#Sasori x sakura
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gratytudy · 19 days ago
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in an alternate universe...
[by misakysh]
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mistletoeandarrows · 1 year ago
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Art by @kumeramen commissioned for chapter 3 of my SasoSaku fic, "Pas de Deux."
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lyxemin · 1 year ago
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ouuughhhh i know that sakura technically has a cowgirl western design already... but it was weak. enjoy some shotgun gaucho sakura art. In this universe sasori is a very messed up little man. the revolver is just for show and in reality he carries around scorpions everywhere, or is like a scorpion charmer?? idk how that works, but it does! somehow! trust me!! i think they end up striking up an unlikely friendship from uniting over a common enemy, or something. they both sell "snake oil" to scam people, but sakura's medicines actually work, and sasori's is genuinely oil from a snake and people just... die. it's very fun and goofy in my head, but i cannot seem to vocalize it. anyway keep ur eyes peeled for yj and teen titans stuff, cause i've been into that.
sorry for inactivity, btw, i made starting lineup for varsity, so i have been very busy doing irl student athlete things...
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rainybeardnight · 7 months ago
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frostmarris · 1 year ago
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12 Days of AkaSaku - Day 2
SasoSaku in surgical gloves
mad scientist Sakura a proud member of the build-a-boyfriend club hehehe
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23raccoons · 6 months ago
in the jack-o-lantern's glow - Ao3
Sasori x Sakura
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Fluff, Pumpkin carving, Jack-o'-lanterns
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“It’s pumpkin carving Sasori, not brain surgery.” Sakura says as she uses her hand to scoop another blob of pumpkin goo into the bowl, not even minding the sleeves of her oversized sweater that are pushed up past her elbows don’t come into contact with the mess. “It’s supposed to be fun.”
Sasori thinks they might have vastly different ideas of what is considered to be fun. He’s made it as far as cutting the top off his own pumpkin. They’re not fully jack-o-lantern-sized, but it’s hard to find things like that in Suna, whose residents don't particularly participate in all the traditional holiday festivities. Sakura likely paid a pretty penny out of her own pocket to get the little pair of pumpkins in front of them now. 
He frowns at that, he would’ve bought them had she asked. But she’s often stubborn, insisting her money is just as good as his. It is technically, but it’s the principle of the matter. And the fact that he’s inherited a good deal of his own wealth, and Sakura works very diligently for her money at the little hospital in Suna. 
He also just enjoys spoiling her anytime the opportunity presents itself, to buy her whatever little snack or trinket that she looks so longingly at. 
Sasori looks inside his pumpkin again, at its slimy guts. Sakura has given him a large metal serving spoon to scrape the seeds and stringy bits out. It takes a few attempts to get a good scoop, plopping it in the bowl with Sakura’s. The second scoop comes easier, and he does his best to not touch the messy insides, but he gets it on his hands nonetheless. 
Sakura finishes emptying hers first, sorting through the slop bowl to pull out all of the seeds. Once he’s finished, she washes her collection, patting them dry with a towel and laying them out evenly on a pan. Tossing it in the oven and kicking the door shut with her foot. 
“Now the fun part,” she says with a smile, holding up a collection of sharp tools from his woodworking collection he had deemed acceptable to use on her pumpkin carving foray. 
Sasori raises a brow. “I thought the first part was supposed to be fun.”
“Yes,” Sakura leans in to press a kiss to his cheek. “But you’ll like this part the best.”
She has a few markers, handing one to Sasori. Who takes it skeptically. 
“I just carve a face?” Sasori clarifies, looking at the bumpy leather-like surface. 
“You can carve anything you want, baby.” She pauses, scrunching her nose a bit. “Well within reason of what the pumpkin can support, of course.”
He must be giving her a look, because she rolls her eyes and stands right beside him at the little table of her apartment. 
He watches her type out ‘jack-o-lantern ideas’ into the search bar, scrolling through the pictures of the carved orange vegetables. Some of them are not faces, but cats or ghosts or any  number of other misunderstood nocturnal animals. 
“I’ve seen enough, thank you,” Sasori tells her. Sakura slips her phone into her pocket, stepping between Sasori and the table to lace her arms around his neck.
“Sasori, it is something children do. You’re overthinking it, okay? There’s no wrong way to carve a pumpkin.” She kisses him for good measure. “You make spooky stuff all the time.”
“I make art, not mutilated vegetables. Let’s get it over with. Then we can do something else that's fun.” He barters, giving her a kiss back. 
“Deal.” Sakura steps around to the other side of the table from Sasori. “No peeking though.”
Sasori does peek, not at her pumpkin but at the face of concentration she makes as she traces out lines with the marker before carefully working the blade through the pumpkin flesh. The way she bites her lip as she works. She gets up every so often to wash her hands and shake the pumpkin seeds around, removing them when they have reached the appropriate level of crispiness. 
She feeds him a few, a crunchy, lightly salted, and a little nutty. Sakura is ecstatic when he deems them 'not bad'
They are nothing like the sugary pumpkin caramel marshmallow latte monstrosity she had ordered at the trendy coffee shop on their way here. Taking a single sip when she offered, much too sweet for his double shot of espresso tastes. He had upsized it after she ordered—paying for both—and had sat through several rounds of selfies with her and their respective to-go cups. 
Sakura knows he doesn’t like having his picture taken much and is always sure to only post his face to her ‘close friends’ and not her main feed. She calls the pictures that get posted on there where his hand or back is in the shot a ‘soft-launch’. He tells her she can post whatever pictures of him she likes, and she always tells him ‘she knows’. But a small part of him is always glad that she doesn’t, that she keeps him private, and he gets to keep that part of her world all to himself. 
She had also helped him set himself up a private account to follow her, a handful of his friends, and a few puppet-making accounts. 
Sasori carves a ‘spooky’ face. Sharp, harsh angles and a mouth of jagged, craggily teeth. He hates to admit, once he gets the hang of it, that it actually is not the worst thing he’s ever done. It would be much better if his hands weren’t so sticky from it, but he does always enjoy working with Sakura around to share the space with.
He steps back to admire his work. It is not wood. It will rot and mold and crumble, gone before the start of winter. Nearly a waste of his skill. He frowns at the orange face. 
“I’m done!” Sakura cheers. Smiling brightly at her pumpkin, excitable at the outcome, it’s enough to have his Sasori’s lips quirking up before he remembers he’s being grumpy about all of this. 
“Oh, are you done, too?” Sakura’s looking at him now. 
“Yes,” He would really like to wash his hands now. 
“Okay, we’ll show each other on three?” Sasori nods, placing his hands on his pumpkin, suddenly feeling a bit self-conscious at the thought of showing her. Sakura counts, “One, two, three!”
They twist them at the same time, revealing their faces to one another. 
“Ahhh!” Sakura screams in half mock horror and half delight. “I love it!”
She moves to go wash her own hands, presumably to get her phone out to take pictures of their jack-o-lanterns. But Sasori can’t take his eyes off the face carved oh-so-carefully into Sakura’s. 
It’s Hiruko. The most beloved piece of artwork Sasori’s ever made. A large intricately carved wooden puppet, a demon scorpion with a complex joint system controlled marionette style. He spent years and years perfecting him and still enjoys tinkering on him from time to time. Sakura had carved the likeness of his toothy face into her pumpkin. 
He’s speechless. He had expected something cutesy, not the sneering face of the main art fixture on display at his own house. 
Sakura's finished washing her hands, noting his silence has stretched well past the normal contemplating he does. “You hate it.” She frowns. 
Sasori never enjoys spoiling Sakura's bright moods. 
“Oh no, darling.” Stepping over to slip his arms around her, taking care not to touch his hands to her clothing. “It’s perfect. It was simply unexpected.”
“Really?!” She perks back up immediately. “I wanted to surprise you, so I spent all morning practicing drawing him, and I was so nervous I’d mess him up.” 
Sasori kisses the top of her nose before moving to wash his hands. By the time he’s finished, Sakura has set the two next to each other, candles firmly in place as she lights them up. The lids go on top, and Sasori reaches for the pull cord on the fixture to turn off the light. 
The horried faces glow, and Sakura takes entirely too long taking pictures, but she looks so lovely in the orange light as she moves everything just so. And he doesn’t even complain when she sets the little timer for a few pictures of them standing together, holding their ‘art’. And if he’s looking at her in all of them instead of the camera, that’s fine with him too. He always finds pleasure in watching her enjoy herself, even if it’s something he finds to be silly. 
After eons of him patiently waiting, Sakura blows out the little fire hazard in hers, and Sasori flows suit. 
He picks Sakura up, despite her squirming as she locks her legs around his waist, carrying her down the short hall into her bedroom. Laying her out on top of the fluffy duvet he has purchased for her after she had admitted how much she liked the one on his bed. 
“In a hurry, Sasori?” She giggles, already flushed across her cheeks as he crawls over her body. Poised like a scorpion ready to strike. 
“Mmmm, you had me waiting,” he says, pressing his lips to hers. Again and again and again. “And I am especially impatient when it comes to you.”
“Did you like it?” Sakura asks when he comes up for air again. Nose to nose with each other. 
“Did I like what?” He feigns ignorance. 
“Carving pumpkins?”
“I liked carving pumpkins with you,” Sasori tells her truthfully. 
Sakura pulls him in for a kiss this time. “I knew you would.”
Sasori’s cleaning Hiruko the next day when his phone dings, Sakura having sent all the pictures she’d taken from the evening before. She posted a picture of their jack-o-lanterns last night, garnering a mass of likes and comments praising their skills. 
Sasori saves them all to his camera roll. He doesn’t even have to scroll to find the ones of them holding their pumpkins together, faces a little dark and blurry, the glow from the candles messing with the focus. He picks one where their timing was off, neither looking at the camera. Sakura’s smiling down at her pumpkin, and Sasori’s smiling softly right at Sakura. 
He opens the menu to click the little share button. He frowns at the screen, unsure what to type in the caption box. Sakura would tell him he’s overthinking it again, so he scrolls through the emoji to find the little jack-o-lantern and the teeny black heart. Taking the time to tag Sakura’s handle so it doesn’t cover any of her up when it’s clicked on. 
Sasori hits the post button before he can doubt himself out of it. Locking his phone and setting it down on the workbench. It lights up again almost immediately, the notification banner informing him Sakura has liked his post.
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tsukihoshino · 4 months ago
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moonlight-xxs-stuff · 5 months ago
🌸꒱꒱・SasoSaku God AU:
Thinking about sasosaku god au where sasori is kind of like the Moirai (the fates) in Greek and Roman mythology with Sakura being his thread of fate.
It's kinda complicated but hear me out. Instead of spinning the thread of life from a distaff, everytime her pink hair started fading into gold, that was the beginning of another life. (idk how to explain it tbh)
When they're in their temple, she sits on his lap while he decides the fate of people. She scolds him everytime he causes someone misfortune, but if she thinks a few words are gonna convince him not to laugh at a man losing his job for the nth time then she has to think twice.
Plus, if she wants to go outside and have fun then she's going to have to stay still and be quiet. But it's hard when she's carrying almost 100k lives on her head. So she might as well talk his ears off.
When with the other gods, he holds her close and eyes everyone with disdain. He prays a crow will poke itachi's eyes out everytime the latter greets his Sakura with that stupid smile on his face.
His most painful part of the day is having to sit with her through a tea party with her friends. He hated them and, fortunately, they hated him too. At least he doesn't have to pretend he likes their presence for the sake of saving face. But the way Lee and Naruto keep talking shit about him not letting Sakura go outside much is pissing him off. He's not holding her captive, that's their job!
Their biggest argument was when his hands accidentally slipped and he ended a newborn's life. That night he had to fight a pack of wolves in order to be able to sleep outside since Sakura said she'd rather cook her eyes and eat them than look at him in the face.
If you ask them about each other, she'd say he's a sadistic, heartless man and he'd say she's a short-tempered, childish girl. But if you catch them on a good night perhaps you'll have a chance to witness the way Sakura's gold hair shine brighter when she tells you how pretty he is when he's peaceful, how his greyish brown eyes would look dreamy whenever he's deep in thought, how hard it is to make him laugh but the moment you hear his soft chuckle, see the way his lips curl into an innocent, childlike smile, you'll know it's worth it. Or maybe you'll get to hear sasori's once flat and monotonous voice turn soft as he tells you how even though he knows she can break a mountain in half with a little to no effort or how she can find an antidote to any of his poisons, he still sees her as his little delicate cherry blossom, that he used to protect her because they both were essential to each other's roles but now, he'd burn the world down if someone made her feel like crying.
At the end of the day, no matter what happened between them, if sasori puts his pride aside and gets on both kness pleading for her to forgive him, or if sakura doesn't get in bed and looks at him with watery eyes as if asking for forgiveness, then everything will be settled once again. With a kiss, or maybe more, they're back together. Because in reality, they both love each other too much to stay apart. And that was their fate, to be together forever, no matter what happens.
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fall1nbrainrot · 1 year ago
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„Pleased to meet you, Hokage-dōnō“
Hokage / Kazekage AU
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doyoulikethisanimeship · 7 months ago
Haruno Sakura/Sasori (Naruto)
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Important: Please do not vote if you don't know the characters.
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multisakumonth2k · 8 months ago
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- MultiSakuMonth 2024 -
Day #9
🦂 Sasori Akasuna No / Sakura Haruno 🌸
Note: English isn't my first language, u're probably encounter grammatical errors, sorry :/
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vicki-anart · 18 days ago
idk if you're here on this website, dear Sasosaku author who wrote The thread between us and deleted it yesterday, but know that even tho i read it only once - and forgot to leave a comment 🥺 - i really enjoyed it, the pacing, the tension and the dynamics between all the characters 🤌it was all very good so ty 😅
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mistletoeandarrows · 5 months ago
The Sun Gives Life (to Everything but Us): Chapter 5
Happy spooky season! I'm excited to share this update for the occasion. Hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Sasori/Sakura
Summary: A vampire over two centuries old, Sasori has accumulated enough wealth and power that life has lost all excitement; even the sweetest blood can no longer ease his ennui. He returns to Japan only to meet a fiery young courtesan named Sakura who proves otherwise.
Sakura felt like she was hovering above her own body as her parents led her down the sun-dried pathway. They were greeted with murmurs of praise from dozens of guests from her village, a few of their estranged relatives smiling at them.  The crowd parted to reveal a man facing the torii gate. He wore a formal montsuki woven from fine black silk, a fan tucked in his left hand that matched the color of his hair. The moment they made eye contact, Sakura forgot how to breathe. Sasori...was her groom?
Read Chapter 5 on AO3
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catboy-creampie · 2 months ago
2025 HERE WE GO!
First fic was for Naruto! I pinch hit for the Consent Issues Exchange, writing Sasori/Sakura for ikaishi. The fic contains forced breeding and drugging so tread carefully!
PLEASE READ ALL TAGS before proceeding! You can find tags on the photos provided and on Ao3 itself.
⬇️ Sasori/Sakura • Explicit • 5.7k
broken truths and lying hearts
🔗: https://archiveofourown.org/works/62093107
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a-ghost-that-writes · 2 years ago
Ship: Sasori x Sakura
Inspiration: One Word Writing Prompts [pt. 4]
AU: Canon divergent
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It was one of those days... There was work to be done but the couple in bed right now, had no intention of moving. Sasori was most likely needed in the hospital in Sunagakure. As it’s head surgeon there was a lot to do to keep him occupied. No doubt those under him were worried sick about his whereabouts. Sakura was no different either. The second to Shizune who runs the entire hospital in Konohagakure, she too had more than enough to keep her busy.
You would think such important people who be the first responders, but not today. Sasori was resting in Sakura’s bosom while she combed a hand through his red hair. It was a rare moment for the two of them as a couple. Most would question and wonder why these two decided to get together, but that was a secret only two lovers could answer. So that’s where their energy is going; being intimate and close in bed as the sun started to peer through the windows. 
“You gonna get up anytime soon?” She felt the need to ask.
“No.” He answered. “You?”
“Nah...” She told him.
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23raccoons · 1 month ago
Summary: deidara’s so obsessed with sasori’s ex.
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Naruto (Anime & Manga) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Deidara/Sasori (Naruto), Haruno Sakura/Sasori Characters: Deidara (Naruto), Sasori (Naruto), Haruno Sakura Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Hurt No Comfort, Angst, Cheating, Depression, Alcohol, Recreational Drug Use, revenge porn, Oral Sex, Dacryphilia, Shitty!Sasori, Vaginal Sex, misuse of prescription drugs
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