#Scottie dsaf
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simbii · 6 months ago
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melllrlrlrl · 24 days ago
turkish dsaf stuff i made
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st1mmywimmy · 10 months ago
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🌸scottie/rebecca stimboard🌸
x x x - x x - x x x
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invited-anarchy · 2 years ago
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first two designs done yippee
height is not at all accurate given my style just changes for some reason when it comes to taller and shorter characters. it is what it is but i'll try and work on it
anyway!! jake and rebecca :]
decided i would start with those two given jake is obviously my favorite (if you're sam and knows my rambles, that is) & rebecca is also a character i have thoughts about a lot. next ones are probably going to be harry & roger?? no guarantees however
i'll probably also make designs for edward (unused phone guy, im fairly sure) & the rest of the phone guys that arent the main 6... 7??? i've lost count cackle (man this means my era of putting woodrow in horrific outfits because i have no clear design is ending)
[Part 1 - Jake & Rebecca - this post]
[Part 2 - Harry & Roger - unfinished]
anyway identity & some other headcanons are under the cut if anyones interested in them. they arent mandatory and are just fun extra bits i decided to add!!
Jake Wilson
he/they/it because projection!! (its literally just my main pronouns but the order is swapped around. sorry folks who expected something else.)
very much not completely straight at all, but i honestly havent figured something out here. maybe demiro pan, since my brain keeps picking that out of the pool of stuff in my thoughts (definitely polyam though??? shrug)
lesbian or at the very least wlw
i headcanon her full name to be rebecca myelove roselle :] (figured i might as well include it)
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directdogman · 5 months ago
Hey this is something I've wondered about a long time regarding Harry in DSAF 3. So unlike the other phone guys, he doesn't hv voice lines while talking about his backstory. Was it a deliberate choice to show how much he lost his identity, his vocal cords were scuffed to the point where he's unable to use human voice, or some other reason I can't think of?
It's been so long that I can't even fully remember at this point, but my best guess is that I didn't voice his scene because I gave Scottie the voiced monologue about him. The scene you get with him (the Joe Remembered) scene was added quite late into development because I wound up coming up with the idea for it while working on other stuff and felt it was too strong not to use.
I don't think it was a deliberate artistic choice as much as me simply figuring having one voiced backstory scene for the character was fine or possibly running out of time. Of course, this was all about 6 years ago now, so my memory is quite fuzzy.
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hallowknighttt · 3 months ago
the dayshift at freddy's fandom has a big misogyny problem actually. people entirely forget about impactful background girl characters in favour of the fandom-favourite yaoi, and i kinda wish they didnt. i would love to see more caroline, dee, martha, and scottie/rebecca content!!
i hardly even see any art of caroline, who was revealed in the second game, anywhere. and the art of dee is just as sparing, and most art involving her usually is accompanied by another male character. rebecca is only ever drawn alongside the other 3rd game phone guys, and practically no one talks about martha despite her literally being married to henry before her and her son's death. they all have interesting parts to them that can be expanded on, even if martha and caroline lack canon personalities
while not my personal favourite headcanon, even het headcanons drive people away from characters. people dont even care about male characters it they're just married to a woman (ie, peter kennedy). people prefer steven just because hes gay, not for his own character. people only started caring about peter when the roger route for dialtown came out because they could ship him with roger, and in early dsaf when people shipped him with steven.
davesport isnt even beloved for the dynamic of the two characters, people just like gay ships. some people water down dave and jack an impossible amount. dave is a victim of manipulation & multiple lobotomies, and jack is someone who abandoned his younger sister at a restaurant & when given the knowledge, doesnt even entertain the idea of informing dave they've been lobotomized.
once again this is not to say ships are bad, i just kind of wish people cared about dee, caroline, martha, & scottie/rebecca. theyre all compelling characters even if we dont know much about people like caroline or martha.
but its whatever i guess
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ask-the-phone · 3 months ago
If anyone's still tuned in, here's some Phone Lore™ that (I think?) I haven't explained yet
Phoney Origins and Genetics:
Way way back in the 1950s, secret government employees, as part of the MK ultra experiments, decided to give one of their smartest test subjects a huge research grant to see what she did with it.
What she decided to do was genetically engineer people to have functioning phone heads.
Now, dont ask how, and don't ask why, but with a fusion of mechanics, iron-rich diets, genetic engineering, and bug DNA (for the molting, chitinous exo-skulls) she achieved her goal.
Of course, MK Ultra only lasted so long, and the phonies had to go somewhere once they closed up shop. Fortunately, someone on the decision board that day said "hey guys, if I commit any more major human rights violations today, I'm gonna be really grumpy at dinner, and the wife will be mad at me all day tomorrow, and tomorrow's Saturday, so I can't avoid her." And everyone else kinda agreed, so they slapped some documents on the phonies and dumped them in nearby towns.
The phone-head genes are somewhat dominant, and have lead to multiple generations of phones, even when children are born to one phone and one flesh parent. These children aren't always purely one of the other, though. about 50% of the time they'll be born with both flesh and phone features, most often taking the form of normative flesh-heads with handsets and/or dials. 30% are fully phone-headed, or very nearly full phone-head. 20% Are fully flesh-headed.
Of course, those figures come from children with one parent with zero flesh-head ancestry, and one with zero phone-head ancestry. These odds change if previous generations must be taken into account.
As for where Scotty here stands, he's not a first-gen phone. That's all I'll say, because that's all I've decided so far.
ALSO! Sorry this blog has been so dead! My hyperfix has been on other phones as of late. I'd like to answer some stuff sitting in the inbox soon, however, and don't hesitate to send new asks.
and, if you're interested, I've got a lot of DT/DSaF phone stuff on my main. just sayin...
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npdkondraki · 6 days ago
Just watched the Scottie/Rebecca monologue
Was that Abel from The Bible????? Second phone guy, barely even human???????????
honestly this ask has been haunting me for so long its so funny to me. yeah thats dsaf for you dude
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lovelypuppetmax · 7 months ago
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Meet me and my friend @momsterpup DSAF Phonesonas!!
Meet Issac and Lily! No one is really sure if they were friends before or after they became Scott and Scottie. Either way, they'll never tell. They're just besties who refuse to go anywhere without the other.
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uncreativecj · 2 years ago
Throws oc
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energysoda · 3 years ago
the phone guy lore is so compelling and also genuinely horrifying...
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invited-anarchy · 2 years ago
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style changed halfway through and its obvious
anyways, have some design concepts for these losers (height isnt accurate for some)
design notes that make no sense whatsoever are included as well
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unified-theorist · 2 years ago
Why are you so gay for aliens?
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i'm not gay for them!!!!!!! although this man here got abducted once! the ones i met made really good lasagna. super nice fellas!
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deadenddiner · 4 years ago
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I hope I didn’t forget any character..
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corvikdoodles · 4 years ago
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Some phones, as a treat
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npdkondraki · 2 months ago
in case anyone wants to know im actually scraping the bottom of the barrel here by including npcs (gabby, dialtown) and characters who are only seen in specific circumstances (lorraine deere, dialtown & rebecca "scottie", dsaf 3) and not just main characters who are lore important (mingus crown, dialtown & dee "the puppet" kennedy, dsaf). like, when i say "its so bad for women enjoyers out here" i really do fucking mean that. even including caroline (peters wife, dsaf 3 w/ a by-name cameo or two in dialtown) who only has Two Lines Of Dialogue In Her Entire Existence, we'd still only have seven. its actually abysmal.
as much as i love dogmans work holyyyyyy fuckkkkkk its so bad for women enjoyers out here. surviving off actual crumbs (only 6 entire female characters who you can interact with compared to the ~20(maybe more????) male characters). like honestly ive just resorted to picturing men as butches atp, not even bc im butch and see myself in them or bc i think itd make them more interesting like usual, but literally just so i can PRETEND theres more female characters than there actually is. good lourd im in the damn TRENCHES
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