#Sarcean and Anharion had been in love since before everything happened
tackletofset · 8 months
I guess people have forgotten... that Pacat has canonically used phrases such as “the sensation of coming home” (Dark Rise, Ch 20) and symbols like orange blossoms meaning “eternal love” (Dark Heir, Ch 14) (thought to be the same kind of flower featured with Laurent and Damen in The Summer Palace) to describe the relationship between Sarcean and Anharion.
(I'm sure there's more, but these two are the ones that stuck with me.)
I think we can all agree that both aren’t appropriate ways to describe a relationship between an (alleged) r*pist/abuser and his victim.
We can also agree that Pacat is a brilliant writer who doesn’t waste words and is very detailed in his writing.
So, no matter where you go in your theories, this should also be taken into consideration.
Additional note:
Plus "he remembered the feeling of being taken, melting heat..."
is really unsuitable description of r*pe memory recollection.
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