#Sasori x sakura
stargliders · 7 months
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Art by @kumeramen commissioned for chapter 3 of my SasoSaku fic, "Pas de Deux."
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lyxemin · 9 months
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ouuughhhh i know that sakura technically has a cowgirl western design already... but it was weak. enjoy some shotgun gaucho sakura art. In this universe sasori is a very messed up little man. the revolver is just for show and in reality he carries around scorpions everywhere, or is like a scorpion charmer?? idk how that works, but it does! somehow! trust me!! i think they end up striking up an unlikely friendship from uniting over a common enemy, or something. they both sell "snake oil" to scam people, but sakura's medicines actually work, and sasori's is genuinely oil from a snake and people just... die. it's very fun and goofy in my head, but i cannot seem to vocalize it. anyway keep ur eyes peeled for yj and teen titans stuff, cause i've been into that.
sorry for inactivity, btw, i made starting lineup for varsity, so i have been very busy doing irl student athlete things...
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frostmarris · 1 year
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12 Days of AkaSaku - Day 2
SasoSaku in surgical gloves
mad scientist Sakura a proud member of the build-a-boyfriend club hehehe
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rainybeardnight · 1 month
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Haruno Sakura/Sasori (Naruto)
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Important: Please do not vote if you don't know the characters.
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tsukihoshino · 7 months
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fall1nbrainrot · 6 months
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„Pleased to meet you, Hokage-dōnō“
Hokage / Kazekage AU
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multisakumonth2k · 2 months
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- MultiSakuMonth 2024 -
Day #9
🦂 Sasori Akasuna No / Sakura Haruno 🌸
Note: English isn't my first language, u're probably encounter grammatical errors, sorry :/
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jailbaitcatninja · 2 years
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found these unfinished sasosaku sketches in my old art folder and decided to practice a bit on them. it’s been a while. i hope everyone is doing okay. 
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stargliders · 8 months
The Sun Gives Life (to Everything but Us): Chapter 4
Pairing: Sasori/Sakura
Rating: Explicit
Summary: A vampire over two centuries old, Sasori has accumulated enough wealth and power that life lost all excitement; even the sweetest blood no longer eases his ennui. He returns to Japan only to encounter a fiery young courtesan named Sakura who proves otherwise.
Unlike the other audience members, Sasori looked unaffected, if not bored. Sakura turned back toward the stage as the serpents swirled about with wooden buckets over their faces, swaying back and forth. She recalled they were not just drunk, but poisoned—that was how Susano’o defeated them. Poisoned.  “Did you…” Sakura began, swallowing thickly. “Did you poison me?”
Read Chapter 4 on AO3
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lyxemin · 2 years
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i missed sasosaku month because my tablet broke on the 1st of november (i'm not kidding) and i got a new one for my birthday which is the 30th of november. so please accept this, instead. i feel a little sorry since sakura's face looks slightly more misshapen than i'd like.
it is a highschool au inspired by @aprito and their college handball au. they are patron saint of sasosaku being the worst straight couple on the block, and i appreciate them so much for that.
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the entire concept in my head is what if jock, kind of masc sakura dated twinky sasori, but also highschool au. in my mind, sasori is a marble sculptor and taxidermist, while sakura plays rugby. it was between hockey (field or ice it doesn't matter too much), rugby, handball or water polo.
i think sasori is incredibly down bad down horrendous for his sport rat soon to be gf. he wants to be wifed up soooo bad, ooooo. he acts uninterested and stoic when around her or else he will beg her to sit on his face.
conversely, sakura is a total pigtail puller and comes up with the sickest (yet also most juvenile) burns ever because she doesn't like the fact that she carnally desires this under-130-pounds, 5'2 little man. however facts are facts and she cannot avoid them, no matter how hard she tries. poor sakura.
this is also an academic rivals au. sakura is ranked first in school and sasori second. he for sure-for sure has an entire complex about this.
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Ship: Sasori x Sakura
Inspiration: One Word Writing Prompts [pt. 4]
AU: Canon divergent
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It was one of those days... There was work to be done but the couple in bed right now, had no intention of moving. Sasori was most likely needed in the hospital in Sunagakure. As it’s head surgeon there was a lot to do to keep him occupied. No doubt those under him were worried sick about his whereabouts. Sakura was no different either. The second to Shizune who runs the entire hospital in Konohagakure, she too had more than enough to keep her busy.
You would think such important people who be the first responders, but not today. Sasori was resting in Sakura’s bosom while she combed a hand through his red hair. It was a rare moment for the two of them as a couple. Most would question and wonder why these two decided to get together, but that was a secret only two lovers could answer. So that’s where their energy is going; being intimate and close in bed as the sun started to peer through the windows. 
“You gonna get up anytime soon?” She felt the need to ask.
“No.” He answered. “You?”
“Nah...” She told him.
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all-naruto-polls · 1 year
fave sakura rare pair?
Sakura x Shisui
Sakura x Rock Lee
Zabuza x Sakura
Madara x Sakura
Sasori x Sakura
Itachi x Sakura
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catastrofez · 1 year
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06.09.2023 “We Are Born To Die” para teste.
Capa teste, provavel descarte.
100% pelo ibispaint.
crédito de fanarts: @tenartist & @coloriza.
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athelise · 1 year
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Naruto Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Haruno Sakura/Sasori Characters: Haruno Sakura, Sasori Additional Tags: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Amnesia, Amnesiac Haruno Sakura, Adoring Husband Sasori, Car Accidents, Headaches & Migraines, Manipulation, Marriage, Uncertainty, Doubt, less plot more vibes Summary:
She's so lucky to have the support of such a dedicated husband. He knows her, even if she doesn't know herself...or him.
A story told through ficlets. Tags to be updated.
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multisakumonth2k · 2 months
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- MultiSakuMonth 2024 -
Day #9
🦂 Sasori Akasuna No / Sakura Haruno 🌸
Note: English isn't my first language, u're probably encounter grammatical errors, sorry :/
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