#Sazanes master pieces
masked-alien-lesbian · 3 months
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The chibi version of Mermaid Hana Lee x surfer Raelyn are so so so adorable! Thank you @sazanes for treating me so well! 🫶🏽
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The original commission and story can be found here
All art by @sazanes shower her with love and praise for these amazing works of arts she does!
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(this beautiful poster has been brought to us by our amazing @sazanes!!)
Welcome to the Kiara Theron Appreciation Blog!! A prominent lady of the court, known for her skills as a polyglot, her pragmatism and her ambition - skilled, brave and armed with a sharp wit - Kiara is considered one of the smartest and most observant women in the Cordonian court.
October 24th is the International Day of Diplomats, and "commemorates the contributions made by diplomats in shaping the world since ancient times and in making our planet a better place". Kiara is often shown to us networking, using her skills to communicate and - in some cases - to educate us on how to avoid an international incident. She picks up on details that others miss - realizing the MC's potential early in the social season and forming an alliance with her first. As a polyglot, she speaks ten languages and is currently seeking to master Icelandic. As a diplomat, she represents Cordonia on the world stage.
Yet, this week won't just be about celebrating her diplomacy skills, or her love for languages. We aim to celebrate every aspect of her: her personality, her ambition, her home, her incredible family that is warm and protective and accomplished, and above all, love their children immensely.
This event will be held from October 22nd to October 28th. Any positive content that focuses on Kiara is welcome: fics, art, interactive content, edits, moodboards, ask games, playlists...even simple appreciation posts with her scenes! There are various themes for each day, but you can write about anything Kiara-focused. These are mainly prompts/ideas to help you create.
Oct 22 - What We Love Most About Kiara/Throwback (basically about the qualities you find most admirable in her)
Oct 23 - Family (this could refer to the Theron family in canon, but you can also include your ideas for the family she will have, or even think about any extended family she may have)
Oct 24 - Diplomat/Polyglot
Oct 25 - Origins/France ('Origins' can be interpreted in many ways: you can either think of her ancestors - eg. Rowan Thorn - or you can think about how Kiara Theron became the woman we see in the books)
Oct 26 - Romance/Friendships
Oct 27 - Castelserraillan
Oct 28 - Fashion (open to interpretation, but here's an idea you could try: Alternative costumes for her Costume Gala outfit!)
As with the other appreciation events, we have decided to keep a space for sharing some of your earlier Kiara-centric work too. If you have any work you've done on Kiara before, we would definitely love to feature it and have kept Throwback alongside another theme for the first day.
Certain days have more than one theme - you can choose to do either one, or find a way to combine both! While we have elaborated a bit on some of the themes, you can interpret them as you see fit.
The themes are not restricted to these days alone, but tagging your content for that required day helps us immensely with tracking and compiling for our masterlist! If you cannot complete it on that particular day, you can always finish it later and tag it for the day you intended the content for! We will also provide an additional set of days for you to keep sending content.
Be sure to tag these blogs, and use these tags, in your posts:
Blogs: @kiaratheronappreciationweek, @lizzybeth1986, @sazanes
Tags: #kiaratheronappreciationweek, #KTAW
The Tumblr Choices fandom also has a number of amazing fandom blogs that promote content, so we'd highly encourage you to check out their guidelines and tag them in your content for KTAW if you'd like to:
@choicesficwriterscreations - Primarily for fanfic, and hosts a lot of events during the week.
@choicesmonthlychallenge - Any and all content is welcome, and they hold monthly challenges with fun prompts. Here is the challenge list for October. If it interests you, you could try one of these prompts for your content too!
Hope to see you all next month, with plenty of love, joy and creative pieces for KTAW!
✅☑️signal boosts will be greatly appreciated!!☑️✅
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masked-alien-lesbian · 5 months
HLAW Day #2: Fashion
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Pairing: Hana Lee x nonbinary!OC (Raelyn)
A Day with Marguerite Thorne
When the two duchesses of Valtoria walked through the door, they were immediately greeted by Marguerite Thorne herself.
"Hello, your graces! It's such a pleasure to meet you! I was thrilled when I received a call from you, Duchess Raelyn, about a collaboration with you, Duchess Hana. It's an honor to work with you."
"The honor is all mine! I nearly fainted when my spouse told me that they were able to get me in with you today. Your 2023 Drakovian collection was masterful!" Though Hana is smiling at Marguerite, she squeezed her partner's hand in excitement and gratitude. Raelyn knew they would owe Olivia big time for getting in contact with Marguerite, but it was worth it to see the happiness on Hana's sweet face.
"Thank you. I absolutely adore the suit you made for Duchess Raelyn in your engagement photos. The mix of blues against the stark navy popped as if from a canvas straight from a Thomas Cole painting! Allow me to show you around." Marguerite says leading the couple through the building.
The short tour led to Marguerite's studio and Hana seemed to light up even more as she took the space in.
"Well, Miss. Thorne, this is an amazing set up. I'll get out of here and let the two of you work your magic--" Raelyn starts to back out but Marguerite grasps their arm.
"With a jawline like yours? Absolutely not! You must stay and be our model and our muse!"
"Oh, what fun! Raelyn, you're going to be fitted in a one of kind Marguerite Thorne piece!" Hana says her eyes pleading for Raelyn to stay.
"Ah, but that's where you're wrong dear Hana, your partner is going to be fitted in an extremely exclusive, one of a kind Hana Lee & Marguerite Thorne piece!" Marguerite says already sketching a pattern out in a sketchbook.
Raelyn sighs but smiles at their wife excitedly browsing through some cloth swatches. Their feet were going to be sore and too many pins would accidently poke them but Hana was happy and that was all that mattered.
"Okay, but no pink dresses!" Raelyn declares.
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