chimerinshine · 2 years
Some doodles/quick sketch of the ocs i make (well i was thinking i might do a movie or comics at the future cause dang it was hard but ehh) anyways..This are some of"The Darkeners" or "The Dark Ones" which they all live in a dark world and can sometimes enter the world of light or hopeland. Always remember not all darkeners are evil. ALRIGHT! enough talkin'. Lemme introduce them to you..
(I think texts for each image will work sooo...yeah double descript it)
•Monster Blanket or Blanky for short.
Silly name for a monster right? Well...i feel bad for peeps who love to wrap themselves in the warm blankets. Cause you never know that was him. He is the younger brother of the Boogeyman. And he literally love to diguise himself as normal blanket then started eating peeps if he was hungry but if not he scared peeps to death (well mostly kids). He also have sharp thin claws and big yellow eyes and some visible sharp shadowy teeths that also appears when he show himself. He is a big boi. He can also change his blanket color to have a perfect diguise of a normal blankets of peeps. He belongs to dark world and sometimes travels in human world to go for scare hunt well at least his brother Boogey is not worst as him
•Dark Elves⚫🧝‍♂️🧝‍♀️
I just draw one cause there's so many of them. They are taller than normal elves normal elves average height is 2-3ft while them is 4-5ft. They have palish skin and almost all of them have scars cause they love fighting and a rough ones. Also they have pure black pitch eyes and wear such dark amors or leather armors (this proves they hunt other animals yeshh). They also have spiky helmets and sharp black claws. They all have different styles of outfit and claws and teeths, speaking of teeth, they also have sharp teeths and some are crooked (yup some of them don't know what is brush your teeth at all Toothfairy will be so disappointed at them reason why they hate them too). They love meats and drink alcoholic beverages
Also Females and Males have differences too. Females are thinner and faster and love to wear leather skirts and also use animal bones (or someone's) as their acessories. Males some of them can be well a stubby one (short and chubby) but some have normal weight and thinner they are stronger than normal elves and much wilder and rougher and also they love a beers/whines etc.. so much. Males also the one who build houses and make deadly weapons Males are crazier and more on killing machine. Females are meaner
They all belong to the dark world and belong to Krampus's domain (yes the evil demon goat santa one). And oh! They also make dark toys which is a very deadly one.
They know a little bit of dark magic
Ahh yes the King Of Lust, The Demon of Lust, Love- ya know what? just don't come near at him. He will do anything to get you on him. He is always onto well...18+ stuffs. He also a yandere one he can kill ya and obssessed with ya if he didn't get what he wanted or to be desired in love then you will be a goner. He can be also a Pansexual. He also go into the human world to date peeps. His eyes changes color green to reddish pink. He also have a very charming and smooth voice. Also when you look at his eyes you be hypnotized and force to have love with him. His true form is a big humanoid goat boi. He lives in hell which also can be found deep in the dark world. He can be found at 3rd pathway of hell which aka as 3rd ring.
He has supernatural or demonic powers
Sandman aka Blickfang👁🦉🗡
His real name is Coppelius (yeah he is literally based off on ETA Hoffmann's Sandman which a dark one not the dream giver one) He appears as humanoid creature, he has palish skin, a little bit thin, wear dirty green olive cloaks and clothings, stripe socks and some black leather shoes, he also have long white ash hair, golden yellow eyes (black pitch if he reveals his true form), have pointy ears, torn up gloves, have a black belt strap with golden outlines and designs and have golden eye buckle (some confuse if it was part of his or not) and also have some sanddust (probably use for taking eyes), some ancient knife, hourglass, he sometimes also carries a large sack (probably full of people's eyes and meteronomes) he also have metronomes ticking in different speed (yike just run when you hear one).
He's an evilcounter part of Ole Lukoie aka The Sandman or Mr Sandman (which based off on Hans Christian the dream giver one). And he's taller than him he is 7 footer one (with his true form he is even more taller well ya know owls:^). His true form are owl monster (reason why sometimes he acts like an owl or hissing and make such unusual noises) He appear as humanoid owl creature he has black eyes and longer eyebrows and have owl feather on his body parts fingerless gloves are his claws.Yup he is a scary ass owl man.
He has offsprings owlettes in the darkside of cresent moon cause that's where his domain and nest is,his wife was still unknown, when you sleepless he visits you or even force you to be awake in your sleep with some loud and strange noises he making and then throws or blew a sanddust in your eye to literally put you to forever sleep aka dead boi :^ . Well, when that happens it was well...bloody mess, nightmarish, traumatizing scene. His purpose tooking eyes of people is to feed his offsprings or his to be his food. When he is not satisfied he can go to flesh (yikes :<). He also very protective to his young ones. He used mostly his true form on his domain. Oh! he's older than Ole btw.
He only appears at cresent moon time reason why Ole always observe it and be alert so that he can protect people from him. Some believe he hates it but not really he just worries when it has darkest shadow. Ole was like the Santa who mostly loved by children and Coppelius is like Krampus who mostly feared by children. And Coppeliuse always have creepy smile and small pupils. He also have supernatural abilities
•Black Bishop [Chess Piece] ♟
(I only draw Black Bishop one cause they are so sooo many anyways..)
All of the Chess Pieces has hidden monstrous mouth (purpose? well..for literally eating their opponents) Black ones are worser than the Whites. All black chess live in a dark world (obviously). While White ones lives beyond the heavenly gates. They can move in anyways or normally as others.
Anyways, Black Bishop, wears hooded black robe with golden eye symbols and his robe have crimson red outlines and he has pointy ears and palish skin and more sharper long teeth once hebwill eat you. He act kind at 1st has role of an untruthful prophets, he is more darker and more faker than White Bishop. He is very merciless one and also have sin of lust. He also do blood sacrifices and stuffs. He also an ambusher and a sniper and can be the Black Queen's assassin. He has a nickname of "Headshooter" Cause he love to headshot his target. Yez, he is a type of piece who always keep deadly weapons that includes the strongest guns. He has a staff which is also contains dark magic also can turn into spear when it lands it explodes and resummoned in his hand. His eyes also have some blindfold or bandages cause without it you'll be traumatized. He also a tall boi he is 10footer one. He is truly Evil one. His location can be found at the Dark Castle underground. He also have supernatural powers
•Ghost Of Yet To Come (Future💀)
Same clothes, Same look, Same stuffs with Death himself but they are totally different. Death was the brother of Ole and yeah he took souls and tell such stories too but only two kinds one is good and one is bad. Anyways, Future here appeared to be an enormous dark entity he is 15 foot fall hooded figure. His face can be barely see. But when his face appeared he is palish man with pure white eyes and sometimes his face can be turn into skull. He love to scared to death someone who never learn to their place like what he did to Scrooge. He is the middle brother of Past and Present. He also very protective to them. He lives in the darkworld but sometimes escaping there to be with his brothers. He is far different to dark ones. Well he still have dark behaviour and have a dark sense of humor. But he is very kind one he just being scary and tend to harm other so that they can be good. He never speaks (well for others) or do a lot of sign languages. Only his brothers can hear him talk and a few fellows. He also never makes such expressions just death staring ya. So yeah if you are a mortal or some soul 1st time meeting him you never know if he just staring at you or talking to ya. He has a power of Umbrakenisis and other supernatural powers
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