#Scott Chang (張鼎文)
fyeahcindie · 3 months
Excellent rocker called Your Melody (專屬於你的旋律) off the brand new Thunder Love (雷霆之愛) album from P!SCO. I love this tune! =D
According to a post on IG, they've been working on this album since 2021, and I think it includes at least 3 singles released over that time.
Lead Vocal & Songwriter: 張維倫 CatLun Guitar: 芮秋 Rachel Hsu Bass: OmOi 張憶文 Drums: Liang Yang (楊朝量) Piano: 鼎鼎 Ding Ding aka Scott Chang (張鼎文)
Arrangement: P!SCO Producer: 賴世凱 NiceGuy Vocal Producer: 張義欣 Chang I Hsin Backing Voc: CatLun, Zero Stop (aka 林庭歡 Claire Lin), 張義欣 Chang I Hsin
Full a/v credits back at YT.
Lyrics on screen, and hit the cc button for English translation.
Links: Official,  Twitter,  YouTube,  Spotify,  Instagram
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patkite · 4 years
▍華文書寫 x9
1.《天長地久:給美君的信》|龍應台|天下雜誌|2018.4 2.《可是我偏偏不喜歡》|吳曉樂|網路與書出版|2019.5 3.《潛水時不要講話》|栗光|麥田出版|2020.4初版,202.5二刷 4.《人魚紀》|李維菁|新經典文化|2019.5 5.《恍惚書》|鄧小樺|時報出版|2019.7 6.《流浪地球:劉慈欣中短篇科幻小說選》|劉慈欣|香港中和出版|2019.3 7.《鹿鼎記》全五集|金庸|遠流|1992.7 二版八刷 8.《性意思史:張亦絢短篇小說集》|張亦絢|木馬文化|2019.7 9.《我所受的傷》|葉揚|大塊文化|2019.4
▍翻譯文學 x27
1.《我殺的人與殺我的人》|僕が殺した人と僕を殺した人|東山彰良|尖端|2019.1 2.《在咖啡冷掉之前》|コーヒーが冷めないうちに|川口俊和|悅知文化|2017.5、2017.6五刷 3.《代筆作家》|The Ghostwriter|亞麗珊卓.托瑞 Alessandra Torre|皇冠|2019.4 4.《龍鱗焰火》上下冊|The Fireman|喬.希爾 Joe Hill|奇幻基地|2018.9 5.《收藏刺青的人》|The Tattoo Thief| 愛莉森・貝爾珊  Alison Belsham|皇冠|2019.5 6.《她的名字是:》|그녀 이름은|趙南柱|遠流|2019.3 7.《小偷家族》|万引き家族|是枝裕和|尖端|2019.3 初版|2019.4 三刷 8.《柏青哥》|Pachinko|李珉貞|蓋亞|2019.10 9.《漢娜的遺言》|Thirteen Reasons Why|傑伊.艾夏 Jay Asher|春天出版社|2011.5 初版|2013.7 39刷 10.《時光邊緣的男人》|How to Stop Time|麥特.海格 Matt Haig|寂寞|2018.3 初版,2018.5 八刷 11.《地球星人》|村田沙耶香|三采|2020.2 12.《陸王》|池井戶潤|圓神|2019.8 初版,2019.9 四刷 13.《破果》|파과|具竝模|木馬文化|2020.4 14.《骸骨花園》|The Bone Garden|泰絲.格里森 Tess Gerritsen|春天出版|2012.4 初版,2013.4 十六刷 15.《門徒》|The Apprentice|泰絲.格里森 Tess Gerritsen|春天出版社|2019.3 16.《梅菲斯特俱樂部》(新版)|The Mephisto Club|泰絲.格里森 Tess Gerritsen|春天出版社|2020.6 二版 17.《漂離的伊甸》|Vanish|泰絲.格里森 Tess Gerritsen|春天出版社|2019.10 18.《貝納德的墮落》|Harvest|泰絲.格里森 Tess Gerritsen|春天出版社|2009.4 19.《喀邁拉空間》|Gravity|泰絲.格里森 Tess Gerritsen|春天出版社|2014.9 20.《莫拉的雙生》|Body Double|泰絲.格里森 Tess Gerritsen|春天出版社|2019.7 21.《罪人》|The Sinner|泰絲.格里森 Tess Gerritsen|春天出版社|2019.12 22.《緘默的女孩》| The Silent Girl|泰絲.格里森 Tess Gerritsen|春天出版社|2018.10 23.《最後倖存者》|Last to Die|泰絲.格里森 Tess Gerritsen|春天出版社|2018.12 24.《祭念品》| The KeepSake|泰絲.格里森 Tess Gerritsen|春天出版社|2012.8 25.《再死一次》|Die Again|泰絲.格里森 Tess Gerritsen|春天出版社|2017.10 26.《吟遊詩人皮陀故事集》|The Tales of Beedle the Bard|J.K.羅琳|皇冠|2008.12 27.《怪獸與牠們的產地》|Fantastic Beasts & Where To Find Them|J.K.羅琳|皇冠|2001.9
▍人文史地 x8
1.《 進擊的智人:「匱乏」決定了人類99.99%的歷史!同名演講觀看次數突破1億次!最會說故事的博物館講解員,徹底顛覆你對人類文明史的想像! 》|河森堡|平安文化|2019.7 2.《人生自古誰不廢:或懷才不遇,或落榜情傷,古代魯蛇的人生堅強講義》| 敏鎬的黑特事務所|究竟|2018.7首刷,2018.8五刷 3.《上帝的指紋》上下兩冊|Fingerprints of the Gods: The Quest Continues|葛瑞姆‧漢卡克 Graham Hancock|商周出版|2012.7 4.《本草春秋:以草藥為引,為歷史把脈,用中藥書寫歷史》|鄭驍鋒|漫遊者文化|2016.12 5.《 你的人生難關,三國都發生過!:說書人用26則三國人物的生存故事,讓你看懂職場黑暗面、看清人性與成敗 》| 說書人柳豫|采實文化|2020.4 6.《古拉格氣象學家》|LE MÉTÉOROLOGUE|奧立維‧侯蘭 Olivier Rolin|木馬文化|2020.2 7.《鏡子:一部被隱藏的世界史》|Espejos:Una Historia Casi Universal|愛德華多.加萊亞諾 Eduardo Galeano|八旗文化|2013.7 8.《童話裡隱藏的世界史》|Why does Prince Charming Wander Around?|朴信英|商周出版|2019.1
▍社會科學 x3
1.《惡血:矽谷獨角獸的醫療騙局!深藏血液裡的祕密、謊言與金錢》|Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup|約翰.凱瑞魯 John Carreyrou|商業周刊|2018.9 2.《現代「洗腦」手冊:從新興宗教到做生意,從政府的刻意引導到各種帶風向。你認為的「自我主張」,其實都可能是被「洗腦」造成的?》|現代洗脳のカラクリ ~洗脳社会からの覚醒と新洗脳技術の応用|苫米地英人|光現出版|2019.7 3.《 讀癮者的告解:文學巨著幾乎沒看過;沒給期限,一本書也看不完;有本書買了十年才翻開……怎樣?我就是正宗的讀癮患者 》|I’d Rather Be Reading: The Delights and Dilemmas of the Reading Life|安妮.博吉爾|任性出版|2019.10
▍自然科普 x6
1.《改變人類命運的科學家們【之二】:從法拉第到愛因斯坦,一切從Big Bang開始》|과학자들2|金載勳|啟動文化|2019.6 2.《停屍間的死亡人生:40年法醫生涯、9000份驗屍報告和9件被鑑識科學翻轉的謀殺、冤罪與歷史懸案》|Morgue: A Life in Death|文森‧迪馬歐 Vincent Di Maio、朗恩‧法蘭賽爾 Ron Franscell|臉譜|2019.3 3.《上帝的手術刀:基因編輯懸疑簡史》|王立銘|大寫出版|2019.1 4.《大腦簡史:生物經過四十億年的演化,大腦是否已經超脫自私基因的掌控?》|謝伯讓|貓頭鷹|2016.8 5.[童] 《動物博物館》|ANIMALIUM|凱蒂.史考特 Katie Scott 繪圖、珍妮.布魯姆 Jenny Broom 撰文|大家出版|2016.10初版,2017.9二刷 6.[童]《世界上最大的動物超級大書 + 世界上最小的動物迷你小書》|The Big Book of Giant Animals + The Little Book of Tiny Animals|克里斯蒂娜‧班菲、弗朗西斯卡‧柯桑蒂|水滴文化|2019.1
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1.《關鍵行銷:消費心理學大師的10大黃金行銷課》|The Advertising Effect: How to Change Behaviour|亞當‧費里爾、珍妮佛‧佛萊明|遠流|2018.7 2.《給力:矽谷有史以來最重要文件 NETFLIX 維持創新動能的人才策略》|POWERFUL: Building a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility|珮蒂.麥寇德 Patty McCord|大塊文化|2018.8、2019.1四刷 3.《原則:生活和工作》|Principles: Life and Work|瑞.達利歐 Ray Dalio|商業周刊|2018.4 初版|2018.5 25刷
▍心靈勵志 x2
1.《我心我行‧Salute》|許芳宜|時報出版|2018.9,2018.11五刷 2.《人生障礙俱樂部:臨床心理師的暖心小劇場》|劉仲彬|寶瓶文化|2018.12 初版,2018.12 二刷
▍藝術設計 x5
1.《松田行正的設計探偵》|デザインってなんだろ?|松田行正|漫遊者文化|2018.6 2.《直探匠心——李乾朗剖繪台灣經典古建築》|李乾朗|遠流出版|2019.7 3.《不懂神話,就只能看裸體了啊:認識藝術的快速鍵,逛美術館不再若有所思、腦袋空空》|顧爺|原點|2017.2 4.《設計的美好關係:60座書席設計解剖書》|美好關係|風和文創|2019.3  5.《延禧攻略美學解構》|蔡蕊、于正|三聯|2019.10
▍連環漫畫 x3
1.《功夫旋風兒》|コータローまかりとおる!|蛭田達也|(東立版)1993-1997|全59卷 2.《魁!!男塾》|宮下亞喜羅|(東立版)1985-1991|全34卷|另有多部衍伸作品 3.《魔界學園》|原作菊地秀行《魔人���園》|細馬信一|(長鴻版)1989-1993|全21卷
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fyeahcindie · 1 year
Let's check out a couple new singles from veteran TW acts! =D
First up is the title track from the new 4-song ep by Manic Sheep, their first release since the Deep Dusk 2-song ep in 2019.
Producer, Composer & Lyricist: 羅玉婷 Chris Lo Arrangement: Manic Sheep Vocal, Guitar, Synthesizer: Chris Lo 羅玉婷 Guitar: Howard Yang 楊浩 Bass: 孫麒鈜 (Qihung Sun) (also is/was in 萬龍 Wanlong, Goosander 川秋沙, Pseudo) Drums:  White Wu 吳柏廷-drums (also in 落差草原 WWWW / Prairie WWWW)
Links: SoundCloud,  Chris Lo SoundCloud,  bandcamp,  Instagram,  Official site,  YouTube,  Spotify
Next up, the new single from team P!SCO, and this song is titled after the Peruvian cocktail made from Pisco:
Music/Lyrics/Vocal: 張維倫 CatLun Arrangement: P!SCO Guitar: 芮秋 Rachel Hsu Drums: Liang Yang (楊朝量) Bass: OmOi 張憶文 (also in GOTA, Shinex4, 蕨鳴子 fernoiz, 王立 Wanglee) Keys: Scott Chang (張鼎文)
Full a/v credits for these MVs back at YT.
This single is the second one they released recently; 最害怕的是有一天會不見 The Thing I Fear The Most Is One Day I’ll Disappear came out in May:
I think both of these songs are gonna be on their next (4th) album, Thunder Love 雷霆之愛. Not sure when that will drop?
Links:  Official,  Twitter,  YouTube,  Spotify,  Instagram
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fyeahcindie · 2 years
Killer new single from P!SCO   =D
This is the first song released from their upcoming album, CHRONOS.   
Written by singer CatLun 張維倫 and arranged by the band.  I love it when they go heavy like this.  =D    
OmOi 張憶文-Bass, Liang Yang (楊朝量)-Drums, Scott Chang (張鼎文)-Keys, 芮秋 Rachel Hsu-Gtr
More credits and lyrics at YT.
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fyeahcindie · 5 years
Because of the COVID-19 situation, dance-rockers P!SCO have had to postpone their plans for launching P!SCO-10, their 10th ‘season’ as a band.  
But the good news is they just shared the P!SCO-8 concert in its entirety from Legacy Taichung on May 20th, 2018!  =D
CatLun 張維倫-Voc, OmOi 張憶文-Bass, Liang Yang (楊朝量)-Drums, Scott Chang (張鼎文)-Keys, 芮秋 Rachel Hsu-Guitar, Claire Lin-Backing Voc.
怎哭了  1:03 每當唱這首歌的時候 W 6:16 百花香  10:53 I Wish You Love  15:23 朝量 Drum Solo 18:57 (short solo while they set the stage up for the next song) 每個人都歡快的嚼著 (w/BWOC horn section) 19:56   Penguin Disco (w/BWOC horn section) 25:23 清澈的湖水裡有魚 34:11 說傻話 38:37 我的 43:37 海島悲歌 (w/一步小任) 53:10 (Guitarist/singer from the Taichung punk band  一步 One Step, playing 2 of that band’s songs) 漸漸 (w/一步小任)  55:31 唱給你聽 59:33 如果爆炸了 1:04:36 自己(不插電) 1:15:45 嘿!晚安!(三琴)1:23:43 We are so beautiful(三琴)1:28:20 好時光 1:42:03 Dancing all night(w/暴君亞哲、小戴) 1:47:56 黑色俄羅斯 1:53:33 BEING P!SCO 1:58:20 Hey Dear 2:13:32 中二夜晚 2:18:27
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fyeahcindie · 6 years
More new music, this time from P!SCO  =D
The new single has some tricky guitar bits from 芮秋 Rachel Hsu -- pretty cool to hear her expanding her style this way!
Music by CatLun 張維倫. Lyrics by CatLun, OmOi 張憶文, and 魏佑竹 Yu-chu Wei (Jude). Song arranged by the band.  Guest growling vocal by 香香 Yvonne (from the metal band Greedy Black Hole)
CatLun-voc, Omoi-bass, Rachel-gtr, Liang Yang-drums, Scott Chang (張鼎文)-keys, Claire Lin 臨停-harmony. (Jude is their VJ and photographer)
Next weekend is the official start for P!SCO season 9, with Kaohsiung Live Warehouse on the 2nd and PIPE Live Music in Taipei on the 3rd.:
3/2 高雄場:https://ppt.cc/fosiLx 3/3 台北場:https://ppt.cc/fdXyPxManage 
Special guest for both shows is ぜんぶ君のせいだ from Japan.
Greedy Black Hole is playing at The Wall on March 1st. They recently posted a very heavy, growling cover of the P!SCO's “Being P!SCO”.  Their first ever cover song:
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