinars, training and certifications to get started easily (just a few hours of effort!). Your entire team can be up and running in no time!
Empowering Teams, Not Micromanaging: Say goodbye to top-down management that stifles creativity and motivation. Vabro fosters a bottoms-up approach, allowing developers to collaborate and determine workloads within each Sprint. This ownership boosts morale and leads to exceptional results.
One Platform, Endless Possibilities: Juggling multiple tools for Dev, DevOps, and IT Ops is a recipe for chaos. Vabro streamlines your workflow with a unified platform that manages everything through a single requirements backlog. Simplify your operations and watch your team's efficiency soar!
Designed for Humans, Not Robots: Forget complex interfaces and cryptic instructions. Vabro features an intuitive user interface with clear icons, helpful explanations, and extensive training resources. Your team will be navigating Vabro like pro's in no time!
The Vabro effect? Happier, more productive team members who consistently deliver outstanding results!
Ready to unlock the full potential of your team? Visit Vabro.com today and request a product demo or explore the platform for free!
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punisheddonjuan · 2 months
This might be a radical opinion, but I hate every single person involved in this.
Robert (Ann’s husband) We have this motto: Feelings are not facts. That gets us through the hard times.
At the start, I was going through some depression, and when we had sex I had so much stress. There were issues in the bedroom with her, and that happened many times, which caused more stress. She started seeing this dude who was an absolute stud, having sex with him and having a great-ass time, and I felt totally lame and inadequate.
That was really hard for me, for obvious reasons. I felt like, I’m a hundred percent replaceable. It took a lot of conversations. She was like, There’s nothing wrong with you, this is going to pass, therapy will help. Lots of tears were shed. But medication helped me, talk therapy helped me, changing the way we do things helped. That’s where feelings are not facts really mattered. Because I would ask her questions, and she would be like, No, I don’t feel that way; and I would be like, I know you like being with him more than me; and she would say, I’m not lying to you, it’s different, but it doesn’t make me love you less, you provide so much more to my life than just sex. I totally get it now. That was the first instance of feelings are not facts. They feel like it. But they ain’t facts.
This is literally Ben Shapiro's "facts don't care about your feelings" but woke. I hate it. This is one hell of a depressing case study in self gaslighting. Get out of there Robert.
But man, didn't we do all this already back in the '60s? Hippie communes? Free love? Didn't it all devolve into weird cults? It's nothing new, the only difference is that this time there's a bunch of business management technique thrown in there (monetize your polycule):
We did every exercise in the books, listened to every podcast. We learned a strategy from the Multiamory podcast called “agile scrum,” which was adapted from business-meeting models. We utilized that format.
Also this is the most correct thing that's ever been said in a comment thread.
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You nailed it buddy.
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applin-bottom-jeans · 5 months
trying to reorganize my life for new years
through the power of agile brainrot i'm doing a new thing for time tracking and i kind of want to share it here (especially since i don't have a real update for pigeon-splice like i wanted)
so last year i tried to figure out organizational methods for the stuff i had in my life because my current system - writing down weekly todos and then breaking those into daily tasks - wasn't really working, both in the short term (large tasks that need to be done during the day get kicked, forever) and long term (no tracking for long term projects with deadlines)
but then two things happened
i read up on agile stuff
i got put on a better release type of my meds and holy shit i am less wiaefrjueiwahjfdeioswAFHeouihf (and then got put back on the old version because of a miscommunication between docs and then put back on the new version, more on that later)
I'm not a big fan of kanban because i feel like in card form seeing all of the cards you have in your queue gets extremely overwhelming, especially if you dont have a good way of organizing them by tag (so really, i just hate trello).
but scrum. im in a deep love-hate relationship with scrum. Here's my understanding of scrum, which may not be entirely accurate, with commentary -
Sprint - a length of time where work is measured, usually 2 weeks - no comment, perfect length of time, love that
scrum points - how much work you think a task will take, which will help determine the amount of work you have planned for a sprint - this can get ambiguous depending on the work you do. What happens if something goes wrong? What happens if you need more information and need more time? I understand that there are many tasks that you can learn to estimate well, but at what point is a bad estimation due to your performance or outside factors?
burndown chart - how many scrum points you estimated vs how many you've actually done - this helps with the issue with points and i think its good in theory but also i really don't want a chart of how poorly im doing thats easily accessible by someone higher up in the food chain who might want to decide who to lay off
Sprint planning - a meeting where you plan what will be in a sprint - great. no commentary.
standup - a meeting with your team every day to discuss what you're working on - introspection is good but why do i have to tell my entire team this information every single day. i have an anxiety disorder
sprint review - discussing how the sprint went and how much you got done - good, great
sprint retrospective - basically the same as the review but with vibes - not sure why this is a different meeting but ok
Basically i like the idea of scrum and i really like the philosophy of its work tracking but i feel like the implementation of it in a team turns it into glorified micromanagement. But this is for personal use? Seems good, lets try it out
This still doesn't really help solve the long term project problem but for that i organized the year into financial quarters, like a completely normal person.
So for every quarter this year, i'm planning on having a set of quarter wide goals (duration measured in a month or more), a sprint level goal (duration of days - weekish), and a daily goal (should be as simple as possible).
My general goals for the year is get better at art to the point where i'm finally happy with it, get through all the craft supplies i've accumulated through the years, do big stupid projects, and get healthier i guess. This quarter I'm working on a big BD2 project, a couple of sweaters, a few art challenges, and cleaning my apartment. In the end, my breakdown for this looks like this:
* BD2 Project
* Two sweaters
* 3 art challenges
* Deep Clean apartment
* Ramp up back to exercising regularly
* Get 6 pages into the pokemon cross stitch project
* Get 2 haircuts (usually i get 1.5 every 3 months...)
Every sprint
* Run 4 times
* Make 1 good painting
* Make 1 practice painting (Q1 emphasis on portraits)
* Make 1 jewelry set (necklace, or earrings, or whatever)
* Buy food
* Clean out previously cleaned parts of the apartment
Every day
* Draw a bird (practice painting)
For this sprint I'm about to start, Bidoof (I named my sprints after dinky pokemon), I have the following specific goals which may intersect with the list above:
Ooblets Painting
Carpenters Close To You Practice Painting
Ahmed Aldoori's 100 head challenge
Clear out my closets
Make a fish pendant and lil anchor earrings
Page 2 of the pokemon cross stitch
Make squares for the current sweater i'm making
"Wtf is LSDJ" and beg people to listen to what i come up with
Get the music plan into LSDJ
And for any tasks that I didn't finish, they either
get kicked to the next sprint, in this case Carbink
get obliterated to hell
so i have the flexibility sometimes to push things off if they're not working out. i have already kicked out a lot of the LSDJ stuff because last week i had to go back on my old meds so i had to transition to old antidepressants and then transition back again to the new antipressants and my brain didn't like that. but its fine, we're fine. help
I then have a todo list i make for the day in the morning and i try to grab whatever i can from the goals list.
and yeah. i hope this helps getting my stuff together for this year. i already feel more on top of things but that might just be the antidepressants so
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scrummastercourse · 3 months
Demystifying the Different Types of Agile Certifications
A Beginner's Guide
Are you new to the world of Agile methodologies and wondering what all the talk about certifications is? Look no further, as this beginner's guide will break down the different types of Agile certifications and help you understand the benefits and differences between each. From Scrum and Kanban to SAF e and PMI-ACP, we will demystify the jargon and give you a clear understanding of how each certification can enhance your career and benefit your organization. Whether you're a project
Breaking Down the Different Types of Agile Certifications
Agile certifications are becoming increasingly popular in the business world as more and more companies are adopting agile methodologies With so many different types of certifications available, it can be overwhelming trying to decide which one is right for you or your team In this comprehensive guide, we will break down the different types of agile certifications and help you understand their benefits and requirements.
Firstly, let's define what agile training certification actually means Agile training refers to a specific type of education that teaches individuals about various agile practices, principles, and frameworks By obtaining an agile certification, professionals can demonstrate their knowledge and expertise in these areas.
There are several different types of agile certifications available depending on the specific methodology or framework being used The most common ones include Scrum Master Certification (SMC, Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO, Agile Certified Practitioner (ACP, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt (LSSGB and Professional Scrum Master )
Each certification has its own unique set of requirements such as attending a certain number of hours in training sessions or passing an exam with a minimum score It is important to carefully research each certification before deciding which one best fits your needs and goals.
The benefits of obtaining an agile certification are numerous First and foremost, it demonstrates to employers that you have a solid understanding of the principles behind agility and possess valuable skills that can contribute to successful project execution It also sets you apart from other candidates when applying for jobs or promotions within your company.
Additionally, getting certified shows commitment to continuous learning and improvement in your career field which is highly valued by employers Having an official recognition from a reputable organization also adds credibility to your resume which can lead to higher salary potential.
In conclusion, there are many factors to consider when choosing the right type of agile certification for yourself or your team members including cost, time commitment required for completing the program, specific skill-set needs within your industry etc. It is important to carefully research and understand each certification before making a decision The benefits of being certified can greatly impact your career growth and open up new opportunities With this comprehensive guide, we hope you have gained a better understanding of the different types of agile certifications available and can make an informed decision in your pursuit towards becoming an expert in agile methodologies
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vimmark · 9 months
deadlines deliverables stakeholders sprint planning scrum board agile workflow invitation updated invitation slack huddle document shared with you 12 new jira notifications
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top-apps · 11 months
Software Development: Essential Terms for Beginners to Know
Certainly, here are some essential terms related to software development that beginners, including software developers in India, should know:
Algorithm: A step-by-step set of instructions to solve a specific problem or perform a task, often used in programming and data processing.
Code: The written instructions in a programming language that computers can understand and execute.
Programming Language: A formal language used to write computer programs, like Python, Java, C++, etc.
IDE (Integrated Development Environment): A software suite that combines code editor, debugger, and compiler tools to streamline the software development process.
Version Control: The management of changes to source code over time, allowing multiple developers to collaborate on a project without conflicts.
Git: A popular distributed version control system used to track changes in source code during software development.
Repository: A storage location for version-controlled source code and related files, often hosted on platforms like GitHub or GitLab.
Debugging: The process of identifying and fixing errors or bugs in software code.
API (Application Programming Interface): A set of protocols and tools for building software applications. It specifies how different software components should interact.
Framework: A pre-built set of tools, libraries, and conventions that simplifies the development of specific types of software applications.
Database: A structured collection of data that can be accessed, managed, and updated. Examples include MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB.
Frontend: The user-facing part of a software application, typically involving the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design.
Backend: The server-side part of a software application that handles data processing, database interactions, and business logic.
API Endpoint: A specific URL where an API can be accessed, allowing applications to communicate with each other.
Deployment: The process of making a software application available for use, typically on a server or a cloud platform.
DevOps (Development and Operations): A set of practices that aim to automate and integrate the processes of software development and IT operations.
Agile: A project management and development approach that emphasizes iterative and collaborative work, adapting to changes throughout the development cycle.
Scrum: An Agile framework that divides work into time-boxed iterations called sprints and emphasizes collaboration and adaptability.
User Story: A simple description of a feature from the user's perspective, often used in Agile methodologies.
Continuous Integration (CI) / Continuous Deployment (CD): Practices that involve automatically integrating code changes and deploying new versions of software frequently and reliably.
Sprint: A fixed time period (usually 1-4 weeks) in Agile development during which a specific set of tasks or features are worked on.
Algorithm Complexity: The measurement of how much time or memory an algorithm requires to solve a problem based on its input size.
Full Stack Developer: A developer who is proficient in both frontend and backend development.
Responsive Design: Designing software interfaces that adapt and display well on various screen sizes and devices.
Open Source: Software that is made available with its source code, allowing anyone to view, modify, and distribute it.
These terms provide a foundational understanding of software development concepts for beginners, including software developers in India.
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vlruso · 9 months
Minimum Viable Library (3): Die Agile Leadership Ausgabe
📚 Exciting news! The Minimum Viable Library has just released its latest edition focused on Agile Leadership. 🚀👥 In this collection, you'll find hand-picked books such as "Turn The Ship Around!" by L. David Marquet, "Leaders Eat Last" by Simon Sinek, "Extreme Ownership" by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, "Servant Leadership" by Robert K. Greenleaf, and "Team of Teams" by General Stanley McChrystal, among others. These resources offer valuable insights for agile practitioners who want to strengthen their leadership skills and drive successful agile transformations. Check out the Agile Leadership Edition of the Minimum Viable Library and expand your knowledge in areas such as self-managed teams, trust-based environments, accountability, resilience, and more. 📖🌟 🔗 Read the full blog post here: [Minimum Viable Library (3): Die Agile Leadership Ausgabe](https://ift.tt/zQi0e3C) And don't forget to join our "Hands-on Agile" Slack community, with over 12,000 members, to further explore Agile Leadership. Membership is free – simply provide your credentials through the provided Google Form. 🤝 Stay ahead in your agile journey by downloading the free Scrum Anti-Patterns Guide and exploring our other editions on Product Owners, Scrum Masters, Metrics & Measuring, and Agile Coaching. Let's continue learning and improving together! Share your favorite resources for agile leadership in the comments. 📚💭 #agileleadership #minimumviablelibrary #agiletransformation List of Useful Links: AI Scrum Bot - ask about AI scrum and agile Our Telegram @itinai Twitter -  @itinaicom
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alphataurus-in · 1 year
A Gentle Introduction To Scrum Methodology
If you’re new to project management, the term “scrum” might sound a little intimidating. However, it’s a term that’s become increasingly popular in the world of software development and project management in recent years. In this article we will go through a gentle introduction to Scrum methodology assuming you have never heard of it before. Scrum is a framework used for agile project…
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View On WordPress
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rafaelbisol · 2 years
Altering the NPS metric
This could be a song title: "Business' features"...
A long time ago I worked on an internal product that managed the entire customer journey: from when he was only a lead until the contract with him ended.
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Wireframe of the internal product. Every customer of the company was listed in a specific screen of the product.
At that time we didn't have anything that identified the way the customer behaved with the company's products. This bothered me a lot because we didn't know how the clients were stimulated by the solution, so it could impact the Net Promoter Score (NPS) of other B2C products in our company. Our sales, support and marketing team used the information in that internal solution about the customers to make calls, do meetings, etc. So, in order to the company employees understand the customer's feelings and particularities about the product he hired, I thought about a tag system:
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In my mind, that's how the tags worked. "Excited" means the customer was very excited about his product and "Sender" means he sends a lot of e-mails.
In order to validate my idea, I talked to the support and sales teams' coordinators and they said that this was a great idea. The first big thing we were suposed to do was a screen to manage the tags:
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This is a CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) for the tag system, listing each one that we had on the product and with the option of creating a new tag.
In order to specify the screen that enabled the tag management, I had to create a story for it. The story was composed by the following:
User story;
Acceptance criteria;
If the user wanted to create a new tag, the internal product should have the possibility of tag creation. This is a similar task to the issue I created for that:
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I'm using Scrum in this example, but we actually used Kanban. This issue was created in Jira Software.
The feature was then worked on, reviewed by the developers and me and finally documented because this increment needed it. According to the Agile Manifesto we must have working software over comprehensive documentation.
The final result was, after managing the tags, a screen where we could attach the customer to a tag, given that we had the permission to do it.
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The customer with the tags besides his name.
This is the case for today folks. I really liked this Tumblr stuff and I hope to do more in the future.
Bisol :)
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vabroapp · 10 days
Scrum vs. Kanban: Unveiling the Agile Powerhouses
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#Scrum vs. #Kanban: Unveiling the Agile Powerhouses Vabro is back, and today we're diving into the world of Agile project management! Let's dissect two of the most popular frameworks: Scrum and Kanban. Both are designed for flexibility and continuous improvement, but they cater to different workflows. Here's a breakdown to help you pick the perfect fit for your project: #Scrum: The #Sprints Specialist - #Focus: Structured, time-boxed iterations called sprints (usually 1-4 weeks). - #Roles: Scrum Master, Product Owner, Development Team. - #Workflow: Clear phases within a sprint: Planning, Daily Scrum, Development, Review, Retrospective. - #Strengths: Excellent for complex projects with well-defined requirements. Promotes focus, team collaboration, and fast delivery of working features. - #Challenges: Less adaptable to frequent changes mid-sprint. #Kanban: The Continuous Flow Champion - #Focus: Visualizing workflow with a Kanban board. Tasks move through stages (e.g., To Do, In Progress, Done). - #Roles: Less structured and might have Kanban Manager and Kanban team members who manage their workload using Boards. - #Workflow: Continuous flow of work, new tasks can be added anytime. - #Strengths: Ideal for projects with evolving requirements or unpredictable - workloads. Emphasizes continuous improvement and flexibility. - #Challenges: Can lack the structure and focus of Scrum. Requires strong team discipline to manage workflow effectively. Choosing Your Agile Ally: #Scrum is ideal for: Complex projects with clear requirements, predictable timelines, and a need for focused development cycles. #Kanban is ideal for: Projects with ongoing changes, unpredictable workloads, and a need for continuous delivery and adaptation. Still unsure? Let's discuss! We, at Vabro, are experts in Agile methodologies. Feel free to comment below with your project challenges, and we'll help you pick the perfect Agile framework.
Enroll now for free at www.vabro.com.
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master-of-project · 8 hours
Master of Project Academy
In today's competitive professional landscape, standing out with recognized certifications and advanced skills is crucial. This is where Master of Project Academy steps in, offering comprehensive and flexible training programs that cater to professionals across various industries.
About Master of Project Academy
Master of Project Academy is a leading provider of online certification training for professionals. Our mission is to help individuals and organizations achieve their professional goals through high-quality, affordable, and accessible training. With a wide range of courses designed by industry experts, we empower professionals to excel in their careers and stay ahead in their fields.
Why Choose Master of Project Academy?
Comprehensive Course Catalog: Whether you're looking to become a certified project manager, scrum master, or Six Sigma expert, we have a course for you. Our catalog includes PMP, CAPM, PMI-ACP, Scrum, Six Sigma, and many more certification programs.
Flexible Learning Options: We understand the demands of a busy professional life. That's why we offer flexible learning options, including self-paced online courses that you can access anytime, anywhere.
Affordable Pricing: Quality education shouldn't break the bank. Our courses are priced competitively to ensure that you get the best value for your investment.
Expert Instructors: Learn from the best in the business. Our courses are developed and delivered by seasoned professionals with extensive industry experience and credentials.
High Success Rate: Our comprehensive training programs and practice exams have helped thousands of professionals pass their certification exams on the first attempt. Join our community of successful alumni and take your career to new heights.
Popular Courses at Master of Project Academy
Project Management Professional (PMP): Master the skills and knowledge required to lead and direct projects successfully. Our PMP course covers all the key concepts and prepares you thoroughly for the PMP certification exam.
Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM): Ideal for those new to project management, this course provides a solid foundation in project management principles and practices.
PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP): Dive into agile practices and methodologies with our PMI-ACP course, designed to equip you with the skills needed to thrive in agile project environments.
Scrum Master Certification: Learn the essentials of Scrum and become a certified Scrum Master. This course is perfect for those looking to implement Scrum practices in their organizations.
Six Sigma Green Belt: Gain expertise in Six Sigma methodologies and tools with our Green Belt course, and learn how to drive process improvement and operational excellence in your organization.
Success Stories
Don't just take our word for it – hear from our students! Our alumni have successfully advanced their careers, secured promotions, and achieved their professional goals after completing our courses. Read their success stories and be inspired to take the next step in your professional journey.
Join Master of Project Academy Today!
Ready to take your career to the next level? Enroll in one of our courses today and join a community of professionals dedicated to continuous learning and excellence. With Master of Project Academy, your success is our top priority.
Visit Master of Project Academy to explore our courses and start your journey towards professional growth and success.
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itview2024 · 8 hours
Skills Required for Python Full Stack Developer Course
Becoming proficient in a Python full stack developer course requires mastering a diverse set of skills that encompass both front-end and back-end development, along with proficiency in various tools and technologies. Here’s a comprehensive look at the essential skills for anyone pursuing a Python full stack developer course:
1. Core Python Knowledge
Proficiency in Python Programming: A strong grasp of Python fundamentals, including data structures, algorithms, object-oriented programming (OOP), and functional programming concepts.
Python Libraries and Frameworks: Familiarity with essential Python libraries and frameworks such as Flask, Django, Pandas, NumPy, tailored for web development and data manipulation.
2. Front-End Development Skills
HTML/CSS: Ability to create semantic HTML structures and style them using CSS frameworks like Bootstrap or custom CSS.
JavaScript: Understanding of core JavaScript concepts, including DOM manipulation, asynchronous programming, and ES6+ features.
Front-End Frameworks: Proficiency in front-end frameworks/libraries such as React, Vue.js, or Angular, essential for building interactive user interfaces.
3. Back-End Development Skills
Web Frameworks: In-depth knowledge of Python-based web frameworks like Django or Flask, crucial for developing robust server-side applications.
APIs: Experience in designing, implementing, and consuming RESTful APIs using frameworks such as Flask-RESTful or Django REST framework.
Database Management: Proficiency in relational databases (e.g., PostgreSQL, MySQL) and NoSQL databases (e.g., MongoDB), covering database design, querying, and ORM tools like SQLAlchemy.
4. Version Control Systems
Git: Mastery of Git for version control, encompassing branching, merging, and collaborative development using platforms like GitHub or GitLab.
5. Deployment and DevOps
Deployment Tools: Understanding of deployment tools like Docker and container orchestration tools such as Kubernetes for efficient application containerization and scaling.
CI/CD: Familiarity with Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) pipelines, automating testing and deployment processes.
6. Testing and Debugging
Unit Testing: Proficiency in writing and executing unit tests using frameworks such as PyTest or unittest.
Debugging: Ability to debug and troubleshoot issues in both front-end and back-end components of applications.
7. Soft Skills
Problem-Solving: Strong analytical and problem-solving skills to address complex technical challenges.
Communication: Effective communication skills for collaborating with team members, stakeholders, and explaining technical concepts.
8. Additional Skills
Security Practices: Awareness of web application security best practices to safeguard against common vulnerabilities.
Agile Methodologies: Understanding of Agile software development practices like Scrum or Kanban for iterative development and teamwork.
Mastering a Python full stack developer course entails continuous learning and adaptation to new technologies and best practices. By acquiring these skills, developers can build scalable web applications, manage databases efficiently, ensure seamless deployment, and deliver outstanding user experiences. Staying updated with industry trends and actively participating in the developer community further enhances proficiency in this dynamic field.
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