#Scott Patterson without a hat
saltygilmores · 1 year
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls: Season 2, Episode 17, "Dead Uncles and Vegetables", Part 3
Part 1 Part 2 All Episodes
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Please, sir, there is nothing I wish to see more than Miss Patty drunk with power.
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How big was it again, Babette?
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Nothing brings me greater pleasure than when Luke and Jess exchange silent glances like “Can you believe this corny shit?” The meeting is being held to discuss the feud between Taylor and the Hippie with the farmers market. This seems like a personal dispute that could have been an email.
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At the meeting Taylor Karens harder than he's ever Karen'd before.
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Why don't you mind your god damn beeswax, Rory-No-Job-Gilmore. This is getting old and frankly kinda weird. I’m really raring for one of those delicious scenes where Jess or Dean takes her down a peg.
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After the meeting adjourns, The Convention of the Male Karens + a wildly out of place Kirk meet outside in order to remind Luke what a piece of shit his uncle was and that they’re not going to his funeral. Taylor sure sounds confident that the people of Stars Hollow won’t also spit on his grave and sing a happy song when he croaks. Frankly I don't even think there will be a grave. I've always envisioned Taylor being stuffed into a sack and tossed over his beloved bridge to become swan food along with Shane, who Jess slaughtered after the Dance Marathon.
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There isn’t enough rock throwing in this show. In my gritty unrated Gilmore Girls reboot titled The Hollow, more people will throw rocks at Taylor Doose.
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I paused just so I could enjoy a few moments of anticipation before she reveals what the exciting Early 2000's internet application is.
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Golly! I miss this early 2000's optimism about a Future with Internet.
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It's streaming in right now, but sorry Lorelai, she can't send you any pictures of Prague. Corporate tech overlords have deecreed that picture taking is forbidden and must be blocked with a blacked out screen of death. No Prague for you.
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Out of Context Gilmore Girls.
Sookie: Your mom is getting me 50% off of everything. Lorelai: Yes, but 50% off of loads of money is still loads of money. You don't have that much to spend. Pretty rich coming from “Miss orders take out and diner food 3 times a day."
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But when is it ever the WRONG time for you to meddle in people's business? It's a 24/7/365 job for you. And your daughter is quickly on her way to being crowned the next Little Miss Meddler. Sookie understandably has some questions about why Jackson would go to Lorelai Gilmore for wedding planning concerns. Sookie also realizes she can't afford the grandiose wedding that Emily got her into and tries to run damage control. Lorelai tells Sookie that her mother brainwashed her. That's rich coming from Miss "Brainwashed By Dean Forrester".
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She’s leaving work to help Diner Guy look at coffins!!! Get HR on the phone!
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That's what he said.
Scott Patterson without a hat is...mildly off putting.
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Is this what you wanted Rory? Are you happy now? Baby is miserable! But you got your damn coffee servant, now start tipping him! I made a video clip of this delightful interaction so please check it out. Milo's "No's" are so acidic they could strip paint off the wall. He needs to win in an Emmy for his No's. They are so good. You can watch my Jess Says No compliation here.
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Jess Mariano: Toils in the coffee mines every day and night before and after school for sub minimum wage and eventually, on top of working a second job, minds his business, dutifully pours your coffee, no chit chat, all business. No one tips him. Lorelai Gilmore: Does a mediocre job taking orders for 1 hour and gets a 4 star Yelp review because she's Quirky. Lorelai to me, TWWGG: What's a Yelp? Me: Nevermind.
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Rory, I mean this in the kindest, gentlest way possible, because I know you are a sensitive soul... Fuck all the way off. Fuck you and also your boyfriend and your mother (okay, she's not that bad in this episode). The "Get back to work" routine wasn't cute the first time when he was trying to enjoy a few precious moments to himself before school, but now he's literally working. He's like a foot away from you. Let the boy go upstairs and jerk off, sheesh. What a weird z-plot.
Rory works a job for two days and becomes drunk with power.
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I really hope that when Lorelai goes back to work, Michel has some choice French curse words for her after leaving him in a lurch to cover her shift 3 times in a week for Diner Guy.
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Hey look Rory, a job opening! You gonna apply or what?
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This was really sweet.
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So many things are throwing off the balance of the Gilly Girls Universe lately. Rory gets a job and becomes a control freak. Rory pays for her food. Lorelai dispenses reasonable advice. Lorelai's meddling is at a minimum. Lorelai is uncharacteristically pleasant. Dean is nowhere to be found (is that why Lorelai is so tolerable?) Scott Patterson without a hat.
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jessbakescakes · 3 years
For the character game: Luke Danes
favorite thing about them: LUKE TAKES CARE OF EVERYONE. Jess, Rory, Lorelai, Liz, etc etc etc. Luke is a big ol’ softie. I love him.
least favorite thing about them: How he handled the whole April situation re: Lorelai. I think we can all agree that was an affront to his character.
favorite line: “Taylor, no, no, no, no, and every day from now on 'til the end of my life, I am gonna come in here and say, ‘Taylor, no.’ And when I die, I'm gonna have them freeze me next to Ted Williams, and when they find the cure to what I died of and they unfreeze me, my first words are gonna be, ‘How's Ted?’ followed closely by, ‘Taylor, no’.” I just typed that from memory, it’s literally my favorite.
brOTP: Luke and Jess ALWAYS. 
OTP: Luke/Lorelai forever and ever amen. My first real ship!
nOTP: Luke/literally anyone else but Lorelai, I will FIGHT.
random headcanon: Luke had a LOT of feelings during the Red Sox 2004 World Series Championship year. He got pretty drunk the night they won, but he hadn’t prepared anyone else to open the diner the next morning because he didn’t want to jinx it.
unpopular opinion: I think my only real unpopular opinion relating to Luke is that I don’t like Scott Patterson all that much, but I love Luke. LOL. Is that weird?
song i associate with them: Well I’m always gonna think of Luke when I hear Reflecting Light. LUKE CAN WALTZ!
favorite picture of them: Luke without a hat at any given point in the series can be just so personal.
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papermoonloveslucy · 7 years
S2;E2 ~ September 29, 1969
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Directed by George Marshall ~ Written by Gene Thompson
Visiting the U.S. Air Force Academy, Lucy takes a tour and mistakes the General in charge for a janitor!  
Regular Cast
Lucille Ball (Lucy Carter), Gale Gordon (Harrison Otis Carter), Lucie Arnaz (Kim Carter), Desi Arnaz Jr. (Craig Carter)
Guest Cast
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Roy Roberts (Superintendent) was born Roy Barnes Jones in Tampa, Florida in 1906. His early career was on the Broadway stage, gracing such plays as Old Man Murphy (1931), Twentieth Century (1932), The Body Beautiful (1935) and My Sister Eileen (1942). In Hollywood, the veteran character actor clocked over 900 screen performances in his 40 year career, most of which were authority figures. He and Lucille Ball appeared together in Miss Grant Takes Richmond (1949). On “The Lucy Show” he first appeared as a Navy Admiral in “Lucy and the Submarine” (S5;E2) before creating the role of Mr. Cheever, a recurring character he played through the end of the series. This is the first of his 5 episodes of “Here’s Lucy.” Roberts died in 1975 at age 69.
Roy Roberts played the same character in “Lucy Goes to the Air Force Academy: Part 1” (S2;E1).  
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Mel Blanc (Red Squad Radio voice / Woodward voice, uncredited) is best known as the voice of Bugs Bunny and other Warner Brothers characters, but had acted with Lucille Ball on radio and in the 1950 film The Fuller Brush Girl.  
I'd be curious to know how Lucy convinced her old friend Mel Blanc to come to the ADR (automated dialogue replacement) session and do these two voices. Possibly he was in the studio that day anyway.  It would also be interesting to learn how the uncredited actor/cadet playing Woodward reacted to being dubbed by the great Mel Blanc!  
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Beverley Garland (Secretary, uncredited) is best remembered as Barbara, Fred MacMurray's new wife on “My Three Sons.”  Roy Roberts (Superintendent) played a dentist on a 1970 episode of the show. This is her only appearance with Lucille Ball.  She died in 2008.  
Antonio Garcia Tony (Kid on Field Trip, uncredited) makes his screen debut with this episode.  He continued to play uncredited background characters and also became a casting director.
John Erwin (Narrator, uncredited) was a voice-over artist primarily known for voicing Reggie on the “Archie” cartoons.  Erwin's voice over comes at the start of the episode to tell the audience what happened in part 1.
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Actual Air Force Academy students and staff play themselves.
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This episode is the second of a four-part on-location story arc created with the cooperation of the Air Force and the state of Colorado. At the Academy, filming was done right in the dormitories and administrative buildings. The Air Force viewed this as a sort of  TV commercial at a time when the public was very down on the military due to its involvement in the Vietnam War.  
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Unlike studio filming, only one camera was used on location, although Lucille Ball insisted on her studio lighting instruments, despite their great weight and bulk.  
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The US Air Force Academy was founded in 1954. The buildings were designed in a modernist style and make extensive use of aluminum on building exteriors, suggesting the outer skin of aircraft or spacecraft. The most controversial aspect of the design was the Cadet Chapel, designed by architect Walter Netsch. It is currently the most visited man-made tourist attraction in Colorado. It features 17 spires that shoot 150 feet into the sky. On the tour, Lucy understandably mistakes the Chapel for a large aircraft.  This scene is underscored by the Air Force Academy choir singing a hymn.  
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Harry mistakes the domed planetarium building for a UFO.  The site used to be open to the public, but is now used exclusively for cadet training. The choir switches to “Air Force Blue” an unofficial Air Force song composed during 1956 by Marilyn Scott and Keith Textor.
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They look through the windows at Mitchell Hall, the cadet dining hall, which is named in honor of Brigadier General William Mitchell. This three and a half story structure sits on 1.7 acres and has the capability of serving the entire Cadet Wing (more than 4,000 people) simultaneously in less than 30 minutes. During this scene the choir sings a song based on the poem “The Coming American” by Samuel Walter Foss.
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They next see Vandenburg Hall, a quarter mile long dormitory.  Vandenberg Hall is the second-largest university dormitory in the country, after the United States Naval Academy’s Mitchell Hall. The dorms are named after General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, the second Air Force chief of staff.  The main buildings in the Cadet Area surround a large pavilion known as The Terrazzo, designed by landscape architect Dan Kiley. The name comes from the walkway’s terrazzo tiles that are set among a checkerboard of marble strips.
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The scene where Lucy is dragged by a floor polisher through the hallways of one of the buildings is accomplished by Lucille herself without a stunt double. A special dolly is placed under her body to glide her along, and the film was sped up so she appears to be moving much faster than she actually was.
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When Lucy and the Carters are guests at the grand parade, Lucille Ball wears the prescription sunglasses she wore in real life.  Lucy Carter never wore glasses on the series, so it momentarily reminds us that these cadets are all parading for the real-life celebrity Lucille Ball.  
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As the parade of cadets passes, the show takes a surreal turn when Lucy, with Craig standing beside her watching the men march by, sees the face of her son in the formation.  The camera irises in and focuses on Craig in full military inform.  The march is accompanied by “El Capitan” (1896) by John Philip Sousa.
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The episode ends with a helicopter shot of the parade and the Academy campus to the strains of “Off We Go, Into the Wild Blue Yonder” (aka “The U.S. Air Force Song” written in 1938 by Robert MacArthur Crawford).
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In addition to Beverly Garland and Roy Roberts, Lucy shows and “My Three Sons” have a lot of actors in common.  First and foremost William Frawley (Fred Mertz on “I Love Lucy”) who played Uncle Charlie. Star Fred MacMurray played himself on a 1958 episode of “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour.”  In early episodes of “The Lucy Show” Barry Livingston (Ernie, youngest of the three sons) played Mr. Mooney's son Arnold on two episodes.  Don Grady (Robbie, eldest of the three sons) also did an episode of “The Lucy Show” as one of Lucy's daughter's friends.  Candy Moore and Jimmy Garrett, who played Lucy Carmichael's children on “The Lucy Show,” each did one episode.  Doris Singleton, who played Caroline Appleby on “I Love Lucy” and characters on each of Lucy's shows, also played two characters on eight episodes of “My Three Sons.”  
Other shared character actors include Maurice Marsac (Tropicana Maitre D'), Reta Shaw, Jerry Hausner (Jerry the Agent), Maxine Semon, Lou Krugman, Ted Eccles (who also played Arnold Mooney), Richard Reeves, Ed Begley, Gail Bonney, Jay North (Wendell Mooney), Rolfe Sedan, Tyler McVey, Sandra Gould, Richard Deacon, Eve Arden, Mabel Albertson, Joan Blondell (Joan Brennan), Elvia Allman, Herb Vigran, Dayton Lummis, Mary Wickes, Lurene Tuttle, Dick Patterson, Jamie Farr, Tol Avery, Robert Carson, Amzie Strickland, Barbara Morrison, Louis Nicoletti, Eddie Quillan, Barbara Pepper, Dub Taylor, Kathleen Freeman, Ray Kellogg, Stafford Repp, Jay Novello, William Meader, Arthur Tovey, Bess Flowers (”Queen of the Extras”), Ed Haskett, Hans Moebus, Bert Stevens, James Gonzales, Steve Carruthers, Norman Stevans, and George DeNormand. 
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During the saluting scene, cars disappear and reappear; They're present in the long shots and gone in the close-ups. Same for the snow (small circle); there is snow on the grass in the long shots and none in the close-ups.  
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Lucy mistakes the Superintendent (Roy Roberts) for a janitor despite the fact that he's wearing a military hat!
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The wire pulling the runaway floor polisher down the hallway can be clearly seen in one shot, although it is difficult to see in the still photos.  
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In another shot you can see the dolly underneath Lucy.
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“Lucy Goes to the Air Force Academy: Part 2” rates 3 Paper Hearts out of 5
These two episodes feel more complete if viewed as one.  Lucy's display of physical comedy is truly memorable.  The tour of the Academy is basically a recruitment video for cadets.  The military pageantry of the ending, combined with Lucy's hallucination of Craig in uniform, is a bit odd.
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epchapman89 · 7 years
Gilmore Girls Actor To Start Coffee Company
Luke Danes is starting a coffee company. Well, not Luke–the coffee-dispensing curmudgeonly owner of Luke’s Diner on Gilmore Girls–but Scott Patterson, the actor who portrays him.
According to NME, the new brand will be called (woof) Scotty P’s Big Mug Coffee, which is probably the least Luke thing he could have named it. But given that atrocious unbent black hat, it is the most Scotty P. thing he could have named it, presumably so it wouldn’t be confused with coffee companies opened by his bros Scotty G. and Scotty R.
Read really a lot more Gilmore Girls coverage on Sprudge.
On the topic of Scotty P’s Big Mug Coffee, we are all this barista:
In an interview with Wealth Management, Scotty Pats had this to say:
“Quality coffee is something that I am obsessed with,” he added. “It’s the thing I look forward to every morning and throughout the day and throughout the evening and now throughout the middle of the night.”
So maybe it’ll be good? I dunno. The details about the big-mugged company are scant. But stay tuned, I’m sure more details will start to trickle out conveniently around the same time talks of a new season of Gilmore Girls hit the rumor mill.
I would also like to personally apologize for hat shaming Scott Patterson earlier in this article. Everyone should be allowed to put atop their heads whatever they see fit without fear of ridicule, no matter how stupid and not age-appropriate I think it is.
Zac Cadwalader is the news editor at Sprudge Media Network.
*top image via NME
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