#Scholarship From Ngo
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Scholarships for Underprivileged Kids: Smile Welfare Foundation’s Initiative Smile Welfare Foundation provides scholarships for underprivileged kids to support their educational journeys. These scholarships are aimed at easing financial burdens and ensuring that every child has access to quality education.
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chinmayeesahu · 3 months
Enhancing CSR Impact through Collaboration with Marpu Foundation
The importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is higher than ever in the quickly changing business environment of today. Working together with like-minded organizations is crucial as companies look to improve society and the environment. The Marpu Foundation is one such collaboration that has a great deal of potential to increase the impact of CSR.
At the forefront of social change and sustainable development, the Marpu Foundation | NGO has established itself as a beacon of hope for communities worldwide. With a diverse portfolio of initiatives spanning education, healthcare, environmental conservation, and more, the foundation embodies a commitment to creating a better future for all.
"Marpu" - a synonym for transformation - was established by the respected National Youth Awardee, Mr. Kadiri Raghu Vamsi. Marpu Foundation | NGO focuses on harnessing the potential of individuals to bring about positive change in the world. With a team committed to effecting change and providing a supportive space for all, the Marpu Foundation earned the title of "The Best NGO in India" in 2020.
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Emphasizing employee involvement and volunteering is one of the main features of the Marpu Foundation's CSR approach. It has over 80,261 volunteers and over 10,245,120 beneficiaries operating from 39 locations in 15 states. The themes of their work center on environmental sustainability, economic development, social development, and partnership for the goals.
Partnering with the Marpu Foundation not only enhances corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts but also significantly contributes to advancing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Marpu Foundation's projects are exemplary models of sustainable development, promoting social, economic, and environmental well-being. Here's how partnering with Marpu can boost CSR efforts and support SDGs, illustrated through some of their impactful projects:
1. Education Initiatives (SDG 4 - Quality Education): Marpu Foundation's education initiatives focus on providing quality education to underserved communities. Partnering with Marpu in these initiatives allows corporations to support SDG 4 by investing in programs that enhance access to education, improve literacy rates, and empower marginalized groups. For example, a partnership could fund the establishment of schools in rural areas, provide scholarships for underprivileged students, or support vocational training programs.
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2. Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation): Marpu Foundation undertakes projects aimed at ensuring access to clean water and sanitation facilities, particularly in areas facing water scarcity and poor sanitation. Collaborating with Marpu in such projects enables companies to address SDG 6 by funding the construction of water infrastructure, implementing water purification systems, or promoting hygiene awareness campaigns in communities lacking access to clean water and sanitation.
3. Women's Empowerment (SDG 5 - Gender Equality): Marpu Foundation is committed to promoting gender equality and women's empowerment through various initiatives such as skill development programs, entrepreneurship training, and advocacy for women's rights. Partnering with Marpu in these endeavors allows corporations to support SDG 5 by investing in projects that foster economic independence and social empowerment among women, thereby contributing to creating more inclusive and equitable societies.
4. Environmental Conservation (SDG 13 - Climate Action): Marpu Foundation actively engages in environmental conservation efforts aimed at mitigating climate change and preserving biodiversity. Corporations can enhance their CSR initiatives by partnering with Marpu in projects such as afforestation campaigns, sustainable agriculture practices, or renewable energy projects. By supporting these initiatives, companies can align with SDG 13 goals and demonstrate their commitment to environmental stewardship.
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5. Healthcare Access (SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being): Marpu Foundation works towards improving healthcare access and promoting health awareness in underserved communities. Collaborating with Marpu in healthcare projects allows corporations to contribute to SDG 3 by funding medical camps, establishing healthcare centers, or supporting vaccination drives. By investing in healthcare initiatives, companies can help reduce healthcare disparities and improve the overall well-being of communities.
In conclusion, partnering with the Marpu Foundation offers corporations a unique opportunity to bolster their CSR efforts while making meaningful contributions towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Through strategic collaborations with Marpu, companies can address pressing social, economic, and environmental challenges, driving positive change and creating a more sustainable future for all.
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sharpened--edges · 10 months
In the 19th century, technological improvements in mining and combustion were greatly improving the efficiency of using coal as fuel. Noting these developments, [William Stanley] Jevons argued that, rather than conserve coal, improvements in efficiency, and a subsequent drop in coal price, would paradoxically lead to an increased demand for coal. Now known as Jevons’ Paradox, this perspective observes that when you increase efficiency in production and consumption, you may well see an increase in overall extraction. Massive amounts of scholarship have followed the Jevons’ Paradox, most around energy efficiency. In the materials realm, recycling can be thought of as a form of efficiency (getting more out of the same input). There is a growing body of work tracing the effects of recycling on extraction of virgin materials, in particular in the area of metals. Scholars ask questions about conservation of metals in part because the data on their trade is more available than for other materials. It’s more organized. It’s more harmonized among different nations, given the nature of these economies. Both the economy of metals and as well as the material properties of metals make them relatively easy to be recycled over and over again and be reintroduced back into production, especially in comparison [to] the heterogeneous range of synthetic polymers we call plastics. Yet we see growing rates of metals extraction taking place alongside growing recycling rates, worldwide. We can speculate about what those growth rates would have been had recycling not existed, but it would be hard to argue that global production systems are using less virgin raw material as a result of metals recycling, much less that metal recycling is preserving lands from mining. The caveats and careful measurements in the specialized literatures above suggest that recycling can conserve resources temporarily in some cases, almost always absent considerations of preservation. Such nuances fall away, however, as recycling becomes idealized and abstracted as an ethical, “earth-saving” end unto itself. Under-examined assumptions of conservation and preservation run deep through recycling discourse, and are also core to the notion that reuse will cut down on the flow of materials and energy from cradle to grave. Each time reuse and recycling are affirmed in the waste hierarchy, there is a hazy sense that somewhere, by someone, some sort of accounting is going on to ensure that overall, recycling is delivering protection of things that matter. I would wager that many in the media, in environmental education, and even in environmentally focused NGOs hold this position. This is how recycling would, actually and not just in theory, “save the planet.” But is there really any coordinating body who is conducting such accounting? No. And is recycling actually preserving ecosystems and livelihoods, or achieving real-world “dematerialization” (the technical term for less use of raw materials overall)? Not in any systematic way.
Samantha MacBride, "Does Recycling Actually Conserve or Preserve Things?", Discard Studies, 11 February 2019.
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aimreedtrust · 11 months
AIM Educational Request: 2023-2024-004
Name: Vijitha S
Year: 3rd Year (5th Semester)
Course: BSc. Agri
College: Kumaraguru Institute of Agriculture, Erode
Type: Private
Sponsor Type: Part Sponsor
Fee Type: Tution fee & Hostel fee
Total Fee: 1,00,000
Planned Fee: 60,000
Sponsor Received: 60,000
Amount Needed: NIL
Last date: ASAP (delay might cause fine)
Comments: Vijitha has good academic records in 10th and 12th. She is a single parent child. Her mother is a daily worker and managing the family expenses. Her elder sister is discontinued her studies due to financial issues.
We supported her to pay the fees for the last two years. She has performed really well on her academics inspite of being Tamil medium student which brought lot of difficulties to her from the start. She is very strong in studying Agriculture as a first graduate.
Her family managed to pay ₹44,250 for this year and we have requested them to arrange the pending amount. we will plan to contribute based on how much we receive.
We as team fighting a lot to address as many requests as possible to avoid dropouts of the students from college. Many like-minded NGOs and individuals supporting us in this initiative.
We really wanted to support this girl student and being Agriculture is her dream added more encouragement in supporting her. She had chosen this agriculture course by dropping a govt. EEE seat in Karaikudi Azhagappa engineering college where the fees is very less compared to the agriculture seat which she is studying now. Please contribute to support for bright future of her and our society!
To donate: please use AIM’s new Account number from AIMREEDTrust.org/donate or UPI 9489611290@paytm (mention scholarship ID - your name as reference). Once done, please share the screenshot for our reference.
Rajeev and Bathurjaman for #AIMREEDTrust
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coochiequeens · 2 years
A nice story about women helping women
Inlate January of this year, the Biden Administration began "inviting ordinary Americans to help settle Afghan refugees in America." Dubbed the "Welcome Corps," the initiative asks citizens to support refugees financially and in all other ways e.g. providing food, clothing, secure housing, education, health care (including mental health care), transportation, employment, and hospitality. The new "private sponsorship initiative" experts suggest that at least five people are needed in order to "welcome" and successfully sponsor one Afghan refugee or an Afghan family in America.
I strongly disagree. In the case of my one, adopted Afghan granddaughter, Meena, at least twenty to twenty-five volunteers from around the world were essential in getting Meena and her family out of Kabul; and more volunteers joined our efforts along the way, including new and generous donors, and a new team of pro bono lawyers who are working on Meena's application for asylum in America.
Some of our initial team's volunteers, who worked for NGOs or for various European governments, were on salary but were not necessarily reimbursed for their time or efforts in this regard. Some had experience in anti-trafficking work and petitioned their governments to accept our women judges, doctors, lawyers, journalists, business owners, and artists—all of whom were women's rights activists. We gathered information from American ex-military service members, corporate honchos, and human rights activists. We had a narrow window of opportunity, about six months, until refugees from Ukraine began pouring into Europe.
"I had a group of feminist women who wanted to save me and my dreams, and they did."
Once I understood that Meena, a medical school graduate, had also worked in Afghanistan as a researcher and translator for an American-based professor, I haunted the poor man. Jean-Francois Trani came through brilliantly. Professor Trani obtained a student visa and a scholarship for Meena at Washington University in St. Louis—a very fine and a very expensive school. Her scholarship only covers tuition, nothing else, not rent, food, books, computer upgrades, school fees, an expensive mandatory health insurance policy ($2800.00 per year), toiletries, clothing—just on and on. What one needs in order to live and to devote oneself, full-time to study.
Meena writes: 
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Mandy Sanghera, a London-based human rights activist and philanthropist, and myself literally worked around the clock for more than six months rescuing 400 other Afghan women. I had a paid assistant who created spreadsheets in order to keep track of the biographies and ID information for at least 100 women and who tried to keep our correspondence on Signal, WhatsApp, and email in order. In fact, Mandy and I are still inundated with pleas for help from Afghan women who are living in hiding and in terror.
One amazing woman (whom I cannot name) got Meena and many others out on planes. Three amazing men and one woman were in charge of food and medicine drops. They also delivered wood in winter and had a network of doctors who delivered babies and did surgical procedures when necessary. One woman served as Meena's mental health counselor. Another served as her English tutor. Those who read my articles up at 4W contributed money to a war chest which was used primarily by our former lawyer at a time when, unfortunately, the Biden Administration was granting only a handful of Humanitarian Parole applications.
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More wonderful women joined us. One, Penny Wilson, donated her frequent flyer miles and her administrative expertise. Another long-time feminist colleague of mine, a retired professor of Literature, Lilia Milani, pledged to cover Meena's rent for the year. I named some more names in my previous piece here up at 4W.
Last month, I decided to bring as many members of this team together to finally meet Meena in person in my home. I thought they deserved to know her—and she them. The founder of 4W, MK Fain came—and indeed, 4W is where I posted almost all my articles and a good number of 4W readers sent funds. We zoomed in Meena's mental health counselor and the woman who got her on the plane, who was in Africa at the time.
The women who gathered were so excited to meet Meena—and she them. They took her sightseeing in Manhattan: On a walking tour of Grand Central Terminal, Rockefeller Center, Times Square—Macy's! I introduced her to my son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughters and they took her to the Metropolitan Museum. I think a good time was had by all.
"We need to have an honest conversation about refugee education."
Penny suggested that we all go around the table, from oldest to youngest, and give Meena one piece of advice. And so we did. Penny brought a multitude of beautiful silk scarves, and we each got to pick one for ourselves. Meena got all the rest.
Mandy writes:
Meena has gotten all "A"s in her classes. She is now working for ten hours a week for a professor and may be allowed to work for a maximum of twenty hours but no more. This may— or may not—cover her food and toiletries.
Attached is a GoFundMe campaign for Meena. Please consider making a donation to support her ongoing expenses. It will help all of us to carry on. Meena will go the distance and make us all proud, but she needs financial assistance for legal filing fees, and for much else. These funds will go directly into her bank account. 
Oh—and what advice did I give Meena? I told her that she can thank me by freeing and supporting another woman.
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nuadox · 2 years
Mining on Indigenous reservations in the Brazilian Amazon has increased 1,217% in the last 35 years
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- By Elton Alisson , Agência FAPESP - 
The last 35 years at the Brazilian Legal Amazon (an area spanning nine Brazilian states defined by federal law for environmental protection and developmental purposes) saw wildcat mining activities on Indigenous reservations expand from 7.45 square kilometers (km²) of occupied area in 1985 to 102.16 km² in 2020, a 1,217% increase. 
All mining in these reservations is illegal. Wildcat prospecting in the Kayapó, Munduruku, and Yanomami reservations accounts for 95% of the total.
These are some of the key findings of a study conducted by researchers at Brazil’s National Space Research Institute (INPE) and the University of South Alabama (USA) in the United States. An article on the study is published in the journal Remote Sensing.
“We observed steady expansion of mining on Indigenous reservations between 1985 and 2020, with particularly fast growth from 2017 on. In that year, illegal mining activities occupied 35 km² of Indigenous land. By 2020, they had expanded to almost 103 km²,” Guilherme Augusto Verola Mataveli, first author of the article, told Agência FAPESP. Mataveli is currently a postdoctoral researcher in INPE’s Earth Observation and Geoinformatics Division and has a scholarship from FAPESP. 
The other authors of the article include Michel Eustáquio Dantas Chaves, also a researcher at INPE, and Elton Vicente Escobar Silva, a PhD candidate at INPE.
To locate mining activities on Indigenous reservations, the researchers analyzed a dataset for the period 1985-2020 from MapBiomas, a collaborative network of NGOs, universities and tech startups that maps land use and land cover across Brazil.
MapBiomas provides annual land use and land cover maps for the entire Brazilian territory at a spatial resolution of 30 meters, based on automatic classification of Landsat images using the Random Forest machine learning algorithm.
“The system classifies images automatically and can distinguish between areas of forest with or without mining activities, especially areas where the soil is bare and the visible characteristics are quite different from areas with plant cover,” Mataveli said.
However, the system has some limitations when it comes to detecting mining activities on Indigenous reservations, such as the impossibility of classifying gold panning and similar activities carried out using equipment on boats anchored in rivers and smaller areas where the forest cover has not been cleared even though wildcat prospecting goes on there.
“The growth in mining on Indigenous reservations in the Brazilian Legal Amazon as detected by our study was alarming enough, but it was probably an underestimate given these limitations in the dataset we used,” Mataveli said.
Growing encroachment by illegal miners 
The researchers found that gold is produced by 99.5% of the illegal mining operations on Indigenous reservations in the Amazon. The remaining 0.5% produces cassiterite, the ore from which tin is derived.
The growth of mining in the period was most intense on the Kayapó reservation, where it occupied an area of 77.1 km² in 2020, or almost 1,000% more than in 1985 (7.2 km²).
On the Munduruku reservation, it expanded from 4.6 km² in 2016 to 15.6 km² in 2020. On the Yanomami reservation, it expanded from 0.1 km² to 4.2 km² in the period.
“The government must intensify oversight, monitoring and law enforcement in these areas in order to halt the advance of illegal mining,” Mataveli said.
The Yanomami, living on a reservation demarcated in 1992, are the most isolated of the three communities, he added. For a long time, this isolation hindered encroachment by wildcat prospectors, but rising international gold prices and weakening protection of the Amazon in recent years have boosted investment in infrastructure for access to the area, which is protected by law. “The Yanomami reservation became the new frontier for illegal mining because of this combination of factors,” he said.
The area occupied by the activity on this reservation exceeded 2 km² for the first time in 2018, according to the study. Since then, encroachment and human rights violations have multiplied as illegal mining has advanced.
In 2022, the Federal Police (an agency of the Ministry of Justice in Brazil) observed a 505% increase in illegal mining along the Uraricoera River, a major artery for the Yanomami. Their leaders estimate that more than 20,000 wildcat prospectors have invaded the reservation. The Yanomami population is believed to total about 30,000. Malaria and other infectious diseases have spread swiftly in step with all this encroachment.
“The tragedy and humanitarian crisis we’re seeing now in the Yanomami community was perfectly predictable,” Mataveli said.
To reverse the trend, the first step should be to identify and monitor the Indigenous areas where illegal mining has increased most in recent years. It is also necessary to curb deforestation. Mining in the Amazon, including the Indigenous reservations there, occurs after the forest has been cleared, Mataveli noted.
“Illegal mining in the Amazon is very closely associated with deforestation because the forest has to be cleared before mining can begin,” he said.
The article “Mining is a growing threat within Indigenous lands of the Brazilian Amazon” is at: www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/14/16/4092. 
This text was originally published by FAPESP Agency according to Creative Commons license CC-BY-NC-ND. Read the original here.
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mariacallous · 2 years
Estimates of the cost of rebuilding Ukraine range from $100 to 750 billion. As seen in post-cold war Europe, and more recently in Afghanistan and Iraq, anti-corruption programs are often not prioritized nor adequately funded during reconstruction. This dynamic has contributed to sprawling corruption and, in turn, wasted money, disenfranchised citizens, and fertile ground for continued conflict. Rebuilding Ukraine is not just an opportunity to help the country recover from a devastating war but also opens a door for innovation in building anti-corruption mechanisms from the ground up.
Investigative journalism has a critical role to play. Any consideration of the anti-corruption aspects of Ukraine’s reconstruction should include a central focus on funding an expansion of independent investigative journalism capacities. Supported by just a small fraction of reconstruction funding, journalists can mitigate corruption by reporting on financing, procurement, project execution, and other subjects.
The lessons of fighting corruption in recent reconstruction efforts lead to that conclusion. Corruption risks run high when investments are large and distributed quickly. No nation is immune. For example, as one of the authors pointed out at the time, the Trump administration inadequately prioritized anti-corruption efforts under its multi-trillion-dollar COVID-19 relief act (which included elements analogous to reconstruction). That failure contributed to the loss of tens of billions of dollars.
Ukraine’s previous struggles with corruption are likely to add to the challenge in its reconstruction, but the country’s vibrant ecosystem of journalists can be a key part of the antidote. Past struggles with corruption should not be used as a basis for denying reconstruction aid, especially when solutions to the problem are at hand. The investigative reporting sector, working together with anti-corruption NGOs, offers a foundation for independent oversight that can be built upon during this crucial period of reconstruction. Other independent stakeholders can join them at the anti-corruption table. For example, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians, both volunteers and veterans, have recently mobilized to protect their country, representing a powerful new social force. These are assets that now must be marshaled and built up.
Eisen and Blumenthal’s work through the Leveraging Transparency to Reduce Corruption program shows that strong commitments to exposing wrongdoing can mitigate petty and grand corruption. This is done through multiple avenues, which must include investigative reporting. Indeed, when considering hidden politically oriented corruption, investigative journalism is among the most important tools in the anti-corruption tool kit. Those who care about Ukraine want to see every reconstruction dollar used as effectively as possible and do not want to see corruption risks used as an excuse not to invest in the nation’s future. Accordingly, prosecutors, courts, policymakers, and regulators must also work to dismantle the structures that enable corruption by improving laws, increasing transparency, and investing in enforcement. But it is investigative journalists who often start the process with the information they reveal.
In our view, the reconstruction of Ukraine must prioritize anti-corruption, which means also prioritizing investigative reporting. Others stressing the centrality of an anti-corruption plan include the German Marshall Fund, the RISE Ukraine coalition, and Anti-Corruption Action Centre (AntAc). Some of the proposed principles and best practices emerging from these efforts and decades of scholarship in the field include:
Both international and Ukrainian stakeholders should adopt a high bar for transparency in all aspects of the reconstruction funding process from the very beginning, including publishing early stages of decisionmaking around recovery and reconstruction priorities as well as the governing structure for recovery and reconstruction. Stakeholders should also disclose funding and procurement data and require beneficial ownership disclosure by all contracted entities, including offshore companies.
Aid provided should support and ensure Ukraine’s implementation of nationwide transparency practices. In the near term, the government should return the obligation for the state officials to fill out electronic asset declarations and fully restore public databases (asset declarations, property registries, procurement, etc.) that have curtailed during the war.
In addition to adhering to “open contracting” and beneficial ownership transparency practices, donor countries, international financial institutions, and other procuring entities should adopt explicit standards for how they will collect, verify, and screen ownership information. It is essential that they define and respond to conflicts of interest and politically exposed persons—essential policies given past patterns of corruption in Ukraine and relevant neighboring countries.
Reconstruction must also invest in independent media and anti-corruption civil society organizations on a scale commensurate with the challenge at hand. Solid and professional external accountability mechanisms are critical to the credibility of the process; there is no replacement for these independent groups.
A Plan to Activate the Power of Investigative Journalism
Some stakeholders in Ukraine’s reconstruction are concerned that corruption scandals could threaten the political will needed to sustain international support for the country’s future. These concerns should not be used to justify a short-sighted strategy that shies away from investigations that may reveal wrongdoing. A highly professional cadre of reporters and activists working at a top international standard would be a protective measure rather than a destructive one: Their efforts contribute to an anti-corruption ecosystem that is vital to advancing good governance throughout Ukraine’s reconstruction period and beyond.
Donors should allocate a percentage of the total reconstruction budget toward investigative journalism. Our assessment of the relevant reconstruction precedents suggests the cost of corruption ranges as high as 30% of total investment. Why not dedicate a tenth of that number, or 3% of total reconstruction funds to anti-corruption efforts to implement the expansion of independent investigative journalism in the country? As experts in anti-corruption and investigative journalism respectively, we do not find it unreasonable for Ukraine to build a fivefold increase or more in its capacity over a period of years: growing from its current 40 to 50 journalists to a total of 200 to 300 and providing the support they need to succeed.
While this is an ambitious goal, we base it on our experience as scholars and practitioners, which includes a long study of what has worked to mitigate corruption and conversations with the existing investigative journalism sector in Ukraine and elsewhere. We see the opportunity for individuals to join the field and for existing investigative journalist practitioners to welcome them, as well as the capacity in Ukraine and internationally, including the United States, to support the expansion and efforts on the ground.
Implementing this admittedly bold plan requires resources to ramp up investigative and independent media capacity and productivity, including to:
Hire and train 200 to 250 investigative reporters and 20 to 30 investigative editors at major news organizations, independent outlets, and other nonprofit organizations in Ukraine (and across borders, as detailed in the next section). This training will include best practices in identifying significant anti-corruption threats.
Support independent media outlets to strengthen their organizational capacity and financial reserves so they can survive legal, commercial, and political threats.
Build out laws, standards, and practices to introduce an advertising-based model for independent media free of political and oligarchic influences.
Expand capacity in regional and smaller markets within Ukraine to bring strong independent reporting to places with more limited accountability.
Train non-investigative reporters to examine the thousands of rebuilding projects that will move forward.
Provide reporters with updated equipment such as new routers, laptops, cameras, software, etc. to improve security and efficiency.
Hire data experts and add local and regional databases to Aleph, the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP)’s global data archive for investigative reporting.[i]
Expand research capacity and access to databases for Ukrainian journalists.
Build technological tools for identifying corruption patterns and red flags including in procurement data and rebuilding projects.
Translate and present materials by radio, audio, video, and other means to maximize their reach and impact, and train reporters in these skills.
Deliver specialized training in forensic accounting and cryptocurrencies—essential to covering the most likely corruption threats—as well as on ‘follow-the-money’ and OSINT strategies.
Work with national and regional universities to train thousands of citizen journalists who could monitor reconstruction in their local communities and work in collaboration with investigative reporters and civil society groups.
Build investigative newsrooms in war-affected areas, staffed with experienced reporters and build up local capacity.
These final two efforts, in particular, could involve volunteers and veterans who have mobilized in the face of war.
Working only in Ukraine will not address the transnational nature of corruption. Work must also be done regionally, bringing in independent media from multiple countries to cover the cross-border elements. Accordingly, we must tackle the transnational realities of corruption:
Hire and train journalists and editors in key neighboring countries, including Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Serbia, Russia, and Belarus, and provide them with the resources (training, security, data support, etc.) as listed above.
Support dedicated reporting on the broader international elements of reconstruction, including a) the activities of foreign companies seeking, receiving, and implementing contracts and b) follow-the-money alliances between Ukrainian journalists and journalists covering the offshore infrastructure where illicit finance thrives.
Continue to ramp up work to expose Russian assets, which have been identified as a potential source of reconstruction finances, building on OCCRP’s Russian Asset Tracker.
Investigative journalists and civil society organizations must also leverage one another to amplify impact. To link investigative journalism to civil society advocacy to realize its full potential, we should:
Ramp up the activities of the Global Anti-Corruption Consortium around Ukraine’s reconstruction and its transnational elements. It is a partnership between OCCRP, where two of the authors work, and Transparency International that brings together the one-two punch of investigations and advocacy. This proven model, prioritized by the United States in its Countering Corruption Strategy and Summit for Democracy commitments and supported by the U.K., Denmark, and others as well, has led to dozens of legal actions, more than $400 million in seized assets, and fines, and extensive reforms around money laundering, golden visas, environmental protections, etc.
Bring several Ukrainian and international NGOs into the GACC, such as TI-Ukraine, the Anti-Corruption Action Center, and others, to receive special access to OCCRP and partner investigations and act on their findings, and build their dedicated legal and advocacy capacity to:
Develop investigative findings into submissions for authorities to take legal, sanction, or asset seizure actions.
Push for change in the rules and practices that enable corruption by Ukrainian and international governments, donor agencies, companies, and other entities.
Strengthening investigative journalism and its ability to work with civil society is only one part of the functioning anti-corruption plan for Ukraine’s reconstruction. Many other elements must be put in place for that plan to work. But even within the anti-corruption ecosystem, particularly during urgent and expensive endeavors such as reconstruction, investigative journalism is too often neglected and underfunded. In this case, it can be a critical piece of the solution and deserves close attention and, in our view, support.
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datasciencecarrer · 4 days
NGO Services: Building Bridges to a Better Tomorrow
In a world filled with social, economic, and environmental challenges, the role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) has never been more critical. NGOs, often seen as the backbone of humanitarian and social development, provide essential services to the most vulnerable communities. From disaster relief to education and healthcare, NGOs work tirelessly to create a more equitable and sustainable world. But what exactly do NGO services entail, and why are they so essential in today’s society?
Understanding NGO Services
NGOs are non-profit organizations that operate independently of government influence, though they often work closely with governments and other organizations to address issues that affect society as a whole. Their services are varied and depend on the cause or sector they focus on, such as poverty alleviation, human rights, environmental protection, or education.
NGO services are rooted in the principle of social responsibility — they exist to serve communities and individuals who lack access to basic resources and rights. Unlike businesses, NGOs are not driven by profit, but by a mission to create positive change and improve the lives of others.
Key Areas of NGO Services
Healthcare Services One of the primary areas where NGOs provide invaluable services is healthcare. In regions where public health systems are inadequate or overwhelmed, NGOs step in to offer essential medical services. They provide vaccinations, maternal care, nutrition programs, mental health support, and HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, among other critical services.
During times of crisis, such as pandemics or natural disasters, NGOs often operate on the frontlines, providing emergency medical care and helping to prevent the spread of diseases. Organizations like Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) are globally recognized for their ability to provide rapid response medical care in conflict zones and disaster-hit regions.
Education and Skill Development Education is a key driver of social development, yet millions of children around the world lack access to quality education. NGOs play a vital role in filling this gap. From building schools in remote areas to providing scholarships and school supplies, NGOs work to ensure that children and adults alike have the opportunity to learn and improve their lives.
NGOs also offer vocational training and skill development programs, especially in developing countries. These programs equip individuals with the skills they need to secure employment, improve their economic standing, and break the cycle of poverty.
Environmental Conservation With climate change posing an existential threat to our planet, NGOs have taken up the mantle of environmental protection. They run campaigns to raise awareness about environmental issues, work on conservation projects, and advocate for sustainable policies. Whether it’s preserving rainforests, protecting endangered species, or promoting clean energy, NGOs are at the forefront of the fight for environmental sustainability.
Organizations like Greenpeace and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) lead global initiatives to protect biodiversity and combat climate change. Their work helps ensure that future generations inherit a planet that is capable of sustaining life.
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bristi5678 · 4 days
Successful CSR Partnership with Marpu Foundation
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What is CSR:
CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility is a revenue stream that makes efforts to improve the social and economic aspects. India is a country that has played a very important role by creating various schemes to alleviate these social and economic vulnerabilities. India became the first country to make this CSR sustainability framework mandatory in 2013, where it is said that companies should give 2-3% of their profits to CSR. By this, these business models have been successful to a large extent and are trying to improve various social and economic aspects of the country.
CSR in India is not only highlighting the social or economic aspects, it is making a great contribution in the fields of environment, health, poverty, and treatment. It generally emphasises the sides such as healthy environment, water conservation, women's education, poverty alleviation, gender equality, rural development, healthcare and so on.
The association of CSR with Marpu Foundation:
Marpu Foundation, the non-governmental organisation (NGO) was created by Mr Kadiri Raghu Vamshi, the National Youth Awardee to spread the influence of mindfulness in society. This organisation plays a vital role in developing various social facets, creating a healthy environment, and building a pleasant society by associating with CSR in India. Working individually with more than 80 thousand volunteers on social services in about 15 states of India. Marpu Foundation doing great work with the team on Environmental sustainability, Economic development and social development. This mission of the organisation creates awareness in the minds of people for a healthy society as well as helps them work together to greatly improve community development.
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Now let's point out some activities of the Marpu Foundation.
Water cleaning: Water pollution has become a major cause of environmental imbalance and disorder. Hence this corporation plays a major role in cleaning, decontamination and repurification of various river channels and used water.
Tree plantation: The Marpu Foundation inspires the desire for an affordable and green environment by planting a large number of trees every year.
Climate action: Keeping in mind a healthy and regular climate, various environmental and climate-related programs have been created to reduce the impact of harmful greenhouse gases on the climate and environment.
Poverty and hunger reduction: Poverty and hunger are a big problem in society, so to reduce this poverty maximum percentage of profit and essentials are given to poor families and students. Groups of the Marpu Foundation participate separately in this programme.
Economic growth: Creates economic development plans to promote financial development through decent work and industrial establishments. It helps to grow knowledge about economic management.
Heping in quality education: This foundation works for those students who are not able to participate in quality studies. A variety of schemes, scholarships, and financial aid are offered to give every student the right to a well-rounded education. Also thinks about the skill development of every student along with studies.
Gender equality: This corporation asserts the importance of equal gender rights in society. For this, they promote equal gender rights in the public mind through specific plans such as educational programmes, awareness and volunteers.
Affiliation of CSR with the Marpu Foundation is a great establishment in India. Crore of people of India getting benefits from this association. In addition, people are willing to come together and do public welfare to build a healthy society, environment, and economy.
Marpu Foundation tries to build various social networks to make its organization stronger. So each of us should work with such a corporation to build a healthy society and future.
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komal7676 · 11 days
MBBS in Uzbekistan: Explore Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute & Andijan State Medical Institute with Fees, Placement, Scholarships, and Courses
Pursuing MBBS in Uzbekistan is an attractive option for students seeking quality medical education at affordable fees. Renowned institutions like Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute and Andijan State Medical Institute Uzbekistan offer internationally recognized MBBS programs with advanced medical infrastructure. This article provides a comprehensive guide to these institutes, covering details such as the fee structure, placement opportunities, top recruiters, available scholarships, MBA fees, courses offered, and the selection criteria.
Fee Structure
MBBS in Uzbekistan is affordable compared to many other countries. On average, the fees for the 6-year MBBS course range from $3,500 to $4,000 per year, depending on the institute.
Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute: Approx. $3,500 per year
Andijan State Medical Institute: Approx. $3,700 per year
Additional expenses may include hostel fees, which range between $500 and $800 annually.
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For more information contact: 
AR Group of Education
523, 5th Floor, Wave Silver Tower, Sec-18 Noida, UP-201301
Placement & Recruiters
Uzbekistan has strong medical ties with various countries, enabling graduates to explore placements both domestically and internationally. Graduates from Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute and Andijan State Medical Institute can secure placements in prominent hospitals, healthcare organizations, and research institutions. Leading recruiters include:
Uzbekistan Ministry of Health
Private and Government Hospitals in CIS countries
Hospitals in India, Europe, and the Middle East
Global healthcare chains
Students pursuing MBBS in Uzbekistan have access to various scholarships, offered by both the government and private organizations, aimed at reducing the financial burden. These scholarships are often based on academic merit, financial need, or specific eligibility criteria set by the institutions. Some of the popular scholarship options include:
Uzbekistan Government Scholarship
Institutional Scholarships based on merit
Private Scholarships from NGOs and international medical bodies
MBA Fees
For those interested in pursuing an MBA alongside or after their MBBS, Uzbekistan also offers affordable MBA programs in healthcare management and general administration. MBA fees in Uzbekistan are approximately $3,000 to $5,000 annually.
Courses Offered
Both institutes offer a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate medical courses designed to cater to different areas of specialization:
MBBS (General Medicine)
Postgraduate Specializations in surgery, internal medicine, gynecology, and more
These programs are taught in English, making them accessible for international students.
Selection Criteria
Admission into MBBS programs at Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute and Andijan State Medical Institute Uzbekistan is highly competitive. The general criteria include:
Academic Qualification: Students must have completed 12th grade with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as core subjects, securing at least 50% aggregate.
NEET Qualification: Indian students are required to qualify for the NEET exam to be eligible for admission.
English Language Proficiency: International students may need to provide proof of English proficiency through exams like IELTS or TOEFL.
Age Requirement: The candidate must be at least 17 years of age at the time of admission.
For more information contact: 
AR Group of Education
523, 5th Floor, Wave Silver Tower, Sec-18 Noida, UP-201301
Choosing to study MBBS in Uzbekistan at renowned institutions like Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute and Andijan State Medical Institute opens the door to quality education at an affordable cost. With structured fee systems, promising placements, available scholarships, and a variety of courses, these universities provide an excellent platform for aspiring doctors.
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navya5577 · 12 days
Special Support Program
Empowering Lives Through Dayitwa’s Special Support Program
In today’s fast-paced world, vulnerable communities often fall through the cracks, unable to access essential services and opportunities. At Dayitwa NGO, we understand that addressing these challenges requires not just general solutions but targeted interventions designed to uplift those most in need. That’s why we have developed our Special Support Program, aimed at empowering individuals and communities through holistic care and tailored initiatives.
What is the Special Support Program?
Dayitwa’s Special Support Program is an all-encompassing initiative designed to provide critical support to marginalized groups such as differently-abled individuals, underprivileged children, women in distress, and rural communities. The program focuses on offering comprehensive assistance that goes beyond financial aid, integrating skill development, education, healthcare, and mental well-being into a cohesive framework of support.
Why is it Important?
The Special Support Program is crucial because it bridges the gap between marginalized communities and mainstream development. Many individuals and families are excluded from the conventional systems of education, employment, and healthcare due to social, economic, or geographical barriers. This exclusion perpetuates cycles of poverty and disadvantage.
Our program addresses these challenges by:
Providing Access to Education: Education is the foundation of empowerment, and we ensure that children from marginalized backgrounds receive the necessary resources to pursue their dreams. We collaborate with local schools to offer scholarships, learning materials, and extracurricular activities that nurture talent and boost confidence.
Skill Development and Vocational Training: To break the cycle of poverty, we focus on equipping individuals with skills that are market-relevant. Our vocational training programs provide tailored courses in areas such as tailoring, carpentry, and digital literacy. This empowers them to secure jobs or start small businesses, leading to long-term financial independence.
Health and Well-being Support: Good health is a prerequisite for a dignified life, yet access to quality healthcare remains a challenge for many. Through the Special Support Program, we organize medical camps, provide nutritional support, and raise awareness about preventive healthcare, ensuring that marginalized communities can live healthier lives.
Mental Health Initiatives: Marginalized individuals often face mental health challenges due to societal pressures, discrimination, or economic instability. We partner with mental health professionals to provide counseling, workshops, and safe spaces to address these issues, fostering a culture of emotional well-being.
Women Empowerment: Gender equality is a cornerstone of Dayitwa’s mission. Our Special Support Program focuses on empowering women through self-help groups, legal support, entrepreneurship training, and leadership development programs. We aim to help women build sustainable livelihoods, gain financial independence, and become community leaders.
Success Stories: Real Lives Transformed
The impact of the Special Support Program can best be understood through the stories of those whose lives it has changed.
One such story is of Sangeeta, a young woman from a remote village who, after losing her parents, struggled to make ends meet. Dayitwa NGO provided her with vocational training in tailoring, and today she runs her own small business. She is now financially independent, supports her younger siblings, and is a role model for other young women in her community.
Similarly, Ankit, a differently-abled boy, was able to continue his education through our scholarship program. He is now excelling in his studies and dreams of becoming a teacher, proving that with the right support, anyone can overcome obstacles.
How You Can Help
Dayitwa’s Special Support Program thrives on the generosity of people like you. There are many ways to get involved:
Donate: Your contribution can make a real difference in someone’s life. Every rupee counts.
Volunteer: Join us in the field, mentor, or share your skills to directly impact communities.
Spread the Word: Help us raise awareness by sharing our initiatives on social media, in your communities, and among your friends.
Looking Ahead
Dayitwa’s Special Support Program is an evolving initiative. We continue to adapt based on community needs, expanding our reach and improving our methods to ensure lasting impact. By joining hands with us, you are contributing to a future where every individual, regardless of their background, can lead a dignified and empowered life.
Together, we can create a society where compassion drives change, and every individual has the opportunity to realize their full potential.
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curabletrust · 14 days
donation for poor people in delhi ncr
Change Lives with Your Donation: Help the Poor in Delhi
Delhi NCR is a buzzing full of life, culture, and. But not everything is bright. There’s a big issue lurking underneath—poverty. Even though the area is thriving, lots of people struggle every day to get basic things they need. If you to make a real,  donation for poor people in Delhi NCR can create real change. This blog will show you how your gift can make a big impact, tell you about important organizations working hard on the ground, & give you some handy tips to make your kindness count more.
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The Urgent Need for Donations
Delhi NCR, which includes Delhi and its nearby areas, is like a small version of India's mixed economy. While this place has a growing economy and modern buildings, many folks live in poverty. They face tough challenges like lack of healthcare, bad schools, and not enough food. We need to work together to fix this, & donation for poor people in Delhi NCR are super important for giving help now & building a better future.
The Impact of Your Donation
Healthcare Improvement: Donations can really change healthcare for those who need it most. Many people in Delhi NCR don’t have access to basic medical care. Your gifts can pay for important treatments, health camps, or medical supplies that can save lives and improve health.
Educational Advancement: Education can be the key to breaking free from poverty. Your donations can help provide scholarships, build schools, & offer learning materials—helping kids from low-income families find hope for a brighter future.
Food Security: With food becoming scarce for many families, donations are crucial. They provide healthy meals & emergency food supplies so families in need can fight hunger & malnutrition.
Shelter and Housing: Many people live without homes or in bad conditions. Donations can support building shelters that give safe places for those who need somewhere to stay.
Organizations Making a Difference
Many great groups in Delhi NCR are working hard to fight poverty & bring hope to lives. Here are a few amazing ones doing important work:
Akshaya Patra Foundation: This well-known NGO feeds school kids with nutritious meals across India, including Delhi NCR. They help ensure children get the food they need—and encourage them to keep going to school!
Goonj: Goonj helps with basic needs like clothing but also works on bigger projects that help others long term. Their creative thinking meets immediate needs plus sparks social change.
Delhi Youth Welfare Association (DYWA): DYWA helps young people through education & skills programs. Your donations here back different projects that support youth gain skills and improve their lives.
Smile Foundation: Smile Foundation focuses on education and healthcare along with emergency support. They run programs that tackle multiple issues of poverty, making sure donations lead to meaningful solutions.
Maximizing the Impact of Your Donation
Research and Verify: Before giving money away, check out the organization carefully. Make sure it’s trustworthy & open about how it uses donations. Look for groups with good records and clear reports about what they’re doing.
Target Specific Needs: Think about directing your donation toward specific areas like education or healthcare. Giving you care about makes a bigger impact!
Opt for Regular Contributions: Regular gifts really help charities plan better by giving them steady funds over time—think about setting up repeating donations!
In-Kind Donations: Besides money, you can also donate items like clothes or educational supplies! Many groups would love those gifts since they directly help those struggling.
Volunteer Your Time: Want to do even more? Volunteering your time is fantastic! Lots of NGOs welcome help with everything from handing out supplies to organizing events!
Your donation has the power to change lives in Delhi NCR! By supporting trustworthy groups & thinking carefully about your contributions, you can meet pressing needs while lifting many people up! In this city full of differences, your kindness can fill gaps & build a caring community for all. As Delhi NCR grows and changes every day, let’s all come together so everyone feels the benefits of progress—because no one should be left behind! One donation at a time—that’s how we create lasting change!
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freshscholarships · 17 days
Indonesia Scholarships for Pakistani Students 2024
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Indonesia is becoming a sought-after destination for Pakistani students pursuing quality education abroad. The country offers a rich blend of cultural heritage and modern academic infrastructure, making it an ideal choice for students seeking diverse learning experiences. Indonesian universities are well-regarded for their robust programs in fields like engineering, business, and social sciences, drawing international students every year.
Scholarships play a significant role in making education in Indonesia accessible for Pakistani students. These financial aids cover tuition fees, living expenses, and sometimes travel costs, allowing students to focus on their studies without financial strain. The 2024 Indonesian scholarships for Pakistani students provide an excellent opportunity for academic and cultural immersion. Among the prominent scholarships is the KNB Scholarship, known for its comprehensive package that includes academic fees, living allowances, and other support aimed at fostering international relations and understanding.
Additionally, the Indonesia scholarship for international students 2024 offers another key opportunity for Pakistani students, promoting global education standards and cultural exchange. These scholarships not only ease financial burdens but also enhance the academic and career prospects of students.
Eligibility Criteria for Indonesian Indonesia Scholarships for Pakistani Students 2024 .
For Pakistani students to qualify for Indonesian scholarships, meeting the eligibility criteria is crucial. While each scholarship may have its specific requirements, some common factors include academic performance, language proficiency, age, and nationality.
Academic Excellence: Most Indonesian scholarships require a strong academic record, with many setting a minimum GPA requirement. Students applying for postgraduate programs need to have a relevant undergraduate degree.
Language Proficiency: Since many courses are taught in English or Indonesian, students must demonstrate proficiency in these languages. Proof of language skills, like TOEFL or IELTS scores, is often required.
Age and Nationality: Many scholarships target students aged between 18 and 35. These programs primarily focus on international students, with Pakistani students frequently receiving attention from various Indonesian scholarships.
Types of Scholarships Available in Indonesia
Indonesian scholarships for Pakistani students can be categorized into three main types: government-funded, university-specific, and private or non-profit scholarships.
Government-Funded Scholarships: These scholarships, like the KNB Scholarship, are provided by the Indonesian government. They aim to foster international education and cultural exchange, covering tuition fees, living expenses, and, in some cases, travel allowances.
University-Specific Scholarships: Many Indonesian universities offer merit-based scholarships that can cover full or partial tuition fees. These scholarships often require students to maintain high academic performance to continue receiving funding.
Private and Non-Profit Scholarships: Organizations, companies, and NGOs offer scholarships targeting specific fields or countries, providing varying levels of financial support, from full scholarships to grants for books or travel.
Application Process for Indonesian Scholarships
Applying for Indonesian scholarships requires careful attention to detail. Below is a general guide to help Pakistani students navigate the process:
Research Suitable Scholarships: Identify scholarships that align with your academic interests and career aspirations.
Prepare Required Documents: Common documents include academic transcripts, proof of language proficiency (TOEFL/IELTS), personal statements, and recommendation letters.
Submit the Application Form: Accurately complete the application form and submit it before the deadline. Many scholarships have strict deadlines, so it’s essential to apply well in advance.
Post-Submission: Some scholarships may require interviews or additional assessments. If selected, students will receive an offer and proceed to the enrollment process.
Top Indonesian Universities Offering Scholarships
Several top Indonesian universities offer scholarships for Pakistani students:
University of Indonesia (UI): Known for strong programs in humanities, law, and sciences, UI attracts students with its dynamic campus life and academic excellence.
Gadjah Mada University (UGM): Offering comprehensive programs in fields like engineering, social sciences, and medicine, UGM is a research hub known for international collaboration.
Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB): Renowned for its engineering and technology programs, ITB is a leader in fostering innovation and creativity.
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS): This institution specializes in engineering and maritime studies, offering a stimulating environment for international students.
Airlangga University: Best known for its health sciences programs, Airlangga also provides a variety of other disciplines, supporting international students with scholarships.
Popular Courses for Pakistani Students
Certain courses in Indonesian universities are particularly popular among Pakistani students due to their quality and relevance in the global job market:
Engineering and Technology: Fields like mechanical, civil, and electrical engineering are in high demand.
Business and Management: Business administration and economics programs are ideal for students pursuing careers in global business.
Medicine and Health Sciences: Medical programs offer rigorous training, attracting many international students.
Social Sciences and Humanities: Political science, sociology, and international relations programs are popular choices.
Environmental Science and IT: These fields are gaining traction due to the growing focus on sustainability and digital transformation.
Living in Indonesia as an International Student
Living in Indonesia provides a unique experience, offering affordability and cultural richness. The cost of living varies by city, with Jakarta being more expensive than cities like Yogyakarta or Bandung. Students can find affordable accommodation options, including university dormitories or shared apartments.
Cultural adaptation is essential for international students. While the locals are warm and welcoming, learning basic Bahasa Indonesia can be helpful for daily interactions. Indonesian universities also offer support services and a vibrant international community, helping students settle in smoothly.
Tips for Securing a Scholarship in Indonesia
To increase the chances of securing a scholarship, Pakistani students should focus on the following:
Prepare a Strong Application: Maintain a strong academic record and gather all required documents, including well-written personal statements and recommendation letters.
Research and Network: Connect with university alumni, attend webinars, and explore available scholarships that match your goals.
Apply Early and Plan Finances: Submit applications early to avoid last-minute stress, and understand the scholarship coverage to plan your budget effectively.
Pursuing education in Indonesia through scholarships is a gateway to academic excellence and personal growth. With thorough research, strong applications, and financial planning, Pakistani students can unlock opportunities to study in a culturally rich and academically supportive environment.
By embracing these opportunities, students can enhance their future careers while experiencing the unique beauty and diversity Indonesia has to offer.
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outplaysports · 18 days
Sports Training NGO India: Empowering Communities Through Sports
In recent years, the role of sports in community development has gained significant recognition across the world. In India, the concept of using sports as a tool for social change is being championed by several organizations. Sports training NGOs in India are at the forefront of this movement, working tirelessly to provide access to sports for all, regardless of socio-economic status.
The Role of Sports Training NGOs in India
A sports training NGO in India focuses on much more than just physical activity. These organizations use sports as a medium to teach life skills, promote education, and create pathways to a better future for underprivileged youth. By offering structured training programs, coaching, and access to facilities, these NGOs help foster discipline, teamwork, and leadership among participants.
The impact of a sports training NGO in India extends beyond the field. Many of these organizations also integrate life skills development, health education, and even vocational training into their programs. This holistic approach ensures that the youth not only excel in sports but also become responsible, well-rounded individuals.
Importance of Accessible Sports Training
Access to quality sports training is often limited in rural and marginalized communities across the country. A sports training NGO in India bridges this gap by offering free or subsidized training programs, providing a platform for young athletes to develop their talents. These organizations often collaborate with local schools and community centers, ensuring that their initiatives reach the grassroots level.
For many children and young adults, participation in a sports training NGO in India can be life-changing. Not only does it offer them a chance to stay fit and healthy, but it also opens up opportunities for scholarships, careers in sports, and even international exposure. This is particularly important in a country like India, where opportunities in sports can be a stepping stone to success for underprivileged youth.
The Future of Sports Training NGOs in India
As awareness of the benefits of sports grows, the future of sports training NGOs in India looks promising. These organizations are expanding their reach and impact, often receiving support from government schemes, private donors, and corporate sponsorships. The growing recognition of sports as a tool for empowerment ensures that these NGOs will continue to play a crucial role in shaping the future of Indian sports.
By nurturing talent and instilling life skills, a sports training NGO in India is much more than a training center; it is a vehicle for social transformation. Through their initiatives, they are building stronger communities, empowering youth, and paving the way for a brighter future for many underprivileged individuals.
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nimilphilip · 18 days
Why is Ireland gaining popularity among international students?
In recent years, Ireland has emerged as a highly popular destination for international students. This surge in popularity is not without reason. Known for its rich cultural heritage, high-quality education system, and welcoming environment, Ireland offers numerous advantages to students from around the globe. This blog will explore the various factors contributing to Ireland's growing appeal among international students, including its education standards, cost-effectiveness, cultural richness, and career opportunities.
High-Quality Education System
World-Class Universities
Ireland is home to several world-renowned universities that consistently rank high in global university rankings. Institutions such as Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin, and the National University of Ireland, Galway, are known for their academic excellence and innovative research.
Global Recognition: Irish universities are identified internationally, making sure that tiers earned right here are reputable and valued globally.
Research Opportunities: Irish universities emphasize studies, offering college students with opportunities to engage in modern tasks and collaborations with leading specialists.
Qualified Faculty: The colleges at Irish universities are fantastically certified, experienced, and frequently involved in tremendous research, ensuring college students get hold of pinnacle-notch education.
Diverse Range of Programs
Ireland offers a wide variety of programs across different fields, catering to the interests and career goals of international students.
STEM Programs: Ireland is particularly robust in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields, attracting students interested in those disciplines.
Humanities and Social Sciences: Ireland's wealthy cultural and historical heritage makes it a first-rate vicinity to have a look at humanities and social sciences.
Business and Management: With a thriving economic system and the presence of multinational corporations, Ireland offers superb programs in commercial enterprise and management.
Affordable Tuition Fees
Compared to other popular study destinations such as the United States and the United Kingdom, Ireland offers relatively affordable tuition fees.
Undergraduate Programs: Tuition fees for undergraduate programs in Ireland typically range from €9,000 to €25,000 per year, depending on the course and institution.
Postgraduate Programs: For postgraduate programs, fees generally range from €9,500 to €34,500 per year, making it a cost-effective option for advanced studies.
Scholarships and Financial Aid
Ireland provides numerous scholarships and financial aid options for international students to help ease the financial burden.
Government Scholarships: The Irish government gives diverse scholarships, together with the Government of Ireland International Education Scholarships, which cover training charges and provide a stipend.
University-Specific Scholarships: Many Irish universities offer scholarships based on merit, economic need, and unique fields to have a look at.
Private and NGO Scholarships: There also are scholarships available from private groups and NGOs, aimed at supporting international students.
Career Opportunities
Thriving Job Market
Ireland has a robust economy with a thriving job market, especially in sectors such as technology, pharmaceuticals, finance, and business.
Multinational Corporations: Ireland is home to many multinational organizations, together with Google, Facebook, Apple, and Pfizer, offering severa task opportunities for graduates.
Start-Up Ecosystem: Ireland has a vibrant begin-up surrounding, supplying opportunities for entrepreneurial-minded students to release their ventures.
Post-Study Work Visa: Ireland offers a two-12 months up-have-a-look-at-work visa for non-EU/EEA students, permitting them to advantage of treasured painting experience after commencement.
Industry Connections
Irish universities have strong connections with various industries, facilitating internships, placements, and job opportunities for students.
Internships and Work Placements: Many programs include internships and painting placements as a part of the curriculum, giving college students palms-on experience in their area of study
Career Services: Universities in Ireland offer comprehensive career offerings, together with job fairs, networking events, and professional counseling, to help college students transition from education to employment.
Rich Cultural Experience
Welcoming and Friendly Environment
Ireland is known for its welcoming and friendly environment, making it easier for international students to adapt and feel at home.
Hospitality: The Irish are famous for his or her hospitality and friendliness, ensuring that international students are welcomed and supported.
Diverse Community: Ireland hosts a large network of global students, providing a multicultural environment wherein college students can analyze from exclusive perspectives.
Rich Cultural Heritage
Ireland's rich cultural heritage offers international students a unique and enriching experience.
History and Literature: Ireland has a rich history and a vibrant literary tradition, with famous writers such as James Joyce, W.B. Yeats, and Oscar Wilde hailing from the country.
Music and Arts: The country has an active track and arts scene, with numerous gala's, concerts, and cultural occasions taking place for the duration of the 12 months.
Outdoor Activities: Ireland's lovely landscapes and natural beauty offer plenty of possibilities for outside sports such as hiking, biking, and exploring ancient websites.
High Quality of Life
Safe and Secure Environment
Ireland is considered one of the safest countries in the world, providing a secure environment for international students.
Low Crime Rates: Ireland has low crime charges, ensuring the safety and well-being of students.
Student Support Services: Universities in Ireland provide widespread aid offerings, along with counseling, fitness services, and educational help, to assist students thrive.
Excellent Healthcare System
Ireland has a high-quality healthcare system, and international students are required to have health insurance, ensuring they have access to medical care when needed.
Accessible Healthcare: Students have to get the right of entry to a wide variety of healthcare offerings, making sure their fitness and well-being are at some stage in their live in Ireland.
Health Insurance: International students have to have medical insurance, which gives peace of thoughts and monetary protection in case of scientific emergencies.
Language Advantage
English-Speaking Country
As an English-speaking country, Ireland offers a significant advantage for international students, especially those from non-English-speaking countries.
No Language Barrier: Students can easily communicate, study, and work in English, eliminating the language barrier and making the transition smoother.
Improving English Skills: Studying in an English-speaking environment helps students improve their language skills, which is beneficial for their academic and professional future.
Environmental Consciousness
Sustainability and Green Initiatives
Ireland is committed to sustainability and green initiatives, making it an attractive destination for environmentally conscious students.
Green Campuses: Many universities in Ireland have green campuses with tasks to lessen carbon footprints and sell sustainable practices.
Environmental Studies: Ireland offers programs and courses targeted at environmental studies, sustainability, and renewable power, attracting college students inquisitive about these fields.
Networking Opportunities
International Student Community
Ireland has a large and growing community of international students, providing ample networking opportunities.
Student Associations: There are several pupil associations and clubs for worldwide college students, facilitating social interactions and networking.
Alumni Networks: Irish universities have robust alumni networks, offering valuable connections and professional opportunities for graduates.
Professional Networks
Studying in Ireland allows students to build professional networks that can be beneficial for their future careers.
Industry Connections: Universities have sturdy ties with industries, providing students with possibilities to connect to specialists and ability employers.
Career Events: Regular career events, task fairs, and networking sessions prepared via universities help college students build professional relationships and discover job possibilities.
Ireland's popularity among international students is well-deserved, thanks to its high-quality education system, affordable tuition, promising career opportunities, and rich cultural experiences. The country's commitment to providing a welcoming, safe, and supportive environment makes it an ideal destination for students from around the world. At Cliftons Study Abroad, we are dedicated to helping you navigate the process of studying in Ireland, from selecting the right program to securing scholarships and visas. Contact us today to start your journey toward an enriching and successful educational experience in Ireland.
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