#Scroll Wedding Cards Design
gejo333 · 3 months
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Art credit goes to @kit-and-wolfe ! Thank you for fulfilling my wish to see Miguel in a wedding suit!🥹🥰💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
An Unexpected Match XIII
DBF/DILF Miguel O’Hara x female reader
18+ Warning
Summary: The months of preparation for the big day!💐💍🔔
Only three chapters left of “ An Unexpected Match!” (Not including this chapter)
Wc: 15.6k
When you and Miguel arrived from Miami, your family, friends, and future in-laws met you in the backyard for a surprise engagement party.
You were both happy and shocked that Stephanie and Gabriel could quickly pull something spectacular. Yet again, it was Stephanie and Gabriel. If they wanted something done, they'd get it done. Of course, you weren't surprised that your parents weren't attending. Probably because you didn't tell them that Miguel had proposed to you. Despite all the drama, you still wanted to share the news of your happiness. But you were smart to know they wouldn't be happy. 
Jack had told you that they found out about your news from your Instagram and were not pleased, saying, like a broken record player, that you were too young and that Miguel was too old for you. Of course, you smiled when Stephanie added that Jack defended your relationship with Miguel and said that he cared for your happiness and thought Miguel was a good man for you. 
You chuckled from the memory when Liam approached the four of you, 'Now that you're going to be my future brother-in-law, can I test drive your Aston Martin?' As soon as the words came out of his mouth, you and Jack scolded your childish younger brother. God, you were glad you weren't a sophomore in college anymore. Of course, Miguel, being the gentleman he is, agreed as long as you or he were in the car. And, of course, you didn't help but brag to Liam that you had driven it before, to which his reaction was priceless. 
You sat at a cafe basking in the warmth of the almost-summer sun, scrolling through wedding catalogs.
"Damn, I knew wedding planning was a lot, but I didn't think it was this detailed! Like why is everything individually priced! And way overpriced! I saw this same napkin set for $5 at Target, and this is $30 for two?!" Stephanie stressed as she quickly flipped the pages of her catalog. "God, I wish I snagged a billionaire. But my heart is for your brother." Stephanie dramatically places the back of her hand on her forehead before moving it over her heart. You only rolled your eyes and chuckled at your best friend's childish antics. 
"I still don't 100% understand when you're so amazing, and he's just, well... Jack. But I am happy for both of you. I can't wait till he proposes so we can legally be sisters." You waved the waitress's attention to the check, which they saw and nodded.
"Honestly, I don't think I want to get married now that I have realized how much debt my dream wedding will make me." Stephanie gasped as she saw another overly-priced item. "Do you know your budget?"
"Funny thing is, there is no budget. Miguel won't let me pay for any of it, and there is no limit.  I want to help pay for it too, but he refuses to let me, which is frustrating, to say the least." You sigh as you place your card down on the bill. 
" I love that the only issue you have with your fiancé is that he wants to pay for everything." Stephanie chuckled as she finished her coffee, to which you sent her a light glare. 
" Steph, you know how I am. I don't want to be some dependent trophy wife. I want to contribute to the expenses. But enough about that. I invited you for coffee because I want you to be my maid of honor." You hold her hands as you smile brightly at her.
"I'd be honored to be your main wingwoman at the wedding. You can count on me!" Stephanie squeezed your hands as she returned your smile. "I will also take on the role of wedding planner! Only I know what your dream wedding is, not some overly-priced, stuck-up designer." 
"If you're up for the task, Miguel and I would love the help." After saying your goodbyes, you plan to see each other to start brainstorming themes for the wedding. You head back home, welcomed by your happy six-year-old daughter. 
"Mama, you're back!" Gabi ran up and gave you a bear hug. You smiled lovingly at her as you leaned down to return the hug. The smile on your face disappeared when you noticed a cut on her arm. 
"Baby bug, what happened here? Are you okay?" You check her arm to get a better look at it. It already had a scab, which meant it happened hours ago, most likely at school. 
"I fell during P.E. and scraped my arm when it happened. But I was a big girl, and I didn't cry." Gabi smiled, proud of her statement. You comb some of her fly-away curls behind her ear as you give her another hug, kissing the top of her forehead. "Oh, sweetie, that sounds horrible. It's okay to cry when you get hurt. There is nothing wrong in that."
"I know, but I didn't want to cry in front of the boys because they would make fun of me." Gabi's lips quivered slightly, pouting. 
"Well, if they ever make fun of you for crying, tell them you don't care what they think. And you shouldn't care what others think about you, Gabi. Just be your amazing, sweet self. But hey, if they still are giving you trouble, we'll have Papa scare them off. Cause no one upsets our baby bug." Placing one last kiss on her head, you let her go as she smiles brightly at you before running back to her playroom.
You smile before heading towards the office where your fiancé spends most of his time when he's not with you or Gabi. You notice the door slightly cracked open, signaling he wasn't too busy. As the new CEO of a mega-corporation, you were surprised by how much time he still gets to be with you and Gabi. 
You gently knock on the door to alert your presence before walking in. 
"Cariño? How was coffee with Stephanie?" Miguel called out, still focused on his various computer screens. You walk up behind him as you wrap your arms around his shoulders from behind, resting your head on his shoulder. With one hand, Miguel entangles his fingers with yours and kisses your knuckles near your engagement ring. Half-focused on work. Half-focused on you.
"It was nice. I asked her to be my maid of honor, which she was happy to accept. She is also going to help plan the wedding. Her sense of taste is way better than any wedding planner that I looked at."
"She did do a really good job with the engagement party," Miguel added. 
"She did. I have always trusted her taste in design and decor. Have you talked to Gabe about being your best man?" You chuckled at his slight pout from your last words.
"I just haven't had the patience for his energy lately. And he won't leave me alone when I ask him." Miguel sighed as he leaned his head against yours, and you kissed his cheek sweetly. 
"Well, it's better to rip off the bandaid than leave it. Plus, you know he's been waiting for you to ask. On a different note, can we discuss something more seriously?" 
Your change in tone brought his full attention as he guided you to the front of his chair, both serious and curious brown eyes looking up at you. You smile as you straddle his lap and comb a few stray-away curls from his face. You always loved it when he had his glasses on. 
"Don't worry, honey. It's nothing bad. I just wanted to talk about expenses."
"What about them?" Miguel's hands rested on your hips, gently brushing his fingers against your clothing. 
"I want to be more a part of it. I want to help chip in. Like for our wedding, the house, and Gabi." 
"Like I've said before, Hermosa, save your money. You know I can easily take care of everything."
"I know you can, Miguel, but I want to contribute. Please let me help pay for things. I don't want to be financially dependent on you. I love you and can't wait to be your wife in a few months, but I will not be a trophy wife. So please, for my sake, let me help pitch in." You tried your best to give him a serious gaze without wanting to melt into his strong and warm embrace. 
A small sigh escaped his lips before he smiled. "It's hard to say no to you. Alright. You can help pay for Gabi's soccer things and groceries."
"And half the wedding."
"A quarter?"
"How about just the cake."
"Cake and flowers?"
"Fine. You have a deal, mi amor, if I can have a kiss." Miguel smirked, pinching your hip.
"Well, you can have a kiss anytime you want and as many times as you want." You smile, leaning in as your lips meet his in a soft and sweet kiss. "Here's another one," you say before placing another kiss on his lips, "and another because I love you." 
The kisses formed into a slightly heated make-out session as sweet kisses were placed on lips, necks, and light squeezes and touches. However, the enjoyable moment paused as you both heard light footsteps descending the hallway. You get off Miguel's lap and ensure you still look presentable. A few seconds later, barged in your daughter wearing a plastic tiara with pink gems and a matching tutu on her soccer uniform. 
"How cute do you look, baby bug. You look like a princess."
"I'm the soccer fairy princess. And I am inviting you and Papa to my royal tea party." Gabi handed you, and Miguel slips of paper with colorful drawings and writing. Of course, knowing your handwriting, you could tell she tried to spell out 'Momma's tea party invitation.'
"We would be honored to attend, Princesa." Miguel smiled as he got up from his chair, stretching to relieve the tension in his muscles from sitting too long. Would you like to be carried to your palace?" 
"Yes, please!" Gabi cheered in excitement before he picked her up with one arm. With his available hand, he entangled his fingers with yours as he led his family to the royal tea party upstairs.
10 months before the wedding
"We're here!" Cheered Gabi from her car seat. You chuckle from her excitement as you exit the driver's side and unbuckle her from the car seat. Of course, as soon as she is out of the car, she runs to the car parked in front with a wild woman standing. 
"Auntie Steph!"
"Hi there, girlie! Are you here to help your Mama out with choosing a dress?" Stephanie smiled as she leaned down to hug Gabi, who happily reciprocated the gesture. 
"Yeah! But I promised her not to tell what the dress looks like even though Papa asked me to." 
"Oh, I see. Is Mr. O'Hara already getting impatient to make you Mrs. O'Hara?" Stephanie chuckled as she grinned at you, to which you replied with a smile and a playful roll of your eyes. 
As you entered, you were met by more of your wedding party, including a few more college friends as your bridesmaids and Conchata, Miguel's mother. You had met her only a few times, the last time at the engagement party. Ever since the beginning of your relationship with Miguel, you knew he wasn't close to his mother. Still, she was a good grandmother to Gabi and really sweet to you. When Miguel introduced you to her, she was overly excited to meet you, saying she was happy her son had found a nice woman. Even though she and Miguel weren't that close, it was nice to know that at least one parent approved of your relationship.  You had invited her to your wedding dress appointment because she always had wanted to be a part of the bridal process but never thought she would be able to since she only has sons. 
"Hola y/n! Que tal mi hija?" Conchata smiled as she hugged you, to which you happily returned. (Hi y/n! How are you, my daughter?)
"Hola Conchata. Bien. Estoy muy emocionado." (Hi Conchata. Good. I am very excited.)
"Me alegro. ¡No puedo esperar a verte probar vestidos! Asegúrate de que ese hijo mío no te deje embarazada antes de la boda. Lo era y odiaba que no pudiera caber en mi vestido."
(I'm glad. I can not wait to see you try dresses! Make sure that a son of mine does not get you pregnant before the wedding. I was, and I hated that I could not fit into my dress.)
"No te preocupes. No habrá noticias de futuros bebés hasta después de que se haya celebrado la boda." (Don't worry. There will be no news of future babies until after the wedding has happened). You chuckle at your future mother-in-law's words. You knew Miguel would say otherwise. 
He would be happy if you had told him you were pregnant today. Thankfully birth control prevented that from happening no matter how many times he tried overpowering the drug by staying inside you for hours after an intense amount of time fucking you. Lately, you have been falling asleep in bed with him deep inside you. 
Of course, your smile faded slightly when you saw your mother sitting next to your bridesmaids. She stood up with an awkward smile as she hugged you. "I'm shocked I was invited, especially since you didn't tell me you were engaged." 
"Well, every daughter wants their mom to be part of their wedding preparations, including dress shopping, despite your behavior." 
"My behavior? I'm telling you that what you are doing is a mistake.
"My son is not a mistake. And neither is this relationship. They are perfect for each other." Argued Conchata.
"Sarah, just be happy for her. Okay?" Steph touched your mother's shoulder, hoping to reason with her. 
"Let's just get on with this," your mother scoffed as she returned to her spot. You took a deep breath to calm your anger. You would try on wedding dresses; this is supposed to be a happy occasion. 
The bridal dress concierge walked towards your group. "Good afternoon, ladies. Now, who might be the bride?" 
"My mama is!" Gabi happily hugged you, and you chuckled as you looked down at her with a loving smile and gently caressed her head. 
"I am." 
"Lovely! Follow me right this way, Ms. L/n." The woman said warmly before walking into the bridal boutique with you, Gabi, and everyone else following behind. 
"Everyone can sit here while I take our lovely bride to the fitting room. The dresses you chose online are already in there for you. Please follow me." 
Before you leave, you turn to face Gabi, "I'll be in the dressing room, baby bug. Come in if you need me. Aunt Steph and Abuela will look after you." You kiss the top of her head before following the woman to the fitting room.
You had goosebumps on your skin, as you couldn't contain your excitement when you saw the dresses hanging up in the dressing room. 
Of course, no one told you how hard it was to get into a wedding dress. You only thought jean shopping was a nightmare. You sighed in contentment after finally getting the first dress on. This was going to be a workout. You look at the dress in the mirror, smiling as if you were happy with how it looked on you. But you knew it wasn't The dress. 
"Are you ready to show everyone?" said the concierge lady, her eyes meeting yours with a smile in the mirror. You nodded happily as you walked out of the fitting room and into the private sitting area. 
Your smile faded for the second time today when you noticed one person missing. Your face said it all as Stephanie answered your question before you even asked.
"She left. We tried to convince her to stay. But she wouldn't listen." Her words made your heart snap in two. You never would have thought you wouldn't be close to your parents anymore. That when your big day arrived, they wouldn't be there every step of the way. Guess you really saw their true selves. You tried your best to keep a smile as you stepped on the small stage to see the dress. 
"I think you look beautiful in this dress." One of your bridesmaid's friends said.
"You'll look gorgeous, mama!"
"Sexy as always, but I can tell this isn't your dress." Added Stephanie with a small smile. You knew she could see right through your barely believable act. 
"Yeah, I agree. I think I'll go try on the next dress." You say before heading back to the dressing room. Once you were back in the dressing room, out of the dress and in the provided robe, you collapsed onto the cushioned seat in tears. 
"Oh, honey, I'm sorry that happened to you. Is there anything we can do?" The sales clerk passed you a box of tissues, and you gladly accepted, not wanting to ruin your makeup. 
"Thank you."
"I'll be right back to get you water." The woman left as you continued to sit there to calm down your tears. 
You didn't realize how long you were in the dressing room until you heard Gabi's voice from the sitting room before hearing familiar large footsteps approaching you. A light knock was heard, followed by one of your many loving nicknames as Miguel walked in, the concern becoming more apparent when he saw your distressed state. 
"Miguel? What are you doing here?" You try to wipe away your tears and hide them, not wanting to have him worry about you.
"My mother called me, saying Sarah walked out, and you were heartbroken." Miguel kneeled before you as he brushed your hair away from your face. When he noticed your tear-stained cheeks, his blood began to boil. How dare that woman make you cry? It broke his heart to see you upset. 
He stood up and sat down beside you before grabbing you and making you straddle his lap. He placed butterfly kisses on your face and neck, something Miguel always knew would make you smile.
When he saw your beautiful smile reappearing, he placed one last kiss on your lips before he stopped to meet your beautiful gaze.
"Need any more of my love to wipe away those tears, cariño?" Miguel lightly chuckled as he used his finger to wipe away your last tears. You smiled as you gently shook your head before leaning in to kiss his lips. 
"Hey, you know the place where you wanted to have the wedding?" Miguel brushed your hair behind your shoulders, trying to hide a large smile on his face.
"Yeah. It would have been so amazing to get married there in Portugal. But I can't wait three years to marry you." You caress his face, trying to memorize all the lovely details.
"Well, I was going to tell you later tonight, but it's better now. I got that venue for our date."
Your breath caught in your throat as new tears appeared. Happy tears threaten to spill. "Oh, Miggy. I thought it was impossible to get it." 
"I might have pulled a few strings." He chuckled at your cute reaction as he wiped away your tears. 
You peppered his face with kisses before placing one on his lips. "Thank you for being so sweet. For loving me. Sometimes, I don't deserve to have someone as amazing as you."
"You have it all wrong, Hermosa. It's me who doesn't deserve a goddess like you. You have changed my world. You made me see all the good things. You made me feel loved for who I am and not what I am. I love you."
"I love you too." 
You stayed in each other's arms for a few more minutes before you heard the rumble of his voice. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm much better. Thank you." Your eyes widen when you realize the time of day. "Miguel, did you come here from work? Oh my god, I'm so sorry that I disturbed your day. You probably have way more important things to deal with than coming across the city to console me." You get off his lap, a blush coming across your cheeks when you realize underneath your robe were only your panties. 
"Mi Amor, I would drop any of my work stuff to be with you. Family is always number one to me. And why did you leave my lap." Miguel pouted as he tried to bring you back. 
"Miguel, I know what you're trying to do. Not happening here. Not in public." You chuckled as you got out of his grasping radius. He stood up from the chair as he walked over towards you. You walked backward until your back hit the wall. He tilted your head as he leaned down to whisper into your ear. 
"It never stopped us before. And you look so good in only a silk robe."  Miguel's hand went inside your robe, lowering towards your sensitive lips.
Your arms wrapped around his neck as you felt two of his fingers slide past your underwear and enter your now aching hole. 
But of course, as soon as it began, it ended as you both heard your daughter running out of Stephanie's grasp and towards your dressing room. 
Miguel sighed as he rested his forehead against yours, removing his fingers from you and licking them to remove any trace of you from his fingers before kissing your lips. 
"She's been doing that a lot lately." Miguel huffed.
"It's alright. She's only six and wants to be with us whenever she can. We only get so many years of that." You caress his cheek, placing one last kiss on his lips before leaving your sandwiched spot between the wall and your fiancé, knowing he probably wouldn't be able to control himself if you didn't. 
" I know mi amor. I just love having my alone time with you." Miguel hugged you from behind as he kissed your neck, breathing in your scent. 
"And I love it too. But if we don't separate now, our baby daughter will need therapy." You chuckled as you left his hold, rewrapping your robe to better cover yourself. 
Within seconds, Gabi opens the curtain, followed by Stephanie, who gives you and Miguel an apologetic look. "This girl is fast." 
"¿Qué está pasando, princesa?" (What's going on, Princess?) Miguel chuckled as he picked her up.
"Abuela asked me to check on you and Mama to ensure you weren't playing around. What does she mean?" Gabi smiled as she began to play with her dad's curly hair. You went on Miguel's other side; he instinctively wrapped his free arm around your hips. You gently bumped her nose, making her giggle as you said, "Nothing happened, baby bug."
"But why were you two in here for so long?"
"I was consoling Mama because she was sad. And don't listen to what your Abuela said. She should have thought about her words first before saying that." 
The three of you left the dressing room and into the private showing area, where everyone awaited you. People came up to help console you, the bride, but you smiled, assuring them that you were alright. 
Miguel set Gabi down. Gabi then ran to your legs for a hug, which you happily accepted and returned. Your gaze goes to Miguel and Conchata, who bicker quietly in Spanish.  
You couldn't hear all of it but could make out most of it. 
"Por qué le dirías a Gabi que tú y yo estábamos 'jugando', no le digas que no entiende y que es demasiado joven para saberlo de todos modos'?"(Why would you tell Gabi that y/n and I were 'playing around? Don't tell her that. She  doesn't understand and she is too young to know anyways.)
"Bueno, ¿estaban ustedes dos 'jugando' allí?"(Well, were you two 'playing around' back there?)
"no, y ese no es el punto de esta conversación"
(no, and that is not the point of this conversation.)
"No lo niego del todo, hijo mío. ¿Qué diría Dios?"(I am not fully denying it, my son. What would God say?)
"No hablo de esto contigo. Eso es privado entre mi prometido y yo."(I am not talking about this with you. That's private between me and my fiance.) Miguel's watch buzzed, meaning he was getting a call from work; he looked down and glared at his wrist. "Tengo que tomar este." (I have to take this.)
"Peter, this better be an emergency." He said before he walked outside the store.
Gabi squeezed her tiny hand in yours, jumping up and down in excitement. "Mama, can we look at more dresses. I saw a really pretty one in that room." 
"Of course! Show me where it is." Gabi leads you to one of the rooms filled with various long white gowns. After a few minutes of looking, she points out the dress, to which you happily take it out. Just from the hangar, you think it is beautiful. 
"This one is gorgeous, Gabi. You have great taste. I'll go bring it to the room to try on next."
After looking through more dresses and grabbing some, you were ready to return to the dressing room. Miguel also walked back inside, looking frustrated. Of course, as soon as your eyes met his, his demeanor softened, and he smiled lovingly at you. You walked up to him, caressing his cheek. 
"Is everything alright?"
"Yes, just a few annoyances have come up at work. I need to get back to them so they don't do anything stupid. I'll see you this evening." Miguel kissed you, which you happily returned before he hugged Gabi goodbye and walked out the door.
After trying on almost all the dresses, Gabi picked out the last one. Tears prick the corners of your eyes when you see yourself in the mirror as a smile graces your lips.
"This is it. This is the one."
8 months before the wedding
"Here are the invitations and the lists for where they go." You slide over the different 'Save the Date' wedding invitations to the postman.
"I love the design of the cards. Very elegant."  The man smiled as he happily took the invitations and address list. 
The bell to the door entrance rang, signifying someone had entered. The person who had entered walked up right next to you, his hand on your lower back. 
"Everything all done here, Hermosa?" 
"Yep. Just finished now. Was Gabi able to make it to soccer practice?" 
"She did. Jumped out herself and ran straight to the field where her friends and coach were." He chuckled.
"Aw, she's growing up too fast. She did that the other day when I took her to her friend's house for her play date. Let's get her favorite takeout for tonight. " 
"That sounds like a good idea." A buzz came from Miguel's watch, and he saw Jess's name pop up. "I'm sorry cariño. I have to take this call." Miguel kissed the top of your head. 
"No worries. See you outside." You gave his hand a love squeeze before he left to answer the call. 
"Everything is all set. One thing I just have to say.  Damn girl, you really snatched up a fine man." The man winked at you as he fanned his hand against his face. 
"He sure is an amazing man. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him." 
You left the post office with a smile on your face. You saw Miguel in the driver's side of his car, still on the phone. You quietly entered the passenger side, trying not to disturb his call. 
A few minutes later, his call ended, and he sighed. 
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah, just the same everyday stress I have to handle." You place your hand on his knee as you lean towards him and kiss his neck before whispering, "How about when we get back home I can help relieve some of that stress."
Miguel's eyes widened, and a smirk rested on his lips. Instead of driving straight home, Miguel turned the car into an indoor parking garage. It was an underground garage that goes quite deep into the Earth. 
As soon as you reached the lowest levels where no car were in sight, you turned to look at him, confused by the sudden detour. "What are we doing here?" You chuckle as you see him park in the corner. When he turned off the car, he moved the seat back. 
"Come here, cariño." He gently patted his lap. With a smile, you exited the car and went over to his side, where he opened the door for you. You easily get on his lap as you wrap your arms around his neck, capturing your lips with his. One of his hands trailed down from your back to your ass, squeezing your cheek while closing the door. You gasp, letting his tongue slip past your lips. The door is now closed, and his now other free hand goes to your ass. He pushes you closer against him as your tongues explore the familiar parts of each other's mouths. 
Miguel grunts as he feels you rub yourself on his hardened crotch. Too impatient, he moves you slightly back, unbuckles his belt, and unzips his pants before taking out his glorious thick cock.  
"Guess you couldn't wait to get to the bedroom." You giggle when you see him send you a playful glare as his lips mark your neck with kisses and love bites. 
"You were teasing me all day. You're lucky I didn't do anything at the store when we registered for gifts." Miguel's lips kissed up to your ear as he lowered the straps of your tank top, revealing your uncaged breasts. "You know I can't last minutes without being nestled deep inside your walls when you act like that."
You chuckled at his needy words as he brought his lips towards yours into a heated kiss as you unbuttoned his shirt. You slowly dragged your hand down his chiseled tan chest before your hand wrapped around his cock. 
"I swear. Your wish would be to be inside me 24/7." You chuckle against his neck as you kiss his sweet spot. 
Miguel groaned impatiently as he lifted you and not so gently guided himself inside of you; a gasp from your lips as your reaction and a beautiful sound Miguel would never get sick of.
 "Well, that wish will come true for two weeks after we tie the knot." He takes your chin, reddish-brown eyes staring down at you as he begins moving you on his cock. "And you'll officially become Mrs. O'Hara." He begins to quicken his pace, to which you even have to give him the full reins as his right-hand grasps your waist to give you the level of satisfaction you both desire. You never felt self-conscious about your riding skills, never with Miguel. He always knew when to say the right words and touch you in the right places. 
Of course, whenever you did feel a little subconscious about it, Miguel would just whisper in your ear, "A beautiful woman like you shouldn't have to pleasure a man but to have him pleasure you." 
From his sultry words in your ear to the cosmic pleasure ravaging your insides, you felt your knot come and release in an instant. 
Your euphoric high made your walls squeeze tightly around his cock. With the way he's been trying to paw down his boner all day long, he didn't mind releasing himself inside you so quick as long as he knew your needs were satisfied.
Miguel kisses your brow as you gently lean into his touch, both catching your breath. 
"I guess we need to head back to the house," Miguel murmured against your brow.
You look up at him with a suggestive grin as you brush back some strands of hair sticking to his forehead before caressing his cheek. "I think we can spare a bit more time." 
Miguel's grin widened, agreeing, "Be careful what you wish for, cariño." Miguel purred in your ear as he pulled the side handle of this seat, which made the car seat go all the way down.
4 months before the wedding
You woke up at 4:45 am when your eyes finally adjusted to the light of your phone, seeing the time. You groaned out loud, annoyed with yourself for waking up so early. You never were an early morning riser, the opposite of your fiancé, who you know was downstairs in the home gym doing his morning workout routine. 
You were impressed by his strict early morning regimen. No matter how tired he was the day before, he always woke up at 4 am. He worked out until 6, took a shower, and was back in bed by 7 before you woke up at 8. 
However, this morning, you were awake. Maybe it was the nerves and pre-wedding jitters as the clock for your wedding was ticking closer to the date each day. Being too impatient to wait for Miguel to finish his workout, you decided to bother him. Of course, in his words, you never bothered him as he always loved you being in his company, embraced in his arms. 
Before heading to the basement gym, you put on pajama shorts and a tank top. You leaned against the doorway, admiring how your fiancé's muscles flexed as he lifted dumbbells. 
"Like what you see, Hermosa?" Miguel chuckled as he turned around. You bite your lower lip as you gaze over his sweaty physique. Your core grew tighter as you saw his biceps flex from the weights. 
"Mhm, maybe a little bit." You walk towards him, trying to hide your smile, but fail when you see his bright smile. You place your hands on his chest, gently moving them to his shoulders to rest. 
Miguel set his weights on the bench before returning to the same spot. Your eyes widen slightly in surprise when you feel his hands cupping your ass and pulling you closer. 
"Only a little? Will this change your answer?" His lips met yours in a sweet, loving kiss. "Though I'm happy to see you up early this morning, why are you awake now? Is everything okay?"
He cupped your face, concern growing in his eyes. 
"Yeah, you don't have to worry about me. I just woke up feeling nauseous and couldn't fall asleep, so I thought to come down here to keep you company."
"Are you still feeling nauseous?" 
"Yeah, but I probably just need to eat something."
"I'm sorry cariño. I'll go make you something."Miguel began to lead you both upstairs. You stopped, pausing his movements. 
"You don't have to do that. I'll grab something while you finish your workout." You tried to move from him, but before you could comprehend what was happening, all you could see was Miguel's tight ass in his workout shorts as you were now hauled over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. 
"Miggy. What are you doing?" You laughed as he began to climb the stairs to the first floor. 
When you arrived at the kitchen, he placed you on the counter and gathered the ingredients to make you an omelet. 
"You always come first to me. I can skip a workout to feed my fiancé."
When he stood close to you to chop vegetables, you leaned over to kiss his cheek in appreciation. 
You suddenly need to throw up when you smell the eggs on the pan. 
"I'll be right back." You hid your pale face with a smile as you headed back up to the master bathroom to empty your guts. Not hearing Miguel's footsteps behind you meant he bought your bluff, to your relief. 
When you began to feel better, a thought passed your mind, and you suddenly felt sick again. 
Flushing the toilet and turning on the faucet, you lean your upper body against the sink. You slowly sink your body to the ground in front of the cabinet. Opening the doors, you grab the box for wandering thoughts like the one now currently plaguing your mind. 
As you were anxiously waiting for the haunting test on the sink, you lifted your top to reveal your stomach in the mirror. You took an intake of breath without exhaling as you realized the very subtle baby bump. You quickly went to the test, eyes wide, as you saw the positive mark.
You go back to the kitchen downstairs and see Miguel just plating the food. 
"Your food is ready."
"Thank you for making this for me, honey. But I lost my appetite because...well...this." You show him the pregnancy test. 
Miguel sits down on the stool, staring at the test in shock. He looks back up at you, a smile spreading across his lips. He shoots up from his seat and twirls you around excitedly before kissing you. 
"I know it's a lot sooner than you wanted. But I promise to be there every step of the way." 
"Honestly, after my accident and almost losing my chance to ever have kids. I'm completely fine with having one now."
"I'm assuming you held that information for a reason?" He chuckled.
"Of course I did. The second you found out I wanted to have kids, I don't think we would ever leave our bedroom until I was pregnant." You laughed. 
"You're not wrong on that, mi amor." 
You laugh with your fiancé as you are about to give him a sweet, loving kiss to celebrate your little discovery. However, your body says otherwise as you feel a wave of nausea hit you as you race back to the bathroom, followed by Miguel. 
The nausea only grew worse throughout the day. It wasn't helpful that the final tasting menu and your hair and makeup trial were today. Despite Miguel reassuring you that he could reschedule those events, you refused, as you were hell-bent on your wedding plans not being delayed.
Instead of you adventuring outside, Miguel made a few calls and could move everything to the house simultaneously. 
"So why the sudden location change?" Hummed Stephanie as she leaned on the kitchen counter, sampling one of the dinner choices for the wedding reception. You had called her over this morning asking for her opinion, which she was more than happy to do. However, when she saw your sickly-looking skin tone and your constant need to excuse yourself with Miguel looking anxious every time questions were raised in your best friend's mind. 
"It's supposed to rain all day today."
"Haven't see cloudless rain before. Must be something new." 
"Gabi was sick, so we needed to stay home with her." 
"Mama, I'm not sick." Gabi looks up at you, confused from the kitchen stool she was sitting next to you drawing. 
You look back to Stephanie with a nervous smile as she narrows her eyes at you. 
"Hermosa, I don't think you can hide it much longer," Miguel added.
"Oh, I could tell something was up when I first saw you today." 
You sigh as you look at Miguel, who is trying his best to hide his amusement. You look at your daughter, who is happily coloring. "Baby bug, would you like to tell Auntie Steph the big news?" 
Gabi smiled brightly as she held up the picture she was drawing. It was her, Miguel, and you with a round belly. 
"I'm going to be a big sister!"
Stephanie's eyes widen in surprise before she goes straight to hug you.
"That's amazing! Ahh, I'm going to be an aunt again! Congratulations, you too!"
You happily hug her back. " Of course, you can tell Jack. But is it possible for you and him to keep it a secret? Just until after the wedding. I don't think Miguel and I could handle the extra annoyances from the in-laws if they knew." 
"I totally understand Jack and I's lips are sealed."  Stephanie zipped her lips and tossed the invisible key away. "Now, do we all agree neither dish is perfect for your guys' reception?" Stephanie pushed the plate away.
"I've been waiting for someone else to say it," Miguel added as he dumped the food in the trash.
"From the smell of it, I can agree." Your nausea gets the better of you as you rush back up to the bathroom, followed by a worried and doting Miguel. 
Stephanie chuckled as she watched the couple rush up the stairs. "Your parents are adorable. Aren't they, Gabi?"
"Yeah! Am I adorable, too?"
"You are the most adorable." Stephanie booed Gabi's nose, making her giggle. 
2 months before the wedding
"Everything looks good and healthy." The Doctor smiles as she helps wipe up the gel on your stomach. 
"How far along am I?"  
"You're three months along. Now, make sure to follow all these instructions." The Doctor handed you the paper, which you happily accepted before handing it to Miguel, knowing he would be more responsible for not losing it. 
"Do you have any questions?"
You chuckled when you saw Miguel take out his list of questions, which he had been writing down for the past few weeks since you had scheduled the Doctor's visit. 
Even though you have a daughter, neither of you have gone through the pregnancy process, making him act like a first-time and nervous father.
After letting Miguel ask questions for another 30 minutes, it was time to go. Bless the Doctor's heart for being so patient. Even your bladder couldn't handle it, leaving the room twice. 
You both get in the car as Miguel drives you to the bridal boutique. Ever since you both found out that you were pregnant, Miguel has been a little bit overprotective, if you were putting it nicely. 
Despite being the CEO of Alchemex, he was able to go to work only two times a week. And despite being dotting before, he is at your beck and call, whether that be driving you somewhere since he has been too nervous to let you drive while pregnant despite you telling him you were fine or getting you a glass of water every time you were thirsty. 
Miguel placed his free hand on top of yours, intertwining his fingers with yours. He glanced over at you with a heartfelt smile. 
"Are you still good to head to city hall after your appointment?" 
"Of course. I'm glad to be out of the house a lot today. I feel like I've been cooped up all week." You smiled back at him as you placed your other hand on your small baby bump. 
"Just double-checking Hermosa. I know the morning sickness has improved, but I wanted to ensure you were okay with being at city hall for a bit. Even with the expedited appointment, we might still be waiting." 
"I never thought you had to apply for a marriage permit." Your cheeks tinted pink out of embarrassment. 
Miguel chuckled as he lifted your hand intertwined in his and kissed your knuckles. 
"Don't feel embarrassed, mi amor. You're 22. I doubt you were thinking of getting married anytime soon." Miguel's fingers gently fidgeted with your engagement ring.
You chuckled as you squeezed his hand out of love. "Well, before us, I definitely wouldn't have imagined being a pregnant mother of a six-year-old getting ready to be married in two months to the love of my life." You look over at him as you take in his appearance. "And I wouldn't want it any other way." 
"I love you," he lovingly looked over at you. You leaned towards his seat and kissed his cheek.
"I love you too, Miggy."
After some time in the bridal shop, you say your goodbyes and leave to see your fiancé in the car working. You were relieved that the dress fit with plenty more wiggle room for when your stomach gets bigger. You were thankful for the bridal store's kindness for the sudden change so close to your wedding. You guessed it didn't help that you had told them as soon as you found out about your pregnancy, and maybe because of the extra sum given to have it done. 
Around 20 minutes later, you arrive at City Hall. When you get to the right floor for marriage permits, you internally groan when you see the long line going around the corner and down the hall. You hear Miguel sigh, which makes you smile, knowing he feels the same way. 
Another 20 minutes passed, feeling more like an eternity with your swollen feet, and the line barely moved. You felt Miguel wrap an arm around your waist as he brought you in front of him. He leaned against the wall before moving you to lean against him. 
"Lean on me, cariño," Miguel whispered in your ear. 
You look up at him: "Are you sure? You must tired, too."
He smiled lovingly down at you, brushing some of your hair behind your ear. "I'm perfectly fine. You're carrying our child. You must be tired from standing. Lean on me to relieve the stress in your back." 
You smile up at him as you get on your toes to give him a quick kiss and thank you before you wrap your arms around his waist, hugging him as you lean your head on his chest. You sigh in relief as leaning against him relieves some of your soreness. 
"Thank you, honey." You say against his chest. Your heart flutters when you hear the vibration of his chuckle before you feel him kiss the top of your head. 
"Anything for you, mi amor." 
Another 20 minutes went by, and it was beginning to become mentally painful to see how slow the line was going. 
"There you are, Mr. O'Hara." A man walking by stopped in front of the two of you, making you turn around. 
"Yes?" Miguel spoke.
"I've been searching the halls for you. I'm going to get you and Ms. L/n your marriage permit. I apologize for the delay. When the security checked you in, they should have sent you straight to me. Please follow me this way." The man gestured for you and Miguel to follow him. 
You look up to Miguel as you shrug your shoulders before following the government official. 
You enter an office that would be deemed very nice for a government-paid room. You sit and smile as tears threaten to spill from the relief you feel in your feet and lower back. 
"You know, for someone of my standing, maybe you should have been waiting at the check-in to bring us to your office and not depend on a security guard to do your job. Instead, my pregnant fiancé and I had to wait in line for almost an hour in an unconditioned building. You're lucky she didn't faint from the heat." Miguel's tone became serious, with an obvious tone of anger. 
Your fiancé's death glare alone could send someone into an early grave. Should you be scared? Maybe. But all you felt was how hot he looked doing it. 
"My deepest apologies, Mr. O'Hara. I can waive the fee for the permit." The official swallowed nothing, and his nerves were evident on his face. 
"That's not needed. I'll pay for it. Just do better for the next couple." 
"O-of course, sir." 
Thankfully, after a speedy process through all the paperwork, most likely from Miguel's glare going straight into the official's soul. 
"Bring this to the ceremony, sign it, and mail it in for it to be registered afterward. And that's it for here. Once again, I apologize for the earlier inconvenience. If you need anything from us, please don't hesitate to contact me. Here is my personal phone number." The man hands Miguel a paper with his number. "Have a lovely evening."
You and Miguel stood up from your seats to your dissatisfaction as Miguel led you out of the office. Once you left the building, Miguel sighed in relief. 
You turned around and placed your hands on his chest. 
"You were very impressive in there, Mr. O'Hara."
He placed his hands on your hips as he grinned down at you. "I try my best, Mrs. O'Hara." He leaned down for a kiss, but he stopped by your finger. 
"Not yet, your Mrs." You winked at him with a smile as you walked out of his grasp and towards the car. Miguel chuckled deeply from behind you. 
"I love it when you feisty Hermosa." 
1 month before the wedding 
You mindlessly stared at the white wall as you lay in bed. You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to stop the tears as you felt another wave of pain in your abdomen. 
You heard voices from outside the bedroom door. 
"How was she today?" Miguel spoke in a whisper. 
"Nothing new. She's been in bed beside the few times she needed to use the restroom too well. You know. She still hasn't eaten anything. I'm worried about her. She won't listen to anything I say. Maybe you can get through to her today." Spoke Stephanie.
"Thank you for watching her and Gabi while I dealt with that emergency at work." 
"Of course. You know I would do anything for her. How have you been managing?" 
"It's been a hard two weeks. But I'm more worried for her. It breaks my heart to have her go through this. If I ever see that bitch Sofia... I probably would end up in prison myself for what I would do."
"Fortunately, she has been behind bars for a long time. I'll let you go in there. I'll help finish the seating chart and the remaining small details that still need to be done."
"Thank you for all the extra help you and Jack have been doing for the wedding. It means a lot to both of us."
You heard Stephanie say goodbye before you heard the door to your bedroom open. As the bed dipped, you felt arms wrap around you. 
You closed your eyes to pretend to fall asleep, not wanting to talk. 
Two weeks ago:
You stood in front of a corkboard with circles organized according to importance. You stared at the board for hours, figuring out where to place your parents. 
"Urgh. Should I place them at the main family table? I don't really want to interact with them. If they even decide to come to the wedding." You mumble to yourself out loud. You look down at Gabi lying on the ground, watching her favorite morning cartoons. You smiled at how adorable your daughter was.
"Hey, baby bug. Where should my parents sit at the wedding?"
Gabi stood up and walked right up next to you with her usual happy smile. You passed her your parents' little name tags as she took them and went to the board. On her tiptoes, she put your parents' name tags at the main family table. 
"When I have my wedding, I want you and Papa to sit right next to me." You smile as you see her go on her tiptoes to put the name tags in the right place on the board. Over the course of the time you've lived here, you've seen her grow so much already. You knew she would get some of her father's height from how tall she was now at 7.
"Perfect! Do you want to help with the gift bags?" 
Gabi's eyes sparked with excitement as she jumped up and down towards the dining room table. You chuckled as you followed behind her. After a few minutes of showing her what went into each bag and seeing her do one, you left her on her own while you went to the kitchen to make you and her lunch. 
You felt something unusual in your abdomen. Your hand went to your round belly, a smile coming to your lips when you thought it was the baby kicking for the first time. That happy smile quickly turned as you felt another sensation, but it was a sharp pain. Your hand clenched your stomach as the pain kept on coming. A wet patch forms between your legs, but when you look down, your eyes widen to see blood drip from your thighs to the floor. 
You grunted in pain as it became worse, making you collapse to the ground before you could grab your phone. 
"No, no, no, no." You cried out loud in pain. This couldn't be happening. On that day, Miguel had to go to work. 
"Mama?"  Gabi walked into the kitchen. When she saw you lying on the floor in pain, you saw her face scrunch up as you saw her tears start to fall. She runs up to you as she kneels beside you. 
"Mama! You're bleeding! Are you hurt?" Gabi cried, scared for you. 
You gain enough strength to caress her face to try and soothe her. "I'll be alright, sweetheart. But something is not right with your brother or sister. Can...can..you...can you get my phone?"
Gabi nodded as she stood up and went to the kitchen counter. Getting on her tippy toes, she grabbed the phone. When she had it, she came back to your side and handed it to you. 
You start to feel your vision go in and out.
"Sweetie, you remember how we taught how to dial the phone?"
"Mama is having a hard time with her vision. Can you press 911 and then the green button for me?"
"Okay." You heard her sniffling as you tried to console her and let her know everything would be alright. 
You last heard a knock on the door before everything went black. 
You groaned as you awoke from what seemed like a deep slumber. You feel your hand in another's grip tightening slightly when you move your arm a little.
"Mi Amor?" Your fingers gently brushed against your cheek as you smiled, leaning into the warmth. 
"Miguel?" You start to notice your surroundings in a hospital. Once again... you sit up suddenly but are met with a stinging pain in your lower abdomen as you cry out in pain. 
"Y/n, don't strain yourself so soon. You have lost a lot of blood." Miguel sits on the bed next to you as he brings you into his loving embrace. You look at him and notice his tear-stained face and tired red eyes. You place your hands on his face, concerned about why your fiancé was so upset. 
The pain in your stomach and your fiancé's distressed face made tears fall down as you realized what had happened. 
"The baby...they're gone?" Even though you knew the answer, you hoped Miguel would reassure you. Instead, the pained look in his eyes worsened as he brought your head into the crook of his neck. 
"I'm so sorry."
You cried in his arms for the remainder of the Night until you passed out from exhaustion. Not once did Miguel leave your side as he stayed in the bed with you, consoling your broken heart. 
Nurses came in every hour to check your vitals and ask if you needed anything. It wasn't until morning that you woke up to see the Doctor walk in—the same one from the last time you were here.
That morning took a piece of your heart away when the Doctor explained to you and Miguel the cause of the miscarriage. Ever since your car accident and almost losing your uterus, it has become not the most suitable place for a baby to grow, and it would be very hard for you to carry out a full-term pregnancy. Pretty much tells you that you couldn't have kids. At least, that is how you took the news. 
"Y/n, please talk to me. You haven't left the bedroom in two weeks and barely eaten anything. It's breaking my heart to see you like this." Miguel whispered in your ear as he kissed the side of your head. 
You turn yourself to face him as you look up at him. You could see the bags under his eyes and how tired he looked. You knew he was grieving as much as you were, but still being strong to keep everything together, unlike you, who broke apart.
"Maybe you should marry someone who can give you and Gabi the family you deserve." You say barely above a whisper.
You feel strong hands on your face as he lifts your chin to look at him. Brown eyes are now serious.
" y/n, don't ever say something like that again. You are the only woman I love and want to marry and have a family with. No one else. And you know that is not true about your inability to have kids. You still can have children. We just have a few extra obstacles, and that's all."
"But what if I can't."
"Even if we never have a baby, we still have that little girl who loves and idolizes you more than her favorite sport. More than the world. Even more than me." He chuckled, which made you crack a small smile. He added: "We still have our little Princess and will always have her. And just having you and Gabi in my life is more than enough. I couldn't see my life without either one of you."
"I couldn't live without you and Gabi either. I think having little family outings and focusing on planning the wedding will help make life normal again." 
Miguel leaned down as he placed a sweet and loving kiss on your lips before smiling, "I couldn't agree more."
The Night before the wedding
After a relaxing day of shopping and lounging at the pool with your bridesmaids, you're glad to be heading back to your room to rest and prepare for your big day tomorrow. 
Instead of heading to the elevators, Stephanie directs you to the bar area. Heading to the bar, she sits down, followed by you right next to her. 
"Two glasses of champagne, please." Stephanie smiled at the bartenders, who nodded with a smile at her request. 
You look at her in surprise that she ordered you a glass. " Steph, I'm not sure I'm ready to drink yet. I haven't had a drop since before finding out I was pregnant."
"I know it's only been a month since you lost the baby, but it's the night before your wedding. The champagne is barely alcohol. Plus you shouldn't have anything else so you can look your best tomorrow. But honestly. You could look like a train wreck, and Miguel would still think you are the most gorgeous woman on Earth."
You smile as you look at the glass handed to you. "You're not wrong there. You know this is the first time I feel completely fine talking about the miscarriage." You smiled. The bartender arrives with the glasses. Stephanie lifted hers towards you. Taking a deep breath, you smile as you pick it up and clink your glass with hers. "To the start of a new chapter." Stephanie smiled before taking a sip. You smiled, " To a new chapter." Before taking a sip. 
You noticed the time as you were chatting away about memories from your childhood or college. 
"Oh shoot, I guess I need to head to bed if I want to get at least a full night's rest."
"Good idea. You definitely won't be getting any during your honeymoon," Stephanie winked as she took another sip of her drink. "Oh, I have something to give you," Stephanie said as she grabbed a medium-sized box from one of her shopping bags. 
"Oh, Stephanie, you didn't have to do that. With everything you've done with planning the wedding. That's been an amazing gift."
"Of course, girlie. Anything for my BFF. Then let this be your post-wedding gift. I'll let you open it in private." Stephanie grinned before gently pushing the box to you on the counter. 
You narrowed your eyes at your best friend, wondering what she was up to before flashing her a smile. 
After saying your goodbyes, you made it to your bedroom. You sighed as you entered a quiet room. There is no sign of a warm, deep voice greeting you or a giggling voice in front of the T.V. in the other room before small footsteps come running towards you for a hug. You and Miguel wanted to be in a suite together as a family. But Conchata insisted you were in separate rooms. Even separate floors. You both agreed only because she stopped breathing down Miguel's back.
You sit on the bed, too big for one, and glance at the box Stephanie gave you. Grabbing it and setting it on your lap, you take the top off the box. Your cheeks go bright red once you lift the tissue paper. A card is placed on the intricate white silk lace lingerie. 
A little something to spice up the wedding night. It's not like the two of you need it, though; - ) 
Your eyes widen as you lift the piece of clothing.
"How in the hell do you get this on?"
You notice another card fall out. Setting the lingerie back in the box, you leaned down to pick it up. 
Knowing you: Here are instructions on how to put it on.
You roll your eyes as you set the instructions on the bed. 
You were in the bathroom suite, trying to put these strings on your body right. You stopped midway as you looked at yourself and then at the photo, knowing you had already messed up. 
"How the fuck do I put this on?" You growled to yourself. 
You heard a faint knock on your door. Quickly getting out of it, "At least it's easy to take off."
Back in your comfy lounge, you head to the door, where you hear another faint knock, this time a deep voice followed by a young one. 
You smile as you open the door and see Miguel and Gabi looking very tan from being at the beach all day. While your bridesmaids whisked you away, Miguel and Gabi spent the day together. Although you love spending time with Steph and all your old friends, you would have liked to spend all day at the beach sitting beside Miguel while watching Gabi making sand castles or collecting shells nearby. 
"Mama!" Gabi ran in as she hugged you. You happily picked her up and kissed the top of her forehead. 
Miguel followed behind her as he closed the door. 
"Hola, Hermosa." Miguel smiled as he brought you close and gave you a sweet kiss on the lips. 
"Hi, you two. I thought I wouldn't get to see you both until tomorrow. I've missed you all day," you say as you walk to the sofa with Gabi and sit down with her on your lap. Miguel follows as he sits right next to you. 
"We missed you too! Especially Papa. He kept saying how much he missed you and wished you were with us."
"Can I not have any secrets kept from your mother?" He chuckled as he picked her up from your lap and tickled her. 
"Nope!" She squealed in laughter. "Mama, help me!" 
"Did you say tickle you too? Okay." You laugh as you also begin to tickle her. 
"No, mama, I said help me!" Gabi giggled as she tried to get away from the both of you. 
After a few minutes, you finally give your daughter her freedom, and she immediately hops off the couch and away from our reach. 
"Mama! I have a present for you! Papa, where's Mama's present?" Gabi said as she sat in between you and Miguel.
"A present? For me?" Your smile widens as Miguel hands her a rectangular envelope. 
"Here you go." Gabi smiled.
You look at the envelope as you see hearts drawn all over and in Gabi's handwriting:
To: Mama
Love: Gabi♥️
"I hope you like it." She smiled as she kept jumping up and down in her seat, and Miguel lifted her to his lap to stop.
"Aw, I bet I will, baby bug. I like anything you get me."
"But this present is extra special."
"Oh?" You gently open the envelope, careful not to tear it, and take out a folded paper. 
Opening it up, you read the first few lines—it was a government form. Tears began to brim the corner of your eyes as you read the first word at the top of the paper: adoption.
You looked at Gabi as tears began to spill. A wide smile made its way to your lips as you wrapped your arms around Gabi, brought her to your lap, and gave her a big hug. 
"Aw, Gabi. This is the best gift you could ever give me. Thank you." 
"I'm happy you love it, mama." Gabi smiled as she wrapped her arms around your neck. 
Miguel smiled as he brought you both to his side. 
"I guess the gift I have for you might not compare."
You turned to look at him, surprised by his words. 
"You got me something else?" 
" I did. But you can't know what it is until the morning. Are you fine with waking up really early?" Your smile widens from his mysterious words. You lean up to kiss his cheek. 
"I can't wait. Do you know what it is, Gabi?"
Gabi giggled as she covered her mouth and shook her head before she said, "I can't tell you. I pinky promised Papa." 
You brushed her hair behind her ears as you gave her a hug. "Oh, alright. I guess I'll just have to wait until morning then."
You all ended up getting cozy as a family on the bed, all in pajamas. Gabi sat between your legs as she watched the family-friendly movie on the T.V. while you braided her hair. 
"Pass me your other hair tie, sweetie." Gabi took the blue scrunchie with the charm of a soccer ball and handed it to you. "Thank you. Annnnd All done!"
Gabi looked at her two braids with a smile on her face as she turned around and gave you another hug. You lifted her to the covers and said, " Okay, it's time to go to sleep. We all have a big day tomorrow."
"Aww, do we have to? The movie isn't over."
Miguel pulls the covers over her to get her settled. "You can watch it from right here. And yes, we do. All three of us have to be up super early. Good Night, princesa." Miguel kisses the top of her head before turning off the light. 
As soon as the lights were off, your eyes suddenly felt heavy, and you fell asleep surrounded by the love of your life and your baby daughter. 
You awoke to the sound of an alarm. It was 4:30 am, and it was still nighttime outside. You got out of bed and went to freshen up in the bathroom. When you walked in, you saw Miguel holding a familiar piece of paper in his hand. You blushed as you snatched it out of his hands. 
"You aren't meant to see that until later today." Your reddened cheeks said it all as Miguel saw the box on the counter. You move in front of it, knowing what he was thinking. 
Miguel chuckled, "And what is it that I can't see until then?" His voice is still low from just waking up. He walks right up to you, putting his arms on both sides, trapping you between him and the counter. 
"Trust me. You will want to wait on this one." 
"I can't wait."
You smiled as he lifted your chin, leaning down to kiss your lips with a sweet, long kiss. 
"We're getting married today." 
"Maybe a lot sooner than you think. I have something for you in the closet." Miguel lets you free from your intimate trap as you go to the closet. You gasp as you see a beautiful, long white silk sundress with a low back and a few accessories. 
When you were finally dressed, including your hair and makeup, you walked back into the main area of the suite. You smiled as you saw Miguel wearing a nice dress shirt and pants. 
"Mama, look at my dress!"
You saw Gabi in a beautiful light blue dress, matching her father's shirt. 
"You look beautiful, baby bug." You pick her up as you twirl her around. 
"You look really, really pretty, Mama. You too, Papa!" Gabi smiled in your arms. Miguel placed a hand on your lower bare back, sending a spark up your spine. 
"We better get going. The boat is waiting for us." Your fiancé's words piqued your interest, and you looked up at him with a smile and a curious look.
"A boat?"
"You'll see soon enough, cariño." Miguel chuckled as he led you out of the hotel and to a car, the driver waiting for all of you. 
After a 10-minute drive, you were at the beach. You felt a beautiful peace, as the only thing you could hear was the beautiful song of the ocean. 
(Play here if you want😊)
Miguel took your hand in his, giving you a love squeeze. "You're going to love this, Mama!" Gabi smiled as she was skipping slightly ahead of the two of you. A few minutes walk on the beach on a dock before you saw a gorgeous small yacht decorated with hanging lights and music.
"Miguel, this...this is beautiful. What is it for?"
You both followed Gabi as she was already boarding the boat. When you got on the boat, you gasped at how beautiful everything was up close. The front of the boat was decorated with your favorite flowers, and the petals made a path to a small white pergola with a person standing underneath. 
The boat began to move on the water as you marveled at the beauty of The Algarve of Portugal from the water. 
"Now, can I know what the rest of this wonderful surprise is?"
Miguel turned to you with the happiest and most loving smile, his eyes showing just as much. He took both your hands in his.
"I know that the last month has been stressful. And not only the miscarriage but the stress of everyone a part of the wedding. I could see the stress and sadness in your eyes during the rehearsal with your parents and the annoyance of some of your bridesmaids. I know everything we have planned will be beautiful, and I can't wait to see you walk down that aisle later today and pour out all my love to you in front of everyone. But this is just for us. No loud noise. Let's get married right here. Let's have a memory of today that only the three of us will keep close to our hearts. I love you so much, Y/n L/n, that I want to marry you twice. Will you do me the honor?" 
You wrap your arms around his neck as you get on your toes—easier since you are wearing heels—and kiss him sweetly, giving your answer. 
You spent time in each other's arms, watching the moon begin to dip behind the horizon while watching Gabi play around the boat. 
"Hermosa." You can hear the smile in Miguel's voice as he gently calls out to you, waking you from your slight slumber. You were so cozy sitting beside him, keeping warm from the ocean breeze, that you dozed off on his shoulder. 
"It's time." You look ahead to this beautiful natural archway. When you look carefully, you see that it makes a heart shape. 
Miguel leads you to the pergola, where the official is with Gabi ahead, throwing more petals. He leaned towards you, his lips by your ear. 
"Locals say that if you kiss the one you love under this archway just as the sun rises and lights it up, the couple's souls will be connected forever."
Just as the sun begins to peak over the horizon, bringing the bright colors of the world, the official begins. Despite the beauty of nature around you, you can only look into the eyes of the man you love with your whole being. 
After the official says the words that bind you and Miguel forever, sunlight lands on the archway, and Miguel puts his hand behind your head and kisses you with all the love he has for you as you do for him. 
"I love you, Miguel O'Hara."
"I love you too, Y/n O'Hara." 
You spend the rest of the early morning having a celebratory breakfast as a family on the boat before returning to the hotel. Miguel takes you back to your room and places one last kiss on your lips. 
"I'll see you at the altar." He winked at you with a smile before he and Gabi returned to their designated room. 
After resting and bathing again, you heard a knock on your door, and a group of women were exchanging their words on the other side. 
You open the door in a robe. "Good morning, everyone." You smile happily. Miguel was right. This morning, all your stress and worries for today disappeared, as you already got what you wanted from today.
After you and everyone were ready, you looked at yourself in the mirror. Tears well up in the corner of your eyes at how beautiful you looked. The dress your amazing baby daughter had picked out. The white gown was covered in a beautiful lace hat that hugged your figure perfectly to the ground, and the middle end of the dress was a bit see-through. The lace formed your shoulders, arms,  and chest just as the neckline dipped to show some of your cleavage. Your favorite part was the beautiful long and wide dress skirt hanging from your hips that covered the sides and back of your dress as it trailed down to the ground, along with a gorgeous soft white veil that went to the floor being held by a beautiful diamond encrusted headband as your hair flowed around your shoulders pulled back a little at the top to reveal more of you face.  
"Hey, no ruining my makeup masterpiece." Stephanie chuckled as she handed you a tissue. "But you look stunning. Miguel is totally going to tear up on that altar." 
You chuckled, as you had only seen your now secretly husband tear up a few times, so you weren't sure if he would in front of a lot of people.
Everyone walked out of the room and headed outside to the car. You smiled as you saw your father exit the driver's side of a beautiful silver-white vintage Rolls Royce. 
He walked up to you with a smile on his face. Only a few days ago, when everyone arrived in The Algarve, your father regretted everything that was said and done. He finally realizes how much you and Miguel mean to each other. It was when you had the miscarriage. He was the one who got you to the hospital as he was planning on visiting you that day to apologize. When he called Miguel and met him at the hospital, he saw all his anger for his friend dissolve and saw how much Miguel loved you. 
Of course, after that apology, you told him it would take some time to fully forgive him, but you were happy that the process was starting. Well, at least for one parent. You had asked him to escort you to church and walk you down the aisle, which he was more than happy to do. 
"You look beautiful." He said, which made you smile. 
"She didn't come and see me." You said to him.
"She's at the church. It wasn't smart for you to have seen her.”
"Do you think she'll ever come around?" You looked up to your father, hoping for a reassuring reply. " Let's get you to that church."
As the car takes you to the cliff where the church is, you smile as you see the locals congratulating you from the streets. When the car comes to a stop, your heart feels like it's beating in your chest, and butterflies begin to fly in your stomach. 
Your father gets out before going to the back, where he opens the door and helps you out. Stephanie and your other bridesmaids, who were in the car behind you, came up to you to make sure everything looked right before walking the remaining feet away to the church entrance. 
You saw Conchata and Gabi outside the entrance waiting for you. 
"Mama!" Gabi ran to you as you happily leaned down to hug her. "You look like a beautiful princess!" She added.
"Aw, thank you, baby bug. You also look like a beautiful princess in your flower girl dress." You did love her dress; it was a light pink silk dress, and the skirt puffed out a bit with tulle underneath. She wore her hair in a bun wrapped with a braid with diamonds on a pink headband. Similar to yours. 
"You look beautiful, my daughter." Conchata hugged you.
"Thank you, Conchata."
Conchata left to go inside to take her seat. And that's when the music began to play. The bridesmaids and their partners began to go in, with Jack and Stephanie being the last ones to go. Jack gave you a hug, saying, "You look amazing, y/n."
"Thanks, Jack."
You took a deep breath, clutching your bouquet tighter as you started to feel the nerves growing. 
"Just look at Miguel and no one else when you enter. It helps with the nerves." Your father smiled as he offered you his arm. You happily put your arms through his. "Thanks, Dad."
The main chorus begins to play, hinting that you should enter. You took another deep breath before you and your father entered the church. You marveled at the beauty of the interior, as it was all wood with flowers that matched your bouquet, which was placed perfectly on the ends of the pews and the altar. You saw Stephanie and Jack up there looking at you joyfully. You saw Gabriel standing on the other side with Gabi right before him. 
Your eyes finally land on reddish-brown as your heart grows bigger. Your smile widens as you keep them on him. You finally reach the altar steps as Miguel walks down to receive you. Your father takes your hand and places it in Miguel's. "Take care of her now. Which I know you've been doing. Thank you." Your father says to Miguel with a smile. Miguel looks at you and replies to your father, "I will."
As Miguel leads you up the altar, he leans toward you and whispers, " You look so beautiful. When I saw you walk down that aisle, it felt like I was falling in love with you for the first time."
You give his hand a love squeeze. "I felt the same too." You notice that tears are threatening to spill from his eyes. 
"Oh, Miguel." You gently wipe a tear from his face. 
"I can't help it, mi amor. You're just so beautiful."
The officiator began the ceremony. It felt like time was still going on, as you could only look at Miguel. Before you knew it, the officiator asked for the vows.
"Miguel, I am so happy that you swept me away from that random guy at the bar all those years ago in Miami. I'm so happy the universe reunited us to have that weekend not be the only time spent together. I am so happy and grateful to be a part of your family. I am so grateful to be loved by you and our daughter, and to you for bringing her into my life. The time I have spent with you has been the happiest days of my life, and I can't wait to continue having more happy years as your wife." You wipe away the tears falling down your face. Miguel moves closer to you, helps wipe away the tears, and smiles lovingly at you. 
"Y/n, mi amor. My sun and universe. When our eyes met across the bar, I knew you would be someone special to me. You have made my soul complete since you came back into my life. Every smile and laugh of yours makes my heart glow. I've been so lucky to wake up beside you every morning and be the person you see first thing every morning. I can't wait to do that every morning for the rest of my life." His words brought your tears back, which made both of you chuckle as he helped you again wipe them away. 
You looked up at him again as you put his wedding band on his finger, and he looked at you with so much love and desire putting on yours.
After a few more words were said by the officiator.
The words you've been waiting for...
"You may kiss the bride." Miguel grinned as he took your waist, brought you close, and kissed you. You placed your hand on his face to bring him closer, and tears ran down both your cheeks and his. 
"I now pronounce you husband and wife."
Cheers erupted from the pews as you and Miguel forced yourself to end the kiss. You walked down the aisle hand in hand out of the church, followed by everyone else.
After taking many photos with the hired photographer and getting dressed in reception attire, which was your gown minus the detachable wide skirt and veil, you kept the headband as a gift from Miguel. You loved how it looked in your hair. 
The reception was going off amazing. Everyone was happy, most likely because it was an open bar. You smiled as you gazed out into the ocean. The reception was on the beach under a gorgeous white and blue tent decorated to the nines with hardwood flooring and beautiful crystal chandeliers. 
You felt a hand placed on your own, turning your attention to your husband. Your brows furrowed when you saw concern in his eyes. 
"Is everything okay?" You smile as you give his hand a love squeeze. 
"Everything is perfect, cariño. I was wondering if you were okay? You haven't touched your food yet. Do you feel ill? Do u want me to have them get you something else?" 
You smile as you lean towards him and kiss his cheek, whispering, "I'm super happy. I'm just reminiscing about this morning." You lean back slightly to see Miguel's eyes fill with love. 
"I'm glad you liked the gift." Miguel caressed your face, took your chin, and kissed you. 
"I loved it. It was beyond perfect. And it made the rest of today so much easier." 
You hear a wine glass chime directing everyone's attention to the live band, where Stephanie and Gabriel now stood. 
"Hi, everyone; we hope you have been having a fantastic time." Stephanie smiled as she lifted her drink, causing the people around her to clap and cheer. 
"As the maid of honor, I must come up here and talk about my bestie, Y/n. And this speech has not been seen by her, so I'm sorry if I embarrass you a little. But it's all out of love." Stephanie blows you an air kiss, which you laugh as you catch it and blow a kiss to her. 
"I have known Y/n since we played little league soccer at 4. We sat on the grassy field, munching on the grass while the other kids ran around with the ball in their hands. And that's when two troublemakers became inseparable. Going on adventures for hours, flirting with older boys, and getting into mischief at the neighborhood barbecues. And god, we were worse when we finally got our driver's license. But that made the adventures even more exciting. Especially that trip to Miami. I found a hookup to get over an ex and you found love. When I saw you and Miguel together for the first time at that breakfast, I knew it was something special. Maybe neither of you knew it at the time. But the way you looked at each other wasn't just lust; it was love. And oh my god. When you came to our room the day of our departure, you left before he woke up. I swear I wanted to strangle you for how ridiculous you were for doing that. When we arrived at that neighborhood barbecue after returning from Europe, we were sleep-deprived and saw Miguel again. I knew you two were fated to be together. And I'm so happy to have gotten to know you, Miguel, and Gabi. I'm thrilled and happy to take the role of the fun Auntie. Congratulations again to Miguel And Y/n O'Hara." Stephanie raised her champagne glass as everyone clapped and cheered. When Stephanie left the stage, you walked over to her and gave her a hug as you wiped away the happy tears.
" Now, the speech my brother has been waiting for." Gabriel chuckled as he winked at Miguel. Miguel face palmed, and he swore in Spanish under his breath. You laughed lightly as you wrapped your arm around his and rested your head on his shoulder. 
"Miguel, you have been the best big brother and man this world could ever have. For as long as I can remember, you have always been there to help and support me and anyone who needed it. I know you always wished for someone to be there for you even though it was hard with your position; you didn't know who to trust. But I'm so happy you found someone who lights up your day. Y/n, thank you so much for filling that missing piece of him. You two will have many happy years together because you were meant for each other. To the happy couple." 
Once again, everyone clapped and cheered, and when Gabriel sat down next to Miguel, he hugged him in thanks. 
"Mama?" You and Miguel looked to see your daughter standing between both your chairs.
"Hi, baby bug. Are you having fun with the other kids?"
"Yeah! I'm happy that you and Papa found each other and that became my mom. You're the best mom in the whole wide world." 
"Aw, Gabi. I'm so happy and grateful to be your mom. You're the best daughter in the world." You have her sit on your lap as you hug her. 
"I love you, mama." Gabi hugs you tighter.
"I love you too, my baby bug."
As the day turned into the night with food, drinks, and dancing with your husband and daughter, plus your favorite part when you and Miguel cut the cake, you both put frosting on Gabi's nose as she had done to the both of you.
It was time for you and Miguel to go to the airport to catch your flight to your honeymoon. However, Miguel kept the destination a secret from you. After saying goodbyes, especially to Gabi, as she was returning to Nueva York with Gabriel as you wouldn't see her for two weeks.
You sat in Miguel's lap as the driver took you two to the jet. You both talked about today's highlights. 
When you arrived inside the jet, you noticed the stark difference between the one you usually take and this one. There were only a few seats and then a wall with a door. Was it storage? You were surprised when the air host walked you both to the back of the plane and opened that door, revealing a large master bedroom with a full-size bed. The air host said to press the call button if you two needed anything before leaving and closing the door behind them.
You were so stunned by seeing a literal bedroom and full-size bathroom on a plane that you were slightly started when you felt Miguel's arms wrap around your middle, bringing you against him as he kissed your neck. 
"A little surprised, mi amor?" Miguel chuckled. You turned around to face him and wrapped your arms around his neck as you kissed him. 
"Just a little. Never would have thought I would be in a bedroom in the sky." 
"Well, let me make it worth your while." Miguel's lips met yours with passion and desire. He quickly turned you back around to unzip your dress. As it fell to the ground, he looked at what you were wearing underneath. 
"Was this my surprise from earlier today?" Miguel pulled you closer to him by your hips.
"It is. Like it?" You grin up at him.
"Oh, I love it." Miguel lifts you up and gently tosses you on the bed. He quickly takes his clothes off, leaving nothing to the imagination as he climbs on top of you.
He placed a sweet kiss on your lips before making his way down your neck and breasts, giving each nipple its deserved attention with his mouth, down to your stomach before he made it between your legs. You jilted up a soft moan coming out of you when you felt him nip your inner thigh. 
"I love it when your body reacts like that whenever I touch you." He mumbled against your thigh right before his lips met your clit. Your fingers immediately went through his hair as every sensation made you grip his hair and make his mouth work faster. 
You felt the jet's engine as it began moving, further increasing your pleasure. Your core tightened as you felt Miguel's tongue enter inside you. 
Your mind was half in reality, half on a euphoric high. Thighs tighten around his head as you come undone for the second time just from his tongue alone. 
Miguel lifted his body and positioned himself between you. He hovered over you, placing kisses along your neck to your ear and whispering, " I'm so lucky to have such a beautiful woman to call my wife."
Your hands go to his face as you bring his lips to yours, needing to taste him. He licked your lips, wanting to explore your mouth. You gasp as you feel his tongue enter your mouth while he fully thrusts himself into you. 
You instinctively wrap your legs around his waist as he begins his quick and swift pace inside of you.
"Miguel." You cry out as you claw at his back.
"Fuck you feel so good around my cock." Miguel growled as his pace grew faster, making you feel your core tighten again. 
He grabbed your hips and lifted you to his lap, giving him a new angle to fuck you in, making the tip of his cock hit in just the right place repeatedly. You cried out loud as you reached your high again. 
Your hands claw against his back as you have your arms wrapped around his neck as your head falls lazily to the side, letting him mark your neck with love bites. 
Going after your third orgasm, your cunt began to feel overstimulated as he continued to fuck you at the same rough pace. 
"God, it feels so good." You mewled out loud. Miguel leaned forward as he kissed your lips. 
"Only the best for you, Hermosa," He whispered.
Miguel continued to slam into you as his cock twitched, almost at its peak. You moaned out loud as you squeezed around him from your fourth orgasm. The sudden tightness around his cock makes him groan as he spills deep inside you, coating your walls white.
Your upper body lay on his lap in a sweaty state as Miguel continued to thrust inside you, becoming more sloppy as he came down from his sexual high. He kissed your brow, your nose, and then your lips. 
"I love you so much." He mumbled against your lips. He laid you down on the duvet as he laid next to you, brushing your hair away from your face. 
"I love you too, Miggy." You smile lovingly at him as you kiss his chin and lips. "I have another small surprise for you." 
Miguel looked at you with a curious grin, waiting to hear what you had to say. 
"I stopped taking my birth control. I still want to try to have a baby." 
You can tell your words made his day even more amazing. You knew after your miscarriage the thought of having another baby might be a while away. But ever since the miscarriage, the thought of having a baby became stronger with you. 
"You really mean that cariño?" 
You happily nodded with a smile. " I do." 
Miguel placed butterfly kisses all over your face before hovering over you. You look down and an imaginary sweat mark falls down your face as you see him fully erect again. He brought your open legs against him, smiling. 
"Ready for round two?"
Hope you enjoyed the chapter🥰
Also thank you for the 900 followers! It means everything to me!💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Imagine Miller doing a subbathon with yan chat except instead of donating bits to keep the stream going, they’re donating bits to see Y/n. Y/n is just sitting there next to Miller reading a book or something whilst they play a game and anytime the counter runs out because chat didn’t donate Miller juts kinda, throws a blanket over them or something until someone donates
A shadow appears outside your tent.
"Mind if I come in? Looks so cozy from here I might not leave.. Ow, ow, shit- not again." Setting up for the stream, Miller pokes their head through the curtains of your enclosure to attach a mic piece to a hanging frame, cerulean dreads snagging on the velcro latch in the midst of their playful banter. They mutter expletives, since as they tear their locks free. They crawl inside the tent and tap the mic overhead where you lay with a book in your lap and surrounded by a small library filled with more novels and other items needed for the duration of your stay. When Miller told you they'd be pulling out all the stops for your new corner - they meant it.
The whole idea for the space came when they discovered the very foundation for it online. They had mindlessly scrolling through various forums looking for ideas to make their room feel more of a home for you when they came across a frame for a floor bed fashioned in the design of a small house. It went in their cart that second and on their doorstep a day later. After gutting one side of their floor and setting the bed up, Miller fit it with your favorite sheets and pillows. They strung up mood lights and installed shelves into the walls for your trinkets. By the time they were done, the area was more decked out than their entire apartment. A fair act given who it was for. You warmed up to it well enough and that's all they could ever ask.
Miller grabs the remote for the lights and turns them up. "Quiet read in the dark unless you want eyesight somehow worse than mine." Their voice softens the closer they get until their lips graze your cheek. "You good to start?"
"Mmm...." You pull the blanket trapped beneath their knees over your lap. "Now I am."
Miller smiles. "Good. Remember, just turn off the cameras if you can't handle the attention. There's one there, there, and obviously here-" They point around the room, stopping on the front facing camera of your laptop. "And you have my card if you want order something to eat while we're live. I'll check on you in about an hour. Be good."
Miller nabs the pillow cushioning your elbow and lightly smacks your knee with it before backing out of the tent. They place it behind their neck as they sit down at their desk and adjust their headphones over their ears. Waking their monitors up, they find the feeds from your cameras on one and the scheduled stream on the other. Right before they tune in, Miller presses a kiss to the pads of their fingers and places it on the screen where you sat. The curtains draw back.
"Saw that!"
Miller hushes you, wiping the snicker off their face as the stream goes live. "Hey, guys. As some of you may know if you follow the community page, we have a special stream today."
They eyes the chat as you get comfortable. You yawn, laying on your side with your book in hand.
[I'll take your entire stock.]
[So glad I got paid yesterday. How are they so freaking cute?!]
[If someone gives a certain amount can they read to us too???]
[Alexa, what's my location]
"Your first mistake is thinking I'd have one of those things. Your second is not realizing we plan on moving every two years. You can watch them all you want, but it's best you remember Y/n is my partner. Cross any boundaries and I will take them away just as easily as I have shown them off to you.... but I'll still send pictures from the wedding!... Baby, you doing okay?
You hold your finger over your laptop's camera, reading the flood of messages and donations from your phone. "They absolutely hate when I do this.... but I think it works in our favor."
604 notes · View notes
aletheiamagilee · 1 year
Your Tomorrow
A Pick-a-card Reading
Greetings✨ This reading is about what will happen to you tomorrow. You may choose by the image or the number, do it how it feels comfortable to you. Then, scroll down to your designated reading and read your fortune.
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This is a reading for the collective, so take only what feels right for you. This is also timeless, so you can always go back to this reading whenever you feel drawn to it.
I also accept tips, which are are returned to you through good luck and energy
Disclaimer: This is for entertainment purposes only and thus, should not be taken as professional advice whether legally, medically, or in any other way. Any decisions or actions you make after this reading is your sole responsibility and is not forced on you by me in any way.
For the collective ✨
For most of you, something's coming. It could be a person, or a delivery, or a sign. Whatever this is, you've been waiting for this, and it's most definitely coming.
Pile 1✨
Something big is happening tomorrow. I see you making a difficult choice. For some of you, you're going to choose between two love interests. For others, you'll need to decide how you'll face a situation. You're ready for this, darling. Find that passion in you and you'll know what to do. Thank you for your trust and I hope it resonates🖤 Should you wish to know more, here is the extension of this reading.
I also accept tips, which are are returned to you through good luck and energy
Pile 2✨
I see a financial opportunity for most of you! Perhaps, you're going to a job interview or a side job? Whatever this is, you'll ace it for sure! It might be tiresome though, and you will need to rest when the day ends. But know that you'll feel satisfied about yourself at the end of the day. Thank you for your trust and I hope it resonates🖤 Should you wish to know more, here is the extension of this reading.
I also accept tips, which are are returned to you through good luck and energy
Pile 3✨
Your first card is The Lovers card. For some of you I sense some sort of coming together. Perhaps, a confession, an offical relationship, maybe even an wedding or engagement? There is a decision that you'll make, and this would affect the people around you. For most of you, this decision will affect your partner. I also sense that for some, there is a relationship coming to an end. There will be exchange of words, and the relationship will break. Be wise with how you'll navigate the situation. Calm your emotions before making a choice. Thank you for your trust and I hope it resonates🖤 Should you wish to know more, here is the extension of this reading.
I also accept tips, which are are returned to you through good luck and energy
Pile 4✨
For some of you, tomorrow is going to be your "cheat day". Although I could feel some of you reluctant to splurge yourself. One thing for sure though is there is money involved. If it will ease your mind, you are abundant. You have enough. This inner turmoil that you have, it creates a blockage. Think of a waterfall, you have this beautiful form of nature in front of you but you're reluctant to feel it, to dip in it, to enjoy it. But you know what? It's yours because you deserve it? And what better way to show gratefulness than by enjoying it? Thank you for your trust and I hope it resonates🖤 Should you wish to know more, here is the extension of this reading.
I also accept tips, which are are returned to you through good luck and energy
3 notes · View notes
mohifashion · 2 years
Wedding Guide
What to Wear to Indian Weddings: Your ultimate Guide to Wedding Outfits
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If you have received an invitation to an Indian wedding or a multi-cultural desi wedding and are wondering what to wear as a guest then you have come to the right place.
As a guest deciding an outfit need not be stressful. Keep scrolling to find out what the significance of each function in an Indian wedding is and what you can wear at each of the traditional functions.
While picking an outfit for yourself you should keep in mind certain things such as the colors that can be worn. As it's an Indian wedding you can wear bright festive colors which would go on most occasions. You can wear pastel shades in the morning and jewel, darker tones in the evening. Most colors can be worn but colors like black must be avoided as it is considered inauspicious in certain customs.
Before you start shopping for an Indian wedding you must familiarize yourself with the terminologies of different outfits.
Lehenga - This is the most popular one. A lehenga or lehenga choli is a two-piece outfit with a skirt, top, and dupatta. You can wear this to functions like the sangeet and the wedding. The skirt is usually heavy with stunning designs and embroidery made by local artisans.
Saree - We are sure you have heard of this one. A saree is a 6-9 meter-long piece of cloth that is draped around the body. It is worn with a blouse on top. Sarees look great but draping these can be a challenge. But, you also have options of semi-stitched sarees which can be worn directly without the whole process of draping. You can wear a saree for the reception for a glam look!
Punjabi suit/salwar kameez**/**anarkali - This is a three piece outfit that consists of a pant at the bottom, a long or short top over it, and a dupatta that can be worn on the shoulders or over the head. This is a comfortable option if you don’t want to go overboard.
Traditional Indian weddings can be broken down into different categories based on the regions where the bride and/or groom are from. While you may wear a Punjabi suit to a Punjabi wedding, you can wear a saree to a south Indian wedding and a lehenga to a Gujrati wedding.
You should look out for the dress code which is usually mentioned on the wedding card or e-invite and you can pick your outfits accordingly. While it's not compulsory to dress up in traditional Indian outfits, it's a good immersive experience if you do so. You can always wear cocktail gowns or pantsuits for some of the functions as you would in a white wedding if heavy Indian outfits are not your style.
Non-Indian guests are always encouraged to take part in Indian culture and traditions. Indians love to see guests take part in the functions and dress up in traditional Indian outfits. Older women would be happy to fix your saree, drape it or fix your blouse so make sure you enjoy the process. Make sure you are comfortable while you enjoy the food and the dance in your traditional Indian attire.
If you have received an invitation to an Indian wedding or a multi-cultural desi wedding and are wondering what to wear as a guest then you have come to the right place.
As a guest deciding an outfit need not be stressful. Keep scrolling to find out what the significance of each function in an Indian wedding is and what you can wear at each of the traditional functions.
While picking an outfit for yourself you should keep in mind certain things such as the colors that can be worn. As it's an Indian wedding you can wear bright festive colors which would go on most occasions. You can wear pastel shades in the morning and jewel, darker tones in the evening. Most colors can be worn but colors like black must be avoided as it is considered inauspicious in certain customs.
Before you start shopping for an Indian wedding you must familiarize yourself with the terminologies of different outfits.
Lehenga - This is the most popular one. A lehenga or lehenga choli is a two-piece outfit with a skirt, top, and dupatta. You can wear this to functions like the sangeet and the wedding. The skirt is usually heavy with stunning designs and embroidery made by local artisans.
Saree - We are sure you have heard of this one. A saree is a 6-9 meter-long piece of cloth that is draped around the body. It is worn with a blouse on top. Sarees look great but draping these can be a challenge. But, you also have options of semi-stitched sarees which can be worn directly without the whole process of draping. You can wear a saree for the reception for a glam look!
Punjabi suit/salwar kameez**/**anarkali - This is a three piece outfit that consists of a pant at the bottom, a long or short top over it, and a dupatta that can be worn on the shoulders or over the head. This is a comfortable option if you don’t want to go overboard.
Traditional Indian weddings can be broken down into different categories based on the regions where the bride and/or groom are from. While you may wear a Punjabi suit to a Punjabi wedding, you can wear a saree to a south Indian wedding and a lehenga to a Gujrati wedding.
You should look out for the dress code which is usually mentioned on the wedding card or e-invite and you can pick your outfits accordingly. While it's not compulsory to dress up in traditional Indian outfits, it's a good immersive experience if you do so. You can always wear cocktail gowns or pantsuits for some of the functions as you would in a white wedding if heavy Indian outfits are not your style.
Non-Indian guests are always encouraged to take part in Indian culture and traditions. Indians love to see guests take part in the functions and dress up in traditional Indian outfits. Older women would be happy to fix your saree, drape it or fix your blouse so make sure you enjoy the process. Make sure you are comfortable while you enjoy the food and the dance in your traditional Indian attire.
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madame-vera · 2 years
AFG LGBTQA Bingo Masterpost To Be
For now I'm noting down ideas for every prompt but once the card's complete I'll either edit it into a masterpost or reblog as a production reference for a masterpost.
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I'm absolutely going to pick a character from the Royal Tutor for this. Really amps up the social expectations part of things.
Bulge Kink
Trans Omega
Gareki is a FTM Omega. Part of why he's pissed at affection is the social standards behind it. YogixGareki (Karneval)
"I love you, I love him, you love me... Why can't we all love each other?"
I'm having trouble deciding on the media and characters for this but tamaki/haruhi/kyoya is trumping thus far.
Moyashimon is also a strong contender
The MCs take a break away from their cafe by having a karaoke date. Chatting At The Amber Teahouse.
Height Difference
Ed x someone (fma)
Himawari-san and forgethernamedammit (Miss Sunflower)
could be red flags
could be flag flags
maybe nhs (mdzs) with pins and patches? he could design them?
Still In The Closet
Maybe Seiya from Tsurune? mayhaps?
Modern AU
blank space
Love Triangle
blank space
Crying Under The Rain
Chigusa has an emotional moment during a rainshower, overwhelmed by the easy prevalence of water and it's gentle fall. Rakan helps him through it. (Silver Diamond)
True Mates (a/b/o soulmates)
you could get some real drama using junjou romantica for this. tricky, but possible, and very dramatic.
Free Space
Celebrant AU - gay marriage becomes legalised and in order to avoid bankruptcy via wedding gifts the MC gets a cheap celebrancy license and offers free services to his friends as the present. I'll decide the MC and fandom later.
Sharing An Umbrella
Hikaru and Akira walking back from their personal go match. Hikaru gets nostalgic about Sai and Umbrellas.
"And They Were Roommates"
Shen Yuan and Shang Qinghua having a laugh over heir partners being temporary (unwilling roommates). Bingmei just wants t know what's so funny. (SVSSS)
Strap On
That sex toy designer character I like from that manga I like (gonna need to take a scroll through my faves) makes a secondary penis strap-on and torments his boyfriend with it.
Showing Love Without Words
Shen Yuan wants to give Binghe all the love he can but can't bring himself to say 'i love you'. So instead he does sneak acts of service. Filling the kitchen with his favourite ingredients, using his favourite incense, sneaking cultivation supplies into his qiankun pouch, keeping books to Binghes interests on the shelf, etc. (SVSSS)
Wandering Son (more attention on this story please, it's so good)
Danny Phantom (the fan theorists have a point)
Carry In Arms
Monochrome factor,(we need more cute Akira), Shirogane can carry him. could include a funny omake since Shirogane is invisible, would be very odd for a random bystander.
Roommates AU
Soma and (was is Takumi? the older italian brother) from food wars
"Nothing will stop me from loving you."
Megumi x Mikoto from Princess Princess sounds like an awesome idea.
Bar Fight
Takahiro gets into a drunken drawl with a homophobic asshole. Akihiko bails him out, very happy that Takhiro is slowly coming to accept his relationship with Misaki, if only very drunkenly begrudgingly. (Junjou Romantica)
Royalty AU
Maybe a Harmony AU, if i can work out how
Non-Binary Coming Out
Aoi officially comes put as a bi NB (he/they) after reaching high school. They come out to their friends and family (their immediate family does not take it well, their aunts take a little convincing but get there, 2 MCs are chill and supportive). Aoi picks a more open high school to live freely, further away from his previous schoolmates for a new start. Aoi, after some indecision, uses flags to come out on their blog page while announcing a hiatus because they want to work on their technical skills, personal growth, school work, maid occupation and develop a new blog image for the new stage he's at.
The flag bit may or may not be used as the upper flag prompt in a chaptered fic. We'll see how it goes. This is for Kaichou wa Maid-sama.
Alpha With Two Omegas
I'll be using the three main characters from Daites Ryou Koubouki (Offense and Defense in Daites) for the story since they have an interesting canon polyamorous dynamic. I haven't decided who to make the Alpha just yet. Koscise would be fun with two temperamental omega, but Mathesa honestly just makes more sense given their political relationships. We'll see.
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vypzeesearch · 20 days
Content: Explore a stunning collection of premium wedding cards at AM Gaurav Cards, located in the heart of Chawri Bazar, Delhi. Known for exquisite designs, quality craftsmanship, and personalized services, AM Gaurav Cards offers a wide range of traditional and modern wedding invitation options that cater to every taste and budget. Whether you’re looking for elegant scroll invitations, classy designer cards, or bespoke custom designs, AM Gaurav Cards has something unique for every occasion. Visit Vypzee to know more about their offerings and find the perfect invitation for your special day!
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indianweddingcard1 · 1 month
Sikh Wedding Invitations: 4 Essentials To Add A Personal Touch
Organizing a Sikh wedding is an important and profoundly meaningful process. The wedding invitation is one of the many important details that need to be taken into consideration when planning this memorable day. Discover four essential Sikh wedding invitation components in this article that will give your lavish event a unique character!
Traditional Card Material And Colors
Sikh wedding cards are usually printed on standard material and come in a variety of colors. Amongst these, pink, red, and green are the most often selected colors. Pink, which symbolizes love, is a popular color for wedding invitations. The color red, which stands for prosperity, is thought 
to bring luck to the couple. The color green, which represents fertility, captures the essence of fresh starts.
Read more- https://blog.indianweddingcard.com/sikh-wedding-invitations-4-essentials-to-add-a-personal-touch/
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Unique Wordings to Include
Looking into Sikh wedding cards, there are some essential elements that should be mentioned for that extra bit of individuality. These are the chakra, the varnamala, and the four-sided card.
Wedding guests get an invitation on this traditional four-sided card. It is made of paper or cardboard and has elaborate designs and embellishments. The card has four sides and is adorned with the varnamala, another ancient component. It adds a fragrant grace with a garland of flowers, usually made from rose or jasmine petals. The four-sided card is adorned with the equally important chakra, whose round shape symbolizes the sun, a sign of good fortune.
Bright Ideas and Skills
When it comes to Sikh wedding cards, there are no limits of creative thinking. However, a few key elements should be featured on every invitation to provide the recipients with pertinent information. When creating your wedding invitation, you have access to a wide selection of Punjabi wedding card designs.
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Customized Elements
Sikh wedding invites are typically simple, but there is an opportunity for customized details that give them more depth. It’s a great idea to include a picture of the happy couple. This not only provides a spice of personality but also creates a very personal character.
In addition, including a favorite statement or saying provides enormous importance for the pair. This might be a result of their favorite music, film, or book. The invites are made genuinely unique by this personal touch, which gives them exclusivity.
The Importance Of Sikh Wedding Cards
Sikhism is a religion of one god practiced by over thirty million people worldwide. It is based on the idea that love must be given and received in order to live a happy and prosperous life. Marriage is a fundamental Sikh tradition that supports the basis of the creation of families.
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Within Sikhism, the marriage ritual is known as “Anand Karaj,” signifying a heavenly marriage that leads partners into heavenly love. A typical Sikh wedding takes place over a few days and includes the mehndi ceremony, which is colorful, the marriage rite, which is serious, and the reception, which is joyous. It is clear from the beauty of these occasions that Punjabi wedding cards are intended to reflect this grandeur of culture.
Some Ideas for Adding a Personal Touch to Your Sikh Wedding Cards
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Sacred Texts Inclusion
Include spiritual passages taken from the sacred book the Guru Granth Sahib. This reflects the couple’s cultural leanings as well as their respect for tradition.
Symbolic Elements
Include symbolic elements that are representative of Sikhism, such as the Anand Karaj symbol or the Guru Granth Sahib. These symbols bless the couple and highlight the spiritual significance of their union.
Luxury and Excellence
Sikh weddings are known for their grandeur, so choose invitation designs that reflect this lavishness. Wedding invitations with scroll and box scrolls perfectly capture the joyous atmosphere of Sikh marriage.
Creative Embellishments
Use embellishments like tassels, zari embroidery, gemstones, and filigree work to elevate your wedding card. These embellishments give your invitation a sophisticated and personalized feel.
Thematic Coherence
Craft a single wedding motif that draws inspiration from your invitation card. Create a complete set that includes place cards, menu cards, gift bags, and thank-you notes.
Originally Published At Indian Wedding Card On August 16, 2024.
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Elevate Your Big Day with Royal Scroll Wedding Invitations
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Indian Wedding Card’s Scroll Wedding Invitations are synonymous with royalty. Also called “Farman” cards, they were often exchanged between noble families during the medieval period. Indian Wedding Card, features an extraordinary collection of scroll invites that set a regal and enchanted mood for your wedding. Scrolls redefine the limits of creativity. Understand the meaning and significance a marriage holds in religion and culture, endeavored to carry this importance forward in designs and presentation format.
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kingofcardsdesign · 5 months
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Our Muslim wedding card design is available in a variety of themes, ensuring there is something to suit every occasion and personal style. Choose from a range of themes, such as floral, vintage, modern, tropical, rustic, or minimalist, among others.
The Bismillah image is a common symbol of purity, enlightenment, and self-regeneration in Muslims, making it an ideal design element for a Muslim wedding invitation card. Similarly, intricate paisley designs along with Peacock, Elephants, Palace, Floral etc. can add a touch of grace and culture to your invitation.
Experience the epitome of elegance with our designer invitation cards. The meticulous artistry and attention to detail ensure that your invitations make a lasting impression. Embrace the allure of transparency with our tracing sheet invitation cards, adding a touch of sophistication to your event. Indulge in luxury with our padding invitation cards, crafted with exquisite precision for a tactile experience like no other. Transport your guests to a bygone era with our scroll wedding invitation cards, capturing the essence of tradition and grandeur. Make your wedding truly personal with our customized invitation cards, reflecting your unique love story.
Embrace the beauty of intricacy with our laser-cut wedding invitation cards, where delicate designs create an enchanting effect. For a modern and contemporary touch, our acrylic invitation cards exude sophistication and style. Discover the perfect invitation cards for your special occasion and let them speak volumes about your event's elegance and charm.
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indianweddingcardd · 7 months
Traditional Indian Wedding Invitations
Indian Wedding Card offers an outstanding selection of Traditional Indian Wedding Invitations that showcase the rich history and timeless elegance of Indian weddings. They make sure that every invitation is customized to fit the distinct tastes and styles of the bride and groom by offering a wide range of customizable options. Beautiful Traditional Indian Wedding Invitations are a great way to invite your loved ones to share in the happiness of your special day.
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mandyjane-lifedesign · 9 months
The Psychology of Sending Greetings Cards
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There’s no feeling quite as sweet as opening a card from a loved one. From birthdays and graduations to “congratulations!” and “commiserations”, there’s a greetings card suited to everyone in every situation.  A good greetings card publisher helps us mark special occasions in such a lovely, tangible way. Spoken words are great, but written words in a beautiful card that we can keep forever? Incomparable.   Greetings cards have been around since the 1400s, which is a testament to just how invaluable they are to society. Even in this fancy digital age, it’s still incredibly common to give (and receive) a greetings card to let somebody know that you’re thinking about them.  But what’s the psychology behind sending greetings cards? We know they’re nice to have and to hold, but does it go deeper than that?  Historical significance  The history of greetings cards can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians and Chinese, who used papyrus scrolls and other materials to send messages of goodwill on special occasions.  In Europe, we first saw the greetings card tradition in the 1400s. To mark the Christmas and New Year holidays, people would exchange handmade cards as a compassionate gesture.  It wasn’t until the 1840s that the world saw the mass production of greetings cards, and the industry has moved from strength to strength ever since.  Cultural significance  Greetings cards are popular across many cultures all around the world. Western, Asian, Latin, and African cultures all use this gesture to convey messages of love, appreciation, and friendship.  Each will use greetings cards to mark personal milestones, such as birthdays and weddings, but they also use them to mark holidays traditional to their individual culture.   For example, China, Japan, and Korea will send cards to celebrate traditional holidays, such as the Lunar New Year and the Mid-Autumn Festival.  In a similar way, Latin American cultures, such as Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina, use greetings cards to mark Dia de los Reyes Magos, and Dia de la Madre.  The art of sending and receiving greetings cards has certainly evolved over the years. In the beginning, they were often used to promote social and political causes, such as in support of the women’s suffrage movement in the 1800s.  As social values changed and adapted, so did greetings cards. In the early 20th century, cards began to display more realistic and diverse images of people. This type of inclusivity made people of different backgrounds feel more understood and valued.  Today, greetings cards are still used to celebrate traditional holidays and events, but they’re also used to mark more personal milestones.   It can be problematic not to receive a card from a loved one when celebrating something wonderful, like the birth of a child, or when going through difficult circumstances.  Emotional impact  Greetings cards can have a direct impact on our emotional well-being. Usually sent in response to a significant event that's already full of emotions, greetings cards can intensify our thoughts and feelings.  For instance, graduating from university is a monumental milestone that could make you ecstatic, anxious, proud, and even a bit sad, all at once. It’s an incredible achievement that marks the end of an era, and (typically) the end of your time in education.  To receive a card from a loved one, with thoughtful words and a pretty design that expresses their pride, can escalate these already acute emotions. But in the most wonderful way!  There are psychological benefits for both the sender and recipient of greetings cards. When we send out a card with a goodwill message, we strengthen our relationship with the receiver, which in turn makes us feel good.  Additionally, sending out greetings cards gives us a creative outlet to exploit. There are millions of designs and messages available, and then you have an additional opportunity to personalise the card inside.   Why do we like receiving cards? Well, that’s pretty obvious. Greetings cards make us feel valued and special, whether they acknowledge that we’re celebrating a birthday, leaving a job, or just going through a difficult time.  A greetings card is a tangible reminder that someone is thinking about us, and it’s a way to connect with someone we appreciate.  The digital age  It’s difficult to find something that hasn’t been impacted by the digital age. As of April 2023, there were 5.18 billion internet users worldwide. That’s 64.6 per cent of the global population!  Socialising, networking, learning, communicating... a large majority of it has all been taken online. Naturally, then, the art of sending greetings cards has been overshadowed slightly.   For some, posting a ‘happy birthday’ message on a Facebook profile feels like a decent alternative to sending a card. Perhaps it is, if the person is only an acquaintance, but for the people closest to us, nothing compares to sending and receiving a special greetings card.  The rise of the digital age has only served to make greetings cards that much more powerful. Sending a card is the best way to break through all the digital noise and break up the monotony of texts, emails, and social media posts.   Long live greetings cards!  Fortunately, many people are still under the impression that loved ones deserve more effort when it comes to goodwill messages, which is why technology will never fully eradicate greetings cards.  There are too many psychological benefits to sending and receiving cards, as well as a history too rich to forget about. When was the last time you sent a greetings card? Why not send one today, simply just because?  Photo by Kate Macate on Unsplash Read the full article
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kabirsingh5 · 1 year
Indian Wedding Invitations | Exclusive Indian Wedding Cards, Indian Wedding Invitations
Looking for Indian Wedding Cards? Parekh Cards offers exclusive collection of Indian Wedding Cards. Scroll for Indian Wedding Invitations & Cards.
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thissidekhushi · 1 year
Want to preserve your memories in Photobook Printing?
In an age dominated by digital screens and fleeting social media posts, the art of capturing memories through physical photographs has become a cherished practice. Photobook printing, a modern innovation that combines the convenience of digital photography with the tactile experience of traditional photo albums, has gained significant popularity. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, photobook printing offers a plethora of benefits that transcend the realm of technology. In this essay, we will delve into the various advantages of photobook printing, highlighting how it rekindles the joy of tangible memories in a digital world.
Tangible Keepsake of Memories: Photobook printing transforms digital photographs into tangible keepsakes. Holding a photobook in your hands provides a sense of connection and permanence that scrolling through a digital gallery cannot replicate. It's a physical representation of moments, emotions, and experiences captured over time. Check out Business Cards Printing in Saudi Arabia.
Creative Expression: Designing a photobook allows for creative expression. From arranging photos to choosing layouts, backgrounds, and captions, the process of curating a photobook offers a canvas for personal creativity. It becomes an artistic endeavor that reflects your unique style and perspective. Visit us at Notecard Printing Saudi Arabia for best quality notecards.
Storytelling Medium: A photobook has the power to tell a story. Whether it's documenting a vacation, a wedding, a baby's first year, or any other significant life event, a well-designed photobook can narrate a sequence of moments, capturing the essence of an experience in a coherent and engaging manner.
Customization and Personalization: Photobook printing  services offer a wide range of customization options. You can select the size, paper type, cover material, layout, and even add captions or text. This level of personalization allows you to create a photobook that truly reflects your individual preferences.
Gifts with Sentimental Value: Photobooks make thoughtful gifts that are both heartfelt and meaningful. Gifting someone a photobook filled with shared memories demonstrates the effort and care you've put into preserving your relationship and experiences together. Looking for Wedding Invitation Card Printing Saudi Arabia
Preserving Family History: Photobooks are an excellent way to preserve family history for future generations. Passing down a photobook from one generation to the next ensures that cherished memories and stories remain intact and accessible, connecting family members across time.
Reduced Digital Clutter: In a world inundated with digital photos, it's easy for precious memories to get lost in the shuffle. Photobooks offer a solution by curating and organizing photos in a physical format, reducing digital clutter and making it easier to relive important moments. Are you looking for the best Tshirt Printing Company in Saudi Arabia near you?
In a world driven by technology and digital experiences, photobook printing serves as a bridge between the virtual and the tangible. Its benefits extend beyond aesthetics, enriching our lives with the power of memory preservation, creative expression, and meaningful connections. By embracing photobook printing, we reclaim the joy of savoring memories in a way that resonates deeply with our human nature, reminding us that amidst the digital whirlwind, there is immense value in holding a tangible piece of our lives in our hands.
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qweddingcards · 1 year
Exquisite Indian Wedding Invitations in London: Discover QWedding Cards
When it comes to celebrating love and tying the knot, Indian weddings are renowned for their grandeur, vibrancy, and rich cultural traditions. From elegant attire to sumptuous feasts, every aspect of an Indian wedding reflects a fusion of heritage and modernity. One of the most crucial elements of this joyous occasion is the wedding invitation. It sets the tone for the festivities and provides a glimpse into the couple's unique style and personality. If you are planning an Indian wedding in London and seeking the perfect invitations to announce your special day, look no further than QWedding Cards. In this article, we will explore the enchanting world of Indian wedding invitations in London and the exceptional offerings provided by QWedding Cards.
Captivating Designs that Reflect Tradition and Elegance:
QWedding Cards understands the significance of Indian wedding invitations and the importance of capturing the essence of the occasion. Their collection showcases an exquisite range of designs that seamlessly blend traditional elements with contemporary aesthetics. Whether you desire intricately crafted motifs, luxurious embellishments, or minimalist elegance, QWedding Cards has a design that will meet your unique preferences. From regal scrolls to vibrant laser-cut cards, their attention to detail and commitment to quality are evident in each creation.
Variety of Printing Techniques and Customization Options:
To ensure that your Indian wedding invitations in London are truly one-of-a-kind, QWedding Cards offers a plethora of printing techniques and customization options. From traditional letterpress and foil stamping to modern digital printing, you have the freedom to choose the technique that best complements your chosen design. Furthermore, QWedding Cards provides a range of customization options, allowing you to personalize your invitations with your names, wedding date, venue, and any additional details you wish to include. Their skilled team of designers will work closely with you to create invitations that reflect your unique vision and taste.
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Luxurious Materials and Finishes:
At QWedding Cards, no detail is overlooked when it comes to crafting Indian wedding invitations that exude elegance. They source the finest quality materials, ensuring that your invitations not only look visually stunning but also feel luxurious to the touch. From premium cardstock to shimmering metallic accents, their commitment to using high-quality materials elevates your invitations to the next level. Moreover, they offer a wide range of finishes, including matte, glossy, and textured options, allowing you to add an extra touch of sophistication and personalization to your invitations.
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Convenience and Exceptional Customer Service:
Planning a wedding can be a whirlwind of tasks and deadlines. QWedding Cards understands the importance of convenience and offers a seamless online ordering process. Their user-friendly website allows you to browse through their extensive collection, select your preferred design, customize the details, and place your order with ease. Moreover, their dedicated customer service team is always available to answer any queries and provide guidance throughout the ordering process. With QWedding Cards, you can rest assured that your Indian wedding invitations in London will be handled with utmost care and professionalism.
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Timely Delivery and Global Reach:
QWedding Cards takes pride in delivering exceptional service not only in London but across the globe. Regardless of your location, their efficient shipping ensures that your invitations reach you in a timely manner. With their worldwide delivery options, you can confidently choose QWedding Cards for your Indian wedding invitations, no matter where you are.
Your Indian wedding invitations play a pivotal role in setting the tone for your grand celebration. With QWedding Cards, you can embark on your wedding journey with confidence, knowing that your invitations will be a true reflection of your love, culture, and style. From captivating designs and customization options to luxurious materials and exceptional customer service, QWedding Cards is your one-stop destination for Indian wedding invitations in London. Let their expertise and dedication to perfection bring your vision to life, making your invitations a cherished keepsake for years to come.
So, embrace the artistry and elegance of QWedding Cards, and begin your wedding festivities with invitations that leave a lasting impression.
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crazyblondelife · 1 year
Shopping Made Easy with My Theresa
I have discovered the best designers and pieces lately at My Theresa and one of my favorites is Johanna Ortiz!
This dress is oh-so-good and I can’t wait to wear it out to dinner at the beach this coming week! I purchased this dress from My Theresa along with a few other pieces. My Theresa has a new Personal Shopping program that makes it so easy to make the best purchases! You can order as many as 30 pieces and they will send them to you to try for three days. You simply try on, decide what you want to keep and they will have the returns picked up at your door! How easy is that! Your card won’t be charged until you decide what you want!
It’s impossible to know how something will look on you until you actually try it on and returns can be a total pain in the butt these days! With this Personal Shopping program from My Theresa, you can try on as many times as you like, pair shoes and bags and really take some to really decide if you want to keep the piece or pieces! If nothing works…you can return it all!
My Personal Shopping contact at My Theresa is Maggie Sachs Gartrell (shes @styledbymaggiesachs on Instagram). All I do is put items in my shopping cart from My Theresa, contact Maggie and tell her I want to try the pieces and she ships them to me…it’s that easy! If you have a special event such as a wedding (mother of the bride), dinner party, vacation or anything else, Maggie can help. She will also create outfit photos or a look book if you need help! This makes finding just the right pieces so easy! To get in touch with Maggie, you can DM on Instagram or email her at [email protected].
I actually knew I would purchase this dress the minute I put it on! It’s just what I had been looking for to pack for our upcoming beach trip and I know it will be perfect for cocktails on the porch and/or dinner out!
I am so loving dresses right now… this one fits me like a dream and I feel so good wearing it! I love the print, the linen fabric, the tie front and the length! Johanna Ortiz is definitely a new brand crush for me! I could go crazy shopping her cute things! Be sure to scroll down to see some of my favorite Joanna Ortiz pieces from My Theresa!
I’ve paired my dress with Cult Gaia earrings (from a previous season), Loeffler Randall Raffia sandals and the cutest bag from Poolside!
Shopping online has gotten easier when it comes to purchasing, but more difficult when it comes to returns. It’s so nice to be able to really take time to decide what works and then just put the returns on your porch for pickup!
Be sure to follow Maggie on Instagram…she shares the most inspiring collages and outfit ideas!
Happy Saturday everyone! I hope you’ve enjoyed reading today! Does this way of shopping appeal to you? Let me know in the comments!
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stampwithtami · 2 years
Naturally Gilded Angled Gatefold Card Set [Online Exclusive Series #8-10]
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NATURALLY GILDED ANGLED GATEFOLD CARD SET Fabulous fancy fold card set featuring the Stampin' Up Irresistible Blooms & Naturally Gilded Specialty Paper. The angled Gatefold is an easy fun fold to make, and these cards work for all occasions. It really shows off this beautiful paper. I have a free template for you with the instruction download below. This set is #8-10 in my Online Exclusive series. The Irresistible Suite & Naturally Gilded Specialty Paper and more new Online Exclusive products are dropping in my online store March 1 and is available now to demonstrators (and demo kits). Save 20% when you add this paper on to a Hello Irresistible Book box kit order. Scroll down for:✅ Written Instructions & Angled Gatefold Temple Download✅ Video of the Angled Gatefold Technique✅ Card Photos✅ Product Links✅ More projects from the Online Exclusives KIT DETAILS & ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS ONLINE EXCLUSIVES VIDEO MORE DETAILS ANGLED GATEFOLD VIDEO ANGLED GATEFOLD CARD PHOTOS Want to save these ideas for later? Pin them to your favorite Pinterest board. Have you tried these designs? I love to see your creations! Be sure to share them on #shareyourcrafts post every Saturday on my Facebook Page. The Angled Gatefold fancy fold shows off this stunning Naturally Gilded Specialty paper so nicely. This cards can be used for any occasion from weddings to sympathy, birthday and more.  If you haven't seen my Naturally Gilded card set tutorial that I posted yesterday, you can check it out here.  A few cards created with the gold foil patterned paper.  Cards in copper. Which foil color is your favorite? Silver, Gold or Copper? I think Copper is my favorite.       CARD SUPPLIES The Stampin' Up! Naturally Gilded Specialty Papers are part of the Online Exclusives and will be released in my online store on March 1. You can also add this paper on to my Hello, Irresistible Kit and save 20%. Read the full article
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