#Scenery Censor Meme
fair-fae · 7 years
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Scenery Censor – Faye Covington
1. You can use anything for the censor. Be it scenery, weapons, minions mounts etc.
2. You cannot edit the image in any way bar resizing or cropping the image. However you can use whatever effects you want in /gpose
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I thought I should take advantage of Faye’s blinding paleness. Tagged by: @mother-muscles Thank you for tagging!! Tagging: I’m a million years late to this, figure most people have already done it, so consider yourself tagged if you wanna do it!
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locke-rinannis · 7 years
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Ruran Vas, Protector of Qarn...and all its jewels.
(Scenery Censor Meme, tagged by @aeron-volkova, @meandering-mind​, @jancisstuff, and @carved-spirit! This was hilarious to do. I tag anyone and everyone who wants to partake in these shenanigans!)
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hithren · 7 years
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I got tagged by so many people to do that Scenery Censor Meme that I probably couldn’t name them all if I tried. IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED?!
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ave-xiv · 7 years
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SCENERY CENSOR: It feels like I’m wearing nothing at all~
Rules 1. You can use anything for the censor. Be it scenery, weapons, minions mounts etc. 2. You cannot edit the image in any way bar resizing or cropping the image. However you can use whatever effects you want in /gpose
Tagged by: @nalukaixiv ♥ (Hoo boy isn’t this a necro-bump...) Tagging: ANYONE ELSE WHO MIGHT BE TWO OR MORE MONTHS LATE ON THIS MEME LIKE I AM, HEYO (Tag me so I can see your silliness)!
Bonus Screenshot I Took Weeks Ago:
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Scenery Censor - Otte Dreamwalker
I...randomised it and got Otte anyway. This was a challenge to do, but still fun! In hindsight I should’ve used the grimoire as well...
1. You can use anything for the censor. Be it scenery, weapons, minions mounts etc.
2. You cannot edit the image in any way bar resizing or cropping the image. However you can use whatever effects you want in /gpose
Tagged by: @secondhand-sev
Tagging: @eggplant-xaela @chxsingthemoon @sunseekermercenary @hithren @oyuudatass AND YOU
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g0ldengubler · 3 years
Chapter 10 ~ Strawberry Avalanche
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A/N: AAAAAAA hey besties i'm baaaaaack! honestly, i lost all motivation for a couple of months, especially because wattpad is getting censored. i was scared that this story was going to be taken down, but now i've decided to keep going. Thankfully, this series is also on here so if nauseous is taken down on wattpad it will be here safe and sound. Also shortening chapters has been a nice thought. I'm sorry this one sucks i'm kinda rusty and this is more of a filler/catch up, but we're back at it again boizzz! Also, thank you so much for over 900 followers! Really really crazy but i'm so glad you guys are enjoying my fics. And I'm really glad everyone enjoyed lunchtime! I didn't think it would get that much love as I thought that kink wasn't something others would be into so I am planning on writing more one shots with other kinks I have. Things are just about to get good in nauseous...ok anyways i love uuuuuu <3
Category: Angst (??...yeah sure we'll go with that lol)
CW: Talks of cases; talks of murder
Summary: It's time to go back to work, and oh boy are they in for a "treat"
Word Count: 1817
Every time your alarm rang, you quote Cinderella at it, groggily saying, "Oh, that clock. Old killjoy." You hate waking up early, as sleep was such a beautiful thing in your book. When you were asleep, you were at peace, as if everything that had happened that day whether good or bad just went away. You were free in your dreams, running around like a child in a field of lavender. You had that dream here and there before you met Spencer. When the feelings for him grew over the course of a week, you started getting that dream frequently instead of waking up thinking you didn't dream or remembering a weird one. He would show up as a shadowy figure on the other side of the field and you would run over to it until you woke up once the figure turned around.
After you two made it official, the blur of the figure disappeared and turned into him. You would run as if it was the speed of light towards him, and he would turn around in a lilac colored cardigan, barely hiding the huge grin on his face. Spencer would pick you up around your waist and lift you up as he spun you around. Right before you kissed, however, you woke up. You were into the meaning of dreams, so you thought that at the right time, the kiss would happen.
As you got ready for the day, you couldn't stop thinking about the past month. You remember meeting Spencer and how your heart skipped a beat when your eyes first met in the conference room. You remember getting drunk and high with the team and how your boss was pretty much the life of the party without really meaning to. You laughed to yourself as the thought of Spencer high on edibles at Rossi's came in. He ate a whole brownie before Garcia could give a warning and once it kicked in it was hard not to laugh at his goofiness as he would only talk about Star Trek the whole night. He could've had the whole pot of spaghetti his munchies were so bad.
Garcia crept into your brain again as you got in your car. That night, instead of Spencer coming in to clean you up, it was Garcia.
With a wet washcloth in hand, she stood by the door and saw you on her bed, the laughter and voices echoing down the hall and into the room. You tried to cover yourself but she waved her hand away.
"Sugar cakes, don't worry about it," she said, walking over and sitting in front of you on the side of the bed. In a comforting way, she put a hand on your leg, rubbing it gently, "I'd be mad if it was other people on my bed going at it like rabbits. But you two? I don't seem to feel any steam coming out of my ears."
"Are you sure?" You asked, embarrassed, "I'm so sorry, Garcia."
"I'm just thankful that boy genius got laid."
The two of you laughed as she handed you the cloth. You took it and began cleaning yourself up, trying to clean what fell out onto the bed. Once you were done, Garcia gave you some advil and some water as you gave her the cloth back.
"Are you feeling ok, hun?" She asked as you were sipping on your water.
"Yeah, just a bit sore but nothing I can't handle." You hand her the glass of water back and fixed your pillows so they'd help you sit up.
"Reid is a very kind and respectful guy, Y/N," she said as she softly rubbed your leg, "I've known him since Gideon brought him on the team, I know he wouldn't do anything to hurt you."
"I see that in him," you said, "When he's not ruining me he's a total sweetheart and always open to trying new things if he wants to. He's really special to me, Penelope. I've never met someone like him. He's probably the first guy to want me for everything else, like the sex is just a bonus. Men back home were never like that."
Garcia smiled as she got up, looking down at you before leaning down and kissing the top of your head. "I'm glad you're here, Y/N. You've been the last missing puzzle piece for our team since you first walked in the conference room." Then she left, probably to let you rest.
You were still for a few minutes before you decided to try and get up. Once you were able to stand, you walked slowly out of the bedroom and back to the living room, which felt like it took you years to get to. You saw Spencer sitting on the couch next to Morgan, taking a joint from his hands. You watch as he put it to his lips and inhaled, holding it in for a sec before exhaling a big cloud out. He coughed before taking it back to his lips and took a couple more, handing it over to Jj.
As you parked in the parking garage, you remembered the butterflies you felt when his eyes caught yours. Morgan had got up and helped you walk to the couch, where you lay down with your legs on Spencer's lap. That night was so magical, but now you're back to work, dreading the amount of files that would be piled on your desk.
When you got out of the elevator to the 6th floor, you walked in the bulpin thinking you'd see Spencer at his desk, but your smile faded when you didn't. You looked around the room until you turned all the way around to the conference room, seeing all your friends in the window. You quickly-but calmly-walked up the ramp and into the room with a smile on your face, yet it went away again once you felt the room, seeing all their stern or worried faces.
"Y/L/N," said Hotch, "please take a seat."
"Is everything alright?" You ask as you sit next to Spencer. He locks his arm around yours and takes your hand in his, kissing it, knowing it was a way of his to comfort you.
Hotch was silent for a moment before he spoke. "While we were on our vacation, new cases have come to us. These cases were ones we had already solved, however."
No one spoke as he explained the two copycat cases. One was based from The Fox, a case they solved years ago, but it wasn't exact. The fox was more known for killing big families but this copycat killed small families, ones with only children. The other was one you knew all too well. A few years ago, couples were left in trunks of cars, all cut up and stabbed. You studied this case when it happened, and wrote an outstanding paper on it for class.
"We now have a copycat on our hands. This investigation will be going along while we also work on other cases. If needed, protection will be put for our loved ones. That is all. So far there hasn't been one to go to, but myself and Jj will let you know if one comes in."
With that, we all slowly walked back to your desks. Thankfully, yours was right in front of Spencer's. A part of you felt safe no matter what scenery you were in. But you still felt worried. With not being on the team for much time, you were scared for your friends. Stuff like this was part of the job, but that didn't mean you couldn't be human.
One thing was lingering in your mind the whole day...Was there a deeper connection between the two copycat cases?
Later that night, you finished your work for the day and headed home. Both you and Spencer felt too tired to do something, so you both went your separate ways. When you got home, you threw your bag and keys to a chair and fell on your couch as your dogs attacked you with love and kisses. Taking your boots off, you took your phone out and looked through your delivery apps to see if anything sounded good, but you didn't feel that hungry as you saw all the delicious options.
Remembering you had some wine on the counter, you got up and poured yourself a glass. You got changed into crewneck sweater and sweatpants that had U of M written all over it. Putting your hair up in a high ponytail, you made your way back to the couch and went through your phone, catching up on text messages from your dad, looking through memes and videos.
After a bit of time has passed, you were on your third glass and were feeling very tipsy. You turned on your speaker and went through your the music on shuffle before stumbling upon a song from high school, Strawberry Avalanche by Owl City. You hadn't listen to it or his music in years, so you decided to keep it on for old times sake. As the song got to the chorus, you felt your tipsy brain taking over, getting up from the couch and dancing along. Your furry friends-as Garcia would say-joined you as you picked up Draco's paws and gently brought him up on his back legs, while Benedict barked and went around in little circles, his eyes never leaving you.
You went to sleep after your dance party, wanting the comfort of your own bed rather than the less comfortable couch. As your children climbed on and settled down, you tried to drift off right away, wanting to go back to your dream, but you couldn't stop thinking about the deeper connection between the two cases. That feeling was bothering you beyond belief, as if it was on the tip of your tongue or right under your nose. 'They're not just copycats,' you thought, 'so then what's the other connection, if there is one?'
You sat up, letting your pillows support your back. You grabbed your notebook from the side table and pen and started writing down what you remembered from what Hotch said. They are copycats from two they have already solved. One in Detroit, the other in their own backyard. It couldn't of been anniversaries because they didn't happen on their exact days, but it could be revenge on the team.
You went deeper into the cases to feel an epiphany run through your whole body. The Fox copy killed smaller families, but the wife was left last. And in the Detroit copy, it was only straight couples and the women were stabbed the most.
This unsub was going after girlfriends and wives.
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I’m a bit late to the scenery censor meme that was going around, but here it is.
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mfw can’t find a good pose for the scenery censor meme ;=;
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loavesofoaves · 7 years
Beauty and the Beast Thoughts
So Beauty and the Beast being a beloved movie of mine (despite its obvious issues), I was skeptical of the live action movie. It just seemed like a cash grab to me since Disney has been jumping on the remake bandwagon lately, and from what little I heard of the soundtrack, I was not impressed. And these things may still be true, but I actually did enjoy the movie as a whole. I guess I’ll start off with what I liked...
—Aesthetically, the movie was gorgeous. The scenery was splendid, the atmosphere was perfect, and the movie did a good job of combining several elements of the aesthetic of the animated movie, musical, original fairy tale, and pay homage to other versions as well. The cgi for the animated characters fit run in; I never found myself thinking “this looks so fake,” which is rare in movies with effects like this these days.
—The movie addressed some plot holes and issues with the original. For example, why was no one aware of the beast and his castle until now? What exactly happens to all the servants if they can’t break the spell, and why were they punished as well? What happened to Belle’s mother and why did they have to move to the village? It also kind of acknowledged the whole stockholm syndrome thing
—The beast...oh lawdy...yeah, I have a bara movie and he was so fucking bara, guys. This movie made me feel like furry trash. Putting that aside, the beast is a bit more developed here. He can read (it always never made sense to me that he, a prince, would not know how to read, even if it had been ten years), but he’s kind of tsundere about how cultured he is. Plus he can apparently travel around the world using a dimensional portal book. This is a very Howl-y beast, and I like it.
—I thought all of the supporting cast was delightful. They pay homage to the original but also put their own spin on things. While the character designs were a little off-putting at a first glance, they really do work with the scenery. The feather duster design, for example, is a gorgeous glass peacock; much improved from the original in my opinion. I’m glad they gave Audra McDonald (the wardrobe) more to do because it would’ve been a total waste if she didn’t sing. Josh Gad humanized Lefou, having him as more of a Shakespearean fool than a bumbling sidekick, and the straight man to Gaston’s delusions. As for the “gay” moment? It really wasn’t anything, but at that point I guess I just wanted him to be happy (he ends up dancing with a minor character who is revealed to be queer in a funny way). Kind of sad a lot of people think two men dancing with each other needs to be censored in 2017 and not bestiality, but here we are. (Also still bitter with the missed opportunities between Lumiere and Cogsworth. Lumiere is totally a polyamorous bisexual, am I right? But seriously though I just watched the animated version the other day and the sexual tension is undeniable.)
—Also, I’d like to add the movie shows all the servants becoming inanimate as the beast dies and I almost cried.
—There were all sorts of little funny moments here and there. Belle geeks out over the library. The beast hits her with a massive snowball and knocks her over. Belle jokes at the end that the prince should grow a beard. Stuff like that.
—The music, for the MOST PART, was lovely.
—The movie was more diverse than I expected it would be (and by “diverse,” I mean there’s black people). Baby steps, Disney, baby steps.
—Maurice actually draws and invents useful things and not a stupid wood-chopping machine. And Belle does a bit of drawing and inventing herself. It makes no sense in the animated movie that she, an inventor’s daughter and being as well-read as she is, wouldn’t at least have some mechanical knowledge.
And also, a caveat on Gaston:
—I enjoyed Luke Evans in the movie, but he plays a different Gaston from the animated version. His Gaston is less hammy and machismo and more of a charming psychopath. Still a fun villain, but definitely less meme-worthy. I found his character interesting because at the beginning of the movie, I honestly thought he might end up being redeemed, but he out-Gastoned Gaston in how sinister he revealed himself to be.
Now here’s the not-so-good:
—Emma Watson just didn’t deliver as Belle. She was stiff, she didn’t have the pipes (she tries, but her voice is meek and auto-tuney), and she just lacked  passion in most scenes, especially the beginning. I understand why it’s tempting to think Hermione would make the perfect Belle, but considering this was a movie-musical, they really should have cast someone with a stronger voice. Because the movie starts off with “Belle,” the first 15–20 minutes were lackluster.
—The beast transforming back was 10x worse because he’s even hotter as a beast in this version and even uglier as a human. I cringed. Judge me if you will.
—Both Belle and the Beast have some added backstory here that are not nearly as developed as they should be, although Belle’s story (she lost her mother but her father wouldn’t tell her why. Anticlimactically, it’s the plague, and Maurice had to leave his sick wife behind. Was the plague even still a thing during these times?) We learn the Beast’s mother also died and he apparently had an abusive father, but it’s kind of mentioned quickly and then never brought up again. It just seemed like a lazy afterthought to attempt to make excuses for the Beast.
—The enchantress also left me scratching my head. Apparently she lives in woods as a sort of medicine woman named Agatha? And Maurice somehow knows who she is? I was really hoping there would be more of a twist with her; maybe she’d be one of the dead mothers...but nope. She was just kind of there.
Overall, I give this movie a B for “Bara Bestiality.” You’re welcome.
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