ameliorateloser · 6 years
--[ This is v OOC and irrelevant to literally everyone who follows me but I want to post it.... body horror under the cut!
so I was a part of the Eldritch Gems AU for a long time and while I kind of Died on it, I still love the concept to bits. So I drew the White Pearl as an Eldritch Pearl, contorted into a Holy Shape of her Diamond, stripped of her Free Will and suffering Corruption from her proximity to White Diamond; the Azatoth of this world, a mass of indescribably bright Starlight and deep, dark, inky feminine features that swirl and twist nebulously.
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[Eldritch Pearl designs belong to @scarfpearl and more images of their awesome Pearls can be found HERE!]--
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feralborne · 6 years
absent-minded |  abusive  |  addict  |  adrenaline junkie  | aggressive | aimless  |  alcoholic   | anxious  |  arrogant  |  audacious  |  bad liar | bigmouth  |  bigot  |   blindly loyal |  blunt  |  callous  |  childish  | chronic heroism  |  cheater  |  clingy  |  clumsy  |  cocky  |  codependent |  competitive  |  corrupt  |  cowardly  |  cruel  |  cynical  |  delinquent  |  delusional  |  dependent  |  depressed  |  deranged  |  disloyal  |  ditzy  |  egotistical  |  envious  |  erratic  |  fickle  |  finicky  |  fixated  |  flaky  |  frail  | fraudulent  |  foul mouthed  | guilt complex |  gloomy  |  gluttonous  |  gossiper  |  gruff  |  grudge holding  |  gullible  |  hedonistic  |  humorless  |  hypochondriac |  hypocritical  |  idealist  |  idiotic  |  ignorant  | immature  | impatient |  incompetent  |  indecisive  |  insecure  |  insensitive  |  lazy  |  lewd  |  liar  |  lustful  |  manipulative  |  masochistic |  meddlesome  |  melodramatic  |  money-loving  |  moody  |  naive  |  nervous  |  nosy  |  ornery  |  overprotective  |  overly sensitive |  paranoid |  passive-aggressive |  perfectionist | pessimist |  petty  |  power-hungry  |  proud  |  possessive  |  pushover |  reckless  |  reclusive  |  remorseless  |  rigorous |  sadistic  | sarcastic  |  senile  |  selfish  |  self-destructive  | self-martyr |  shallow  |  sociopathic  |  sore loser  |  spineless  |  spiteful  |  spoiled  |  stubborn  | suspicious  |  suicidal  |  tactless  |  temperamental  |  timid  |  thief  |  tone-deaf  |  traitorous  | unathletic  |  ungracious  |  unlucky  |  unsophisticated  |  untrustworthy  |  vain  |  withdrawn  | workaholic
RULES Bold the ones that apply to your character Italicize ones that sort of apply And tag some people.
TAGGED BY:  i stole this from @scarfpearl TAGGING: anyone who wants to do it!
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ameliorateloser · 9 years
You’re an interesting one, aren’t you?
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blizartstar · 8 years
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Let her sleep (Inspired by this which was inspred by this) ( @scarfpearl / @rakemom )
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scarfpearl started following you
Oh.. dear.
Are.. you quite alright? I’ve never seen a Pearl quite like you-- if you even are a Pearl...
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intherealway · 9 years
Even in her corrupted form, it took Pearl awhile to settle down for the night. The bird fluttered in and out of her makeshift nest, chirping with annoyance each time some pillow was out of place or a blanket was not arranged to her liking. There were times where the tiny one would try to make it for her, or the purple one would swipe something when her back was turned, and Pearl directed a few irritable sounding caws her companion’s way, as though hoping they might understand and sympathize with her woes.
Her friend was strange. She sang weird songs with her wings instead of her mouth, and moved fast even though she could not fly, and sometimes stared at her in ways that made her feathers ruffle with unease...But she was still a friend. And friends were allowed in the nest. Every now and then Pearl nudged an item over to the other gem with her beak and shuffled excitedly, happy to show off the many little treasures she had collected. Certainly she would be impressed! The beast had no way of telling whether or not she actually was, but seemed content nonetheless.
The sun had set, and finally the bird stretched out its wings and lowered itself to the ground, trilling quietly to the other pearl who it nestled in closely beside. A few stray noises would make her twitch and chirp for awhile yet, but eventually Pearl laid down her head and closed her eyes, a content loaf of feathers curled up around her monstrous companion.
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clustered-horror · 9 years
To the mind of something that had grown through the wills and bodies of other eldritchs, the cluster saw itself as the true dark god. A large eye observed the process of it’s expansion before finally settling itself to creating things, like molding clay to create something wonderful out of the many shards it was made of.
However before it could do so, it began to look around in anger and remembrance. The abomination felt an old presence..yet could not remember or find it.”
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blizartstar · 8 years
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A bunch of Eldritch AU Gemlings ( @scarfpearl @rakemom )
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nota-common-peridot · 9 years
(continuation from [X])
While most of the cameras were busted and very much unable to be used, a few did work on the old gem ship. For while it was seen as abandoned, the ship was holding a occupant that has been living in there. For the user of the working cameras it was an odd sight, unless you met such a thing before.
One camera that was used did keep an eye on the eldritch, the lens zooming in to keep close watch. For science reasons it was recording the intruder.
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intherealway · 9 years
{ @scarfpearl }
It was the glint off of one of her arms that got her attention. Unsurprising; it was almost exclusively bright or colorful things that got her curious anymore. But as the avian beast flew closer, its excitement grew along with its recognition.
She knew this one! The one with the shiny head, who sang with her even if her voice was strange, and did not come from her beak. Pearl fluttered to the ground and then tilted her head, chirping in a questioning way.
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