#Screen Protector Factory
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An OEM Screen Protector Factory is Responsible for high-quality tempered glass protect production. Here are the Benefits of OEM Screen Protector Factory in China.
Screen Protector Factory
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clatterbane · 9 months
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New acquisition, whether I wanted it or not! Currently charging more while I run the initial software update.
My existing watch went batshit insane in what looked like a hardware failure kind of way the other night. It had been acting quirky responding for a day or so, but then things escalated pretty suddenly. Besides just rebooting, I tried factory resetting it just in case--but it wouldn't respond, reconnect to the phone, or seemingly turn back on other than to occasionally make weird noises after that. So yeah, it seems to be pretty much toast. I actually stashed it in the flameproof containment box that is our oven before I went to bed, just to be safe with the way it also started heating up. 😬
That was a Galaxy Watch 3 which had constantly gotten used pretty hard for a couple of years, which I actually bought not long after the 4 came out when they started going pretty cheap. So, I figure it had a pretty good run, all things considered.
So, this time I did upgrade--to a 4, when Samsung is up to 6 now. 😊 Similar thinking there. There were some decent sales prices going, and it should suit my somewhat limited needs as well as anything else. I am still mostly just wanting one for the handy CGM display, plus timers and alarms for my shitty executive function. Most other features are gravy.
Thankfully, Mr. C was willing to pop over to Lund this morning and pick one up from the closest Elgiganten that actually had those sale watches in stock. He actually managed to get it for free, switching over to a different phone plan like he had been vaguely considering anyway. Multiple birds with one stone! He also mentioned a family plan that I should be able to switch my current number over to, so both of us can get off prepaid plans and get more data allowance in the bargain. Will probably do that.
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Now set up with currently one of the faces that came with G-Watch Wear. Still need to play around with that to hopefully get it displaying the way I want it, but I do have a blood sugar display again! Looks like the graph right in the middle refreshed itself after the watch update. I had previously been running the original G-Watch (pulling data from Diabox), but the GW4 and up run a different OS from
Also just ordered because I really am pretty rough on things:
A stick-on screen protector, plus this supposedly rugged case to hopefully help protect the thing "for those who are adventurous, exercise or want extra good protection".
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Meanwhile, the aftermarket screen protector on my now-dead watch. 🙄 I think the screen itself is fine under there, but yeah I think some extra protection against banging the thing around may be in order.
It really doesn't help that I am not just a hyper klutz, but also use a manual wheelchair which makes watches easy to bash up against the pushrims, scrub against the tires, etc. I have learned to be a little more aware and careful of how I'm using the watch wrist, but that probably did not improve the lifespan of the previous watch. Ah well.
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
Helsingin Sanomat carried an article asking parents how they felt about Finland's drop in Pisa rankings.
Pisa is the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment, which measures 15-year-olds' ability to use their reading, mathematics and science knowledge and skills to meet real-life challenges.
Not terribly long ago, youths in Finland regularly topped the rankings, but results have worsened in recent years. However, Finland still ranks above the average.
Many parents who responded to the newspaper's call for opinions put the blame squarely on their kids use of smartphones, with some calling for a return to pencil and paper.
One Helsinki parent said that their child's school introduced a smartphone "parking lot" to store kids' devices during classtime.
"Surprisingly, the kids liked it right away. They said the whole school felt improved and that they could concentrate better in class," one Helsinki parent told HS.
The parent added that disputes about their kids' phone use have become the norm at home.
"The phone is like a drug and we regularly argue about how much time we can spend in front of the screen."
Such sentiments were shared by parents and an earlier HS article asking teachers how they felt about Finland's Pisa ranking collapse.
In addition, parents were concerned about their kids' dealing with mental health, larger class sizes, and that they were now carrying a heavier load in their education.
EU packaging bill
Business daily Kauppalehti reported that the Council of the European Union is to decide on disposable packaging regulations on Monday.
The European Commission's regulations plan on limiting the use of single-use plastics, particularly in the food and beverage industry.
This vote is crucial as the regulation will significantly impact the operational environment of the Finnish packaging and food industry, potentially affecting the country's bottle return system.
According to the Commission's proposal, 10 percent of all non-alcoholic beverages should be packed in reusable packaging in 2030, and in 2040 the proportion would rise to 25 percent. This would mean that items like milk and juice could switch from cardboard containers to reusable plastic ones.
The Finnish packaging sector prefers the European Parliament's position on the issue and considers it more flexible than the Commission's proposal.
There are concerns that the Council might diverge from the Parliament's view. Much of this hangs in the air depending on Germany's decision, which carries weight amongst the member states.
Matti Rantanen, the Director General of the European Paper Packaging Alliance, expressed concern that the Council's current draft, prepared by Spain, is more radical than the original Commission proposal.
Rantanen emphasised the potential divergence from the Parliament's scientifically grounded and material-neutral stance.
He noted that the current regulation, if passed as per Spain's proposal, could necessitate member states taking time to find a sensible compromise.
Despite acknowledging the Commission's commendable goal of reducing packaging waste, Rantanen urged for a more balanced approach that provides predictability to industries amidst the EU's extensive Green Deal initiatives.
Hockey safety
Tabloid Ilta-Sanomat highlighted that the unexpected impact a death in ice hockey had in Finland.
Former NHL player Adam Johnson bled to death after another player's ice skate blade cut his neck during a game in the UK. The Guardian described the tragedy as a "freak accident". Johnson's death has sent ripples throughout the world of ice hockey, even reaching a sports equipment manufacturer in Southeastern Finland.
"The whole thing blew up. 700 neck protectors were ordered immediately after the accident," said Iiro Partanen, owner of the Liiga Sport Wear factory in Imatra.
Before the accident, the company only received orders for a few dozen neck protectors per month. In the past six weeks, the factory has now produced a record number of around 1,500 neck protectors.
Article updated at 11:10 to provide more context for Adam Johnson's death including that he was a former NHL player and was playing in the UK at the time of his death.
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iwishiwasbatman · 1 year
Masked Love (Part 9)
Pairings- Jason Todd x OC; Dick Grayson x Platonic!OC
Warnings- violence, guns
Summary- Coming off of a loss, Elana decides to take matters into her own hands.
Word Count- 3,920
The whole situation was a mess. We’d been played and used as an instrument for Crane’s plan. Kory’s blast had caused a break in the water main that went out to the whole city. That break allowed Scarecrow’s toxin to enter into the water. Half the city was infected at this point and I had no clue what to do.
I sat in the Batcave with my hands in my hair. I had tried calling Jason, but, to no surprise, he didn’t answer. I kept moving, spinning around in the chair, messing with my hair, throwing pencils across the room. Anything to get my blood flowing to my brain so that I’d could come up with some sort of plan.
“Gotham City used to have a protector, a guardian angel.” I whirled around to face the computer monitor where Crane’s voice was coming from. The Batsymbol showed onscreen before it flipped to the Titans’ one. I scoffed. He hacked the internet. I quickly pulled up another computer to try and track the call. “But Batman abandoned Gotham and left Nightwing and his friends in his place.” Pictures of each Titan, except for myself, were showing with the words “wanted”. “What has Nightwing done?” Video of Nightwing fighting criminals with the words liar flashed on the monitor. “He’s robbing you, poisoning the very water you drink. The water you give to your children. Nightwing is a criminal, protected by Gotham City Police.” The word “terrorist” shown brightly and I had to stop myself from punching the screen out of anger. “Only you can stop him. There will be a $50,000 reward paid to the person who brings him in. Dead or alive. But take heart Gotham, a new hero will rise.” A picture of Jason was onscreen. I almost flipped the table, but instead, I pulled out my phone and texted my boyfriend the word “seriously”. “And you will know his name; Red Hood.” I groaned as a picture of Jason’s helmet showed. After that, the broadcast was over.
I looked over at my other computer to see if it was able to track anything. I couldn’t say I was surprised when I didn’t. I repeatedly hit my forehead against the table in annoyance. This day could not get any worse.
Suddenly, an idea hit me. Maybe to stop the problem, I had to take out the root of the problem. Crane. I pulled up a map of Gotham and marked the places where Crane had been reported since Dick and I broke him out. More than three-fourths of the locations were in the East End, so that’s where I’d start. It wouldn’t be easy, the East End was huge and overrun with crime. My best shot would be talking to a person who knew the area. Lucky for me, I knew someone.
I pulled out my phone and texted my contact in the higher ranks of the mob telling them to meet me at the abandoned ACE Chemicals building. I considered telling Dick about my plan, but I figured he had a lot on his plate already.
“Let’s do this,” I muttered to myself, grabbing my coat, and walking out the door.
I parked my car, put on a black surgical mask, and pulled up my hood. Slamming the door shut, I walked into the abandoned factory. My boots clicked on the cement floor as I made my way to the catwalk. I settled into the shadows and waited for my contact. About five minutes later, I heard a car pull up outside and footsteps walk into the building. Rylie Pine walked in, looking around around for, well, me.
“You came,” I said from above her. Her head shot up in my direction. “I wasn’t sure you would.”
“And have to worry about running from you? No thanks,” she said.
“Smart,” I said.
“What do you want to know?” she asked, shoving her hands into her pockets.
“Scarecrow. He’s in with Gotham’s biggest gangsters. Where?”
“I’m not sure.” She crossed her arms. “I heard about a meeting with a new guy, who’s made a splash, at the old Stagg Industries warehouse. That was three hours ago.”
“Any clue where he could be now?”
“I think they have a location for meets in case they needed one,” Rylie said. “If you can find some way to get him there, that’ll be your best bet.”
“Where is it?” I asked.
“CCC Construction headquarters,” she told me.
“You’ve been very helpful, Rylie. I’ll be sure to remember that.” I nodded to her.
“Yup, my pleasure.” She gave a tight smile. “What are you gonna do now?”
“I think I’ll go pay a certain mobster a visit.”
I stood on top of a building that overlooked CCC Construction with my bow strung. I aimed for the front and released the string. An explosion engulfed the entrance in flames. In the madness, I was able to fire a cable arrow and transfer over to the top of the construction building. I slipped in the back entrance.
In the back room, I was able to find a fuse box. I quickly picked the lock to it and pulled out a specialized arrow. I stabbed it into the middle of the circuitry, sending an electric pulse out to fry the entire system. The building went dark.
“Go! Go! I don’t want anything getting in here!” I heard a panicky shout from around a corner. Footsteps filed out of the area and I almost laughed to myself. How stupid do mobsters get? I snuck a peek by leaning my head forward. A plump guy in a black suit stood in the center of four guys with handguns. I strung my arrow and shot through the closest guy’s hand. He screamed and dropped his gun. The remaining guys’ guns whipped toward me, but they were too slow. I slid out and through the ankles of the second guy. Jumping up quickly, I used my bow to smack the gun out of another’s hand. I swept his legs, sending him to ground. I was in the perfect position to dodge a bullet from the last guy. I kicked him in the stomach and then hit him in the head with my bow. The second guy tried get up, so I kicked him in the head, effectively knocking him out.
I looked back up at the boss to see he was twenty feet down the hall in a mad dash. Well, more like a hurried waddle. Sighing, I retracted my bow and took off after him, but down another hallway. He thought he was getting away. Funny. He finally stopped where the two hallways joined and faced away from me. I slowed down to a walk and went up behind him. I heard him sigh in relief and smirked to myself. I tapped him on the shoulder. He whipped around in a panic. I simply smiled and tilted my head.
“Hey,” I sang. “You and I need to talk.”
“Get away from me, freak,” he panicked.
“Rude,” I scoffed. He was visibly trembling now. “Relax, big guy. I’m not gonna hurt you,” I reassured him. “In fact, I need your help.”
“My help?” he asked.
“I just need you to set up a meeting with someone for me. You don’t even have to go.”
“You’re just gonna let me go? No prison?”
“Nope,” I popped the “p”.
“Who do you want a meeting with?” His voice still quivered.
“Scarecrow,” I said. He froze. “Is that a problem?”
“If he finds out, he’ll kill me,” he hissed, though he couldn’t mask his fear.
“Would you rather me do it?” I asked.
“No, no. I-I’ll do it.” He started to pull out his phone, but I stopped him.
“Ah, slowly,” I warned. He slowed down and showed me that it was a phone. I nodded and he quickly text someone.
“Lemme see,” I demanded. Without hesitation, he handed me his phone. Smart. He had made the right decision to request a meeting with Crane instead of doing anything else. “Good job. Nice to see you’re not an idiot.” A text came back from Crane asking why. I typed back that there was an issue with the Huntress.
“What?” the boss asked. “What did he say?”
“Shut up,” I mumbled. Crane quickly responded with a time and place. The old ACE Chemicals building in an hour. “Thank you for your cooperation.” I smiled sarcastically, handing the man back his phone. To his surprise, I socked him in the face, knocking him out. I used my comms to dial 911. “Yeah, hi. I’m calling ‘cuz I have a location on a criminal operation going down at CCC Construction. Get here quick.” I hung up and walked out of the building, a smirk dancing on my face.
I stood in the shadows of the small meeting room that was set up in the abandoned ACE Chemicals building. Crane was bound to walk in any second and I was ready for him. This was the best chance I had at taking him down and getting Jason back. To save Gotham. I couldn’t screw it up. The bang of a heavy door opening caused me to pull out my throwing knives.
“Mr. Fabinini!” I heard Crane yelled. “This better be good.” He stepped into the room with two men. “Where the heck is he?” Crane looked around the room, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Not here, obviously,” I spoke up. They all snapped toward me and the second they did, I threw the daggers through the guards’ gun hands. They cried out in pain. I threw two more into each of their shoulders, making them yell out again. “Try anything and the next one goes through your forehead,” I threatened. Crane put his hands up in surrender.
“I should’ve expected this,” he chuckled, a smile spread wide across his face.
“Yeah, but you didn’t,” I said. “Saw your video earlier.”
“It was a very well put together video, right?”
“I don’t know. I think it lacked a little bit of truth,” I said.
“Oh, come on. You and I both know the Titans aren’t the heroes that will save this city for good,” he scoffed. “If Batman couldn’t, a group of dysfunctional superfriends won’t stand a chance.”
“Dysfunctional superfriends? You’re just digging for words.” I crossed my arms.
“Maybe I am, but you get my point.” He shrugged.
“Sure.” I nodded. “But enough small talk. You have two options; you get on your knees and let me take you back to Arkham or I can take you out right here.”
“Take me out? You can’t kill, not anymore. You’re too guilt ridden over your past,” he laughed.
“Well, let’s take a moment to review,” I started. “You hooked my boyfriend up with drugs that messed him up and sent him to his death. Then, you brought him back using something incredibly dangerous so that you could you keep him dependent on you because he was hooked on your stupid drug. Under your influence, he killed people, including one my best friends, effectively sending away another one of my friends and shot the man who is practically my brother. He also almost killed me. And you dosed me with some sort of fear toxin and sent an assassin after me. Then you dosed the city I love with drugs and blamed it on my team. Need I go on?”
Crane blinked before chuckling. “Technically, your team did dose the city and yes, I did dose you and send Lady Vic after you, but you’re clearly fine.”
“My point is that you’ve managed to bring me into a situation where I think adding one more tally to my kill count wouldn’t hurt,” I hissed.
“I can see you’re very serious about this,” he said, backing up.
“Choose. Arkham or me,” I ordered.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve decided to add a third option.” About 10 men with guns jumped into the room. “Your death right here.”
“You’re a coward,” I spat, activating my bow.
“I’ve been called worse,” he said. “To tell you the truth, I didn’t think you’d be this stupid. When I heard that you were causing trouble with Mr. Fabinini, I knew if that I’d that were true, he wouldn’t have been able to tell me. You don’t like playing with your food, so…” he gestured around. “I brought friends. I’ll tell Jason you send your regards.” With that, he walked out of the room.
“Boys, boys, can we talk about this?” I asked in a fake sweet tone. Trying to catch them off guard, I shot a quick arrow up at the ceiling. The guns the men held flew up to the arrow and stayed up there. Apparently I wasn’t fast enough. A shot went off before all the guns were ripped from their handlers and grazed me just below the ribs. I bit back a hiss, but stayed standing. “That wasn’t nice,” I mocked, furrowing my eyebrows. I nocked an explosive arrow and shot it at the group. As soon as I released it, I ducked down behind the table. As the arrow hit, I heard it explode.
Figuring I had a second, I looked down at my injury and pressed my hand to it. I was met with a warm, wet feel. Pulling my hand away revealed the deep red of blood. I assumed I was still in shock because I didn’t feel anything besides a dull ache. I peaked my head over the table to see if anyone was still functioning. There were three stragglers. I shot three arrows at the same time into their chests, but not in a spot that would kill them. As quick as possible, taking into account not to agitate my wound anymore than it already was, I hurried out of the room.
Carefully, I got onto my bike and sped out of the area. I dialed Dick through my comms. He took forever to pick up, but eventually did.
“Where are you? Do you know what is going on right now? You can’t just-“
“Disappear. I know,” I cut him off.
“What’s wrong?” he asked after a moment of silence.
“What do you mean?” I laughed breathily.
“Why do you sound like you’re hurt?”
“Wow. You do know me well,” I sighed.
“You’re hurt?!” he exclaimed.
“It’s not bad. It doesn’t even hurt,” I said. “It’s a bullet graze, nothing too serious.”
“Did you just say that a bullet related injury isn’t that bad?”
“Graze. Bullet graze,” I corrected him as I weaved through the traffic. “I just need you to prep some tools for stitching up a too-deep-to-be-normal open wound in my side.”
“Why did you get shot?”
“You know, I was just wondering that,” I said sarcastically. “I usually move faster.”
“That’s not what I’m saying.”
“I know that. I just prefer not to say it over the phone.”
“Fine, but I’m helping you and taking a look at your injury,” he said.
“I’ll be there in five.” I hung up.
As soon as I got into the Cave, Dick was on top me within seconds.
“Are you okay? What happened?” he demanded. I went past him, pulling off my mask and hood.
“I told you, it’s fine,” I assured him, walking over to the table where a needle and thread sat waiting for me.
“Answer the second part, please,” Dick sighed.
“Fine, only because you asked so nicely.” I sat down gingerly, groaning slightly in pain. “I went after Scarecrow. He was smarter than I thought, but I managed to send a message. The other guys look worse.” I went to pick up the needle and thread, but Dick snatched it away before I could.
“I’m sorry, you what?!” he exclaimed.
“Went… after… Jonathan…Crane… aka…Scarecrow,” I said, annunciating every syllable of every word. He gave me a flat look.
“I’m stitching you up,” he said, annoyed.
“I’m more than capable,” I argued.
“I never said you weren’t. I’m just making sure you’re okay.” I sighed and shrugged off my jacket, lifting up the side of my tank top, which was soaked in blood. “Not bad?” Dick asked, raising and eyebrow. I looked at it and grimaced. It certainly didn’t look good. He might’ve been right.
“We’ll, you know what they say about seeing the injury,” I said with a thin smile.
“Do you know what type of bullet it was?” he asked.
“M16 guns, so can’t assume any single type. But probably something not too small.”
“Right,” Dick said absentmindedly. He pulled out disinfectant wipes and began cleaning the wound. I bit back a curse. “Elana, this is a deep graze.”
“Well, it certainly feels that way,” I said.
“What we’re you thinking?”
“I saw his video and I may have gotten a little mad, so I decided to take matters into my own hands,” I explained. “But you’ll find Vincino Fabinini in jail. There is that.”
“I’m not even gonna ask.” Dick shook his head. A hiss escaped my lips as he pulled back at my skin slightly.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“Trying to see how deep this goes,” he answered. “It looks pretty deep.”
“It’s a graze. It’ll be fine. Just stitch it up.”
“Okay, but if it gets worse, it’s on you,” he sighed. “Do you know what happened after the video went out?”
“No. What is it?” I asked.
“The people affected by Crane’s toxin became violent, attacking other people. And then there’s people who believed Crane’s video and are coming at us. That’s where everyone else is right now; trying to contain the people.”
“Well, that sounds delightful,” I said sarcastically. “I can go out once you finish this.”
“No,” he said as he began the stitches.
“What do you mean ‘no’?” I asked.
“This won’t take long to heal if you don’t agitate it,” Dick said.
“We’re in the middle of a city-wide epidemic. I’m not sitting back,” I said. Dick finished the stitches and put a gauze pad over the area.
“I may have an idea that would stop the fighting, but we need the entire team here to agree to it.”
“We turn ourselves in,” Dick said. My mouth fell open.
“I’m sorry, what?” I exclaimed. Dick gave me a look and turned to the rest of the team.
“It makes sense. Barbara will make sure nothing too bad happens to us and this way, we can regain the trust of the people,” he explained.
“We run the chance of being stuck in jail,” Gar pointed out.
“We’ll explain everything to them,” Dick said.
“And if they don’t listen?” I asked.
“Then we’ll figure something out from there,” Dick replied.
“So, we turn ourselves in and then what?” Conner asked.
“And then we post bail, continue doing our work, but in a less public way. Work in the shadows, take this city back night by night,” Dick explained. “It’s not gonna be easy and it’s not gonna be fast, but we can do it.”
“Not that I’m not for this new Batman-type take on things, but I disagree,” I spoke up.
“If you have a better idea, please, now’s the time,” he sighed. I met his gaze and huffed in defeat.
“They hate us,” Gar said sadly.
“They’ve been manipulated into hating us, by Crane,” Kory said.
“Conner, Blackfire, what do you think?” Dick asked.
“It was brutal out there,” Conner sighed. “I don’t want to be looked at like that again.”
“Well, surrender isn’t my thing,” Blackfire said, walking up closer to the rest of us. “But, I am used to people looking at me like I’m a monster, so whatever you all decide on, I’m in.”
“Kory?” Dick asked.
“We’ve played it by the book so far and this is where it’s led us,” Kory said. “So, maybe you’re right; maybe we try it a new way. I’m in.”
“Personally, I’m a very “stick-it-to-the-man” type of girl in every situation, so my opinion is pretty biased. I don’t like authority,” I said.
“You aren’t a very public member of the Titans. Maybe you could hang back,” Kory suggested.
“I guess I could, but I don’t want to risk losing everyone to prison,” I said.
“I’ll tell you this; if something really bad happens, I know you’ll be able to get us out of any situation. If it gets to that point, you can go right ahead and do what you do,” Dick told me.
“Sounds fair enough. I’m in,” I said. “I’ll be right outside the precinct monitoring comms.”
Dick sighed. “All right, then. Let’s suit up. We go in together. As a team. As a family.”
I stood in an alley outside the precinct with an WayneTech iPad connected to the city power grid.
“This seems excessive,” Kory said after they walked into the precinct.
“Barbara cleared it with me. It’s all for show,” Dick reassured her. “They need to stand their ground.”
“What’s it look like in there?” I asked.
“The entire police force is standing in here with their guns in hand,” Dick answered under his breath.
“Jeez,” I muttered.
“This is just optics, right?” Gar asked.
“Optics,” Dick echoed. He didn’t sound too sure of himself. It was silent for a few moments before I heard a commotion and a muffled voice.
“I got you,” I heard Conner say. I assumed he was talking to Blackfire. “Back off.” I braced myself at Conner’s voice change.
“Easy,” I heard Dick say. “We’re not here for a fight.”
“Move in!” someone shouted.
“Stand down!” came Barbara’s voice after a series of loud noises. Clearly, that didn’t work because the sound of a fight hit my ears. A couple gunshots went off before I heard Kory yell.
“Do I need to come in?” I asked.
“Stay put!” Dick ordered.
“I got lights, cameras for three blocks, and audio at my control. Just say the word and everything goes dark,” I said. I got no reply, only continued sounds of struggle.
“Blackfire!” Kory called. I began to get frustrated with the fact that I couldn’t see anything.
“Wall up!” I heard. The sound of glass breaking both close to me and over comms made me look up. Gar ran past in his tiger form down the street. I decided not to question it.
“I need to get her out of here. Cover us,” Kory said.
“Crap. Go!” I heard Dick tell. The fighting didn’t stop until I heard a muffled voice then a shot. The sound stood still for a moment.
“We gotta get out of here. Now!” Dick yelled. “Huntress,” he lowered his voice.
“Yup. I got ya,” I answered. I shut off the city power grid in a three block radius. No cameras, no lights, no sound. Dick and Conner were free to make their escape.
“Where are the others?” Dick asked. I almost sighed in relief. He got out.
“Gone,” I answered. “Are we headed back to the Cave?”
“No, I don’t think it’s safe,” Dick sighed.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Jason knows about the cave meaning Scarecrow could know. It’s compromised,” Dick said.
“Good thing I brought my stuff to my place just in case,” I muttered.
“Get your stuff and I’ll text you where to meet,” Dick said.
“Sounds good,” I sighed. “Signing off.” I clicked off my comms and shoved the iPad into my backpack. I pulled up my hood and walked further down the alley, away from the flashes of red and blue.
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sasster · 1 year
i will NO LONGER allow my life to be DICTATED BY FEAR!!!!
[guy that just replaced his phones factory screen protector despite samsung CONVINCING the world that it should not be done at home]
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sellyourphone123 · 1 year
Top Tips to Sell Your Phone: Get the Best Price for Your iPhone
Sell Your Phone and Get the Best Price for Your iPhone
Are you planning to upgrade to the latest iPhone model? If so, selling your current phone can help you offset the cost of the new device. At Fone Bucks, we understand the importance of getting the best price for your iPhone or any other mobile phone you wish to sell. In this blog post, we will provide you with the top tips to ensure a successful and profitable phone selling experience.
Sell My Phone and Maximize its Value
When it comes to selling your phone, following these tips will help you achieve the maximum value for your device:
1. Research the Market
Before you list your phone for sale, it’s essential to research the current market prices. Visit websites like Fone Bucks that offer a phone trade-in service and browse through similar listings to determine the average selling price for your iPhone model. This knowledge will enable you to set a competitive yet reasonable price for your device.
2. Prepare Your Phone
First impressions matter, even when selling a phone. Ensure that your iPhone is in optimal condition before listing it for sale. Clean the screen and body, remove any stickers or personalizations, and consider investing in a screen protector and phone case. A well-maintained phone will attract more potential buyers and increase its resale value.
3. Gather All Accessories
To enhance the appeal of your iPhone, gather all the original accessories that came with it. This includes the charging cable, adapter, earphones, and even the original box. Providing these accessories along with your phone creates a more enticing package for potential buyers.
4. Take High-Quality Photos
When creating your listing, take clear and high-quality photos of your iPhone. Capture the front, back, and sides of the device to provide potential buyers with a comprehensive view. Ensure that the lighting is good and that the images accurately represent the condition of your phone.
5. Write an Accurate and Detailed Description
Compose a compelling description of your iPhone that highlights its features and condition. Be honest about any flaws or damages, as transparency builds trust with potential buyers. Mention relevant details such as the storage capacity, color, and any additional accessories included.
Apple Trade-In Program and Mobile Phone Recycling
If you’re looking for a hassle-free way to sell your iPhone, consider utilizing Apple’s trade-in program. Apple offers competitive trade-in values for eligible devices, allowing you to receive credit towards your new iPhone purchase. This program simplifies the selling process and ensures a seamless transition to your next device.
If your iPhone is no longer in working condition or if you simply want to dispose of it responsibly, mobile phone recycling is an excellent option. Recycling your old phone helps protect the environment by reducing electronic waste. Fone Bucks provides a convenient recycling service, allowing you to contribute to a greener future while freeing up space in your home.
Sell Broken Phone and Sell Old iPhone: Additional Tips
In addition to the tips mentioned above, here are some extra tips for selling a broken phone or an older iPhone model:
1. Repair Minor Issues
If your phone has minor issues, such as a cracked screen or a faulty button, consider getting them repaired before selling. Repairing these problems can significantly increase the value of your device and make it more appealing to potential buyers.
2. Factory Reset
Before selling your phone, perform a factory reset to remove all personal data and restore it to its original settings. This ensures that your sensitive information remains secure and gives the new owner a fresh start with the device.
Sell Old Mobile Phone: Conclusion
Selling your phone, whether it’s an iPhone or any other mobile device, can be a straightforward and rewarding process if you follow these top tips. Research the market, prepare your phone, take high-quality photos, write an accurate description, and consider utilizing programs like Apple’s trade-in or mobile phone recycling services.
At Fone Bucks, we are committed to providing you with a seamless and secure selling experience. Whether you want to sell your old mobile phone, sell a broken phone, or upgrade to the latest iPhone, our platform offers a convenient solution.
Remember, when you sell your phone, you not only gain extra cash but also contribute to the circular economy by recycling and reusing electronic devices. So, start today and sell your phone with confidence, knowing that you’re getting the best price for your iPhone while making a positive impact.
For more details you can click below:
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prisonerposting · 2 years
i finally peeled off my "screen protector" and my phone is still in perfect condition despite all of the kitten bites. also it turns out i just never took off the factory plastic and never had a screen protector. all this aside i'm considering finally replacing the case but this means saying goodbye to the best holdy ring i have ever had :(
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yu-gi-oh-slavia · 2 years
screen protectors for electronic devices really should be applied at the factory
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madsajsmom · 8 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: EUC! Apple ipad Pro 1st Gen 32gb GRAY w/keyboard case Rose Gold.
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juliaellin · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: SAMSUNG GAlAXY WATCH4 VERIZON.
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rapidrepairservice · 2 months
iPad Water Damage in Hyderabad
Accidents happen, and one common mishap many iPad users face is water damage. Whether it’s a spilled drink, a dip in the pool, or an unexpected rainstorm, water can wreak havoc on your iPad. Understanding the signs of water damage, the immediate steps to take, and how to prevent future incidents can save your device from permanent damage. iPad Water Damage in Hyderabad will guide you to explore everything you need to know about iPad water damage, helping you keep your device safe and functional.
Recognizing the Signs of Water Damage
The first step in dealing with iPad water damage is recognizing the signs. Here are some common indicators that your device may have been exposed to water:
Screen Issues: If your screen becomes unresponsive, displays unusual colors, or has visible water droplets under the glass, these are clear signs of water damage.
Audio Problems: Distorted sound, no sound, or issues with the microphone can indicate that water has affected the internal components.
Charging Difficulties: If your iPad refuses to charge or charges intermittently, water damage could be the culprit.
Random Shutdowns: An iPad that turns off unexpectedly or fails to turn on might have water damage.
Visible Corrosion: Check the charging port and headphone jack for any signs of corrosion or residue.
Water damage can have a range of effects on your iPad, impacting both its performance and longevity.
Here are some ways water exposure can affect your device:
Screen Malfunctions: Water can seep into the screen, causing it to become unresponsive or display unusual colors and patterns. You might notice touch sensitivity issues, ghost touches, or even a completely black screen. Moisture trapped under the screen can also lead to permanent damage if not addressed promptly.
Internal Component Damage: The internal components of your iPad, such as the motherboard, battery, and connectors, are highly sensitive to water. Exposure to moisture can cause short circuits, corrosion, and other electrical problems. Over time, this can lead to the complete failure of critical parts, making the device unusable.
Battery Issues: Water damage can affect the battery's ability to hold a charge or cause it to drain quickly. In some cases, the battery might swell, posing a safety risk. Charging problems, including the inability to charge or charging intermittently, are common symptoms of water-damaged batteries.
Audio Problems: The speakers, microphone, and headphone jack are particularly vulnerable to water damage. You might experience distorted or no sound, muffled audio, or issues with recording audio. Water can also cause corrosion in these components, leading to long-term audio issues.
Connectivity Issues: Water exposure can affect the iPad’s ability to connect to Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or cellular networks. You might notice dropped connections, slow performance, or the inability to connect to networks altogether. This can severely impact the usability of your device for internet browsing, streaming, and communication.
Camera Problems: The cameras on your iPad can also be compromised by water damage. You might notice blurry images, lens fogging, or complete camera failure. Water inside the camera module can cause permanent damage to the lenses and sensors.
Software Glitches: While software issues are less common, water damage can sometimes lead to unexpected software glitches and errors. These might include random shutdowns, freezing, or apps crashing frequently. In severe cases, you might need to restore your iPad to factory settings, potentially losing data in the process.
If your iPad has encountered water, don't worry. iPad Water Damage in Hyderabad will provide you with troubleshooting tips that may resolve the issue.
As soon as you realize your iPad has been exposed to water, turn it off immediately. This helps prevent short circuits and further internal damage.
Detach any cases, covers, and accessories, including screen protectors, to allow your iPad Repair to dry more effectively. Accessories can trap moisture and prolong the drying process.
Use a soft, lint-free cloth to gently pat the exterior of your iPad dry. Focus on the screen, buttons, and ports. Avoid shaking the device, as this can cause water to spread to other components.
Do not use hair dryers, ovens, or other heat sources to dry your iPad. Excessive heat can damage internal components. Instead, allow your iPad to air dry in a well-ventilated area.
Place your iPad in a container filled with uncooked rice or silica gel packets. These materials can help absorb moisture from the device. Leave it in the container for at least 24-48 hours.
After ensuring your iPad is thoroughly dry, try turning it on. If it powers on, test the functionality of the screen, buttons, audio, and connectivity. Pay close attention to any unusual behavior.
If your iPad doesn’t turn on, shows persistent issues, or if you notice significant corrosion, seek professional help. Certified technicians have the tools and expertise to properly diagnose and repair water-damaged devices.
A skilled technician can provide you with the service regarding iPad iPad Water Damage in Hyderabad. With proper experience and knowledge he can repair the iPad.
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bossladykei · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Apple iPhone 12 mini - 64 GB - Black (Locked To Straight Talk) (Single SIM).
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repaireex · 3 months
How to Save Money on iPhone Repairs
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When your iPhone breaks, the cost of repairs can be daunting. However, there are several ways to save money while still ensuring your device gets the care it needs. Here are some tips to help you reduce iPhone repair costs:
1. Diagnose the Problem Yourself
Before rushing to a repair shop, try to diagnose the issue yourself. Many minor problems, like software glitches, can often be resolved with simple solutions such as restarting your phone, updating iOS, or performing a factory reset. iPhone Repair Franchise in India Online forums and troubleshooting guides can be extremely helpful in identifying and fixing common problems.
2. Use DIY Repair Kits
For hardware issues, consider using a DIY repair kit. There are numerous kits available online that come with the necessary tools and parts to fix common issues like cracked screens, battery replacements, or camera repairs. Websites like iFixit offer detailed guides and videos that can walk you through the repair process step-by-step.
3. Buy Parts Online
If you’re comfortable doing repairs yourself, buying parts online can save you a significant amount of money. Many third-party retailers sell iPhone parts at a fraction of the cost charged by Apple or authorized repair centers. Mobile and Laptop Repair Franchise Just make sure to buy from reputable sellers to ensure the quality of the parts.
4. Seek Out Local Repair Shops
Instead of going to an Apple Store or an authorized service provider, look for local repair shops. Repaireex, India’s No. 1 repair shop, often charges much less and can offer faster turnaround times. Read reviews and ask for recommendations to find a low-investment mobile repair franchise shop in your area.
5. Consider Refurbished Parts
Using refurbished parts is another cost-effective option. Refurbished parts are typically cheaper than new ones but can still be of high quality. Many repair shops and online retailers offer refurbished parts that come with warranties, giving you peace of mind while saving money.
6. Check for Warranty or Insurance Coverage
Before paying out of pocket for repairs, check if your iPhone is still under warranty or if you have insurance coverage. AppleCare+ or third-party insurance plans often cover repairs or replacements at reduced costs. Authorized Mobile Service Center Franchise Even if your device is out of warranty, it’s worth checking if any consumer protection laws apply, especially for issues like manufacturing defects.
7. Perform Regular Maintenance
Preventive maintenance can help avoid costly repairs in the first place. Use a sturdy case and screen protector to minimize the risk of physical damage. Keep your phone clean and avoid exposure to extreme temperatures or moisture. Regularly updating your iOS and apps can also prevent software-related issues. The Best Mobile Franchise Business in India.
8. Utilize Credit Card Benefits
Some credit cards offer extended warranties or purchase protection for electronics. Check with your credit card company to see if you have these benefits. They can sometimes cover the cost of repairs or offer a refund if your device is damaged within a certain period after purchase.
9. Learn Basic Repair Skills
Learning basic repair skills can be a valuable investment. Even if you only tackle minor repairs, the savings can add up over time. There are many online courses and tutorials available that can teach you how to handle common repairs safely and effectively.
10. Avoid Unnecessary Repairs
Finally, not all issues require immediate repair. For instance, a small crack on your screen or a slightly degraded battery might not significantly affect your phone’s performance. Assess the severity of the problem and consider whether it’s something you can live with until you’re ready to invest in a new phone.
By following these tips, you can save money on iPhone repairs and keep your device in good working condition without breaking the bank. For more information, contact Repaireex. We are India’s No. 1 Repair Company, which deals in smartphone repair, laptop repair, and refurbishing laptops with over 45+ locations across India and now also deals in franchises at a worldwide level.
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screenshield23 · 4 months
Flawless Protection with the Xperia XZ2 Screen Protector
The Sony Xperia XZ2 Screen Protector by Screen Shield is a marvel of precision engineering. Its clear, tempered glass is cut with laser precision to fit the Xperia XZ2's screen flawlessly. This precision ensures that not only is the display fully protected but the perfect contours of the Xperia XZ2 remain unaltered, allowing users to enjoy the factory-intended aesthetics of their smartphone.
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repairspotus · 5 months
Best Samsung Phone Repair
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If you’re in want of specialist support or quick and easy repairs, our mobile stores might help. Our experts use genuine samsung elements to repair your device to the best standard, while defending your unique factory guarantee. Most phone repairs that we feature out are normally completed within the hour offering we've the required part in inventory, of course. For tablets, we advocate leaving your system in a single day us because the particular adhesive used needs to cure underneath stress for an elongated period. Whichever possibility fits your best you'll be able to relax assured you'll obtain an expert Samsung cell phone restore, exceptional service our few months warranty as normal - cell phone repair near me.
It is extremely beneficial that you simply use a screen protector and a case to protect your phone and avoid costly Samsung phone repairs. You can forestall your cell phone from shatters, cracks, or scratches with the usage of a display protector. While a great high-quality case will cushion your telephone from drops and bumps. All kinds of issues like Samsung display screen repair, charging port restore and battery repair could be dealt with by the restore centre simply. Just have a sight on the kinds of glitches that can be overcome by the customers of Samsung mobile by visiting the mentioned restore centre - Used Phones in Kaufman.
We’ve repaired thousands of Samsung phones in our restore centre through the years, raising our expertise with each new model.  Find out how a lot of problems is concerned by checking your brand in the listing beneath. Use our mobile support calculator to search out if the telephone you personal remains to be getting necessary updates. That's reassuring if you want to give your smart phone a new lease of life, but you also want to contemplate support durations if a cell phone is greater than a few years old.
Since iPhones and Samsung telephones use related parts and tools, most iPhone restore outlets also can repair Samsung phones. If you aren’t sure whether or not it’s damaged or soiled, strive connecting an external monitor, as this can help pinpoint the problem. With our assist, you'll find a way to keep away from future problems and keep your telephone operating easily for year. For more information, please visit our site https://repairspotus.com/
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mobilegoo325 · 6 months
Got an Old Phone? Discover How Selling Your Mobile Online Can Fund Your Upgrade
Do you have an old phone lying around, gathering dust? Perhaps it's tucked away in a drawer, forgotten and unused. What if I told you that this forgotten gadget could be the key to getting your hands on the latest phone you've been eyeing? That's right - sell mobile online could be a game-changer in funding your upgrade. And, I'm here to guide you through the process, making sure your journey from an old to a new phone is as smooth as peanut butter.
Why Sell Your Old Phone?
Imagine the joy of unboxing a brand new phone - its sleek design, lightning-fast speed, and those camera features that make every click Instagram-worthy. Now, think about your old phone. While it has been a faithful companion, technology moves fast. Your old phone might not have the sparkle it used to, but it can still help you make a significant dent in the cost of a new device. Here's why:
Environmental Benefits: Phones contain materials that can be harmful to the environment if not disposed of properly. Selling your old phone ensures it gets a second life and reduces electronic waste.
Financial Boost: Your old device could be worth more than you think. Many buyers are willing to pay a good price for second-hand phones, especially if they're in decent condition.
Simplicity: Selling online is incredibly straightforward. With a few clicks, you can find a buyer and send off your old phone.
How to Prepare Your Phone for Sale
Before you rush to list your phone, there are a few steps you must take to ensure you get the best deal. It's like giving your car a wash and polish before selling it - those little efforts can significantly bump up its appeal.
Backup your Data
Ensuring all your precious photos, contacts, and apps are backed up is crucial. Whether it's to a cloud service or transferring everything to your computer, make sure you don't lose a single byte of data.
Factory Reset
This step is about protecting your privacy. A factory reset will wipe your device clean of any personal information, giving the next owner a fresh start - just like you'll get with your new phone.
Clean It Up
A clean phone is more appealing. Wipe away the fingerprints, clean off the dust, and if you've got a screen protector or case, consider leaving it on as an added bonus for the buyer.
Where to Sell Your Phone Online
The internet is like a vast flea market, with countless platforms to sell your old phone. Here are a few trusted places to start:
Manufacturer Trade-In Programs: Brands like Apple and Samsung offer trade-in deals. It's convenient, though they might not offer the highest payout.
Online Marketplaces: Websites like eBay and Facebook Marketplace are great to reach a broad audience. Just be prepared for a bit of haggling.
Dedicated Phone Selling Websites: These sites specialize in buying old phones, offering quick quotes and fast payments.
Remember, each option has its pros and cons, so pick what suits you best.
Pricing Your Old Phone Wisely
Setting the right price can be tricky. Set it too high, and buyers will scroll past. Too low, and you're short-changing yourself. Here's how to strike a balance:
Check how much similar models are going for on various platforms.
Consider your phone's condition, age, and any additional accessories you're including.
Be realistic and prepared to negotiate.
Creating an Irresistible Listing
A good listing can make all the difference. Here's what it should include:
High-quality pictures from different angles.
A detailed description covering the condition, what's included in the sale, and any unique features.
Be honest about any scratches or issues - buyers appreciate transparency.
Conclusion: Upgrade and Contribute
By sell old phone, not only are you making your upgrade more affordable, but you're also contributing to a more sustainable planet. It's a win-win. Your old companion gets a new life, and you step into the future with the latest technology in your hands. So, what are you waiting for? Dive into your drawers, dust off that old phone, and start the journey towards your upgrade today!
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